The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, September 07, 1863, Page 2, Image 2

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The Enrollment The Mint Convenllom.
San Francisco, Augnst 20.
The proposal tu enforce the enrollment in
California it the topio of general discussion to
night. Steamship Constitution will not saibor Pan
amrt until the 4th of September.
Benjamin T. Mnrtin lias received hit com
mission a Assayer in tlio Branch Mint in thi
i ' Tiro CopMrlica(l County Convention to-night
adjourned till to-morrow without making nomi
nation!. Tha nainei of tighteon candidate
for the Senate and forty for Assembly wero
The People'. Convention nominated Horace
Hawe for Joint Senator trom San Frunoiaco
nd San Mateo.
Homicide In Fliicer County.
AUBURN, August 26.
A man named Morehouse wag shot by Bill
Home at Virginiatnwn last night. Home and
another got into a fight, and during the frnca
Morehouse wa accidentally iliot. He it up
poaed to be fatally wounded.
A Jeff. Davli Shoutr-r fhngd with Trr non
nd Anon Explosion of tiro Works
Manufactory Arrivals from the North
and South Arrival from Hong Kong.
San Francisco, August 27.
Weill the man who shouted for Jeff, Duvis
at the Downey meeting in San June, wan tent
baek to that place to-day in cnstny of Sheriff',
officen. He U charged with treasonable con
duct under our State, law, and alio with arson.
Robinson ti Tripp's fireworks manufactory,
on Lomliard street, near Taylor, took lire thia
afternoon and blew op. The workmen were
at dinnor. It ia thought no one wna in the
building at the time of the explosion. A quan
tity of new firework, ready to ho shipped to
Plncerville and Stockton thia afternoon, were
An aged Frenchman, named Alexander
Vooraip waa found deud in Ilia bed at 327
Steamer Sierra Nevada bring $163.47!) 60
from Victoria, and $177,870 17 from Oregon ;
alio, about $100,0011 iu bauds of passengers, or
over $450,000 total.
Steamer Senator bringa Loa Angeles paper
to August 24th.
A party had left San Friiucitco with barrels,
to establish water ataliona on the desert on the
La Pat road to the new placer milieu. Corre
spondence confirms the repnrta of the recent
rich placer discoveries in Weaver and Walker
District. The Colorado mines have been hi
most deserted, owing to the new excitement.
Tha gold ia very coarse nuggets weighing
from two to eight ounces. Mining tools and
provirions wero very scarce.
The Danish ship Benjamin Howard, fifty
one daya from Hong Kong, to Knopnianichnp,
bringa dates to Julv fitli. Japan dates are
only to June Slat. The tiewa bus been antici
pated. Arrived) Bark William Kirchuer, in 143
days from Batavia, to Falkner, Bell Si Co.
What it Costs to Makb a Noisk
Son'o statistician has reckoned that 150,000
cannons are on an nverage fired every twenty
four boors. In salvos, alutes, morning and eve
ning guns, etc., throughout the oivilned world
each discbarge costs $1 20, consequently
$180,000 are daily watted in thia way, and
$00,000,000 annually, which go away in smoke,
but are raised Iu substantial tsxea.
Rebel, Taooi'g. Tho Confederacy never
had so few troops as at present. Hinco their
reoent losses at Port Hudson and Vicksbnrg,
nil the troops they can muster are estimated aa
follow, t
Charleston 30.000
Mobile 10.000
Arkansas 15.000
Johnatoo 20.000
Brags; -50.000
Louisiana 10,000
Varinua detaclimenta 23,000
Lee's army 0:2.000
Richmond and Petersburg 18,000
Total 214.000
Lee'a army is the largest nnd best organised
of the South, and the fute of tks Conledoracy
dependa upou thia foroe.
ErricACTor this Greek Firb. A Wnh
ington correspondent, writing under date of
July 31st, soys :
Special report has been received to day from
Admiral Porter respecting the effect of the new
species ol ordnance projectile called Greek fire,
lie stater that null) fires in Vicksburg Imme
diately followed the first nsu of the projectile,
which was so destructive as to dismay tha peo
ple. The fulminating material is contained In
a metallic shell, which being placed in a thir-teen-Inch
and smaller shell of ordinary ord
nance prnjrotilcs, ignites upon the explosion of
tbo latter aud oasts lire in all directions.
Kentucky Politics. The Louisville Jour
nal has the follow ingi
Bramlette is not a great gun t be is only its
liutt, Democrat.
Wtckliffa is no gun at all ; lie is only an old
ton of one.
Wicliliffe says he I seventy five yeara old.
We dou't know why lie alaya here so long, uti
les because neither heaven or hell ia w illing
to take hiiu. And yet the devil ia said not to
be very particular.
Alteration of Treasury Motes from two. lo
The practice of changing the lower denomi
nation of treasury notes to higher figures is be
coming quite common, and it it understood that
ninny nntce of this false character are out and
likely to deceive the incautious. A gentleman
In the daily habit of handling largo sums of
money was yesterday "sold" in Ibis way, he
having taken an altered two for a tlfly. The
cheat, however, call only succeed through pal
pable carelessness, for the most ordinary fore
sight or inspection of the altered note, will de
tect its true charrclcr. But people require to
be informed that sharpers are at work in this
matter, after whiuh there is little fear of their
operations being successful to any great extent.
The note tlinwu to us yesterday a two altered
a fifty bore evident marks of ils true value.
The twu douoiuinal figure (II) on tho lower
kit band end of the note were but clumsily
rased blurred out, in fact, in a manner to ex
cite suspicion at once il a peraou happened to
let his eye rest upon the place. The small fig
ores i'i) wbiub apwar along ill top marcm
went blurred out iu the same manner. The
substituted figures "50" were, lorn ever, very
plain and prominent, well executed, aud likely
to deoeivt in a hasty moment.
For the Information of the pubho we give
the description of the treasury notes according
to their respective currency value i Unit
Vignette, large oval portrait of Chaw ou the
left band. Two Vignette, large oval por
trait of Hamilton an the left baud, the figure
2, large, on right and left hands on ton, with
mailer figure 2 surrounding them. Five
Likenes of Hamilton on the right hand, stat
ue of female representing America, un left
hand, Tens Vignette, eagle on upper cen
ter, oral portrait of Linoolu on upper left
hand. Twenties Vignette, statue of female,
with shield and sword, representing America,
In center of not. Fifties Viguette, large
oval portrait of Hamilton ou upper left center.
On hundreds Vignette, largo spread eagle
nn mck on upper left hand. Asst York Htr
, AHgtut M.
TtTtS. Titles, to be lb real thing, should
... I. .L-t. ri.i
b like potatoes, aim turn up wnu a ok w mou
about 'em.
OT Conscience, be it aver to little a worm
while we live, grows suddenly to a serpent oa
oar death bed.
Hiou roa Ftoua. Flour is now selling for
30 per hundred at Reea river, with the pros
pect that supplies will be exhausted before any
Itior come iu.
Qoxa and Doxat It. "I will water my
flora In the Ohio or la Hell." Beaurtgard
f qt has go and alone II watered bin
The following letter from Senator Harding,
explains his share in a conversation in this town,
about which some people have been seriously
exercised. It was written as a private letter
to a person In Washington Territory in response
to inquiries, nnd was published in the Olympia
Standard, whether with or without Mr. Hard
ing's consent, wo do not know. Mr. H's posi
tion ds defined in this letter is nn that must
commend itself, In the main, to dispassiouato
Wo do not, however, believe with Mr. Har
ding that Vallandigham, if elected, would pur
sue the same course as the present Governor
of New York. He is a bolder and less pru
dent man, with less statesmanship, and has the
vice of sympathy with secession, which we be
lieve Seymour bas not ; one furnishes soldiers
to conquer the rebellion the other would with
draw tbo armies from the rebel States. It
could scarcely be possible that their conduct as
Governors of States would be alike.
Halem, Oon.. August 20. 1863.
- DEATtSirt! Yours of llth instant is received
to-day, mid I hasten to answer.
Some time ago I was much surprised to learn
that it wna reported I hud raid, in a private
conversation that if I wero iu Ohio I would
vote for Mr. Vallandighnin for Governor. I
disapprove of his whole course since tlio open
ing of the rebellion, nnd mi all occasions w hen
speuking of it, and in the conversation referred
to, expressed my disapprobation, and usually
in strong terms. One gentleman taking part
in that conversation said he would, if iu Ohio,
vote, for Mr. V., and I just us distinctly said 1
would not l but I admitted that if I were called
upon to voto Icr him. or an extreme abolition
ist, who would prosecute the war against the
seceded Slate alter they were willing to return
to their duty under the Constitution, to compel
the abolition of slavery, I would prefer Vallnu
digham. And I further said "Because, if he
wero Governor of Ohio, bo would lie compelled
to pursue nearly the same course as the present
Governor of New York, and would be in favor
of ulloning those States to return and Tintrol
their own domestic policy under tho Constitu
tion of tho United States ; and that I believed
they could bo compelled. or coerced, if ynu
please, to return upon that condition, and the
whole country restored to peace and harmony.
Rut if tha extreme abolition policy prevailed,
1 saw no prospeot of peace until the whole of
the seceded States should be subjected to mili
tary despotism, if that were possible, which
would in all probability overthrow tlio Federal
Government and establish itsell over tho whole
country. Such was the conversation, aud so it
was understood and reported by those who
heard it, and there it nothing in it I desire to
change or modify. Contrary to my expecta
tion, it grew less and less in volume, and great
er in significance, until it con, s down to lie
said if in Ohio he would vole for VaUandig
ham. That a necessity for choosing between him
and an abolitionist will ever occur, is so improli.
able that my preference for the one nr the other
amounts to nothing, and would nut have been
repeated here hail it not been necessary to show
the origin of the report that I was in favor of
Mr. V.'s election. ,
His arrest, imprisonment and banishment 1
do not approve, because I believe lie had made
all the arguments iu favor of his erroneous
views that ho could make, and they had been
printed and widely Si altered over tho country,
and read by all who chose to read them. His
banishment could not stay the force of his rea
soning, or turn tho point of his sarcasm, nor
could it destroy his personal influence. The
fieculiar and olijecttoiialilo time and manner of
lis arrest, and tho novel character of bis .sen
tence, called forth tho utinnit activity of hit
friends in his defense, nod justification directed
publio attention to him, nnd caused all he bad
taid to be read and repeated, with nil the curt
otity with which martyrdom awakens, and made
a new tide issue between the Administration
and its opponents, upon the rights of citizens
iu loyal States lo personal libeity, a subject
upon which the people are always justly sensi
tive, aud a right which they will not allow in
fringed without resentment; and thereby I be
lieve the Government hat been weakened mole
than il could have been done bv all tho peace
speeches that he could have made. Yet while
1 do not approve nl that ami tomo other acts
of the Administration. I believe the President
is honestly ndeavoring tu suppress the rebellion
and preserve Hie Union, under the Consti
tution. In bis ctr.sriM lor that purpose, he shall
have my earnest support, and it giving it 1
shall nut stun to Hud tun It with slight and fan
cied errors, in such a way aa lo render the lit
tle support 1 am able to give, embarrassing.
While ho it constitutionally Preside!', be
must be obeyed and supported iu the exercise
or tna constitutional authority. hen lie can
not bo, the last and best of ihe great Kepiihb
uau Governments will have fulled.
1 am truly yours.
Hon. A. G. Henry, Olympia. W. T.
nisioriT or Tim cikkk kike.
The knowledge possessed of thia lliK'K lit ma
terial of war is gathered by Gibbon in tint " De
cline and Fall of the Human Empire," chapter
4V!. 1 he tul'Jcct la al-o amy Ireale.l hy r.
MuCullocb in volume XIV. of Ibe "Quarterly
Journal ol science. ' Ihu I, reek lire was
most advantageously employed in tbo defense
of Constantinople during Ihe two sieges of the
Saraceiia of A. I), tity-1175 and 710-7 H. The
secret of ils preparation ami no was derived
from a native of lleliopolit of Syria, or accord
ing to Cedreiius, of Egvpt, who deserted to
Ihe service of tho Emperor. It appears to
have been a compound of bitumen, sulphur,
and pitch, and to nave been poured from cal
drons, or prijected in fire balls, or on arrows
ami Javeliut arouml winch tlux wot twisted tat-
uaraled with Ihe inflammable compound. It
was vomited through long copper lubes from
the months of hideous figures, which wero set
in the prows of liro shins. These were tlieiu
telvet consumed, a thev Sent tiro nnd ilesl rue-
lion among ihe galleys nf the enemy. For
400 yeara its secret was successfully preserved
by the Itnmsus of the E ist, tlio vengeaiico of
heaven being Imprecated upon whomsoever
should divulge Una composition, winch the peo
ple were taught la believe wae mysteriously
revealed by au angel to the first and great, st
of the Couttantliir. Tbo Mohammedans fi
nally obtaiurd the aecret, and In the holr wait
of Syria and Egypt turned the art against Ihe
Christians. Joinville in his llitlo're de St.
Louis describe die lire aa coming through the
air like a winged king-tailed dragon, about the
thicknes of a hogshead, with the report of
thunder and Ihe Velocity of lightning, produc
ing to much light Imiii the quantity ol fire it
threw nut, that one might ace iu Ibe camp at if
it had been day a description not inapplica
ble lo the rocket. Iu Use waa couliuued till
the middle of the Fourteenth century, when it
gav place to the more ellicienl compound of
atiuww hat aimilar nature men Invented. The
na.uo Greek fire ha been applied to com
pounde that burn on tha aurface of or under
Ihe water. An lutlamuialile liquor or tins
character ia said to have been discovered in
1 743 by a goldsmith of Pans, named Duprr,
who was not, however, permuted to make it1
character known. Ihe photographer, M,
Niepc deSU Victor, has experimented, by re
quest nf til French Miuuu-r of War, upon
In property ol Imutoie to Uuru upou water
and of igniting if a bit of potassium or of pun
phuret of calcium be contained in iU He
luund that if k glass Vesnel euutaioiiig 300
grammes of bensole and ( gramme of polaa
alum were broken on ihe sarlioe of the water,
the beiilole would immediately overspread a
ouasiderahl aurlaco. bursting at the same time
iuUi flames. A mixture of three parts of beo
ltd aud ou of tulpburet of carbou, being put
luto a baud greand previously healed by hu
turrtiuo la boiling water, produced a uweu
gageuif nl of tapor, which could Ui ignited aud
would MutuitM to burn Irons a Jet till Ihe whole
was consumed. Phosphorus in solution in
creases ils power of setting fire to other ob
ject. Od of Petoleum may be suUututed
UiM LuuIcJti- il H Hi IhiM -hi l!,st tola m -nl
bo used in navul warfare at the ancient Greek
fire was employed. The itibject is fully treat
ed by Scoffem in his work "Projectile W'enp
iiiis of War nnd Explosive Compounds" (Lon
don, 1858), In whiuh bo alto names several
liquid mixtures that spontaneously ignite, and
may be used for the tamo purposes as Greek
fire. A solution of phosphorus in sulphuret of
carbon thrown in a glass grenade was found,
in experiments coinluctetl at Woolwich, to ig
nite toon after the liquid whs scattered. Chlo
ride of sulphur may be substituted for the sul
phuret of carbon, tho ignition not taking place
quite so soon, thus giving time fur tho liquid to
penetrate into wood work and canvas. An
abominable odor is diffused during the combus
Cape Hack, August VJ.
The Sidon, from Liverpool Augnst 12, and
Queenstnwn August 13, bus arrived.
The Polish questmn was in statu quo.
The latest uispa'tch via Queemtown states
that it was generally asserted that Maximilian
would accept the Mexican crown.
I he l imn says : Itumors are current mat in
consequense of the recent menacing news from
America, tho Government intends to tend
additional troops to British North America.
The same paper says: "We chould not be sur
prised il something would arise ontoi tne alleged
proposition from JclF. Davit to Niipolen lor an-
offensive and defensive alliance between Mexico
under French protection, and the Confederacy,
which would he quite consistent with the late
French policy. Tlio Emperor might look with
favor on such a contingency, hot absolute neu
trality would bo English policy." Tbo 7'imss
looks upon the election of Maximilian as impor
tant, and says it will tend to a union between
France and Austria, and to a division between
France nnd America." Tho Northerners must
he incensed aguiust Napoleon : and tlio Fede
rals can hardly fail to come iu collision with the
new Emperor.
I ho UaHu ivewt is hitter on r reuch policy,
and don't believe Maximilian will accept the
La Palrie asserts that Maximilian made hit
aceptauce dependent on the consent of the Em
peror of Austria.
La trance says brigluua ami franco win
recognize the new Emperor immediately aud
other powers will follow.
Ihe Bourse was tint 07 lo.
A China telegram announces that the Japan
question has been temporarily settled, the
American legation lias been burned.
1ST. Johns, August 20th.
The Hibernian, from Galway August 10th,
has arrived.
The Loudon Times says it looks in vain for
any sign fruin America that the Federals are
prepared to pursue with vigor the successes re
cently gained at all points. Each nf the North
ern armies hat become an army of occupation,
and instead ol endeavoring to assist Ins milita
ry policy by conciliatory measures, Lincoln, hy
the employment of negroes in the light, is do
ing his best lo make it necessary lor him In
hold every inch of ground in the Southern
A characteristic letter from Garibaldi is pub
lished, addressed to Abraham Lincoln, Libera
tor of the .Slaves in the republic nf America.
Ilo rejoice at hit Lincoln 1 1 nuhlo i-llorts lor
freedom and human progress,
I he Daily Asm eulogizes Lincoln's proc
lamation, ami thinks that it cannot tail to have
n very important influence in the progress of
the war, ami give an immense Impulse to ne
gro recruiting.
1 he La t rance ntsertt that I ho acceptance
of the Mexican crown by Maximilian is not
loubtfiil, and believes that negotiations have
been entered into tu obtain the adhesion of En
gland. 1 he same paper soys the present government
of Mexico will administer affairs for n year, to
organize the country.
Caniudates is Idaho. The S. F. Uufe.
tin's correspondent Iroin Portland furnishes that
paper Willi the following quietly humorous no
tice of the leading candidates for Congress from
Idaho ;
For Congress there is said to bo 30 entries
already. Among these I notice a few names
with nhoiii I huvejhe honor of some acquaint
unco. As ago comet before beauty. I com
mence with Dr. Newell. Ho it nil old Orego
niaii mid saw service us a heaver trapper in
tlio Uocky Moan, aim as far baek as 141U. He
was a member ol the Oregon Legisluturo that
elected Nesiuith and linker to the Senate
As to the smaller variety of party politics, he
never paid much attention Iu them lie pro
poses to run aa u Union man, and win if he
Next in age uud honors come Major Jolni
Owen, long tune an Indian Agent at Hitter
Hoot, sometimes culled the Hitter Knot Chief,
and always and everywhere recognized as the
Prince of good fellows. Neither is he, 1 imag
ine, very much concerned to know Ibe nice dis
tinctions between the political abstractions of
the day or tin past, and 1 question whether he,
could (-spoil ml either tits Cincinnati, the lluf
lulo or Ihe Chicago platform. Like a sensible
man. he intends to run upon his individual mer
its, and tukt tho vote of any one w ho has the
good sense la appreciate hit long residence iu
the country, and herculean tiiuesa for the
pla, u.
And now, having mails my salaam lo the
aged, allow me n word with tlio youth mid
beauty. John Scrnutoii, editor of the Golden
Age at l.ewistim, has also peeled for the race
do bas s.une experience iu politics particu
larly the practical part ruling tbo masses for
his man. Soruntoii rims as a democrat gener
ally, mid at John Summon in particular. He
will claim much consideration lor being in at
the birth of Idaho, for Ills power of imiuipil
biting members of Congress into voting liberal
appropriations for tho Territory ; but will rely
more particularly upon his incomparable tongue
inimitable address uud power of blarney with
Ibe boys.
Captain John Miillim has arrived from the
East and is at present tarrying on hit quarter
section near Walla Walla. Hut a very probable
rumor has il that ho intends lo cross the bor
der into 'Julio, ami enter Ihe lists for Congress.
I am not aware Hint he ever practiced pohtica
much, but il would be hiiMidous lo assume that
such a universal genius waa net perfectly la
versant with the no-sl recondite knowledge up
ou that subject. Yet his purticolur forte at tins
time ia in local and material interests. He will
run mostly on "Mullan't h'nad," mail contracts.
lailroadt, and bit general iltort for the past
tit nr aeven yeara at blowing that country into
Ihe favorable not ice ol emigres and the Amer
ican peiqde.
Gov. Wallace is alto spoken of for Ihe place,
but I am inclined lo think without aullicietit
cause. The nils of tho local press are foud of
turtling Iiiiii upon what they deem his good-natured
indolence, aud sometimes speak of hiiu
as a geutlemau intensely engaged iu the occult
proces of coloring hit meerschaum. The
Walla Walla titatrtmnn, iu noticing Ihe ap
pearance upou the Congressional lurf, says t
"From this it may be inferred thai the -tufo-rr
has permeated the Governor's pipe-"
A Novri TT I RESiitnoM. A letter from on
I.. 11. ilcKarlmid, wriltsn from Hhtlhrville., to hit mnthrr, in acknowledgment of
th receipt of a parkaf of clothing, giva thia
highly important iuforuwtiont
"When I opened th parcel tome of th boy
reuiarknl, 'That'a tba tint ahirttail l'va awin in
twelve liKoilhs.' Prrhaus it waa true. Nona of
th Coufederal shins hsv Lilt cloth it loo
it-are i so with mviiey. A shirt with tads it in
deed a rarity."
linnn T'as Louitvillt Journal taytt 8m of
tbo Abolition ulitors think they eaa't b lural un
less lasy rsnder slavish obditnee to th
tration. The abnulil bar bean bora aegroe.
Senilditi lay that whsn th rebel Mine array
Ihsmaelvsaaaoa ia llslisrlhrKtmit. "wilk bared
brrasla," lo reaitt th I'nlon fore, Uttel tm'(
iufautry wili hat to succumb.
A cavalryman, potted In Virgin, write : Th
roads an impassable. W cannot taer for aiiee,
hut If iris rb attack, lit ar prepared to wel
come I hem wiin nuduy uanua to agiiv-piatoi
grw "
Site (Oregon $tnt(ti.
Offleltl Pp.r of tha St.
Tin Stutesmsn Is puWI.htil weekly at Btkiu. Tr'lnl, 13
ptr yrnr, slwsvs In triririrt.
Uml UvtrlUmieMU will be clisrselt tilt follovlns rslrt :
Twelve Ones, or lets, ne iutertlon I5 "
Kn.'h olmMpleiit Unerllfni I (SI
FT Th ahot im in aoia. I0al Tend itotu
villi bt t,'n only at Ihtir current nalm.
Ur soil sit trsiiileot tilwtlseinenu must be prepala to
Iniiire Insertion.
A'lmltilstrslori' notices, snil all Advertisements relstlnr. to
the estate of deceaaett persons, must m prepaid. nnleM or
Her! ptnuisneti oy ma county Judse, ana fUtrBmceu -u
be paid by him.
Advertlalnt bills not paid within one yesr trom the tlmj
when contracted, will be Increaaed Iwelity-IWe per cent- each
year payment Is neioV ted thereafter.
Kemltlancet may be made by malt at the risk of Ihe pub
lishers, If mailed In the presence G? a posUnaster.
CHANDALL to WA1TE, Publishers.
Tho exultation with which the news of the
early part of the week waa received has been
sobered down hy another disappointment. There
waa probably no ground for the report that the
Union flag waved over Forts Sumter and Wagner.
The latest dlspstchet lay Sumter It knocked to
pieces but that Wagner is not yet taken and can
not be for tome time. The naval force it to car
ry on operations we topposo againtt the interi
or fortt and land batteries intervening botween
Suintnr and Charleston leaving Fort Wugncr to
the skill of Gen. (illmore. That ho will reduce it
it almost certain, but considerable time may first
elapse. The Oreek fire thrown luto Charleston
teems to have created a great furore among tho
original lire-eater. They wera evidently not
prepared for consuming that particular kind.
With the exception of tha battle of Charleston,
there bas been no fighting reported anywhero on
any scale above a skirmish. The pursuit of
Qnantrell's men results in the capture of quite a
number of them and killing many more. There
was not much disposition to take prisoners,
Running the blockado at Wilmington contin
ues. Several vessels have run in and out.
Planters near Memphis aro rapidly coming in
taking; the oath of allegiance.
Pemberton lint been arrested and sent to Rich
mond .
A reconnoissinco up tho Chickahominy, Aug.
21th, resulted in 'tho destruction of several small
boats nnd tho defeat of tho 400 rebel cavalry un
der Robinson who attacked the reconnoitring
A rebel paper pretends that the fighting force
of the Confederacy is 575,000 men, and that this
it not half the fighting population. That is rebel
Several vessels, guilty of violating blockade,
have been captured.
Forty men, considerable ammunition and tup
plies were lust below Me mphis by collision of two
An independent rebel Secretary of War has
been appointed in Arkansas. Headnimrtors at
Little Ruck.
A rcLel force from Loe't army made a darinc; raid
on the !2iith, on the Kuppithaunock, capturing two
guiibonit of l'otoioau rlutilla and revenue cutter
Putnam. Tho mouth of tho river is, however,
blockaded to that the captured boatt cannot be
gut out.
A L'liiou meeting at Phelan, Tennessee, repu
diated tha act of secession passed in 1861, aud
expressed a desire to return to the Union.
Five deserters from army of the Potomac were
shot on the 2l)th ult. the lirat punishment of that
kind inflicted during the war.
ltosucran'i army hat crusted tbo Teoneasee
river, at Four Points, in Jackson county, north
west corner of Alabama. The rebel army ia near
Rome, Georgia, about 40 or 50 miles distant from
Kosecraus. Au important force of rebels waa
en p to red la tlio neighborhood, among whom were
the guerrilla May and the Tennessee rebel Con
gressman Cannon
A rebel expedition from Richmond to capture
a federal gunbuat ill tlio Piankatauk river, came,
tu grief, being received as they approached in
small boatt, with the greeting of a terrible hail
of shot. Of 71 men of tho expedition, only live
were left to tell the tale in Richmond.
John B. Floyd, nf Oachanau memory, la dead.
Important movements toon to take place in the
Now Orleans department are intimated i charac
ter unknown.
The French interest in Mexico is endeavoring
to procure the recognition of tho Confederacy.
A Patriotic Spkkcii Wo find in an
Eastern exchange paper the following extract
from a speech, of General llusteed, a New
York rudical republican. It reiterates the de
claration, made time nnd again by the abolition
rnidatcra upon the Constitution, that the Union
shall be reconstructed and that Ihe Constitu
tion shall be broken up. Tbo determination
of t'u; fanatics to prevent tho restoration of the
Union ns it was, is becoming well known
through their own presses and speeches denial
of their int.'iitions to rcvolutioniie everything
which made our government, it no longer pruo
ticnlile. Gen. liiistocd taid :
"Let me tell these people, that never again
on this earth will the Union b i at it wna. The
Constitution is as it must remain, until we get
a new Heaven on earth in which human slav
ery will not find legislative sanction. And
now, Mr. Copperhead, if that be Abolitionism
make the most you can out of it. You will
never get Ihe Union again at it was, beennso
il ought never to have existed as it was."
Gen. ISustecd expresses the sentiment of all
tbo radical factionists, that the Uuion "never
ought to have existed as it wits." Ho and hi
fellows from the revolution down to the present
lime, have always been hostile to tho Uuion
as it was uiado by the fathers; they have al
ways plotted for ils overthrow; they have al
ways encouraged the opening of a breach be
tween the North aud South have always fos
tered aud fanned the bitterness that ftually
broke out iuto rebellion. Nobody was better
pleased uheu tin bloody coutett began than
I ho faualics of Dustecd's stripe that at last the
opening wedge of disunion was in placo to bo
driven, llusteed and hit kind of disuniouist
will drive it if the rebels fail lo da it.
With such men, the highest Ireiimm is to
seek Ihe restoration of the Union as Ihe wisdom
of the greatest of American statesmen made
it. To Ik solicitous fur the perpetuity of the
Constitution ia rank disloyalty according to the
Bustred creed. These men who decUre that
the Union ought never to hay? existed and who
would have been pestilent tone bad they lived
in Ihe revolution, now set themselves up a th
exemplar of loyally aod decry such men aa
are not willing to subscribe to th sentiment,
"the Union never ought to hav existed as it
As for us wa were educated to Ihiuk the old
Uuion a tery good Ihiug, and when il become
fashionable lo denounce it aa something that
ought "never to hav existed" w shall bs eul
of faebiou, decidedly.
CT Gilmare ha established a "branch" of
th infernal region at Charleston. It ha been
devilish place for good many Jfira. W
think, if a branch t to bo established anywhere,
n mar appropriate place can be found.
IT Beauregard doot lik the Ityla of mi
tilet trul into Charletiou. Then krl bin "flea
from tha wrath to coma."
Doimotic Iteiiift.
The Jacksonville Intelligencer nom-
iuatcs James K. Kelly for Congress.
A great rush of people may be ex
ported at the State fair. We hope, for the cred
it of the city that the utmost stretch of hospi
tality will be extended to visitors. The des
truction of tho Union Hotel greatly lessens the
usual capacity of the place fur public accommo
dations and it will, therefore, be necessary fur
private houses to open their doors more gener
ally. Remember, the future 1 cation of tlio
fair may depend much upou your liberality in
this respect.
HiinfiiiT Out. Wells, Fnriro 4c Co.. have
hnnffht out Rockafellow's express, aud will car
ry exnress matter to all places in tlio Buiso ro-
giou. Dallet Journal.
.Greenbacks sold last week readily for
80 cents. A temporary demand in t'orlianu,
sent them np to 82.
Dr. Loryea informs us there are thir
ty-three patients now in the Insane Asylum.
A military company is, we lcam, in
process of formation at Forest Grove.
..The soldiers at Lnpwai havo recently
baen paid off in greenbacks.
Tmiuaw Ansoyancks. Mr. John Thomas
brings information to town tliut Packud A: Grif
fin, who started from this county some time
sinoe for Washoe, over the mountains, when in
the vicinity of Pitt River Mountain, were sur
rounded bv Indians, and compelled to give
500 pounds of flour and cooking utensils, he-
lore lieing allowed to proceed on their journey.
Sentinel, 'id.
Tlio house of Mr. B. F. McCliiich, of
Polk county, was robbed on Tuesday night, 1st
inst. Several trunks aud chests were broken
open ; but as yet, only on or two silk dresses
are known to have been taken. Mr. McCliiich
is temporarily absent in tho Southern portiou
of the State. These facts wo learn from Mr.
E. D. Towl of Salem.
..The Democrat says Mr. Jerry Driggs
of Linn county has found a gold prospect of
$:i to the pan, ou the south fork of the Sautiiim
Accident. Wo understood that a littlo
daughter of .Mr. J. F. Jones, residing near Pe
oria, aged about 10 years, was run over by a
horse belonging to a Mr. Kendall, nt Ihe oounty
fair on Thursdoy nfternoon, while the visitors
wore leaving the fair grounds, and was so
badly hurt as to be senslcst for somo time.
We are unable to learn whether she sustained
any serious injury. Democrat.
.The County Court begins its session
The Mr. Moore of Linn county, mcu
tinned last week ns missing uud supposed to
have committed suioide, has not yet been
found. Matters since developed implicatiu
him iu a criminal transaction, lend to tho belief
that he has run away. Ho took away a part
of the contents of the family purse.
We learn that on Sunday night nf
Inst week, au iinkuown incendiary fired several
buildings and grain stacks iu Spring valley.
The barn uf Mr. McDonald,' wheat stacks of
Mr. McKiuley and of Bolivar Wulker and a
house belonging to tho latter standing on a
furin recently purchased of Mr. Purvine, were
burned. Our informant says Mr. MclCiuley's
loss ia about 600 bushels wheat; Mr. Walker's
about 2000 bushels wheat besides tho house.
A single iiiuii named King is suspected. A
aort of vigilance meeting of tlio neighbors wns
held on Monday and a coimui'.teu visited King
but what they learned or did wo are not in
formed. Mr. Noltner of tho Review writes to
that paper iu relation to the Linn county fair
as fellows :
On Wednesday, the first day of the fair, Ibe
principal feature wus the address, delivered liy
Hcv. E. R. Geary, of Brownsville, President of
the Society. 1 his Address was vert' nhlo and
interesting, and was listened to by the large
assemblage wiih profound attention. There
were various articles of home manufacture and
handicraft of good and line qualities on exhibi
tion, which spoke well for tha industry, skill
and tnste of the ladies of Linn. The exhibi
tion of grains, fruits ant vegetables was very
attractive and included choice und exceedingly
line varieties.
Ou Thursday, the attendance was larger than
on the day before. Estimates of the number
present place it at from 1,5110 to "..000 persons,
and among them a very large proportion of la
dies. I he principal exercises to-ilay wero the
parade of lino horses and tho stock exhibition.
1 hose Were very creditahle.
Tlie Democrat says the receipts wero over
100. The first premium for equetriansbip
wat awarded lo Mist Stewart of Bentou coun
ty ; ibe teuoud to Miss Fruiu of Linu.
Wo learn from parties jntt down from
Eogeno City that ou Friday uioruiiig Wm.
Shirley, an old penitentiary convict was shot
ami killed by Mr. Stnkely Ellsworth a citiien
of Eugene City. Mr. Ellsworth was ouo of
the attoruies iu the proscouliou of Shirley ou a
charge of perjury upon which he was con
victed and sentenced to tho Penitentiary for
three years. At that time Shirley made dark
threat against Ellsworth. Since hit release
in June last, Shirley has been about Eugene
City and at several time ho threatened the
life of Ellsworth, and ha been restrained no
one or two occasions from making dangerous
personal attacks npuu him by the intervention
uf third parties. On Friday looming, w hile
Mr. E was watering his horse iu the mill pond
uear his house, Shirley came toward him iu a
menacing manner, using threatening language,
when Mr. E., desirous of avoiding difficulty,
retired lo Ihe eucloatire turrouuJiug hit house,
Shirley continued to advance, when Mr. Ells
worth drew a pistol and fired twice, both tbott
taking effect. Shirley wo killed instantly by
the second shot. The coroner's Verdict waa in
in accordance with the foregoing facta, aud it
further prououuevd Ihe homicide justifiable,
Shirley wa well known iu thi oounty a
at well aa in other a a lueaking thief aud
scoundrel, who would not hesitate to be an as
sassin also. Hi death happily ndt ihe coun
try of a villain of the worst type.
Tha Eugene City forifw complain
that Ihe Mottntmntrr doe ut come to hand.
Il it mailed regularly, aud if it doe not artiv
al iu destination, it I no fault of our.
I th Mountaineer mailed regularly to n t
W generally get it euce or la ic a week never
regularly. Do any of th postmaster know
what become of it I The Journal comet let
regularly ooce or twice mouth.
Everythiof point to grand neces
al to Statu Fair. Wo ham that tha people
or all parts of the valley ore preparing to at
tend in great numbers. The grounds aro ox-
.i ... 1, i.. nerfcot reodiucss. Persons
wishing to make entries of stock or articles for
exhibition will procure blanks for the purpose
by application to the Secretary of tho Society.
The laws of California permit soldiers
raiml'in' that State to vole at any point where
they may he stationed fur the State ticket and
t,e county ticket, fur the county in which
they respectively resided at tho of
their enlistment. Co. "D, 4th Infantry. Ul-
ifornin Volunteers, at Fort iiiwamt. ......
Wednesday, giving the State ticket, headed by
Low, a uniform vote of 09, except for J.
rsiil, for Attorney General who recoivci
08 votes. This company enlisted mostly in
Amador oounty. and the Union '
county received a uniform vote of 58,
democratic" votes were cast.
Mr. Samuel Bayard, a ship carpen-
tor in this city, while engaged in tuuowiug ....
occupation yesterday afternoon, unfortunately
mn,ln a mis-lick with an adze and out his ankie
severely, severing the sinews and inflicting a
. 1 All,
painful if not a dangerous wounu. '.'
Lieutenant Hand nnd WcsendorIT
returned hist evening from Stcilacoom, W. T.,
whither they had been sent by Brigadier Gen
eral Alvonl, to participate in a court-martial,
held to investigate the charges of desertion
from the United States army, of parties now
in confinement at Fort Stcilacoom. lb.
The dwelling house of a Mrs. Wil
liams in Clackamas county was destroyed by
firo last Sunday. The burning is supposed to
have been accidental.
A conscientious subscriber sent ns last
week a 85 portrait of somebody, stereotyped by
United States authority, out of which he Te
mpested us "to take this year's subscription
and nlace remainder to credit of next volume.
Iu the operation, deal ns gently with
'greenback' as the case will admit."
All the poetry of the portrait was sent in an
instant higher than Guilderny's kite by the
practical designation, "greenback;' but we
did "denl gently" with the thing : We took it
gently in linnd and for a space did gaze mourn
fully npon the placid but sorrow ful countenance
of the "teller" who iu a momeutary weakness
lent his face tu tho parchment and hasn't been
nblo to eet it off ognin. We condole with his
nillicted friends. We can't say (but this a
friendly criticism) that wo much admire tlio big
female in the tull night cap aud blue cotton
umbrella, who stands on the other end on an
inverted snap kettle labeled "Uribus Unum"
(though the inscription is a good one). We
marked it "wotth 80 cents," folded it carefully
and put it in our pocket book alongside several
"promise to pay" issued without portraits, by
privntc individuals and for which wo would bo
glad to take United States stereotyped pictures
at 80 cents. We ahull care for it tenderAy.
Tho editor of tho Mountaineer hat
gone up the Columbia river nnd Jndge Wood
supplies his plaoo temporarily. It will be
family" paper till Newell returns.
The Supreme Court meet at Salem
to-day, the judge all present. The court is
held in the Stato Library room, a very con
venient place and tastefully fitted up. The
attendance uf altornies is largo. There
are several important and interesting cases to
be heard, among which are one nr two legal
tender question and others of a less publio
Col. Maury writes from Camas Prai
rie, Idaho, that the Indians left that country
apparently before the arrival of his command
of cavalry. Immigrants report that a portion
of them had gone cast to make a treaty with
Gen. Conner. Col. Muury thinks the rest of
them have gone to the south side uf Snake
river, as scouts, sent out, are unable lo find any
Into traces of them ou the north side.
About one hundred wagons containing
immigrant families have arrived at the mines.
They report that a good many have gone to
Beaver Head, hut the lurgcr number have
goue to California.
Col. Maury, with a portiou of hi
command, bo gone to Furt Hull, expecting to
meet tomo Indians said to be collected there.
The Olympia Standard says that the
Walla Walla Statesman does not want the sup
port for Mr. Cole of " honest Union men,"
whereat (lie Standard flares up. It is too Iiau-ty;
the Stateivan did not probably allude to the
Standard in that designation.
7 The abolitionists have determined that
un State shall return to Ihe condition of a State
of the Uniou without firrt abolishing slavery.
If North Carolina should vote to-morrow, to
the lost man, to oome back under the national
flag, actually raising that emblem, and couple
with that another vote that she would not sur
render slavery, tho abolitionists would, if in
power, continue the war until slavery should be
"wiped out." That is the abolition programme
as their own declarations amply prove. The
Union platfmm is somewhat different it would
not war against Ihe United States flag in any
State because that flag covered any dnmestio
and local arrangement consistent with loyalty.
It is not at all unlikely that the radical fanatic
may yet bo found advocating war upou the
Uuion flag in ome of the States.
CT It i stated that two sous of General
Meade residing iu Philadelphia havo bten
tT Ex Congretsnun Phelp. of California,
toys through the kS. . Cuff that there is no
probability whatever nf a draft under present
circumstance. On Ihe contrary, he says that
Ihe President and members of Cabinet had
often assured him that there would be no troop
raised here, except such at wera needed for
home service.
Cbarleatnn hut for many years lieeu the
American Sodom, all but th brimstone smell,
and now General Gilmnre has sent them that.
The Yreka Journal, of the 3d. containing
election news nf Siskiyou county, was received
by this morning', tinge. Tha city of Yreka
oast a very small democratic majority, lint the
county went from 30 lo 40 for th Union ticket,
without counting the oldiert' Tote. A Siski-
you company at Fort Bridge, gte 43 straight
Luioo vote. Counting the nldic, tot-, th.
m)orily will ba pr.ib.bly over 100. A rnnA
ratification meeting wa to be held on it,, n.1
j No othe t re l urns received.
San FiiASUiso An;. 3)
Dispatches state that, should CharUU.n
,ak PG n KnUiT i P '"",J "T iv t,'
Some W0 White's guerrillas orotj.-d t
mac T White's Ford lJ J
about 40 of our men and mtird. rod tea its D.
longing to Ohio nnd Cheasnnenke cjnn .
Nbw York, Aug. J-
Volunteering in thi. State P'IW
It is thought the quoin Will be filled I I a Iff
days, thus doing away with the neoewi y ol W
"Bermuda news to tho 25th receive! Betel
steamer Gladiator hnd arrived, lieboi steeli
er Robert Lee reports being ohnsed by tsdi'Ml
cruiser S hours and compelled to thtow over
board 300 bales cotton to escnpe.
Fortkkrs MotimiB, Angniit 2D.
A dispatch from Newborn says, on tho mem
ing of the 17th n large sloop of war, 10 gunii,
flying British Hag. swept past hlocltndcrs nnd
afterwords hoisted the rebel flag nnd passed Wilniinctnn. This is tho fourth vessel of
war that has run this blockade within six week
The rebel papers received at Morehead City
say Jeff Davis has decided, nftor ft conforonrio
with the governors of States, to call out 500,
00 negro troops, who are to receive freedom
and fifty ncres of land at the end of tho wnr.
The Florida was seen 2lth,liip in tow,
lat. 35, long. 67.
National Intelligencer publislioa letter
from gentleman who litis traveled through
Va., Gu., N. C. and Ala., who says
should proclamation be published offering
frcetlom to tluwo laying down their arms,
crcnt good would como of it.
Wasiiinqton, August 29.
Officinl infnrmiitinn bus been received of
a skirmish between detachment 2d Massachu
setts nigger regiment nnd Mosolv's men. The
attack was made oy moseiy. usr men ..-.
but 25, and attacked in front and rear at the
same time. They longht uuny nnu lost iwn
killed thirteen wounded nine prisoners ana nil
their horses. 15 of which wero recovered. En
emy's loss. 2 oflioer killed, 4 moil wounded.
JIoslV Was WOUllUea IU two piuuus, mm n. io -
liovc'd mortally. The relit wore afterward
chased from Ceiitervillo to Snicker's Gup.
Foktkess Monkob, August 2D. t
, Bichmond dispatch to day lias the following :
Charleston, August 27.
Enemy's attack on our rillo pits Wednesday
night, gfjtli, wiib inudo about 7 o'clock. They
were in overwhelming numbers. Thursday fir
ing on both sides was slow, uud with no unusu
al incidents.
Charleston, Augnst 28,
Bombardment nf Forts Sumter nnd Wagner
proceeds sluggishly. Enemy working hard in
the trenches in front of Wugner. No further
attempt has been made to shell the city.
PlIILAtlELPAIA, August 30.
Steamer Bermuda arrived from Port Uoynl
Wednesday evening, via Charleston. Captain
reports Wagner is not taken, and cannot be, at
present, tie oonlirms tne report tiiat nu inter
had been knocked into bits. Further naval
operations will be curried on without regard to
Wagner, tho capture ul wincn win uo leu to
Headquarters Army ok Potomac, ?
August 29. S
Five deserters were shot to-day. This is tbo
first execution of that class which has taken
place in the army.
Washington, Aug. 12.
There is no information either in the War nr
Nnvy Dcpurtmcut that nor-flag waves over
Forts Sumter nnd Wngner.
Knits of rebels taken at Vicksburg have been
received which swell the list to 33,000.
Stevenson, Ala., August 28.
Army of the Cumberland has crossed tho
Teouesseo river at Four Puinls to-day with in
fantry aud cavalry ; 2d Kentucky captured 35
pickets at a point opposite Stevenson. Gen.
Reynolds captured a large foroe at Shell Mound
and took the camp nil Fulling Water creek.
Among the captured are the uotorious guerrilla
May and the Tennessee rebel Congressman
Cannon. Littlo or no resistance was made to
our crossing. Rebels ore reported in foroe at.
Rome and Cleveland, along Georgia Stato I
Cincinnati. August 30.
Gen. Ilnrnside ia iu the region of Kingston
nnd expects an nttackto be made on that place
during the week.
Warrenton Junction, Va., Aug. 30.
A dispatch just received from Fairfax says
five rebels captured at that place this evening;
sny that Moseiy was shot in the bowels and
breast and wns taken to Richmond. The guard
who brought the prisoners say people at Drains
villo yesterday said Moseiy died ncur there Fri
duy. Prisoners don't doubt it, as they sny ho
w as mortally wounded. White now command
the forco north of tho rnilrond.
New York, Aug. 31.
The Tribune's special from tlio Potomac,
30th, lays no movement has taken place.exocpt
among cavalry, a detachment of which yester
day eliased a few guerrillas near Stafford Court
Hoti'e. Result is nut known. Lieut. Pnrker,
of Meade's stuff, supposed captured by guerril
las. Ho left headquarters lo visit tho 33d
Massachusetts ami departed thence on his re
turn. He bus uot been beard ol since.
Washington August 31.
On the 12th. Lieut, naut Wood, of Confede
rate nary left Richmond with 71 men, 4 boat
on wagons, nnd about 12 wagons loaded with
stores, ammunition, Sco. Ho went scrota the
Chickahominy, taking tlio route of the army of
the Peninsula. His intention was to surprise
a gunboat stationed in Piiinkatunk rirer, uud
kill or capture the crew ; then put to sen as a
pirate. A tho boat was well supplied, he
would have all that he needed. His wagou re
turned to Richmond. Every preparation wna
made for success; his men were armed with
rilles and cutlasses. Saturday night the pnrty
set out in boats and nnu reached the vicinity
of Ihe gunboat, but instead nf surprising tba
crew, the rebels were themselve surprised.
When within 300 yards, the gunboat wa sud
denly illuminated and sent such a deadly dia
charge into the rebel boat that only Wood and
4 men escaped.
Philadelphia. August SI.
Richmond papers of the 2!)th aiiiiouuco the
death of John It. Floyd.
' CiliCAOO, Augnst 31.
New Orleans date to IDih ay important
military movement is going on, tlie character
of which is not known. We are assured, how
ever, that we shall hear of eveut toon which
will make us rejoice,
Boston, August 30.
Memorial Diplomatique of August 15lh sayi
His Royal Higbuess, Archduke Ma-imilian ac
cepts, with the consent of bis august brother,
Emperor of Austria, the crown of the new
Mexican Empire.
Another Government. The English paper
that rmpathiaa with Ihe rebellion, when new of
Gen. Lee' raid reached London, conaiiiered it
almotl certain that Washington would be taken
and they straightway went Into extensive apecu
lationa about "soon being addresaed by another
government," in what manner ita orerturea ahould
be received, and the dirBcultyof refiisiug to ac
knowledge it, ic., Ac. They wera much like the
homely old maid down in Dixie who had heard
mat tlie laukeea came wiih th, motto of "beauty
and booty " When at last a Yankee regiment did
appear, ahe went fluttering around, anxiously in
quiring of everybody, "whim ar they going to
begin ou the 'tfuifl"
tjF We hav received a circular issued by Dr.
Robert Newell, candidat for Congrats for Idaho
Territory, telling forth hi position and touie of
th reasons wbjr be ahould b elected. Of Ih
many randidate for that position, wa do not
know of any, were w a voter in Idaho, for whom
we would giv a preference before Dr. Newell.
Hit intitnat acquaintance with tba country ena
ble bim to know mora of ll want than others
who have lately become retidentt. Hit personal
acquaintance and relation! of friendship wiih tbo
member of Con-Test from Oregon, would as'''
him au advantage at a rcpreaentative which U
of hia competitore might be able to aecure.
underatand he will tubuiit bit name to th IV '
convenlion tobt ahortly hsli. J