XTsa Lm Stock i - H. B. OLIAROX. IMPOSTO. and dealer In all kind of Car ta. end vVon Makers' Stock, 47 Bat- Wry sweet, Ban rancisro dm ror sale Oak.ash and hickory, Whit Weed Boards, Ac. Hubs, m Epok, FtlloM, hickory Axles, Pole. bafta, . wagon and buggy bows, carved and fhdn Carnage parts. Brat Ira Axis, Parmaa, Bolts, Rivets, i aaaelM Cloth, enamelled Leatl ad eellar Leather, plated, J .malleable Iron. en- Leather, patent dash d. Janan and Ivory and Italia ami Anooe, laeas, stump Frame, half pat. and three bolt zlra. plain and plated Craha mrA Ttna and Pnb Tint. Ate. IP The above stock baa been personally selected i ia oTwV beat qnalitv. and will be eoid aa low aa can be purchased in the eity or 8tate. rT AH order for the abore mod, left with II . & JACOBS, dealer ia Wage Btisnrs. etc.. corner of Jt ma and Carris stock. Trim- tornsoa and PnrtJanaL will receive nrotnpt attention, and be aatia- fiutorilv executed without delay. Sept. 83, 18jg. 30tf t. rr ra. . (TRAltO T. B. Stranw. "tYTHOLESALE and Retail dealer in atoTea end tin v f ware, hardware, and cutlerv, at the old stand of mil at Strang, where may be foand a complete a- oilnal of Cook, Parlor, and Box Stores, Tim, sheet iron, copper, planished and Japaned ware, force and lift pumps, rubber hoae, hydrants, rime, lead pipe, aheet lead, and sine, brass and cauldron kettles, bake ovens, cowbells, dee.. Ate. JOB WORK, Roofing, aheet iron and copper work, promptly at tended to, and on the most reasonable terms. April S9, 1859, 8lf IVm. Tfcaraaaer, Importer f French and German FASC r BASKETS, ENOLI8H and Willow Ware, Cane and Willow Chain, Ladies' Work stands. Tot, etc., au sVI h m. - "I 1 at raaWai te Mwly. rSEK TRADE AD SAILORS' RIGHTS. LUMBER! LUMBER!! LUMBER!!! DTJ BELLE'S Steam Cirrnlar Saw and Planing Milb. The proprietor ia ph-sawd to inform the cil- nrni m bauui ana tne moiic sreneraiiT, irou ne dsi Jnet completed hts NEW CIRCVLAK SAW and VLANIMJ M1IXS. on terra firm, and ia now lue pared to Saw, liane. Tona-ne and Groove Inmber of every oMcriptson, at low rale ana anon nouce. Having an improved n re foot eirenlar aaw, and one of Wood worth s hue patent Tonarne and Urooving Machine, and experienced men to ma them, he i pre- parea to make as GOOD LUMBER, AND MORE OF IT, thaa anv other Mill on the I pper n illamette. t ar- penteiar orders for Inmber. each ae duaatd stuff" for window frame, rornire boards, ahelvina and counter board, door and door frame, dec, dressed and edired eaj both sidea, from 3 to It tnebe ia width and l-U to S I mche in thickneaa. Oak, Ash aad Maple Flank, oiuhle for Wagon and Cabinet makers' nee, furniehed at abort notice Having anade arranrementa with the steamers plying theUpper WUhtmette.be iapre pared to aCTddreeaed, tongoed and grooved lumber to any point on the river where the steamers atop. All order for Lamber will receive prompt attention aal auicsi difmefc B. M. DC BELLE, Proprietor. Salemfarch 1st, 1SS. Mlf Hew ArriTfU r Jewrlry, Ac. JUST FROM SAN FRANCISCO. J ROSENTHAL inform hi patron and a trieada, that be baa jot returned from Haa Fmncwco with a select aaeorunent of Jew alrv. Maaicnl Instramefita. f?ulierv. etc and enters them fur sale at his store on Front street, U"" On door beVw Dr. Coombs' othce. -jal J E W E L K r . Cold and Silver watrbce: Gold and Silver chain Gold bracelets; Gold ear-rinir ; Gold breastpins ; Gold anger riujrs; Locket; Gutd peua and pencils; Gold sleeve button; Oilrer and llaled ware; fancy goud and perfume nr. MLUfCAL IX S TJIUMEXTS Guitars, Violin. Flute. KUca; a larse assortment ef Aceordeon. Lawuea' work boxes of all kinds, (Mj and Kilver apeciarlr. Gold and fewlver spoon. Cutlery, Clocks an eaoJese variety, etc., etc j Watches, Clock and Jewelry repaired, and all ainue ef Jewelrv made to order. W Alt of m wrk mrrrmntrA. Jn Don't t'orett " 7'A Stem of the Big lrfc CorvaUia, Oct. 24, IHtf. JOtf Eaaiplre Uvrrjr a mat Stile Stable On Maxn ttrttt, iettrorn Midi ton mnd Monroe, Cor ralht, Vrtgon. TXHE eaharriher take thia metho.1 of in- rjrt irJt J. forminar the public generally that be fffl-.!, has opened a new hvery and sale stable in Curvalua, where he will be prepared to furnish better accommo BUiem ra his line of buainea that can be found else where ia the State. I am supplied with single and double buggies, carria ges, aad sad-ue Horse ol a quality unsurpassed on tne Pacific Coast. Partiealar attention paid to keeping horse by the day or week. Experienced f rooms are cooatantlv in auendanee. aad ao pains will be spared to ret arm "hor se in a better condiuon than wbea received. 1 keep all kinds of feed that the country produces. I will buy and sell stock, and ia fact carry on every thing pertaining to the hvery businesa. 1 will upon the arrival of every steamboat, have a hack ia readineaa to convey pasenjer to and from the boat, aad City Hotel, and elsewhere when desired. W. C. KltiGS. Corrallis, Nor. 22, 1S3& . 4utf New awel freali Drats; V lealicicM. WK. SMITH having recently returned from San s Fraacieco, where he purenaaed the complete aaenilwi lit of Drag aad Medicines ever offered for sale ia the Willamette Valley, we are able to give our old customers better satisfaction than ever. We are receiving addition to our stock by every steamer, and will sell everj thing ia the Drug line at very satisfacto ry price. Our Patent Medicine are all genuine and fresh, aad aa we bur largely, and ia the best markets, w can afford to sell a liule cheaper thaa the cheapest. Cobs and try as. W. K- SMITH dc CO. Dee. 7th, 15 f The People's Dramaj Store. SALEM, OREGON. Tim. a. w. tT. it . trirr. KEEP the purest aad best preparations in the Irng hoe. Colognes and perfumeries of the highest or der, higblr scented toilet acap.hair oil, ink, pens, letter paper, saner note paper and envelopes, pencils, ice., etc.. to which we bear the attention oi every doot. Feb. 6, I8S9. It 48 Xfcc aLssWs r Oregra. THE OREGON STATUTES. 650 pages, with com plete index, annotations aad references, are for sale at the office of the Statesman, at five dollar per copy. TVs work ia executed ia the beet manner, bound ia atw style, and ia sold at publisher's prices. Orders by mail, accompanied with the cash, filled by In addition to the enactment of the Legislative As sembly, the volume contains the Declaration of Inde pendence, Comsat ution of the United States, Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1767, Donation Law and all amendments, aad full ab stract of United State Nataralh-ation Laws. But few copies arc left. FraUBcisc Aelvertisin! AfcTeairy. T P. FISHER, iron building; opposite Pacific Ez XJ press (Mm, up stairs. FUes of all the principal Papers of California and Oregon may be foand at litis ofbee. Mr. Fiaher is the aataorixed Agent for the sSfatesmaa. Blanks. TTVEEDS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of .av scrip, tu receipts, nnai prooia, and nouncauona a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman OflSce. Winisw Glass. ""ROM 8 X 10, to 36 X 56, always on hands at the tin shop; call and see. 2Uf SEED ac STRANG. Paiat wasaip HansM. BEST boiled and raw linseed oil, and pare white lead for sale at Portland prices, at fef REED dt STRANO'8. CsMsaitT Order Blanks. FB aale at the Ststesmsn Office, at S3 per hundred a 2a if sent by mail. 23lt Tairniaase Or every description, at Sf REED dt STRANG'S. Far Sale or Rent, A SAW MILL, ia geod order for making Inmber. FOTpartiailaracalloa JOHN FORCE. Dec 8, 1851. .- 4CKt Law ud CtUeeiioa ORIce. 4 OIO. Ik WILtltat, A. C. OIBBS. (late Chief Justice.) .. '"I 4 -WILLIAMS Ic nIBBS, Portland, Oregon Territory. WILL practice In the eourta of Oregon and Wash ington Territory. Not, tfe, IBML ly38 B. P. Bonham, A"TORNEY AND COUN8F.LIA1R AT LAW, Of . lice at the Court House, Salem, O. fitf H. Hub r, , TTORXEY AT LAW, Portland, Oregon. ltVt, 1K58. rtKilr r H. Trrry, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALEM, OREOON.COM missioner of Deed, and to take testimony, ac knowledgments, dee., ore, for Iowa, Indiiina, Missouri, Michigan, California, and Washington Territory. let ter of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. f.7 Particular attention paid to taking depositions, lections of Note. Accounts, etc. -'tf Mrtlical Notice. DR. R. W. SIl AW, offer hit professional service to the citizens nf Salem and vicinity, aud rpectful ly solicits a share of public favor, tir Office near resilience. Ityl R. W. SHAW. Dr. A. H. Brit WISHES to Inform hi friend and the public, that he ha returned to Salem, to attend to profeta ional call, in town and country. Oct. i, IRS 33tf Dr. S. R. I'ntkln, o FFICE, SALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. Salem, Nov. , 1W. aair J. F. Ror, M. D., L. R. C. 8. 1. OFFICE. SANTIAM CITY. tT J ILL par diligent attention to the practice of Med lr. K solicits tronag in the treatment of the di ease of tne eye. .iinaiu Dr. J. R. rardvell, RI.'ROEtN DENTIST. w ILL practice hi profession iu the various cities and town ot inviron. Feb. IS, 1!5!. 9it J. L fMrnbi, 1. D., Corrdllii. GENERAL practitioner of medicine, Bnrfrerv, &e. The Intiruiurv is (till attached to hi othce.for the accommodation of patients not aHVcted by coutaiou disease. jcm Dr. R. R. Bell, MUOEOS DENTIST. o FFICE in W. Kenvoo sbuildinit over "CitT Book Store" first door west of the Marion House. liefer to L. V. I'artee SurveyorUeneral Ollice. Salem, Nov. 16, l!8. 3tf J. Firming. a T the Oreiron Citv Post Office Ituildinar. ha lust J received, direct "from New York, lltl copir of lKiwning ruit and Fruit Tree of America, rrvis ed and enlarged, for 1W the blest pnttiihrd edition f this valuable wotk. He ha also on hand, a good stock of misralmneoua book and stationery, for aale on terms to suit the time. Prciton City, IVc. I. 157. Allen i Lfwit, vilOI.ESALK MERCHANTS. PORTLAND. OR. E. PeltwH, Ore. II. Jones cV Co, VRK prepared to do a general eommiion bnsines on New York and other Atlunlic ritie. lnrticn btr attention will be given to the nnrrhnse of good for merchant. Parties having anv busine transactions in the Atlantic Ktjite. and waminir an at'ent that will give personal attention to the same, will do well to call Office at Btimnm At Wilson' Law Office ..JJ Salem, March IKvS '-II John V. Wilon, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Xo. 19 Commrrrial itrrei. San yranrtteo, Cal. 20LlCTTSconiinmcntof Oreiron IVoduce and Pro- J vision, and snakes liberal advancement on tame. KEFEREXCES, Portland. Albanv. Messrs. W. S. Laild & Co., D. Beach. Esq. Savier dc Co., Ibvrton. trregon City. Heasrs. William it Messrs. Tavlor and Ralston. Lipprnrott. Jan. 15, ltsS9. HmS White Whnrf Beat. SALEM. OREGON. IVE will attend to the receiving, storing and (hip vv ping of Freivbt m the following term, vii: Freiuht receipted for and passed through will be charged, per ton cents Storage, one week, per ton 50 do one month. " (1 Ml N. B. Freight will be shipped by the first steamer. unless otherwise ordered bv the shipper. 'LEOXAKD WHITE, i'rpr,etar. Jan. I, 1KK. Attention. r:.fiiimiiiiiiiu r eiuisuiiiuioiiiii3 tr aassianr-- MERCHANTS of Oregon and Washington Territo rv THE WILLAMtrTTK WtK.LEN MANU FACTUKING COMPANY bave now on hand, and will continue to manufacture, the best quality of t.lunV ets, yarn and cloth, and would invite vou to favor us with" your patronage. All orders for tfie above good will receive prompt attention. JOSEPH WA'IT. run, Marcn a, ivw. lyxi Conrectionery and Csroeeries. THE undersigned ha purchased the More and stork of confectionery and grocerie of C. V. Uzafovage, nearly opposite the Marion House, Salem, Oregon, where he will keep a general upply of confectionery, nnta. fruits. Sic. sVc. on hand, together with a choice assortment of grocerie. and many other articles in bia line. Give me a call, and t will try to give von a nar gain. m. Ji l r-iv.-v riem. xtcx. i , ijvwv joii Anriiraa House. THE undersigned would respectfully announce ff to the public, that tbey have purchased the JCii above-named Hotel, at Roeeburg, Douglas county, to gether with the large and commodious atable attached to the premises, and from their long experience in the business, natter themselves that they will be enabled to give satisfaction to all those who favor them with their patrouage. K. It. KHHOMIS, F. I). KOBIXSOX. Bosebnrg. Dee. 1, lytO WebMrr's I'nnbridgrr-d. 6)fl COPIES Webater" I'nahridired Dictionarie; arllU lOOeopie Webter"UnbrKlfed l)H-liorutric; 100 Counting-houae 100 " " Academic " 100 " High School " 50 " " Common school, " 000 " IVimary " Direct from O. ic C. Merriam and Mason Brother. which I will sell cheerier than anv other house in Ore gon. Send in your orders. JOHN A. rOST. tiregon tity, Mept. , inon. UMf Sewin; machines. WHEELER Sc WILSON'S machine are the best ever offered to public patronage. They are aim pie and durable; easily kept in repair; sew with great rapidity; make an even and firm stitch on both sidca, that will not rip. Persona wishing to buy will find them St the residence of the nndemined. T. SAVAGE, Agent April S6, 1S53. ?if Piano Fortes. I GILBERT Ac. Co.' piano direct from the manu- factory. Send in your orders. !tf JOHN A. POST. - John A. Post dfc Cs BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, and whole sale and retail dealer in Pianos. liooka and Sta- tionerv, Main street, Oregon City. r i i u j - nn . wrpiciniitT iw, irvo. iltx Books! Books! OF all kinds, for sale at the Oregon City Book Sc Melodeon depot, clieap. Send in your order. Sept. 6, 18a. Sifttf School Books. A LARGE assortment of Ivison ec Phinnev's school book for sale at Oregon City Book Sl Melodeon depot, very cheap. Send in your orders. zani njn.-n a. rust at to s. Tax Receipts. Tthe Statesman office, at 1 1 per hundred 11 25, L if entbv maiL 24tf Paintingr. OUSE, sign, carriage and wagon painting, glazing and naner haninrur. wall naner. iminta. oil. irlaa. and pnttv, mixed paints, cheap for cash, (hop west of the court house, Salem. . S. COX August 31, lyaa WE bave a few of those Drv Goods left yet, which si will sell verv low. and some of tbe'beat boots and shoes we have ever bought. Also, Salmon. Mackerel, Lamp-oil, Fine Teas, Blasting Powder, Water-proof Caps, tafetv fuse, shot, etc. War tTii a. ir I ce I galea, Dec 7, 1868. 40tf ' Iook lllght at This! tR. KELLOGO hu permanently located In the J CITY OF PO RTL A N 1 , Oregon, and offer to the public Familr Medicine. Thev are purely VEGETABLE, and free from poison. If you have a weak back, aln In the ile or chest, take courage; my Strengthening Plaster will aHord re lief, no matter of how long standing. If you have sprains, bruises, rheumatism, erysipelas, inflammation of the lungs, stomach, liver, or spleen, burns, fresh wound, or old ore of any description, use my Familr Liniment mid Healing Salve. N. IV In detention of the placenta after parturition, thia I Jniment la a sovereign remedy, when used accord ing to directions. Mothers, remember and try it. Ilnve you dyspepsia, pain In the stomach or bowels, loss of appetite ; use my stomach bitter. Have yon weak lung, cough, cold, or tioanene, asthma, or difficulty of breathing, my Cough Drop will relieveyou. Are you biliou have you remittent fever, billon colic, headache, or any disease where a laxative medi cine ia iitdii ated I tiw the bent pill before the public thnt i. Dr. Kellogg Family Pill. If vou are atllicted with chronic or biliou diarrnora. no matter of how long standing, use my Diarrhira and Itlnod Purifving Tonic, iu connection with the Family rills, and relief is certain. They always leave the bowel in a hrnlthr condition. Remember, a a blood purifier, this tonic la without an equal. Mv improved Composition i by far the beat article of the kind aver before the public See direc tions on the package. These medicine are for sale bv W. K. SMITH fc CO. nnd Drs. WARREN ec BHOWX.Knlem; Price Cp., 1 utiles; and in one month will be for sale at all the town of Oregon, and Washington Territory. Portland, March 12, 185'.. lyl Established In ISIO. G0 ll EN BY JOHNSON dr CO, 1MPOR TE R S a a t WHOLESALE DRUaOISTS, 146 MavAiagfoa fstrtrt, ' r'a F'ranaseo. 4 RE now receiving thcirstiM-k for therpring trade of U a. new and iresti pood, and nllrr lo country buyer the LAKWr-M and HKM asuortiuctit tn llieir lute on the Piu-iliic coast. Ilavina been rniraired in the Irue businesa in San Francisco for the pat ten year, they natter theuisel ve that their nrrnnireinent are sm-n. that thev can offer CNKtyl ALLED INDI t'EMKNTl to such as nmv fuvor them w illl their rustom. llieir assortment roniprists KVEK VTII I Xfl in their line oi niisineas mat mat ne reuiiireo ot imi uuii. PHVSH'IANS and M EKCII A NTS. and nleo all vmhI. in their line in ue h liUlH'KKS. ItAKr'KS. ISIiKW KKS, CONKEtTlONEKS. IHKIIS. TANNEUS. AS- SAYrrlH tF GtlLD, IIA1TKKS. SODA MAM FACTrRERS, It VKIIlJiS, IUI1KL KKEPEUSand HANI FACTl REUS. All theiHipular FAMILY PATENT MEDICINES received ttirert from the proprietors and guaranteed t.r.t i.r., and at tne lowest tmtie pricea. bin? Alexander etc .TlrKuan, 1 RE offering for ule the best and chenpest good hi ant h-eifon : DRY tiOOllt. tiKUt KlilKS, HARDWARE, lltrOTS. MlES. CRttCKERYWARE. Ve. We are also paying cash and exchanging goods for ail kind ol produce: WHEAT, BARLEY, PORK, BACON, ace. We will antinfv von that we sive rood barcain. We have the best Tea imported, the best sugar and coffee. Cedar and White Fir shingle, Timothv and Illue- crass seed alwar on hani. ALEXANDER at McEWAN. Corvnlli, Angust 13. I .'. 4tf w Hardware More. ffMIE subscriber havina? taken the fire proof Grnnite M. r ront More, next door to M Kee dt to, r rout St., nould reectlully inform Ins friends and the pub lie geiienuir, irnt i f is now opeuins a mil and ( I ).M 1'LI.TK ASM IRTM ENT Of SHEl.F ASl BVILVER'S HARD WARE, AU h ICI'L TVHAL IMI'l.EMESTS, iVilH.tAH . .N JJtU..S, -J-AULE AXU POCKL T CVTI F.R Y. And other article in his line, to m hich h invitesthe attention ot Merchunt. Buildeni an,l coumrv d-;ilei JOHN If. FOSTKIC Ponhind, Febnmry, lei.. 4tf J. A. NcCLtLltVD. t. W. IHl'P.MA!! J. A. ItlrC'Irllnnil A t o.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 7 Clay Street, V an r mnciero. Consignments tf Oregin Flour, Bncon. Ijird, But ter. Fruit. Ae . See , solicited, and lilerul cash alvau re nmle ou the same, eittier fr Hle or on storave. 1'Hrtiriilar attention paid to pnrt-hnsint? koo1s to order. They have also made arranireim iit n ilh '. N. Stans bnry. at Portland, Ogn, to receive in store and muke lilie'nd advance on all produce ronsigned to their bouse in an t ranciaco. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. STORAGE, FORWARIHSU Jr COMMIS- mux. rw N. STAXSBURY is now prepared with ample r ire I root nooms lor storave, convenient to the wharf, without urnraue, and will vive tiarticuhir at tention to receiving, storing and forwarding all kind of goods and produce on ulienil ternia. He will also make liberal cash advauce for the house of J. A. Mc Lellund Jt Co., San Francisco, on all produce consign, ed to them. Office at the store of LOVE.TURPIX & CO., where as usual, most kind of family supplies are kept, and all aino el produce oougni and solo. Jan. 1. l.5. lyttpaid Itiehards ITIrCraken, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VND Joblr in OREGON PRODUCE or every de scription. No. 41 Sacramento st., (Fire Proof Store) Ntn Francisco. The highest market price paid for PRODUCE. I f" Liberul advance made on consignments, t inters for Oregon trade promptly attended to. ( V Ollice in Portland, upper wharf bout. J1X1I 1. KK'HIIIDI, JOH H'CBaI!, ,s'ia Francisco. Portland, ijregon. JnneiK, KVi. lyli John IC Foster, IMPORTER AND DEALER IX SHELF AX D HE A IT HARDWARE, MECHAXICS' TtHH.S, FARMIXG tMPLEMESTS, Sec, .e. at the riRE-raoor uuaxitk raosT stoke, Front street, l'ortlntid Oregon. February, LSili. 4tf Albany Book Store. THE undersiifned would inform the cilisens of Linn Co., and the public generally, that they have just received, ami will kern constantly on hand for sale, a large awnirtinent of school books'in common use, and also a variety of miscellaneous books, stsitionorv. See. HALEY ltK'O S. Albany, Oregon, July 1, DCS. IHtf Cltr Hook Store, CorvaUia, Ogn. THE uudersigned ha now on hand, and is constant ly receiving a large and varied axsortment of Mis cellaneous and Mandarti book. school books, stationery of oil kinds, and all other articles usually found in a book store, all of which will be disposed of at the low est prices. Persons desiring anything in my line, will do well to give me a call. M. 11. BELL. Corvalli, Sept. It, 113. tfftf Boyle tV Sites, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, would respect fully inform the citizen of Polk Co., and vicinity, that they bave entered into copartnership for the prac tice of medicine, surgery, and obstetrics. Ottice, Dal las, Polk Co. J. W. Boyle, H. D., for the present will be found at his residence, 3 miles east of Dallas. Jan. 15, 186a 15tf Silas C. IlerrinK's Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. WITH or without Halls' powder proof lock or Jones' patent permutation Bunk Locks. Sold at the manufacturer's prices with freight added. Prices from $36 to $ 630, cull and see sample of their work with the improved locks. G EO. II. JON ES, A gent. Salem, May 17, 185& lOif War Scrip. TTOLDERS of War Scrip can secure the services of 11 E. l'elton, Geo. 11. Jones 0& Co., to present their paper at Washington for payment. Receipts given for the paper and cash advance made in some cases. Office at Burnum 6c Wilson's Law Ollice. Salem, March a3, 1858. Stf Dickinson Type Foundry. PTIELPS Sc DALT0N, Boston. L. P. Fisher, Agent, San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads, rule. See. AuguatS, 1857. S4tf Statutes or Oregon, CAN be found at John Fleming', Oregon City; and at A. R. Shipley's, Portland. April, 1859. Corinthian Lodge IV o. 17, OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, hold their regular communications Thursday, on or before the full of the moon, in Albanv. H. A-CUNNING HAM, W. MV W. G. HaXIT, Sec'y. 47tf III dIP ) Ml ami m Li j Wnllamet lnlversltjr. SALEM, OREGON. titution. All available resource will be made use oi to meet the want of Student. Efforts will be contin ued to secure a suitable endowment; and no pains will be spared in obtaining competent and experienced In structors. The Collrglule year I divided Into three terms, com mencing as follow! , The first term on the 3d Thursday In September. " second term on the 1st " " January. " third " " " last " " " April. The first two term are fifteen treeis each t the third, eleven treeks. Vacation. There will be two vacation in the yean one. In April, of two weeks, and one, In the sum mer, of nine n-eeks. Tuition will ba at the rate of $1 per week, or (10 per anuin. THE OREGON INSTITUTE THE PREPARA TORY DEPARTMENT. Terms. The Academic year i divided into roc a TERM of eleven iceekt each. The first term begin on the 3d Monday of September. " second term begins on the 'M Thursday of Nov. " third " " " ' lat " ' January. " fourth " " " " hurt " " April. Vacat ton. There will be two vacation In the year: one in April, of tire Keeks i and one in the umnier, of six weeks. Tuitiob will be paid at the beginning of each Term tn advance, at the following rates: In Languages, Higher Mathematics Sc Chem., $10 00 " Other studies of the Academic Division,.. 7 SO " Common English Division, 6 50 " Primary T' " 5 50 For use of the Piano 10 W 17 Instruction in vocal music is given to all the students freeof rkarre. THE FACULTY during the present year will con sist of Rev. F. S. Hoyt, A. M-, rrcident and Acting Pro- fessnr of Ancient 1 jiniuiures. 8. B. Wilbur, Professor of Mathematics, Teacher of r-nuiish Uranches. Miss A. V. Amiraux, Teacher of Instrumental Music. Mrs. P. M. Hoyt, Teacher of French, Painting aud Drawing. Mr. C. Wilbur, Teacher of Primary division. Admission. Students will be admitted at anv time; and will be charged for tuition from the time they enter only, but llieir progress win no greatly proraoieu ut eiitei-intf earlv in the Academic Year. In case where, from necessity, students leave before tne end of the term ror wnlt-n payment na neen niaue, a iut nronortion -not more than" three fourth nor lesi than one fourth of the tuition fee will be refunded. Ktudenta ara not allowed to leave iust before the exam ination. Pulrons who are inattentive to this point, in tHct great injury upon both the atudeut and the Insula lion IloAKDiao. Young gentlemen and ladies ran obtain board at reasonable rate with private mmilie. I'ufssi or tiriDT. A Course of Study ha been adopted for both the Collegiate and I'reparntory le parunents, well calculated lo secure ripe scholarship, mental discipline, and a preparation for the active du tic of life. A liberul Course of Studv ha been adopted for rnniiir ladies who desire to obtain a thorough education tr-A Dmloma will be awarded to all who shall complete the prescribed course. The UovKKMaxsT will be tuirental but strict aim In constantly at the formation of correct habit of Self Got eminent. Careful attention will be given to nmiitirr and morul. Kt-HoLARSHir. rernetnul. or for the period of ten rear, securing tuition at verv reduced rate, can be purchased. For further particular apply to the 1'resi dent. Per order of Executive Committee. CHESTER N. TERRY, Sec. Hoard of Trustee. Salem, Ang. 4, 1RSS. ttf Pacific I'niverslly. Forest Grore, Washington Co., Oregon, Rev. R. M. MtRJH, A SI , Pretident. liev. 11. Li MAX, A. M , Prof. Mathematics. fllHE collegiate year consisting of one terra of nine A months, will commence on the nrst tt cdtiesdiiy of November. It i the desiim of this Institution to furnish a thor ouirh anil comtdcte colleviate education. There i a Library of 1UO0 volume for the use of tne studenta. Apt licants for admission to college must have know ledge of the common English branches, and have studied the ancient hingmtgr far a to have read portion of t a-sar and tut-ro and tne lireea iteaaer. Xme tutlton wiirr-'wr onmnm. Pit EPA R ATH IN DEI A RTM ENT. Students luting for college, a well a others wishing to pursue collegiate SlUUles Wltuout emenug upon iur eoiietre course, win ue uuuer uie mini uiuuu vi im leire teachers. The full term cf 11 wek in thi department com mence on the iM Weduesdav of September. Tuition " per term. Tualatin Academy. Forest Grore, Wellington Co., Oregon, Rev. Cctnixo Eelli, Principal. The fall term will commence on the Ct Wednesday of September. Tuition in the common branches, f u in the higher branches, as per quarter. eVpiember lA. I'd. ly36 Jefferson luMitute. rt HE Trustee of Jefferson Institute, would announce JL to the public that the school in thi Institution is now in successful operation, unrter tne cnarge oi 1 roi. O G. t arr and Ins lady, direct from Kevstone blute. Mr. c Sir. Curr having spent several years in pre paring themselves for the Profession of Teaching, are now prepared to cive entire aiieittction to ail tui that uiav entrust tueir children in their cure. TERMS: IVmfiiv TVrMrlmnt iwr term twentv four weeks. ' $10 00 Common English studies perterra twentv four weeks. ' 12 00 Higher branches " " " " weeks, jo m Students can enter the school at anv time, but will not be received for Icsa than half a term. No allow ance will be made for absence, unices a special arrange ment be made with the director. Hoard can be had on reasonable term near the school. AHhouuh this school is not controlled bv anv relig ious sect, vet tue strictest morula will be eiilorced and good order tuaiutained. It. A. ,IUIItM, Sec'y Board of Trustees. Jefferson, Sept. 90, lHia ly'JS itlore XfW Books I r K. SM ITH St. CO., have just received direct VT from At 1 ora a large supplv of CHOICE BOOKS AXD STA TIOXERY, which they will sell at greatlv reduced pricea Thev have made arrangements by which they will be enab led to lunusii uie reading puuiic witn ALL THE STANDARD WORKS Or THE DAT, at a very reasonble advance on Xetr York Cost. Their books are bouirht in New York bv a resident agent, well acquainted with the trade, and" at MUCH LOWER PRICES than they can be had by ordering from the Booksell ers themselves. We invite our friends and the public generally, to cull and examine our stock and ascertain our price. We are permanently in the trade, will be constiinlly receiving new supplies, and are determined to sell ut 'the very lowest prices. Any rare books that we may not have iu store, we will order for our pat rons, aiid Libraries of Lay, Medical or Miscellaneous Books, can be obtained through our agency cheaper than in anv other wav. Amonir the desirable books lately received bv us. are the following, viz: iane s Arctte r.xpeattton; Livingstone's Travels in Africa; Jlenton's 'JO fean in the U. S. Senate; Quinhw on Bee Keeping: tiunn's Domestic Medicine; Rolhn's Ancient History; Dirk's Works; All the standard Poets; Mrs. Southrorth's Works; Mrs. Lee's Works; Mrs. Ise Hentx's Works; Plutarch's Lives, $-c, $c. Also, 100 REAMS TAPER, CAT, LETTER, NOTE AND BRIEF, all of excellent quality, and at low prices. AISO, Enveloret, Ink, Scrap Books, Mucilage, Gold Pens, union s &reci fens, renrtls. Inkstands, Ulatet, Xelson's Copybook.,, Blank Books, Letter C lip; Music Paper, Note Books, drawing paper, visiting cards. aioums rc. 0tf K. SMITH, Sl CO. Statesman Book and Job Ottice. WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book Drinlitnr north of California, and an extensive as sortment of Jobbing Material of every kind; mid are prepared io execute promptly, and in a workman line uuuiuer, an oruera iu me uuove aepurinients, sucu as 1JOOKS, Pamphlets, Handbills, Ball Tickets, Circulars, Blank Checks. Note or Hand, Order Books, Steamboat Bills, Steamboat Cards, Bills or Ladino, Certificates, Show Bills, Check Books, Blank Receipts, Invitations, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Concert Bills, i'ROGRAMMES, ADDRESS UARDS, 1 RAFTS, Blank of all Kinds, dec, dec, Sec. US' All Jobbing must be void for before it is taken from the Office. EiiKTaviug:. THE undersigned having received tho first premium the late Mechanics' Fair in San Francisco, a the beat engraver in the State, takes the liberty to inform the citizens of Oregon and Washington Territory, that he is prepared to execute anything in hi line with neatness and despatch. He would particularly inform them to send their orders direct to him, in place of leaving them with their jewelers, as they can thereby save considerable percentage. A. n-UIl-ICK, 167 Washington St., Sao Francisco, CaL EaT Refer to the different lodge in the State. December 2, 185a . Gm44 rplIE Collegiate Department of the Wallamet Unl X veraitr has been organised. Young men design ing to pursue a regular Course of Study, are invltod to avail tliMm&i, lee nf the advantages anurded bv this lu r TSMeSV ? f mm Dr. E J. Ccapkar's Private MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite Paciflc Mail Steamship Company's Ollice, San Fran the rancta- ESTABLISIIED IN 1R54, FORTIIE PERMANENT CURE OF ALL PRIVATE AND CHRONIC DISEASES, AND THE (UPPRESSION Or QUACKERT. Attending and Resident Physician. L. J. CZAPKAY. SI. P. Late in the Hungarian Revolutionary War, chief Phy sician to the 'JOtb Regiment of Honveds, Chief Surgeon to the Militury Honpitul of Pesth, Hungary, atidtbe lute lecturer on the disease of Women and Children, and honorary member of the Philadelphia College of Medicine. A PERMANENT CURE GUARANTEED, OR NO PAY. Communication strictly confidential. Consultation, by letter or otherwise, free. Address Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, San Francisco, Cal. TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY re tums hi sincere thank to hi numerous patients for their putronuge, and would take thi opportunity to re mind them thul he continue to consult at hi Institute for the cure of Chronic disease of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, digestive and genitive organ, and all private diseases, viz: Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrha-a, gleet, strict ures, seminal wcaknese.andallthehorridcoKsequence of self abuse, and he hope that bi long experience and successful practice of many years, will continue to en lire him a share of public patronage. Br the practice of many year in Europe and the United Stales, and during the Ilungariiui w arand cainpaigns.be is enabled to apply the most efficient and successful remedies against 'disease of all kinds. He uses no mercury charges moderate treats hi patient in a correct and honorable way ha reference of unquestionable ve racitv from men of known respects hilitv and high standing in society. All parties consulting 'him, by let ter or otherwise, will receive the best and geutlest treatment, and implicit secresy. Of all disease, the great first cause Spring from neglect of Nature' law. Sutler Not! II Irs a cure it guaranteed in alt stages of SECRE T Dl SEA SES. Self ahue,Xerrous Debility, Strictures, Glertt,Grav el. Diabetes, Ihteattt of the Kidnryt and Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Paint in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Aw and Eye, L'leers upon the Body or I.tmbs, Cancers Dropsy, Kpileptte Fits, St. IV Oanee, and all lMseaei arising from a derangement of the Sexual trgans. Such a Nervous Trembling, Lo of Memory, Los of Power, General Weakness, Dimnese of Vision, with eruliar spots appearing before tile eye, toes of sight, wakefulness, ly spepsia. liver disease, eruption upon the face, paiu iu the lack and head, female irreifuiurilie, and all improper discharge of both sexes. It matters not I mm what cause the disease originated, however long standing or obstinate the case, recovery is certain, and in a shorter time than a pertimnent cure can be ef fected bv anv other treatment, even after the disease has hatlfed the skill of eminent phymcians and resisted all their menus of cure. The uieduines prescribed are pleasant, without odor, entirely vegetable, cauing no .ickness, aud free from mercury or balsam. 1 luring lifleru vears of practice, in Europe, the Atlantic State aud California, 1 bave rraroed from the jaws of death many thousands, who, in the last stage of the above mentioned diseases, had beeu given up to die by their physician, which warrant me in promising to the af flicted w ho may place themselves under my care, a per fect and apeedy cure. Private disease are" the greatest enemies to health, aa they are the first cause of Con sumption. Scrofula, aud many other disease, and should be a terror to the human family. A permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, a majority of the cose falling into the hand of iuconiieteiit person, who not only fail to cure the disease, but ruin the constitution, tilling the system with mercury, which, with the disease, ha tens the sufferer into a rapid consumption. But should the disease aud the treatment not cause death speedily, and the victim marries, the disease is entailed upon the children, who are born with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a vi rus which belruv itself in scrofula, tetter, ulcers, cor ruption, and other affections of the skin, eyes, throat and lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of suf fering, uud coninguiti' them to an early grave. b EL F A B C S t is aiiot her furmidable'euem v of health, for nothing else iu the dread catalogue of human dis eases causes o destructive a drain upon the system, drawing it thousand of victim, through a few' year ot suffering, down to an untimely grave. It dee'troy the nervou system, rapidly waste away the energies ol lite, cauees'uiental derangement, preve'nt the proper development of the system, disqualifies for marriage, society, business, and all earthly tiappiuesa, and leave the sufferer wrecked in body aud mind, predisposed to consumption, and a train of evils mure to be dreaded thau death itself. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of Self abuse, thai a permanent and speedy cure can be effected, and with Uie abandon ment of ruinous practices, my patient can be restored to robust, vigorous health. Ii regularities, and all disease of male and female, treated on principle established bv fifteen years of practice, and sanctioned by thousand's of the most re markable cures. Medicine, with full direction, sent lo any part of the State, Oregon, and Washington Ter ritorv. bv patient conimuuicalina- their svmptonis bv letter. Business correspondence strictlv ct nlidi'nual. Address Dr. DJ. CZAPKAY, Medical InstituteTiNicratuento street. Below Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail Steam .Ship Co.' ollice, bun Francisco. To the Ladies or Oregon and California. L. J. Czapeat, M. D., Pbyeiciuu, Surgeon and Accoucheur, invites the attention "of the sick and atllicted females, laboring under anv of the various forma of diseases of the bruin, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kidneys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doctor is etlectinir more permanent cures than anv other physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacv "prevent you, but apply immediately, and save yourself from painful sutlering and premature death. All married ladies, wnose delicate lieultn or oilier cir cumstances prevent an increase in their families, should write or call at Dr. L. J. Cxapkay'a Medical Institute, Sacramento St., below Montgomery, opposite 1. M. S. 8. Co.' ottice, and they will receive every possible re lief and help. The Doctor's offices are so arranged that he ran be consulted without molestation. rp'All consultations (by letter or otherwise) free. Address to Dr. L J. CZAPKAY, Medical Institute, San Francisco, CaL REMARKABLE INSTANCE OF MEDICAL RE LIEF. Below we publish the certificate of two of the sullerer from the aiigs of disease, who having recovered their former health, and impelled by grati tude, make known their canes and remedial agent, and their statements are authenticated bv a Notary Public The demands of society imperiously command their publicity, and we commend their perusal to the atten tion of all atilictvd : CERTIFICATE. The undersiirned, desirous of acquainting: those who may be unfortunate enough to be similarly atllicted, where a permanent relief of their eutlennif uiav be ob tained, feel it hi duty to thus publicly express Lis most sincere gratitude to Dr. L J. Ctupkay, for the perma nent recovery of his health. Borne down by Uie dis tressing; svmptoma incident to the vicious practice of uncontrollable passion in youth; depressed iu bodv and mind ; uuable to perform even ibe most trifling duty im posed upon the daily avocations of life, I sought the ad vice of many physicians, who at first regarded my dis ease as of trilling importance hut alus, alter a few weeks, and in eeverul instances months, of their treat ment, I found to my unutterable horror, thut instead of relief, the svmptoms became more alarming in their torture ; and being told by one that my disease, being firincipaliy confined to the brain, medicine would be of itllc consequence, I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength and energy ; and, as a lost resort, and with but a faint hope, culled upon Dr. Czapkay, who, after examining my case, prescribed some medicine which almost instantly relieved me of the dull pain and dizziness in try head. Eucouraged by this result, I re solved to tw r r-iysell immediately unaer in cure, uuu bv nice to his direction and advice, my r,my ideas collected, the constautpaia Toiu, the weakness of my limbs, the . jf my whole body on the slightest 1; the misanthropy and evil forebod - ust and want of confidence in others; .mjr nnd want of resolution: the head in m; nerv alurra ings ; the .. the lncupuc frightful, exciting, and at times pleasurable dreams at hv invn'iinurv ilischarires, have all dis appeared ; and in fact, in two months after having con sulted the Doctor, I felt as if inspired by a new life that life which, but a short time ago.I contemplated to end with my own hand. n un a view to gui. - into the snare of incompetent quacks, 1 deem it my du ty to offer this testimony to the merit and skill of Dr. Czapkay, and recommend him to all who may stand in need of medical advice, being assured by my own ex perience, that once under his care, a radical and per untneut cure will be eUected. p FnXMOM. State of California, County of San Francisco: Subscribed and sworn to bejore me, this 17th day of April, A. D. V Kotary Public CARD. Prompted by an honest desire of my heart, I wish to iv before the public a case which deserves hii?h com mendation, not ouly as on act of scientilic skill, aut that of hutnauity, also. About two years ago, i suddenly, and from causes unknown to me, was seized with a lit of kpilepst, which, owing to my inability to meet the expenses consequent upon a thorough medical treat ment, and the discouragement which I met with on at tempting it, soon became such (as I was then led to be lieve) a to defy the skill of any physician. I was fre quently, while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down ti the srround without the sliiihtest warniinr. and al though, insensible to the agonies, vet I despised the mis ery of my existence. While in this state, and having previous to my alUiction tasted the sweets of life, I once more was induced to attempt seeking aid of a jihyeician, and, by recommendation, called upon Dr. Il J. Czap v.v T told him mv cirenmatancea. and mv inabilitv to reward him for hi service regardless of which, however, he at once undertook my case, and with the hhrsniiig of God, I wua once more restored to perfiwt health. Unable to reward him for the boon which I enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebtedness, I consider it due to mvself and to all afflicted to make the rase public, in order that those in need of medical ail vice may find a physician in whom every confidence can be placed. MKIEUYAHUI.ftiKI. l--J State of California, i County of San Francisco, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this first day of August, A.D. 1866. J ' J ' GILBERT A. GRANT, fi.. s.J . Notary Puhlie. OPERMATORRHIEA, or Local Weakness, nervou. debility, low spirit, lassitude, weaknes of the limb and back, indisuosition and incapacity for labor and tudy, dullness of apprehenaion, Ion of memory, aversion to society, love of solitude, timidity, self dis trust, dizziness, headache, pains in the side, affection of the eye, pimple on the face, sexual or other infirmities in man, are cured without fail by the justly celebrated physician and surgeon, L. J. Czapkay. Hi method of curing diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence the great success. All consultation, by letter or other wise, free. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., Kan Francisco, Cal. The Greatest Dlscovorr of the Aire C1 RE AT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! H DR. CZAPKAV'8 Prophilacticum, (self disin fecting agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea and Svnhilitic disease, and a certain and unsurpassed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, fietid discharge from vagina, uterus, and urethra, and all cutaneous eruption and disease. A innoculation is preventive against small pox, so is Dr. Czapkay' Prophylacticum a preventive against Bvnhilitic and Gonorrhoea! disease. Harmless iu it self, it possesses the power of chemically destroying the syphilitic virus, and therebv saving thousands of debauchee Mom being infected by the most loathsome of all diseases. It no voutiir man who appreciate health be without Dr. Czapkay' Prophylacticum. It is in very convenient package, and will he found con venient for use, being used as a soap. Price, $ For sale at Dr. I. J. Czapkay Private Medical and Surgi cal Institute, Sacramento St., below Montgomery, op posite f. M. Co s office. San r rancisco. All letter must be addressed to LJ. Czapkay, M.D. San Francisco. CERTIFICATE. V -. , .1, 1 1 n. . rr . . . . : r hereby, that Dr. L J. Czapkay ha served during the contest for Hunmrian lihertv. a Chief ftnrmmi in ih Hungarian army, with faithful perseverance whereof I have given him this certificate, and do recommend him to the sympathv, attention and protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice, aim oiiueaervea misiortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS, Governor of Hungary. It ashtngton Cit y, Jan 6, l&VA In Peron not wishine to lose time fn correspond uie;. please enclose flu in their letter, and tbey will get immediate attention to their ease Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., . fian Francisco, Cal. October, IVA. 3U19 Daly's Valley Whiskey. IVE BF.O TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF V V J lealer. a well a consumers, to the following eemnraie oi wen unown cnetnisrs, who nave analvz ed " DALY S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY The liiih reputation of the parties is a suflicient nn. antee that the article poeKse all the merit claimed lor it. nuLAtnLLhallu Sole Agents. State Assayer' Office, 3! Somerset street, Bostu.v, Mass., April 17, ISott W. n. Dalt. New York : tear Sir I have made a chemical analvsi of roar "AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKY," aud find it pure, fine-flavored Whiskey, containing no iniurio matter of any kind, and recommend it aa suitable f medical and public purposes. Charles T. Jackso. M. D.. State A sea rer. New York, April 19, 1RV. pie of "DALY'SAROMATI I have annlvred a sample of "DALY'S AROMATIC VALLEY W I1ISKEY," and find it to be a pure erti rle, of line flavor, and without anv deleterious admix ture. James R Chiltos, M. D., Chemist. Wat. H. Dalt, Esq: Dear Sir.- Your "AROMATIC VALLEY WniS KEY," is received, and after careful examination, I find it to be a pure article, entirely free from the adul terating ingredients so frequently" u-ed- Jahes'J. Mapes, Chemist. DALY AROMATIC VALLEY Wni?KEY is put up in cases containing one dozen bottles each. ly For sale by all the principal Liquor House in San Francisco. 3m5 Sort Book than mr. A. K Shipley & Co., AT the City Book Store, Front street. Portland, next door, to the Columbian hotel, have oo band, and are constantly receiving aa Immense Stork of fiooki and Slationtrj, direct from Eastern Citie. We keep on hand CTltALL KINDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS. Au immense variety of Miscellaneous Bok4, and a stock of stationery that cannot be surpassed oa this Coast. We have a very fine assortment of 1)1 ARIES FOR 1S59, and a large supply of Gin Dooks for Holidays. We have extra facilities fur making op I'L'BLICand PK1VATE LIBRARIES of standard and choice works. We can suunlv Webster" Unabrideed Dictionarv in all styles of binding at low rates. To ennmerate our stock is impoasihle in an advertisement. II ynu want any book or article of stationery, order it diiectly from os. or tbmneh: M. II. I'arsnns. Eueene C'itv: M. E. Bell. Corrallis; Halev Brothers, Albanv. Kenvnn A Co.. Salem; A. B. Wft-terfield, Lafavette; Butler A Boone, Monmouth: I.O. Wilson. Sautiam Citv: J. II. t'hitwood A Co., Kola. "eare scents for the American Statesman. Ran dall's life of Thomas Jefferson, for A. S. Barnes A Co.'s Publications, and Ivison A Phinnev's. We hsve a few o-pips of Livingston's Africa, the only complete edi tion in the country: lso,Barth great wrk on Africa; also Atkinson' Siberia. We invite an examination of our stock, and a trial of our prices. A. K. SHIPLEY ft Co. Nov. 13, 135S. 6m37 Frank Baker, 110 AND 113 CLAY STREET, 43 AND 47 MERCHANT STREET, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic CARPE TS,FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS MATS, A!fD COCOm. -HATTIKO, DaCSGETS, BAIZES, DAMASKS, WIXDOW SHADES AND hollalds, rPHot stibt GOODS, PAPER UASGIICGS AND BORDERS, CHI.1A MATTI.VO, for sale in bond or duty paid, at the lowest rates, 5m 6 San Francisco. STATE OF OREGON". COCXTY OF MARION. "TOTICE is hcrehv given, to all persons interested in A.s tne estate ot n ILjIIAM rAK&LK, oeceaseo.uwe of said countv, that Milton Young has this dav tiled a petition in the countv court, of said county, acting in Probate, praying said court to authorize and direct the administrator of said estate to execute a conveyance conveving a certain tract of real estate, described in said petition, containing 3J0 acres to him, the said Mil ton Young, in fulfillment of a contract between him and the said deceased. Notice is therefore given, that Tuesday, the 7th day of June, 1869, is set apart for the hearing of the said petition. SIIL.TON SUA..U., judge uountv fourt. April it7. 185t. 4w8 STATE OF OREGON, 1 COUNTY OF YAMHILL, J 8a- BEFORE County Judge; To Calvin Ish: Yon are hereby notified" that a writ of attachment has been ..ed atrninst vou. and vour oronertv attached tn sat isfy the demand of A. W. Sweet, amounting to two hundred and sixty -five dollars. Now, unless you shall appear before Geo. 11. Stewardcounty judge, in, and for said county, on the 11th dav of June, ISM, at the court bouse in Lafayette, in said county, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. of said dav, judirment will be rendered asainat you, and your property sold to par the debt. A. W. 6WUT, t'l tr. April 26, 1869. 4w8 STATE OF OREGON. ) COUNTY OF LINN, J " IM Justice Court; To William Rexford: Yon are hereby notified that a writ of attachment has been issued against you. and your property attached to satis fy the demand of Woolen Davis, amounting to sixteen dollars, $16 00 ; Now, unless you appear before R. A. McFarhmd, Justice of the Peace, in and for said coun ty, at bis ollice, on the 18th day of June, J8o9, judg ment w ill be rendered against you, and your property sold to pay the debt. WOOLEN DAVIS, H I. April 23, 183. 4w8 Attachment Kotice. STATE OF OREGON , COUNTY OF MARION, $ " ' pO Wm. J. Wilburn : You are hereby notified that A V. McCarty has instituted suit against you, by at tachment in the Dist. Court of said county, for the re covery of the sum of 261, with interest and costs o suit; and that unless you appear in said court, on the third Mondav in May, 1859, and answer his complaint, on file, in said cause, the same will be taken for con fessed and the praver thereof will be granted by the court.' U F. BONHAM Att'y for Pl'tr. Feb 15,1859 3m50 Notice. AFTER six weeks publication of this notice, I will make application to the Commissioner of Pensions for the issue of a Duplicate Bounty Land Warrant, 160 acres No. 46 277 under Act of March 3, 1855, issued to me, for services as a private in Captain's Pngh'sand Martin's Companies', in the Cayuae Indian War in 184f( the originial having been lost, and a caveat against its location entered in the General Land Office. HIRAM a SIMKINS. Dated, April 16, 1859. - 6w6 Force FEW more left, at 25tf Pump. 4 1T Call soon. REED & STRANG'S. Deeds and "Scrip Blanks." NEW lot just printed at 50tf STATESMAN. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE STATE. One year. In advance,.' .................... 3 00 it paiu witnin six momos,. 1 1 If paid after the exoiration of six months f 5 Six month, in advance,. $i 00 One dollar additional will be charged for each year payment ia delayed. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Liegai advertisements win be charged at the follow ing rate : Twelve line or less, one insertion, t'i 00 1 each subsequent insertion, $1 00. Legal and all tran sient advertisements must be prepaid to insure inser tion. Administrator' notice, and all advertisements relating to the estates of dereaed persons, tnnst be prepaid, unless ordered published by the county judge, and guaranteed to be paid by him. Biographical no tices, resolution oi societies, orders, ace.., will be charged at half advertising rate, and payment must k i.rnM , ,.i individual interest must be prepaid, at the same rate. Advertising bills not paid within one year from the time when contracted, will be increased twenty five per cent, each year payment is neglected thereafter. e-very enort will oe made uy tue proprietor and ed itors to make The Oreoo Statesman the best news paper in Oregon. Remittances niav be made by mail at the risk of the publisher, if mailed in the presence of postmaster. ASAilLLi UL'Sll. Xo the Public. READ, FARMERS, READ. HAVING THE SOLE AGENCY FOR JOHN A. PITTS unparalleled Tfareahinir Machine, for all the Pacific coast, 1 tuke this method of informing yon that I have on hand and for aale FORTY Machines, thirty of which are ten bone and ten of which are eight horse power. The above machine were got np to or der, and cannot be surpassed in any respect, as to beau ty, strength and durability the frames being very sub stantial and strong, with a much larger Fanning Mill and more depth of Seive, with Cast Steel Shafting, and not liable to spring, adding much to the steadiness of the running of the machine. The Cylinder of the Ten Horse Machine is Thirty six inches in length, and that of the Eight Horse ia Thirty -two inches. Each ma chine ha with it Trucks, Horse Power, Levers, and the usual amount of Extras, which are made aud fitted expressly for each machine, making them lea liable to get out of order than any other machine in the Mar set. Being aware of the many false plan and deep laid schemes that have been taken to defeat thia most wor thy machine, which np to the present time ha never known Its equal, eitner in lnresntng or i. leaning grain; and aa all means have been used to defeat the sale of the same, by a bogus machine of a very inferior kind, 1 feel it my "duty to let the Farmer know that no gen uine Pitt's Machine can he purchased except of the subscriber, at 33 Sacramento street ; and all parties of fering for sale or using any bogus machines purporting to be I'itt'a Machine, will be held personally responsi ble for all sale and usint? the same. THOMAS OOO SHAW, Agent for John A Pitts, 33 Sacramento street. Ohio ThreshintrlVIaclsines. Also ha ve a few of these celebrated Machines. Tbey are just what every Farmer wants. The compact ar ranjfement of different parts of this machine, the great simplicity of it construction, the strength aud durabili ty of it workmanship, the small amount of power it take to run it, together with it effective operation in threshing aud cleaning, at least a much grain of any kind as any other four or six horse machine now in use, combine to justify us in believing that it cannot fail, aa it become known, to be the most useful and popular machine in the country. The Cylinder of the above machiue are from Eighteen to Twenty -four inches in length. Each of the Ohio Machine have Truck, Hone Power, Levers, and the usual amount of extras. W e can safely recommend our present lot of Thresh ing machines aa being; the best that has ever been im ported, aa they were all mad to order. Give ns a call before buying. THOMAS OOO SHAW, 33 Sacramento street. Extras Extras!! THRESHING MACHINE EXTAS! We have on hand a full supply of all the different parts of the above machines. In ease aay portion should fail, we can supply you on short notice. A few of the leading articles we will name, viz ' Master wheels, Straw-carriers, Drapers, Elevators, Spur, Bev el, and Bull pinions, Cvlinder-teetb. Fan Gear, Line Shaft boxing, etc ' THOMAS OOO SHAW, 33 Sacramento street. THE CALIFORXLA COMBINED REAPER AXD MOWER. The best combined Reaper and Mower now in use. Will manufacture for the present harvest One Hun dred of the the California Combined Reapers and Mow ers, which, for beauty, strength and simplicity, has no equal in this or any other market, as it possesses many great advantage over any other machine, to-wit 1st, It is much lighter; "tbenriving wheel is four feet high, making the draft 30 f cent, less than any other machine. id. The euttinar part is the rear of the machine, and the apron is so constructed that it can be taken off in ten minutes for mowing. od, I be grain is passed to one aide with ease. 4th. It will cut ifrass a low a three inches, and grain as high a twelve. atn. It can be raised or lowered m three minutes. , 6th. It has leas side draft than anv in ne th, It haa more motion. th. Yon can drive slower and do your work better, th. It cuts six and a half feet in width, and has a spring seat five feel from the ground, which nbtees the driver in a position to be able to manage his team, and aee the breaker ahead in time to save hi machine. 10th, It can be thrown out of, and into gear in one minute. 11th, The cutting part of the machine be in fir in the rear, takes all the weight off the horses. VAh, 1 he best and last reason at all n. that it is a California improved and made machine: therefore, any purchaser can, on short notice, obtain any portion of "the machine that mav break. I have taken particular pain to select good work men and good nutterials, and I warrant this machine to reap and mow. and to do either or both, better thaa anv other machine in this market. Please give me a call THOMAS OOO SHAW. 33 Sacramento street. ALSO KEEP ON HAND MANNY'S COMBINED REAPERS Sc MOWERS, BCRRALL'S REAPERS, HCSSEY S REAPERS, McCORMICK'S REAPERS. In fact, all kinds of REAPERS that are in aee. can be had of me at the lowest cash prices. 1 AS VWi tlA W , 33 Sacramento street. " SAFES! SAFES'! LiUie's Improved Wrought and Chilled Iron Safes. Fire-Proof. Thill Proof, Powder-Proof, Burglar-Proof With Lillie' Impickable, Powder-proof Lock. The best Safe made for resisting both tire and thieve, as proven in innumerable instances. As to recent test by fire, reference is made to the late burning of the Crystal Palace in New York City, at which all other Safes on exhibition were burned op. LiUie's Safe alone was uninjured. Reference is also made to the test afforded by the burning of the Illinois Central Railroad Depot at Cairo. Read the following letter: corr.. Cairo, TIL, Dee. 10th, 1S58. Lewis Lillie, Esq. Dear Sir; The Safe we rur- chased of you was in our ollice, which was consumed on Monday night. We have just opened it, and find the papers uninjured, and the books will be good for service bv beinir rebound, the binding beinsr iniured br steam, but the paper of the books is not injured in the least, lue contents oi tne iron money chest were ail right, good aa when put in. Truly vonrs. Bignea, n. K. aubui l , Agent Illinois Central Kailroad. Reference is also made to the great teet trial which took place at Iowa City, in Iowa, on the 10th January, iw. A ne origin oi tne test was we snarp competition for the supplying the State Bank, and its branches, with safes, vault doors, locks, etc. I he State Bank having purchased Mr. Luke Safe, etc, the opposition safe venders, being dissatisfied, proposed, as a test, to drill tnrougn one of tne sales tne bank had purcbaaed, which proposition the bank ac cepted, and Mr. Lillie went through from Troy, N. Y., to Iowa, to witness tbis test. our perfectly chemic ally hardened drills were prepared, and the machinery was adjusted, Mr. Ldllie assisting them in adjusting the machinery to drill his own safe. The result of all this was, that after drilling one hour and fifty-six minutes they reached the chilled iron, when the drill would go no farther, ail the drills having been literailv broken and ground to pieces. All father efforts to drill were reluctantly abandoned. A shipment of these safe has just arrived, and can now be seen at the Agricultural Warehouse of T. O Shaw, 33 Sacramento street. Lillie' celebrated Bank Locks on bands for sale. The best Bank and Vault Lock in the world. 1 HUM AS uuti ejlAV. OIL, OIL. The best in this market for all kinds of machinery. which I will warrant not to gum in using. Send us your orders, and it shall be satisfactory. BELTING, BELTING. All kinds can be had as cheap as the cheapest, both of California and eastern manufacture. EXTRAS, EXTRAS. All kinds of reaper sickles and sickle sections, spur.. bevel and crank pinion boxes for Manny's combined, McCormick's, Burral's, Hussey's, Seymour Sc. Mor gan's Reapers. REPAIRING, REPAIRING. All kinds of Agricultural Implements made and re paired on short notice. Kept constantly on hand any amount of extras, which will beaent to all part of teas State by express. Send in your old machines ia tin to get them repaired ; save all your old castings, for which I will give you the highest market price. I wish you to bear in mind that I have any amount ef good to sell, and must sell them, and with your aid will sell them, and anything yon may need in the Agricultural Trade, as low as can be bought in this market of thai same quality. Feeling thankful to yon for all past fiv vore, I hope yon will call at 33 Sacramento street, be fore baying, and look for yourselves. tllUJl-i WU MIA vt . April 13. 1859. 3m6 Session Laws. A verv few copies of the acta of thelaff legi&latnre of Oregon for sale at the Statesman office. Price one dollar. March 89,1859.