ft. B. OLE A 80H. Ijit, -1 z. ana aeaier m ail cmot or Car- r r. e m4 Wron Ifekeia' 8tock,47 Bat- 1 trrf , fin I mneisco, hss fur r- J Vrood Lird, JkcHaba, v-oe, hickory Axles. Pole, ahafta. wagon and boinry bows, carved and bogey bows, carved and (WCinm parte. Seat oocKa, ate-, lc lra Axles, PrK. Bohs, Rivets, naneabte Iron, en- mema uoui, enamelled LMlter, patent daab aad eoCar Leather, plated, Jpan and Ivory Head Kails and Knobs, lacks, stomp Frames, half pat. and three bolt Axles, plain ami pftXed Crabs and Tina, and Pole Tips, ate. I " Tne above stock has been personally selected ; is of too past f aautr, ana win oe soia as low as con be I m we city or state.- . r All orders for the above roods, left with IT. S. MuuiJt dealer m M aoon and Urrian stork, Trim v etc, corner of jb unison and Second streets, 1-nk -d, will receive prompt attention, and be satis- zarvx..y exeented witnont aeiay. 8 .SJ, IKSeJ. 30tf T. STKAO. B. Rum T.cC Strang. ITTHOLESALE s-d Retail dealers in stoves and tin J . ' karw and emlcry, at the old stand of in amy, wre may be found a complete as- . Coot, Pcr'jr, rit2 Box Stores, i, j-cyrx)B. copper, planished and Japaned ware, cs and nit pom, robber hose, hydraulic ranis, lead l"i men na, ana sme, onus and cauldron Kettles, owe ovens, cow bells, dec- ate. JOB . lXJfJT, Voofing, sheet iron and copper work, promptly at tended to, and on the most reasonable terms. April . 1359, Stf OynesJtl CO 3IsnoaMl)r. FREE TRADE AXD SAILORS RIGHTS. LUER! LUMBER!! LIMBER!!! DTJ LXLLE'S Steam Circular Saw and Planing Kills. The proprietor is pleased to inform the cit iaeas of SALEM and the pnblic generally, that he has runt eomtrieecd his XEW CIRCULAR SAW and PLANISO KILLS, on terra tiruia, and is now pre pared to Saw, Plane-, Tongue and Groove lumber of every description, at low rates and short notice. Hvtagn improved five-foot circular saw, and one of Woodworth's latent patent Tongue and Grooving Machines, and experienced men to ran tfccm, he is pre pared to make as GOOD LUMBER, AND MORE OF IT, than anv other Mill on the Upper Willamette. Car penters' orders for lumber, such as dressed stuff for window frames, cornice boards, shelving and counter boards, doors and door frames, ate, dressed and edired on both aides, from 2 to 14 inches in width and 1-3 to 3 1-2 inches in thickness. Oak, Ash and Maple Plank, suitable for Wagon and Cabinet makers' nse, furnished at short notice Having made arrangements with the steamers plying; on the Upper Willamette, he ia prepared totend dressed, tangoed and grooved lumber to any point on the river where the steamers stop. All orders for Lumber will receive prompt attention and quick dispatch. B. H. DU RELLE, Proprietor. Salem, March 1st, 1859. 51tf Eaamire Urery mmdi Sale SinMe Os Maim, street, between MasHson and Monroe, Cor- vallis, Oregon. - THE subscriber takes this method of in- s forming the public generally that he y .i.J6' I a new nvery and sale stable m vervains. wbere be will be prepared to furnish better acrora roo ms nae ox Business tnat can oe tound else- wherein the State. I am suppBed with single and double bugidc, can ia ges, and saddle bones of A qcalhr nnsnrpasscd on the PaciBe Coast. Particular attention paid to keeping horses by the day or week. Kxperienced ktoouis are constantly in attendance, and no pains wfll be pared to return nor scs in a better condition than when received. I keep all amda ox teed tnat tne country produces. I wiQ bay and sell stock, and in met carry on every thin pertaining- to the Everv business. Iw.1l the arrival of every steamboat, have a nacx m readmess to convey passengers to and iromtne boat, and Lily Motel, and elaewcere wben dcrired. W. C. HIGGS. Corvallis, Xov. 22, 1863L 40tf New amtdl Fresh Drairs & Medici nes. WK. SMITH having reeentlv returned from San Fraariiico. wbere he pim based the eomnletest sunn inn in of Drum and Medicines ever offered for ale in the Willamette Vallev, we are able to give our cm tuatoiueis better satisfaction than ever. e are receiving additions to oar Mock by every steamer, and will sell ereTTlhinir in the Drue line at verv satisfacto ry prices. Our Patent Medicines are all eenuine and fresh, and as we bsv htrsriy, and in the best markets, we can afford to sell a httle cheaper than the cheapest. usw and try as. W. K SMITH & CO. Dee. 7th, 15. 40tf The People's Drayr Stere. SALEM, OREGON. Bt M. Jt. BItT. M5BT S. STirr. KEEP the purest and brK preparatkms in the Drug line. Colognes and perfumeries of the highest or der, highly scented toilet soap. bair oil. ink, pens, letter paper, fancy note paper and envelopes, pencils, dec, 4c, to which we beg the attention of everrbodv. Feb.fi.lH59. " ly'48 The &jaw Oregon. THE OREGOX STATUTES, 650 pages, with com plete index.-a insliom and referewes. are for sale at the office of the titatepmm, at five dollars per Tne work to executed in tee hct mauntrr, bound in law style, and sold at publisher pnn Orders by mail, accompanied with the cash, tilled by return mail. la addition to the enactments of the Let-u-Uiiive As sembly, the volume contain th DertarBtiuti of Inde pendence, Const it nt ion of the United States. Treatk-s with Great Britain relating to Orricon, Ordinance f 17b7, Doration Law and all amendments, and full ab stract of United States Naturalization Laws. But few copies are left. Adlvcrtisinar Aaresscy. a . ri?ncn, iron roiuiinr, opposite rurinc r.x- j Pa pTene vnm, up eiairv. r ilea ui ail ine prrarnnu Papers of California and Oreytm may be found at this office. Mr. Fisher is the authorized Agent for the Statesman, Blamksv 1VEETS, mortgaoes. powers of attorney for sale of JL-T scrip, tax receipts, nnni proots, ana notmcationa a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman Office. WE have a few of those Drr Goods left yet, which we will sell very low, and some of the best boots and shoes we have ever bought. Also, Salmon. Mackerel, Lamp-oil, Fine Teas, Blasting Powder, Water-proof Caps, safetv fw. shot. dec. W.'K. SMITH At CO. Salem, Dee. 7, 1S5R 40tf Mail ami Pawcngrr Coach. . THE ondersiffned hereby informs t."Cfc)yrk the public that he is funning a 2bbbssbkA weekly line of Coaches between Salem uiui feugeue City, carry the United States mail and passengers. He leaves Eugene City Sunday morning, arriving at Salem Monday afternoon, and leaves Salem Tuesday morn ing, arriving at Eupetie Wednesday evening. Good accommodation for passenirer. Fare, 6 each wnv. George h. mco.uf.en. August 10, 135H gfef 51 arion IImmc, Salem. "PHE andernirned announces to the public that i bebaspun-hasedtbeweU-knowntavern stand JalaL called the Marion House, m Sleni, together with the furniture and fixtures thereof. He will keep it in first rate style, and invites the patronage of the public. . 51. VIAL May 23, 1857. lltf American llease. THE undemigned would respectfally announce 4 to the public, that they have purchased the JLttL above-named Hotel, at Boseburg, DouiHas county, to etbec with the large and comntodioae stable attached to the premises, and from tbeir Ions' experience in tbe linaiiiuej. natter themselves that they will be enabled to give satisfaction to all those who favor them with their patronage. E. B. ROBINSON', V F. D. ROBINSON. Rosebnrg, Dec. 1, IS58. I v40 CMjr Hotel, Corvallis. MESSRS. A. B. 4t I. SPRENGER. WOULD announce to the citizens of Corvallis, and tbe travelling public generally, that they have thoroughly refitted this well known establishment, and are now prepared for tbe accommodation of custom era. The rooms have all been refnrninhed, the beds clean and comfortable, and their table will be furnish ed with the best the market affords. Corvallis, Aag. 30, 1857. ly25 Sewinaj Machines. TimEELER At WILSON'S machines are the best 11' ever offered to public patronape. They are sim ple and durable; easily kept in repair; sew with preat rapidity; make an even and firm stitch on both xiden, that will not rip. Persons wishing to buy will find them at the residence of tbe undersigned. T. SAVAGE, Agent. April 26, 1858. 7tf Painting. HOUSE, sign, carriage and wagon painting, glazing and paper hanging, wall paper, paints, oil, glass, nnd putty, mixed paints, clump for cash, shop west of the court house. Salem. E. 8. COX. Aunsl3;, 1 lv25 OEO. It. WILLIAMS, A. C. GIBBS. (late Chief Justice.; WILLIAMS & GIBBS. Portland, Oregon Territory. 17TLL practice in the courts of Oregon and Wash s t tnnoa territory. Not. 36, 18S& ly38 . tlBD, San Francisco. Laid, Keel Cb , Sncrettorm to H'. 8. Lodd Sr Co.,) rMPORTEKS and VTiolesle lealers in wines, li L qaors and Groceries, Front St.. Porttand, Oregon. B. F. Bonbam, A TTORXET ANT COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Of- Xl lice at the Court Honne, Salem, O. Mf S. Hnber, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Portland, Oregon. Oct. 25, 185R. Ckrtttr S. Terry, A TTORXET AT LAW, SALEM, OREGOX, COM misrioner of Deeds, and to take tcstimonv, sc knowledjnnents. dec, ir.. for Iowa, Indiana. Missouri, Mirhiftan, California, and WaMhinston Territory. Let ters of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on rtiort notice. r7 Particular attention paid to taking depositions, collections ol 30tes, Accounts, ore. js.ii Kcdical Nolicr. pvR- R- W. SHAW, offers his professional services to MS me cilizenv ol ewem hihi vii-miiv, anu n.pjcviiui' lv solicits a share of public favor. rjsf Office near residence. Hyl R. W. SHAW. Dr. 1. 1. Belt 1.1TISHES to inform his friends and the public, that it he has returned to Siilem, to attend to profess ional calls, in town and country. Oct. 1S.V. 33tf Dr. S. B. rntklri, o FFICE, SALEM. OREGOS TERKITOKT. Salem, Xov. i, 1857. a.rtf Dr. J. B. Cardwrll, SURGEON DEXTIST. TILL practice his profession in the various cities t and towns ol uregtm. Feb. 15, 1859. 4'Mt I. L. Coombs. I. D., CorTallis. ("1 EXEB AL practitioner of medicines, Snrpery, dtc T The Infirmiirv is still attached to his o Rit e, for the accommodation of" isuk-ms not alli-cted by contagious diseaMS. (f Dr. K. !l. Brll, SURGEON DEXTIST. o FFICE in W.Kenvon's building over "CitvBook Store" fint door west of the fllarion IIoukc Refers to L. F. Cartec SurvevorGeneral's Ollice. " Salem, Xov. 16, IS5!. 36tf J. Firming. T the Orecon Citv Post Office Bnildinc. has iust i received, direct "from Xew York. 10O copies of Downing'a Fruit and Fiuit Trees of America, revis ed and enEinred, for 157 the latest published edition of this valnable work. He hna also on hand, a good stock of misrvllaneons books and stationerv, for sale on terms to suit the titnes. Oregoa City, Dec. 15, 1?".7. Allrn k Lewis, W7-HOLESALE MERCn AXTS, PORTLAXD, OR 11 EUOX. J. W. Meson, ATTORXEY AT LAW AXD SOLICITOR IX Chanrerv and Admirsltv. Seattle. W. T.. V.ill practice in alf the Courts in Washington Territory. Apni nw. BntlrrP lidtrson ATTORNEY AT LAW, OLTMPIA, WASHING TON TERRITORY. Particular and rrompt attention civento all Imxincss in the Land Offices. lltf Richards A .llrrrakrn, w ILL pay particular attention to the sale of Fni'iT on consiinimcM. the comitu; season. Portl".nd, June :, 1859. 6m 17 . s. WOODWOltTB, s. r. mows. Portland. v. c. oii.wolp. New York. W. C. Oritwold A Co , IMPORTERS AXD WHOLESALE DEALERS POREIGX AXD DOMESTIC Dry-Goods, Boot and Sheet, llardtrare. Iron, Gro ceries, Yankee Xotiont, dfC., 4"c 13 Opposite Couch d Flanders' Wharf. l.Kf Portland, Oregon. Calvin Cutting, MAXTFACTVRER OF B AX K VAULTS, Fire-Proof Doort, Iron Fence, Railingr, ....Asn all kinds or.... BLACKSMITH WORK, 94 Jari-son Street, One door writ of Battery, San Franriseo. May 3, 1359. fimlO Dr. Edward Shell, ....WILL rT.... ESPECIAL ATTEXTIOX, ....TO-... CHROXIC DISEASES. Corvallis, Ogn. May 23, l.'t'. 15if W. S. LAPD, Portland. C. C. T!I.TO!C, New York. Bankinr, Collection and Exchange. LADD Sr TILTOX, BAXKERS. I T7 ILL purrhasr cert:fi-atvs of di-poeit e and other V Exchange at enrrent rate. Will sell drafts at siffht on Mcmtsl IuncBn, Shernain At Co., Xew York. Alsop tr Co.. San Franciico. lp Money recvived on depoit. mJ General or speciul collections cis.le, and proceed rroinplv remitted. Laou warrants Doujrn? ann boio. AH business appertaining to Iiaukini; promptly attended to. Ivl5 i. w. HDD, San Francisco. s. o. itrcn, Portland. J. X. LAfil, do Lad d, Keen & Co., (Sneetrtrm tn Tl IjtJd Sr Co.) STllPPlXG AXI) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and wholesale and retail dealers in choice wines, liqnors. Groceries and general merrhandife, Front St., Portland. Consignments solicited, and liberal css-h ndvances made on the oame, which will receive the special at tention of onr Mr. J. M. Ladd, in San Francin-o. Par ticular attention given to the purchase and shipment of goods in Xew York. If sufficient inducements are offered, we propose having a ves?el leave New York every spring and fall, for Portland direct. Portland. April 4, 1859. 5tf E. Pelton, Ceo. II. Jones dc Co ARE prepared to do a general commission hnsiness on New York and other Atlantic cities. Particu lar attention will be given to the purchase of goods for merchants. Parties having any busineos transactions in the Atlantic States, and wanting an agent that will trive personal attention to tbe same, will do well to call. I Office at Barnnm At Wilson's Law Office Salem, March St, 1MTA tot John T. Wilson, COMMISSION MERCHANT, o. 19 Commercial street, San Francisco, CaJ. J"OLICITSconsi)mmentsof Orejfon I'roduce and Pro 3 visions, and makes lil-era! advancements on same. R E FEREXCE S Portland. Albanv. Men-rs. W. S. Ladd At Co., D. Bench, Ei-q. Savior At Co.. layton. Oregon City. Messrs. Williams At Messr. Taylor and Ealfeton. Lippencott. Jan. 15, 1859. tm45 For Oregon direct. A VESSEL now being built expressly for the Jf-f Oregon trade. Master, (a duplicate ill of tbe Bark C. UTilton, which made a passage out in llti davsj will leave XEW YORK on or about the first of November next, for PORTLAN D direct. Ship pers, in order to secure freight, should make earlv ap plication to the undersigned, or Messrs. Wakeman, Di mon At Co., New York. We will also attend to tbe purchane and shipment of merchandise, carriages, and machinerv, for parties in Oregon. LADD. REED At CO. April 20, 1859. 6m 10 Pacific Foundry and Machine Shop, San Francisco. ESTABLISHED IN 1850. THE above establishment is believed to have facili ties for the manufacture of cverv description of CASTINGS AND MAClflXKRY superior to any other on the Pacific Count. Every bind of Saw Mill Machinery, steam enfrines. Ate, Arc., made at a short notice anil in a most work manlike manner. We manufacture a stvle of SHINGLE MACHINE, at moderate cost, which we believe to be more efficient than any other in use. Orders are particularly solicited from Orepon and Washinjrton Territories, which will have the same au thority as thonjih tbe parties were personally present. GODDARD, HAXSCOM At RAXKIX, late Godii ahi) At t o. San Franciwn, Feb. 2. 1859. fim51 IN otice. DAVID A. SLOUGH is my traveling agent for the sale of mv ECLECTIC UNLMEXT? He is au thorized to collect money and take notes in my name for the sale of the same. Also toestabush and appoint local agencies for the sale thereof in the States of Ore gon and California, and Territory of Washington. JOHN HARGROVE. April 13, 159. Iy6 Look nizt at TS.lt! DR. KELLOGG has permanently located in the CITY OF PORTLAND, Oregon, and offers to the publie family Medicines. 1 bey are purely , VEGETABLE, and fVee from nolann. If yon have a weak back, pain In fhe side or chest take courage; mv Strengthening Plaster will afford re lief, no matter of how lonir standinir. If yon have sprains, bruises, rheumntism, erysipelas, inflammation of the lungs, stomach, liver, or spleen, burns, fresh wounds, or old sores of any description, nse my ramilv Liniment ana ticaiinjc naive. K. R. In detention of the phirenta after parturition, this Ijniment is a sovereign remedy, when used accord ins to directions. Mothers, remember and try it. Hare yon dyspepsia, pain in the stomach or bowels, loss oi appetiie ; uae my eioniacn itinera. Have von weak lunss. conch, cold, or hoarseness, asthma, or difficulty of breathing, my Cough Drops will relieve von. Are you bilious hove you remittent fever, bilious colic, headache, or nnv disease where a laxative medi cine is indicated T nse the best pill before the public tbat is, Dr. Kellopg's t amilv fill. - If von are atttirted with chronic or bilious diarrhoea, no matter of how lonsr sfandinjr, nn my Dinrrha-a and Blood Purifying Tonic, in connection with the Family lills, and relief is certain. They always leave fhe bowels in a bealtnv condition. Remember, as a' blood purifier, this tonic is without an eqnal. M v improved ComjKwiiion is by far the best article of the kind ever before the public. See direc tions on the packages. Thou med rines are for sale bv W. K. SM ITH 6z CO. and Drs. WARREN At BROWN. Salsra; Price At Co., Dalles; and in one month will be for sale at all the towns of Orefron, and Washington territory. Portland, March 14, 1S59. lyl Established In 1819. IGMiW -Tnrc-- t HENRY JOHNSON A CO, I. VP OR TERS ll'HOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 116 Washington Street, 'San Francisco. 4 RE now receivingtbeirstock for theopring trade r.f a. new anl tresn giMKis. ami oner to country uuyers the LARGEST and BI-.M askortmcnt m their line on the Ihti-ifiic roattt. Having been eneaged in the Dme business in San Francisco for the pat ten yeri, they flatter themselves tnat tneir arW!iwmii arc surn. mat tnev can oner UNEQUALLED IXDUt EMEXTS to nrh a mav fiivor them with their cntom. Their assortment conipriw EVER YTHIXO in their line of bnsinens that mav be required bv DRUGOISTS, PHYSICIANS and MERCHANTS, and l-o all poods in their line in ne bv GROl.'ERS. HAKEKS. BKEn -ERS, CONFECTIONERS. DYERS. TAXXERS, AS SAYERS OK GOLD. HATTERS. SODA-MANUFACTURERS. BARBERS, HOTEL KEEPERS and MA X U FACTUR ERS. All the popular FAMILY PATENT MEDICINES received direct from llie proprietors and gnarantced GENUINE, and at the lowest mule prices. 6m2 Alexander cV TIcEwnn, VRE offering for sale the best and cheapes goods in Oreon: DRY t;ooos. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BOOTS. SHOES. ( ROCKERTWARE, Arc. We are al?o paying cash and exchanging goods for all kinds of produce : WHEAT, BARLEY, TORK, BACON. &. We will jatis! V yon that we give good bargains. We have the ca Tea imported, the bet sugar and colfee. Cedar and White Fir shinjiles, Timothy and Ulue imire seeil alwavs on bund. ALEXANDER At Mt EW AN. Corvallis, Anurt 13, 1S5S. ittf w Ilnrdware Store. rtMl E suWriber havirnr taken the fire-proof Granite A Front Store, next door to SIrKee At Co', Front St., would rrpetfullv inform his frienl and tha pub lic ccuerallv, that he 5 now openinir a full and ' 'OM l'LETE ASS( H I'MENT OF SHELF AXD BUILDER'S HARD WARE. AGRICULTURAL IMPIEMEXTS, MECHAXIC S TttOI.S. TABLE AXD POCKE T CUTLERY, Ar.d other articles in his line, to which he invites the cttention of Merchants, Builders and count rv dealers. JOHN R. FOSTER. Portland, February, 1S.V. 4f J. A. HCCLlLLiSD. J. W. THl-Rat. M. A. MrClcllnnd & Co.. C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. T Clay Street, San Francisco. Consignments of Ore iron Flour. Bacon, Lard. But ter, Fruit. A;e.. Ac. solicitid. and lilieral cash advan en made on the su:ne, either for wile or on Moratre. ISrticnlar attention paid to pun-hasin (!Oo.lu to onler. They have also t;:aie arrangements with Z. N. Stans bnry. at Portland, Oira, to receive in More and make lilieral advances on all protluce consigned to their house in San I'rancisco. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. STORAGE, FORWARDIXtS .V COMMIS SI OX. ZN. STANSP.URY is now prepared with ample Fire lrot-f Rooms for stoniire, convenient to the wharf, without drayaae, nnd will trive particular at tention to receivinifL elorinu and forwarding all kinds of poods and province on lilierul terms. He will alo make liberal onh advances for the house of J. A. Mc Lvlland At Co., San Francisco, on all produce consign ed to them. Office at the store of LOVE, TURI IX & CO., where as usnal, win kinds of family supplies are krpt, and all kinds of produce bought and Mild. Jan. I. IS.W. lympaid John It. Foster, IMPORTER. AXI) HEALER IX SHELF AXD HE A V Y HARD WARE, MECHAXICS- TOOLS. FARMXH IMri.EMESTS. 4-c, 4-e. AT THK FinK-FBOor I.H.IMtK t KOST STUBS, Front street, Portland Oregon. Fehrnary. 1VH. 41 f Albany Book Store. rrcHE nndersiimed would infirm the citizens of Linn A Co., and the pnbue trenerallv, that they have just received, and will keep conttlunffy on hand for sule, a large assortment of school books in common ne, nnd also a variety of miscellaneous liook. stHtionerv, Ate, HALEY BR'O S. Albany, Oregon. July 1. 1S5S. lf?tf City Book Store, Corvallis, Ogn. THE undersigned has now on hand, and is constant ly receiviinr a lanre and varied assortment of Mis cellaneous and Standard hooks, sehool books, stationery of all kinds, and ail other articles usually fomul in a book store, all of which will be disposed of at the low est prices. Pemons desiring anything in mv line, will do well to give me a call. M. If. BELL. Corvallis, Sept 14, 1S58. a7tf Boyle A Sites, IHSICIANS AND SURGEONS, would respect fully inform the citizenB of Polk Co., and vicinity, that they have entered into copartnership for the prac tice of medicine, snrgerv, and olwtctricft. Office, Dal las, Polk Co. J. W. Boyle, M. D., for the present will le found at hi residence, 3 miles east of Dallas. Jan. 15, 1P.V. 15tf Silas C. Herri iifj's Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Sofes. .TITII or without Halls' powder proof lock or f 1 Jones' patent permutation Bank Locks. Sold at the manufacturer's prices with freight added. Prices from (35 to (t&O, call and see sample of their work with the improved locks. GEO. II. JONES, Agent, Salem. May 17. 1858. ICtf War Scrip. H OLDERS of War Scrip can secure the services of li. relton, tie. 11. Jones at tjo., to prevent tr.esr tapers at Wathnutton for paymeut. Keceipta inven or the papers and uah advances made in some cases. Ollice at Barnnm At Wilson's Law Ollice. Salem, March 23, 1853. 2lf Dickinson Type Foundry. 1HELPS At DALTON, Boston. I P. Fisher, Aftent, San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads, rule, Ate. August, 1857. 21tf Statutes of Oregon, - c AN be found at John Fleming's, Oregon City; and at A. K. Shipley's, Portland. April, 185'J. Corinthian Lodc -V 17, O' kF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, hold their remilnr communications Saturday, ou or before the full of the moon, in Albanv. . AXI NXINGIIAM, W. M. W. G. Hai.ft, Sec'y. 47tf Enconrage Home Mannfacture rriHE Willamette Woolen Manufacturing X Co. nave now on naim mu mi qiuiiiij of blankets, varn, and cloth. Vnl ijiken in excliamre for tbe above goods ; unwashed wool at 15 to 17 eta. per lb. ; washed wool at 20 to 25 cts. per lb. Merchants supplied on reasonable terms. Orders at tended to with promptness and dispatch. L. E. PRATT, Sunt. Salem, Nov. 24, 1838. Iy37 A. Hnrher. Wlolctatc and Retail Dealer ....IN FOREIGN AXD DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, Groceries, Clothing-, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonncls, 4'c- HAVING now a very grcnt assortment, and buying very largely and almost altogether by the pack age in Piiindeiphia, New York and Boston", enables us J o sett at mttcn uncer t rtce than those who buy In smaller quniititic8, and who are obliged to buy nt second hand in l-an Francisco mar kets. By receiving goods in every steamer, direct from the manufacturers and importers in the eastern markets, xx-e fl-ifter ourselves we can f urnish the mer chants nnd consumers of Salem, and the surrounding country, with ull kinds of goods at Our stock cmbtace's a very hiruo and well selected assortment of British, French, t.crman amt Amen can Goods, of Iho most celebrated umnumcturc, con visting of Lupin's plain nnd Fitfd French merino ; London hih liirttercd alpacas ; t-ilk tissues; Black and fey silk velvets; Rich all wool de laines; Black gros dc rhines; Black and fey silks; I .notion robes a les and flounced ; lligh colored gTos de Naples nnl pouct dc soies; IClcli colored satins ana sua lomare.-; Brillinntincs, robe lawns, and ducals; Paris styles, poplins: Rich printed cashmere shawls nnd scarfs ; Fine broche bord and Stella shawls; Mantillas, richly trimmed w ith lace, Ate; Paris styles fey" nnd plain whalebones; Silk parasols; Rich emerald gros de Naples ribbons ; Ladies' Paris stvle bonnets, and Blisses Acts; Biclic's French" black cloth, frock and sack coats ; Lingen's ex quality French black doeskin pants; Lvou's black and fev silk velvet vests; Harris' celebrated fey, mixed and plain cassimcre pants; Boy and youth's clothing, and fey plaid caasi- meres ; ... 5-1, 6-4, 8-4 and 10-4 Allendale bed sheetings; J. , nnd 1. ex qnalit v Ballard vale white flannels ; Rich tapestry and Urussc-U s carjcting, nnd new style oil" cloths ; also, a larfie supply of ihe choicest brands of groceries, comprising almnt 100 bbls. X. O. sncar : 100 matts No. 1 China do ; 150 boxes Virginia tobacco; 1 50 boxes candles ; 150 chests llvson. Imperial and Ooloong tea; 100 kcirs K. It. syrup ; 150 boxes raisins , . 25 bbls. crushed sugar; 100 boxes S. F. powdered do; 50 bbls dried apples ; 15 boxes prime chile peaches 100 kcirs nails : All of which we will sell either wholesale or retail, at San Francisco prices. I X? t imers accompanying tnecasn carciunv piu up. Gorals charged nt the lowest prices, and forwarded with dispatch to all parts of the country. Trims. Cash, and one price. No iroods misrepre sented to effect sales, nnd no abatement in prices. A. llAHlvr it, Brick Store, Front St., opposite upper wharf. Port land, Orcirnn. ''' music! music I! TITEhave iust received a lanre assortment of sj-ft VV MCssICAL IXHTRUMEXTS Q.r Of all kinds, embracing the following : fct PRIXCE'S MELODEOXS; A lanre assortment of the following kinds : X me o tK-tavo, punio ccsea. Four 5 do do double-reeded. Two 5 do do double bank, Four 6 do do Two 5 do portable. T Gilbert Jr Co.'s, Holder and Stottard Celebrated P I A X O S .- Beside a lanre assortment of Oiuiars, Violins, Accord. eons, r nil mus. Clarionets. Tauiborines, Flutes, Arc, Ate. BOOKS! BOOKS.'.' Just received at the city book-stoke, a large as sortment of BOOKS, COXSISTIXU VF Standard, Rrlicitrui, Mr'erllanton. and rceticcl II Virtu, irrrr nnd Ihrkrnt' ,,rrls, .Vc., Are. Stationery, of nU'kiuds, at Wholesale and Retail. POST At WHITE. Oregon City, April 3", l9.". BHf Geo. I,. Story & Co., Importer and Wholesale Dealers in PAIXTS, OILS, iriXDOlV GLASS, Varnishes, Brushes. Colors. Ghies, SfC, Srr. No. ll'5 Clay Street, Son Francisco. ly II Crockery! CROCKERY! CROCKERY! ! GL.ASS'. GLASS'. inn i j f v i o r s CT w .:.or": M CROCKERY AXD GLASS WARE, Jl"T ARRIVED. DIRECT FROM TIUC MA XUFA C TURERS, And for sule at the lVneer Store of JOSEPH OKXU.LA, 10 and l-5 Montgomery street. Wholesale store ! Baiterv street. " 12if Silver Plated Ware. Ice Pitcher; Commfntorr S'rfs, Bread Baskets, Plntrd Waiters, Tea Sets, Table Pitchers, Cake Uaskr's, Fith Knirc, "i X Pie A ntrer. Forks, Lavles, Plcted Spittoons, etc., r'c. For sale by J. GEXELLA, l-nil'i " 180 nnd 182 Momeoniery street. More ,ov Hooks! '' K. SMITH At CO.. have just received direct , t from New York a lamv supply of CHOICE BOOKS AXD STA TIOXERY, which thev will sell at grt-atlr reduced prices. Thev have made arrnnirements by which they will be enab led to furnish the reading public with AI.I. THE STAMIARD WORKS OS THE DAT, at a verv reasonble advance on Acs- 1 ork Cost. Their hooks are bought in New York hy a resident aucnt, well acquainted with the trade, and at MUCH LOWER PRICES than they can be had by ordering from the Booksell ers themselves. We invite our friends aud the public generally, to call and examine our stock anil ascertain our prices. We are permanently in the trade, will be constantly receivina new supplies, and are determined to sell at the very lowest prices. Any rare books that we may not have in store, we will order tor our pat rons, and Libranrt of Late. Medical or Miscellaneous Books. can lie obtained through our agency cheaper than in anv other wuv. Amoiw the desirable books lately received by us, are the following, viz: Jane s Arctic J-.j pen 'it ion: Liringstonc's Travels in Africa; Benton's 30 years in the U. S. Senate; uiitb v on Rrc Kerning: tin nn's Domestic Medicine; Rollin's Ancient History; Dich' Mcirtx; AH the standard Ports; Mrs. SoHthirorth's Works; Mrs. ljee's H'orAir; Afr. Ijce Hentz't Works; Pluthrch's Lives, 5-c, $-c Also, 100 REAMS PATER, CAP, LETTER, NOTE AND BRIEF, all of excellent quality, and at low prices. Also, Enrelorcs, Ink, Scrap Books. Mncilare, Gold Pens, Gillott's Sfrrl Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Slates, Xchon's Copybooks, Blank Books, letter Clips, Music Paper, Xote Books, drawing paper, visiting cards, album tVc. 40t f W. K. SM ITH, At CO. Statesman Hook and Job Office. w E have Three Presses, the best tucihties for Book printiuc? north of California, and an extensive as sortment of Jubdi.no Matkkial of every kind; and are prepared to execute promptly, and in a' workman like muiiiier, ull onlers in the uliove departments, such us Books, Blank Checks, Pamphlets, Handbills. Ball Tickets, Ci uri-la us, I-witatioxs, BrsixEs.s Cards, Bill Heads. Concert Bills, Programmes, Notes of Hand, Order Books, Steamboat Bills, Steamboat Cards, Bills of Ladinq, Certificates, Show Bills, Check Books, DLAXK KKCEIPTS, Address Cards, jjrafts, Blanks or all Kinds. Ate, Ate, Arc, All Jobbing must be paid for before it is taken from the Office. Deeds and "Scrip Blanks." NEW lot just printed at Hf STATESMAN, H H Mm Yh : IWallamet ITniverslly. SALEM, OREGON. THE Collegiate Department of the AValhunct Uni versity has been organized. Young men design ing to pursue a regular Course of Study, arc invited to avail themselves of the advantages uilorded by this In stitution. All available resources will be made use of to meet the wants of Students. Efforts will be contin ued to secure a suitable endowment; and no pains will be spared in obtaining competent and experienced In structors. ..... Tbe Collegiate year is divided into three terms, com meu "ing as follows: The first term on the 3d Thursday lu September. " second term on the 1st " Jauuary. " third " " " last " " " April. The lirst two terms are fifteen teeeks each ; the third, eleeen week. Vacations. There will be two vacations ill the year: one, in April, of tiro weeks, and one, in the sum mer, of nine weeks. Tuition will be tit the rate of $1 per week, or f 10 per auum. THE OREGON INSTITUTE. THE PREPARA TORY DEPARTMENT. Terms. The Academic year is divided into four Terms of eleven weeks each. The first term begins on the 2d Monday of September. second term begins on the 2d Thursday of Nov. " third " " " " last " "January. " fourth " " ' " last " " April. ' Vacations. There will be two vacations in tbe yean one in April, of tiro weeks ; and one iu the smrmer, of six weeks. Tcitio will be paid at the beginning of each Term tn advance, at the following rates: Iu Languages, Higher Mathematics At Chem., $10 00 " Other studies of the Academic Division,.. T 50 " Common English Division,.... 6 50 " Primary " " 5 50 For use of the Piano, 10 00 Ijff Instructions iu vocal music is given to all the students free of rharpe. THE FACULTY during the present year will cor sist of Rev. F. S. Hoyt, A. 31., President and Acting Pro fessor of Ancient Languages. S. B. Wilbur, Professor of Mathematics, Teacher of Entrlish Branches. Miss A. V. Amiranx, Teacher of In-trr.mental Music. Mrs. P. 31. Hoyt, Teacher of French, Painting aud Drawing. 31m. C. Wilbur. Teacher of Primary division. Admission. Students will be admitted at any time; and will be chnnied for tuition from the time they enter only, but their protrress will be preatly promoted by entering earlv in the Academic year. Ill cases where, from necessity, students leave before the end of the term for which payment lias been made, a just proportion not more than three fourths nor less than one-fourth of the tuition fee will be refunded- S'.udents are not allowed to leave just before the exam ination. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, in llict great injury npon both the student and the Institu tion. " . , . Boarding. Yonng gentlemen and ladies can obtain board at reasonable rates with private families. t'ovasE or Stcdt. A Course of Study has been ad'.ptcd for both the Collejriate and Preparatory Ie partnients, well calculated to secure ripe scholarship, uicntul discipline, and a preparation for the active du ties of life. A liberal Course of Study has lieen adopied for vonnt? ladh-swhodesire t-job'tain a thorough education. U-A Iliploma w ill be awarded to all w ho shall complete the prescribed course. The Government will be parental but strict alm imr constantly at the formation of correct habits of Self Government. Careful attention will be given to manners and morals. ScHOLAKMiirs, perpetual, or for the period of ten ve:in sernriiur tuition Kt verv reduced rates, can be purchased. For further particulars apply lo the Presi- , dent. . Per order of Executive Committee. CHESTER N.TERRY, Sec. Board of Trustees. Salem, Amr. 4,1853. -J'f PsicifJc I'nivcrsity. Forett Grove, Washington Co., Oregon, Rev. S. 31. Marsh, A. 31.. President. Rev- H. 1.TMAN, A. M., Prof. Mathematics. r"1JE collciriate year consisting of one term or nine A months, will commence on the erst Wednesday of November. Ir is the design of this Inst Hilt ton to furnish a thor ough and complete collegiate education. There is a Library ol I DOW volumes for the UfC of the students. Anidicaiits for admission to collcae must have a k-iovch-i!-- of the common Enulish branches, and bave studied the ancient languages so far as to have read portions of Ca-sur and Cicero and the Greek Reader. J Ac tm'inn fre I t v: nrr annim. PREPARATION DEPARTMENT. S:ndents tiltimt for college, as well as others wishing to pursue collegiate studies without entering nHn the college course, wili be under the instruction of the col lege teachers. The fall tena of 11 weeks m this department com mences on the id Wednesday of September. Tuition S per term. Tualatin Academy. Forest Groee, Washington Co., Oregon, Kev. CfSHING Eells, Principal. The fall term will commence on the fisst Wednesday of September. Tuit ion hi the common branches, f 6 in the higher branches. per quarter. September '-M. ISa. ly'JB JeflVrsou Insiitiite. r1HE Trustees of Jefferson Institute, would announce X to the public that the school iu this Institution is now in successful oiicration, under tbe charge of l'rot O. G. Carr and his lady, direct freui Keystone S'ate. 31 r. At Sirs. Carr having spent several vears in pre paring themselves for the Profession of Teaching, are now prepared to give entire satisfaction to all those that mav entrust their children in their care. TER31S: Primary Depart mrnt per term twenty-four weeks, Common English studies perterm twenty -four weeks. Higher branches " " ' " weeks. fflO CO 12 00 16 on Students can enter the school at any time, but will not be received for ley. than half a term. No allow ance will be inadeforitbsence, unless a special arrange ment be made with the directors. Bourd can be had on reasonable terms near the school. Although this school is cot controlled by any relig ious sect .yet the strictest morals will be enforced and good order maintained. II. A. JOHNSON, See'T Board of Trustees. Jefferson. Sept. 20. IViS. ' lyJS The CSreatest Wonder of the Nine teenth Century COXS I MP TIOX CURED ! Dr. Wesley Grindlcs' P l mono ry Powders. '"PllE uiosf siiiiruV.r and eflectuHl remedy for 1 PULMOXARY COXSUMPTIOX. Chronic ft ronchiirs, Ca'nrrhal ajfa-tiiwi. Scrofula, Indovnt L'lrers. and all diseases depending upon a scrofulous mint, and Cachectic condition of the system, andimpiirilvof the blood. Very frequently arrests the growth of Malignant Tnmart, and coirplelely cures them. Posesses decided virtues for the relief and cure of Dyspepsia and Chronic Rheumatism. Has a happy and beneficial effect gradual and per manent upon persons atfected with Nervous Irritatiittn and Depression. There is no remedy eqtnil to it. Iu building up a system, that under the influence of various diseases, hardships, or exposures, has run down and lost its nat ural tone and vigor. Thousands of certificates can he produced, showing the wonderful efficacy of the Medi cine. Uff Price, $1 50 per bos, postage paid, and sent to auv portion of the state. For sale bv W. WEATIIERFORD. 3ml 2 Wholesale Druggist, Portland. Oregon. ICichards & ItlcCruken, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. ....and jobbers in Oregon Flour, Grain, Fruit, Bacon, Lard, Ar., Ajr.. Ar. LIME, CEMENT, and PLASTER received by every sailing vessel. Ejr" Will attend to the purchase and shipment of 31erchandisc of every description in tbe Eastern and San Francisco markets. Also to Forwarding goods in San Francisco and Portland. The Celebrated Mannif Reaper and Mower, and Agricultural Implements of every description fur nished for cash nt Shu Francisco cost aud tinusporlu tion. We will also attend to the sale of Oregon Produce in Victoria, having established a house iu that nluoo un der the management of 31r. D. Fish, gentleman of eight years experience in the traiie in San Francis co. JOHN Mi CRAXEN, Commercial Wharf, Portland. JA3IES R. RICHARDS, '17 Sacramento St., San Fran. lOtf Tillou A illrFailaiid'K FIRE AXI BURGLAR PROOF SA FKS. T'HOSE who are in want of a Fire and Burrlar Proof safes, per the bark " Iudiistrv" from V- York. we have a romnletn imsnrtmeiii. of ..i . - -, - - i .- una Burglar 1 ' roof safes, with istccl I aults and Combination Loci. Tile 111 't fuite ill tin. wnrlil muYiiif. ..,1 i.tii t- . i ... ,. . . . . ....... , () , A ii. iii. At MrFARLAND. t & Bo particular in buying a safe, you huvo TIL TON At SlcFARLAXD'S uamo in fullou the ifc, as UUIIVVUIL1BIUU &uitutie. L.ADD, KEED At CO , 3IaylO,lST.n. VraM S'"' V"f' ' Wheeler A lVilson Highest Premium Family Sewing Machine ii iir.oi.nr.Jt ATTACHED " GREAT RKDUC'Piniv iv Br"rr,., rpHOSE -Vachines are the most simple of any in use. A and arc not haht in ,., c is made alike on both side? of brta wcu wLich will not rip or ravel. The thread can be used from the original spool without rewinding. They turn the hem without basting, gather, quilt, and do A ereale.r rarii nf K' c Than any other machine oftc-red to tbpublic. " r..:ii,tfV.Ledt.b.e, PremiuuV at the State ...... ...... ,onio , Bll ioe medium ca' I nsti imu f.,;. w Francisco, and at the San Jose f.lfr, lSi8 f5Un ra- oie o V; K "or. Agent Oregon ' on r,n,t 8lreet. i'-rtlaud, ttf Jonas G. Clark Co., Importer and Manufacturer of FURXITURE AXD BEDDING, 128 Washington street. San Francisco. WE HAVE NOW IN STORE, AND ARE IN REO ular receipt by every Clipper, arrival of large invoices of Goods, making with our extensive manu factures, a larger and better assorted stock of Furni ture of every description, than has ever before been of fered on the" Pacific coast, consisting in part of 5,000 dozen Chairs, 400 dozen Bedsteads, 2,000 Bureaus, 1,000 Sofas, 200 caes Tables, asrt'd, , 30,000 lbs. Hair, 50,000 lbs. 3foss. "' Puln, Best Live Geese Feathers, blankets, Comfort ers, Sheets, Pillow slips, AiC, Arc, Tilden's Varnish, Sfouldings, Veneers, and a general assortment of Fur- tare Trimmings. f .r Onr great facilities for importing nnd manufac turing, enable us to offer our immense stock of goods at less prices than any other house can inijiort them. All oideia from the country will, as formerly, receive our careful and prompt attention. JONAS G. CLARK Ac CO., I"i3 Washington street, San Francisco ; 49 and 51 Fourth st., between J and K, Sacramento; Hunter street between 3faiu and Levee, Stockton; First street, San Jose. 'iinl'l Phcenix Works. ik it m -5TO UWINW To tlie Capitalist and oieaet of real estate who eon template making permanent improvements. Kl TTREDG E c ERASER, PP.OPRIETf 1R of the PHCENIX IRON WORKS, San Francisco, desire to call your particular at tention to the fact that they are extensively mjio ces.fuliv engaged in manufacturing FIREPRO'lt DiM!:S AND SHUTTERS, BANK VAULTS, PRISON CELI.S, Ace, Stc-, at greatly reduced prices. Our practical knowledge of the business has been rendered complete, by ten years experience in San Francisco. . Our best reference is out wokk which can be seen in arlv every citv and town in this State and Oregon. Particular attention paid to orders from the eoiititrv A li-nre assortment of second band Doors nnd Sfmtters constantly on hand, and for sale at very low rates. - . 17a Buttery street, near Pacific, San Francisco. ft?" A. B. H ALLuCK. at Borland, is our Agentfor Oregon. June 3, 1-V. mnl6 thcr.vvcek, f fiaM Franj-i.eo. HENRI ZIS.S. Thiirnniter A Zimi, Importer of French and German. FAXC Y B A SKE TS, ENGLISH and American vt illow Ware. Cane and Willow Chairs, Ladies' Work-stands, Children'' Carriages, Ilohby Horses, Toys,ee No. 92 Battery street, between Commercial and Clay, San Francisco. Cwti w. n. HCTcniss. e. rorrLETO.v. II:ttr!iiit-i and Poppleton, 1HYSICIAXSAN SURGEONS, LAFAY- ETTE. OKEOUS. fJ DR. HUTCHINS is prepared to furnish, at lit Lufavette, at whoh-Kile orrettiii, the following reuicdics: A NEW RE31EDY, Dr. W. I. Hatehins' Bilsam of Wild Cherrr: For Consumption. Bronchitis, Pleurisy. Colds, Coaghs, YVbooiiuiir-Cousrfa, and Asthma. Tli is medicine is warranted to be entirely free from Opium or any of its preparations; from Mercury, or any other pois onotie agent. DR. W. D. HUTCHINS' Rheumatic Liniment, or. Instant Pain Extractor. For the cure of Rheumatism, Toothache, Pain in tbe Side, and all Painfnl Affections. DR. W. D. HUTCHINS ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS: For Liver Complaints. A safe cathartic: warranted to lie free from Mercury, f 5?" Thev can also be had of the several Druggists and Merchants in the Territorv. Dr. Warren is mv aeent for Salem, and will be sup plied at all times with the above ramed medicines. t!em, !ept. i . lyo DKV GOODS! I IE V GOODS!! IIEYXEMAXX, PICK CO., Si' and 91 California street, (ElPISt block ) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Offer fvr Sale by the Piece or Package, L,An.tia lie-J, f nue, 13 ine ana Ureea; Prints, Velvet Ribbons, Black Oil Cloth, Pilot and Beaver Cloths, French Hats. Black Oil Cloth Hats, Shins, French and English Mu3 lin de Laine, Spool Cotton, Parmer's Satin, Marshal's Linen Thread, Velvets, Bun-ing. French and English 3Ie- rinos. Alpacas, Castores, Slarseilles, Carpets. Hearth Rniis, Crumb Cloth. Liien Goods of al! kinds, Window Curtains, lhunasks. 3Vool Plaids, iilt;haii;s. iiosierr, And a full assortment of .- Goods, for sale at Low est Market Rntes ! " 3ml0 Hargrove's Eclectic Liniment, Good for Mm or Bras. JVEKY species oi" irriiarion is quickly reduced bv -i the application of this Liuhneiu. MARK THIS. The pmprietor does not intend this Liniment fn hp excclh-d by anv I jniiaetit in the nation or fhe world The effect of this medicine npoa UHKl JIATISM. KiniT worm, swelled elands. sre niimles. son. 1irp,sl sore heads, sore throat, sores of all kinds, sorsins. siiif jv'iins, un-i, TOOTHACHE. pains m the spine or back, poison oak, frost bites, bums, scalds, fresh cuts, tumors. Arc, is almost mirac ulous. It is good for the big bead, poll evil, fistula, old running sores, wind galls, spliut, scratches, saddle, or comic gaits, sprains, ring oone, m tact, ail diseases where an external application is reouired. ' iy Use the Liniment freely aud wcordinif fo direc tion. JOHN HARGROVE. Sole Proprietor. . 1 street, Corvallis, Oregon. April 7, 13o9. .g Fire! Fire! j rt if v k i.- u f " ' - - . J ail O y Successors to Sims and Eraser, Oregon si., between ' ' offn c ranctsco. Manufacturer of Fire-Proof Door and Shutters, Bank 1 aults. Grating, Railing, Bfllroirim " .C " "V" B. A very large assortment of verv superior Jl Doors and shutters. iiin..i,r-i. il ;.. -. -v w ..it,- r... t i. ; V i i iiiuih aa Mroiiji ami .lohnson Ac I aulield, of San 1 raticisco. all new and' thoroughly lire and thief-proof. 0 J Also very large lot of second hand shutters of va- nn ior saie at very low rates. All nrilar. f-r.. : . . . . ---- .-".u iinenor, uregon, ana Washing ton 1 Omtorr. nr nr nrK ,.!...... .1 . - , , . - t o.i ine iiicinc coast. attended to with nnmnim, i f r I mm Hwjmu-n. n,mh s . rV,"T " ''" House, i f . " Vi itj-,V omies vonrv iuiiuinrs. Orsirnii III 7ELLOW CITIZENS will do well tk !":.. L t int Sfiirch 7,1. a..-:i ..u ; rv.l' "" i i . V . ' "l"" ". Jinv in ana ;th June cominenomg at any of the above dates, yo i are fully solicited to attend Albany Mill tot vourgris ground, bv K s Al.. . . n ? our grists i;ii i- - . tv iwuiir ins time to run th the mill not ra . I :n H" . nnould Uour idwavs mi li,i,ii r..-...i nr8t tle of II u i t i "" "i rie. 1. a. C;ih!i 11,11,1 r..m .. i . , . fiu.es. at The hh iL Z' "JE"?. 7 w,!eat ored at aJl I Wp a ski, to;VnS E. S. ALTREE. New IInrts.P. n . - traveling public, that a new atid 1 "f?B11ito ' BOAT, of TWO I IOBp?-pi1,l,.'OB,J'" every tenl toa lgeof fhe pubhc i." fidlyTSf" Sjdem, May 3d. lKn KHOOA WHITE. Itnni.nic ki 0Jl..A,'i!!.imeUe new road be'twe tw,.. -- V v ' .1 C iatf Steam Knn-in ; y-WF . . "smv mr sale. O pfpeTS1 hS- Power, with MM conydete, for safe cheap for eash.m' WhCe1' bo,t8. c. leuTor of 1 ' lUe fckaua relar Saw .Mill, at a- THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE STATE. One year, in advance, 3 W If paid within six months, f J" If paid after the expiration of six montlis, 5 to Six months, in advance, - - ?- l" One dollar additional wi!l be charged for each year payment is delaved. Ko paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Legal advertisements will be charged at the follow ing rates : Twelve lines or loss, one insertion, $3 00 ; each snbrcqnent insertion, $1 M. Lees! and all tran sient advertisements must be prepaid to insure inser tion. Administrators' notices, and all advertisements relating to the estates or deceased persons, muri la prepaid unless ordered published by the county jnnge, and guaranteed to be paid by him. Biographical no tices, resolutions of societies, orders. See., will be charged at half advertising rates, and payment miut be made before publication. Communications of only individaa! interest must be prepaid, at the same -ate. Advertising bills not paid within one year from the time when contracted, will be mo-eased twenty-five per cent, each vest payment is nc-gletted thereafter Evrv effort will be made by the proprietor and ed itors tomakc The Op.ecox Statesman tbj beet Desi- TSt be made by mail at the risk of the pnblUber, if mailed ill the rresencof "jjp"3 Wm Ii. Spencer, FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Fireproof Brick Store, opposite H. IU. Corlelt. IMPOR TER AXD DEALER IS IROH'ARDWARE. WILLOW WARE, WAGON MATERIAL, and AGRIC L LTL UAL IMPLEMENTS- Just arrived, er "Lire Yankee:" bfl tons refined iron, assorted; 2000 lbs. cat steel, 50 setts steel springs; 10U " iron axles; 100 keirs nails, assorted ; -5 II H. mills; 50 doz. Collins" axes, with and without handle ; 23 doz. Hunt s " " " 50 " Bogart s" " , , . - A large assortment of edge tools of every desenp- 'vii-L SAWS, CROSSCUT H.tXDSAWS, Together with a general assortment of Farmer' and Mechanics' Hardware, Plows, Straw Cutters, Hoes. Shovel. &c . &f Comprising a sreneralatsortiuer.t of Agnni.tnrsJ L-a- plemeuts. .. rrt I OK and everything in 'the line of WAGON MATERIAL. t.liints ind others purchasiiisr would do wc-U to look through civ s:ock. . g g COLE bus entire cnarse oi me omHuees, ana will" endeavor to give fcrtisfacron to customers. To arrive aliout the first of My 4 THRESHING MACHINES, 13 REAPERS and MOWERS. Which will be sold for a small advance on cost and c!,ars- ,,riTrc jy jji,jitA.iJ no Just received, at W. H- Spencer s, Front st-, PorU land : , .. , - , 1 doz. Blacksrustli s Bellows, ironi w racaea; i .- Iron Vices; " Anvils; U5 kegs Horse Shoe Nails: And Blacksmith's tools f all descriptions. TO WAGOX MAKERS. 100 sett of States Wood Hubs ; ltd 10 Spokes, States Wood ; 25 sett Bent Felloes; MicKorv Axies, ii .--ni; Hickorv and Oak Flank ; T . t-. 11 S-r. DCUi I V.I'.. ..... - JUST RECEIVED AXD FOR SALE, A general assortment of Harness iiasers ana saa- dlerv Hardware. Bus and spurs of all kinds. Stirrups, whips and Cinches. Ateo. just received, ex nkat CZeer, t Isrge and iscladinc Chairs, Sofas, Baskets, ffaow. Ste.. Sec ii. ii- z r. rrv. PorUasd, March I. !S;"i9. ftf Stationery for the Slate of Oregon. N 'OTICE is hereby given, that sealed proposals wHl be received at die otiiceof th-f ecretarc of Suite. at Sslem. ign,j:ntil Monday, the i'-h day of August next, at to o ciocs, a. -i . iar loi-nisiiixig SMUionerT i or the State of Oregon, as follows, to-wh : 13 reams Congress cap paper, Keafs mills, white. whie-ra!ed 12 reams CoEsrress letter paper, Kent's mills, white, widc-mled; f reams k-gal cap paper, wide ruled, extra ; 6 ' bntf envelope paper; -1 " heavy wrapping paper ; 5 m buiT adhesive legal envelopes ; 1 m advesive lesal envelopes- cloth-Ened ; 4 m bufT adhesive letter envelopes ; 6 gross government blotting psvis ; 1 nA JO-l I i I ' I t eaff rv--. - 4 " pen holders ; 8 " reel tape ; i - twine reeis, no. -; 6 dos medium size, wood ink stands ; 3 Draper's air-tight ink stands ; 6 dox erasers ; 20 dox no. i, Fsber's pencils ; 6 doz ivorv patter folders ; 6 doi small botiles mucilage; 1 doz quart 6 doz round rolers; 3 parallel rulers. iCarninctcn's IS inch :1 S doz qt art bottles, Maynard Jc Noyes, wmreg 8aitl ; " I doz 2 oz bottles Maynard & NoyeSi red car mine ink : 0 doz Rogers Conirress knives : 3 pails paper scissors, fextra:) . doz board clips. c;;p size; 1 trross iroose quills ; 2 lbs sealing wax ; 3 lbs red common wafers ; 1 doz pornce in boxes ; 1 recetpt book, demy size. 4 quire, wide ruled . 3 letter books, medium size, ti qrare. wide ruled; 1 register of cousiaiisioiis. dezsy size, 3 qaii, wide rulvd ; 1 executive record, super royal. 6 quire, wide rilled ; 3 recoris. mediaia size. P uire, wiiie ruled ; day books, demy size, 6 quire, wide rcfed; 2 journals, demy sire. 6 quire, wi-i ruled ; 2 lexers, royal siie. (5 quire, wide ruled : 1 cash book, demy site, 6 quire, wide ruled : 1 dos Eiciucrandas, Kediuia tiie. rom loaf'ier bou'id. All of the above enuasvrated articles to be of theliest qnaiity. Tite person or persons receivitie tbe contract, will. when tbe said stationery is delivered to the or": re of the said Secretary, receive a warrant on the trwtsarr of the State of Oregon, for the amocnt of the cvtil.Tn'l m f-aviucnt thereof. i" oo, , ,-L CIEX HEATH, Sec v of State. Salem, 23d, lgoH. gg 3few ImproTemeats. - THE subscriber havine seenred all the hue improve ments aud additions to the photographic art, is now prepared to supply . THE PICTl-RE ADMIRES with a superior class of pictures. heretoSire unknown in this country, and such only as can be obtained in HIS OALIXERIES AT SALEM AND CORVALLIS. I hereiore the frienus living in either place will be sore to avail themselves of this opportnnlsv to seci-re 're rare specimens ofriCTraxs of iaastLrtsiv FRIENDS. Ambrotrpes, MelainofviK. Calle'tp, Spher otypts, and PhotograjAs, colored or plain. . piL PAIXTED PHOTOGRAPHS that are soPtrior poctraiwand pictures Prod need in Europe and America. and are destineu to supercede everv other kind Tfcs process of Photogrsphmg ia prodncinir wonders. Pictures of Statuary. Mxlels. Bnildiws , .... , Landscapes and Animals ? of all kinds, are among tbe excellencies of this procesa. - 1 avthe only faeiiiUcs in this count ru far . tie production of such pictures " FIT TO SEXh IX LE TTERS fflrT prtTett!ia M,earis are not at all fit. ntihtlTh P"M' lhe WorK" 1 ara Prepared W produce this superior class of pktures, froci the SMALLEST POSSIBLE MINIATURE TO , - i.Ms-X. cj.t,, 7. STfI',,r5rer -1 have Triv of Fine Gold Lockets. Double A ,.r. m.. - . .. , - -.i.-c. Ai-,e oest evidence m THE SUPERIORiTT OF MY PICTURES . ,, . over ot tiers m thm connfry ,s that every visitor to fcy Jler, . 'tho exception, so decides. - ' .T,11 njoyed the rare priN-ilese of between three Stk "".'i? pnw-tK " a" Francisco last summer wuh one of the W praciical and most popular pho tographers m Europe or America, th jfivWuM . ' decided advantage .11 V iTillierr a!irar J, r ., . . j;, ' yv r iiie inspection ot kkuc and gentlemen, and n t..c r... :! . 1 have an occasional hourwhich I can aPPrcpriatt 1 have also a process by which ...nv j renew urass furniture wen i e "T eKant st vW. U will look as iV ii vr .,TOU, ln" manufactory. f.,'j ? : V " constanuy Open, where l may found to attend to calls. My gallery at Corvallis will 4 ivmmkjuu mmujHiimjrR, Salem, April, 1839. tf t AJfritiJ Read This I : I Waggon, Carriage, ani Buggy Spoke, TEXOXE D AXD TCRXED BX Ji AV&CO 's Unrival led Machinerv. HUBS of all sizes turned and morticed. Whicnle. d,.;,! l...rrv...- i.l neek-vokes. turned.- - CiCr" Felloes. Hounds nn.1 rtflMv. n..imm work, nlanei and sawed, at short notice, iu the best stvle, awl . REASOXABLE TERMS. VHF So bring along your timber, to pvifv vjrrcnt-snv .fe REED. E? Sash and Blind Factory, on Boon's Isiaud. Ll SALM. OKEtlN. f May 1 1, 1869. , t- I'U RELLE . lltf A. W. FKROUSON. Suit., cvaiem. .lune iii.