She (Ovrgtw J? Mcit. t V We iliimld b sorry to believe that tlio fi .gs expressed liy onu Adams, Collector of Customs at Astoria, Oregon, towards these Col onies, nra entertained liy nny very largo pur tion of the American people. Who or vvliiit this Allium it, we do not euro to know ; hut wo tnti tell him what he it not ft gentleman ; or Iih could not have, penned the following in rein, linn to the Beef Euilmrgo. Tim extract it from ' k letter written to Victor Smith : "I hare per emptorily "hut down on the exportation of oil kinds of 'live stuck' trt Victoria, even to b'ood himndii, or anything of the four legged nnlimil kind tlmt a British soldier, or one of JelTi rng tnultin cut-thrimts, could either eat.ride, or hint on the truck of a Union man. I should Imve been glad to Imve enforced un order prohibit ing the shipment of even a pint of beam or neck of hrnn tn our sooession fliig-rnieing neigh bors." Victoria Chronicle. The Chronicle bus guessed very nocuritlvly what this "one Adams" ia not. The Chroni cle would not have rnieeed the mark a hair's breadth if It had ulso guossed that thin "one Adorn" it not any thing but a billingsgate bab bler, and a conceited, arrngaut, pestilent aboli tion fiiimtio, who, drc8ed In a little brief au thority, imngiuea himself a man Instead of a puppy. The joy of Ailutns at the opportunity of en forcing the beef embargo wai probably not shared with him by half a dozen men In Ore gon or Washington Territory. The order pro bibiting the exportation cf "live stock" was never intended to apply to tliii const, and was more than likely transmitted through mistake. The Chronicle inya Collector Low has been in formed by the President that the order will be annulled so far as this coast is concerned, which, if true, shows that it was pnt in opera tion hero by inadvertence. Adams bad several reason; for being "glad" nt the opportunity of enforcing the order. In the first place, "3,000 a year and nothing to do," is too good a tiling tn bo lost for the want of an opportunity to manifest such a zeal as be thinks becomes a federal official whoso bread and butter depends on the will of a superior. Something to do, was like a small boy with a pair of new boots, and "one Adams," like snob n small boy, rather overdid it. In the second place, "one Adams" bod about concluded that n war with England was soon to occur, in which euro the shutting peremptorily down on t lio exportation of cattle, would be taken as a proof of superior sngncity, and that he could mnko capital by laying back and saying, "I told you so." In the third place, we presume "one Adams" had been kicked in Victnria.and felt rather spiteful toward die Victorians. In the fourth place, be was "glad" to enforce the order, and would, have been glad to enforce au order prohibiting the exportation of even a pint of beans, because destroying nn important trade of our people and stirring up feuds with our neighbors give natural play to his ruling passion excessive meanness. The people of Oregon will, nn doubt, duly appreciate Billy-goat's benevolent good will toward their pecuniary relations with Jhe Brit ish provinoes. A CAT IXOEK TUE HEAL. The radical rats have got themselves into a furor about a supposed "cat under the men!' in General Meade's tub. Something is wrong thero is a great mystery about his failure to capture Lee before bo could cross the Polo moo ! Radical journals cannot excuse the fail ure and from "a sense of duty," cannot con cejL frora the public, the public disappoint met,?. Meade ia already charged with "incom petence" and an "inexplicable tardiness." The N. Y. 2Viinanys! At a moment when be must reerot more keenly tbnn any one else can, his disastrous mistake, wo aro not willing to press criticism bcynnil what is necessary, but it is our duty to declare the strength of tlio popular disappointment, and to indicate the expectation of the country that Gen eral Monde will in future command his own armr and fiffht it in accordance with Ins own iudement. But be the measure of this error greater or less, sha.l receive, as McClellan 'a did lust, and only just, condemnation. Thecnuntrv lias como to understand mat it can no longer afford to experiment with incompeterfte, and ed ucate inexperienced generals. Interslicrd with the above is a paragraph which explaius the captions spirit of the Tri bune. There is too much likeness between the two greatest generals of the army loo dear a parallelbelweenthetwocampaigns by which the rebel army was hustled off of loyal soil. The Tribune accnuuts fur its ill nature, thus ; The disloyal press of this cily seizes on the fault of General Meade as the justification of tlio far more inexcusnhlo and unaccountable blunder of General McClellan, by which the half-beaten rebel army was suffered to escape after the battle. ot Antietam. Wo mil to see now two wrongs mako a right. On McClellan's imbecility wo com mented with plainness, when the evidence of it became so overwhelming as to be irresistible. In the present case we partially suspend judgment till all the tacts are known. The Tribune and all the smaller fry radicals can never forgive any commander who resent Idea McClellan either by design or accident. MoClellan defeated Lee and forced bun to re turn into Virginia so did Meade. On both occasions Lee got off with serious hurt, but took with liim some prisoners, a good deal of booty and all bit cannon, trains, etc. Dolh McClellan and Meade fought great battles and very severe ones vrithiu a few days after coin ing into command and under some serious dis advantages. Both went about it cautiously, and won success. Neither of them found it possible to do on the field hat these radicals find so easy to do on 'paper annihilate the chief army of the rebellion. The rebels got away. McClellan was at once set upon by the radical) as "incompetent and imbecile." Meade, do ing nothing less or more, could not receive at their hands greater commendation or less de nunciation. Annihilation of the rebel army was the measure of the radical demand, with out regard to possibilities, and that being unac complished, the splendid victories that pre . ceded Lee's departure for the sacred soil, went for nothing. There to a marked difference be tween the treatment by ihe radicals of Burn sido and Hooker and McClellan and Meade. The two former lost great battles and escaped the loathings of tbo radicals the two latter won great battle and were immediately caught under the hammer of criticism. Query: la there a cat inder the meal in Meade's tub there was in McClellan' ! A Black Napolvon. M. B. Lnwry, a member of the Pennsylvania Senate, said in recent speech : "This war is for the African and his race. The SIX hundred Colored men who bare recent ly fallen have elevated the race. For all I know, the Napoleon of this war may be done of 'n a black package. (Laughter.) We have n'.'Sidence of hi being duo up in a while one as yet. Complimentary to the ten of thousands of "while trash" auldier who bava tallcn fighting CT Amuiah Goodwin, aged 100, revolu tionary soldier, died at Dover, X.U.. Juoe3J. CALIFORNIA DISPATCHES. A I'ropoM'd Duel. San Fiiancikco, August 5. It wns currently reported Inst right that a duel had been arranged to come off this morn ing between two citizens of San Francisco one ol whom George l'en Johnston fought n dntl nn Angel Island, w hich reunited in the death of bis antagonist, a few years since. The ground was chosen and the, weapons wero to be Mis sissippi yagers distunce twenty panes. Later in the night it was reported that tlio meeting had been postponed for ouo day. The matter now appears to have been adjusted, though it is still talked of as merely in abeyance. Congressional Delegation from I'tnh. 8alt Lake, August 5. Judge J. F. Kinney has been unanimously elected as Delegate to Congress from tills Ter ritory, and Albert Carringtou as Member of Congress. 1 here was no opposiuou ticket. . Fight nt Vlnalla between Holdluri nnd Necessloiilsti Loss of Life. San Francisco, August 0. A fight took place to day at Vlsaliu between sniuo soldiers nnd a party of secessionists. Thirty or forty shots wero exchanged, nnd one soldier killed. Three rebels were badly wound ed. Soldiers nnd citizens aru iu pursuit of the rebels. Fire nt Benlcln nnd Loss of Lift. Brnecia, August 0. The residenco of Judgo S. C. Hastings caught fire lust night about 10 o'olook, and was wholly destroyed. Most of the furniture wa saved. Loss, between $2,000 and $;),000 insured. About 12 o'clock, a portion of the wnll (adobe) full, orushing two men to death instantly ; nno. named K. D. L. Bryant, broth er of A. J. Bryant of 8nn Francisco; the other nn employe of the Pacifio Mail Steam ship Company, named Thomas G. Johnson, familiarly called "Scotty." Both wero unmar ried and highly respected. They will he bur ied by the firemen to-morrow. Troops Under Orders-Klot Apprehended. San Francisco, August D. It is reported that two companies of Ihe First Regiment, California Volunteers, arc ordered to hold themselves in readiness to march nt short notice. The destination is presumed to be Visalia. It was anticipated last night Tubbs' rope factory, on Hunter's Point, would bo attacked by laborers opposed to Coolio operntivos. Fifty policemen, acting as infantry, nnd two cannon wero on the ground, but tlio rioters did not mnko their appearance. 1 no Mission Woolen mills, which employ a large number uf Chinese wns also strongly guarded, ns it is asserted that an organization ol while laborers exist in this city determined to drivo the Chinese out of every position in which their presence inter feres with the interests of white laborers. The organization is said to be formidable. Affairs nt Visalia. , Vibala, August 8. Great excitement prevails, and men aro clos ing up their business and leaving town. We think ourselves able to hold out uutil the arri val of reinforcements. San Francisco, August 7. Steamship Golden Age arrived to-day, with New York passengers of Julv 13th. Arrived, shin Jure, 134 days from Bos ton, to Stevens, linker & Co. She was off Cape Horn twenty-three day in strong gales, and sustained considerable damage. Henry B. Bent, seaman, of Dorchester (Mass.), was lost over board. Interesting from Mexico. Private letters from Mexico to July 7lk aro received ; also, advices from Guadalajara to (bo 21st. The roads between Acnpulco atid the city of Mexico wero closed. The Mexican Government (Juarez) bad is sued a decree stating that no communication would be allowed with the city of Mexico, and notifying all persons engaged in trade or traflio that nil goods found on the road destined for the city of Mexico would he seized and confis cated, and the owners, if caught, wnuld be punished with death as traitors. General Negrete, Governor nnd Comman der of Mexican forces in the State of Pueblii, with 5,000 troops, Attached, on the 5th of July, the French at Acatzingo. a city situated ou the mad to Orizalia. I lie r rencli lord's were de feated, and Neerete took possession of the city. The French retrested, leaving Negrete master of the road. Negrete was joined by 2.000 Mexican soldiers who had been captured at I'uebln and were held as prisoners and with whom he fell in upon the road to Orizaba. For some time tlio French force in the oity of Mex ico had been engaged in organizing an expedi tion tn the interior country to take possession of some large cities, but on account of the activity of guerrilla the French had been compelled to abandon the project, and to tend nut their for ces to different points on tlio roads leading to the city or Mexico. 1 hey have now detncli ments at Plascaln, Puebla, Pachuca and Hua maiitla. Guerrillas have captured a nnmberof train bound to the French army. The French lurces nt the present time in the City of Mexico consist of 11,000 French nnd 3,000 Mexicans (under Marqnez). The re mainder of the armr, ns before slated, is do fending the roads leading to the city. The Triumvirate established by the French wns in session debating the question ot estnh lidiing u monarchy with Maximilian of Austria as Emperor. It was conceded that an Empire would be proclaimed, ns the 1 numvirnto were only in existence ns creatures of Saligny, find would do the Inditing ol the r rench eninuian der. Pictures of Maximilian and his Kite had been placed on the public street by the French and laheted as the lulura l.inperor and bin press of Mexico. Genernl Ortega has arrived at Zacutecns, and wns very busy recruiting force to commence active operations against tlio French. The Mexican Government at San Luis Potosi woe also very active in bringing force together for the purpose- of carrying no a guerrilla warlare. It was supposed that the Uovernmenl would be removed to Guadalajara, in the State of Ja lisco, that place being more centrally located and likewise having mora resources than Snn Luis 1'olosi, while it was also nearer the 1'acino coast. There was considerable feeling in San Luis against the action of the Government of tho United State in seizing some sixteen thousand stand of arm which had been purchased by the Mexican Government and were shipped for a Mexican port, lie Government ol tbo L ni ted State, after the tailing of a vessel, bai vent out a (hip of war which captured and took back and held possession of the arms. The Mexican say, wilh some troth, that the United State allowed the French to purchase mules, wagon and other neoessanes, which the French shipped to Vera Croz ; but now they aot very differently. Can it be, they say, that tbo United State tear the rench and acqui esoe in tho occupation of sister Kepuiilio whoM feeling and sympathies are with the Government ol the Uuited HUtcsI Senor Koruero, the Mexican Minister Washington, bod orders sent bim, it was sup posed, lo ask no favors of the present Govern ment nf the Uuited State. President Juarez isued front San Lois I'o- tosL July 15th. a decree prohihitmg the cxnor tation of specie from Mexico. General Forey had issued similar decree a few day before Eieritlon or Mlrhiel Britton. Napa, August 7 Michael Britton was execnted to-day for tb mnrder of J W. Orborn. He was taken out of bis cell at a few mlnnte past three, and when about to ascend the scallold he resitted, ml had tn be tied and led nn. As soon a wa upon the scaffold, he looked around and said IU a vinnicuve uuic, - i pujipi- j feel vert orrV." When asked it he had any thing to say, he replied, "I have nothing to say. If any ona wishes to ask any question I will amwer them." A preparation for the execution were progressing, he said I "Yon are hanging me unjustly. Just murder. Have me decently buried. Wsml was deuird me in life I want in death." When asked by the priest if he bad any confessions to make, he 4id i JAil I kta Wry lof 1 I va Wn to in- suited in life, I could not act the part of a gen tleman." The drop fell nt 3:i!0 o'clock, nnd ho died without sonroelv a struggle. Upon ex animation, thero was found upon his arm, in India Ink, tlio name of Michael Cnnrny. He was nttended by Hev. Mr. Degeart of Nnpa nnd Hev. Mr. Uenrden of Vullejo, but (Iiav did not succeed in making nny impression upon him. Ha treated their attentions with ridicule and jest. During his imprisoment ho ha not uttered a word of regr t for the crime ho bad committed, nnd wii 'oon the scaffiild bis countenance boro the , vss of a villain of the deepest dye. Wheft, 'heriff wns read ing the warrant and came., "alias Michael Britton," lie said, "Damn the aliases I" Domestic Items). ....Judge Deady has Couch inspector of hulls and John Nation inspector of boilers for this district. ....The following additional sums to the San itary fund have been rocelved i From Mrs. E Alnswortli, Treasurer of Ladies' Society, 1 15 50, collected In Trinity Church, Portland, on Thanks giving day from George Mercer, $25 00, collect ed nt Presbyterian Church, Corvallis, ou same day t from W. P. Watson, $ fiO in coin and 125 in currency, collected atAmes Chapel Camp Ground, Butte Precinct, Washington county. ....Company "G," Oregon cavalry, was mus tered into the service at Vancouvor last Monday by Major Winston. II. C. Small is Captain Wm. M. Hand 1st Lieutenant; Patrick McGuire 2d Lieutenant. It was annonnccd last week that Jno. F. Noble bad been appointed Captain, ....Our follow townsman, Joe Hobnan, return ed last week from Massachusetts, after an ab sence of over two years. ..Mr. Dryer, Into commissioner to the Sand wich Islands, left San Francisco last week for the Atlantic States. It is thought ho has gone to as sist "the family" in fixing up matters. The junior of "the family" will of course be glad to see him. ..The Sandwich Island pnpors report the now American Minister as getting along swim mingly with his friend Kainmy. ..The Oregonian says Clias. Hatchings, In dian Agent in Idaho Territory, bus been removed for "want of fidelity to the personal Interests of thor oflico holders." A Mr. Townscnd of Illinois is appointed in bis stead. ..Cant. J. W. Porter, formerly clerk in the quartermaster department at ton Dalles, and at present private soerotary ot Hoy. Wallace, of Idaho territory, has received Ins commission as Provost Marshal for Washington Territory, wilh Instructions to establish his headquarters nt Fort Viineouver. From our acquaintance with the Cantain we iudiro that ho will make n nnnulnr iiuu uiuuium uiiicer. uaucs juarnai. . . A new restaurant has been opened in Port land and one of the daily papers announces its intention of patronizing it. Katbor startling an nouncement for the restaurant. The Victoria Chronicle say a telegram from the President to Collector Low of San Francisco, irccts tlio suspension of the embargo on cattle so fur as rogards this coast. Thus goes for naught all of Billy-goat's anxiety to endiiro "greater in- conveniencies." ..Mr. W. L. C'ardwcll was severely injured at Portland last week by the falling of a scaffold pon which be was at work. Ho fell upon the sharp pickets of a fence below bim and received wo wounds one iu Ihe abdomen and the other in the groin. ..Michael Fink was up last week for exam ination in Portland on a charge of being implica ted in the robbery of Dr. Davenport, some time ago. Fink was discharged. ..The weather, which for six weeks has been unusually hot and dry, cooled off vory sens- bly last week, and on Saturday we were visited by several gontle, reviving showers. -..The boys in the Statesman office are indebt ed, for a box of luscious peaches to the oldest typo iu the State. It is needless to say the boys wero ripe for such a nrcsent and so were the peaches, which were at once distributed in appro priate cruet. Wo hopo our friend's peach crop will never fail. -.The Collector of Internal Revenue will be nt Albany on the 7lh and 8th and at Eugene City on the 11th and 12th of September for the pur pose of receiving U. S. taxes. ...A correspondent of the Dalles Journal re- ports that Enoch Fruit has been killed again. It to be hoped that ho is now dead enough to require no further notice than an epitaph. Portland Market. The following were the market prices at Portland lost Saturday : Flour, per barrel ft 25 a 5 00 Wheat, per bushel.... .. 05 " 35 " 181 " iej" 07 " 20 " 22 " 17 " Oats, per bushel.. Baconsides ..... bams boulders . Butter Kgg Wool ...Wo received last week, but too late lor pub lication', the "1'ri.coudiiigs of the State Teachers' Association and Institute." ...Greenbacks wero worth 75 cents on the dollar, at Bannock City July 28tb. ...The latitude of Bannock City has been de termined to be 44-15. Tlio Portland City Guards have re-organ- iacd under the constitution of the old Jefferson Guards. ...The Albany company of militia litis re ceived from the State NO miuiiia riflus. ...The Dannuck City correspondent of the Dalle Journal says that a Polish Jew named Mark Frederick, formerly of Portland, was shot dead, August 2d, by John Elliott, alias "Cross Road Jack." ...Patrick Toad-fart annouuees through the RtrUn that on or about the 1st of October ha will miraculously resurrect the defunct l aioa at Port land ; on which occasion it will appear gloriously a a daily of 20 columns and adouble sheet week ly of 40 columns all of which Patrick T. has dreamed out, on hi little starvation patch of stoue in Unipqua valley. ...Mr. J. 8. Butler ha gone to Bannock City for the purpose of eaUbliabing a newspaaer there to be eat led the Boise A'net. Ho says th Timrt MAHBIED. At ;V residence nf Jatne Mi-Comilok. Clark conn- It, W. T . AnidiM IIMi. by J. Pollm-k. J. P., Mr. Ham- ar buhin anil Mrs. Mary Mclomtld, both of Clark count v. At tli Dalles, rxh in-t . by Iter. Mr. Condon. Mainr O. H. Huvave and Hiss Mury B. Mnnirer. In Vancouver, nir- ?lh, by Jnrixe Oli pliant, Her. dith Urieu and it its Virginia U. 8larr, bulb of Uenlon cointy. un me m Aninisi, dj iuf. v.. neny, n m. nera and M rs. Kliia KxtdoIiIs. In Clark co'iiniv. W. T., June 96th. by Ervln Burke, Km., A. A. Tonilmson aud Catharine Stanley, all of Multnomah eoontjr DIED... In Marion rotinty. 9tb InsL. tnra L, danghtcr of w. it. an Helen u luiny, bum i yaan. Misonri rmpvr pUitav copy.) Un tha Hih, near swlem, Klrcra, wife of Franklin Pitman, aired almit '-i years. In Krtlem, TAb Inst , of arartat fver, Minnie Beile, only daiurlitcr of T. B. and U. A. U-ekay, a-rd 4 yra., & saws aud U days. ' Yrt attain we bop In meet thee, Wben the day of lile la rted i 1n--n ia heaven' with joy lo greet thee, Where ao farewell tear is thed." Co. Insfialem. Kkh ins , of Ana and enr throat. Kdwaid B.. yoanireet ao nf H. C. and L. A. King, aged a mm. and'14 da vs. Un the Kb InsL, John Wnt Parley, ana of Martian ana tieorire rarlev, ain-4 a yeara anil to moutbe. At Portland, inn, "I ton IhKaa and typhoid fever, Hary tannine, oaujjiner ni inoa. r ana Margaret Parley, atird i years, 9 sounths as. 4 3H dura. Aittfiut trih, of dipibenat Lilly, daughter of William and Mary Ann Aern. eirm atui I years. V A..,. V-n.1,.11 n.,nl. Til. I.,., All.. S , ...... . - .... n ilk. daasrhtrr of Mimru aud Miirgaratie Mulky, aged 4 mmitns ana iv na's. Ai Canon City, John ! mines, July I'Jib, W, u,luai liuebet. nf rVrw. Linn roaniy Altli rwucer llutul. lunuiuj, ju lust , lha-lts j riauJ. ut iUriou teaij, atd Hi years, Hodge dale. PORTLAND, OREGON, dealers in Drugs, Medicines,,.-' Paints, Oils uml Glass, White Lead, Vsirimlies, Brushes, Painters' Materials, kc. ALSO Kerosene Oil and Lamps, OFFER FOR SALE- Linseed Oil, bbls. ntitj cases. Lard " " Kerosene " " Machines ": " . Tanners' " " , White Lead, kegs and pails. Turpentine, Painters' stock, Window Glass, , AND A STOCK Or- DRUGS AND MEDICINES Unsurpassed in the State, in Extent, variety und Completeness. HODQE tf CALEF, 07 Front street, Portland. 17tf 050 COVILL'S i LOOT) AND LIVEll SY11UP cures ScroN iilu, While S wellliigs,Khig,a Ki ll, Ulcers, Chronic Klieti niatiaiii, Goitre or Swelled Neck, Scrofulous Diseases, and Indolent Tumors, Mer curial and Syphilitic Affec tions, Ulcerations and En largements of JoIiits,Claiid8 Hones or Ovaries, Uterus, Liver, Spleen, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Epilep tic Fits, Old Sores, St. Vitus' Dance, Dropsy, aud all Dis eases of the Skin, such as Pimples, Biles,Tetter or Salt Khcuni, Itingworm, Sore Eyes; also, many diseases peculiar to females, such as Lciicorrhca or Whites, Sup pression, Irregularity, Ster ility, or any other disease arising from impurity of the blood. For the cure of humors there Is nothing In Ihe world can equal this popnlur and extensively used medicine. For sale by Druggists everywhere. REDINGTON & CO., Ag'ts, 41U and 418 Front Street, 4wl SAN FRANCISCO. Lafayette Academy. LAFAYETTE, YAMIIILL (OLNTi, 0BKG0X, KKV. E. CAUTWHUillT, Principal, mid Prof, of Mntiieinfiiic und Nut u nil St-ieiice. ItKV.W, I. NICHOLS. I'rof. nnd Artiny Teacher of iiiKiier AlHiueomtic nnd Ancient LttngiiHges. KXPBNSKV, rsHtiguajres, quarterly $!) (M HK!ier KhuIikIi $7 00 to 8 CD ('ommon KiikHnIi 5 00 to 8 00 Primarr DepHrtmeiit 4 00 to 5 00 VochI .Mimic, free of cuittve. Unard iu town at rea- onHble rates. CalmJir for Ifttt-I. Year dirided into fonr termn, eacli containinr 12 weka. Kirnt lenn ljxiiiB Strpl. 7ih t half term. Oct VMU. Second term betfiut Nov. 'MHh j vucatim during uuu(iuj; nmi ienn,nn. imii, inn. flxaininution nnd exhibition at tbe close of 3d term iJitHVettn, A K "1. I1- 10ini3 Clmrles B. Stewart, Com plui mint. vs. if. P. Gilliam and 8. C. Oilliam. dcfutidmit. "DY vlrttte of a decree of lowloiin in tiie nbnve en lj titli'd CHiine. mid ati cxicntinii rJnlv iwued llierenn from the ciirnit cotut of the Htileol Onyitn for the enmity of Marion, aud tome riirwicd, I will exwe fur Mile, aa the lnw direct, for niNli in lmnd.nt the court lioije diMir, in the cilv of IShIhiii. in wttd enmity and State, on Monday, the "Mt dav (if Aturnxt, iHthJ.ia Hie hour or V o clock, v. M., or ihiu dny, the prnjMrty u deacriled in fuiid dmrree of fnnfcloHiire. to wit : flu- iiift in Marion county, State of Ortwuu, cotiiuieiiciiiK m me a. w. comer or Hie inmt claim nmveu no b( ('tit iinrine ffaupy, widow of Atirlrew Niuev, ai'c'd late of the county of Marion, wliirh nlie proved nt f hurfelf and heirn, the north half beinir alruck otY It the Hurvevor Oenerul as the real cut ate of Andrew llatfey, dee'd, GO arrea of which f have deeda reeorilf in my Tavor in I lie clerk nluce, in nuieni. riiuiiiUK e.ifhlv (W0 riM.prHii; thuce ciuhtv (Hth rods north thence eighty (HO) nU went ; thence eighty (HO) rods aoulli to the place ol WuiniiiDif, coiiUiuiutf 40 acres iu all. the same beintt a fortv arre lot mtt uf the a. w. cor ner nf the ahove-uieniioned land claim, which la no hie m the Surveyor (tonerm' otnee. toKetlier with th abpurtemiiicea thereunto Mont'intf, lo be aolil to isfy the aforesaid execntton. co-m and arcniinir costs. RAM I - r.Ii lir.AUKH r, hliuritf Marion County, Ralem. An. imh, l'-1. 4wl Executor's Xulr. XTOTICK la herehr jriren that by onler of tbe Pro- 11 bale t otirt or Murmu county, Oreiron, made i the Jill v tarm thereof, die nndeniiimsjtxerutar nf tli laat will and tentametit of Johu Fresh, dtn'd, will Sfll at public auction, at the premiiws,on Hnturday.tlia Oth day of Hcpt.. k. d . lHii, t the hour of 2 o'rlot-k, r. a.. of said day, the following described real lryjterty be lonffinff to sniu win niiuate in Mwrton eoun tr, Oregon, bounded nn the wrt by land elutui John Htipn, and land owned by L. W. and W. Avery un the north by hind of J. h. Kntf; on tbe east by tbe land of William 'lavlori on the south h tbe land nf Daniel Waldo, bemir the donation lar claim of aaid deadeutt and cuotaininK 30 acres of land. Terms of Bale One half cah, tbe rrmalndr In si mouths. I1EN.FAMIX RTA.NTOS, Kxeciitor of said Katate. Caton it Curl. Ally s fur Lzecutor. 8ulem, Aua.JO, IHtill. Uw Probate Court, Marion county, (Hate of Oregon. Es tate of Henry Wjitr, deed. millS dMv(Auir. 4th. IHt's.1) caineJ. A. 11. Kiinson, X wlminiarutor of mid estate, aud nrenented his ac count, ami pruys lliutl settlement of his admi nitra tion of said estate i It Is therefore ordered iltat Taea day, the Nth day of hVulemlwr, a d., IHU-'t, be a mHi liv ed to hear ami determine the said matter, and tliat no tice ol the pendrnry thereof be given by publication in the Oregrii statesman nwmtiir aa too taw oi recta. . i r.nuur.rj, uoumy tiunire, halfm, Aug 7, fwva In County rourt, Marion ronnty, Oregfin, L 8 8k iff, rtV) said llefpnd4nsYo ars berrby notified that 1 action twa bevn rosataaesd agiunat yon in tbe county coari afcead for the rnmrftj of lbs sum of $10, with eotas of suit, due mid piaintirt for work and Ubor done and performed by him in tha year lit. Now, nnleM yoa arprar tn the county court of the county of JnnnoB, or oregoa.on the 1st Hon dnr of OrtftVr. s. D., IH3. and answer the eoninUunt of phuiititf on file in md raiM, Ihe name w ill be tuken for eonfswvd and lb prayer ihen-of will h granted by Ihfoourt. . f,Atu. UU Au rur Pl ff. Halrm, Aug. 10. 13. 'im& J. W. NOI TIIEK, BOOKHJSITKIt nrnTa or iTAmsiar Law, School, Mrdlral, Mlsrcllnncous AMD BLAilU BOOKS), Jao 0-lltf Socoad ttratt, Ciavtllit.. MILAVAITICKIO III FffilSUISC ESTlBIDIffiL! RELIANCE WORKS. i:lYvurl P. Allies tit Co., MILWAUKEE,' WISCONSIN, MANIIrtCTURIIIS or French Burr Mill Stones, uml all descriptions of MILL GEARING. Dealers in Bolting ClothB, And all descriptions of MILL KUHNISIIING-S. Agent for tlio sale nf Dun. Prnse. Jr.'i Smut Marblne, FAUlIlt'S Improved 8EPAKAT0R, and Benton' World Chnlltnging Brail Duster. We also manufacture tlio celebrated Ooodwln Water Wlioel, Which we kelievo to be tha host water-wheel ill lino. l'lniis anil ostlrnates furnished on application. ED Wis I, AM,IM&( O., !ni2(l Milwaukee, Wis. BENJ. STRANG, K PARLOR AND COOK STOVES Ol' RVRKV PATTKItN, Keeps constantly on hand, and Manufactures lo order, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, On rcHsonaule tonus. MI-'.TAL ItOOKIXG. and JODIIINO of nil kind.. promptly attended to. Shop on Commercial street, fiulem, Oregon, 2 dours uurwi oi ikiiwu ot oi vers . ujlir Marriage l.lrriiNra. A NEW lot, just printed and for sale nt the STATKKMAN OFFICE. SUBLIMITY COLLEGE, rllI.I.!UTV, OHKnON. . THOMAS II. CltAWFOliD, A. II., Tenchor of An cient Lnnifiiuurs and Higher Miillieuiutiis. W. W. I1KACII. Teacher in Knirlish Deiuirtiuoiit. THE college hnildintf is to he rellttcd mid enlarged, so that students of nil ftmilcs will be ncconuuo- untcu. . . , EXPKN8K8. Laiitfuniri's, quarterly ail 00 til.. I. 'L'....lV.I. at iu, . . u n.i it'Kiicr j.iiKiin .........a, ,n, m o Common Kiiglmli 5 INI to H IK) Primary Department 4 IMI to 6 00 Hoard in private families from t'J to f I per week. CALENDAR- FOK 1SKM. 1SU:I. Viral term beuilil AlliMiat Hist. Ilutf tornl beuins Nov. llilh i viiinlioii durinir holidurs. Isitil. Kxuininiitioii, Fell. 4th. heennd tunn ta- irius Fch. Mh. Vacation of one week, l-iiiiiiiuir xprii iJin. nan urui ui-gnu juuy SI. l-.mimiiiatioii Thursday July iltl, I V'l'ois Institution will be free from uuy sectariau iiiiiueiire.,.1 nwllil l'robale Notice. Estate of Ihiijuaiiu llruttuin, deceased. In County Court, Curry Couiitv. Oregon. NOTICE is beroby given that V. II. Pratt, ailmiuis trnUir of the above-named estato, bus Ibis dty filed in said court his account, and pruys that the tame bo allowed for a II mil settlement. It is therefore or- ilered that the settlement of siiid estate bo heard and Iciermined in said court on tho uh duv of October. 1000, ine next rcguinr term oi tins conn. ill. 11. (lltl'.UIlin , County Judge. Ellcnsburg, July 6, Wul. 4w-J ESTABLISHED 1760. , I'ETKIt L0UILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer, 16 1st C'HAiTIBKKSJ ST., (Kortnerly 4-J Chatham street, New York,) ITTOULI) cull the intention of Dealers lo tlie urti- v T vies of bis miiuufufiure, vis i UllOWff MITP. Murnbov. Demlgriw, r i lie Itnppee, Pure Virginia, Course llnppee, Kuchiioches, Ameiicun tlentlemun, Copeiihngon. VKL.I.OW a.VlFI'. Scotch, Hmiev Dew Si-otch, High Toast Rrotch, Kresh ll'.nev Dew Scotch, Irish High least, rresu scotch, or Liindyfoot. 17 Attention is railed to tho Innre reduction in prices of Pine-Cat Chewing and Kinnking Tobuci-oe, wnicu win oe louna oi a superior quality. TOU At t o. SMOKIXQ. FINE CUT CHEWING. SMOKING. Long, P. A. I.., or nliuci, 8. Jngo, No. I, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, No. 2. Sweet Koenlcl Oronnco. CalinslHr. Noa. I V 3 Tin Foil Cuvcndith, Tuikish. mixed, Oranulnteil. N. IS. A ciri'iilar of prices will be sent no applies 'ii. umyi- ivoi.i HUMPHREY'S FERRY, rpllltfold ft-rrv, kn.iwn aa HUM niRKY'H L UY, in now in ruiming order, it vrtusun i'un S i- lamette nvur On 1I UKt'T KOU) hti men 9 ILF..1I niift (OltVAI.I.M. " Till frrrv la a itimhI ntic,mnl llm rnnU' id vrv mite abortitr tluiii by way of Albany, and jwraons tmve ling Uiifi wav itavu ma utie n:rrv 10 crimn. dihi opti To Wool Growers. rPUK iiiuIerniKiifil dv-oire to Inform tin X wool irrnwum of Onvn who tnttv ivm in improvu tlieir Him !(. Iliat we liavt rir khIi I f.-w CIKUl K 1 IIOKO-i .iiiiki:i' flKKIO NIIKI- M. of the, hmiiiiab and audi rui mn laminea oi itiiti oree'i. .loSKl'M IIOUUS, JOHN MIXTO. Partita ntiMttd, aro rrniMX'tfnllv mfrrri'il to the lils of I'rtmtuma atrttrded hw tkr Oregon ,Stie Ait- rtrnlHrni Ai , whore it will he aveii (be amall dork we now oltur lowdl from ban atoned FIVE MsHMT PKIXKMand ONK HKIOKU out of 7 entriea. atjrttntt tkarp atmprtttwn rttk tlie brat thtrp tn rue rmitt. Addreaa Jnlm Minto, Kaleni. or rail at my farm. 41 milm atiiith of HhIhiii. on tbe laife hal. Huvinif the aoln nmimnifia of the flovk, I will warrant every animal nnld Ui be pnrr MintdrH and aa I represent it in every reppm. .Mm roniona Hill. Marion Co., April "M, In nil Notice lo AbM-nt DiTt'iirfaiit. rpO Itl SKKI.I. II. O I)ELI-You are lierrbv notl 1 fled that nnlese you ap)iear in the circuit court nf tae htata oi i;reaoii, lor ma eofliuv ot l amiiiu. on tin sjscond Moliduy of November, IHiki, and answer tha complaint of A lint in Coovert, plaimifT, which haa Iwen AM in said court against vou, and prays judgment against you for the sum of four hundred and foriy-one dnllurs and eleven cents, besides interest and roeta.the same will be taken f'tr eonfesaed, and the prayer mereot will oe gruiiiea ny-ine eonn. llv order of Hon. R. P. Moim. Judge. CUMMINS at STEWARD, Ally s fr PlfT. June IHih. liwl? USEE. (iOOI)WIN & BROS N. Y. PATENT Pressed Chewing Tobacco, FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. Tills) tnbaeeo ia iiiHCinfaclnred eapreasly for the California market i tbe ne,auliar manner In which it is put nn, keepiua: It always nioit and eauMns; it to retain its navor any lenirtii oi lime. . amim WANTED. TWO COOPKUH. iiood wnrkmeni ronstanl no plovluent iriven for one year at ftooi wagee. Ap. niy M, a. si . i ' 'i. i.i r.u, a. nae,u, vrej(ni. July tab, iwit. riVM 40 Pare Spanish Merino Rams, llTARKANTKII to be of th. very I V biirhasi iiiality. Tbey cotisia of two vear olds, yearling .-,kI lambs Thev are deaeen.led from Uuiae iuipnrted Si irom riin Dy uenrv Hammond, rati . ol JUneoeoa,,, VI. They lovk the Filth V I'KEMll. N at Ibe laat year's Hmla Pair. 1 las lainlai wars aiml by tha rant isavoritei wnito i uruain last year or John II. palierwin. , of ealliebl, N. V Their dams were bred by Kdwin laiwreuee, m , of We) bridir. Vl. Having piirrbaarJ my flora from the notorious sliarp bierdars In the L'uila4 Htates, I will offer them in cmprtiliou with any in Uie Male nf llreKon. Tbey may be seen on f apt. John V. Miller's farm, Hootn Yamhill. Thev will he sold at low priees for cash, or by maea and time to snit. Carlineatas will bei ifivan HI, ererv one ihat I sell Api'ly U IxiNALI) McLrOD, Amity, Tambill Co., wivst. "nn r. JtiuiibB, eaieia. Or. Iliikcr'a Pain Panacea 8 mimpoaod entirely ot hmilinir. Kiims, anil vexetubla Oils Utlll llt-rbs. It i. IKU-rnrtlv uifn fnr tliA nin.t ili-ll- 'Hto to tlso. I Cull mustHinrereiv aiiv Lhul I huva nwvnr known nnv.liow.ver ( bs bipiroii bv il In lbs least. I will i-mitmiM to ak tbo iitllirted, wbo Imve not used It, lo try it for tin rolbwiutttliaeiisiia. If limy nrotiot Niitinlii-il Willi itM itfalhiir pt-uiurtius. Iba Dioimv will bo rbtmil'iillv roluiiiluil bv llm uif.ui when, th. iMcilii-iiio is for snle. Ifvoillmvo 1'uiti ill tbo Rtuttinrli or liowls. trv a iloao of l'nin Pnnacou illtniallv.buLboextariuillv ova, tbo parta atl'mtted, and yon will al onco mature tbe proper action anu roiievo ine poni, r .. , If vou have a limine or Wonml, balhe It well wlib tlie Tain l'Hiiaci-a lour timr-s a Huv. U will relieve tbe pain, and take exit all Ibe poison, and heal the wouud in a short time If vou are surTurluir fioin Neiii-alula or Itbeuiniitie Talus, nimlv tbe l'ain l'aimcou freely, and lake a dose of it intorniilly, morning, nnon ami nlxlit i it will not only cure the pain, but will remove the cause of the disease. - - - . If vou have tbo Dimionsiu. and yourfontl distresses your Ktonmrh aflor entinu. tuke u dose of I'ain l'uli- ucoa aflor oacb meul. Ifyoiilmvea Cankered or Hon Mouth or Throut, only tbe i'ain l'miiic-Mi to the all'm led iwrlj. and var- ttle the mouth or throut three or four times a day. If VOU have tbo Dlui-rboa. op a reluaeil afilla of tho bowols, tuke a few duioi of I'niii 1'iinnceii. mill they will soon be roslored, If yon have a puint'nl swelling blithe tllonarts tree v nnd vou will soon raHave the nain and the swelling will be reduced. If yon have a se vere toolliaolio. upnly the Tain Punncett on a plooe of cotton, and blithe tbo gum at the same time. It will stop the pain instantly. If yon have a pain In the Side, Breast, Back or Kid neya, battle tbe parts affected morning and night i at the mime time liike a dose of the Panacea internally. If a Molher has a Caked IlreaaLanotv the Pain Pan- I acca as hot as cun be borne. If you foci chiTlv or cold, as thouuli vou were uolna to have a fever, tuke a doso of Panacea. Tf von bava a wnnnil. nut im mtlla nn mn, Iiam an ply tlie Pain Pamieeai it will take out all tbe inflam mation, and heal the sore in a short time. Bold by all tbe principal druggists, and bv KSDINOTON & CO., iOM Kxclnslve Ageuts, 416 and 418, Front street, San Francisco. ' I Euoosssors to COOKE, SMITH e Co. SALEM. OREGON". Beg leave to inform ihe public that we have and are receiving a U AID lllIBtltlTEII STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Which we Offer at REDUCED RATES. Clotblni;, Uoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps IV vou lloiincts, Blinkers, Crocorioa, Crockery WOll.D Glusstvnni, Hardware, Iron, Dolts, Klv BUV AT cts, AVaslicis, Nuts, Springs, Nails, Spikes, Olass, Putty, Saws, Pluuos, Axes, Oys tors, Sheep Shears, Squares, Dry Goods, Cutlery, aud A ClltEAT VABIHTV or BATES, OB OTHER ARTICLES too numoroas to mention, NEABLT, All of which we will exchange Full' YOU CASH or MERCHANTABLE PRO iCAlf DO ULCL. THAT Ann WANTED. OF 100,000 lbs. of WOOL wanted in ex WAI.T change for GOODS or CASH. AMI SMITH I CARTWBIGHT. Siilem, April 13, lHKt. - 7tf I0HAX1IT Just Received, DIRECT from HAN FRANCISCO, a choice selec tion of Jowelrv, consisting of Gold Ringa.Chains. Iliiekles. Pens, and Siiectucles. Also, a vnrlety ol Fancv Goods. Call anil see. J. II. HAAS. Hii!oiu.Juiie.lttli,fttiil I'tf . INSURANCE. Mnrlnc, Flro iiikI IAPn ! rriHE nndersignod are Ageuls in this Slate for the X loitowing L-ompauiea i MARINE. CALIFORNIA MUTUAL MARINE. FIRE. HARTFORD HARTFORD, CONN. PHOKNIX " CIIAUIEtt OAK " " CITY " " OOODIil'K NEW YORK. METROPOLITAN " NIAOARA " IIOMK " PA UK " ARCTIC " PHOENIX " WASHINGTON " LIFE. l-OI'ITAni.E LIKE NEW YORK. CONNECTICCL ML IUAL, HAIITFOlll). Conn. Thero are no older, safer or more reliable compa nies in the world than tlniae nbovo esmed. Wo will insure nt tbo same :ntes that run be effected lliroiiuh San Kraiu-isco aueiiis, and the Califoruut Hlate Hiiiiiiii lux is thus avoided. Wc mil the attention of the community, particularly married, to me uovaniugesol Ule luiimiu. I ty lull aud get u lutinphlel. fcllf RICHARDS & MrCllAKKN, BENNETT HOUSE, C. L. FISHER, Proprietor. 'PHK snlisfrilHr wishes to inform his friends 1 and public gutmniHy that he will nse his I ill mod endeavor lo please those who favor JJJj hi in willi their patronage at the above named hotel. The tabb will at all times Ite snmdied with all Ihe dvlii-iiries of the stiaron. G(mm rouuis and clean beds. Hoard pr we'k, with loduWtir f tl 00 Hoard iter week, without loliuK 00 May .'nil, iHiiil. UKf WIGHTMAN & HAEDIE sucuKsaoKa to 416 and 418 May Sirrrt, SAS FRANCISCO, Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Carpels, Oil Cloths, Mattings I PllorSTEIIV UOODS, PAPER HANGINGS. For Sale In Quantities to Suit. jiuicV-'i .1iul7 F IC'TION, KIT TUUTII It Is customary to speak of many reinoliea of tli day In a lixlit and frivolous manner, aud this may au swer wham the ease to be cured is of a Iriling char artar, aud the remedy nreseuted simple, lint when we are rolled lo prescribe for diseases endured onl with excruciating pain, wboae termination la often fatal, we leave k"t'ng. and proceed with eameslaeas to utter facta which will perhaps raacne a fellow being from a bed of sickness or tlie grave. It ia thus that we would Inlniduce lo our readers Ht'OVIlX'B flLOOl) AM) I.IVICK BYHl'P, and ttate that for the eon of hnmors there Is nothing in Ihe world ran equal this popular and extensively used medicine. All drug jistssell il. KKUHGTOX it CO., Ajrenta, ll and 4I( Vroot street, Ran Frandsro. wl( Attention, Marlon Bines. , TJ KOULAR Dltll.l,, Uonday and Hulnrday eve A t Bines, ai 1 1 o coa;a, at ine a'nmrv I'erwdor, f. U.'ORt'DDS. . Q'"1 Sergeant, t SDHI & DHIS, 11 I'ORTI.AXD, OBKGON, WHOLESALE DRUO GISTS, Importers and Dealers in PAIi'lTS, s I a era. UILU, WINDOW GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, kc, Arc constantly receiving, by , ItVICHV AHRIVAIi FKO.VI TUB ISICW GOODS, And nro tliereforo enublsd to nffcr to their customers AT ALL TIM KS, a KltKKII and WELL-I- AhSOUTKI) stuck from which to ' ' -- maks their salectious. Kenmeue and Kerosene iAnips. ( : . Maebiuoi-y Oil for sule ut reduced prices. lyftM Scrofula, or King's Evil, ' is a constitiitlonal disease, a corruption of tlio blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being In tho circulation, it pervades tha whole- body, and may burst out in disease on any' part of it. ' No oiRait is free from its attacks, nor is thero ono which it may not destroy. Tho scrofu lous taint is variously caused by mercurial disoay, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, tilth and lllthy habits, the depressing vices, and, ahovo all, by the venereal infection. What ; ever bo its origin, it is horeditury in the constitu- -tion, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems t bo the rod of Ilim wbo says, " 1 will visit u iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its clTccts commence by deposition from th. blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in th. lungs, liver, anu Internal organs, la termed tUDes clca ; in tbo glands, swellings ; and on the surface, eruptions or sores, ibis loul corruption, wnicft genders in tho blood, depresses the energies of lite, so that scrofulous constitutions not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but they have fax less power to wttlistana the attacks of other diseases i con sequently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, . olttioiinh not scrofulous in their nature, aro still ren dered iiitiil by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which decimates the human family has its oriiiin directly in this scrofulous contamina tion) and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arts, from or aro aggravated by the same cause. , , Une quarter of all our penpio aro scrofulous! their persons aro liivuilul by this lurking infection, -i .t i i.i. , 1 1 i . 'r -1 U! ill uieir iieiuiH ia umiei iiiuieu UJ lb au virauaw it from the system wo must renovato tho blood by an alterative medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine wo supply in , Compouud Extract of Snrsaparilfa, tho most effectual remedy which tlio medical skill of our times ran devise for this every where pre vailing and fatal muliidv. It is combined from the most uctivo remcdioU that have been tuscoverea lor . the expurgation of this foul disorder lrom tha blood, and tlio rescue of the system from its destructive conscitcmcca. Hence it should bo employed tm the cure nf not only scrofula, but also those othsi affections which arise from it, such as Eatrrrm and Kkix Diskasf.h, St. Anthoxy's Fina, Rosa, or Liiyhii',,, Blotchis, )t.Aixa and Uoan, Tumors, Tettbr and Salt ItllEUM, St-Al.n HeAI Ul.XOWOR)!, RHaOMATDM, Syphilitic and Mebctrui. Bis basis, Daoni, DvtirEPHiA, Ur.nti.tTY, and, indeed, ALLCoMPLAnm abisixq moil Vitiatbu on Ipoub IIlood. Th popular belief in " impurity of the blood " is founde In truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood The particular purpose and virtue of this Harsaps Hlla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluk without which sound health is impossible in eea tiuninatcd constitutions. OYER'S Ague Cure, roa THE SPEEDY CURB Of ' Intrmiltt.nt PeTer, or Fever a AfWa. Itemlttent Kaver, Chill Fever, Dumb Aa aw, Pvrlnillral llradaehe, or Bllloaie lleaslacav-. onel lllllnna Fevera, tndeail for tha whom, rlaaa of dl.eaaea orlxlnatlna la biliary aw raiiKement, ranaed by the Malaria ernlaa. wntle Coiiutrlee We are cnahlod here to offer the community a itssv edy which, while it cures tho above complaints wsat' certainly, is sun penectiy narmiesa in any uuiito- buen a reraciiy u lnvaiimuie in onincis nnere l alllictmir disorders prevsil. Thia " Cure " nn miasmatic poison of Favr.K and Aoua f torn, uid nrcvents the devoiooment of tlie d taken on the tlrst annroach of its nremonitu toms. It Is not only the best remedy ever yet , ' ) ered for this class of complaints, but also the et -est. Tho large quantity we supply for a dollar brta it within the reach of every body ) and la bilious eas tricts, where Keveh asu Aovb prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and pro tection. A great superiority of this remedy orer any other ever discovered for the speedy and eerlaia ease' of Intermittent, is that it contains no Quinine or min eral, consequently it produces so quinism or other injurious etiecU whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by it arc left aa healthy aa if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague ia not alone the eeasrquraee of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of duorders aria from its irritation, among which are A'eumfyio, Aea mo riim, Gout, Headache, blindnrts. Toothache, Eat ' ovAs, Catarrh, Atthma, palpitation. Painful Aftctim of the Soke, ihitttrici, Pain in the hovtli, folia, Paralytu and Dtrauaemrnl of tha htomacA, all of which, when oriKinating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This Ccjia " expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to iinmiitraiils and persons travelling or temporarily re aidinii in the malarious districts. If taken occasionally or d.iily while exposed to Ihe infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate ia aullicient quantity to ripen into disease, llenoa It as even more valuable for protection than euro, and I will ever miner from Intennlttents ir inev avail I selves of the protection this remedy a noma. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYES it. CO., Lowell, KNIT II & DAVIS. Portland. BOLT) 23Y ALL TDRTJOOISTS. tUH eowly MiiTMWliET'S Infallible liniment. ..THE.. KXTKHNAL (KKAT HEMEDY, for Bhsnmatlsm, Oout, Rearalgia. Lnmbage, BtiaT Keck and Joints. Ipralas, Braise Oats and Wounds, Piles, Headache, and all Bhenmallo and lor voas Disorders. , 1,U all of wliirh it ia a speedy and eerlaia remedy, and never fails This l.iuiuient la prepared front Ihe recipe of Dr. Htepben Hweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter and haa baan ased' In his practiro for more than tweuty years wilh Ihe moat astonishing; aueeeae. AS AX ALLEVIATOR OP PAI.V, il ia narivalod by any preparation before tbe public, ol which the UMiat skeiiiral may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically. ' Hheomatie Uiaonlera of every kud, and in thousand. uf rasea where it has been oscv II has never boea known tn fuil. r'OI NKl'IIALfllA, it will alfiird Immediate relief In everv case, however distressing. It will relieve tlie. w.irsl rasea of HEADACHE la three minutes and ia warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also will it cure, instantly. ' KOU NKHVOUrt DKHIL1TY AND ObMESAL LAHnrri'lll-; arisins; from huprmlenee et exeeas, this Liniinent ia a moat happy and unfailinK remedy. Aetiiig ; directly upou the uorvvua lisaiira, it strxniitbeae aud ' roviriliea ibe rysteui, and rvMorea il loeuuueily aaas vigor. .! Kill l'll.K.S A. an external remedy, we claim that it ia the known, aud challenge the world lo produce all euaL Kvery victim of this di.lrea.iiuj complaint should ive it a trial, for II will not tail to immediate relief, and in a majority of easee will erleei a wheal cure. IMNSY AND 80UK THROAT are sometintea . extremely nialiauaiit aud danireroua, bat a timely ap-pli,-atiin ,f Ibis Liniment will never fail lo core. " M'liAlNS are aomeiiniea very ebsiiuale, and es ) lamement of the joiul. is liable lo occur II natflaeiad. Tbe worst case uuiy be eonouered by this Unimaut ia . two or three dnva IIHI IMW, I CT WOUNDS, 80KE8, UIX'KKH, 111 HNS and SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful healinKptopeniea of DU. BWhtT'8 lNb'ALUUU. -. I.INI.ULK T. when uwd ai-eordiug lo ('rsrlioiia Also, . (, KKlteTED Kfct.T, AND lNoktT lllirSsilSTlNU.S. fcvrry Ilorae Owner should have this remedy at hand, for its timely nee at Ihe Brat nppraranre of 1nirneM will elfertnally pro- veul those formidable diseases, to wblcb sll noreeo aro liablu, and which ren-lcrso many otherwise valeahhi horses nearly worthless. - Over four hundred voluntary testimonials to the . wonderful ruralire proper! ire of this Liniment have ' been received within the last two years, and many of them from persona in the binhert ranks of life. CAl'TIOS. To avoid imposition, observe the 8limatr and Likeneee of Dr. Htcphen Hweat on every label, and al ao "Hiephen Sweet s Intalhlila Liuiment," khiw la Ilia aluai of each bottle, wilhuat winch none are msv B1, Kit HAHDMJN As CO. H..I. lWrietora, Norwich, Cl. HObThlliH. S-Ull" asUKAN, Agents, Kan Frantiem. ojaitu ot vai taijiiscow wo. s