7E SOrTIIF.ftX TIETIIODINT C HI R Editor Statesman Dear Sir: I tne pleasure ia region I ni' to vonr call for statis tic in n-gtml to the Southern M.-ihoJist Church in Orosroii. It is now loss than two month f;uc onr nr riv.il in the rnnntrr, nml wuz; stmni-r with the ralttic irittil imntrnhat iwjiii.ieeft nrahut 3 by certain nnfrieiiilly rMil.lu.iit ions ln-lote onr arrival, we could scarvclv li..p.p t. do great thins" in short a time." Ami vet, vre h tvc. nn.ier all the riri-nniMnnceii. mtuft to eiieotirasre n. Over lifty persons of tho highest resiuetn Tbility. have unm-il with the tlnmli, nml Wie tios have lieen tornied at Corvallis. Sahni. Ham-. elf l'rairie, Johnson" school house, (nt-nr '.'"!""" ri-m.iu i -oik ...) nml nt liar , non d neliool liou e. A e have a iroieet of w on neinjr nine to organize a s.nietv nlso nt Dallas, ami several wilier place. In all tho places where we have oi gtiuzod societies, sev eral other rnrsons have expressed a desire niio determination soon to unite with, the churvh ; while invitations to preach have poured in npotl tis from more places than we could possibly re spond to at present. I spent one SaMiath in Euvw City, preached momin? ar.d eveniiv iu tne Court House to very large and serious congregations, but made no attempt to onnnize a society there. The h ispitality shown ns evervw hero in the country is truly refreshing:, and. nltatinr a little opposition from a certain wuartcr. (which we expovted and were prepared to nut t and take as part rf " the spice of life,-) Oregon has taken stronji hold cpon onr affections. I shall return to California on the next steam er. Hod wiliinsr. to finish my work on the San Francisco District, preparatory to the meetiii" of our Annual Conference in" that city, Sept! 28, proximo. Kev. Mr. Kolhe will remain in Oregon, in e-enernl tharsre if the work, assisted v Krv. J. K. Parrott, who hrrs united with us. We have no doubt at all of the pt-mianenev of ourchnrvh onranization in()ivnm ;.. wiih us." " truth is mighty ami will preva 1." We expect that the nponiachin? conference at San Francisco will send sevt-ralmnre minis ter into this w ork. Let all mho love Hod. prav ftw - O. F1SHEK. Salem, Oregnu, Anj. 10. I5.M. - Portlaxd, Or.x, Any. 9. 1559. T Editor Statesman Voir la-t issue eotiMas an extract from a private letter from an stiTrant democrat iu California, in which he ;4 ..ks dispanunuly of Mr. l)icki::sii:i"s po litics Istiv.isrlu iu the tree States, and eulngi.cs Mr. Dought. I tkink with you. Mr. Editor, ho mulerrates Mr. Dickinson. While the candidate must p sess a certain strength iu the free States to cany so:ue of them, it is not there only, his strength must lie. He mil t be able to "carry the eiitir. South. Can Mr. l..ugi;!s do this ? I am afraid nut. Can Mr. Dickinson? .Most audoabti illy he can. and by :i-i 1. 1. nation Iimi. Can Mr. Dunghis afford to lose any one of the Southern Mates? I think lu.t. "it certamly wonld be risky business. Can Mr. Dickinson carry enough free States, together with the slave States,- to elect him .' Certainly he can. But, says ignoramus Jo. Lane. " Mr. Dickiu-c-n can t carry his own State Xrw York." Tree and, Mr. Douglas can't carry New Vork. democrat can carry Xew Yurie. As a wriu-r troly said in your issue of the I'-itli July. Xew York's in tho hands of the rhilisthies." It Mr. Dickinson should receive the nomina tion, wouldn't Mr. Douglas do battle for him ? Certainly he wonkl. and most effectually too. ThenJ if any of the free States can b- 'arried for Mr. Douglas quiescent, doesn't it follow Mr. Donjlas can carry thiso same States for Mr. Dickinson? Yes,"iree! Well, apply the rule ' b:Hh ways : Can't Mr. Dickinson carry the en tire Sonth for Mr. Douglas ? Xo, siree! Why vx not ? lli-canse, I am apprehensive that if the Northern, ortnti-Lecompton democracy nomi nate Mr. D.mglas, the South will nomiuate and support a thirJ Lt-comnton candidate, aud thus throw the election in the House. I believe either Mr. Dickinson or Mr. D.mjj 1: ean im elected, hut rcgnrJ Mr. Dickiuson the stronger of the two iu Committee of the Whole." It won't do to look at the strength of tins candidate iu the free States only ; v mas: calculate his strength throughout the - length and breaJth of oar Union. A sectional candidate won't do; he must be a National Un ion Democrat, or else we're beaten. Such a nan m Daniel S. DicKrss"x. - . UNION DEMOCRAT. CT" The uVinocracy of the north are planted rpon the rock of non-interference by Congress Kith slavery in Stale and Territory or the Dis trict of Columbia. It was this r ck upon which tbev planted themselves at Cincinnati, and they will not depart ne hair's-invauth from it at Charleston- Detroit Free Press. ' It is sc no ether jjosition can be maintained other should be ntteH'ptcd. Baton I'ctt. Opposition tthe Dem kracv Theop poeitieu to the democracy sail nnler a variety of names in different sections of the country. In Massachusetts they are Jenvrwroian- Ameri can republicans ; in Missouri, free den.ocrnts ; in Virginia, whig: in Maryland, know Lothings: in California, Brwlcrick men ; in Pennsylvania, the people's party, and in Kentucky. Tennessee, and some of the" other southern States, where proper names have all been nsed np on the nig 'rera, they call themselves ein:f ly the opposition. Here is niaterial for fusion. Seuark Journal. Girrct Iwi a h-trrr In thi lt Trartr.nr-ruiBMinc Jnfepa ! T PrrBrtrtH. Oxrrrt ! Irttjthrr of H ' -Tt. h b .e.;4jr jCTviog lor yarmoaol the tnaas. I..ntrcsti-I ! Ob r. 11th In-thr Danl B-el-r. Mr. Tfi. M-t. cr.ot Sc- t".-. M n H-t. r I.. Wr.. nt Mwn f -t- U TOT.Jt. , Mr. BaXKh C- lc f M - at S iim.-.r. "oi'thVi dT0f Jolj.l j ttxHoo ? r.r!l. W.3al.r iPmAt C-mntr. r..-l-r.'-e in R ?i,urz, J .-rii:h 3DIE3D- In Y town, nn tht lt'h Jr-t.. r.-ir. Kasux, aa,"hur of J L S:rtsrv, srrt 2 yeir.e oioi.it. OlN.- ba'r inHtry. . illjl fi-.m Ta.pi rfl.". or en- napftm. JvSb H. Tr-.Trt , of nun, vwr. f a M. T-v.tt. of P'.rtUEri. r-r-"n. 11 s rcn.. were r-ht 10 P-rtiirri f..r ltierro t. b Mrion C ... A-i-rnt 4. at "'-I -. P; -' - M )f "' a. D, -1 w m im Apr:l Si:; 1. 1-. in t ' la. trxl fcTer, Darul L. Urttc", -n of Mnrrin . lletr. atl i O1.0 mad Cai:f..rnla pfwrs i-l-ape c pj. SPECIAL WCTICES. Too may PoitV Stnsr. r -n n otl.ers rz rrra:o.l ft I" -od ns r--f Mpa i l!-ti of ciu : m hve a tare qortltT mi ha. aa4 rr mouhk to mapo of t': an. x-f the comparuiirtly lew o"i ia -n)n-.. i;t of pot. ef tb State Les'slatore. A W pamphM e-p:.a of the I-" e..etr ai t. late e5-Haa'fi- Sie L.-i!sture, for aole a: tb Statunan office. Price fifty rrtOm. Aanst 7, ISM. 22 To SUtesnw Si&tf'"' 0inr to t ..areity of m-nry in O.-eeon, hare conela4 e not to aend out bills to al:rilKm arrean. this year, in eeordanee with -or ar.nual eustoo.. Tl.ere ar, doubtlea. anyalK cannot j ina- eor.veni. ntiy pay the .!! nun. ae, an do not wisU to annec.Mirily prc payosot ; and terefore mit aeDd'.Di,- bills. At th Mite, .e hope those indeed to as, wbo t the mooey, ri'.l .end it to tu. . h o. i- - ... tim. t " and " nara inue., aa w,tii casa paymer-is m - Tho in.rrear, t, ..IrertWnf -I "f'" kUh and e.rc ra, br h:i mail. VVB Ealen, Aar. 7, Pre., and Printing Material for Sale.-A ne kl Vashinjtton pre, and full ond hand '(with the ex-er..ion of a ten minor art.cte) for .ale. laiaiire at the St'tUnnan office. T A.rTl:e actur.1 circol.tion of th Stat aaaa la ever t. ttKKan-l eopV. ; U.e Irertteement. appear rrad.ble type -. the ra.e, of cbarpe arc not mor H tbeae of the papers of little circulation. Jo FrhA-.ng-.-VVe bare ma le ame addition, to our lockef JType.turludin? a (rood rtmt cf Card ana Vaster Letter, of e newest tvl'. an FarmTie reler Is referred to tl.e artverUe mm w t... i..t.... in this paper. It furtibhes a c- - UI epponanity I .r any one In pursuit of a farm- Terci . .... 8nlo r deairaoie. Mkv-1 e-!pose to sell valuable boot, throughout U Wiluwette Valley, at small profit. 1 am Uj aD Kei t Irr at, .... a i t m.9 taial ttat-Ullt raman a Portland, and wut lurnisu j -- v. e. CMTTll E. C. SMITH. cat at Portland prices a, las. lilt Ora.ronberi rever tal Aaa Pills. A !-l n.t pmltlve cure for IMt it'.strrnlrir rr.irii.uii i n.,.- ..in. compoiM princlptlljr of Quaint, w!Ki other VcgclnWe tonic. ,v, Bna itKiujfc articles. Thousan;l hare bocn rcrmanrnuy curt-a by llicir rtr. GitJtFEstst.rto coxsi-mttive-s balm. SoTtrrln In all branchial an.t r-ulinonni? l)Ueass. Jt b In-yoivtaU mn-ftllon, true thai co:umntlon Is a Fiuni.i. a,. cas. and the coiaacii.tlvt balm la the Inst cnratlrc cr OR.ri-Exnrr.o health hitters. Thtsc t:tterj ai o i;ll.-ull ad fUjnir.tly .rc!trcd from a number of Ir.vlyoravnj bcallliy not, bnrki, h;rba ouJ Tines Aa Invaluable tsr.lo an i hcalu rcslor. r. u T Keltic! CollcKi-.uo Instituto. CAi..nAR rot: the yeau is.w-6.1. riUIK t'oll.-Kr y.ar coiunu-nces the A Moa.luv in 11 T '" ' '-i','1 ' ,5iviJ- or ijiianeri, of 11 yei-K e::ih. 1 !iccoiimuii.-niciit is hcl.l on thu 4th ot July, whon the ycaHr vacation ensues. XATHAMKLllll)M)y,A. M, . LL I KuLANH, A. M., Projectors. Tc. t'tii f T-Jition ;.-c,i.-'r. rommon Key Hah hrauc!:cs Enj;lish Amilvfis, liher ArUliniotioVllaok". kcepiug, liiMory, and Kionicntuiv AhoSni, atnral I'hilosojil.j , ltotar.v. tleoirnuiliv, I lieii:ibtrv, lmvlKt-iuHl uud Moral rh:U'so.tiv. l!:tH.ric and Lo;:i-, Kl cmcn:ury tJcometrv.Siirvi'viiiK, u.id Aiv,i:hrn, Higher .:atheiuutii'S, Lii'tia " tircck" aiid r rom li lani;iiaucB.. CO CO $10 GO f-ip . . .... .iiivt-uiviiiMor nnura can oc made at rvacoiiulile rates. Book nst-d in the M-hool caa be obtained at t!.e CVIlcj;e buiidini; ut casli iiricc. Any. ltol. .r Willamette TVimini 3Iauitl'artigi i t'nip:i::r, VSPrXIAL.i-.M7Ctim of the rtockhoMers is berebv culu-il, oa '1 liuixlay, An. i'o, lSoi, at 1-J o'clocii, M., at Factory iu Saiiiu, to iotemiiiic u to the best means tor traiiKictiug the outride biiiucM of tlio Com pany, connected wiia the Factoi v. fer order t JOJlA It. MO RES, . ... i'-r.iJ. J. O. llsoj. Srcie'nrw. Salem, Auir. 11, 1 OA Iw-3 Motice. I WILL he at .t!!.i on Mxtttlav, Auttcut C9th,to ex nunuv ti;e iteaciEsiiiL-iit mil. according to law. JUtl-N 1'. OlTIIOlfli. lhinas, r,.iU C.i., An" 131 $". vv3iid Jaitits M. hlr, A TT 'I!EY AM) I v.r.XSLLL K AT LAW. X. tlFl ll."K, i.M.-i.urj, lluuyius Co., tlja. :ei-:tr sii!e. NjOTI. Kk ; i:e!... .vea, tnat ,y virtr.o of an exe a. 1 t.oa. to n-.e mrn te : !) tr.e lr. t fonrt.of Linn .tl:.iy, IP.vu"!., ia ta.r i t J.i;:iei H. lVaree, and ui.:i!..M V ll.l.lA: KLl.-O . 1 have levied upon, and :l l"Oi-ei .1 to wli, n i c nvuilH-, oa li.e -i.ili 1)AV K H1 TKMlJhU. i-..:i, l.v:ee:iti:e IiihiimoI Jl o' ii.k. A. M . a.m -i A i.:., I". M.,ti:c fV.lon in? do w-riid p.iifl ianii.ta e.il: t.:nme:u in;; jit therrtt-ti-e n e ipil-r. t t-r. i.-, 11., s r z: , ti:euee went lj roiis. vi J. e o . ti.it.-.. u -i J. v. it. r.!, t.. jilaee of teiunitiu : mo. couiiuenriut; :it the mi.ho j.lnee an the i.bove, t nnice u t: nui, i..riu vj roiU. eaM it) nn!f, Mint'i it; n ii.-, t-. j-iaix it l.-iiiniaf; : a'?!, etiaiuieueini; i-t: n foiifi t t t.:c n e c. r.K-r ot m.tho:i it I lo, s r i v. the :.. u:n i" w '' n,!- : n;. e i! iihU, l.ijiaveil tu:i.Li:.-. JiUlX SMITH. hf. J i.iirt f.' Ali'. id, l,-CrL. tu-Jd TUKOKOliFfiOX. x. i t;i... 5 l iil NTV Or lxr .N i i tr iiorts: 'I .lA5l ull.tM : :i r.n? l eret.v no- 1 t-iiidtk:.ta writ f n:taehi:.er.t l(-a i'-tied aainM yon. and yt.iir pMperty a-:ii ..ci I -. a'.i!-:y ttie den.and of Jame Wr.tem. arnour:iii t i.i v s-i'x Jol Inns and lilt v iviiN : now unless Vi-ti :;.!; aj'lH"."' bc fiiiv .la nesI. .:riiv;t.m. n juMiec i t ti e j. iii-e. in aud fur RiiJ roia.tv, i t idr.i -. : ti e i.tli ihiv id Sep teinlwr. !v.' . jit lirmi at wi!! le rviiier-il a.ut:itit yon, and Tour rrr.jei-v vM to j :iv t; e .ii-T.t J A M i-: VATKI:S. riutntiir. Iare.-1 t' :s3 t'l aav of Jul v. -.':. JwSI rSrtecs ia IlriKoii CoubI -ran ictiit. I'llr'mcinir on traek will commence on Vd r.i -fdav. . rjr. Sl-t. nr.d cint:p.ne far t!:iy, when l!:r f.diowina J nie will be ran t-ir: Ut I) V l'iirjd" ?i''.fir ill - year old, one mile. Same day Sweej jt; ke fur all ir.it rii-d sadule hotc. ij " cn'raere, or.c t.'.ilt". -I 1AY l"aie of $ I W, for all aires, ir.i!c Lcata, two ia three. M 1AY rirs..-"of i'" f-T a'.l ::ii!"!on, except Kirteutan. mile hetr. tw oin ti-ree. c:i:e!i weih a. Srune dar vveeprtaxc for nil wtd.llo liore. ?'.. one mile. -th DAY lliuei f $ 'r,r nil . , f'i;- i eats, :i ia -i. anie day wct-tnl.et iVt all r.irei, ?-"J en trail e. ore tr.ile. n.e citrl-.T. ami mlcs of ihe Yamliill .T- ckcv ("lrh veil! soveni t!:c co ae. r u trance ie j er cent t t'irec to enter and two to Hart. t? A enlooa and re-tanrar.t li isl.ccn erected on the proimil for tlie accommodation of a'.l pturon., and CO cent entrance to the track will lie c'mrtreil. JOHN 1'lJOCTrtB. IV-nton Co.. 'An?. 5, 13oS. iwtri Jist Ilrcrivcd x . I"i0 Ve old Colony nail. ; . ! Pa-kt-r l ills nails; : 2b " . spil.es : ' is) " cocts.' !:oe mils ; 1 dzen srmia scort si 1; " AictTs qll:lre pointei shovels ; li i4 " a.nirt handle chnvela; l. ' Ion 25 " l'ar. ard other forlca; 10 Tnttie'a f:ce; IA " Arae' fp;.dts; 1 ytrav.- cutters: 100 I'eoria. a::.l other plows; 30 itoren i-ir Jc Jaikson's saws, aborted" ; 3'-0 feet roil c!.n.; leVb fiis. ox chain ; ii'X) j air trace cha.nr ; All of vv! ic'a will be !.! to r-.r.-'-.. ' nt reduced rate. W. II. -i'K'.CKII. Front tt., lor;!aa l. Ar.L-nft 5, I sj i-tf . Jiit Korcivc! : EX I lippera. Y'-Mintr America and i. rockett: fr oox V!ii.i'a bandied axes: 3 " Hunt . ir " Ohio pattern ; V" trro? t .Me and packet cmlery ; ''Ji ketf nail-; ') iloi Air.es" epnile: " SO " r:Ove!; 51 ton refineil iron : g 1 " let ca-t Mtel ; 1 iloi har forkc. - i ' Ail of which is oietvtl to lie trade. ie trade, in O'l.-mtiuee to eir 1.1 rr-.!ilt-(-d niit-fi. V. H. .-IMlXt tK. l'ror.t et., IVrtlund. An-.-. . l-.l. -v-if 1 1 on ! Iron ! ! J: "ST R E F.IViiH: i;,i.i.o H. hnr but iron, awwd nrrt : y,M liis. bar r'jm;re iron, .'"orted 'e; oi,ii4i ibe. bar rtn.-.I iron, assorted fizes ; l..'4!0 oval iron, naorted &i.ei ; 1 .".'! 1 a!f round iron". a"eoried eizes ; !..'-: liw. b:i:wl in-ii n"t-nrted sizes ; lb. n::.l r.'. ni-Mted sizes ; iti.t !!!. !.oe s'.niv.-.-, aborted f itts ; 5:1 lattt ir n axles ; r sale Bt re.ln.i d prii-ei.. by W. II. sPKX Eli. F-ront at , rortbn.l. niriHl , I - -T' At Iast! Tl'ST Ii ,J eijr'it 1 r l"ST RECEI VEI ). i wo - liorw pov.-crt h whera. and ..i.i.rit niiil mow r- r- viti-;i vvni ueeviii ui coot, luid d'J'.Vil III 1 -rtlall1. I :e mwnn i.. n.ru... expired" when ii;ei? machine are used, w the reason vvn v ther are otfereii on 'iicli l;!K-r;iI temiH. Thooe vdio wsh to pr.K-nre nu ll will Kive money by sending in their orders. . Term, oa; tI SPENCER, , -- Froi.t st., I'onland. Anc.O, I"'."'. 1-Stf. To tin- Tl'HI. - - Ci " "inn WORTH of SUll Hardwi re, just OO.U'W received, roii.pri.iii a u-cinnil ax aortuic-nt , and will le wild to the ta!e,at reduced rales. W. H. rl'EXi Eli, Fi. nt. nt , Portland. .....,. ; ts.vi tf l.".iih Rosdiiai'V HAIR 1XVIGORATOR! ISacknowl. d-cl bvnll w ho have usc-d it, to l e t.ie I finet pret tratoi.'forthehircver invented A lew spplicafm i of it will n.ke the eoamr-4 and haihcrt 1.L r iKdt and orKV-top ita falling oil or tnni.njr rre , remove all dandrn.f, ami cure nil diseases ot tne na p. it hnpart "a natnral nioiHture and brilliant luttre to the bair, and I as a di-liphtfnl perfmr.c. I'K-pared -i ly by WM. 11. KEITH te. C'V, Chemists nnd Oi-ii-'Kists, ltT AT .ooronerv etrcet. Am Francipco, v , !. 1.. o!l I It-iitstriyt. .Illtis On Taylor street between tl and d, PORTLAND, OREGON J. C. II-AVTHOKNE, M. D., Physician. A. M. LOVYEA, M. P., Snrgeon. SlMfC ..... --, tiiciiiiiien j ii .i ..r.- ONE bar mare. hn-e veurs old, branded on n "the left bbonh.r J t, that Btr.iveil, or whs t7V Molen from the pre:s of Mr. Loafs, in the forks ol the Sautiam. oa the i.M of Jnlv "Jlt. 13. Any one a-i-iii" the above mare, Hll please deli ver. or convey wrd"to Mr. Loonev', aH ttejr will I?" b.d F. 1 . Hi A X KS. "A B.1H5P. 41-aid IIou' anI o -or sale. TX the town of Salem. - I ." -- ' a ' - n. fr Sal. r " " Deo 8, 1SML 40tf Tlic Grout Wontlrr ....or tiik XIXETEEXT1I CEXTURY, . Professor Wood's JTair Restorative S AY'S the St Lnnis (Mo.) ' Democrat Bel pnhlish a li tter I.) Or. Vool. of this cite. low we . from ii Keni Ionian iu .Maine, which rneuks j;lowir.irlv of the superior merits ot I: in lour Ionic. Midi evidence iiinst Jia e itr etlcct, when coimnu- Ironi a reliable source. 1 comlicates arc irunmntees of trnth.tho Or. needs no encoiaiuins, nor uelets puilerv trom t::c press? llATii, JIiixe, Jan. l!.)6. Profksjor O. .1. Wood it i o Cieiuliinen: ll:ivi:i ' tnv attention iti'lcd H few ttlontha since to the hu.d.ly bem-licial etl'ects of your Hair liet-tomtivc, 1 wits iiuinced to iiml.e npplication of it noon my own hair, which had become nuilo erav, probably one third white ; me whiskers were of the same character. Some three tr.cnth Fince I procured a bottle of your Hair Resolutive, and used it. I soon found it was proving what 1 hud wii-hcd. I used il ubom twice n vvetic' lean now cert ily to the world that the grey or white hair has totally disappeared, both on my head and face, and my hnlr has resumed its natural color, and 1 belii ve more soft mul plossy than it has been before for twentv live veitra. I m:i now tixty ycT.ro old : my good wite, at the age of lifty two, hits tucd it with the nunc ell'ci-r. The ubovc notice I deem due t; you for your valua ble discovery. I am assured that vvluu'ver will tightly Use, as per directions, will not have occasion to con tradict my statements. I am a citizen of this city, ami a resident here for the last fifteen years, and am known to nearly every one here and adjohuuir towns. Any use you tnny liiuke of the tihove, with my name at tached, is nt your service, lis 1 wish to preserve tlic beauties of nature in others, us well as mvsclf. 1 urn, truly, yonraj. A. C RAYMOND. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. . 11.1 i.i ixottE, Jan. i3, 1$6S. Pnorrssoit Wood Z(fir 'n-.- llavinif had the misfortuao lo lose t':c best portion of my hair, from the ctlects of the yellow fever, in Xew Oilcans, iu 1.Sj4. I wits induced to make a trial of your preparation, mid found it to answer us tho very "thinit needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, and no words caa express inr obligations to you in giving to the alllic'ed such a treasure." FIXLEY JOHNSON. The tm.leryiined, lie-v. .1. K. 15r:frf, is n tuinister in retcuhir staii.linir. ami Pastor of ihe Oi-thisiox Church nt Urookiicld, Muss, lie ia a (f en! leuian of ttieat inllu ence, and tmiversai'.y beloved. WM. DYER. UitooKHi.i.D, Jan. I.', 1S."jS. Pnorrssou Wooa Dear ir .- Hut-ins made trial of your Hair Resto rative, it nives me plciljsure to ear, liiul its eMect Hhs been excellent in removi:i iullamiMutiou. ilantlriitr. and a coi:?:aut leniiency to itching with w hich 1 have been troubled from my childhood ; Uml l as also restored my lmir, which wts liecotiiiti" j-ray. to its onuinitl color. 1 have used no other article wit ii ativthint; liho the same pleasure or pwtit. Yours "trtilv. J K. URAOO. The Restorative is put e.p in bo:ilcs o: three sires, vi : larirc. im diuin. and smnll ; the sin .1! hoi. is half a pint, and retails tor one dollar per bottle: tlie nie.liiiiu Holds twen y jx-r ;int inoi-c iu proportion thnn tlie emiill, retails" fort wo d .llats per bottle; the lunte holds a quart, fortv per cent, more in proportion, and retails for $'1. O.J. WOOD Jt Co., Proprietors, tit Roadway. New York, and ill Market street. St. Ijii:.s, .Mo. And sold bv ail uood Dm.-ists an s Fati' v Go-Ws Dealera. ' I'tT PARK A WHITE a t Francisco, V1 ol.-nle Aleuts for .n!iio.-;i:.t nml r.'n. ttn"Ji ir -t;i's 1 5') luleu I-.aiaa 1 ectiiu' ; 00 hah-. 1. : vvre:n-e s ecti:cjs: ,'i li;:l-s M i.icnns-iis s::eetinLrs; o I'iiIks A!.. tutuc-ru s'.:cf:;n ; If 0 hiil -s br.iv.-n dulls; tit t a!i s lihte ih-mnis ; V6 cases rissorlod licking; lo i-as'.. Kntur'it jtans; 1 c tsi-s bine i::-llw: i. cassts n.-.r:i-d e.int.. ii cuscs l.I.-at1'-! s; criill ; 3t'. pie.i-s ttn-.sst'ts a::d velvet carpets: If'd jiccis t ' n c Iv mrl inxu-a arpcU ; ' (I picics :1 ..r ,.r-h::i : loiti pieces C k-o.i and C hina r.'.:it:ir.;r; .n cases p:;f-er hanuiii'js ; J0 cases t.lt.fe oil cloths : il' cases cn:-tn:n ihi:n:;sks : 50 cases hn-e and muslin curtains : i' cases window shades and Hollands; 4 'il do7cn rti-r4 tind mats : pieces d:i:vreti and I utzes ; Now lariviiiii'. for sale AT THE LOWEST R A T E S , BV FRAXK baker, Vv' Nos. .10 ar.d 112 . L.VY STREET. JuTy i:. 1V 3mil 1'ioiif er S;js?i. Stiiit-.l tiittl Daor Pac lorj. YY7E have constat t!y on I aud, and uanu- fai tare to order," all kiuils ol j-"' ' J s a s n , n li x d s , iiA l'tndtrj,-ntnr. AvVi-. .lo.;f' . Cyrnitxt ijiti ami inside .i.ieJ Ho.it, of all ilescripiii.ua. llavitv,' the I' its' imp.-ored fonrhinery for mauufae ttiriiur the above worU, we are uble to eupply itirprn ri s. tsiiiuicrs, ana othei t, at the hor?? sio,cc. and r.s 'hr;p n arty n'hrr Efzctory in thf State. p All on'.ein fnr.u ti e co intrv pi-.imptly attendud to. Woi k shipped on Imkii.I of b.mt ircu wi'cnarvre. N. li l'ine and Ce.iar lumber tai.cn in exchange for work. Factorv sit Du Relle'a sti-nr.i saw mill. toLUATH it RAS, Pro. Palcm, Jiine 1:1. If-.V- finlti Tracy Ai C'o's i:irc3 To Oregon City, " SaleTn. " AH'unr. " Corva'iiis. " Eaget'-e City, A. II. Steele, Apent Juo. I . !! U, S!:ellv tfi C.i. " !s.M k'Ar K inl'iuan Ac J.T liRo.MLEY, Counertinv at lVrilnno with A"e!!s. Farro A: Co E.t-pn-satouli pan J of California, Atlantic Suites mid i.u rujie. UTE will forward an express from Portland, Mon day, Wccacsday, an.. Friday lor ea--:i week for above placs-s. Treasure P.itcelsaml Package forwarded In charge of a .-pei ial Memenjfcr. Colli-ctions made nnrall business p'-rtaiiiintr to an I xprcss. exectittd witti promplners nad dispatch. ijr Oiiice in Portland wim W ells, Farao iV Co. K. W. TRACY, ) ". . E.NOKTIX.Jr.JI,0l",0,or Jnlvi?. 1V.3. gr.f Coit'cctioiTy stistl irocoriCH, rltllt iiniiersii-ped r.as pun hn-'ed t!:e sto I the store ami stuck X ot coi.fectioneiy and irroif riea of C. V. I'lUtfovaire, nearlv opiKwire tl:e Mario:i House, S.dein. I liefoaH vvhe.e be will Keep n eneml snrply ol coiifectiom-ry, nuts, frnils. tec.. on hand, lo-tr.her with a choi.-e assort). i.-nt of irroci-ries. and mnny other artieK. in bis line, liivc me a call, and I will irr lo eive toii a ba: Kain. " il. MYERS. Salem. O. I. 1. K". 3' if ."Votico. , , ', TMIE subscriber would inform the citizens of Salem and vicinity, that he has ou hand n Chmte ,..ff 'm n' -f H t'trnic Ac(o"c, That he o:!. rs oil terms to suit. La titties. He would also say to his old enstouiers, thai be will attend lo calls, in both lown and country, in the day time, as lonsf cs the roads aiid weather are itomI. W. WARREN. Mar 1-2. 1 ". H'tf TliresiiJinr IMarfisitrs. HAVE a few two orse threshing machines, of the . most approved patterns. TOWXER SAVAGE. :iw-'i Salem. Jnlv 2", 1.". For Sale. TWO COSCORD BVCStSlES AS'D 1IARXESS. ONE of said bum' -s is calcu- p?j;i.'Jtva fated for oiiiii-rDiie or two jP&A&ffiX linrsefti the other for one horse onlv. Aptdv to Salem. .Jniv ifi, l-V1. llX Aotict. 7E are now ready to receive wool nt Ihe Factory, JOS. V A 1 I. luiv n. i.". fn' At tlif D.itSfs It iranled, njti-iiriug mill, n.i there is none in Wasro -s, County. rt'lin undersigned has H tloui iiur mill partly complete, t which will be sold cheap. It is located on an ex cellent water privilege, in siirht of the town of Dalles. I 'if' Attached to il is a good stock claim. Hiquireof O. HLMAt ON, Dalles. Jiav 159. IM Li inc. vtjE will ship a superior a: tide of limk, to any or- V der, for two dollars per bid. SlCH & COCHRAN. Cor. fac. and Front fctrcet, San Francisco. Jnlv 1 , im auH i Cliiiiook Sali'ion, PET np in kits, and half barrels, by af99?r5, James Welch, Astoria, for sale nt a - wharf boat. Salem. Jnlv 1. I '-' IStf Sltrru for Sale. lrf FINE ewes, and twentv-five extra j"V t)UU bucks. Also, 10 bead of extra breed C7 ing marcs, two stallions, 5 ffeldinKS. 0'V''.T Jlr22,l. SOtf J Tax Keccipts. A Ttlie Statesman office, at $ I per hundred $1 25. J if sent by mail. -4,f Count)' Order ISIanKs. T-IOR sale ot the Statesman OtTice, at 2 p.-r '"indred jf -j or if sent by mail. - Iron! Iron ! GENERAL tusortiucut of Iron , for s tile nt T. Si B. STKANG'8. t'tf Vnluablc faun for (Sale. a:o acres. An Orchard rf "00 Tree, Choice Varieties 1 GOD J3VSIIELS OF APPLES THIS YE ARM fy THE subscriber desires to sell his 31 VALUABLE I' A R M , P. Situated iu Marion County, 4 miles south of Jj'rK Champoo" and nnv person who wants a loca tion, irel a.iapfcd to hf.m-Jr ruining, mid fritit and gram g-roH-tn 3-, cj.n now ct A Ii A RG A I X ! 200 bttmlrc'l acres tire nitder fence, ISO of trhich in of the Finest Prairie. Cpon tho premises there is a new frame house, a taree new oarny AS ORG 11 A RI) OFABOCT-m FR CI T TREES, of which are note f-ctring, ami will vielJ this sea son u crop of from li Itl TO SOD ltfclIKlX A tntp stream ot water tor stock ; and sprinira near the dwellinif and burn, afford plenty of wuter the rear rouml : and on the laud is an abundance ot T I M BE It, suitable for trood, rint or IntnLer. I vr" This farm will he Bold for part cash down, and balance on time, uud nllords A rare cha.ia- for a gind bargain. JEROME 15. JACKSON. .Tune t, I?o0. uml-lpaidis A Uargiiin ! I AVI EL oTcr for sale, on a Varzain. ijne thousand acres of excellent land. in Puddn.ir river, iu Muriou Co., t 'lmi, clear title, upon which are LARGE 1MPROVEMEXTS, IM) acre if JarJ, in jasf?tr and f'tirm, orchard, -c. Tne on-liurd coueiMb of l.tH0 iple, iear nd plum trees, ;:!U cj uhi'S arc mow f,cirtn J'rnitt a euw-mill, wiih new tjum, utnl cueiki wntir i-ower. a larire unti- ply of timber, two cl of .trllii;H, bnrim, &r., ure on tho lumiti. 0U acres ecedt;.! in tame (ftms, tiuc eupply ol'ytock water, tine wotwl. mil timber, V.c., and u HE A L TH Y S ITU A TIOX. I would scl! the saw-mil! und 30 acres of land, with Kiipplv of ciiv timber, srm r.'c from the balance ol e fund ; or 1 would divi Jo dud sell the land iu smaller par.-els. i- I have also for sale a iarcr road 9cnztit, and un ox team, and -to head of cows, heiters, and steers. DAVID Ni-AVSOM. N'owbota's JliU, Jtmt' 6, i'ixf a. :. coi.k. s. u. wiiirr. I"e- St--. CI ITOIIOE R. C'i)L: & C' . arc now ope-.n'ii-- at ihe H well known stand cf fl. r'. Colo, ccond suvet, Corcullis. a lai i-'e nml well sel.-.-tcd stock of Spring ana -ur.tiisicr IhhhIs. i utr stor:: cotif ists in par! ol y fj'o..v, d'.-nf.'Ki, iiardtrnrr, Itctdvmade Clothing, Hots, B-at ard Slutt, C,o,'k- ery. (itrt-tt If'r. A-c, all of which we will sell c!.c:in for ca-u. or exoVriUire for comitrc proJu-e, for wliicri the highest market price will 6e pid. We now eu ea piibiie in'-'iaHon t one if.id nil to enrae and exumir.c o'ir sti ..- , :i. w il i"it ourselves that you will not so invar !i '.-:ui 2n;ltty ati'i pnrt . We will be itarntistant 1tc: :j. season, and Mr. IVIe b":u-j Is-: ronnrcted with a wholesale ho our f:u :ti:i-s lor purclitiit I hi ll.c i hcfijct p:'. are rcml.-rvl suKrior to auv o': Corvullis. i:v HI. lV). .-:i ia re:rard to I -.?. i f K !.i:rin t!ie ted in I'ortlan.l. a::d i: i-.i Sun Francisco, r linn ia town. Ivli :i ) AND 110 CLAY STREET. -I..'."1 ir MEKCH iNT r-TREET, .-i.-yiT-. ; ca.f IX r in F. ri i-.-f at-:' ;:??.', v.ii:rj;v:-.h'i.t k ,.nd taltli: on. cloths Mtt Coco 1 M-:ti:.ig. .-rrc.-. .' .-.'rr-. Uan- tit&s. If.ncT -..icn o;J fJJ.'-.nd'. V P II O L S T 1Z Ii y a O O I) s , rimt itAteuiNSS .iu tour-Ens, CU1X A it. I TTISG. roa sale is n ivtj cr ntrr rin, AT LOWE S T R A T E S . May i. 1: ill l.titnl Huyfi- L!i nt Tti ! A r GREAT ClIAXCE FtjR A B A RCA IX'. Wl-ll to teli m- farm, v.hicu lies r.cnr t!:e 1 center of Ltun Ci.r.nrv, in a vei v cii.-irde si' :aiou, b.-in-j e'evatcMi. a:ui i-.-ioriini- a very iwsl view of the f.imiuitiliii; latni-rape. T.:e:e are urou l! c larr.! a iro:ii House niiii rani, an or. :. am 01 luo liviuit sprir.:.-s, r.-.l'v'idin-j wuttr for stink. o'.'i fruit trees. trtr ninuber cf Tes. "ne half il j-.vn Vi months, with interest niatioa, tr.uiie of 11. e nt A Jlar e.". IW. 1:1 cas.i ; II: rttr.utiniler in ni itay of sale. Eor ir.for- il.v'l'H VEL CnSADI.K. I -it" EMititrya SKIFF, SURGICAL, DR. L. S. l.:n M E C II A XI CA L D E X TIS T, 1 S now pri-pared to insert full o: X c;:d t.-e?::. oa line u'i"!d rinte. partial sets of artla- Also decave teeth lillcd with adjesire coiJ, t lld re- stored l their original re ami usefulness. J."i'ilie one door fuia Kcnvoc's Ambnrfrpe 1 ; t f " i?ntistry. D R. E. II. HRIFFIN, fclRUEOX DEBT'S )a now l;l a!e:n. oil PROFESS IOXAL B VSIXESS. i:d will n-rnain tiil the tu of June. 5 i? ' ll:llcc over Strang's. I ti. .Or. w ill vi ut the following places, viz : Iy.mion, on the -It-iof June, and remain tiil the Tth of Julv ; Ilrowcsvillo, 01: the Ivth of July, and re main till the-' lib; Eugene City, en -the 1st r!' Auccsr, sum remum till t ie i 'tti. t.. It ; lil 1 1 l.v. tiilem, Jlav IS'.J. 1-J lili l.iAm; TalU aliunt titiltl .Mines IJCTS ire in mind thai I WANT Til PAY MY l'lHT.Snnd citm. t do it WITHOlT MuNEY.ati'l il 1 iere is any IkkIv iwin me. land I think there ie.l v-. e would ju.-t s:iy tliat money we must have, r.nd we woidd hereby" lioiify tht.se huh bted tome eitl:er by i;-te or bok aei-onnt to come forward mid punule otherwise we will have to cou-i.'ii thctn nil over lo J. 1. licHin, who will no doubt make c-t 011 it. Yours n-st. llv, J. A. JOHNS. Salem, Sept. 1, l-o"i. " , -tf Notice. 1)ERSfNS wisliitrj ntty bu.-iti.-s t Ailantic States, sucli i:s pu:c!:usi luii;xi'S. wagons, sewi:)Hr machines. ati.-m tcd in the 1'..' 1 f inrriases. pianos, t vapors. nnd mowi-rs, ir auv other article which i not u-.uailv hept in this mark e;;ll on the uiidri this marUet. w ill lin-l it to tin ir advantage to rsiiitied. Also, for ii:e oollcriion of moneys twin, ii tsiisii i.iy done inroti :i t ie Express Co., at a heavy epeus )" will be promptly attended to bv one vf onr linn. We will pay ca!i tor all drafts, bills of xebunoe. and CeVltticidt. of deposit on the iulsl or Vestera Itiiuks. W. C. fiRISWOLD & Co. Sab-m, Oct. 12. IA"A ' f s"? i( ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE OR RENT J-mJ 11 minor fence, up wants of l"t acres iifcul tiratiou situated itt the l-rks of Wiliuniette river, three e.iiles froiu S:i!em. The laud i-hiiui is one of the best, not only in Lane county, but in hi on. tin the cliitui therv is one of t.e iicst SAWMILLS iii the toutitry. Tiie water p:ivil vu'o canito; he excelled any where water the ver round and timber handy. Payments will I e arrantred to suit the purchaser. For lurllicr information, iipplv on the premi.-es. (J. H. AiiMITACK, 'v 4ltf Mi Kenzie's Post OH ice. i. 15. Pillow, DEALER ill clocks, watches nnd jewelry, Sa lem, Oirn. Particular attention paid to the rconirini ot watches and chicks. All work war ranted. "Jewelrv repaired at short notice. , -FOR SALE: ' Watches and clocks, H day striking clocks r.t a very low prii-e; nlso 30 hour mariite i lK-ks. JEWELRY. I .:i.li o and jfents brom h.es. Finder Rings, II.tr Ring's, f Sold Ruckles, tiuard Chains, ecc &c. Salem. Julv li. l-r. I7tf ii. Collior JIoLiiicis, 1RACTICAL Wat. li Maker. Wholesale nu denier in clocks, wau iies. jeweli v, silver and retail ware. and lishiiio tackle, and Indian uoo.Ik, Portland. Orcjron. Reccivinjr my jrooiw direct lrom t lie importers and manufacturers. I can sell goods as low as any other I louse on the Pacitl ic Co 1st. Havinjr experienced workmen in every branch of my business, 1 can xiiarantec perfect ealislaction in repuir injr line watches and jewelry. Everv article warranted to be as reputed. All watch work warranted to ,ive satisfaction. 4Stf Canfort) ran lie Cm oil ! DR. I5ROWN will be found next door to Messrs. Moore's store, when not Profc.ixionally from home, where he will not on y Cure Cancers, but, IVchs, Goitre, $., Cpon scientific principles, without the use of the knife, loss of blood, or mitcli pain, and warrants a perfecl cure. His practice is purely vegetable, nnd anti-poison. He treats the diseases of the eye and mouth, per forms dental operations of all kinds, and warrants his work. . He calls especial nttention to Ins superior treat ment in childbirth, fenuile diseases in general, heui inorrhaoe of all kinds, chronic diseases, &e., dec. rjy-'".ll consultations in perfect confidence. Teeth extracted by electricity if desired. Charges reasonable. . .... , . , " Palients visited by nurltt or day, without respect M the weather. His practical experience extends titroiuTn a series of over twenty-live years, in every climate froin the Atlantic to Ihe Pacific, both north and south. 1J Ilr. llutchins' medicines constantly on baud. Salem, July , l"5 lyiO Drs. G. A. & Ada 31. Weed, Ilygeo i'edical Physicians. H AVING located in Salem, we shall be happy to attend to calls, 00111 in lowa una couinrr. ii.Wn will irive snecmi uuention to Obstetrics. and diseases peculiar to women and children. Patients ut a distance visited on reasonable terms. Thcv may 1,0 consulted peroouajiy.or by lctter.ree. April SS, 1859. Ttf Yamhill Races. THE Vainliill Races will com- f i inence on Tuesday, the 13th j, y f;:. , as duv of September next, and con- t.-r tin'ne until Saturday, the 17 th. " The Yamhill Jockey Club will have put up in purses, f 1,000, to be divided as follows ; 1st day For two year olds, purse $100, single dash of 11 mile ; to name nu or before the Kith of August, and close on or before the lilh of September ; . 2d day Two mile heats, puree !?i50 ; 3d day One mile heats, purse $lo0; Jth day Mile heats, three in live, purse $200 j 5th day Three mile heats, purse i'i'JO. Entrance for the above purses, will be twenty-five . per cent ; half of the entrance to go to the parse ; (ibcb; lers of the Clvb half prirc for entrance :) half of the entrance in tho two year old pnne; forfeit paid ut any time of entry. The Yamhill Jockcv Club have adonted the rule of the MeMrio Course, excepting the weights, which ate as 101 ows : 3 year olds, n fenther 1 3 year olds. 7;" lbs t - t year olds, 80 lbs; 5 year olds, i'5 lbs ; 6 rear olds, li5 lbs : 7 year olds. 11 1 lbs; ' A I ht, 011 Tuesday, the Ctli cf Scptem!:cr next, there will be a 6weenstako for three year olds: entrance !;0 each, ploy or ) The stake has closed with the following eutries : James F. It y bee, (Kainmiackan.) by Crisp's Grev Jim ; Wm. White, bay colt, by Crisp's Grey Jim; A. "McQueen, colt, by Crisp's Grey Jan. 1 no tracts will be m good order early. II. H. SNOW, Sec'v of Yamhill Jockcv Club. Lafayette, July 15, 1H55. l'Jtilt 17 Sep Iliglily Important to Builders. EYRE, FCI1GESON &. REED are now .J- lrnared to mimiifuetiirr. w-irh th..i J v. new and splendid machinery, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cornices, MonlJinerr, And everything pertuininx to the wood-work of houses HariiiK the most extensive assortment of .Machine ry on the tacin'c coast, ther feel usnred th?o otfer better iiidiicements to the buiiding couan'unit y , than any other parties iu tho Stnte. II 'agon Spokes, Hubs and Felines, Famished nt short, notice, or tnrned Hiid Fiiwed for partica if desired. -All kinds of wood tumimr and p. uuini; executed with neatness and dispnteh. N. Ik Good cedar, pine, ash, uud oak luniher taken in exchange for linished work. . i5" All persoiiB interested in anv of tltA n hoc. will please give its a call, nnd see if they do not Cud it to c. i.i r.-..- iu patronize -. HOME MANUFACTURES. '"e5 Plans and speciiicat ion. for buildings furnished to imr patrons, ou the most fi:s!'ional!e ar.d improved plans. ; ir- All orders from 11 distance promptly attended v. r Lii(jl-.H)N, Superiutondetit. fern. .Tu::r I l::.f A NY o:i wtto professes to n:idv-r:itand all tmdes r s.-is'-o-.-s. :is:i.(. s to irnpofe an absurdity up :: tho i:i''i-.-. 0.1 the same priucir le, nv ou'o n. l:;.:!-: iv,i:::i iir-.fr-sses to cn:v ;'! 1 -cases Is 1111- worthy ol the slf.litesr coi(id;-ttci. Bii I shot)!. I at once be d 'lioitric a u:t:n k ii'istrrrn. Tr.( HR . .' F.XB F. R 1 1 F.'.Mll. V MEhlCISES i!t lii't !t'.'u:iip t: cun- all d,s.;ie4 v. i:h one retiic dr. Ti.ey have eleven dill'. r.T.t me licinos;. each lelaptod to im p.vi'Uliar de;:s.:-. and th.:o i;a-i j.roi c-l bevond a ques- !V ". J," o!iic:!cy and cert-.uity of these prcparatioiw. Ttit- i: .it co:;ip:-;si-s the follow'iiiir tni'dicine : t:-jft-.-nli-rr VcsetuMu Pil!. .MarsballV I'teritie Ca thoiit .-.11. C.r f-i.herif S;!raj-::riii:!. Grrcf.-iihcr-j Pile herucdy. CiTi-i'e-jis-ro Dysenierv S-rni. Or?cn Morm tria Oiiitnii :it. ttnefenl era CiiiiMivn's 'P.ii::i--a. Gra f etiherj t .cst:r;itive' H.:i:i:. Gr:v!ei:berz Eve I.tkm. Gra-l-n! I-ever A- Al'Uc l.'ea.c.iv. Gra-fer.h Healtli Hittr-. Gra f.-nlwr" Manual i f He il-h. Fort,:!-.- ly a'.l irtis.-siM.-. thro'iv-houi the Sir.tc. 1 o r:.-::! Aivu:s. EEDINGTilN" & CO. MlioL-sale Dnsc-risf.. Saa FrancUro. O.t. I", l-v,-'. ' ."utf Iainier, Cijj;. !.! would lu to inform r.-STt. 'I'HE i-.nd.-rsi-' X the pr.hhe i: he. with others, have opened :; vuwa 10:1! inun Raitiier to St. H -ietis. con-!'i-ctii"t wit't "he r. u 1 fr::n the bluer lace to the Phiius-, a;.. I pec:le tr..veii:.;f froia ;r.:--.n to theSomul country, u::d t specially drovers, will lin 1 it much to t 'icir :-ivunta-:e to co:i:e d v. u e:i t':e we; si.lc of t!;e Ci.-hiiiih'a rivero Rainier, wheie tl-ev c:tu ui:d v. iil be lorried 011 the most n-.-to:::ib!e torto's. as the ui.dtr sii'tio I has pnvurej a tla! beat lor that purpose. . Jj" U:;a.-s p!e:e a short liu-tauro aoove Rainier, at J. FlaciaV and J. Gdoreu-h's farms. A. V. MIX EAR. Lit Jfar C, I U Fatrauize tlit JCspresses. 311 X caatotners ia Salem, oraiv town ia the interior. ran order wat-!:cs. j -welry". s il ver spoons, ir.. by expre.-s. piiraMIe on Ue icery of tt:e p.si.ls, provided the article nn.l priv-e suits. c.tt:er isc Use can be re turned. Vl"u:-i-.es. jewel: v. A:c, iVjr repair i-3 be for warded iu tlx- same manner, to G. COLLIER ROBliLNS, Pra.'.ii-al Wi.j.-a Maker, i'orti.iuu, O.wn. Feb. ii. l-5. 4-rf 5:. r-fT's sa!c. N OTICE is bereoy uiveu that by vi. ne cf ive exe ciuiom: to t::e Uiixcte.i by the i Court, of Jlariou County, Ore-on, iu JaVor of Robeit Foster, i. F. Hinhain. A. H tsii, E. M. l'lutttondou. nnd Rielv dc Keadall, and o-.-:.i::st OiI.MAX lil'KX. IT. I have levied upon ::l:d will j roceed rose1,!, to the hiuheM tid der. on the pre:uise, 0:1 the 7TH I AY CF SKITEM UEK, tetween the hours of lfo'clnck. A. il-ciid i o clo k. P. L, o! Miid day, all the riatit. title. a:;d in terest of Column liuniett to the undivi li-d l.nlf of the followin-r deserihed property, to it : The fractional no.-th j of sectiou S; w 5 f the s e i of section o ; s w i of -cri on s r J of ti:en e J of section 5 ; s 5 of the u e 1 of section o, hi T S l; 1 K , c 'utr.iaiiia not to exceJa 4'J a-rcs, i-o ft;'fv :, I c.-iocutioi s a-id costs. KARCliS: A. CORNOYER, 4w22 S.'iecrf Marion county. Sal.--", An;nt fih 1?53. S ;i f ri it's iak. N OTICE is l-cre'iy jrven that by virtne of three c.wouiior.s to me directed from the County Conit of Marion ceut;t-, Or-oi;o! two in favor of P. "O. l'al iner. an i one in" favor of Palmer Ac Stimpson, and ro-uiinst JAMES EMERY, I have levied upon ami will proceed lo sell lo the hiutiest bidder for cash, on the premises, on the e"ih day -f Scj.-en:ler IS.V heiw eea the hours of li'o'cx-k A. M. and -2 o'clock P. M. of the saiil duv, nil the riitht. Ii' le and in'erest of Jnue s Eme ry to 'lie following described TOWX l'HOl'EliTY: One House and Lot in the town of Salem, taini; lot number U in block 46. b -im; -II feet front ou the south side of said lot; to satisfv executions und csts. 'ARCISSE A. t OKNOYt-R, Sin Marion Co. Salem. Any f, 1S03. -Iwia " nrir Jaalf. " J)Y virtue of nn execution issu.-d froin the Circuit y Court. i:i and for the eoun'y of Polk. State of Or egon, in favr of James M. l'utkc::u. administrator. Arc. mid a.-.iin t Norman Si ott mid .lames !. Allen, I have this tiny levied upon and will proceed to fell to biil'test bidder, tit the house of Norman Scott, ou the :i til iliiy of Mmust, l.j'.. between the hours of 10 oVIook, A. M., and 4 o'clock, P. M., the follow imr real estate, lo-wit : A prtrt of the north bull" of Norman sv-ott'e donation laud rlnim, l-eoinuinir at ti e north east comer of suid claim, in t 7 s r 4 w. of the Will ou ette Veridiiiii, t.' t) eu', mid chs south of tin? qtmr ler sta tion pof t. on iho north boundary of sei t'on ii. runniii!; sotttii 3i).i'J chs. thence west ;o.tvl chf, thei:ce north oil.i -2 chs, thence es.st 3."i,i:J chs, 10 the place of beinuinu-; beinsf parts ot sections 3 1 and 30. contain im; li'J &-;-ltsj acres, more or less, lo saiir-fv said exocn tin J. S. 1MLMAX, sh'll Polk Co. Jnly 2$. l"k"'. 4W-.'1 STATE OETifjTfrioX, I , . . r, C-iCNTY )F UN.V. ";"'' Crt. 'Jill JOHN l. JOHOOX: Yon nre hereby notiuett .L that a writ of ntla- hlnent has lw?n issui-d n-rainst you. and your property attiiched lo satisfv the demand of William W. Pnrri.-li aiiiouniinf to thirtv-ciitht dol lars and ct st o! suit. Now unless yon shall appear le fotv J. 11. Foster, justice of the peace in and for said county, on the IS'ih day of September, judgment will be rendered nsruiust you. and vour property sold to pav ihe debt. WILLIAM W. PARISH, Plain iff. August 5, IS.VI. 4w22 STATE OF Ol; KG ON". f COl'NTY OF MARION". es' JOT1CE is hereby U1H 1 is Hereby fjiven. to nil persons bavinsf of THOMAS C. t OK. i claims against the estate FliY". lute of said county, and Slate, to oresent ilie K.o.m to the Ailininistrators, or to either of them at their res idence, near Sublimity, in said county, with the proper vouchers, within one'vear from this date, or said chums will be forever burred. WILLIAM PORTER, , , . . G. J. COFFEY, t Aduun-rs. Anonst 5. 1 "'.. 4vc52 STATE 1 F OREO' IN, ; OCNTY OF M ARION, i" l'8- VTOTICE is hereby jriven, that A. K. Gaines nnd 1 Thomson Waiil, iidmiuistrators of the estate of JNO. P. GAINES, deceased, late of said county, have tiled their accounts for liiuil settlement of said" estate. Therefore, notice is hereby ivon, that Monday, the oth day of September nextis set upiirt for the liual set tlement of said estate, nt which time all persons inter ested arc notified to appear. MILTON SIIAXXO.V, Co. Judire. July 25. 1 !.!. , 4wS0 STATE OF OR 1 G X, C .l'XTY OF POLK, 5et- "VTOTK'E is hereby jnven. th.it the administrator of il the estate of ISAAC GILSTRAP, deceased, has tiled his petition in the otKceof the county court of said county, prayiiiK an order authori.inir h"im to sell the real estate of said deceased, and it appearing from said petition that there is no personal property to pay the debti outstanding amiinst the deceased, and expenses of administration ; Tiierefore. the hearing of the said will be had nt the September Term of said county court to be held on the first Monday in said mouth, at which time nil persons are noiitied to nppeur. and show cause why un order for the sale should 1 ot be irrauted. B. HAY'DEX, Co. Judi?e. JnlySS?, 1359. 4wl.Hlpnid . . Dr. J. II. Cliitwood, EOLA, POLK CO. OREGOX. WILL continue to keep 011 hand an assortment of drusrs and medicines, also all the Icadincr patent medicines in common use iu Oregon. He will supply the people ot Eola and vicinity with school und mis cellaneous books, stationery, &.C, &.c. He also tenders bis Professional services to the' peo- )ife of Polk county. His treatment of disease is strict er upon tlie liota'nic practice, usinjj all the Hygienic agencies, in (quiiuoa nsa in tho Kefonc practKsil Apru, iza-j. ctx ''?t"t.-41 RESALE- IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IX D RUGS. JVTOW rcceivin-f, ex clipper ships Archer and Rota n It Hrtod. and st.on to arrive by clippers, (Jccan Tel ezrnp'i, Xrptune's Facorife, Challenger, lVizard,nntl Lomotil, airecr irom acw tors, 7 HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF . DRUGS, Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Kver ininortetl into Oreifon; Purvhucd for Casii. comprieinsi; a full afortment of ' A T E X T M ED1CINES, (Direct from tbe Manufacturers.) including every ar ticle usually louua 111 a u.-ug store; WINDOW GLASS, (French and American) DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE, t FIXE PAIXTS, (?round, drr, anil in oil, of cveiy variety.) RED AND WHITE LEAD, various brands, PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, (large variety,) COACH, JAPAN, BLACK and FURNI TURE VARNISHES, BOILED AND RAW LINSEED OIL, . ' BURNING FLUID, (a BujK rior article, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, LARD, SPERM, POLAR and MACHINE OILS, FINE BRANDIES AND WINES, for me-dtL-inul purposes. G R A F E X BE RG FAMILY MEDICINES, GRAEFEXRERG MANUAL of HEALTH (ueT eilititm.) GLUE. BLUE VITRIOL, PUTTY, hi l.lti.Mir. SALERATl'S, fine sirficle, SAL SODA, GOLD LEAF, GOLD BRONZE, assorted. SILVER LEAF, ELF.CTIC MEDICINES, concentrated, BOTANICAL MEDICINE?. Tnct"u-r with every- article usually foaud iu a Dnt.j Store. AG EXT FOR ALL GEXUIXE PAT EX T M EDICIXES. T-iaaktul for past favors and solicitiiura eontinnnce of the sair.c. I respectfully iavita dealers to c:i!l andes uuiine tr.y Kock, an.l ju T.-efor themselvtjEsto tiiiaiity and prices. . My arritr.cem-'-ut fr direct tniportation from doiders and mimufc-turers in th- Eaat.iu-e s:i.-h that enable me to sell iroods cheap.-r tlui.u any other house on the aor:h ru cou--t. ulvs rj:n, I'roiit street i-pp?i:e fr.r.or Wbf.rf. V. WEAl'lIElt Kt'RD. IVrtland, Oi:..., May 31, 15A lvl- I'dolp'to "i'olTe's Srhnappsi. A ties, iii.-ttiufuc.ured bv himself ei-chivelv, at his factory at Sehiedaia. in Holiund, and well ka-jy-n dur ing the laM twelve years thr.utgjoi.t all the Atlantic and Western States. I: :s made from the best barley thiit caa be selected in Kar"pe. wiih t:ie t;e uce of a'.l aromatic Italian ber ry of n.-lciio-n-ledire J and extrtiordimtry mediciiiiii prop erties. It bas lo:cr i-iaee acquired a hietier repntauiou. l.oth ia Kurope aiid America, than any other diuretic be venue. Analysed, it is c rtsrrcrrT pcrb iiqvor, in i;s ef fects a nJld and wholesome Ionic, li U extensively tit-d and approve.tb y t!:e mei!:il faculty, the tmpef ancc pe-.'ple. hciids of tuiniiies. 6ce. I 1 Oravt 1. liout. aud Uneuaiatisai, the obstructions of ihe bladder at:d kidneys, aud iu jreneral debility, its eli'ects arc prompt. decided and invariably reliable ; and it is not o:dy a retiicdy f'.-r these makvtic-s. but ia all cases in v.-i:ii.-h they are pcoda-ed by drinking bad wa ter, which is almost universally Xitm cause c-f them, it ar.s ;is n sure pre. en.a..e. - . Fit Fever a;;d Aaue it i? one cj use most eEcscious preventives that cuti lie resorted to. THE AliOMATIC SCUlKUAil SC HXAPPS Is consequently in trreat deniund by persons trayelinir, or a'ci;t to settle in new parts ef the country especially, as well us hy many in every community, where it has t-cv.i:e k:io.vn. oa account of its various other reire ilial j r pe: ties. lit n!! c:tses of a dropslctd tendency, it is generally the only remedy required, when adopted ia the early stuqe ot the diase. I u dy !.psia ciahelies, when talc en iu proper quan tities, as a diet drink, and especially at dinner, it is found by uniform experience to be eminently etiicacions iu the mo- obstinate cases, when evea the best of the usual reuiedies have failed to atford niore titan tempo rary relief. In casts of llatttiency, it is aa immediate and invariable speei'ic, and it may be administered ia diluted and proportionate quatitiiies. even to Totusg in fants, i;t all tiiese parcxysu'3 of irripinr pain iu the stomach and bowels to wlsicu they are especially snb je t. as well as 1! e cholic of grown persons. I s jadtckuts adtsption ia couttection with the princi pal tiieuis. or when a sense of exhaustion dictates its use, never fails to relieve the debility attendant cpon protracted chronic maladies, low teinp-eramenl and ex hausted vital enervry, by whatever cause induced. These are facts to "which many of the most eminent nie-iical nieti, both iu England and the I'nited 'Sates, have borne testimony, and v hich aix corroborated by the highest wi-t en authorities. l'ut tip in ouart and pint bottles, in cases of one doz en, with my name on the bottles, cork, and fac -simile of my signature on the label. For sf.la by all the respectable I)ni;rc:sts and Liquor i!ea!ers iu Ore-ion and California. l"iUl.PIIO WOLKK. Scde Importer. - lleaver street, Xew York. '.tiiliOll to tlic S'ittlliO. Ijojiebui Cordial Gin. Club House Gin. vvhiedtiri Schnapps. "Vled'iiii'e-l Siimpp s, lior:;l Schtuipps, " &c., Ace. Under the s:b--ve nnd similar titles, the liquor mixers of this city arc bottling l-in;e qunntities of adulterated, uiiwholt soine sn-.th, cojtiiuj but little, on which they hope to realize hiive prolits by s lliii'j iu California. . Avi.id all comHtunds. Jvune are st skillfully prepar ed as to pass for sro:"wl Liquor, except with the best of indites. If you would le safe, use only ihe loiiit estab lished. reno"wned, tnuiiie Wolfe's 'Schiedam Aro matic S.-HN irr?. I DOL1TIO WOLFE. Sole Importer, An. SI, tf isl7 ii'2 Ueaver street. New York. London C'Iii House iin. TO THE Pl"FLIC rilHISCEI.EIJKATED GIX PUETEXDING TO JL nothintr but what it is, viz: a pure and unaduUer ated article, anil assuming no artificial nierils of what it is not, us some of its rival imitators do after five yer.rs of public approval r.n l very extensive sales in California, litis been pronounced by the puMic to be su perior, not only ns a beverage of . irencrtil use, to any UNKIVALLE1) IX ITS JI EPICAL EFFICIENCY in most cases of complaints, lo person- traveiimr in these days of rapid transit from East to West, Xorfa to bontu. wlioare eonsiamly ciumitm their water us well as tneir einnate; who are druikinr, indeed, a dozen kinds of wuter in every twenty-four hours, nnd each draught containing some pro)ierty actin;in chemical nntiijk-oniisiii to the preceding one, thereby eausiiisr an uiniHtunil deirree of excitement to the stomach ;t is positively and absolutely necessary to use a counter acting Hicent. t rom tne laet tr.at tlie "LONDON CLUB HOUSE GIN" is prepared expressly to meet such exigencies, ar.d to uci us we miow it win hci. asauaiuuioie weeonuuent I v rrescrile it as the very best article io the e.tf,- The name of -'Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps" baa nev er been attached in any way to this article. In Bret preseniiiut me " LONDON CLUB HOUSE GIN" to the public, mv aim wr.s to trive them a mire nnd un adulterated article of Gin, and to call it by its right name. The success attending its introduction n.l ex tensive sale in California is a sullicient guarantee of me niiru ar.oreciaiion ci lae article ov consumers. Various parties have from tinio to time put up and shipped to California an article which they call " Club iiouse uiu. .uy jm, wiucu nas gwuea sucli a remi tation in California, is branded on tlie rases. "OLD LONDON CLUBHOUSE GIN WM. H.D." The bottles also have a white label with fac-simie of n-.v sirnature. I caution all parties to beware of imhv tior.s. WM. II. DALY, Sole Importer, Xew York. Jan. 21, 1859. 4Stfia Notice. TTJE have appointed Mr. W. K. Levridge to make VV collections for us, to receive and reeeint for all monies due us, to make no loans, and is not authorized to itive anv indulgence to any one. And if there is any y.-bo feels conscience smitten, by not complying with their promises, they cun relieve themselves by pungiing immediately. Me will still keep the othce in the ohhstore. and if -ou don't eoaiejhere aud see him he will send the shertlfto see vou, at'vour expense. KepectfuUv Ealemt June S, ISo3. W. & GRISWOLIJ 4c CO. IStf -" ESTRAYS TAKEN UP. IThe charge for estray notifes is one dollar, for each animal advertised. No notice -will appear nntu pnia for. Where no money, or less than tbe correct amount is sent with nn estmr notice, the notice will not be -published until the full amount is received. , B T the subscriber, abont 4 miles sooth of Corralli on the Territorial road, a trrey mare, spotted red, about seven years old, 14 hands hixfh, no brands visi ble, scar 6 or 8 inches lone on right hip, appears to nave been worked, as she is elhbtly collar-marked. SAM X GAGE. Aujrnst 13, aw23 BY the subscriber, one mile east of Forest Grove, Washington Co., on or abont the 5th day of Jnly, 135il, one b own horse, live years old, white hind feet, email blaze in the face, shod before. V. W. CATCHING. Auk. 2, 1859. . 223 Y the subscriber, living 2 j miles north of Jefferson, Msision f one aurk brown llOlse. about twelve years old, 1.3J hands high, black mane and tail, saddtu and Collar timrked. white rinp around the felt forward pastern, br.....)ed J C ou the left shoalder. SAMUEL MILLER. Aug. 12, 133 2wl BY the subscriber, living 12 miles west of Engene City, Lane Co., Otm, one red steer, fonr years old, with drooped horns, marked with crop off the left ear, and nnderbit in the same, and underbit in the riixbt ear, no brands perceivable ; said steer has been running oa my premises about 8 months. ISAAC N. Dt'CKWOBTH. Ang. IS, 1859. 2w33 BY the subscriber, a pale sorrel horse, with a white spot in the forehead, and one on the left side of tbe neck, shod all ronnd. had a rope round his neck, about 5 rears old, came to the premises of the subscri ber, in Lane precinct, Polk Co., abont the last of July. EEASOX B. HALL. Atur. 9, P?53. " - 2w23 BY the subscriber, firing in Ashland precinct, Jack ton Co., one bay horse, about 4 years old. 00 mark or brands. ' . D! P. BBITTAIJJ. June H7, 1359. 2wir3 BY the enbBCriber, living three miles west of Eola" Poik Co., on tbe road leading from Salem to Dal las, one dark bay American borne, shod all round, with raddle marks, supposed to be seven years old, no brand) Serceivable; broke into my inclosttre about the i"itt. of nly. ' JAME-i WALKER. Sola, August 3. lSnft. 2w "VfEAli Table Uoek, Jjckson Coonty, a red roan Cay use ciare, aboot 7 years old, baa a blazed face, branded ou the left thigh with the f-CTre 3 ; said aui mid is ahoat 13j haudis high. J0HX HAJLET. August 5, 18.j'.I. -222 BY the subscriber, living near Table Kock, in Jack sou county, a dark brown steer, has some white on the belly ami flanks, marked with a slit in each car ar.d an nnderlrit in the left ear; said rteer is abont 4 --ears old, and has been rcanhur in the vic-hihv for 3 years. WM. S. BYBEE. " Ar.2st 5, 1S59. -"wici BY the subsTibr, livini on the north side of the -S::nti:i;ii Kiver, abont -I miles below Santiam City, one roan 1 ndian hore. three white feet, fore lers black, i.i the kaece, black taif, a spot between the eyes, and white strip ou the nose, supposed to be 4 years old. shod all round. T. II. COX. Aiirr-t 5, lAil. 2wi 1 Y the sahserilier. living in Ashland precinct, Jack- son Co., one red ox"9 or 1 years old, has some red and white specks srettnd the eyes, speckled, under the belly, marked with a crop olf of the left ear, and a slit ia the riuht. co brands perceivable. JAMES 11. BCSYAKD. Aiignst 5, 1S2. .- 2flTi OFFICIAL TOTE. CaavEs? of votes for Rerresentative 1 to Coceresa frcm the State" of fireon. by the ncdersijmed. Govern or nnd Secretary of State, this '27 th day of J oly , A L., i?-", as follows, to-wit : EErnESKSTATivr to cosgkxsj. - -rf C-'rJies. Benton, Chtckatra-S 'latop. Coos. Curry, Columbia. Pousrlas, Jackson. Josephine, I inn, I-ar.e. Multnomah, Mari-jn, l-olk, Tillamook, 1'mpqna. WashinirTon, Wasco. -" Yamhill, Lansing S'ottL David Logan. .;-v OM 379 3S9 SI " 54 CT 52 sr - 51 7 3 495 5 Sit est 21s su 211 7C3 Ci 535 - 32 434 5C3 ""1062 2S4 i'54 5 10 43 134 CT 56 i:3I 114 3IS " 412 5.646 5,639 Walia Walla precinct . in the county of Wasco, which purports to have given Lansing Stout twenty-four votes, and David Loaan one vote, was not counted in the foreeoiri-r for want of regularity in the returns re ceive-d at the Secretary of State's oince. Lansing Stoat received five thousand six hundred and fortv-six votes, and David Logan received five thousand six hundred and thirty votes.tberefore Lansing Stout having received the fiiehest number of votes cast is hereby declared duly elected a Representative in the 3Cch Corurreas of tbe Cnited States, from the State e-f Oregon. JOHN WHITE AJLER. Lccies Heath, Secretary of State. 3w2I a. E. HUGHES. - J. St. O'COJtSOR Hughes & O'Connor, Agents for ihe tale of PHELAX'S MODEL BILLIARD TABLES, PA TEXT COMBiXA Tl'oX CUSHIOXS Manufactory and Sales Rooms, 1S2 Montgomery st , San Francisco. - Balls, Cloths, Cne-e,ii. and Billiard Trimmings, of errrv description, for ike Trade. OLD RAILS RE-CUSHIOXED, WITH SETS OF PHELAX'S PATENT CUSHIOXS. CAUTION. Tiese Cnsbions cannot be procured from any other person ou tbe Pacinc Coast. r r- ah Goo.ts warranted. Smlgis "nrserj". - i rT'IIE siihscribt-r has on of the beat nurseries 4 Jl m tee r-umtrv, situated near Salem, in wcicn can always be found all the best varieties. Orchard men are requested to examine his trees. Apply at tbe nursery, or the confectionary and grocery store", north west of the Marion House. MICHAEL MTERS. Salem. Oct. 1. 135$. 30tf E. Pelton, Geo. II. Jones & Co., SELL EXCHANGES on New York, in amount te suit purchasers. Salem. May 17. 1S5S. ICtf ioo aoo. FKOM one hnr.dred to twohnndred acres of improv ed land for sale, abont two miles frora Salem, Mar ion county. JOHN FORCE. IVc. S."S5'.. 40tf Dissolution. '"TTIE co-partnership between R M. &. F. F. Phunon J. don. is this day Dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due the firm must be paid inrtanter, to E. M. Plamondon, who alone is authorized to collect credits and discharsre debts. One warning to those indebted to the late firm is sufficient. The second warning will be at the hands of N. A. Comoyer, Sheriff, backed by a lawyer. - Salem, Ogn, June 23. l5tf Cattle for Sale. ?rt HEAD of stock cattle for sale, cows, yearlings, J) and two year olds, in Linn Co., eight milesabovo Albany, on the'Calipooia. InqrSre of Lewis Lyeubar ger, oa the place, or Jos. Watt, Salem. . . July 22. 1.H. SOtf For Sale or Kent, SAW MILL, in cood order for making lumber For particulars call" on JOHN FORCE. A Dee. S. 1S5S. 40tf For Sale. Ill AVE three hundred and twenty acres of land g situated in Linu Co., about 3 miles from Scio, 21 all well improved. Also, a good orchard which I will sell on reasonable terms. 1 or information enquire of the undersigned at Salem. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Salem, Nov. 20. 1858. 37tf For Sale. ryllllEE and a-half lots, with Dwelling House, JL Barn, and other improveiociits, conveniently "!: situated, ia Salem. Enquire at the Statesman Office, or of JOHN A. JOHNS. Mv 13. 1S59. HH Piano Fortes. I"KOM W. H. Hall Sc. Son's matiufiictory 239 Brojtd- way, N. York, sold at their prices with freight add ed. Also, Prince Sl Co. Melodeons. Call and we will show von a list of prices and asm nle of their work. GEO. H. J ON ESs, Agent. ' n r ,f lOrO 1 ttf rwiiem, -nii , .cw. S5 REWARD. one cow, about o yettra viu, rrru jpou on aitie auu u-.T f" . Jlx"LCU Mil giving inionnauou m me wusieuoouta oi taia &&. .. . . - - t i i taaal. Jvta 1 liSJ.tlii 13. JU. XJU KF.I.I .BT -a-iiil TT mttfsW miiT-T TW ' '