The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, July 19, 1859, Page 3, Image 3

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    A MoftMox Disiiop. Riahnp Johnson,
Salt Lake City, liaa ten Ttivea, of bnin four
re titter and hi otvn iiHr, two othtr are
aisters. amt two. ar a mnttier ami dangUter.
Titer all lire ugtber la Uie wuue iiomt.
- htartly at
Of A etiixe. of IScm rna ward ttmt we
ouht ta bare Mated Uiat bulb uf the partii to
tae pne-fight iltns " citiwo of Maram
Co. W didn't Vbow tfeat tltej wprr, or r
would. We nndenianJ tlirr am, aad mot bad
WoulOat free a.-rroes do weM titer" f
WLrl Do y oa Uh to get " frco paper'
from Avery, aad immigrattf 7 If to, wo oar
NrtfiUn tried it, and didat - do H moot
IxroaxAL Ooo of tave oierka of ta South
Portland precinct bad not the qaalificatioa of
aa elector, a required by law j tbe precinct
aro Aropaa iue uityantr.
At Ban-va!, Varlea wrwrrv. TB ttinlag f tOttl
tax., t B-r t sticaarl r train-. Mr. B- H MalWX aa-
aaata, aad Maa 'rasai C. Blace. f Bautvil'v.
CaaaptfBaiaar af aartlce. u4 a .u.,oc Bartto af ess
reiv4, ta Mora Bar aaatB a tandrv mt ttaaaa aad aa)
Varyr sstk aaa? coorda.
At Wrapt, dan anh. rtlu It -v. O L. WMle-an. afVas
atar a at u and Mnr) v c mu at v (nr
At tbr (MiikM at J M t Lataltaw. Xv. ta Barrvn Cttv,
aa la atk af Jalt. kr Br a. B-S-, Ir. a fast so, of
B Mao Citv. aarf Mia tatati tHias-r. at Wanna Va.
Ill Ui ata .1 salj. at tat Mian af J Wraar, la
Iraaeneatv. a Bar. Lataar klia. Mr. Martaai a" atar aad
Max Matr wta.
Oa 1 sat B . br . rv. ft . W. Rear. St thr rratdmr af
Oar arwtaa ptrak. la Ctarkara aanuatr. Mr. -a-v-ft tt a r
aa Mia Bat Baaabala Jan HoaarMasrd, ail af I'tacka-
At a-oa at Mr. Jaka Wartar, at Wafaataa Lak. fcr C a
tnTM. Mr. Jaarfbaa r. rrjrar to M aa Calkanaa B.
a r. aita o a aan!tt tan v.
On uw atti oar af lulr. 144. Or Ira K tartia. Kaa . Mr.
W traua D Kara, af a laVnx a '., ta Mm llrnctctta Bcol-
BrL fara-rlj af llr C'-, lii ao
Oc-aaf.-itaiaa. prar at tan tr. Ma-1o O-.aa tha aWat
ater af J If , A. .. I'd. rtataaa C Cud. jr, avj ararijr 44
Jvara. a
H hannJ laaa aa I aYrrr4 antrH.
H a fat la IA aaa atr inr. ana ka whartaA kla
Btattlv aaa frirata ta aa atr'iar.a at ainT kua at taat aaft
ata- trj aaarr taana at aa 4 a-
F kr C.. Bl aapra atraar c"f.
At a.trr aa titnaa af fc-n Aaja. OrrWr B.
aaUj M af kaa C aad aarak C. Mradrtck, aaat Lara
Year axal ana- aaantha.
At t-irraa 1 1). Janr ttsk. aoWralr af raOrnar- ha ahatlal
aaar af Bar ata, a -a. hrasl A. oar Jt, aavrl tltt.ll
ar ftVlHtl. tak Cv. laar ITia, II trtha J.aa. ana Sarak
ataraarat Fr , aav4 It jrvara ana faur ainntNa. aaa la yrara
aa t iwa aa.m. af aajtrMI aora ikraat. caaaca a aalaai aa-
4paaaaiin to the Priattiaar ttl Waattaa at
aaa On at in I n Oaln an babaarnat laaV ana aaa ana n
aaaril arvB. aa an aaantattca ta tBa aaawtiax ktatlaiaa.
aatra at (aaal Iviarta a a aaatr.
Ja0 fttallalr-ti kata ata la mm aAa.Uaaa
naack af fak TSaa. naraaltaaj a ra4 aaauim.1 af CaH
Vaaatf Lattaa, at tlat wanat at) Ira.
rim nnal PrlaiUaat Btatarlal tar Balav A aa
Ka. 4 Waahnartaat l in, aata CnB arcataat kai
aaBKartk ate mnitlan af a few aatear aatadaa)
ookav 1 prnacaa to arB ralaifcW hovka thrahao ll.t
Viaaaartto TaaVjr, at annul Brant. I am aba a Marat tr r
Parrtok A Ca. r Jrtlanj, ao4 alii raraiak aar af ka aaaart-
Btit at Porttaad priraa. B. C. CMITn.
Jaaa. lta.
Tkat OraaTanbarar nmatpatrtUa. A piarafal aa
ttxt. On tank aanal ta tan af ta anlinarr SaiMrtrlllt
farfarl!'x(tnMaaa. A aar car fcr arrafttl. rkrmaa
tana. m-ra, atias aaB rkrara, atcrcaral aaaaa, enta
anaaa) arapn'aM. aV.
taratakar far karan, aaatta. apranw. 4ranrra a. cVTatama.
aar-a. Barbara, acroarta. Ar. At a FaB It tractor, B caanat
ha aierilad, aaVtrdtnf amSMdlat retaf front ta Boat rnrro.
Lyon "a Htfittie, ar riaa Paardar. r.n 4. atria
Oai Iw laaerta. Cackraarnra. B-Baca. Fkaa. Aata. Matba.
aaat aB aaaai af tk arrmia ktavt. Tha nnpartaacr af a ratia
W antat It a knat M tBrat.aaikta. la tint ananhrt- aU
arar toema Uiraa anoaa-lac ran. TMa ratr th.
nJ artld ertr 4lacor.rra aaSIrk arts ntrmtlrat Umbb. A
raaipaaa- r knliaum fraaa taw HarUnutaral Barkv af Parlt,
Ut aaatdat tW krna af An. uaa.i-.i4 that aA 'aai rat Imj
Bar apaa a crrtaai knat of alant aar saaa aanaaal lul-
Tt!a fact aaa nali ntt af ta mara than- elc eaatya fraaa ta-
tatiailin. OunliMlka af tb ptaat arm araatrM koat ajt Mr.
C !, ka Itnaa a peart tr ttarrt aVatrarrr In rrrry tx
Bttaalfl. ft a) allBDtT a porrr4 fcaf, rSratlcallr prrpBrad
a rraat tac caVct af arr atat ctear. Maaall ana Lrtarr
Patent fcara kam ataaln ftaaa tka tcriraaii rataf Eariand.
atrnnar. aTlinmy aad Baaaia. fc-oaa tW Wartda Batr, aad
aaaraaa Bataaial aad kattaLafcatal eo!-' and aartrttra.
kartnrre Jkrajtaai, Wmsktitfftfm, Jan- ll-4 IM.
Ma Eaaxrai IXMltar Sir : 1 bar tha phaaart tain
aral aa akat that tb Boral Coutainaaa. of Ike TmWi
Pair, at tialia. kara aanrded ran a Medal aad CeruSeat
Oar ab araat emtaa af roar Mar eal Poadr. Ac
" MltXABD mXMOBE. Cauntaua.
Tb aha aaa aceaaraaaicd la; a atrtAcau af Prtae Al
rr at ran rar" roratat.
J Vat J'ac. OcfaNrr let, SM.
Ma lataa Dtmr Sir: W hte aaalreed aad Icated jrar
Uaaa ma Pea aad Bud abem perfMly baraaliaa la aaaa
Baod aad aaa ina aahamBa. bat aartaaa daaUl abaa kahaled
7 baa, aaaj aad and tnaecia.
iAStU B CHILTOX, M. 1- Caxrr.
LA II AX CI IE1D. Pane Ckiaiarar. X. T. Hnarrr.L.
Mr. Joaa L. Bean, hitrltoeradrat af Ih Xc Tort Baapi.
ai. aar. - k ka expeoVd aB tbe bca. ant, raacta. aotl.a.
aV-. r B Lecaa Pcatter. and Ac la it af nnaaetaw rahie.'
Eeary aardewar and knaaikeraer moat hae a drecf Inter.
et la aa articl f Ota kind. Vrr:nr caa ba ta the
lr. ft. MchoUa. and M -tropolilaa H' trl; ta Jadrc Metra
ITeaelrat of tb Amerrta t-at .ltitf ; Jaatc Cardoa t uiitl
daea. WiaCU a-.-crt.Crra W. FK M. L M. Peaar. af tb rir
rBs kraatoa. 4c Ac Jadra M-liai aawa. Taat datcotai;
at Prat Ciran a of aatiaaal lacportance. Tb raraiera Clt
baea teated B tbarsarhUr. It nil! dolrnj laraaia, craaabop
pvea. axta, tayvllia, bara. and bO t crania. Cardea plut can
a pi tail 14. and robbv aiadc pure.
ArrantniifcBi are aaa mad taransb Mratia. BARNES A
PABC af Xea Turk, to bar B aaad ikroathoot lb cr4
BUaj awnltlejt ieaUaUoo ar adecrtated. Be caatataa !
- A'eac J or. A'areaalw SO. 15M.
la rettrinr frara bnaSnta. I bar uld an way Iteet Pear.
oWr and P Ua. Utter Patent, aad the accrxta penalnin
aHrreta, ta Meajra. Barnc A Park. TV Poaderl a dlacore
ey ail It try Bjrarlf, aad braavbt a-a tb Icaerier af t.ta.and
W aafcaoaa la any ether aeraao. Tb axaaune aad eaVrurc
BiTtcle a pat ap at tin caakaera,aad atncvatiea ta beamy
aaat. " B. LYOS.-
Kat aad mire canaat he reached by a powder, and ar
Ailed a? Magnet POL Order tbrm taroaah any axrebaa
Tat Lyoaa Poarder kin Inaeet tat a trice.
Bat Ltoe' PJIa are aiixed for rata and mica,
tattoa direct too, far frftly and toanmeUy.
W. K ai. a Co., Actit, 5alrta.
Barra a Darat, and D. W. WaaTBecrotto, A;enta. Portlaa
Soat PABK A WHITE, 8aa 'ranclao.
Tr. Oayaotta laaproa-ad Extract of YUoar
SMMk aaat aaraaparllla.ia a aar remedy for Hereditary
Nosr I tb Ome ae (hla celebrated pnrUler of the blood. Il
ft tbr treat aptlx- Keatedy. aai tbe only medicine which can
3ectaBy uliaitai tbe jyatcm from ail iaapuriUe of the blood.
Tjenaanda arbe bar naad cut teetlfy to
It create aea, rtcb and para b:ood. -arrte aaT lb pntrid
axtaaon. dear. tbe uata-'' OaraJa'e tb bowrlo, aad Im-
Yrta a lau of rlRur ta tbe ' body.
r. Ary, ST I Extract 'caw Dock and SarupariUa,
A tDaaafactared under tbe aoperlnlecideDec of tb moat oele-
raaad ebentias aad pbyaiclaa tn tb.s country.
nhlcfc w-a effeeraafty clean tbe ayatem, eradicate diaeaae.
l tat art a beaJthy act: an to an the hinctiott of tb body aaj
Par aalc by all Druprlst an tb PacAc coaat, and by PABK
Jl WnTTE, Agent. 12 Waaklnartoa treet, San rrandaca.
W. S. '-iTB a Co Agents, Salem. Sad)
Dr. I at. Caapiay. Wc wo old direct tbe ctpectil tl
tenuac f mralkli to a peniaal of Dr. L. J. Czaplaya adrer
tjjc -lent, to be foend la another eotama of tbi paper, la or.
alar place tbe anno af a learned and experienced payer,
dan wiiala flietr reach. So asacb III baa been Inflicted an tb
bmnaa fatally from tbe nernicions and Ignorant practice of
amplrtc, that 4 aeem aa If a were fulfilling a bonndea daty
I sake known where reJ ef caa be obtained. To thee as.
fbrtanatc etmarb to a'llTcr from the effect of aextutl or prlrale
dlaeaaea, ar tbear IB treatment, we cbeerfuny commend Dr. L.
J. Cxapfcay a a ataa of rare aclcatific and medical aoaoir.
ntci, a- in ii rig aa the reatua'-tca. from long expeiienee and
n -vm lertMd sain, fcr the aaceeaafnl practice of his nrafes
tiaa. Baainf aaad aal complaintf aa etpeeial atady, Lkc
tb selebratad BUeard, of Paris, he la enabled ta rnarantee a
ner-saneat and peecly care In all eases of priest or chronic
tte wberber tbe csTccta af contagion, aelf-abttac, or Urea
af rnrility ; and m erdcr that patient at a distsoc may arall
tbawasejTcs of bt adrice. free caftealtaUon ta open to them.
Tb fc3awleds that we bare of the nmaeiuu cares be baa,
atOectad, aaa af whicb were af lottf ataadiar, leads a ta
phieT Buaeli faith m Dr. C.s efficacy, and commend Mm to tbe
aBmSdenea af the m 10 health. Dr. Cxapksy1 oflice la on
Baaraaaants atroct, below Montgomery, nearly opposite the
Paotac Miil taaaath'a Oo.' OfAoa, Baa Ii
To Attrnrtlaara, Taa aetnal atrcaUUoa at Ut Adaaa.
awta M art tan Ikaaaaprl cataiai Ut adnriltataanla awttaf I
In tbar aad rnadalil treat in ralra af charga Bra Bet t
than Asm at Uw panm of llul circulation.
It ana raran. TH raad.r at rafcrrad ta lb adrartua. I
atrat af Jrrotna B Jarfcan. talhBI paarr. It fnrnlab a rar-
Hal arpartunHy far ar an ta parvntt af B Btrai. Tarau I
aaar. aad nraaartv dratrabla. Bnl
ft am ertral. Tim r at OiBc baa aata raatarrd la I
kaiUla aa door aaat at Ux Maiioa Uaaa. Mailt arnrt I
aad draart aa foBoa t
SaulArra DtaM arrlrra Mcaadtr and Tanrartara, I aala.-k.
a. ait Karibrra atall arrlrra a'tleck, f. tat keth drpart
tacadara and rttdajra. a'clack. a. at. Mail dew M-axiart
aad Tkaradara, t a'rloca. p. at. H. T. CATON, P. M.
Ma tt, 8. ' Jltf
I. tha aTidrraijrnod , Oorcmor of HanirarT, do taatlfr I
barabr, that llr. L. J. ('Bafikay Haa aarvad duriti tlia I
rnataat ftsr Hnaantrian liherlr. aa Chlaf Fartraon ta tua I
Hnnaariaa armr. at lib faithful paraararnncn wbvrtmf I
t naraaivaa tuta tttiaoerttoeai,anu no rarommand mm
ta lb armpatK, attention anal protmlim of all lltoaa
who are raabe of afrarialtO(t r.!iouc aelf ancridre,
bim ajtuaaarvaai aaatiKtann. -v
t ratwrnav f Hnfnry.
taaaataffant tyt'jt. wan a. tnjer.
Tha fiUctwInaT.rctter. whirh amplialirullr aprar for I
itarlf, ata avriitoti tj tht IVan i( tha Kartihr of the I
k'baiaiirlphia C'allrra of M.ltrtn4a tha rdiittra of I
. 1 t '. . I I 1 I U I I 1 u . .. . I
uw i a. ur anmi aaaa iwiiaii ai aww, raua rra
otacas Bar naiblieatlaat
ratLantt.aat, Jan. IT, lU9.
Ta tbr FHiuwn of ahc Partlie Mr-.Kal and ftiirriral
Jonnmlarritirtnra t air attention Haa been railed to
an article in the IKjmbrr MttnibeTof t-ottr joomal, l:i
reannl to tna aa euniartn aeatree mtntad nr tna ntlla-
driphia Collrrn of alcaltrtnr ta lr. L. J. 'C'tnrkar
n itra tbe applanation lor the deirrre vta nmov to the I
KartNtr. a araa aertrntnanartl br nfnthtrtta and b etttrtv. I
mala to trie fleet it tat tr. a aa a reatiatr irtmdttata M.
!.. taT th LntTatrait af INratb. had aerved aa rt-inreon
in rbe Hnntrattan armr and aa a rvitttlnr practitioner I
of men trine tHl the atrenirtn VI luea tna uearn-a ata I
rrattteti The ad iwmleni o-ree, aa II a name itnpliea.
Uennlerred on arnduataaonlr. nnd atraa ua natr tin ri
Icarea. Had ther bean Uiealtiibteat nf tli tint of trrear I
niartir, tae apri) ration wottiti rare i-eeu retuaea itv
InarmnB thi in roar ttmnutl ton will do an act of iua- I
lire to ut louagtt nna comer a tarur ntt
loara, rerj retAtttiiir,
II k!IB.
IVnn of the Fnenllr of tbe Puilatlelttiita CoUeaa of I
. . . .
and runriral Inattlute t on "atcrametito afreet, below
Httnttfofnerr. otitaaii'e 0e ractrtr Mat! Itatnuthln Coin.
ran v a onto, rat it r'ntneiaro. lt 1 Vector oner free
cmtMtltautm.anuaaa ao remanenttittn nnleaa becdecu I
a cure. Omre bottt. from V a aa. to 9 p m.
f a rrraoaa nut wtahtnar to ktae tttn tn col lean, aid-
in plcaae anetoaa 10 ta their letter, aatl tliar Will I
ct tmneuijtlc attention to tlietr enae
Adureaa. A at- t.2 tl ItAT. S. 1 .
ikaa i'rmaciaro, I'aL
October, l0i8L 3n.
Yamhill lUcetw
rrHK Tttmtitif Kmv will
aBarri will m. -
Ba&t, and com- r s
1 mfnrm cm TortkltfiT.
daf of Ne-iXarmbrr B&l,
tlntlV tltltll SaatHTtift
ln , ami tH k 1 inii wut bar pni op in irar, I
f 1 ,iatU, io p BlTtHahnl aft JIHIHWI
1st a r r tr two t-r Ht, pra vt". inirle d4n
of at mirv t Utrmm m vr hrtorrtlt IM i of Artaa(, uii
eiota? a or "oitrp nt lib 01 ptt-tTtiir ,
VI rjAt f lV ltMt. UT? $liO;
4th dT Iil9 hvt three in ttre f 5)0 j
akh ilav 1 hrr mil h-ttt, nnrts f
Kntmtiroj th? tkborv pntw, will lr ratr-firo
per rmt ; holf of tli ettnanor? lo mo to the rarw 5 tmrm
- V The ftuk half p-tot for tmtrwme ; bolf of tit io tb two Tear old parmet forfeit pud at aar
iff aTT.
i'l-f Yumtiill Jorker Ctito ISaro a'loHrl the mv of
tts it-viria v -raiw, aCTpiUKdf uw wvidH(t wukr an
a i.-imw-:
2 rear oUK a fnitber ;
3 rrmr otti. 75 It ;
4 .rar id. Ui
5 Vrar lt.-95 r t
7 Vear ol. 11-4 lb :
A!-, oa lur.iav, th Gth of Srrtftr.Hr-T ncstt, tfcrr
.H-tt rach, ipian or The ta. bit ciofr4 with
tlw follow my tUrir : .Umr V Uy Im-. Kftmmiarkan.)
hr CriM' liner .hn : Wai. W.ate, Iav roll, br I mp
tr-r Jim ; a. nrivHn, coil, rtr nu iirejr of im.
Tur lrat:k wul b tn rooaorl-r carr
R?r'r of VamluU Jck'T CluK.
Lafarette, Jo!t 13, liu! K brp
For Sale.
K of raid biiL-vi- ta mlea-
laiel for attber one or two
horaea; the other fur one bora
onlr. Apple Is Jull.N Uh.Nr
baletn. Jultr 16, ISid. I'-tf
X'OTICF la l erehr rtrea to all whom It BUIT eoll-
rent, that I wilf sot par tottr note, each lor tha
tint of tor hutvlred ana twetur fire dnilara, tns'te br
me to V II. hpenive. tlitlrd the lenlh dnr of Mar,
tyt. and due respectively eix month, twelre BAOttth.
etirhteen montha. antl two rear from date, oa the
arroand of fraad and lailnre of ennairteration
Oaltlaad. l"mf)raa Co. - 3" I9rua
Adiuintrator'a Kattice.
nAVINO been nrnoinietl ttainiatralor of I He re
late rf J V. . KAUTKKr, toreaed. tberetore,
nutace ta herebr Klvea lo all petaon havtua; ehattna
aeiitiH said create to promt the aatre lo ane. al i
reetdenea. A emlea below Le-eanon. ta the for a a o -an-lui
m. Linn Coontr. ftvn. wnh tiw pree two here.
within one roar Inmt lli datat, or Ihey will be f'rerr I
barred, anil all peiauaa owtttar the wi rotate will pay
I li annte 10 me. rivtl t a.llli.r., itamin i.
Jul W, IHiJ. awl-Ttud
Chinook Salmon,
TCTap tn ktts, anit half barrel, rr
X Jamea Welch, Astoria, for aai at
wharf boat, raik-m.
Jolr HI, lt.
''IHltK ottlee of the Knperininlent of lnIian Affaire. I
A lor vreifon. nnu a!ininoii ora
removed to TortUr-d, to whteii place correpondetile
will direct tnetr errtninnrirniMma
KDWAKD 1! OI.AUV, Btipt Ind Arair.
iulr Ii. IS.MI. 3wl?t
L. CllaillS
IT AVIXO opened a LAW OKF1CE in the toarn of
a a Lenattoa, t.o. lortnc pnrpoaa oi pranainB i
in tbe Conntr Court ttf raid t outifr. at lU altcud I
promptly tn all buainrm con h ilea to hi care.
iiur e. i . " icri
IT7E will hip a en peri or at tide of Lite, to any ot-
a ter, lor two dollar per bin
hl'l II CilflimX.
Cor. Sac. and Fnml atrect, Sut Kran.tco.
Jnlrl.tW. :itnl!i
TTE are bow readr to receive wool at the Faetorj.
t 4J. n , i t.
JiiIt to, IW. lf
Cotnaion School lutml.
fTMIE cotntnon school land aitnated in Marion roan-
1 tr, will be offered at pnbttc sale, on Taeadae, the
M of Animet next, at the court Uoose in ialctn. I
bale to commence at III o eioca, A. .u.
fa Term of miie will be ot.e-fonrth of lite par-
cltaea tn otter in band, and the rentaininff lliree fonrtha, I
in three eiinl annual inmalinenta, w it h interest at ten
per cent, pnyattte senu-ttnuuativ in ativnnre.
e. ii. a i,
Srtpt. Com. School. Marion Co.
Salem. .Tttlr 9th, wM
T11E nattnemliip heretofore exiftine between A mo
E. Uoarra, Jnme Flanagan, and Srtm'l S. Mann,
nnder the atvle of Kotrera. Fhuuttmn Jt Co., is tkia day
dissolved br mntual consent.
. AMt's k kot;er-.
All ontttandins debts aad credit wiU be aettled by
tbe undersigned-
o . . or-.' e- . v . c to
bAJl L. O. M A N.
Jane 17, t?o9. 4wl7
Ricbardfi k ?IcCraken,
TTTILL pay particalar attention to the aale of FBtriT
on coarMirnrnent. the coming
Portland, June M, lriia.
XTOT1CE m hereby given tnat the administrator of
11 the estate of Jr:A Jt- t.MtUAIS. hutma axr
filed hi petilion in tiie office of the County Court of
aid county , prarirtir an order authorizing htm to sell a
portion ol tlte real eatate of said deceased, and it appear
ing from said petition that there ra not rruincieut per
sonal property to par the debt outatandinic a ainst the
dorcarard and expense of administration. Tocr-cfone,
TiM-dy, the 2d day of August next, i set apart torthe
bearinir ol the said petition, ut which time, all persons
tute rested are notified to appear, and show cause why
an order lor the sale should not lie granted.
MILTON Ml AX SON, County Judge.'
July 5, 180S. dwltf
FKOM one hundred to two hundred acres of improw
ed land for aale, about two aiiles from Jaileni. Mar
ion count v. . . JOHX rOKCL.
lar t, I8S9. dutf
1 At tlte Dalles
wanted, a domring viill, as there it none in Waeco
TBE ajtaenisTied haaadourinarmill partly complete,
arhich will be sold cheav. It ia located on an ex
carllent water privilege, in tight of the town of Dalle.
Knquire of O. liLMAaOX, Dalle.
Unf 13, i860. Utf
Plaiecr Saak, BallaMI bbI Door Fee
WE ttatra rottauiniljr m and autna
bictara to ordar, all kiiitt of
H tadaT frmmti. AWfera, tfontjinri, Corat'c, Oaf
ni l aita r laiatea ir ore,
of all deacriDtion. '
ITaeina; the intent imnrnntA machinery for mannfac-
tartttg uie anor worn, we are awe to supply
C'.tiBM'era, fimaVrt, aaa! atktrt,
Bl tk storf! aeftrr, and aa '
C'ktap as aaa :ker Factor f in tkt Staff.
CJ All order front the rotmtrr promptly attended
to. Work shipped on board of Hoal Ire of eDnrge.
N. it lia aatl Cedar limber takea la axchaava
ror wore.
Faetorr at Dn Bella's steam mar mill.
CuLUATll fa BA5S, Pro.
rwlent, June 13, ISO. Unit!
RedinKlon la
107 Cbtr Straei, San Fraiieiaro.
Oftr to Out trmi m fall, mnplrtm, mni itrirmltt mt-
wonmtnt rr
TT ATINQ reeentlerompleted bnaineaBarranramenU I
M. m nr wincn one ol tn nrm will reatoa perntanatiiir
in New Yorit.forthe purpoaeof aeleetiiig and forward
ititf gooda. for our ow n tntile, wa are eualiled to otter
superior adranlaue lo purrbitsera, a aa aliall at all
time bar the benefit or rhattrea lu the nutrkel. and
ran imaranlee nil article of our own aetectioa to be
freah ami i.-e nnine.
Wo reapeclfuHr aolieit th attvnlW of tit trade la
Otettim, V'ahiniirton Territory, and British Cotumhia,
as our long etierienr In the'Iirtig bnaincs. and oar
preaettt eotnpleto Brnmenieitt for pttrchnrtng in the
cast, will, wa are rottttdrnt. enable it to orit-r nt-fa in
ducrmeni aa will give peifret aaliftiactioa lo all who
autr tavor na witn lltetr omera.
Oetterai Aaenta fur the relebrale-d
O'rarfiraoccr r'tmtlm .V-rt'cVae.
frnlfl holeanle Itrttajfiats. Ktn V ranciaco.
a. a. rota. .m. watra
irw ajfojaj.
C1 EOHGf: r.. COLR tt Ol are now opening at tha
T well known atand of tt. tl Cola, feaewid at reel.
t rrralli, a largtt mud well ar-leeted atock uf r-pnng
and Sitn.tuer Uooda. Ilur Hock rotiuats in part at, frrorerte, ifar.ftraf e, iVrwa1 mmit
Viotkinf, Hull. Voa'i nmti oct, Crac.
era. tttnt II are. de..
all of which we will eetl eheup lor eaah. or exebanre
fur eonntrr prodtara, for wlucU the higboat market
pri'-e will he paid.
We now give a pnblie Inriialion to one and all to
font and examine oitr stock, a we nailer ottravire
that oit w ill not to aa ar dtvsautned in regard to
iJinitrn nnA once cf faavfa.
Ve will be in enitatant receipt of gootl during the
aeaaoa. and Mr. Cole beinar hcatd in INsrtlattd. and
ton netted with a wholeaale bona la raut Frajacaaro,
oar tactuliee tor rnrettaainsr a-od
tin far raewreal pifibtf termt
are rend-red superior lo anr other Brra in town.
Cortalll. Mar .11 . IX.VI. r-?
Hfttd Thialit
Itagjieaj, Cirnflff, aaat Bmggy Spoiea,
11 Y J A FATAUVa Lnrival
I led Mnrhinefr.
Ill' IIS of all am lamed and
morticed. W hippie, double tree, and beak to,
I a Felloe, li Mm-U. and other wara work, planed
and aawed, at suort mKiee, ut the beet tt la. and oa
CP e r1.C nlftnr aoar timber, tn
FVRK. I F.IUH St) 4V ttt-'KD.
tjf Susf and Tilin I Factor-. oh lluoa laaaad. JrJ
rAl.t.Jtl. tiltl.teti.'a
A. W. FUtOCSOX. Sttpt.
Salem, Jnne C. IW l?i
l'rank linker.
110 ASD 112 ( LAV PThthT.
Tmmrrter and Ialer in facet- aaat Praoiftc
Mate and Cocoa Mtltimr, lmrtrt, Batzet, Dam-
at', llraoar MaeHtVa amd Hvttandl,
rtrta Rtei.iaf aid iobdib,
roit alb i aoan ob ntrr rato,
Mir ii. ISa Ctrll
). w. ladb. o'si Fronateo. a. o. kked. Portand.
S. LAUD, da
.add, It trod At. Co
'.9BCr-ra' to II" iV. ,t- fr
Ofliri'lMt AM CtlAI myitis Jrt;Kt H.ISTS,
tl ami wholeaale and retail dealer in ehoire wine,
1 inor. Grocerte and general marxhatidiaa, Front at.
t .mat omenta solicited, and lineeaj rash ad ranee
Band aai the same, which will receive the areeual t
tent:oa of oar Mr J. It Ladd. in Han Franetaee. Iar-
ttcniar rirea to tbe parcltase aud aoiptaebtof
gtvvia in ."New lorB.
If audiciiul inducement are offered, we propoae
Having a reeael reave .it I or every spring aaa
tall, lor t'ortfunu direct.
lortbtnat. Apnl . 1J- Stf
I. unci Hnye-ro Lank nt Xhio !
IWI-II to sell uiv tana, which Ilea near the 49
cmterof I Ann t.:mntt. in a t err chtble sit- ZSL
atinn. heine elevaled. and aifonlin a Terr aond vtea
of the enrrrnitHlinv Isnuai ar-a. Tnere are itpott the farm
a gool honae and barn, aa orehanl of - fruit treea,
i li in anuie. ailoruioig water lor but Diialrar ol
Traws On half dtwn in rash: the remainder in
12 month, with interest from dar of eale. i or infor-
tnaiion, carjnire of a. at AlUanr
itAl ll it.t. v ur.-tl'L.t.
Mar S3. IVrt . latf
. . Ttt.rotr.
Xew Tork.
Bankinfr, folFr-a-tlon and Cavrtaaaige.
Uf ILL eertiGraie of depoaita and other
Fx i.axare at mrreiit rale.
t ill aarll dralta at owl ou
Meaara. Uruman. Mieriuan Jc. Co., Xew Tork.
A'op A t it . KiD Fntnrtc-o,
I o" Moner received on del rait. JZ
General or special cullecuou aUade, aud proceed
rrwuply rcmiueti
warrant bonarV and aol-L
17 All blAJMIM
a appcrtainiug to Itankmg promptly
etieaivd io.
no. .A5D.a.a
IS now proparrd tn iniii fitl or partial acta of artifi
riul (iw?lli.OB fint? ml. rlilC.
Aliao dt-raveu twtli tilleti wnh a.kc1re ffotJ.and ro-
tn) ! their original nhape air I ivtiiliit?Mi.
I my- rftir ono door irora ivenyou Amprmrne
rooi.iia. iaim.
now m Sftlcm. on
and will remain till the SOth of June. rV Otuce
over Strange. Tbe lr. w til Taut the following place,
T" .. .
Lebanon, on the 24th of June, and remain till the
7th of Julv t llrownsrille, on tha I'.tli ol July, ana re
mam till i lie Vint: r.iiifcuc ciiy, on tne let nt ttinst,
and retnaiit till the l ilt. E. II. GUIFF1X.
Salem. May 'Jt. I'm!'. laiilliaAng
Dr. Edward Sbcil,
....will rar....
Corralli. Ogn, May 22, 1809. 15tf
wcvn ivrn in
Settember lust.
from the
1' OA lava a c-' l '.'' m.o,,
U pretnisea of the auhacriber, below Ken
dull s Itriilve, in Linn (Jo , a dnrk bur horse colt,
vr-irl. n ,p4iiiruuir.slianed hhua in its luce, and one
hind foot white, faid colt is two year old this spring.
and ta quite vemie.
AnT information leading to ita recovery by the aub.
acribcr, w m oe uoe rally rcwartira.
Albany. Linn Co.. May 31. 1S59. 13tf
rrtTTK eo-nnrtnershin between E. M. dr. F. F. Phtmon
L don, is thi dar dissolved br mutual eooeent. All
debts di-.e the firm mast ba raid tasAirUrr. to E. M.
Flan o idtin, who alone it authorised to collect credit
and diicliiuve debts. One wttrnintf to those indebted
to the hue term is sufficient. The second warning will
be at ttie nanus of 2.. A. cornoyer, cuenii, oocaea oy
a laarer.
Salem. Ogn. Jnrre Vt. 1S5". lftf
Diasolution of Partnership.
THE pnrtnersliip lieretofore existing between Steve
and Little Tom, at Salem, is this dar dissolved by
mmuul consent. s i r. t t..
X. It. The firm is now under the sole in inurement
of Store, who will coutinne to please his customers in
all the brunches of tonsurial art. Aar debt contract
ed by th siiid Tom on or niter tbi date, will not be
recotmizcil tie nte.
April i:i. l".Tt. .'iif
NOTICE isl.erebr given to all persona having claims
auraiTut the estate of Wid. il. EATOX, lalo of
auid county, to present the same to the administrator,
at hi residence in liutteville, with tbe necessary
Toucher within one Tear from thi date, or mid claims
will be forever barred.
July 6, 18591 wlpai
- Valuable farm for Bale.
a ACRES. ,
An Orrhari af 900 JVee, Catnt. Varietitit
STIlf! rabarrlber deairea to sell hi
Nlrtmted In Marion Connty, 4 mile mrath of
Chnmpoeir. and anr neraoti who wanla a loca
tion, mrll Rro'rri to tlwi ratat ar, and Jruit mni
grwtn jrae-tn-, can now fm
800 hundred acre Bra under fane,
IW of a-tcA t of tkt Finett Prmfrio.
f pon the premise there la ara from noun, m
large nra. earn.
t of which are aot tSettn'nr. And will rteld thla aaa
on a eroo of from 000 TO Ml UL'sllKlJ.
A tine tream uf water for toek i and aprlnira near
me awaiting ami oern, anora plenty of water tna rear
round i and on the hand fat an abundance of timbbb,
auitahle lor wood, rntlt or Itimbtr.
I tT Tbi farm will be told for part rath down, aad
oautuca on timb, ana atturua
A rare cAaarr for a food bargain.
June I, lX). Jml:lpaidi
A llargalnt
1 ILL ofTcr for tale, on a bargain.
One tkuton4 arret rtf exreHenl ianJ.
i.. r.l.l. .. ln kl 1 i. i -L..
title, unoa wlucb are
'0 acrci of land, in pnetnrt and firm, orchard. Ire.
Tn orchard ronaistaof I.WM) aiilile. Itearand ntuin
treea, 4"J nf aktck are note brannf frail, a saw mill.
wttu new tuua, ana enuies w liter power, a largo np-
i , ui 1 1 111 itt . two aeia di awr urara uai na. ace . iMna
tbe lanii. 'JiaJ acre seeded la tame gran, line supply
of stock water. An wood, tail timber, ate., and a
I would sell the saw mill ami 30 arm of land, with
a Bttpplr of tmw timber, orptmte from tbe balance of
tna laiiu. i or a wouia atrioe ana ecu tue mud In aaaaller
t a t hare also for sale a larrr rood trnron. and
a vm team, and U head of row, heifer, and aieera.
Xewsmn'a Mill, June 6. iViH. tatf
89 and PI Cat forma it reel , luriti ilsci )
Offer fir Suit l the Pirre or Package,
JJL.V.VKLTS ArJ, lliirc, Ba and Urreni
Velret Rilrliott.
Franrli aad English Me
rino a,
t itstnrea,
t ar ,
Heaitli llnoa,
Cromh Cloth,
L'nen trno.1 of all kinds.
Window Cartauua,
I himajrka.
ti ooi I'laids,
flint; ham.
Illark Oil Cloth,
I'tkal ami Hearer Clotba,
French lint,
llhark Oil CUdh Hat,
F retail and E.iijlish M a.
Itn de latiue,
Stmol Ctton,
Farmer' Sot in,
Marsttar Linen Thread,
H atierr
Ami a fitllnaamtinent of Pi faWs. fur Male at Low.
eat Market Utile' SralO
Orrgoa ! Orrgon 1 1 Virion 1 1 1
1,-M.I.LfiW CmZEXS will dn well to keep in mind
ti nt March rtlt. Atrtil 4lh. Mar 2d and rh. June
. th, July vMi, Ana ail, Sept. Ih. thn. I.t.i. Nuv
ltlh. Iter. I'.'til. in tbe nreeeut within anr week
eoHinicm-intf at any of liie above datca. yim are'
fuliy olicited toaitend Albnav Mill lo "pet your r.rtt
rHind. by Fl H. Altrew, tl beuu hi tiiue' to rua the
Milt. Kverv attenuon will bo paid to all who rr tab to
ualn.mtor bim. both in auaiititr and aitsJilr. Meii.l
we mnt not run. i win etcnnitge a mat rata ami to ol
Hour aiwav on band for sale.
T. B llth l-ttld for wheat, or w beat lured at all
time, al llir Mill, srpenit from the oilier w tictot
t Keep a aatn tor anv te to crua t:ieir araiti rrw over
trtenirer. ICtiMt l.tvALIHKK
Xew kork.
a. r. aaow-a.
V. C. a.rlawoltl ft I d ,
Dro-Cood,, Boots and Skoe; Hardware, Iron, Gra
eme,, Yankee Xottont, Jre., 4-c.
EE Oprjte Couch At FIandr' Wharf.
ijif IVrtUcd. Oregoiv
Tulli about liold .Ylinra
IVTS me in t-ind tb.t I WAXT TO
IMi MV PKHTSand cannot do il
WITlIt ifT Mt.lX FY and if there is anr.
baalr owirttr rue. land I think there i.i we
wotiM iiwt mt thtit niMtey ne mnat lave, and we
would berehr" notitr those indeltted to me eittier br
note or book aceoturt to coma forward and puuere
otherwise we will have lo contn ttiect ail over to J.
U. itooa, who will no doubt atatke euet on it
Your reap Ur. J. A. JOHNS.
olem. Sept I, ly. " VJtf
PERSON ariahing any businea Irananrted in tha
A I hurt ie States, sneh" a pureliasina: of nirnnvei,
bua-viea. wairona, ewtnar machine, i-rano. reaper.
and taoweea. or any other article wliirtt la not uauwlir
kept in tin niarkei , wilt bnd it to their a-lvanuuro tb
call oa l)ie nuik-rriKited. Aleo. foe the roUecftiu of
mooet-a iwliicli t tattiailr iloae thnniarh the Lxprea
Co , at heavy e;nsei' will it prouipllr atte'iued to
br our of our'lirra. V w ill par m-4i ttir nM drain.
tittl of etittanire, and cerullt.aU: ut deposit ou the
r aaa or nmnu itauaa
Fate m. Oct. 11. IrVr", V.jtf
Tor raalo.
!I nii'IfT friire, npwania f lU avrva in col
th-attui. tititatrt. in ihe Korku i f WilUiuoVtc nrcr,
ihrva laUrt-tt lnm SalTO. Tl ml rtim Uooc f th
bt-fltt, ihH oulr io Ldtiont coinir. bnt in ritroti. 1 H tK-
rlui ai liter m wtM f the W I A 111., in ihm
eip-intrT. 1 ., ta ater nvilrtF cajinnt he xr-!(VJ any
it-nrj wtinr .im , CawJ nmua ana iimcr uanav.
rvtDe?-t iU be arrmHirt ii lo tuii tbe tHtivbaeer.
ror funlu-r Uifunnaiioo, -nj'lr mi the iwrnw.
Jllf MrKrllUr i I'f-H Itltir.
C. II. illow.
TKALrR in clocks, watrhcaand ieerelrv. Sa-
17 lent, Orfti rartiriiUr niuuliou paid to lit ' ty
retiuinttir tf watches and rltaks. All work nor- 1 11 ,p
muted. Jewelry reruired at short uotice.
Vtilt SALKi
Watche and docks. 0 dar sink in dock at a verv
tow pneei also ot hour mitriue clot Wo.
uc.a r.i.n i.
1t'lic and gents hrtaiche, Fiuiftr Binirs.Ear Riuga,
Uoid uucKiia, tiitam ttuuna, dec, dec
Nilrm. Julv-ti, I'W
IV. F. IliKhnrld.
PKIISOX dcairtrns of gettiltlf good work
done will ilu well to give me a call, ns my '
witnle time t uermitf to tne reaiirntaT ol t,uro
nometers. Duplex and llorizotitul Watche.
An aseortitient ol jewetrr on nana.
Jewelry repaired, or made lo order.
a ncc ill arcimiHiire woo ine 11 mca.
Store at the old attutd, Mttin atrcet.
Jan. -JT,
i. Collirr ItohbiiiMa
OKArT't'AL Watch Mnker. Whok-snle and retail
A dealer in clock, walchea, lewelrv. silver ware
and liehinkT tackle, and luiliaa uoods, l'onhind. Ore iron
Iteeeivinif uiv iikkLs direct from the luiuorters and
mauufucturer. I vn sell good a low aa any other
House on the t acinic coast.
Muviiiir experienced workmen in evcrv branch of mv
basities. t rua gunruntee pen ect snusiactiou ill rvpuir
imr tine watches aud iew clrv.
Ever article wui-ruuted t'o be a reputed. AU watch
work wnrrnnted to give mti inaction. tr-tf
rctHE ttbscriher would inform the cituens of Sulem
I I . i .... ,A 1 1 .1 .
A unri .iviuii, , .no. i.v ww.u uauu o
CAosrc Jistortmeni of Botanic Medicine.
That he oilers on term to uit the times, lie would
uleo ear to hi old cuvtoinera, tiiat he w ill attend to
calls, iu both town and country, in the day tiraa, a
long aa tne roaas ana wcatucr are goou.
tt. lYAIiltLA
May 12. ltVA liitf
Calvin K lilting,
Firt-Prorf Door; Iron Fence; Railmtrt,
....i.tDiM tisctor....
94 Jackson Street,
One door we,t of Bottom. San Franeitco.
May 3. 159 o 6m 10
Drs. G.A.tX Ada M. Weed,
Jfygeo-Mcdtcal Pkynician,.
HAT1XO located in Salem, we shall be happy to
attend to culls, both in town and counter.
Mra. Weed will arive Bneciul attention to Oostetric.
ana atsease pecminr w women anu cmiuren.
l aueut at a uieuuiee visueu on reusonaiiie terma
Tber may be consulted personally, or by letter, fVee.
Apm a:, i"'- .tt
Adminigtrator'a Notice.
LETTERS of administration of the estate of DAVID
LILLY, deceased Luto of linn Co.. Oira. were
granted to the undersigned, bv the Judie oi Probate
of auid couuty ; Therefore all persons owing aaid
estate are hereby requested to nuiko ininteduite pay
ment, and ull persons having claims ttgai. et auid es
tate ure hereby notilied to present them, with proper
vouchers to Iturtlett Carl, nenr Ijebunon, Linn Co.. Or.
eiron, within one year from this time, or they will be
lorever uarreo. it. t.vivxj, Aamtn r.
July i, IHM. dwlo
IVotice. -
ALL person are hereby notified not to credit my
wile. Marie Anne, as I will not be responsible, or
pay any debt of her contract ing.
auinaia ac uxvnvr.i.
- 1
Illchlr lmporfttHt to BatlMert.
EYBE, yniMirjifHAiin-i..- a,
prepared to natnufattnre, wltb ll)ir i " J
uw and splendid utaeliuiery,
aA, JJaort, Blind; Cornices, Moulding;
And everythl ait pertnlntng to tha wood-work of lion
Mnvlnit tlia moat extetisir aaaortmanl of Maehiaa
ry cot the racitle coaat, they feel aanrwd that ther can
offer better inducement to tha building eocuxutuiity,
tliaa Buy other parliea in tli 8uta.
IKar-wrt AmtAM, Jaie and FeUoem,
ForrtMard at ahnrt nolier, or turned and rawed for
partial if dtaired All kin of wmd turning and
planing executed) with neat neat and diapntch.
y. H lood eadttr. pin. ah. and oak lumbar tnVart
In rxehaituo for Hnisiied work. t :
ta All pertaoo htlerrslod In anr of the Bbnre, will
please gir us a till, and aea if tltey do (at Slid it to
lAnr talaret: ta Mtrottiia
rf riana aad peciftcation tor boiidinn fundabaet
to our patroua, an tk uoat tauiiaUa aad uu proved
bay- All oroar iroa a uitanc promptir attended 1
i A. W. FLitOLOX, ruperititrodenk
Satewt, June I, loSI.
IVatal! I ra ) 1 1
WE bare jnet reeehred a rnre a diriment of ri
MU.MCAl. ls rut Mt t) TJk
Of ail kinds, aai braving the lullow ing i Sd5 ft
A large aeaortaietit of the following kind i
V & . i a
- i- anaia, yaano ease,
Foar 5 do do . double-reeded.
Two a do do duuula bank,
Fenr 6 do do
Two 4 do Bortablo.
T. OilbcrlJf Co.': Holder, andSlottarttCeleirotti
r i a x o s i
Beeklo a Btrua qaaia llnalll as
Otikars, Violin.
AraMrtdeoDa. Fiuttmaa,
Claricaie. Tamboritte,
rlitte, it., ate.
Jnet received at the t-ITV BtooK araaa. a laraai aa
atrtmentof BOORg.
Standard, Rrl,,iom,. Mfcrllaneon,, and Por'ieal
liar;, l arerf and ihekrite' AorrM, aj-c IrC
Ulaliouery. af all krmt, at Wholeaale and lietitit
fuSTat. WHITE,
flee irrm fily, itnril SO, 1 Va. lljtf
Ric list ratal JIt'f 'rakrn,
Forwarding and Commit, tan JUerekantt.
Oregon Flour, Grain, frail, liaevn. Lard,
fcT icr., fcr.
rlME.CEMEXT.and fLAslEB receired bTerery
J tajlittif V easel.
! Will Bl Ic lid to the and al.ioaiewa nf
M-rvliatMiia uf erarr elearvtatioii in the Laateaw aaa
riaa Frnnetaeo markrta A i-o to Forwarding good in
rata Fnatieiaco and Ferttaias.
7 ar C ricbratrd Afannm Kroner an-f Jfaaree.
and Aiini ultutul Impiem-nta of every derription fur-nwla-d
lur eaah al tun Fraueiece roet and It aiifporta-
AVe WiU alao atfaad to the aai of llmm I'iwIhp Ih
Victoria, navilur eatnlllhed a noma in that ,hara n-
der tha manatfeuieu: of Mr. U. Fisk.a jrcnllcmBB of
t'tit year cAperieura in the trade in fan K rancia
co- J HN Mif IIAKKX.
Ctmmerrtal 11 Aarf". PnrtlamA
jame4 a nirTiM.iti,
J. arramrtao-t , iatt F'nan. lf
The Urralrst tYaiidrr of tile .'aine-
tet-ntli Criitarf.
, coxsr.vpTtox cured r
pr. tVetlef Orindln' P m' m em i r j P owdert .
rllE ane t airu!ar ar.d efTtietiTal retrdv f. e
'kranie Bromck.tti. Ct'arhnt ar.-ciaa. .Verefaa.
arf-Veef t 'l-rrm, end a'l die.ies depemlros npva a
acrofrtlou trutit. and Cuchectie rtaidrtiu of liie tn etent.
ana imparit rot ttie r-fiaitl Very fr)iiit!r nrrvaiatne
trron lit ol M'thsmant Tnmorn, bjkI rOBtprtatr rurea
tiin. 1'ori-eeee fleei-Jeti vtriiir lor theeltef and euro
ol' ' t jajeort and C'-ac H'te-'mim.
lilts a l.;t ny and beoelreiel tft-t gmd' ai and per
uaanettl p m peraiMi ait-cted wtta
.tf-TPH imtainlt'y and PeaT'rim.
Trere i uo mnedy tu.(d to it. I.i to.liuotf np a
vateui. tlirtt nuuer Cte ludtteue of rariott tuaase.
thH-h:i. ore.tpt.ifttre. hit mti down and inet it rat
una! tor and vtaiur. 'I tiotuamf tf ee-Ttilit--,lta caa ho
produced, tbowtii lite wotaierfui ecary ut thai aivdi
ctne. Ca?" ruee. ft Stl per box, pootaga paid, and aent to
Bnv portion at the -Mate.
nl".r U'hohsHle Ilrua-adit. loniud, t recrn.
Tillon dfc .tic Far land's
'I'll 'r-h wi n arc t want ol a Ft-e and ilaTar
I Pref vfe. per the latrk " Irtdilatry " frran Sew
York, w have a eomplelo asatsruuent' of Ft re and
BtrrUir Prcnf f fct. with
iteel Vault and Oombinafirrn Levi.
The bra sate ill the arorld manr.a,-rured be Tl 1-T IX
at trfAKUMt
f "e lie nieiir n brrrtne a icfc too bare TIL
Tii.V tc rl ALL tND inatue is full on the safe, aa
none tKiiei are --vuuiue. ,
Frtmt 8., Portland.
Mar 10. ISAV tf
Wbecler A
Highest Prrmimm J-'trmily Setting ,U a chimes
tvrrrr hemxer a ttachep
'I HUE Vat-Lin? art? liie umjcH finipi trJl anr in fit-,
JL mimai tint aW itnJJe t gel t7ttt rt ortu-rn Ttie etaK-b
U Tbtitie alike m both pv.v of tbv'iMric wwd. wkira
w ill ihbI np or rar. L J ttm-ad'mn In nme,l irom tit
oriiitw. t.anj wilhmtt rfwtTulmit. Titrr tunt lire bm
m ubtpot imua$t. caLber. quilt, ainti o
A grtatcr vtrietu tf Family t$rimg
Th.-ui tur nirrLiin otlrmi w th potlir.
lifer re-ivtJ th ii'h- pffmiimi at tlv !!tafa
fair, Marraritlei ul tbe aHpn Iuuin InfUtfiite fair, lra
FnuwMcu, aod at tlte Sin Jke fair. IM.
F. V. M EKf T. Aer-rrt.
tT" Oitttee aud doiY-roo mi Finn trtirari, lbuod.
Ora uta, jlrf
VN V ns tt i4r)tai-4ifw io unsW-nbtAuai all tru.J7a
or rM i'vw . -, i.ti,iM-i to iiiiK-t an ttUiiniitr
larwi tlie pnMir, On tbe uir? .hnripic, anr oiW
, ltia? wlnt ii yriU-o-n to ninj nt. diiap i an-
iworJrr of tbe &... rMititVitrB, ami tritonldat
mine br ti rwrnnrwl m ta tntijaxk nitrrira. The
dn KMAt MM-nrne to rnrt all diimiM-ii wiiii one rrrnedr.
i'brj bave eleven dilU-ront mciiiriiieft. eaeb minplrU in
iU jiecultur .lifH-nc. and time hat prvveii brrood a orirfu
Tiou tba ertifibTT uuti rertuiair .f Uxoap prrparationii.
Titeir h-t ronipfTr the fAU'iTj meiH-fteo,:
(ira'lvnherv I'iII-l I O t'tf-rine fa
tholicon. Hn. fri.twrbr fftiTO(tirii:. (Snpfenbenr Pile
tia-iut-ttr. irfrntK-rtr Ivntcrr Syrtip. Orwea alltmit
tain Oiiilmviiu UnpfTierv C'hiftlrt-n W:mrca. t;ra?f
euberK C'onpunipiivr UmIul lUnffi-tiber Eve lum.
lorv-iviiuo-ri. rtTur ik djfire iMfimHir. 4 T?rf enberjf
WM sJinariev uril'iojfiiitrraf iiUIIlMI Of, IIlMlt.
lor wls br all Urutf!h0ia ibrnnirboat ilw iHatA.
et-nttml Anvnt,
KEIiI.VOTi . Ate CO..
Wiu-Iesitlt; i)i."4iT, 2San t'runc ifaro.
IKainirr Oku
TMIE nnderatk-ncd would betf to inform
X the public that be. with other, bare
opened a woon road Irom altonier to St Iln- -nn.
nt-etitifr with tbe road from the la.ter plare to the
I'hiitu. and ticople tntvsling frnia Ur.'fru to tbeSonad
country, and eaciallv drovem, wilt tind it ranrh to
their iulviuitUK to roine dowu on the weet aide of the
Columbia rivur to Iijiinier, where ther can and will
be ferried ou tbe moat reaaonalde teniiV. aa tlie ander-
sillied baa pn-rured a tlat boat lor that purpoae.
I tp- Oi-hmi pkntv a abort diistaiwe above iCoinier.
at J. riachca' and J. GUbreath's furtua.
. t A.P.MIXE.VR.
DR. BKOWX is on hie own hook and will be found
at the ltrvaetit iKJtst oliire buiidmar. next rioorto
Mcaertv Moorea' atore. where lie iolenda br atrit.'t adhe-reiH-u
to butfineaa, to niorit the catroaiiL'i' of a fcneruiia
He alwitrt wnrrnnts hi medicines to do whist
he rt'inoretiw them to do.
Jliiy II. IXM. IOif
Patronize tlte Kxpressea.
MY customers in Salem, or any town in the interior,
ran order wau-hea,iowelry,ilvertpoona,oic., br
expi-vra, payable on dtTivery of the gooda, provided
the article and price suite, otherwise they cun be re
turned. Wutchcs, jewelry, &c.t for repair can be for
warded tn tbe aaine mauner, to
Practical Watch Maker, rortland, Orejirou.
Feb. 2. UtoJ. 4nf
For Sale.
T HAVE thrw hundred and twenty
itv acres of land
X stiaated in iLinn Co.
U weil improved. Ahvo. a eood orchard which I will
sell on reabonahle terms. For infonnarion enquire of
uie uuucii"Hcu at ojuem.
wtUaIam pmLUP&
Salem, Nor. 20, 1858. 37tf
Dr. J. II. Chitwood,
WILL continue to keep on hand an assortment of
dni)ra and me-k.iie, also aU the leadine patent
medicines in common use in Oreron. 11 will
the people of IColu and vicinity with school aud tma
celhineoits books, stutionery, tjle,t o.c.
He also tenders his rf8sional serviees to the peo
ple of Polk count v. His treatment of disease is strict
ly upon the Itotanie practice, asm;? all the llvvienie
ajfeiiciet, in common ase ia the Reform practice.
Apm , iivj. 5jf
For Sale.
THREE aad a-half lots, with Dwelling; Hoose. 0m
Barn, and otrjeriiunrvvejnents.eonveniAPkt!a .w:
.UMKUed, iu Sulem. Enquire at the Statesman Oitiee, or
frf jAkttV A IAUVJ
May .3,159. '
Farm for Sale. .
TWO and a half mile from Salem, all antler iro-
proTetnent, (rood buiMiiifm, and a Urge orchard of
ruik ararca, iroa vuv u uuie vcar. oiu.
Dee 8 18S8L dUjtf
D R U a S
TV'OW receiving, es elipper ship Archer and Rohin
X a liooii, and ooo lo arrive by clipper, Jet an Tit
tgrapk. .Vftfuar Faeortte, Challenger, I Cigar', Bad
a r, utreet irom taew I ! K .
D R v a s ,
Chemical, , Faint, mod Oilt.
Krer imported into Oreumt :
l'sarhaeed tor Carh, comprulttg a fall asaorttneat of
iOiff--t frmti tlir innif&rinrrm 1 tWluJintr Anow a.
aL-l it- I 1 B . '
mvrws timiiT iiuno tr a irtuf wrm
WINDOW GLASS. (French ant Anterknti)
flXE PAIXT8. (grotioil. dry, aoJ in oil, of
ert-rr Tarn-tr,,
RED AXD WHITE LEAD, Tarimta tirands.
BURNING FLUID, (a aaiM-rior article.)
il ieinaj porpoae.
(utw etiition.)
1'UTTY. in blariJer.
SALE K ATI'S, ane article,
GOLD BRONZE, aawrtetl.
ELECTIC MEDICIXES, cotjeentrated.
roBftiier with ererr nrtitle tiaunllr found in .
Drnj !tore.
Tartakfu! for taat favors and Aolh-Hrta-a ronrinn' ice
f the fei;::e. I r-at eetf-i!ir ltivile detthrr to eali al;- --t-
amhie tar tl'i ,and juoi-efur llieajselvet a t quuhtr
atvl price
M. a.'ra:i cement for tli reel imporbt'i'jti from dealera
and innt-iifrrvnrTrra in the 1 jael. are such lrr ema.l-le me
U i eiteaper tiucn anr ori-er boaac oti ttie
uortheru cuaic
baaea rv-J-i, i runt street opposite ffTer Wharf.
tt . it I-nHD.
IVirtianJ. Oartt. Mar 31, lo..
C'dolplio Vur HrIniHfwtir.
VWtIl( IXAL drink, mf em;nrn;lr alutarr imi
LM, niuDuiaiM tUrtrti by hitmtli e&ciratreT. al t j
laitfiorr ai SrnMrtiMat. u iiviluati. arid wel kra-rn i;r
I iot twelve rara tunbria ail the Atlantie
tuui Vetueru lS;ait."
!' i aiULltt from tine beat Utrter lhut ran I tieortvaj
In Kuroe, wiiii tlu cswc-uro ol atii ayxBauc XUakw itt-r-ry
ul - ivwWtdJ.'rr., jism t.irtjztAtimry nrediri.iiU frtp
eniw. 4: ua intikft smc mmntmirvi a Btxber ipntatHm,
hji!t in Kr.rvpe au4 Amerai., Luua anjr tHber diareue
Atuil. ft rcRrccKaf rrnc t iroa, nif t-f-fvrt
a auid aitl iitteira toraie. It m extetanvelr
nosii anJ afprortdb r meai-.-al fitcokjr. itw teaijiar
atiee j-ettfk., brati, ut b-utut-a, lhvar.
In liia-t!. iui. aixl Kuetwiduiam, ibe o(sacta4ina
or the blaMr mod kiiiev. mim. ta general ibiiitr. ita
eifc.x are pnmipt.oeHktl and mvariablr rebi';atn4
ii ia ma rlr a phtn-iIt ftir tbeae male. bat ia ail
raae in irbkb titer ate prudurvtl br dnnkiuir bad .ra
ter, wbka ia aliiMiott uiuverMii.j' Ua cauaa ac ttUtta., it ,
V4 am m mre preYtrmaiiTe.
Fur rer ani A true it m one of tac sioet eStMioaa
rrer-n;ire that can tie rrwrtti t.
I eiaBo-Tifiv ia ureal dt-moaad br raufa tmrelrv?.
or a f niii io i:f .e iu new purta uf tbe fntrv eTw-rralJ v .
to r-il a br iranr in tverr eoounanitr, where it Li
iKmiatknd'wn, oa atxouiit of ita ruioui vnher rziuc
tiiul prcp"ie9.
J In nil rairz t.f a Mrorirjil tendtney, h U neriilTr
ifpa. niv r-TTHrny rerurvtit) wueu atopwa in lit mui
Mss.n of the d:4rrtee.
Iu ttraat-2fuk ntatia-a), irheii taken in proper qoan
titieat, a a diet driuk, mnl iai1!t at tiimter, it u
tkMiuHbr ttnii'Tin eApt-rv-ne to be em.uentlr eictt ioua
in tin wntt -bf ea-. Trfc n ereo tbe" be of ti
a.-ual rrnt.e lutrc fulled to aft. mi ttnire thaa t-rip
rnnr r;uet In rjkdre ui iiuintymry, n ia cji iT:mi-r1iMe
aiMl InrarraWe Hoeriotr, and it mnjr 'f 'riiUierf-. ia
til.a-! and pnrpmit.nat tiTxrn.mie. eren io Touiit ra
tait, ia nil thtoap part tit ydc of prrfatnff pa.m ia tbs
rttnrb airfj taowaU tv whi tt tne-T are wpeelall' aub
jtrt, as wii aa the clcirr ff etowii taerentin.
I uij! iiMJi a-lf';n-ii iu tj&rtmn wna tire prtiri
itwm!. Win-it m iwire of exMnftHHi tlirta'ea ft
ute, irevrr fniaa to nltere the i -Htthr atftntlant anon
IrtHraned rhnwa atwUto-, low tfnuneTHnnt arid ex-
hMntaled viful e&erffy, ly wbut-ver tmurapa md4-ed.--
1ir are farts to wt-h tnaur of the mst tnnrnerit
niedical men. bnth ia,Kaf.and and the t'niiard Settle,
have bttrae testimony. r?l which arc corroloruttd by
the hijLfbeat writ n aulhorities.
Put np m quart and p.u btmle.. In r-aj of one if'nv
en, wiiii my name on the fejukw, cors, aud fite-mssde
of in r aiAniature oa the httx-l.
Kor sale by aU tbe rerrertahle IrnriitB ajid Uqoor
dealers ia Ctt-i-ou and CUdrfomin.
UUOLPllO W OLFE, Sole Importer,
2 Ik aver atrott, JScw York.
, . .
Cantion to tiie Fablic
Lonftn Cordial i im,
Club Htjwo Gtn.
fHrhietura St-hnappa,
aUedirated Schnapps,
Royal Schnajs,
atC. ttt. tkL
Cnder the above and shnilar ttilt-A. the lionor mixers
of this city are botlhim hin.'e ouantttiea of adutteratoti.
nnwiioieaatmie tmtui, t4Un.r but mtie. en wfurb they
nope to realize nrge probts by aeihiu; in (an torn ia.
atom an ctrounus. SHinieate soakiiiiuiiv i.r-nar-
ed as to p.s for irood Lioiior. excent with tiie .eat of
juutres. ii yon wouiu oe sale, use only Uie louy esw-
i.rHKti, mwvtiM'u, geuouie noLrc a jz-cmizdam ako
matic fecasiprs.
I'DOLPIIO WOLFE, Sole Importer.
Auk 31, tfis4? at Heaver street, Xew York.
London Club House CSin
X fcuthiug but what it ia, viz: a pure and unadulter
ated artichs, and awaiuin no srtim-iai merit a of what
it is not. as some of tU rival imitators do after lire
years of public approval and very cxteuive sules in
California, has beuu pronounced by the pihiic to besn
penor, not otdy as a bevemce of jretieral use, to any
other urtJcle comftetiDif sainat it, but ia
in moat cases of comi'iainta. To remon travtriinj in
Irtooo sluar. . w il.-M (.-nr..., fwm f-.r A W. V, TV,
Sunth, who are constantly changing their water us well 1
as ti.eir enmate; w no are untiKin, inaeeu, a coteii
kinds of water in evcrv twentv-four liours. and each
dntit;t containing some prttperty acting in clmical
antagonism to the prcceuiu one, thereby caauiA, an
unnntuntl deirrce of excitement to ti;o avtnn-arh .t i.
positively and absolutely neecR-ary to use a etToater
acting agent. From the' tact that Uie
is prepared expresslv to meet such exigencies, and to
act as we know it will act, as anantidote we eonndent
lv prescribe it as the very best article in the connirv
The name of ArouAauc Soledaw SciinaDPs' has nev-
cr been attached ut any tray to this arucie. Iu first
presenting the
to the public, my aim was to give them a pure and un
adulterated article of Gin, and to call it by its ria-bt
name. The success attending its mtrodoetion and ex.
tensive sale in California ia a snihrient ffuarantee of
hit mgn appreciation oi tue arucie oy ccimsumera.
Various parties have from time to time put up and
shipped to California an article which they call 44 Club
Houee Gin." My Gin, which has sritined uch a repu
tation in California, is branded oa the cases.
The bottles also have a white label with liie tmie of
mv siitmatura. I caution aii parties to beware of iinit-
auons. WM. H. DALY,
Sole Importer. New York.
Jan. 34, 1859. 4ritf is
YTTE have appointed Mr. W. K. Levridge to make
V V coliections for us. to receive and reeeint for ail
monies due make aa -uaaa, and ia not authorised
to eive anv iudolirence to anv one. And if there is
any who feels conscience smitten, by not complying
with their" promises, ther can relieve themselves by
pmrngim iiaimediately. lie will still keep the office in
the old store, and if vou don't come there and see him
he wiil send the shentf to see voa. at vour expense.
Kesfectfulhr, W.U GjaUVYOIiJ CO.
fialrm, Jtna9 18SD. Ipfef
(Th charge for otrlray rot ire i one dollar, fnr each
finimal advertised. No notice wiU appear until paid
lor. Where are money, or tea than the correct a,uant
la sent with an eatrnV notice, the tunic will not b
puhliahed atrtil tha full amount la raeeirer)
BY the uheriler. In Varuhill Co., two mile east of
MrMiariiks, nun ortrnf karoo eo!l, anppoeed to aa
three year old, very wn.l. rather en.all, dark bar
black uaaa aad tail, small star in liie forehead, small
while sp4 on tb left Boat hi. and some whit on tha
left hind foot, branded with W oa the left hip, and with
T and F both in one on tli left etionidcri cam to Biy
place sbottt th Brat ol April, I'M.
McMinrllle, Ja)y 15 ifw
BT the tthrriheT, lirmg five fbtkto north of hoiom,
Marioa Co an dark brown, aad white rteer, kt
yeare old iaat prtna;, crap off tbe left oar aad two aplita
in the right, branded am tiae left bip with a heart. Alao,
on rod cow and eaif, tb cow baa aosa Baall Waito
pot in bar foreheai, batf crop in tha left oar, and Uw
right, anppiajad ta bar been tors by dog, bfartded oa
L.1. . k. ... IT a . ' i.l
"a oa MB, Miiaa, I, aoia lav VBBUB vtu.
i .. 9. FfJRO.
July 13, 8wl
BT the aaibaciibet, tirittz a! bHm east of the ford
where tb count road rrnian tb Benilh BaMrtn,
leadiiig from fkio to Albany, one black ateer, with
white faee, a email hlackpotluth center of the while,
some white flat the belly, crop off right oar, and aplit ia
ti e nnder part of tha aoioe. Alao. ooc red ba-uVr. ecrtae
white in the face, whit bark and belly, sofipoaed to
he '1 rear oea, ao ataark or brands perceivable, and a
white tail. MOHtftT CLFLKX.
July 15, IM9. a-l J
IX ftinrelaw Taller,
21 miie wont of K'i irene Cttr.
A Lane Co,
thm.ofta black enw and eel f arlraai
old, crop X lit left oar, brauxied oo to h-ll bip. braud
not known. Aiao, one yearhno: heifer, black sndea,hnt
back . and white belly, betaugiut to the eaid sow. A :so,
one hrirelle ateer, ecrp erg tbe left ear, and split in tins
right. A leo, oaa four year aid ateer, aa atppor fcal
enrp ia the left ear, ataue hums, braBadrd thua on tha
left bip. JUUH CKOW.
Jolv 15, 159. 'al
1st ryrirte-ueld, Laii Co., Or-n, on or about the Brat of
July. IbjU, two try met, marked and hranaed
n follow: One rjmrkea villi ewailow-fork in rttrhf
ear, and apperhit ia h-tt, bratHard with 7U on riubt. and)
um feelt hip, lour year ofd, eotor brtnene. the other.
mara en enn nncterslone la nicht, and ormerttlope at to
split in left ear, star m forebead, whrre hack and hetly,
red aaiie, nine rear oAJ. JUiUi U riM ITH.
Jnir I . Ivi. lerl
IW Lhut Co., Clgtt, in Brtre precinct, 14 mile aorta-
west of F.tiifrie Cite, one red cow and calf : eo-w
supposed to be aeaea Tcr old, mnrked crop off lira
rtvitt ear, a no auoervH oat ol t-ie ten, avwttacvi on utw
W-rt hip, can't be made out : said cow Boa Wren abaaaV
my prciaiaea fur about Uuea years.
4U1IJ A11A.LJK119. '
Jolr 15, IW wl
BT the fmherrir, Hvrng rt SirlfngTi!l, Jut ka n
Co., one black fcorse male, brawieii on tbe h-ft
.tifle thus, II. with a rtpanielt brand on the left atiSe
Ibn. t it : tarid m!e waatalfea np near v TeadrBc,
Jane 30. IjSf. and Una beers mi'ii' z aboait mv trreuii
liosKaiirnittka. JOIIN1). M'.WMtU
Jnlr 15, lW. 9wl
BT the rjhrriheT. living two and a half mile aoeth
wcat of IZaifene Citr, iat-e t'o , iti. cere onrk -
har borae, while strip to fare, acah hind, and oce faro
i white, to the feUork. se terai saiiilre merke. krrner
f tit tire leli fore foot, act'Oesed to He twelve or frfteeaj
i year old. FHILli Ml I K Elf.
i J"'T IJ-SJ? :
BT the snbaeriher, liviraj; I of a mile treat of tkrwra
Ferry, in Folk Co., one red row and calf, cro ofT
liie nnht ear. onderbtt In tbe left, no brand perceiva
ble., supposed lo be tea year aid. A baa, one year.
I1B4 buii. no aaark or bratsd; Baud Htii in nfTrprui;
ofaaUlcow. s ILF.GLUVEta. .
Jnir I i, rU9. aeri-j
BT the subscriber, It vine; l-'rail-s aouiii of C arvaJUsr
Benion Co.. O.Tt, one row, deacrihe-d a Soiiont ,
roan Iteifer. 3 year old. marked crop oK lire rH;hl,
and opftrhu ht left tar, bratided E o oti fc-ft f p nod
mar ASA STAiii.
Jnlr 15, Ii. awiJ
IJi itUera art4 of feMaWat, ate Jjfek JVfrr. ita In
(O ilsaa jtrvv ift-rs, Lnaiideta, Uii a oa ue ieli cp,
fruppjaei io be 6 resua old.
fV.Te Siro, t on Cp ft
t kf. r.''tiUer rua
W ffr. rf-T nare, trandel- on the kf. r
bin. uzirnS ia n-?t r:eiiibe, uid a yrhti
nit,; mwa4 ber r'tgh hi mi Je. j-x-r nbve lie hKf.
Jo1el5. 159 - rk
it V hie a-..-ocf ler, 'vtMlttui oi Lium Co., dState of
I OnruB. iScio preinr. a arnnli mare, with a wtile
fa-e. briuied oa tutr rjtt tttp vmb the letter S, wrtb a
a tfoTajail w hairs afoot oa ( . 4i arce. with inree aboea oa
rt aea taitem up. CdUUft ta bit prarniae? aboot tbe rat
of J.tCBarr, 1-09. ZAKAlI K tOX.
Jair la. 1.V ixi 1
ONE aiil ret of lHm. polk Co., Oxa, ore Crit
bar aa, white epot ra fcri?ead, no siarta or
tranda. 4 Teai-a oW. M tmni htyn, baa a Joang coh j
came to tn-a racxe, Marcb,
Jnto 15t lKjg. Uwi9
FIVE tnilea aoeth of Bethel. Polk Col. Ore-m, an
briitdle row, and csuf : the row ta Barked wiib
an andendope aad crop elf tahenjrtit ear, acd crop oC
tbe brft, bnnded wna a lener if oa the narnt hip,
aaaweotojaa reaearbtiatr a pear on tbe kit A wo, 1 rt2
TwMuiune ateer. aa aeara or brrtsi. o?frTig of aaiti
nr ; tbe cow has beea ratmiatf is thim rtHntf orer
oaeresu-. GE.O&GK IL XJCJLOX.
Jutvu. ltf. 2wH
BT the ffnfierriher. lirintr near hc eoantr road l?ad
mz from Albanr to Lt?lataa. tux m-ir eaat atf Ai-
bttttT. rne bT Sp-iruTi b7We.
with S on the p-ft abaolder. i
lAtre. bfta tuod ioir wLi. waua a bCaMe e,-f in tvat
aoooi- W. aoppoaeU to be W rara aid . no eaaor bniatda
or aAarkr'pesxetr&bie : appraiaed at f
nathax yzvrtos.
BY the sa'tv-rrtber. lrrine sue mile sooth of Saotiasa
Citr. m Lam Co., awe stray sn.r. two yeatrs oid,
scey red. aMrked wrtit a erop aod a atii ra the ieH ear,
beea in this nntre alnsfca yewtr. Al o. a white p?rk
tM two year oid heifer, marked with a crop of
nifht, and a slit is t a left ear. IwwoVd on tbe left,
tahir. brand too dim to ArscriHe hw been in th
ran re aie two aaofstb.
V& a stray. Iy the robrrn-r, Uvinj? oa tae Eneea
mad h-wi'e from Corvaf?Ts. faenton Co., Oreon
oar ox, af the folkmuitr dsrnpufa: mostly red, whiter
spots over tha body, marked crop off left ear, point ef
W ft bora o9 ; so other marks or brands percesrabia ;
sarosed to he tea or eleven jeare odd; caasa act ar
memisea ia Febreary, ISmO.
Jo)y2. 1W irwl
IpIVE mile north of Censer's Ferry, e&e cow, witib
a hnlJ ralf. dark rd, ami white phed, about aevea
years old, branded on tbe left bip, bat Dot ee plain as
to te'l what H i. and marked with a rwallnw fork and
anderbit in the left ear. and as trndeTsiope in tae riafhtj
hl row has beea running ia this range since last w tot
ter. JA)1u AI. JOHNS.
July 4, lo9. gwlii
IOUR miles ixprth of Conner's Ferry, in Marios Co.,
a dark cream roKred year old horse eoh, both
ntna iert wohp, a wfane nrtp rn ats sace, btaca aua
and taiL Came here ia aUarch,
BY the snbscHber, tivinjr about fourteen miles above
Ilrownsviile, on the Calapooim. in Una Co.. one
small red steer, with rather etalfisb born, marked wi h
an nr.derbit from each ear. with a smalt wbHe spot in
the forehead, suppesed to be 4 or i rears ofd.
June 1. 1SC9. w!S
BY the tnbscriber, livinfr one mile sonthwest of San
tiam City, in Una Co., a two year old red steer,
white beliv, fttatriss) borne, no marks or brands per
ceivable, Has beea rtajzming in Uiis raiutr about a yearr
July 1. 18. wi8
BY the subst-riber, one roan Indian horse, ten years
old, branded, A on the ieft shontder, and also oa
the left hip. SAMUEL COPPER.
Hughes A O'Connor
Ar,' for tktt safe f
Manulaictory aad tfalea Rooms, l&l Montgomery st.
can FmiKisco.
ia, Cloth, Cae-arajr, mmJ Blltarri JVtaata
rf every 4rrr-tjAtion, for the Trmdm.
WITH STS or....
CAUTION. These Cushions cannot b proceed
from anv other person oa the Facine Coast.
lif All Goods warranted. 3mI6i
C?TRAYED irom tiie premise of. the raherri
O ber, at SaVm, on or about the 1-th inst.. J
one caw. about 6 veara old. white wita red
tpots oa aide and red nek. smalt piece broktee off of
one horn. Tim above reward will be paid to any per
son fvn vuu: iiiforn2aion of tha wiirtAboats of siud anr-
Jnna If. 18.tfl5 B. af Du REIXE.