The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, July 12, 1859, Page 4, Image 4

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CaHae an TaM Nakm Stock
IM PORTKB end dealer In ail k of Cur- nirf L
Hags and Wagna Makers Slock, . Bat- f-----
terv street, Ann fnumtni.
i - t .
ana nsr aale
, jiirkmr. While Wood UoarrH r.,Ituba,
uaioaee, reuoc-, wcaory aires, mire, stunts,
Wagon and hngpy bow, carved and
j plain Carriage fan, Beat
Sticks, ore, .e.
trea Axle, Bp ring, Bolts, Rivets, pmltraMe Iron, rn-
nmrura i um, enamelled insider, mtrtil dneh
and collar leather, plated, Jnps -nd Ivory
Head Kails and Knob. Tseka, stump
t'num, bulf put. and three bolt
Axles, plain and plated Crabs
and Tuts, and Pole Tin. Ate.
IT The above Mark baa been Deraonallv selected
U at Um beet Quality, and will ba Bold as low a out be
pan lux il la u cut or Mate.
All onion (ba above goods, left with IT.
m w area
I and C'arrtaire Mork, Trim
BttRct, fee., cotuoi of Momaon and Nervnd etreeta.
xsrttana, wtii fwi' aioaiit attaaticm, and ba
nwvortty ezecnieel witaoat asmy.
Wept. "A im
a. nun
T. B. Straaav
tlTBOLESALK aad fetal! itaalara k. auM and tin
V ware, hard ware, aad cattery, at tha old Maad of
Kaaaac BiraBa', whan may ba foe ad a eouipfete as
- Otok, Parlor, end Bar Store;
Tim, aaaet Ina, aoppai. paarieheaaad Japaned wara,
mvvm nn pearpe. raooer naee. Bydraats. mna.
mmtm mm. aad sine, kraal aad i
evens, eow belle, ., e.
J li ft vW'tt b r
; raatdroa kettles.
Boots, sheet irea and aopaar work, pmnpuV at
and aa tka BMtmaUi.
tpru imj, atf
ta Wananalr
TP KfeXJ.K Steers (lirtiW Haw aad Planine
Mille The prnpnator ia peeved tn inform tha el
laaaa of MLKII and tha aahlir mndli that ha ha.
last completed hie KtW 1'IRCl'UAK HAW and
FLAX1MJ Mil. I A on (ana anna, and ta now per
p ad to Maw, Plana, Toairaa aad Uroora lumbrr mi
urrrj oramroon, at low ralra and ahort biHko.
Havtaa aa uapmrad Ira fool rirralar aw, and ena
of Woodworta'a lahrat pawnl Toniraa and UraoTina
trti r laiik "m raa tuvn,t ha M pra
aay etbar Mill oa tha l iw W ilfatawtta. Tar-
Ma erdara far huabar. aorh aa An mm A atnfT .
wnadow framaa, coratra fcaaada, ahalTina and ronntrr
aoarda, doora and dor framea. Ate, dririd aad rdard
ea botk aMlea, fWan 4 to H mcbaa in widtk and I f to
a 11 nrara at UiK-knaaa.
Oak, Aak and Mania Plank, anitabla r Wm and
Cahraet antkara' aaa. forniMMd at abort notira
Harmn anvVamaimnraiawnk tha atramrrapWina
aa tha t ppar M illamrtta. ha prvpared to-md Jrv-f.
wnva and irrooTrd hunbar to aujr point oa l.'ia nrrr
wnrra tna atvamara Mie.
AU ordrra tor Lnmbrr will rccaiTa prompt attention
B M Df KKl.I.K.
i' trt.-r.
Mm, Marrh It, Sltt
EMpire Livrry nul Pair Mable
On Uain ttrxrt, lrtrtrn Alavfiwi and Mmrr, Cor.
mra, f nrroa.
THE abarribar tokra Una nx-thed of !n C-aTY-'
furmina tho fjblir arnrrnilT thai ba "
aaa openaa a naw oim aim aate atah:r in t -rutn.
wnara aa will ne prrparrd t Tnnitah bwtrr avc nnmo
darinrta in bia Ima ol buatnraa that ran be found aire-
where rn the State.
i ant anrrlted with almrleand doable liiuctr rtr.-w.
Br, and laddie horara of a uoalitr anaurpaiwed oa tue
Partieanir attention paid to keeptntr horara btr the
dar or week. Experiem-ed iftxonra arv r4.atonttv in
attendance, and no paine will be ppared to retrim 'hor-
aea m a oetier ronmum tnan wtitn recrirrj. g keep
u .. j . .- . i .... ... , 1
,in, ictv nisi , t r pmmrf pnwTf
I will bnr and aell Mock, and in tact tarry on rrerr
thtfia pertaininir to the lirerr btMiiMA
I wiU npn H arrival of' every Meambont. have a
aaca m reattneea to ronrey paaaenirera to and from the
Boat, ana vny Hotel, and eiacn nere a hen tt-aired.
W.C. KI;8.
Corrania, Xor. 22, IK. 4titf
Kw aad Frpsh Dratara A HIa1lciaea.
WK. SMITH harina recently retnrned from San
a'ranoiaco, where he pnrrhaaed tha eotnpletret
aaaortmant of l)ntn and Medieinea ever onered for
aaia m tha n tlaunetta VaJley, we ara aMe to irive oar
old enMoraeea batter aatiafat t ion than ever. A'e are
sveevnn additiona to oar Mork by every Meamer, and
will aell averytbma: ta tbe IHnjr Una at very aatMfaeto
ry prteea. Oar IHtcent Medieinea ara all irennine and
freah, and aa w bay tanrely, and m the beat mark eta,
w eu afford to aell a btlle cheaper than the rhenpeet.
Cotaa and try aa
Dee 7ta, IK58. tf
The Pcmie'a DratT Mrp.
ml l hit. nr a. rrtrr.
KKEP the pnreat and beat prerMratHxia in the Itrna
line. Cobijrnee and perfume nee of the htKheat or
der, highly acented toilet oil, ink. pen, letter
paper, faney note paper and anvetopea, prnrila, die..
Ace., to which wa beg the attention of every bode.
Feb. a18i? lvH
The Imw ar Orrajoa.
rTTHX OREOOW STATUTES, 650 nurea, with com
M. plete index, annotationa and refrri nee a. ara for
ale at the ofiee of the ftifafeaataa, at five dolhvra per
eopy. The work la executed in the beat manner,
boend ia law atyla, and hi aoid at pttbhaner'a prirea
Orders by mail, apreatpaaied with the eaah, IIM by
ret ara mail.
Ia addruoa to the anaetmeriLa of tbe Lrvialatire Aa
aeatbly, the Tohnae containa the Declaration of Inde
pendence, Conatitntioit of tha 1,'ntted Statea, Treatiea
with CI raiil Britain retetinar to Oieaon, Ordinanee f
177, DeaatioB Law and all ameadmenta, and fall ab
atrart of United Statee NaiaialMalma Laiwa
Bat few eopiee are left.
Kmm Fnaaertae AdTprfialna; AaTnrr-
T P. FISHES, iron baildina. apntt Parine Kx
XAa preaa IMfce, an ataira. r ilea of all the prmefoal
Papers of CaJiforaaa and Oregon maa be roand at thw
aBn. Mr. Fabar ia tbe authorised AeM roe tha
TVEZDS, mortfna. powers of attorney for aah of
serrp, sax receipts, anal proem, and nottacattona
aew lot jess pruuee ana tor aaM at toe ocafeaaaaa
WE have a lew of those Dry floods left yet, which
we wiU aell very low. and some of the 'beat boots
aad shoes we have ever boaghL Also,
Salmon. Mackerel. Lamp oil. Fine Teas, Blasting
Powder, Water proof Caps, aafetv fuse. shot. dee.
Salem. Dee. 7. lTe tlf
Eajrl lllotr I.
f I1HE aaderaigned has iuat oeena
pabKe d
X boeee ta the town of Oailas. tbe eoanl v seal
ot Polk Co. Everv alleetioe MmiU ba aivew to the ae
toaimmlaririft of tne traveling community, aa well as
to boarderdbno parse or espemw have be n eared to
Biake the llonse convebieui and pleaermt. and W Mtld
rasp et fully aoiictt a a1- .f r-uhtic psinmare. In
aooAecuoa with the licoae ia a Itverv etah'e
THOri i. LO 1UIIV.
Dalas. Jan. H. u id
TIariAM Ilnusr. Sitlons.
THE anderMtmed annMineea to lbs puHr 1' at few
.e has rnn-hsied the aell knowtttavem Mnni
sailed lbs M anon lloo. m Sah-m, t.-eiKer ( e
fornitave and aatarea liiereof II- art, ,,f if n Int
rale Mvle, ami iavaea tii lalroaae of tie i-i!t c
k. ji m y.
Mav S3. I.". Ilif
Jhinrriran House.
THE andeeMgned woald rcpectfujly annotrnce ewa
to the aortic, lijat they have r-urVa-d i-e jkia.
1 above-anavrd li.el. al Ko-bartf. lhmgiM rouuty. lo
get her with the large and runimodioas V aita, hej
so tbe ptvmiaee. aad fnaa their lofig rsner-enre in tlie
knalmaa. Batter tbanaarhres tiial they will be enabled
to give aaiMtactMia to all those who favor tu. ni w ilh
thstf patrottage.
I. U hiliXMi.
Koaebar. Dee. I, lVe IrHl
ilj llaMcl. C arvallia.
lirorLn announce to the cnixens of Corvaliis. and
1 V the travelling paUie genetailv. thai Ihev have
abaroog-bly rattled this well knowa eMabliahuwnl.awI
are bow piapared for the aeenattacidaiKio of eastom
era. The rooms have all been rrnnuhe,l. the beds
clean and roanlnrtabie. and their table will be furMb
ed wah the best tbe market aHorda.
Corvalha. Aug 31, IVJ. it25
Maria narltiara.
arBEELEB ft WILSOX X smrhmea are the heat
ever eered to pablar patroaage. Thevareaisi
als and durable; easily kept tn repair; sew with great
rapMbty : aMdw aa evea and Arm atitrb oa hotk sides,
that will not rip. Pet sons wishing to bay will l
tbaat st the rial iW nre of the andei signed.
T. bAVAGE, A rent.
April as. mas. rlf
HOrSE, aiga, carriage and wagna pamtiar. glazing
aad paper hanging, wall paper, paints. caL glass.
1 - -.- I kimi mt raan, anon west o
111. 180&
. S. COX.
Liw h4 CiUrtttfi Orrire.
aso. a. wtt t.n, a. c. eiasa.
(tale Chirr Jiwrire I
Williams ft ntitns,
I'orliaud. Orreea 7Vrr-iira
WILL prartlre In the eotirta of Oregon and nth
inuton Trrrltury.
Not. ati, IH.V IvM
. Lnt,
San Franriaro,
ImlJ, Itrtd ft To ,
f!trm$or$ tn IV. ft. t.,ul& Co.,)
iVOUXVM- and Ihml. ra in r. Inc.,
qnora and liroeeriea, Fnml al., Portland, Oregon
. P. Bonhiiu,
lire at tha I'onrt llonae. Sailrm, O
II. Bnbr r,
VTTOHXEY AT LAW, Portland, Oregon.
Ort. ljK.
Chritf r X Trrry,
J mlaaionar of lleeda, and to take teatimony, ae-
know ledfrmenta, we., ate., ftrlowa, Indiana, Miaaonri,
Mirhivan, California, and W aaliinirton Territory, lot
ten of Attorney, aad all other inetrnmenta of writinn,
draw a on abort notice.
f9 lattienlir attention paid to taking deposit iona.
eolieettonstt notes, Aretamta, see.
Inliral KeUrr.
I R- IL W snAW.oflera hla pmrraalonal aervireato
R 9 the eltisena of Salem and vicinity, and respectful'
le soitme a attars ot panne taror.
' 17 IHnre near residence.
lr. 1. 1. Br It
V. VTISHES to Inform his friends and lbs pnblle, thai
T f ha has returned to Salem, to attend la pn
tonal calls, in towa and
I let tnt, irian.
' lr. I. B. Cirklrt,
HaWm. Nov. 9, W. Xaf
Br. 1. ft. Cirawell,
WILL prartics his pmfeaaion in the various cities
and towns of (h-etroa.
Feb 14, IS.'. tr
I. U C-mU, 1. 1 Comllli.
CI E" ER AL practitioner of medieinea, Snraerv, e.
M The Inflrraary ia Mill attached to hta odirs, fr tha
Pr. L R. Ml.
"kFFICE In W Krnyon'sbnthlinr over "City I took
x 7 rttore ntat uoor wret ol the Hsnon llottw
Krfera to L F. Csrtee SorveyorUearral'a OBce.
Salem, Nov. In, lWt.
J. PlrnlBg.
k T the Oregon Cite Poet Olllce Itnil.tine, has juM
a. received, direct from New York, ItHJ ropiea of
Itewning'a Frait and Frnit Trees of America, revis
ed and enlara-ed. for K! the lateM aahliehcd edition
of thia vaiaable work. He has also on hand, a good
Mork of tnterellaneoea boohs and atalioncrv, for sals on
terms to snit the times
City, lec. IA, lSW.
Illri ft Lris,
J. W JoliDson,
ttle. W. T. will
Clianeerv and Admirshv. rVnttle, W. T,
practice in all the Conne in t aahiogtoa Tenitor-.
jipnl a, I've
Builrr r XHdrmin
A TON Tfck'KIToKl.
I'articitlar an,l i-ronipt attention tiver to all hni:iet
m ttle IJiurt tt!t.-e nil
a. ftosKBtt va t4mir. a. d xoohk
Rtbtrtt k Co..
I E.LI:RSin Mart le. Monuments. ToniliMonea. Ob
rtirka Ac Spires. Mitrble M unite-., luhlra, Coontcr
T, pa, tire Kcnrtcre, tiraies, IlcMitli.loneii nnd hlei a
nil Kroflt X., IM dHr sboe the hn-Ltie. 1
land, itn-Kra. :ltvS
1".. IVIlou, ro. II. Jonri V Co.,
4 K E prerared to do a trcnernl commiienoo hnrineva
on New York and other A'tantie cilice I'ttrlicil
lar attention will be given to the non-hiw of go,l ur
men-hsnta. Iarties having any bunim- trMnat-ti-H:
in the Atlantic States, and n anting an a.'ent that will
give personal attention to the tu:e, will do wt-U to
I aTOrRee at Bitrnnra At W tlaoti a law Office .A J
Salem, March -a. IW -tl
John V. Wilwou.
,W 1 0 f1oiMrrcta arrW, Sm Vectco, Cnf
tH.lCITSeonaignmentaof Oregon lrojoee and I'ro
7 vistona, aad makes hKeml aleaneemsnM oa eame.
Mwr W. S. Idd ft Co , P. Ilearh. Lq
Saner A Co . lntton
Orrgrm City. Sleaara W iU'iama ft
Messrs Tsvlor and Kalaton. Lipiieneott.
Jan. l 'i. I (nti
For UrrfSH direct.
AVESrELnow being built exprearlv for the J
ttregon trade. Maater, ia dullicate 2kMML
of the Bark I. E. Tilton. which made a paaMlge out in
116 dave) will leave NEW YtlKK on or ahont the
fintm November next, Pt UTLA X I direct. Ship
pers, in order to secure freight, ehmtld ninae early np-
piicatton to tne nmienugnea, or jiemra. t atienian, li
mon ft o. . New York.
We will also attend to the purchase and ehipment of
mercnantuee, earnagee, ana maetnnerv, ror parties in
Oregon. LAUD, KEE! ft CO.
April M. ItMV omiw
Pacific Faandry and
Miap. ban Fraaciaca.
THE above estahliahment is believed to have facili
ties for the manufacture of everv deerriptiua of
superior to anv other on the l'aciuc CoaM.
Every kind "of haw Mill Machinery. Mcara engines,
ftc. ftc. made at a short aad ia a moat werk-
anlike manner.
We manufacture a Mvle of
at moderate cox, which we believe to be more efficient
than anv other in nee.
Ordera are particularly solicited from Oregon and
Washington Temtoriee. which will have the same au
thority aa though the parties were peraonallv prevent.
hue tiopnaan ft Co.
San Francisco, Feb. 2, !!. Sm.M
:! ; fuilii
IP ssa.i ...iiull'
MERCHANTS cf treir.n and Wahinirlon Terrilo
FACTl KINU COMI'AXY have now on hand, and
wiU continue to manufacture. tliebeM isltty ol Mnnk
eta. tarn and clo;h. and would invite voa to favor tie
Willi vonr patronage Ail oriiera for tf-e nhove g," da
W..1 receive prompt atiruiiua. JOSEPH WAIT.
s.ri.-i. Munh IV ly.'l
f 'ovtf c-clioncTy and f procrrira.
rxvllK anoVrwijrned tte. pnr lued the Mre an.1 M.ick
1 of cml.-ct'.'Oery Slid gmc-ties of C. V. Ci'o nire.
neiirly oj p.iette the M.irion llottwe. S.ik-m, Orrg-.ii,
where he will keep a ger. .ul snpjtly of c.i.tei-ti.'tiery.
nuts, fruits. A c. A c. on hand, together with a rtniice
artn.rul of groeeme. and n,any .rftwr article in his
hne. t.ive me a call, and I aitl irv to give its a hor
giun 11. MlkKS.
Salem. IX-t I. I MAS. &if
.'fail and I'aavtmrr 'omrli
risHf; nnoVrwicTied hc-v-hy iiiftim
1. tlie public thai he i running
week I V line of f ouches between Sfllelii ml 1 n .
( 'ity, carry the t'ntte.1 states niail and panrtigrrM. He
leaves Kngenc City Sundny nioruin, arriving at Salem
Monday aftemuoti. and I ave Ssl.-tn TucmIsv morn
ing, arriving at Eugene Wcdtt-e.!ar evenim. tlood
accomaiodatMm fvr pasenu-.-r. Enre, S'i en, h war.
iiuiKtir. it. mot r.r..-.
Anitas in. Il aaif
riHE subscriber has one of tbe heat mew nee gj
I ia the country, ailnated near Salem, in w hrh -eaa
alwava be foand all the beat varietiea Orchard
nu a are reqneMed to examine his trees. Apply at tlie
aorserv. or the eesifeetiotiary and jrrorery atom, aortb
weat of the Manoo Honae.
Salem. Oct . IS A Hf
IN at ice.
DAVID A. SLOI'RH is mv traveling agent for the
lenf mv ECLECTIC LI XIMENT. Me is an-
thoeiaed to collect money aad take notes in my name
for the aale of tne same, asm toeeaarmen ana appoint
local neem ica for the aak thereof ia the States of Ore-
roa aad Caltfuroia, and Tern low of Waahtngtott.
April 13, ISM. ly6
tym mm MScri Blanks."
Ioak Itlght at This!
DR REt.Lonil has permanently located In the
CITY OK II tHTLAN l, Oregon, mid oners to the
public Family Medieinea. 1 hey ars purely
and free from noiatm.
f If von hare a wttik hark, twin In lite side or chest,
Inks cunrngei iny Hinuigthening Plaster will sllord re
lief, no matter of how long standing.
It von have aiimitia. hniieee. rlieumstlam, srylvelns,
llinitiniiintlon of the lungs, Molnarll, liver, or apleen
hiirii", Ireah wnttnds, or old sores of any drerriplion,
iiiSHIit Family Liniment and llcullng Halve.
N. II In ili-tfittion of the plnri-tiia nDor nsrtt'.ritlnn,
thia LHiitueiit la a wivereign reineily , when need areurtl
ilig to direelione. Molhera, remetiilier and try It.
Have ton dyanrpeia, pnin In lite Motnarh or bowrU,
lofia ol apfietllet iimi mv Momncn uittera.
Iluve ihi weak liintra. conull. cold, or boareem
athiiia, 'or ditllrulty of breathitiK, my Cough llrope
will fvlu've von.
Are von hilioue have yon remittent fever, biliims
colic heailivrhe or any dleraae where a laaative modi,
l ine is itidh-nted I use' the best pill belure the public
I lint la, lr. rtenogg a ramuy 1111.
If you ara afflicted with rhnmie or hillnna diarrhaut.
no matter of how long standing, nee my lllarrhira and
II.Hd I'nnfviiig Tonic, In eonneetion with the Family
Villa, and relief is certain. They always leave the
bowela in a healthy ronilitiim
Rememlier, aa a' blood tinriller, litis tonir Is without
an equal M v Improved I ooipoaitlon Is by far the best
article of the kind ever before Ins punlie. see uiree
lion mi the new k aires
These mrdi. ineaare for anle hy W. K. SMITH ft CO.
snd lira WAHHEN ft IIKOWN. Salem I Price ft Co..
Dallee: and in one month will be for aale al all the
Inwna of I Iregon, and Washington Territory.
Portland, March 14, lUtt. lyl
Kataallahed In Mia.
Ho lleatisrroa Krrerf,
ci'ira e'reMcaare.
KE now tereivlngtheirMork for thr spring trade of
new snd fteah and oll'er lo roitttlry bnyers
the I.AKtlKSI and BEST assortment in their line tm
the 'acinic roewt
Having been engaged in the 1 Img bustnees in San
Fnuietaco for the paM ten year., titer Hatter themeelvee
tnal llleir arrangrnienia are aocii, intii inev cuu oner
tn Mu-h u mev tuvoe them with their entilll
Their assortment comprises E ER Y I II I Ml in their
line o Knatncae that mav tie reumreu oy I mi iim -is,
PHYSICIANS and Mr.KClt.t.N fS, and alao all roods
in their line in nae he UKlH KKS. IIAKI US IlllhW
F RS . CO N F Et T 1 1 1 N E RK. 1 1 1 E R S. T A N N i R S. A S
Sltms tlF litll.ll. HATTERS. SOMA MINI'-
f At 1 CHI- MS. ItAKHERS, llolEL KEEPERS and
1IIM1.U Il klliH
received dlrcrt from the pnipra-tora and guaranteed
liE.MTNE. and at the loneM trade pneee. ouri
Alexander 7Ici:mi.
4 l:E olTeritig for enle tbe beet and rbrnprM goods in
X lrell:
HUY t;tMim.
1,1 Rot EHIFS,
We nre sImi paling caah and exct sngitig gtiods fur
all kimte ot prtMluce:
n AP.I.EY,
Pi HiK,
tA'e v:il MMiiuf'v v. o i'it we uive irooil tnrguina.
'e h.ive the Wat Tea imported, the her I soirar and
V,lnr tind W hite Eirahingles. Timothy and Hh
9 iw-t-.l nlnm a on burnt
Corviiliin. Aut'ii-t l:t, Ivt -Itf
ev llnrtlwarr wiore.
fl'Tlr! an' wriher having tnken the tire proof Uiauite
1 Eroot S'.oiv. nevt do-r to M, Ki-e ft Co'a. Front
St , would n-eficotruHv inform hia frienda snd tha pub
lie kcticrsllv. that he i now opening a full and
of sm.i r am hi ii.ohk s it akd
me : h t y if f ". s. iad i.t.
Arel other nrtH-Ica in hia line, to atiail he Invites tbe
attention ot Merchants, Huilders and country dealers
Portlnnd. February, lSisl 4mf
1. . mini tun. t w. THisais.
J. A. nrfTlellnnst A.
a COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tin. 7 Clay Street,
VV Man Franciaeo.
Coneignmenta of th-egon Flour. Bacon. Ijird. Hill
ter. Emit, Axe , ft c, aoliciied, and liberal rash a-lvan-eea
maile on the same, either for anle or on etorajre.
Particular attention laiid lo pnrchaaing gools to order.
Tliey have si no made arrangements with . N. Stans
bnrv. at Portland. I tgn. to leeeivi- in store and make
lilierni advanees on all produce consigued to their honae
in San Francisco.
SH.. ZK STANSIH'RY ia now prepared with ample
. Fire lr-M'f Rooma for Morsge. convenient lo the
wbsrf, wilbout drayage, and will give iiarticntar at
tention to receiving', sloring and forwarding all kimU
of gooihiand prmluce on lilieral terms He will alao
make liberal cash advances for the honae of J. A. Me
lelland ft Co., San Fmneiero, on all produce consign
ed lo them.
tMrlee at the More of LOVE. TI'RPIN A CO., where
aa uaiikl. moM kinds of family eupplies are kept, and
all kimhi of prod nee bought and aold.
Jan I. I Iv4-Tpaid
Jaltn I. Faster.
st ins vias rimir fiaaaiTg tansy ayoag.
Front street, Portland Oregon.
February, H.V. 4tf
Albanjr Boak More.
rtllE undersigned would inform the riiirens of Linn
Jl Co , and the puldie generally, thai they have jnet
received, and will keep e mutant fr on hand, for aale, a
large aeenrtment of srnoad booka in common aae, and
alao a variety of Biiece 1 Lsneooa booka. Mationerv. fta
Albany. Oregon, July I, lHjS. . IXtf
City Boak Stare, Corvaliis, Ogn.
fTMl E anderaigned has Bow oa hand, and ia constant
jl ly receiving a large and varied aasonmenl of M ia
rellaneoaa and Stanilard booka. achool books, rial i oner y
of all kttida. and all other articles nsuallv found in a
book More, all of which will be diapoeed of al the low-
ret prices leraona desiring anything tn mv line, will
do well to give me a call M. If. HELL.
Corvall.r. Sept n. iwaw. all
R) le dk Witea,
fully inform tlie ritiretia of Polk Co., and vicinity.
that lltey have euiered into efUMtrtneralitp lor the pmr
lice ol nieiiH iue. mrgery. and olMelriea, tifficr, lhal
lal, PoU t o. J. W . Iloyle. M l . lor tlie preaeat will
he found st hia resilience, 3 miles eaM of IHiIIms.
Jan. I i, K.s. lotf
ilaa 4'. Ilerrinx'a
'sfra fk-mpinn Etrr umd Burflar Pro. f S.lew.
a.mTII or Without Hal!' powder .rof lock or
J,i. a' paicnl pemiut.ition Hank lvka Sohlat
the miiio.ittvii." t a pr.i-awitli (r ie't auiied. l'nci-a
Irom Sito fiviO. c.iil and ee auniiile ol tlii-irwork
with the inppivr,ll.i,ka it. eii.r., .ikeni.
Suk-m. Mav 17, IS.-.. liNf
War irrlpo
If OI.I-I"i;s tf ar Si-rip can acenre the aer.'tra of
1 11. I't hon, lien. II. Jttua aV t o , to prearnt tlteir
iaM-ra at aeiiinjcton for payment. lCtvipt inven
fur tie pa pern and riuu attxaia-ea DUofe
1 itn-v at liftrnutn V lUoti a Law
K.icm. Marth , IVH.
1TIKL1S V IAlsT.". Ilw.t.m. U V. Fis-ber.
Aifent.Snn Krauctaro. l-iU-ra aolKttcd for type.
lcaU, nil. 4k c.
A 11 atom V-. IHT7. -ilf
MaiNtcfi of Oreiiou,
CAN be found al John Kteniiuir'a, Otcjcoo City , and
at A. K. ShtpU y 'a, 1'ortLaud.
Apnl. IK-t.
f'oHMtliiRn Lrltfe slia IT
OF Ancient Free and Accepted Maaone. bold their
ream lar rommnnicafiorta Hinreday, on or before
the full of th moon, in Aibanv
W. O. lUtBT, Ree'y. 47tf
EHcottravf lIoni rainnfkrtare
T1IK Willamette Woolen Uannfartnriofr
Co. bava mw on hand tha best quality
ef blanket, yarn, and cloth.
Wool taken in eirhansre for Um above
frooda; tm washed wo4 at !5 to 17 eta. per lb. ; waabed
won) at 'JO to 2i eta iter lb.
Merchant anppliea on remjMmable terma. Ordera at
jpnded to with promptaieaa and diapatch.
L. E. FRATT. Strnc.
6Um, Kot.24, 1858, lj3t
tiRf in
m 1-1 1 1 .SI
A. Ilnrker.
WXolrtaU emf AVtmf Dralrr
Qrotrrir; Clothing, linott, uf,
C'uk, HomnrH, 4 4 r.
AVINI1 now a very great aaaortmenl, and bnvlng
or. iNrvelv and sllilO.t Altosether lT ttlS tWCk-
age In IMilnni Iplua, Sew l org anu tioMim, enautes us
To ftl f mac i,oaer i'rlcca
Ihnn those who hnr In amiilh-r quunlillri, and who are
uhlnred in hnv at aeeond Inttid ill ban I murlero mar
kola, lie rareivlng giaida In every alrntner, direct
from Ilia nianiiuicturers and iniuirtets in the eastern
marketa, we llutter ouns-lves ws can fiimhili the mer
ehutils and cuiaumem of Kalem, nnd the aurroundiug
country, Willi all kindaof giunla nl
tirtmlly AcJaced Prim.
Otir Mork embracer a Very lurgs and well selected
assortment of Urtlfk, VrurA, I.Vrsaa sad darn
roa iiooAt, of I ha moat celebrated manufacture, con
slating of
Lupin's Pluln and Flgd French merino i
Irfintlon tiigh-lnatered alparas i
Silk tiaaurai
lllark and fry allk velvets
Rich all wmdde Islnest
Itlnck grns de rltinest
Black and fry ailkat
lioudon fey rolies a lea and (lounred t
High colored grns de Naples and pouet de scdes t
Rich colored antina mid allk toulardai
Hnllianlinea, ndie lawns, and duealai
Paris M vies, poplins i
Rich printed raehtnero ahawls and ararfa t
Ftns bns-he bord and Stella ahnwlat
Manlillna. rli hlr trimmed with lace, ftei
Paria My lea rey'and plain whalebones l
Silk paraaole :
Rich emerald grns ds Naples ribbons t
ladies' I'aria Mvle bimueta, ami Miaaea natal
liiolie's Frenrh blark rl.ub, frock and aack
roata t
I.lngen a r quality French black doeakia pantai
I. von a black and fry ailk velvet veaUi
Harrta' celebrated fry, mixed aad plain caasimere
pant a t
Boy a and youth's rhdhlBg, and fry plaid caaai
5 C 6 1, H I and IM Allendale bed alieetlngst
I, , and i, es quality llallsrdvals white flannels
M-h taneMrv and lirai
It a carpeting, and new
vie oil chsbs; a hn, a large autply of the
choicest blends of groceries.
ion bhts N O. sngar t
IIHI mails No I China dot
l.'sl buses Virginia tobaccos
I .'SI boxes rsndlee;
1 ,'0 chewla llraon. Imperial and Ooleesig teat
liaj ksga K. Il eyrup 1
l.'iO boxes raiaina,
2-i bids, cruahed augur;
IISI luixea S F. powdered dot
5fl bbla dried apples ;
3 bcXes prime chile peaches
101 kega nails t
All of whh-h we a ill sell ruber wholesale or retail.
al San Francisco pnrea
f Orders accompanying the eaah carefully put np
Honda charged al the low eat prirea, and forwardetl
with diapatch to all parte of the romitry.
Ttnl Caali. and one once. No gooda miarepre.
aenled lo effect aalea, and no abatement in prirea.
A. IIArlKMt.
Brick Store, Front St., opposite upper wbsrf. Port
land. Irrgon. Itf
fifo. 1. Ktorr K t o.,
Impertm sad llioraoc Pratera
rjtxrs. oils. m. X DOW ( LASS,
No It'.'i rlnf Sirrt. S-in ! rHnrin- 111
Crnrfcfti !
t 'Jl t ) CKJ: II Y ! f'JK ICICK R V .' .'
1. 1. ASS', (it ASS
4 0 0 ' A C K A O K S
Ami for aale at the Pioneer Store of
J'lSf I'll OEM I.LA.
1-S'srd i"i Montgomery Mreet
Wholeoale More lj llsltery Mreet
I '.If
Sillier Plated Ware
Jet 'irrcra,
tueaoiir. Sef..
Hrtal Hfkrti.
I'tntrA H'eicra,
J rt r'.
Table Vrrr,
Cake flaikets,
J'lth A' aires.
Pie Asirea,
I'lttteJ Smfeena. efc . ere
Formic hy .1 OK.VET.LA.
enl-i imtand li Mmilgomery an
M t Intn Nrw Virk a larin uttpplr of
whfi b thy will rU ml mtr ri)nril pric. ThT
hr niBtlr iirTainifTtmti hr Wliit h ttiev will be enab-
k-d lo furniati thr rratliupf piiMic with
at a very r aiiWf atlxuitc on
AVir ) r Ctnt.
Tlirir booka i Hsmifhl in New Vmk hw a miiWnt
agp-tit, wetl arYTiftini4 with the trade. anf al
than thr r ran tx hn lT onlriii from the Rnrke
vrn thvnim-tv We invite iwr frlrmU ant the puhlie
ffenemiir. to mil ana examine our anu aerertiun
onr pn-t-e. Ae are permanently in the traie, will be
roiwtantly receivina: new vopplirs, ami are l tennitie
to aril at the very h-weet pnrva. Any rare hooka that
w e vaar not bare in eitrv, we win nnter rronr pat
rmn, and
.leVtrrtr cf Lc, Nnitcnl or lHtftltantHB fotMttr
ran he thtaii.etl through onr aenr cheajer than hi
itir oilier war.
A mortar the (Wimble booka Uriel t ntreireu vr na. are
the folhiwttuc, vis:
Afmr i Arrttr f,Tprnttrm:
l.nnetin' 7'rarrh it Afrtrti;
ftrntn'$ 'Mi in the l' S. Htnatt;
iml-tnhp on ( Krrnnr;
finnn't ihmttr Mrdtcint;
Kittn't Anrttnt H tutor;
ihrk't MVh;
AU the mtitndnrd Pn-ln;
Mr. StmfMtrftrth'B ll'orir;
iWra. I at' 0rk;
Mr: Lr Hrntz a Work;
Vlutflrtk ' df,irta 4C., 4--
all of excellent quality, and at low prirea.
a 10.
nrecre, lkt Srrp Book. Mtrntapr. tttid FVn,
Vu. rtom't C7oMa. Blank
tjritrr C '.. Mie
r, Xo!t Bocm1
f pnprrt
ttnttng rijtt
nibnm r.
Attanntt Rook nicJ Job OfHrr.
TA K havt I tiree lJre"aea. the beet Incilitiea tor Itook
V T prmtinir north t California, nnd an extensive aa-
atinMnt n( Jiininn Matariai. tf everv kind ; and arc
preiared to execute prom nil v. and in a witkman like
manuer, all onlcr in ihe ul etb-p
fnrtmeiita, aurh aa
Itf Aa t on K,
aV't t or II D.
t in in it ltHa-i,
Ml vMhut CtRna,
llll l. OF I.ADINtt,
Cnriri' ui
Snow Itit.Ls,
Curt k mnk.
II tvonii.t s,
IWi t. Tit Ktt,
Cir. i i AH,
l IT ATlo?
Hi i i. l An.
( iiM IKI Itll .!.,
rtliMiM A!M(
AnnMrM Cako,
Ill ami l.n i.tris.
Ititkf or Al.t. Kimip. Ar. Arc . if,
f" A' I JMtng mmtl ke Miiaf J or U ore tt ta take
f rom Ike I iff re
I'iano Forte.
RO.M W. II. Unit & Son tmmufmiry Itroad-
wav, N. i ork. aohi t ibeir prnea with freight add
ed. Alan, IViitce At Co. Mi'loih-ona.
Call and we will ahow tmi a hot of price and an
pie of their work. ' (iKU II. JO.NLS, ytsT-a Aj
4ahm. Way i;, IHjH. UM
K. 1'rlton, Geo. II.
nit pnrrbaaera.
Kdeni, May 17, IKiH.
Jones & Co.,
r York, in amouuia to
For Sale or Kent.
A SAW eUILLi. in Afood order fr makinir Inml-erJ
ii r or pan H-uiara eau oa
lee. H, lH.tM.
County Order Blank.
FOR anle at tlie Staleaman Office, at $'2 per b nnd red
f j if aent by mail. &ltt
IIone mtd Vot for Sale.
IX the town of Salem. f
Dec. 7,1 HSR 40tf
Tax Reeelpls. '
T tbo Stateaman office, at $1 per band red 1 S5
aT -e:
Ir. I J. ( xapkar'a Private
Sacramento Mreet, lielow Montgomery, nppoeits the
PariHr Mail Steaniahip Comiauiy a Orilce, hiui Francia
scrraxaaiiis or ut-ArstMr.
Attending and Resident ITirairian.
Mte la the Hitngnrinn Ueyolntiimary War, Chief I'hy
aicinn to the tllli Regiment of Hintveda, Chief SitriretHi
lolhe Military lloaiital of I'eath, Hungary, and the
late lecturer on the diaeaaea of Women and 'hildren,
snd himorary member of the Philadelphia College of
Communtenlions ttrirllp ronAdentlnl.
Conanllation, by letter or otherwise, free.
Address Dr LJ CKAPKAY.
Saa Franrlaeo, Cal.
turns his sincere thank a tn hia nnmerona patirtita for
Ihrir putrvmsge, and would bike this opportunity tn re.
mind them that he continues to omsnll st hia InMilate
for the care of Chronic diaeaaea of the ltiigs, litres,
Kidneya, digeMive and genitive organa, and all privet
diaeaaea, via: Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrhoea. gieet, Mrict
nrea. aeminat wenknena.snd all the horrid eon erijuenree
nf arlf ahnae, and ha hopea thai hia long experience and
euecesafnl practice of many years, will cotitinne to en
sure him a share of public patronage. By the practice
of many yrare ia Europe and the l.'nited Stales, and
during the Hungarian war aad rampaigne,he ia enabled
to apply the moM efficient and successful remedies
ngatnet diaeaaea of all kinds He uaea no merrnry
charges moderate tresis hia patient in a correct and
honorable way has references of nnuneMionshle ve-
aeity from mm of known respectability and high
landing in eoeiety. All venire commMing aim, by let
ter or othcrwiae, will receive the best and gentlest
frearOTcar, anu implicit seeresy.
Of all diaeaaea, the greet flrst ranee
Springs from neglect of Nature a lass
Safer IVtX
Hie m rwre gmrtTtrr4 in tU ttaret of
Srtf nhnat, ,Verro Voiia, iSfrtrlnrrt, f rttv
el, ihahetrt, thri$r of the htdmrw$ and BlnAdert
Mrrn rtftl A'- mnfiim, Hrraf Kri, Paint n ike
Honr and Amklr. htratrt of ike ., Tkroai,
'one and A.'v-i, I Wrr upon the Bdy or f.imb,
Conrerg limp, Eptlrprtr Ett St. I ttwm ttttnrt,
and oil lhrar mrxitng Jrom m derangement of the
Srxmai Orgnn.
Hn-h aa Nervoiw Trrtn'jiinir. jnmm of Meniort. l-aowa
of llwrr, Ita-nentl Wraknoa, IhmiirM of VlBtott, with
pern I tar oia appmnns: b-fre tb ey- ivmm of sichi,
waktitlftra. dTlM'fla, livre dime, eruption npon the
tat-e, pain tit the htt k and head, female trrt-ifttliritiai,
and Mil iutprtpr dirhnrp'a of both mrsrm. It matt cm
not frtn . (utt rattwe tlie ilinsraaa ortarinalrd, however
lonir atandiiair r elf inafe thr rmae, rvrovrry i en-lam,
and in a altortcr time tl-an a pmitanrnt ittre ran he ef
!ertd hy nnr other treatrtitui, even afer the dtM-aae
hn lalliVl tfir ak ill nf cmittriit ph vairuuia and resjeted
all thttr uenn of rare. J ft uieditinea prewrihed are
pl-aHtitt without odrr, ei.ttrvfly rtftnl)te, rauttttf no
iii-knraii, and tree !rra uirTiir? ur laHhutitt. iHirtfia
fitlt-etrti trtrt ! i nnj.e, in KMr-je. the Atlauttr iStMtra
and t,altltrnia, 1 hnvr rvMtt-d f niii tlte jnwa of dVulh
many tbtMiannfJa, who, tr the hwt moire o the ahore
mnitMHied dieu-e, hal leen ften p lo die by thrir
pliTit-mri, wlii; h warntt:ta m in proinjcunt to the af
lln trd who inny plnt-e th-inwl vm unth-r tut rare, a -r-l-rt
and ee-dv rme. I'nvate; ti-n- nrr ihe- mrt-nKt--t
rwitiM lo hraltb, nm th-r ar ih- lltxf f-attee- ,f t '.n
mimpitoti, K'rol'ila.and muny otht-r dta and hfuM
he a lrrrr to tlt hiitmu farnilr. A inntjatK-til nrr ta
rartt lr err rtt--trd, a ttuttorMe f t'n rtn-en tnllinif
llilo the llMt'ia f lilt .tlljw..-tt H-TfOI:. Vi bo tirt otsly
I'ml to rure the tf.-nj-,ut nvn the r.n'si:i!ion, hU.11;
ttie ytem with ttwr iiry , whirb, wtth the disease, haa
tt-ti-j the autft-rer into a rapid rtaump:-'n.
Hrit rJt'HtM Uie thraf-j!- ati,) tli trfti tii-tit li'X csuae
dVath eH-a.bly. and th rirtini itmrnrs, the -i;-ftee ia
ffituiliJ iinfii iht rliildrt-it, h"arr l.'irn wi'h fef-h;
ron-tilMtiooa, and tl'- r'lrrvnt i( life rorrirrflrd hr a vi
rm y loch lryii-Ms itne-!l in r'.fnbt. t-tti-rT u!--r, ror
ntptHma. uiid otfit-r tUf-:-li ni f th m hi. rvra, thrtBRt
and luii. tftttaititiir uii tbera a brief - att-iMf of auf
fertttif. nod rniwiiiitiic tbtn to an rarlr irnirt.
A ltrsKtauothr loruiidnble'enrnir of health,
for uothintf rl-r tn the dread ranh)ite of limtian di
faan miiM-g nt drTlrmlive a dram upon tlie ayatetn,
drawitiff ita thmiuuida of vh-tiuin, thrones a few' yrara
f auriVrmtf , down to an untimely grave. It deem y a
the nervooa avalem, rnptdlv wavtea iwav the enertrira
ot life, eatiaea mental derangement. prevent tbepr.per
tievetopmetit 01 ttie fTt-Hi. difwiitaltltea lor tnarruiAfe,
aorielr. btieiitfeaii. and all earihlr Imi'r'irwi, and learea
the autferer wrecked in ttody aud mind. preiiiHM4ed to
eonanmptton, and a train of evil more to be tlrea.led
than death tteelf. With the fnllewt eoufhietiee I aure
lite onforlnnate victim of Keif abtie, thai a permanent
and Daeedy rnre ran he efteted.and with the abandon
ment of rt'itnoo pmrtiee-, my Htieiita ran be restored
lo mbiiat, viifOToiui health
rretfuutriiH-a, ami ail dii-fte of miilea and rernalea.
treated on pnneiplea evtahlitihed ht fifteen veara f
rarliee. and MUictMtt-d bv thonaandti of tha moat re
markable mn-s. Meiieine. with lull fireetioi(. aetit
to any iiart of tlte State, Ireiron. ami Wabitirtrn Ter
ritory, lit pNlienia rtmimimH-atiiiir tlietr aynipionta hy
letter. fiiiiee. crToiKenre trirtlv eoTitittential.
Addreaa IH- L. 4 tZAI'KAY,
Me-lienl Inatitute. SttrTHinento atreet.
Ilehw Montiromerv, opptjte 1'aeitic Mail Steam 8hip
t'o. e oflire, isan Kmnfisifi.
To the Itniits or (inttoo. ahi Cai-ifor-iia. L. J,
Cr a tK at, M I., I'hyaieian, Htirirn artd Aeeoeheur,
tnvttea tlte attenuon of the auk and altlicte fenuteee,
laborina: uixler anv of the vartona forma of dreaw-a of
the brain. Iting, heart, atouutrh, liver, womb. bhod,
kidtieya. and all dieaae pertiliar to ttieir nrx. Tlte
Ihtetor ia etleetmif more permanent enrea than anr
other phystrian in Ore if on or California. Let no fahe
deti-arv prevent yon. but apply immediately, and aave
ytttiraelf front aainful an Henna and prematttre death.
AN married lada-a, whoae delicate health or other rtr-
rumstanrea prevent an tnereaeein their familtea.ahnuld
write or rati at it. i .t. t EHpaay a "letiirai intiTiitet
Sacramento at., below Motitjf-nnery, oppjeite IV M. S.
H Co. a office, and ihey will receive every poaaible re
lief and Iteln. The !octor'a officeeare ao arrujieed that
he ran be eounilted withont moteptation.
fAll eonaultationa (bv hUer or otherwiw) free.
Aldn-aeto " lr LJ (ZAI'KAY,
Mtxlical Inatitute, Sun Kranriacu, Cal.
Al, Lslr'r. Uelow we publish the eertiltcatce
of two
of tbe ariiTerer-i frtm the isanint of diaei
recovered tlteir former Iteahh, and impelled hr rrati
tide, make known tlieir niaea and remedial agent, and
their statements are authenticated bv a Notarv Public.
he denianda of aia-ietv imiertttiiv command their
piibltrity, and we commend their pernaal to lite atten
tion of all alHirted :
Tbe understfrned, tleetroua of a-quaintiiiir tboae who
may tie unfortunate enough to be atmilarly atuicted,
where a permanent relief of tlteir mfterinir mav be ob
tained, feels it hia dut v to thn ptibiK'lvexnreaa hia most
aincere firaiitude to lr. L J, xapkay, for the perma
nent recovery of hia bealth. Ilorne down by the did
treflaittpf avmptoma incident to the vicious practice of
nneontroluthle iaaion iu youth; sjepreaaed in body and
mind : unable to teerform even the moat iririinir ft to v On.
poaed npon the daily avocationa of life, I eouirht the ad
vice of many phvaitsane, who al lira rearartled my dia
caae aa of tntlutic importance but alae. after a few
weeka. and in aeveml tnatuncea niontha, of tlteir treat
ment, 1 found to my it ut ill r ruble horrtr, that inateadof
relief, the avmptoma became more alaniiinir iu their
torture, and Ireuifr tdtl l-v one that mv djaeaee. beinu
rtnetp:illy con lined lo the bnui, attain, ir.e would be of
title couief)iieiite. I detairtd of ever retrain insf u.y
health, atrvnrtb and enet-y ; ami. ta a laM reatstt, and
with but a faint ho, call.'! upon l-r Oupkay, w ho,
after exnminiti my caw, piviM-riticfl aMue medicine
w hi h almtsat ittuiiily r'lieved me of the dull pain and
diuiiMtaa in niy head. Koci Hin..ii by thia rttuit, I re
aolvcd to pluca tovaeir tliiineimtcl v nmler hi cure, ami
by a atn t utatiiii-Htf to hta mrvctiona and advice, my
head !- mm- -1 mi-. in hIvuii 4-oii- tetl, ilie tvitr-aietit ann
in my l-a k and Khun, tbe wciktH-aj. of mv ltmtM, ihe
m-rvotiM rcMi-tiou if niy wln lo on the alivliteft
alarm or excitement , tbe mieunihropy amt evil ior-lrOl-iitki:
the aclf dirTrtii! and want l" t-outidence in fltoera;
the imacttr to art u.y, nnd want of n fi!itnn : the
friifhtlul. excilimr. and nt ttiuee p!--aiMirabre dreama at
t. iK lit, followed l,y iti vtelntilMrv tltei-tiai we, have all dt
apMared; nml iu tuct. iu two month a tier havinir con
aullel the IfcH-tor, I leh ua if t inspired lv a new life
that hie v. hi- b. hul a e-iit.rt Inue 1 CiMiteutptated to
eml with mv own luotd.
With a view to uuard tlte nnfirtunate fntn fallinK
into the aimrea of iiromaClc!it iuu ka. 1 deem it mv flu
It to otter thia tcetiinotiy to the merit and akill of Ir.
Onpkity, and r-ciitmeml him to all w ho may at and in
hceu of iiHilical advh-e, beiuu aaaurvd hy utv own ex
perience, tltul once under hta cure, a railiral and per
manent cure w ill be cUccted.
State of Catijormia, fount m of aSr Crumt ico?
tSnberthrd and $eorn to be j ore ar, tks 17a dam of
April, A. IK IfiOo.
ntgmeu iivii.i .Mii'ii.r. I-t J
Rotary j
Prtmiptcd by an hone, denire of my heart, I wih to
py beftre tbe'piiblic a cuae which deaervea hiith eon
uiemlalion, not only aa an act of arieniific akill.antthat
of humanity, alao. About two yeare atn, I auddeolv,
and from cauaea unknown to me, waa a-ued with a tit
of irit.KraT, which, owinir to my inability to meet the
expeuaea eonaetnent upon a tlurongh medical treat
ment, and Ihe diaconrRjcement which 1 met with on at
tempting it, moon became such (aa I waa then led to le
lievel aa to defy the akill of any phvwcian. 1 waa fre
nncntly, while in porauit of mv calling, thrown down
to tbe ground withont tbo aliffbteat warninp, and al
lltough inaettftble to the avonica, Tct I deeptaed the mis
ery of uiy exiatence. While in this state, and having
previoua to my artliction tauted tbe aweetaof life, I once
more waa induced to attempt seeking aid of a phvaieian.
and, br recommendation, called npon lr. Ia J. Cxap
kay. X told him my circumataacea. and my inability
to reward bim for bis aeifRjaa regardless of which.
I. J lAiacvX W nsisw aiv-vj
however, he at once undertook my eaaa, and with tha
blewhnff or 1)0(1, waa onew mora F?
Iiealfh. Cnabht to reward him for tha boon whwb I
enior at preaent, and yet eonaciona of mt Indebtodneaa,
I conniiler it due to mvaelf and to all afilicted to mak
Ute rase public, in order that thoae in need of medtral
a-Irira pm? find a phvsirian in whom srery confld4?nc
Elate of California, I
, .C SV.e.M i
HuttcriteJ e irara lo trort me, Hit firtt 4of
of Aumutt, A. U. IrKHI. ' ,
J U1LHF.KT k. (1HANT, Jl t j
Sotarf J'ublte.
SI'KHM ATI IHKIUKA, or lcal Weakneae, nervooa
debility, low atiirila, luaettndr, weakneaa of tlis
limhasnd bsck, hrdiauoeitiuB and incaiactty for labor
and atndy, dnllneaa of apirilienaiim, loss of memory,
Bveraion'to ancietv. love of solitude, timidity, aelfdia-
Irttat, diazluraa, beadiirhe, HUna In Ihe siile, aWeetion of
the eyes, pimples on tne isi e.aeaitaior omerimirioiiie.
1m men ere enred without mil by th lltatly relelirated
phyatritin and anrgeon, L J t'aapkay. Hia method of
curing ittaenars la new I on a noun w moerei en -tlte
great siieceaa. All eoneultations, by tetter or other
wise, free.
Addreaa, Li CZAPKAY. M P.,
Han Franciaeo, Cal.
The 4slrrHtrt Ilvroverf of Ihe Aare.
(A HEAT lllewiifigto .Mankind! Innocent but Potent!
UK. ( aAl'KAV H Pnurn.acTicvM, (aelfdiain-f-ct
in ; avert t. a aure preventiea airainit f lonorrhaal
and Sv pit ill tic dtaeaaes, and a certain and unanrfiaaaed
remedy fr all venereal, aerofulotta, gaiiArrenoqa and
murermiA nicer, frtid diarhargea from vagina, nterna,
and nrethra, and all ealnneotia emotions and diaeaaea
Aa innortihuion ia prevent iva againat small pox. ao is
lh Cutjikay's Imphvttacticnro a preventive arainat
Hv phi tit hi and fKtotrnoml dtweaaes. II arm lea m tt
aelf, it piai i ea tha power of chemically deaArorina;
tha .typhilitic vims, and therebr aaving thofjaanda of
delaii'ieheea Dotn beina; infected hy the moat htathaome
of all diaeaaea. Let no ymms; man who apprectatei
health ho withont Or Cxapkay's IVfptiylacttcnm. It
ia in very mnvenient pM-kagea, and will be fooud con
venient lor nae. beinv tiaed aa a aoap Price, $5. For
aade at tr L. J. Caapkay'a Private Medical and Sorjri
cal Institnte, SacraroeTito si., below Montgomery, op
posite P M. Co.'s office. San Fntnciaeo.
All letter must be addreaaed to LvJ Cxnpkay, M.P ,
Ran Franciaeo.
I. tbe nnd r Binned. Ilovernor of HangarT, do ettfy
hereby, that I-r Is. J t xap kay baa served darmg th
emttevt fftr llaneitrian lihertr. aa Chief St ire eon tn the
Hungarian army, with faithful perarvc ranee whereof
I nave given him thta certiorate, and aoraeotittnertfi tiim
to the aymath v, attution and protection of all thoae
who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice,
and nndeserved misfortune.
fiorernor of Hungary.
Vakinfrton City, Jan , IH.'.
The following letter, which emphatically apeak for
itself, was written by tlie Ife-an of the Facnitv of the
Philadelphia t ollege of Medicine to the editors of
the Pact fir Medtcal and Surgical Journal, San Fran
ciaro, for publication t
Ptttt. AfiKi Fttf , Jan. 17, Iftf9
To the Editors of the Pa tfir Medrcnl and HnrtricaJ
Journal fientlemen : My attention baa been called to
an article in the I tee-ember number of, in
reirard t tlte ad enndem d s" if ran ted by the I'bila
dclpbia Colleife of Medicine to ftr. I J. Cuphay
When the application for the degree was made to' tha
Fsrulty, it waa accompanied by atftfiariu and batimo
male to the effect that Mr waa a regular gradnate M.
! , ol the I'niveratty of Peatb, had aervedas Snrgtm
rn the Huntfarmn army and waa a retrnlar practitioner
of medicine I tn the atrength of tbewe tbe degree waa
granted. Tbe ad nendem degree, aa its name implies,
ta conferred on gradnatcon!T. and give oa new privi
leve Had there been the afiL'htest Aoapicion of trregj
nlaritr, the application would hate hern refused. Hy
tnaerung thia in your journal too will do an act of jus
tice to tlte College aiid confer a favor on
l ours, very reapectmitv,
lean of tho Faculiv of the Philadelphia Coileee of
Medic uc.
and Kurgicnl Inatiiuie i on Sacramento atreet, below
Montgomery, opposite ihe Pacihr Mnil Ktcamahip Com-
panT a otiice, ishu r rauctsni. tbe ItorUir otters free
eonanltatton,andaka no rvmunerutioti unlets he effects
a rtire I Mbce hours, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
ttr" IVr'-:Tu u'ft wfhitur to time tn correspond-
tr.i?. pleaiH- rnetoae fit' m tbeir tetters, ana they will
(jet irnttiedtate attention to t:-ir cnnea
..t lreaw, jj. j ( ZAt'KAT, M D.,
San Eraucisco, f si.
flctotarr, IW :m9
Jonas -ti. C lark A Co
ftmportrr and Manufacturer of
IS ahmg1on afreet.
tt n Pra nrit rn.
I I TE HAVE .VttW IS riT'tftK, AXI) ARE I?f REO-
V ular receii'T bv ererv t lipper, arrival of laree
invoice oi ituvua, maRin who our exienMve manu
facture, a htrifer and better aivorted stock of Furni
ture of every deaw-ription, than has ever before been of-
fereti on ttie t anitc cjast, constating in part or
5,CIlfl dosen Cbatra.
40U doren H-dMcada,
HmtO ft reamt.
!' cM.fa.
H) raae Tablep. asst'd,
3V,ut Hmi Hair,
MM hm MfaS.
Iulo, Best I Jre Oeewe Feathers, blankets. Comfort
ers, Sheets, I'lllow Mips. A e.T ate, Ttlden s
Varniah, M'mhltnirrt, Veneers, and a
general aasort ment of Fur
titre Trimming",
tp Onr rreat facilities for im twirling and martufae-
tun hit, enable as lo offer our immense stock of goods
al reft price than any other !tne can import them.
All older fmm the country will, as formerly, receive
onr careful and prompt attention.
IW Washington street, San Francisco; ty and 51
Fourth at., between J and K, Harntroento ; Hunter
street between Main and Levee, Stockton; First street,
SanJoasL 3tnlJ
PherniK Work.
To Ike Ctrmtalintt enf owner of real eitnfe trkn eom
trmptate making permanent improvement.
San Kranciaco. de-ire tn rail vimr rtarticnlar at
tention to the fact that they are eitenaivelv ami soe
reaftiilr engaged in maiinfaeturing KIKE PROOF
liOltllfs AN It Slll-TTKK.S, II.AXK VAl'LTS.
l'KISON ( KI.I.R, tee , Ac, at retail f reJarrd price t
Itiir iractit-al knowleilge of the btiainee, has been
rendered complete, by ten years experience in San
I 'ir beel reference is onr vroag which can be seen hi
Dearly everv city and Iowa in this skate and f lieit cm.
e l-articular attention aid to ordera from Ihe
country. A larire eaaortiuent of second hand Doors
and Shatters eonatantly tm band, and lor sale at very
low rates
171 llntlerv street, near PaciGr, San Franciaeo.
June 3. !."! " 6nil6
wa. yHravArrii,
&xa Francitcm.
Thttrnaurr Ac Ziaa,
Importer of French and German
ENOI.Isll and IVilh.w Ware, fane and
Villoiv I'liaire, Ladies' 'ork.1ands,
Chififrcns' l'arriiifts. Hobby JIvrtrs, Toyt.SfC
Xo $2 Battery atrvet,bete;eerjCutlllnerriaandC'lay,
Sun Kranet-ee. ticnii
l ire- ! l ire
J O Jl .V K . M IMS,
Snerermor to Mai ffs-f Fratrr, 1 )rezn el., ort wee m.
Front and Itarit, San Franrtero.
M'inmfaefoeer ef" Fire Pi oof Lhyarm and Shutters,
Rank Vanltt, ISratinw, Raihnr.
Raleomes, .-r.. .V-c.
NB. A very lanre aaaortuient of very superior
a I loots aniTalinttera. manufactured in S'ew York
ciiy. for Meaare. eeoiint and Strtmif and Johnson Jr.
i 'atifteld. of San Francisco, all new and thoroughly
lire and thief proof.
Alio a very lanre lot of second-hand abetters of va
rion. dimensions, all for rule at very low rates.
All ordera. f nun the interior, Orejron, and Washing
ton Territory, or any other plare on the 1 'antic coast,
attended lo with pninintneee and diapatch.
t if' Orejron alreet is in front of the fnatom Honae,
north siile of the L'tiited States Court Buildinm.
May IH, IH.V1. 3ml2
a. a. m oHr. j. a. orosjoa
Ilaetars & O'Connor,
Aeemi far the male of
Manufactory and Sales Rooma, 182 Mootonierv
San Francisco.
Ballt, Cloths, Cne-wax, and Billiard. Trimmimet,
.-..WITH SETS or.
CAfTIOV Thee rs,.l;.. . .
-- -j - uiwiura
from any other person on the Pacific Coast.
mT si uoooa warranted. SkalGia
One year, In advance, -J
If paid within six month fj W
If paid after the expiration of tlx months,.... ,.5 09
fiix month j, In advance,. fi Ott
Orm dollar additional will bo charged for eacb year
par men! ia delayed.
Ua paper will bo diaroo tinned until all arrearages
are paid.
Lcim! advertisement will be charged at tha follow
fng rates : Twelve lines or e, one insertion, t 00,
earb subaeouent insertion, $1 "O Jgal and a U tran
sient advertiaemenu mnat be prepaid to fnsnre irmer.
lion. Adminiatrntd-Ts' notices, and all advertiaenients
relating lo the eatates of decard peraona, moat bs
prcoaJ.i, unleaa onhrred publi-hed by th county jodge,
at id guaranteed to be id hy him. Hiograpbicai no
tice, rcaoluliona of aocietlea, orders. Arc, will bo
charged at half mlvertitTtng rate, and payment moss
be marie before pnhliratton. I ommurricalMms of only
individual int-rent must be prepaid, at tlte aams rata.
Advertiaing billa not paid within one year from tho
time when ronirarted, will be tnerc o-ed t wentv fiva
per cent- earh rear payment is neleeted thereafter.
Every erhirt'will he made by the proprietor and ed
it ore to make Tilt OkkooS eTATZixm tha beat news
paper in Oregon.
Kemtfiances mar be made hy mail at th rik of tho
pnbliaher, if mailed in the presenra of a poetmaeter,
To Ihe Pnblie.
1 Pirr fl nnpsmlielrd ThreaMng Machine., for ail
the Pacific riat, 1 take this method of informing youj
that I have on band and far vale FOffTT Machines,
thirty of which are ten borseand ten of which ar eight
boras power. The above machine were got np to or
der, and cannot be anrpaaaed in any reapect. as to bean,
ty, strength and durability the frame hei;e very sob
atantiai and strong, with a much larger Fanning jfiil
and more depth of Serve, with Cast Steel Hhsfting. and
not ltM to arins7, adding mneh to the ateadmeas of
th running off tbe r-iaehioe. The CvHnder of tbe Tew
Horsa Machine t Thirty at x inches m length, and that
of tlte Eight Hone is Thirty two inches. Each ma
chine hna with it Trta ks, H'or-e Power, Levers, and
the nana! amount of Extras, which are made and ft t teed
expeeaaly for each machine, making them lea liable to
get oaa oi oroer inaa any ner macnin m ue jsar-
ftetng aware of the many false plans and deep laid
schemes that have been taken to defeat litis most wor
thy machine, which np to the present time has never
known tt cqtttzJ, either inTbreshjng orCleanibg grains
and a all mean hare been naed to defeat the aaJ of
the same, hy a boa-ns machine ol a very inferior kind,
I feel it my doty to let the Farmers know that no een
ama Pitt's Machine can be pnrchaaed except of the
snbarriber, at 33 Sacramento afreet ; nnd all parties of
fering for aale or using any botrn machine pnrnorurur
to be Pitt's Macbtne, will be held peraoeally responsi
ble for all sales and using the ame
Agent for John A. Pitta,
33 Sacramento atreet.
Ohio Threhfnr ttarhine.
Also have a few of theae ceh-bred Machine. They
are )nmt what every Farmer wants. Tbe compact ar
ranscment of different parts of thia machine, the area
simplicity of its construction, tbe atrength and durabili
ty of iu workmanh;p, Ihe small amoont of power k
takes to ran it, t'frether with effect ire operation in
threshing and cleaning, at leaet a much gram of any
kind as anv other four or six horse machine now rn na.
combine to justify us in be lie vinr that H cannot faii, as
tt become known, to be the moat Baeful and poptnur
machine in the coontrr. The Crhndeni of tl above
machines are from Eighteen to Twemr four inches ta
length. Kach of tb fihio Machine hav T rocks.
Horse Power, Levers, and tit usual araonnt of extra.
We can safely recommend onr nreaetit lot of ThwA.
inr machines as being tlte bet that has ever been im
ported, as thcT were all made to order Oire oa a aaU
bef.rfe buying. '1 IHJO C-HAW.
Extra! Enraail
We hare on band a full annul v of all the
parts of tbe above hum bines. In rai snv
rbcmld fail, we can supply yon on abort notice. A few
of tbe b-adinsr articles we will name, vrr : Mseter
wbeela. Straw -carrier. 1 Irmriem. Klevstoe. Sn it-.
el. and Hull pinions, Cylri'ter leeth, Kan (leer. Lane-
Slum mixmy. etc. j liijx AS HU SHAW.
1 Sacratxierito street.
Tie beet combined Reaper and Mower mow in aae.
Will manufacture fir the present harvest One Hun
dred of the tire California Combined Reapers and Mow
era, which, for beauty. atreni.lh and eimplicitv. bits ao
equal in tbia or any otiier market, aa it poaaeases nsaar
(Treat sdrantsirea over any other machine, to wit .-
1st, It is much tiifbter; tbedrivine wheel ia fViar fee
huth. making tbe draft cent, less tbaa any other
41, The cm inn part is the rear of the machine, and
the apron ta so constructed that it can be takes off ia
ten minutes for tmiwiap.
3d, The rrain is paird lo one side with ease.
4th. It will cut prase as low as three inches, and
pain aa htah as twelve.
?L'' i' rn """ed ' lowered ia three minutes.
6th. It baa leas aide draft than any machine in nae.
7th, It has more motion.
Rth, Yon eaa drive slower and do your work better
th. It rata .ti and a half feet hi "wnlth, and baa a
epnrur Beat five feet from tlie around, which places the
driver in a poaitiou to be able to man aire bis team sad
see tlie breakers ahead in lime lo save bis machine
lth, It ran be thrown out nf, and into eear ia one
minute e
I Ith. The enttinff part of the machine beinc ia the
rear, take, all the we,Bht orT the horaes.
T0 b"" end butt reason at all is, that it ia a
f siifonua improved and made machine -. therefore
any purchaser can, on abort notice, obtain any cortioa
of the machine that may break.
I have taken partirnmr pains to select trood work
Bien and ood materials, and I warrant this machine to
reap and mow, and to do either or both, better than
anv other machine in thia market. I'lease eive roe a
1 Sac-nuaenio street.
HEATERS St Mowers wnaixw
In fart. ! kltlltanf UL' 1 UL UU .i
i i r i , tit are ta use, eaa
be bad of me at the lowrt rash prices
iiioMAsotifj snAW.
1 Sacramento street.
f-ifie's Improved Wrongkt and. Chilled Mean Sase.
f,'ni'2- , XHI1 Pror,f,
w VSZ' v , , B-ntlar Proof.
Vt ith Loilre a Imptckable, Powder proof Lock
The bear SmI r, : , . r ...
i"imiui( ooiu nre ana tn wvea, -.
aa proven in innumerable instances.
As lo recent test by lire, reference ia made to tbe
..""if ... ... ,nai raiace in .Ma Tor Iny,
at wkK-n all other bales on exhibition were burned on
lllie a Nwfe elon n n. I
.- ioue io tne tea, a Horded by tbe
burning of tbe Illinois Central Railroad LVpot at
Cairo. r
Kt ad tbe following letter:
Jcorr J.
. . Catao. Ill, Dec. lOtb, 195et.
t. j i ' ' -r"r o,r, 1 lie Safe we pur-
chaedof you was in ouromce. which was consund
An Mnnnflr l i n ht I, . . .
:CrLZt p - j j . JU" "Pewo end Snd
J, eiiu me ooctj w,ll be eood for
service by beuiK rebound, tbe binding hem., injured by
ateam, btvt tbe paper of ibe books u not injured ia the
least. Ibe contents of the iron money chest were ail
nBht,rood,,wbcnpatin- Truly vonr..
"8. B R. ABBOTT,
Airent Illinois Central Railroad.
... .,.(ie k ine irreat test trial which
iS P EL" m r'IT' I'wa. on the 10th January,
I .1 T"" nf,lb"" 'be .harp competitor!
fin; the supplying tbe State Bank, and its branches.
With safes, vstilt done U.L. a.
Th. Sim IUk k..; l. ..." ... -
etc , be or,. L". . U Safe,
-i r- icanrn, oeinir lissanlied.
proposed aa a lest, to drill Ihroturh one of tbe safes the
batik had Tinrer-lwwr wLk . ,
cepteo, and Mr. Ltilie wr-m tkma...k t x- -
to lnwa. to witneis thi t-t L ....w i .'-'a ' "
ally b.y lencd dni,, were prepared, and the machinery
was adjusted. Mr Llllle assisting tSem in ad,unr.St:-e
niaclitnery to drill his own aafe. The result of all thia
was, that after dnliinj one hour and linvnx mmnea
.... . ... .... Wnca trie Unil woald ew
ao farther all tbe drill, bavin been Lterailv broke,
andj cronnd to piecert Ail ther eflorts to drui were
relnctsntiv abandoned.
A shipment of these safes luu. jn,, arriveJ. and ran
''r fr1 " lb AimculiunJ rcl,ow ot T. O.
5haw. SS Sncraniento afreet.
-rilln."!.""''"". R'",k Lor oa hands for ie
Tlie best Bank and Vault Lock in tbe worl-L
THOHAS CMi SHAW. . . . .
, , . ...... .il..
The Kef m 1. . I . r , , ,
iT T i , ' "ei iot au Kinds oi teariine
which I will warrant wa to crura m name Send
vonr oruera m..A i, -k-tl i : . : n
- , - ., ..,.,1 MutiMnurr.
All kimU can be had as cheap as the cheapest, botk
of California and eastern Bianunarture.
AH kinds of reaper aM-klea and sickle Kretioaa. eesn-,
bevel and crank pinion boxes for Manny's combined,
McC orniH-k s, Bnrral's, Htwri'g, Sec moor A: Mac- "
gaa's Reapers.
ATI kinds of AericuhnraJ Impie mints made and re
paired on abort notice. Kept cocsaanliv on band any
amount of extras, which will be sent to'all pans of the
State by express Send m your ok! machines in time
lo eei them repaired : save all Tour old casctzurs, fen
which I wili give you the bU.-farst'market price. I wish
yoa to hear in mind that I have any amount of roads
to sell, and must sell thea, and with Tour aid wHl eel
them, and anything yoa may need in the Airriculuirnl
Trade, aa low aa can be bonirbt in this market of the
same quaht v. FteJiar thankful to von for all past fa
vors. I nope yoa will call at 33 Sacramento atreet, Be
fore having, and look for vourselcea
April Vi 1859. 3
Boone's Ferry,
X Willamette river, new road between Port bind
and Salem. The road ia a eood one and ten n,,
shorter than tbe old road. V. BOOVE.
Mmj 36, 13J. lf