4 s ; -srr. , .r . i. B. OLHABOK. JKTOr 'anddeeWmiTkiaiiaof Car c""""" rsv 4 Wson kakr V Stock, 47 Bat- t - ry street, San tranci-o. Wtfctah 0hk.MkM4 hfcktwy VUt Wood Boards, fce-Hubs, Bpoka FriloM, Uckorjr Ajdas, Pc4es, shafts, wagon and bogey bow, carved and - plain Carrara parts, Seat 8tkka74sVdE. ..ALSO.. boa aTlrsj, Springs, Bolts, Rivets, malleable Iroa, en ' llsd Cloth, enamelled Leather, patent dash and collar Leather, plated, Japan and Ivory Bead NaUa and Knobs, larks, stomp Frames, half pat. and three holt Axlea,paun and plated Crabs and Tips, and Pole Hps, Ao. The above stock has been personally selected; is of the beat enalitv, and will be sold as low as ran be pmrchaatd in tas city or Stat. t IT All orders for the abore goods, left with H Jt TR WW in Waeoa and Carriage stork. Tri snua, ere., corner of Morrison and Second streets, ItaruanA will mai Drompt attention, and he aatia. xectorily executed without delay. Sept. 88,185a 30tf t. trxjuia. a. tTHAsa T. e D. Strang. tITimiWltr.JB...:iji , ' i v J ' "" "u neuters in stoves ana tin wr hardware, and cutlery, at the old stand of sortnant of "v mmj oe ionna a complete as .Cfao, Parlor, and Box Stoves, Tla, sheutirejs, coppet, planished and Japaned ware, S? ll Pmps robber hose, hydrants, rims, Irad pp. sheet lead, and tine, brass and cauldron kettles, bak" OTraa, cowbells, etc, ore. JOB WORK,' Booflng, sheet iron and copper work, promptly at tnrei. .' on the most reasonable terms. "Was. Xttirnner, Importer of Frtnck and Gtrma FANCY BASKETS, ENGLISH and American Willow Ware, Cane and Willow Chairs. Ladies' Work-rtands. Ton. flce Kb- W Battery street, between Commercial and Clay, cwi cTsoraco. tnnn Opposition to Monopoly. FREE TRADE AXD SAILORS1 RIGHTS. LUMBER! LUMBER!! LUMBER!!! DC RELLE S Steam Circolar Saw and Planing Hills. The proprietor is pleased to inform the cit isens of SALEM ana the public generally, that he has rat completed his SEW CIRCULAR SAW and PLANING HILLS, on terra fircrm. end is now pre pared to Saw, Plane, Tongue and Groove lumber of eTery description, at low rates and short notice. Harms; an improved five foot circular saw, and one of Wood worth latest patent Tongue and Grooving Machines, and experienced men to ran them, he is pre pared to make as GOOD LCMBERT AND MOKE OF IT, than any other Mill on the Upper Willamette. Cur pent era orders for lumber, stun ns dressed Huff for window frames, cornice boards, shelving and counter boards, doors and door frames, dec, dressed and edged on both sides, from 2 to 14 inches in width and 1 - to S 1-3 inches in thickness. Oak, Ash and Maple Plank, suitable for Wastm and Cabinet makers' nse, furnished at short notice Having made arrangements with the steamers pi vino; on the UpperWiliamette.be is prepared to send dmwii, toiuraed and grooved lumber to anv point on the river where the steamers stop. All orders for Lumber will receive prompt attention and quick dispatch. B.M. DC BELLE. Proprietor. Salem, Marco. 1st, 182. 51tf Hew Arrival r jJewelrr. Arc. JUST FROM SAX FRANCISCO. JKU5tj l xiaLj informs Bts patrons and friends, that be has just returned from San Francisco with a select assortment of Jew elry. Musical Instruments. Cmlerv. ete and oners them for sale at his store on Front street, 3T One door below Dr. Coombs' office. Jq J E W E L R Y . Gold and Silver watches: Gold and SB ver chains : Gold bracelets ; Gold ear-rings; Gold breastpins; Gold finger rings; Lockets; Gold pens and pencils; Gold sleeve buttons; Silver and Plated ware; fancy goods and pel fumei v . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Fifes; a large assortment of Aecordeona, Ladies' work boxes of all hinds, Gold and Silver spectacles. Gold and Silver spoons, Cmlerv, Clocks an endless variety, dec, Ate. ty Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired, and all kinds of Jeweh-r made to order. C5 All of my work warranted. -FJ Don't ferret " The Sign of the Big Watek." Corrallis, Oct. 24, 1857. 33tf Eisiyire Lirrry nnel Sale Stable On Main ttrtet, bettceen Madison and Monroe, Cor rallim. Oreron. fTlHE subscriber takes this method of tn- M. forming ttte public generally that he has opened a new livery and sale stable in CorvaUis, wnere ae will ne prepared to furnish better accommo dations in his line of business that can be found else where in the State. I am supplied with single and double buggies, carria sesudsaddle horses of a quality unsurpassed on the Particular attention paid to keeping horses bv the day or week. Experienced grooms are eonstamlv in attendance, and ao pains will be spared to return Wor ses in a better condition than when received. I keep all kinds of teed that the country produce. I will boy and sell stock, and in fact ean-r on every thing pertaining to the livery business. I will upon the arrival of every steamboat, have a hac in readiness to convey passengers to and from the boa, and City Hotel, and elsewhere when desired. W. C. RIGGS. Corrallis. Nov. 22, 1858. - AOit IVew ataael Fmh I rater dfc bestir ine. WK. SMITH having recentlv returned from San s Francisco, where he purchased the completes assoitnii nt of DrogB and Medicines ever offered for sale in the Willamette Valley, we are able to give our old customers better satisfaction than ever. We are receiving additions to oar stock bv every steamer, and will seU everything in the Drug line at verv satisfacto ry prices. Our Patent Medicines are all genuine and fresh, and as we buy lanrely, and in the best markets, we can afford to seU a bale cheaper than the cheapest. Come and try as. W. K. SMITH & CO. Dec. 7th, 1858. 4Xf The People's Drug Store. ' ' SALEM, OREGON'. Da. A. W. BELT. BIJKI S. STIFF. KEEP the pun st and best preparations in the Drug line. Colognes and perfumeries of the highest or der, highly scented toilet soap, hair oil, ink, pens, letter paper, fancy note paper ana envelopes, pencils, dec., etc., to wnicn we oeg we attention oi every ooav. Feb. 6, 1859. I t 4 3 Xhe Law of" Ore from. fTTHE OREGON STATUTES. 650 naires. with com I plete index, annotations and references, are for sale at the office of the Statetman, at five dollars per copy. The work is executed in the best manner, bound in law style, and is sold at publisher's prices. Orders by mail, accompanied with the cash, filled by return mail. . In addition to the enactments of the Legislative As sembly, the volume contains the Declaration of Inde pendence. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of iw , Donation Law and all amendments, ana full ab stract of United States Naturalization Laws. Bat few copies are left. Inmate tor AlverliinK Agesicy. LP. FISHES, iroa braiding, opposite Pacific Ex- Press Office, ns siAim ViIms nf all the nrineinal Papers of California and Oregon may be found at this ofhee. Mr. Fisher is the authorised Agent for the niiiiiL. DEEDS, mortgage, powers of attorney for sale of arm. Ut imint, M1 J ' . : c .: . - - I'-" mm iinnna. sjiu uvituuuiuiw new lot mat nmitMl - i r. ' i - ' . .l - . . - j I wu ,w imie at Ule oiaicrmaw ImiM . WMW Olass. the a5tf REED sc KTRAXG - PaUnt Tsair naasM. EST boiled and raw linseed oiL and nnra whit tEED dt RTBAXG 8. atw Order Blatsaks. "P" L the Statesman Office, at $2 per hundred A ga 25 if sent by mail. 23tl Taratoases TVP every deseiimion. ai 2 Stf RFirriXr KTBlvn For Sails) a A ir,r' m ,Food ord for making lumber. Dc. 8Si ""n J OttX FORCE. - Ltw ud CilletUot tmee. CO. H. WILttAHS, A. C OtBBS. Hata Chief Justice I ,l .WILLIAMS da GIBBS, fortlana, Uregon Territory. WILL practice la the courts of Oregon and Wash ington Territory. Nov. 36,1 wet lv38 B. F. Bonham, TTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Of L flee at the Court Honse, Salem, O. etf R. Hnbf r. A TTORNET AT LAW, Portland, Oregon. Oct. S5, 185 Chtster 5. Tr rrr, A TTORNET AT LAW, SALEM.OREOON.COM mtssioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac knowledgments, dec, dee., for Iowa, Indinna, Missouri, Michigan, California, and Washington Territory. Let ters of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. t7 Particular attention paid to taking depositions, collections of Notes, Arcounts, Ate- ."tf Medical Roller. DR. R. W. SHAW.offcrs his professional services to the citizens of Salem and vicinity, and respectful ly solicits a share of public favor. Ur Umce near residence. Hvl R. W. SHAW. Dr. A. H. Belt WISHES to inform his friends and the public, that he has returned to Salem, to attend to profess ional calls, in town and country. .t nr. o. tucairs, t m s it li o FFICE, SALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. 8alem, ot. S, 17. 3Jtf J. F. Roe, M. D., L. R. C. 8. 1. OFFICE, SANTIAM CITT. WILL par diligent attention to the practice of Med icine, Snrgcry, dec, ore. Dr. R. solicits patronage in the treatment of the dis eases of the eve. 3m41paid Dr. J. R. Cardwell, SURGEON DENTIST. w ILL practice his profession in the various cities and towns of Ore iron. Feb. 15, 1859. 49tf J. L. Toombs, I. D.t Corrallis. GENERAL practitioner of medicines. Surgery, A:c The Innrmarr is still attached to his otlice. for the accommodation of" patients not anected by contusions disease. S8tf Dr. R. 5. Bill, SURGEON DEXTIST. o FFICE in W.Kenyon's building over "City Book Store" first door west of the clarion llou?e. Refers to L. F. Cartee SurvevorGeneral's Otfice. Salem, Nov. 1G, 1S5S. 36tf J. Firming. l T the Oregon Citv Post Office Building, has just a mxnn, mini ievih . . . , juin, v. ivi n a . lHiwninc's Fruit and Fruit Trees of America,'1 revis- l ' i r . -. 1 . . . l.l: l i of this valnablu work. He has also on hand, a cood stork of miscellaneous books aud stationery, lor sale on terms to suit tr.e times. Oregon City, Dec. 4;, 1557. Allen k Lewis, WHOLESALEMERCHASTS, PORTLAND, OR- W KUOX. L.eviiioii Co.'s Express I Colfection, Commission ani Fortcarding Agents, 1 FORWARD EXPRESSES twice a - ..rCT, week to and from the following ' -M-Vliif- places: PORTPAND. MILWAUKIE. OREGON CITY. BUITEVILLE, CHAMPOEG. FAIRFIELD. SALEM, INDEPENDENCE, ALBANY. CORVALI.IS. BOONEV11.LE. THURSTON, EUGENE CITY, DAYTON. LAFAYETTE. VANCOUVER, CASCADES and DA1XES, Connecting at Portland with FREEMAN & CO.. To all parts of California, the Atlantic States and Eu rope. Forward freight and parcels, procure checks on San Francisco, and drafts on the Atlantic States, of rreemao Co.'s. Portland. Lxeruie commissions. make collections and purchase, and attend promptly to all matters pertaining to the Express Line. Wells, Fargo Ac tV Express Envelopes will be used by us over all our routes, and ran be rocured at our Unices, in uu tee aoove meiuionea xowes. OlfSce at Wells, largo ac Co. s t'i.-e. 1'ortiand. LEVIXSOX 4c CO. KtriarxrEi: J. SI. Vansvclc, Agent Wells, Far. o Ar IV Portlund S S.0W fc fa t. Sl.iver & Co.. Smith it. Davis, A. M. it L. M. Starr, j. Failiiur It Co., H. M. Corbett, Savier ic Co.. O. B. Cole, John K. F. xer, Sevmour oc Jovnt, Gotdstone Ac Meyer. 4.H t E. Pelton, Geo. II. Jones X Co., ARE pre pa red to do a general commission business on New Tork and other Atlantic cities. Particu lar attention will be given to the purchase of coods for merchants. Parties Laving any business transactions in the Atlantic States, and wantinir an agent that will give personal attention to the same, will do well to call. CV Office at Barnnm at vi llson s Law Office .V Salem, March S3, llsi i!tt Jttn V. Wilson. COMMISSION SIERCHANT, Xo. 19 Commercial street, San Francisco, Col. JOLICITSconsignmentsof Orecrtm Produce and Pro J visions, and makes liberal advancements on same. Albanv. Messrs. W. S. Ladd & Co , D. Beach, Esq. Savier Sc Co , layton. Oregon Citv. Messrs. Williams dc Messrs. Tavlor and Ralston. Lippeneoit. Jan. 15,159. 6m 15 White's Wharf Boat. SALEM, OREGON. wTE will attend to the receiving, storing and ship f ping of Freight on the following terms, viz r Freurht receipted for and passed through will be charged, per ton 25 cents. Storage, one ween, per ion. ........... do one month. " fl 00 V It Frvio-ht will be shinned bv the first steamer. unless otherwise ordered by the shipper. LEONARD Will I E, Proprietor. Jan. I, 1859. 6mt3 Attention. iifi! K I'.n.i iiiin J MERCHANTS of Oregon and Washington Temto rv: THE WILLAMETTE WOOLEN MANU FACTURING COMPANY have now on hand, and will continue to manufacture, the best quality of blank ets, yarn and cloth, and would invite vou to favor us with your patronage. All orders for tfie above goods will receive prompt attention. JOSEPH WATT. SttUem, Marca -4, i?s. yi Confectionery and Groceries. THE undersigned has purchased the store and stock of confectionervand irroceries of C. V. Uzafovage, nearlv opposite the Marion House, Salem. Oregon, where he will keep a general supply of confectionery, nnta. frnits. if.. Ac. on hand, together with a choice assortment of groceries, and many other articles in his line. Give me a call, and I will try to give yon a bar gain. Bl. ju I MIS. rNaiem, uei. j, i.-v. ""i American House. THE undersigned wonld respectfully annonnce to the public, that they have purchased the Aliii. above nan-ed Hotel, at Roeebnrg, Douglas county, to gether with the large and commodious stable attached to the premises, and from their long experience in the business, flatter themselves that they will be enabled to give satisfaction to all those who "favor them with their patronage. IT. I . MJ aJ I F. D. ROBINSON. Rnsctmnr. Dec 1 . 1 S58. 1 y 40 srxtiBK inatniucsi a-fTHEELER & WILSON'S machines are the best M.,-t.-r ntrred to nnblic natronam. Thev are sim ple and durable; easily kept in repair; sew with great rapiditv; make an even and firm stitch on both sides, that will not rip. Persons wishing to buy will find ihm t tha resilience of the undersigned. T. SAVAGE, Agent. April 26, 135B. "f Tax Receipts. a T the Statesman office, at $1 per hundred 1 25, if sent bv mnil. 24tf PiUntJng:. TTOlrt, agn. carnage anu wagon mmn.iii, K.-M.."0 XX and paper hanging, wall paper, paints, on, k, and putty, mixed paints, cheap for cash, shop west of the court house, Salem. E. S. COX. August 31, 1858. 'y- WE have a few of those Dry Goods left yet, which we will sell very low, and some of the best boot and shoes we have ever bought. Also, Salmon, Mackerel, Lamp-oil, Fine Teas, Blasting Powder, Water-proof Caps, safetv fuse, shot, etc W. K. SMITH ic CO. Salem, Dec 7, 1858. 40tf GRIND stones, with patent hangings, for sale cheap at 25tf REED Sc. STRANG'S. Look. Right at TnU! DR. KELLOGO has permanently located In the CITY OK PORTLAND, Oregon, and oftera to the publio Family Medicines. Thev are purely VEGETABLE, and free from poison. If you have a weak bark, pain in the side or chest; take courage; my Strengthening Plaster will ailord re lief, no matter of how long standing. If yon have sprains, bruises, rliemnnlism, erysipelas, Inflammation of the lungs, stomach, liver, or spleen, burns, fresh wounds, or old sores of any description, use mv Familv Liniment and Healing Salve. N. B. In detention of the placenta after parturition, this Liniment is a sovereign remedy, when used accord ing to directions. Mothers, remember and try it. Have yon dyspepsia, pain in the stomach or bowels, loss of appetite; use my stomach bit tors. Have vou weak lungs, cough, cold, or hoarseness, asthma, or difficulty of breathing, my Cough Drops will relieve vou. Are you bilious have you remittent fever, billons colic, bendwhe, or any disease where a laxative medi cine is indicated 1 nse the best pill before the public that is. Dr. Krllogg's Family PilL If vou are afllieled with chronie or bilious diarrhoea, no niattcr of how long standing, use my Diurrhtra and lllood Ptirifving Tonic, in connection with the Family Pills, and relief is certain. They always leave the bowels in a heulthv condition. Remember, as a" blood purifier, this tonic Is without an equal. M v improved Composition is by far the best article of this kind ever before the public See direc tions on the packages. These medirim s are for stile bv W. K. SM ITH & CO. and Drs. WARREN At BROWN, Sulrm; Price c Co.. Dulles; and in one month will be for sale at all the towns of Oregon, mid Washington Territory. Portland, March 14, 185i. lyl Established In 1819. ?t" V it1 -'.I --i-'' 'ift-'",-'V fliBlpifipt HENRY JOHN80N dr IMPOR TER S CO, A It D WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 146 HgAiarfon 5rci-f, "i'tii Francisco. VRE now receivingthelrsiock for the spring trade of new nnd freh goods, and otter to countrv buyers the La UG EST and ISLST assortment in their line on the l'ariliic coat. Having been engaged In the Proa btiaincsa in Run ! ram-isco tor the past ten years, they natter themselves that their arrancements are such, that thev can otler UN EQUALLED IN DUCEM ESTS to such as may lavor them with their custom. Their assortment comprises EVERYTHING! in their line ct business that mnv be reouired bv DRUUOISTS, I'HYt-lt IANS and MERCHANTS, and nlso all coods in their line in nse bv GROCERS. BAKERS. BREW ERS. CONFECTIONERS. DYERS. TANNERS. AS SAYERS OF GOLD. IIA1TERS. SODA-SI AN U FAC I L RERS. HARUE1JS, HOTEL REEFERS aud MAM FA CI I HERS. AH the popular FAMILY PATENT MEDICINES rc'eivrd direct from the proprietors and guaranteed GEXl 1NE, and at the lowet trade prices. ufl Alexander rV McKn im, VRE oflering for sale the best and cheapest goods in Orvson : DRY GOODS. GUI CERIE. HARDWARE. BOOTS. SHOES. CKOCKERYWARE, &c We ore alsopayinj cash and exchanging goods for nil kinas of produce : WHEAT, PARLEY, FORK, BACON. &c We will satisl'v you that we cive good bargains. We have the best Tea imported, the beet sugar and coR'ee. "ednr and White Fir shingles, Timothy and Blue grass seed alwars on hand. ALEXANDER c McEWAN. Corrallis, Auirnst 13, 2ltf Xfiv IlarUtt itre More. rillin, "tibsrriber havine taken the fire proof Granite A Front Store, next door to McKee Co's. Front St.. would respeett'ullv inform his friends nnd tin pub lic generallv. that he is now openinir a ftiH and COM I'LETK ASM IUTMENT Of SHEI.F -t.V Bl iLDER S HARD WARE. Afi RICl'LTl'RAI. MMPLEMEXTS, MECIfAMC'S TOtLS, TABLE AXJ POCKK T CUTLER Y, And other nrtich-s in his line, to whirh lie invites the attention of Merchants, Builders and countrv dealers. JOHN R. FOSTER. Portland, February, 1S5A tf j. a. mcci rt Lirtn. J. w. tui bm J. A. .Urt'Ielland V Co, CtOMMISSIOX MERCHANTS, No. 7 Clay Street, J San Francisco. Consiimments of Ore iron Flour, Bacon, Iird. But ter, Fruit, Ac, Ac, solicited, and liberal cash advan ces made on the same, either for sale or on storaire. l'articular attention paid to purchasing goods to order. They bnve also made nnungruients with Z. N. Stans bnry. at Portland, Ogn, to receive in store and make liberal advances on all produce consigned to their house in San Francisco. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. STORAGE., FOR WARMISH 4- COMMIS SI US. r N. STANSBURY is now prepared with ample sJ Fire Iroof Rooms for stoniire, convenient to the wharf, without drayaue, and will give particular at tention to receivine. storinir and forwardinir all kinds of goods and produce on lilx-ral terms. He will alo make !Hernl cash advances lor the house oi J. A. ic Ielland ic Co., Son Francisco, on all produce consign ed to them. Office at the store of LOVE. TURPI N & CO., where as nsuul, most kinds of family supplies are kept, and all kinds of produce bought aiid sold. Jan. 1. lfro'J. lvl.Tpaid John It. Foster, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN SHELF AXD UFA VY HARDWARE, MECH ASICS TOOLS, FARMIXG 1MPLEMESTS, d-c, 4'f- AT THE FIRE FROor GRAXITK rRU.VT STORE, Front street, Portland Oregon. February, 158. 43tf Albany Hook Store. rriHE undersigned would inform the citizens of Linn X Co., and the public generallv, that tlit-y have just received, and will keep constantly on hand, for sale, a targe assortment of school books in common use, and also a variety of miscellaneous books, stationcrv, Ate HALEY BRO S. Alliany, Oregon, July 1, 1853. IStf City Hook Store, Corrallis, Ogn. rrvHE undersigned has now on hand, and is constnnt X ly receiving a large and varied assortment of Mis cellaneous and Standard books, school books, stationery of all kinds, nnd all other articles usually found in a book store, all of which will be disposed oi' at the low est prices. Persons desiring anything in my line, will do well to give me a call. " M. 11. BELL CorvaUis, Sept. U, 1S58. gTtf Boyle Miles, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, would respect fully inform the citizens of Polk Co., and vicinity, that they have entered into copartnership for the prac tice of medicine, sttrgerv, and obstetrics. Office, Dal las, Polk Co. J. W.'Boyle, M. D., for the present will lie found at his residence, 3 miles east of Dallas. Jan. 15, IS5S. l.'xf Silas C. Herring's Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. "VTiTTTH or without Hulls' powder proof lock or T Jones' patent permutation Bank Locks. Sold at the manufacturer's prices with freight added. 1 'rices from fii to $G50,call and sec sample of their work with the improved locks. GEO. H. JONES, Agent. Salem, May 17, 1858. lotf War Scrip. TTOLDERS of War Scrip can secure the services of a A- fc. I'elton, tieo. 11- Jones to., to present their papers at Washington for payment. Receipts given lor the papers and cash advances made in some cases. Office at Barnnm & Wilson's Law Office. Salem, March 23, 1853. 2jf Dickinson Xye Foundry. PHELPS it. DALTON, Boston. L. P. Fisher, Agent, San Francisco. Oroers solicited for type, leans, ruic, etc. Angnst 25, 1857. 21tf Statutes of Orreon, CAN be found at John Fleming's, Oregon Cily; and at A. R. Shiplev's, Portland. April, 1859. Corintliian Lodge IV. IT, OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, hold their regular communications Thursday, on or before the full of the moon, in Aiounv. 1L A. CUNNINGHAM, W. M. W. G. Hai.it, Sec'y. 47tf City Hotel, CorvaUis. MESSRS. A. B. dc I. SPRENGER WOULD annonnce to the citizens of Corrallis, and the travelling public generally, that they have thoroughly refitted this well known establishnient.and nnt now ore Dared for the accommodation of custom ers. The rooms have all been refurnished, the beds clean and comfortable, and their table will be ftrrnhsh. cd with the best the market anorda. CorvsJlia, Aug. 30, 1857. Iy25 Wallamet University. SALEM, OREGON. THE Collegiate Department of the Wallamet Uni ' versify has been organized. Young men design ing to pursue a regular Course of Study, am invited to avail themselves of the advantages nfl'orded by this In stitution. All available resources will be mude nse of to meet the wants of Students. Efforts will be contin ued to seenre a suitable endowment ; and no pains will be spared in obliiining competent and experienced In structors. The Collegiate year is divided into three terms, com mencing as follows: The first term on the 3d Thursday In September. ' second term on the 1st " January. " third " " " last " " " April. The first two terms are .fifteen weeks each i the third, eleven reeks. Vacations. There will be two varntions In the year: one, in ApriL of Itco weeks, and one, in the sum mer, of nine weeks. Tcitios will be nt the rate of 1 per week, or f 10 tier aniim. THE OREGON INSTITUTE. THE PREPARA TORY DEPARTMENT. Tkrms. The Academic year is divided into roun terms of eleven weeks each.' The first term begins on the 2d Monday of September. " second term begins on the 2d Thursday of Nov. " third " " " " Inst " ''January. " fourth " " " " hist " " ApriL Vacations. There will be two vacations in the year: one in April, of fro recks; and one in the summer, of six weeks. TriTios will be paid at the beginning of each Term in advance, at the lollowing rates: In languages, Higher Mathematics &. Chem., f 10 00 " Other studies of the Academic Division,.. 7 50 " Common English Division, 6 50 " Primary ' " 5 50 For nse of the Piano 10 00 t" Instructions in vocal music is given to all the students free of charge. THE FACULTY during the present year will con sist of Rev. F. R Hoyt, A. M-, President nnd Acting Pro fessor of Ancient Languages. 8. B. Wilbur, Professor of Mathematics, Teacher of English Branches. Miss A. V. A mini u x, Tcarlier of Instrumental Mnsic. Mrs. P. M. Hoyt, Teacher of French, Painting aud Drawing. Mrs. C. Wilbur, Teacher of Primary division. AnmssioK. Students will be admitted ut any time; and will beeiiarged for tuition from the time they enter inly, but tlieir progress will be greatly promoted by entering early in the Academic year. In rOfcs where, from necessity, students leave before the end of the term for which payment has been made, a just proportion not more than three fourths nor less tlinn one lottrtb of the tuition fee will be rcfuuded. Students are not allowed to leave just before the exam ination. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, in flict great injury upon both the student and the Institu tion. Boarpixo. Young gentlemen and Indies can obtain board ut reasonable rates with private lumilics. Course or STtor. A Course of Study has been adopted for bolh the Collegiate and Preparatory De partments, wen caicuiatea to secure npe scnoiarsuip, mentul discipline, and a preparation for the active du ties of life. A liberal Course of Study has been adopted for voitna; ladies who desire to obtain a thorough education. I tf'A Diploma will be awarded to all who nbull complete the prescribed course. The Government will be parental but strict aim ing constantly ut the formation of correct habits of Self tSovernment- Careful attention will be given to manners and morals. ScHoi.iKSHirs, perpetual, or for the period of ten years, securing tuitiou at verv reduced rales, can be purchased. For further particulars apply to the Presi dent. I'er order of Executive Committee. CHESTER N. TERRY, Sec Board of Trustees. Salem, Aug. 4, IS5S. 24tf Pacific I'niversily. Forest Grove, Warhingfon Co., Oregon, Rev. S. M. Marsh, A. M., President. Rev. H. Ltmas, A. M., Prof. Mathematics. ri"MIE collegiate year consisting of one term of nine X months, will commence on" the first Wednesday of November. It is the desiirn of this Institution to furnish a thor ough and complete collegiate education. There is a Library oi HHHJ volumes for the use of the students. lirants for admission to eolles-e must have a knowledge of the common English branches, and have studied the ancient languages so far as to have read portions of Cs?sar nnd Cicero and the Ureek Reader. The tmtinnfr is $'2 per annum. PREPARATION DEPARTMENT. Students tittinir for collece. as well as others wishing to pursue collegiate studies without entering upon the college course, will be under the instruction oi the col lcire teachers. The fall term of 1 1 weeks in this department com mences on the id Wednesday of t-epteuiber. Tuition t i pertcrm. Tnalatin Academy. Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon, Rev. Cl'SHiNO Eci-LS, Principal. The f:dl terra will commence on the flsst Wednesday of September. -r..f.: . t - I 1. . ,t :.. .1. - 1. : ..1. X UllIOU 111 1I1C VVI1IIHU UliUllUCV, C f l V uiguc branches, f per quarter. 1t26 Jefferson Institute. rilHE Trustccsof Jefferson InMitule, would announce I to the nublic that the school in this Institution is now in snece!'nl operation, under the charge of Prof O. H. Carrand bis lady, dirett from Keystone State. Mr. A Mrs. Carr haviucTspent severiil rears in pre paring themselves for the Profession of Teaching, are uow prepared to cive entire satisfaction to all those luai mav enirust meir emiureu iu iiieir cw. TERMS: Primnrv IVpnrtment per term twentv-four weeks. $10 00 Common English studies perterui twenty four weeks, 12 00 Higher branches " " " weeks, 16 00 Students can enter the school at any time, but will not be received for less than half a term. No allow ance will lie made forabsence, unless a special arrange ment be made with the directors. Board can be hud on reasonable terms near the School. Althongh this school is not controlled by any relig ious sect, yet the strictest morula will be enforced and good order maintained. H. A. JOHNSON, Sec'y Board of Trustees. Jefferson, Sept. 20, 135a lySS Tfore New Books I "W7" K. SMITH it CO., have just received direct T from New York a large supply of CHOICE BOOKS AXD S TA T I OXER Y, which they will sell at greatly reduced prices. They have made arrangements bv which thev will be enab led to furnish the reading public with AI L THE STANDARD WORKS OT THE DAT, at a very reasonble advance on Xew York Cost. Their books are bonght in New York bv a resident agent, well acquainted with the trade, and at MUCH LOWER PRICES thnn they can be had by ordering from the Booksell ers themselves. We invite our friends and the public generally, to call and examine our stock and ascertain our prices. We are permanently in the trade, will be constantly receiving new supplies, nnd are determined to sen at tne very lowest prices, yiny rare dooks mat we may not have in store, we will order for our pat rons, aud Libraries of Law, Medical or Miscellaneous Books, can be obtained through our agency cheaper than in anv other way. Among the "desirable books lately received by us, are the following, viz: Kane's Arctic Expedition; Livingstone's Travels in Africa; Bentan's 30 trears in the U. S. Senate; Qninbf on Bee Kerning: (innn's Domestic Medicine; Rollin's Ancient History; Dick's IV'orAi; All the standard Poets; Mrs. Soutnworth's Works; Mrs. lire's H"or,- Mrs. Lee Hcntz's 117?ri:; Plutarch's Licet, $-c., d-c Also, 100 REAMS TAPER, CAT, LETTER, VOTE AND BRIEF, all of excellent quality, and at low prices. . Also, Enveloves, Ink, Scrap Bookt, Mucilage, Gold Pens, Gillotl's Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Slates, Xelson's Copybooks, Blank Letter Clips, Mi Paper, Sole Books, drawing wiper visiting cards, albums A-c. W. K. SMITH, dc CO. AM Statesman Rook nnd JJots Otlice. YrK navo T,,rP Presses, the best facilities for Book printing north of California, nnd an extensive as sortment of Jobbing Material of every kind; and are prepared to execute promptly, and iu a workman like manner, all orders in the above departments, such as Books, Blank Chkcks. Pamphlets, Handbills, Ball Tickkts, Circulars, Invitations, t Bi siness Cards, Bill Heads, Concert Bills, Notks or Hand, Oudeii Books, Steamboat Bills, Steamboat Cards, Bills op Lading, Certificates, Show Bills,. Check Books, Blank Receipts, 1'KOORAMMKS, Addilkks Cards, .drafts, TIi.akks or all Kinds. Ac. Aec 6tc. f-y" All Jobbing m ust be paid for before it is taken from the Ujnee. Enirrnviiii?. rpnE undersigned having; received the first premium X the late Mechanics' Fair in San Francisco, as the i ,,a Ktnt.t tnlces the libertv to inform tne citizens oi tregou auu , iuhmhhju ". he is prepared to execute anything in his line with i i . 1. II. .......) .1 nmwirtnloFlv inform neatness ana uespiucu. i m them to send their orders direct to him, in place of " .1 :. - . inn'uluN a. th.iv Mn thenhv leaving uii-ui w uu unu j-" -- - j j Save COIlSlUUrauie ivaiuifs. ..-t,itd A. KUHaK, 167 Washington St., San Francisco, CaL VW Refers to the different lodges in the State. December 2, 185a 6mM Dr. X. JT. Czapkay's Private MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite the Pacific Mail Steamship Com puny 'sOllice, San Francis co. ESTABLISHED IN 1854, FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF ALL PRIVATE AND CHRONIC DISEASES, ANDTIIE SUPPRESSION OF QUACKKRT. Attending and Resident Physician, L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D. Lnte in the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief Phy sician to the 20tb Regiment of Honveds, Chief Surgeon to the Military Hospital of Pesth, Hungary, and the lute Lecturer "cn the diseases of Women und Children, nnd honorary member of the Philadelphia College of Medicine. A PERMANENT CURE GUARANTEED, OR NO PAY. Communications strictly confidential. Consultation, by letter or otherwise, free. Address Dr. L. J. CZAI'KAY, Sun Francisco, CaL TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. L J. CZAI'KAY re turns his sincere thanks to his numerous pnticnts for their patronage, aud would take this opportunity to re mind them that he continues to consult at his Institute for the cure of Chronic diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, digestive and genitive organs, and all private diseases, vix: Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrhoea, gleet, strict ures, seminal weakness, and all the horrid consequences of self abuse, and he hopes that his long experience und successful practice of many years, will continue to en sure him a share of public" patrmutire. Bv the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, and during the Hungarian waraud campaigns, he is enabled to apply the most efficient and successful remedies ngainst "diseases of all kinds. Ileuses no mercury cliarges moderate treats his patient in a correct and honorable war has references of unquestionable ve racity from men of known respectability and high standing in society. Ail parties consultiiiguira, by let ter or otherwise", will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and implicit secrcsy. Of all diseases, the great first cause Springs from neglect of Nature's laws. Suffer Xot! H"Jc a enre is guaranteed in all stages of SECRE T DISEA SES. Setf-ahnte, Xcrrons Debility, Strictures, Gleets.Grae et. Diabetes, Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Patns in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases oj the Lungs, Throat, Xose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Bod or Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy, Epileptic Fit, St. Vitus' Dance, and alt Jh scans arising from a derangement of the Sejrual Organs. Such as Nervons Trembling. Loss of Memory, Loss of Power, tieneral Weakness, Dimness of Vision, with peculiar spots appearing before the eyes, loss of sight, wakefulness, dysitcpsia, liver disease, erupt ion upon the fare, pain in tlie back and head, female lrregufariiies, and all improper discharges of both sexes. It matters not from what cause the disease originated, however long standing or obstinate the case, recovery is certain, ana in a shorter time than a permanent cure can be ef fected by any other treatment, even after the disease has bafiled tfie skill of eminent physicians and resisted all their means of cure. The medicines prescribed are pleasant, without odor, entirely veeeUime, causing no sickness, and free from mercury or balsam. During lilleen venrs of practice, in Europe, the Atlantic Slates and California. 1 have rescued from the jaws of death many thousands, wno, m tne last stages ot Vie above mentioned diseases, had been given up to die bv their physicians, which warrants me in promising to the af flicted who may place themselves under my care, a per fect and speedy cure. Private diseases are the greatest enemies to health, as they are the first cause of Con sumption. Scrofula, and many other diseases, aud should be a terror to the human family. A permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, a majority of the coses fulling into me nanus oi lucompeieni persons, wno not only iuu to cure tne disease, out ruin tne rmwii m ion, uuing the svstein with mercury, which, with the disease, has tens the sufferer into a rapid consumption. But should the disease and the treatment not cause death sneedilv. nnd the victim marries, the disease is entailed upon the cbildrent who are born with feeble constitutions, and tne current o! file corrupted by a vi rus which betrays itself in scrofula, letter, ulcers, cor ruptions, and oilier atlectioiis of the skm, eyes, throat and lungs, entailing npon them a brief existence of suf ferinc and consigning them to an early grave. SELF-ABUSE is another fortuidablceueinv of healih, for notliin? else in the dread catalogue of human dis eases causes so destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thousands of victims, through a few" years of suffering, down to an Untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies for niarriiiee, society, business, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and tuiud, predisposed to consumption, and a train of evils more to be dreaded thnn death itself. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of Self abuse, thnta permanent and speedy cure cau be effected. and with the abandon ment of ruinous practices, mv patients can be restored to robust, vigorous health. IrreinilaritM . and all diseases of males and females. treated on principles established bv fifteen years of practice, ana sanctioned by thousands of the most re markable euros. .Medicines, wna tun directions, sent to any part of tlie State, Oregon, and Washincton Ter ritory, bv patients commnnicaling their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly confidential. Address Dr. L J. CZAI'KAY, Medical Institute, Sacramento street. Below Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail Steura Ship Co.'s office, Suu Francisco. To the Ladies of Oregon and California. L J. Czapkat, M. ll., PliTfician. Surgeon and Accoucheur, invites the attention of the sick and atlhcted females, laboring under anv of the various forms of diseases of the bruin, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kidneys, and ail diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doctor is effecting more permanent cures than any other physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy prevent yon, but apply immediately, and save yourself from painful suffering and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other cir- cunistauces preveutau increase in their families, should write or call at Dr. L .1. Csnpkay'a Medical Institute, Sacramento st, below Montgomery, opposite P. M. S. S. Co.'s otlice, and they will receive every possible re lief nnd help. The Doctor's cilices are so arranged that he can be consulted wiihont molestation. t5a All consultations (bv letter or otherwise) free. Address to ' Dr. UJ. CZAI'KAY, Medical Institute, San Francisco, CaL REMARKABLE INSTANCE OF MEDICAL RE LIEF. Below we publish the certilicates of two of the sufferers from the pangs of disease, who having recovered their former health, and impelled by grati tude, make known their rases and remedial agent, and their statements are authenticated by a Notary Public The demands of society imperiously command their publicity, and we commend their perusal to the atten tion of all utllicted : CERTIFICATE. The nndersiimed. desirous of acquainting those who may be unfortunate enough to be similarly afllicted, where a permanent relief of their suffering may be ob tained, feels it his duty to thns publicly express "his most sincere gratitude to l'r. u. J. v tapKuv, lor tne perma nent recovery of his health. Borne down bv the dis tressing symptoms iucident to the vicious practice of unconlrolfable passion iu youth ; depressed iu body and mind ; unable to perform even the most trifling duty im posed npon the daily avocations of life, I sought the ad vice of uinny physicians, who ut first regarded my dis ease as of trifling importance but alas, alter a few weeks, and in several instances months, of their treat ment, I found to my unutterable horror, that instead of relief, the symptoms became more alarming in their torture ; and being told by one thut my disease, being principally confined to the brain, medicine would be of little consequence, I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength and enerirv; nnd, ns a Inst resort, anil with but a fuuit hope, culled upon Dr. Czapkay, who, after examining my case, prescribed some medicine which almost iustaully relieved me of the dull pain mid ' dizziness in my bead. Encouraged by this result, I re solved to plucc myself immediately under his rare, und by a strict obedience to his directions and advice, my head became clear, my ideas collected, the constant pain in my buck and groin, the weakness of my limbs, the nervous renctiou of my whole body on the slightest ahum or excitement ; the misanthropy and evil forebod ings; the self distrust and want of confidence in others; the incapacity to itudy, and want of resolution; tlie frightful, exciting, and' at times pleasurable dreams ut night, followed by involuntary discharges, have all dis- npiieared; nnil in tact, in iwo moiiins uner Having con- suited the ineior, i ion as 11 inspire,, uv n uew nit- that life which, but a short time ago, I contemplated to end with mv own hand. With a view to guard the nnrortnnnte Trom tailing into the snares of incompetent qiuicks, 1 deem it my du ty to oiler this testimony to the merit and skill of Dr. Czapkay, und recommend him to ull who nuiy stand in need of" medical advice, being assured by in v own ex perience, that once under his care, a radicul and per manent cure will be effected. B. F. FILLMORE. State of California, County of San Frannsco: Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day of April, A. IK 1."6 (Signed) JOHN MIDDLETON. Jl. s Xotary Public. CARD. Prompted by an honest desire of my heart, I wish to ray before the public a case which deserves nigh com mendation, not only as aa act of scientific skill, aut that of humanity, also. About two years ago, I suddenly, and from causes unknown to me, was seized with a tit of epilepst, which, owing to my inability to meet the expenses consequent npon a thorough medical treat ment, and the discouragement which I met with on at tempting it, soon became such (as 1 was then led to be lieve) as to defy the skill of any physician. I was fre- ery of my existence. While in this state, and having ntvrinna to mv affliction tasted the sweets of life, I once more waslnducedto attempt seeking aid of a iphvBician, and, by recommendation, called npon Dr. Ii J. Czap . kay. 1 told him my circumstances, and my inability to reward him for nia aervicea regardless of which, however, he at once undertook my case, and with the blessing of God, I was once more restored to perfect health. Unable to reward him for the boon whirh I enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebtedness, I consider it due to myself aud to all afflicted to make the case public, in order that those in need of medical advice may find a physician in whom every confidence can be placed. AIExr.K 1 A.DlAJ2iBX.X . is.j State of California, i County of San Francisco, ( ' Subscribed and sworn to before me, this first day of August, A. D. 18o6. GILBERT A. GRANT, Jus. mm Notary Public. QPERM ATORRIIOCA, or Local Weakness, nervous to debility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the limbs and back, indisposition and incapacity for labor and study, dullness of apprehension, loss of memory, aversion'to society, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness, headache, pains in the side, affection of the eyes, pimples on the face, sexual or other infirmities in man, are cured without fail by the justly celebrated physician nnd surgeon, L J. Czapkay. His method of curing diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence the great success. All consultations, by letter or other wise, free. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., San Francisco, CaL The rettest IHseovery of the Arc GREAT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! DR. CZAPKAY'S Prophilacticlm, (self-disinfecting agent,) a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea and Syphilitic diseases, and a certain and unsurpassed remedy for all vcnerc.d, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous nleers, fietid discharges from vagina, nterns, and urethra, nnd all cutaneous eruptions and diseases. As innoculation is preventive against small pox, so is Dr. CKipkny's Prophvlucticum a preventive against Syphilitic and Gonorrhoea! diseases. Harmless in it self, it possesses the power of chemically destroying the syphilitic vims, and thereby Having tliooHinds of dehntiehees Horn: being infected by the most loathsome of r.U diseases. I t ho young man who appreciates health be without Dr. Czapkay's Prophybieticiim. It is in verv convenient packages, and will be fonnd con venient for use, being used us a sonp. Price, $5. For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Private Medical and Surgi cal Institute, Sacramento pt., below Montgomery, op posite P. M. Co.'s office, Siin Francisco. All letters must be addressed to L J. Czapkav, M. D., i- - .t:ui r rancisco. CERTIFICATE. I, the undersigned, tiovernor of Ifunirarv, do testify hereby, that Dr. L J. Czapkay has served during the contAst for lltmc-nrinn liberfv.'fls Chief Snreeon tn tlie Hungarian army, with faithful perseverance whereof w I . : . . 1 i i . i uavegiveu ijiiHiiiisccniucate.Buu ao recommcnu nun to the sympathy, attention and protection of all those who are capubfe of appreciating patriotic self-sacrifice, and undeserved mistortono. KOSSUTH LAJOS, Governor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan 6, The following letter, which emphatically speaks fur itself, was written by the Dean of the Faculty of the Philadelphia College of Medicine to the editors of the Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal, San Fran cisco, for publication : ! rflltlDCLrRll, Jan. 1, loo?. To the F.ditors of the Pacific Medical and Surtrical Journal Gentlemen : My attention has been called to an article in the December number of your journal, in regard to tne aa eunacm degree granted by the Phila delphia College of Medicine to Dr. L J. Czapkay. When the application for the degree was made to the Faculty, it was accompanied by affidavits and U stimo- nials to the effect that Dr. was'a regular graduate M. 1 , ol the L niversity of 1'esth, had served as r-urgeon in the Hungarian army and was a regular practitioner of medicine". On the strength of these the degree was granted. Tlie ad nendem degree, as its name implies, is conferred ou eraduutesonlv. and irives us new m-ivi- 1 ges. Had there b e i the slightest suspicion of irregj uiumr, me application wouiu nave oeen reiuseu. I V inserting this m your journal you will do an act of jus tice to ine college ana comer a lavor on Yours, very respectfully, ff.Rl.VD. Dean of the Faculty of the Philadelphia College of Sledicine. DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S PRIVATE MEDICAL and Surgical Institute is on Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite the PaeiGe Mail Steamship Com pany's office. San Francisco. The Doctor offers free consultation. and asks no remuneration unless he effects a cure. Office hours, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Llr Persons not wifchine to lose time in correspond ing, please enclose $1U in their letters, and they will get immediate aitcuiiou to uicir eases. Address, Lu J. CZ.APKA1, M. D., San Francisco, CaL Octoler, 1S5& 3m9 Daly's Valley Whiskey. YVE BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF t f Dealers, as well as consumers, to the following certificates of well known chemists, who have analvz ed " DALY'S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY." The hitrh reputation of the names is a sufficient iraar- antee that the article possesses all the merit claimed lor it. n jl Jitn lll lu., Sole Agents. State Assurer's Office, 32 Somerset street, ) Bosiros. SIass.. April 17. ISjS. i Wsf. IL Dalt. New Y'ork: Dear Sir I have made a chemical analysis of vour AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKT." and find it pure, hne-uavored faiskey. comamim? no miunons matter of any kind, and recommend it as suitable for medical and public purposes. CHARLES 1. JACKSON. 31. U., State Assaver. New Tork, April 19. 1S5. I bnve analyzed a snmnle of ' DALY'S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY.'' and find it to be a pure arti cle, of fine flavor, and without any deleterious admix ture. Jakes R. Chilton, M. D.. Chemist. W. H. Dalt, Esq: Pear Sir: Your "AROMATIC VALLEY WHIS KEY," is received, and after careful examination, I find it to be a pure article, entirely free from the adul terating ingredients so frequently nd. james j. Jl AfES, t. nemist. DALVs AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY is put up in cases containing one dozen bottles each. f tor sale by alt the principal Ldquor Houses in San Francisco. 3md Admistrator's "Notice. T ETTF.RS of administration of the estate of EL- XJ MORE KEES, deceased, late of Linn Co., State of Oregon, were granted to the undersigned, by the judge of probate of said eoccty, on the tith day of April, ISoS, therefore all persons owing said estate are here by requested to make immediate payment, and all per sons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present them, with the nroier vouchers, to Mor gan Kees, near Lebanon, Linn Co., Oregon, within one vear irom tins Gate or tnev mav re lorever oar red. MORGAN KEES, Admiu r. April 6, 1S53. 4wpaid Executor's Notice. T7HEREAS letters of Kxecntorship on tlie estate of v iul!.i ah n.iLitii, deceased, late ot ioug- las conntv, Oregon, were granted to the subscriber. with the will annexed, by the judge of the probate court, in and for said county, therefore all persons in debted to said estate will please come forward and set tle the same, and all persons having claims against said estate will present the same to the subscriber, at nis resiuence. tui me oouse oi ii. j. ki Diraci, rsq.. Douglas county, Oregon.) nine miles west of Rose- burg, within one vear from date, or they will be for ever barred. P. D. WALTER, April 16, 1SS?. 4w9 STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF MARION, "XJOTICE is hereby given, to all persons interested in I the estate of WILLIAM PARKER, deceased. late of said county, that Milton Young has this day filed a petition in tne county court, oi suiu county, acting in lrobate, praying said conrt to authorize aid direct the administrator ot said estate to execute a conveyance conveying a certain tract of real estate, described in said petition, containing acres to him. the said Mil ton Young, in fulfillment of a contract between him and the said deceased. Notice is therefore given, that Tuesday, the Jth day of June, 1S59, is set apart forthe Hearing oi me sain pennon. MILTON SHANNON, Judge County Court. April 27, 1S5SK " 4wS STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF YAMHILL, X IpKFORE County Judge: To Calvin Ish: You are hereby notified" that a writ of attachment has been issued aga"inst you, and vour property attached to sat isfy the demand of A. W. Sweet, amounting to two hundred and sixty -five dollars, iow, unless von shall appear before Geo. H. Ste ward.Jconnty judge, in, and for said count v. on the 11th dav of June. ji59. at the court house in Lafayette, in said county, at 10 o'clock. A. M-, of said day, judgment will be rendered ngainst you, and your property sold to pav the debt. A. Vt . SV Ltl. 11 April 26, 1S59. 4w8 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF LIN N, S . IN Justice's Court ; To William Rexford . Yon are Kcr..Ku nni.;aIl ,hat a w-it if attachment has been issued nwinst von. nnd vour property attached to satis- . .- . , - . . - ...... , HTtPM IV the demand ot t oolen iavis, mut....! dollars, $16 00; Now, unless yon appear before K. A. McFarland. Justice of the Peace, in and for said coun ty, at his otlice, on the lh day of June, 18o9, judg ment will 1 rendered against you, and your property sold to pay the debt. WOOLEN DAVIS, ri ff. 4wSa April S3, 1S59. Force Pump. A FEW more left, at 25tf Tif' Call soon. REED St. STRANG'S. Deeds and "Scrip Blanks." NEW lot just printed at oOtf - STATESMAN. jE.' Pelton, Geo. II. Jones & Co., 1ELL EXCHANGES on New Tork, in amounts to j suit purchasers. Salem, May 17, 1358. lOtf Window Sash, GLAZED, and common sized unglazed, just received from the Portland Sash Factory, and for sale low for cash, at KLrJL) & SI RANG a. August 27, 1858. 25tf Look Here! TkERSONS having Prince's Melodeons with broken JL reeds, can get them replaced with new ones by sending to uregon City xsook ot meioaeon aepot Sepu 21, 1S58. 40tf KaKSISSSJSJSBlSBBSEaKSSSKKSaSSSSBMaS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE STATE. One year, in advance, 3 00 If paid within six months, $1 00 If paid after the expiration of six months, f 5 00 Six months, in advance . -2 00 One dollar additional will be charged for each year payment is delayed. No paper will be discontinued until all arrrarnirea are paid. Legal advertisements will be charged at the follow ing rates s Twelve lines or less, one insertion, $3 00 ; each subsequent insertion, $1 00. Leiral and all tran sient advertisements must be prepaid to insure inser tion. Administrators' notices, and all advertisements relating to the estates of deceased persons, must be prepaid, unless ordered published by tlie county judge, uiiu H hiih . u ukj I'iiiu l J mm. Jiur.ipuirui no tices, resolutions of societies, orders, &c, will be charged at half advertising rates, and payment must ue maun ueiore puuiicuiion. iommunirniions OI only individual interest must be prepaid, at the same rate. Advertising bills not paid within one year from the time when contracted, will be increased twenty-five per cciii. earn year payment is negiectea inerealter. Every effort will be made by the proprietor and ed itors to make The Oregon .Statesman the best news paper in Oregon. Remittances may be made by mail at the risk of the publisher, if mailed in the presence of a postmaster. ASAI1EL BUSH. To the Pnblie. READ, FARMERS, READ. HA.? THE SOLE AGENCY FOR JOHN A. PI IT'S unparalleled Threshing Machines, for all the Pacific coast, I take this method of informing yoo that I have on hand and for sale FORTY Machines, thirty of which are ten horse and ten of which are eight horse power. The above machines were got up to or der, aud cannot be surpassed in any respect, as to beau ty, strength and durability the frames being very sub stantial and strong, with a much lamer Fanning Mill and more depth of Seive, with Cast Steel Shafting, and not liable to spring, adding mnch to the steadiness of the rurming of the machine. The Cylinder of the Ten Horse Machine is Thirty -six inches in length, and that of the Eight Horse is Thirty-two inches. Each ma chine has with it Tracks, Horse Power, Levers, and the nsual amount of Extras, which are made and fitted expreaeiy for each machine, making them lees liable to get out of order than any other machine in the Mar ket. Being aware of the many false plans and deep laid schemes that hove been taken to defeat this most wor thy machine, which up to the present time has never known its equal, either in Threshing or Cleaning grain; and aa all means have been used to defeat the sale of the same, by a bogus machine of a very inferior kind, I feel it my duty to let the Farmers kn'jw that no gen nine Pitt's Machine can be purchased except of the subscriber, at 33 Sacramento street ; and all parties of fering for sale or using any boirus machines purporting to be Pitt's Machine, will be held personally responsi ble for ail sales and using the same. THOMAS OGG SHAW, Agent for John A. Pitts, 33 Sacramento street. Ohio Threshing Iflaehiiies. Also have a few of these celebrated Machines. They are just what every Fanner wants. The compact ar rangement of different parts of this machine, the great simplicity of its construction, the strength and durabili ty of its workmanship, the small amount of power it Lakes to run it, together with he effective operation in threshing and cleaning, at least as much grain of any kind as any other four or six horse machine now in use, combine to justify us in believing that h cannot fail, as it becomes Known, to be the most useful and popular machine in the country. The Cylinders of the above machines are from Eighteen to Twenty-four inches in length. Each of the Ohio Machines have Trucks, Horse Power, Levers, and the usual amount of extras. We can safely recommend our present Jot of Thresh ing machines as being the best that has ever been im ported, as they were all made to order. Give us a before buying' THOMAS OGG SHAW, f Sacramento street. Extras! Extras!! . THRESHING MACHINE EXTAS! We have on hand a full snimlv of nil the aitffmt pans of the above machines. In esse any portion ; should fail, we can supply you on short notice. A few of the leading articles we will name, viz : Master wheels, Straw-carriers, Drapers, Elevators, Spur, Bev el, and Bull pinions, Cvlinder-teeth, Fan Gear. Line Shaft boxing, etc ' THOMAS OGG SHAW, do Sacramento street. THE CALIFORNL. COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER. The best combined Reaper and Mower now in use. Will manufacture for the present harvest One Hun dred of the the California Combined Reapers and Mow ers, which, for beamy, strength and simplicity, has no equal in this or any other market, as it possesses manT great advantages over any other machine, to-wit r 1st, It is much liirhter; "the driving wheel is four feet high, making the draft 30 t cent, less than any other txmchine. 2d, The ratting part is the rear of the machine, and the apron is so constructed that it can be taken off in ten minutes for mowing. 3d, The grain is passed to one side with ease. 4ih, It will cut grase as low as three inches, and grain as high as twelve. 5ch, It c;tn be raised or lowered in three minutes. 6th, It has less side draft than any machine in ase- 7th, It has more motion. Sth, Yon can drive slower and do yon work better. 9ib, It cuts six and a half feet in 'width, and has a spring seat five feet from the ground, which places the driver in a position to be able to manage his team, and see tee Dressers aneaa in time to save bis machine. iUtb, it can be thrown out of, and into gear in one minute. 11th, The cnrting part of the machine beintr in the rear, takes all the weight off the horses. r-hh. The best and last reason at all is. that it is si California improved and made machine : therefore, any purchaser can, on short notice, obtain any portion oi ice macuute max- may ureas. X nave uirvrrii panicumr raius to Sdect CTKXZ WOTK- men and good materials, and I warrant this machine to reap and mow, and to do either or both, better than anv other machine in this market- Please give me a caJL THOMAS OGG SHAW. 33 Sacramento street. ALSO KEEP ON HAND MANNY'S COMBLXFTi KbArtKS 6c MOWERS, 1SURRALIS REAPERS, HUSSEY S REAPERS, McCORMICK'S REAPERS. In fact, all kinds of REAPERS mat are in nse, can be Lad of me at the lowest cash prices. . - THOMAS OGG SHAW, 33 Sacramento street. SAFES! SAFES'! LUlie's Improved Wrought and Chilled Iron Safe. FinsProof, Drill Proof, Powder-Proof, liuruiar-Proof. With LUlie's Lmpiekable, Powder-proof Lock. The best Safe made for resisting both fire and thieves, as proven in innumerable instances. As to recent test by fire, reference is made 4o tha late burning of the Crystal Palace in New Y'ork Chv. at whirh all other Safes on exhibition were burned up. Lillie'8 Safe alone was uninjured. Reference is also made to the test afforded " ths burning ss? she Illinois Central Railroad Depot at Cairo. " ' Head the following letter COPT.. Cairo, I1L, Dec 10th, 1S58. Lkwis Lillie. Esq. Dear Sir: The Safe we ttui chased of you was in our office, which was consumed on Monday night. We have just opened it. and find the papers uninjured, and the books will be good for service by being rebound, the binding being injured by steam, but the paper of the books is not injured in the least. The contents of the iron money chest were ail right, good as when put in. Truly vours. ignea, 15 K. AiJBOi 1, Agent Illinois Central Railroad. Reference is a Wo made to the great test trial which took place at Iowa City, in Iowa, on the 10th January. 1859. The origin of the test was the sharp comperiaoB forthe supply mg the State Bank, and its branches, with safes, vault doors, locks, Ac- The State Bank having purchased Mr. Lillie "s Safe, etc., the opposition safe venders, being dissatisfied, proposed, as a test, to drill through one of the safes the Dank had purchased, which proposition the bank ac cepted, and Mr. Lillie went through from Troy, N. Y., to Iowa, to witness this test. Four perfectly chemic ally hardened drills were prepared, and the machinery was adjusted, Mr. lillie assisting them in adjnstinsrtbe machinery to drill bis own safe. The result of all this was, that after drilling one hour and fifty -six minutes - thev reached tne coiiieu iron, , kb utiu . vwu v . no "farther, all the drills having been literally broken " and ground to pieces. All father efforts to drill were reluctantly abandoned. " A shipment of these safes has jnst arrived, and can r . . : T . . 1 l- l T- now le seen u me ax kuuurh iTjuruuuK vi a. v.- Shaw, 33 Sacramento street. Lillie's celebrated Bank Locks' on harHnvfor sale. The best Bank and Vault Lock m the world. XUUHAS UCKi SHAW. OIL, OIL. Tlie best in this market for all kinds of machinery. which I will warrant not to gnm iu using. Send us your orders, and it shall be satisfactory. BELTING, BELTING. All kinds can be had as cheap as the cheapest, both of California and eastern manufacture. EXTRAS, EXTRAS. All kinds of reaper sickles and sickle sections, spur, bevel and crank pinion boxes for Manny's combined, MeCormick's, Burral's, Hnssey'a, Seymour A. Mor gan's Reapers. REPAIRING, REPAIRING. All kinds of Agricultural Implements made and re paired on short notice. Kept constantly on hand any amount of extras, which will be sent to all parts of the State by express Send in your old mar bines isr time to get them repaired : save all your old castings, for which I will give you the highest market price. 1 wiaet you to bear in mind that I have any timmni of goeda them, and anything yon may need the Aericajturai Trade, as low aa can be bought ut this market of tha same quality. Feeling thankful to yoa for ail past fa vors, I hope you will call at 33 Sacramento street, be fore buying, and look for yourselves. THnWlSiVVSSTflW April 12, 1859. v 3m6" Session Laws. 1 very few copies of the acts of the late legislature X of Oregon for sale at the Statesman office. Pric one dollar. s March. 29, 1S39. "