Dr. L J. Caapkay. we would direct ths especial at' taction of Invalids to a ptrad of Dr. L. J. Csapkay adrar Itsement, to a roond In another column of this paper, in or der to ntac the sen hie of learned and experienced phyl aiaai wtthm tbctr reach. 80 nraeh IU baa been Inllleted ontbo aoaian family from the pernicious and Ignorant practice of eapirlca, that K aema at tf wt wen fulfilling a boaadea dole to make known where relief can he obtained. To the fortunate enoocb to suffer from the effect of arxoal or private ttseaaes, or their IU treatment, r cheerfully commend Dr. L. J. Ctapkay aa a man of rare acJenUfle and medical acquire ment, poaaeeaios all lb reanlsltes, from long experience and ncknowledred akUl, for the sneceasnii practice of hi promo tion. Barinf made aexnal complaint an especial study, like the celebrated Mcerd, of Paris, be la enabled 10 guarantee permanent and spaed core In an cases of prlrata or cbronle disease, whether the effects of contagion, self-abase, or toss of vtrtMy ; and in order that patients at a distance mar araH UumselTee of his advice, free consultation la open to them The knowledge that we bare of the numerous cures be has affected, some of which were of long standing, leads na I place mneh faith ta Dr. C." efficacy, and commend him lo the eeafldenee of those In IU health. Dr. Csapkay' oSce Is en Sacramento street, below stanipnfnerr, nearly opposite the Pacific MaS Steamship Co.l OrBee, San Fraaclaca. ari 13" Persona adwaaeed In Llfs, and feeling; the band of time wdchlng hear!! upon them, with all Its attend' at BbJ, will And In the use of Dr. 3. UOSTCTTCS'S CEl E- BSATED STOXACB BITTERS, aa elixir that win Instil new Ufa hue their reins; restore. In a measure, the ardor and energy f more youthful days, build up their shrunken forme. ad ftr Health and vigor to thetr remaining yean. Thom who are Li the least afflicted with Dyspepsia, Ague, Languor Ifaasea, or any other croubiesoroc or dangerous disease, aria tng from a dteor Jered system, should not hesitate to ava.1 rntstseim of the benefit derired from this great remedy, try mem; we assure you they will giro satisfaction. As there are arreral counterfeits, be careful and get the genuine. Sold by respectable Drugrtota, Lienor and Grocery Dealers ercrywaere, and by PARK A WHITS, General Agents. ISS Washington street, San Frandscw. W. K. SMITH A CO., A sects, Salem. 8m8 Tr. Ouj-sott's Improved Extract of Yellow Iook tad Saraaparllla, !s a sure remedy for Hereditary Row Is the time use this celebrated purtBer of the Mood. It It the great Spring fewidy, and the only medicine whloh can effectually deanse the system from aD Imparities of the blood. Thousands who hare used it can testify to - ITS XIRACCLOVS EFFECTS VPOK THE BLOOD. ft create new, rich and pure blood, carries off the putrid humors, deanse the stomach, regulates the bowels, and im parts a tone of rigor lo the whole body. Dr. Guvsctfs JOetraet of Yellow Doc and JSartaparOla, As manufactures! mtder the snpertntendence of the moat cele brated chemlat and phyeictan ta this country. Is the OXITSARSAPAXTLLA which will effectually cleanse the system, eradicate disease, restore a healthy action to an the functions of the body and SEEP THE BLOOD PtTSX. War sale by all Di ue.it lets on the Pacific coast, and by PABK WHITE, Agents. 133 Washington street, San Francisco. W. K. Surra a Co., Agents, Salem. Sm8 X.weras Magsatlo, or Flea Powder. Will destroy Garden Insects, Cockroaches, Bed-Bags, Fleas, Ants, Moths, and aa pests of the Terrain kind. The Importance of a relia ble article of this kind la inestimable. In warm weather all nature teems with these amoving foes. This powder Is the only article erer discovered which win exterminate them. A company of botanists, from the Hortlenltural Society of Paris, while amidst the ferns of Asia, obtcrred thst all Insects light ing upon a certain kind of plant very soon dropped dead. Thi fact was made use of to guard their night camp from the larmders. Quantities of the plant were brought home by Mr. C Lyon, and found a posit Ire Insect destroyer In every ex periment. It la simply a powdered sear, chemically prepared en rests the eaVc of age and climate. Medala and Letters Pa test have been obtained from the gorernmenU of England, rigsum Oermaay and Basam, from the World's Fair, and e sntroa mudliel and horticultural colleges and societies. lirmraMmnDnmotmrnTOirtRi BxecnUe Mammon, Washington, Jan. Slrf, 1358. rfju Eusra. Lroa Dear Sir : I have the pleasure to In Vara you that that the Boya Commission, of the World's Fair, atlssadaa. have awarded you a Medal and Certificate t ratac of your Magical Powders, Ac MILLARD FILLMORE, CasiBnas." The above was accompanied by a certificate of Prince Al ls at rasa raoa Fdsos. Aces Tort. October 1st, 19M. Ha. t Lto Dear Sir: W have analysed and tested your rAsgactle Powders and And them perfectly harmless to man kind aad domestic animals, but certain death when Inhaled by bags, nam and and Insects. JAMES R. CHTLTOX, M. D., Cmnmr. LACEAJfCI EEID, Pane. Cmmtsrar, 5. T. nosrmt. Mr. John L. Ron, SuperhMenaent of the New Tork Hospi tal, ays, "he has expelled all the boea, ants, roaches, moths, ate wish Lyon's Powder, and Buds H of Immense tshe Every aardomc and hausskiir must have a direct inter est la aa erUcke af lha kind. Beftrencs can be made to the sVotov. St. Wchoaas. aad Metropolitan Hotels; to Judge Meigs' rrestdeat of the Amertcaa lusttrute; James Gordoa Bennett, (tern. Winartd UeM. Cyrus w. Field, L. M. Pease, of the Five Point Miosis a. Ac Ac Judge Meigs say. - This discovery 2 Prot Lyea i of aatwoal Importance. The Farmers Club lave tested M thoroaghly. It win destroy locust, rrassbop. pcrs, ants, sooths, bugs, and an vermin. Garden plants can m aow made throogh Messrs. B ARNES A PABK, of Hew Tor, to have It sold throughout the world. Many worthless Imitation are advertised. Be cautious ! iTesr lor, jroccmoc St, IMS. Ia retiring from business. I have sold aB my Insect Pow der aad Pais, Letter Patent, and the secret pertaining nereto, to Messrs. Berne A Park. TMs Powder Is a discove ry made by myself, aad brought from the Interior of As!, and B) auk lie an to any ether pel sons. The genuine and effective attest a) pat ap ha tta canisters, and will continue to bear my n r "E.LTOX." Baat aad mice cairn ct be reached by a pewder, and are BUsd by a Magnetic PiO. Order them through any merchant. Tut lron" rUer kltts mseers m a ro But Lyon'a Pills are mixed for rats and mice. foOew directions. Is Weiw nnd tKarmehly. W. K. Basra a Co.. A rents, totem. gsuia a Davts, and Da. W. WasTnraman, Agentt. Portland. ea PARK A A H1TE Baa Francisco. . km w shca Vpm, rW-t, mil IMflr. Bond and free; an colors, grades and conditions of life, we bear the same meed of praise awarded this wonderful ar ticle. Bores are healed, pain relieved, live avcd, valuable animals made aseful, aad untold ills assuaged by thi great medicine, which are surprising to the judgment of man. What family doea not require a standard Liniment. Who ever heard of the same effects produced by any other article f For Cuts, Braises, Sprains, Rheumatism, Swellings, Strained Horses, Ac, it has no equaL Beware 0 Imitation. The genuine Mustang Liniment is told by all respectable Druggists and Liyery men in every town, parish and hamlet throughout Worth and South America, Europe, and the Islands of the Ocean. Boy at once. B ARSES A PARK, Proprietors, Xew Tork. Exith A Davis, Agents for Oregon. Feb. 12, 1959. 8nn51 Frank Baker, 110 A XT) 112 CLAY STREET, 45 AXD 47 MERCHANT STREET, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic CARPETSJLOGR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS Mat and Cocoa Slatting, DntggeU, Baizes, Dam asks, Window Shades and Hollands, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, n?IE BA!t6I!CCS ASD BORDERS, . CHIS A MATTING. FOR SAXX lit IOXS OR DCTT PAID, AT LO WES T May 16, 1859. - R A TES. . Cmll .Notice. ALL persona are cautioned acainst purchashic; a note, given by me to James Smith, about the 6th of October. 1857. for six hundred and odd dollars, as it . was rranduientlv obtained, and I will not pav the same miuesa compelled bv law. M. L. hCTTOX. taiverton, May 17, IH59. 3wllpnid Steam Engine for Sale. ONE steam engine with 45 h orse power, with pumps, pipes, shaft, flanges for drum, wheel, bolta, &,c, swmptete, for tale cheap for cash. iy Inquire at the Steam Circular Raw Mill, at Sa AO".. or of B. M. DU KF.I.LE. May 14, 18a8. utf At the Dalles Is wanted, afonring mill, as there is none in Wasro , County. , THE undersigned baa a flouring mill partly complete, which will be sold cheap. It is located on an ex cellent water privilege, in sight of the town of LtatUea. VST Attached to it is a good stork claim. Enquire of O. H UM AbOX, Dalles. May 13, 1859. lltf STATE OF OREGON, J COUXTT OF MAKIOX, NOTICE is herebv iriven that tbe administrator of the estate of jA.S JEAXGUAIS, haa this day tiled his petition hi the office of tbe Comity Court of aid eotmtv, pravinir an order anthoiizinjr him to sell a portion of "he real estate of tnid deceased, and it appear, iinr from said petition that there it not sufficient pcr txmal property to par the debts outstanding aeainst tbe deceased and expenses of adtmuistrarkra. Tberelore, Tuesday, the 5th day of Jnly next, is set apart for the bearhur of icrid petiiirm, at winch time, all peraont in tpreoted are nouued to appear, and show cause why af arAeT for the sale hhmild not be granted. . ' sv. . . MILTON SHASXOK, County Jndge.-1 ' - HirlH.lW. . -- ' - . 4wll - Administrator's 1 NotitTO- '.-' "IkTOnCE i nercbv given to all persons having-claims JM . gainst tbe estate of KL FLS C. EDM VXDSOS, to present tbe sum to the administ.ratar, within twelve tnooths from this date, for bit allowance or rejection, etc said claims will be forever barred. ' t PHILIP GLOVEK, Jr.; Jtdmhl r. . hat num. , . , WA1 A. Marker. WnoUsaU and Retail Dealer FORETGX AXD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Orocrrtc, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, 4-"t 4c- HAVINO now a very great assortment, and baying Terr lanrely and almost alloirrther by the tiack age fat Phiatlclphtn, New York anil Host on, enable na To sell at muck Lorer Prices than thom who boy In smaller c,uunt itics, and who are obliged to buy at second hand in n Francisco mar kets. By receiving goods in every steamer, direct frnm tha mnnnrarturrrs and importura in the eastern markets, we flatter ourselves we can furnish the mot- cnanta and eonsntner 01 r-uirui, anu too surroununiK country, wtta all kinds or kooii at . Grtatlf Reduced Prices. Our stock embrarra a very mnre and well selreted assortment of frVtsA, Jrem-n, dnmurt Imert can Goods, of the moat celebrated mantUactarn, con tstinf of 1-npin' plain and FW French merino 1 lAutdtut biKh-lustered alpacua ; t-ilk tieour : lll.ick and lev silk velvets t ltirh all wool tie mines; llltirk from de rhinea; lliack and fey silks; IxiniKm fev folica a Irs and Bounced : Ilich colored frro de Nat'lrs and pouet desoiet llrilliantinea, robe lawns, and ducala; lliris styles, prtplins; liich prmtetl raAimerc shawls and orarfs ; Une brocbe bord and Stella alia wis; Mantillas, richly trimmed with htco, cVc; l'aris styles fry'aiid plain whalebones ; Bilk parasols ; Kii-h etueruld p-ros do Xnple ribbons ; Ladies' l'aris t vie bonnet, and Mixaca flnt. biolie Krciull black cloth, frock and tack roata ; l.'maeti's ex qnalitv French black doeskin pant I.voVs blnt-k and fev tilk velvet Vests: Harris' celebrated Icy, mixed and plain cas&imrre pants ; Boy and youth'g clotting, and fey plaid cassi meres ; 5-4. fr4, 8-4 and 10-4 Allendnle bed eheetinm: 1 I, audi, ex quo lit v Ballardvale white tlannels lvu h tnnestrv nnd LlrnmeH'a eaiiwtiiiie. and nw style oil cloths; also, a lutvc supply of the cnoiccst ontnus 01 irooencs, cotnrising VUI 100 bbla. K. O. snirnr ; UK) matt No. 1 China do ; o0 boxes Virginia tobacco; l,ii boxca candles; l."0 rhesis Hvson, Imperial and Ooloong tea; lt0 krgs E. It. syrnp ; l."0 boxes raisins , !3 bbls. crushed snirnr; K'd) boxes 8. F. powdered do; 511 bbls dried npplce ; 25 boxes prime chile peaches; It) ke-ira nails : AH of which we will tell either wholesale or retail at Sun Francisco prices. I rr tmlera areomranvinff the esh enrvlnliv nnt tin Goods chatved at the lowest prices, and forwarded with di? patch to all parts of the country. Terxs. Cash, and one price. No poods nirepre- Bcmcu to eueci suics, unu no auaicmeni in prices. A. llAKlVfc.K. Brick Store, Front St., opposite upper wharf. Fort- una, ,n-egon. 1 in Batlrr P. indenoa. ATTORXET AT LAW, OLTMPIA, WASHIXO-TltX- TL-PRITittiV st J. V fAI II S As t . Parrirnlar nnd rtromt'tt attention irirrn to nil hn!n4ai r V- - T 1 vi: . 1 a .r Geo. L.- Sterr & Co., Importer and Wholesale Dealer in PAIXTS, OILS, WISDOM' GLASS, lrreijc. J?rwAf, Colors, Glues, $("-, $-r. Jfo. IPJ Clay Street, Ran Francisco. lyll SALETI RACK COI HSK, OIICCaO. THE Prvtprirtor of the new and beautiful Racei Course, four nvlca north of Salem. JC? y directly 00 the river, in Slarion county, rcspectl'ully be leave to announce to the rarinjr contmumty of this State, the fivllowinsr pnrses to be" run for o'ver bi coiueo in spnnir, eommencinron t ucstiay , tno i7sn day of June-. ls:l, and conthmins: six days, exreptins; Mtnoar, ami innnnmif ontay, ire tn oay 01 jniv, and btpe the lover of sport "will tarn out liberally wnn tnetr potTin Mors. 1st dav, Tuesday Sweepstakes for 3 and 4 rear old, mile bratt; SIO snbeenptioti, w-tI forfeit. 1 hree or more tutifcrihor to fill the (take. To which the Pro prietor will add $ 100, if the stake is filled ; to name and clow on the "Jjth dov of June, lW. 2d day, tteonesrtay l"tire fljo, tree to all agea, mite heats : to run to rul, 3 to enter and 2 lo start. 3d day, Thursday Two mile beats. Purse $J00, free to nil age to "rule, 3 to enter and 2 to start. 4th dav. Fridnv lure tJW. utile beats. 3 in 5. free to all aw to rule 3 to enter and 2 to wart. 5th day, hatanlay Hnndimp purse mile heals. in o; entrance -t, ?iu lont-it. tkh dav, Monday, July 4th Puree $KH, 3 mile bents, free to ail aces, tortile," 3 to enter and 2 to start. The weight to he carried for the above purses, except the Handicap, are aa follows r 3 veiir olds ti lb., 4 vcar olds lOu lbs, 6 t ears old, liu 11., o years old, lis IDs., vears o!1. ana npwRin, ix 10s. Glares, fillt-vs. and ireUUmre allowed 3 lbe. The en trance shall be ten per cent of tbe above purses, except the sweepstakes. This course will be (rovemed by the nun nnd recti unions of the Jsarysville 1 ark Asaocia tion, of Marytville, California. l. tt . ii.iL.c, rropnetor. Palfm. Anril 3Cth. 1?). I will here state that our fall meeting will commence on Tuestiav, the 4th day of October, lHjD. To com TnMiit w ith a stnke for 2 vcar olds. 9-i0 entrance. S'20 forfeit ; 3 to fill the tttnke"to which will be added, if filled, $150. Weights 7o lot; filleys and geldinm al lowed 3 lbs. To name and close on the i4th day of ijeptenibf-r, lSoS. Dff a. 1 1 r. 1 1.1.. To the Stock-Raisers of Oregon. A CHALLENGE! BELIEVIN'G great injustice was done me sfTptt and rav stock bv the iudees at the Linn x?S l0!iiv rair in cvtHenoer ia, sna ueBiniix to correct certain false statements, I publish this adver tisement. At the Fair above mentioned, a 3 vear old heifer, sired bv rav bull. Duke, was awarded a premium as a fallow cow, but whether for the purpose of injuring me or m v stoca, t am not prepareti vt hit. a " tuH, tha public, however, that I own as good" an animal as Oreiron can produce, I make the following proposal : un tne vtiii day of Julv next, in corvaitts, 1 snail show ten calve trom my "bull, Duke, two 4 year olds, two 3 year olds, one two year old, and five yearlings all bulls. At which time two of them will be weighed one oemg, on tnat tiaVj one year old. 1 will give any one the privilege of pickingjfrom alt the stock be tween Portland and the Calapooia mountains, thesame number of calves, and will meet them on that dav, and show for o00! The Judges selected to award the premium shall be only those who are unacquainted with with mv cattle, or with any shown, and shall not be considered compe tent unless'they have dealt in line stock before coming to Oregon ; and if I am beaten my money shall go free ly, but if the preference be given to my calves, tiicit I snail claim the money. Any one intending to Accept this challenge, or to show against me. must give me a written notice to that effect, on or before the first dav of July next, addressing meat Peoria, Linn County, Oregon. Persons desiring to see me or my stock will find me five miles eat of Peoria, or eight miles west of Browns ville. I still own the old bull, and allow him to serve cows for $15 or $25 to insure. Many of his calves can not be bought for $500, and scarcely anv for less than $100. F. SI". MOKKISS. Linn Co., May 15, l&m 4wl0 Notice. THE subscriber would inform the citizens of Salem and vicinity, that he has on band a Choice Assortment of Botanic Medicines. Ttt. k offers on terms to suit the times. He would also say to hit old customers, that he will attend to Calls, in DOtn town anu country, an mo ujsy nine, us long at the roads and weatber are good. . ,t AnilL.t. Mav 12, 1859. 10tf For Sale. rTWRirc and a.hnlf lota, with Dwelling Hoilf. J. Barn, and otherimnrovementi.convenientlv Mix. situated, in fcalem. Enquire at the Statesman Office, or of JOHJf A. JOHXS. May 13, 1J. lOlf Notice. THE, public i hereby, cauijoncd not. to .trust my children, on wv-account, a 1 shall pnv no debt of their contracting. If they will come under nr pro tection, I will provide for them. j nilLESTER LEE. May 9, 108., its-1, .It -t' 'jMrlOpaid - Dissolution of Copartnership.' K THE copartnership heretofore existing between W .""S TOd Z J Brown, is ditssolved, bv mutual consent. The aooomtla due said firm are left in the hands of Warren for settlement , ,, - , 7 -j.-, i . ...;a .vT.t-.:-..; ..;-, ; W. WAKitBX; " ? : ' .y'L'i..ir.i z. J. uiiuvvN!- nawm, aiuy ii, inx. . . - 310, t uX'sall Basas. n -mm . " isr i 1 u at usturucr. A LAEGE and Splendid aasortment of Wall Panci and llorder, Oil painted iudow Shades- stndi.J Tr tV iriri I'.nrTaaTi. nuv K fonnj 1 r . i W. hi, . 2otf HEED Ar STB A Kfua ' Music t Music I ! ItTEhnve int received a liinni nimortmentof V MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Of all kinds, embracing the following t PRINCE'S MELO D ICONS; A large assortment of the following kind 'iua & octavo, piano-cased, Four & do do double reeded, Two 5 do do double bank, Pour 6 do do Two & do nnrtnble. 7. Gtlbert 4- C'o.', Holder, and Stottard s Celebrated VIA J U S t IWulc a Inrgs assortment of Guitars, Violins, Accordeotis, Flutinas, C'birionets, Tambnrinei, Flutes, tee., tee. B OOKS! B OO KtiU Just received at the city Booa-SToitr, a large as- sonment oi u ii 1 1 it s , CONSISTING OF ' Standard, Religious, Mierllanrous, and roetieal wotks, 11 nrertu and IHckcntr Hotel. e., fee. Stationery, of all kinds, at AVholesule and Uetuil. l'OSTot WHITE. Oregon City. April 30, iy9. UHf ICIclinnlH c IrlcFrakeu, Forwarding and Commission Merchants ....AXD JUlJltKUS IX.... Oregon Flour, Grain, Fruit, Bacon, Lard, AX., Ar., At T IM E, OEM EXT, and PLASTER received by every m.4 Fiininv vcfsei. t V" Will attend to the purchase and shipment o Slerehandisa of every dcn-ription in the Eastern and i-an Frnncisco markets. Also to Forwarding goods in con r ranrwD anu 1 ortmitu. The Celebrated Mann Reaper and Mover, nnd Agricultural Ituplrmeuu of every description fur nisneu lor casn at ban raucist b'rauciseo coat und traiiKHrta turn. We will also attend lo the sale of Oreiron Produce In Victoria, having established a honse in that place un der the management of Mr. D. Fisk, a gcntleinun of eight years experience in the trade in Min hiuticis co. utut.i i rut All KM, Commercial H'Aar', Portland. JAME3 R. KICHAKDs. 3? iacramento St., San Fron. lOtf DRV (K)OIINI DRV OOODSI 1IEYNEMANN, PICK A CO., R) and 91 California t reel ,( tnr in BLOCK. IMI OKTEKS AXD JOBBERS, Offer for Sale by the Piece or Package, JLAX KETS Red, Whtte, Blue and Green; Prints, Velvet Ribbons, French and English Me- Black Oil C loth. rinos, Pilot and Beaver Cloths, Alpacas, J rtmrb Hats, Castores, Black Oil Cloth nats. ("arpetsi, French and Englitih Mut iteunn ugs, tm de Inline, Crumb Ciotii, Spool Colton, Linen Goods of all kind. Farmer's Satin. Window Curtain, Marshal's Linen Thread lhtma-ks. Velvets, Wool Plaids, Hunting, GinirhBiiis. Hosierv. And a full assortment of Dry t foods, for sale at Ixjw ew .naraet Kates; .ttniu Tilton & .HcFarlaiid's FIRE AND B VRGLA R PROOFS A FES. fllliiSE who arts in want of a Fire and Burglar L Proof safes, per the bnrk " Industry" from Xew tora. we ntive a complete aiwonmeni ot J- ire ana Burglar Proof sates, witlt Steel Faults and Combination Ioelcs. The best safe in the world manufactured bv TlLTUX & McFARLAXD. I "e lie particular in bnrinir a safe, vou have TIL- TOX Sc. McFARLAXD'8 name in full'on tbe safe, as none others are genuine. LADD, REED Ac. CO., Front St., Portland. May 10, I50. 1'hf Calvin INuttiMK, MANUFACTURER OF BANK VAULTS, Fire-Protif Doors, Iron Fences, Railings, . A5 D ALL KlIPS or.. B L AC KS M ITU WOR K, 94 Jaclcton Street, One door west of Batter y, San Francisco. Mav 3. 139. " 3ml0 Drs. CS. A. aV Ada 11. Veed, r"rO Med ical Ph sicia n s. TTAVIXO hivated in Salem, we shall be happy to A a. attend to calls. btn in town anu countrv. Mrs. Weed wiil give special attention to Obstetrics, ami Qisvasv pecqiisr lo woii-n suu conuien. Iatientt at a distance visited on reaotiable terms. They may lie consulted pcrsoimlly.or by letter, free. .rtpni in To the Ladiea of Salem and vlrinilj . r""HE Mlscriler wish to announce that they ff JL intend keepinir on hand all kind of Milliu- Hfuv'' erv UorMi. tilk and lace bonnets, colored aad w fiite straws. ltout snsvlo and trimmed to order l also, dreas making. Shop near the Woolen Factorv. Mrs. II A. WORTLET, Mis E. A. PRATT. April 0?, 1S59. Smrpaid DiS'Kolulion. T'lIE conartnershin heretofore existins' between B. .1 Marks, H. Abraham tc M. Roser.berg. under the name and strleof Marks 6c. Abraham, in uoseburg Oreiron. it tin dav dissolved bv mutual consent. II Abraham amttmes'all tbe partnership liabilities in Ore gon. All debts due their partnership in Oregon are tiia He is authorised to collect and receipt the same in tue name of the nrm. It. MARK. M. KISr.XF.llO, 11 ABRAHAM. Roschtiry. April 51. 159. 3wl0 For Oregon direct. A VESSEL now being bnilt expresi-1 v for tbe tire if on trade, Master, (a duplicate of the Bark C. E. Tilton. whieh made a passatre out in 116 davs) will leave XEW YORK on or about the tint ot November next, for IMK 1 1. U direct. Mnp pent, in order to secure freight, should make early ap plication to the undersigned, or Messrs. Wuketnan, Di mon ct Co.. Xew York. We will also attend to the pnrehase and shipment of mercuanuise, carriages, anu mnrmnerv, ir pnnie. iu Oregon. UAUU, kllu iu. April 20, 1S51. bmlO Kasle Hotel. ritllE undersigned has jnrt opened a public A. house in the town of Dallas, the countv seat of Polk Co. Every attention shall lie given to the ac commodation of tlie traveling community, as well at to hoarders : no paint or exjiense have been spared to make the House convenient mid pleasant, and would respectfully solieit a share of public patronage. In connection witu tne iiouse m a nverv waine. THOS. J. LOVELADY Dallas, Jan. 12, 1S.".D. tim4ipuid Clarion House, Sale in. THE undcrBigiied announces to the public Unit be ba nttreiiuscd the well-known tavern Btand called the Marion House, in Salem, together with the furniture and fixtures thereof. He will keep it in first rate style, and invite tlie patronage ot tne juiiuie. R. M. MAY'. May 23, 157. lltf For Sale. LOTS No. 1, 2, 3, in block 53, with dwelling bouse, barn, and other improvements, in Sa lem. Enquire of J. O. Wilson at Snleui, or at Portland, of GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Sept. 23, 1859. 30tf Farm for Sale. TWO and a half miles from Salem, all under im provement, good buildings, and a large orchard of Fruit trees, from one to nine years old. JOHN FORCE. Dec. 8, 1S58. 4(itf Copartnership Notice. r TMIE undersigned have this day formed a copartner X ship under ' he firm of Ladd.'Reed Sc. Co., and will continue tbe business of the late lirui of V. S. Ladd Sc Co. J- W. LADD, S. Ci. REED, J. M. LADD. Portland, April 4, 1853 8w5 Encourage Home manufacture rrMIE Willamette W oolen Manufacturing X Co. have now on hand the best quality of blankets, yarn, and cloth. Wnnl taken in estchnmre for tbo above goods; unwashed wool at 15 to 17 cts. per lb.; washed wool at 20 to 25 cts. per lb. Merchants supplied on reasonable terms. Orders at tended to with promptness and dispatch. 1 L. E. PRATT, Sunt. Salem, Nov. 21, 1858. Iy37 IVurscry. rilHE subscriber hat one of the best nurseries gS JL in the country, situated near Salem, in which 3 can always bo found all the best varieties. Orchard men are requested to examine bis trees. Apply at the nursery, or the confectionary and grocery store, north west of the Marion House. MICHAEL MYERS. Salem, Oct. 1, 1858. 30tf Mail and Passenger Coach. npHE undersigned hereby informs ; JS 5CS S ine puunc muir nts ruiiuuig n sassaKsafesBEiai weekly fine of Coachct between Salem uuu toumie City, carrv the t nited States mail tutd passcngera. He lea ret Eugene City Sunday morning, arriving at Sulcui Monday afternoon, and leave Saleuj Tuesday; morn ing, arriving at Eugene Wednesdiiy evening. Good, accommodatiop for passengers. Fare, $B each War. ' ; V . - ;.. GEORGE IX McQCEES', , August 10, 185H. ' -..;a3if y A. B. WOBXRT. : ' " Ww.ASBBA; ' S.'tl. MOOKI. :-.i'-..it riu.i; T'vEALERS in Marble, Mouument. Tombstones, Ob- AS eltsk at, epirea, murine uauires, aames, vvuihci rl'opa, Fire-Fejtdera, '' Hesurthsione bUmI Stepa. r!. onopon c rout-ot-, o w" .vwtu wv.wiu(vi r New Improvement. mllE tubtcriher hnviim secured all the late Ininrove X menta and additions to the photographic art, it now prepared to supply THE PICTURE ADMIRER with a tnperior class of pictures, heretofore unknown tn thit country, and inch ouly as can be obtained in HIS GALLLERIES AT SALEM AND CORVALLIS. Therefore the friends living in either place will be rare to avail themselves of thi opportunity to secure tome rare specimen of FicTDnaay or thcmsklvk a.d rniasns. A mbrotupes, Mrlainntupes, Collotypes, Spher. otypes, and Photographs, colored or plain. OIL PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS. being by far tbo most superior portrait and picture mat are nnd are destined to supercede everr other kind. The process of Photographing is producing wonders. Picture of Statuary, Madrls, Buildings, Landscapes and Animals of nil kiudt, are among the excellencies of this proceat. 1 have the only facilities tn this country for the production of such pictures. I protlnce the onfv picture that are at all Fl T TO SE'ND IN LE TTF.RS. Rxnerirnrs nrnves that Mchiinotvnes are not at all fit at lint been published to the world. 1 am prepared to produce tuis superior cms oi picture, trom toe SMALLEST POSSIBLE M IXI ATl'RE TO FULL LIFE tiZE. and even much lurner I have a variety of Fine Gold Lockets, Double and Single. Tbe best evidence of THE SUPERIORITY OF MX PICTURES over others In thi country, is that every visitor to my gullery tr?.'ftoK exception, so decides. Having enjoyed the rare privilege of between three and four mouth practice in San Francisco last summer with one of the best practical aud most popular pho- lognipuers in r.uroc or America, ifub gives mo a decided advanlaze. My gallery is alwavs open for the inspection of ladies and gctitlemrn, und pit-lures for their inspection. 1 have an occasional hour which Iran appropriate to THK It II' A IK OF Ml JKAL IXSTfir JttST J. I have nUo a process by which renew Brats Furniture of nil kinds in the most elegant ttvle. It will look na M l. i: . . i ' .! , t ii an v iitri. mm ai uw iitmiuiiKwrT. My pullery will be constantly open, ifhen I may be found lo attend to culls. My gallery at Corvalli 'will have an operator to attend to customers. It CAMPBELL. Sulem, April, 1S59. tf Oregon ! Oregon ! I Oreiron 1 1 ! IriELLOW CITlZEXSwilldo well to keen in mind that March 7th, April 4th, May 'Jd and :lth, June y.tn, July )tlt, Aug. Sept. ivtn, Oct. irtli, A'or. Hth, Dec. PJth, in tlie present year, within any week commeiicinsr nt anv of tlie above dated, von aie'resoec- fttlly solicited to intend Albnnv SliU to get your grift ground, by E. ri. Altree, it being his time" to run the Mill. Every attention will be paid to all who wit.li to patronize lain, both in qtmutitv ami unlit r. Should the mill not run. I will exchange a first rate article of Hour always on hntnt lor Ktie. P. S. Cash paid for wheat, or wheat stored at all times, at tbe Mill, srpernte from the other proprietors. I keep a kiir for anv one lo cross their gram free over ttienvar. umiarj tv. s. Al.l Kh.K. Talk about tsoltl Mines 1CTS me in mind that I WAXT TO PAY MY DEBTS and cannot do it WITHOUT MOSEY. and if there in any body otviti! me. fund 1 think there iS ale would just sav Unit tnonev we must have, and we would bereny uotitr thof indebted to me either by note or book" account to come forward and puugte otherwise we will have lo conptirn Inem a!l over to J, D. Boon, who will uo doubt make cost ou it. Yours recp liv, J. A. JOHNS. Salem, Sept. 1, lji ,t .ir.t Kot ice. t ERSOXS wishing any business trarisnrti-d in the B iiRiuie stales, aucn as pureimauig oi t-5irriu-t- buiiiiies. wagons, acninir luaehines. t-iano.4. reaters. and mowers, or anv oilier article which is not usual) r kept in Ibis market, will una it to Ibeir advantage to call on tlie undersigned. Also, for tbo collection of tiionrrs (which ta uwually done thromcu the Lxprei- Co., at a heavy expense) vrui be promptly attenue-i to nv one oi our urni. vt o win pnv ca!i ior an umns, bills of exchange, and certificate of deposit on tlie - .., : i, i. . r-nei or ft csteru ouiist. W. C. GRI3W0U) &i Co. Salem, Oct. Ii. 2-f For Kale. ? tt ACRES OF LAXD FOR SALE OR REXT s-9Yj all under fence, npwanw of 1HJ acres in cul tivation eituated in tlie Forks of Willamette river, three mile from Sulem. The land claim is one of the beet, not only in Lne county, but in Oregon. On the claim there'ia one of the "best SAW-MILLS in tbe country, "lhe water privilege cannot be excelled any where waler trie vear round una tmii-cr cau-ir. Payments will be nrrantfed to suit the purchaser. tor furtlscr uttormatton, apply ou the jremi-- ti II. Alt.'lUAtit., 4ltf M. Keiinr'a l'ost Oilice. f. II. rillow. fr-w V A f .Pi! in !ofl-k. srstetirs and tewelrv. Su- MJ letn. Om. Partienlatr atteiMi-iu pai-l to the repairing I w atrnea ana ciocks. aii wora war ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. OK SALE: Watches and clocks, 8 dav striking clock t at a very low price ; also JO boor mnnno riocaa. Indies nnd Bents hrcrhcs. Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Hold uutKies, tiuurd tnaine, Oct., ace. Salem. July Ii, . 17X1 X r. Ilishfield. WATCHMAKER, OKEGOX CITY. TlERSOXS desirons of eettinir ool work X done will do well to irive me a call, as tnr whole time is devoted to the repairins of Chro , nometers, I htplex and llonzontnl t atcues. An assortuieut oi jewelry on Hand. Jewelry repaired, or made lo order. Price m arcorthince ti ith the times. Store at the old stand, Main street. Jan. 27, 1S5H. 47tf . Collier Ilobbins PRACTICAL Watch Maker, Wholesale and retail dealer in eloeks. watches, jewelry, silver ware. and Msiiing tackle, and Indian eiHHls, rorti.imi. oreiron Receiving niv i;oois ilirect Irom I he importers and manufacturers, I ran sell goods as low as any other llouse ou the 1 in line t oast. llavmir experienced workmen in erst i branch of my business, 1 call guarantee perfect satisfaction iu repair- iinr line WHU lies ami lewelrv. l-.verv article warranted to tc as reputed, aii wiiicu wora wnrranieu io give eatnsitu-uou. i-ii Patronize the Expresses. " V X customers in falem, or any town in the interior, lfa can order watches. ievi-lrv. silversooonB.tiCC.. bv eXDress. vuvable on delivery "of the goods, pnivided the article and price ttitts, otucrwise tuey can oe re- turned. incites, jewelry, etc., lor repair can no lor- warded in the same manner, to H.LOIJaKK liWUlH.MS, Practical Watch Maker, Portland, Oreaon. Feb. 2, Ibo'J. 4Mf Dr. J. II. Cltitwood. EOLA, POLK CO. OREGOX. w rlAa continue to keep on band an assortment of riruirs and medicines, also ail tne leadiiur parent medicine in common use in Oregon. He will supply the people of Eola and vicinity with school and mis cellaneous books, stationery, die.. Ate. He also tenders His l'rolessional services to tne peo ,le f Polk countv. His treatment of disease is strict ly nmin tlie Botanic practice, using all the Hygieuic agencies, in common use in the lielorin practice. April 4, tr.'. tfn Dissolution of Copartnership. THE copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of W. S. Ladd Sl Co., is this dav dissolved bv mutunl consent. The business of the firm will be settled by either of the subscribers, or by Ladd, Heed jwo. air r a- i,m T . O. IJAI'O, J. W. LADD. Portland, April 4, 1853. s 8w5 Fine Blooded Stallion for Sale. PEDIGREE: cyHIRD from imported Medoc, on side of A sire: tuird Irom imported r-ir Arch' on side of dam. Inquire of N. A. Reed Amity, Yamhill Co., and Jos. t att, Salem. April 7tf Mill for Sale. CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. THE undersigned will sell for cash or scrip, the un divided third in the property known aa the Mary 'a River Mills, situated in Benton County, seven miles from Corvallis. in the midst of a lurire u'lrmina- district. Tbe property consists of a Grist and Saw-mill in good running order. Also a Blacksmith shop three dwelling-houses, aud about twelve hundred Saw-logs. The mill lot contains about thirty-one acres of land. Tbe above property will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars enquire of the undersigned on the premises. WM. MATZUEK. April 2, taw. muz New Horse-Ferry JSoat. THE undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of this State, and especially 'to- the traveling public, that a new ami commodious "FERRY BOAT, or two HUKB I'UWEK, has Jtist been pot in successful' operation, at a heavy enrpense, upon the Willninetto River at Salem, nnd will be Prepared at all timet tocroeo footmen, horsemen', wagons nnd stock of every description, at reasonable rates of ferriage.' ' The' patruiuige ui wu uuoic is rcsitociiuuv soucneu. Sulem, May 3dy lS39.'e t vaii jn lr.,vA:r.43tf-ir p ,,:;; vr: .: Anriinn , tisalau lf t t-jvinvno )-.-:;: THE 'undersfgned will ofter1 folf. tulip Id' .tie highest bidder, at lug. residence, in Polk Co., on Monday,! the 6th day of Jtuieuext, hit entire property consisting of about l.HOOarres of laud, 80 boad of torses, 400 bead of cattle,' Bud 300 sheep.' AU under one' hundred dol lurs, cash -down,; and all sunia over -100, terms made known on day of sale, AU persons indebted to the un dersigned Will ploaae pujigje over, on, or before, that time. - " V1 A-H-WUITLEYv Polk Co., April 4, 1839. SwOpald - W. II. Spencer, FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Fire-proof Brick Store, opposite H. W. Corbett. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON, STEEL, HARDWARE. WnXOW WARE, WAGON MATERIAL, and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Just arrived, ex "Live Yankee i" 50 tons refined iron, assorted ; 52000 lbs. cast steel. SO setts steel springs ; 100 " iron axle! 100 keg nails, assorted ; 25 " H. 8. nnils; Ml dot. Collins' axes, with and without'handlet; 25 dox. Hnnt't " " " " " 60 " Bogart't " uuu A large assortment of edge tools of every descrip tion. MILL BAWS, CROSSCUT HANDSAWS, Together with a general assortment of Farmer' and Mechanics' Hardware, Plows, Straw Cutter. Hoes, Shovels, See., Ate Comprising a general assortment of Agricultund Itn plementa. HUBS, SPOKES. FELLOES, and everything in the line of WAGON MATERIAL. Merchants und other purchasing would do well to look through my stork. O. E. COLE Las entire charge of the business, and will endeavor to give satisfaction to customers. To arrive about the flrt of Mav 4 THRESHING MACHINES, ' 13 REAPERS and MOWERS, Which will be sold for a small advance on cost and charges. TO BLACKSMITHS. Just received, nt W. H. Spencer's, Front St., Port land : doz. Blacksmith's Bellows, from 32 to 33 inches; " Iron Vice; " " Anvils; 5 kecs Horse Shoe Kuils : And Hlacksmith's lords of all descriptions. TO WA G ON MA KERS. 100 sett of States Wood Hub i 4000 Spoke", State Wood ; Hi sett Hcnt Felloes; Hickory Axles, Bent Shafts; Hickory and Oak Plank ; Uent Felloes. Sec, Ate. . - JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, A general assortment of Harness Makers' and Sad- dlery Hardware. Hits and spurs of all kinds. Stirrups, whips and Cinches. Also, just received, ex What Cheer, a large and well-selected assort meiit of WILLOW WARE, including Chair, Sofas, liasketa, Wagons, Arc. See. W. H. SPENCER. Portland. March 4, 159. mf W. I. H17TC1I1SS. E. rorrinos. II ii triii us and I'oppleton, JJHYSfClAXSAXn SURGEONS, LAFAY -if A ETTE. OREGON. DR. HL'TCHIXS is prepare ! to fumitdi. Lnfavette, at wholesale or retail, the following remedies: A XEW REMEDY, Dr. W. D. Hutchins' Baham of Wild Cherry; For Consumption, llronchitis, Pleurisy, Coldg, Coughs, Whooping Coti-iii, and Asthma. TUi medicine is warranted to be entirely free from Opium or any of its preparations f from Mercury, or nny other pois onous ne-nt. DR. W. D. HL'TCHIXS' Rheumatic Lin-menl, or, lu-lant l'atn Extractor. Fir the cure of lbeuin!iti!"m. Toothache, Pain iu tbe SiH and till Pinnfnl Affectiona. DR. W. D. HL'TCHIXS' AN I I lilLLIOUS PILLS: For Liver Covptainis. A safe cathartic; warranted to Iks free fron Mercury. it They ran also It? had of the several Druggist and Merchuntt in the Territory. Dr. Warren is my a-ent for Salem, and will be sup plied at ail times wuh tbe above muiied metiicint-s. taiein, Sept. T, lsiS. Selling On!! Selling T! !! BELOW COST'.'. BELOW COST:! I?" Tale Notice, gfj ItXTRAORDINARY INDl CEMENTS! !l J To purchaseis of Watches, Jewelry, Dia mond. (.'iocA-, Ftznry Goods, Cutlery, Musical Intirumcnts, etc etc etc B I R N BAV M S,- C O II E N! Would rc!pectfol!v invite tbe nttentmn of the LAI HE and OF.X 1 LEMEX of Portland and other places iu Ureiron to the faet that thev rut; now SELLING OFF! onr 1 iige and varied tock BELOW NE W Y O R K C O S T! We shall eontinne to sell goods ou these eonditiorta nntil the 'JfHh of May. As we expect to enlarge our More ill order lo make room for the new stock of goods now ea route for thi place from New York and Eu rope. r "r"" Do not neglect to take ndvaitare of this onoor- tuniiy tlint we otler to purchasers of Watches, Jewelry, ace, etc., h 'er ro.r trif jio 'js'H I : At BIRNIIAI M . CtHEX S. Watcb-Makeis and Jewelers, . Fraut el Portla4. April 22. 1W. Im7 Wlieeler A lVilons Highest Premium Family Seu ing Machines, WITH HEMMER ATTACHED. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. ffHOE Machines are the most simple of any in nse. X. and are not liable to get eat ct order. Tlie stitch is made alike on both sides of the fabric sewed, which will not rip or ravel. The thread can be used from the original spool without rewinding. They turn the hem without basting, gather, quilt, aim do A greater variety "f Family Sewing Than any other macbire olicred to the public. Alter reeeiveu tne inrnesc premium at tno otate fair, Marysville ; tit the Mechanics' Institute fair, San r ran!co, and at tue frau Jose lair, i"w. . C. rtlMEKUl , Agent. fir" OBice and Sales room ou First Mrect, Portland, Orecon. . "-tf IIo! Kveryliodj ! NOW DON'T ALL KKAD THIS AT ONCE! ll'Ao ' syj neighborl "aTOW I do not intend to give an answer to iT this text, hut only ask who will be neigh- SlT9 borlv enouah to inform me bv mail, or otherwise, where my horse is, provided thev know. oie don t att pcak ot once I Said liorwieft Sulem on Tiinrsilav, the 5th inft., with a leather halter, and a rone tied on the end of thcstniD. of said halter, ull of which was done up very care fully round his neck ; the said halter was riveted in stead of being sewed together. The horse was a mod erate sized bhirk horse, brands not remembered ; he is barefoot and hoofs very lonir, aire o or G years, tt ho- ever will return said horse, or give iuforiuaiion where he may be found, will le well raid for all trouble and ex"ense. Please address Dr. Z. J, Hrown, Sulem, Ugn.and this will be neighborly. oaiem, juny iu, irvRf. w3 Hargrove's Kclcctic L.in intent, Good for Mrn or Beast. Et ERY species of irritatiou is quickly reduced by the application of this Liniment. MARK THIS. The proprietor does not intend this Liuiment to be excelled by any Liniment in the natiou or tbe worid. The ell'ect of this medicine upon RHEUMATISM. Rintr worm, swelled ulaudv. sore nipples, sore breast. sore heads, sore throat, sores of all kinds, spraius. stirf joints, ulcers. tUUlll-Atilti, pains iu the spine or back, poison oak, frost biter, bums, scalds, lregli ruts, tumors, &c, is almost mirac ulous. It it good for the big head, poll evil, fistula, old rumiiuir sores, wind trails, splint, scratches, saddle, or collar galls, sprains, ring bone, in fact, all diseases WllflX" nil eAHTIIHl nl!lll Ul 10 leijmreu. Sr L'se the Liniuieitt freely and according to direc tion. JOHN HARGROVE, Sole Proprietor. &1 lrcet, Corvullis, Oregon. April 7, 18o:i. ly6 A NY one who professes to understaud all trade il or scioiic., assunies to impose an absurdity upon the public. Ou the sumo principle, any one mediciuc which professes to cure all diseases is un worthy of the slightest coniidence, and should at once be denounced tits a quark noHtruin. The GREFENBERO FAMILY MEDICINES do not assume to cure nil diseases with one remedy. They havo eleven different medicines, each adapted to its peculiar disease, and time has proved beyond a ques tion tke ellicacv and certainty of these preparations. Their list comprises the followuig medicines: Graefenberg Vegetable Pills. Marshall's Uterine Ca tholicon. Ofsefenberg Sarsaparilla. Gnefenberg Pile Remedy. Oncfenberg Dysentery Syrup. Green Moun tain Ointment. Grseleubenr Children's Panacea. Graef- enberg Consumptive's Balm. Grssfenberg Eye Lotion. Grsefenberg Fever tc Ague Remedy. Grspfenberg iiguo iiemeuy. vrneiouuerg enlicrg Manual of Health. , iggistt throughout the State. f Gieneral Agents, I iEDINGTON At CO., Druggists, San Francisco. 36tf Itculth Bitters. ura?tenicrg manual oi iieaitn. or tale by all ""tgg1 KEDINGTON i Wliolesale Druggists, Oct lb, 1Sj3. For Sale. HAVE three hundred and twenty acres of land situated in Li tin Co.. aaout 3 milea from Scio. all well imnroved. Also, a cood orchard which I will sell on reasonable tenna.-' For irlformatibn enquire o the undersigned at Salem. '" : i -- ai.i.iaim i'iiiiiirn. Salenr, NovrSO, 1S58. ; - 7; . ; ; 7;. 37tT ,.f. lAM .5-,toi...-;l.-lMrr304.. ,,--5 m-!VTK'itf FROM cue hmtdted to two hundred acre of iinprov ed land for sale, about two tuilus from SulenvUaiw ionmMyiAHoav: . .'- 1 jl. .H JOHN FORCE. uena, teo. .7 j .liJ.'uwi n Ilonse nnl IsO Tor Sale. N th UvCniorSiileni.1 cA .a .h ,;;SKV,Ji4 9,;i JOllti FOKCB.TO ia- 40tfT7 Boons iFeirr jr., . : 1ST f!V ON Willamette river. avf road between Ita-tlamt and jSaldaw : Tbe road U a good on and ten milea shorter than the old road. 5 Tj;-JESaE V. BOONE.: Majr 8$, 1S5S. .'.cr.l ..L .j'f4 ,ettij Udolpho Wolfe's Schnapps. A MEDICINAL drink, of eminently salutary ouali A ties, manufactured by himself exclusively at bis factory at Schiedam, in Holland, and well Known aur iug tbo lust twelve years throughout all the Atlantic and Western Stutea. It i made from the best barley that ein be selected in Europe, with tbe essence of an aromatic Italian ber ry of acknowledged and extraordinary medicinal prop erties. It bat long since required a higher reputation, both in Europe and America, than any other diuretic beverage. Analyzed, it is a rinrECTLr run liquor, m its ef fects a mild and wholesome tonic. It is extensively used and approvedb y tlie medical faculty, Lhe temper ante people, beads of families, Ate. In Gravel, Gout, and IChenniatism,-the obstruction of the bladder and kidneys, and in general debility, its effects are prompt, derided and invariably j-liable ; and it i; not only a remedy for these maladies, but in all case's Sn which they are produced by drinking bad wa ter, which is almost universally the cause of them, it acts a a sure preventative. For Fever and Ague it it one of tbe most efficacious preventives tlint can be resorted to. THE AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is conen,ueiiUy in great demand by persona traveling, or about to settle in netrpurts of the country especially, as well us by many iu every community, where it has become known, ou account of its various other reme dial properties. In all cases of a dropsical tendency, it is generally tlie only remedy required; whtu adopted in the early stupe of the disease. In dyspepsia maladies, when taken in proper quan tities, its a diet drink, and e)cially at dinner, it is found by uniform experience to be eminently efficacious iu the most obstimtte cases, when even the best of the usual remedies have tailed to nil ord more tnan tempo rary relief. In cases of flatulency, it is an immediate and invariable specilic, and it may be administered in diluted and proportionate quantities, even to young in fants, iu ell those raroxvsuis of cripinir pain iu the stomach and bowels to wfiich they are especially sub ject, as well as tlie cnouc ot grown persons. Its judicious adoption in connection with the princi pal meals, or when a sense of exhaustion dictates its use, never fails lo relieve the debility attendant upon protracted chronic maladies, low temperament and ex hausted vital energy, by whatever cause induced. These are facta to which many of the most eminent medical men, both in England and the L'nited States, have borue testimony, and which are corroborated by the highest written authorities. 9 Put up iu quart aud pint bottles, in cases of one doz en, with my name on the bottles, cork, and fac-timile of my signature on the label. FoV sule by all the respectable Druggists and Liquor dealers iu Oregon and California. L DOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer. - - i2 Beaver street, New York. Caution to the Publie. London Cordial Gin, Club Hotie (iin. Schiedam Schnapps, Medtrated St-tmapps, Royal Schnapps, "etc., &e-, ifce. Under the above and einiilar titles, the liquor mixers of this city are bottling large quantities of adulterated, unwholesome trash, costing but little, ou which they hope to realize large profits by selling in California. Avoid all compounds- Soaie are so skillfully prepar ed as to pass for good Liquor, except with tlie best of judges. If you would be safe, use only tlie loug estab lished, retio'wned, genuine Wolfk's 'Scuixdam Aro matic ScBSAPrs. L DOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer, Aug. 31, tf i47 02 Beaver street, Sew Yotk. London Club llouse Gin. TO THE PUBLIC. riiHIS CELEBRATED GIX PRETENDING TO A nothing but whnt it is, viz: a pure and unadulter ated article, and awuming no artificial merits of what it is not, as some of its rival imitators do after live veun) of public approval and very extensive sales in California, hits beeu pronounced by the public to be su perior, not only as a be-vvrasre of" general uee, to any other artH-le competing agairwt it. but is UNRIVALLED IX UTS MEDICAL EFFICIENCY in moat cases of complaints. To persons traveling in these days of rapid transit from Eaet to West, Xortn to Smth. who are constantly chajitring their water aa well as their limine; who are driiikiug, indeed, a dozen kinds cf water iu every twenty-four hours, and each draught containing some property acting in chemical autanism to the precedim; one, thereby causing an tmtiattiral degree of excitement to the stomach -it is positively and fibaoltitety necessary to use a counter acting agent. From the fact that the "IXIXDON CLUB HOUSE GIN" is prepared expressly to meet such exigencies, and to act as we know it will act, as anautidote we confident ly prescribe it ns the very beat article in tbe country. The name of ' Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps" has nev er been attached in any way to this article. In first presenting the LONDON CLUB HOUSE GIN"' to the public, my aim was to give them a pure and un adulterated article of Oin, and to call it by its right name. The etccer attending it introduction and ex tensive tale in California is a sufficient guarantee of the high appreciation of the article by consumers. Various parties have from time to rime put up and shipped to California an article which tiicy call " Club Itotufe tim. si r un, wnicn nas trained sucn a repu tation in Caulomia, 13 branaeu on tue cases, "OLD LONDON CLUBHOUSE GIN WJL H.D. The bottles also have a white label with iac-eimie of my signature. I caution all parties to beware of imit uuous. vt .u. 11. ui. x , Sole Importer, New York. Jan. 24, 1S53. 4Stfia Pacific Foundr jr and .Machine Shop, San Francisco. ESTABLISHED IN 1850. fpllE above establishment is believed to have facili 1 tie lor tne manufacture or every oeT'ption of CASTINGS AXD MACHINERY : . . .. 1. . ... . V. .. 1 . : i : 1 - . Every kind of Saw Mil! Machinery, steam enjrinee Sec.. See., made at a short notice and in a most work manlike manner. We manufacture a stvle of SHINGLE MACHINE. at moderate cot, which we believe to be more efficient than any other in use. Orders are particularly solicited from Oreiron and Wasdiinsrton Territories, which will have the same au thority as thoiurh the parties were perswiai!v present liUDU.AKU, llA-M-J.tl & KA.Mvl . late IrOUOAKD Sc Co. Sun Francisco, Feb. 3, IS59. 6mol 1. w. laud, S-jh Franrisca. s. o. bffd, Portland. J. X. Lull, do lUadd, Heed &. Co., (Suerrrrors to IK 4f. Ladd 4- Co.) SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, O and wholesale and retail dealers iu choice wines, liquors. Groceries aud general merchandise. Front St., Portland. Consitroments solicited, aud liberal cash advances made on tbe same, which wiil receive the special at tention of our Mr. J. M. Ladd, in San Francisco. Par ticular attention given to the purcliase aud shipment of goortt 111 Jew lorK. If sufficient Inducements are ottered, we propose hnviuir a vessiel leave New York every sprint and tall, lor l'ortwna oirect. Portland, April 1, ISOO. f.tf j. w. LADD, s. e. BEE San Francisco. J. it. LAUD. )D, 5 Portland. Ladd, Kffd k fo , l fihtrcexsars to S. Latld Sr Co..) TM PORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in wines, U- X qnors and Groceries, r rout St.. Portland, Oresron. IVotiee. yi A. REED bavins disposed of bis interest m the V 7 firm of Keed Sl Sl run" to Thos. Stranir, the old fiTtn is tlierefore dissolved bv mniual consent. Ail of the outstanding business will be in tlie bands of Benj. Strang for settlement. AH persons indebted to them will call nnd make immediate payment- .All persons holding claims against them will please present their accounts accorumgry. t . a. kl.hv. 11. SlltAAU. N. B. Thos. Sc. Beui. Stransr will continue the busi ness at the old stand. A (rood assortment of stoves aud tin-ware, hard-ware, cutlery. Arc. Job work, roofing. sheet iron, and copper-work promptly attended to, and on tue moat reasonable terms. T. St B. STRANG. Salem. April 30, 1859. 3w6 IVotiee. DAVID A. SLOUGH is my traveling agent for the sale of my ECLECTIC LINIMEXTT He is au thorized to collect money and take notes in my name for the tale of the same. Also to establish and appoint local airem-ies ior me sale uiereoi in ins mam 01 t jre- gon and California, and Territory of Washington. slOtLS HAKUKOVE. April 13, 1859. Iy6 J. W. Johnson, A TTORNEY AT LAW AXD SOLICITOR IN A Chancery and Admiralty, beattle, W. T., will practice in all tne courts in v aeuington lerntory. April V, IQlW. W. C. Griswold t Co.' OFFICE FOR tbe present will be np stain in tbe Isnck Block next to " Statesman" office. Where we shall exnect to meet all those indebted to us eiuier dv note or account. 11 o uuiui ouuuu . lem until tie 1st of May only, and all account and notes that are not settled bythat time will be left in bands of Messrs. Barnum At Wilson for immediate col lection ; please call and save trouble. 1 ij ., 1 . . Tl- 1 11 m MespectlultT. nr V. TTKI.l " Wi-x ul. w. Salem, Ogn. April ISMUs; :f,' 5tf iifsoIntion of PartnerStiln.. - THE partnership heretofore existing bet nee 11 Steve and Little Tom, at tntleniji thia day dissolved by mutual consent.,, .:r.....n, -x eBrrn. ST L Si ir ' Tr '..'.'( . ".';;' . ....,,r ! t .- v.n;-., AUVA4U.-AV9- X -V. 'ftTlie firm ia now uudej f sole of Steve, who will continue to pleaae bU cuatumeis ia. .11 iliA limnebes of tonsoriul art. Anv-debtn- contract-' ed-by the said Tom on or after ?atff ,aT'1tW"elWirif5;' .ral-iii"" lEOM W. H. Hall Sc. Son'a nainnntcrory WSBeoadi 'warn, if J York, teld'at their prices witli freight add- - . r , , -- 1 r r .-- t - ed Aim. mnce es. . -u. sieioaeuiisyj. , -- - -- Call and we will show you a list of prices" and: sam: of their wot v ! : 1 - GEO; M. JONES, Agent. vkt ESTRAYS TAKEN UP. The eV.ar. e for eetray notices It one dollar, for each animal advertised. No notice will appear until paid for. Where no money, or fees than tbe correct amount u tent with an estnry notice, the notice will aot bo puuiisueu umu 101 run amount is received. BT tbe subscriber, living in the Fork of North and East Uropqna nvers, one brindle steer, three year old, some white in forehead, and a white spot on noso, some white under belly and on rump, earmarked, large crop off left ear, and split in right, branded oo each bin. brand nndaseribabw. Also, one black ateer. threat yean old, some white in forehead, and under belly, and white spot 011 rump, ear marked, crop aad split in left, branded on each bip, undescribable ; said steer havs been running on my premise tinea February last. 0 J r JOHN ciHAW. May 3, 1959. Swll B Y the subscriber, fifing oae and a half milea west 1 of Brownsville. Linn Co.. one cow. with red back and white belly, branded with F N on the left hip. marked with awallow-fork in tbe left ear. and crop and split in the right ear. Also, one pale red steer, with white face, marked with two splits in tbe right ear, ' years old. Also, one red steer, witb some white spot on him, marked with two rplits in the right ear, twa year old ; said cattle bave been bere over one year. WILLIAM FIELDS. May 11, lg.5. gwll "AJEAR Salem, by the subscriber, one cow and calf, is i-a of a red color, a email white spot between bar home, white on ber belly and white on both flank, a crop off tbe left ear, and" branded J 21 on tbe left bip, t tor years old, half Spanish. Also, one white fica-b: ten borne, supposed to be Spanish, branded O T on tha the left fore shoulder, and an O with a eroea bar through, on the left bip, and a P on the right bip, sup posed to be twelve year old. D. C. CRESWELL. May 17, 1859. 2wll BY the subscriber, living about 3 mile northwest of Santiara City, Marion Co., Ogn, one white steer, with several red spots on bis sides, and red ears, mark ed witb a crop and split in tbe right ear, and cf lit in the left, 4 years old. Also, one red or roan steer, back and belly mostly white, marked with a crop off the left ear, "and swallow-fork in tbe right, 4 years old. AhiO, one red steer with some white in tbe fare, flanks and belly; marked with an underbit in the right ear, 4 years obi H. SL DOTY May 16, 1859. 2wll IN Ashland precinct, Jackson county, by tbe subscri ber, one roan steer, branded with a heart on tbe left hip. marked witb a crop off tbe right ear, and aa nnderbit in tbe left ear. HENRY H. CHAP3IAN. April S3, 1339. gwll IN Ixmgtom precinct, on the west tide of Longtom, Lane Co., one 4 year old speckled bull, with a white fae, marked with a swallow fork in each ear, branded with S on each hip; came to mv place about two vears ago. B. 11. BAIKD. Mav 9, 18i3. 2wll FIVE miles from Roseburg, one dark brindle steer, with white bind feet, white on the belly and rrumplv horns, marked crop and rplit in right ear, and eiit iu tlie left, no brands diaeerni'de. PHILIP PETERS. -May 17, 1859. -'wll I) Y the tubscriber, 12 mile south of Corvalli. on the ) Territorial road, one bay mare: 10 or 12 years old, marked and branded as follows : branded on the left hip D C, left fore foot white up to tbe knee, star ia forehead, aud left ear-cut off. SAMUEL STANNU& May 17, 1?39. iswll BY the subseriber, living 8 miles south of Salem, in Marion Co., one brindle irteer. fonr years old this epring. crop and nnderbit in the left ear, and a brand 00 the right bip, but not intelligible. GEORGE W. ELGIN. May SO, 1S59. Swll BY tbe subscriber, living three miles north of Jesse Loonev's, Marion Co.. oee bay fiiley. star in the forehead, and branded F. T. on tbe" right hip. So oth er marks or brands perceivable. LEWIS NEAL. May 10, 159. gwll 1) Y the tnliscriber, living about one mile north of 3 Cox's Bchool house, Santiam precinct. Marion Co.. one bay fiiiey, supposed to be a half-breed, live year old, no marks or brands perceivable. - JAMES T. CRUMP. May 10, 1S5& -wil LIVING 4 miles southeast of Silverton, Marion Co., 0;ti. on the 17th dav of May, I80SJ, one Indian horse described as follows : a bay color, branded on the left shoulder M W, some white in the forehead, saddle marked, supposed to be nine years old. A. H. BOOTH E. MsyI2,lSj9. 2wll SIX miles southwest of Lafayette, Yamhill Co., . Oeu-, one brindle cow, supposed to be Spanish, white" face, belly, and about half way up ber tail ; no marks, but lias tome kind of a Spanish brand on her tip, supposed to be seven or eight Team old this spring, tbe said cow came to my premise about two years ago. WM. G. BUCHANAN. - April 18, 1R59. 2wlt SIX miles southwest of Lafayette, I anihul Co., one white and ted steer, about five or six years old this prinr. marked with an smlerfeit on of each ear, asd branded on left hip with hay fork, ea right hip with b F ; the said steer came to mV premises last A ngtn-t-" WM. G. Br CHAN AX. April 18. 1859. 2win SIX miles southwest of Lafayette, Yamhill Co., oae pied cow, 4 years old this spring, marked with an underslope off of the left ear ; the said cow came to my premises about two years ago. W7 G. BUCHANAN. April 13, 1S59. ' 2wl0 SIX milea southwest of Lafayette, Yamhill Co., coe pied two year old heifer," no marks or brands ; taid heifer came to bit premises about two year ago. W. G. BUCHANAN. April 18, 1S59. 2wl0 SIX miles southwest of Lafayette, Yamhill Co., one dun colored Indian or Spanish mare, seven or eight years old this spring, three white feet, black mane and tail, branded S K on her left hip; the said mare came to my premises about the first of last December. WM. G. BUCHANAN. April IS, 1S59. gwlu BY the subscriber, living three miles north of Win chester, Donglas Co., one red steer, with a little white in tbe flank, small star ia forehead, stag horns, marked crop off the the left ear, swallow-fork and nn derbit in right ear, about 4 years old, has been running with my cattle since last summer. F. It. HILL. May "12, 1859. 2wli "VJ'EAR Allphm's Ferrr, in linn Co., a sorrel mare, and tucking colt ; tlie mare has three white feet, blaze face, supposed to be 6 years old this spring. Also, a bay two year old filly, with a star in her forehead, no other marks or brands perceivable; said have been running ia this vicinity about a year. ISAAC MILLER, Jrm. Mav3,lS3. 2wl0 BY the subscriber, living at Mount Scott, Poogla Co., one bay mare, with a small white stripe in her face, very thin mane and tail, 3 or 4 years old ; said mare is supposed to be a half breed, or" a Spanish mare ; said mare came to my premises about one year aao. WILLIAM TRASK "April 29, 1S59. 2wl0 BY tbe subscriber, living in Prairie precinct, Linn Co., Osrn, one roan Indian bonse. with a bald facet. about twenty vears old. U 1L1JAJI W. IbUVEK, April 25, 1859. 2wl0 FOUR miles south of Albany, Linn Co., two esfray beifera ; one is a red three vear old heifer and calf. and marked with a swallow-fork and nnderbit hi each ear, branded with A H on the right hip : the other it s rea annate, inree year 01a ceuer ana can, sue Baa white spots over her, and marked with a split in each ear. i KAN CIS SIMPSON. May7,18i3. 2wl0 JN Benton Co., ten milea northeast of Corvallis, one erav Indian or Srianish mare, sunoosed to be nines years old, about 12 hands high, no marks or brands perceivable ; said mare has a yellow vearling mare colt, not branded ; said mare came into the neighbor hood two vear ago. JAMES GINGtE. May 9, 18st. 2wl( BY the subscriber, living 1 miles south of Salem, . Marion County, one dark brown horse, 1 1 hands high, star in the forehead, several saddle marks, and 4 vears old this sorinsr: said horse came to my nhtco about one year ago, but was absent some two months, the latter part of last winter. May 9, 1859. 2wl0 Rainier, Ogni THE undersigned would beg to inform the nnblie that he. with others, have opened a wagon road from Rainier to St. Helena, con necting with tbe road from the latter place to tha flnin. and neonle traveluur from Oreiron to theSram! country, and especially drovers, will find it much to their advantage to come down on the west tide of the Columbia river to Rainier, -where 'they can and will be ferried on the most reasonable terms, as the under signed has procured a flat-boat for that purpose. ti Grass plenty a short distance ahova Rainier. at J. Plachea' and J. Gilbreath's farma. A. P. 3HNEARV May 6, 1859. lOrf Important to Farmer. E have a of "thoa CYLLXDE& . TMMEatHRJtH.tBith wt.ttt iron horse nOyev era unsold. They are acknowledged to be, fcj JX whff hav)0jB4thns"K l:i -j'r: " The Best Machine ever BrouuM W-Ma Coast. Better appli'sotrtf, or Tottw-flf be toojate. . ,r, A.AGRJCOl.TXAIMPLMMENTW,itgi4. erai svrtswt, prioa to suit the times. - " rre tnra cast, it to bJouwwX&- msvst f)pppiW Lsvsm tgyrgmClfy. , Apraa0.tS59. 'tfrrt:- 1 " nR. BROWS is on Ms own uooa ana wiff -tcoliJ riw, nreseut post office buildina. next door to Mcsom-Mootea' store, where he intenda fty strict adhe rence to bnninrtt.iA'l:" patronage, of a generous pnhlic. r . r --.. r.i iJ.TTlC He aha wajrants hi tndDea tads what. he recommends them to do. ,tii May II, lS- lOtf