C 6 1 Gtt fan ptktttmnu. TBK OmcUIi PAPER OF THE STATE. 'rMTMr.tnadrancc, M 00 If paid wlthtatdxtnotiths...... 00 ' If paid kftrr the expiration of six .months, A3 on Pa mevha, hi advance, fV 00 Cm donar additional will be charged for each year - payment is delayed. -Wo paper will ba discontinued until all arrearages ara paid. Legal advertisements will b charged at the follow ing rale i Twrlra lines or leant, one insertion, A3 0 ; each subsequent insertion, ft 00. Ienl and all tram ' Blent advertisement mart be prepaid to insure inser- ' tkjo. Administrators' notices, and all advertisements re latin; to the estates of deceased persons, niul Ite . prepaid, aaleas oiderad published by the county jndge, aaasT gantrantaasd to be paid by bins. Bioarnapbicml no tices, resolutions of societies, orders, ckc, will be charged at half adrertisiag rates, and payment must . ba mads before publication. Communications of onlr individual interest mast ba prepaid, at the sarna ulr. Advertising bill not paid within one year from the tins when contracted, will be increased twentr 6ve per cent, earn year payment is neglected thereafter. Evsarv effort will be "made by the proprietor and ed itors to snake Tax Oaxaos 8tatkax the best news paper In Oregon. . Remittances mar bo made by mail at the risk of the ahlishi r, if mailed in the presence of a postmaster. ASAHELBUSH. . rraAj. " a. stkaxo T. B. Strang-. tTTHOLESALE and Retail dealers in storm and tin - V ware, hardware, and cutlery, at the old stand of -' Reed tV Strang, where may be found a complete as " anitmiat of Cook, Parlor, and Box Store, Tin, sheet iron, copper. planished and Jnpancd ware, force and lift pntnps, robber hose, hrdranlic rams, lead . pipe, sheet lead, and zinc, brass and cauldron kettles, - bake ovens, cowbells, etc.. dec. JOB WORK, Roofing, sheet iron and copper work, promptly at tanvled to. and on the most reasonable terms. - . April 89, ftf C. A. RERD, CttltR tS Pj:t3, Oils, Glass, Varnishs35 PAIXT BRUSHES, cr., S,v. Everythinar wanted in the Painting line, ran be foond at the Center Store. Smith's Brick Block. Sulrni, Oregon. Oct. ajth, IS.V'. 33tf Dentistry. DR. L. S. SKIFF, SURGICAL, ....ASB.... M ECH AXICA L D EXT 1ST, IS now prepared to tnscTt fnll or partial sets of artifi cial teeth, on nne gold piste. Also decaye a teeth filled with adhesive gold, and re stored to their original shape and usefulness. fda Office one door from Keuyon's Ambrotype r. b. Piiiwtv, DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, Sa lem, Ogn. Particnlar attention paid to the repairing of watches and Hocks. Ail work wsr ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. FOR SALE: Watrhes and clocks. 8 day striking; clocks at a very low price ; also 30 fconr niai ine clocks. Jtn r.L.H i. Ladies and gents brooches, finger Rings, Ear Rings, OoM Buckles, Gnard Chains, Ace, 4kc Salem. Jnlv S. 157. ltf Dr. P. A. Qninan, I". S. Army, fSuccntor to Lr. Vollum, at Fort I mpaua,) o FFERS his professional set ikes to the citixens of Umpqna Valley and vicinity. Office at the Hotel at Umpqua City. 30m3 OoporttsOsa Hf oaopoljr. FREE TRADE AXP SAILOR. RIGHTS. LUMBER! LUMBER!! LUMBER!!! ' TV EELLE'S Steam Circular Saw and llnninc JL' Mills. The proprietor w pleased to inform the cit ixens of SALEM and the pnbhr trcncrallv. that he has ins completed his XEW CIRCULAR SAW mnd FLAXIXO MILLS, on terra ftrma. and is now pre pared to Saw. Plane, Tonme and Oroove lumber of every description, at low tates and short notice. Having an improved five-font circular saw, and one of Wood worth's latest patent Tongue and Grooving Machines, and experienced men to run them, he pro- perea to nase as GOOD LUMBER, AXD MORE OF IT, than anv other Mill on the Upper Willamette. Car penters'' orders for lumber, such as dressed stuff for Window frames, comic 1 wards, shelving and connter boards, doors and door frames, dec, dressed and edged en both (idea, from 2 to 14 inches in width and 1-X to 2 1-3 inches in thickness. Oak. Ash and Maple Plank, suitable for Wagon and Cabinet makers' ase, furnished at short notice Havrnar made arranateiiients with the steamersplying on the Upper Willamette, he is prepared tosend dnu'scd. tongned and grooved Inmber to any point on the river where the steamers Mop. AU orders for Lumber will receive prompt attention - and quick disntch. - B. M. 1C RELLE. Proprietor. ' Salem, Man 1st. KtX Sltf .. Empire lirerr aost Sale Stable Us Afar' a street, betmetn Madison send Monroe, Cor- -- fwii, tjregon. THE staustiihei takes this method of in forming the pnbiic cenerallv that he lias opened a new livery and sale stable in Corvailis, where he will bo prepared to furnish better arroni mo "dauoas in his line ot basuieaa tliat can be found else where in the rjtare. I am supplii-d with single and doable bainries,carria - gea, and saddle horses of a quality anenrpiisiu'd on the Pari fie Coast. Fartiralar attention paid to keeping bones by the day or week. Experienced grooms are constantlv in attendance, and no pains will be spared to return Wor ses m a better condition than when received. I keep all kinds of feed that the country prouaces. I will bay and sell stock, and m fact carry on every thing pertaitnntr to the liv-rr bnsiness. I will apon tbe arriral ft'every steamboat, have a back in reaoinrvs to convey passengers to and from tbe ' boat, and CltT Hotel, and elsewhere when dWired. W. C. KIGUS. . Corvsilis, Xov. 22, 138. 4Ctt IVcw aasl Frefth Drug V Tlrsjirittrsi. tl f K. SMITH having recentlv returned from Kan vs Francisco, where :e pnn-hkned the compli-tert assoi tuitm 'f lriigB and MediciiMfS ever Oiiered for sale in tbe Wilkunetie Vailey, we are able to irive otir oM customers better satisfaction than ever. te iecs.iiue; aaiditiorm to our stock bx everv stcan:er. aud will sell everything in the Irng line at very ratiffm-to-rv prices. Our Patent Metlkrita-s are all getmiue and fresh, and as we bnv larvtly, and in the twat markets. we can anord to sell a little cueii)er loan tbe cwapet. Urn and try us. W. K. SMITH Sc CO. ' Dee. 7th. 1.V. 40tf Ha a "Pratx-tKco Aslvertisinfr Aircnry, T P. FISHER, iron bnildintr. ormosite Pacific Kx -&Lis press Othce, tip stairs. Files of all the principal Pa pels of California and Oregon may be found at this office. Mr. Fisher ia the authorized Agent for tbe Atatetman, . LADD, San Francisco. S.O. RE to. 1 v, IDD, S 'on land. J. M. LADD, Udd, Sftd Co , (Snrmtort lo W. . Laid 3r Co.,) rXTORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in wines. Ii L qoors and Groceries, Front St.. Portland, Oregon J. Fleming. 4 T the Oregon Citv Post Othce Bnildirur. has inst Xm received," direct from New York, ICO copies of "Downing's Frnit and Fruit Tres of America, revis ed and enlarged, for ISnt the latest published edition of thia valuable work. He has also on hand, a good stock of miscellaneous hooka and stationery, for saleon Sanaa to son toe times. - Oregon City, Dee. 15, 1857. Notice. DAVID A. SLOUGH mv traveling agent for the sale of bt ECLECTIC "LI XI M EXT. He is au thorized to collect money and take notes in mv name for the sale of tbe same. Also to establish and appoint local agencies for the sale thereof in the States of Ore gon sad California, and Territory of Washington. JOHX HARGROVE. April 13. 1859. 1t6 Far Sale. IRAVk three hundred and twentr acres of land aa situated in Linn Co., about 3 miles from Scio, 2TL all well improved. Also, a good orchard which I will sell on reasonable terms. For information enquire of aw ssuvmaws at paiem. , WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Salem, Tfov. 20, 18M. 3Ttf Notice. have anootnted Mr. W. K TrriA,. i WEc collections fur ua, to reeeive mnd rereijrt for all , r snmna, sua as Mot suUMmsed to give any andulgeiaee to s.nT oue. And if there is any who feels eonscience smitten, by not eomplving with their promises, they can relieve themselves by fnnfhnt immed lately. lie will still keep the office in the old store, and if vou don't eome there and see him be will send tbe sheriff U see vou. at voor expense. KeapeccfuUe, W. GKISWOLU ac CO. . Boosie's Ferry, OX WiUameue rivrr, uew road between Portland and Salem. The road is a good one and ten miles shorter than tlssld road. J ESSE V. BOON E. Maty K, 18Ml t2tf - ' -sr T3s . law ! CallccliM 0(Tlee. sso. m. wn.Lisas, . A. c. oiaas. , (lata Chirr Justice.) , ( . wilijams tV oinns, , Portland. Orrrou Tarritorm. VIIX practice in the courts of 'Oregon and Wash it tngton termorr. Kov. ati, ItW ly3 B. F. Bunham, A TTORXET AXD COt'XSELLOR AT LAW. Of- Dee at the I'ourt House, Ntili-m, (. tf Clf sttr S. Trrrr, A TTORXET AT LAW.SALEM.OREtlOX.COM J. missioner of Deeds, und to take testimony, ec- knowkNtgaients, ate., ete.. tor town, Indiana. Blmsonri Miehigaa, falilornia, and Washington Territory. 1-rl tera of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. tV l"nrtictilar attention jmid to lukitig depositions, collections ot Aoles, Arromits, c. ,r.ti )q m. rrtx. nt-rt-s hai.i.ort P1XE .HALLORV, A TTORSEYS AT LA IU OrrirK.r....l:osrhuig, IKiuglns County, Oregon. October Ifsfa, KK. Xltf ' o. HtnAjton, A TTORXET AT LAW. Ihtlles. Wasco Count v J ttrrgon. W. II. FAR K AH. of Portland, is asso- rmteit witn t. iinmnson in tne practice ot law. October i-Mtli, NW. Xttt V. f 'rnndall. A TTttRXEY AXI COUN8EU.OR AT LAW. 2 X Will attrud promptly to all legnl business rntrust- ed to bis rare, ia tbe several t'ourts in the Third Judi rial Instmt. .teldrsss, Mlvciion, thrgon. .Hlf J. T. JEITREYS, 4 TTORNKY AT LAW, Dulles of the Columbia .TV trrcgt.n. Xltf J. W. Johoson, ATTORNEY AT LAW AXU SOLICITOR IX Cluineerv and Admiralty. S.-iililc. W T. will pnutice in ail the Courts in t ashington Territory Bailrr f AndtrsoH TTOHXKY AT LAW, OLYM1IA, WAS1UXC "V TUX TKKK1TUUV. llirticnlur and prompt attention given to all business in the lJin.l iinui-s. ill! I. Eikins T AVISO opened a LAW OFFICE in the town of -B- JL Ivcrvnnon, uiiu lu , lor tne pnrjiose ol pmrticing in the t'oimtT tort of said t vniitv, will attend promntlr to oil basilicas rontided to his rare. July 8, 1S5J. Iftf Itichnrd & MrCrakm. TILL pay particular attention to the sale of Kktit on csiflsrnnicut. the crmniT' season. Portland, June l. IS.).'. I'.inl" T. s. woon a. r. Brow onTH, ,.orlIuni,. v. C. OHM iswnt.n. icw York W. '. riwold Co , IMrOR VERS ASD WHOLESALE DEALERS POREIGX AXD DOMESTIC rj (ioodt. Boots and Aor, llnrdtrarr. Iron, Ciro. Yamtrr XerionM, Sre., A-r. tppoeite Conch 4. Fmndrrs' Wharf, llt Portland, Oregon. CalTin Cutting, MAXVFAC TL'RER OFBAXK VAULTS Fire-Proof Door, Iron Fence, Rm'intr, ....AMI ALL KINDS or.... BLA CKSMI Til WORK, l4 Jackfon Strert, Owe door wrxt of Bat'trn, San Franritro. May 3, lajg. tftult) Dr. Edward Shell. ....WILL Pit.... E S P EC I A L A T TE X TI OX, ....TO.... CHROXIC DISEASES. Corvsilis. tgn. Mar 2, KW. l.af Dr. 1. S. Brit s.rlsHt to inform his friends and the public, that " be has returned to Solent, to attend to profess ional rails, in town and countrv. Ort-i, ISJHL ' aatf Mfdirnl Molicr. 1R K. W. SHAW.offer his professitmnl services to inr eiiizens oi nuimi ma vicimij, ami resprrwai' ly solicits a snare or puMir fiirsr. " I ip" Omce opposite Post tItice. Mvl R. W. SHAW. Dr. J. I. rantaril, SURGEOX lEXTl!T. TILL practice his profession in the varions cities ' ami towns ol Wcifun. Feb. lo, !:. 4?Hf J. L CMObs. I. D., Corrallii GEXERAL practitioner of medicines. Surgery, dee. The Inhrmsrr is still attached to his othce.lor the sccommodiiuou of patients not art eel ed by conlsioous oiscase. i.ixt Dr. K. X. Bell. SURGEOX DEXT1ST. o FFICE in W. Kenyon'sbnihiing over "City Book More nrst door west ot tne JIanon llone. Refers to L. F. Cartee feurvrvor General's t MTit-e. tnlem, Nov. 10, InbH. ' :iMf lllrB k Ltwit, TIIOLESALE MERCIIAXTS, PORTLAX D, t)R EGt . I. O. er K. TiHILETARIAX CAMP.Xo. !.of the I. O. of K X hold their regular tneeings. on Friday evening of each week, at their Hall, in Mi lean. All "men. hers ot the order in good stamiinir are resvectlnlly invited to attend. I IIU3ISOX WARD, W. C. Ii. Htm I. Boos, Sec'y. rtiJt1pHid LATI, Portland. . E. 1IT.TOS. New York Bstakingr, Collection and Exchange LADD Sf TILT OX, BAXKERS. TT7ILL purchase certificates of deposite and other s v cxeiuuiare at current rates. Will sell drafts at siirht on Messrs. lsunran. Sherman ec Co.. Xew York. Alsop Or Co., ban Francisco. L f Monev received on derit- -A 1 General or specutl collections matte, and proceeds rrmipiT remiiieo. I And warrants bnnirht and sold. Us All business appertaining to Banking promptly alien. leu to. lri.i t. v. HDD, San Francisco. s. i. reed, Portland. J. X. ladd, ao l.adrl, Rerd t. Co., (AVmrimri to If. 7rrff A- C,.. SHIPPIXt AXD COM.MISSIOX MERCIIAXTS, and t livlesale and retail dealers in choice wines. honors, Groceries and grnenti iiierchutuliee, Front M., I'ortla.Kl. Consiimiaetits solicited, and liberal cash advances made on tbe same, which will receive the special at tention of our Mr. J. M. Ldd, in Son Francisco. Par ticular attention given to the purchase and shipment of atuoQs in .icw ion. If suiEcicnt inducements are o tiered, we propose - , i v . - 1 . ' i p mat a vessel leave vew lora every spring aim Ian. lor 1 "on land direct. Portland, April 4, 153. Ctf ForOrccou direct. AViXKl. lion lieingbniltexpresslvforthe Jff Oregon trade. Master, la duplicate jMsit, of the Bark C. E. Tilton. which made a passage out in 116 davc) will leave XEW YORK on or about the first ol November next, tor lC)RTLAXD direct. Ship pers, in onler to seenre freiirht. should nuike earlv at- plication to the andersigned, or Messrs. Wakemau, Di mon St. Co., Xew York. We will also attend to the purchase and shipment of merrnamiise, carnages, and machmerv, for partirs in tm-goti. i.Aini, UL.tl oc . u. April SO, I53. fmilO Wheeler dk WilNon'si Highest Premium Family Sewing Machines, GREAT REDUCTIOX IX PRICES fTMitE Uachincs are the most simnle of anv in use A and are not linhlr to ret out of order. The stitch is made alike on both sides of the fabric sewed, which will not rip or ravel. The thread can be used from the original spool without rewinding. They turn the hem without hasting, gather, quilt, and an A greater variety nf Family Sewing Than anv other machine ottered to the public. They received the highest premium at the State fair, Murysville , at the Mechanics' Institute fair, fean r rancnico, and at the &au Jose tair. 1 F. C. POMEROY. Agent. f Office and Sales-room on First street, l'ortland. Oregon. tnt - Oregon ! Oregon Oregon ! ! ! IJELLOW CmZEXS will do well to keep in mind that March 7th. April 4th, ilav d and 'th, June iTth, July aith, Aug. Ad, Sept. l'.Hh, Oct. 17th, Xov. Uth. Dec. K"th. in the present year, within anv week cotnmencinsr at any of the above dates, yon are rew pee fully solicited to attend Alluny Mill to get yotir grists ground, br . a. Altree. it being bis time to run tbe Mill. Every attention will be paid lo all who wish to patronise him, both in quantity and quality. Should the mill not run, I will excluuige a first rate article of flour alwavt on hand for rale. P. S. t!iish paid for wheat, or wheat stored at all times, at tbe Mill, asperate from tbe other proprietors. I keep a skiff for anv one to cross their irrain free over tbe river. lOto-VJ E. S. ALTREE. Blanks. DEEDS, wrtgKcs, powers of attorney for sale of crip, tax receipts, final proofs; and notifications a new lot iost printed and fur sake-at the Statesman. Office. Isook. Hlgbt at This! Is& KELMsTH) hau rermanaenllv lornted in Hi. XJ CITY OF ltlRTLAKl, Dreg.m.and olfers to Uie public ranitly MocUdncs. lUey are purely YEUKTABLE, and free from jwisou. If yon have a weak bark, pain in the side or cln tnkecottrutre; mv Htrengthetiuig I 'luster will atlord liuf. no nuitter of how loinr stniuliinr. If yon have suruins. bruises, rbeninalisin, erysiH'lus, In tuimmai ion ot tne limits, stomarii, liver, or spleen linrns, fresh wounds, or old sores of any description use mr Familv Litiiuient and Healing Sulve. X. U. Ill tleleutiou of the placenta alter iiarturitton tliht Liniment is n sovereiitu reined r, when used accord lug to directions. Mothers. rt-iueuilH-r and try it. ilave you dysM'wia, paiu in the stonuu-li or IkiwcIs loss of appetite : use. my slomnch bitters. Have vou weak liinus. ciiiifli. eild. or hoarseucss. asthma, or dilticulty of breathing, my Cough i n ps will relieve vou. Are you bilious have yon remittent fever, bilious colic, neailurtie, or anv disease where a laxative nirdl rine is luuiruieii use tne nest pin ticiore tne uunuc that is. Dr. Kellogu's Fnmilv 1'iU. If von are aHiiried with chronic or bilious ilinrrlio a no nuitter of how long standing, use my I tiurrhn-a ami I Hood I'nrilyiug Tonic, in connection with the Family Pills, ami lelief is certain. They alwavs Icavs the bowels tn a beatlthv eotitlition. Remember, as a blood pi-.ritirr. this tonic is without an niiuil. My improved Composition is by mr the best aiiicfa of the kind ever belorn the public. See direc tions on the packaires. These medicines nra for rale b v W. K. 8.M 1TII i CO nul Drs. WARltKX llHOVN,S.ilein ; l'nce At Co., Ihulesi mid In one mouiii will bo tor aula ut ull tne towns of t bvgon, mid Washington Territory. Portland, March l., IHt. lyl Kiatrnmnn Book amal Jab OMre. A'E have Three i'rrsses.the best facilities for Hook t f printing north of Caiiftmiia, rnd an extensive as sortment of Joiinisn Matkkial of every kind; audnre prearcd to execute promptly, and in a workman liko manner, all orders tn tne aiHvedepurtmeiils, sncu us ItlMlKS. Mi.axk Checks, PAMrULKTS, llA.Minil.l.S, Hall Tu tti.t, ClKt-l'LARs, isvitatioss. Hi sisesm Cards, Dill Heads, Concert Kili s, 1'lUlciRAJIMrS, .Nurts or llaxo, tlKIirit 1IOIIK9, SfKAVUOAT llll Stkboat Cahds, ltn ii nr Ladixu, t KttTtrtCATKt, Show Dills, Check Hooks, Hlaxk IkErr.irrs, , AnpRKM CAnns, Dit.vrTS, ItLA.tx or all Kimil &c.. Ate. Arc. Us All Jvhbimg mutt lit- nd J'ttr befvr t is taken jrom zne trrc. Highly Important to Builders. It YRE, FUKUESOX Si REr.Dntvn.)w4ta-4.n pn-pari-d to muntifai-Htre, with their ii VJ new anil splendid niHcmaery, Sash, fnors. Blinds, Cornices, yiauhlimzs. And everything pcrL-titiiug to the wood work of houses llaviiiuthr most rxtriisive assort niriit of M:irliitic- rv on the I'nritie const, tlier feci SK-nm-il that thcr run otfer Iwtter iiuiueenieiits to tlie hiiil.iing coniiiiiiiiitr, than any other partirs m the Mi;to. I IVcs-ii'r. Ilubs and VtV. Furnished at short notice, or turned anil sawed for parties if tlci-ircl. All kinds of wood turning mid pinning executed with neatnecs anil ilipati li. X. It. tlood crtlar, pine, arJi, and oak liimlier tiikrn in exchange tor tiuishrd wotk. te" All persons interested in any of the ahove, will please give lis a call, end see if tbev do not Slid it to .icir intrrett to Ltrol:ire HOME MA XUFA CTl'RES. Us- PUuisand specifications for httildinira fnrnishetl to our patrous, on the most fashionable uud improved plans. I a AH onlers from a distance promptly attended to. A. vt . r l ittr.M , rnemitetuent. Salem, June I, IS.VI. I:hf Alexander nrCwnn, & RE otfc ring tor sale the best and cheapest goods in J. a, t trect'ti : DRV liOOPS. UKtH'EKIES, IIAHDW ARE, HOtJTS. HOES. CROCKERYWARE. te. We lire nlso paring cash and exrhnngiug goods for all minis ot produce: WHEAT. ItAKLEY. IORK, HACOX, ic. Wr will satisfv vou t'.iat we trive trood bamiins. Ve have the Dest Tea imported, the best sngar and eoH'.-e. Cedar and 1iite Fir s!.inles, Htnothv and Itlne- gruss seed alwavs on I nn I. ALEXAXDERdt McEWAX. Corxaliis, Atnnist 13, I sis. uitf Anv llurdwnre Store. rsllr. sniwnlier Having taken tre Itre-pnmf tntniir M. rrtmt More, next doer to Mclvee ec Co's. Psiflt St.. would rcse-tmlly inform bis triends hnd th pub lic nvrnitn . irm i:e i? oiwtiims: s itiii siiti "COMPLETE ASM UT M KXT t)F SHELF ASD BLII.DEKS HARD WARE. AtiRICt LTI RAL l.VJ'l.EMFXTS, Mf. C It A . II, " ii 1 i ' i 1 1. S, I A IJ Li. ASD PtJVKET t'L'TLKRY, And other articles in hi lire, to whirb he invitesthe attcutiou ol Merchants, Ituilders and cotmtrv Healers. JOUX R. FOSTER. Portlund, Fthruary, 1 j. 48tf t. A. JtcC I. ELL A ! D. t.Vt. Till RX AS. J. A. JlcC'lellntid A (oM tOMMISSlOX MERCIIAXTS, Xo. 7 Clay Street, . J miu r raneiwo. Consitmments of On-?rn Flonr, Bacon, Lnrd. Hut ter, 1 Vnit, dec, cVe.. solicitetl. and lilieral rash advan ces made on the same, either f vr sale or on storsue. I Itnicnlar attention paid to pim-bnMnir gode to order. They Lave also mime arranuen.ents with Z. K. Stalls bury, at Portland, Omi. to receive in store and make liberal advances on ail produce consigned to their house iu San Pratu-isco. X EW ARK AXtJE.M EXTS. STORAfiE, FORM ARDJSH A- Cd.VMIS XDJX. f X. STAXSrtURY is now prepared with ample J Fire Iroof Rooms tor storage, convenient to the wharf, w ithout dnytifie, and will give particular at tention to tvceiviii! stoHiig and forwarding all kinds of goods and produce on iila-nil terms, lie will also make liheral caf-h advanei-s for the house of J. A. ?lc-Ix-liand St Co., San Francisco, eu ail produce consign ed to them. Office at the store of LOVE. TURPIX & CO , where as usual, most kinds of family supplies are kept, and all kinds ot produce bought ami sold. Jan. 1. ' lv43id John It. FoMer, I.MTOKTER AXD DEALER IX SUE I. F AXD HEAVY HARDWARE, MECIIASICS" TOOLS. FARMIXti 1MPLEMES TS. J;-.., 4-c. at thk riRE-rnoor giumtk ruoxT stohe, Front street, Portlund Oregon Febnmrv, liS. Xtf Albnny Book Moiv. FIHE undersiied would inform the citizens of linn A Co.. and t'ne nnhlic generally, that they have just received, and will keep constantly on hand! for sale, a Inrge assortment of school books in common nse, ami also a varietv of miscellaneous books, stafionerv, cVe. HALEY HU'o-8. Alltany, rsvn. July I. I.V. Jtf iirorj. riMIK mWrilaHT has one of the Iw-st nurseries JL in the e-mntry, sitimti'd near Silein. in which can always be foiind ail the liest varieties. Orchard men are reqiH-sted to examine his trees. Apply at the nursery, or the confectionary and grocery store, north west ot the Marion House. MICHAEL MYERS. Ktlem, Oct. I, 1S.18. nf Boyle A Xilew, 1IIYSICIAXSAXD SUROEOXS, would respect fully inform the citizens of Polk Co., and vicinity, that they have entered into copartnership for the prac tice of medicine, surgery, ami obstetrics. Office, Dal las, Polk Co. J. W.'lloyle, M. D., for the present will lie found at his residence, 3 miles east of Did las. Jan. !', INV. 15: f Dickinson Type Foundr" 1 II ELI'S c DALTOX. ltton. W P. Fisher, Agent, Sail Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads, rule, A-c. August '-.", IST7. S4tf Statutes of Orciroii, CtAN be found a: John Fleming's, Of.'gon City; and J at A. R. Shipley's, and S. J. McConnick's, Portland. April, liVKt. Corinthian Lodtrc Xo. 17, OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, hold their regular communications Saturday, on or before tne lun 01 me moon, in Aiuanr. II. A.CCXXIXOIIAM, W. M. W. a. Halet, Sec'r. 47tf City Hotel, Corvallis. MESSRS. A. Ii . Ai I. SPREXOER. WOULD announce to the citizens of Corvallis, and the travelling public generally, that they have thoroughly refitted this well known estuhlishmeiit.and are now preared for the acrotuuioilution of custom ers. Tlie rooms have ull la-en refurnished, tho bels clean and comfortable, and their table will be turnish ed with the best the market utl'ords. Corvallis, Aug. M), 1S57. Iy25 (a. Collier Bobbins, 1 PRACTICAL Wntch Maker, Wholesale and retail dealer in clocks, watches, jewelry, silver ware, and ashing tackle, and Indian goods, Portlund, Oregon. Receiving tuy goods direct from the importers and niauinfacturers.'I can sell goods as low as any other House on the Paciffic Coaut. Having experienced workmen in every branch of my business, I ran guarantee perfect satisfaction in repair ing fine watrhes and jewelry. Every article warranted to lie a reputed. All watch work warranted to give satisfaction. 48tf Oregon Hospital, On Taylor street between 1st and id, TORTLAXD, 0REG0.W J. C. HAWTIIOKXE, SI. p., Phyaiciim. A. M. LORYEA, M. D., Surgeon. August 5, 1850. ' itZ;t A. Ilarker. MtulesaU and Krtail IhraUr . FOREHIX AXD DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, Groceries, L'lotliinf, Boots, Mors, Halt, Caps, Bonnets, V",, A-r. T TAVIXO now a very great assortment, and buying 11 verv largely aud almost altogether oy tne pacs. age in Piiiudelphia, Xew York unit Boston, enables ui To sell at much Lon-er Prices than those who buy in smnllvr (inutilities, and who are obliged to buy at second band in Mm Fniucisco mar keta. By receiving giants in every steamer, direct from the manufacturers and importers in the eastern markets, we natter ourselves: ws cau furnish the iner chants and consumers of alem, and the surrounding country, with all kinds of goods ut ilreatlm Kednerd Prices. Our stock embraces a very large and well selected assortment of ttmtsa, rirurl, Hrr ana Amert can Uouds, of the most celebrated manufacture, con suiting ol Lupin's plain and Figd French merino i lindon Wh liiHtcred nlpiuus ; Silk tissues ; Black and fev silk velvets ; Rich all wool de hiines; Black gros ile rhines; Black and ley silks; Ixnwlon fev robes a les and Bounced : Hiuh colored gros de Naples and pouet de soies men cniorcu saiius miu sus n , Brilliuutines, robe lawns, and diuals; I'uris styles, poplins; Rich printed cashmere shawls and scurfs ; Fine troche bord and Stella shawls; Mantillas, richly trimmed with luce, etc; Paris styles fey and plain whalebones i Silk parasols ; Rich emerald gros do Naples ribbons; ladies' Ihiris stvle bonnets, and Misses fletst lliolie s Freiicli black cloth, frock and suck routs : Liugen's ex quality French black doeskin pants I.von's hhn-k und fev silk velvet vcMs: Harris' celebrated fc'y, mixed and plain rassimere pants ; Hoy sand youth' clothing, and fey pliud cttssi lucres ; .11 (Ut H i and 10 4 Allendale bed shretlilUTi 1. I. aud I. ex uiialitv Ballardvale white Hannels l.'i. h i).i--irT and lirnssell's cametinu , and new stvie oil" cloths; also, a large supply of the choicest brands of groceries, comprising lihout MO htls.X. O. smnir: 11H1 mails Xo. 1 China do ; l.'fO boxes VinHuiu tobacco; 130 boxes candles: 150 chests llvson. Imperial uud Ooloong tea; l! 0 ke? E. ii. syinp; 15(1 boxes taii-ins, . V.i hbls. ernshed siignr; l'0 boxes S. F. imwdcred do; 0 hbls dried apples ; V5 boxes prime chile peaches I llll kef nails : All of tvliich we will sell either wholesale or retail nt Sun Kntnciscn nrices. fty Mt,-rs accoiiiioinvinir the rash carefnllv rut tip t ;oods rharved at tl.e lowest prices, aud forwarded with dispatch to all parts of the country. Trnns. Cash, mid one price. Xo goods misrepre sented to effect sales, and no abatement tn prices. A. HAliKfcli. Brick Store, Front St., opposite npper whurf, Port land, Oregon. ZIuir! Mnslc t ! 7 Ehave just received a liirge nssortment of W MCnICAL IX&TRFMEXTS Of all kinds, embracing the following : 2i P Rl XCE'S M ELOJtKOiVS; A hirer aaeortim-lit nf the follon ing kinds : Nine 5 octavo, piuno Cased, Four 5 do do double reeded, Two S do do double bank, Four 6 do do Two 5 do iHirtuhle. T. Ciiorrf ,t- C'o.'s. Holders and Stottart 's Celebrated P I A X O S : Beside a large assortment of Guitars, Violins, AccorsVons. Fliuinas, Clarionets. Tair.borines, Flutes, Ste., tte. Ii O O KS ! BOO KS Just received at the cur aooK-SToar, a large as sortment of BOOKS. VOXSISTIXG OF Standard. Rrlieions, Miscrlinucovt, and Poetical Moris, H"-rr( and Ihrkrnt' Aorc. Jre., J-c. Stationrrv, of all kiuds, at Wholesale and Retail. POST do WHITE. Oregon City. April 3, S5f. KHf Geo. L. Story & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in PAIXTS, OILS, WIXDOW GLASS, Varnithes, Brushes, C'Jars. (iles, 4c., Srr. Xo. 105 Clay Street, Sau Francisco. 'vll Crocker-! CROCKER Y! CROCKER Y! .' GLASS. GLASS. 4 0 0 PACKAGES J or . CROCKERY AXD GLASS WARE, JUST ARRIVED. DIRECT FROM THE MAXl'FA C Tl'RERS, And for sale at the Pioneer Store of J )S1PII CEXkLLA. ISO and l2 Montgomery street. Wholesale store 10b ltatterv street. lf Silver Plated Ware. Ice Pitchers, Communion Stf., Bread Batkrfs, Plated Waiters, 1 1 I t Table Pitchers, Cake Baskets, Fisk A nrres. es, X rit K ntrcs. 1- orks, Ladles, Plated Spittoons, etc., etc. For sale by J. U EX ELLA, imil-2 ISOand 183 Slontgomery street. Tlore IVcw Books! r K. SMITH & CO.. have just received direct T lroiii ew lork a large supply ot CHOICE BOOKS AXD S7'A TIOXERY, which thev will sell at arreatlv reitueed prices. Tbev have made nrrangeineiits by which they will le euiiu led to funiisli the reading public with AI L THK fTAXIIAHIt WORKS UF THE VAT. at a verv rensonble advance on Aear 1'orA- Cost. Tlieir hooks are botnrht in Xew York bv a resident agent, well acquainted with the trade, and at MUCH LOWER PRICES than thev can be had bv onlerinir from tho Itooksell era themselves. We invite our friends and the public generally, to call and examine our slock and ascertain our prices. v c are pernianeimy in tne trade, win ue constantlv receiving new supplies, ami are oeiemiineu to sell at "the verv lowest pnees. Anv rare books thut we may not have in store, we win order lor our put runs, and Lihrartes of Law. Medical or Miscellaneous Books. can be obtained through onr agency cheaper thau in anv other way. Amoim the desirable books latelv received by as, are the following, viz: Kane s Arrtte t.xpedttton: Liriupstoue's Trarels in Africa; Benton's 'M gears in Ike V. S. Senate; (Juinhjf on Bee Keeping: tiunn's lhimestir Medicine; Roll in' s Ancient. History; Dick's I rot-is: All the standard Ports; Mrs. SoutJirorth's HorA's; Afrs. Ise't Hunts; Mrs. le Hentz's Works; Plutarch's Lives, Jjre., A-c. Also, 100 beams rArxn, CAr, letter, bote and briie, all of excellent qualitv, and at low prices. Also. Envrltrrrs, Ink, Scrap Books, Mucilage, Gold Fens, Gillotfs Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, ... Slates, Xelson's Copybook, Blank " Books, Ije.tler Clips, Music Paper, Xote Books, aratrint? paper, risitiup cards, albums A-r. itf W. K. SMITH, Ax CO. W. F. IliKhficId, WATCHMAKER, OREGOX CITY. PERSOXS desirous of getting good work done will do well to give me a call, ns my whole time is devoted to the repairing of Chro-. uometers, Uuplcx and Horizontal t atclies. An assortment of jewelry on hand. Jewelry repaired, or made to order. Prices in accordance with the times. Store at tbe old stand. Main street. . Jan. 27. 1SSH. 47tf Encourage Home Manufacture fllHE Willamette Woolen Manufacturing; sa. J. Co. have now on hand the best quality ' of blankets, yarn, and cloth. Wool taken in exchange for tbe above aaassasAJsa goods ; unwashed wool at 15 to 17 cts. per lb. ; washed wool at SiO to 520 cts. per lb. Mercluuits supplied on reasonable terms. Orders at tended to with promptness and dispatch. Salem. Nov. 24, 1858. iyrf ' : .-!srf Jtsf jesf r jaT U Txi 1 --w Dr. I- J. Cznpkay's Private MEDICAL AXI SURGICAL IX8TITUTE, Sacramento street, below Montgoinerv, opposite the I'acitic Mail Steamship Company 'sOllU'c, Kuu Fraucis- ESTABLISHED IX lT.I,FORTHE PERMAXEXT LUKE OK ALL PRIVATE AXD CHROXIU DISEASES, AM) THE sii-ritKssjox or ttuACKcitr. Attending Olid Resident Phvsicinn. "L J. CZAPKAY, M. D. Lute in the Huncrariau Revolutionary War, Chief phv siciuu to the SOth Reeimeiit of llouveds, Chief Snrgeiin to the Militury Hospital of Pesth, ilungarv, and the late Lcturer"on the disrases of Women and Children, and honorary member or the Philadelphia College of Medicine. A PERMAXEXT CURE GUARANTEED, OR XO PAY. Communications strictly ennfidentiul. Consultation, by letter or otherwise, free. Address lr. L. J. C2APKAT. San Francisco, Cul. TO THE AFFLICTED Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY re turns his sincere thanks to his numerous pat tents for their putrotiUKC and would take this importunity to re mind them thut be continues to consult ut his Institute for the cure of Chronic disenses of the Lungs, Ijver, Kidneys, digestive und genitive organs, and all private discuses, viz: Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrho-n, gleet, strict ures, seminal weiikni'Mi.milail tbe horrid consequences of self-ahnse, and he hopes thai his long experience and successful practice of many years, wilf coiuiime to en sure him a share of public patronage, lit the practice of nutnv years in Europe and the United States, and duringtlie Hungarian war and campuigus.be is enabled to apply the mot tlliciot.t and surcersful remedies agninsl ilisriises of all kinds. Ileuses no mercury charges moderate treats his patient in a correct and honorahlo way has references of unquestionable ve racitv from men of known respertaoilit v and hiith standing in society. All p:trtiesronriilting"him, bv let ter or otherwise", will receive tlie best and gentlest treatmeut, mid implicit sccresv. Of all diseases, the great first inmc Springs from neglect of Nature's bins. SitflVr ."Vol! When a rnre it ruamntctd in all iloret of SECRET DISEASES. Sclf-ahute,XerroKS Ifcbthty, Strictures, Glrrts.tlrav cl, Diabe'es, Diseases of the Kidnrys and Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, ficrafula. Fains in the Bones and Ankles, Diteases of the Lungs, Throat, Xote and Eyes, L lrrrs ;n the Bndy or Limbs, Concei t, Vr'opsy, Epileptic Fits, St. I Dance, and all Diseases arising Jrom a derangement of the Sejcnal Organs. - Such as Xtf vous Trembling, Loss of Slemory, Less of Power, Ocnerul Weakness, lit unless of Vision, with peculiar rjos appearing before the eyes loss of right, wakefulness, dysiepsia, liverdiM-ae,ernption upon the face, pain in the back and heed, female irregularities, and ull iinproer discharges of both sexes. It matters not trom what cause the disease originated, however lone standing or ohstiiutte the caw, recovery is certain, and iu a shorter time than a permanent cine cau be ef fected by any other treatment, even after the disrate has hanied the skill of eminent physirUns and resisted all their means el cine. The medicines prescribed are pleasaxu, without odor, entirely vegetable, causing no sickness, and five trom mercury or bah-ain. During tiftccu rears of practice, in Eurojc, the Atlantic States an 1 California, I have rescued from the jaws of death u nny thousands, who, in the last stages f the aliove nientioned diseases, bad been given up to die by their physicians, which warrants me in prouiit-ing to the af-liit-ted who n.ay place themselves under my care, a per leet and ieedy cure. Private diseases are the greatest enemies to health, as they are tile first cause of Con sumption, Scrtittilu, and uiuny other diseases, aud should be a terror to the human fumilv. A pv-rirmncnt cure is si-arcely ever etlceted, a naijotity ol the ces fulling into the hamis of iucompetcut ersot;s. n ho n,-t only tail to cure xi:v disease, but ruin tbe constitution, tilling the system with mercury, which, with the disease, has tens the sufferer into a rapid cotistiuiption. But should tbe disease and tlie treaiuter.t not cause death speedily, and the vtetiat marries, tit disease is cuuiiled upou the children, who are boru with feeble const it ut ions, and the current of lite corrupted by a vi rus winch bctrars it.-elf in scrt-fiilu, tetter, uli-ei's, cor rupt ions, and oilier nticrtioiis of the si in, eyes, throitt aud lungs, entailing upon them a brie! exUtence of suf fering, and ronsimiini; them to an early grt;re- SKLK A H CK is another formidable euemv of health, for nothiuar else in tlie dreud c:tlah vtie of huutu dis eases causes so destructive a drain upon the syttem, drawinir its thousands of victims, through a few' years of suttering, don n to au untimely grave. It de"troys the nervoiM system, rapidly wastes away the enemies of lite, causes UH-titid deranarement. prevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies for marriage, striety, business, and all earthly Lnppiness, and leaves the sutTerer wrecked in bodv and mind, predisposed to consumption, and a tram of evils more to be dreaded tt-Hn deatn It sell. Yt itu the lullest contnlciice I assure the unfortunate victims of Self -abuse, thata permanent and rpeedy cure cau be ellerted.and with the ahaiidon- mein of ruinous practice, uiy patients ran be restored lo roimst. vigorous health. Irreirulariues, and all diseases of males and females. treated on principles established by fitteeu years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most re markable cures. Medicines, with full directions, scut to any part of the State. Oregon, aud Washinarton Ter ritory, tv patieuta communicating their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence etrictlr conhiieutiad." Addros Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, Medical Institute. Sacramento street. Below Moutgumerv, opposite Pacitic Mail Steaui Shin Co.'s ofi:ce. Se.n Francisco. To the Lauiks or Hhilos andCalifi-r.ua. LJ. Csaskat. M. It., Phvsiciau. Surareon and Accimcbeur. invites the attention of tbe sick and atliicted fenutles. laoonnif ur.uer anv ol tlie various tonus ot diseases vt he braiu. lun-n. heart, stonutch. liver, womb, blond. kidneys, ami all uiseases peculiar to tlieir sex. The Doctor is effecting more permanetit cures than anv other phvsiciau in Orearon or California. Let no false deiicacv prevent you. but apply immediately, and save yourseii iriu pauuittt sunenug aula premature aeaiu. All married ladies, whose dehcute health or other cir cumstances prevent an increarcin their families, should write or rail at Dr. L. J. Czupkay's Medical Institute, Sacramento St., Iielow Montgomery, opposite P. M. S. 8, ?o.'s oliice, and they will receive every possible re lief and help. The Doctor's office are so arranged that lie can be consulted without molestation. l aAH consultations (by letter or otberwisel free. Address to Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, Medical Institute, tan Francisco, Cal. REM ARKABLE 1NSTAXCE OF MEDICAL RE LIEF. Below we publish the certificates of two of the sufferer from the pangs of disease, who having recovered their former hecilh, und impelled by grati tude, make knowu their cases and remedial agetiL. and their statements are authenticated by a Xotary Public. The demands of society i!i:icriousir comuuuid their publicity, ami we roiiimeud their perusal to the atten tion of ail afllicteti : CERTIFICATE. The uudersimted. desirous of acunaitilinar those who nmy be iiiifortunute enough to be similaily atliicted. wnere a pertimnetit rviiei oi tlieir sntteriug iuuv be ob tained, feel it Ills (lilt v to tlitts publicly exnress liisniost sincere gratitude to Dr. L. J. Czapkuy, for the perma nent recovery of bis health. Home down bv the dis tressing symptoms incident to tbe vicious practical of uncontroiuthle passion in youth; depressed iu bodr and mind; unuhle to perlorui even tbe most tririing duty im posed upon the daily avocations ot life, I sought the ad vice of uinuv phvsicians, who at first reararded mv dis ease as of trilling importance but alas, after a few weeks, and in several instances months, of their treat ment, 1 found to my unutterable horror, that instead ot relief, the symptoms lifetime more nlurniiug in their torture; und being told by one that mv disease, being firiiui ally confined to the brain, medicine would be of ittlc consequence, I despaired of over regaining my health, strength and energy; and, as a last resort, and with but a faint hope, called upon Dr. Ciupkav. who. after examining my case, prescribed some medicine which almost instantly relieved me nf the dull pain and dirtiness in my head. ' Encouraged by this result, 1 re solved to place myself immediately under his rare, and y a strict onetucuce to ins nireciioii ana novice, my eud became cleur,inv ideas collected, the constant raiii in my back and groin, the weakness of my limbs, the nervous reaction of mv wholo bodv on tho fliirlitest alarm or excilcmcut ; the misanthropy and evil forebod ings; the sell distrust and want ol confidence in others; the incapacity to study, aud want of resolution; tlie frightful, exciting, and ut times pleasurable dreams at niulit. followed bv involuntary discharges, have ull dis appeared; and iu fact, in two mouths after having con sulted the lbx-tor, I felt as if inspired by a new life that life which, but a short liino uiro, I contemplated to end with mv own baud. With a view to arnard the unfortunate from fallinir into tlie snares of incompetent quacks, I deem it lny du ty to oiler this testimony to tho merit and skill of Dr. Czupkay, and recommend him to all who may staud in need of' medical advice, being assured by mv own ex perience, thut once under his rare, a radical and per manent cure will be cllerted. B. F. FILLMORE. State of California, County of San Francisco; Subscribed and su-orn to before me, this 17 tk dan ot April, A. D. 1806. . . - w-k-s wv war rrf wn a (Signed) JWiJ MiLu.iL.r.iii.Ji, It.. s.J Xotary Pub one. CARD. Promoted bv nn honest desire of mv heart. I wish to lay before the public a case which deserves high com mendation, not only as an act of scientific skill, ant that of humanity, also. About two years ago, I suddenly, and from causes uuknown to me, was seized with a ht of kpilkpst, which, owinar to mv inability to meet tbe expenses consequent upou a thorough medical treat ment, and the discouragement which I met with on at tempting it, soon became such (aa I was then led to be lieve) as to defy the skill of any physician. I was fre (luentlv. while in pursuit of mv rulliug. thrown down to the ground without tbe slightest warning, and al though insensible to the agonies, yet Idespised the mis ery of my existence. While in thia stute, and having previous to my affliction tasted the sweets of lite, I once more wus muunmiu micuipi eec-mii aiu ui u po , oii-iou 9 and, bv recommendation, called upon Dr. Ii J. Czap kav. 1 told him mv circumstances, and mv inability to reward him for his services regardless of which. at. TaV rSa. Jb ' a however, be at once undertook my rase, and with the blessing or tlod, I was ones mots restored to perfect health. Unable to reward hi in 1, rr the boon wharb 1 enjoy Bt present, and yet conscious of my indebtedaaeas, I consider it due to myself and to all niHirted to stake the rase public, in order that those in need of medical ailvi-e mav End a physician iu whom every confidence can be placed. MEYER YABLOXSKY. U- -) State of California, County of San Francisco, Subscribed and su-orn to before me, this frst day of August, A. D. H?5b J 8 ' OILBERT A. GRANT, ft., i Xotary Public. SPERMATORRIIfEA, or Local Weakness, nervous debility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the limbs and'back, indisposition and incapacity for labor and study, dullness of apprehension, loss o'f memory, aversion lo society, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness, headache, pains in the side, affection of tlie eyes, pimples on the face, sexual or other infirmities in man, are cured without fail by the justly celebrated physician mid surgeon, L. J. Czupkay. His method of curing diseases is new (uuknown to others) and hence the great success. All consultations, by letter or other wise, free. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., Kan Francisco. Cal. The Cireatest fWiweovery of the Aire. d 1 REAT Blessing to Mankind ! Innocent but Potent ! V DR. CZAPKAY'S PaorHiLACTiccjt, (self disin fecting airent.) a sure preventive against GonorriKeal and Syphilitic diseases, and a certain and unsurpassed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, fart id discharges from vagina, uterus, and urethra, and all cutaneous "eruptions and diseases. As innoculotion is preventive against small pox, so is Dr. Czapkuy's Prophylacticuin a preventive against Syphilitic und UonorrW-ul diseases. Harmless in it self, it poiveeaes tlie power of chemically destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of debauchees ftom being infected ny tlie most loathsome rf all diseases. Irt no young man who appreciates health be without Dr. Czupkay's Prophylacticuin. It is in very convenient parksges, and will be found con venient for nse, beiuir used as a soap. Price, ff-- For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkuy s Private Medical and Surgi cal Institute, Surrauiento St., below Montgomery, op posite p. M. Co.'s othee, San Francisco. All letters must be addressed to L. J. Czapkay , M. D., San Francisco. The following letter, which emphatically speaks for itself, was written by the Dean of the Faculty of the Philadelphia College of Medicine to the editors of the Pacific Medical end Surgical Journal, Sun Fran cisco, for publication: PuiLADELrHtA, .fan. 17, 1859. To the Editors of the Pacific Medical and Surjrieal Journal Gentlemen : My attention has been called to an article hi the December number of your journal, iu regnrd to the B1 rntidctn decree urnmed bv tlie Phila delphia Collette of Medicine to Dr. L. J.'Czapkny ueu i ue application ior uie oegrec was made to the Faculty, it was nceompunied by affidavits and t stinio uials to tbe effect that Dr. was'a regular graduate M. D., of the University of Pesth, tad served as Surgeon in the Hungarian itnuv aud wusa regular practitioner of inediriiie. On the strt-nirth of these the tk-gree was granted. The ed r.endem degree, lis its name implies, is conferred on arraduetesonlv. and irives ns new rrivi- lejtres. Had there been tbe slWlitest suspicion of irrcg maniy, tne application womu nave oeeu reinsed. llv inserting this in your journal you will do an act of jus tice to tiie College and confer s favor on Yours, very respectfully, H. Rax-d. Dean of tbe Faculty of the Philadelphia College of aieuiciue. DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S PRIVATE MEDICAL and Sirgical Institute is on Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opiiosite tbe Paci!:e Mail Steamship Com pany's office. Sun Francisco. The Doctor offers free consultation. and asks no remuneration unless be e fleets a cure. Office hours, from S a. m. to 9 p. tn. fir" Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond ing, please enclose $10 in their letters, and they will get immediate attention t their cases. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., San Francisco, Cel. October, 1SS9. 3m9 CERTIFICATE. I. the undersigned. Governor of Hungary, do testify hereby, that Dr." L. J. Czapkay has served during the contest for Hungarian libertv. as Chief Surgeon m the Hungarian army, with faithful perseverance whereof a nave given mintniseertincate.and do recommend htm to the sympathy, attention and protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self-sacrifice, and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS, tiorernor of Hungary. Washington City. Jan 6. 1S5A To the Capitalists and owners of real estate who con template making permanent improvements. KITTREDGE FRASER, IJROPRIEToRof tbe PIKEXIX IRON WORKS, San Francisco, desire to call yoor particular at tention to the fact that tbev are extensively and eue- cesKfiillv cntraeed in muimftirtoring FIRE PRO'ir DOORS AMI SHUTTERS, BANK VAULTS, PRISON CELIiS, te.,tc, at errafly reduced prices. Onr practical know led ee of tlie bnsiness has been rendered complete, by ten years experience in San r rancisco. Our best reference is onr work which can beseen in nearly everv citv and town in this State and Oreaton. I n Particular attention paid to orders from tne countrv. A large assortment of second band Doors and Shutters constantly on baud, and for sale at very low rates. 172 Battery street, near Pacific. San Francisco. tVA. II IlALLOCK. at Portland, is onr Agent for Oreon. June 3. 1S39. tmI6 The Laws or Oregon. rrIE OREGON STATUTES. 6y0 patres. with eom- A nlete index, annotations and references, are for sale ut the office of the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. The worat is executed in tne Dest manner. tottud m law style, ana is soni at puuusuers prices. Onlers by mail, accompanied with tlie cash, filled by return mail. In addition to the enactments of tbe Legislative As sembly, the volume contains the Ieclaratiou of Inde pendence. Constitution of the United States, Treaties wun l?reua xrnwiu reiaiiuic to vne-jcou, v uiuoin 1767. Donation law and all amendments, and lull ab stract of L uited States at uralizulioo fUaws. lint few copies are left. Hargrove's Eclectic Liniment, Good for Man or Beast. EVERY species of irritation is nnickly reduced by the application of this Litiiment. MARK THIS. Tlie proprietor does not intend this I jniment to be excelled bv any Liniment in the nation or the world. The effect of this medicine upon K 11 r.l MA 1 1A1. Rinar worm, swelled arlands. sore nipples, sore breast sore heads, sore throat, sores of all kinds, sprains, stiff joints, ulcers, JOOlH-ACllfU pains in the spine or bark, poison oak, frost bites, burns, senilis, fresh cuts, tumors, &c is almost mirac ulous. It is ifood for thebie head, poll evil, natuha.old running sores, wind galls, splint, scratches, saddle, or collar galls, sprains, ring bone, in fact, all diseases where an external application is reqmreo. ; t? L se the fLaniuient tree IT and according to direc tion. JOHX IIAROROVE, Sole Proprietor. 2l street, Corvallis, Oregon. April 7, 1859. ly6 Carriage and Wagon Makers' Stock Depository. H. B. OLEASOX. IMPORTERanddealermallkindsofCar- C&C&ill, riaare and Wairon Makers' Stork, 47 Bat- Offrr" tery street, San Francisco, has for sale Oak, ash and hickorv. White Wood Boards, ke..Hnbs, Spokes, Felloes, hickory Axles, Poles, sluafts, wagon aud buggy bows, carved and plain Carriage parts, Seat Sticks, See., Sec ..ALSO.. Iron Axles, Springs, Bolts, Rivets, malleable Iron, en amelled uotn, enameiieu jeaiuer, paieuv uaan and collar Leather, plated, Japan and Ivory Head Xails and Knobs, Tacks, stump Frames, half pat. and three bolt Axles, plain and plated Crabs aud Tips, and Pole Tips, dtc r9 Ttj ulwivn stock hau been personally selected ; is of the best qualitv, and will be sold as low as can be purchased in the city or State. tjp- All oroers lor tne aoove t. ,. - - - JACOBS, dealer in Wairon and Carriage stork. Trim mings, Sec, corner of Morrison and Second streets, Portland, will receive prompt attention, and be satis- r 1 . 1 :!...... ii.,!.. ... , . ,i . tt a lactwniy ran ti,, , v, - Sept- VM, 100. Tilton dfc HIcFarland's FIRE AXD B URGLAR PROOF SAFES. THOSE who are in want of a Ft re and Burglar Proof safes, per the bark " Industry" from Xew York, wn have a complete assortment" of Fire and Burglar Proof safes, with i rr 7j- J ". ... V... T ,.J-. Otcct rttatc UKU vmvi',siwt, svino. The best safe in the world manufactured bv TILTOX Sl McFARLAXD. ry Be particnlar in buying a safe, you have TIL TON St. McFARLAXD S name in full on tbe safe, as none others are genuine. ssAssu, ncciii at K.J., Front St., Portland. May 10, 1859. Itf WE have a few of those 1 ry Uoods left yet. which we will sell very low, and some of the best boots aud shoes we have ever bought. Also, Salmon, Mackerel, Lamp-oil, Fine Teas, Blasting Powder, Water-proof Caps, safety fuse, shot, &c n.a,aiiiiKLU. Salem, Dec- 7, 1858. tf PliWHilWorlis. Mass Francisco Advertising- Aa;arn-y. LP. FISHER. 171) Washington Sc.; Pan Francisco. Files of ail tbe principal l'apersof California and Ore. on muv be found at this office. L. P. FlhliEii is tlie authorized Agent of the Oreuox Statu a: ; Murysville Ileruld ; Sacmmeiito Union ; Sao Joaquin Republican t Pacific Alciholu-t ; Nevada Journal ; Souorn Herald ; Grass Valley Telegraph i Red Bluff Ik-won f t olumbia (iazetto ; Mountain Democrat ; Tnoliumie t ourier j CalnveRis Chronicle ; El Dorado Democrat Shasta Courier; Mariposa t.azette ; Yreka Weekly L'uion ; 1'rinitr Journal ; Iowa liill Xews ; Weekly ledger ; , fttn Jose Telegraph ; Sonoma County Journal ; Folsoiu Ilispatch ; Calilornia Mining Journal; lxs Angeles Star ; Santa Barbara Oazette ; San Diego Herald ; Alameda County Gazette ; Placer Courier; Napa County Reporter ; (Sierra Democrat ; Humboldt Times ; Union : Oregonian ; Pioneer and Democrat : Poevnesian, Honolulu, 8. 1 ; I'acitic Commercial Advertiser, Honolulu, 8. 1-; Mexican Extraordinary, Chy of Mexico ) I'acitic t hristian Advocate ; Hongkong Register. AIiVKkTISlXU IS THE ATLAXTIC STATES. L. P. F. has now completed bis arrangement a for th forwarding of advertisement to all the prrncipal larg est circulating Journals and Newspapers published in the Atlantic Slates A fine opportunity is here offered to those who wish to advertise in any port of the Union, of doing so at the lowest rates, and in a prompt and sat is factory man ner. August -2,1 S59. . - 22tf New Improvements. rrtHE subscriber having secured all the late improve A meats mid additions to tbe photographic art, is now prepared to snpplv THE PICTURE ADMIRER with a superior class of pictures, heretofore unknown in this country, and saca only as can be obtained in HIS OALLLERIES AT SALEM AXD CORVALLIS. Therefore tbe friends living in either place wiil be sore to avail themselves of this opportunity to secure some rare speciuieus of ricrcaxs or thixuitu as a ratrxDs. Ambrolypes, Mclainotypes, CaJiolyptt, Spke r othpet, and Photographs, colored or plain. OIL PAISTED PHOTOGRAPHS, being by far the most superior portraits and pictures that are Produced in Europe and America, and are destined to snpercede every other kind. The process of Photographing is producing wonders. Pictures nf Statuary, Models, Buildings, iSand scapes and Animals of all kinds, are among the excellencies of this process. I hare the only Jaeilittes in this country for tl.e production of such pictures. I produce the only pictures that are ai alt FIT TO SEXD IX LETTERS. Experience proves that Melainotvpes are not at all fit, as has been published to the world. 1 am prepared to produce this superior class of pictures, from the SMALLEST POSSIBLE MINIATURE TO FI LL LIFE SIZE, and even much larger I have a variety of Fine Gold Lockets. Double and Single. The best evideacs) f THE SUPERIORITY OF MY PICTURES over others in this country, is that every visitor to my gallery, without exception, so decides. Having enjoyed tbe rare privilege of between three) and four months practice in San Francisco last summer with one of the best practical and most popular pho tographers in Europe or America, this gives me a decided advantage. My gallery is always open for the inspection of ladies and Eentieirjcn, and pictures for their inspection. I have an occasional honrwhich I can appropriate to THE RCrAJK or MXSICAL ixstkcjlests. I have also a process by which renew 'Brass Furniture of all kinds in the most elegant style. It will look as well as when first from the manufactory. Jly gallery will be constantly open, where I may bo found to attend to calls. My gallery at Corvallis "will have an operator to attend to customers. H. CAMPBELL. Salem, April, 1SS3. tf I'dolphas Wolfe's Srhnapps. 4 SI ED1C1N AL drink, of etnrnemly sadutary traali-x- ties, man ulact tired by himself exclusively, at his factory at Schiedam, in Hollaed, and well known dur ing the last twelve years throughout all the Atlantic and Western States. It is made from the best barley that can be selected in Europe, with tbe essence of an aromatic Italian ber ry of lacanowledged and extraordinary medicinal prop erties. It has long since acquired a higher reputauoa. both in Europe and America, than any other diuretic beverage. Analyzed, it is a rr RrtcTLr re re nsros, in it ef fects a "mild and wholesome tonic. It is extensively used and approvedb v the medical faculty, the temper ance people, beads of families. See. In O ravel. Oout, and Rheumatism, the obstructions of the bladder and kidneys, and in general debility, its effects are prompt, decided and invariably reliable ; and n is not only a remedy ior inese maiaaies, out m an cases in which they are produced by drinking bad wa ter, which is almost universally the cause of them, it acts as a sure preventative. For Fever and Ague it is one of the most effieacioaa preventives that can be resorted to. THE AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHXAPPS Is consequently in great demand by persons traveling, or about to settle hiBew parts of tlie country especially, as well as by many in every community, where it has become known, on account of its various other reme dial properties. ' la all cases of a dropsical tendency, it is generally tbe only remedy reo. aired, when adopted in the early staire of the dircase. In dyspepsia maladies, when taken in proper oaaa tities, as a diet drink, and especially at dinner, it is found by uniform experience to be eminently emcacioos in the most obstinate cases, when even the best of the usual remedies have failed to aiford more thaa tempo rary relief In cases of fiutulenry, it is an immediate aud invariable specific, and it may be administered in dilated and proportionate quantities, even to young in fiu in ail those paroxysms of griping pain in the etomach and bowels to which they are especially sub ject, as well as the cholic of grown persons. Its judicious adoption in connection with tbe princi pal n.talr-. or wbea a sense of exhaustion dictates its use, never fails to relieve the debility attendant spots protracted chronic maladies, low temperament and ex hausted vital enenry, by whatever cause induced. These are facts to" which many of the most eminent medical men, both in England and the United States, have borne testimony, and which are corroborated by the hicliest written authorities. Put np in quart and pint bottles, in rases of one doz en, with my came on the bottles, cork, and fac-siraile of mv signature on the label. For sale by all the respectable Druggists and Liquor dealers in Oregon and Califoruia. CDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer. 23 Beaver street, Xew York. Caution to the Public. London Cordial Gin, Club Houjse Gin, Schiedam Schnapps. Juedicaued Schnapps, Royal Schnapps, " Ste., Ste-, Vc Under toe above and similar titles, the liquor mixes of this city are bottling large quantities of adulterated, unwholesome trash, costing cut little, on which they hope to realize large profits by selling in California. A void all compounds. Some are so skillfully prepar ed as to pass for irood Lio. nor. except with the Vest of judges. If yon would be safe, use only the long estab lished, renowned, genuine Wolfe's "Schiedam Aiua- BATIC scBSArrs. UDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer. Aug. 31, tf i17 22 Beaver street, Xew York. Dr. J. II- Chitwood, EOLA, POLK CO. OREGOX. WILL continue to keep on band an assortment ot drugs and sredicines, also all the leading patens medicines in common nse in Oregon. He will supply the people ot Eola and vicinity with school and aaas cellaueous books, stationery, dec He also tenders his Professional services to tho peo ple of Polk county. His treatment of disease is strict Iv iinoo tbe Botanic practice, own fir all the Hvarienie) agencies, in common nse in the Reform practice. April 4, liVK'. -i Notice. PER SOX S wishing any business transacted m tho Atlantic States, such as purchasing of carriages, buinries. wairons. sewinir saarhines, pianos, reapers. and mowers, or any other article which is not usually kept in this market, will find it to their advantage to call on the undersigned. Abo, for tho coucetioa of moneys (which is usually done through the Express Co., at a heaw expense) will be promptly attended to by one of onr "firm. We will pay cash for all drafts, bills of exchange, and certificates of deposit on tbe East or vt estern IsauKs. AV. C GRISWOLD Sc. Co. Salem. Oct, 12. 1854 25tf At the Dalles Is wanted, a touring mill, as there is none in Wi County. THE andersigned has a flouring mill partly complete, which will be sold cheap. It ia located on an ex cellent water privilege, in sight of the town of I tsllss r Attacnea to it is a gooa noen claim. Enquire of O. HCStASOX, DaHea. Mav 13. 1859. llrf . Patronize tbe Expresses. MY customers in Salem, or any town in the interior, can order watches, jewelry silver spoons, is., by express, payaoie oa ueiivery oi tne goods, provided tne auricie auiu suw, uuicrwis: me v can be ra-' turned. Watches, jewelry, otc, for repaur can be for warded in the same manner, to G. COLLIER KOBBrXS, Practical Watch Maker, Portland, Oregon. Feb.2.1S59. isa