lxt (Qyfgott gtatesnum A Stirring Siohi in Habbisburo. A correspondent of the Now York Timet who was at Hurrisburg, Ponn., during the poril of that city, concludes a letter from there with the following : I hud written thus fur when I heard . the noise of drum and (ifo, and looking out of uiy window, saw a band of 15 or 20 old men marching up tlio street behind an old tattered silk flag. I went out and followod them. They were all soldiers of 1812. The flag they bore was in the battle of Trenton, in 1778. They were members of the Soldiers' Association of 1812, of Harrisburg, and went in a body to tender their services to the Governor. It was an inspiring sight. They were mostly halo, hearty old men, a little feehlo find tottering in their walk, but far from bavins lost their energy or patriotism. They Kept perfect step to the music, and marched up to the Governor's room, where the Captain, in a few appropriate words, announced that they were ready to go into the trenches nnd fight, and would go further if required. Not one of these men is less than sixty-eight years of age, and the oldest is seven ty six. MItters in Arizona. A correspond, ent of the Union writing from Tucson, July 15th, has the following account of nines in Arizona Territory : ' I beg leave to make known through your columns the mines that have lately been discovered in this Territory. I bave just seen some of the gold, nnd I must say it is the prettiest I ever beheld, bein of coarse, pure gold, in pieces ranging from the valuo of fifty cents to $250. The diggings' were discovered by Captain Walker, well known in Upper California. He has been prospecting for two years, and Law, in bis opinion, found mines to equal those found in California in '49. They lie in about a northwesterly ; direction from the Pitnos Villages, and about 225 miles from this place, in a splendidly watered and timbered country; - there is plenty of grass, and it is a good country to locato in. The miners have determined not to allow Sonorians to . work, and have established mining laws ' satisfactory to all white persons desirous 1 to mine. So far as I enrt learn, there is great wealth to be procured, and they are the best mines in the Territory, or in ho nors. Parties uro coming to mine, nnd with goods, from Santa ie (N. M.,) and 1 Paso, Texas. A i.urnher of Ameri cans passed through here from Texas a few days ago, en route, and every percon. ,. resident of this place lias dropped every- thing and gone to the mines. Teamsters, mechanics and laborers have left tlio Government employ, in high fever. The news from the Rio Grande is that an extensive expedition is on foot, under , Kit Carson's command, against the Nav ajo Indians. His commnnd will be about ' a thousand strong. Under date of July 1st, from 1 Paso, we learn that Lieut. I fiargie and two of bis Mexican soldiers " were killed, and three soldiers wounded . on the "Journalle." Lieut. Unrgie's head was cut off, his body cut opriio, his heart taken out, awl iIir fl, J. iut Com his back, by Indians. They murdered the mail rider, Fitzgerald, and then at- tacked Fort McHea, which was gnrrisoncd by Captain PlieirTrr company of Mexican ' volunteers, killed the Captain's wife and her servant eirl, and thirteen soldiers. Cnpt. PheiflVr was dangerously wounded. Captain Tut tie's detachment of sharp shooters and Indian spy party returned on the 1st instant, after an absence of about a month in pursuit of secessionists en route to supply the ruhels in Texas with horses and mules. The Cnptuin succeeded in thwarting their plans, com pletely breaking up their organization, driving them through Sonera, only four of them escaping, en r uto to rebeldmn ; a portion of their animals and some of their prisoners were brought in to this place. One of the party, who was formerly one of Dan Sliowalter's party, named Ed wards, died on tlio Desert, en route to Alta Sonora ; ho had murdered two U. S. soldiers at La Pub mines, and met a just punishment of his crime, having died f jr want of water, upon a sandy desert, and nd, person to bear his Inst words. The1 'Fourth" passed IT very pleas antly indeed) tlio troops being without artillery, resorted to tlio use of anvils, and gave m a good salute. I am happy to say that there was not a drunken man in town. We are having from day to day some very pleasant showers of rain. Ooea sioually we have green corn, watermelons, etc.; tncy are very nice and acceptable; - but a copy of the Sarramentu Union at least onco in two months would bo very gratifying indeed. Wealth op Cheat Min or An tiquity. Croesus bad an estate equal to XI, 700,000 besides a scarcely less amount in money, slaves and furniture. The philosopher Seneca had a property - valued at 3,000,000, and Lcntulus, the friend of Cicero, was said to be worth . 8,500,000. The Emperor Tiberius left at his death above 23,500,000 which Caligula, bis successor, succeeded in squandering in less than a year. C(cr, before bo had been promoted' to any high office, owned nearly 3,000,000. Apieiui pent, in dissipation? 500,000, and find, ing on looking into his affairs that he had only 800,000, he poisoned himself, re. garding the sum as not sufficient for his maintenance. Cleopatra gave to Antony a diamond worth 800,000. Caligula pent on one dinner 80,000. The ordi narj expense for a dinner of Lucullua was 20,000. MVaaala bought a h use or Antony for 100,00 The fMi.a in the fish pond of Lucullus were sold for 35,000. . Get). GiLMokR'a Knoinkerino. The following, from the New York Tribttnt, is interesting at this time, when wo are boot to receive the result of the opera tions near Charleston : The nearest guns to Fort Pulaski were exactly 1,620 yards distant. They were five 80-pounder Parrots, one 24 pounder, two 82-poundera and two 42 pounder James guns. With these, and three ten. inch Colunlbiads, 1,677 yarda distant, the whole work of the reduction was aoenm. plished in eighteen and a half hours can otuiding. The retraining batteries wero all mortars, and totally ineffective. The e section and execution of the plan of t; Veis General Giloore'i only, and to him belongs tlio credit of persisting in his opinion and e.Tort agaiimt nil (torts of opposition and effort from the Engineer L'ureau. CALIFORNIA DISPATCHES. The Suspected Schooner -The Saranac. Arrivals. San Francisco, August 18. A pilot boat arrived this morning re ports the topsail schooner Caroline E. Footo off the const with a dead whnle alongside. This is probably the suspi cious schooner reported yesterday. Steamer JShubncW has not returned. In compliance with orders from Wash- ington, Powell, Chief Joiner, is proceed ing with repairs on sloop-of-wsr Saranac, at Navy Yard. Steamer brother Jonathan brings glfiy,- 775 in treasure from Portland, and $03,- 220 from Victoria. I'ho Shubrick has returned, The schooner Footo proved to be the vessel suspected. Arnvc'l blnp Harrison, from Carmen Island. Mexican News. Steamer St. Louis brines privato ml- vicos from city of Mexico, via Acapulo, to tlio ot July. rhero is not much war news of any importance. Nothing was transpiring but decrees to the people in regard to the new iiiunnrcny. newspapers aro novoieo principally to that question, as General torey was issuing Ins decrees daily. Pilfers aro loud spoken in regard to recognition ot the Southern Otilcilcracy, and uro filled with extracts from Southern papers, or tlio success of the rebels in the United States. Everything looks as if tlio present Government in the City of Mexico in tended to recognize tlio South' rn Confed eracy at no distant day. The journals state that France will likewise rccomiize the uonicilcrncy ( I. There has been considerable guerrilla fiirlitine on the roads lending to the City oi Mexico. The Franco-Mexican papers teem with narratives of barbarities practiced by Mexicans upon French prisoners. The Mexicans ore putting all their prisoners to death, sparing not one of them. The Mexicans have declared that this is a war of extermination. Murders are commit ted daily in tlio city of Mexico, the vie tims being principally those who had been in tavor ot t rencli intervention. Government was daily imprisoning am shooting prisoners who refused to tuk the oath of allegianco to the Empire. ino property ot such persons iiai also been confiscated. A new species of pun islnnent was being inflicted upon those who refused to obey tlio decrees of Gen Forey. Ho hail issued a decree stating that ollicers attached to the army won be quartered upon tlio people, especially amoiig those of Liberal sentiments, com pelling them to furnish them accomtnodu tions. In many instances Mexicans re. fued to receive French officers into their houses, and such persons were taken from their dwelling', tied to a stake inn! pub licly whipped. Sex was no protection. In one instance, a lady named Kit bin wn.s condemned to rVceive two hundred lashes for refusing to receive some French olfi. cers into her liousr. Her liuslmii'l, a man of ennnideriiblo Wealth, offered to pay as a fine her weight in silver, hut Forey refused this, stating that lie would make nn example of her. She was then taken out and publicly fl'ggcd. A man named Robalito wus flogged at the same time. President Juarez sent a communication to the foreign Ministers requesting them to inovo to !viii Luis l olosi, ami ohYre'1 to send a forco to protect them in their transit. The official reply was that at the present time theru were no reasons for t'ieir not leaving the City of Mexico, but that still they did not nnd would not recognizo any Government but tlio Juarez Government, whioh they had been accred ited to. This reply had been severely criticised and commented upon by Franco Mexico n newspapers. Tlio pronunciaincnto or resolutions pub lished by tlio Triumvirate, declaring the Republic an Empire, dcmnuice the Gov ernment of tlio United States, an 1 call upon those who sympathize with them to act with tho miwers thut are in revolution in the Southern States, Fire at Tlmbuctoo. The blacksmith shop and pipo factory of tho Excelsior Canal Company was burnt this evening. Nothing was saved The loss is about $800. ESTADLI SUED 1760. PETER L0KILL1BD, Fnulf and Tobacco Manufacturer, l in ciivnaitaa kt., (Formerly 4J Chatham street, New York,) WOULD rail the attention of Dealer to the aril clea of bis manufacture, vit i HKuwa iM'rr. alarahny, Pemluroe, Flue llappee, Pure Virvinia, l uane llappee. Kai-biiorhea, Anient-aa Uenllfiuaa, Opeuluujea. IBI.I.OW AM Kf Reotrh. llonev Dew Hentrh. High Tuail oVolrh, Fresh ll -nev Pew Scotch, Irish High T.aut. Freeh BVotch. or Lumi vfooi. fr" Attention I railed tn the lanr reilnrlloa In prirva of Fine Cat Chewing and Hmnking I'ukacrus, which will be found ef r. superior Quality. TOII . SMOKING. FIXE CCT CHEWINQ. RMOK1NO. Long. V A. I., or plain, 8 Jaao, No 1, Cavendish, or tiweel, 8aniib, No 9, Sweet ftrented Oronoco. ( auasiar, Noa. I Tin Foil Caveudish, Turkish, mixed. Orannlate.1 N H A similar of prices nil! be ernl on applira lion. .snayli ly"S Ore rod Insane Asjlum and Ilosplia'. UH. IIAWI'IIOIIXK AXDI.OIH KA.I'IIV alll All rillHMtlKTOIK. mure l.K. - .1. .....J ! . ... P.l.nJ I la a Aeefls aM nleasant loraliiv. iwar a twannfui pervnaial sprint. Anipleaceoraumdatiiiri are atlorued for the e. mi fort and eely cure ef Iboec that htvor us with their pairotuiirs. )ffli-e at Wealberford'i Drug Store, Fnuil ilrrel. P,.nUud. . Hf SALEM FOUNDRY. r. DHAKE, rronrllor. IT AVISO pnrrhasnl the entire lmre la Ihefrnn. II rlnrai Vlem. I ara prepared to furnish CAST IN08 and WKomilT IlluN WuKK of artr dea arlptKw.ea sKort nmlee a II orders fhr Ml IX WORK will ha Blled trlthdia. Mich . and la t taiietaeter aisriBer. Atrienlturel lmpleBtio( ill kinds sisaNrluai ocrler,orrTi4- it Or. linker's; nln fnniieeit 18 composed entirely ol healing gums, and vegetable oils mill herbs. It'is perfectly aula for the most deli' caie to tin. I can most sincerely Buy that I have never known any .however delicate, to be Injured by It In the least, I will continue to ask the utliirted, who have not lined It, to try it fur the following discuses. If lliey are not satisfied with In lieulirrg properties, the money will be cheerfully refunded by the agent where the medicine ie fur stile. If yon have Pain In the Stomach or Bowels, try a dose of PHin Panacea Internally, batheaxlcrtmlly ovel the parts alfected, and yoti will At once restore the proper action mid relieve the pain. If you have a limine or Wound, halite It well wllh the Pain Panacea four times a Hav. It will relieve the pain, and take out all the poison, and heal the wounu in a laun lime. If Ton are eufferinir from Nenrulgiaor Rheumatic Pains. atiDlv the Pain Panacea f reel v. and take a dose of it internally, morning, noon and night i it will not oniy cure tne pain, nut will remove the cause oi tne diieaae. If yoo have the Dlsrensia, and ronrfood distresses your stomach after eating, take a doss of Pain Fan- aces after each meal. If yon have a Cankered or Sore Mouth or Throat, apply trie rain renucca to the aneciea pans, ana gar gle the mouth or throat three or four times a day. If you have the Diarrhea, or a relaxed state of the Dowels, take S lew dote ill l ain I'llliacea. ana uiey will soon be restored. If yoo have a painful swellitiK bathe the parts freelr and you willsoon relieve the pain nd the luridlinv will ha reduced. If foil have a se vere toothache, apply the Pain Panacea on a piece of cotton, and hatha the gum at the same time i it win si op the pain instantly. If vnn have a naln In the Bide. Breast, Bark or Kid neys. bathe the parts affected morning and night i at the same time take a dose of the Panacea internally, If a Mother has a Caked Breast,apply the Pain Pan acea as not as can he borne. If yon feel chilly or cold, as though yea were going to nave a lever, iaae a ooee oi ruuacea. If von have a wound, cut or galls on your bone, ap nlv the Pain 1'unuceai it will take out all Hie ItiHam- ination, and heal the lore in a short time. Hold by all I lie principal aruggiila, ana by UfiDINOTOV it CO., W4tf Exclmlve Agents, 416 and 418, Print street, San Francisco. SMITH & CARTWRIGHT, Bacoeiion to COOKE, SMITH Co. SALEM, 'OREG OIST. Beg leave tn inform ihe public thut we hare and are receiving a UK III Wll-fflEliD STMK CENERAL MERCHANDISE, Which we Offer at REDUCED RATES. Clothing, Boon, Shoes, Hats, Caps I P YOl- Bonnets. Bhakeri, Groceries, Crockery, WOll.D Glassware, Hardware, Iron, Holts, Riv ets, Washers, Nuts, Springs, Nails, fipiUcs Glass, Putty, Sawi, Planes, Axes, Oys ten, Sheep Shears, Suuurot, Dry Goods, Cutlery, and A GIIKAT VAHIKTV or OTHER ARTICLES too nn morons to mention, II IY AT YORK HATES OR NEARLY All of which we will exchange Full CASH or MERCHANTABLE PRO- YOU C'A.tf DO DL'CE. THAT A TIB OF WANTED. 100,000 lbs. of WOOL wanted in ex WAI.T change for CODS or CAII. AMD SMITH & CABTffBICIIT. Salem, April 12, IKM. 7tf CHARLEY Just Received, DIRECT from HAN FIIANCISCH, a choire selee f Uwl.v, ,nK f Ooltl l.'intra.l hailis. ItiirltU'N. Pens, and Hiiecluclcs. Alio, n variety ol Fillicv Owats Cull-uxl.ee. J II. HAAS. Male Inn Will, ll I'lf INSURANCE. Marine, Fire nnd Lllo! rpilE nniltTrhiied are Agents in tbie Htute for the 1 fullowinir Cotnputiiea i MAHINE. CAUKOKNIA MUTUAL MARINE. FIRE. II AKTFOHD HARTFORD, CONN. I'HUKNIX ('II HThll OAK " ' CITY " " (HiiiDIIIE KEVYY.ORK. MKTU'iPOLlTAX NIAUHA HmMH " I'AltK " a'ictk; " I'lHiKNIX " WASIIINOTON " X.IFB. FQI ITVm.EI.IFE NEW Y'HIK. . CON NECTICI L Ml' I X'AL, IIAUTFuKD, Conn. There are no older, safer or more reliable compa nies in the world than those above named. We will insure at the same ates that can be rlfrclcd ihmuifh nn Francisco airnts. and the California 8t Hid rjtamp Tax is thus avuideil. We rail the attention of the community, particularly lniirHt-il, tn the advantage of Ijle Insurance. 17" Call and ifet H pamphlet. lUf klCllAUDSAi JlrCltAKEN. BENNETT HOUSE, MALUM, OH I ;.. C. L. FISHER, Proprietor. rlHK uiliMTiWr wilit to inform hit friend I and jml'lic ueiifridW tlutt lie Hill use hi nt ui 11 riidi'rtvur 1 pleHM ihoM who favor hint with tlieir tHtroniifi at the above named hoiH. The table will at all tiinn be applied with all the delicai'iei of the ecaeoit. Uood room and clean beiU. lloanl r wtek, with tain in if 6 00 HoHttl jwr wwk, without lodaing ft 00 . Mar Ath, m. 10tf WIGHTMAN & HABDIE, BrccrnRoitg to FRANK DAlvEl?, 416 and 418 Cltiy Sirert, SAX FRAXCISC0, Importers and Dealers in FORE GN AND DONrlESTIC DRY COODS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, ITIIOLSTEKY GOODS, PAPER HANGINGS. For Sale in Quantities to Suit. juae'& 3iul? JTO FICTION, BIT Tit I Til. It Is rastoiaary Io a)eak of mutj rtmedlM of Ihe .lay in liM and frivolous nsnnor, and this msr an swer where tho case to bo tared la of a (lining char actor, and tho roawdr presented simple, Bui when wo aro sailed Io pnarrlbo for diseases endured oulj with siorucislinn'pain, whoso lenniuailoa io often fatal, wo learo toetin;, and proceed with oamostneao 10 otter fans which will perhaps rescue a fellow betnf froas a bed of skkoooo or tho fraro. It la thus that wo would Introduce Io ear reader SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND LIVER STkTP.eud siaat that for tho rere of humors there is nothing ia tho world raneoal this popular and oatonsleelr seed asJIl All drnf (iau osU iu KCDIXOTOX CO., Atreots, 4l aad 418 front Wreei,rWa TrssclK. dwll Attention, Marlon Rifles. R FOLIAR DRILL, Uondar and Saiarday sro aiufl. ar ' o'eloc. at tho anaoey Jif OrojertySfrfsast J. 11. KM J SKY, Saddle and Harness Maker. SALFM, OUTGO. Opposite Thultlirr & Rlekr y'l Livery Stable. n 'A B OOKITSHTLT OH HAHDI CONCORD TEAM HARNESS, CONCORD STAGE HABXES8, Pennsylvania Team Harness, SADDLES, Bmrr,E.s, Whips, Halters, and Horse Blankets, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Concord and Boston Team Collars, LADIES' SADDLES and BRIDLES, OP EXTHA QUALITY. The II KMT OF iTIATKRIAI. used, and all work WAHUANTKI) TO GIVE SATISFACTION. The highest CASH PKICEpM tor III DEI and WOOL In exchange. BOItf DR. D. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT And Sanative Fills, HAVE DICEN BEFORE THE PUBLIC SO LONO and found snch ireneral favor in every region of country wlicre ttcy nave been sold, and there is nn place on the civilized frlobe where they have not been auld) that it wnuld seem almost superiluous at this time to direct attention to them thronuh the medium of the press. Yet it is due to siilfcriuir humanity, and es pecially to thnt numerous class who, in the changea We climate of the 1'iicillc coast, suitor from Diseases ol the Lungs and Throat, Inducing and ending in CONSUMPTION, many of whom may not have used this remedy, thut tliey should be allowed to read some of the cases where its influence bnt been useful In remedying cotnpluinls from which lliey are tuHuriiiir. THE EXPECTORANT Operme.1 lillGUlATBLY Djmn the Disease, Sttrpy ami Hp edify Eradicntinr. while the SANA T1VE 1MLL.S, by piuncrviiitr reyultirity in the bowels, Htul KiviiiK h lieiilibv tone to i, other intenml orgutin. hkI himI unii the perfect opurHtimi of ilie (oi uier Atieiition UuMked to the Mlowiiitf certiflcatcfi, De lected at runduin fiotn the uitug io puewBeion of the proprietors! CoMJMBtm, Mixn., Jn Q4. 1857. Dr. D. Jiivne Denr Sir : Gen Win. P. Ortn,one of in v neiitii'buri, was rnred of liroitchitis by the uw of your Expectorant and Alteralire, after httvinif lain forty diiva at the point of death, mid three eminent plty'aichtnt. Imviittf exhuuxted tlieir ikill upon him. Several cmi;b ot I'ropiiy tuid Cancer have been cured in inv neighburhoitd. My little lHiiliter wan taken iiint SovemUer with mi enlargement on tie neck, which grew very fait. I immediately commenced u'iv inu her your Alierulive, and be u now nearlv well. s ' TIIOMAs L. TLWMiLL From the Her. Nuleon Cook, Ute of Drnoklvn, Min. New Yunx.Jun. b, 1HHI, Dr. I): Juvne Dear bir : A younv timu living in my house wan taken with a violent culd, which ted led on hi luns. t'Hii(iiif( a h'ure, hollow couffh, attended with iiiut'h lever. Thie eontinuod for more than two weik, when all thought death lobe inevitable, At tb io point I voiiiiiieticed Kiviiij your Expectorant and Sunutive Pill, according to diiuciioni. lu the course of two or three day a, he bewail to expectonite freely and in about two wueke be wai about and whs soon well. A homconpiithie phyeirianand family apeut a niylit In my bonne The daughter wai taken with a violent croup, which threatened epuedy deatb. The futlier hrtvintr no iiieilicino, conclmled to (five the Jijtpecto- runt won u mmiu alluruea rai oi. From the Rev. N. M. Joiiea. Krct. of Prot. Epie. C'ch, hum l uurtnuioinew, I'liimoeipnm. pHiLADitPHiA. Mh nh 31, lSati. Dr. D. Jnrno Dtar Sir i lu all citeea reiemblinir CotiH'itiiptioii, I rt'cointnend Jut ne'e KipectorHiil. havtutf in to many iiMtuucei witntaeed iu bettelivial ell'ectn in (he two taut chm-i which cuine under my ob- HtfrvutiL'ii. The udimntetration of tho Lxpuvturtii.t has, I hiii happy to any, been attended by the uioit de rided improvement of the patient. For a a renter number and varletr of rertillcatei.and fuller inforiuiilion rruardintr these and other of Or. D. Javns mid Hoi in' PrepuniiiHtiH, reference ii iff ven to their ANNl AL, ALMANAC, which oiay be had from any dnt'iut or dealer in mtdieinra. o.ui 1 ii at If a i, vCA I PortlanH, Ori:n. Aifenie for the Rtate. NEW, GOOD AND CHEAP, JOHES, REED & CO., ....AT ISAI.KU, ORKHOX SRI SOW A5i rACTlHISO, ASD Hf O.I UiKD, B EDSTEADS, Of I.ATKaT null MOST APIMttlVEU Patlrrno Tea, Breakrast and Dining Tables; WORK STASDS, (kmti:rtaiii.i:iaidk taki.fsi. Toilet nnd Llplil Slarnln; I'lrnmlil Staiul, Vnli Stands, DHES8INO BTJRE AU8, Complete eirfl ror rlisilitrrn, laliitr(l ami lllillily Itrnaiurulril, t FRENCH BEDSTEADS, SETTEES LOUNGES, CHILDREN'S CBIBBS. BuokCairi, WlRDRflBES, Cupboard, Mft Safii, ....and nenrljr evetv other kind of.... HOrSE-Kl ll.MSlllXG GOODS ... .are now made and sold by ... . Jones, Reed & Co Salem, Oregon, for alMint ONK-1I LWho price nsuallr asked for nu.il.r but inferior artii-U'S imported from omo ICastern manufuctory. Onr furnltnre I. mmle of Maple, almotl tielmifrif, being L1UIIT, 8TIIOS0aid SKAT. We make to order, and keep constantly on hand, Doors and Windows of ntrf eVirf ptv t Gothic and Oe-eo fashi Oolhio lKHr and Frames ; iu fact, EVKII1 rilltu TO .M IKK A IIOt'SK, from the base hoard to the cornice. VENETIAN WINDOW BLINDS. Goo.1 and Cheap, mtdt ef pi r can make to Hi any elied Windows, or ant shape. Bring yonr measures. WAGONS! WAGONS! We have oa hand, and rrll era TjjtaJ ittnfJ . a irood aew.rtmont of Wsiron ff f 4jiT S1MKKS and HCIIIH, mrtf.llf aaT"U f selected from Kotnl valley oak. A DOZKS WOOD WHKK8 FOB WAOOXS rradr for ironing, and arr fted rafoas wtpltle for mntiiiit. Any or all of tho above will bo sold cheap for food par. kepairini wood work to all kinds of machinery, or uew msile to order. Our niamifaciorr io neer Ihe Woolen Factory, and our sslr-rvotn She EN'TIKK SECOND STORY of Smith's Ulock. a room tmnlf JrtrM sysere. Kntrsnroon Cooiinercial street, at the South door, auiUoa Ihe cruaa or Ferry street, al the west end of U biiihiina. JONES, KEKH CO. Kaleia, Oct. Int. ll. Wtf Choapor and Better than Candles. Tl'ST recelred. 10 eases snperior Coal Oil. while) and nun eiolueive. Also, owiiuiirur. Sund. Brark, mi uiJ Hand eal oil Lamps i wirka. cbimnies. sha.le- bnroers and bmsheo io earitly , al MOOKKS'. K wsn. iw; 5llf Code andOsneral Laws of Oregonr mil ul. .Ha Rn.i.re nt Riaio's 0(8 re. i'riro I per copv (ii coinj fl.tti raUro, if sen! by awil in tne taie, X rie i out, W eta. April I lib. Ivl. if Atlmiialairalor's .llrc. NOTU'lt Is Wreht given, thai all accwmls and la oVbudnMO oocralug Io tho Orrfm flslmas, either oa ouhocriptioo. sdrjrti.lng aod oBco work, from November ilh. lU,to thia da4. beheig Io Ihe oelate of Hamv Uordoa. oecemeod IVso accvama are no in 'band, for fol octioat. and intmediaia Pvaienl nioet k asaoa. rVrajoate eaa bo aiado to C Craa'tall, Esoj . a Iho OSes el the oMnass, or U, . a. EuaHW C.,. "j CafwiC!v,Mai;tWt,i. l'f aa ' tt&I r "J sflB S i lmS w:w$ S3 HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION. Illffhly Concentratetl COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT U A Positive and Specific Remedy For diseases of the BLADDF.n. KIDNEYS, OKAVEI,, AND DBOPMICAl. SWELLINGS. This medicine increases the powerof Digestion, and excites tbo ABSOIII1ENTS Into healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS dopo sitionsndall UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are redireed, as well as pain and infiummatiou. . HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weaknesses arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, EARLY INDISCRETION OR ABUSE, Attended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to exertion. Loss of memory, Weak nerves. Horror of disease, Dimness of vision, Hot bands, Dryness of the skin. Trembling-, Wakefulness, Pain In the back, Flushing of the body, Kruptions on the face. Pallid coimtemmce. Universal lassitude of Loss ol power the muscular system. Difllcnlty of breathing. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows t Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can any that they are not frequently followed by those "dlrelul diseases, I.SAITV AND COSSL'MPTIO. Mnny Bre aware of the ciiuse of their snfTcrlng, but none will confess. The records of the Insane Asy. lums and the melancholy deaths by consumption bear. ample witness ol Die trutu ot tne assertion. The Constitution once AflYcted with Organic Weakness, Reauires the aid of medicine to itrengtlicn and invig orata the system, which Helinbold's Extract of Uucliu invariuoly does. A trial win convince tue must sitep tical. Females, Females, Females, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE OR MARRIED Oil CONTEMPLA TINU MAUUIAUE. In muny aflcctinns peculiar to families, the Extract u..-t... ....n...i n.t.u. ....... n. ;,. r't.i.. DUlllU la ,iiicnin,ieu vj mi; wnioi iohicu; , no ... rosts or retention. Irreiruliirilv. Puinfuiliess. or Sun- oressiun of Customary Evaruntious. Ulcerutetl or Kcliirroiis slHte of Ilia Uwrus, Lcucorrhea or Whites. Sterility. and for all complaints incident to the sex. wlictlier arising iroin indiscretion, uuous oi uissips tton, or in tin) llltLnG OR CIIAOK of 1,1 m, IStt Symplomt Above) No Family Should be Without It. Take no Balsam, Mercury or nuplensant mediclue for unpleasant and dangerous disonses. Ilelmbold'a Extract Buchu IMPROVED ROSE WASH Heoret DIeae In all their MivrM ; at Utile expeusai little or no cnange in aid no inconvenience, AXD NO EXP08UKE. It caiiien freanent deiire. and irivee Rtrenifth to Url nate, thereby removing nbstructmni, pieventintr and cunnif it net n ret of the t rethra, almvin? ram and in- Oammation. m frequent in this cla of di-ertse, and DISEASED ASD IVORS OCT MA TTER. Thousands upou Thousands, WHO HAVK BEEX THE Vlt'TI.119 OF QUACKS, And who have mid IIKAVY KKES to be cured in a abort time, hava found thoy were deceived, and that the "Foisou" hns. by the 'use of "Powerful Astrin gents," been dried up in the system, to break out iu au aggravated torm,anu PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. IIELltlBOLD-M EXTRACT III t ilt' For all alfectioits and diseases of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in MALE or FEMALE, from whatever cause originating, and no niuiter OP IIOW I.O.K MTAKDIIU. Diseases of those organs require the aid of a Diuretic. Helmbold'a Extract Buchu IS THE CHEAT DILltKTIC, Aud it Is certain to have the desired effect in all Die eases for winch it is recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable char actcr will accompany tne medicines. C'KHTIFICATEa OP 'I RK From 8 to "0 years sta'ding, with names known to acit.itfi ana tA.vt.. Physicians Please Notice. WE MAKE SO 8ECUKT OF "INGREDIENTS.1 Helmbold's Extract Duchn Is comnneed of Buchn, Cubebs and Jnniper Berries. selected w tin great cars by a eomielnt druggist. PREPARED IN VACUO By II. D. IIEL1IBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, and sole tuanufae turer ol llelmbold's Genuine Preparation. AFFIDAVIT i Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, II. H. Helmbold, who being duly sworn, doth ear, his preparation contains no narcotic, no mercury, or other lujunous drugs, bnt are purely revetable. HBIIKLMHOl.lt tworn and subscribed before tne this ?.'d day of No rember, .M p. illHBAKD. Alderman, Ninth street, above hUce, Phila. PHVail'IAtia) t ATTEDAX K .FROM S A. X. TO 8 P. M. Btmrt of Co.nlerfriUrs and l'principttj ittaitrt. Who endeavor to dispose -or THEIR OWN" and "otner ' article oa toe reputation attained by HclmboM'o Genuine Preparations. cstrart uncya, " ferwparilla. " " Improred Kiwe Wash Void by Praggists evoi y wbero. Ask Itor IILIBOLD'8 Tikf loOthrr. Cat oat tho advenieraieal and send for il, tni oreW inaweitiea aaal epessre. HOCTatTTKal, aniTIt DBA, Agent for tho Pacile Coast, San Francisco. Sold by SMITH & DAVIS, Portland. Attii tl. Uo3 t tgi Cor. Broadway C. HI)lTO,l )A.So., rancuco. (liitt. j WMl WILSON & CI. .HrOIIKKS AID WMOLKIALK D.AI.r.EI 1 Fine Brandies, Wines and Liquors, Hiiv UMm Kronl Nlitct.cor- Klr. rroorcuj..".,,. line of goods that Ptf'J-Ji V,IA Also, that we are sdimg goods ut san ' " .,N(J. I'll PKIt'KS and giiaruntreuigH'C"1 to He U"" 1XEZ - stock being at . all times subject to the ttrictttt AcmlcaX anahtotwH. No trade solicited except In FINE UpM. irnn COSSIIII If PART Of FINE OLD BRANDIES, Oturd imp H y Co.. Jim. lii-iiiii'tiyi ,.. I niKMl Vliicvurd Frop'rs, A. Boiuoldc Co., Pinot, CaMlllon & Co., j. juarqurii, A. Nil'UIIOtt, Union of Uie Froiiiidors, AND VARIOUS OTHER BRANDS. Fine old PORT and SHERRY WINES. Pure old Oporto Port. Fineold Burgundy Port,(weot,heavy) Duff Gordon. Pale and Uoldcn Sherry, Harmony Nephews ..AND.. Cobbler Sherry, (fine- and heavy.) CHAMPAGNE AND CASE WINES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. TT'lue Oia JAMAHJA xinm, ST.CHOlXHUiW PURE HOLLAND GIN WB OLD WIIIMKKVB. Stewart and Harvey' Old Scotch O'Xclll's flnc Old MALT. OLD BOURBON. OF THE FINEST QUALITY. HUPKItIOKOLI KYK. Old Peach and Cherry Brandy OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. ll.n ,. l,.r orlment of CASE GOODS of every description used in tne inpiur ura. , v'u W Lawn Ml. hII times larue nilttlltlties Of 1.1- quors put up in suitable packages for packing to the ty Orders from Merchants and Dealers respect fully solicited. a, rn ii u ill in i i ujv w Portland, August l4ili,li'J MM Why do you use anj. Inferior Article tttITRV vnn pan buy at tie same price I lue V V celebrated "Downer'! Kci'omuic Oil" Tl, ...u,l mira wlnlAHItll lion CXnloiive. burn inirwillia brilliunt. steady tiume, nun comuiuing im lie uiivaiitagea of tins lucoliipnru'He nnu cueapcB lliiiiiinator. without tlio attendant risk and dungur ot explosious in using a poor article. Salem. Jan. 19th. 1803. 4ulf DO VOU WAXT TO Bl'V A FAlIM inn .1 n onnil FADM of 320 acres near Silver- 1 ton, Marion comity, well sitniited, and under good Improvement.. There Is on It a large, weii nineiien IHll'SK. a MAUN and other ouihouscs 1 several hue ORCH AKDS of choice fruit, in bearing ; a number of splendid, living springs of wntor. and other conven iences which, together, make it really a desirable farm. Terms. Part pay down and Ihe balance on reason able time, with security. Apply to Rrlem, 8ept. 8, 1SK 28tf Agent. Commission and Purchasing Agent, BAN FRANCISCO. ORDERS for the purchase of Merchandise andjurti clcs of every description, are solicited by the un dersigned. A residence in tnis city 01 over ten years, ana an es perience in the business of nearly the same length ol time, are considered sufficient to warrant the confi dence of persons 111 the country who occasionally re ) uire purchases herein make then, through the agency of a reliable party ; or who may le looking for a per manent agent in Hun Francisco. To either, the adver tiser oilers his services, asHuriug all who intrust orders to him. that no elt'ort shall be snared to eierute tlieir commissions satisfactorily. Orchrs roust be accompanied wit u tliecasn orcity reference. Those desiring information concerning the under signed, are referred to 0 ... ... , ... . r. . 0 .. ... : vt in. 1 . loiemun at wo., oun r ruiii-.m-u. ' J. H. Gogliill h Co., C. tanglev, Drugvist, " flint, Pea'hody Ii. Co.. " Ira P. Rankin, " Itoss, Dempster t Co., " J. Anthony St Co., Union Olilee, Sacramento. And to the proprietor, of the Statesman, Sule.n.Ogn. N. B. Orders for Machinery, pianofortes, Melode ons, Sewing 31ael.i..es, Watches, Jewelry, dec, will be attended to by competent indues. L. P. FISIIKR, Commission and Pu:-chaing Agent, &) Washington St., up stairs, ()ppo.'.tc Maguire's Opera House, Sun Francisco. Muva.lH.il. 9if OUlt TI3IK HAW COME. A IX persons indebted to us in any way will please ix consider meniseives invited to come forward and settle up. If it is impossible for you to puy, coine and $ay so, and let us know when yon can. Khontd this general 'invitation not beheheedcd.it will be necesmiry for us to issue more nperinfnnA more urtrfitt appeals, at the expense of the invited. Expecting to change our business, we intend selling goods in future for the KKaIIY-PaY. 'o more ac counts made, except rere thnrt ontt. and by SPE CIAL ARRANGEMENT with PAYIXO CIS TOMKRS. J. 11. v 1. 11. yiooilKm. Salem. Oregon. Sept. auth. S7lf. FARM FOR SALE, . Containing 100 Acres of Valuable Land, Fenced, IIuuilMome Dwelllujf IIoumo, A FINE MEADOW OF 50 ACUES, Orchard of Choice unified Ff ait, of about TWENTY AIRES, GOOD BARN, &0., fee. This farm is situated about three miles from Port lond on the base line road, offering an excellent op portunity to a person desirous ot eniravinv iu the bus luess of gardening for the Portland mnrket Apply to RICHARDS At JlcCHAKEK, 16 Krout St. Portland. ltiihiirl .Tr( ruken, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, ..AKD JOilBRS IS.. Oregon Flour, Fruit, Bacon, Lard, UKA1M. ., Ac. LIMK, CEMENT and PLASTER received by every sailing- vessel. mr Will attend to the purchase and shipment of m.iu'w v, vTerr uesenpuon .n ine rastern and Sn Francisco markets. A Iso, to forwarding goods in San Francisco nnd Portl nd. The fflfbmlfd lanny Braprr and Sowtr, and Airricnltnral Implements of every description furnished for cash at San Francisco cost and trans, portal ion. We will alio attend to the sal of Oreiron Produce in ictona, hav.nt established a home iu that place nnder the management of Mr. D. Fisk, a gentleman of eight year.' experience in the trade in Sun Fran JOHNtdcCHAKKN, JO.ESB.irHAn,'W'W'''"A r Sacramento streei. San Francisco. ejltf YV. WAMED. si ' flAN E .,rTFK- M1Xlt J HE" Also, will pay CASH for WOOL a. i u w, HELL BROWS. Solera, March 7, 18.3. ,f Blmikat Blnnka! Urr. have Just printed a quantity of Execntions Tax Keceipts. Administrators and Exerolor. IWt, Letters of Administration. Utters Testamentary Promissory Notes, lonnty Orders, Proof of ill K, pojoaa. Appraisers' Commissions, Blank Deeds ate ror sale by the single copy or hundred Orders J eoaipanied with ihe cash promptly attended to. ale. Angus, ,. X' WtKlt- FIRE Arilli" PR00F Tmr eMITIIAv DAVIS UUll'."''. , ii -7577X00 HO LIC. a UlirlilV Coin'untrii.ted VEGETABLL tAinaui, APUKBlONIO. "I nni'Vtliri) Hf .. .si.M- Jlnli.a Pa DR. C. M. JACKSOn, rnnauuiF..., WILL trfHTUSI.1.1 im- MVUH 1',,,'A,!!I'C.V.. IS VHPICI'I A. CIIKOMC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, nlNKAMBH OP Tim , And all Diuaiei arising from a Dmrdcrta L,iver or oiomacn, such lis Constipation Inward Piles, Ful ness or Wood to the Head, Acidity of the Stmiiucli, Nan- ., Hem (burn, Pigt '""'' Fulness or Weight in Htomncli, Hour Eriiclations, Hinkfiig or V uttern.g a t t o Vit of the Stomach, Swimming of he H u d, ..' 1 '1 ... .1 iiiinlt. Hrcnt iiiiK, I'liittoring at b. lie art Choking or Knlfocaling Hcnsatious when ' In tying P" "I""" ' V'J'i,H,ni1' p ?r We . before the Sight, Fever and ,''m in tho Head, lMkieticy 01 'l"'"" y ellowi.es. of the Skin in the Side. Hack, Chc ,Un.bs,4tc. Budden Flushes of Ilcut, Hurn ing In the Mesh, Cmi stunt Iminiiiiingi of . Evil and Ureal Depression of Spirits, and will positively prevent yellow Fever, Uillious Tevcr, &e. They contain ko Alcohol ok bad wiimkev, Thev will cure the above diseases 11 wnoiy nine cusos out of a hundred. . .... . j 1... .i.v,,..iv. sale aud universal popular- itr of lioolland's (lennan Hitler, (purely veactahle) lfo.W of ignorant (junck. and unscrup.. ... H. Wen u ore, l.nvo opened upon siiucrii K 7 -"- uates of Nostrums 111 me "" r v - ' , ,., , cZmLZi with injurious drugs, and christened ion ics, Stoiiiuchics and Diltcrs. , ...m. Hewuro of the Innumerable array of Ahol olm nreuara ioiis in plethoric hollies and b.g hel hod aXmdc'r the n.odc.tppelh.li". of It.tter. , vvlnc h , instead of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave the disnppointcd sullcrcr in uespu.r. IIOOFLAND'S uEK.uAN liiiitiw. Are not u new and untried article, but , have stood the test of liftccii years liial by tne American nuoi, ; and their rcpntiiiion and sale, ..re not rivalled oy any similar preparation . 1 lie proprietors nave ,uuww-.-. most eminent CLERGYMEN. LAWYEKS. I'HYSICIANS, AND CITIZEN'S, Testifying of their own personul knowledge, to tho beneficial cllectsnnd medical virli.os of those Hitters. DO YOU WANT BOMISl'UINU TO BTUliNUTU- T)n YOu'vVAST A OOIID Al'I'F.TITltf W YOII WANT TO UUIbD W YOUR COX- sin u i iu.-v i . DO YOIT WANT TO FUEL WELL? DO YOtJ WAST TO GET KID OF NERVOUS NESS? . DO YtllJ WANT ENERGY! DO YOU WANT TO SLKKP WKLbf DO YOU WANT A BltlK AMD VIGOROUS KEI!lIfN?on do, nse IIOOFLAND'8 GERMAN DITTKliS. From Rev. J. Nrtrton Brown, D. P., Editor of Ihe Enryclojirtiia of Rtlipout Kiumledne. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pat ent Medicines in general, through distrusl of tlieir in gredients and effects , I yet know of no sufficient rea sons why a mun mnv not testify to the benefits he be ii..... i,fm.eir to have received from liny siinnle pre- puraiion. in the hope thul he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more reamiy m regaru to noonunu a Gorman Bitters, prepared hy Dr. C. M. Jackson of this city, because I wus prejudiced against them for" many yeur., under Ihe impression hat they were chiefly nn alcholic mixture. 1 am ludebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq , for the removal of ihie prejudice hy proper tests, and far encouragement to try them, when suffering from great nnd long con tinued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bit tors, ut the beginning of tho present year, wus follow ed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bialily and nieutul vigor which I hud not fell for six months before, and hod almost deswirvd of regaining. I therefore tliiink God and my friend for diactiug me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadrlphia, June S3, 1K..1. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There art many preparation iold under Ifo nam of Bitters, put up in quart bottle compounded of the rhenpent ickixky or common rnm, totting from & to 40 cent per frofion, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander tired. This class of Bitten has caused and trill continue to cause, a lonft as thry ran he sotd, hundreds to diet the death of the drunkard. B their use the system t kept continually under the itiduencr of Alcholic Sfim ulanls of the trvrst kiwi, the desire for Liquor it created and kept up, and the result is all the korrorg attendant upon a drunkard's life and death, Eur those who desire and W'i.L HAVE a Liquor Bitters, tre publish the f olhirinr rereipt : Get OSE BOTTLE HOOFLASirS (iER.MAS BIT TERS and mix with THREE QUARTS OF (JOOD BRASDY OR WHISKY, and the result mil be a preparation that trill EAR EXCEL i medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the nu merous Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost Mt'CH LESS. You v,ll iave alt the virtues of WiOELASli'S BITTERS in connection with a (MOD article of Liquor at a mrck less price than these inferior preparations trill cost you. ATTENTION, S0LD1KUS! Anil lVioiidM orHulUlcm! We call the attention of all baring relations or friends ill the iirmy to the fact that " IIOOFL tND'S German Bitters" will cure nine-tenths of the diseasca ilidm-ed by exposures and privations incident to camp life, lu ihe lists, puhliidiru almost dajly in the news papers, on Ihe arrival of the sii-k. it will be noticed that a very large proportion are siitleriiiir from debility every case of that kind can be readily cured by Hooliuud's German Bitters. Discuses resulting from disorders of the digestive orgtiii. are eieedily le moved. We have no hesitation in stating that, if these Bitters were freelv used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will be lost. We call particular attention to the following re markable nod well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, whose life, to npis own mnguuge, "bus been saved by the Bitters :" pHii.snti.rHi t, Augnst Kl, 18.13. Afrwrs. Jontt .V Emm : Well, gentlemen, vonr Hoofiuud'e German Bitters bus snved inv lite. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by linmlwro of my rumnidrs, some of whose names are npH'iidcd, and who were fully cognizant of all thecircimislancea ol my case. I am. and have been lor the lust four years, a member of Slicriiinii'sctlebruted battery, and under the imuiediu'e command of Capt. R. B. Avree. Through the exposure attendant upon my arduous du ties. 1 was attacked in November Inst with inflamma tion of the lungs, and was tor seventy-two davs in the hospital. This wus followed by great debility, height ened by an attack ol dysentery. I was then removed Iroiu the W bile House, and sent to this city on board the steamer "State of Slame." from whk-h 1 landed on the'JKlh of June. Since Unit lime i have been about as low as one could be and still retain a spark or vital ity. For a week or more I was n-a.cely able Io swal low anything, mid if I did force a morsel down, It waa immediately thrown up again. I could not even keen a uIhu .! .i., M m arh. Life ran Id not lust under these circumstances: and. accordingly, the physiciuns who bad beeu work ing fkithtully, though unsurccsetully, to rescue nie from the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly told tne they could do no more for me, and advised me to see a cl.rgymun, and to make such disposition of my limited funds as best suited me. An aciiiaiiititnce who visited me al the hospital, Mr. Frederick Stcmbrou. ol Sixtb below Ar, h street, advised me. a. a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bo"le. Front the time I commenced taking them, the gloomy shadow of death receded, aud 1 am now, thank God for it, getting better. Though 1 have taken but two bottlee, I have gamed ten pounds, and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejuiu my wife and daughter, trom wbom 1 have heard uutl.n.ic foreightecn mouths for, gentle men, I am a loyal irgin.au. from the vicinity of Front To Tmir invnliiabl-. Hitlers I owe the certain ly of life which has taken the place of vugue rears lu your Bitter, will I owe Ihe glorious privilege of gain clasping to my bosom those who are dearest to to me in lite. Very tnilr vmirs. . , . . , ISAAC MA LONE. W e fully roncir in Iht troth of the above statement as we had despaired of seeing our roairade, Mr. Ala lone, restored to heahb ?iV'ni..-rw'!'li'-K.-B,Asr1!t N,w "utter. GhOHGt A. AIM.EY. Co. C 11th Maine LKWISCHEVALlER.WdwYorl, I h M'ENCKK.lsi Artillery, Battery F. LBvuA!iuEWJ:LL 10 Vermont' I ENR B JKHOMK.CO.D. do. RSW'"' l' -' ft Maine. V,t,t vMKI, t0 l" 5,11 Maine. I I.RMANN MX H, Co. j, 7,y Sew Tork- N H THOM AS. IV F,.sh Pent. A.J KIMHAM..IV A, 3d Vermont. JOHN JENKINS, Co. 11, HXith Penu. BE WAKE OF COl'XTEItTEITS! .i l!'?,,M.t-.'i,rn,,""T pf "c- JACKSON," ia on theWHApPEKofearhbotlla. ' W.onld yonr nearest druggist not have the ariirle.do not be put off by any of the ini.niminu .;.. thai amy be offered in its tdare. bui ...a ,.. ... .. a will forward, securely parked, by express. Principal Offire and Mnnnrurinrj, KO. UI ARCH HTRRRT, JONES 6c EVANS, Proprietor!. Successors to C. M. JACKStiV A. i n SU'.TH 4s DAV13. Portland, AgufvtOtcpin. C-Jy