Mil iwSrv'' : ' :WwSMn ill m' $ $ d - ' ' i " ' ' :' ' - - ' ' ' 1 . ' ' " : VOLi 9: NO 47: SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 31. 18G0. ! : i WHOLE NO. 463. Z-i TBflt I.ITTLB )R1TEI. " frt ontr a firth ipwre thev Wd, ' - - injrju' child that's dead f Ami mo tfcey carelessly tmned away from the moaud the stablo bud made thai day.. AV they did not know hoar deep a shade ' - Toat little grave in onr home had made. ' ' I know the coffin was narrow and small. Oae yard would bare nerved for an ample pall ; i And one mail In hi arms rank) hare born away - - I'M nmlmd aad freiifbt of clay.- -, , -, Its 1 knew Umx darling hopes were hid Beneath thai coffin-lid. .. I know that a mother stood that day , . , With folded hands by that frm of clay ; . . I know tmit bnraiug tears -were hid, " Xestb the dmojiinif lash ai.HachinM;- ' . And 1 knew her up, and cheek, and brew, . . . Were almost as white as ber baby's, now... , . I knew that some thins were hid away. The crimson frock, and wrappings my ; TV Tfu) little sock aad the half worn shoe. . ! The rap with its pinnies and tassel bine ; And an empty crib with its cored spread, ' - As white as the face of the sinless dead. - - - 1 Ts a 1?t?!e grare, but, oik ! beware ? ' ' : " '" ' Vox world-wide hopes are buried there, - And ye, perhaps, in conunK rears, .s i - .. ' May 'see, like her through blinding tears, rrrr How wrack of tiithr. bow ranch of joy, - Is buried op with aa only boy ! There is hearty in the forest, Where the trees are green nod lair There is beaaty in the meadow, , Wlieru the wiM-flowersMrent the sir i i Tuers im beanty in the stsu-liirht, . " Aad a euft h!ne beam above. Oh ! tiie world i full of beamy, Wien the heart is fntl of love. Tiiere is beanty in the fountain, " nuiiia jrajlv ai irs phty. While the rainbow fetus nre ifHtterin On itn silver shining sprsy ; Tnere i b-amy in the streamlet. Wnrniirrin stfrlv throng the erove. Oh ! the world i full of beantv. When the heart is fuU of love, a. -.-f,w,w, bmiwy tw the wiwnH-tr,- When if ndis npoa the era. Whra the blue fnatn cleared biliows - Dance and fniic joyously ; TT'rre is beanty in t jk lightnina; trlesm T.iat o'er the dark waves rove. Oh ! the world is n!l of beanty. When the heart is full of love. . Tiiere is beaaty in the brijrUinesa lii-aiuing from a lovinjf eye, r in the warm blitxh of srt'ociion, I:i the tear of symrorhv ; In the sweet low voice wnose aeventa The iirtt's jrtattneMa pmves : Oh ! the world is foil of beantv. ... When the heart is full of live. GLD 1'1BTZ. - Xearlr rrcry d.tjr we hear f fresh duvovr tiea nf pIJ tjoartz mitile within tb-eonrrtt". all pnraUrr or leva jromi. Tin? whole region K n'in pnwpeetMl, and if hj- Spring tin-re hall In a quartz Wad within an area nf ten miles in any ilirecthm fmtn Jackamrrille, nndis cuvrtvJ. it will be one of the recugnized won der if war little wnrld. A Tet, none of the veins fiiond vie with Hick h-ad, bnt they tuny fall far Brt of I his oHnmrisn. and still lie very valnalile, for as we have befiwe reniarked. claim rarpasaes any thnt we ever hennl if. Lait week, the two brother took from the rn?k. emalied Hi an onlinarr tnortar, alxmt 30 ounces of giil.l, and thu week ther hare lieen etinally saccearlnl. The vein has been pt-uHrated only to the depth of from two to three feet, all the way yielding extravagantly as at the otrtn-t. Claims in tite vicinity, and apparently in the ante lead, do not pay approximati-Iy. allhonli cinsiderahlr richer than claims in other locali ties. The lead taken by Messrs. Mnnry and Tavlor is ennk to a h-ttU of l feet, the rem wnfeniug as it descend, and is now 22 inches across. The rock merely pounded in a mortar pays front 4 to 6 cents, per pound. The pro prietor intend to pat np an arartra as soon as a competent persoa cau be found to construct it. On Tuesday, It. A. H.' Davis brought to town some exceedingly promising specimens ob- tamed M Bbtekwell digging, and toW nh of diivovries made by biniself near Big Bar, on Evans farm. Rogue river. Several persons visited the latter place on Thnrs tay. for the ptrrpose of prof.pectmg the lead and taking up claims. We were shown several piece of the qnartz rock brought in by these parties. It is of the species generally know n as "rose qnartz. harder and flintier than any we have seen. The gnJd is not visible in any of the pieces shown us, bnt one or two of the partit-s wlio have taken ap claims assure us that npoa crashing and pulverizing it, fair prospects have been obtained tliroagljoac. Sonw dozen or more claims are already staked otT. and iu the coarse of a week or two, probably enough will be ascertained of the real character of the rock to either warrant the putting np of a mill, as is projected, or to eanse abandonment of the lead altogether." Other discoveries have been made by Tlioe. Swinden, near Willow Springs ; by a German, on Rich Gulch ; and on Apphrgate we are ai; told of a very extensive and promising lead. Fair prospects have nut lieen obtaiiietl from any of these, but the specimens exlii'iited from the first two are certainly equal to "fancy piece" taken from the famnu Grass Valley veins. Tiie search if daily continued, by nearly all ektsse of our citizens, and still there i aa en tire absence of what is generally distii-guished a a "gold excitement,' which we hope never to see in this valley nor elsew here. If gold quartz proves, as we believe it will, wtatdetlully abundant herealmata, it can lie found, olrtaincd and enjoyed witboat producing gold fever, ami therefore more rationally and beneficially by all to whom it comes, either directly, or through the channel of traJe. Jacksonville Sentinel. Savage Game. On Thursday afternoon a Messrs. O. D. Hoxie and C. F. Jones were dock hunting along Bear Creek, their dog sur prised a large tigress (or panther) which lay ctHieeak-d lit the boshes. Instantly the doe attacked the ferouioo brute, lmt sue qaivkly route.l them, and delilierately approached tiie hauler. Mr. Jones h:ipeued to be foremost. He wat arneJ with a U. 8.. musket, lu-avily htaded with duck shot. When the brute ad vanced to within about ten pace, be fired full in her face, completely blinding her. She was then disp itched witboat trouble. The animal measured over six feet in length, and from ber very cm Jitiu had evidently feasted upon tha" tiler live stock about the country. In fact au examination of her stomach showed tbu pork was a favorite food with the "var mint," and she carried andigested proof of. this to an astonishing extent. Mr. Hoxie i certain that the bntte has left a batch of mischievous nr(ihns behind, fro.n howling and cries heard daring the night. Jacksonville Sentinel. ExTitemext. The news of the discovery by Mr. George Ish. of the very rich qnartz vein near Big Btr, produeed intense excitement in town last night. Sqnire Hoffman was kept basily employed in recording claim until near ly midnight. Crowd of people were prepar ing to start for the locality this morning. We have at last an "excitement." Jacksonville Senliml. advertisemkxt. , .IIolloway'8 Pills. When the stomach is in an irritable condition the whole system sym pathizes. Hence aick headache, nervousness, and incapacity for mental or physical exertion. There are lew who have not experienced these unpleasant effects of indigestion, more trying sometimes than serious illness, Now we take it a pun ourselves to say, not from report, but fro.u actual experience, that Hollow-ay's Pills are a positive and immediate remedy for all such depressing and annoying disorder. They aet the stomach right at once, and the controll ing organ of the system being regulated and put iu order, the return of bodily and mental ,&eajtb ie Deoeasarj cuftaeqaeuoe. We copy tli folio witax front the Portland AVa-s, of Tuesday. - ' - - ' . ACABw. There is in the last numlier of the Timet a correspondence between tint editor of that pa per and myself, with editorial conmietitx. That correspondence grow oat of an article in the Statesman of the 3d inst., in which it is alleg ed upon rumor thtt "the editor of the Time had made direct overture to Judge William j to get nnu nito tue I'iae otnee, in retarti lor which the 2Yms was to upiort Judge W. for the Scnntc." , On the 4th iiiat. I received throngh Dr. Loryca a note from the Times etl itor couched in an imperious and defiant style, aakiug for an " explicit denial " of said allega tton. I respeeU'ully declined, on the ground that said editor hnd no right to demand of mo the denial of it rumor reported in the Stares man about him. When an editor makes a charge upon rumor, it is to be presumed that he desires to be responsible for that charge. Rumor c.tnnot respond, and therefore the editor, repeating it timer. What right had I to thrust myself into the controversy bclw ten the two editors, and take the quarrel nil' the hand of the Statesman f livery man of sense must know that it was the duty of the Times editor, ir he felt aggrieved by the said article, to call urn the ed"orof the paper in which it appeared to retract the charge, or give their authoritr Tor it, and if tlu v had givf n me a the authorirv. then I w onltl'have been restion- sible to the Times editor. For. addressing me sin me in the first place, he make the paltry excuse that heeoahi not communicate with the editor of the Statesman, but I assert and can prove tltat after the arrival iu this city nl the Slates- m .... . - . I man ot tliu JJ mst.. tue two editors met ami shook hands, and that while Mr. Bush In-M this ' Mr. Knsseil whh one hand, lie held the Statu- j man containing the offensive article in tiie oth- ' er. and not one word wu said to Bush about it ! ilu he remained here. much lor this nart . . . of the Mibicvt. to me Tiie 1 tmet editor in bis second note nv rand 1 call attention to the lai.-nn-.-t: -it . - . . o o - r .. .v I :.. .... ....w I. . . . ..... u,ru,IC , ,.u interest in tu. Times icith the object and ort the . 1 ' .... . condition that the said paper should lie devotetl to the advancement ol your betiatortal asinra- tion. as is alk-ged on rumor by the Statesman.'" In my answer to this. 1 expressly ret use lo nl firm or tleiiv as to the Statesman's ank le, but assent' to the above ; whereupon tlio Times man says in his ntit issue " that I denied ttie truth ot th- Statesman's allegation." Now, 1 invite attention to the fact that into the States man's allegation Mr. Russel i.iterjM.lates the ' words pecuniary aid in the purchose, "tcith the object and on the condition," "devided to i the advancement, antl other words, cluinging ' the entire idinMubnry, force and etfect ot the Statesman's nhVcatnm. and t lieu savs that such allegation so changed by hint. Hot true, and j it was on acemtnt of these interpolations that I , assented to the correctness of the statement. . Nobtnly has said that Mr. Rusci' object was a he states, or thnt there was anv cu- ' dition-tothe ..romped armreueut.'. that ,i rn- ; i' i . , Ti. i the Times wa IoIm "devoted ' to lile. but the r... . .i.. i. i....ii . . ... ". . .49 4IHV ..44. 1444letl nII44-J l4C W lie. II him into the Times, holding out a an induce ment that the Times, with him as editor. Would snpport me fir the Senate. av ihiit: mniru rnmwi i j hi general term in the presence of other, but have never repeated the coliversatioii between ns. and I will not rfMuwe, Wnuiomare a wnn- ton assailant, repeat wnat wa saw; nut .Mr. ; uiisseii auows mat in me presence oi aiiinu party ue so spoKe oi my camu.iucy lor tue ccn- ate in connection with hw going lit the Times, as to folly warrant me tu eoiiclutling that if I helped hiut into the Time the '1 'xmes would j help tue to the .Senate. .1 :Solouy lias charged .Mr. KUfscll witlt " sor- ! did and mercenary motive" or " tnornl tuq.i- j tilde," as he assumes with such tragic air m the I fcu-t Times, These are the gentleman's own ! inferences, prompted, it may be. by a con- j scioosness guilt, for it is truly said that 'the ; w liked Wee when no man pursuetb. . .. j 1 his Mr. Kusscil protcsscB to bate been uiy "sincere and earnest friend il tins le true. : why did he nut come to me in a friendly way, j - f . a.aa a. aa . . i . n .t ' it ne inoUfM i na.i wnmgeu nun, aim tins tue uiatter over, instead of assuming, without know ing what I had said or done, a belligerent atti tude towards me and sending "hi friend " with "all the pomp and circumst nice of war." Does he expect to deceive anvbody by such sMif? . 1 dismiss this Mr. Russell once for all. I have noticed him, not because he was entitled to it, but for another purpose. His anxiety to assume guilt w here Hone has been imputed his misrepresentation hi mutilations in more than a dozen instances, by suppressing a part changing word italicising and omitting italics entirely dillerent lrom the manuscript in the publication of a corresjxiudeiiee brought out by his pretended seusitivciiess alMiot hi honor his vitupenithm of me, upon a supposition that I have said or done something on'eiisive to hiai. he know not hat ; sntisly me that he has mis taken effrontery and a swaggering air for the true spirit and dignity of a gentleman, lie is welcome to all the notoriety he has sought and attained bv oltfruiliug huuselt upon my atten tion, and apologize to my friends and tiie pub lie for consenting to play any part in this low farce of " much ado about mailing. : i GEO. II. WILLIAMS. MessrS. Editors I saw in the last ijic of the Oregon Democrat, an article head.-.l "Offering to Ret." He (the editor) says a deln oe rat in Marion county, writing to us, say : "E.. a professed dei.tocrat, and V.. a black republican, offer to bet 1 100 that Raker and Nesmith will be the next IT- S- ienators." Now, Mr. Democrat, I suppose the black re publican W. means Dr. Warren; if so, I pro noanee it a lie. and your informant a falsifier ; and be can swallow it without chewing, or let it choke hint. I will thank you in future, when you personate me, to give uiy name, aad no firing pop-cutis behind lies. , . W. WARREN. ' That "democrat repnblicaa ticket. 1 is one of the kind that voles the Putrid Soke Throat. This disease ha consigned a large number of the children of this community to, a 1 consider, a premature grave. la the first place, it is nothing more or less than what was called, twenty -live mt thirty year ago. Canker liash. and the old bwiiea of those days, in most eases, would cure w ith their herbs, w itltout the use f caustics, or mercury ; and I ask parent to investigate the treatment their children have received in this disease, and ee if it is iu. accordance with reason, pbikwo- phy. or common sense. I speak aa unto tnere men and women; judge me what I sav. Salem, Jan., ISrJO. W. W. C7"A correspondent at -Albany writes as follows: ' The stockholders of the Democrat say that Delusion must and shall dry vp his vulgarity, or they will draw out. That they gave him three montlis to clear up his character, and that the time is up. His 'character" is in a worse coiiditiou than it was when bc commenced "clearing it op." His character is one of the articles that won't clear, and the more it i stirred the worse it appears. ( ; , , . &T " I always pick my company, said a suspicious character, turning from a company of gentlemen to whom he saw be wa disagree able. " And their pockets, too, when you get ntibAsoe," replied una of titeu). . Oakland, Jan. 18. 1800. Eottors Statrsw.s: I wish too to in form those of yonr conresnoitdetit who are di posed to charge the 1'ostmnster or the deputy rotftinnstc r at Oakland with willfullr detaiuimr. or through carelessiiesM, delaying the package tit tue statesman, at tins omoe, that tliose charges are wholly without foundation, unJ are uncHlled for ; hnd your Rom-burg frieiiJ taken a mucb interest in asccrbtming the cause of delay of the Statesman, a he did in finding out mui i ne pacango oi me statesman, lor tiie lAt ciist Grove ollice. came regularly, he nndoubt edlr would have been satisfied that there was no cause to complain of the Postmaster at Oak land. The paper mails for this oHice, and of fice smith of here, are generally sent from Corvallis via Eugene Citv. the mail by this route often arrive here nfW the other mails have left this office. When this occurs, the mail are unavoidably detained at this office uutil the next week. Respectfully yours, E. C. LORD. P. M. We were well aware, a tve stated, thnt no fault w as chargeable upon the Oakland office. We have ever understood that the 1. M. at , that office, w a among the most competent and faithful in the State. j ,8 not ilnt,M.r tmtf, fn,m Corralli!, ' . , , j f4,uth thaM th,at rta, tiigeue City, by which the Ik: niaJc t coiiii.-ct at Oak 1 la"'1 ' 111 u,c 1 - at vorvalii ascertain ; Lafayette, Jan. Nth, 1300. : EriTon Statesm an Sin Will yon please give the following Resolutions an insertion in yonr paper, nn.-l by so iloing. yon will unieli oblidge the uieniber of Lafayetle Ioilge No. 3 of A. F. & A. M. V.inrx ri-spectfnllv, EDWARD DL'PL IS. 15 ems Ueeplv rrieveil at t he iiiflaiu-liotv .t i. i i i . . r. - ! .i ; ..... , , . i ami ilsirill!r to evmvss our n-fiiril for Ins . . er - i - - I orr iNttb a a man and a a unison. . La fa ret te ; I ,J. v.. .. t 4 i i.. ! ' - r . cx .a. ... upeeiai ; etMi.i.nin.enTio.i rimri'mii. iio i.ii:iimiikiumIi J-...7 .1... i . i. . r ' 'tn, ii.i m uir 'jmuiirn .-.til. fii iinr WortnV nill lnnif..t.-fll l.rotht.r hit u-iu li wu lost in the lite rlis.istroiH siiinn reck of I he steaiushii .1 :.. ... : r 1 . ' , r:nrrnrr, ill lllf lirilllC OI Uini.II MHI ntlll Use- liitbiess, we have an i:niiressive lesson of the uncertainty ol Ii.itiian lile, ami the coutaut preparation Tor D.-.tlu. so: it a. i u u we recognize in tiie tiiaiac- br of ouriKceased bnilher, a man. wlmse lift was eminent fir virtue, honor, ami iniegritv wbo. a a citizen was enterprising and useful. as a menu, laiililul an I true, ami as a brother, tliiistratetl l.v his lite those exalted tr.ut which t.i iMissesst the hi-hest honor of a Mason, Resnlred, Th tt we sympathise d.n-ply with tin laiuny ol trie ttecease.1 in this great misthr tune, and tender to hi afflicted widow our iu cere condolence. Resolved. That as n public testimoni:l of our reganl. the luemlH r of tins Loilire will il. the luemlH-r of this LoJt wear the usual baJire of moiiruiiiir tor tliirtv : .1... r . . . t -i . - - , ; " .' TV-i r . r T i"" rTl"''"" be lonvanknTu. U.o press tor puiiiicaiioii. ami a coi.v lie tra : t. ... ..r .... i . ii .i dov of our deceased broth, r. be transmitted to GEO- II. STEWAUD, W. Ei. Drpcis, See'r. M. i Oltl'P.(.X A I'PI PS Til- ktsil.a Mf tl.aa A fl- tM MilM IlltV ltMrl ife araai arf !. .,n. ..nnlucea in fruit-grow'ing on the Pa ei,jv. f Iir ,,ijr t.,MJltPr esterday wi i,mJ iH-.-nlar demonstration ol tT.eTact Uiiu pics with old. familiar names, grow in Oregon to enonnons sizes and great so iditr say. oub e the ordmarv size. J.weidi Hamilton Went out , Oregon, across the Plains, iu IS47. and set , i,jm. ftr, alM.ut 1IM miles from Portland. Here he established n farm, and in time began to think of getting fruit in time. At first he planted seeds: then he procured scions, and crafted the seedlings: and now he llas nppl.ii, 8ue, abundance that he cannot tlij,We f them, because his neighbor also l,HVe them, and of such excellence and size that Dominie Sampson might well fray : " I'ru- dihuts !" Jl-iiieron a visit to his father in Iowa, lie bnui.l.r with bim a r, iinuiH. .! .-..II. J t the Trihune office to give us a sight or what C C tLllt ctat , ,,..., . r nM ,.;,,. lo.-as- area a lew specimens. A Gloria was 174 inch.- in circumference, n p-iuish Rein nette 14 inches, n blue Winter Penrtuuiii 14 inches. A Tolpalmckiug ulteti weighed at home over two vouiids eneh. The market price of apples iii Portland is tinve cents a pound for early inter sorts, ami rive cents lor lute sorts. At Vancouver's Island, when 51r. Hniiiilron wa there a few week f inee. the coiiiinoii price was fourteen cents a ponn.l. He that ho had not sent his own npph-s to timt mar ket, though it would cost about three cent it pound to get them to Portland. On the Pacilic side all sort of fruit and most vegetable are sold by the pound. It its a cus tom that should prevail every here. Mr. Ila-nilton stated that his grafts at two years nl.l, ottcn produce Innu tin. I nt three years, .jnile nbiiniiaiitly. Ill tree have uever had any extra sti imlns. except giMnl cultit atiou oi't'ie n it'.tra! soil, w liieh c-iiaiuly is productive of very fine apples. A". V. Tribune. Moke Qcaktz. Last night. Mr. George Ish came to tow n with seven. I pieces of a'turtx gold PH-k, of extraordinary richness, taken from a lead discovered soiitcw hero in tin; wcighltor h.ahl f llg Kar. yeterday. The rK.-k is w Lite and very hard, with fine veins of gold coursing ail through it. He says the pieces exhibited are fair samples, and thnt the lead is quite ex tensive. If so, he will surely soon arrive at for tune. Jacksonville Sentinel. n By our exchange we see, that when an onslaught was made in Congress upon the Ad ministration, for its sin of omission and com mission, that Gen. Lnnc liecame the apologist for the removal of Douglas from the chairman ship of the Committee hmhi Territories. He also assumed grounds upon the slavery iiies tion, that would debar the people of the Terri tories from "regulating their domestic concern? in their own way." Advertiser. We could multiply this chts of choice '.-x-tract indefinitely. Delazonian. - In declaring tliat you could dive deeper in perfidy, you declare a falsehood. You have betrayed everything in your possession which would minister to your vilcucss and treachery. I to be a Mas A gentleman once met a little fellow, seven years of age, on his way to school, with hi book tinder his arm. Stopping the little fellow for a moment he said to him : " Well, niy Tittle boy, what do you intend to be, when vou grow up J" lie had asked the question a great many times, lielore. . and some boys told him they meant to be farmers, some niercuai.ts, and some ministers. But what do vou think was the an swer of this little boy f Better than all of them. I mean to be a man f" he said. It matter very little whether he be a farmer, or a merchant, or a minister, if he be a man he will be successful, and lie loved and respect ed. Some persons never ltecnme men, but are great lxiys after they have grown up. " Ask your parents, or teacher, children, what makes n man and th.-n. like this little boy, re solve to bo a mail ia all things. Woman's M issios. To aton at borne br the fireside whilst man goes out to collect muterial Us mako the po hU 'twicA, - PRaT.aaTTq HIBIUGK. Fellow Citizens of the Senate and . House of Represenlatices: Onr deep and heartfelt gratitude i due to that Almighty Power, which has In-stowed upon s stn-li varied an J nti"tvf blessings through out the past year. . The general health of the country has lieen eroelJrtit. Our harvests have been unusually plentiful, and prosperity smiles throughout the land. Indeed, notwithstanding our demerit, we hare much reason to liclieve from the past events in our history, that we have enjoyed the special protection of Divine Providence, ever since bur origin as a nation. We have been exposed to many threatening ami alarming diffiuulUos in our progress ; but on each successive fceension the impending cloud has lieeu dissipated at the moment it ap- Jieured ready to burotiapon our head, and the langer to our iiisjjU ions ha passed away. May we ever be undef the Divine guidance and protection!, V' Whilst it I the djof the President from time tw-tinie to give to TCoiigrcsa 'information of the state of the Union, I shall not refer to the ri-oeiit and bloody occurrence at Harper's Fer rv. Still, it i proper to obscrxe that these event, however bad and cruel iu themselves. derive their chief import a nee from the appre hension that they are hut symptom of an in curable disease iu the public mind, w hich may break out in still more dangerous outn.e. mid terminate at la-t in open war bv the North to abolish slavery iu the South. Whilst for my self I entertain no such apprehensions, tiny ought to afford a solemn warning to n nil to be ware ot the approach ol danger. - Our Linoii is a stake of such inestimable value a to de mand our coiisUmt and watchful vigilance for ttspreservnii .il. In th th-w let me implore my countrymen. North and South, to cultivate tiie ancient fccliuirs of mutual forlM-arauee and g.MM.1 will towards each other, and strive to Jill ;iy the demon-spirit of sectional hatred and strife now alive Hi the land. I In advice pnne. .Is from the heart of an old public i'uiiciioiniiy. whose service commenced iu tlte l ist cetera tioit. anions' the wise and eons, rrntix e states men of that day, now nearly al! p-iM-d away, mid whose first ami deaiet earthly uisii is "to leave hi country tnintuil. prosperous, united and . , We ought to reflect that iu this age. and es pecially in this country, there is u incessant li.ix and retlux of public iipttiiou. tjin-stions, which iii their day assumed a most threatening sccf, have unw nearly guuc from the lucnmry of men. They are volcanoes hunted out, nud on the lava and as es and -iaid sco i e of old eruptions grow the pcncclnl olive, the cheering vine and sustaining com. Such, in my opin ion, w ill prove to be tiie fate of the present sec tional excitement, should those who wisely seek to apply the remedy continue always to confine their i-t'fort w ithiu the pale of the Constitution. If this course be pursued, the existing agitation on the subject ot domestic slaver)', bke every thing human, will have it day, and give place to oilier and less threatening coutruvcrsics. I'nlilic opinion in this country is all powerful, and w hen it reaches a dangerous excess upon any question, the g.d sense of the people v. ill furnish the corrective and bring it back within safe limit. .Still, to hasten this auspicious re sult at the preseut crisis, we ought to remem ber that every rational creature must In- pre sumed to intend the natural collect) tienccs of his own teachings. Those w ho announce nil s', rue t doctrine subversive of the Constitution and the I'llioil. lllllst liotbi' -fi Mirow lin-rr nrnirn pntmn. av one step further at. nt tempt by violence to carry these h-triiie into practical etl'eit. In this view of the sub ject it ought never to be forgotten that, how ev er great may have Ik-cii the political advanta ges resulting fiom tl.e to every portion of our common country, these would all prove to be as nothing should the time ever arrive w hen they cauuot be enjoyed w ithout serious damage, to the personal safety of the people of fifteen inemlM-r of the confederacy. If the peace of the domestic fireside throughout these State should ever be invaded ; if the mother of families within this extensive region should not be ii hie to rest at night, without suffering dreadful apprehensions of what may be their own late, and that ol their children in-tore the morning, it would be vain to recount to such a people the political benefit which result to them tn.m the Union. Self preservation i the first instinct of nature; ami therefore anv state id" society iu which the sword i nil the time s.i-peiided over the heads of the people, must at last become intolerable. Hut I indulge iu no such gloom v foreboding. On the contrary I firmly lu-heve that the events at Harper's Ferry, by causing the eopIc to pause ami reflect uim.u the possible peril to their cherished institutions, will ie the means, ni.iltr Providence, of allaying the existing excitement and preventing future outbreaks of a t-i.uilur character. Th.-v will resolve that the Consti- luti mi nud the Union shall not be endangered bv r.ish counsels, know insr that, should the sil ver cord be loosed, or the troldeli bowl lie bro ken nt the fountain, human power could never reunite the scattered nud hostile fra.niifi.18. I eonltallv congratulate vou upon the iii nl settlement by the Supreme ('.tint of tin- I', r .. d the q-.iestnm iii slavery in the i.iritmos winch presented an aspect sotrmv Ioim.i.i- alde nt the commencement of my i.itmiiiistra tion. The right has beeu established of even ed. sen totakehi prH-rty of any kind, includ ing slaves, into the common territories la-long- ini; eounllv to nil the State of the Confederaev, and have it protected there under the Federal Constitution. Neither Congress nor a Territo rial legislature, nor any hu.nan power, ha any authority to annul or impair tin vested right. 1 he Supreme Judicial tribunal ol Hie country. which i a co ordinate branch of the Govern ment, has sanctioned and affirmed these prin ciples of cotistitutiiHial law, so manifestly just ill themselves, and so well calculated to pro mote pence and harmony among the States. It is a striking proof of the sense of justice which i inherent iu our people, that the property in slaves has never b-eii disturlied, to my knowl edge, in any of the Territories. Even through out the late troubles in Kansas there has not lieen anv attempt, tu I aui credibly informed, to inU-rtWe in a singlo instance with the right of the master. Had any such attempt been made, the Judiciarv would doubtless have af forded no adequate remedy. Should they fail to do this herculler, it will then be time enough to strengthen their hand by further legislation. Had it been decided that cither Congress or the Territorial Legislature possess the power to annul or impair the right to property iu slaves, the evil would be , intolerable. Iu the latter event there would lie a struggle for a majority of the member of the Legislature at each suc cessive election, and the sacred rights of prop erty held under the Federal Constitution would depend for the time being on the result. The agitation would thus be rendered incessant whilst the Territorial condition remained, and its influence would keep alive a dangerous ex citement among tue - people ot tue several States. , Thus has the status of a I erritory, dnnnsr the intermediate period from it first settlement until it shall become a State, been irrevocably fixed bv the final decision of the Supreme Court. " Fortuuate has this been for the pros perity of the Territories as well as the tranquil- itv ot the States. . Now, emigrants lrom the North and South, the fc.ast and West, will meet in the Territories on a common platform, hav ing brought with them that species of property, best adapted, iu their own opinion, to promote their owu welfare. From uaturnl causes, the I slavery .piestion w ill, in each case, soou virtual ly cetolu itself, and before tho Territory ia pro- posed for admission as a State into the Union, this decision, one way or the other. w-II have been a foregone conclusion. Meanwhile the settlement of the Territory will proceed without serious interruption, and its progress and pro perky w ill not lie endangered or retarded by violent political struggle. When, iu the pro gress of events, the inhabitants of any Territo ry shall have reached the number required to form a State, they will then proceed in a regu lar mautier, and, iu the exercise of the rhtl.ts of Popular Sovereignty, to form a Constitution, preparatory to admission into the Union. Af ter this has beeu done, to employ the language of the Kansas and Nebraska Act, they shall be received into the Union, with or withoi-t slavery, as their Constitution may prescribe, at the time of the admission. Thii principle ha happily been recognized, in some form or other, by an almost unanimous vole of both houses of the last Congress. All lawful menu at my command have lieen employed, and slmll continue to be empioved, to execute the laws ngahrst tin? African "htvc trade. After a most careful nud vigorous exam ination of onr coasts, and thorough investiga tion of the snbject. w have not been able to discover that any slave have been imported into the United States, except the cargo by the If'fafVrer, numbering between 3U(t and'-lOO. ri.nse engaged iu the unlawful enterprise have is eu ntir-.tisiy pr. wen ten : nut not witti ns a uch success ns their crime deserved. - A umber of them are still under nmaccutiun. Oar history proves that the father of the Ke- Jnihlic. in advance of all other nations, con-l.-i.nied the African slave trade. It was. not- n;t!itain!ia;r. deemed cxm-dicM br the fra. iters id the Coii-titutioii to deprive Congress id" the power to pr the migration or importation il smcIi persons a anv ot tlte States now ex isting shall think proper to adopt prior to the yertr ItJO-J. It trill be seen that ibis restriction on the power nf Congress. was confined to such State only :i might tliLik pruia-r to ad. nit the :iiip.U1a!joii ol slaves. It did uot exteud to other States or to tiade carried on abroad. Ac cordingly, we liu.l that o enrlv as the 'MUI of M m il l!U. Conaress ea-sed nn act imtmshi!; severe jH-ti::lties and piluisli nt ufs upon citizens and residents of tin- United States who slm-ild eiignge i'i t'lis tratle b.tneeli for. Liu liati. ns. Th.- iiror:ioits nf this act were cxti-it.Icit and enforced bv ti..- act of llltii :.. ISIKI A the Slates thciu-eivei. ha I a clear . ight to w i e the constitutional privilege, intended for their iieiii-hf to prohibit, bv their own laws, this trade at any time they thought prH-r. pr-vi..:is ti IIH. JSeVenil of them exereiseil this r:-bt fun- that periml. and anion? them sonic con taiua.g the greatest im.iiber of slaves. Thi- gave to t ongres the limneilliitc potter to act i:i repird to such States, because they lln-iii- scivc had removed the Coustitnluuial harrier. Cougres, nccordmslv. risrd an act on thf 2Jth .htv of Febrnarf. I to prevent the i :i portition of certain K-rsoi.s into certain States w h-re. by tin- law thereof, their nd.uissiou is pmhibited. In this manner the iaioort i:i..n of A'ricm stives into the U. wa to a great extent p: hibited, some years in advance of If i. A tin- year ISO atiiirortilied, Consres de- teriiiined not to suffer this trade to i xist even for a single day niter thev had the power to abolish it. Oi'u the id of March. I-S07, thr-v passe.1 an act to take effect from anil after the 1st day of January. I?l)i. prohibiting the im portation of African slaves into Ihe I . This character, to niiieh I need in sjn-cial!y refer. Such were the principles, ami such the practice, of onr ancestors more than filly years ago in regard to the African slave trade." It di.l not occur to the rcVercd patriots w ho had been del egated to the Convention and afterward lie came member of Congress, that in passing these law they had violated the Constitution which they had framed with so much care and deliberation. They tip.sed that to prohibit Congress, iu expres terms, from exercising a sHt-ilic jM.wer lcfirc nn apMiiited day. neces sarily involved the right to exercise this power after that day had arrived. If this were not the c-isc. the fiumer of the Constitution had expended much labor in vain. Had thev im agine J that Congress would possess in. mo. r to tho trade ei'.in-r In-fore or after I H). they would not have taken so nu:cli care to pro tect the State against the exercise of this p.w er before that period. Ny, more; they would not h ive attached such a vast importance to this provision as to have excluded it from the possibility of future repeal nr aaieiidnieut, to which other portion of the Coustiiutiou were cspo-ed. It would then have btvn wholly un necessary to engraft on tl.e tilth article of tile ('institution, preset. ting tin- tumle of its ow n future a iteiid.iieut. the r'io that no aim-. el mei.t which may be made prior to the tear ll'i, shall in any in inner aiieit the provision in the Cousritiitioii securing to tiie Slates the right to admit tlio importation of African slaves, previous to that period. According to tin- adverse construction, the claie itself on w iticii so much c ire and .lis Oilssioii ! lit been eiiiploved i.y the Mletobi-r-s ( t toe t UTtVeiiri'-'.i was an ab-oiu'e iitb;rt !:-e.ti tit. beginniiig. -in. I a!i h:is since been done in. d.-r it a in. re nsui I' l.'.on. t was Weil and wis- to confer liiis p .wer on Conr. s. b, cause, had it been left to ihe Mates. iU liicieiit i-Xie riciice wo'li.I have been baptit-sihic. In this re sK-ct that any cue State eon Id have rift-tu-iiliy continued (he Hade not only li.r itself Out for all the other slave States, though never so much against their will. And why .' because African slaves when once brought within the limit nf any one State in accordance with its law, cannot practically lie excluded from nov el her State w here slavery exist; and even if all the States separately passed law prohibit ing the iutHirtalioii-of slave, these law would have failed of elf.-ct for want of a naval force to capture the slave and to guard the coasts. Such a force no State can employ in tiv e oi peace without tiie consent of Congress. These acts of Congress, it is believed, have, with Very rare and insignificant exceptions, ac complished their purpese, for a period of more than half a century. There ha been no per cei able addition to the number of onr domes tic slaves during this period. Their advance ment in civilization has far surpassed that of any other portion of tl.e African race. The light nud blessing of Christianity have been extended to them, and both their moral and physical condition has Ik-cii irrcatly improved. ke-oK-u the trade, and it would be ditiicult to deU-rioine whether the effect would lie more deleterious on the interest of the master, or on tliose of the native-born slave. Evil to the muster the moat to lie dreaded, would be the introduction of wild heathen and ignorant bar barian among the sober, orderly and quiet slave, whose ancestor have beeu ou the soil for several generation. This might tend to barbarize, demoralize and exiisM-rate the hole mass, and produce most deplorable consequen ce. The effect upon the existing slave would, if possible, be still more deplorable. At pres ent he i treated with kindness and humanity ; he is well fed, well clothed, and not overwork ed ; hi condition is incomparably better than that of the coolie which modern nation of high civilization have employed n substitute for African slaves. Both the philanthropy and the self-interest of the master have coiuiiiiied to produce this humane result. But let this trade bo opened, and what will be the effect ? The ' same, to a considerable extent, a ou a neighlH.riug island tho ouly spot now ou earth where the African slavo trade is openly tolera ted, and this in defiance of solemn treaties with a power abundantly able at any moment to eu frtrou their uxeouuuu. There Um muotur,- in tent npon present gain, extorts from the slave as much lain t as his physical powers are capa ble of enduiing, knowing that when death comes to his relief, hi place can be supplied at a price reduced to the lowest point bv the com petition of rival African slave-traders. 'I do not deem probable, the present nsefnl charac ter of the don t-stie institution, w herein those too old and too young to work are provided for with cure and humanity, and those capable of htlor are not overtasked, would undergo an nn fortunate change. The feeling of reciprocal dependence aud attachment which now exists between master mid slave, would be converted into mutual distrust and hostility. But we are obliged a a christian and moral nation to consider what wonld lie the effect upon unhappy Africa itself, if we should re-, open the stave trade. This would give the trade an impulse aud extension which it has never had. even iu it palmiest days. The nu merous victims required to supply it would con vert the w hole slave coast into a perfect pande monium, for which this country would be held responsible in the eyes r.f both God and man. Its petty tribe would then be constantly en gaged iu predatory war against each other, for the purpose of seizing slaves to supply the Amer ican market. All hope of African civilization would tho be ended. On the other bund, lieu a market for African slaves shall no long er be furnished in Cuba, and thus all the world be closed against the trade, we roar then in dulge in the reasonable hope for the gradual improvement of Africa. The chief motive of war among the triltes will cease whenever there is tin longer any demand for slaves. The re source of that fertile hut miserable country might then lie developed by the hand of indus try, aud afford subject for legitimate foreign aud domestic commerce. In this manner Chris tianity and civilization may gradually penetrate the existing gloom. The wisdom of the course pursued by the Government tow arils China has been vindicated by the events. Whilst we sustained a neutral position in the war waged by Great Britain and k' ranee guiust the Chinese Empire, our late minister in olicdiciice to hi instructions, judi cially co-operated with the minister of those powers in all peaceful lucasnre to seenre by frentv the just concessions demanded by the iuti-res s of foreign commerce. The result is. tha s ttisfactory treaties have concluded with t'h.n.i, by the respective Minister of the United Smtes. Great Britain, France ami Kusria. U'ir treaty or general convention of peace, ain bi iiu.l co nnierce with that Empire, wa c:i cbi l-1 ul 1'ieutziit on ti.e 13th .Jane. 1 3 ). aud was ratified by the President by arid with the a ! u-e a:i. I consent nf the senate, on the 21st December f.dl iwi.ig. Oil tiie l ith D.-cem'n-r. J - ii. John E. Ward, a dtiuguLhed citizen of " Georgia, was duly c! as Envoy K V Ir (ordinary and Mini-er Ph-iiipoteii'iary to China. - lie left tin- U. S. for thi place of his destination on the ;ith February, taking with hi:J the ratified C 'pr of tais treaty, and arrived at Shanghai on tlir i?:h Mar. From :lu-lice be proceeded to Pekin on the 10th .June, but did not arrive iu ttat city nutil the -it!i July. According to the terms of the treaty, the riitiiicatioas were to lie exchanged on or before the lSrh of June, ISoti. This wa rendered impossible by reason and event be yond his control, not necessary to detail ; bnt still it is due to the Chinese authorities at Shanghai to state that they always assured him that no a. haul nre Mioiihl be taken of the delav. , On the arrival of Mr. Ward at i'ekin. he re quested au audience of tiie Emperor to present nt letter .a" credence. This he did not obtain, in consequence of bis very proper refusal to to the humiliating ceremonies required by the etiquette of this strange eope iu ap proaching their sovereign. Nevertheless, the interview ou this question were conducted in the must friendly spirit, aud with all due regard to hi jK-rsonal feeling, aud the honor of his country. When a presentation to hi majesty was found to lie impossible, the letter of cre dence from the I'rcsideut was received with pe culiar honors, by Kwiel.-mg. the Emperor's Prime-M iuister, aud the second man in the Em pire to tiie Emperor himself. The ratifications of the treaty were afu-rwards. ou the ltjth Au g 1st. exchanged m proper furai at tiie liei aug. As theexeh uige did not take place un til niter the day prescribed by the treaty, it i deemed proper before its publication, again to s'.leuit it to the Senate. It is but simple jus tice to the Chinese authorities to observe that thriutghoiit the whole transaction they appear to have acted iu good faith, and iu a friendly spirit toward the United States. It is true, this ha been done after their own peculiar fash ion ; but we ouslit tit regard with u lenient eye, tint ancient custom of au empire dating back for timu-aiids of years, so far as this may be consistent with onr own national honor. The conduct of our Minister, on the occasion, has received my entire approbation. In order to carry out the spirit of this treaty, aud to give it full effect, it liecame necessary to conclude two supplemental Conventions one for tli ii.ijuslmeiif ami satisfaction of the claim d our citi.ens, mid the other to fix tlte tariff on import and exports, and to regulate the transit duties and trade of our merchants with China. Th". duty was satisfactorily performed by our l it.- Minister. These Couveution bear date at .- haiigiiaeoii the 6th November, IdoS. Hav ing been considered in the light of binding agree.iN-iit subsidiary to the principle treaty, aad to he -carried into execution without lcl;M they do not provide for any formal ratification, by " the contracting parties. This was not .l.v.n.-d iicoes iry Ity tue ChiiK-sc, who arc al ready proceeding in good faith to satisfy the claims of our citizens, and. it i hoped, to carry ' out the other provisions of the conveiiti.Ni. Stiil 1 tie oght it was proper to them to the Senate. I.y which they were ratdied on 3d Marth. Irfwl'. The ratified copies, however, d;d not reach Shangnae until niter the depart ure ol our M iuister to Pckin, and these conven tions could not therefore be exchanged at the sometime with the principal t.eaty. No.loulit is entertained that iney w ill lie ratified and ex changed by the Chinese Government, should this be thought ad tseable. ' But under tiie cir cumstance presented. I shall consider them binding engagement from their date, ou both parties, and cause them to be published a such, for the information of our merchant trading with tiie Chinese Empire. It iilibrd me such satisfaction to inform you that all oar dilhoaltics with the Republic f Paraguay have Ih-cm satislactortiy aijustel. It happily did not become necessary to employ the force for this purjioee w liich Congress had placed at my command, under their joint reso lution of Sd June, 188. Ou the contrary the President of that republic in a friendly spirit, aucecded promptly to the just and rcaswuable demands of the government of the U. S. Our Commissioner arrived at Assumption, t lie cap ital of the Kepublic, o.i the 5th of January, -lijLM, and left it on .lie 17th February, having, in three weeks, ably and successfully accom plished all the object of hi mission. The treaties which he has concluded will be imme diately submitted to the Senate. Iu the view that the employment of other than peaceful means u.ight become necessary to olitain just satisfaction lrom Paraguay, a strong naval force was concentrated iu the waters ot the La Plata, to await contingencies, whilst our Com missioner asveuded Uie river to Assuuij tion Thc Navy Department ia entitled tu great credit for the promptness, efficiency and econ omy with which tin expedition was fitted out and conducted. It consisted of 19 vessels, great aud small, carrying iiOO gun and2,3U0 num. aU audux tlto ouiMUiaisI ot Una wteraM Mid gallant Shubriek. The entire expenses of the expedition have been defrayed out of the ordi-n-irv appropriation for the naval service, ex cept the sum of 4239.000 applied to the pur chase of seven of the steamers eonscitatiug a part of it, under the anthority of the Naval appropriation act of the 3d March, last. It is believed that these steamers are worth more than their cost, and they are all usefully and actively employed in the naval service. The apnea ranee of so large a force, fitted ont in such a prompt manner, in the far distant waters of the La Plata, and the admirable con duct of the officers and men employed in it, have had a happy effect in favor of our coon try, throughout all that remote portion of the world. Onr relations with the Rreat empire of France and Rnsia, a ws-11 as with other government on the continent of Enrope, unless we may except that of Spain, happilr continue to be of the most friendly character. In tnr last annnal message I presented a state ment of the unsatisfactory condition of onr rela tions with Spain, and 1 regret to say that this has not materially improved. Without special refer ence to other cls.ims, even the Cuban claims the payment of which has been ably arred by onr ministers, and in which more than a hundred of onr citizen are directly interested remain nnsat Istfed, notwithstanding both their justice and their amonnt ($12,635 54) had beeu recognized and ascertained by the Spanish government itself. I again reeommend that an appropriation bo made to be paid to the Spanish government for the purpose of distribn;iu among ihe claimants in the Aimstad case, in common with two of my pre decessors. I entt-r'ain no doubt that this is re qnired by our trt-arr Ttith Spain of the 27th Oct.. 1735. The failure to discharge this obligation has been employed by the cabinet of Madrid as a rea son against the settlement of onr claim. - I need not repsat the arguments I used in my last annnal message, ia favor of the acquisition of Cnba by fair purchase. My opinion on that meas ure remains nnehauged. 1 therefore again invite the serions attention of Congress to this important snbject. Withmit a recognition of this policy on their part, it wi!i be almost impossible to institute negotiation with any reasonable prospect of suc cess. - - Cntil a rerent period, there was good rewoB to believe that I should"- ble to annonnce to you on the present occasion that onr difficulties with O'reat Britain, arising ont of the Clayton and Bul- wrr trenty, had been adjusted, in a manner nl:fc: honorable and sjt:if-e .rv In both parties. Kr.T csoses, h v- t-r. whieh British groveni tneni had not an:ieip-t ihy hive not rer eia pl -t'-d treaty arrangements wi.h ihe BVpnblies of jlon'bir . and Xicirana. in pursuance of the nn- d rstandiug native -i - It! two jovernm -nt. It is n rer, hs-less cn8-!cnr! expes-r.-d that thi good vr.Hc trill ere lo. h-- aeroiup i-hrd- Wlril-t imtn ein-s th- h.--ie :h .t no other -nbfert rc-u;isned which r.!d-l .-i-.rnrn?ht;g n?d understand ing iH-iaeeu ihe :wo ro-it.Jr"e, flic q;;es:in ari iny onr of th advers.t clii;n of Ihe p.t.-ties ro the inland of Sin Juan, nndr ths nvgm treaty of tfie l.h of June, ?;o, s.ijjenfy assnnreo a threat ening promiin-nce. In rd-r to prevent unforta is.tre o Ilisions on th-: reim-i e fr.rnier, the tara S'-crel.-try of St A e. on she lih ef Jnly, I "'.VS, ad drset a nore to Mr. Cratiip'on. rh -n Briiish min isrer at Wrtsi.intoi., ct:ijiH.iriit-a in;r lbr iustmc rims whit-h h;(Mr Mrey ) hud given, n rbe I4ih of Jnly, to Gov. S;evens of Washingson Territory, hving a sp c al r-ferrm-e to an apprehended con flict be wei-u onr cit reo au I the Briiish subjects on the is and if S in Juan. To prevent this, the gnvernor was instru-ted that the citiiens of the Terrimry shonld "abstain from all act ? the disputed gronnd which are cah-niated t provoke any onfliels, si fWras it can he done withont implying the concession to the aurhri:ies of Great of an exclusive right ttVf TM'y vr?Lji;Sff-i. TlK f i r t f plight tn he settled u- Jrr di-tier psi .y oTiut iu si; irropi rhe fSher by force, or exercise of complete an-J ex clusive sovereign rights within the disputed litn- iis;' J In acknowledging the receipt, on the next day. of Mr. Marcy's note, the British minister expressed his "entire concurrence in the propriety of the course recommended to the governor of Washing ton Territory by your Mr. Marcy's instruction to that officer," and stating that he had "lost no time in transmitting a copy of that document to the Governor Genera! of British North America," and had " earnestly recommended to his Excellency to take sneh measures as to him may appear best cal culated to seenre on the part of the British local authorities, and the inhabitants in the neighbor hood of the line in qa-s'ion, the exercise of the same spirit of forbearance which i inculcated by your Mr. Mare? on the authorities and citizens of ih- United States." Thus matters remained, npon the faith of this arrangement, until the 9th Jnly last, when Gen. Harney paid a visit to rhe island He found npoa it American residents, with their families, and also an establishment of the H. B Co. for the pnr pse of raising sheep. A short time before his ar rival oueof these residents had shot an animal bo lorging to the Co. whilst trespassing npon his premises, for which, however, he offered to pay twice Us value, bnt that was refused. Soon after the chief factor of the Co. at Victoria. Mr Dallas, son-in-law of Gov. Douglas, came to ihe island in the British s!oop-of-warSsfrrfe. and threatened to take rhis American (Mr. Cutler) by force to Vic toria, to answer for the trespass he had committed. Tho American seised his rifle, and to!d Mr. Dallas that if any sncb attempt was ro.lJe he would kill him on the spot. The afif.iir then ended. Under these cirenmstaoces, the American set tlers presented a petition to the Gen. through tha U. S. Inspector cf Customs. Mr. Hnbbs, to ptaeea force npon the island, to protect them from the In dians as well as tha oppressive interference of tha anthoriik-s tf the H. 1 Co at Victoria, with their rights as American citizens. The Gen. immedi ately responded to this petition, aud ordered Capt. Geo. Pickett, thh InranTy. to establish his com pany on Be!!evne or San Jii in island, on some suirable position nejfr th- harbor at the son: b -east-el n ex.r-miry. This .-r-ler wa promptly obeyed, aud a military p jst was esta-li-hed at the place d-siglen. I he force was after ards increased. s that by the last reiir. h- whole n-imber of rr-w'ps "h -n en tha isl-iad :ii-jiated in tha ag:-e-gt e to 6-1 men. Wni.s.- I do not d- em ir pri-per on lb? present ere.-isit... lo go f.irih-r iiitt .he subject, and -fisc.iss the weight which onhi to he ictnched lo the state-in- -.-is if ilut Briii.-h coioi.iiil auihoriries. conrest ir; the aeeariev f .he informatiou on vhieh tba j.-iitxi.t Gen- rai acted, i. ws due to him that sleiiild h:i pre-ent his r.-asons for isning tttr orf-rs to Cap'- P.eSett. Fnau ihes ir is qnice c!-'ir ih-tr his object to prev.-iit th.-H.i.isi. ati tli -ri:ies on Vne.itver Island from exercising ji ris.tterioii over Atiu-riea.i residents ou lh isi.-iiid f J aan, as we:l as f prutec. .-tgiinst tha liie.irsioiis ot the lmltatis. Mueb excitement prevailed f.vsiime fimethro" out l liar region, and serious danger of collision be tween the parties was appreheiled. Tha British had a inrgf naval force in the vieinity, and it is an aet of si mole jttsiice to rhe Admiral nu rhat station to stare that he wisely and discreetly forebore to any hostile aet, bnt determined to refer tiie whole adViir to hi government and await their instructions. . This n.tjwrl of the matter, in my opinion, de manded serions airei.kion. It wonld have te-n a great calamity fur both nations, had they been pre cipitated into arts of hostility, not about tbeq;es tion f titie to the island, but merely concerning the iuterveningperiod whilst the two government might be employed in settling the question to which of I hem it belongs. For this reason Licot. Gen. Scott was despatched, on the 17th Sept. last, to take immediate command of the V. S. forces on the- Pacific coast, should ha deem thi necessary. The main object of hi mission was to carry out the spirit of ihe precautionary arrangement be tween the late Secretary of State and the British Minister, and thus to preserve the peace and pre vent collision between the Britisr and American auihoriries pending the negotiations between the two governments. Eutertaining no doubt of the raliuiivof onrtiile.I need scarcely addihat in any event American citizens wero to be plaeed on a footing at least as favorable aa that of British sub jects, it being understood that Capt. Pickett's co. should remain on tti island, xt is proper to oo serve that, considering tho distance from the scene of action, and ignorance of what might have traaa uired on tha soot before tie General's arrival, it was accessary to leave mur'a to his discredoo; and X am nappy to state the event ns proven mac tci discretion could not have baB entrusted to more competent hands.- Gu. Scott b:i recently re- sariSBd mm bio mm miiimii ba-vtBtf siMmawiiliy z . ' 4 t 4 V " 1