The Rebels ara Discouraged. Lata tiles of the Richmond papers contain excerpts frnni rebel newspapers, oorrestiond enoo nnd editorial, which bow that rebel hones ore (Inking Taut. At no tirao tinoe tho war be gan lifts there hoeu such a gonernl tone of de spondency pervading the rebel press as now. '1 rue, the Examiner and a few of tho uiiiro sturdy sort are whistling desperately to keep their courage np, hut, even amid the acrimo nious and sore headed "leaders' of tho most Influential journals appear confessions of the immiuoncy of the end of their straggles which aro rcmnrkahle. The Qolumhus (Ga.) Timti lias mndo up s table hy which it shows what proportion of troops will coroo from each State under tho Into ooutorintion en mane of ,KtT. Davis. It liases its calculations upon the cen sus of 1850. ' The editor theu ndds that a fair ratio of in crease for the decade Inut past has becu added to the figures of the census rjf 1850. Imt that one-third of Tennessee and two-thirda of -g oin have been deducted from the amount credited to those States, as that proportion of tin two States is in possession of the force of the Union. Of the total, 9,",324, tho Timet it.., . i & n - nm i.. ... pnj iiini m tciist, .j.wt'ii are now in me service, leaving only about 70,000 to he rained hy tho conscription. Uatlier a bail outlook that for jeu., especially wtien we remnniiier tlmt Ar kansas, Louisiana mid Texas havu been segre gated from the other rebel States by the open ing of the Mississippi, and tlmt we ure in a ' fair way to split off Mississippi, Alabama, and a big slice of Georgia before the conscription ' can be enforced. Yet, right upon the heels of this calculation, comci the wail of tho ltiilrigli Progress, which, in the oonrse of an article copied and commended hy the Richmond .Sen tinel, admits that "the condition of affairs is such that we must havo more troops or aban don tho cause." The Enquirer of the 'i'M of July concludes a lachrymose article with an indictment of the rebel President, sayltijr that his culpability consists in his not using all the powers conferred upon him by tho Constitution "that he has foiled to demand a new lease of the power to suspend the Habeas Corpus Act baa failed to ask for new laws regulating the election of army officers ; has failed to remon strate against the law authorizing army sur geons to issue long furloughs by wholesale for change of air ; and has not unbred the con sci iption of all foreigners, including the Con sols, as he ought." Tho article concludes by saying that the editor has views which will soon be announced, that readers may see how ' Imminent is the crisis which If "not pressing enough, perhaps will he next week." Army correspondence of tho same paper, dated at Martiusburg, July 14th. shows that a generul feeling of disgust and disappointment pervades tho rebel army at their nou-snccoss in their lute invasion, of which the writer speaks in terms of sarcasm, saving that what he saw ol ' Maryland convinced him "tlmt Maryland is ' neither with as, nor of us ; for my part, I say 'let tier alone,' I believe she Is 'joined to her idols.'" Of Mnrtiiishurg and vicinity the same wi iter has no better opinion, saying that one feels opon entering the place that he had left Virgiuia and entered Yankeedmn, the town lli-tnff tilir..lir IJninnivmil Tim r.ilml (tiers, he complains, are scowled at hy the resi dents, hilu tho Yankee prisoners were actually cheered by dwellers opon the soil of Old Vir ginia, and those who were esteemed as the fast friends of the Confederacy had the hardihood to minister to the wants ul the captured "min ions of Lincoln." The North Carolina papers tiro still recalcitrant, and prophecy ruin, disns- ter, and another revolution il the iron hand of despotism of Richmond is not relaxed from the (jtate. The Standard says that, ns usual, the' old North Htate is called npon to bleed more freely than any of the rest of 'the Confederate States, notwithstanding she has sent from homo mine of her sous thnn the Confederacy has nl- ' lowed to remain for the support and protection of the aged and defenseless, and adds that North Carolina may reach a point beyond which easy forheurauce would lie no virtue, but crime. That is bold talk for rcheldom. Sunday California Item. The confirmed surveys, with pluls. certifi cates, elo., annexed, of several nrivale land wived from the Surveyor (ienernl of California for final adjudication at the General Laud Of fice. Of these are the Minn iog i Claim of Jose Maurice Amador, at Sun ttmunii. nm.inli. ing 1(1.516 U.V 100 acres) of John Yonutt. ad ministrator of the estate of J use1 Dolores Pit eheoo, nt Santo Kiln, containing H.H!i4 4-IH0 acres; and of Jose Maria I'lores, at La Lieo ra, containing 44.700 50-100. The Medical Director ol the Department of New York hue beep ordered by Surgeon Gen eral Hammond to collect and send to Califor nia a corns of Assistant Surgeons, number not stated, giving them transportation nlld lit pet moo ih. This is like carrving cools to Kewciiellc, for n Snfgonn from California. Dr. A. O. Soule, of Yulia eoiinlv. has just been detailed for duly at Fort Schuyler, New York barbor. Ex Govrroor 8. L. Harding, of Utah, is an applicant for the Governorship of Ducotuh. de clined by John A. Potter i hut he has been put off with the office of Chief Justice of Color do, whereat he Is not reconciled. He is not a man of great diffidence. Ill the Richmond Sentinel, July 2.'Id. appear ed the following item in a stock sale advertise ment t "In addition to the above 11.000 Sacra mento City (California) six per cent, bonds, coupons, ItfflS and ItHW attached good foreign remittance. Who was the-Calfornia rebel that had those sold in Uie Confederacy. "OnpilKt-a C. KitRK."as, he chooses to rail himself in print, has already' depatled lor the land of Opiiir. He fell in love nith and mar ried Adah Isaacs Menken, the actress, who also called herself Mrs. Ileeonn, a title which the pugilist of that name declined to admit she wore with his authority. Adah is gay, dashing, handsome, and beautifully formed, and Orpheus was romantic. Impulsive and fan cied his wife a divinity in lights or giiuto thinguuiya. They soon discovered that liny bad mentally erred in selecting each oilier. He could not endure her love of pnhlio admir ation. She uvula" hare her way. He grew wretched. His fun forsook him. He could write w ell no more. First he determined to go into tho army and gel shot. Next, he rmolred to go to California, with his wife and get rich. ' She preferred the latter programme, and so ends the story. St. Louis Democrat. A Disit Gen. Frank Gardner, the recent rebel commander at Port Hudson, is a deserter from the United States army. He held a commission at the beginning uf the re bellion, aud entered the service of the traitors without w aiting to tender his resignation. Ho is liable, therefore, at any time to he tried and shot for bis treason rnd desertion. We believe he is a eon uf Col. C. K. Gaidiur, formerly Purveyor General uf Ibis Slate. The tailo r, we are glad to know, is intensely firm iu his loyalty, as also are bis sons, Clinton and Charles, who were well known In Oregon. The latter baa been for some lime the faithful Ad jutant General of the division under Major General Parke, formerly connected with Ilia N. W. boundary oniniuiiviou, Kationai, Democratic Coiimittcr. Newport, . I., August 13. At a meeting of the klecutive Committee of the National Detnnoratio Committee, held at Newport to day. the following resolution was unanimously passed i Resolve J, Thai a meeting of the National Democratic Committee be called at the St. Niobolaa Hotel, New York, on Monday, Sep. leaner 7, 1&& at noon, fur the porposa of hi ing the time and plaoe for holding the next National Democratic Convention, and to lake into csHwideralion such other- matters of inter est OS will probably com before the Cornea- A Youthiti. Major Gkmskal. Frank J Ilerron, of Iowa, is the youngest Major Gen-t-ral In the United Statea army. He Is only 20 years of age, bot his bravery, efficiency aud meat ars worth of niaitm-r ytart. KAHTKKN 3N1SWH. BY TELEflRA PH VIA YHEKA. Bombardment of Forts Sumter anL Moultrie, Burning of Lawrence, Kansas, by Guerrillas. DKCMMK OF CIOI.D, AC. LmTMVti.LB, August 21. Nothing is known positively as to the .move incuts of Rosecrnns' arm)', except that it is moving in a due easterly direction, supposed to be destined for Chattanooga. It is supposed that Uurnsidu's force, now on the move, will act iu conjunction with Iliuecrans and will sweep through Eastern Tennessee and occupy it. Sending urmy news from Tennessee is for bidden at present. Nothing will he known till objeots are nooomplished. Negro regiments are being rapidly organized In Kosccraus' da- pnrtment; already live or six are under way at jsasnviiie, w inciiesicr, aim i uiiaiioimi. Jackson, Mihh.. August 18. Federal cavalry from Y uzoo City reached Dnrant Station on the Cent nil Miss. Railroad. They captured a train anil did serious damage to Ihn road to the northward. Tint Yankees are carrying two locomotives and trains north ward, and a heavy raid is coining south from Memphis and Charleston nutil. Lkavknwoiitu, Aueurt 21. About six o'clock last iiiulit the iruerrilln Chief Quantrell with 300 strong, crossed Iroin Missouri to Kansas, near Gardner, liu miles below here, and started for Lawrence, urriviug there at 4 o'clock this morning', he posted guards around tlie city so no citizens could es oape. The remainder uf his command pillaged stores, snooting citizens, und tired houses, gentleman who managed tn escape hy hiding; in a cornfield, says ho swain the river nt eight o clock, ami on reaching tho lilnlT on this side, had a plain view of tho city which was in flames. Ho thinks the loss (2.000.000; by this lime much more as they seemed determ ined to destroy everything that would hum. We cannot learn that any resistance was made, the people being taken by surprise, the first alarm being the crackling of the Amies ami shouts of the rebels. Gen. James II. Lane was in the city ami it is feared he hits fallen into the hands of the guerrillas. A large num ber of Union troops have been sent iu pursuit, hut the result is not known. The Mayor of this city has issued a proclamation, saying that people need have no apprehension ol ('er, rtu every able bodied citizen is requested to provide himscll with arms mid hold liiiusell us readiness to aid his mends in nny part ol I he State at a moment's notice. He censures the General commanding tilt.- District, who, with 5,000 men under his coiuiiutiid, allowed a few guerrillas to go 50 miles into the interior, burn a city mid destroy f 2,000,000 worth of proper ty. He iutiimites.that citizens must depend on themselves for defense of the city and Statu, Washington. August 22. A late Chattanooga paper has the following: Wo look for the worst at Charleston. It will never be taken as it stands however. Jour nals of that city may put their best lace on the matter from motives of patriotism hut we bud ns well prepare for any emergency. A correspondent of the Savannah Uepubli a growls considerably at I lie reconstruction tulk of the Raleigh. (N C.) Standard, and suvs our late reverses have developed a number ol cases of weak kneed fellows, who are ready to Tall down ami lieg mercy ol their xanliee masters. Cincinnati. August 22. Troops continue to puss through the city. News from liumsidc is to the Mills. It is now predicted that oar udniucf will engage Buck Iter in two weeks. The troops are in line spir its and pii-hliig forward .nwurd Kooxville. from reliel sources comes the prediction ol an other raid into Kentucky, wln-n harvest, com mences. Not credited in military circles. Ni:w YnltK, August 22. Special Washington soys a letter Iroin no of ficer iu high command in Army of the Com herlnnd has been received, and says the whole country hetween ChultiMiouga and J --(.(- .. I. II ..f yl ---,.. -..... ...i i. . i. ...,, army. Di-niiwuciioii exists mostly uuiuug Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee reg incuts, who say tin-) have nothing lelt lo light for. Troops bom other States say they will also desert as soon ns their States nic oeuopieo hy Union troops. It in known that two Mis sissippi ami one Louisiana regiment left iu body, there being no lorce to stop llieiu. Judge Goodwin, Chief Ju.lico ol Arizona, has been appointed Governor of that Territory lo till the vacancy caused hy tho death of Gurley. it is known in New York that an Ariiouiaii expo ditioii will leave that city iu a few days. Wahiiiniitdn, August 22. liebel cavalry are busy enforcing conscrip lion in Virgiuia south and west ul the Happn hunuiH'k. Suiiie districts have heuouio nearly depopulated nf aide bodied males none uf them and but a few old women mid children rcinuiued. Parlies nro also scouring tho conn try for provisions ami forage. There is wide spread sullermg. hears ure entertained of luiuiue the coming inter. Negna's are being run south to keep lliem Iroin lulling into the hands of thu I uukeit urmy. FoM'Ign Jlcwi. Nr.w Y'ihk. August 22. It is officially announced that the Emperor of Austria, iu an autoxnipli letter dated July ;ilst, has invlled all sovereigns of the Geriuamu Confederation suituble lo the reiiiireiiients ol the ngr. The Emperor proposes Fiaukforl as the plaoe and the Kit la ol Aogn-i the time for the meeting. rOt'RTII DiaPATf II. Nrw Yom. Aug. 22. The Herald has the following s lleailipiarters Army uf liilouiac. Aug. 21. Information from different sources leads lo the! belief I hat rebels ant lest inr our front and in ing lo Richmond. Desetlers from army say movements of troops ton arils Fredericks hutg was uuly a rose in cover Veal object of Lee which was, leading his men southward via (iordousvillv. Day before yesterday, large botlies of rebel cat ally marched towards Hap iiahanuock, driving in our pickets. They came boldly deploying In fine line of battle mdi r. Im mediately, all the corps along the river were put in motion under arms, and in this position liter remained until morning, alien the enemy had withdrawn. A pavalrt recntiuoissauue as then made which. went as fur as Culpepper but found no enemy on the contrary, obtained such information as leads to the belief that the n hole rebel ;furee had left in the direct ou of Gordonsville. A complete panic prevails in Richmond. To obtain greenbacks, many deal ers w if) lake no oilier money for w Imt tliey sell. 1 he i.xouirer pilches loin ;hc Jew tirocllvi ties of Itetijaniin. rebel Secretary) rough sisal. mill classes He manni as one ot the kind The army of ihe Cnmberlaudjiss umrchtd to Chattanooga in 3 divisions. Cllli'AOo, An. 22- Washington ourrespon-leul of Ihe Cincinnati Uattlte saystleii. Itusrcraits has been author lied to mount Ihe whole of Ins division, and lo arm lliem Willi Sharp's or some oilier rnvalri carbine, and In add In the mounted force thus raised a body id from il to .Valtl regular cav alry Advantage Iu be gained by this orgaoiislioo oaiilini lie over tsliuiali vl. LoriaviiXR. Aug 22. Nashville (,'ai'oa sais iiiloriiislion of a r ha ble character confirms pieviously published re ports oi the iienmraiii ttioo ot llragg a army reniifssceans are t-stcciaHy averse lo psitloi paling any further in the war. There Is great suffering and destitution Iu North Alabama, ptople being confii.ed Invert' scant supply nf floor and vegeiablea for food. Meal is not to lie bail, except iu the smallest quantities, and Ihe prospects for coming wittier are tiara and dismal. U nless rebel Is ottered, the pour, huudreds uf them, uiusl die of s'.arva lion. San Fkaxcuco, Arc. 2.1. A call of a number uf our prominent cilitrns oantrti to tmnnnaiv anntner iieaei in opposition to Ihe one already nominated by the republican convention, baa been issued. - PlIILADRI IIIA, Ang. 2-1. . A letter dated on board flag shin Dinsrcore, olT harlcrtoo, 13th, sail the attack cow- menced da before yesterday morning t day light by sicgo euns of Gen. Gilmore. At 6 o'clock Dahlgreen proceeded 'on hoard We- liawuin anil with Ironsides ami entire monitor fleet attacked batteries Wagner and Gregg with irreat furv. nomnletelr ilftielnir Wnirner and aliimsf silencing Gregg The wooden gun boats, seven in number, also joined in assault and enabled all shore batteries to pnnr their shot and shell into Sumter. At 10 o'clock Ad miral changed his flair to Pusaic and with Pa- tapsco proceed within HOOynrdsnf Sumter and shelled the sea walls with the rifled guns of hose vessels for an hour with marked effect. Sumter fired about fifty return shots doing no damage tn the vessels, while the walls nf Sum were badly seared. Captain John Rogers of Cntskill went within 100 yards of beach in front of battery Wngner. After firing number of shots, a shot from Wagner broke and piece ol tho interior lining struck lingers killing turn instantly ami also a paymaster who was stand ing at Ins siilo. these were the only casual ties on laud or water during six hours bombard ment. Damage done to Sumter can be Seen without glasses. KchcU had built n false wall opposite our batteries. It extended tn within ten feet of the top of the wall, was forty feet high and ten feet thick. 1 his wall is now a mass of ruin w hilst the old wall was broken full of deen holes The nnrnpet Is crushed nud ragged while the northwest wall is gapped nod cracked down almost to the water s edge. The harbor nud Stono river are full of torpe does. Ahnut twelve of them have been picked up in Stono. One exploded under Putupscn raising her n foot out of the wati r but doing no damage. No duinugo was done to any nf the vessels during the hunt. 1 he Admiral ana oi ficers aro confident of ability of thu monitors tn batter down Sumter. He is. however, inclined to snve these vessels for the heavy work re quired after Sumter has fallen, and let tho ar my reduce the fort if possible. The fleet with exception of Wehawken and Nnhant returned at 2 pm. They were required to keep Wag ner Quiet add prevent removal of euns. Shore butteries continued firing during the afternoon and night with good effect. The batteries are still at work this morning (lOih). The We hankin and Patapsco are in position to keep Wagner and Gregg quiet. When tho Arkan sas left, the fleet was at its moorings. Gilmore announces that the w-irk t litis fur has been en tirely satisfactory, and that Sumter has been dam nired ereatly. Tho loss uf Captain ling ers is in null regreted hy the Admiral. When the Arkansas lelt. at 7 o clock, on morning ol 19th. huge volumes of smoke arose from Sum ter from burning of cotton. Officers of the Arkansas believe the fort was captured, silenced or 'entirely destroyed by noon her guns replied feebly to ours. GrczK was entirely silenced. Wanner still held out. Thu hoiutmrdincht of Wednesday mornim; (Will) continued as fori uusly as ever. Tho Ironsides, five monitors and tlio shore batteries being engaged. Refugees from Savannah say there is nearly a famine in that city. rillLAIif.l.PHIA, .''g. 2U. By Arkansas. Navy Department, received dispatches confirming the above. l'IFTH DIMPATC'll. Nrw York. August 21. Money ensy nt S'a)7 per cent. Gold unset- tied s opening nt 2.'i. declining to closing ut uorernuieiil slocks il rm ami un changed. New Yoiik. August 24. The Ilerald'l special says, Li e has been re ceiving reinforcements for the past two weeks, and is evidently iiicparine to attack us. Our scouts report the enemy iiiiikioir another cam puigii. which contemplates a movement similar to that of August lt. Deserters corroborate this news. N.C.. August 22, Rehel newspapers iu tins State clamor loudly for the supprci-siou of the Raleigh titanJara. lie olliclal paper, which of late hills defiance to Davis and the destroyers of the Confederacy. The lloUou, Teiin.. Journal says, speaking ol lining's army. We don't know its strength, but taking its present status iu consideration. Willi the well known ndroiluess and sagacity of his antagonist. Ilrugg will find I, is position hur.unl mo, uiul t.rtt..' ..I.- l.u-.. im (frenter ell l.ii ii limn now setlis ro ovixr l i- purnnt that Rnseeriius intends lo flank both sides nud no doolit throw another diversion Into F.ift Tennessee, by way ol Spuria, thus compelling itnigg lo loll lined to Atlanta. pimruKHM MiiNituH. August 24. Steamer Maple Leaf, from elf Charleston Aug 211, arrived. When she left. Sumter's guns were silenced, several breaches hail been made in I he walls of Wagner, mill by the aid of sharpshooters, the guns uf the batteries were nearly silt nceil. Mkmpiiis. August 21 The steamer City of Madison was lilonn np nt Vicksburir. Wednesday the 10th. while load ing nmiiiuiiilion at the icvee; ahont (i'l lives were lost. 1 he explosion was caused by cure less handling of percussion shells hy a laborer. nTKVRNaiiN, Ark., August 22. Welder crossed the Tennessee last evening and burned a small railroad bridge near Shell Mound, thus severing communication hetween the rehel right uml left l in view of the luinrao liciibilily of the common roads, litis moreuieiil is an important affair. We a 'so secured a fer ry boat aud two barges, nud brought theui to tiiis side. The advance of the Army of the Cumberland wns before Chattanooga! August 21, and opened nr.- on Hie ciiy; dm ing the lore to soi the enemy replied from nineteen vims, mostly small, aud doing lilile damage ; our fire was very destructive, and every buttery which opened lire on ns was silenced or disabled. Euriov's works on river are said lo he very si mug nil h parapets no less thin fifteen feet wide. Several water butteries oil I lie with the rier. Discovered one steamer loo-, red in Iroot of the city t burned In-r and disabled another. An attempt to destroy pontoon bridge of forty seven bouts was frustrated by rebel slinrpshuot ,'r- I reported there are tun rebel divisions in city and one on the railroad towards Bridge port. Contrabands report that Johnston has arrived and superceded Ilrugg. Paroled men Iroio Peinbertou's army are coining mtoiiur lines I lift say tin command can never he lot to gether again. Thu rebel right nnd left cannot ctt operate because uf impracticability uf Ihe routis. Caiuu. Amr. 21. I.stest advices from Gen. Steele's (Arkansas) expedition say lliitt headquarters would be at Clarendon on While river, August 7. Small parlies of gnerrillns were constantly hovering round our Hunks anil rear, ljun boats had as ociidfil Lhilc Ruck river as fur as Searuer. tak ing 10 rebel steamers, both ill g'tod order. AI rtearot-y, rebel battery was lound ami si It-need by the Lexington with no loss; seven wounded. Ileitis destroyed uonlonu bridge by which Alarms, lose enwsea river. He was joined by I'nee on this side. Kirby Sutilll was at Little It'K-k. Rebels are reported tit he for tifyin Hit on Mela, 50 miles this side of Little Rock with iutVulinu nf making stand at that place. Lei rm stand, d-It em ! Mrmpiiir. Aug. 20. General Hurlbuit started un expedition from La Grange, Teiin , on l.'llh under Co innund of Lieut. Col. Phillips of Oili Illinois mounted in fantry, aud readied Grenada on the 17th driv ing Gen. Sherman (reliel) with 5HRH men and three pieoes of artillery from that nluoe. Thev destroyed 57 lnroiiiHltter and upwards of 400 cars, depot nuiltling. machine and blacksmith eho. A large quantity nf ordnance and stores were cttpiun-d, together with SO railroad llieu aud IHIiulN-r of other prisoners. Navr York. Anr. S4 Mori is Island letter dated 10th. stalt-e thai Giluiore's batteries conlmie Bring and Ihe walls of Sumter were gradually ciuniblin lo rums, i ne ivot-i nag ss snol attar I toe tin Ihe lSih bill was ivplsced. Violent storm rsged en lath. Parapet nf the fort la coin plelrly demolished, and abutments at south east angle mostly torn away, llrrsche have been made through a ba h our pntjeetilee fly crashing against lhe opposite walla, Deserters say t ffcel on Sumter la terrible, and that four nii-p. were killed and six wounded in Wagner on Monday. The rebel batteries on James Island continue heavy lire hot without much' damage. Sautter la gradually crumbling to ruiua. Nkhiiiond patters -of 19th sa veter- dsy the hoinhanliiKUl waa mora furious than auv previous day. The Ironsides, nx tuoui- tors and six gunboats with all the enemy's land batteries opened on Wagner at daybreak throwing 20 shells per minute at our works. This continued until I l.when the fleet and land batteries turned their attention to Sumter. Iron sides and six monitors approached within three fourths of a mile of the fort and battered vigorously against south face. Sumter replied vigorously with her barbette gnus. The con test lasted about seven hours, when the fleet having been hit a number of times drew off out of reach with flags at half must. Cnpt, Hog era and paymaster Woodbury (federals) and Capt. Wauplcs, chief engiueer, (confederate) killed. Saw Francihco, Aug. 21. Steamship Oregon arrived here last night from Mazutlan, Ouaymns and other ports on north western cokst of Mexico. Sho brought $114,330 in trensurer and 250 packages ore. i -" CALIFORNIA DISPATCHES. Land Case-Fortlllcatloni for San Frnncls- co-The Chapman Alfulr-Cimtom House Keeelpu toffee, San Francisco. Aug, If). In the land case of the United States against George Norris, Judge Huffman to-day caused an order to be entered reciting that claimant is entitled to survey and patent. Thu first plan of additional fortifications for this harbor has been abandoned by order of General Halleck, whose knowledge of the to pography of the harbor was considered in Washington fs entitling him to innke a new plan. Instead nf works on Yerha Bnena Isl and and Rincon Hill there will he constructed for the present, twn large butteries of ten guns each on Angel Island, and n heavy battery at Point San Jose. The batteries win lie larger than those formerly contemplated, and heavier timbers will bo required. lhe lirund Jury nt me united states are examining the testimony against me owners and crew of schooner Chapman. Receipts of Custisns for the hrst ultcen days of August amount to $101,313. Private advices from Rio tie Janeiro to July 0th state there were no coffee shipments in prospect for this port ; and none since the de parture of vessel, which w ill nut be duo under ixty days. Arrivals San KnANCisco, Aug. 20. Ship Hunker Hill. 145 days from New York to DuWitt, Kittle Si Co. April ild, shipped heavy sea, which knocked olf skylight, stove a hob iu the poop, lilted' cabin with water; wns olf the Horn two weeks in severe gales. Ship Hoogly, 100 days from Ho-ton, to Meader, Lo lor & Co. ; was thirty duys ulf the Hum in heavy weather. Homicide In Orovllle. Oitovitx?, Aug. 20. Timothy Mitlnny was killed hist night by his partner, John Farr n, who stabbed him twice with a butcher knife. Verdict of jury iu ac cordance with the shove. C'uuiiot ascertain the cause of quarrel. In I on Meeting In Tchama-Allrgcd ffcaa unable Correspondence. Red Hlui-t, Aug. 20. J. 0. Goodwin addressed a large and ebthil siastiu LJuion meeting nt Tehama last evening. Iu his speech he read letiers written hy Chas. R. Street now of the Murysvillc Expresi to his brother. Henry C Street, showing an or ganized and (reasonable attempt to procure the secession of California in 18(H), and the forma tion of a Pacific Republic. The letters impli cate Htircli. Scott, Latham. Guthrie and many others. Goodwin made a haul of these letters at Shasta. A large delegation from Red iilulf ai tended the meeting with banners, music, etc. Arrcat of a Murderer-larceny Trlal-8en-tsiice -Military AlTalri-Arrital or the Hoses Taylor. ' San Fkancisco. Aug. 21. Chief Burke nnd officers Ellis, Cliapjrelle and Glover, returned this evening after a hard chasj after Carlo Emanuel Odiuardo.nho mur dered the Italian Pissauo, by-cutting his throat iu an alleyway about a mouth ago. They caught Oilmardo last nigh, fifteen miles tins a-.t,. -r I--g OUWncit g-flit, i around the bay. He a as well supplied with money. The olllcers gt ou thu truck of thu murderer last Wednesday. Thu jury iu the case uf Henry Rusche. for grand larceny, failed to agree aud were dis charged. Curl Swartz, convicted of swindling an in sane man. was sentenced lo one year in the Stale prison. . Receipts of treasure frnm the interior since luslstfuiucr.amuutto$l,750,l)O0. Gold bura quoted 'at HJ02S4II. Legal Tenders firm at BOffldl. Hunkers' dispatches do nut confirm tho re ported advance in war riks or treasure ship ments. Accordingly the report is ignored in present transact Ions. Arrived Steamship Muses Taylor, w ith Nuw York passengers of July 2-ld. Passed steamer Orizaba at Acapulco. A t'AKD. Lewistun, August 8. 1863. Editor Gdi.kkn Aqe Sin Iu the pro ceediugs of the Democratic meeting held at this place, and published in thu last issue uf the Age. I notion that all the speakers are named mill the exception of myself; giving a cursory statement of their several attitudes as regards the present rebellion. In order that my posi tion may not be misunderstood, I deem it prop, er to state that Ihe report of lhe proceedings was not submitted to me, neither did I see it prior to its publication. I stated ut the meet-, lug thu position I occupied as regards the rebel lion, and will only say now, however, that 1 did not accord to all that was said by the speakers for several reasons, one uf which is that they censured the aula of Ihe Administration with out furnishing or suggesting a remedy. ' It is true I differ with the Administration in many matters of policy, yet I feel it my duty, us a loyul cititen. In sustain it in all legitimate nieasutes in its efforts to put down the rebel ban. I believe, t. that the Constitution must he the guide and polar star of the Government. In the words of one of the Albany resolutions, " Pence must be secured through victory ; that the restoration of all Uie Stub's must be brought back under Ihe safeguard of the Constitution." I do not deem it iieoesaarv to define my po sition at li-ngih, and should have 1 -t it pass had the reported proceedings shnil that 1 did not eunvur with sentiments uttered by some of the speakers, aud do not wish to lie placed in a false position, having been chairman "of tho meeting. L. HEATH. Onr Tolerant Rkpurlican. Guvirnor Salomon, of Wisconsin, in a speech just after thu battles of Vickeburg. Port Hudson aud Gettysburg, made ase of the following tolerant language which la so nearly a solitary exoep. lion among that class uf politicians that we cannot reliain from quoting t The speaker then alluded lo the charges of arbitrary exercises uf power by lhe President. They were Ihe invention of brains prompted hy disloyal hearts. There were, of course, dif ferences of opinion among loyal uieu iu regard to public measures. ' s a -pi,, rule laid down by the President in his recent, letter respecting Vallandigrjam waa an excel lent oue. II s ikomld tear with criticism fron sua irAoss keartt trert right. Call at awa si traitor who it la favor of putting dottn the rt-bell-on arms, (Aoag As stay criticise the acts and mcaiurtt of the goternntent. Oue spirit prevailed in the army. It cared nothing for parlies, il knew only tlie country and the Ang. The same spirit should pervade the whole peo ple, and the recent victories and Ihoso he waa sure were about to follow, would do much to . bring about that result. tV General Meade waa frequently nnder Are at Gettysburg, though ha di ea not appear lo have expueed himself ouneceesarily. He rod along the hues alteuded by his orderlies, guid ing every movement, and baiting and sending to the front demoralised officers and oen. At oue tiute his horse a as killed under him. a ' canister shot passing through Ihe flap of lb saddlo, rajiti the kg of tha General. . -r I . -A ...... .t . i. ivirt rtfitV man. (l ie uirrnDii 'um onolal Papse of tha Btata. C. ?. CRANDALL, EDITOR. MONDAY MORNING. AUG. 31. 1863. m,. ,....m.n I. mil,ll.hMl ttecklir si Silent. TVrim, 1-1 pi-r ysr, slwsvl In silvsri'-e. r : ' . ' . . in ,.. .t.a-Ma ,h- tnl AWlnff ThISI U"gnl arpruieii - nn Twrive llni, r l-s, nn Inserllun SJ JJj ir The itifi art prirtt tn erin. .s(wl Tenjltr notu Kill be taken only ut Ihttr current soius. Lviisl sail ll lrnll:it silvtrUssmslits mint OS prepsia tn Insure Itnertlon. ,-tinfftn A'lmlnHlrstors nooc, nn .1 .... .....,.,1 uwnu mit h ttrvnit n. Unisys or rtere'l eul.llshnl by tht county Judge, nd (usrsnleed 10 be be psia by mm. t ,, . Arfwrtlslns n"' PM l,Wn " 1 f when ontrrte '!. will lis Ineresinl twenty-live per cent. ech eriiynientlinnltttnllliererier. ' Re-nliisnces rosy be nixie by mll l tlis rlile of the pub Ushers, II mailed In the pretence of ft puitmsiter. CEAHDALL tu WAITE, rnDllsnsrs, TAKE NOTICE! We shall, next week and thereafter send bills to thoso of our subscribers who have not paia tneir sine srriptions for the current year volume IS. We huvo waited on many of theiu six monllis, and we turns ihey can now afford to pay for that time and advance six months' pay to us. Those Indebted, will greatly obliire us by making prompt remittances of the Bmounts J -..,. ., i rfeti' due, tnanoivLu orou, Salem, Aug. 31, J863. Iw2t) TIIEJiEWS. The news of the last week has boon deepening in Interest, daily. Tha progress of tho siege of forts Sumter and Wagner is detailed at consider able length. Tho bombardment commenced a lit tle over a week ago and has gone on steadily up to onr latest dates with great fury and uniform, though not very rapid, success. The people of both North and South, had been taught that Fort Sumter had been made Impregnable, but tha pend ing oper atlons of the fleot and laud batteries have thoroughly dispelled that deception. The walls of Ihe fort, according to representations from both sides, are little more now than a mass of ruins. On the 2id, as many as 30 or 40 breaches had been knocked into the walls. The southern wall was nearly demolished and the northwest corner and arches were tumbled down, The interven tion of a false outside wall availed nothing. The barricades covering the magazine and the sand traverses were badly damaged, The Charleston papers admit that our guns from tho monitors aro too much for tho fort, A fierce cannonade on Forts Wajrncr and Gregg Is also kept up,"pre venting them from rendering any effective aid to Sumter. The gunboats aro daily approaching nearer the latter fort. Of GO! shots fired at Sum ter on the 23J, 419 struck inside or out. Rhett, the c immnnder was wounded, Col. Gaylord snd Capt. Wanples of Wagner were killed. Com mander Rudgcrs of the Catskill was also killed. Casualties in all the forts are frequent and daily increasing. Gen. Gilmore, on the 22A, demanded the surrender of Sumter and Morris Island, threat ening to shell Charleston if the demand were not complied with. Beauregard refused to surrender and Gilmore accordingly gave notice that at 11 A. M. of the 23d he would open on the City. All Infoniation received from both federal and rebel sources, indicate that the forts must soon surren der. Bosccrans has reached the linmodiate vicinity of Chattanooga and a rebel telegram says he com menced shelling the place on the i'M. Johnston has superseded Bragg in command. There is nothing of much importance from tho Southwest. A terrible tragedy was enacted on the 20th at Lawrence, Kansas by a band of guerrillas under the notorious Quantrell, who suddenly aftacked tho place, set it on fire, and then proceeded, du ring the universal alarm, to sack the eity. After accomplishing their hellish purpose, lhe guerrillas loft. Up to the 2ilh, the citizens had recovered from the ruins Hi bodios of thojo who had been burned to death. The details of the scenes that wui during the stay of the gang are said to be heart rending. Jim Lane who was in the city es-aped and is now in hot pursuit, swoaring he will hunt them down like wolves. The arufy of the Potomac is still Idle and Ihe Tribune's special jays there are endiatic symp toms that it is preparing to fall back near tlie Po tomac to defend Washington and await comple tion of army work iu tha South. There are other symptoms that Lee will soon assume the aggress ive. He has been reinforced. Disaffection toward tho Confederacy continues.! in North Carolina. The draft is proceeding without any further disturbances. Gold is declining and has now reached I22i, a lower figure than has ruled fur many months. If Charleston falls, gold will go below 120. LATEST. Gilmore has shelled the City of Charleston with such effect that Beauregard has asked a truce of 40 hours, on tho ground of "hu inanity." The best thing Gilmore rau do for hu manity is to love) tho Sodomite city to the ground. Alum. The radicals are having an uni versa! jubilation over the report tlmt Jeff. Da, vis has offered emancipation to all the negroes who will volunteer In fight in the rehel army against the Lnited States. The fact that the enlistment of negroes nnder JelT. will not tend to weaken the rebellion seems tn be overlooked, or else that fact is one about which they do not care, so long as the offer of the rebel President appears tn insure the free-loin nf the negria-s. The negroes emancipated, of what consequence is it to your radical abolitionist that snch eman cipation with the terms upon w hich it is grant etj, may swell the rehel armies by tens of thou sands of blacks whn-ii the radicals have claim ed In he as good soldiers or better than white men? The j.-y of lhe radicals and the fluir ish of triumph with which they herald the "abolitionism" of Jeff. Davis, comports illy with the profeninne of loyally with ahich they load every speech and newspaper. Profession and practice may be very wide apart and there is no better illusiralion of that fact than is now' furnished hy the radical fanatics. They have for mouths declaimed from all possible places that "God and the negro," and especially the latter, were to save the Union. Now, that Jeff. Davis i stealing away lhe right hand men of G-d (we do not ray that irreverently; we merely billow the strain of lhe fanatics) and pulling them to the destruction nf the Union, ihe abolitionists are hugely rejoiced not be cause, alone that the Union may, thereby be endangered more, but thai the freedom of' the blacks is more certain. Wilh this sentiment nf theirs, of overruling svmpa hy for the negro, they hail the offer of Jeff. Davis with acclama t ons that swell from Portland, Mrine, lo As toria, Oregon. The more negroes Davis cup, catch with this bait, the hither will swell ihe anthems aud hallelujahs of the radicals, though every negro should lie a gaunt niglnmare upon Ihe hope of saving Ihe Union. The radical throng are the natural allies of Jeff. Davis and might as well be ngliting under his banner with muskets in their hands, as In he lending him all their moral power of sympathy. Proposro Roao to the Minks. Several business men In lown are taking the prelimin ary steps to survey a mad across the Cascades in Ihe neighborhood of the Santiain, to the Powder river or Iloiie river mines. A party will start immediately after the State fair to explore- the proposed Mutes. If even a pack trail shall be found practicable, it will result in vast advantage lo this valley to have il opened. The distance from Salem lo Boise river by way of Ihe Santiam gaps, is not treater th.r. -from the Dalles lo Boise, and it is thonght. trv oeuer 000017. At all events, it isj worta wane to make tne explorations. nrSea Ibird page, for latest nwi. DoiiicMH' llvina. A good many iifnurfarnu-rs aro rais ipg'tobacco tiiis year, who are unacquainted with tho culture nnd curing treatment. For their benefit. clip the following rt.lo for When toliHcro liouuis 10 ripen .... .' . , ... 1... spots liiaKS lie r si'l--" "" , , , , ur ake iiiair in,., v mull led or pied .1 nil II IB Iflivun , whole p i ' IW ,,, , ,,.,) fr Anot' eik-a of lhe half, then if it to unman n ""' w.iavt il tiioi but Itreaks short and seems 'rml. say t during .he awunriag process, v , III at - r.t ti,i in one wee s timea P'."T"J - - , one "--.- -,:,, .,5,.r mil K,-on a l. . - . . 1BVO,- ,, in weiaiu-iii in giton-u ' ' L " ... ,,! loss of nentiillull a few of tli lower leaves, would u more iu" " ur iu". " ...,i ,i.. peusated both in quantity anil quuiiiy "" plant to got well ripeua Arrival or Imhiobakm-Oo Thursday lust a train of nine wagons passed through town. The teams were inules and horses, looking remarkably, we 1, The tram was from Keokuk, lown, anu win remain in our valley i Ihe immigration will he ouite an acquisition to our county i one ot tt e gentlemen infortned ns that the immigration n Oregon and California the present year would be large. Southern Oregon is tho place to ac commodate quite a liumlier ni enierpiieioa men uf iuduslry and capital. Intelligencer. Tl. ,! tn Ihu milltnrv Post is coin- nle'tl-d'tii the lake, and within a few miles of the location of tlie Post. We are. Informed that Col. Drew has received orders to immedi ately build tablet for thu horses. Ib. Oregon Raii.rod Survey. S. G. Elliott, engineer of tlie Oregon Railroad Survey, .-;,..., t il. of the Murrsvillo Appeal, August 7lh, that ho is getting along finely, and reports the country to tie very iiivuniiu m cheap construction of n railroad as fur us tho crossing of tho Klamath river. There will be but a lew miles nt expensive rouu t". "" between Murysvillc and Yrcka. To the hitter point the grades will be light, and the bridges f.r .i,..r .no. wiih the execution of the cross ing of the Sacramento river at Red Uluff. No extraordinary cuts or high embankments will be icquircd. Henlinel. ...We learn from the Mountaineer of, the 24lh, that on Monday, the 17th, the pack trnin of A Mr. Nelson was fired on by Indians, about 21 miles this side of tho Sonth Fork of John Day river, and twelve of thu animals stampeded with their cargoes. At the lirsl lire one of tho men was wound -d, but thu party, consisting of three men, made the best fight they could and succeeded, finally, in getting back to the Sonth Fork. Six men started with Nelson next morning iu pursuit. They track ed the Indians a short distunce from the scene of attack, when they found four of the horses and twelve packs, portions of which were cut open and scattered nrotind. The Indians were not overtaken. Mr. Nelson's lost is about $1,G00. . The Odd Fellows ol Jacksonville cel ebrated the third anniversary of Ihe institution of their Lodge un the 18th iust., with consider able eclat. . . .The Fall races over the Bybee track, Juckson county, will commence on tho loth of October aud ccotiuuo three days. ...Thu Mountaineer learnt that Mr.' Henry Miller, formerly editor of the Oregonian, is now in full ownership nf one of the richest claims iu the Boise mines. . . .The Sierra Neva-la on ber last down trip, took away $195,558 in gold, besides a lurgo amount in the bunds of passengers. Tho Governor has appointed John II. Couch Port Warden of thu Columbia River District, under Hie provisions of an Act gf the Legislature of 1860. Van Tichnel, the man who is charged with killing McDaiiiels nt Canyon City, arrived at. the Dalles yesterday in custody of the Dep uty Sheriff, aud is now confined iu the county jail. It is understood that an application will be mnde tn the District Judge for a hearing w ith a view tu admitting the accused to bail. Mountaineer. Po8TA"..Vc are informed that the Post Office nt Pleasant Hill, Lane county, is discon tinued, but that tho t Dice for that region will hcrcultcr he at Cloverdale, where J. T. Gilfrcy it present Postmaster. Oregonian. Bold ltomiKitv Ou Tuesday last. Mr. Loveland, n miner, from Colville, w hile coming down from tjint place, was overtaken at Dry Creek only six miles from this city, by three men, one ol wiiom accosted him lamil arly and asked him if he wns from Colville. Upon nb tniuing an unintuitive answer, they drew their revolvers ami nnnieiliutcly commenced shoot ing ut him. The first shot they killed his horse. Ho drew his revolver nnd shot one ol them whn fell forward exclaiming. "I am kill eif !" He fired ut another nf them who threw his hand up to his side indicating tint hu nas shot also, but he did not fall. In the mean time, Mr. Loveland received a shot in nno nf his legs and auotber iu unu of his nrms ns he threw it up to fend off a pistol aimed nt his head. At this stage a can became fastened in his revolver, and it censed tn revolve, when a ball from a pistol in the hand of one of the as snssius grazed his head, and together with the hock fioui the pistol nhich was held close to his head, stunned him so that he fell. The two remaining robbers, thinking they had killed him, at untie possessed themselves of his caa-fin-.'i containing between fourteen and fifteen hundred dollars iu gold dust aud picking up. iheir fallen companion, one of them took him on before him. and, lea-ling his horse, they rode off to ward tlie mountains. After the rob bers had departed. Mr. Loveland wnlked to a hou.e on Dry Creek, only a mile distant, where Ins wounds were dressed. He has since come into ton n and is doing well. He came down from Colville to buy cattle and brought with turn a couple or Indians, who it is supposed communicated the fuel that he had money with hun In the Indians at the mouth of the Pelouse. where it is believed a band of thieves have their rendexvous. and from whence they most likely billowed him. The robbery occur red about the middle of the dnr. ShnVirr nn. liain has been making active effort! lo catch the thieves bnt as yet has obtained on clue lo their whereabouts. Walla Walla Statesman. Ouo hundred and Iwenty-fira puck animals were loaded last Sunday, for Boise, Warren's Oro Fine, Elk City, and Beaver Head. Leviston Age, 13(A. Thr First On the 8th inst.. the wife nf Mr. Shnniway. of Willow Creek. Camas Prai ne. gave birth to twins, two beautiful little girls, tha first occurrence 'of this kind in the Territory. Good for Idaho! A ge, 154. Tne rt at the mouth of the Coluiu- bia, it U said, will mount twenty guns consist ing of 13 inch Rodmans and lO inch Colum biads. i ne tix-pnonder cannon at Corvatht nat been assigned hy the Governor to the Ta hiti Light Artillery. ....The Democrat tayt Mr. J. V. )m, living near Lebauon, left home last Monday to do tome work on a drift pit, io Sinlmn river, since which lime ha hat not been heard from. It it Uioughl he hat committed tuicido. ....The Linn county fair will b, held next Wednesday and Thurtdav. Tim Sentinel ileniea lhe statement that soldiers had lately d'wr,i"l' fl'""1 C"n,P Baker. It is reported tlmt the military court in session at tha Dalle, wns convened fni 'the , pnr- f examkiinz charget against mpv. ... V. Spencer, involving i Ins inaracier o no ui- . e Thc chaigi'" aro not pub- (leer ol lliu army. lie. Twn military cnu.paniet (infantry we appose) have been organixcJ at They will be present ut the State fair. Sanitary I'ind.-TIic following additional donations nro acknowledged : Contribution lit church at Forest Grove, by Rev. E. Walker, $10 75. Adnin Day Cainaitis vnllej't sJlO- W. D. Hare, Ilillsborn, $5. J. A. Sterling, Oak laud, 2 50. Win. Shaw, Silverton, $2 David Taylor, $1. Total, $37 25. A. II0LBU00K. .The Mountaineer tayt Van Tichnel charged with the murder of MoDanielt, wat discharged last Wednesday from custody by Judge Wilson on account of gros irregularity in the llo waS iinmeiiiau'iy nr rested again and taken back to Canyon City, fur ro-cxniniuation. Tavmasi Rittt in tiik AiiMY.-Mnjor Geo. Marston, paymaster U. 8. army, arrived by the last steniner from tho East, nnd hut been di rected to pay the troops stationed nt Walla Walla, Lnpwai and Boise. Major Francis will 'pay them nt the Dalles and at Colville, win o . Major Winston will, ns heretofore, disburse gold and greenbacks to the brave defenders uf onr rights who are located west of the Cascade mountains. Orcgnnian, , r.rii. ArrtltKN-e IV WASIIINOTOtf TkRIII- ' TORY. On Monday morning last the chief mate anil lour seamen iieionging m tuo mV Benjamin Knss, lying nt Steilacuoin, were pro ccedmg to run out a kedgc iu a boat, when by some unfortunate accident the boat wns drawn down by thu stern, and tlie inntu unit one ot thu ecaincn weru drowned. Tlie nther three men were rescued by the mail boat Narcissus, Capt. Black. British Colonist, 15fA. Cupt. Harris McAlmond of the sloop Loneda, hat been placed in command of tho cutter Joe Lanu at Port Angelm. Lieut. Sei dell was formerly in command. .i..JohnC Curtwright of Salem ha been appointed Deputy U. S. Assessor for this dis trict iu place of Ahner P. Guiuee, removed. Mr. J. C. Mtttheny has completed hia new steam ferry boat to ply on tbo Willamette at this plaoe. It is a fine boat, and will supply n great publio want quick nnd safe transit from shore to shore. Look for his adverlisuino incut next week. . ...Tho Oregonian reports that Win. Baker the Postal Agent for this coast hue returned from Victoria nud gone to San Francisco, "having successfully accomplished as- we are glad to learn, the objects of his recent official mission." Wu do not know what may hnvo been "all the object! nf bis recent official mission," but if any of them related to the improvement of mail matters in Oregon, we question whether he has accomplished anything. It would ba out of the power of ordinary men tn accom plish much upon a single ride from Jacksonville tn Portland in the California stages without stopping somewhat longer than the time re quired tn change horses. Mr. Baker may bo an extraordinary man and may do by intuit ion what requires examination and study by other men ; but wu never bad much faith in any thing bnt works. There are certainly many things iu our Oregon mails that would bo the better for tho personal attention of the postal agent, which he, perhaps, did not learn hy his intuition. There are sntne badly arranged oonnectinna of mails nnd some careless or incompetent postmasters who should be removed. We do not think tlmt Mr. Baker troubled himself about a single item nf this kind in the State. If he "accomplished all the objects of hit re cent official mission," it it clear that bis mis sion did not relate tp Oregon. Mr. Samuel Goff, of Polk county, in forms ns that he will have his stenm thresher in nperatinn nt the coming State Fair, and will thresh 400 nr 500 bushels of grain gratis, if de livered at the machine. ' Robert ewcll Jr., a son of Dr. Newell formerly of this county, was killed nt Lewiston on tho 26th, by a man calh d "Frank." Drafting. The Scripture is opposed to drafting young men just married. Read this : "When a man hath taken n new wife, lie shall not go to wnr, neither shnlfhe he charged, wilh any new business, hut he shall be free nt home nue year, and cheer up tho wife which ne nun luiicn. Jjeuleronomy. 24A chapter, olh terse. If that is to be the rule, the lists of "mar rieds'1 will be longer than the conscription lists. BOttKS .WD ST.inOERY ' CllIlAPKU TMAIV EVER. s. J. Mccormick HAS j,it reeeiveil a larire addition'! his slock of Stt'llOOl, BOOKS, coniprieinK- I'ARKER 6i WATSON'S HEADERS; SANDEB'S SERIES OF READERS i MOXTEITH'S GEOGRAPHIES j CLARK'S GRAMMARS! WEBSTER'S DICTIONARIES. . DAVIES' ARITHMETICS. WILLARD'8 HISTORIES. THOMPSON'S ARITHMETICS. nnd nil other School Books nscd In the Slate, together Willi a large variety of toy books fok ciiixdkex. Alio, an endlna variety of STATIONERY: emWiair KVKKV AKTllJUS in thai liu. All of it ' VPrrTl' """'-wis nd retail al io i.ow km r l Aau raiiKs. MILITARY BOOKS Constantly on baud and imported lo order. &J McrOHMlOK, . .M ., Franklin Hook Store, . mW trout rtrtwt, I'ortlmtd, Oregon. Spencer Hull, nilWRiikle, Oregon. 'piIE exercise, of this tnatitntiott tbinl year-will maimed n Tuesday, 'A'd 8ntmnhi.r. 13 Milwankis, An , i3. THOMAS V. SCOTT. tfw To Wool Orowpn. T'lnor0?.' '""' TWENTY HEAD of IM- SAXOM lilt M, which they ..Her fnr sale le suit wtiui n.wrs. 1 lie barks fan he attn by ettllina; npon tlir-in iu finlr-m, Orpiroru BKLL k BKOVVX. Hf Mrnym or Stolen. FHOM the wfinre uf M I, Sovaae, near A . M-ro. a HOAX HilKsE. nnr W or V-T J.. l hand, h,h. C 8. C. on nvfflfW thitih. Anv informal in of hi. -l. I ' lttl., will be literally rewarded y cllin at tha """ timet), fwirm -Molirc to Tat-Pnvrrm. All prntnut who have paid tWir lain nnder tha teu mil asmaraem. can huva tvs nulla rafanded uy ntllma on the Cu Mntball Hy ordor of the City t'oawil. Salem. Asgtat 31. 1863.' K. ILLIAU!) HerJ,'. Ktf