Pr. Baker's Pain Panacea. Ifjr Pain Panacea t cmipornl entirely rh jllng pirns, I TrcrtsSl oll and herbs. Ii U perfectly sure for the most lest. ti use. I can mt sln.-ercly sly, thr.t 1 hare never Mra snr, hocT?r S- be Injured by It In the lrst. tit contr.u- to ask the ntll'.ctcd. h hare not use.l It, 1 1 It for ths Mlwlns lilmis. If they are not tntUfird Vlt' healing properties, the money will bo cheerfully re let! by thu a sent wfierc the nicUcIne Is for ssle. y you jr nj ( Sfouirrc.l or Jt.yirtli, try a !oi of k Fanarea lnter.laiTy, Vathe externally over the parti af. rd and yoa w!'.l at sncc restore ths proper action and re c tbe pin. f yo Jar m JSruiso or Wound, bathe It well with the I four titnei a day. It w!U rellere the pain, and oat all the poison, and heat the wonnd In a short 'f3U are snferingrom Xturoleia or Rheumatic Paint jr the Fain Tanacea freely, and take a doss of It Intcmal ornlns, aeon and nljrht ; II will not only cure the pain, wm remove the caose of the disea. ''r' Pyppsia. and your ro.I distresses your ca after callnff, tale a dosa of Pain Panacea after each t yoa ir a Cantered or Sort M.nttX or Throat, pp!y aln Panacea to the affected parts, an J f argle the month rout three or four times a day. s fon ire tXo Diarrkaa, or a related state of the bowels, k few doses of Pain Panacea, and they will soon be re L If yoa hare a painful swelling, bathe the parts freey, foa w'.lt soon rellere the pain, and tbe swelling will be ed. If yon hare a severe toothache, apply the Pain lea on a piece of cotton, and bathe the sum at the same it wai ip the pain lnstamlr. have been Bitten If a SpUer, or any other Insect, Di by bees, take fine salt, mix U with the Tain Panacea, ply l the parts. ton .?r a p.itn in ts JS.-tat, SUTe, gjet, or K'irt bathe the parts accted moraine an.l nl ht ; at the tunc ike a d:a; of the Panfleea Internally. metier has a 0:ktd B.-tast, apply the Pa!n Fanners aa It caa be borne. m ftci Cii.'.y, or CrfJ, as lhaagh you were going to ferer, take a dose of Panacea. h ire a Woend, Cut, or Colts on jour Hone, apply a Panacea; tt w'.ll taie oat all the tn-asinaatloa, and sore In a short time. . I SVlTn CO., Ajents, Salem. y all the principal droc-lj:., an 1 by PARK WHITE. Acents, S 1SS Wash':njrtoa St., San Francisco. U J. Caapiay. We would direct the especial at tf Invalids to a perasal of Dr. L. J. Ciaplay's adrer V to be found in another colvtxm ef this paper, in or ce the serrlces of a learned and experienced physi lln rh.-ir reach. So ranch ill has been inflicted on the from the pernicious and Ignorant practices of ', that 11 eeras as If we were ralftuinr a bonnden dnty tnowm where relief caa be obtained. To those nn I enoach to suffer from the effect of sexnal or private sr their ill treatment, we cheertal'.y commend Dr. L. ly as a man of rare scientiSs and medical actuirv iseajlnr all the reqaisltes, from lonjt experience and 1st 1 skill, for the successful practice of his profes sia? made aexnal eomplamrs an especial study, like stel CicorJ, of Paris, he is enabled to guarantee a I and speedy cure In all cases of private or rhronie raether the effects of coataclon, sclf-abase, or loss ; and in order that patients at a distance may arail I of his adrice, free consultation Is open to them, ed -e that we hare of the namrroos cures he has kmc ef which were of long standing:, leads us to k faith In Dr. C 's efficacy, and commend hint to the of the in ill health. Dr. Czapkay's oce Is on street, below Mntomerr, nearly opposite the 1 Sleasaship C v's Oiiirc, San Francisco. t3 f Assessor Notice. '.be a: Salem, S.ttnrdar, October Is, 1559, to te the Asc9nient Rnil. rceor!!rtir to Latr. . P. B. WHITMAN. for Clarion OVERTON NURSERY. lerjljttej ofTors for Ti!e the comic 50,000 Fruit Trees, I to three years' oU. of fine and vipr.rons HwithsTarniintr tbo drr season) whicU I oder rr.R keui ceo Prices, h? 33 per I any previous season. Mr iock" is com V of the following named varieties : i APrLEs K. Ptppta, - - IO.OOO P, - - s . . - I 4.(W IT. rVaraaaaln, - A.COO pltxenbcr - - 4.UM , - - - 3.000 pieties, such aa RaroW. Oravcnstein, Blue loltlea Russet, Kinir .Vpple. ccc. and raxietr of l'enr, Cnerrv, Lawtori Black- " II. J. UEEIi. m't mistake R- C. Goer for II. J. Geer; er one of the b'hovg. - S'.'mi ale of LandHart? Chance. 3E undrrfitmed baa determined to sell, at Public Amnion, on .SAl L"!:DAY. the th dar of October nest, at 10 o'clock, A. 51., sea hen-tiKiftrr described, a portion of hia and claim, embracing about fifty nrrea. labont hnlf a mile aottth of the So-tih !-a-ad has been surveyed into lota of e-mven-abnrban reidtcca, enibraciinf from lire half acres in e:tth lot. with convenient eetintr eaca other, mnnintf from eaxt to w north to south. There are four rront t poMic road running from Salera to the loa of the r-tate, eacit liH embntriiitf five mr rear lots rnnnins ti aad bordering on te alonirh, e:iihm--i-iir from six to eiirht a in each lot. Tne rear lots iiave con- and fir limber upon thesa and plenty of er on t te wet end. swenbed land and lota will be old oa the til:c auction, to the hu;i)ct bidtl r. to ninety dys credit will be sivca to destrin:; it. " Farmers and Citizens tren ted co iirtend the sale and bnr. rach on r eemrias a valnaMe residence seldom A plat of the lota can Xessrs. Moores' Son. X. XT. C0LAVELL. aber 26, 1&53. " -w- Valley Whisky. It) C ALL THE ATTKMKW OP a well as consumers, to the following well-known Chemists, who hure ana- Aromatic Vnllry WTalsSj-." aitfttion of the parties is a sniGcient onar articlo possesnes ail the merit claimed k WM. XEWELL & CO., " ikile Aifents. - trEK's Ottice, 32 Some Rf ft Sr Boston, Mass., April ITtli, 1458. Sew York : - re made a chemical analysis of ronr -y 'lilaiy," and tiud it a pore, re AYhiekr, containint; no injnrionx nmt , and recoaimcnd it as suitable for med wirposes. ' CHAP.t-tsT. Jacksox.M.D., T ' State Assayer. Xew York, April 15th, 1S53. Cd a sample of ' liy Ai-onatlt ajr," and tind it to be a pnre arti le, of srrthoat anr delete rijn admixture. James li. "Chiltos, M. 1-, Ciiemist. w; V-Arona(le Valley Whlstiy" is ter careful examination, I find it to be ilirely free from the adulterating in lentfy tax-d. - Jaxes J. Mapcs, Chemist. . PMATIC V ALLEY WHISKY t-ontarn;n one dozen bottles each. 1 the princii -J liquor Jlonws in Cali . ;, 2ini'is I KICK, COFFIX fc JIABTiTILI.e.'' V to. ttVE TOCAU- XI tK ATTEV- Drag Trade in California, Oregon f erritorr, to onr present complete ar- e transaction of the NG and WHOLES ALE G -BUSINESS. l -v- v.,1, xebii-h hrinirs us in di- , III t- M. V. , . M nrinrinal Imixrters ana rug, Medicines and Cnemiculs, we ler inducements to purchasers which 1 by any o:her house on tne Paciltc ) store the largest and best selected ,K OF DRUGS il ir, this market, and it is onr in by large and reirular importations, mr 'the BEST trocsls at the L ) t. I position which, for ten rears past, m the Wholesale Drug Business m ion will be paid to the Mexican and de-and we guarantee Kitisfaction, i ; tn ti who n.av favor ns with KEDINGTOX i Ct.. , . No. 17 Clay Street. FRANCIS & Co, ye Upcer fy Co..) . is, Wai elioiisi"? and isiou 3Ieicimuts, I Broadway Sts., San Francisco, TO PAYING FKfcitiiiia i.. ;AwanA IVMa of Ludinir. ram from Eastern eities, will frival, and forwarded with tliatch tonrtLrr. maue oa Mercluuidise ia our ware- 9 refer to the jlorcbaaUand B-ink , gcncruUy. 5to3 To, or For Sale. TllV. bnil.linfr fonrcrly ocenpied by 5Jrf "onnell fl fc (Ircgorv, knnwn'as thcKxclinnee S;il"oa. i'"2. oppritt!te t'ily ll.itnl, Corvullis. Said luiiMhi',' is well miied for n Hotel, KcKlanraiit, or Salo .n tlirre arc six well tinislied rooms up stnirs, adapted either for otlices or M roniiw n i;tol well of witter m-.d n ex relknt t'.rce pntiip (with hose bclonuinjr) on tlieprem tves, Tkc bttiltlitifr is 2-2 feet by HI feet deep. The ubovc will be let or sold on re:iso!:ible terms. Appirtt. A. II. McCOXXKLL. Sept. v.'i, 1S."i?. J?vvli Corvullis, O.CTt. A 1 in i ii i st i n I o r 's M ot i ce. NOTICH is hereby (riven, thnt letters of administra tion have been Krsuttitvd and issued out of toe Count r Conrt of the I omit v of Coos. Oitn.,to the uu dcrsijrned, on the eelato o'f llKOKdli ME1.5H. All persons having claims nuinst the deceased, are hercliy required to exhibit them, with the neccssiirr vouchers, wiiliinone year from the dute of this notice, to the un dersigned a'dministrutor, at Kmpire 1'ity, Cooa couuty, Orejion, or ther will be forever barred. UKOKGK VASOX, Adin'r. Scptemlicr 27, -T.'v4 AdiuiiiistratorN Notice. N'OTICE is hereby given, that lettets of antiiiiiistra tion have been grunted nml issued- out of the Conntr Conrt of the County of I 'oos, Oun.. to tho ttn dersiuited.on the estate of WILLIAM Dl'KK. All persons having claims acainst the deceased, are hereby reinired ro exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within one vear from the ditto of this notice, t the un dersigned administrator, at Kmpire Citv, Coos county, Oregon, or ther will be forever barred. B. V. BOSS, Adm r. September JT, 10. J'.w4 A(liiiinitratitx.' Motile. VTOTIC'E is hereby Riven, that letters of iidn-.inis-i.N trntion have issued out of the county court of Douglas county, Oregon, to the undersigued, on the eta;eofJ. JI. CLIXH, late of said Comity. All per sons indebted to said cstutearc requested to make im mediate payment, and those persons having claims atrainst said estate, are requct-tedto present them to the mulersiinied, at Keiisin Heed s, near Oakland, Uoui; hts Co.; tgn, w i:hin one year from the dute of this no tice, or they will be forever barred. XAXCV CIJXE, Adm'x. Sept. 1 1, ISiD. i".Uv4pnid STATE OP ORKOOX, CofSTT or l'OLK. TO It S. WAIT: Ion are hereby notified that a avtitof attachment has been Usucd against you, and your property attached to satisx'v the demand of J. H. Albert on. amounting totifteen dollars and sixtv-sev-en cents. Now unless you shall appear before Nelson Walling, a justice of the peace in and for said county, at his oii-ice, on the l'.th day of November, l"ij'.', judg ment will be rendered againrt you, and your proerty sold to ray the debt. JAMES B. ATHEBTOX, ri ff. September 10, l?j;. : 1 Notice to Creditors. IX the matter of the estate of Adam Kol-.l, deceased: ss. In pursuance of an order of tho county court of Yamhill county, notice is hereby given to u!l persons havinir clainis'uj.'uimit Al AM KOHL, deceased, late of said connl y, to presMtt the same, with the vouchers thereof, to ttie snbocrilwr, at his residence at Wii la mina post-oliice, Yatnhiil county, Ogn., oa or before the -titb dav of September. 1860. AMAS.V HOWE. AdnVr. September 06. lVA l".w4 Drufitr)-. DR. E. IT. GRIFFiy. (Surgeon Dentist,) W ILL operate in A I. B A .V 1' from the 2it!t of y September to the Sth of tK-tober, and in & A -L E M from the l Jth of October to the 1st of Novem ber. j?Oi5ce in r-alem, over Strang's tin shop. E.H. CKIKFIN. September Prh. liVi. titilcrNov. "otice to Farmers ami Sliinpci s. T K. LEVERinOE will act a. cur Avcut at S:t V lent, to receive and forward Fruit, end all ether kinds of Produce consigned to ns. Trie greatest care, and the most prompt attention will be i'vct to any briiness entrusted to him. il- Office at John C He'l s store. UK HARPS Jt McCKAKEX. Com'n Merr'nants, Portland and an Fm co. J5cptemier li. lf-'tX. -'"m3 ISei:ionI. DR. IF". D. 1IUTCIIIXS HA removed Lis o3iccto the city of rortlaml, on r"irft street, between Yamhill a-td Taylor streets. East side, one dior south of Dr. Hawthonte'a former ortiee. and of.'ers his professional services to all who fa vor hira with a call. I will kit to my agents in the Slate of Oregon, that I still continne to" munnf tcture ray Medicines, and will fill orders for them on short notice. DR. E. rOPPLETOX TILL remain at Lafayette, and can be found at the 1 old stand of Hutcliins dc Porrleton, one door north of Abbott"s Hotel, day or night, when not pro fessionally engaged. All thoic kuowing themselves indebted to me, nre reqnested to come forward and settle with Dr. l'opple ton, at Lafayette, or with me, in lortlnnd. immediately. W. D. HLTCHIXS. Tortland. Angnst 2, 153. LTvl Fruit. Flonr. - Wheat. COMMISSION HOUSE. T HO M A S WALLACE, (103 and 107 Sacramento St., Saa Francisco.) 4 LL kinds of Prodnce received on consi;nment, and V. advances made. 3r Pariicnlar attention paid to the filling of orders for all kinds of merchandise. FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSES ! 27m3 - ' 10 and 107 Sacramento Street. S. II. Prirhard & Brother, COMMISSION 6t FORWARDING MEBCHANTS, - (No. 97 Front Street, San Francisco.) GEXT3 Fi)B Jones 4c Hndstw ohewin? 1 ofiaec " MaySwer, Va. ill'eringto CaKfor'a, y )ar Jewel. El Sacramento, E. J. Hudson's ? Sweet scented Oronoco, rimokings, Kose ot Miaron, I'riehanl'a Corn Cob, James Chiever'a Wellington. Britton's Dew Prop Whisky, in bids, and half bbls. Will receive orders for Dru2 and Medicines, etc. for Messrs. Thomas Sc Fuller. New York. t-Tm-t nEO. P. NEWELL wonl.l respectrnliy announce " tn oil lover tyf Music in Salem and vicinity, that he will meet tl'em in the Methodist chnrch, ou FRI DAY EVEXINt. Septeml'er H, to or-Ttnu:e a i itiss, r f 'l--iL in VOCAL ML SIC : previous to winclt he will explain the Hniian metnoa oi ieaemn;r. i i wishing private lessons on the Piano Forte, Melod Tiioise eon ii. P. N. would be happy to wait outnem. To rmit Growers. THE smSCRIBER has now on hand, and for sale at his old Nursery in the Waldo Hills, abont seven miles southmst from S:lem, Iariot county. over ONE III lKi-.I iiwiaju i ttyii TREES, embracing all trie principal ciioiee ynneties of Apple, Pear, Plnm anl Cherry known in ureifon, Ot lOUOW inZ OWTni'Wuu; "iij .ii.-.i.'.-. . "v. and twenty thousand toree years old Apple well (rrow'n and neatly shaped : ten thousand two, and fonr thousand three years old Pear Trees, most of which are not excelled for growth and beauty in the State: one thousand two, and live hundred tnree rears old Plnm Trees, of like growth and lieantr. and about thirtr thousand rearling, including- Apple, I ear, Plnm and'Cherrv. Also, a few Cherry 1 rces, two years old. The above I recs are ouereu upon n,e n.usv reasonable terms, and every Tree warranted to be yen nine Nine-tenths of th? ri'ox-e Apple and l'enr 1 rces are Winter Fruit of the VERY BE.VT QUALITY. Please call and examine for yourselves before pia1 chasiug elsewhere. ,,,,-r-T-r. Septemler 1, 130. L.umber! Liimbrrl THE nndersignel would rcspectfiilly inform the the citixens of Marion and other counties, that ti'.er have in operation on r mi, u i (.. , .. ha 11 .nle east ot i-easier s iiiai Ksnnm hop. a S'rnm lionMr UircMiar aiie i.iui, cpai)iK i tnming out nr.r quantity ot lumncr in-ircii, in mon notice, and at' prices nlngir.g from i to ?IU per A Planing Machine will be attached to the Mill in a r-- About two hundred thousand feet of lumber, of ail kinds, on band xor saic. ' . SMITH Jt ROBERTSOX French Prairie, Marion co., Sept. 1, 2itf Jefferson lills. mllE nndersigned would respec. fully announce to X the public, that 1 nave my f SEW FLOUR ISO MILL in successful oneration, and am prepared to give gene. .i ..;., fu-t;n in ciiMtoiuers f?ivinir me a call. I ersous living south of the Saniiam Kivcr, bnnjring a gnst of twelve busuela, or upwaras, io my mm, Fret of Charge, . r. . ir Wheat stored free of charre, in my mill, for fanners and merchants, if said wheat is floured in said m i!.8' c. -V-. I will hare an extra bolt for smnt. wheat, buckwheat, &c. I have also extra machinery for taking out blue pod. Gire me a call if yon want j tt a i.; ,.r V& Also, recolli-ct that I have the best ferry on the Santiam.and the highest and rt !K?!,y" where JALOl lU.r.Si i in anir. ... x , j-j.. - - . j. b. Kxsrp, ' ' Portland, Ogn. No. 7, Clay St., S. Frau'co. COMMISSJOX HOUSE!!! HULL., KXAPP k Co., WILL trive special attention to the sale of Oregon Fiiurr AX O PRODUCE On consignment, filling orders, AiC, cither in Portland or San Francisco, and transact a general Commission 1 :.....a Onr long experience, and the facilities we possess, enable ns so oiler tnperiar induccmcntt to shippers. TTg" Mr. C. A. KEED will net as our agent at Snlera, and attend to receiving and forwarding consignments per boits. Orders for Tuper and box Lumber maue wroujju uuu. ; Kead This!!! H'rrca, Carriage, and Untriry Spoke, TE iV () .V E D A X D T U R X E D, "Y .!. A. FAY i CO.'a L'nrivul- -,r,rry At led Machinery. ffllfsT 11 U liS of nil sizes tnmel and asaCSSih VtUn morticed. Whipple, double-trees, uud neck-yokes, turned. l f Felloes, Hounds, nnd other wagon work, planed and sawed, at short notice, in the best style, mid on RE A SOXAIiLE TERMS. tjf So innir along your timlier, to EYBE, FERGUSON & REED. Sash and Blind Fuctorv. "ii Boon's Island. jl SALtM, OlJEtioN. A. W. FfcKGCSON, Snpt. Salem, June 28, 1S39. Hit Dentistry. DR. L. S. SKIFF, SURGICAL, ....AND MECIIAXICAL DEXTIST, IS now prepared to insert full or partial sets of artifi cial teeth, on tine gold plate. Also decaye i teeth tilled with ndhesive gold, and re stored to their origiuul shape and usefulness. IVy t mice one." door trout Kenyou's Ambrotype rooms, Sulem. 17tf HE-CRT LAW, PortUmJ. R. A. t.AW, 37 California St., S. F. II. A- II. A. Lntr, CO MM IS SI OX MER C It AX TS, roltTLASD C SAN KUANCISCO. COXSIOXMEXTS received and sold in Portland or S. K. Betiirns promptly made in cash, or goods, purchased nt the option of the Consignor. All orders filled with dipntch, Smftpuid Just Ilereived : ItM) kegs old Col.-nv nails: 100 " Parker Mills nails; i5 " spikes ; t?0 " coarse shoe nails ; 1 ') dozen grain scoops : Jt) " Ames' square pointed shovels ; 12 " " short handle shovels; V " " long " !.'." " hay, nnd other forks; 10 " Tu'ttlc's hoes; 15 " Ames' spades; I'M) straw cutters ; UK) Peoria, and other plows; 30 dozen Spear Jt. Jackson's saws, assorted ; 3.0i't feet coil chain; l.SlK) lbs. ox chain : - -ft) tmirtrare chains; All of which will be sold to merchants at reduced rates. W. H. SPEXCEK. Front st., I'ortland. August 5, ISof. -'-'if fist f (f-fiVfl J E X Clippers, Young America and Crockett: 50 doi Collin s handled axes: 30 Hunt's " " 0 " " " Ohio pattern; 100 gross t .ble and pocket cutlery ; l''t) kegs nails; SO doi Ames' spades; CO " " shoveta; 50 tons refined iron; 1 " best cart steel; o - 1 i c I lllt fl 1.9. AH of which Js ohered to the trade, in nnantities to lit, at reduced rates. W. II. sl'KM'Rlt, suit Front st., I'ortland. Ang. 6, 1-W ----if Iron! Iron !! fl ST RECEIVED: J liH,i.i0 I'.is. bar flat iron, assorted sizes : 2S.0W) l'.'s. bar square iron, assorted sizes; ini.iKK) ll)n. bar rtumd iron. assrted sires ; l.VOe-O ll.s. oval iron, nssorteti sizes: lo.Utxl ll. half rouud iron, assorted sizes ; I.'.l"Ht lls. baad iron, assortetl sir.-s; IVi.Ol'O nail rods, carted sires ; CO.t'-'H) lbs. shoe shapes, cssortcd sires ; ft'.) sett iron axlt s ; For sale at reduced prices, br W. 11. SPENt Eli, Front st , Portland. Angnst 3, 1 -"-tf At I.nst! Jl'ST RECEIVED. two horse tiowerthrrshers.r.nd eitrht reojiers and mow rs. wiiich will be sold nt cost, laid down in Portland. The season having about expired when these machine are used, is the reason why they are offered on such lilcral terms. Those who wish to procure such will save money by sending tn their orders. Terms, cash. W. H. SPENCER. Front St., Portland. Aug 9. IS. A ---tf A t tnr a nun-, QO nfifi WOKTII of Shelf 0-wJjvJvlJ received, comprisin sortmcnt, and will he sold to t'.te trade. To the Trntlf. Shelf Hardware, ti st inu' a general is- reduced rate. W. H. SPENCEK, Front St., I'ortland. Angnst 5. lS."ii. 'J-Jif Bryant UXRITALLED STOMACH BITTERS. AS a general stomach corrector, these Bitters have no eijnal in restoring the vital energy of the whole srstem. " Half a wine glassful taken before meals will prove a certain cure for Dyspepsia, dispelling tlatnlency and oppression of the chct, while they impart to unimpair ed appetite a keen relish for food. Asa Wine Bitter, for the nse of Hotels nnd restau rants, they will be found indispensable, rendering all beverasres truiy delightful, being a purely vegetable compound, entirely free from any pernicious coloring m-i'tcr. Punhascni will please observe the name, " Bryant's Stomach Bitters" pressed on each bottle nnd cap, and aes taat the autograph si jimuirc is on the labcL U. N. w; BHYANT. sew ions:.. Airents for San Fr.iucisco -.ta-.'o WM. NEWELL & CO. Tracy At C'o's Express To Oregon City, " Salem, ' Albany, " Corva'llis, A. H. Steele, Asrcnt Jno. C. Bell, Shelby & Co. " Stock" A: Kaufman, Ag't Euuene City, .1. T. 15I!OMLti . Connectiuir at "Portland with Wells, Fanro & Co's Ex press to all parts of Caliiornia, Atlantic States and Eu rope. 1 T 7"n will forward nn exires from Poflnml, Mon- V day, WedaestUiy, and Friday for each week for aoove places. Treasure Parcels and Packaget warded in charge of a Special .Messenger. Collections asic and all business pertaining to an fcxprcss. exectIM i sJith promptness mid uispat n. O.iice in Portland with Wells, Fargo Jc Co. KN6UTONyjr.,(r-rrietor, July 23, IS.",?. 20tf For Sale. f! 4f ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE OR RENT 1 l-tJ nil under fence, uiiwai-ds of H'O acres tncul tiration situated in the Forks of Willamette river, three nn es from Salem. The land claim is one of tlie best, not onlv in Lane eonnt v, but in t regnn. On the claim there'iaone of the "best SAW-MILLS in the country. The water privilege cannot be excelled nny where water the vear round mid timber hand v. l'livnients will lie arranged to suit the purchaser. I' or lurtuer mlonnalion, apply on the premises. "O. H. AKMITAtSE, 4tf McKenzie's Post Oilice Patronize the Kxprcsscn. HT riifttouiers in Salem, or any town in the interior. Jl can order watches, jewelry", silverspoons. See.., by express, payable on delivery of the loods, provided too article anil price suits, o'.nerwise mey can oe re turned. Watches, jewelry, &.C., for repair cau be for warded ia the same manner, to O. COLLIER BOBBINS, Practical Watch Maker, I'ortland, Oretron. Feb. 2. 6:J. 4Stf Iniid Buyers ronk at 'l itis ! A a RE A T CIIAXCE FOR A Ii A RG AIX WISH to sell my farm, which lies near the center of Linn County, in a verv eliirible sit- uniion. lvcinir elevated, and ml'ordiiig a verv goinl view of the surrounding tBiids'-ajic. There are upon the farm a irood house anil barn, nu orcliaru ot MM truit trees, two living springs, affording water for any number of atocK. w Terms. One-half down in cash; the remninder in 12 mouths, with interest from day of sale. For infor mation, cunuire of me at Albany. RAPHAEL CHEADLE. May 23, 1So9. Vixf I A me. w E will ship a superior aitielc of lime, to any or der, tor two Hollars per utl. MCU 6l. LUlllllAJ, . Cor. Sac. and Front street, San Francisco. Jnlrl.Ifc.VI 3ml8is For bate or Kent. A SAW MILL, in good order for making lumber V For particulars call ou JUIl.N tDKCL. Dee. 8. 1S58. 4lltf ioo aoo. . itiftM nnn litimb-ed tft tw-A lmnllH,il nppM tf ininrfiv, A1 cd land for sale, ubout two miles from Salem, Mai- ion countv. JU11. FOKCK. IW. KISTA liif Slieep for nle. rXCr FINE ewes, nnd twenty-five extra ff JUU bucks. Also, 10 head of extra breed V ing mares, two stallions, 5 geldings. Enonire of JOa. WATT. Llltf July 22, 1S.9. Cattle for Sale. ?f HEAD of stock cattle for sale, cows, vearlinirs, UU and two year olds, in Linn Co., eight milcsabovo Albany, on the lulipooia. inquire of Lewis Lyeiibur- V 1 1... t;l July 22, 1.S0O. 20tf Boone's t erry, ON Willamette river, new road between Portland and Salem. The road is a good one and ten miles shorter than the old road. JESSE V. BOOXE. May 25. lA'X- I2tf James M. r vie, ATTOKXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OFFICE, Roacbnrg, Douglae Co., Oga. Ang.l2,l&. 23tf Wnilnmet Unii-ersity. SALEM, OREGON. ritHE Collegiate Department of tha Wallamet Cni JL versity lias been organized. Youn.g men design ing to pursue a regular Course of Study, Hie invitedto avail thetiiselvs of the ltd vantages allot iled by this In stitution. All availu'ilc resources will be made use of to meet the wants ot Students. Elforts will be contin ued to secure a suitable endowment; and no pains will be spared in obtaining competent and experienced In structors. Tlio Collegiate year is divided into three term, com mencing as follows: Tlio tirst term on the 3d Thursday in September. " second term on the 1st " " Juiiuury. " third last " " " April. The llrst two terms ure ffteen tceek cot A ,- the third, efcren week. Vacations. There will be two vacations in the year: one, in April, of two trect, and one, in the sum mer, of nine srrrits. Tcitiox will bo at the rate of $1 per week, or $10 per nuiim. THE OHEOOX IXSTITtTE. THE TREPARA TORY DEPAKTMEXT. TrnMS. The Academic year is divided intoroon TEUMS of eleven $rerki each. The tirst term begins onthc 2.1 Monday of September. " second term begins on the -d Thursday of Nov. " third " " " " last " "January. fourth " " " " last- " " April. Vacations. There will be two vacations in tlieyear: one in April, of firo; and one in tho summer, ot tj- veck i. Tcition will be paid at the beginning of each Term j aiimncc, nt the following rates: In Languages, Higher Mathematics Sc Chcm., $10 1)0 Other studies of the Academic Division,.. 7 Ml " Common English Di vision, C Is') " Primary " " 5 .V) For use of tho Piano 10 110 Instructions ' rocal music is given to all the students tree of charge. THE FACULTY during the present year will con sist of He v. F. S. Hoyt, A. SI, President and Acting Pro fessor of Ancient languages. S. B. Wilbur, Professor of Mathematics, Teacher of Eindish Branches. Miss A. V. Amiraux, Teacher of Instrumental Music. Mrs. I'. M. Hoyt, Teacher of French, Painting uud Drawing'. Mrs. C. Wilbur. Teacher of Primnry division. Admission. Students will he admitted at any time; and will he charged for tuition from the time they enter ouly, but their progress will be greatly promoted by entering earlv in the Academic year. In cases where, from necessity, students leare before the end of the term for which payment has been made, a just proportion not more than three fourths nor less than one fourth of the tuition fee will be refunded. Students are not allowed to leave just before the exam ination. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, in flict grrcut injury upon both the student and the Institu tion. Boarding. Young gentlemen and ladies can obtiuit board nt reasonable rates with private families. Cocre or Stcdt. A Course of Study litis been adopted tor both the Collegiate ami Preparatory De partments, well calculated to secure ripe scholarship, mciimi ciiscimiiic, mm u iirvparauoii wr iue u uc uu- :cs oi i:ie. A liberal Conrso of Study has been adopted for young Indies whodesire to obtain a thorough education. Us" A Dipl. una will be awarded to u!l who shall complete the prescribed course. Tne CSovniNMKST will be parental but strict aim ing constantly at the formation of correct habits of t If Government. Careful attention will be given to manners and morals. Smoi-AKsntrs, perpetnal, or for the period of ten years, eecuntnr tuiiion at verv rclneel rates, can lie purchased. For further particulars apply to the Presi dent. l'cr order of Executive Committee. CHESTER X. TERRY, Sec. Board of Trustees. 3lc-n. An. , !5. SJtf Parifie 1'istversity. - Forat G rore, IIV- 'it'r'f .'o.-i Co.. Oregon, Per. S. M. M .twii, A. M.. Prci Unt. Her. H. Ltmas, A. M., Prrf. Ma-.htKtsiics. ffMIE collcniatc year consisting of one term of nine 1 tncn'hs, will commence ou the tirst Wednesday oi November. : is the design of this Institution to furnish a thor ough and complete collegiate education. There is a Library of 1!H"J volumes for the nse of the students. At'tilirants f ir to college mas! hare a know leiige of tMe common English brandies, and h::ve studied tue ancient la-ignagea so tir n. to h:tve read portions of Ca-fitr and Cicero a:id the Greek Reader. j AC iit::mn jrr u 5 r. rcr frntt'tm. . PREPARATION DEPARTMENT. ' Stndenta ltttimr for colleare. as well as others wishing to rnraue celleiiate studies without entering nnon the college course, will be tinder the instruction of the col lege teachers. The fall term of 11 weeks in ta:s department com mences on the 2d Wednesday of September. Tuition per terra. Tualatin Ac a tinny. Forest Grvre, Wahmrion Co., Oregon, Kcv. Ccsmso Fells, Principal. Tiie fall term will commence on the Eset Wednesday of September. t 1 1 a.? . 1 - 1 : 1 1 union ia 111c common unuic-cs, r J Ia IIC mallei branches, per quarter. September 31, 1 lv2li Jeflerson Institute. riIIE Trustees of Jelicrson lastitntc. would announce 1 to the public that tiie school in this institution is now in successful operation, under the clmrge of Prof. O. O. Csirr and his ladr, direct from Keystone Stale. Mr. A: Mrs. Carr having spent several vears m pre paring themselves for the 1'rofcsion of leaching, are now prepared to give entire satisfaction to alt those tliat mav entrust their children in their care. TERMS: Primary Department per term twenty four weeks. " lf) 00 Common English studies per term twenty-four weens. Jg i" Higher brunches " " " weeks, .. jo ti Students ran enter the school at any time, but will not be rereivefi lor less man nun a term. .o unow- ance will be iuadeforabsence, tuth-ssa secial arrange ment oe maue with the directors. Btiard can be had on reasonable terms near the school. Although this school is not controlled by any relig ious sect, yet the strictest morais will be enforced uud good order maintained. JI. A. JOIISO.. Sec'y Board of Trustees. Jefferson, Sept. 20, 13S&. ly-tJ Cetlirl CoIIeRiale liisitle. CALEXPAR FOR THE YEAR l9 GO. riIHE College year commences the 1st Monday in JL Septemb r, nnd is divided into four quarters, of 11 weeks each. The commencement is held ou the 4th of July, when tliesjfearly vacation ensnes. NATHANIFL HUDSON, A. M., 1 LEVI ROLAND. A. M , Professors. 1 erm of l u'on per quarter : 1 1- 1: .1: 1,. 1 I I'll::. ."'li 1.11 1 1. u i.i.i:iuu(?.. ........... .... English Anal"sis, Higher Arithmetic, Book $5 00 keeping, History, and Elementary Algebra .... Natural Philosophy, Botany, Geography, Chemistry, intellectual and Moral Philosophy. Rhetoric and Logic, El ementary Geometry. Surveying, and $3 00 Algebra' ." . $S 00 Higher Mathematics, Latin, Greek, nud French languages $10 00 TSr' Convenient arrangements for board can be made at reasonable rates. Boohs used in the school cau be obtained nt tiie College building at cash prices. - - Aug. lg, lo:. :ju Sir Iiard? A ITIcCraken, Forwarding- and Commission Merchants ....AND JOBBERS IX Oregon Fiour, drain, Fruit, liacon. Lard, Ar.. Cfc., Av. I IME. CEMENT, und l'LASTE sailing vessel. 'ER received by every tip- Will attend to the pnrchnse nnd shipment of iMorchnmlise ot every uescnption 111 tue r-usieni aim San Francisco markets. Also to Forwurding goods in ban r raucisco ami t'ortlunu. The Celebrated Mannu Reaper and Moicer, and Agrieultural Implements of every description fur- msiieu lor casti tit ?an t rancisco cost anu iransporui tion. We will also attend to the sale of Oregon Produce in icloriu, having; established a house m that place tin der the management of Mr. D. Fisk, a gentleman ot eight vears experience in the trade in San Franeis- co. --- JOUN AIcCR VKEN, Commercial Wharf, Portland. JAME It. RICHARDS, 3 Sacramento St., San Fran. lOtf Notice. PERSONS wishing nny business transacted in the Atlantic States, such as purchasing of carriages, buggies, wagons, sewinjr machines, pianos, reapers, ami mowers, or any other article which is not usually kent in this market, will find it to their advantage to call on the undersigned. Also, for the collection of moneys (which is usually done tlirongh tho Express Co., at a heavy expense) will be promptly attended to by one of our "firm. We will pay cusli for nil drafts, bills of exchange, and certificates of deposit on the just or itesicni xauas. W. C. GRISWOLD & Co. Salem, Oct. 12, 1S53. . 25tf Talk nbont Gold Aliues PUTS me in mind that I W ANT TO PAY MY DEBTS nnd cannot do it WITHOUT MOXEY.mid if there is any body owing me, (and 1 think there is.) we would just say that money we must have, and we would hereby notify those indebted to me cither by note or biok account to come forward and pungle otherwise we will nave to consign them all over to J, D. Boon, who will no doubt uiuko cost on it. Yours resp'lly, J. A. JOHNS. Salem, Sept, 1, ISjA of Bennett Ilonse, Salem. THE undersigned announces to the public that he has leased the well known Hotel, called 1I19 Bennett House, in Salem, together with the furni ture. A livery stable will bo connected with it ; call at the Bennett house and see. . 1. Q. S'JUW.iTKA, Proprietor. Aug. 1850. 24tf Iry-Soods ! - 50 bales Indian head sheeting! ; 50 bales Lawrence sheetings; 50 bales Massachusetts sheetings; -50 bult s Metamora sheetings ; 100 bales brown drills; 20 bales blue demnis: 23 cases assorted ticking; 10 cases Kentnckv jeans; lOciscs blue drills; 25 cases assorted prints, 20 cases bleached sheetings ; 500 pieces Brussels and velvet carpets ; : 1000 pieces three ply nnd ingrain earpeta 1500 jiieces lloor oil cloth ; , 1000 pieces Cocoa and China matting; , " 500 cases paper hangings ; 20 cases table oil cloths ; 30 cases curtain damasks ; 50 cases luce and muslin curtains ; 20 cases window shades and Hollands; . 400 dozen rugs and mats ; 400 pieces druggets and baizes ; I Now landinir, for salo AT THE LOWEST RATES, F R A X K'b 'a K E R , CP" Nob. 110 and 113 CLAY STREET. J3 July 29, 1S59. ! 3m21 Itedington Co., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 107 Clay Street, San Francisco. Offer to the trade a full, complete, and desirable as tortmcnl of VRUGS AXI MEOICIXES. HAVIXll recently completed bnsinessarrangements by which one of thu linn will reside permanently in New Torlc.fortlie purposeof selecting and forward ing pooita, for our own trade, we are enabled to oiler superior advantages to purchasers, as we shall at all times have the lieutlit of changes in the market, and can guarantee all articles of our own selection to be fresh and genuine. We respectfully solicit the attention of the trade in Oregon, Washington Territory, and British Columbia, as our lone experience in the' Drug business, and onr present complete arrangements for purchasing in the eHst, will, we are coutident. enable us to offer such in ducements as will give perfect satisfaction to all who may furor us with their orders. Oencral Airents for the celebrated i ij rajenberg Family Medicines, .EDIXGTOX Sc. CO., 3m 1 6 Wholesale Druggists, San Francisco. ANY one who professes to understand nil trades A a. or sciences, n.wumes to impose an absurdity upon the public. Oa the same principle, any one medicine which professes to cure all diseases is nn ( worthy of tho slightest confidence, and should at t once be dr-nomiced us a quack nostrum. The liK.EFESP.kKii FAMILY MEOICIXES do not cssttme to cure ail diseases with one remedy. compr 11 nvfeulierg Vegetable Pills. Marshall's Uterine Ca thoiicon. (nefeiibcrg Sursaparillu. Grcefeuberir Pile Remedy. Gncfciiberg Dysentery Syrup. Green Moun tain Ointment. ( J nrfcnlx-rg Children's Panacea. (Jra?f enberg Consumptive's Balm. traien!erg Eye Lotion. Ura-fetiberg Fever & Atrue Remedy. Grxfeiiberg Health Bitters. Grtefenlierg Manual of Health. M For sale by all druggists throughout the State. ieiieral Aseuts, REDINGTOX & CO., Wholesale Dnurgi&ts, San Francisco. Oct. 16, 3kf ST TE OF OREGON. i, , .. . COUNTY OF Mi:iON. Jastee 8 Conrt- 'I'O BOOTH: Yomire!:crcbyno:ifie-Jt:iata 1 writ of attachment has leen issued against yon, snd your property attached to satisfy t le demand cf 1'atnck Egau, amoitatitig to one hintdred dollars. Now, ni-.less ym shall appear bette P. J. Petlr. a pisticc of the peace in and 1 jr saM county, at his olnce, on l!ie lillh da;.- of Nove:i!ber. lol', judgment will bo rendered against vou, nnd your property sold to par the debt. . PATRICK. E0.VX. PI tf. September 2Tt:i, l'sj.'). 2Sw Administrator's Police. N'OTICE is hereby given, that letters of admiaistra tiou have issued out of the County Court of Polk Cotttitv. O-u.. to the undersigned, oa the es tate of JOHN BOWMAN, deceased late of said Comi ty. All persons indebted to said estate are requested te. n:al:e iiiiuifiiate payment, and those ersous hav ing claims 8ga:nst said estate are requested to present them to the undersiirned, at his residence 7 miles sonth f Ikillas, in said" Ootintv, within one year from the date of this notice, or they will lie forever barred. PKEr-TON 11. B-jWMAN. Admin'r. Dallas, Sept. i, l5ol. 27wJpaid Atlm t:i:slritor's Sale. ON Saturday. October 1st, ISj?. I will sell to the highest bolder, for cash in hand, the following real estate, lying in town 6 south, range 1 west, Marion County, Oregon, v ir. : Beginning thirty-two rods south of the 8. e. corner of section ; thence west two hun dred rods; thecce north thirty-two rods; thence east on the sectio.i line two hundred rods: thence south hirtv-two rods, containing -it acres of land. Also a fraction of 30 acres, fvmg adjoining and north of said 40 acres, and south of the creek tiiereon. all beinsr parts ef the land claim of D. T. SEWE1.L, deceased, late of Marion County, Oregon. Sale to be nt the res idence on said claim. " "L.C MORRHOX, Adir.iiiistrator of D. T. SewelL Marion County, Ogn.. Sept. 6, 1SSS). 27w3paid TATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF M ARION, t ss- N'OTICE is hereby given that Ai Coolidge. adminis trator cf the estate of TEP.O COOLIDGE, de ceased, bite of said count r, Las rendered bis account for linal settlement of said estate. Notice is therefore erelir given tbat Tuesday, the 4th day of October next, is set apart f r te fi:?a! settlement of the ac counts of said estate, 3IILTOX SHANNON, 27 w i County Judge. Ad:ninistxator5 .Notice. TTHEREAS. letters of administration upon the es- tnteof JOHN !t. PEKK1NS. deceased, late of Polk i'oamv. Oregon, were grauted to the nndersign ed on the I'th day of June last, therefore, all persons owing stud estate will please route forward and make payment, and all persons having cbiims against raid estate, wiil present their accounts within one year from this date, to the undersigned, at his residence, four miles south-west of Dallas, or ther mar he for ever barred. EDWAJJD T." PERKINS. August 3ist. 1-vi?. awl Notice 13 nERcBY given to ail persons having chums nraiust the estate of ZKNAS C. FIELD, deceased. late of Marion county, Ogn., to present them to the administrator. With the proper vouchers, at his resi dence in French Prairie, within one year from this date, or said claims will be forever barred. ..lOOiiK C. Dl-UlClv, .wT. September 1, lSoP. -HOti STATE OF OREGON. ) COUNTY OF MARION, S f N'OTH E is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of M. L. HUTTON, late of said countv, to present the same to the adminis-. trator, nt his residence, with the necessary Touchers, within one year from this date, or ssid claims will be forever btrred. A. O. HLTTON, Ailmin r. September 1, 1XW. 2bw4 E.COLE. S. H. WHITE. New Store. (1 EOPGE E. COL" &- CO. are now opening at tne M well known stand of G. E. Cole, Second street, f.'orrallis. a large and well selected stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Our stock consists in part of Urt-b'iwi.', Groceries, Hardware, MeatHs-made istointng, Iiats, nuttix rinti oikt, f vt- erv. Glass Ware. Si-c.. all of which we will sell cheap for cash, or exchange for country produce, for which the highest market price will be paid. We now give a public invitation to one and all to come and examine onr stock, as we flatter ourselves that vou will not go awar dissatisfied in regard to Qualif y and price of (roods. Wo will b in eo'nstiiiit receint of iroods during the season, and Mr. Cole being located in Portland, and connected with a wholesale house in San Francisco, our facilities for purchasing goods tjn the cheapest possible terms are rendered superior to auy other firm in town. Corvullis, May 31, 159. " ly!3 Frank Baker, 110 AND 112 CLAY STREET, 45 AND 47 MERCHANT STREET, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic CAEl'ETS,FLOOIl and TABLE OIL CLOTHS Mats and Cocoa Matting, Druggets, Baizes, Dam asks, Window Shailcs and Hollands, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, PAPER IIAXG1SGS AXD BORDERS, CHIXA MATTIXG. FOR SALE IS BOND OR DUTT TAID, 4, AT LOWEST1 RATES. May 16, 1850. 6nall rs. i. A. cV Ada M. Weed, Hygco-Mcdical physicians. HAVING located in Salem, we shall be happy to attend to calls, both in town and country. Mrs. Weed will give special attention to Obstetrics, and diseases peculiar to women and children. Patients st a distance visited on reasonable terms. Thcv may be cousulted personally, or by letter.ree. April Si." lSjD. 7ti For Sale. TWO COXCORD BUGGIES AXD HARXESS. ONE of said buggies is calcn- jstT-t-a luted for either one or two SK J) horses: the other for one horse cattnmamiietStm only. Apply em, Jul' to JOflN Sal ily B, 1859. IDtf Confectionery and Groceries. THE undersigned has purchnscd the store and stock of confectionery and groceries of C. V. Uiafovage, nearly opposite the Marion . House, Saletn, Oregon, whore he will keep a general supply of confectionery, nuts, fruits, Sec, &c-, on hand, together with a choice assortment of groceries, and many other articles m hia line. Give me a call, and I will try to giye yon a bar irin M. Mi ERS. Sa'lem, Oct, 1, 185S. 3tHf - Iron ! Iron ! GENERAL assortment of Iron, for j1e at ; 2Dtf T.&B. STRANG'S. They have eleven diti'erent medicines, each ailupted to its jiertiliar disease, and time has proved beyond a tjnes liou the e.'Hcaev and certainty of these preparations. Their list comprises the foMowmii medicines: WHOLESALE 13IPORTEU WHOLESALE R U G S . VOW receiving, ex clipper ships Archer and Robin 71 Hood, and soon to arrive by clippers, Ocean Tel egraph, Xep'-une's Favorite, Challenger, H Vraj-rf.and Lookout, direct from New York, THE LARGEST ASSORTMEXT OF DRUGS, Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Ever imported into Oretron; Purchased for Cash, comprising a full aaortment of PAT EXT MEDICINES, I Direct from the Manufacturers.) including every ar ticle uaualiv found in a Urn store; WINDOW GLASS, (French and American) DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE, FINE PAINTS, (gToand, drj, and in oil, of every Tnnety,) RED AND WHITE LEAD, various brands, PAINT AXD VARNISH BRUSHES, (large variety,) COACH, JAPAN, BLACK and FURNI TURE VARNISHES, BOILED AND RAW LINSEED OIL, BURNING FLUID, (a superior article,) TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, LARD, SPER5I, POLAR and MACHLNE OILS, FINE BRANDIES AND WINES, for me dicinal purposes, GRAFENBERG FAMILY MEDICINES, GRAEFENBERG MANUAL of HEALTH (new edition.) GLUE. BLUE VITRIOL, PUTTY, in bladder, SALERATUS, fine article, SAL SODA, GOLD LEAF, GOLD BRONZE, assorted, . SILVER LEAF, ELECTIC MEDICINES, concentrated, BOTANICAL MEDICINES. Tosretlier with every article usually found in a Dm? Store. AG EXT FOR ALL GEXUIXE PAT EXT MEDICIXES.' Thankfal for past favors and soliciting a continuance of the same, I respectfully invite dealers to call and ex amine my stock, and judge for themselves as to quality and prices. My arranirement for direct importation from dealers and manufacturers in the hast, are such that enable me to sell uiKxjs cheaper than any other house on the northern coast. Sales-room, Front street opposite Uprer Wharf V. WEaTHEKFoED. Portland, Ogn, Mav 31, 1S53. lvltiis I'dolptio Wolfe's Schnapps. V MEDICINAL drink, of eminently salutary quali ties, manufactured by himself exclusively, at his factory a: Schiedam, in Holland, and well known dor mer the hist twelve years throughout all the Atlantic aud Western Stales. w - It is made from the best barley thit can be selected in Europe, with the essence of an aromatic Italian ber ry of acsnovyleih;ed and extraordinary medicinal prop erties. Jt has long since acquired a burlier reputation, both in Europe and America, than any other diuretic beveraue. Ainilyzed. it is a ferfectlt fcre liquor, in its ef fects a "mild and wholesome tonic. It is extensively used and approvedb v the medical faculty, the temper ance people, heads of families. &c Ia tJrave!, Gout, and Khenrnatisni, the obstructions of the bladder and kidneys, and ia general debility, hs effects are prompt, decided and invariably reliable ; and it is not onlv a remedy for these maladies, bnt in all cases in which they are produced by drinkinsr bad wa ter, which is ahnoit universally the cause oi them, it acts as a sure preventative. tort ever ana asue n is one 01 uie cm eaicacxoua preventives that can be resorted to. Is conseouentlv in treat demand by persons traveling, or abont to settle in new partsof the country especially , as well cs by many in every community, where it has become known, on account of its various 01 her reme dial propertie-3. In all cases of a dropsical tendency, it is generally the only remedy required, when adopted ia the early staue of the disease. la dvsoensia maladies, ween taeen in proner quan tities, as a diet driuk, end especially at Oinner. is is found by uniform experience to be eminently eiScacions in tne inoet onstmate cases, wnea even me oesi 01 tne usual remedies fcsve fitiled to afibrd more than tempo rary relief. In cases of natulencv, it 13 an lmm&nste nnd invariable specific, and it may be administered in diluted and proportionate quantities, even to yonn in- 1 : : 1 1 . , iti 3111 1 in?. f'.iru. ,-i 11 ui r ij'in fuua iiz iuc stomach ami bowels to wiiich thcv are especially snb- jecf , as well as tue ciiolic ot grown persons. Its judicious adoption in connection wita tne princi pal meals, or when a sense of exhaustion dictates its use, never fails to relieve the debility attendant upon protracted chronic maladies, low temperament and ex- liausieu viuu eaeriry. o-r wuatccr cause lounrcu. These are facts to "which many of the most eminent medical men, both in Enirland and the Cnited States, have borne testimony, and which are corroborated by the hishest written authorities. l'ut ut in ouart nnd pint bottles, in cases of one doz en, with my name on the bottles, cork, and fae-simile of mv signature on the label. For sale by all the respectable Drnccists and Lao nor dealers m wrejjon ani taiuorma. CUOLl'HO WOLFE, Sole Importer, 22 Beaver street, Xew York. Caution to the Public. London Cordial Gin, Club House Oin, " Schiedam Schnapps, Medicated Schnapps, Koyal Schnapps, " &c.. fee., &e- Under the above and similar titles, the liquor mixers of this city are bottling large quantities of adaltA-ated, unwiioiesoine irasu, cosiinir out imie, on mmru tucj hope to refihze mrge profits by selling in Caliiornia. A vci.l nil cimnniimls- Som are so skillfnlly prepar ed as to r-ass for irood Liquor, except with the best of JUUes. , ' , v . in. m . t , j , , uct: ...... use ...iz t i-.M" I I ... 1 . I... f.. 1 . 1. 1 K lisued, renowneti, genuine notri s khudu aso- matic schxapfs, I'DOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer, Aug. 31, tf is-17 22 Beaver street, 3ew York. Io 11 i 011 Club Ilonse Gin. TO THE PUBLIC. THIS CELEBRATED G I X PRETENDING TO nothing but what it is, Tut: a pure and unadulter ated article, and assuming no artificial merits of what it 13 not, as some 01 its rival imitators 00 after nve years of public approval and very extensive sales in California, has been pronounced by the public to be su perior, not only as a beverage ot general nse, to any oiuer article compeiuisi Hgsuusc 11, uui 15 UNRIVALLED IN ITS MEDICAL EFFICIENCY in most cases of complaints. To persons traveling in these days of rapid transit from East to West, North to South, who are constantiTciiansfine weir waters well as their climate; who are drinking, indeed, a dozen kuids of water in every twenty-tour hours, and each rimui'ht containing- some property actinsr in chemical antagonism to the preceding one, thereby cauunir an nniuitunU degree of excitement to the stomach it is positively anil absolutely necessary to use a counter acting aeut. From the fact that the " LONDON CLUB HOUSE GLN" is prepared expressly to meet such exigencies, and to act as we know it will act, as an antidote we confident, lv prescribe it as the very best article in tho country. The name of Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps" has nev er been attached in any way to this article. In first presenting the LONDON CLUB HOUSE GIN" to the oublic. my aim was to give them a pnre and un adulterated article of Gin, and to call it by its right name. The success attending its introduction and ex tensive sale in California is a snflicient guarantee of the high appreciation 01 tue article oy consumers. Various parties have from time to time pnt np and shipped to California an article which they call " Club House Gin." Sly Gin, wiiich has trained such a repu tation in California, is branded on the cases, OLD LONDON CLUBHOUSE GIN WM. H.D. The bottles also have a white label with fac-simie of my signature. 1 caution all parlies to beware 01 imit ations. . m- - iAt i , Sole Importer, New York. Jan. 24, 1859. ' 4Stfis Notice. WE have appointed Mr. W. K- Levridge to make collections for ns, to receive and receipt for all mni.tea dun na. to make ho loans, and is not authorized to give auy indulgence to any one. And if there is any who feels conscience smitten, by not complying with their promises, ther can relieve themselves by 7j,7 immediately. lie will still keep the office in the old store, and if vou don't come there and see him he will send tbe ahentt to see you, at your expense. KesDectftulr. Slem, June 3, 1S59 13kf AND D E9TRAYS TAKEN UP, (The charge for estray notice is one dollar, for each animal advertised. No notice will appear tmtil paid for. Where no money, or less than the correct amount f?.n with an estray notice, the notice will not be published until the full amount is received. BY the subscriber, living in Long Torn prtefnet, in Lane Co., Ogn., one bay borse, bald face, both hind feet white, left fore font half white, abont fifteen hands high, 5 years old last spring ; appraised at 50. Said hone came to my premises abont 10 months agov Da. U. ECLESTON. Sept. 16, 1859. 2Hw2 BY the subscriber, living on Brush creek, 10 miles a little south of east from Brownsville, Linn Co., one black horse, with a small white spot in the fore bead, and a small saddle mark on the right side, about 141 bands high, supposed to be 5 or 6 years old. THOMAS HOOKPIIT. September 9, 1859. 29w2 BY the subscriber, living in Prairie precinct, four miles south-east of Harrisbnr, Linn county, one white steer, with red jaws, bald face, end of ears red, stag horns, marked with two underbits in right ear, no other marks or brands perceivable ; two years old last spring; came here about the last of ApriL Sept- 13, 1S59. - 23w2 S. G. THOMPSON. BY the subscriber, living six miles south-east of Sa lem. Marion County, On., a yellow Indian mare, some saddle marks, ana some wcite on the left hind foot; appraised at Also, a bay horse colt, one year old last snrinsr, star in the forehead, and m little white on the nose; appraised at $M. Al?o, a sucking borse colt, blaze in the face, both left feet white: ap praised at $ 15. JOHN FA K REN. September 5, 1859. 29w2 BY the subscriber, living on the main road, 13 miles south of Corvallis, Benton Co., Ogn., a bay horse, star in the forehead, some white on nose, saddle ssd collar marks -branded S on left shoulder, supposed to be 8 or 9 years old : appeared to be newly sLod ; has been in the settlement 3 or 4 months. "Also, a bay mare, supposed to be 2 years old, no marks or perceivable; bag been in'the settlement 10 or 12 month. Said animals were taken nn Aogust 3 st, 1859. 2Sw2 - J. E. BACLAY. BY the subscriber, 10 miles south of Corvallis, one black Spanish cow, about 8 vears old. msrked a crop off riht ear, nnder bit in left, Spanish brand on ngiit nip ana snooider, ana JL t;. on lett lirp: valued at :'J. m L li akju 1 11 w IN . Corvallis, Benton Co., Sept 7, 1S39. 2Sw2 BY the subscriber, Eying in Bang's valley, Benton Co., Ogn., a yellow roan horse, supposed" to be 9 or 10 vears old last spring, and a Canadian, branded cn the left thigh with APS. Appraised at $50. I.A.A tl V AJstJltJrJtji September 5th, 1?3. - swi BY the subscriber, living at the upper bridee on the Crabtree Creek, Forks Santiam. Linn Co., Ogn., a pale red steer, 3 years old, some small white spots on lie beiiy and flanks, marked with swallow-fork in left ear and an under slope and over bit in right ; has been rnnnine on my premises over two years. Also, a dare red steer. 2 years old, marked with split and over bit in the right ear and smooth crop off the left ; has been running over a year with my stock. Angnst 57th, 1S5?. 2w2 BY the subscriber, living fa the Forks cf the San tiam, Linn Co., Ogn., an Indian horse pony, dark grey, considerable marks from saddle and einc-h, very short tall, branded H P on left shoulder and figure 5 on left bip : fcas been rozmirur here abont one month : ap praised at ?13. STEPHEN M. DAVIDSON. juivwh, irv. nwj BY the subscriber, Eying 1 mile east of Seio, Linn Co., Ogn.. one red stag ox, marked with crop oJ the left ear and under bit in the neht, an unintelligible brand on riirht hip. S or 10 years old : has been rmminz 03 my place abont 3 years; appraised at $ it. LAixii n. ILIO. September Sth, 1859. 2Sw2 BY the snbsercber, living on Coast I ork, Lane Co., Osrn . an iron ffrev mare, snpoosed to be 3 vears old past, no marks or brands visible ; she came on my premises abont the 21st of August. 1S59. TJ Y the subscriber, hvinrr in Polk Co, 1 J miles north- I tf Ti.-,K-1 niu red wnr. marked with a crop off left ear and under bit in right ; supposed to be 4 years old. J. J). KELTY. September 1", l5o. 2wz . E. HCCBXS. J. St. O COXJOK, Ungues & O'Connor, Agents for the sale cf PHELAXS MODEL BILLIARD TABLES, isa. PA TEXT COMBIXA TIOX CUSHIOXS Manufactory and Sales Rooms, 132 Montgomery at., ban rancisco. Balls, Cloths, Cme-rax, and Billiard Trimmings, cf erery description, jor tne J raae. OLD RAILS RE-CUSHIOHED, with sets or PHELAX'S PATEXT CUSHIOXS. CAUTION. These Cushions cannot be procured from any other person on tbe iracinc loast- ' - ill i w mi n-nlwt- 3ml bis Pioneer Sash, Blind and Door Fac tory. WE have constantly on hand, and mann facture to order," all kinds of SASH, BLINDS, Winder-frames, Shutters. Mouldings, Cornices, Out and Inside Finished II ori, of all descriptions. Having the latest improved taeLiuer? for manufac turing tbe above work, we are able to supply Carpenters, Bvilders, and others, fit the shortest notice, and as Cheap as any other Factory tn the State. BP All orders from the country promptly attended to. Work shipped on board of boat tree of caaree. N. B. Pine and Cedar lumber taken in exchange for work. Factory at Da Kelle's steam saw mill. COLBATH Sc. BASS, Pro. Salem, Jnne 13. 1559- 6ml6 , Keith's Rosemary HAIR I X VI G ORATOR! IS acknowledged by all who have used it, to be the finest pre pa ration" for tlie hair ever invented A few Replications of it will make the coarsest and harshest hair soft and glossy stop its falling off or turning grey, remove all dandruff, and cure all diseases of the scalp. It imparts a natural moisture and brilliant lustre to the hair, and has a delightful perfume. Prepared only by Wit H". KEITH & CO., Chemists and Druggists, 137 Montgomery street, San Francipco, by all DrmrgisteL 3mie22 And for sale by At the Dalles Is wanted, a f ok ring mill, as there is none in Wt County. THE nndersigned has a flouring mill partly complete, which wilTbe sold cheap. It is located on an ex cellent water privilege, in sight of the town of Dalies. t5rr Attached to it is a good stock claim. Enquire of O. HUMASON, Dalles. May 13, 1859. , lltf C. B. Pillow, DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, Sa lem, Ogn. Particular attention paid to the repairing of "watches and docks. All work war ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice, FOR SALE: Watches and docks, 8 day striking clocks a a T low price ; also 30 honr marine docks. JEWELRY. Ladies and gents brooches, Finger Sings, Ear Sing, Gold Buckles, Guard Chains, See., &. Salem. July 6, 1857. - I' tf SBrsery. THE subscriber has one of the beet nrseriee in the country, situated near Salem, in which , can always be found all the best varieties. Orchard men are requested to examine his trees. Apply at tt nursery, or the confectionary and grocery store, north west of the Marion House. MICHAEL MYERS. Salero, Oct. 1, 1S5A . 30tf BlanUs. " DEEDS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of scrip, tax receipts, final proofs, and notifications a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman Office. For Sale. rpHREE and a -half lots, with Dwelling House, situated, in Salem. Enquire at the Statesman Office, or f JOHN A. JOHNS. May 13, 1859. IDtf Farm for Sale. TWO and a half miles from Salem, all nnder im provement, good buildings, and a large orchard of Fruit trees, from one to nine years old. JOHN FOKCE. Dee 8, 1S58. 40tf House and Iot for Sale. IN the town of Salem. -JOHN FORCE. Dec7,lS58. 40tf A Spam of Horses for sale. TNQUTRE of W. P. LEWIS at Dallas, or W the subscriber at Satom . - K. P. BOISE. Soptfember 1, 1359. , 2Stf