LKTTKR FRO (ASYON CITT. Canvon City, July 21, lfifil. Eu. Statesman : Nut lung since, lliero wns n grand "slnmpi'uV" among tlia ninny gold huntt-re of this vicinity lifter fret not feet lour Icon inches lung, nnr yet feet with webs on the toes, lint feel in copper and silver luiles. On Dixie Creek there linn liwn a copper lead (lis covered wliidi promi-os tn he very rich. Chus. Riitnli-y, a gentlrmaii of many yenri' ejijusri t'tice in tho itasnyiiir business, obtained from fmir ounces of the ruck two and fivo-aixti'rnttu f pure copper, "which," he inyn, "was Hot all the rock contained. ' I have seen and exam ined the ledge, and from the iissny obtained und personal obsorvntinn, have not the shadow of a donht of its extent and richness. The only and most important question bow lo he tolved, is, can tbo the ore lie taken out, smelt' ed and shipped over n wngim road (which is opposed toko prnoticiibto to tho lead) to the Dulles or some oilier point on navigalile waters fit smh rates of freight as to insure tliosa inter ested a remnnerativc profit on the enpitnl in vested I As soon as the fact is established that this lead can Ho pro'fitahly worked. I have tio douht capitalists will take hold of it and a new and vnlunble fentnro of tho vast mineral wealth of this section will spring Into existence, which. wlieH fully developed, will bring luto irculntion. untold millions now hidden in the liowcls of the earth. A small piece of cinna bar was recently brought to this place which, when assayed, was found toeontuin eighty per cent, pure quicksilver. This information when made puhlio created quite a sensation among those on the luok out for "big strikes," ami the general inquiry was, "Where's tho lead" I "'Which way from here"? and "How far" T tint tho anxious could elicit no definite inform-' ation in rega'd to its locality. All was a mys tery except tho rock and the assay. That fact and tho fact of tho existence of quicksilver within forty miles of this city seemed to be es tablished beyond a doubt. It was finally whis pered around among a few of the knowing ones, that they were on tho right track, the in dividual who fouud the lode waa going to rt turn. and they were going to follow him, which they did, traveling (going a'ud returning) in the vicinity of one hundred and sixty miles; but, alns, nil their fond hopes and bright visions of future wealth and luxuries flew from them like ohnff before the wind. They returned without finding the mine, or even seeing the individual whom they wero fidlowing. Canyon City ia quite dull at this time; prin cipally caused by tho scarcity of water. The miners have taken all the water from the Ditch Company, consequently those who were work ing hill and hank claims, liavo been compelled 1 1 susped operation! entirely. Quite a number of river claimants who were also taking water from the ditches for their wheels, have shut down from nvcessity until they can make arrangements lo get water from the creek. Those whs aro open and on the lead In the river aro generally doing very well mulling from ten to twenty dollars per day to the man. There is no certainty how long the water will bold out. It is falling quite rnpidly at present, and in case it should fail entirely, tl'.e miners propose bringing in the Malheur river, which, it is said, can be done in a short time by one hundred men. The Indians, or "white" men, still continue to commit depredutkins, taking from one to a whole band of horses at a time. I am of the opinion that the Imliuns are not responsible for all the horse stealing, and ether outrages per fetrated in tiro mining districts and on the ronds leading to the various mining camps of the njiper country. That there ia a lutijil of notorious thieve and murderers in these moun tains convicts from Slate prison and fugitives from justice I have net a particle of dmibt. AJ1. POWER. Odda and Ends. ...The Leavenworth (Kansas) Conservative nominates C. K. Jcnnisou, commonly known ns Jayhawker Jennison, for President, and We'udell Phillips for Vice President, in 18(34 The well known . I. C. Jndson (Ned Dnntline") a private in lilt; N.Y. First Mounted 11 1 lies, lias lieen sentenced to two manias nil irisounient nt Fort Norfolk, Vn., fur desertion. ....The Common Council of New York has appropriated f 2.500,000 lubjyull' drafted meu in iu-w lorn city. ....Vice rresulent Hamlin is a-nrivalo in one of the Dungor military companies, and ns sucli attended the late Inneral ol lieiicrul Ker ry at ltockland, marched in the ranks in a sol (tier's uniform and tired his salute over I lie grave of the fallen hero like any other member of the oHiupnuy. ... .It is stated that General Meade, so soon ns ho took command of the nrmv, issued orders for a geneml movement, nod in n few hours re lieved IhiiIi Baltimore and Washington of ull present lears ol reliel Invasion. ....Nine thousand two hundred and thirty persons were employed on the Pittsburg fortifi cations lately. ....It has been definitelr settled that nil of Ilouey Lake Volley is in Plumas county, Cnli foruia. instead of itoup county, Nevada Ter ritory, . . . .William Charles Macreody, the English tragedian, one ot the lirigiiteat stars ol Die mod em stage is dead. He was boru in Loudon, March 3d. 171)3. . . . .Attorney General Bates has decided that a liberated slave has a right to pre-emption and luu neueliu ol tile Homestead. Naval. It will be strange, indeed, if tome of the English nnd Confederate pirates now playing huvoo with our commercial marine aro not soon captured. Everr energy of the New York, Boston ami Philadelphia Navy Yards has been nut at work tn Gt out a fleet that will lit erally sweep tho Seas. Among the steamers just chartered and to sail forthwith are the At iHiilie, the Baltic the Star of the South, tho Shenandoah (corvette), the Huwinsli (cor vette), and the bark Ethan Allen. All these and maur others will be off in a day or two, and if vigilance can effect auytaing.we may in dulge liv -ly hopes of good news. Some of these steamers are very fust, and if they onco sight a pirate it will be all up with him. A. 1'. Tri bune, June 28. Notr most Jniix Van Hubkx. Dear Mr. Jerome : I inclnss yon $."0 toward defrnring tho riprnses nf the volunteers to the Ctica convention. My first iutention was In con tribute twenty-five, lint as I see thor wero suf fered tn cheer fur McClrllan. I raise it lo fifty. Pray tee that nothing is done to prevent them rod's; fr him also when thj proper time ar rives. Comiimii sense is not so common as is generally snpposed, but I should think there was enough left In put a stop lo those blind and blundering assault asiia a retired patriot, whom the mass of lite people respect and admire, and hoin the soldiers love. Truly rnnrs, J. VAN B'UHEX, Vice PresU Loyal League ol Union Ciliietis. J. W. JuRf)" E-n. New York. May 29. 18153. tf The Union leagues of New York held a mas convention at I'tica on Tuesday and Wednesday, which was largely attended both by tli meoiUvn of the leagues aud by returned svldwrt. NKW rOSTALUW. We publish the following extracts and In structions from tho Laws of tho Post Office Department, fur the benefit of those who may be timicqiiuiuted with the restrictions and pen alties imposed on postmasters and to give Infor mation on the new rates of postage : Src. I). And be it further enacted. That no mail mutter shall be delivered by the post master until tho postage thereon shall have been puid; and no box at any postofflee shall be assigned to the use of any person until the rent therefor has been paid for at least one quniter, for which the postmaster shall giro a reci'ipt, and keep a record thereof in his oflioe, which record shall bo delivered to his succes sor. Instruction No. 3. This section absolute ly prohibits the delivery of any letter, news paper, pamphlet, or package whntevcr, until the postngo charged thereon shall he paid. Postmasters must strictly conform to it. Print ed matter must be retained until it is paid for, either as a transient paokxge or for a quarter, as provided in sections 18 and 35. Kko. 0. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of postmasters to render a quarter-yearly account to tho Postmaster Gen eral, under oath, in such form ns tho latter shall prescribe, of all emoluments or sum by them respectively received for boxes or pigeon holes, or other receptacles for letters or papers, and by them charged fur to individuals ; or for the delivery of letters or papers nt or from any pluoo whatever ; and of all emoluments, re ceipts uudV'dits that have como to their hands by reason of keeping brunch postoflices i and no postmaster ahull hereafter, under any pre tenco whatever, have or receive or retain for himself, in tho nggregate, more than the amount of his salary. And the Postmaster General is further authorized to require, by a form to be prepared by him, n sworn statement to accom pany or following the quarterly account of any or all postmasters to tho etlcot that such post master has in snch account truly stated tho entire amount of postages, box rents, and all other charges and emoluments collected or re ceived by him at his office during such qpartbr ; and that-ho has not knowingly delivered, or permitted tn ho delivered, to any person any mail mailer on which the postage had not been paid at the time of delivery. Skc. 18. And be it further enacted, Thnt upon the following mailable) matter the postage shall ho paid before delivery for not less than oiio quarter nor more than one year ; and such payment mr a term may no miuio eitutr at tlie mailing offices or at the office of delivery. If the term commences nt any other time than nt the beginning of a quarter, such payment must be made to cover such fractional quarter, and also for thu next following quarter ; otherwise the postngo shall bo collected thereon as on transient matter : Upon regularly weekly, tri-weekly, semi- weekly and daily publications, and all oilier n-jriilar publications, issued from a known office of publication nt stilted periods and sent to regular suiiscriut-rs. iNsrmiCTioN No. 18. No newspaper or magazine, not prepared at the mailing office, can he delivered until tho postage has been paid for at least one quarter, unless the party addressed shall pay on each such paper or magazine too rate required on transient matter by seel inn 34 of this law, If the quarterly postage shall be paid at any other time than the beginning of a quarter, thnt is to say. on the first day of January, April, July nnd Octo ber, it must be paid to the end of the next fid- lowing quarter ; thus, il the snliscrilition com mence from the 1st of August, payment must bo mado to tho 31st of December. Not more than ono rear's postage can be collected in ad vance. It postmasters deliver any mail matter without first collecting tho postngo thereon. they must immediately chargu themselves with tho amount, and report it ns puid in their quarterly account. Any failure to do this will be cause lor removal. Skc. 22. Anil be it further enacted, That the rule of piwtuge, ou all domestic letters transmitted in the mails of the United States, and not exceeding one half ounce in weiiiht. shall he uniform nt three cents ; and fur each half nil nee, or fraction thereof, of additional weight, there shall bo charged an additional ratu of three cunts, to he in all cases prepaid by postage stumps plainly affixed to such letter. Jnrtiiuctio.n Ko. zi. On anil niter July , Itity, the single letter rate of nostneo will he three cents throughout the United Slates. The Pacific rate of leu cents is nholisheil. A business card printed ou a letter is lint to he regarded unless it embraces a request for the return of the letter if uncalled for; but such request specifically nude in any form should be unserved. POSTAOF. OM 'THANSIKNT' MATTER, BOOKS and Clltci'LAim. Postmaster Parker has pre pared from the law that went into effect on the 1st of July the following schedule of pnstagi to he paid on matter other than letters i On Domestic Transient Matter. One pnek age lo line address, not exceeding lour ounces in weight, 2 cents ; not exceeding 8 ounces in weight, 4 cents; not exceeding 1- ounces in weight, G cents ; not rioecdimr IfJ ounces in weight, o cents. Books. Books lo one address, not exceed in" 4 minces in weight, 4 oetits; over 4 and not exceeding 8 ounces in weiirht, 8 cts ; over S and not exceeding 1- ounces in weight, 11 cents; over 13 and not exceeding 10 ounces iu weight. 111 cent. Unsealed Circulars. Unsealed circulars not exceeding 3 iu number, to one address, ii cents; over and not exceeding 6, 4 cents ; over i nnd not exceeding y. o cents ; over if und not ex ceediug 12, 8 cents. Fihiiii the above it will he seen that a person mnr send nnr number of newsnnners to one address, and pay but 2 cents fur every 4 ounces mid Iractlou ul that weight. Bulletin. California anuOiikiion Railroad. Tho Shasta Courier of last Saturday notices the ur rival at lliat town of S. G. Elliott nod the rest of lite Oregon railroad expedition. No difficul ty was fonnd in making the nllignment tn Shasta. Tho citizens wero subscribing their quota townnl the expenses ot the survey. 1 ho Courier snys thu cost of tho road from Murys ville to the crossing of Sacramento river.nhove Ked Bluff, will be ef the-lightest older, Butte creek, Cliipco creek. Deer creek, Mill creek and Anlelcino creek heine the oulv ones rt-nuir- ing a bridg", and those probably not over sixty feet span each, the remaining creeks and gullies reiiiiiriiig nothing more than ordinary culverts. The crossing of the Sacramento river can he effected at several points, tome of the most larurnlile or which, aro from one to four miles above Ked lllnlf. The length of the lindec will be anout utlu lect, laid upon inert. hose foundation will be the solid bed nick, as the water is very shallow at these points, and the lied ol the river being bare rock. Marys title Appeal. FltUAKS OP TUB LlllHTNISO. Speaking if tho electrical storms which recently Intercept ed telegraphic coruinuuicatiou with the East, the Alia says : East of Salt Lake the lightning of tho hea vens has possession of the w ires, and prevents the transmission nf dispatches by the manufac tured article used by the telegraphic operators. The lighliiing within the past three days has melted lliree instruments down whilst Iho op erators were trying lo get the newt through. A streak struck the aire near Salt Luke, en tered the office and melted the instrument in stantly. Death op as Editor. Rev. Ben). Biierly a Baptist pren- her and editor of the Nevada Journal, died on the 21st ait. aged about 50 years. He loved God and his country, and la tMired honestly and tcaloutly to serve both. Marystillt Appeal. Tobacco Uaisixo is California. The Sacramento t'ai'oa sart the largest field nf to bacco probably in owned by Tho. Edwsrds, of sutterville. He has fifteen acre in thrifty condition, and ha entered it for pre tuoin at tl a Sttto Fair. Special Notice. I.IVKH t OTHM.AIVr ( I IIKD., Oct. 13, IMS, Messrs. A. L. Suovill tt Co. Genu : I am hardly uble to expreaa my u-ratitndc for tin bent-Ill which ray diiUKluor has derived from the. nno of Or. Mali's Livor rills. She had been troubled with what the physician called liver coinpluint i but our doctor failed to give her any permanent relief, ullhnnh she tried his pro scription! effectually, (the find boenme melancholy, unhappy, and her constitution was much broken down by the use vf inercury. She tried Dr. Mutt's Livor l'ills, sad soon bcKiin tn get heller. I am happy to say that she has now entirely recovered her health. TAMKS COMIl Tim Appetitks. It is a very difficult matter with the msjoritv of persons to restrain their Appetites ; hence we see an abundance of Dyspepsia, Liver Com plain!, and disorders of tho Btomach and digestive or gans. Ilonfliind's German Kilters will entirely core these complaints, and restore the system to original vigor and strength. For sale by ull druggists and dealers in medicine. vl Niks Yiiks or Aonsr. Clam. Montague, ami ol Mr. John Montague, of New York, after enduring unheard-of pangs from mnlignaat scrofula for nine con secutive years, was radically cured In a few months by that Elixir of life and IrresUtible antidote tn poi son in the blood, Ilrlatol's Harsapurilla. The disease, commencing at the ankle joints, had mounted to the eyes. Physicians suid that it was preposterous to sup pose that any medicine could save the patient. Nev ertheless, this awful case of hereditary scrofula, suo coined tn the great Vegetable Specific. The letter of the father of the young man te Dr. Bristol, is one of the most remarkable documents ever publiahed. Yet it is only one among thousands of proofs that no ina ligiiaat oxternal disease, whether it exists in the skin, the glands, tho flesh or the muscles, can withstand the hygieun properties of this health-restoring, life-saving preparation. Prominent druggists always have It fur sale. I rn 1 1 Sakza. We have long supposed this celebrated drag had come to be an exploded humbug, but we are assured by those skilled in the healing art, that not the, sursaiarillu llsolf Is to ho blamed fortius conclu sion, bat the miserable worthless preparations of it thut have been palmed ofT upon the community pre. parations which contain about us much of its virtues us they do of gold dust. It is a commercial fuel, thut almost all of the suniHparilla gathered in the world, is consumed in the old countries of Europe, where the scionce of medicine has reached Its highest perfection, and where they know the best what to employ for the mastery of disease. Hence we are glad to find that we are now to have a compound of this excellent, alterative which can be relied on, and our community will not need bo umured that anything Duct. Aver makes is worthy of their confidence. He has been for years engaged in. eliminating this remedy (sceadver t'sing columns) designing to nrnke it his "chef d' ou rre" which should add the crowning glory tn bis al ready enviable reputation. Ameriran Cell.N. Y. Dr, Baker's Pain Panacea for the oure of pain In thu Stoiniti'.h, Buck anil Ita-eta, IJurm, Quinsy, Cuts Anil Hm-lllntrs, Ctillc, Diarrhea and Rheumatism, Headache Tiioltiactie And Ktirachc. Pain cannot exist vhtrs thu remedy Ut faithfully iuerl. Qlre It a trial Anil you will flnrl It the greatest pflln curing remedy yet discovered. A cure Is certain In alt eases of Dlspepala, Weak tlreast, Liver Complaint, General Debility, Fever ami Ague, Putrid Sore Throat, Spine and Kidney Dis ease, Ac, sc., Families should never lie without a supply of It In the house. Directions are fully Riven anil particularly adapted totlierilieafeiftir wltlchtlie"Pnln Panacea" Is recommended For tale by druggists everywhere, gee Advertisement lu Another column. nMlf PRF-'F.nVK YOUR lIKAl'TY, SYMMKTIIY Or FORM, YOUR IIKALTII AND IIF.NTAL P0WF.K, Ily ulnK ttwt Safe, Pleasant, PopulAr and Speciflc Remedy known aa II ELM llOr D'S KXTIIACT BL'CIIU. ReAd the Advertisement In another column aud proof by It Diseases Aud Symptom Knumerated. Cut It out and preaerre It. Yuu may not now require it, But may at some Future day. "II gives health and vigor to the frAme, And bloon: to the ualld cheek." It Saves Long Suffering aud Expoaure. Beware of Counttrfells, ImlS Cures Guarantied. INSURANCE. Marino, Fire and Life ! THE undersigned are Agents In this Stale for the folio,, .UK Companies : MARINE. CAUFOliNIA Ml TL'AL MAItlNE. FIRE. IIAItTPOUD HAtlTFOKD, CONN. I'HOKNIX . ' " ('II AltiEK OAK " ". CITY " " fioonunn newyork. MKTItnl'OLITAX " NIAtUKA IloJIB " l'AIIK " AUt'TIC PHOKN1X " WASHINGTON " LIFE. FQI!ITARt,rC MFK KKW YOlfK. CUNKCTICL'L MUTUAL, UAUTKUitl), Conn. Thero aro no older, safer or more reliable eompa-J nies in me woi-iu man uioee aoove nauieo. o will insure at I he same ales that ran ueefu'cted rhrntiifh -iin Krunriaeo iiirenis, aud the California aiaio StnmpfVax is thus avoided. a We eull the attention of the eominnuity, paniculnrly married, to the advamavus of late Insurance. I tr tall and ut-t a pamphlet IMif IflCIIAItDS Si McCIIAKKX. urn irneiiR estmiim. ItELIAXCE WORKS. r.tluardr.AlliH&Co., HILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, ISANOV ACl VKKRS or French Burr Mill Stones, mill ull JcKiipiioiia uf MILL GEARING. Dealers in Bolting Cloths, And all deecripllona of Mil.!. Fl'ltN'ISllING. Agents for the aula of Dan. Prnits, Jr.'i Smut Miirhinr, P.ILULR'S Improved SEPARATOR, and Brnlou'i World tliitllrnfin? Bran Duslrr. We also nianufai-lnre the celehrated Goodwin Wittf "Wlieol, Whirh we believe lo be the bent water-wheel in use. I'luna aud estimates fnrniahed on application. K D WD P. A l.l.tH tV t O., nmOO Milwaukee, Wis. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETEB LOBULAR!), Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer, lt ISt ntlBKNN STq (formerly 4J Cha! ham atrert, New York,) UrOt'l.l) cull the allenlion of IJtsalen to the arti cles of bis nwnularture, vis t DHOW aNl'tV. MaruW, Dtndurna, Kiue Itappee, runs Viruitna, Coarefl Haiaiec, Nuchitorhea, Anieru-uu Ui-ntlvmsn, Copenhagen. YELLOW HKt'FP. pVoirh, Ttrrr H-otr-li, fifth Toast fW.-h, ll- nev Dew Scotch, Imti lliirh Usui, f resh (Scotch, or I.atidyfo,it. 17 Attention la railed to the 1ar,re reduction tn prices or r 1 newmir and hiuoking lobaccos, wincu will be iouiiu ot a supeniir cU4iity. TOBAtfO. KMOKISO. FINE CUT CHEWISO. RMOKINO. Look, r. A. I. , or plain, 8. Jairo, No. I, Cavrndiih. or Sweet, Stpaniah. No 3. Sweet Hcenteil llrrmneA, Canaelar, Sns. I 5 Tm foil Cawendieh, Turkish, miied, Gmoahtteil. X. II. A circular of trices still be seat nn ip,'ira- uun. may i. i vfld .olirr to AbHcnl Drfcnslant. Trt BtrSHKIX D II DKI.I-Yon are hereby mai ded that nnleM yoa appear in the rtmiit eunrt nf 11,0 Stale oi orrvoii tor the eainolT of Yamhill, ou the second Monday nf S'ovettilier, l&l. and anawrr the complaint of Abratn Convert, plaintiff, which hu bea filed iu said mart airainat Ton, eod prara piduoient airainal yon for the sum of hnndrrd and Tony-one dollara and ebrvrn mils, beaiHee iiaereat and eoaui.tbe tame will b ukea for roiifrwerd, end the prayer Ily ord-r of H-n. K I' lt,i . Jndrt t.CMMIMlai bTtWAHU, AUrfof I'll. Jans IZ u. loL) twl7 llodgc 4; Calpf, PORTLAND, OREGON, dealers in Drugs, Mcilicincs, Puints, Oils uutl Glass, White Lend, Varnishes, Brushes, I'aiuteis' Materiuls, tkv. ALSO Kerosene Oil und Lumps, -OFFER FOR SALE Linseed Oil, bills, and cuscs. Lnrd " Kerosene " " Machine " " Tunnels' " " White Lend, kegs and pnils. Turpentine, l'tiinters' slock, Window Glass, AND A STOCK VF- DRUGS AND MEDICINES Unsnrpitssed in the .State, in Extent, variety and Completeness. I10DGE if CALEF, 07 Fronl street, Portland. . nu m CROOKKIIY AND VARIETY STORE, CotMinrrcliil Street, Suloui. is. rsii, would ruspot-trally larorui Ins old friends, d Ike neir nitr no,iliat iV3 ho is now opoiiiiiv at bis NEW STOHb," on Coinuiercial Street, Salom, a A Larse and Varied Assortment OF CHOCKKRY, ULASS-WA11K, WOODEN-WAHK. WILLOtY-WAUE, TABLE ( I TLEHV, and a FULL ASSORTMENT o( Family Grooorlvti, nlll of which ho will sell nt VIIOI.E'ALEor HE 1 AIL, at prices warranted lo (rive saiisl'aciion. or no sale, (live mo a call, ami look ut the rine goods, if you uo not wibii tg ptircnaee. iio irouoio to snow gooUs. Ilotcl-Kerpen and Families wil find it to their advantage lo piirrhaso their 0!as ward and Crockery froin me, na I ahull ALWAYS trend tul.L ASSORTMENT anduH AT LOW VRlCESl.n cash or ready pay. Toys t Toys I I am also well supplied wilh an extensive naaort meat of toys', ol'loieign and domestic aiauuliiiliira. N. FISH, Opposite Slutesiuun DuihliiiK, Sidein. June 11(1, l(W. " oiiif IHurrinu;e I.I'iihs. NEW lot, juat primed and for sale al tho k STATESMAN OFKICK. SUBLIMITY COLLEGE, Sll OLiyilTY, ORItOM, TI10MA8 H. CKAWFOKI), A. B , Teacher of An- runt iJiiiuiiavi's anil lliulier filalheaialirs. W. V. IIKACI1. Teacher in Elloliah DroHrtment. THE cnlleite liiiildiiiit Is b Ite rvlilieil and enlarired, so that studcnui of all gradoa will be uccoimiio- aaiea. KXl'ENSES. Ijtnmiaires, rnarterly f!l 00 Iliirher Enuliah $ lal to 8 00 t'otnuion English 5 OU to rl 1)0 Primary Ucpartnient 4 00 to i 00 Doard in private families from lo (I per week. CALENDAR KOIl I8K1-I. 1113. Firai term begine Aiigust 31at. Half term beirina Nov. liith i vncnlion during- holidaya. INttft. Examinalion, Feb. lih. Hecond term be gina Feb. 8th. Vacation nf one week, beirintiinu April Mill. Half tcna begius May 2d. Examination Tharaday July '.Mat. fvTois liiatitmion will be free from any sectarian Innaence.i Hw-JO Piolnr CoinpntiM, AOOOI) HOI.AU COMPASS r.irsuloon fair terror. Knqaire at the Hlaleaman oltice. Kalem. March I'.th, li. 5if J. W., BOOKSELLER ....asd laronTCR or statdskiit,.... Law, School, Medical, Miscellaneous, AXU III.AMK busks, Jans 0 I4if eacnnd(reel,rnrvallia. !ollcc lo tSi-blni-t. DU. A. M. IIKI.T, Inn iinr ,!" . 1 hia prncllce al Sa lem, has h-l hia uci-onota in my haoda forcolleo tion All peraona in,l,;!ili-d to bun for medical aerviccs will pleuao cill on uie al once aud m-nle. OKI). l'.IIKAI.K. Kalem, June Kih, IM. :iiH s COVILL'S ULOOl) AM) 1.1 VKIl SY IU P cures Scrof ula, While Swi-lliiigH,K Ing'a Evil, rict'is, Clii'onlc lilieii" niatiam, Goitre or Swelled K-ck, KcriifuluiM Ileaaei and Inrtolcnl Tumors, Mel curlal anil Syphilitic AiTrr (ions, l lciralioiia nnd Kii liirgenientaof Joiuta,Glniiil lionet or Ornriea, I'teriia, Liver, Spleen, Dyspepsia, Liver Com la I nt a, Epilep tic Flla, Old Sorea, St, Vitin' Dance, Dropsy, and till Dis ease of the Skin, such a IMmpleii,Blles,Tetteroralt Itheum, KingM-nrm, Sore Eye; also, many disease peculiar to female, such aa Leucorrhca or Whites, Nup pression, Irregularity, Ster ility, or auy oilier disease arising fiuut Impurity of the blood. For the cure of huuiors there 1 nothing In the world can equal I hi popnlar and extensively used niediclue. For sale by Druggist every w here. KEDI(iTO 4 CO., Ag'ta, 410 and 413 Front Street, 4wli SAM FRANCISCO. To Wool Growers. rpilB aaxWrsKMU 4air to Inform X wool irrtiwers nf Oreiron who mar desire to improve lhir tlncaa, that we hart tor anW km I HOIt K THwHOIailMHIiO DIKRMO Silieur, o U french, Bpantall and AnstralMB famiiies of tlut bnxl. J'lSEl'U!OI.MAS, John iiint Paitiea infrealtil, are reatwrtfullr nferml to the lialsof l'fti"' arardtd if At (Jrtfm State At ntalltral Aow'jr. wlwre it will he teen lint lh mall llnrk we now orrarteseU float ha. Hamad FIVE riHSIT PRIZKSJand OXE SIS: oD out of 7 rntria. nwntmt lktrp rymprhtwn miik the eVtl shetm la Ikr Stair. Ailrfrm J"ln Uinlo, Slem, or rail at mjr fan, IJ piil-a strath of SnUoi, nn the atave roH. Ilavloa- the v nwuKraw-iu nf Us IWl. I will wsrfaul et try animal aoltl l be pure SW anil aa 1 n.latnl U in vrt imoert. JOIN UITO. rVsKU Uili. UirWa Uj.. Atril t S fn.0 BENNETT HOUSE. MVHOSI, tlti:JOJN. C. L. FISHER. ProDriolop. rPIIR snharriber wlhe lo inform his friends rV I u,l ,.,,1,1 i,. ,....,..,,.11., . I..., i. . i.;. I ntinoat bihIi o- to plmiui llioao who favor him with their tialronairu ul the tiloivn iiaoieil hotel. The tuhle will ul all timea he anpplied willi all the dclkiiries of the mnun. (loud rooms and clean beita. Hoard por wuk, wilh lodu'uiK $l (III Hoard iior woek, wilhoulTodgiii) ft 110 May fab, 1HU3. Hltf HUMPHREYS' FERRY, rrtlllSold furrv. known IIUMI'IIREY'H X UY. is now In niniiiiiK ordi II cronacs the Wil- lauiette river Oil a D1KF.CT TtnDlietwrru S U.F.M ami (l)ltVAI.t.lM. This ferry Is a good one, and tho route is iw mien shorter than by way of Alhanv, und persons traveling this way have hut one ferry to cross. Ihalilpd Attention, Marlon Klfles. REflULAK Dltll.l,, Monday aud Saturday eve uiags, al 7 1 o'clock, ut the u'inory. reroner, . il. uicuiiiirt, lOtf tlrderly Sergeunt. WIGHTMAN & HARDIE, SUCCKSSORg TO FIIA3STK BAlCEIt, 410 aud 418 Clny Slie't, SAN FRANCISCO, Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, I'PHOLSTEKV CiOODS, PAPER HANGINGS. For Sale (n Quantities to Suit. juae'-'J 3ml 7 BENJ. BTI1ANG, DRAI.KR 1.1 PARLOR AND COOK STOVES Of KVEBV PATTftRN, Keeps coiutantl on hand, and Manufactures to order, Tin, Sheet lion, and Copper Ware, On rensonahle terms. MKTAL HO'lKINU. and JOIIIiINO cf all kinds. promptly attended to. nnnp on loiniiierrmi street, suiein, ureipm, v iioois North of liniwn 6l Myers'. (iltf FICTION, BUT TlilfTII, H is custumury to sta'alc of uiuny remedies uf the day in a liK'it and frivolous muiiner, and tliis may an swur whore the case to be rnn-d is uf a trifling char acter, and the remedy presented ainiple. Hut when we aro called to pre scribe for diaraaes endured only with excruciating pain, whose teruiiiuttion is often fatal, we louve icstiug, and proceed with earnestness to tiller fuels which will perhaps rescue a fellow being from a bed uf sickness or the grave. It la thus that we would introduce to our readers SCOVILL'S M.OOD AND UVKItSYliUl'.und state that for the cure of humors there is nothing in the world can eipial this popular and extensively used medicine. All drug gists sell it. UKDINQTON & CO., Agents, 410 and 418 Front atroet, Ban Kruncieto. 4wl6 MARDEN & FOLCER'S (IlEIIIIUtl FAMILY TOFFEE! lyllH H buasloodlhe U-at of the Brat china hotels I T In thia rily (and J used by Ihein) Joes not cou- taiuuuv oi i no UNWHOLESOME INGREDIENTS unefl by fnreiin itivcnlitm to uive color or utrenulh, lint ti itrung vnoiijjli to KUmii titon its own muriu. AIRO, rnifAii CAMPonxiii citot.'vu tlIM and MiiMturct! Wtiich Hr mlioitifit liy nil to be fur onporior lu ira porteii HrtKlwi iilir. tio fur bn-ukiiie .) 'nn Ins i.n.l h orJerii MAKI)KN k KOUlKK'S JAVA or hl'ICKS fi-om uny uf the Urwoni, or from (heir DlfinAfli Ctfliim P.nfTaA atirl Cnlna IrTllta 4 1UUVD1 UliVdUl VVUCQ QUH UIVQ sVAAllO) 9140 Front Hin t I, lk-twcpti Kiicntiiieiito Mini Cnlifrirt.iM. hull Knint ((Mo. N. H Our Kurlorr i itlwaji opuu to the iiisirwe uon oi me pinmc. imiu Hides, Wool and Furs. XOTItE TO .VKIK HANTS AMI F.VU.1IKIIH. rpMK oiiili-roiuiieil, liHviiipf imiii rxifiifiv Hriiiiitm 1 i-.'nti. AttliMiiiiuiif Hie l.AlidKM MH-SK S NKW' uuw urt'purvd to iuy TUL UES'V woor, iiiii:s, ami i i its. I'nHU' ImTinif mii !i on hum! will in wtrll to lend tliviulo II r.fn KliBK Hlt 4k ( , M'i r'lniil ntrvt, l'tirtlriml, Dnrguii, Itrfi'rfhpi'si J. ft-llvr & (;., lintiin Unw. 14. i he ittmve drive coniuuily on IihuJ tliu ltfoT ItlMOtlllitJIlL ui All orl:rt inimtimllj' HltuWtl to, mayl" lltf 1H. 111ltXON'H BALSAMIC COMPOUND ..ron TIIK.. flpssdy and Radios! Oar of aonorrhaoat and all Otssases of the Urinary Organa. IlHIMfa A remnty which requires tio miliiiire 1 it perfnnns iurjiitv quickly and tlionmiily, luuriiur no injurious, etleet oil tier lo the efumtiiutiun or to the part utfrctfd. It is the refltilt nf Innir rjperiene. and clone olmer vutiiMi in n ifrvni niMiibr uf cim. and luta lieen inva riably aocretwsful where othr mettiriurs r triHtiiienls have fMil 1 thiiiniviujiitrlf to he n remedy hmK rtHjuirud by the pulilie. Price, $1 er ilottlt. Kr sttle tiV Driiftiits evervwli.-re. Ksl Auent fur the I'rt'-Hlr f.ML-l. 4 l,AJiMKY, Wholuuls Iruifit :iOtt Coutnitf-viHiHtreet. 1y?hs Ntiir Knmt Ht.. rUn Kranciacu. paiti:h A 4. Prailcal frlnUra, and Dealrraia 0. riaSl Tyie. V rents. Printing Materials, Ink, Paper, CaHs, r., J AIOC'LAV 8T.,liove Siniaoiiio, i. a rAiarral HAM KIIANCIHCO. j. N.rsinTSH T.r.ratsTsa) Olllreallileilout wltlidiaputcli. Iif WOOL! WOOL! WE would n-M'-lfullr inform the wool (rawora Ibal w are airaio in lbs narkei, and will unn-baaa, and r a, i Ami. the lilirhral prire. We hn'r elfrrUMl amnin-meuta iu San Kranriaro, sod ilia Kaatarn rilira, whirh will tttabla aa lu par the markst prioa for wool in Aiaa Frawitro, It-aa tlit frclKbt and ebargea. tlia as a call baton selliiiK. DELL It IIKOWX. laUm, Omron, April IS, lotas. 6if DlMolnllon f Coparlnrralilp. fYlll K ropartntnhin Heretiifora eiiatinff betwtrn J i V. itotle and J. W. lie Aire la Ibis -tar diw.vl bv mntnit! ron-tnt. Dr. J. W. Ilivl will be found at Iiia farm in Hoik muoir al all tiinea, unlraa abaont upon umfetaioiial biiaiueaa. Dr. .1 VV. UrAfi.s Hill conliuue to prarUrs luediciue In Holcrn. J W. R'lYLH. J. W McAKrK Baleni, Juljr W, IS63. awjiipaid T W. BOYLE. Phrsicisn nml Purirenii, U . will practlre bis pmlaaaloa a formerlr. Iifflre si hia raanisnt I Vvtk luaa sal uf Dallas. i m & Dims, POHTI.AND, ORKfiOX, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Imporifr it ml Deulem In PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, bo,, Are coaatauily receiving, by KVKRV AIIKIVAI, .SHII.H TIIK NKW (lOODH, And ure tliereforo onaldud to oirer to their enetuuicra AT Aldl'IVIKS, a KHKKH and VVKLI, AfiSOHTKl) stock from which to make their selections, Kerosene and Keroaene Lamps, Alcohol. Oil. Machinery Oil for sale at reduced prlues. l)-(B8 ScrofUla, or Kind's Evil, is a constitutional dicu-i-. u i-uri-iiutiou of the lihaal, by which this rluid U'c-utiu-a vitiated, weak, und poor. Ik-iug in thu i-iit'iiltitiuu, it pcrvuiUs the whole budv, und iniiv burnt nut in (licuso iui any part uf it. No organ is li ce I mm its attueks, nor is thero ono which it inuv lint destrnr, 1 ho :rofu lous taint is variously cuuscd liv nicrcitrint di'fnv, low living, disoidcrcd or uiilicaltliy food, impure air, nitn anil tllthy lialuta, thu UqnosHiig vices, aim, atiovo an, ny the vinci-cal Infection. hat. ever be its origin, it ia heroditorv in tho constitu. tiun, Ucscciuling " trnm parents to children unto the third ami fourth geuvrution ;" indeed, it seems to bo the ind of Him who snvs, I will visit the iniiiuitk of the futlicrs umm their children." Its effects rommenro y deposition from tlio blood nf corrupt or ulcerous mutter, which, iu the lungs, liver, and Internal organs, is termed tuber cles j in tl:o gluuls, swellings: and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul corruption, which Renders ut the blood, tleprewes the energies of lite, so that scrofulous constitutions not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but they have far less power to witlutuiiu the uttneks nf oilier diseases i con scitientlv, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although nut scrofulous in their nuture, are still ten deri'd fatal by this tuint in tho svtein. Most of tho consumption which decimate tho human family has its origin directly iu this scrofulous contamina tion i -nnd many destructive diaeuies of the liver, kidneys, bruin, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or aro aggravated by tne suine cause. One Quarter nf all our people are scrofulinisi their persons ure inviid tl by thia lurking infeetio.i, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from tho system we must lenovuto tho hlixid by an alterative, medicine, mid iiiviguruto it by healthy food and exercise, riueh a medicine we supply ia Al iu 11 Compound Extract of Siirsnpsrilla, the most effectual remedy which the medieul i-kill of our times can tleviao fur this every where pre vailing und fatnl innlmlv. It is combined from the most uetivo remedial tliut have been discovered for tho t xpurgation of this foul dtwirdcr from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it sluiuld he employed for tho cm o of not only scrofula, hut also thewo other alfcctiou which arise front it, such us Kui rrivs nd Hki.m iir.Ka, St. Antiionv's Fina, ltosa, or J-llVHl l'i;. AK, l'lMI'l.rS, 1'lSTI'l.aa, iiLIITCIIIJI, iii.AiNs and lSm t, 'Iumoiw, Imu and Salt Hlll.tM, HcAI.II 111 UW KlMlWIIIIll, ivHSl'MATlsM, Kvi'iiu.iric und Mi uci iiiAi. Dismkks, Uuofst, Dvsimtsia, Dr.atMTY, and. indeed. Ai.t.CoirtAixTs AKIKIMJ HIOM VlTlATKII OH ImPIIIR llUIOII. TIlO popular belief in " imjmrilu nflhe b hml" ia foundrd in truth, for scrofula is degeneration of the blood. 1 lie particular purpose and virtuo of tins hursupa- rilla is to purify and regenernto this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible In con tauiiuulcd constitution. AYEE'S Ague Cure, FOR TUB BPEEtiV (THE OF Intermittent Frrrr, or Vtwtr mn& Arii( ItvniUtttnt Fever, C'litll FfTf r, UHitib A(ur, Perlnrilrnt UrniUrlie. or HI I Ion Hedith. nuil IMIIon Fever, liitlee! for the whole rlnee of dUennea arljrtMhir In blllur r dr rBiiieiiicui, eettteu uy tue nuarw oc iimm mniie .onuirie. We nre eimlilcd hero to oflV-r thp community i rfm- ilr whii'li, whilo it rtirnt the above complaints with certtilntv. U Mill iM,rfitlr Imnnlc In any niinntity Huch k rrmt'dv U iiivuhmble in tUntrictn nhere thew nlllictiuir dlMndeni preU. 'iMaCi'UKM exppli the miumnutu! iHiiftiin uf Krvku and Aw v. from the ivn- teni, and prpvputt the development of the dictate, If taken on the Mmt upproarh nr In premonitory urmp toni. ft In not only the brat remedy ever yet diswir- ered Tor thiaelmw or eomplninti, nut a 10 Iho cheap est. 1 ho large quantity we utipply for a dnllnr l.niiKi it wi.hin the reach of every boilyi and in bilious dim trieta, where Kkvkn ani Ai a provaiU, eterr body ilimilil have it and ue it freely holli for cure aiid pro tectinn. A ureat anneriority of thia remedy over any other over uivcm-eieil for tho speedy and certain curt of Jntenuitteutt ii that it contains no Quinine or min eral, cmiftei-iuently it produces no qninlum or other Injurious enuciK whatever upon Uieeonttitiition Ihuse cmed by it ore left aa healthy as if they had never hud the disease. Fever and A true is not alone the ennnenurnce of (he miasmatic poiwm. A Brent variety of disorders nrlie Irani its irritation, amoitfr which are Jfura(qtat tihew mni$ft Utntt, Hrmttu fii; litiiutm$$, Tonllmrhe, Ear a'Ar. ( 'uiurrh, Anthmn. Valiutatton, Painful Alfrrtion ttf the ftitm httrruB I'oin in Me P.nteeh ('otic, Pnrtihjtit nnd llrrtmnnnrnt of tht ytortwrh, ail of win cli, when nriKiimtiiin 11. linn rituse, put on the tnt-VMtvem if, 01 tieeouie periixlinil. I tun t uiir " expels the pinnn from the hlond, and einietiiently cure them alt alike It is an imuluuble proteetinn lo immigrants and prrwuis trateliinu or trniporaiilr re r..J.un iu tliinmlariiMiKdittrit t. U token ftceaiionnlty or d -i'r while extmud to the infeeiion. 1hnt will he etrri'tcfl from the syteiu, and cannot acrrimulatt in tilth ci cut quuntiiy to ripen into disvane. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure, and few will evrr vi Iter mini tiitcriiiitliiitn if they avujl tUrtj, selves of the protection thi reiiH-dy nlforrs, Prepaied by Dr. J. C. AYER &. CO., Lowell, Kau. MMITI1 & I WIS, Poriland, BOLD BV DKUaaiBXSe ti".H eowly 1)11. HWKEl'H Infallible Liniment. UltnAT EXTEltNAL KKMKDY, For Ehenmatlim, Oout, Neuralgia, Inmbago, StilT Reek and Joints, Sprains, Bruises Cut sad Wounds, Filss, Hradachs, sad all Bhsnmatls sad Mr Tons 0 isordsrs. 1lH all of which it is a tprady ami certuin remedy, autl never fnila This Liniment ia lireiwred from the recipe of Dr. Hleplirll Kweel.of Coimecticllt, the fanioua lione setter and hae bwii nurd in hia prai-llve lor more tlian twenty yrara Willi tlie most aaloiiialimg surceM. AM AN ALLKv I A TOIt OK PAIN, il U uuriviih-d by any prepnrntioii before the public, ot wlii.-h tlie moat akrptii-ul may lie cotivinretl liy a ainaie trial. Tina lniineiit will cure mpi'lly and ra'tiriilly. Ithtuniatir lliaordera of overy ktnil, and in lliotiaeuda of ciuH-a where it baa bv?n 'lined il has never been know n lo fail. Klllt NKt II.M.dlA, Il will afford Immediate relief in everv niaa, liowarer dialreaainir. Il will relieve the worat emoa of IIKADACIIK In three ininntea ami ia warranted lo do il. TOOTHAI'IIKulen will il cure inHHlltlv. Pflit NKIIVDIM PKIIIUTV AM) (IKNtHAI, LAHMTl'liKiiriaina- frosn iinprmleiire wr eaeeaa, this liiiiiiient ia a moai liapiiy and unlailina remedy. Aetina: din-i'ilv iiKintl uervnua tiaaiiea, it atriiiiihens and n-vivilles llir ayalem, ami roatores il to eiaauciiy aim viiror , KOIl PILES As an exlemal remedy, we claim liiai il it lite SrW known, aud uiialltima Ilia aoild to aniliif-e an rone!. Kvnrv viellm ot Ibia dlatmMiua coiiipl.iitit altoiild itivn it n trial, for it will not laii lo afford imineiliaie rt-llof, ami In a majority ol caaea will elfeei a railttnl cure. yl l.SHY AND SOUK TllltOAT nre aomrllinea exin-no-ly omltiiiiiit and diitirfi-roua, 1ml a timely ap plication of lliia Liniment vi ill never fttil to curt. HI'KAINH are aonH-tinira very oli.l inula, and tn hiraeaiml of the inta ia liablt to oocor it iiealeeteil. The worat caae aiay be cvioiuirad by Ibia Liuiuwut iu Iwo or three ilava IIIII I.MIJ. I I T. WOl'Sim, 80RE8, I LCKIt. Ml UNSaod St'ALDM. yield readily lo tne wonderful hralioir prnmitiea of DiL oWKKI'S IN KAl.LlllI.E LI N I M K.NT. wlien Hard nrnanlinir In direrliooa Also, rlllLIII.AINH. HtlJ-,1 l-.ll KK1.T, AJil) 1.N.1KIT III 1 aud M'l.Nd-S. Every Horse Owner ahnnkl have lliia earned v al hand, for Its tlmsly ns at the Drat appearance of lauaenasswill alfertually pre vent tb-wt fonniilable diaeiiaea. to whirh al! horaet art liable, and which rendar to many otherwise talaahls bnraaa uearly worth lee. Over lour bnndned rolonlary teallmoniali to tht wnndarfol rnraiiva nmrertiee nf lliia Liniment havt beeu rertivtd ithin tht last Iwo years, and d any of luem from perina in me inaoea, ranae ui int. CAl'TIO. To avoid linpiviilon, nbtervs tht Hiuaatura aud Likeiima of Ur Meohen Sweet on everr wbe . and al to "Hlrphen Hweel't llilallible Liliinxill," blown in Hie a I am oi win ., wiinom rnun aone art sea bum. KICIIAHUMlN at CO. . Sb!e Pmi'tieloea, Korwtrh.Cl. HOSTt n'bU.ttMl rll t DKAN, Aifitita. Hall IrHlieitee kiirHsiiViA Klj iteost IVnland, Ok WHOLESALE OREGON.O ' IHI'OHTEB OIT DRUGS 1HD QDICIitE., PAINTS AND OILS. rpHE iiliriiiion of the imlilln Is solicited te mt 1 LA 111 IK iiiiO EXIENBIVr: STOCK. com .iilslng in port a ' Alcohol, Camplirne, Durninir fluid, KerotiBt Turpentine, Varnlsfiem Coal Oil, Tanner') Oil, Lamp Oil, Muchlnerjr Oil, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oik WHITE LEAD, COLOltH, DYE-STUFFS, COAL OIL LAMPS, WINDOW GLASS AND D13GI3TS GLAS8WAEE, .., PAINTERS' MATERIALS, mid all of tbs POPULAR PATENT MEDICIOT Torjetlier with an Elf DLE88 VARIETY of Fancy and Toilet Articles. a- ESi'KCIAL ATTKNTION puid to the PUB BCUlI'l'lON DEPARTUENlaH ' Wa WEATHER FORD, 139 Front Street, rortUW. May ISili, im. i omll Or. Iliikor's Fain Panacea IS rnropoaed entirely of healing gums, and vegetable oils and herbs. It ia porfeclljr anfe for the moat dell cute to uae, 1 ciin most sincerely say that I have nstsr known nuy.however be Injured by it in Iks least. I will continue lo usk the afflicted, who have not uaod it, to try it fur the following- diaeaaea. If Iktr ure not BulishVd with iu healing properties, the moat will be cheerfully refunded by tha Ujfenl when Ik medicine is for sule. , . Ifyoulisre Pain In the Stomach or Bowels, try I doae of Puin I'anaeea internally, bat heeatemally oral the parts arfected, and you will at one restore Iks proper action und relieve the pain. : If yon have a Hi uise or Wound, bathe It well wa the Puin l'nuiicoii four times a ''ay. It will sella the puin, nnd lake out all the poison, aud heal tl wound in it short time. , If you are suller'nin; from Nenra!(ia or Blieum" Piiina. apply the I'nin l'uuaceu freely, and take a da of it iulernally, tnorninir. noon and niKhl: il will s only cure tlie pain, but will remove the cause ef I diaeuse. If you hnve the Diapcpain, und your foot) distrar your sloinHrh after euliiiR, Inks a dote of Paiu K keen after each meal. Ifyonhavoa Cankered or Sore Month or Tbrsr' nnplv the Pain Panurea to the affected parts, and f le the mouth or throat three orfour limes day. If yoa have the Diarrhea, or relaxed stats ef f bowels, take a few doses of Pain Panacea, and li will toon be restored. If you have a painful swal bathe the parts freelv and yon will soon relieve tks p , aud tlie swelling will be redneed. If yoa have a vera toollioche. apply the Paia Panacea on a pitas sf cotton, and butho tlie gum at the suuie time t it alopthe puin iuatuntly. , If yon have puin in the 8iJt, Brsuat, Back trVir noya. oaint ute parte nnecien mnmiii pirn n i k n the same time t futsea i dote of the Panacea Inlernaht, If Mother has s Caked Breast .apply the Pain 1 area at hot as ran be home. . . If yon feel chilly or rold, u thouxh yoa were gctrg to have a fever, lake a dose of Panacea. If von have n wound, cut or galls on yonrhorta, t ply tlie Pain Panacea i it will lake out all the in. iiatinn, and henl tlie sore.ln short lime. Bold by alt the principal druggists, and by . KED1NOTON h CO., 59flf Exclusivs Agents, 416 nnd il8, F.nt street, Han Francisco. SMITH & CiRTWRlGHT, Insotssors to COOIE, IKITH 4V Cs. BALE1S1. OREGON. licg leave to inform the pnblio tliat ws have nnd are receiving URGE Ml) VEU-lEfTED SKI GENERAL. MERCHANDISE. Which we Offer at REDUCED RATES. nothing, Uools, Mhoos, Hale, Caps, Itonnett. Rlmkcra, Croceries, Crockery, Olaaaware, llurdware, Iron, Bolls, Blv eu, Waahers, Nuts, RprlnRs, Nuill, Spikes, Cllnaa, Puny, Saws, Planes, Axes, Oys ters, Sheep Shears, rVinnrts, Dry floods, Cutlery, ami A 43KRAT VAIUKTY or OTHER ARTICLES too nitmemas to nienllnu, IsT TV won. AT NBW YORK BATRa, SMUT. All of vth'K-h wa will uchaug FUBj rot CASH or M F. UCt. ANTABLE PRO-CAI DL't'E. WANTED. IOv.IMIO IU. of WOOL wanted in ex change for 0001)8 or CASH. SMITH I f tlTWRIGHT. Hulcui, April lii, IHO, ' 7lf THAT. AMI ' r WAI.T. A!a CXAIUT Citizens of Marion County ATTENTION I rpilF. lima baa coma when it becooies iteceaanry fur 1 Hoar wi'hing In teenre hanranit lo rail AT V, OK TIIISCTO.N S, IX MLVKI'.TOH, to rnrehnae thh- Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, FA II ILY CaHOCERIRR, HARDWARE AND CROCKS&T, For he is cow uT.-ring ihciu for sal AT COST for Co. A antra. He hna on ham) large slock of Die above ankle, all of tin beat quality to be fonad in tho market, I'all tarlf. rati fatl, mud SeracaUiag. slayAW-t. , 9roH Just Beceived, DtRllCTfrom SAX VHASCIRCO, t ehoixselce. lion of Jewelry, ron.iMing of fluid Minga.Chaiu, Hurkles. Pent, ami Kpeetaclts. Also, a variety ol Fancy floods. Call and tee. j. U. HAAS. Walcm.Jniie 3Uh, iHl -j Hit Vulcanite! Vulcaxiitdl, nlIOSF.peraoaswhnartaoirafmtasU f " 1 as to require artiArlaMreth wonlddoA will lo rail on South fc t lunca and sx-- I l.s amino si'ti iuitna of tha above sivle of work, wbtesj, for romtorl, cleaulinete and aacfuliwe eanaol bs nsr. paaaed by any prtH-eaa now In vogue. HuWlkalne aap piUKl, fr Jla a aiugle tootb to an wire tea. SMITH tHAXCK. Stirglral and Merino leal Hernials, SuilTpd Skate st'ret, Kalem. ' WANTED. TWO niiipKKH. good werkmeai eouatant ess. piovmcnt ui en tor ene vear al good wam-a. An p!. teJ.a COLUK,si8lc,Urifpi. July'JtU,lUd. t wan bv. ,