(the (Owjott tatfsmitu. Domr-allc Ileum. , ....Mr. Hnlbrook acknowledges, through tha Ortgmmn, the following additional eoiitriliiitioiis to tint gnnitnry fund : " j From Mn. F. Ainswortli, Treasurer of Lsilioe' Society, Portland, $'3V ii'n J. H llogen, Knae. burn, 'f &tS Citiaens of North Yamhill, handod bv J. J. McCoy, )'2, as follows : J. J. McOnv, Win. Bll, (5 each i Aaron Payne, s)3; R it. ' Langhlin, L. I.,aurhlln, Emma Lauehlin, 8amuel Lau(rlin. fi 50 each j 0. V. Bnbinaori, T. J. Con ner, L. Fouts', SI cinch; Umatilla Agency, t2!, a followi : B. Henry, $10 ( T. W. Davenport,!'. 1 Weston. W. Bentlny, 5 each I 0. Greer, Oak land, $I2 Cllitetis of Polk and Yamhill eoun tte, by Rev. N. A.' Starr, t)l6. Total, t):d 76n .(,,.,. Tie Ladies.' Sanitary Aid Society of.Pprt- land has Increased ftt mitiscriptiona to the1 aura of ,1,468 75. ! CMT1i? h ( , i. ' Louli Tucker, stago driver on the (outs ii between Jacksonville and Ymka, was seriously injured atPliamix or. the 7th Inst, , flo had die mounted frora the box to uuloud some bag-gage when the borara aUrtedto ma.. In attempting to get hold of the homes'. He ' wat trirown under the stage breaking hit left thigh. ,''..! . . ....Tbe people of Umpqua Tally celebrated the 4th at Oakland:,'' About six or eight hundred people were present. .,,-, The celebration at Dallas l' reported to ' hare passed off Ariel. ' The'attendaftce was t'argo. ' Orations, toasta,' vocal music, by a ' choir, to., , were the order of the day. A large amount of 1 patriotic enthusiaam is said to have been renti lnted. , , ,, j , ....Mr. Lewie Uritntn of this county was awarded, at the county fair. 3d premium on best colt for draft and 1st premium on suckling celt with reference' to blood. These premiums wore , accidentally omitted from our report of the fair. .... The Siatt Educational Animation and Teach ' art' h$litule will hold its next annual session at Eugene City on Wednesday, the 6th of August. We are requested to extend a general and cordial Invitation to the" teachers of the State to be In at tendance, ji'i i i: ()f fif tj I . . , . Several correspondents send qs proceedings t! of local oelouratlont of the 4th of July.' Wo ct not find room for half of such matter sent us, and must, therefore, decline it all. '" '....The circuit court for Baker county begun on the 15th nit.) and disposed of sixty cases, among which were thirteen Indictmente for selling liquor without licenso. The term continued nine days. . ' .. . ,.':;, .....The city of Portland ha taken an appeal to the Supreme Court from the decision of Judge ' Sbattuck in the matter of the city vs. Stock, which involves the validity of a statute of the last leg ,. Islatare., ..:,! ' ft'' ' i'-'-" ' ...1 We were informed, early last week, that a Mr. Tapley, of Linn county, was found in the . road near Aurora, in this county, with his back broken, having apparently been thrown nut of his wagon. He was Insensible, aud the cause and manner of the accident were, therefore, unknown. Since that time we have heard nothing of the matter, and it may be the report was incorrect. .... The Dalles Journal says, two soldiers es caped from the Warm Springs reservation, on the 4th. Lieut. Ilntloran, with a detachment, went ? In pursuit, on the 6th, and overtook them. As the Lleutonant approached, one of them, namod ,' Kelly, firod at him. He fired in return, killing ' Kelly instantly, and captured the other, named '' A they. While on the way to .the Dalles with the i prisoner and one guard, the two soldiers made a ' eecond attempt to kill Ilalloran. He, however, was too much on the alert, and firing upon one of c them, wounded him in the hip, when both sub- tnitted and were brought in to the fort. . .... A correspondent ot the Oregonian says, ' Enoch Fruit was not killed, aa reported, but is v likely to recover from his wounds. A pity. .... We understand that Gen. McCarver Is in Idaho Territory, looking out for a chance for the . Dclegateship. He is No. 1001 on the list of as pirants. ' If he don't got the Delegateshlp, he will take kindly and industriously to some new speci men of chalk, iron or uap, and be comforted. .... The body of an unknown person was found in the Columbia river, near the residence - of Wm. H. Martin, in Clarke county, W. T., on " tbe 1st lost. There was nothing on the body to lead to identification. ' " - . ....There resides in Douglas county an intense abolitionist, who, about the time the federal tax assessor, wat about, owned a spring wagen, liable , to a tax of sue dollar, is grunltatkt. To avoid ; this tax, the said noisy abolitionist took 'the '' springs off his wagon nntll alter the assessor had c passed. This man, and these facte, are well known at Boseburg. , And this republican is an "uncon ditional Union man," by which he understands Union if we can. have it with abolitionism, and disunion if we can't kill slavery. To this end, he ie tea lout for the last man and the last dollar, (except the dollar due on his carriage), and stig. tnatiees his neighbors! hft would restore the Union, though it might restore alnvery, as " cop perheads." j .... There la considerable - atcknesa autoSg children, at this place, and" several deaths have occurred, within a few days, of flux. . ....The Oregonian, early laat week, rcperted 'that Judge Rtrattou had rendered a decision gainst the constitutionality of the legal leader ' saw.' Suck a decision may have been rendered, ' during the week, but the Ortgmim'$ report was certainly prematura. '' ....The Long Tommera, Soap creokers and Littlt Jeremns, had a grand convocation, at Eu gene City, I .at Satnrdny. What fort ' Yoar fig , died at Vicksbarg, the other day. .... Messrs. Morgan dr. Alexander, last week, raised the frame of a targe and substantial ware house on the bank of the Willamette, at the feet of Center street- en- v C.v. All descriptions of merchandise have been raised tweoty-fivs per eeat in San Francisco in consequence of the privateers and advance ia the If. Y. rates of freight and insurance. '" Reception op Tint News. The dispatch of Saturday antxmnoin; the inrrender of Vioks burg and the victory of the army in Pennsyl rania was greeted her by the most enthusias tic demonstrations. . As soon a tbe character of tbe news became known on the street there was once ;iib, to the bulletin of the news papers, and from tbat time till the issue ef er. tree, both priuUng efijoee were thronged with anxious expeotants, each eagor to get the first impression. Meantime the flags had been ran up, and the gun of the Light Battery got oat to thaoder the news to the surrounding eoantry. A national salute was fired, and in a short time tbe people within bearing came rushing into town. Everybody who had not procured txUraa wae inqniring tin news, and everybody wbo Aarf.ot them vat telling everybody else with great volubility and enthusiasm. Men shook bands and onngratuUtcd each. ,othor and, "smiled" together frcNiocntl ao frequently indeed, that, till a lata boor in the eveoiogthe general cxhileratioo was decidedly on tbe In create. In North Salem, the old iron eaaenn was brought into requisition and banged away t intervals tilt R got too' dark to find the rent oe. Bally for Grant," and Bully, Meade, were Um short bet oomproheaeivcaod withal feverile tnaUVerteretig1t drank from niiDg till night. ' Lvea the Iwya oaerht the teocral ineairathm and marched about with Saga, heating tin pans, firiog stackers and but; rahinr for the rrncral resalL . , . Bat amid this geueral rejuiciot, it was pitia ble to tee the "lone and lorn" condition of Se ccbIi whenever one of thnt unfortunate class yeuUred nut., Jn view of tlmir acareity. bow e(S it ai eormlsed that tlio gruivt(ir pnrl) of litem were "killed, wounded or tnisaing," In sympathy with their fellows In the East. j N,xt ilny evotvliody win sober, but not a few were under the' minremion llio'y htid dreamed the victory of Jiendo and inrrender of Vioks-""ft- t!Titif;Airf W XiiK?OF'DA(i(i:t. Tho Washltigten correspondent of the Spring, field Republican, speaking of Gun. Hooker and army matters In general, my j 1 " , That he is a man of brains no one can deny t but whether he is a griat general or not the next battle will tell us. If ho wins it he wilj be the most eotinkirman In tire F.ast, as Grant is In the .r I., ... .(.,.....- tt, , ii.. i West It na laus, waeniiixton-wur -dq rmwiy in danger, and if such were the fact it would not surprise me to see MuClellaa recalled. For It Is impossible to say what thegovornuiont would not do if thoroughly aroused Tor the safety, of tho capital. In no conlingcnry bittjuit that one--of ttr ribU iimiteyani interne alarm hen will KcClellan have any ohanoe ef getting back into the service again. It hat often beert reported front Washington by the knowing ones that MqClullun would not under an circumstances bo -cnMed into service again, and thia-lio. would ,eoon be mustered out tit thi letvioe ajtogetlier. - That war when there was not thought to be any danger nit Washington City at all. ,Hiiw oircuinntunces alter onset ! " A short month ago there wna cerfaiqly no contingency under wliiclt ho, would be called to the command. Now there it ono possible.''' If 1 Washington ' should be really In danger if "terrible disaster"' onrues, and "intense alarm" spreads itself over tho " gov. ernmeiit" under that contingency and no oth er. McClellan Will; be recalled. That would be an appropriate time to call for tome man capable of retrieving "torriblo disaster" ti4 of allaying "intense alarm ;" but while ther irat tab danger or alarm, these same correspondents nut in their howl with the rads iu traducing the military capacity of MoClollatt and some of thorn charged him with actual sympathy with the rebel tide of tho war. ' The moment the guanT wolf begins to growl near their doors they instinctively bethink themselves of McClellan, at the man most likely to drive him away.- Their hypocrisy and mean tnalico it all the more plainly revealed by this instinctivo.thongh perhapt involuntary confession,, of their belief in hit oaptolty. U i - ;. ;() i ! . er Rut the qnery naturally arisca, if MoClellun it the man to command the army when "terri ble disaster," and "intense alurrjj" prevail, why is ho not also the man to command while the oapital it not threatened.. Certainly if he can bring tuooeti out of "terrible disaster," more certainly than any other, be can also seoure more gloriont success than tho others in ordi nary timet. , ',' , . " ii -..i.i" , " i ' There it not a man whe it free from preju dice who can turn to the history of the army of the Potomac and find for any other man as suo oessful a page as that devoted to the details of MoCleUau's operations., No other eomraander has won a victory positive or negntive with that army, and no other commander who has fought embattle but bat jbeeq, defeated,.,,, Since this was put in type, we are happy to record, Geu. Meade hat become an exception. The radicals know this, and whatever they may pretend to think, they secretly rely on hi id to get them, put of "terrible disaster" or intense alarm" when it comet. What patrl otio devotion these rads have, who will not em ploy the man they most rely on till personal danger makes their kneel qnake. National safety can go to tho dogt and It it all right- but McClellan mustn't have a command under any circumstances, not even a regiment. But, blest your soul, pertonal safety it quite anoth er thing andi demands the beat' fighting talent of the country for the defense of tho capital In that case McClellan Is tbe man. He won't bo mustered out of tervioe till Washington out of danger. Y v l J HOW TUB FlfiBTIXO IS DOXE. Dunn Browne," a correspondent of a Mas- tachuseettt paper, who was in the Into fight at Chanoellorsvilie and was taken a prisoner to Richmond, furuishot the following graphic. ao coout of that battle and the style of fighting indulged in hy the army of the Potomac t . Liimv Prison, Richmond, Vn.. Mar 11.' Dear . Richmond it Jubilant over the great victory that the Sonthas gain ed, the tremendous thrashing the chivalry hat given "tne nest army on me planet,' luough to be tare their joy it fringed with mourning to day over the funeral ceiemnnies of their hero Jackson. Doubtless a great many reasons are given for our moat disgraceful nod disastrous deteat. 1 here H only one real rcoson, and that, Uie -timpleet pwikle. Our nrmrn don't nclil na well as that of oar enemies. We had every possible advantage. Our numbers mora than doubled theirs till Lnnestrout s reinforce- men's oamo up, whioh didn't then bring their ineir luroea op n iw.uw.n oppose oar loll. 000. Indeed, it would now teem that Long street didn't come up at all. We had the ad vantage ol. position, and no inconstdernblo amount of fntrencltdrcnt. Gen. Hooker's plan was admirably arranged and exoellen'ly carried oat, until the fighting took place. Ho exposed himsell in the hottest places of danger, and set an electrifying example of heroism to the whole army. " itie lerrttiiu lost oi lilo among our geuerals tliowt mat on luo whole they were not found wanting at their potts of doty. We naa men enuugn, wen enough equipped, and well enough posted, to havo devoured the rag ged, imperfectly equipped host of our enemies from oft tbe face of .the earth. Their artillery horses are poor starve iraraet ol beasts, tied on to their carnages and oautooa with odds and ends of rope aud strips of raw hide. Their supply and ammunition trains look like a con gregation of all the crippled California emi grant trains that ever escaped off the desert out of the clntohes of the rampaging Caiunn- ohe Indians. The men are iil-dressed, ill- equipped and ill-provided a set of ragamuffins that a nan is ashamed to be se among, even when be it a prisoner and cant belp it. And yet they have beaten nt fairly, beaten as all to pieces, beaten at to 'easily that we are objects of contempt, even to their onoimoortt private soiuiers, wita no sniru ui nang out oi Uie Doles in their pantaloons, and eartridx boxes tied round their waists with strands of ropes. I say they beat us easily, for there bun t been moon of a fight op here on the Bsppabaonnck alter tn, tne newspapers to me contrary not withstanding.' There was an awful noise, (or I beard tt There was a tremeodoos amoant of powder errdoded. for I saw tbe smoke of It ascend on to heaven. There was a fast amount of rnuning done, "faced lit the rear rank," but I canuot learn that tliero was . in any part of field. Terr much real fijhtfo;. - I' have seen men from every part of the ground fought orcr mew frem alasnat every division ol Uie army and have inquired diligently after every ves tige ef conflict, and not osw of them had xrn a great deal of spirited fighting, thongh a rood manr had heard vast amoant of HY T particular brigade or regiment or company of each man was captured because tne enemy ap peared in vast numbers an their flank er in their rear. , They didn't fight touch broeuse inry were so aurononaieiy iiiuaieu or turrnun ed, that there waen't any ose in resisting., I never heard nf so much cross firing and snfk ading fire, and fire in the rear, in all the histo ries) ef battles with which I am oqaainted. Dt yea peis to tiw -lists) ef killed and wounded. 1 5.000 or 20.000 oar tide, at evi denced the- aVwwtateaest of tbe CTfloBtfter f I tell yoa that when men got np and run out or their rifle pita and breastworks like a flock of sheep. instead of staying in and defending them, not only they deserve to he shot, hut as an fat unl nmttrr of fnot they do get hit and killed nhniit foiir-fonld what would bo hurt, If they did their soldierly duty like men.! .' " j :t Am I saying things that ought n't to be spo linn of nut of school 1 That hnd better bo smoothod over and .explained away t I'm, not certain about that. 1 I think peoplo might to understand somewhere about where the truth lie, and I don't think thut soldiers ongbt tn bo eulogized and told that men never fought more gallantly on the face nf the earth and the vic tory would have been theirs if their officers hndu't mismanaged, when at a matter of fact their officers gallantly did their dnty, and were left to be killed or onntored on the field because their men turned tail and ran away from them. Mind. I don't mean to sar that this' was vcrv generally the case In the Into battle. But I do inaau to any that according to my best inform ation and belief the great 11th' corps of our army, attacked hy an infjrinr foroe of the ene my, gave way with only a shadow of resistance and ran out uf their iutrenohnieuts like pur col of frightened deer, thus making a great gap lu our grand line ol battle ond disconcerting all our good arrangements, and opening tho way for the disasters that followed. And from all I can learn the 12th corps didn't do much better, and though a very large portion of the army did their duty very fairly, I hove yet to learu of any ooiieiuerauie uouy ol troops that displayed that real gallantry aud determination to win whioh only can restore a losing buttle and atone for the disgraceful flight of the, cowards and panio strick'-u, I, know of whole regiments and Drigauet, long ana heavy lines ol battle, that gare way neioro lines nt tlio enemy to thin and straggling as hardly to be considered 3joro man sKirmisners. . i taw regiment niter regiment, and brigade after brigade of those corps I have meutioned come pouring back iiiruugn our reserves, nil mey covercu acres and aorcs of ground, enough to havo mndo a stnnd against all the rebels in Virginia, and onlr breaking: our lines and tellinir such cock and bull stories of being out to pieces in front aim Burrouuuuu aim niuicKeii in toe renr ns cur ried evidence ''of 'their -absurdity 'on' the very face of them, till I could havo cried for shame and grief to be obliged to acknowledge myself as ueiooging to uie same army. ; . ' r ' btill, in spite nt all 1 have said, it is bv no means the truth that our men aro a parcel of oowarus and poltroons, lbey aro at brave ss tlio average of peoplo quite as brave as oar ... , enemies are. But-we don't fight in such common-sense way as they do. i Shall I toll you now one ot our Hues of battle engages 7 They go in in fine style, steadily, in a good line and wiuiout any nincinng, halt at what It held to bo a ucsiranie point, and at tlio command com mence firing, standing, kneeling or lying down, as may be ordered. . Then, as in all their pre vious training thov have been taiieht to load and fire as rapidly as possible, three or four timet ft minute, they go into tho business with all fury, every man vying with bit neighbor as to the nuinbor of cartridges he can ram into hit piece and spit out of it. The smoke arises in a minute or two so yoa can see nothing where to aim. 1 bo noise is deafening and confusing In tne last degree. I he impression gels around of a tremendous conflict going on. The trees to the vicinity sulfer sorely and the clouds a good deal. ' By and hy the guns get hotted and won t co off and the cartridges begin to give oat. Tho men have become tired with their furious exertions aud the incitement and din of their own tiring, aud without knowing nnvthiwr about the effect produced upon the enemy, very UKory uavuig scarcely nud one glimpse ol the enemy at all, begin to think they have fought about enough and it Is nearly lime to retire. Meauwhile, tbe enemy, lying qainly a hundred or two yards in front, orouching on the ground or. behind trees, answer onr fire very leisurely, as they get a chance fur a good aim, about one shot to oar 300, hitting about as inauy as we do, and waiting fur the wild tornado of ammu nition to pass over tlielr heads, and when our burst of fighting is pretty much over, they hare only commenced. They probably rise and ad vance upon nt with one of their unearthly yells as they tee our fire slackens.: OuY boyt, find ing that the enemy bus survived such an ava louche of fire at we have rolled in anon him. conclude he .must be invinoiblo, and being pretty much out of ammunition, retire. Now, if I had charge of a regimost or brigade, I'd pat every man in the guard-house who could be proved to have fired more than twenty rounds in any one battle ; I would n't let them carry more than their cartridge box full (40 rounds), and have them understand that that was meant to Inst them pretty much through a campaign, and in every pnssioie way would endeavor to Datnsh the Chinese stylo ot lighting with a big noise and smoke, nud rather imitate the back woods stylo of our opponents. Whenever we choose to defeat the armies of the reheis, we can do to, and we don't need 500,000 more men to do it with cither. There are men cnongh io Hooker't army now to march straight' through to Richmond. There isu't the general living who has shown hit abil ity to manage properly, certninlv, moie than a hundred thouaaud men. All we htve to do is tn make np our minds not to run before au Lrqeal number of the enemy, to keep cool and save our ammunition to shoot something lie tides trees with, and when the butternuts find we don't ruu away, they will. , " 7 The Commissioner of tho Revenue de cides that pnrtiet may be allowed for leakage of .liquors, not exceeding five per cent., in transitu from one place tft another. The drinks are to be measured before starting and upon arrival, by a United States Inspector, to determine leakage. In this country, "leakngo' of liquors in transitu, far exceeds five per cent. and depends mainly opon tbo capaoity of the carrier and (ho number of confidential friends ho hot qn tbe way. : "1 - (' Exportation op Cattle, btc The order of government, forbidding the exportation of horses, cattle, mules, etc., provides that all caught in transitu are to be seized, appraised, and, forfeited to government nee. Command ers of departments are, alto ordered to be vigi lant in preventing the exportation of armt and war material.' - i i ' w - - ' : Special Noticea. Af Drt. Boyle fc Me'Afe have formed a eo part nership for the practice ef nedkiae.i Dr. Boyle it well known in Bulsm and vitinlty, and Dr. atoAfee hat f met iced for several roars in Corvallia. See adver liaenient. aw IK i Miss Ysiks or Aowr. Chat. Montagne, ton of Mr. John Montague, of New fork, after enduring on. heard -of pangs front aialiguaiit aervfuht for aiua csn eeotive years, wan radically oared ia a few nonUia by that Elixir of life and irreaiatlble antidote to poi ton in the blood, BrUtol't Saraaparilla. Tbe diacaw, enrasMaeing M the ankle joiota, bad mount to the yea. Phytkiant said that It was prepoeterons la sop- posw tliat any medicine ooold save tbe patient. Nev rtheleot, Uiia awu) ease of botaditwy scrofula, sac corned to tlie gtoU VecUlile Buocilc . The let ley of tbe Cialier of Use young snoa to Dr. Uristol, le. one ef the most remarkable documents aver publicised. Yst tt h only one among thooaande of proofs that no ma lignant axtenud disease, wbetbar it exieu la the skiu, the guiarlt, Ilia Seali or tbe aaaclea.aaa wltliatand tbe fcygieM prepertlea of tins beallheatorfng, tlfe-savra preparation. Piomiuent dragiata always have it for ami. - ' lsnl ' ri nrRtajT ttRSED. ' '" ' " " " Mdisu, tal, It.y t,un, Mtatrt. A. L. Raovill at Co. Genu This it lo cer tify that I have bad a seven attack of plenriay. Tbe pain was eo seven, tbat it would, at timet, almoat lata toy life t - Ut payewiafl did tost iui for ass l that Is, what h did, guvs me ho relief. 1 onitnenced using Dr. Mmt't Liver Pills, alao applying the not (toaltir to tbe part affected, aa directed, which pur doceai a penpiraUon, and lb paia began to gat better , and by the ao of tw krw oosaa ef tha Pills, I ftMin-l myself almost entirely reneverl of the attack. I ara eoaotinuanally pml ispoeed to this - eraai 1 bare always kept thaaa on haod, and I lad these the very beet Fills Is tbe world for tint AteeaeAlse at S family ateftfae. 1111 Toare,, SAltCtl, FASCES ' SimA.- Wa have lung luppond thin culabraied drug bad come to be an exploded humbug, but w are assured liy those tkilleit in tbe healing art, that not the samapai ilia ittvlf ia to bo blamed for this eoni ln- : iion, hut Vli niwrable worthless preparations of it that bnvo been palmed -oir.apim the eouiimtnity pre, partitions whlclrtbntulh about at much of-lit virtues as thv do of gold dint. It Is a enmmen inl fuel thut . , almost all of tbu titnuipurllla KHtlicrcd in the world, is f oudmiou'd hi, tho old euinitit of Kurope, whom thS science of medicine has reuched Its highest porfortion,' and where tliey know .the best what to employ for -the nmslery'ef disuSM.'- (fence we are gM to (lad that we are now to bare a eoapoond of this excellent alterative, which can be rolisd on, ani oar oorimiuiilly will not need be assured that anything Duct. Ayer makes ) worthy of their ciiiifldunce. Ho bai been fur ' years enfcturMi In eliminating this 'remedy (see advertising-columns) designing to make It hit rlb-a" au , ere" wtikli ehonld add the crowning glory Mi his -ready enviable repntatlort.J-jliaen'roii Ce,JV. Y. ., Br. Baksr't Pain Veaaaea for the cure of pain In the Slpmneh, Back Snil poirelt, Burnt, Quinsy, Oels nd8elllnl,0oMc,Dliirr!is ami lheumllim, llaclolii TdoUikIn sod Krche., Pat oannot emtit vluri Hit rent viy U flUtfyuUy u4dt , ; . . ., , .i i Orn II a trial ant yoa wlU Una It Uie treateit pain ourlnf reaiedjr yt dlHiweral. A curt Ii eertaln In til cues ef Dllpepils, Welt Breait, LIVer Oomiltnt, (ItntrnJ Dolillllr, Fever aud Anift, Putrid Sore Tlirol,8ilne and Kidney Dli um,Ac,Ao., mm. .,.'( .. . .. ' ' rstalllM ikould never be wlUiout a supply of II la the house. Direction! an fully given and partlealarly adspled to the dlleSMt for whteh Hit "Vain Panacea" Ii recommended roriele by drugRlits every where. Bee advertisement la another column., ' ' ' ; ' . ' . " ' BMtf rUKSKRVII VOUB IIKAUTY, T RYMHKTRY Or FOKM, YOUB HKAI.Tn AND IIKNTAL POWKR, , By nalni that Safe, Pleaaant, Popular and Spicule Hemertjr known ,ih.w.ii - i :, a 4-.. ;J t, HILMSOLD'S KXTIIACT BUCIIU. . I . ' Read Hit Asvertkwmeat la aaothsr column, tad Stoat by -., y - -.-..'t, ' , -, -.a..r -i . Dlteeees and Symploiit Knumerated. j v ' Cat ft oat end preserve It. - Yoa may ant now reoalrs It, i. h ;' Butmny at t one Pstare day. ' ' . ' , ' "II elves health and rljor to the frame, . " .-' And Wooea to the pell ehoek." ' - , . i , , i It Saves Lon Sufferlug and Exposure., , . ', . , Beware of OountcrfelU. - IrulO . Cores Ouarantlei', v .i .DM. BUKTOJN'lsj - - BALSAMIC COMPOUND ! . , ', run ,Til..., , ', , . , , , " . i 0pd and Radteal Oar of OomorrHosa, aa all Olaeaiea of the Urinary Orre. THIS is a remedy which requires no anlttance ; it perforins its duty quickly and thoronjrhly, leaving no injurious effect either to the constitution or to the part unecUKI. It is tbe result of long experience, and oloee obaor vution in a great uumber 'of cases, uiul has been ihva( riably successful whare oloer mcilicines or treatments have failed; thus proving itself to be a romedy long required by tbe public. . ' Price, 1 pet Bottle. . For sale bv Druggists everywhere. Sole Agent for 1 the facille fJoaat. , . tJIIAH. I.AXlI.liV, ; Wboleiule Drngglat 309 Commo-oiallSlreet,' ly!9ia :'" . i i Near Frout St.. Ban Fmucuwo. , Notice to Debtors. : DR. A.-H. BELT, having closed hie practice at St rum, has left his aceonnu hi my hands for collec tion All persons indebted to him for medical services will please call ea uie at onco and tenia. OKO.P.MKAIX '- Haleni.JnntStb, 1RC3. ' ' '. 1 3mlt Hodge Calef, PORTLAND, OREGON, 1 :' "' " iealen in I H 'J! '.I if , , , , , . n ' i . Drugs, Medicines,, , ! , ;' '' Puints. pils and Glass, , White Lead, Varnishes, Brushes, i Puinters' Materials, &c. '' ' -At.8f) ' '''' ' Kerosene Oil and Lamps, ,' f IT-1 () ' I. -OFFER FOR SALE- "Linseed Oil, tbls.' and Case?, , Lord;; ' ':,;-': " 1 Kerosene " Machine " Tanners' " , ,. " . A. White Lead, kegs and pails. Turpentine, ' (' Painters' stock,, " ..' M ,' Window Glass, . , ' 7!' , AXD A STOCK OF : DRUGS AND MEDICINES f !; Unsurpassed in the State, in Extent, variety und " uu Coinpletenefia. HODGE fV CALEFt "- i 07 Front street, Portland 17tf MO : marriage I.treiisf. .., iit . ANEW lot lost printed and for ante at the nTATKSMANOKr'lCR WIGHTMAN & HAEDIE, n BUCCr.SSOHR TO ' ! -FHAISTK BAKER, ' '; 41ft and 418 Clay Street, , .; ." SAN FRANCISCO, , -, , Importers and Dealers In ' 'Z I ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, - "Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, ".' 'uPHOLSTEHV OOODS, - in ' - PAPER HANGINGS, t uForSala in Quantities to Suit. t! Jnset ' - " ' Hni' : Vulcanite! . Vulcanite! rillOflEpereone wholre aonnfnrtsinate f a A an to renure artilieial,leelb would do (Vy-., -rA well to wall ea Krnilh dr. thaneo and e- 'TTlJ am roe enerlasenenf tbe aliove atrle of work, wlrtoh for eoea fort, eleaalinee and osefnlueaa eennet betar- passed hy any prooeM now la yuwM. Hubatitales eab- vnea, ir Ma a eingie wo tm nn eimro ops. ' . SMITH eV t'HaHCH, ... Bargleal and Meefaanlexi IVntlett,1 -- Joal7pd' -' Hwte etnet, Halera, '. tht-ratr Hnlsi 1 1 Y virtue of an eweeatinn Issued out of tht Clreoil I J Court ef the ftute of f Irrgon for tlie eonnty of Polk . and to nre direrted, hi fhror of Jamet . O'Neal are. William Oillhira, for want of neramml proieri; aatiefy the same. I have levied npn and will nroc tn aril te the kivheet bidder for reuh tn hand, at eoort-honai) door tn Dal his, ia said county, on be tor. day, tbe 1st day ef August, A. a., 1X0.1, between the hours nf V o'tlnrk, k. n. and 4 o'elnet. r. a , m haid day, all the right, title and rntereol of the said Wilbaea (lilliara. tbe above turned defendant of, irr, and to the following deaeribed pnrotlaes te wit i tha west half of a certain Irartof kand situate In the eonnty of Polk -and fhate ef Orrgna, known and deeignaled la the rrirvert and pi' "1 I "lied Htatea aa Notlflmtioa No. it. Claim No 0. end awre Mrtieabtrlv dee. rribed aa brfirmrog 11.49 ehna, n of the a e mmrr of 'see. 14 In a, I S w, Mtnlus taie a aja chains tlienoe a 41.00 rhM luenee a KM ehna theore a 84, 14 : thewv t rhne, te tlie Phase ef benimina-. eontaining 641 11 100 acres, atore or lees, le be sold lo tailaiy lilt aoovB warun.",. r. smo orrrumg maiaw J I. M. IlTi.Cu, oberiff Polk Co, ftallae, June 4wl ' t Attention', Marlon Rifles. TJ COULAB DRILL, M.Dieay and ttuNrday eve. lVWH.iiScwviiwnanry. r . JWonirt. ; v '. H GrtL'tlftR. f'Vv"' ' Vr rrfM POHTI.AJID, UKKtON, WHOLESALE DRUliQISTS. VW " .. - ' .'- i ' .i .uri i uiM.-lBipoettrs and leuleri n--a ' " 'l I.HI I ! PAINTS OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, fee, ": ""- ii ) ft OlitT t iWHf jr-ii.!U EVKRT ;AURlVat, PROW TflK " ; , ,:,",:':,-, JVKW GOODS, ,''"7 I., Anil am therefore emililud t-u otTcr to their eaalrnurs. AT A U. TI VI liS, a KltfcSK aud yjjl,l,. I lei A3SUM L-l-.L) atonic from whifll tn I ... innifi inuko Ibeir iwlertiein. tiirr'in ?, trrlA ir. r nnnnwiiHi nun i-i iistdiivj ltinilitl, , -AlmihoblawilOili'.i- -M.i V. vv luwbliMiry Oil for sale at reamed priooa. I -i lj-1128 4- AYERS SARSAPAEILA. ' ' COMrWJNtyrehiedy.ln Which we have labored to nrouuee t us nioet etlectunl alterative that can- be mud"., T It Is a ooncentrated extract of Para r-araal narllla.' eh eoiobined with ntber snbstaucce of elil- irreater alteraflve power as to afford nn elTfrtlve nuti. dote for the diseases ftantaparillii Is reputed to cure. It Is bet: ted thnt sorh a remnlr hi wanted by those who suffer from Rtruinous complaints, and that one-! wincn win acrninruiHii Hieir uiiro huibi imn ui mi rnenae aorvlce to this larwe class of onr afflicted fellow eiliteria. How rompletoly tl its compound will do It baa been proven by experiment on nuinv of the wont eases to b6 found of tbo following complaints i- j '"Scrnfula i(( Soouows Comp!ainti, Eruption ond Eruptive Piscnsrs, rcra, i'tm-ica,, Watcher, Tinwrn, Suit' Shcun, Scald Neadt Srphilit' and Syphilitic A,lMioni, Mercurial Ihieate, Oroptu, Ncnrnlptaor Tte Douloureux, Debility, lvpcp$ia and Indnttttion. Ervntpelas. Roue ttr lit. Antnoa Fire, nnd indued thn whole cluM of CotnpliilMi arising from Impvritv of the Blood, 4 . 1 , ' ' .This, euiupouud will btt founj ft grunt promoter of healfjj, wlteu tukeu 11, thu prlu, Ui expel Um foul humors which foster iu tiio Uluotl nt thut awueun of the vear.. Bv tho limelv - Jniilauuu of tliein aumv fiwtk- liiiK disorder ij-e nipped in the bml. llullituden can by lite uiu oi uim reuieuy, epuro neouwlvee Irout tue eiidunu.ee of foul eruutioiie ui.d ulceroite eores. throtifftt wbicb the tetu will etnvete ridiUelfof conuptiouH, i tttWiNUid to uo UsiAiiiruiifiJi uw net nrnl ulinitii(dsi nf tlia IhmIv bv un uiterutive medicine. Cloatmo out the vitiated fdood whonevor you find ite intpuriticB bui'tttitiK llironh the Rkin iu pinipttti, erup tiona, or torm t clennae it when you And it ii obrtnict ed and luicutiih In tlie veinm eletitme it wiiunover it Ii Ibnl,. uid your fuelina will tell you when. Kven truciv b" imiTicuinF uininjcr n reit) (tajt-rjno eitjuv uoi- ter health, and live louder, for fkmiiMiiir the blood. Keep tlie blood healthr, knd all it welt, Lot with this imbuloDi of life diort.erid, there ttn be no liuting healths Bosiiner. or later aoniethiiift muitt irAwrmig, hikI the great maoliitwry of lile ia diwntorod or ovei Uirown. .- ,) "'ii. j ij-j ui! ' 1 ,'uii iv jot j I Haraaparilla has, and deaervea much, tlie reputation of atxoiuplishin theae enda.. Hut the wurld ijaa hefln egroffiouitty decuivml by preparation of it partly be cuium) the drug alone hua noi till the virtue that ii claimed for it, but more been iee irnuijr prapamUona, prett'tiding to bo ooiauutrat .4 extrude of it, ooulain but little of (he yiruie of Sitraapurilla, or anything hw. . , . ,.n . ;(. i During late years tlio public have been misled by largo botllua, pruWuding to give a.(iiarVef Kxinu-I of 8uri.atarillitforoiie dollar.. Moil, of tliH have been frumU tpm tbe m'ek. for thoy rot only contain little, If any, huntapurilta, out often no cumtive prnpertiea wQuujver. nence, uiuer huh painnii (iirMpnomttneill baa followed tbeoue of varioneeatnictirof flaraaita rilla whiuh HimmI lIia niMrkel. until ih itunasi itawir 1st Jhntly dospirted, un4 ban vtOine "vnouvmoiii with iiu pop it ion end cheat; Btill wn calf tbia eonirMHiiid Sar euparilla, and intend lo tiipnly icb a reinvly as shell rescue the tuune from, the lostq of tobjoeiy wiui'h rente uiwu It. And we tbinlt we have c round foj believing itliHB rlrtnea which are lrreeiatfblo by the ordinary run of the dleeaftei it la fhtonuVd to ad re. in order to aucure Uieir coinnlete eradication from the ivatt(ua.,th remedy ehotild be judtciouflly Lukeii ucwrding Ui Six liatlicijcr 15. Ayers Cherry Pectoral j haawaa for itself Molt a renw tr tin rum ef every VHrietV Dt Threat ana Lanir OimiiilHint. that It it en tirely anneoeanary for lie tn reouunt lb arioeiice of itai vinnea, wncrever it naa seen employf4. A u tiia tona. been iu imiietaiit use throughout tlila scelluu, wu need not du nere than aeanre tlie people He quality Is Kent to the beat it ever haa hewn, and Lhatk mav he relied on to Jo fur their relief all it has over buon found te do. iO: A i.sl Tt.'ll- " ayes a iai-uaruu xius, ,i, wR THE CVUVt OF1 Coilivcneu, Jaundice, Dytpepria, Inditettio, Put enteru, Foul Utimaeh, Eryiipclm, Htattackti PUte, Rheuntatum, Eruption and Ultin Ihtmtce, Ltver uomntatni.uroptu, i titer, 1 euswri ant salt UHenm, Wormt. tjont, rienrolirm. at a Dinner PtlL and for rnnjyinr inn mooa. , The are euaar-couted. no that the most taneitive enn take them iileaeuitly,aud tliayara tiiu Iwat nporieut in me woiia tor an we purpose ol a family pnyate. Price 25 Cent per Vox. Five Boxes for. Great numbers of clernrmen. nhvaiclana. states men, aad eminent nemouairea. have lent their names to certify the uiit'aralleled tiaofulnoas of thesa remo dlt'8. hut our atiUL-o heru wilt not neroiit tlie inaertioa nf (tieia. The atietiui IhiIuw named furnish Kratis our Amruun Almanac, lu wutoli tuoy arouivoili wtta alaa full doserlptions of the above complaints, and tlie uaimem tuai aiioum tie luiiuorua lur uieir eura. Do not be put oil by uupritiriplnl deulars with othei Drsinratioas tuev make mora nrolit on. - Domain Afrr i, ami Hike no otnera. i na aiea waaima imh m there ia for them, and tliey ahoald save It.. ; Alt our Uemetires are lor sale by , h , ' SMITH aft DAVIS, Portland. .i-i ; ,!,it. li ' -aowlySSB BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA, ' ' ' lf tJl'ABT BOTTI.KN. 1 f.i- i - : -i . " The Great Purifier of the Blood! Hie only genuine tind orlrhial Prepamlioii for ' Til ft PKK.VIANICNT t'l'HB ,:, .-. " or THt , Tf. MOSTDAMiESOl'S AND fOXFIRMFD CASES ncrruriiil nnd Venerenl rklM-naos, si-roriiiu or Hinv's i;vu, uia ... u Sorca, Hoiltt, Tuuioi h, . ,r, ' Abf t-rweH, Llt'tra, . And evnrr kind of KCROKOIIUS and KCAHIOim empllnna. It Is alao a sure and roliaMe remedy for SaltMicuu, Bing Worm, Tcttrr, Sf old llrnd.Stnrry PAHAIiVnlat, KIIKIHIATIUM, White Awniiira nnd Noiimliilr Affcctlnns, Nervous and tlrtirnil Debility of the ryatrni, Jmm or Ap petite, Lnnunr, Iiiuinera nnd all AlfiTtliins of the Liver, Fever and Ague, llillious ( k'evers, Chills and Kevur, Uuaib , Ak0 and Janndire. .. ' ' . It it the very beat, and. hi fact, tlie onlv.su re and reliable medicine for tbe cure of .all diseaaes ariainK from a vitiated or impure slate ef the blood el aae of tierntry. -, The amictea nay reel aeeureo uuu tneie Is awl fan oaf rwrfiWe of Alioeral. Mercurial, er auv etbei poieunoua atihstjanre in. this medicine. It is perfectly huruilewa. and mar be admitiuOered te neraona in the very weak rat auagua ot an-aneee, or to uie moot nelp- sa miatita, wuuoua uoiny me teas injury. ' Full directinna huw to tuke thie moet valnable aaedl ..ina will kw fiMMut aNNlSMt SMieb bottle, and. In emsril apunateounisrfeiia. are that Iks written signature of LAflaAM ol febnt- is upon we blue atnai., , , . -j . Bole Proiirtrtoru, . . I " LANMAN & KEMP, Wfcoiwaie OrtDrslsIs, J 1 r.nivr TOItK, u. a, We have nnuiotad llrslettal. Hajitk It Yum.VJ lUatanonry etreet, twl t'ranriaco, aa the lioleaals Agsula fur California. . ! j il. o: i. Wi enVLVr ' 1, w.tt'srter TVR3. UOYLE 4c McAFEE, having snterrd U into OTnartneranlD, oner Uieir airuieiaimnu eervi em to the citiiens of Kalfm aiul yirinity. Dr. Ih.yli rdn be fonncl at hia roaldenre nr. McAfee at their of Awlpltyeyoas kWiiklmM-) Qff i lt,M BENNETT HOUSE, ! HATiKJl,OUIClGqN.,i THK suhwrihsrSltkoi to Inforej l.a) Mends aud patihcVeaerally that ba Vrilh asa his I a, a ., vui ivwi utmost epaeavor.to pieaee.tnoae who ravnc bun with their patronate at the above named betel. The table will at all timee be supplied with all thai deUcaeisjs of the seaaeea .Uood roMeaaod cUais beda. . ..(Bw.- iloard par week, with Induing Id 00 Dard per week, wilbooi Marlsg 5 00 .llay axClHp. ; '. ,. . . .. 1 HDKPHlaEY'a PERRY. rflHIIold ferry, know at HUHPHUilft tEK.l's A hi, la now In running order. It croeaee the Wil t" OA I WWtyO'tTrTtWen"iAiK3f and! t iuavai.ua, - .K This ferry It a gore etrayand the mate ft am tbortsr taoa by way of jbanr. aad terya trwtlyti toaj way nave em one perry misjsj t .ajsytyi t'fi'!-T. WHOLESALE -DRUGS ANIlLiEDlCIHES, PAINTS AND OltS.""' ' I rf.HE attenunn nt tha' ,,1,IU. I. .nllil ,A Aieoti'oii'r. Cnmphenefi'l Wo mil BurnlnirTlnltt,' UCro0isc, Tnrpf nttnc, VitmNIiea,"' 1 " '"eortl Oil, Vnnncr'4 du.1 ' ' 11 taniri Wll.' Tffachirtfcry Oil, ( Boltetl aad Ruyv Llnsctj, fn, UIUITE1 I t?ri mi ,!,ni i t. tvK..tyr) COLO!tH(,i DYE-HTUiTS, G 0 A JiJ QJ IT; LA M P S WINDOW GLASS AND DRUGGISTS' . PAINTERS' MATERIALS,"! .7.! V. !Huit)iMtiio-': ' POPUL AR PATENT JMEDICINES :T-3IoH.ll,sVwltl(alii aV Vtlj, yAftisTT f " I a- attvf aim ai bfyaaoj ( 'Mii,iu i ; .-n " - ' m 1. 1 ;'i iiij r ESPKCAL ATTUNTtOtf puW to the PRE- io :.! W. WEATHERFORDs " 1 139 Front Street, Portland. Mav I8lh, lKW.i ,t: fh,lt (,....1 .-.k M i ' ' Df. Baker's Puin Punacnu. I S onmpnsed entirely of healing gums, nnd vegetable oils and liurlis. It is tiotlucilv sufa fur the moat dell eata to utw i tan Bloat niuueraly say that I have sever known any, however doheata.tb be injured hy it In the least. I will continue fo oak the alniotc-d, wbo have Dot used it, to try it for the followiugiliaeusea. if (hey are not aatiafied with its beating nronerlies. tlie money will be cheerfully refunilod by Hie agent Where tlie fltodhHiH) Is for sal. , . , , ir you have ruin lit the stomach or Dowels, try a dose of Pain Panacea internally, batbeexternally eves the parts affected, and yoa will at oust) rest .-e Uie pivjms ovuuu Sim rviie, vyo jiwii.. ,, .. ,, 1 If van have a Hmlse or1 Wonlid. bathe It well with the Pain Pamicea four times a iav. It will relieve tbe puin, and. take out, nil the poison, ami heal the wound in a short time, ' , ', 1 ' ' " ; Ifvoutire sitn'oiiuu- from Keiirnlulaor Itliounintie Pains, biiiiI v the Pain Pamicea freely, and take a dose of it internally, morning, noon ami night ; It will not only cure llie'puiii, hut .will remove the cause of the disease. " t iryon have the Dlapepalu, and your food illstreteea your etiimaeh after eutluu, take a doe of Pain Pan acea altci each uaeali i -j oi i i ; ;i i T I I .i 1 : I i If von have a Cankered or Sure Mouth or Throat. il'lilv the Paiat Pnuaoeu to the ntl'ucled narta. and oar. Jim wo uiouin or uirnai uiree or itutr nines a uuy, y i If yiai have the Diarrhea, or a relaxed stale of the bnwruls, teka a Sum doses oi Palo Panacea, and they wilt soon be featured. If von have a painful awellinu bathe tlie parte freely andyou willsoon relieve the pain and the swcllinit will be minced, if you bare a se vere toolliacha. npnly the Pain lanaoew on a piece of oounn, ana name mo gum at tne aaara ume i it win sloplliepuiu nistttlillyt- ' i, . miy , If ynn have a paia tn the Ride. Breast. Bark or Kid neys, bathe the part affected morning and night i at tlie same time t take a dose of the Panacea internally. If a Mother hot a Caked Breast jtordv the Paia Pan acea aa not as can ae some. '. . , . ; uii" a,-. If von fbet rhlllv or cold, as thonadi yoa were exrlna hi nave a icrcr, laaw a uoee oi a anacea. . . , If von have a wound, aut or enlla on vonr-khVaet. ao ply the Paia Panacea i h will take out all the lnflan am- nation, and heal the sort In a short time. Sold by all the nmirituil druoir ala. ana lie KhuinuruN at M)4lf Kxrlnelye Anentt. ; 4I and 418, Frdut streeVbaa Vaaatlaco. " ' Wolnf Compatsts." ' A OOO0 H0LAH COMPASS foraalt on fair terns. L r.nquire at tne ntutesiiian otuco. , , , Salem. March I Jtli, 18113. u u in.1. lui.'i - Jtf 3 Conuaercial.Marketv-j 1 Opposit nltb's' Drat; Store, tales. VfrrKAKl, flret finality.-. '..'. tets.1 ! DECVfrrKAKI, flret finality.-.:... ..': JJ ' lleefeteake, eMiiudnisility. 7 Itollinr niecea from. . L , :-.'.-. 3 to 4 1 Pork 10 Mutton ;. r. ....... 10 ' ' Haiunge J .Xl.O.f. 10 ' turned lleef r -..,..,,.. 6 Freah TALLOW aud LAKDcutieteutly on haed. Give mutt cull.. I ginimnUw Hutiafiit-tiou. J ' PANIKl. KKU.N'K.V'ljl-.'ROKU, Sulcm, Jluy 15, 181'J. , . v ,,. ... .. 3mll Hides, Wool and Furs. " KOTU'E 10 HEUCIIA5TS AflJ JfiUSERS. ! ' -.1 " 1 t..w '..' THKuiuU-ialtmed, having iniole exti-iiHve arrnnen-mt-tiia with aonie of the LA lit I KMT IIOUHKrl IN NKW YOliK.are now prepared to a.y 'i'ilki It EST jaitJia lor - - - - - woosVIIiden, xxa rvn. Parties huvinar sneh mi bund will els-well toaond them to iH. It KftaKi.ej teste ' - 41 ' . IIU Kraut street, l'oril I, Oregon. ; 1 Uefurrncea J. Mvllor dr. Co.. Haute llnia. M . Sie, The aluive have ooiiatautly on hand the iHWt ataortiaeia at i f i - 1 I f i ll M) Vrnctirlt'B, LiHont, e. u ' M All orders punctrmlly atbmdad lo. 1 mnylO lltf S CO V ILL'S DLOOD AND ' - LIVER SYRUP cores Scrftiw aw, ula, White SwelliuKailnf', r v(U Ulcers, t'hronlc Ilheu naa t lam, Goitre or Swelled . NeckaT Scrofulous Diseases, '. and Indolent Tumors, Mer curlal aud Syphilitic AtTec ' .tlanK Ulcerations and En ' larsjenaenU of Join ts,Cl lands ji Btuei r 0aile,. Uterus, -i ' Llyer, Spleen, Dyspepsia ZZ'LlAvet) CatuitlalJita, KpllepvAo . tie Fita,OIare, MjVltu Dance. Draitsy. antt all Dls- P'ili'a.ataeta'ar Slilit.1 aucb a '.1 t PlnipteSsniletfTetterarBalt , j'llheutn, Ulniworm, iora.j, ietSaJlil4eMttaeWtainas 11 rJttriirrlac4MVUi7 SwpiII i presaloa, Irregulaeltr, Stetw rr ' h a.ai J er...: Al..anm ' 1 iMng from Inipnrlty1 of , IX- the bltsod.a i'or tlie aartv ( t humors there Is, nothing la i , ihe world cittt ' equal iMi' , popnlat i and "extenslTely .1ated medicine.'' For kale by f n Dnift'Uts everToalaare. ;"'' REDINOTOPf It CO.', AtsV 1 416 imd ttiSPraai lint,. n v 4 wis - .RAN rRAMf!t00.'""T , ... . '. ... I iy . .ii '1 ,w' Ct AIM ,COil,EfcTEDjr rtLAIMIt 0 tne. Untiel HtstUe.iHsd alletKev asada. J eelleeied.ki tee ekevteel poeailale waae, aea) tax prq- .a'--laat av ;rutja. V ' - I Ho. li, Trent a , Portland, Ogn w-rd uiaiMui....... THE OHEGOS STATLSJUfi. - ; fotn and afti-r this ilare, the utit.in-atlnii nf fa lfTsiiMsM will ee eonrtnelwl tijr 0. f. I'rsmleH anil t. If. Wm. Their fallius fur poMWeini; ll.e um unl sUssiret aejpiT la the Statft Are no Iws lliuil liive heel jsonni-seil' liy iwif fbvuur 'parilWitr, :i'-nl " 1 ! -: ''.':.".--. Thecnlimins dereteil wnwiuilns aaM aivajrs MeatiMit tit far the greater axiiilm of the ihesl, simliani as t aire a , wore full anil we)llimery of piwiams eveots, lhv any ,,otlierifissnaperliB iae Slete.i - -l V f 'j. . Uf the war er, tn sliaN lr ttissrliet m hirkft dis. pulcl.m Altaliiable by saeoey, entenirlss awl almw wttsntloa. :' Oar summary of "J)mneail liema" Is aoilrauxl, aS ear " arj eermnondtnee frran all a"'1' uf IV Sl"u h"W 1 - ' " 1 hsniimeMuseorresriiii1entlnSlitllini"li'ilstrlete who are re.ieblemerrof praciical r.j,rrWire sujl ctjiErrav '. Stem tlwlrrwrrneMailMts, u published fn the SriViewais, fear'itelMeMetrter faithful. V, '-u' "' A." rtieatrMallaral and sour hMisstrlaJ inttreattot me Suit i ahull at all Smea fccetra Unt atiention at eu Issnts t -, whioh Vielt ttontlaniaeaoit tmpnrUnat ealttrt themr. .j Tl nuHenaayni bMSlsftetl Hh tvlaw4aMtvist and sratlfy a.jiroper ruHlu lasw.,, We shall get srfS-awr-nsye tety par'lvalat llrlrt of-sfnliMi,lt mat ate of ' such matter aa will most llhtlj be, nf pesttM iiitwast., ,f In politics,, the rTiasil) l wisao. . etlejaa "'er ifaotlor will 'be pfrmltted to eontrol la etlulona.' , win 'earnestly adroeale the pr'aecatfrh "f tV'J;; for the paasr " vatton at the Vnlen, and wilt andrrdn ttreamstaaeFs cvsessst ' 'that tht' OnVermnit ahalt he destrr,ypt by Internal or txter " raj fees.' Kvi'ry meaeartr for the strpprrsateaef the lsM . ' Ilea, whVh oi Judirneta eemmenile as tandlnil that est, i wilt tHtM oar akusrenl tnppt-11 TTMre Ire yield nek vSarts - mtehajftf u tsrMiet, wvsh4l atMnittKtnMbt i .of tenner at ertlklse r all dseattireiwhlah, la eMs. : n asent, encMiiiri eva -os e snsrr w mrr rapinam k ftte.albstlpn: of thevaovernaiant thwat H the tnrl aaalety .,pf every, patiloL, aud wtalever Uireattat Maoeisrt-Hb treat .hatetir dlroctlea nay ooaia, aloH aerrah oepaspt rebuke,,', It f lfteoufeoUneieaJpfoase tbayltit ' , aiat It aiiku wroaa), 1lir r,,i;. t ' , l)i an aJrcirtUnKmcdjiun, (b(eT,frj1a0aVisuportr Indue .menls. Its circulation hi greater andj .nore tsoeral '' than any other paper north of California. There boot a 'neighborhood frem the oouthert'i to the fte.'-lhern houndatles t 1 of tne State, Into whteh n ion not find lt way i and w t ; atirintU nothing it aaylnrthaUt has aurre roostanl riideet I iam htve any othevlwSiJruraals WOern'.; ,,J ' ''4I io nettrautesuWlpMenanSrstrSrw1rlarthere. ut;, remain uuehautged, whew pasrl lev eeliv la as) lases , wbare Treasury aatea are offer fd we stall saarea rattajtaat I rtl mane the paiat eqeeJ to goldy! .iiJvlHltt i. 'heh payment la nade Si tdvaaea (StdVe shall austa K a I rule la. not tntei any uimm upep sot aowia eaeept , where payment Is "" auvaneaj epsattimien ami no eharged 4s,h0 per year a,(K) for sli muulhs.aaMl fw " three months ; HfXl will ba.. charged when paysseat ti 4e ''lajred six months, anil Vf) if parmerd hi delaysd one year. ' Twenty-llvt per cent, will he eharged for each subsoqaaat earS delay.' Hills for silreftlalntdr Job work will be charg ed at the earn per cent, tdraaoe fordetay In paraarnt. MMi:i"iM "I'-' '..'; CttAttDAM. W ATT, gslrm. March ' 1Sa. '-?, sniTii 6 tmra H'l'f it s I Illlit If i,!,. Sooistsort la COOKS, UlClHtVCe. n in . I'! '" 'lleg leave to liifiirm' ths ptiY.lio tuai vf nave ' und are receiving a " A ' " UH ill WllEtlEI J ;l 1,1 . 71 I'l 1lf,!-. I'B 10 I evfUJ GENERAL M ERCHAN MS 3 J Which we Offer at REDUCED RATH I -. -.Ill III "I'l Uti '"I i ' d Ii ClyUiinir, .floola.-Hioesi IfTstSi CaptJ I .f 1 Bonnets; Ahakors, Croccries, Croclt'ery, . . . i . . . i , .ii, ,, -..in i. .' . - OUiMware,', Hardware, Iroto, BolU, Ely- eUl'Washefif.NuU, 'Springs', tTallsl Sflkes, Glass,-. Potty,. Saws, Ptub Ajntr O)rs ten, Sheep Shears, rlqnares, Dry Goods, i BOV ii 'i' . A Rans) ' Ha.-d atlery,and ,iw o - i '"""'' k GatafAt VARIetTV ,.ii..n ATMS, - -t 'I ' 1 1' OTHER ARTICLES um ni'iil tee Btratereas to meotlonJ ' ,' .'.' ..! 1 ! t , i. .ill AU of which we will eJtcJiangt.FOB) CASHer MERCHAKTABLt rBO lnm.J 111 .!' 1 i,!-i.i iiftliina ) iui tl-iiS) lu -i t uril Jili'li'i'l .,,,,;. WANTEP., IM.OO the.' of WOOL wsntedln ex - !! ' H n -i ehtne for GOODS or CAaa.1:n;- iia i .an i- 8XITI 1 CAirWIIfllT. 111 ' Salem1, April 15,1863. 7tf bin- .ia ' I "' ' , ii. it elf iu l..s,ii!ii iinn id Hi' In 81 I. IIU 1-H-, It J l! . -II !li M lu'if.l I 1 I .I Inns 'i 1 TaBtataai " I'J-'t" "i ; '' BENeTI STRANG;: Ins ,111. J-lnti . ' - : : PARLOR AND OZ STG7I3 m -vi!-;, iieesr atvacBtw aratTTeTSSivv' " Keeps constantly on hand, and Maanfatiiiee!l ,jt.i .! i,,,.' i-.,v tordes,'i:.i I 'i .1 , Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, -litvlu-- " Oil naMMiable fenna. .'! J'" ' MKTAL ltOoriNO, and JOBBWO ef all liada. promptly uJ leaded to, ai cl ( 1 ' ' Simp on Commercial street, Suleuj.Orefoa, 9 doers ' North of Hrtiwll at alyera'' , bSjaJ. iMARDEN t FJUCER't (ElEEJira fKllf KFui'; WHICH has stood the toot of the first ekei hotels in tide ,-iiy (and ia nerd by tbriu) doee not eoa- tola any ef Uie t.i nil i- '-i-i .In - , . i UNWHOLESOME INGREDIENTS : ' need by fowln" InventtoH Id rlvt color or FtreWrth, I bat It strong enough to stand upon MS ewa aotfita. Also, .,,. , M i -vi, I I. , mean, camvornia oBris I" Mploea and Mustard! ''' . i Whirk are admitted by all to be far tnperlor to laa ' ported anivlee land to Inaa lev breakafe.) On be , had by orderhi,, MAUUK.N At KOUlLM S JAVA COKt'EK or Sl'lCES from any ef Uie ttraseet, St fraa their 1 , , Pioheer Steam Coffee and Spice EZs, . We, ie frwnt atryst, , : , ., ,i. i Iletweea 8aeraroeUi and CaKfrjenav baa FnuwleaArf 'N. B Onr Factory It always open to the in-oeo- won oi sue Miv,r-. tmitl N O riGTlON. BUT; THUT It It euttomary to apoak of aiany rtawUse ef tie day 111 i tlebtfarid frltorms- mtrtrnrt.'ittA tht! tai."ia- -) twer whena the eatu U) b fwrai it df a hrifiiat eosr- ' setev, and fhe remedy preeented 'sfm'ple. rlnt wRSSJ ii 'i . .: . we me eolWd W preeerioe- ti Slqaaaae eaBTred etlly with ecra.brtii Unaiuatlui M sftea ,."'iv iaa i-.a,l , 1 rMtit,a4 irteeAttfif' ' ' "as ei'.'i-'--- to altar Aetit Mea trip peratpe retrne a 4V. irvse e.weM fl liipieeiiir wie Bjravr. . at or Uie grave. .It I thus that .we wotild, Inarodaot, ty. et,,.fttlsrt lril.'8 esrs ef sua ert iktra a aottdiae BtlaeWtrMeaaMaal r.,l ,,H-4i- .1 Ar.i if thUr'tlarsexaatuivelatMdkia.- All dmf- .... . . . .. . . . t iil n"' 1 in 1 I its tell K KEUlMQTOit V C0., AgeaM, 4:1 asi s.ia vl. W. '. ,.! . J ,irrgBv.nn,oaa a nsnciacOH ;M.. rt . - e '"r III- ' ' 'V ' " 1 "" " ' iw Lost ! Last! i T.iSWTiff.-1arTalL tn rr-Tr-vr" . white heir or taarka, except a taaalk ttrut ht - . aaswa sana. aaoaa e anins ete..issw i part of tne nee. naoioaa mawetee n bur. Any infbrmauoa of send ewl ' i I paid fo tr ibe owner. , . .. lawty, TaaihlU Co, May T.1J, ( ,4 ibecrlbef, H V , - ear f. . tit v- it- tTotilc toil r i I