The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, August 24, 1863, Page 1, Image 1

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    VOL. 13 NO. 25.
Holman's Block, opposite Union Hoe,
WILL keen constantly on hand a LAUOE STOCK
of SUGARS mid BYUUP8 liy Hie package or lit,
rotull i the bout brands of TEA and COFFEE, ami
EVEKY VA lirUTY OF SI'ICES "f the bust quality
in fact every article nauully found In a first cliuia fara
lly grocery etore.
We alio keep
Crockery and flliuu Ware,
Wooden Ware, Willow Wure,
Dye Stuffs,
All kinds of Nail,
Shovels, Hoes,
Garden Hukeii,
Axon, Wood Saws
Hope, Salmon, Maekorol,
Suit, all tlie best brands
English Alo, Starr Whisky,
Old Bourbon Whisky, and
on lniught,and in bottles.
All kinds of Confectionery.
ALSO Asbton's Liverpool Suit put op In 50 lb
tucks, for Duller, and lots of oilier articles that we
have no robin to mention.
Farmers will please lake notice that we want Butter,
Eggs, Bacon, Lard, Dried Fruit, Vegetables, See., for
which the HHUIEST MARKET PRICE will be
paid. Call ill. BROWN & MYERS.
Sulere, March 30, lHltl. lylUS
Just Received
A hogshead of genuine Now Orleans Sugar.
Also A cask of Golden Syrup.
Seronil Slreel,Cnrvnllla, Oregon,
X j. well-selected stock of
Chemicals, Drus, Medicines, Pcrfmnrry, Dye
Stuffs, Fancy (iooils, Points, Oils, Turpentine,
CIiim, I'utly, Varnislics, Brushes, At.
Physicians can rely on having their prescriptions
eareluny compounded lit all noure. i.itl
Importer mid Dealer In Foreign and Domestic
....but or THK OILUKU PLOW....
OUL1) eall the attention ot mir . tt
clmneri tojii SPKINU STOCKAJ
lint received, em bracing a complete aiworlment,
umonff wmei mitv ue rounu
Tablo cutlery, h (freat vttrfetv,
HuiMurn mill cabinet ImrdwnVe of ull kinds,
Mecliunicti' tooln of every duncript ion ,
Cut uud wrought imils mid Hpi-kett,
Hay aud niunure forka,
Seville and muitlis, hxIpb, rakes, shovels,
Sp'udes,tfrindHtoneit,bellovi, rnpe.uxefe,
Glue, outturn. Mockn, she urn, ice. Slc,
toother with
All articles belmiKiiuf to n frenerul btirdwaro buni
new, which lie will hpII on the most fiirnnthle torrB,nt
the icu of the Gilded Mow. Front t.. Port land.
May 8, 1860. ' Dtf
First Premium Awarded at ths Oregon State Fair
in 1862, on Cooper'l Ware. I shall contend for
it again fn 1863.
I HAVE on hand a large quantity of the following
named articles :
Barrels, Butter Kegs, Wash Tubs, Churns,
Well Buckets, Water Buckets, Cider,
Wine and Vinegar Kegs,
Wash Boards, A)r.,
All of which I will sell cheap FOR RKADY PAY.
Good liutler. Wheat and Oats will be takeu ill ex
change for work.
I will make to order any and all kinds of Cooper
ware on short notice and good terms.
Shop on Commercial street, Salem, Oregon.
lirnl J. AI. COULTKlt.
- has nr.xorsn, Aicn
(Drovn k Myers olu itsnd) ready to repnlr
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
A-iuericaii Goll "Wiitc-lieM,
And Wheeler Wilson' Renins Mnrlilncs,
Constantly on baud and for sale.
Salem, March Sth, IW& fiTillf
Surgical and Mechanical Dentists
I J Ilie miceiin ui riin-ni 1111,1 vniun, i rr-e
,!,:, tl,-. .n, imui PHIlMAXKXTI.r.
LOVA TED and fully prepared to attend upon their
patrons in any brunch of the profession.
Denial JuuMilutri Sitpnliril from I Sinclc Tuolh
to a t'l'LL SET,
Oblarators and ArCiflclal Palnles.
Special atteutinn to diseases of the
tjr" All diUcolt fuses either ill Suririral, Mochan
leal or Operative Dentistry, earnestly solicited.
Office In Ktiiyoii's Builiiing,
year STATU STItEKT, HALEJf. bllpd
w. I. unn, c. i. Tit.Toa,
Portland. Xcw York.
Banking Collection and Exchange.
and other exchange at currmit rates.
Will sell drafts AT SIGHT on
Messrs. A. E. It C. E. Tiltn, New York,
Messrs. Honolior, Rtilston & Co., San Frnncisro.
Advances made on dnst sent to the Mint for eoiniitfe.
fl Money received on dep-wit, ircneral or special.
Collections mtidp.niid pm-ecds prompflv remitted.
Land Warrants bouirbt and S.
Alt husineM appertaining to allanktng promptly at
tended to.
Portuuid, March 18, 1K3. Ivlii
KEEP 111 II I'D, tM) Tl WI'PAC'Tt'flE,
Wiiitlow rrnnie, Ar., Ac,
in rriH. to iiapitn,
Evtry Tariftj of 01TSIDU nnd lSIDB Finith
All kinds of Ji)B tt'ORK doue with nealm aud
rh.-aMf ! A IIKI,.
Police to Orbiont.
DR. A. M. KELT, bavina bwd b.. pnwiire at ..
If m. has left bis einuti in my Iwuicls fur cllec.
tmn All persons indthlwl to bin) f. medical serK
will please call on me at once and "J.1 j,
SaJem, Jan tn, 13. ' " ml
BP. HONIIAM, Attorney nt Law, Auburn,
. Maker eoiintv. Orflirmi.
N. II. C. II. lieliingnr, K., will act as agent for
rue lit Huloin, concerning Indian war scrip and other
mutters puicuu 111 ins annus j uimwiii also give prompt
iiMiintlon to conveviinciiiK and the collection of debts.
(Mil at Court, House, Suloiii, Ogn. 11, P. 1).
April lNlh, I Will. Htf
ALLEN k LEWIS, Importers and Whole
sale deali'is in Ororcrles, I)rv Goods, Clothing,
and Hoots and rlhoes. Also, solicit consignments ol
Oregon produce, for the Kan Kruncisco market, on
winch liberal advances will he made.
Persons shipping goods from the Eastern Htielcs to
our cure, can rely upon their receiving prompt atteu
Hon, at inodeinte charges, OHIce In Hail Prancisco,
1S!I Sunsunie street. 48tf
3. n. knatp, j m. . aonnuLL,
Sun Prancisco, Cal. 5 j Portlnud, Oregon.
KNArP, BUKUELL k CO., Gfiticml Cnm
miswon Merchants, mid DKAI.KHS IV PIIIIIT.
produce, agriciiltiiml Implements, garden and gmes
secus, corner ui r roni nna layior its, rortlunil. Ore
gon, and !IIO (old No.WI) Washington St., brick block,
near Front, Sun Francisco, will tfive special attention
to the sale of KUU1T and PKODUOK on consiirn
merit, fillinir orders, eic. either in Portland oi Han
Prancisco, and transact a General Commission !iui
ness. march I
CATON tc CURL, Attorneyi nt Law, will
practice in the courts of this State. Olllce in Gris
wold's brick, over Hell & llrown'a store, Sulem, Ogn.
November, 3l, IMi. iWif
CHESTER N. TERRY, Attorney and Conu
selor at Law, Salem, Oregon, Commissioner of
Deeds, aud to take testimony, ackiiow!edKcments,&c.,
for Iowa, Inditina, Missouri, Michigan, California and
Wiishiniiton Territory. Utters of Attorney, and all
other iustrnmotitn of writing, druvrn on short notice.
Particular intention paid to taking Depositions, Col
lection of Notua, Accounts, &c. 3&f
TTEED & WALDO,' Attnrnpyii nnd Coiin-
L si'llurs at Law. Auburn, linker county, Ogn.
Auburn, Nov. With, IKital.
a. w. ruaotisnn C, A. nKKD. OK.O. II. JONP.S.
TONES, REED & CO., Salem, Oregon.
O Munufiicturers of Window Rash, lllinds, Doors.
Cornices, Mouliliugs, Wugnu llubbs, Spokes, Door
yard Fencing, &lc. 2tf
A. . cook. h. A. oemt.
COOK & GEIIR, Altnrnoyt at Low. La
Fayette, Oregon.
Olliee in l)r. Kmbree's new building. Cijtf
TC. POWELL, Attorney at law, Albany. Linn Co.,
Orciron Ofllce In Montcitli'a lluildiuir. Will
practice in all the courts in Oregon, and promptly at
tend to all busiiicss entrusted to his euro. PurUuihir
attention paid to collections from Portland, Sun Fran
cisco and elsewhere, in ull parts of Oregon. The best
oi reierence iven ll ucsireu. intt
DH.J.R. CAKDWELL. Surgeon DcntiBt.
will nrartice It is nrofemiioii in the varioim cities
ami town of OrvKon, t'.Hf
JV. BOYLE, Phynicinn nnd Surgonu,
will pructiee liia profvMiioii nn forinnrlv. Oili.-o
nt liiN ruaidunce in Polk county, ttiruo miles oust of
July 20, 1803. SOtf
UMA80N &01)l!Mi,Attornevsat Law, Dulles,
usco county, Orcuou. iJHif
DW. & M. R. COX. Wholifjale nml Ketnil
s Drtnrvists. Dealers In Koreiio and Domestic
I'riiKS. t'uteni lUeiiicines, 1'erliiinery, runcy Hoaps,
Hair Itrusbea.line Toilet Articles. Chemicals. Drinr-
itist's GlasswHio,A:c. Also, a larire nnunliiv of con-
centrntcd extmcte of Plunts of the purest, quality
Commercial at.., Salem, Oregon. J.Vf
J. C. Sliclton, Physician and Surecon,
MONMOUTH. Polk County, Oregon. The Doctor
bcini; u trriKlimte of the CurtiM. or Pliiidn-niedicnl
college Cincinnati, Ohio, Is a truo Botanic in his prne
tice, entirely discarding rulnmcl nnd nil mineral poi
sons, and itsintf none but purely veKetable medicines,
and only the perfectly imiuceni at that Uif
at fjiw, Kmpire City, Cmis Day, On. 4ltf
JOHN C. CART WRIGHT, Atturnt-y i
el Counselor nt Ijiw, 8:ilem, (.Iregon. Oflice. II
imi ncrs omnttng.
JL. COLLIN'S, Attorney and Counselor at Law,
. Dallas, Polk county, Oregon.
He bus made nrrunucmonts with Willimn ,v Gibtm
for one of that linn to assist him in the trial of all
cases in tlie Circuit itiid Supremo Courts.
Mr. (olhns is n Moturv Public, and will attend to
tukiuiracknnwledu'ementsof Deeds, Mortmnres, Arc
tukiuir depositions, ulliiluvils, nnd evidencusiu relation
lo ur N rip. etc. if
J. S. SMITH. L. r. GltOVZR.
SMITH & G ROVER, Attomrvs at Law.
This firm will prarlico in I lie (mrts of the
State nnd of Wneliinirtou Territory. OHIce in Carter'a
new building on tlie levee, corner of Front and Alder
streets. ,
Portland, Oregon, March 1st, I2. Otf
ILLIAMS ic MALLORY, Attorneys nt
Uw. Ulrica in Wilson's buildiug, Sulem, Or-
Jnhc, 8, 1SK1.
In County Court, Marion renntv, Oretun, L. 8. Skiff,
PI'lT r. Wni. W. Morgan, den.
rpO said Defendant Yon are hereby nolitied that an
Jl action lata been commenced Hguiusl you in Ilie
county court afort-suid far the rornvorv of'tl.e sum of
$ in, wiih eot of suit, due mid plaintiff for work nml
labor donoand performed by him in tlie year I n I .
Now, unless ymi up!r la llio county court of tlie
county of M irion, Suite of Oregon, on the 1st Mon
day of Ortobpr. A. n., IHltf, and answer the complaint
of plainlill'on lile in said cause, tlie same will be taken
for confessed Mnd the player thereof will la granted
by the court. CATON Ic Cl'HL,
Alt'ys ir Pi n".
Salem, Ang. 10, 1HI3. ihalTJ
Probate Court, Marion county. State of Oregon. Ef
lute of.llenrv U'ittv, dee'd.
rpilIH day (Aug. 4th, lto imneJ. A.M. Stinsou,
1. admiiiislrMtiir of mid estate, and presented his ae
counts, and praya tiunl seillement of bis administra
tion of said estate : it is therefore ordered that Tues
day, the Kill day of Septemlier, a. D., lie appoint
ed In hear and determine the said matter, and that no
tice ol tlie pendency thereof bo given by publication
in the Oregon Stntcsmnn newspaper as the Inw di
rects. J. C. l'KKHLES, County Judge.
Salem.. Auir. 7, 1WI twVi
Fxei'iilur's) Mule.
vrOTlCE is hereby siren that l.y orJcr of the Pro
ll bale ('ourt of Marion emmty, Oregon, made at
the July term thereat, the undcrsignod.execiitnr of th
last will and testament of John Freeh, dee'd, will sell
at public auction, at Ilie preniisea, on Saturday, the 0th
day of .Sept., A. n., lHo:i,ut the hour of U o'clock, r. M.,
of said day, the following described nail pniierty be
longing lo said estate, to wit t hilnnte in Marion coun
ty. Oregon, bounded on tlie west by land claim of
John Slipp. and land owned by L.'W. and W. C.
Avery; on the north liy land o'f J. L. Eirt'; on tlie
east by the land of Willmni Taylor t on the south by
the laud ot ltmk-l Waldo, being the donation land
claim of said dwibnt, and eontaining 3-ttl aerea of
Terms of Sule One hnlf cash . tbe remainder In six
Exeenu.r of said Estate.
Catnn eV Curl, Ally's for Kxeentur.
Salem. Aug. Ill, INlSl UwSS
Miciiir Sale.
Charles E. Stewart, Complainant, re. M. P. Gilliam
and S C. Gilliam, defendants.
BY vlrtne of a decree of fnrerloenre in tlie almve en
titled cause, aud an execution duly issued thereon
from the cirrnit court ol the htate ol Oregon for the
county of Marion, and tome direvtod, J will expose
for sale, as the law directs, for rush in band, nt tlie
ronrt-iaaise lir, in the ritr of halem, in said county
nnd Slate, on Monday, the Jlst day of August,
the honr of II o'clock', r. a., of said day. the property
as desrrihed ill said decree of foreclosure, to wit t lle
ing in Marion county, Huite of Oregon, commencing
at tlie s w. corner of the land rlaiin proved np by
Catharine Hagev, widow of Andrew llagey, dw'd,
late of Ilie county of Marion, w hit h "be proved np for
heneir and heir, tlie nnrtb half being struck olf by
the Surveyor tleneral ss the real relate of Andrew
llagey, dee'd, iw acres of whn-b I have deetis recrlrd i
in tuy fav, in the clerk's nlHrr. in Salsm. running i
eighty (""I rode east! tlienee eighty (Hi rods i north ; ,
lben.:e eighty Pls West : Ui'-liee eighty 11) rods
.attli t ita ,ibie ol beuinnilig. ciaitaiu'lig 4U acres in
all. lite saute being a forty acre lot out ol the s. w. cor-1
ra-rol liie alKive-mculietied leliti cialtu, which U on
Die la the barvevor tiencrsl office, together with tlie i
AltpurlcKaneee thereunto belonging, to be sold to sat
is! r tlie afomnitl execution, r,. and acentiug cost.
hlienri Marion l ouuiy.
Sab-m. Anv. Hah, iw'-l. 4l '
.Murriiiuc i.lrcntPH.
VNEW ui. jus, ptintcd and f"r sale al the
Fight With Indians.
CuiCAdo, Augoat 11.
Lenvpnwortli dispatches of 7tli any a Inrgo
lot of mnl liad been atolen liy the Indians
from Fort Craig last .week but tvero reoovercd
nftera sharp fight in which a number wero
killed on both sides.
Kentucky Election.
Returns from Kentucky eleotiun show as fol
lows fur Members of Congress : 1st district,
Lucicn Andorson; 2d, Or. II. Orentmant 3d,
Henry Guderi 4th, Aaron Harding ; 5th, R.
Mallory ; Cth, Green Clay Smith ; 7tb, Brutns
J. Clay 8th, W. Randall i Dtli, Wm. Wads
worth. All ore Union men some of them
Mouthers of last Congress. , , t
Illness of JclT. Davis-Lee Protests against
Hanging Federal Officers.
Washington, August II.
Richmond letters by last flag of trnc boat
say Jeff. Davis is stilt very ill and donbu ra
entertalneAThts recovery. Also, that Leo
protests against Davis hanging the two federal
ofliocrs in retaliation for those hung by Bnrn
side, os it involves the life of his son, Gen. W.
F. Leo. If his wishes are not acceded to ho
declares his intention of throning op bis com
mission. . '
Rebel News-fJuerrlllas In Tennessee.
Memphis, August 9.
Letters from soldiers in Bragg's army report
him fulling back to Atlanta, Oh., with the in
tention of fortifying and defending that plaoe.
A largo number of deserters who have their
arms with them are in the mountains near
Pikevilln, Ala., organizing with citizens to re
sist conscription. Efforts to enforce rebel con
scription in Western Tennessee have been
pretty generally broken np by the vigilance of
Gen Hurlbnrfs cavalry under Col. Hatch.
Small bodies of rebel cavalry ore still in the
country. They only save themselves, how
ever, by Fcnttoring and hidiug whenever our
cavalry approach.
Ailjiilnut General L. Thomas left for Ticks
burg to-night for the purpose of arranging an
organization of more colored troops.
Removal or Indians from Kansas.
Washington, August 11.
Commissioner Dolo hns gone to Kansas to
nuiko arrangements for removal of tho Indians
from that State.
Draft In New York.
New York. August II.
Draft bus been nearly completed in the west
ern part of the State. A revision of enroll
ment hns been ordered in 1st New York cou
gressional district where drafting will com
mence in about two weeks.
Siege or Fort Wngncr.
Stenm4s Nellio Fierce arrived to-dav from
Stono Inlet. Friday, 7th. At the time slio left.
the captiuu says tho siege was progressing fa
vorably i officers and men iu fine spirits; no
important news.
Inlon Mass Meeting to be held In North
New-hern, N. C, Aug. 9.
Unionists of eastern North Carolina will soon
hold a grent mass meeting to implore our gov
ernment to send sufficient forco to this depart
ment to occupy Raleigh, Wilmington, and
Weldon, in order to force the rebels to aban
don Virginia, nird thus restore these two great
States to the Union at mice..
Gunboat Expedition Into Arkansas.
C.viito, Aug. 11.
Gunboats have been prepared to co opcrato
Willi Steele in his expedition into Arkansas. A
number of Western regiments bavo ulready ar
rived at Helena.
Bragg Superseded by Bishop Tolk.
I.ot.isvii.t.i:, Aug. 12.
Deserters from rebel army say Hragg has
been superseded by lliehop Folk. The Nash
ville fVntnn inclines to credit this rumor, and
adds : "We have beard for some time that
UrllKS' 6rof drunkenness nnd hii great un
popularity among his soldiers, especially among
the Tentiesseeans, make it not improbable.
They will lio doubt Ihn w him overboard, nnd
it will please tho Tennesseeuus, Willi whom
Folk is popular."
The Situation In Virginia.
New York, Aug. 12.
The situation in Virginia seems to be as fol
lows : liaso ot rebel line will be, for the pres
ent, nt Gortlonsville, where is the branch of llio
main line of railroad between lticlimond and
Fredericksburg, dividing at Sexton's jtinetini,
and strikes nt Alexandria line. Our own com
munication, instead of being by Potomac and
Aipiia Creek, thence to Faliiiniilh, is by Urange
and Alexandria, direct fur Washington. Our
present front, tho Hnpidan, rising along llio'
blue liidgo mountains, flows in an easterly di
rection, und unites Willi Ilie ltiipahaiiniick nt
U. 8. ford. Along ibis line. Uen. Leo holds
the river as for as Fredericksburg, where be
hns a corps. Our own front appears to extend
along tho upper linppithannnek. sn that the tri
aneju between the ltapidan and Kiippahnmiock
will bo fur some time drbalahlo territory.
Kiot at Wooster, Ohio.
Cli it' Ado," August 12.
Cleveland Herald yesterday gives particit
lars uf riot nt Wonder, Ohio, nn the Sth. Dis
turbance wns begun, so said, by Vallandighaiu
men insulting peaceable people. Stones were
procured by tearing up street gutters, those
with clubs, and a few revolvers, wero the wea
pons uscil. Union men linnlly drove the but
ternuts from the field. Homo twenty Ave or
thirty were injured on both sides, some severe
ly.. The military was called out but the dis
turbance wns iiuctcd without resort to serious
Humored Change or Commander.
Ciiicaco, August 12.
Special Washington dispatches suv, rumors
of a change of commanders of the' Army of
l'ulomao are in circulation. Meade is reported
to have resigned. Generals G. K. Warren
and Hanks are talked of as commander in case
Meade' resignation is accepted.
Money Mrrkct.
Nkw York, Angust 12.
Money easy nt 51. Sterling opened dull at
YMYa l-'tfj. Gold opened at J2IA, advanced
to lij. and closed dull at 12(L
The First Colored Regiment from
riiiLAiiKLPiiiA, August 1.1.
First full regiment of colored soldiers raised
iu Pennsylvania left to-day for Morris Island,
to reinforce Giltuorc.
Favorable News rrom Charleston.
Nkw York, Angust 13.
Letter in tho A'cw South, a paper published
at Port ltm nl. dated 4th, soys, cur lines have
steadily advanced under lint lire from enemy,
with scarcely a casualty. Nut one death re
ported to-day ; oifr advance is within GOO yards
uf Wagner. Ilalleries and fleet give the cut my
little rest. Occasionally lorn sharp cotitittu
out firing, once or twice Wagner returned it
vigorously for a few minutes, as if enraged at
th effect nf uurf hells, but principal shelling
from rebel side is done by Sumter, Johnson and
none .varan.
Nkw Yoiik, Auu.-t 13.
Sterling Gold, Government
slocks dull.
Proceedings of Hew Tork Board or
Nam Vnsr A ,,,,.. ii
Rnnrd of Aldflrmea nfforAA rMUl,.n r i..
- r it.v.uiu U IIUV-
pitalities to Admiral Farragut. An order was
introduced in Hoard to-dav to raise $2,500,000
to aid to procuring substitutes for drafted men.
Committee on National Affairs was direotcd to
supervise mo enrollment in dilferont districts.
Number or Troops Furnished by Mew York
MHJ, t i
Nrw Ynnv ln,.i 11
Official report made by Adjutant General
Surae-iie. for flnv. Rormoir i,nn,. t,n ar
-1-0-7. - - .iivn. Mia. iivn
York City bns furnished, from beirinnineof the
... )' IUU1 ; P B
wur, oo,uw men 111 vices over Her quota, not
counting nearly 33,000 sent by her, at throe
.different times, fur defenoa nt r'nn;tnl ... .
No Fight likely to Occur-Importnnt Mis
slon or den. Uossenu. -. , --i,.
'Wasmnoton, August 13. .
' Roreral norresnonrle lit fr-rtm A smr nf f7n
1 ss win 411 IHJ im J, Ull
moo cam a nn tn nifht fullv miiBfiml
likely to occur in war xf a iiglit for tome time.
Onn. KfWitftn. frnm Ksirifiit-.trtv t k.. ?...
aiituuati so uun iiuiu, iiri
pnrp0M4f urging os Gatremmeiit propriety of
rnieintr reiriments of daralrv for ilririnn- onnt.
rillas out of Tennessee, and invadiiis heart of
wuii oiuies, uestroying railroad oommunica
tinnand reliovinir East Tennessee. Tils nmnn
srfr said to meet ilh much favor from Pres-
nent. ami is warml; favored by Hosecranz and
RtntA nlfieinls I4n will nel,nl,l 1. ....1
,,, i,.,,.,,,,,, (lo niinrr-
ued to raise them, or that number of Infantry
mil us muunicu,
From Siege or Charleston.
Washington. Auir. 14.
A dispatch received from Admiral Dahlgreen
to-day, refers principally to business of a char
acter not proper to be published, conoerninir
the progress of himself and Gen. Gilinore. it
is stated by those officers that tho prospect of
success in ine iinpcnuiug ntiaoK on tlie enemy s
works are in the highest degree encouraging.
Their representations are of such a diameter as
to leave no doubt uf triumphant results.
A Very Important Question Settled.
Chicago, Aug. 14.
Washington specials dated to-dnv. in the JV.
Y. Times, sny tho political diameter of John
Conuess, U. S. Senator from California, has
been authoritatively settled. .
A distinguished member of the Cabinet to
day said tlie California Senator, in character, h
a combination in equal parts of Ben Wade and
Dave Broderick. lie is a man of conscience
aud courage. Conuess, before going on a visit
to his friends iu Illinois, leaves behind assur
mice that Unionists of California will carry (hut
ouuc oy ou.uuu majority. ,
' The Drart In New Tork City.
New York, Aug. 14.
It is now understood that the draft will com
mence, in this city 011 Wednesday, the 10th
The Common Council passed an ordinance to
day appropriating $3,000,000 to exempt poor
...... .I.r. 1... r.. :-i.: i. ' 1.
iiii-m nuui umib ipj iuiiiisihiic euosiuuiea. r irv-
men are exempt br tho ordinance without ro
gard lo their previous service. The Express
saya on us passage it will ue signed by (lie
Keeolutious were also passed asking Gover
nor Seymour to prohibit all persons from re
crniting in this city for other Stntes.
Commodore Henry W. Morris of the U. S.
Navy died to-day. .. ;
Money llnrket.
New YonK, Aug. 14
SInnev easv nt 5 and C per cent. Sterling
dull nt 13rjul38. Gold lower, opening at
2(!, and closing at 25a251. Government
stocks firmer.
Death or 1 Rebel General.
Sr. Louis, Aug. 14.
Iutcllicelice has been received heru tn-ilnv
that rebel General T. II. Ilulmes died of delir
iam tretuens.
The Indian War.
' St. Pall, Aug. 14.
A report received to-dav savs that f;n. Kill.
ley has fought three battles with Indians, kill
ing 50 ; our loss, 7. The Indians were driven
across Missouri river with considerable loss of
lie. I be expedition is homeward hound. No
particulars of the fights hare been received.
Philadelphia, Aug. 14.
Advices from Veucxuelu dated Julv iffltli suv
rebels still hold Porto Cnbello, aud Laguayru
is cousidored blockaded.
Ucbcl Programme Elucidated.
Cint'Aim, Ang. 14.
Yesterday's New York Herald has a Wash-
ingtou special which says it is stated by those
who profess to know something of the pro
gramme of rebel affuirs, that the organization
uf negroes in tho rebel service here (lie line
gave out, east W Carson City.
Employment or Negroes by the Rebels-Ex-
cnangc or raroied Men.
CiiicAiio, Ang. 14.
The Herald's Washington disnntch of ves.
tcrduy says it is stated by those who profess to
know much of the rebel projrnmoie, that the
organization of negroes in the rebel service
bad been determined npon. Those employed
lo be compensated bv donation nf land nnd
emancipated nt the eml nf the war. Lists of
prominent rebel prisoners had been furnished
Gen. Meredith, aud it is expected that within
a fen weeks tho exchange of enlisted men who
hare been paroled and released will be e Heel
ed, and thus savo our country 18,000 men to
he released to service iu tho army.
Conviction or Forgers or V. S. Notes.
The Agent of the Treasury Department who
went to England some months since lias relum
ed to Wasluugtou. His mission has been high
ly successful. lie succeeded in the conviction
of two counterfeiters of U. H. Notes, at York
Assizes. It is believed that no attempt bus
been rondo tn forge tbese Notes except in tlie
cases referred lo.
New Commander or Blorkadlnx Squadron
fcipruillun iu aosquito inlet.
Wahiiinoton, An?. 11.
Lieut. F.nglieh, in a coiiiimiiiicntiun to the
Navy Department, dated July 28th, savs nnder
instructions from Acting Hear Admiral Hay ley,
he had assumed command of t ho blockading
squadron ohT the eastern const of Florida. He
despatched on expedition Dp Mosquito Inlet
which captured a sloop laden with cotton nnd a
schooner waiting for cargo. A large quantity
of cotton oil shore was burned ; several Vessels
wero destroyed, one Inden with salt. The
force landed and burned all houses being occu
pied by rebel troops. On Innding the force
was Crtd on by a few stragglers ; no one was
hurt. finals scoured exlensivo lagoon 30
milles. ns far as blockado runners could go.
Report or a Fight with a Rebel Pirate.
New Yokk, Aug. 14.
Portland papers contain news of a battle
between a Federal gnnimnt and a pirnte, i.ff
Lhoodna island on inu i l l 01 juiy. nino W
or CO shots were fired. The engagement
lasted 4-" minutes, when the gnnlxint ran in
fur lundinir, followed by Ilia pirate ns fur as
she dared In conic. No names are given and
a mystery bangs over the affair. Washington
dispatches' of this evening slnte that llio Navy
Department has no official knowlcdgtt as yet
of it.
From .trmyorthc Folomar.
Wahiiinoton, Aug. 1 1.
Information led-ired Irom the Aimy ol the
Potomao snys this morning a body of rebels
came npon our signal party, on Water mount
ain, three miles from Wnrrenton, and captured
three signal officers ; all of them bowevor sub
sequently escaped. Major General Warren
took temporary commano: of 2d army corps to
day. ' ',' '
Meeting or Canadian Parliament.
" ' ' -' '..' , Toronto, Aug. 14.
The Canadian Parliament assemblcuyestcr
day. ' The Governor Gencrnl in his speech di
rected special attention to the English Militia
Law, wluoh required extensivo amend incuts
in orucr to place it in a condition 01 etucicncy
Number of Negroes In the V. 8. fiervlce-
iiciesaiion ot Western Men tall on the
President. , ,,, ,
... i Vp.w Ynnir. Antr. IS.
The . Tribune' I Washington dispatch says
mo mimiier oi colored troops in tno army num
ber between 22,000 and 23,000; fifty additional
uegro regiments aro partly organized and rap
idly approaching completion. The estimate of
100,000 uegroes being in the army by Fall, it
is tiiougnt, will ue sustained, rroinincnt West
ern meu. among them, Gov, Tod, of Ohio,
onlied on, tho President-yesterday and urged
immediate organization of mounted forco to
oporuto in Tennessee.. Huutsville is perma
nently occupied. i ,! ,,;?
Rebels Get Supplies In Spite or Blockade.
' New York, Aug. 15.
' It is stated that rebels are securing immense
supplies bv wny of Wilmington, N. 6.. in spite
of hlocliftde. Machinery of all kinds, clothing,
medicines, railroad iron, guns of the heaviest
calibre, etc., are being brought in daily as if
no blockade existed. Officers and crews are
constantly leaving Wilmington as if no block
ade existed. They go to England to man
rebel privnteers which aro now being built fur
rebel navy. . ' ' ' ' '
Court or Inquiry In Gen. MUroy's Case.
Wahiiinoton, Aug. IS.
A Ci.urt of Inquiry has been demanded by
Gen. Milroy, and granted. Details of tlie
Court not yet published. It is probable, however,-
that Miijnr General Hitchcock will be
Decision Relating to Redemption or Pub
lic Debt.
Secretary Chase has made tho following de
cision in regard to the redemption of tho pub
lio debt. All coupon nnd registered bonds
forming a part of the permanent loan of tho
United Stntes will bo redeemed in gold. The
5-20 sixes being redeemable any time within
tweuty yenrs, after tlie lapse of live yea's be
long to the permanent loan, nnd so also do the
20-year sixes of July 11, 1801, into whioh the
3-ycnr 7-thirties are convertible. All obliga
tions mid notes forinitif part of temnorarr loan
will be pnid at maturity with United Stntes
notes, unless before such maturity payment in
specie shtill have been generally resinned.
Tho 7-tbirty bonds or notes form part of
temporary loan with tho privilege of conver
sion of 20-year sixes in sums of not less than
$500. They therefore will be paid if the hold
ers prefer payment to conversion in United
suites notes. -
Rebel Loss In Major General Grant's De
partment Since the Landing or the Army
at brand (iulf (Miss.) May j, lstij.
Loss in men-tip tn May I8lll ........... 40.(100
Prisoners taken at Vicksbnrg, July 4... 31,000
Total .
Citizen prisoners 5,000
(1,500 of whom women and children.)
Prisoners, sick and wounded 13.220
Prisoners lit lor dutr IH lim
Tents captured 4,000
Mules cnntured.... 1 Mill
Horses enprured ,()00
I4 night curs captured 2(H)
Locomotives captured 5
Lariro siecu cutis eaiitured IsW
Field pieces captured 151
lloniids nf ammunition. .- :t(X)
Stands of small arms 35,001)
Shotguns, etc., etc 30.000
VaTuo nf nnlilic nronerlv nnntnrcil. frnm CIO.
000,000 to $15,0011,000.
Licut.-C'ol. and Provost Marshal.
Port Hudson. Jnlr II. 18fi3.
Prisoners taken byMaj.-Geu. Hanks . ...5.000
Small guns, etc ... 7,000
Artillery, field pieces, etc., elo., nil taken
surrendered unconditionally.
Expedition tip the. James River Explosion
01 a Kcnci Torpedo and Loss or Rebel.
FoilTltKSSj MoNltOK, August 0.
An expedition left hero August 4lh, under
direction of Major General Foster, aooompii
nied by Ilia ttirreted iron-clad Sangamon, aud
two giiiibnnts, the Coiiiiiiodnro liurm-y and Co-
liasset. I lio expedition proceeded up James
river. When tvilhiii seven miles of Fort Dar
liiif. nt a point culled Dutch Gun. a tornedo
exploded under the bow of the Harney. A
string connected it witli the shore. The explo
sion was terrifio, and it lifted llio bow nf the
gunboat ten feet nut nf (lie water and threw a
great qiinnlity of water high iu the air, which
falling nn the deck swept uvefhoard fifteen uf
her crew. Lieutenant Hushing, her comman
der, nml two sailors, were drowned. The rest
wero saved. Major General Foster was on
board when tho explosion took place. The en
envy then opened upon them from the shore,
with pound field pieces. The Harner wns
penetrated by fifteen cannon shots ami a great
numiier ol musket balls, but not a man was
injured, except a Paymaster, who was slightly
Wounded by splinters. The gillibunt Coliassrt
received live 12-pouml shots, 0110 of which
jitisscd through lliu pilot house, instantly killing
her oointnniitler. Tlie Commodore Harney was
towed to Newport News to bo repaired. The
object of the reennnnissance was accomplished
and tlie fleet relumed,
Incident from the Gettysburs Battle Field.
We have seen a diary of the events uf Get
tysburg before and after the reM occupation
and during the three days battle, kept from day
to day by a lady of that town, nnd recently
sunt to ber friends ill this city. Her husband
was compelled tn fly fur his lite when the rebels
occupied Gettysburg, hut she remained at home
Willi her children, aud nn the arrival ol our
force busied herself with providing comforts
for them.
One entrv in this diarv is as follows i "I have
been making coffee ami' baking nil night."
In another pnssngo the writer snys : "When
the rebels came, some nf their oflicer stopped
at our house and entered into conversation.
Don't hetilrnid,' they said, 'we won't hurt you.
We nre Southern leiiilemen. We don't act as
your bnshniids and brothers do in the Smith
turn women and children nnt of doors.' "
f bo Inily quietly adds 1 "We did not dare to
snr a word 1 they might have shot ns down :
The town was the focus of a terrible fire du
ring a part nf tho great battle. The citir.ens
kept wilbin their houses, whilo shot and shell
doiiglied through the streets and filled the air.
I ere is n pnssnen from the diary, describitir
tlie i f ct of the missiles upon tho children in
the writer's house 1 "Kate behaved remarkable
well, und Allie thought tlie shells flying over
the town were birds, and when he henrd them
shining put tip his lnml to ditch llieni. A.
Y. .i e. J'xtt.
Rebellion West or the Mississippi Nearly
Kxtlnct-Kebei News, a
Chicago, August 8,
That part nf the rebel territory west of tlie
Mississippi will shortly be cleared of every or
ganized force. ' General Davidson is marching
down through tho center of Arkansas, and is
thus far very successful, t ;-. s -t ,'.
Already the people nf Jacksonport nru said
to be fleeing beforo Davidson's approooh.--There
is also another expedition Just on the
point of starting Into tlie Western country
which will assist In completing tho work of
crushing the rebellion. It cannot be long be
fore tho entire extent of the territory will be
in undisputed Federal onntrol.
On July 27th General Johnston reviewed the
rebel troops at Mobile. : ' " ' 11
The Atlanta (Gn.) Appeal' urges guerrilla
operations on tho Mississippi river, and snys a
systcmntiicd plan of operation! 'on its banks
will accomplish more than can otherwise be de
vised lo oripple Grant. ,
Rebel Complaints or Inlon Sentiment In
Alabama and Mississippi, , ,
' ' ' Memphis, August 8. !
Th Mobile JVrtw of August 3d, lamenting
tho suite of feeling among the people of Mis
sissippi,, says 1 "Wo have a multitude of re
ports horribly detrimental to tlie diameter and
patriotism ol tho people of many ports of Ala
bama and Mississippi. Soma of thoin are too
disgraceful to print. . A portiou of our peoplo
have gono stark mud. They aro bastard
Southerners and rcoreant Confederates. Men
nf mark leaders ol the people the eyes of
the people are upon yon !" etc, etc. The iVetrs
also say 1 "Judging from the accounts that
reach us, the women of this trying timo are the
only men among them.
"Brave John Burns." .
Tho Oermantown (Pa.) Telegraph narrates
the following :
John Hums, over seventy years nf ngo, a
resident of Gettysburg, fought throughout the
buttle of the first day, and wns wounded no
less than five times the shot taking effect in
his nuklo, wounding him severely. He came
op to Colonel Wister in the thickest of the fight,
shook bauds with him and said ho came tn
help. He was dressed in bis best, consisting of
a light-blue swallow-tailed coat, with brass but
tons, corduroy pantaloons, and a stovepipe hat
of considerable hight, all of ancient pattern,
and doubtless an heirloom in his hoaso. Ho
loaded mid fired unflinchingly until the last nf
his five wounds brought him down. He will
recover. His little cottage was burned by tho
rebels. A purse of a hundred dollars has been
sent him from Germautown. Hrave John
Hums !
Sensation Reports.
New Yokk, August 0.
Tho Tribune's correspondent with tho Army
of tho Potomac, under dato of August 7th,
says tho thermometer there stood ot 104.
Tho Tribune's Washington dispatch sny, the
war with F.ngland sensation news, lately start
ed, hns no foundation in truth,
Tho Herald's Washington dispatches eon
tain long report" to tho t-ficoi that C. M. Clay,
our Minister to St. Petersburg, has entered in
to a treaty with Uussia on behalf of the United
Stntes, assuring Russia that, in the event of
war being declared against her nn tho Polish
question, tho United States would declare war
against France and England,
Alarm In Mississippi and Mobile.
The fall of Vicksbnrg lias occasioned great
nlnrm throughout Mississippi and Alabama, and
the rebels seem altogether at fault as to what
they shall do to protect themselves from the
consequences which they regard as certain to
follow. Major General D. II. Maury, com
iiiiiiiding nt Mobile, issued a proclamation to
the cititens ol I lint place July 8th, warning
them that tho calamity nt Vicksbnrg had a pe
culiar significance for them ; that Mobile might
bo attacked in a short time, that the troops
must be immediately armed for protection, aud
that able bodied slaves must be set to work on
the defenses Immediately. This arming of
slaves by tho rebels will, of coarse, give a ter
rible shock to our nervous Conservatives, but
tho enemy seem to have very little regard for
the feelings of people of this class.
False Reports or Riots.
Huffai.o, August 8.
Tho reported riot nt Sugar Orovo (Pa.) is a
hoax. The operator iu Warren (Pa.) says
there is no truth in it. The druft had not com
menced in Warren county.
Hunt's Merchants' MuKazinu for March con
tains on interesting nrllole on the stock of gold
in the United States, from which I take the
follow ing 1 "The real amount uf the precious
metiils in tho country m:iy bo approximated
from official returns pretty nearly. In the Col
onies originally there wero no precious metals,
except the small quantities brought by the set
tlers, urndiinlly lliey earned soiuu ripamsh
coin by trade, but Very little, since the country
could iiotnflord it, but used pnper. As they
oceanic ricner me emu increased, ami In
Mr. Gallatin and other authorities estimated the
quantity in the country at 6:17.000,000, Soon
utter that dale tlie mines nf Virginia and Geor
gia negan to yield small sums, all ol which
sought the minis, and branch mints were estab
lished to receive it. Iu February, I1JI8, Cali
fornia gold was discovered, and begun to yield
in 1841 ; and iu 1H34 and 1(437 tho standard
was altered to induce greater imports of gold
into the country. Up to 181!) the value nf the
metals in the country was tl22.5!H).rfl2, and
up lo 1802 it was 1243,010,123, as will be seen
by the following statement 1
fin band in IKJ1 ( 17,000,000
I iipnrt, It.'l to
IMIU f. .','.! .'-I I, CC7
Export, to
win lm.Wijfff
Net Import
I'uiled Ktates nilliea IHf to
I Hill
.. P.HII.SnO
On band IHin
(tnilerf Ktates aitnM IHIIl lo
IMti-J .'iil,IW0,0lO
luip'.rt, IKIOlo
in;j ti:li,:rzvii
Kxport, 1819 to
led! Sn.WI.GWtfrJ.ft-aVfijl i'Jo,tio,.v;i
On baud IHC) .'4:l1lll!i,IJ3
Now It is to bo borne in mind that this is (lie
whole supply of nil the precious luetiils from
imports and mines, with the exception of such
sums as 00100 unreported iuto tho country in
the pockets of individuals.
That there is much foreign coin brought Into
the country is proved in tho quantities that are
ei ported. In tho month ot January Inst, of
over 4.0011,000 exported, them was 000,000 of
foreign coins. A portion of this must bavo
been brought by individuals,
Enoiimoiia SAt.AniKS. The Congressional
Investigating Committee iu llio Net York
Custom House hns discovered that the beads of
that institution receive the follow ing salaries:
Collector Harney, s)J3.000 per annum; Sur
veyor Andreas, s)"l,4:il; and naval officer
Dennison, I'll.!' 10. Their income aro in a
great measure dependent on U10 war; but wo
think the people of the cut... rv would prefer
that some legislation ehoul.l be made which
would effectually stop the possibility of' allow
lug to three office holders tho extravngant sum
of over f 250,0'H) annually, nt n timo when the
land Is groaning nndcf burdens grievous to be
Tub DistiNios Tribuni. The PhiM,S-
phia Sunday Transcript la an article Moling
some slanders of the Tribunt on Die Feoosyl
vnnia troops, quotes the following from that dd
lootnble Union (?) sheet. It wil be e:fyltj -to
the radicals who usually oliimeJ in with tho
Tribune In all articles of political faith i '
- ' Hut speaking or the Tribune, we may it
well here and now give a few quotations from
that incomparably " loyal " sheet. To begin
with November 9, 1800 here ia a lYioime ed
itorial :
Tf the Cotton States shall hepnma aatlsflaJ
that they can do bettor nut of the Union tbaa
in it,' m insist on letting them go in peace.
The rirht to secede man be a revolutionin
one, but it exists nevertheless. re j- yi
must ever resist the right of any State to re
main in the Union and nullify or defy the lawi
thereof. To withdraw from the Union is quite
another matter 1 and whenever a considerable
section of our Union shall deliberately resolve
to go out, WE SHAIX JU818T ALL cogRcrvi
hope never to live in a republic whereof one
section is pinned to another by bayonets.
- Agaim December 17, 18C0. the TVioaasheU '
the following truly " loyal " language t 1
" ' seven or eight contigeout States shall
present themselves authentically at Washing
ton, saying, ' We hate the Federal Union j wo
navo withdrawn from It: we eive too the
choico between acquiescing tn onr secession
and arranging amioably all incidental noertlona
on the one hand aud attempting; to subdue oa
on lite other we could not stand up for coer
cion, for subjugation, for we do not think it .
would be just. We hold the right of self-government
sucrcd, etam when invoked in behalf
of those who deny it to others.
" If ever ' seven or eight States' send agents ,
to Washington, to say, ' We want to get out of
the Union,' we shall feel constrained by our i- "
votion to human liberty, to lay let them go I '
And we do not sea bow wo could take tho
other side without coining in direct conflict, with
those rights of man which ice hold paramount
lo all political arrangements, however conven
ient and advantageous." -
" If it (the Declaration of Independence)
justifies the seoession from tho British Empire
01 inreo minions 01 ooiomsts in weaontt
see why it would not justify the secession of five
millions of Southrons from the Union in 1801.
If we are mistaken on this point, why docs not
some one attempt to show wherein and why I -For
our own part, while we deny the right of
slaveholders to hold slaves against tlie will of
the latter, we cannot see how twenty millions tf
people can rightfully hold ten, or ear five, in
a detested Union with the m.bu military force,"
At a littlu earlier date, in fact Just prior lis '
the seoession of South Carolina, the Tridans
gavo to the world the following; " loyal " libel
on " the Old Flat-:"
Tll AMiniCiN SLa. ' ' ( '
All hall the flaunting Lie I
The stars firow pals and din; .' '
The stripes are broody aoar
A Lie the vaunliajr hymn.
It shields a pirale's deck,
It btiirla a man in ehains, ' ...
It yokes the captive's nock,
And wipes the bloody stains.
Tear down the flaunting Lie I , .
Half-mast the starry flag I ,
. Insult no sunny sky . , .
With hate's polluted rag!
Destroy it ys who can j - .
Deep sink It in the waves!
It hears a fellow mars , ,
To grouu with felluw sUres.
Furl, furl the boaster) Lis I
Till freedom lives agaiu,
To rule ones more in truth
Among antranisieled mea.
noil up the starry sheen,
Conceal ita bloody stains ;
For In Ita folds are seen ,
The stamp of rustling cbai' j.
New York Papers on tub Biot. The
Times of July 20th, snys of tho lata riot t
There can be no doubt that the late riots in
this city have been due in a very targe degree
to the intrigues and machinations of traitors
and rebels in the North. Whether their mo- -live
has been sympathy with the South or part
isan hatred of the Administration, the result hi
the same; they have been stimulating a
bloody civil oommotion iu the North for the
purposo of aiding the rebellion In the Sonth,
and hostility tn the draft has been the mum
lover which they have employod. . A draft for
military service must always be obnoxious in
any ooiffilry, although do one can doubt that,
properly managed, it is the most eqnitablo mode
nf securing that service whioh is absolutely
iniiispensamo 10 every nation, r or our gov
ernment now to abandon or suspend the draft,'
in consequence of tho violent hostility It baa
encountered, would bo simnlo abdication of Ita
most essential functions. It would bo a sur
render nf ull authority a complete abandon
ment uf tho right which every Governmeut haa
In the services of its tititens. We are glad
the Government at Washington does not for
moment entertain the thought of each a ttep.
The laws of the nation must be enforced. Tho
druft must go 011, aud the official authority
must be supported by adequate military furoa
in .parrying it nut.
As nn offset tn the foregoing, we quote tho
following from tho Herald t
It is a very noticeable feature of the courso
of the niggorhead papers that they lose no op
portunity to give aid and comfort to the rebels.
Fhis fact wns amply illustrated last week, when
the Tribune, Times, and Post, vied with each
other in representing the outbreak in this city ,
as the result nf a rebel plan for raising a revo
lution in the North in favor of Jeff. Davis. If
these abolition assertions were true, what
greater encouragement could Jeff. Davis de
sire ! Overwhelmed as the rebel leaders most
have been by their succession of signal defeats,
what other news could have brought them such
comfort and consolation as the intelligence of
an immense popular uprising at the North In
behalf of their Confederacy? This la un
doubted1)' what tho Abolitionists Intend. They .
know that the rebels are beaten. ' They know
that unless something is.douu to proluug tlie
war the L'niou will be restored before their con
spiracy to nbolitiooiie every acceded State can
le accomplished. They know that la prolong
the war it is nooessary to iuspirit Jeff. Davis
and neakvu our armies. . ,
"Another Step." Wendell Phillip and
a negro named Itemond, delivered orations on
the 4th of July, at Framingham, Ct. The fol
lowing is a quotation from l'hillips' aUress:
" He was about tn say aouiethitir which
would make the New York Herald display ita
large capitals and notes of exclamation:
Amalgnalioni Nnw, remember this, that
on the 4th day nf July, 1803, yon heard me
say that iu the light of all history and every
age, 1 am an umtifguninftonist t'a its fullest ex
tent 1 Limine haa nn past except in this oi- ,
vine method for the civilisation of the world."
Tho Billy-goat of this place will now have
to whip op a little or Phillips will get ahead o.
hun. "Another step" Is all that it neeeseary
to bring Hilly along side.
. Wixil.. In the maikot yesterday sales wero
effect d of 10.000 lbs of Oregon, al 2758
cents ; 1 1,000 If", of California, at 24 oenta 1
nnd 11,000 rvsof the same at 25 cents.-F.
H'rald, 30,.i. ull. ,