TABLE OF DISTASCBS From Fori Dalles o Harney Depot, Colville alley. Froai Ft. Dalle to Madtiy Sprinr, 23 To Jobn Day's titer. 20 0 5 7 4 1 0 0 5 2 8 20 13 18 11 21 19 T Wells prinff. To Batter creek. To Umatilla crossing. (lower one' To Umatilla river, tanner nimnl ) To Wild Horse creek. To New Fort Walla Walla, To Dry Creek, To Toachet river. To Snake river (Palonse crossing) To Cow creek, ' To Lngenbeel'a creek. To Headwaters of Big Lake, To Willow spring. To Spokane river. To Walker's Prairie, To Valley of the Lake. To Fools, or Snake prairie. To Point of Rocks on Mill creek. To Pin dOreille creek. To Camp near McKenzie's house. To Harney Depot, 21 2-173 9 0 11 4 26 0 16 11 4 20 3 " 13 5 22 4 18 093 9 7 19 0 11 0 9 8 6 8 6 4 3 366 Total, 383 Dalle Journal. It eenis bat yesterday Tt heu the propriety of claiming Oregon as an American possession was etisenssed in Congress, and when members gravely insisted thai -no was as little likely to become a valuable American settlement as Karaskatka or Iceland. She is to-dar a Sov ereign State of t:ie Union the second State on the Pacific slope, where rmbaWv fifteen rears ago as many as one hundred Americans could not be found Troy (X. Y.) Budget. ty The Democrat will be Deln ion's organ. It will be edited by Delnzon. and its whole matter will be Delazon. And we suggest to those who want to read a personal orean. and to those who are nt scmciently posted np cs to the great Di-lazon, to just take his paper for a six month at least. Aetr. tThe Oregonia advises its Republican fnends not to bet on the result of the election. Four murderers escaped from jail at Portland, Oregon, April 30, the same paper savs. Did mis kiss diminish the numerical strength of irs party so much as to render the Oreeonian's caution about betting necessary ? Hot ton Pott. .. nt. SOBTBOVKB W. 1 DlU, OHUaXBsOl an iraacac , Aa;.l,u p. m. ; nc Hint mnwt .crtr srtn-ts for tbe ftnit dT, aiKl southerly a-tn .- for iik rest of me pun ; mtt4 o3 Cotomma B.ver Bar, Aug. u, at a. a. ; crossed th tUr at I a. m. Dr. Stc.nV-rrer. B .wa Baker. Mr. 11. St. Humphrey and srtte. SI.-. Crane, Mr. Mrte iml s-.ti, Mr. Soma. Mr. Ji-x-ay. strsa i.u;ta and tcrvt. M -. Clarke ana fam ly. M ssra. Mora.-. rwMT. vicnnnc, jars, iriravy. li rail am. Bale, r... Oi r, ane. rrrie. A. Aanaadak-. A. ftKIaatsa. Su:a, RcvM P.-.I.- fle. Cuajiberhlo. Colboase ant ai:r. Dr. Ramsay, Ha :or, M la v, Riur.C -x aal sue, C. 11. A matron-.-, w.fe. ami h. y. xrary an i wire, i uiaaan ana wile, Mr. walttr. M m B.ske,. .larxe, and n:tccn in the steerage. WOOD. Purser. TVTAHRIED. JalT 10th. at the residence of Hardin Davis, be train Oter. J. r. Mr. Will am Juautos. and M as Mary Aon Ut, ad ( j At Vancouver. W. T-, r.y Jisepn Wright, J. P.. Mr. John X . Retain and M as Alrira A. Stewart. At BroamsviUc. Una Co., July 11, .r. D. Lewi to M m Lay- ' ton all of Linn coanty. At Harrisfeorr. July Si, Mr. Wesley Brl-r to Miss Wusoo, an oT namstnirir. year Salenv on the 7th tnst, of inflammation of the boa-els. j s daughter of G. W. Helm, aced aboot 5 years. Joly Sth, at the rrKdene of P. F. Blair, near Eugene Oly, Intant dnefliter of James W. and Ellen Huff, aged aboot four weess. la Easene City. July 18th. WiTIiam Monroe. Infant son of J. 3f - sad Frances Gar. aard 1 rear, 1 month and 16 days. Of btsb, st Wat. Olsty's. on Coast Fork, Luc Ca., Orn. m use seta aast i,aricer Albert, tntul eon ot a. u. Baylor, - aged three months aDi tsrestr-fire days. In Corraibs, July t i, fenfant daughter of L. W. and Mary Don little. Near JsrtsniTiRe, on Thnrs-lsy. 81st insL, Mrs. W. A., wife m a-axxm vnamsera, formerly of vaio. . 6FECIA T. TSrO'J.XCJJz- Ltsn of t State IasTtalatnre. A sew pamphlet copies of the Lavs enacted at the hue ses- ssoa of the State Legtalattzre, for sale at the 5rfiiT office. 4fty cents. Aqgnst Z, 1S. SStf - To Statesman Subscribers. O ! aheavaacny of aaoneym Oregon, we hare coneladv . cd Hot to send oat biBs to subscribers to arreare, tb!a yirar. -c- SMSCtwsasce wsta owe trnail imtum There are dovbtlesa eastaw ssno catmos Jest now coorenietitly pay the siaaB nsa ' daae. and we da not wish to smsecessanly press payment ; and therefore omit sendinc bills. At tfck came time, are hope those indebted fo us, who caa spare the money, will send it to as. Oar expenses are tbe j aaaaae. BK th In ficab timca, and -hard timea. and mast be saet wna cash payments as fast as Incurred. To those in arrears for advertising and jobbror. we send ; bin and ch-ctuars, by ibis maiL PCBLISHEB. Salem, A or. I. 2tf n mmm mnA PrlzuiBia- Matwrial for Salaw A new So- 4 Washington press, and foB second hand newspaper office (wfth the exception of a few minor articles) for sale. Inquire at tbe Statesman ctEce. Ban Farm. The reader is referred ts the advertrf- -m of Jerome B- Jarks-o, in this naprr. It furnishes a ca- real opporronity for any one in porsast of a farm. Term: easy, and property desrrable. ml3 Dr. Oayaott'a Improved Extract of Yellow Sock and araapavrllla, is a sore remedy for Hereditary 'n)W the time use this celebrated purifier of the blood. It the great Sprin t Kemedy, aod the only medicine" which ear. eaTsctoaUy cleanse the system from all impurities of the Mood. Thousands who hare used it can testify to JTS JTIXACCLOCS EFFECTS CPOX THE BLOOD It creates new, rich and pore blood, carries off the pntri l amors, cleans- the stomach, resaiates the bowels, and im parl! a tone of riror'to the whole body. iV. G9r Extract of YtUvw Dock and Sarxtparilla, As manafactored under the superintendence of the most ce!e- hrsted chemist and physician in this eoontry, is the s. OyLYSABSAPAEILLA srMchsrRI effectatlly cleanse the system, eradicate disease, restore a healthy action to all the functions of the body and , KEEP TOE BLOOD PVRE. . far esle by all Dmjreists on the Pacific coast, and by PARK A WHITE. Agents, 198 Washington street, San Francisco. W. K. Sarra a Co.. Agents, Salem. m9 lysVs Kagiaetic, or Flea rowasr. " m o... Car les Insects, Cockroaches, Bed-Bacs, Teas, Ant. Moths, ard afl pes! of the vermin kind. The importance of a relia Mc article of this imd h Inestimable. In warm weather a'.l watere teems with Utese annoying foes. This powder 1 th easy article ever discovered which win exterminate them. A i issnani of botanists, from the Horticultural Society of Part. edtae amidst the ferns of As:, obterved that n insects .ieh ... I f- "erta "m . . q 1 . . . . . - .Ihkmu. '1 - met was a-de o-e of to raard rnenmr oumtlths of tne ntana were wnjufui I M. Vrta. a fit Saoad a positive iaseet destroyer in every paim. It is simply a powdered leaf, cbemley prepared ta rcatt the effect of aye and climate. Med! and Letters rxfnt have been obtained from the rovernment of EnpUnd. Prance, Cermany and Kossia, from the World's Fair, and no sMrnse aacHeaa and hortleoiroral eoBeres and societies, term rwm rw mfiwrt or rue tramm STaraa. Ertcutiei SfanMon, WatMnffton, Jan. lf, ISM. St. Eatrtrrx VivtDnr Sir : I have the pleasure to In fer, yoa that that the Royal C ommission, of the WorWi Mr. a London, have awarded yoa a Medal and Certificate for nt treat raise of yowr M aeieal Powders. Ac -MILLARD FILLMORE. Ct"" The above wa accompanied by a certificate of Prince Ai ken. rr n rax raow roisoa. Veio York. Ortrferit, ISM. a. E. Lens tnr ." We haveanalysed and tted yowr tmeaetie Pdersaad nni tkos perf-etly 2 Mad aod domestic animals, but certain death wben Inhaled wf ban. ants and and Inaeets. JAwrs R CHILTOS. M. DCnmtft. ntmA. LACRAWCE KtlD. Psor. Caamsrar, X. T. H0rrrai hV. JoAa U. Rosm, nperin tender of Uve Sew Tork Hospi tss. saya, " be aas expelled an the bora, ants, roaches, moths, , with Lyon" Powder, and flnds It of Immense value." leery rardener and housekeeper must hare a direct Inter est la aa article of this kind. Reference can be made to the assor, tt. !f icbolas, and Metropolitan lintels ; to jodre sseigw sVaadea of the American Institute; James Gordon Bennett, aa. WineU Scom Cyras W. Firfd, L. M. Pease, of tbe Fire ISaju Kirto., As., c. iwlgt Mtig My, " Thi dlKorery Prof. Lywa 1 of national Importance. The Farmer' Club bare Sassed it taoroazble. It wiU destroy loeasta, aTaeshop pis,aas. asotha, hoira. and all vermin. GardeB plants can a pussi i td, aad houses made pure. tewagesarata are now mad through Mcasr. BARNES m PAIX, of Kew Tor, to l.are K sold throughout tbe world, am .eilto. bnitatiors. are advertised. Beeantioos! a. . - w , m.AA all mv Insect Pow- m Tri.e7 PaTt. aod tbeaeoret. per.tln. b-aK lo Messrs Barnes A Park. Th., Powder a. " rr state by myself, and brourht Irom the Interior ol "aawaowa to any other persons. The ffeoulne and efferthre W4st hi pes ap m tin canisters, and wiU contino toar my . hsas mmA ran not he reaehml hv a poarder. and ar aas by a Mas-irte P.U, Or ler them throorn any sareias Tie Lyon's P Mrder kills Imwets ta a trice. Rot Lyoa's P.lis are sailed for rata and ailce. 0nw rmuMo. - frtw mnd iAorouffUy. w K. Swtra a Co.. Arrs. fates. . sjrn aJ.Tra. and D- W. WcaTnearoaB. Arent. Portlaa . J ""' ruUL 4 WHITE, Saa rranoaw Oraoraabwrsr rowor and Ague PUla. A speed? and poa'.UTe can for this distressing complaint. These pill arc composed principally of Quinine, wits other T -ruble tonics. anti-spasmodic, and febrifuge articles. Thousands hare been permanently cared by their use. GRJEFEXBERO CONSUMPTIVE'S BALM. Sovirelzn In all bronchial and Pulmonary Diseases. It Is. beyond all question, true that consumption is a c suable dis ease, and the conanmptire balm to the best enratir erer used. GRJEFKNBERO HEALTH BITTERS. These bitters are skillfully and elegantly prepared from a number of Inriroritlnsr healthy roots, barks, herbs and sines. Aa invaluable tonic and health restorer. IsT To Advertlsars, The actual circulation of the States man It over two thousand copies ; the advertisements appear In clear and readable type; the rates of charge arc not more than those of the papers of little circulation. Job Printing-. We hare made some additions to oar stock of Job Type. Including a rood assortment of Card and Fancy Letter, of the newest styles. Races In Benton Connty- Fall Meeting. ' I THE rncinsr on mr track n-ill eammenpa nn IWit. L neadar, Anir. 31st. and continue four days, wben tne louowras: pnrses win re run tor: 1st DAY Purse of 100. for nil 2 roar-old. on mil Same day Sweepxtakes for all untried saddle horse, $o en'ratire, one mile. 2a DAY Purse of $100, for all ages, mile bents, two in tnree. 3d DAY For all stallions, except Rifleman, mile beats, two in three, catch weieh a. Same day Sweep stakea for all saddle horses. ti'K ne mile. 4th DAY Purse of for all Hires, mile heats, 3 in a. mc any swcepstnKes tor all ages, f au en trance, one mile. - The weights and rules of the Yamhill J-cter Club will jrorern the course. Entrance per cent j three to enter and two to start. t7" A anloon and restanntnt b isheen erected on tbe sronnd for the accommodation of all patrons, and 5U cei.ts entrance to tne trace wiu be c.lunred. JOHN PKOCTOR. Benton Co., Any. S, ISoi). gw JJ jrnt Received i 100 kegs old Colour nails ; 100 " Parlea-MiflinaiUi 25 " rtikes 20 " coarve shoe nails ; ID dozen jrain scoops ; 10 " Ames' square pointed shovels ; 11 " " - short handle shovels ; 1-i " " lonir " . P5 " bav. and other forks; 10 " Tattle's hoes; 15 ' Ames' spades; I'D straw cutters: 100 Pfcoria. and other plows; 30 drzen pear & Jackson's saws, assorted ; S.'H'O feet coil chain; 1,5 " ll.s. ox chain: -Jit) air trjtf chains -- All of wliich will be sold to merchatits at reduced nitta. V. II. Fr.('KIt, Front st., Portland. Anunat 5, 1SW. --,f Jii.t Received : EX lippci-x, Youiijr Ai.ierica and Crockett : iiii uoa OjiIiu nudicd Ui.i-: M - llii'a " '--0 - " - Ohio pattern; loo rros-s t bic and pocket cutler v ; kea nu.i-.; X.U Oua Aniir!' spades; -0 " - snovcis; i'J ten refined iron; 1 bt-st out a: : 5 dt)i hay iorks. All ot wnicn u t3erea to tue trade, in qnantmes to suit, at rcaucm nuea. . II- trti I ttt, Frjnt l'urtiand. Any. 6, 1S63. irtf lrou! Iron ! ! JCST RE-.ElVEDr Iuu.isjO lbs. bar flat iron, assorted sizes : 25.0WI lb, bar eqnare iron, assorted sizes; SI'JOO Hw. bar ruund iron, assorted eizes ; lo.iAX) lbs. oral iron. aSurtej sizc ; 15,u00 Hi. haUtrouud iron, a.MHried size ; li.MH) 1). baud iron, aworted cizes ; ld,0ii lbs. na:l rods, asorted sizes ; H),0u0 lbs. (hoe shapes, aseorted sizes ; ou sett iron ax It ; For sale at reducvd prices, bv W. H. M-CXCEIC, Front st , Portland. Angnet 5, lHj!'. .tf ' At Lust! T CST RECEIVED, two 8 horse pow ertlireshers, and ej eijftit reaper and, winch will be sold at cust, laid dow n ir Portland.. Tiie season baring about exmred when tlieise luachines are used, is the reason wov tbev are osered on such liberal terms. Tnose who wtn to procure such will save money by sending tn their oracra. I error, carR. W. II. SPEXCER. Front St., fortlnnd. Aug. 9, l&iS. 2Jtf To tlie Trade. I OOO wOKTH tf Shelf Hardware, just OtJaVVJLf received, comprising' a general aa- sunmeni, ana wiu oe eoin to tne trade, ut re 'luted rajt W- H. r-PEXt tH. Aojrat 5, l !o9. i-tf Keith's Hosemary HAIR JXVIOORATOR. 13 acknowledged by all who hare need it, to be the fino prertarallon" forthe hairever invented. A few of it will maVe tt;e coaiet and harshest hiur sort and )iloy stop its fullioif oil or tnrning frrev , remove all aananin . ana ctire ait aiseases oi tne scajp. It imparts a natnral moisture and brilliant lustre to Hie cair, and bas a cleiiLrntrtu pennme. Prepared "tilv bv vm". h: keitu & co.. Cheniisis and Dmirtpsts, 137 MM-itjfOjiery street, iau Francisco, And for sale by alt Druirgisi. 3mU Oregon Hospital On Taylor ttree! lettoeen 1st and 2d, PORTLAND, OKEGOX. J. C. H AWTII OK X t, SI. D., rhysiciaa. A. M. LOEYEA, SI. I)., turjeon. Angwt A, ljJ. ahf Cientlemen Please Aolice. VP turn snosei !. s- .-. r-et aIiI Kromf.xl An T tae Icti bhouidcr J ll, tnat stniyed, or Was stolen, from tbe prtnuiMw ot Mr. btui'i, in the lo.i.s oi Uie Sauliaru, on the u.j-'ht of July Ist, ItoJ. Any one seeing tiie above marc, will plea.- deliver, or convey word'to Sir. LuonevV. and luey will be liberal!- ri- . . " " . i . a-1 , . a- - warueo. k . i. i i..smx?. A uplift 5, ISO'.. 4wapaid SIieriflT's Sale. TOTirE is bert-bv iriven that bv virtne of live exe- lN cntiotisto me directed bv tiie District Court, of I .Marion C'onutv. Oref-n, in favor of Robert FoMer, B. F. lionham, A", bisii, E. SI. 1'lanvniuon. and Uielv 6t Kendall, and amtii.rt CULM AX BL'ltXfcTT, I have levied upon and will proceed toII,to thehiirh-rt bid der, oa the premises, on the 7TH DAV OK SE1TE.M BEK, icW, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M.,and 4 O'clock, P. Sf., of said day, all the riifht, title, and in tereM of Column Bjrnett to the uniiiided half of the foiiowitiff described property, to-wit : The fractional north j of eection 8; w of the e 1 of (section 5; e w 1 of section 5; w I of then e i of section 5 : J of tiie n e i of section 5, in T. 8 -. K. 1 oniainiiiff not to c.cele 6J0 acres, to atifv said executions and costs. AAKllwb .-a. - twt-i r-B, 4w-2 Hherfff Marion county. SherilT's Sale. TaTOTTfE is hercbv iriven that by virtne of three j executions to me tiirerted fnin tiie County Court of Slarion county, Oreiwn. two in favor of 1. D. lal- ...... i i. .;il nr.rt oiiii ill lavor in. rmuici .iiuiov, 'T."""'!' . ' Z A.IC. tor eah.on the . I . .I . . I- iii. 1111 i? ItT, ItTI 1 1 1 r i njiu pr lM..hwe tiie hours of iLo'cw-k A. st. and 2 o cloca r. at. ot me :-j j.... ..ii r4,r. n'tl unrl interest of James Kine- ' - , , L- a i rV to fife following des, rild TOWN PKOl'EKTVf- One llonne and U in li:e town oi .-nhcih, iwiuk k-i nninber a in block 4b. Iinif i reef irom on me boihu side of said lot; to satin! v execution ann coats. Sheriff Marion Co. ' Salem. Ang 6, 1S53. Tr STATK OF OREGON. n .WVTV iiP I IVV ' Jndtire'a Court. rwa..irifV It j(SlDOX: Yon are hereby notified I that a writ of attachment has been tuaii-d ayainxt i - -tthel to eatiafv the deiuand Ton. a 1 11 , i i . - - - , r -i.-lll of William SV. Fairish amounting to thirt v-eiuht dol lar and cost ol uit. Sow miles yon wibh appear fore J. H. Fotfer, jiiHiice of the peace in and lor said, on the !Mh day of SeptcmlKir, 18.iH, judgment will be rendered against you, and your property sold to pay tbe debt. wrLUAM w. PARISH, Plain iff. Aopnst S, 1859. aw2-2 STtTE OF OKEGOX. " re... VSTW Taf A t 1 I'NT . i claims amtinst the estate of THOM Ah C. C t - FKY. late of -aid county , ana state, .o i.rcew... . - r'. . r.lL: . - ithr of them at their ret- LAr' SC. mhVrin-said county, with ,ta , L-l. within one year from this date, orsaiu Claims w be forever rmrred. , AVILMAM POBTEK, flrnjn'r. O.J. COFFEY, J Angnrt 5, 1869. 4w itS BEWAKD. -STRAYED from tbe premise of the snbscri- one cow, "'"'"V? r'rnall piece broken off of .not on side and red nec, smaii I " born. The above rewaru m . son giving infonnatioa of the wuereauum. v. iUt 18. 18.tfl5 B.M DURKLLF- IronJ Iron! Piano Forte- , . . .n.rnrv 239 Broad- K Yorkd.TiVpr Salem, Maj V, - The Great Wonder ....OP THE.... NINETEENTH CENTURY, Professor Wood's Hair Restorative CAYS the St. Loui(Mo.) "Democrat:" Below we KJ publish a letter to Dr. Wood, of tlus citv, from i gentleman in Maiue, which speak trlowinulr of th rupcrinr merit of hi hair tonic. Sucb evidence must have itc enect, when coming from a reliable source. If ccrtittcutcs are sruarantces of truth, the Dr. needs no encomiums, nor useless pullcry from the press t ItaTH, Miink, Jan. 1856. PttorusoR O. J. Wood dc to Gentlemen: Havinir mv attention culled a few months since to the highly beneficial etlcct of your aiair ucBuirative, i wasintiuceu to maae application ol it upon my own hair, wlssrh had become quite gray, probably one third white ; my whiskers were of the same character. Some three months since I procured n uoit.o ot vour tiuir ucstoraiive, ami used 1L l soon found it was proving w-hat I hnd wished. I used it about twice a week. lean now cert if v to the world that Uie arev or white bair ha totally disappeared. both on mv bead and face, and mv biur has resumed its natural color, and I believe more sort and glossy man it nua been before tor tweutv-hve year. 1 am now sixty years old ; my good wile, ut tbe age of titty two, hit Uied it with the same effect. The above notice I deem due to vou for yonr valua ble discovert. I am assured that whoever willyightly use, as per directions, will not have occasion to con tradict m v statement. I am a citizen of this citv. and a resident here for the Inst tiftevn years, and nui kuown to nearly every one here and adjoining towns. Any use von ninv make of the ubove. with mv name at tached, is at your service, as I wish to preserve tbe oeauues ot nature in otuers, as well as nivseii. I am, truly, yours, A. C. BaVMOXD. WOUD S HAHt KESTOR.vTIVE. Baltimors, Jan. 3, 1S5& Professor Wood Dear site: Ilaviug bad the misfortune to lose tie best portion of tny hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in New Oilcans, in ISo I, I was induced to make a trial of your preparation, and found it to answer as the very wing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, and no word can express my obligation to vou in giving to tue ainicicu siirn a treasure. F1XLEY JO1IXS0X. Tbe nndersiirued, Uev. J. K. Brags, i a minister in regular standing, and Pastor of the Orthodox Church at Brooktield, Muss. He is a gentleman of great influ ence, and universally beloved. tt Al. UILK. Brooktield, Jan. 1, IsiS. Professor Wood J3er Sir .- Having made trial of vour Hair Resto rative, it gives me pleasure to say, that its effect has been excellent in removing intlamiiiatiou, dandruff, and a constai.t tendency to itt-lung with which I have been troubled from my childhood ; and has also restored ni v bitir, which wns becomins pray, to its original color. 1 have nsed no other article Willi anything tike the same pleasure or prout. lourstnilv, J. K liKAGQ T:;e Restorative is pnt up in bottles ol three size. viz : large, medium, and small ; the sin .11 holds half a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium twen y per rent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, tony per cent, more in proportion, and retails for $3. O.J. WOOD &. Co., Proprietors, 114 Ilroadwav, Xew t or k. and lit Market street, St. Lotiis. Mo. And sold by all good Dmgiriets and t'ancv Goods t renters. to PAKK t WHITE, -an Francisco. Wholesale Agents for .alitonua and . regon. 3mJl Dry-Goods ! 50 bnli-s Iadiun head sheet ing ; 50 bale Lnvrence 'icetings: 50 bales M.issarhtisetts sheetings; 51 hales Metamora sht-ctiags ; ltH) hales brown drills; t) bales blue demnis; -5 ca.- a-ortfd ticking; l'J cat's Kentucky jeans; 10 ctsrs blue drills: -5 cases assorted prints . cases bleached sheeting ; 5-0 picc-s Brussels ami velvet carpets ; lUK) i it-.'-cs throe ply and ingrain carpets : 1 ottl pieces tloor oil cloth ; 1000 pit-res Cocoa and China matting; by0 cases paper banning ; i!" cases lahle oil cloths : 30 cases curtain damask ; 50 cases lace and mnslin curtains ; 2t) cases window shades and Hollands; I1K) doren rnjrs and mats ; 400 pieces drugget and baizes ; Xow landing, for sale A T THE L O rE S T RA TE S, FRANK BAKER, CF- Xoe. 110 and 11 CLAY STREET. 3 July 2?, ISo. 3n.-Jl Pioneer Sash, Blind and Door Fac tory. 1T7E have constantly on band, and tcann- T racture to order, all kinds of SASH. BLINDS rr it i , M'iwiritnr. Coratort, Out and Intide Tntthcd ICorA-, of nil descrintions. Having the latent improved machinery tor manufac turing tne aoove wora, we are ante to supply Carpenter, Bnttder, and other, at the shortest notice, nnd as Chtnp a anu other Farforu in the State. tr?" AH orders from the country promptly attended to' Work shipped on board of boat free of charge. X. It Pine and Cedar lumber taken in exchange tor wora. Factory at Du Relle" steam saw mill. COLBATII Jc BASS, Tro. Salem, June 13, but 16 Redintrton .V Vet., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. 107 Clay Street, San Francisco. Offer tt the trade a full, complete, and desirable at tort me nl of DRUGS AXD MEDICIXES. tXAVIXG recently completed bnsinesaaiTanjrements M- a oy wiii-n one ol tne tirm will reside permanently in Sew York. for t::e pun'oseof selei tiii and forward ing kochIs. for our own ti-ade. we are euabled to otl'er superior advantages to purchasers, ne we e!inll nt all times have the lieneiit of el anges in the market, and can guarantee ail articles of our own selection to be fren aad genuine. We respectfully solicit the attention of the trade in Oregon, as'iinirton Territory, and British Columbia, as our long experience in tiie l'nig bnsiurss, and our present complete arrangements for purchasing in the east, will, we are confident, enable us to oiror such in ducements as will give jierfect satisfaction to all who mar lavor ns witti tneir onters. Oeneral Agents for the celebrated G rafenberg Family Medicines, KEOIXGTOX & CO., 3ml6 Wholesale Drugsist. San Francisco. Tracy A C'o-s Express To Oregon Citv, " Stileui, " Albany. " Corvallis. ' Eugene City, A. H. Steele, Aseut Jno. c. Ikll, " Shelby & Co. " Stork Ai Kaufman, Ag't J. T. BKOMLEY, " Connectinif at l'ortlnnrt with Wells, Fargo AiCo's Es press to all parts of California, Atlantic Stales and Ku rope. U7E will forward an express from Portland, Mon day, Wednesday, ana Friday for each week for above places. Treasure Parcels and Packages forwarded in charge oi a rpeciai .wessenger. Collections made an-1 all business pertaining to an r.xpress. execnmi wun promptness ami uispau-n. OSive in Portland with Wells. Fargo Ac Co. K. W. TI.' ACY, i E. XOKTOX. Jr., $ rnetorr. July 22, 1S59. s;o,f Wauled. AN owner for a bale of unbleached domestic, ship ped on the steamer Onward, from Portland, about the 1st of June ult. Tiie bale is marked " Ls Sc. Co., Salem." If not called for within tweutv days from this date, it will be sold to pav freight and charge. " GEO. A. EDE-, at the Wbaif-Uoat, Salem. July 23, IS.r0. 3w J)paid Til malii life Machine. Ill AVE a few two t orse threshing machines, of tbe most approved pattern. TOWNER SAVA0.E. Salem, July 25, 1809. 3wl For Sale. TWO COXCORD BUGGIES AXD HARXESS. OXh of said buggies is calcu lated for cither one or two horses ; the other for one horse oulv. Applv to rialem, July 16, IS53. John .Notice. YT7E are now ready to receive wool nt the Factory. JUS. WAl 1. July 10, wa. IStf At tiie Dalles ranted, aflovring mill, a there it none in II"oc Connty. TIIE nndersigned has a flouring mill partly complete, wliich will be sold cheap. It is located on an ex cellent water privilege, in sight of the town of Uullcs. tjBT Attached to it is a good stock claim, hnquircof O. UUMAsOX, Dalles. May 13, 1S53. lltf Lime. WE will ship a superior at ticle of LUCK, to any or der, for two dollars per bid. SUCH Ai COCHKAX. Cor. Sac. and Front street, San Francisco. Julr 1, 1859. 3mI8i Xax Receipts. AV sent br mail. 2-ltf County Order Blanks. FOB sale at tbe Statesman Office, at f 2 pot hundred AJ if soul by mail. Vkt BVUXr. ltf Valuable farm for Sale. 320 ACRES. An Orchard of 900 7Vee, CAoiVe Varictictl 600 BUSHELS OF APPLES THIS YEAR ! 1 1 & THE subscriber desires to sell hi VALUABLE FARM, Situated in Marion County, 4 miles south of Chamnoeir. and anr nerson who wants a loca tion, well adapfrii to it oik raiting, and fmit and gruxm growing, can now gel A BARGAIN! 200 hundred acre are under fence, 180 of Khich ii of the Fineit Prairie. Upon the premise there ia a arte frame koute, a targe new barn, AX ORCHARD OF ABOUTW0 FRUIT TREES, of which are aoe bearing, and will yield thi sea son a crop of from C00 TO 8t)0 BITsIIKL'S. A fine stream of water for stock : and snrinira near the dwelling and barn, afford plenty of water the venr ronmi ; ana on tne uina is an aounaance ot timber, suitable for wood, raitn or lumber. Is" This farm will be sold for Dart cash down, and balance on time, and affords A rare chance for a good bargain. JEROME B. JACKOX. June 1, 1859. JmlJpaidi A Ilargaln! I WILL offer for sale, on a bargain. One thontand acres of excellent land, tiu ruddmg river, m Marion Co., Ogn, clear title, upon which are LARGE IMPROVEMENTS, 00 acrea of land, in patlnrc and farm, orchard, Jf-e. The orchard consists of 1.600 ill lilc. tiear and nlnm trees. 500 of which are nna, Aii-i r. fruit a Mu.,.;il with new dam, and endless water power, a large snp ply of timber, two acta of dwelling, barn, dec, are on iuc utuiis. .in acre seeded in tame irrasa. tine annnlv of stock water, fine wood, rail timber, dec., and a HEALTHY SITUA TION. 1 would sell the saw mill and 30 acres of Innd ta-irl. a supply of saw timlwr, separate from tbe balance ot the laud ; or I wnuH JJa.ui sell til hind in smaller parcel. 3 I have also for sale a lam road wmron. nnd an ox team, and 40 head of cows, heifrrs, and steers. DAVID X tWSOM. Xewsom'g Mill, June 6, 185!!. Utf K. COLS. S. H. WHITE. ew Store. CI EOROE E. COLE 4c Cl. are now opening at the M well known stand of O. K. Cole, Second etrcet, Corvallis. a lanre and wcll selected stock of Siirinu and Summer Goods, tlur stock consists in t.nrt of Ory-tioodi, Groceries, Hardware, made ClolktHg, Hat, Boat and Shoe, Crock era, iilass Ware, .t-r all of which we will sell cheap for cash, or exchange for countrv produce, for which the highest market (intv w in oe pain. We now inve a public invitation to one nnd nil to come and examine our stock, as we flatter ourselves that you will not go nwuv dissatisfied in reg:ird to mnj ana price oj iiooas. AVo will be in constant receipt of goods dnring the season, and .r. tole lielinr ItM-ated in I'orthm.l nn.l connected with a wholesale llou.-e in San Francisco. our fa-ilitics for purchasing goods fn the cheapest patstlle term are rendered superior to any other firm in town. t.orvaiii. .nay ai, ii.ji. Iyl2 Frank Baker, 1 10 AXD Hi CLAY STREET. AXD A' MERCHANT STREET, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic CARPE TS.FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS Wait and Cocoa M-ittinr. Drurwet. - ;m. asks. Window Shade and Hollands, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, riMR HJL!CI5GS a.xn cokders, CHIXA MATTIXG. FOR SALE IS E05O OR DTTT FA1D, AT LOWEST RATES. May lti, 1KW. 6n,u Land Buyers Look at This ! A GREAT CHAXCE FOR A B A RfJ A 1 V! Wl-H to sell ray tarm, which lies near tbe fjtt center of l.inn Cotuitv. in a verv eliirill air- nation, being elevated, and affording a verv trood view of the surronnditik' landscape. There are upon t he farm i gnoii nouse anl tiarn. an orchard ot otJ fruit trees, wo livintr sprinm. aifordimr water for anr nninlu., r,f stH-k. lERMS. One-half down in eaali . 1.m w..:...!.. ;n 12 mouths, with interest from dav of sale. For infor mation, enquire of me at Albanv." KAPHA EL, CHEAPLE. May 55, li. 1-jif Dentistry. DR. L. S. SKIFF, SURGICAL, aSD ' MECHANICAL D E N T JjS-Zl-. - a . , .awniaiteaoi artlll- X i-Tai tcclu. on tine Bold rlate. Also deraye 1 teeth tilled with adhesive pold, and re stored to their original shape and usefulness. pr tlniee one door from Kenyon's Ambrotvpe rooms, Pttlem. " 17tf DenfiMrr. DR. E. n. C.RIFF1X, St KGEOX DEXTIST, is now in Salem, on PROFESSIONAL B USINESS. and will remain till the SPth of June. OtEce over Strang's. The Dr. will visit the follow iug places, viz : Lebanon, on the 21th of June, and remain til! the 7th of July ; Brownsville, on the 1'itb of Ju'.v. nnd re main till the 24th ; Eugene Citv, on the 1st i Anirust. , . -1 1 . 1 m - T " .... .......... una remain 1111 ir.e i-nn. tu. it. ti 1(1 r rIA Salem, May -.28, 18Ai. 12 tillloAcg Talk about Oold 31iues PCTSmcin mind that I WANT TO PAY MY DEBTS and cannot do it WITHOUT MOXEY.and if there is any body owing me, (and I think there is.) we would just sav that money we must have, and we would hercbv notilv those indebted to uie either bv note or book account to come forward and punirle otherwise we will have to consign them all over to J. I). Boon, who will no doubt make cost on it. Yours resp'liv, J. A. JOIIXS. Salem. Sept. 1, li. ' 'J5f Aolice. 13ERSOXS wishing any business transacted in the Atlantic Mates, sucii us purchasiiiir of carriages. bii'Tries. wagon, sewing machines. luunos. reuners. and mowers, or anv other article which is not usually kent in this market, will find it to their advitntnire to call on the undersigned. Also, for the collection of moneys (which is usually done through the Express Co., nt a heavy e.xpeiie) will be promptly attended to by one of our linn. We will pay cusii for nil d:-afts, bills of exchange, and certificates of deposit on the East or Western Banks. W. C. GKISWOLD & Co. Salem, Oct. 12, 19.V. 25tf For Sale. n Ifl ACRES OF L.XD FOR SALE OK REXT " J'-mJ till uinler fence, upwanls of UMI acres in cul tivation situated in the Forks of Willamette river, ihnM nailo. fmm S;ilm '1'hf. bltnl .-lKitti ia nil. nf tltc beat, not only in Lne connty, but in regon. t hi the cbiim there ia one of the best SAW-MILLS in the country. Tbe water privilege cannot lie excelled any in the 1 where water the year round and umber handy. Payments will be arranged to suit the purchaser. For further information, apply on the premises. ti. It. AK.lllIAIir., 41tf McKeuzie' Poet Oltiee. C. It. Pillow, DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, Sa- v lent. Ogn. Particular attention paid to the fa repairing of watches and clocks. All work war- UUSs ranted. Jewelry repaired nt short notice. F OK SALE 1 Watches and docks, ts day striiclna cTocks at a verv low price; also 3d hour nmi-ine clocks. ii.-i-i.'f . Ladies and gents brooches. Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Gobi Buckles, Onard Chains, 4cc., &c- Snlein. July O. IHsf. C. Collier Kobliii9, PRACTICAL Watch 5Iakcr, WlioUisatle and retail dealer in clocks, watches, jewelry, silver ware. and fishing tackle, and Indian goods, Portland. Oregon. Receiving tuy goods direct from the importers and manufacturers. 'I ran sell goods as low aa any other llouse on the Pacillic Coast. Having experienced workmen in every branch of my business, I can guarantee perfect satisfaction ia repair ing fine watches and jewelry. Kverv article warranted to he as reputed. AU watch work warranted to give satisfaction. 48tf Cancers can be Cured! DR. BROWX will be found next door to Messrs. Moore's store, when not Professionally from home, where be will not only Cure Cancer, but. en, Goitre, Ar., Upon scientilic principles, without the use of the knife, loss of blood, or much pain, and warrants a perfect cure. His practice is purely vegctaoie, ana aim pois on. He treats the diseases of the eye and mouth, per form dental operation of all kinds, and warrant hi work. fWT lie call especial attention to Ins superior treat ment in childbirth, female disease in general, bem-mnn-hiure of all kinds, chronic diseases. See.. See. All eonsuiuiiions in peneci commence, gj Teeth extracted by electricity if desired. Charges reasonable. Patient visited by night or day, without respect to the weather. His practicnl experience extunds through a eerie of over twenty-five years, ia every climate from the Atlantic to the Pacific, botb north and south. N B. Dr. Itutcmns medicines constauuy on hand. Salem, July lc5J. - ly20 Drs. G. X. & Ada 91. Weed, II yg to-Medical Physician. HAVIMi located in baiem, we shall be bappy to attend to calls, both in town and country. Mrs. Weed will give special attention to Obstetrics. and disease peculiar to women and children. latiema at a uisutnce visueo on reasonable terms. Thev may be consulted parsonally.or by letter, free. April 22, 1839. 7tf Yamhill Races. THE Tamhill Races will com- a mence on i ncsuuy, toe JJtll day of September next, and con tinue until Saturday, the 17th The Yamhill Jni-kev Cluh will ha-..,... : l,000, to be divided u, follow. V r "P ' 1st dav For two venr ohl. nnn. atnfl Ju of a mile ; to name on or before the ltHh of Autrast. and .liwn nM ah 1... 1... I. r 1 . i 2d OI1V Two milt. Vir-nta -Ml . IS 3d day One mile heats, purse (150; 4th day Mile beats, three in five, purse $200 ; 5th day Three mile beats, purse $300. Entrance for the above purees, will be twenty-five oer cent ; half of the entrance to go to the puree ; (mrm ber of the Club half price for entrance ;) half of the entrance in the two year old purse; forfeit paid at any time of entry. Tbe Yamliill Jockey Club have adopted the rule of the Metarie Coarse, excepting the weights, which ait a follow : 2 year old, a feather ; 3 year olds, 75 lbs ; 4 year olds, 85 lbs; 5 year olds, 95 lbs ; 6 year olds, 105 lb ; 7 year olds, 114 lbs; Alao, on Tuesday, the 6th of September next, there will be a sweepstake for three year old ; entrance $J00 each, play or pav.) The stake has closed with the following entries : James F. Bvbee, (Kammiackan.) bv Crisp's Grer Jim ; Win. White, buy colt, br Crisp' Grey Jim ; A. Mrtjneen, colt, br Crisp' Grey Jitn. 1-1... ...1.- :n i. r wm oe in goou ortier earl v. II. H. SX"OW, . . . Sec'y of Yamhill Jockev Clnb. Lafayette, July 15, 1853. 19ti!fl7Sep Highly Important lo Builders. EYRE, FURGESOX&: RKED arenowar-J-fc prepared to manufacture, with their a, f new una splendid machinery, Sash, Door, Blind, Cornice, Moulding, And everything pertaining to the wood-work of bonses Having the most extensive assortment of Machine ry on the Pacific coast, they feel assured that ther can offer better inducements to the building community, than any other parties in Uie State. Wagon-Spokes, Hub and Felloe, Furnished at short notice, or turned and sawed for parties if desired. All kind of wood turning and planing executed with neatnesa and dispatch. X. B. Good cedar, pine, ash, and oak lumber taken in exchange for finished work. f" All persons interested in anr of the above, will please give us a call, and see if lifer do not find it to JAcir interest to patronize HOME MANUFACTURES. 13? Plans and seciticatioiis for buildings furnished to our patrons, on the most fashionable and improved plans. Lf? All orders from a distance promptly nttended to. A. W. FCUGESOX, Superintendent. Salem. June I. ISjjt. ysif AXY one who professes to understand all trades or sciem-ee, assumes to impose an absurdity upon the public. Oa the same iirincittle. imv ,hm medicine which professes to cure all diseases is un worthy of the slightest confidence, and should at once be denounced as a nmu-k nostrum. The tSR.EFEXBERti FAMILY MEDICIXES do not assume to cure all diseases with one remedy. They have eleven different medicines, each adapted to its peculiar disease, aad time has proved beyond a qncs :iou the efficacy and certainty f these preparauaiis. Their list comprises the following medicines: Gra-fcnbcrg Vegetable Pills. Marshall' I'tcritte Ca tholicon. Cnefenberg SarNipariiia. Gnefcuberg Pile Remedy. Gra fotibcrg llysetitrrr Snttp. Green Moun tain Ointment. Gm-fenbcrg Chifdruu' Panacea. Gra-f ctibety Consumptive's Balm. Gra-ienberg Kve Ixition. Ora-l"-nberg Fever tc Am:e Kemedr. Ura-fenbcnr ti i.i. 1M-...Z. ' . - , . , o iicttiui unic. iir-iciioerg JlUllUUl ox iieuim. For sale by all drusrgists throughout Uie State. e State. : , CISCO. atitf t.etientl Airetits, REIUXUTOX i CO.. AT(.!osale Druggists, San Francis. t.i.t. in, i-.v. ICainier, Orii. T'HE undersigned would beg to inform the public tiutt he. with others, have opened a wasoti road from Iiaiuier to St. Helens, coti- nectitig with tbe road from the latter place to the Plains, and people traveling from Oreiron to tbcSoirad country, and epecialy drovers, will find it mnch to their advantage to come down on the west side of the Columbia river to Rainier, where they cau and will be ferried on the most reasonable terms, as the under signed has procured a Hat-boat for that purpose. Grass plenty a short distance above Rainier, at J. Placbes' and J, Gilbreath's farms. A. P. MIXKAR. . Slav 6.1V,? nnf Patronize the Expresses. MY customers in !;dcm. or any town in the interior, can order watches, jewelry silver spoons, Arc. bv express, payable on delivery 'of the goods, provided the article and price suits, otherwise they caa be re turned. Watches, jewelry, A:c, for repair caa be for warded in the same manner, to O. COLLIER ROBBIXS, 1 radical it atcn juaaer, fort Etna, tlrc'-on. Feb. S. 1S59. "For Kale. I HAVE three hnndred and twenrr nrresof hind situated in Linn Co., ubtut 3 miles from Scio. all well improved. Also, a yood orchard which I will sell on reasonable terms. For information enquire of the undersigned at Salem. Salera, Nov. 20, IS53. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Dr. J. II. Cliittrnort, EOLA. POLK CO. OKEGOX. UTILL continue to keep on band an assortment of drum and medicines, also all tiie lcadin patent medicines in common use iu Oregon, lie will supply the people ot Eola anil vicinity with school and tuis celUincous books, stationery, Aic., Ace. lie also tenders bis Professional service to tbe peo- f'le of Polk county. His treatment of disease is strict ly upon the Botanic practice, usinsr all the Ilvgieuic agencies, in common use in the Keforni practice". " April 4, lSia. 5tf For Sale. rpnREE and a-ha!f lots, with Dwelliug House, 1 lirtrn, and other tmprovenients. conveniently . ...1 1 ... .i.i...... 1 ..i- situated, iu ralem. Luquire at the Statesman Oilice, or of May 13, fn. JLUI.x A.JtIIlS. ltlf Farm for Sale. '1' WO and a half miles from Salem, all under im L provement. good building, and a large orchard of Kruit trees, from one to nine vears old. " JOHX FOKCE. Dee 8. 1S5S. Jtitf House mid Lot for Sale. IX the town of Salem. JOUX FORCE. Dec. 7. 1R3S. 40tf Sheriff Sale. virtue of nn execution issued from the Circuit Court, in and for the countv of Polk. Suite of Or egon, in favor of .lames M. Fulkersou, administrator, &c, and aguin-t Xoruian Scott and James M. Allen, I have this day levied upon and will proceed to sell to highest bidder, at the house of Xonnan Scott, on the 3l'th day of August, IHj'J, between the hours of ID o'clock," A. 51., and 4 o'clock, P. 51., the following real estate, to-wit : A part of the noith half of X'oruian (Scott's donation bind claim, beginning at tbe north east comer of said claim, in 1 1 s r 4 w, of the Will im ette .Meridian, 4,tXI east, and 1,03 chs south of the qnar- ,er section post, on the north boundary of section j.. running stuin ou,iz ens, inenee west 00.00 ens, i:k leuce north 311,72 rhs, thence east 3.,t3 chs, to the place of beginning; oeing parts ot sections 01 aim Jo, contain ing KU 8r-100 acres, more or less, to satisfy said execu tion J. S. IIOLMAX, Sh'fl Polk Co. July 2!, 1"5". 4wJl STATE oF OREO' X. )X,(e COLXTY OF1MAKIO: rOTICE is hereby given, that A. K. Gaines and llioiuson Ytunt, administrators ot tuo estate of .IXO. P. UA1N LS, deceased, late of said countv, have tiled their accounts for linul settlement of said estate. Therefore, notice ia hereby given, tbat Monday, tbe 5th day of ?k-ptember next,is set apart for the tinu! set tlement of said estate, at which time all persons inter ested are notified to nppenr. JIILTOX SHAXXOX, Co. Judge. July 25, 1050. 4w30 STATE OF ORKOOX, f Ci'CNTY OF POLK, J NOTICE is hercbv given, thnt the administrator of the estate of ISAAC GILSTKAP, deceased, lias tiled bis petition in tbe oltiee of the county court of said county, praying an order authorizing him to sell the real estate of said deceascj, and it appearing from said petition that there is no personal property to pay the debts outstanding against tbe deceased, and expenses of administration ; Therefore, the bearing of the said will be had at tbe September Term of said connty court to be held on the first Monday in said month, at which time all persons are notified to appear, and show cause why an order for the sale should 1 ot be granted. B. HAYDEX, Co. Judge. July 22, 1859. 4w20pnid Confectionery nnd Groceries. rrillE undersigned baa purchased the store and stock JL of confectionery and groceries of C. V. Uzafovage, nearly opposite the Marion House, Salem, Oregon, where ho will keep a general supply of confectionery , nuts, fruits, ice, &c., on hand, together with a choice assortment of groceries, and many other articles in his line. Give me a call, and I will try to give vou a bar gain. M. SlYERS. Salem, Oct. 1, 1853. Stf Notice. THE subscriber would inform the citizen of Salem and viciuity, that he has on hand a Choice Assortment cf Botanic Medicine, That be oilers on term to suit the times. He would also say to bis old customers, that he will attend to calls, iu both town and couutry, in the day time, as long as tbe roads and weather are good. , , T.T 4 T T TXT May 12. 1R53. lOtf C 111 nook. Salmon, PUT up in kits, and half barrels, by James Welch, Astoria, for sale lit wharf boat, Salem. July 10. lB-W 18tf Slieep for Sale. rXfin FINE ewes, and twenty-five extra T UUU bucks. Also, 111 head of extra breed "rv ing mares, two stallions, a geldings. Enquire of JOd. WATT. July 2S, 1839. WHOLESALE IMPOUTEE VOW receiving, ex clipper ships Archer and Robin It Hood, and soon to arrivn by dinners. Ocean Tel egraph, Xrptunc't Farorite, Challenger, H tzarif.aiid s-vuKOHi, direct irom iew lorlt. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF DRUGS, Chemical , Paint and Oil, ' I-. er imoortcd into Oreiron: I urchased for Cash, comprising a full assortment of PA TENT MEDICINES, (Direct from the Manufacturers.) inclndini? every sr. m uaiuuij ivoiia in a x?rug store; WINDOW GLASS, (French and American) DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE, IFINE PAINTS, (ground, dry, and in oil, of every variety,) RED AXD WHITE LEAD, various brands, PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, (large variety,; , COACH, JAPAN, BLACK and FURNI TURE VARNISHES, BOILED AND RAW LINSEED OIL, BURNING FLUID, (a superior article,) TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, LARD, SPERM, POLAR and MACHINE OILS, FINE BRANDIES AND WINES, for rne- uiciuul purposes. GRAFENBERG FAMILY MEDICINES, GRAEFENBERG MANUAL of HEALTH (new edition.) GLUE, BLUE VITRIOL. PUTTY, in bladder. SALERATUS, fine article, SAL SODA, GOLD LEAF. GOLD BRONZE, aorted. SILVER LEAF. LLECTIU MEDICINES, coneentratwl, BOTANICAL MEDICINES. t ogr-tuer wita every article nauaiir lound in a Druar Store. AGENT FOR ALL GENUINE PAT ENT MEDICINES. Thankful for past favors and soliciting a continuance of the same. I respectfully invite dealers to call and ex amine my etoek, and judge for themselves as to quality and prices- Mv arrangement for direct importation from dealers and manufacturers in the Kaet. are such that enable me to sell goods cheaper than any other boose on the nortu-ru coast. Sales-room. Front street onr-osif. T'nrwr YVJr. rf W. WEATHEKFUBD. Portland, Ogn. Mar 31, 1S59. Iritis .'dolprio Wolfe's St-tanapps. 4 5IEDICIXAL dritik, of eminently salutary qaali X W. ties, manul'actured bv himself exclusivelv, at his .. . " . . ai iiie-uiiii. in iiitauu, anil well allow ii oar . .. . : ii .it 1 -1 l - , ing the hist twelve years throughout all tbe Atlantic nun ., mrm iTiaies. It is made from the best barlcv tbat can be selected in Europe, with the essence of an aromatic Italian ber ry of acknowledged and extraordinary medicinal prop- einim. it iiia iisng nut c acauxreu a tuguer reeuutuon. both in Europe aud America, than any other diuretic oeveragc. .:rr---;i.a ii-a ruxx Tt-35T2trfis-el Ana rrpil. II tr s ,.n,rrrf , rw itiipab Tt. ai used and aPprovedb r the medical faculty, the tcmrer- am-c pcipie, oeaas ot lamiues, occ. Iu uravel. Gont, and Rheumatism, tbe obstructions ol lite bladder and kidneys, and in general debibty, its effects are prompt, derided and invariably reliable"; and it is not o:il .- a remedy for these maladies, but in all cases in wmca thev are produced by dxinkms? bad wa ter, which is almost universally the cause of them, tt acts as a sure preventative. For Fever and Ague it is one of the most efficacious preventives tutu can ne re sorted to. THE AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHXAPPS5 Is consenutntlv in srreat demand bv Tier-sons travelinrr. or about to settle in new parts of the conntrv especially, as well as by many in every community, where it has become known, oi account of its various other reme dial properties. Ia till cases of a dropsical tendemrr. it is irnei-illv tiicum, inuoii rciimreu, nueo auomeu in uie eariv sutt-e ex lae uisease. In dyspepsia maladies, when taken in Drom-Qaan titles, as a diet drink, and esr-eciidlv at dinner, it is found by uniform experience to be eminently eliicacioos ia the most obstinate cases, when even the" best of tbe usual remedies Lave failed to aiford more than temno- liir. rciicj- aa itvn-? i'i iiatuieiicy, it is an immeatate I : , .i i -. - . and invariable specibc. and it may be administered in diluted and proportionate quantities, even to young in fants, in ail those paroxvsms of griping pain in the stomach and bowels to which ther'are especially sub- jcci, aa wen as me cuoiic oi grown persons. :. ... ii . i i . i- " - us juuicious aaoprieu in connection witn toe princi pal meala. or when a sense of exhaustion dictates its use, never fails to relieve the debility attendant noon proiraciea curonic imuaojes, low temperament and ex hausted vital energy, bv whatever cause induced. These are facts to which many of the most eminent medical men, both in England and the I'nited States. have borne testimony, and which are corroborated bv the hiithest wnt:ea autuonnes. Pul up in quart and piut bodies, in cases of one doc- en, with my name on tite I Kitties, cork, and fac-siiuile of my signature ou the label. r or sale bv all the respectable Drntnnsts and Lionor ueaters in vregon ana iaiiionira. ,J UUOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer, 22 Beaver street. New York. Canfion to the Public. London Cordial Otn, Club House Gin, Schiedam Schnapps, Medicated Schnapps, Royal Schnapps, " See.. &c Under tbe above and similar titles, the liquor mixers of this city are bottling large quantities of adulterated, nnwnoiesoiue trasu, costing out little, on wnicn tney nope to realize large pronts oy seumg in l aniornia Avoid all comivounds. Souie are so skillfully prepar ed us to pass for good Liquor, except with the best of judge. II you wouta oe sale, use only tne long estab lished, renowned, genuine Wolfe's Schiedam Aro matic bcHstrps. UDOLFHO WOLFE, Sole Importer, Ang. 31, tfis47 22 Beaver street. New York. London Club House Gin. TO THE PUBLIC. rpHIS CELEBRATED GIX PKETEXDING TO jl noitiing out wniii it is, viz: a pure una unadulter ated article, und assuming no artificial merits of what it is not, us some of its rival imitators do after five vears of public approval and very extensive sales in California, bas been pronounced by tbe public to be su perior, not only as a beverage of general use, to any otner article competing ugumsi it, out is UXKIVALLED IX ITS MEDICAL EFFICIENCY in most cases of complaints. To persons traveling in these days nf rapid transit from East to West, North to ekmtn, wtioare consiamiycnangmg tneir water as weu as their climate ; who are drinking, indeed, a dozen kinds of water in every twentv-four hours, and asjch draught containing some property acting in chemical antagonism to the preceding one, thereby causing an unnatural degree of excitement to the stomach it is positively and alisolntelv necessary to use a counter- r - a.. .1. f.. ... .!... V acting Bgeub. riviu Hi. UKI win. ,11V "LONDON CLUB HOCSE OTX" is prepared expressly to meet such exigencies, and to act as we Know it- will act, as anantiuote we conuaent lv prescribe it as the verv best article in the countrv. The name of "Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps" has nev er been attached in any way to this article. In first presenting the " LONDON CLUB HOUSE GLV" to tbe public, my aim wns to give them a pure and un adulterated article of Oin, and to call it by its right nun. The success attending its introduction and ex tensive sale in California is a sufficient guarantee of the high appreciation ot tne article oy consumers. VnnoiiB nartics hare from time to time put no and shipped to California an article which they call " Club House Gin." My Gin, which has gained such SLrepu- tation in California, is omnaea on me cases. ni.n LONDON CLUBHOUSE GIN WH. H.D." The bottles also have a white label with fac-situie of mv signature. 1 caution all parties to beware of imit ations. " Jl. 11 UAL I , Sole importer, -ew Xork. Jan. 21, 1859. 4Stfia Notice. tt tE have appointed Mr. W. tL Levndge to make v v collections tor ns. to receive ana receipt tor ail monies due us, to make no loans, and is not authorised to give any indulgence to any one. And if there ia anv who feels conscience auiiuen, by not complying with their promises, they can relieve themselves by pnngltng immediately, ne wiu suit Keep tne omce in the old store, and if yon doc't come there and see him be will sena tne snenu w see tuu. mi Tuurnwnwr. i. . i . i ! w ii nDtwALnAV ro Salem. Jana 5, 1SS9. Oil AXD WHOLESALE DEALER IX DRUGS ESTRAYS TAKEN UP. Tbe chanre for estrav notices in m dollar animal advertised. No notice will appear until paid for. Where no money, or less than tka mm n.T., i sent with an estrar notice, the notice will sot bo puousnea uiiui tne iuu amount I received. BY the subscriber, living tinea miles wot of Kola. Polk Co.. on the road leadinsr from hlo t rial. las. one dark bay American horse, shod all round, with addle mark, suddos . to be seven tcsbboM m knoJ. I perceivable; broke into my inciosurs aboot Uie S5ti of Julr. JAMEi WALKER. Eola. Angnst a, isaa. 8w22 NEAR Table Rock, Jackson County, a red roan Cay. use maro, about 7 year old, baa a blazed nn, branded on the left thicrh with the inn 3 : said ani- Imal is aboot 13 j bands high. JOHX HAILET. Angngt 3, iax. zwzz BY the subscriber, living near Table Sock, in Jack son countv, a dark brown steer, has some whit on the belly and flank, marked with a slit in each ear and aa underbit in tbe left ear; said steer is aboot 4 years old, and lias been running in the vionkr for 3 year. W AL H. BYBEK. August a, iai. zwa BY the subscriber, living on tbe north aide of the Santiam River, about 4 mile below a"H"" (Tit-. one roan Indian horse, three white feet, fore legs blaes:, to the kneca, black tail, a spot between the eyes, and white strip oa the nose, supposed to be 4 rears old, shod all round. - 'T.H.COX August 5. 1859. 2wg Tt Y the subscriber, living- in AMant precinct, Jack- M- son Co., one rea ox, 3 or ni Tear old, naa . red and white speck around the eyes, speckled under the belly, marked with a cropoff of the left ear, and a slit in the right, no brands perceivable. JAMES B. BCXYAKD. Angnat5, 1859. 2w22 BY the subscriber, living on the road leading from Corvallis to Eugene, Ogn, two head of cattle, de scribed a follows : One dark red, and white spotted COW. 9 or 10 rears old. mara-ed arrallnsr-fork m laft. I and under haLf cropin right ear, branded Ton right. year ola neiter, marked underbit in each ear ; no other mark or brands perceivable. Also, one white Span ish more, 7 or 8 years old, branded with a Spanish brand on right thigh ; said cattle have been running in the aetUemeut 7 or 8 month, and mare three or four weeks. JAMES PERKINS. Julr 28, 1859. 2w21 BY tbe subscriber, living four miles north of Salem, Marion Co., a bay horse, supposed to be 11 year old, black legs, white spots on neck, collar marks ; branded on left shoulder, can't be made out, shod all round. JOHN FORD. July 81. 1859. 2w21 BY the subscriber, living in Polk Co., 2 mile north of Hall's Ferry, on the Willamette, one bar horse, a year old past," 15 bands and an inch high, branded ' T on the left shoulder, collar marked on the neck. and some saddle marks on botb sides, right hind foot wntte, no otner mar its or oranos perceivable; sssa horse came to mv premises about tiie lbth of June. J. A. McLACGHLIX. July 28, IS59. 2w21 BY tbe subscriber, living in Linn Co., eight miles w of Brownsville, one brindle steer, three year old, with wbite face, and some white along bis belly, crop and underbit in the iert ear, and crop off the right, branded on the left hip with tbe letter 31. WILLIAM CHASTAIX. July 23, 1859. 2w-?l BY the subscriber, Being ia Yamhill Co., Ogn, 4 miles west of Lafayette, one est ray mare, suppos ed to be four vears old, dark bay, black: mane ana tail, small star in tiie forehead. left hind foot white ; no oth er marks or brands perceivable. JOHX W. SH ELTON. July 28, 1859. Sw21 BY the subscriber, three miles southwest from Cbam poeir. one grey Indian borse, branded S D on the left shoulder. BAPTISTE DCBRILLE. Cbampoeg, July 30, 1859. 2w2l OFFICIAL TOTE. Canvass of votes for Represented ve to Confixes from tbe iState of Oregon, by tbe undersigned. Govern or and Secretary of State, this 27th day of July, A- IX, icwr, as loiiuwB, io- u z stPSEtEvriTnz to Conntie. Benton. Clackamas, Clatsop, Coos. Carry, Columbia, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Linn, Lane. Multnomah, Marion, Polk, rji- -.v nipqna, Washington, Wasco. Yamhill, 5,646 5,630 Walla-Walla precinct-in the counts of Wasco, whica purports to have given. Lansing fetout twenty-four votes, and Iavid Logan one vote, was not counted ia tbe foreeoing for want of reenlaritv in the retnrna re ceived at the Secretary of State' office. Lansing Stoat received five thousand six hnndred and fortv-six rotes, and David Logan received five thousand six hundred and thirty vote .therefore Lansing Stout having received the bjgnesa nninber of vote cast is hereby declared duly elected a Representative in tbe 3tth Congress of the timed States, from the State of Oregon. . JOHN WHITEAKER. LrciKS Hiath, Secretary of State. 3w21 x. r. HCGHIS. i. st. o conot Ilnxttes A O'Connor, Agent for the tale of PHELAyS MODEL BILLIARD TABLES'. asd PA TENT COMBINA TION CUSHIONS Mannfactory and Sales Rooms, 132. Montgomery St., con e rand sea. Balls, Cloths, Cue-wax, and Billiard T.inmings, of every aeoertptton. jor tne iraae. OLD RAILS RE-CUSHIONED, WITH SETS OF P HE LAX' S PA TEXT CUSHIONS. CAUTION. These Cushions cannot be procured from anv other person on the Pacific Coast. fjjr All Goods warranted. 3ml6is Ifwrsery. fTlHE subscriber has one of tbe best nurseries jfn JL m the conntrv, situated near Salem, m which can always be found all the best varieties. Orchard men are requested to examine bis tree. Apply at tbe nursery, or the confectionary and grocery store, north west of the Marion Ilonse. ' MICHAEL MYERS. Salem, Oct 1, 185a 3Ctf t. Pelton, Geo. II. Jones & Co., SELL EXCHANGES on New Tork, in aaaotmas t suit Dnrcaasers. Salem, May 17, 1853. 100200. FROM one hundred to two hnndred acres of impror-a ed fond for sale, about two miles from Salem, Mar ion connty. JOHN FORCE. Dee. S. 1859. " 40rf Dissolution. THE co-partnership between E. ft . It F. F. Platoon don, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. AU debts due the firm moss be- psad nUtnr, so . Jt Plamondon, who alone is anthorixed to snBect crass ta and discharge debts. One warning to tboaa indebted to the late firm i sufficient. The second warning wiU be at the bands of N. A. Cornoyer, Sheriff, backed by a lawyer. Salem, Ugn, June su, isw. m Dissolution of Partnership. TBE partnership heretofore existing between Steve and Little Tom, at Salem, is thi car dissolved by mutual consent. el ttt, UllUi TUX. N B. The firm is now under tbe sole manaeesaei t of Steve, wbo will continue to please his customers in all the branches of tonsorial art. Anr debts contract ed bv the said Tom on or after this date, will not be recognized bv me. STEVE. April l.. law. ' Common School Lantls. THE common school land situated in Marion coon ty, will be offered at public sale, on Toesday, th 23d of Aogtnt next, at tbe Conrt I House ia Ssdesav Sale to aw urn at 10 o cloca, A. tL QF Terms of "sale will be one-fourth of the pur chase money in hand, and the remaining thi fuuilha, in three eaual annaal instalments, with interest at tea oer cent, payable semi-annually in advance. a . o aia a . Snot. Com. School. Afarioo Co. Salem, July 9th. 18j9. 6wl8 Cattle for Sale. sf HEAD of stock eaitie for sale, eowa, yearling, OU and two year olds, in Linn Co., eight miles above Albanv, on the Calipooia. Inquire of Lewis Lyenbar. ger, on the ptace, or Joa. vrat, csko. aotf amy at, iojw. For Sale or Rent, , A SAW HILL, in good order for makina: lumber JV r orrarticularacaUoo JOHN JfORCE. XJeQ.8,BUix eue, Lansing Stout. Davtd Logan. 422 223 379 "330 34 54 63 53 37 54 73 ' 63 495 339 663 218 411 211 723 602 535 532 434 563 296 1062 284 ; 25J - 43 132 SOI 356 231 114 313 412