The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, August 03, 1863, Page 2, Image 2

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    13AHXl'iTtN IS KWH.
teto or nn Ordinance.
Nkw Yohk. July 27.
Mayor Onedvlte Vetoed tli fmlillHIU'.H llAlill'll
Intt wvt-k to nay conscript ;W0. on grounds of
ilU-gulity .
Mexican Matter.
By Rnannlte, we h tv date fr mi Havana to
Iftth. It npper.rt that a council of nntnlilf
declared Mexico, through them, nil ciiiiirc, mid
huvo proclaimed Mniimilhun of Auslrla Em
pernr. filionlil lie deeline, they implore I lie
French Emperor to select a perron in whom
be ha full confidence to occupy the throne.
A proclamation m immedinU'ly innde pnblio
and courier potted to Vc a Cruii, where It was
ent liy French 'earner to Havana.
Extensive Flrei In Vint India Inland.
By Roannko, we have the following :
A largo fire took place at St. Domingo In
early part of the destroying 1500,001) north of
Neutral English steamer Fanny Alice and
Atahaina with ootton from Mobile had arrived
at Havana.
An extensive flru trek place at Havana on
22d ult., deirnyin f 100.0(10 worth of sugar.
The Kebi'l Conscription.
Putt' I special dispatcho from W'nf liinp fin
ay relieved prisoner from Hichiiiouil flute
that within twenty. four hour alter Jeff. David'
iiMiauoe of lioiifcriptiiiu pmeluiiritum, whole
tale cniiscnptiini . nuiiieiiued. It in ItelieVed
that a general excuauge of prisoner will twin
be effected.
Brass's Army at Chattanooga.
Chicaoo, July 27.
MemphU dutei to 23d, tny moat of iiragg'i
army li at Chatauonga, and that the pluee ii
being Inrliucd.
Enemy Illiunpcari From Our Front,
lieliahle new in regard to movements of
Lee's and, Meade'i army i meagre. Dispatch
es received At ti-inli nn rl-r. Ilaltimnru, toy
enemy diraiipeaied Iroin our front. Our cnv.
airy were near t'huijestnviii Kriihiy, mid scout
Were oat in every direction and no signs of the
Engngcmcnt-Rrtrrat of the Enemy,
FmiNT lioyAL. July 25.
We engaged the enemy yesterday. Thii
morning he nppeured to liavu withdiawn and
Ilia wDolo army, in in retreat.
Brpulae or Our Cavalry.
Washington. July 27.
On 22J, Hill corps took pnssossinn of Chea
ter Gap. Our cavalry attempted to drive him
out. hut failed. We, however, held him I I
check until he wat reinforced hy I,nn"treef,
when he mid Hill came through llie (inp und
are now pmhulily at Culpepper. EvfcH'i corpi
Wat at Sharpuhurg,
Honey Market,
Xr.w York. July 27.
Stewing- firm at HIIIJ'SI Kb). Gold closed
ateaily a! 130, Hunk ttutement thmv nd
crease of loans of $!HI.(HMI: ilecreaw of ie,
JiS IXX) i an inerense of deposit of 4iU (HH).
Official Dlpnlche From Qi-ii. II an In.
Wamiixoton. July 27.
Cen. Dunk's i fTiiitl ili.pulihe aumuiiieiiig
the full of I'urt llmbon. my he cuplured i5
piicc heavy artillery, a complete Imtlery
nionnting ;)1 piiei of rifled artillery, g I
nppliea, prijeelilif fur line and heavy gum
and 4S,;00 ,iu t
Here ligliiuing heeiime to tevere could g t
nothing further. Ban Kiiaxciscii Oimi.
The fiilliiirintin Willi whhh the 7 il 10 per
Cent, loan of IrGI wan taken hi- the people in
repeated, if mil exceeded, hr the spirit shown
Iti luhmriliing for tin- 5 -20 y. ar eix er omt-.
now riiiiiiing out at the r ile or two million a
dny fur period of two iiiiiilh or more. 'I'Iim
iifhce at which limy nrefuld in the Eastern
Rlnle nre crowded from morning till alter lout.
Ilies hour by men and women ol eterv cuioli-
tion and occupation i ami the mail from the
west luliig" liniidreil ol lellerii every iluy In
thwiiiK ilrnlt from hunkers, broker and agent
acimg for the people in the purchase of homl.
Tile popnlanly of thin loan in imlieulcil hy
the fuel that on tin- tiny lite total subset iptiuu
reaohed onu hundred mid thirty two million,
the ImiiiiI iMMed for this mini amounted in mini-lit-r
ln2.JJ.imis ol tln-Kf imtilll Mere Hliies
27..Vm were HMI'n. and UtHUt) were llr'-tia
(Ach or, cimniiliTiilily ulmve three-fourilm of
them were of deimminalioiia not exeeeiling
l,IM)0, and two lillhn of the whole liumher
old were 50 and IMI dollar I la.
The anine chiiraeter and to like extent mark
ed I hi" popular I"" n of twoyeai ago. with the
difference that the largctl iiiiinln-r nl thiwe were
In MXI'a and IIMNI't, while ihe largei-l nomlier
of llie preu hl luun are in 1 1)11' and KHHI't.
The Hipnlarity of our two Inane, the n-ven-thirtiea
and live tnentie, eompuie 1 Willi the
lirill'h linliui. rii't k. mmiil iliii. t l!)l 2IKI of
our lunula are of II eu.h : 2 4) tiUj of fllHI :
120.57U lire Ol. and J.V,'Wrt are (I INK)
lioinUt ill all. 713 411 not exceeding fl.lKK) ;
While their lower! pulilihed cUilicat on give)
hot U2 255 holder of a nun not excei dinu l.
(til each filly per cent, or then- holder are
of and under the mm ol :I2I2 1 whih lil per
cent, of immaieol and under the iiim ol JIIKI
each, and Dili per cent, are helow the deiiomi.
li lino of their inn ll.-'t tin.
The Euglirh fiiioied ih hi. in IM57, held hy
2(l8.9t'5 ierou. avi-Mged $4 Kl.l eneh. The
l'reiitll Itliided delit. in Idjtf. held In I.IKISIW'.'
per-oil. Averaged $J.2 eneh $.7I 0-dl ljl)
of roiled Male il. In. in June held hy
710 fill;' perron, avemged f 17 eaeh. The
Unite il Suite tli lit in rerllfitatea of iodehted
lie And United Slate eiieuhtliiig Mule and
fractioiinl enrreney are held lil' at leut 4 (KMI,.
000 of permm. or one tilth of Ihe popnliiin n.
The tilt! puhlio di lit. the lour ami file percent,
teniporiiry loan, and the t 'A) (KM), (KM) limn
taken by the hank in the Autumn of I8iil.
till fort her iiicreae the uumlier of holder uf
'flake'' on the government' credit,
W believe that We even heal the pelehrated
Frenth popular loan of January, IMS. in I hi
repect. That whole loan of one hundred nul
lum of dollar wh nllered hy ihe pen, le in
iiiii not exceediue f 'J.5IKI per head of the uh
ttrihei. We have not Ihe minute olnifjcA
tiou of the hiildei at liniul, and cannot ascer
tain jut now how iioiny iilicrihei( offered for
. rum a low a the I. wi r denomination of our
bond, hut we do know tli it a hundred milliiuif
of our loan are in homl nut exceeding fira
hundred dollar. We know, however, that Inn
hundred and fifty thoiifiiud perou tmik the en
tire French ham. which average $ It H I each,
and we have the evidence before n that
OKI of our bond an- In 50't ami 100'.
All of there nl llie hiwer ileiinmiiia
tiou. ludeeil. are not taken riiigly. In Ihe Hrt
iutanur. hy A many punlia.err, hut they are
intended for to perron inverting
ne more, and in a few data are in Ihe n-e.
Finn of a many holder, ilerhle. a large num
ber of aaving lund And other corporalou have
pureliaifd ihem for their mure and hiiudreil
of cniiriiiueot. We may. therefore, regard
the diatrtlmlioii a pretty well uiearurrd by the
Dumber inued. Sn that more than half a
nnlllou of our people, of oiiMl. rte nieaiii and
mall eavlng. have what the Eaghgh people
eall a "flake in the country." "Heavy hel
ling" tbi. upon I ie evt nl or the war. and the
toltency of Ihe national lr arurv, voluulnrilr
and greedily rirked, at the niiirt oiitical periinf
uf il struggle.
The LoimIoii Timri in ItMil before the tint
Bull Ituii battle, announced lliat we could have
nn hat in from England. Our ieople antwered,
After that dirarle', with a loan of tine huinlred
and forty million In coin. Two month agn
the Thunderer," iurtead of threatening, ut
ten'd an oracle. 'American finance i without
hnne." Jurt lhcn.the five tweiitie alarled at
two-forty pace, and have been going ever
tince. Var txctUtmr. ahead of any government
loan which the Blunderer ever heard if
Philadelphia aeeiree.
. (70ea. Ueade t from a fond family. He
U the grand am of George Mead uf Philadel
phia of the .i!d firm uf lcad V Fiii-Iiuii.imi,
wlikh. In 17tl, doiiate.1 f 10 000 for ihekllvf
o( Waidjiurttaj'a nSvfoj army.
lt (Oregon ftiitcsiinau.
OrBetal Ftptr of th Stat.
Tin Htfitegmiin Ii pultliihtd wtekly ! 8uUm. Trun,
per jfenr, alwuyi In a'lMiiPt.
LtiKfti lveaiillHH.wm ino!inrne mm iwa'i'
TwlTe llmri, or IrM, not lnrllon, M J
Eneh inNcquvnt luieriion 1 W
rw- n nhomg ar-4 vriru in Mitt. Uaal Ttndtr note
Kill he Uiktn only at their current value.
bft ml t irniitni iiivtrnMineiti rami oc irnu
lMnrr lnwrltun.
ArlmlttlAlenlnrH1 nnttffM. ftnrl tl ArlVCrt CmPllll rHflllni tO
thuMtattrof djcii!ti pmoni, mint b prepuM, unleM or
rlered iuMUhl bjr th CoMjf ju'lf. and jruftrtntcid to bo
Arlvenilinv ntnr no. pmn w.iin.i
when 0Mitrcll. will Iw IncrewH tweuljr.a per nml. each
year iymnt M nl'l uiewiiirr.
H., mr be mrl by mull l lh rlik ol Hit pub
lllherl, II utllwl Id Ihe prtltncc ol poeltnuler. ,
CEAHDALl lu WAITK, FaWlihor.
Fnim the 20th tu thu 28th of July (he gen
prill remit of the war hnve been favorable to
the federal arm. The purtnit of Johnrton by
General Sherman renilted In the flight of the
former from Jnclniiii and the burning of the
city. It i thought Jnliurtoti ha gone ent in
(tilling to reach Ihe Toinhighce river which
i ilirtaut from Jiiekroti iibout 120 mile, nud
ruiitdiivn near the wertern border of Alalm
ma. lie i uppoed lo liuve IXI.OOO men
the riirml'f in rehiliiiti In hi dertiiiation prove
correct. Ihe lat force uf the enemy, of iiiajul
Hide, i chared out of Miiiipi and ainilhei
State i rerloreil to the old flag. General Slier
niiiu hcing only prepared for a ilmrtciiinpnigi
lia returned tu Ihe directum of Vickrhiirg
wileiicd another expedition will donhtleM mum
irruu. At Jacknuii mine purnlid Vick
hurg prirnneri were captured ; three of them
have been ordered idiot. Kherniau' retnru lo
Vickrhiirg may induce Johutoii lo return to
Korecraua mill pnrlie Hrngg wliiuo army
ha been conrideruhly reduced hy deaertioii
luring it long retreat. The rebel nre con-
rliiutly ahiuidoning large nmoiinli of nriiinuni
linn and other mppliei in tln-ir flight. At
llmitrville, 300 priuner and 1,200 liorae mid
mule were captur.d hy Oen. Stanley. Thi
1 1 it ut v i tit i prolmhly in Miidiron county, Al
ahiiiiia, Ahoiit 1 1(1 mile moth li) eat of Nuli
ville and 75 mile) moth by weit of Chutla
The rr.nrt remarliahle raid of the war. that
of the derperailo, Murgiin. ha cmue In a dc-
eerved and end. After traverriug
nearly four huinlred tuilet of loyal territory.
the remount of hi rciittored fnrue wa cup
tared near New Urlnm. Ohio, hy Gen. Shack
lefnrd. Morgan huurelf, L'olniiel C'birku ami
4011 men were lukeii. Large uiiuilier of pri
oner had before heen captured in iletiichuieiit
while trying tucro the Oliio river into Vir
The new from Chnrlerloii i not very full
hut fnim all llmt can be learned from
ride. the prorpiot of reducing Fort Sumter
mid other ilefeiire ol the city, il not very re
unite. The rehel dirpiilche admit thill our
firing i heavy and damaging, and that our po
riliou have heeli conrluiilly ti'eugllnMied.
When lleanregiird itinke eneh adinirrion, the
hut may rafely he taken a iiiucli rlronger.
The priucipiil ariiiie of llie great alruggl
are each maneuvering for pnriiinn the Union
army on (lie cart id of llie lllne liiilge. and
the rehel, on the wet vide. The probable
naroii why Cell. Meade ha not given bailie
In-fore now ii that il he nltempl In operule
again! Lee from Harper' Kerry or any of the
lower gup of Ihe ttiilgn, he would thereby nn.
cover Wiirhlngtiiii, The poritlun i one of dif
Acidly. Should Meade pa through any of the
gap. Lee may rlip through an'' of the other
in a tMiutrary direciion. thu nuil.iug il a gnuie
of ' hide and eek." To protect Wiirliington.
keep open hi own line of couiuiim.uaiioii and
at ihe mine lime make aggrema upon Lee,
will tat In Ihe nlnmrt General Meade' lrat-
egio abiliiiea, The ritnalinn i rimilnr to that
of MuC'lellaii' when he went down the Mine
Itulge Inrt fall, except that Meade ha not near
o rtrotig an enemy to deal with. All pnrlie
begin In iinih rrliiud why MeCiellan did nut
think il north while In eror the Pi.toiuiio im
mediiitely after Ihe butlle of Anlietlllli.
MeautiMie, while lliU i llie piwilion of the
two ariiiie. L e I gathering the crop uf the
SlieiiainliNili valller nud fnrvrnriling tlu-in
liy Ihe Bhenandoah and Oordonrville,
to lliehmoud vvlieie be will ulleiii t, onu.
lo go, hinirelf. It i not luipmhuhle that
he will ruet'eed In rem hiog there, though the
dirpalche rtale that Meade i confident of
forcing him tu a ibcifive hill lie north of the
liiippahaiiuiH'k. Should Lee cmue through the
Rulgc, tin expectation may he realized ; hut
if, a i more probable, Lee goe up lite Slie
iiuiidouh valley, he can only he brought to lint
lie by n wift purauit, in which Lee will have
the advaulage of railroad mid bridge, which
he will not be likely to leave for hi partner'
On Ihe 2.')d, a brilliant rkirmirh for Ihe fed
eral, look place al Miiiiaa Gap between 800
of the Exeelrinr Iliigade and nx lime their
number of rehel. for the pc-iiui of the
gap. The rebel were ruallercd and Ihe El
celrior' obtained the poritiuii. Thi may ex
pedite Lee' dep.vilore.
Ni m il, fnrinerly of thi county, but of late
reridcul near Lewblon, r Announced a an in
depend III candidate for Deli-gale In Congren
from Idaho, The lr. i a gentleman of lung
reriilenee on tin ciutrt and thoroughly au
ipiuiuted with Ihe two inort luiportitiit iulerert
of Idiih'i Territory ii I aud Imlian re-
lillnti. lie i a an null Union man witluml
regard to politic, and a null we hope he will
he t-htited. The Dr. ioeri a large rharc
of practical goal retire and it witlml all hone!
man Very eweiilial qiiuhliualii u. too eclduin
comliiiied in puhhu fuuctlouarie.
VT The Walla Wall.i Slatema eay Fort
WalU Walla It tu be enlarged In tnu regl
uienl port am) that il i lo be Ihe winter quar
ti r for ihe tronin in the upper country. Il I
expected that til C'.iuipauli will be ttiitiimed
there next whiter.
t7Tho n'uihingto Slulriran tayt Ihe
flouring null uf WalU Walla vailey have
been pu. lu tiivh older at to ctuupete tuccetrfully
with the Wlllainetto mill, nd it it conli.lent
the mine will be unwtly mpplied from Ihem.
tf The war democrat of New York re
oetitly held a meeting at which Joliu Van ttu
ren. Jiunet T. Drady, Judge Daly and other
made tpcrthe. They freely eoiidi-llined Ihe
peace mlicj uf Feri.ando Wwal ami rlhorteil
the twiiple and III adminblral on to purb Ihe
war upon Klallion with au unwAveriug rpiiit
if determination, thai nothing rliuuld thake till
every Slat tnlnnit tu the audiuilty of the
tY John J. Crittenden it dead. After Inn
ing patted through Home of the mint notable
period of hi oontitry't hirtory at a principal
iictur. he it finally gathered to hit father at
the ripe ago nf tevciity-teven, full of honor
and followed by the tinuere regrett uf the liv-
r:g. At the firrt muttering of Ihe rehellion
ho RKtuined a potitinn to eminently national at
to command the retpect, if not the attent. nf
every reaoiiiiblo mind, How ho hat main
tinned that potitinn and rtrivrti fur the tulvit
tion of hi country, will hi recorded on almott
every puge of Ihe rebellion hirtory. While
he counielled moderation to thnte in nfGciul
uhnrge of the government, he nlo urged upon
hit fellow pntriott an unwearying devotion to
the Union and. himrclf, offered a nohle exam
ple nf telf denial and taorilioe, Kentucky
own much to him that the wat not precipi
tated into the crime of tecettion when all her
inter S'ate combined to ted nee her from the
allegiance due the United Stale, and all the
loyal North owe him mncll for hi prudence
and airdom In the council of the Nation and
llie nmi'iietio power of hit example at a pri
vate CltieP,
Mr. Crittenden wnt bom in 1785 In Ken-
tnctiv and ha alwav re-ided in the Stnle of
hi nativity. He n at for tevernl year from
Ifilfl a member of the Kentucky Legilature
ami wa elected to the United Suite Senate in
lf)27. He urn again In the Senate from 1835
lu '41. at the expiration of which time he wa
appointed Attorney General in Preidetit 1 1 ar.
riion' Cabinet. When Tyler vetoed the bank
lull, Crittenden retigned. In 1812 he wa
ncnin elected to the United Stale Senate a
Clay' rnccenr where he regained till ISiS,
alien he waa elected Governor of Kentucky,
He wat again ill Fillmore' Caliinet. After
r'lllni'ire' term expired ho wat a aiu elected
to llie Semite vvlierulle rcuiailied till lij'il.
Worn, a he. wiu in hit country' tervice.
and honored, a he wat in Ilia ttauiich integrity,
he en Id not have wirhed the day of hi trail.
lulion delayed except tu tee thu fmil blot of thi
rehellion wiped from the fame of hi country.
Type of a lamer lee ! on wlmui Heflrrieled
'I lie maul lu wliieli ttio Saire of Arlilund wore
WIiiihu 'Hl riot mini tiiiNlimikinjjIy ileli-iiiled
The enure hi eliirioli voiee uiuinltlilieil ul yore
True lo thy ciliary in lier liuui ut numl.
'riiiiu, brave, old iimn ! wlit'ii tli'itiKioi'lii ill away.
Ami lilinillv fnlliivveil tlie iniiii.tii'iiir lutet
Of tlnit fia'l man who would liar foiliiuea tvrny.
Mlinnf rue imu o-iki tiuit o er me nuni i-n vwept,
And rhall live liniiiii'eii ill all eoiiilin linn.
So loi.g ut virluu' hived, or lulled, criiua.
Mail Bao Found. Mr. S. E. Haine. I,
M. ut Jiickrniiville, av in the Stnlinel that
nnuiher id the mirriiig mail huge hna been
fun ii ' between JucUoiiville and Canyoiiville. It
Im el been cut open nud mort of the letter turn
apen. There were foiled, one package of ix
letter for Alluiiiy. three letter for Corvulli,
three fur Jell'erwm, three for Peorin, two for
Lufiivette, two for Amity, nud one for ciiuh of
the office of Hiirrhdiurg. Ilillrhoro ami Starr'
I'uiiit. There wat one letter fur Fort Yam
hill without any waybill and a waybill for
Grand Itniule wiihmit any letter. One letter,
without nn envelope, written ill Polk cuuty.
.Mo., by S. 1). and E. J. Ibieiit tu G. Ii. and
E. A. Lee.
Tlie diitea of the Iti lis thovv that by the due
cmirte of (lie iniiil, thi hug would have couie
ilouiiiii the rtu' on nue of thu day when
llariihum, the driver arretted nil upicion nf
until robbing, wnt driving. Mr. lluiue tiiy
there nre tcvcu or eight way h:ig tlill mirriiig.
Tiik Contii.vdt.- Jutt at pretent, the a,
peet of ulTiilr, North uud South, prennlr
rnuii'lliiog of ii coiitrarl. While llie North
hit a many men hy voluntary eulirtiiient and
llienirered iroopt of Ihe State a are needed,
llie South i obliged to enlarge iipim the tever
IIV with whieli Ihe coiitcriptimi hu heretofore
heen enforced ami to call for the active crvicer
of every man lu tueiu the me uf Id nud 4.V
The North could alniort allurd to get along
without any draft ul nil, while the South i
compelled tu enfuri' the individual aid uf every
man cnpalil" of being got into c imp. The
Norlli ha liiindreila of lliouiiud whore niiiii
her hate never hue it thinned hy coiitcriptiou ;
the Smith, when tie pretent order of Jeff.
Dili thall hare heen put in force, will mil
have a man lelt of Ihe ordinary r.e fur mili
tary rcn ice. If the South can wear lung at
llmt rule, her experience w ill certainly be t art
ly dill'i rent from that uf any people iu llie
known Hill hi.
Gitr.Ki.KV axi IIoiikkii -It will be recol
lected wilh what dirgiMiitgly nil-innc fl itt. ry
the A'. Y. Tribune and correrpnmleMl ln
ten d Gen. Hunker w hen he came inlo uoiunuiiid
of the Army. It would he difficult in In here
llmt any man could he praired in tiucerity li
ruth extriivngiiut term. The tciiucl thowr
llmt Horace and hi coirerpundeiiU were only
worrhippiiig what lin y thought lo be ihe ririug
run; ihe moment Hunker wnt "let down," ihe
Tribunt eearid It flatleriet and virtually con
ferred that all the nonrenre II had uttered in
hi hiudatinn wa only the funning that cmirlt
thrift. Only a day or to luTure Ilimker't re
uioviil, the Ttihunt wa a confident ut ever
that no military genin had ever been horn
which had mi detcemled din oily into hit men-
tnl nrgiuiiniiiiii Honker wa tht Sav our of
hi country and no other man emU be. A
day nr tu after bit retirement, tho 7'i tiuat
tny !
1 h oich, n ordinary rlrrninmanres, wa (houM
h.'riiali- to approve a ihvuge nf comiuaoder In
tin fact) of the enemr and pending ,u tteriveraui.
iialcii. wo hell ihe prreeut with run-Id. ruble at'
i-laeiion. (ln. Ilmiker heeniinfuilv di'tne dnl-
od the hope and exnet'taiinin not merely uf hit
menu, mil ol alt iiiu.o wan tit J leirn.d tu ro
gent him at al Icatt a krnva and persi.icnt
Since Ihe telling of Hmilier't nn. the pert!.
dun He -ace w ould not only deny hi capacity fur
command, hut would aim cloud hi reputation
at A "brave and perilent fighter." That he
w a And it "a brave and pertbleut fighter" it Ihe
mo' ever claimed fur hiia hy lluwe who knew
him better than he knew hiunelf. It wat nuly
Ihe unprincipled Adventurer ami trickttert
that nffecled for him mora ihan that. He it a
brave and perileut tighter ami the grille!
rluin upon hi churacUr it that he allowed
hiiim-lt lo iM iiune (lie dupe and Aitnciate of
uch polilical peeuhilor a lluritcv G revley.
A Bkacis or Ow'La A hdh-l piper tayt
"Hrngg and llnikiuridge are. trying, like a
couple o.' owl. In ktet each other dnwii."
We tupHie. then, that, fer Ihe pnrpote of
la tter hooting, liny Ate iiiakiug iln-ir way tu
the tiMilhern twunip. whet owl uiorl do con
grvlAle. VaUAHLR D Kl'MKNTt It i Mid thai
among the private pp r of J ff. Davit. try
OHpiuntl at Jacktoii. ire private letter un te-
et-twioti from both imrtlu ru and oulhern uit-n.
dittiug a tir hack a Iditf Th. y will hm
mi. i ft chai(rr uu the ttKIIiuu that way be
o Dlapatch This (Monday) Horning.
From our F.xtra of Huoday.
WAawsoTrw. July 27.
A dirpatch received hy tlie Navy Depart
ment tiiy on night of 2th a large tide wheel
rteamel w hile tiying In run into Cliarlerlon.
a chacd liy Ihe gunboat Cniuln and other
outride blockader. She war finally headed off
and driven on there. She wat fired by her
crew and it now a total wreck.
Richmond dirpalche uf thi morning con
tain the following t
Morton, Mii July 24.
The enemy evacuated Juckronyetterday.
Col. Wirt Admin dathed in and captured a
lew ttruggier. Can too hut alto heen cvoo
unteil. Grant' entire army ha returned to Vickt-
Charleston. 24th, v p.m.
The bombardment wnt renewed early thii
morning with rapid and cimtinaoiia firing until
a flng of truce wen! down at 9 o'clwk. The
attack wa renewed again thi evening. The
enemy occarionnlly firing at Cummin Point.
Milliter repiieii Heavily. I lie tiring 1 tnu
going on. Our catuulitie Hut uioriiiiig were
three killed uud tlx Wunuded.
Regular firing from Fort Slimier and Bat
tery Wugner at the. Yankee on Morri Irlund
wa kept up oil night and uoutiiiiird all day.
The Yankee occaumally replying from their
hutterie on Morri I-luuil. The niouitori
and lronide lying on the outride took no part
The Yankee" have two hallerie on Mori it It
lund and have tlreiigiliened their porition.
PlIll.AllKLPIHA. July 23.
Tlie Wmdiington Mnrtayt hit evening the
2.'id while Ihe oVI and ill army corpt were ly
ing ut the mouth of Miinuii Gap, thi tide,
information wa received that Longirect wat
rending a bngiule f hir corpr foraard in order
to porrt-K hinirelf of tlie Gap. Gen. Spinck
coiiiiiiniiiling the Excibmr brigade nitli HDD
men. wat ordered Inrvvurd ; the couiiiiuiuliug
Ceuernl riippored the rehelr to he only III tiuall
force liordeiliig the urert. id Ihe lull one mllu
It inn the Gap ln't wi eu it nml Front Knyal. it
wa iherelure tuppoted llii brigade woiilil he
tnllieieiil to ciitter llie enemy. About u qnar
lerol li mile Innn tlie crert uf the hill win a
eliuie Willi, uud heliiud llii Wat a tuiull rebel
force. Gen. Spinck at once took obrervation
ol the ground and uf er pointing nut to the rug-
imeiiiiil c iiiaiulet wi rk they would have to
perlorin. ordered hi giiHiiul hrigudu forward.
I'lie rebel quickly fired Ihe hill and took I'cf
tijie behind thu toue null. Our little force
purhed on lo the wall, when from behind it
riudied a wlmle brigade of Geiegian. mid Inn
regiuieiil of North i.arolina rhurpthooter. all
under cniuiiriul of Gen. Auderm. Our
troop loaded it not, but amid a rhoner of rifle
ami artillery hull', lu front and flunk, purhed
lontard and with bayonet drove thu rebels
Il urn their piirilinn, ami tent them aunmpeiiiig
nver the field. Tlie rehel lo wat not ler thu.1
500 killed, wounded and iuiriug. We had un
aitillery, the rehel had (I piece. That mglit
in r toldier Inviiiiiiueil, und ou the next morn
iug iiiurclied into Front Royal, lu (hit lilit.iu
the opiiiiou ef militiiry men, the n-hela oiiiniim-In-red
nr ix tu one. hut they oppeured to be
ciiuiplelely lugged out.
Memphis. July 2(5.
Report ny Hint Peinberlon and alall'. with
mine nrhcerr,' have gone to Richmond, but hit
unity i rcnltered in every din ctioii. Pemher
lull raid it Willi lu he impotrihle lo keep them
t he rebel are forcing everybody into tho
rank, I mill Jewt and Gentile.
The excitement it inienre, the bulk of John
rliiu army lr reported at Martin. 20 mile from
Jucktou. Hit army it eetluiiit. il at IjO.IIOO.
Cairo July 27.
Yicktburg dale to the 20ih have been re
ceived. Before evacuating Jack'on the reliel
ret the t iiy on lire, and our Inruea completed
ihe omfhigriiilun reducing the city to urhe. tt
i thought Jiihurioii et hi it'll fur Toinbigbee.
Slu-noun i returning fruin purtnit, not being
preiured fur a hoi campaign. Among the
piUuiiei captured at Jacliron were a number
ol Ylckrlmrg p;iroled prironer. Gen. Sher
iuiiii tudcred three nl them lo he shot.
Tub First Arrival. The firtt uverland
iiuniiiiranl a coiupiiny of five wagons from
Ohio arrived at the D ille Inrt Tui'tday. The
Muuntt;inter rnyt they came down lo find
hume in till' Willamette Valley,
Genrhoi's The citizen nf Florence have
iihrcribed $1.4.1(5 to the United Sllltet Suili -inry
fuml. and Ihe money hat been forwarded
to Prerideut Belluwt. So tny thu Lew ir tun
Infoiimai. Eubctiun. The miner at Pla
rerville and llitiiuock City opened poll on the
:)ili, ut which vote were cart for Delegate
lo Congrert frnui Id.ihn. A there wa no nil
llmrity for ach a prnoeeiliiij. un notice, of
eniiiTe. will he taken of il. officially. Governor
Wallace'! pruehimalioii lor an election wat it
raed nt Lcwijton three day previmi.
VV An exchange aptly call gold the "na
limi't liiroineter." When gold ia down, it it
indicative that nil it going Well ; when it runt
up there it lomethiiig wrong.
Appointed. J. W. Drew Im been ap.
(minted Cuinniirrinner of Enrulliuetit for tho
dirtiict of Oregon, and Dr. W. Bowlby Einiu-
uimiuiug Surg.-uti.
ry There nre to be foar revenue cutter
rl.ttioned uu the Pacific court ; tvtn for Califor
uiit and one each for Oregon and W tithing ton
T rrilory.
Enrollmext. Mr. Keeler' duty it nnl lo
inaugurate the draft in hit dirtrict, hut to mere
ly enroll tlmre liable to he drafted, at a prepar
atory inearare. He it nf the opinion that no
necetrity for drafting nn llii eowrt will arie,
mile a rapture with nine foreign power rhuuld
Frederick. Md.. June '). The morning run
bmuttht Ihe iuli lligene that Mnjor General
ll'Hiker had been relieved from llie Army of
the Pnliouno. and M"j..r General Meade at
riu'iietl a In iceeMir. Wilh uit critlciring
the iUe.tintiiilile policy of changing command
er in the lace of the enemy, it i tafe to tny
that Ihe removal of Gen Ilnolcr i in accord
nice with Ihe wi-lie nf uuiuy nflicer The
cane of ihe removal. mar a I can learn, it
tin t Gen. Hooker t inted llurpvr' Ferry, re
moved the troop.and to fulfill hi plan, ordered
General French to leave Ihe rewiiioil with hi
command and march with the other Ironp. de
filing to ere all ihe available force for the pur
He uf dealing heavy and rfjective blow al the
enemy. There iurlre.ctioiit reaching the ear
of Mnjor General Halli-vk, he inalriiulrd Gene
ral French ut to notice Any onli-r from Gen.
Iliaiker. I liereiiMin. (Jen. ll.aiker raid : "If
I m In cnniiunnd Ihe army ( mean In coin
lliaiul it. The fniiple hold llie rvepminhle lor
Ihe tucce ol the movement, and I cannot and
will unt allow anjhoilr lo inteifere hy iunruct
iug my tuhordiuaie ofiiwr to diroloy my cmi
maud." In view uf Ihe fuel, be akrd to ba
bevi d. Thi w.w icolingly done, and Ma
Jr General Mende Appointed. Curioiirly
fiiough, one of Ihe firl order ieened by (Sen
era) Meade Wa for ihe troop at Ilarper't Fer
ry In march and Join 'heir lorw In the Aru jf
of llie Puliiiiiac and t henr tin order hat lafii
eXei uli d. thu rhowing I hut Jf pretext fur re
turning Honker wi toiijhi by the power that
Ur ul Wathingtoiij
ty Boite river uTeriudeoe next wevk.
EAKTItQt'AtC. There wa a tltttinct thock
of t lanlitiiuU at Sas Frauciwo. Jul SOth.
....Among Ihe piiMengnm on tlm tteamur Com
ititutiuii w hich arrived at Sun Francitco on the
Idili. it Biihop Jane. H comet lo thii coatt to
pr"tide at the Conference of tho Mothoditt
....Mr. Samuel Goff, of Tolk county, had one
of hit fingcrt accidentally cut off thi week whilo
engnged in running a threnher.
l'nices C'L'ttaKNT in Cahiuboo. From a let
ter from a friend at William' Creek, Brilirh Lol
uintia, we take the following pricet of provision!,
&c, ruling nu the 21 of June, litM : I hmr W)c.
per pound i bacon, l 5! Oregou ham. l ioi
.1.1.5 ...!. mi Alii dried nlutnt J ; dried
pencil", l 50 1 tobacco, 5: beef, 40c. i tea,$'
50i coffee. 91 IK mear, l 2f : beani, 70c.!
butler, fheee,$ii lonp.Ulli renin, l 50;
pcpiier. per battle, $1 50 1 Oregon knit ock, fl
per pain boot, 15 ; lioe. 5; piekt, with
hiindlet, $:ii lung handled thovela, Qlii gum
boon, tyMOregonwn. .
....We leara that Mr. Jamet Roberta, of Wil
linmrbnrpr, died very tud.lealy at Cottonwood on
the id iutt. Ho wa on hi wav to Wahne.
He wa a brother to Mr Cliathnm Robert of Cor
vallit. JacktoniilU InUUigtnnr.
....Our ttreet! have preenti:d quiteabuiinei
appearance. A number of hurra and mule team!
have been ditcharging freight to merchant from
Creicent City. W. .
The Vancouver Ladies' Sanitary Aid Society lent
by tlia lat itenmer to Rev, Dr. Bellow the turn
of $170 dollar!. I have alo received and for
warded from the Port Angelo! (W. T.) Library
Association, by hand of Mesnrt. Watson and Au
bolt of Olympia, 9 10 ; and from E. L. Quimby,
Esq , of Multnomah county, JiO.
. . . The Jacksonville InUliigtnur tayi that Col.
Drew hat lately located a military pint in the
valley to tho north and east of Klamath Lake.
Ho found the valley of tufiBcient axtent for two
or three counties, and the toil very rich.
....Mr. Dulathmut ioorm ui that a son of
Sir F. Price, living in Jackson precinct, Polk
county, about 13 year! of ago, was aecidently
drowned in Salt Creek, on Sunday last, while
....The Treasurer of the Ladies Sanitary Aid
Society of Vancouver, reports that up to this time
the following sum! have been received: legal
tender, J:!l9i coin l.r,6,H9 county ordert. $Hs
total, 518i,"9.
.... Jat-ktnn Engine Co Nn. I, Dalle, we are
Informed, throw, at the fuot of Court street, on
Friday last, over Uo feet pole. iintet.
....The Timet tayt building it brisk in Port
land at thii tinio. Ladd tt Co. are erecting an
extensive block of brick adjoining tho whip wharf.
Sovoral church odificea and private rosidencosare
under process of completion.
....TheMihvaukecaiid Portland Macadamised
Road Company have launched the tteam ferryboat
intended lo connect with the road at Milwaaltie.
Length. 80 foot! beam, 25 fucts whoels, 10 feet
la diamotor.
.... A correspondent of the Ortgoniat, writing
from Placervillo, Boiso mines, say that Mnjor
Lntreiibeel has located a new fort on Boise, 25
mile! from the mouth of that stream.
David Moll, living five mile toutlicast of
Oregon City, shot and accidentally killed John
8cott, a buy aged nine years, and brother-in-law
to Moll, on Saturday, tho 1 1th ult.
....Jamet Cochrane of Linncounty committed
tiiicide by shooting himself through the head, at
hi residence, six miles south of Albany, on the
21th ult. He had for lomu dayt been laboring
under great depreseioa of apirts.
....A volunteer company of militia liai been
recently organiied at Albany, wilh the following
officer: Captain, John Rowland i 1st Lieutenant
A. Hannnn; 2d Lieutenant, S. . .Young: 1st
S rgeant, Jns. Elkins : 3d 8ergeant, R. Fox I 3d
Sergeant, Win. Tweednle j 4th 8ergeaat, J. W.
Jordan i 1st Corporal; John Purdom : id Corporal,
John Foster I 3d Corporal, E. N Beach i till Cor
poral, N. Wright. Tho company numbers about
.... Legal Tenders told in Portland last Thurs
day at 78cts.
.... Next Thursday is Thanksgiving day.
.... Mr. A. Helms of Jackson county was Serb
ourly injured on the 25th, by being thrown from
the top of a hack while returning from camp
meeting. His collar bone wa broken.
A son of Mr. Ball', of Jackson county ,wa
killed on the 2 th by f illing from a load of hay
on to the tiuet of a pitchfork. One of the prongs
pierced emirely through his head.
Portlaxo Market Tho following prices
w ere ruling in Portland Inst Saturday :
Flour, tin I 50; wheat G5a70; oatt50a58;
bacon sides, ISal'J hams, l(lal7 shoulders,7c.
butler, 20ai5i eggt, 22a'& ; wool, 7o'i2.
....The harvest it reported aa unusually good
thi year, but much grain will be lost on account
of being so suddenly ripened by the late hot
weather. It shells out in handling.
....Sickness, occasioned by hot we.tthrr, still
continue in this vicinity, r lux, putrid (ore
throat, and occasional ruses of scarlet fever, pre
W.fqitSpTDX Terriiorm Electioh. The
following return, in addition to those pnMishod
last week, are furnished, official, to the Standard :
Thnrtton County Repr,'enlaiire : Win. Mc
Lane, C., r., H. M. McOill. probate
Jii'lire: Sargent. School n'lp.-riuteudoat: Cross.
County C'liiumissioner : (libton
.'ou-iiiius Ci).'jr Joiut Representative: Da.
vid Shelliin.
Jtfferton County. County t J. R. A"el. Rep
resentative: k. j. uooiiiioii. Joint Representa
tive : ti. l line.
Cau-litt ChuhIu. Joint Representative : C. M
I'vtijic Couut). Representative: Charle Btr.
tow. Probate Julgu : John Uiiscoa. Auditor:
H. K. Stevens, ('nuiuiis.iouer : Solomon Soul,
O. H. Drown. J. W. Mnnsnn. Sheriff; j. g. Wil
son Aucstor! Win. Haiiuegan.
.... Mr. J. Fgraon of this connty, just returned
from Boise river, tayt much of th mining dis
trict! on B ise and John D tv rivers, it now desti
tute of water, and the miners are many of them
leaving for other region! or lo rotom home.
.... A wagon road has been cut across the coast
ranire from the Yamhill reservation to within
about five miles of the ocean beach, under tho tu-
perintendence of Mr. Condon, IndWn agent. The
remaining distance of two or three milet through
limber will be opened iu a short timo, when there
w ill be little trouble in going clear through with
A tironr team and wagon. There it now no diffi
culty in going through wilh horse. There it
really no moaaraia to cross, the ranga being cut
almost in two by the waters of the Yamhill and
Salmon river. The distance from the Agency lo
the beach it about thirty miles, and can bo easily
traveled en horseback in ona day. Good camp
ing placet may be f.uti. 1 at iutorvalt of only a f. w
milei, th entire distance, and when one at tha
beach, the pleasure-seeker ha Ihoutan It of acres
of upland prairie upon w hich Ie turn hit horses.
Fish of tcveral varieties ire easily procured At
thit season of th year. Salmon may b taken in
Salmon river at any lima after th first or ecoud
week in Augnst. Salmon and mouulain trout
abound in great plenty in th river, affording a
fine opportunity for the lover of angling lo in
du'gr in fatcinallng sport. AUvgelhr, we d
not know of a.iy pine tvherj tht poop! of tht
upper valley can, at a triding cost, pleas
anter season of rnraliiing than at ths Stlinoa
river coatt.
.... A general court-martial is loon to assem
ble at Fl. Dalle f. tht trial of tuch prisoatr at
may b brought befor it.
....The old (teamer Hastaloe, erce a crack
b-M en the Cpper Columbia, lie now high and
dry oa th beach Jutt below the tora of Daila.
Cm kai been ebaudoocd.
....Three Indians, inspected ot neing implicit
ted in the murder of some white men on the Po.
louse river in June, hnvo been arrested, through
the efforts of Indian Agent Lngnn.
During the hot weather of last week, we
were at the coast near Salmon river. On the
beach Ihe weather eras not at any lime nneom
fortabiy warm. Sunday, ifiith, " the warmest
aTw! CotSTV AuHiciiirniAl. Swirrv.-We on tho first page, the Premium List of
L 1 1... roimtv Agricultural Society for the An
nual Fair fur IflUX It will bo teen that the So
eiety offer 400-a liberal sum-In cash premi
ums. The citinent of Benton and Lane eoiint.e.
are Invited to compete for them on equal termt
with those of Linn.
....The receipts of Josephine Comity for the
fiscal year ending June SOth, exceed the expendi
ture! 5.80 04. The Indebtedness of the county
is now $16,044 57.
.The Albany Democrat of last Saturday re
... . ... .... a u.. r... .
peal! a falsehood eovorai limes uitereu uj
DtrMer and tho pig-faced Billy-goat: that the
Stateiman had been losing tuhscriberi nt the rate
of from "ten to twenty per week." Iliettaie
meat ia totally false. Nobody ever Hopped It on
account of It! printed mBtter except a few of the
most rabid of the red mouthed radicels ot me au
olition and secession stripe (about an equal num
ber) and every loss of that kind has boen more
than made up by ntw cah subscribers. The
Statesman has, and will continue to have, more
than doubla tho subscription of any of its de
tractors. Mexican Affairs Tlie diepntch nf Fri
day contain! an announcement which, if true,
nmy prove vastly impnrtnnt tn the government
of North America. It is tu the effect that
Mexico hat heen declared an empire with an
Austrian prince atmpemr, provided he will
aocept. In case of hit declination, Napoleon
il to name tho tovereign. If Napoleon withet
him tn accept the throne nf the empire, ho will
do it ! if Niiwleon prefers tn name the Empe
ror himtelf.whieh it must prnbuble, Maxiniillian
will decline. Napoleon ha been playing a
deeper game with Mex'cn than to permit any
mail other than hit own choice to assume the
reins of government. Hi pretent declared
purposes are hut an uncertain index to his ul
timate design. That has been to character
istic of him all his life at to have parted into a
truitm. Hit double dealing and deceit have
been notalilv manifest in the prJient war
with Mexico. While pressing on to the Capi
till he made hit way easier by assuring the
Mexican people that he "came not tn endure
them but tn give them liberty." Ho It scarce
ly in pustcsrion of the capital when he declare
the country an empire and offers the throne
to a foreign prince. Of course, the sovereign
will he practically nn autocrat except in so
inflch as he iiuirt necessarily he subject to Na
poleon. What litthi there was of liberty
among the Mexicans has been lust, and hence
forth Nnpolenn's hand will ditpentetho rigors
of a discipline not lets despotic, becanre he hat
no love for anything American.
Neither is Mexico the ultimatum of hi de
signs in relation to this continent. The eye
that for sn long has greedily looked nn Amer
ican territory is not likely tu be content with
tu small n view a Mexico, now that it survey t
that tract and culls it its own. Who ever
knew Napoleon to he without an intrigue for
further aggrandizement 1 Mexico, once firmly
under hit yoke, he will toon be looking around
fur something more tu yoke with it. The Ceo
tntl States of America may he the next object
nf French intrigue ; but unless restrained by
A wholesome prudence nr fear, he will ccrtaiuly
in lime come to look upon California, and per
haps all tlie Pacific territory as too desirable to
belong to anybody else. Whenever ho eluill
want bigger tlicet of North America than be
hat got, hit past history unrc ut he will find
pretextt euough to seize them if he can. It it
not all impossible that during llie existence of
the rebellion in the United State, is
considered a luvorniile time In carry nut
any plant nf greed and Iutt he may have con
ceived, and that tha crushing of .Mexico it on
ly a preliminary ttep. At all events, the dee
titration of Mexico nt an Empire it not with.
out portentous significance to the government
of the United States, and it ttrike ut a Ihe
duty of the administration tn watch the pro
ceediugt of Napoleon with tome care.
CP During tli lut two nr threo weeks, i
vnst deal of effective work ha been done in
the way of "crushing the rebellion." The at
tempt tn transfer the teat of war to thu royal
Suite ha tignally f illed rut well in the West
nt in the East, nml henceforward a mistake uf
the rebels which ha given their cause much
vitality, cea'es to operate except a a matter
of ditcourgement to tho hopet of the Confed.
erucy. The rebel leaden lure infused cour
age and iudurauce into Iheir followers by Ihe
oft repented promise that tt hen the proper time
arrived, they would rid the rehelinnt Stales of
the horror of war and vitit them upon the
Northern Stales. Under thit false inspiri.'ion
the rehel people have fought with unnatural
spirit and havo home up under disasters that,
otherwise, would have been crutbing. That
delusion is now cleared away from the minds
of both Ihe Northern and Southern people.
The South ha no longer a thadowr f hope
that llie wortt and most lamentable effects of
the rehellion cau be avert, d from their own
....I. .1.. i r ... ., ,
am, mr ul u.e .Mint. IIOVC 110
further grounds for feat, nf raids and ravage.
The flower of all the armies uf the Confedera
cy ha been nnable tn hold a position for half
a month nntth nf the Potomac; the most dar
ing and reckleasjif all the leader of the Wett
hat learned that "transferring the wet of war"
to loyal soil At merely transferring hi men
prisoners into llie baud uf the invaded. No
sensible man hereafter, will act in tho least
upon the suggestion that tho the Northern
States can be made to desist from tho war. bv
war's ravage. The war it to be confined to
the rebel States, aa it should be. They are to
he Ihe scenes of physical desolation, at they
should be. They are tn be the deert that
war maker, a they thnuld be. They iuaug
uniieti in war without reason! they thou Id
Want most horrible evilt and they mutt.
Not only s but the most wicked md
tentele of them thonld be nude
bear Ihe great proportion of them and they
mutt. The tneeeere of the last month are
not, we trust, lo he ttayed at the point nf ex
polling or capturing the invading armies hat
In he lollowetl ap hy driving Ihem to the very
Interior of the Confederacy. That Gen. Lee
hi not yet gone out nt the Shenandoah doe
not tignify (hat he will not be compelled to
see, shelter In Richmond, and that before long.
The pmcen of "cooping up" the rebel it go.
ing on iu Ihe Wett in a very talirfactory man
ner. There it no rebel army worthr the nam.
la either of the State nf Kentucky. Trnne.
ee, Miiipp, Louitiana. Arkansas or Mis
twtri. Tbcj Lues, BtAwitltfUoiaj;
parent siicccerei. been "teadily luting ground
fur several month, and now everything but a
lot of pestilent guerrilla hand ur.u driven out.
The nrmie of the Coiifcderocy. npnn which
8 thread of hope oau bang, nre nnw in Virginia,
South Carolina, Georgia Alabama. From
the pretention! Confederacy of fifteen Sinter,
the pitiililetpectnhlenf f''''llim' "V"H
lest than half il'W'n "''' ' lf'""J
There ii ccrtninly in thit lute e-nnlitinn of
things, much tn encourage thu belief that the
rebellion will, indeed, he mon "crushed nut."
rrJolin Van lluieni! evidently under the
imprettimi tl.ut Ocn. MuClcllau will be n oao
didntc at the next election for President. John
ii nut alvraya enrrcot in hi prediction!, hut no
man iu the United Stale better know tho
nonular iiitnil. Hit imprettmm at to MeClclInn
it no doubt drawn from his direct Intercourse
with the mnsset, who, whatever may be taiil
by politician nml presidential intriguers, of
MoClclhm. retpect and admire him, ulmott a
much, pcrhnpa, on account id the malignant
persecution with which he ha been purtuci!
into privacy .at for hit military ability and iter
ling qualities as a man. Some nf tho pctty
hmindt mi tho track of McUlclluu may laito a
profitable hint from John Van Burcu.
rv Mr. Lincoln was Injured in Washington
on the morning of July 2d. hy tlie horte run-
niniug awny ami nreiiiiiug tuc hk
tvliich thu wnt traveling from the Soldier'.
Home to the Executive Mtintion.
OT Vullatidighitin arrived ut Bermuda on
the SOth of June hy the rebel steamer Lady
Davit, on his wny to Canada where he arrived
July 15th. .
ryjn.lire Field of California hue directed
that no certificates of citizenship (hall be iesued
from his court, to person sympathizing viOt
the enemies of the country.
Ai. itm residence of the biide't father, in Marion
coiiutv, hy Kev. Mr. Ilnilet, Mr. S. O. Bluokerby and
Miss Margaret u. ucox.
At the house of ii W. itedmnn. Korkt of Sunilmu,
PUli ult., by ltev. D. O. Loveull, John Miller and
Atmimlii Redman.
Iu tlie Fork or tlie dniitiam. .ituv n, oy manm vv.
Ilesler.J. P., Ooorge Miller and Mis. Furbulb Small
man. . ......
At Molulla Camp Orounu, July nan, ov Kev. o n.
Staid. Julio A. Kniulit, of Sonomuh county. Califor
nia and M i. Henrietta Chiles, of t'liickiiinut Co , O.-n.
In rortlHii'i, July ), uv Itev. sir. nv lanu,
Kireimer and Miss Jlarv'U. Hrooks, both of I'ortlniid.
At Kirbv ville, Jiwepliine county, I5tli ult., hy Hen
ry llrnek, fcw., Mr. David Johns, of Williamsburg uud
1'I.iry J. A. Godfrey.
At Kturene City. July 21, by Kev. I. D. Driver, Mr.
0. M. Jucknem and Mrs. Kiiuiia I. Conley.
Iu UoiiKla coiiiilv, Julv iAh, by Itev. C. Alderson,
Mr. Martin Itiislinell npd Miss Mury A. Oliusteiid.
In Clackamas county, July !W. by Kev. C. 11. Hull,
Mr. Kilword L.0IUI, ol Multnomah county, und Mrs.
Nancy L. Chare, of Cluckuma enmity.
In Fortlund. !fU ult.. bv Kev. I). Kntlethre, Mr. Ter.
rv N. (Unite und Mrs. Attie (J. Sullishury..
' Iu Minion coiiutv, -'litli July, by Kjv. J. II. Roork,
Omiiel V. Eiuiuetl'.id l'ulk eouuly,aud Urt. 8. Irvine,
of Muriou.
In Rnletn. Julv 21). John C. vounuest son of Johu C.
and Surah li. ltidl, ued 1 yr. Il urns, and U days.
AnoilMir spirit tint wimieu ut ihimi,
Up to llmt beunlifid world of liulil ; ,
May we, by trust iuir in Jesus, and prayer,
Kuid comfort, and be ready to welcome it there.
Iu Entrone City, July 30th. Hy Martin, son of
Itev. Johnston anil Maltha A. McC'orutac, aged 1 year
6 month aud V days.
Drowned near ttaayon City. Wasco comity, Juue
18th, Bvron P. und Ahnon J. Willis, nmi respectively
li venra 5 aioullis and li days, nud il yeara IU mouths
ami day.
Near Oregon City, July 26, Mrs. Elisabeth Fieldt,
aged &i venr.
At An'ioria, JulySClli, the infant daughter of IIou.
A. E. Wait.
At Portland, July 18. Minnie M., daughter of Dr. A.
und 0- A Thayer.
In I'ortluud, ilitli ult., Mr. lletekiah Cofflu, aged
2ii year'.
Al Dalle. Julv 2Ist Alfred Mix Riven, oirari 4 vra.
4 months and 4 iliiyt.
Pressed Chewing Tobacco,
THIS toluu'co lit nuimfai'turci ex p rewlr for the
Ctilifurnta market ; the puoilitir mamter in which
it put un, kvepiiiK it aUuv utint uaJ cuuinif it to
retain id lluvoruny length of lime. 3m.i
40 Pure Spanish Merino Rams,
WAKRAXTKli to be nf the very
biulieHt fiiuditv. Tnev consist of
two vear niiiu. VMirlious mii.1 ktiiil, 1
Tliey are dcseetiiled from thnto imported J
rnini e.ui ny iielirv llaminonil, .,nn . ui,
Vl. Tiiey took llie 'FIKsT PRE MIUM at the last
year's (vine Kair. Tlie lamlM weru sired by the ram
Ih'avoriie) which I imreliaseil Inst year of John D.
i'litiersnu, Eq., of esllield, N. Y. 'Theirdums were
bred by E l Kin Uwreucu, Kmu.. of 'eyl,ri,le, V'L
ilaviuir purcli.ineil my rl.K-lt from ' ibo iiutorioo
sliocp bleeders in llie United Sialet, I will olfer rliont
iu competition with any in tlie -iiiiin of Oreiron. Thor
may Iw teen on C'apt. John F. Miller't farm. South
1 auilull. Taer will be sold at low pricet for cash, or
hy iliac und tune lo suit. Certiticale will be kivou
vviln every one lliat I sell.
Apply to IIOV.M.II VIcLKOD. Ainitv, Yamhill Co.,
or to I'upt. JOHN V. MILLIilt, Snlein: Anil
Probate Notice.
Estate of Benjamin Rrattain, deceased. In Couatf
Court, furry County. Oregon.
pVJOTlCE is hereby ui'veu ihut F. II. I'ratt , ndminit
It tralor of tlw llbove-liatlled estAtn. lias this Hav
tiled ill said court his account, and nr-iva rhui th unoV,
he ullowtsl for filial settlement. It' h therefore or-
leriHl llmt the Kttleiueut of said estate b heard und
.leleruiiued in Niid court on I Im - th dav of llet.ihar.
ItttiJ, tlie licit regular term of this cnurr.
M. U.GIti;0 )KY.
Ouuiiiy Judge.
Lllensburjr, July 6, lSuT 4w'Jvi
An Exhibit
OF tb receipts aud expenditures nf the cotintv of
.Marion, Slut of Oregon, for the vcar eudimr Julv
Ikh, l?!ta: " e
Ain't ree d from Inxes for county parposea. 91 1 ,3 10 78
for iiria-erv licenses..
750 00
for ten pin licenses
for ferry iieeuiais...
for jury ee
for rent of court house.,
from probate fees
.'5 CO
&0 in
no hu.
1-.-5 on
7!) 01
(111,481) 10
Ara'l paid for linildirut bridei....$l.a) 00
" for tnpporl of paupers i. ii.'JNi 8U
" coomy ireasnrer (pre!) Dsu V0
" for botrtl and clothing
of nrisonert 239 8S
" sherilTfortcrvieesiE les) lao i5
" " " (Mendrirltl 517 !K)
" eonnly clerk (Caton) for
tervicet U6 50
" county clerk t&lct) for
service 701 SO
' county aiwes 30 00
" salaryof county judge.. 700 W
" " siiperiiitcmleiit com-
mon schools oVI 58
" hd supervisors UIH (Ml
" prowculinir attorney... 4Si 00
" county cnmmissiiine'ra.. 107 40
" jndiies aud clorks of elee-
lion 'JS4 60
Jurors Sipu und Jlarh
lennsl flfjj 00
" builiffs (Sept. nud Uarrh
.lermt 1 113 50
' witnesses in Siais ea tt '.77 5
" loraiuiit county roads. .. CM 4i
' stationery account 3 4S
" wood, liilits, tc 114 38
" repairs un court boors
nd jail 79 "5
'' township map S.j0 00
coroner and jury IS 00
" ioterert nn money lioc-
rowed of co'tv'trcit.
trer for parcllasa of
( fairground g R4
' enpo-chase ot fairgr'dt I A7 76
Total expenditure. . 116,22 96
txpcnditnrw abov receipt. l,3o-J bi
Aojoont iff conntv ordert ortstanding and
Amount dot on fair rimndV.V.'.V.V.".V.". i' ui)
mortgw on fair graund.. 1,414 ug
Total tmoant of indcbtdoM easas t
I crsifr that th frtwnin 1 a enrnct Mat.mmt of
tn rcctiutt and txranditum of Il.rin,
Ijou, for Uit ynr auding July 6. lata. 7-