The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, May 17, 1859, Page 3, Image 3

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On board th Steamship XrtXi-tr, on piirr from At
tori to r rllan.t, ttj R r. II ! p L.pcucou. Mr. Jiiha Boj.l,
f Oips Hi.v.v. W. T , la Mnvia A. Jahuaon,
Innimrtl, M;iuie.
I r.rvli . ii 'f , hy r. I. F m tin, Mr. Limit IM
I en.l M M rjr I'. all i.l C .nail ..
Ou the Sn mat., v Kl l. r K H rlui. Hi Inn L. Harris and
M a Virginia EMallm-a, nil of Yhin i . i amy.
la PinUM, on hv Mi I.v R-v. P. B. C.iarabrrlatn,
Mr. K I. H wiinrs In Mm Ma.i.lte K. Price.
Oniric ,t mat., al 1.1 nnuhncref Hie bride's father. In
t m I' .. Iy the K. v. J -tin trnnl.r, L. Pievena ealil and
M. Mr. tlanghtcv ol th fcrv. A. ttsrilnrr.
I i ln l..r. l P-ttiliam, on 1h K-th nil., at tltr bona of
Ihm R. ! L. M.-Nary. Ijhj., Cal., to M m Itaa W.
Uiiitiiirc.t'a, el Linn Co., O-ii.
I I I jrfc of Sim.tin. an thr 5th Inst., nt Washlnrlun Ort
tr ' II U M,Sitry, Thonms M. Mnnkrra to M.s Piiche
In ?i!rm, of e-i umptl.m. atl.-r a hn Ulntaa, on the l tth
tnst., Mrs. Salrttt, acnl shout ) jrin.
At P.trfltnl, cn the lift tnst. of c-n -ration of tis brain.
Carrl E. only rhilt of li.-o. II. an I Kate Williams, agin 9
vvara ami A aiomlia.
At CutlM-iuwt, V. T . Mrs. Julia, wife of Unban Slllwrll, In
the aoth jesr ot lirr aire.
April Hth, on Bear Crrtk, Jv-ktun County, Oregon, Mary
On the Stt of March, of lung fryer, llllxa Jane Loonry
aj-rf years.
At Srtty Caroline, daughter of A. and Sarah J
, H.IU aw! one year.
In Purttaad. nn the 2th Apr I. Wm. L. Gmoaia, son of Wtl-
Dam an t A -are Untoma. mvr.l 5 years, ami 10 uionth.
Pri aad Prlnttna; Material tar Sal. A new
Ka. 4 TTuMnttm pre, and t erond hand ncrppr
flee (with the exception of a few minor artMn) for aalr.
Inquire at the Slattma rfflre.
T Adwarllsera. The actual circulation of the Staft
man la orcr two thousand copies ; the adeertiecmcata apoear
rn clear and readable type ; the ratea of charge are sot more
this tuoa of th paper of Idtle circulation.
Dr. Xj. J. Oaaptaw-We would direct the eaneclal at'
tentloa of taealld to a p-rual of Ir. L. J. Cnpitay1 'lTrr-
tiaement, to be found In another column of th! paper " or'
der to place the crricr of a learned and experienced physi
cian within their reach, fa much HI h keen Inlhctcd on the
hu jjan family front the pernicious and lenorar.t practice of
empiric, that it eem if w were fulnlt'tfg a b mnJea duty
to make known where rrl ef can be obtained. To those un
fortunate enough to u:Ter from the eftVct of sexual or priest
dlsensrs, or their 111 trratntrnl, we cheerfully commend Br. L.
J. Ciapkay a a man of rare ctrnlltlo and medical acquire
ments, poserssinc all the reuleite, 1MB lon experience and
nckMwle.Iired lill. the snccesefal practice of h! profrs
loa. Ilaetnc wia-te sexwal complaint an especial Mudy. llLe
the celebrated Rieord, of Pari, he Is enabled to guarantee a
permanent and pcedjr cor In all case of prlrat or chronic
duel., whether the cffi ct of conlaon. arlf-abusc, or v
ef eirllity ; and In order that patient at a distance may arail
therasvlee of his adelce, free eonsultatlon la open t.- them.
T:e knowledge that w e hare of th numerous enrrs he has
K-cted, me of whvh were of long standing-, leada ns to
plac much fa:th to Pr. C." rflcacy, and commend him toth
confidence of thn- In It! tralth. Dr. Csapkaj" effl.- I on
Pfe-ramcnto treet, below Montgomery, nearly opposite th
rariflc Mad Steamship Ca.H OUce. San Francisco. 8uJ
Tb Orafnberg Dyantery Symp. Thi rxtra
erdlnary article I a speedy and taralllMerenndy In DUrrhen.
Djentery, Choter M jrbus, Chtilrra Infantum, and Astatic
cholera. If taken a Ith t!ie first tru-ptooi of the dlsrasf. It I
porely eegeti bl In It componnd.
T&r Sumiaer complaint, and most d:easea to w hich children
are orjrct. It true worth can ncecr be set In wor!s, but it
can be felt and appreciated by parents abuse children hare
been snred. No mother should be with, nt It.
tW Parsons advancsd in L.if, and foaling the
hand of tlm weighing heaTlly upon them, with all It aiten.1
ant Ula, will find In tho ose of Dr. J. lliTTTEP.' CELE
BRA TED STOMACS BITTIKS, an el.xir that will lntl
new life Into their rein ; restore. In a measure, the ardor and
energy of more yowthhtl days, build up then- shrunken form.
aad glee health and enror to their remaining years. Tho.
M an In tbe Icatat afflicted with Dyspepsia, Ague, Languor
Nausea, or any other trtrobtcsotnc or dangerous disease, aris
ing from a disordered system, should not hes.tnte to ara I
thcmatelre of the benefit derived fr mu thi great remedy.
Try them ; ww assure yon they will gire satisfaction.
As there are aereral connterfrite, be careful and get the
genuine. Bold by respectable Druggists, Liquor and Grocery
Dealers everywhere, and by
PARK A WHITE. General Arents,
92 Wb n.t.n atrert, San FranclTico.
tT. K. SMITH A CO., Arents. Spleen. twi
Dr. O lysott" 1m pro-red Extract of Vollow
D?ct asd a sureremeily for Hrrcditary
Sow Is the time ns; this celebrate! purtfler cf the Mood. It
is the great Remedy, and the only medicine a hich can
eaVctul!y cler-nse the sytttm from au inipur.ties of the Wcot'.
Ttonsands who hare esrd It can testify to
It creates new, rich and pur Hood, carrle off the pntrid
ha-nnrs, cleanses th stomach, regulate the bowtls, and Im
parts a roeie af elror to the whole body.
Zr. ettytatrt Extract of Yrlto Dork and SartapttrCla,
As manwfactwred wnder the superintendence of the most cele
brated chemist and physician m th s country, is th
-which will effectually cleanse the system, eradicate S.t-t.
restore a healthy action to all the fwrtetlne-s of the body and
r ale by all Drnrests on the Pacific coast, and by PARK
k WHITE. Arent. 132 wTss'i-nrton street, San Frnttso.
W. E. SaiTB Co., Aprnts, Saletn. ItoS
aTfct rrss-Jom from Con. after naing DB
tain and apeedy remedy ereTdiscoTcred foe all disease of the
chest and tang. Con?!. Col I. Incoenis, Cmsumption.Br'm
ehit:. Asthma. H wtrtene, D fficnlt Breathlne, Pain In the
Chest, Spitting ef Blood. Sore Throat, Irritation of th Crula
aad Tonsils, etc. The most ilemn assurance la given, that
there a not a fact stated with respect to the powers of this
tnexluable remedy, which h not fatly established la every
I of ease for which it I recommended, by a mass of evl-
i which mot carry conviction to the most skeptlcsl
aad the medicine, although thn highly effectual in it
remedial character, in the utmost degree innocent In it
swaps lion, and may be taken by th most delicate.
This Balsam rive th most instantaneous and perfect re
lief, aad when properly pers-veTed with. It wul aever fad to
elect a rapid and lasting cure. Thousand have been restorrS
whs have previously tried all other means In vain. T-J all
da aed all constitutions It la equally a Messing and a
cor- none need despair.
The medical properties combined, are agreeable and pleas
ant to the taste, so that a c!M will readily take It.
Nne genuine wtiheat th signature of Henry ATistar, M.
D . and Sasford A Park, on the outside wrapper; all other ia
rwHw and worthies.
y-ealebv TC. K. SflTH A CO., Salem.
PR YS. w F:TnriRFrtRn. SMITH A HA Is. Purtland. and
PAitK A WHITE, Sa Francisco, are Asents. 2m8
X.rens Marsttle, or Flea Powder. Win destroy
Carden Inserts. Cwckroacht. Bed-Bags, Fie, Ants, Moths
sad all pests of the vermin k'nd. The Importance of a relia
lle article of this kind is inestimable. In warm weather all
earor teem with th annoying foes. This powder is th
ooly article ever diaeovered w,lch will exterminate them. A
company of bomaists. from the Horticultural Society of Parts,
while atnKet the tmm of Ae'a. .bOTTed that all Inseets Lrht
tng ca--a a certain klad of plant vvy sooo dropped dead.
Tna tact was amde ose of to guard their night csBifS from the
knraders. thiamine of tfte jnsi.t were hrossht home by Mr.
C. Lyon, and fouiiil a positive lnect destroyer in trery ex
periment. It at simply s powdered leaf, chemically prepared
ta resist the effect of ace and climate. Medal and Letter
Patent bav been obtained from tlie governments of Encland,
Praaee, Cerasany and Risw'a. from the Work! Fair, and as
ss'riw medical and h.trttroltaral coileee and cocVtirs.
isrrra now Tut rassaxsiT or mi rsrm mm.
- Brtr-mHrt XtnHfn. WtMnffltm, Jm. Slur, 1-C3.
"Ma. tsisret. Lvos Dtar Sir; I hare tbe pleasure to lt:
ftro yo tlMi that the R yal Commission, of the Worki'i
Fair, at Lund, have awarded yon a Medal and Certificate
fr lb crest vatwe of yonr Magical Powder. Ac.
a a aowvw wa accompanied by a certificate of Prince Ah-
raow sessos.
-v Iff"-, Octrf,,r 1555.
Ma. Z. VtotDtar Sir: frt anatyxed and tested your
Msatetlc Prder aad find psrfeetly harmless to man
gfnd an I dameMie aniiaals, but eenala death when Inhaled
by bu-s. ants and and Insect.
JAMES R CHILTOX. M. D , Canrerr.
LACRASCE EF.ID. Paor. CBTawrav. N. T. nnsrrriL.
Mr. Ja L. aWae, SoperiM.-ndcnt of the Xew Yk H.-epi-tal,
aajs. -be h expeUed all the bat, ants. roach. s. nu ths,
A Lyon' Pwk-r, and fiuda it of Immense value."
Eeery gar-ieocr and housekeeper mast have a direct Inter
est ka an article of this kind. Reference can be made to the
Astor, St. Nicholas, and M -irop d.tan H -U Is ; to Judjre M-lcs
Pfcsid-nt of the American Institute; Jamtt Cordon Btnixu,
0a. wrmfieU Sott, Cyrus W. F.cld, L- M. Pease, of the
Point M ssion, Ac, A:. Jadge MeU: says, - Thia discovery
0- fmf, Lyon I of national importance. Tbe Farmers' Club
aaee tested II thoroughly. It win d.stroy locusts, grasshop
pers, ants. moth, boss, and an vermin. Garden plant can
be preserved, and boost! mad pare."
Arrangements are now made through M ssra. BARNES A
PAWL, of New York, to bare It soil thronshout the world.
Maay worthiest imitation are advertised. Be caution !
.jITsc Tort, y&remler Bi A, 1SR3.
U retiritw from bns!n.s. I have sU ail my Insect Pow-
aara aad P Us. Letter Patent, and the aecreta pertaining
flweeto, to M sers. Barnes A Park. Tuis Powder i a discove
ry nude by Bsyclf, and broubt from the Interior of Asia, and
ta aokaowa to aay other person. The genuine and effective
article i. pot us in tia canisters, and will continue to bear my
lata aad aic cannot be reached by a powder, and are
killed by a Maaaetie PJL Order them through any merchant.
Tit Iron' Powder kins hirct In a trice.
But Ly or. P Us r n.l1 n,',. mlc
Potlowdieio,. r- ad thoroucUy.
W. K. tjxrra a Co Acer's, lem. . -a-.A
tatrra a Tiaras. aali. WtaTECTTOao, Agents Port.ana,
M V" waju, Wflt, aaA true.
Mtxteaa M tstsuat l.laineut. from rich and x..r.
bnnd and free; an rutnra, grades and enntttllmui of life,
hear Ui tarns meeil of pralas awarded thia aomlrrrul ar
tkle. Snrr are healed, pains relieved. Urea tawd, valuahtr
animal made nwftil, and nnl.d I III nrd hy th'a rrrnt
mr.llrlnr, ahlrh are parprl.lnit lit lh judgment f man
Whal family de not reqatre a taudard Uulnu-nl. M ho
r heard of the him erl pro.luce.1 by any olltt arll.-lc f
r r Cul, Braid, HiiratM, RheuroatHm, 8rlllnr, Ctraln. d
ll tneattc. If hat ho tqiial. J5rtr.r of Imll.ttinnn. The
genuine Miulanii lialmcnl h d,l hy all reapcrlaMe nrunrlnta
and Lirery mrn In errry loan, nar!h and handrl"Ut
..rth and Pouth America, rurope, and the l.lan.l of Hie
Orran. Btiy al onre.
BAUNKS PAIIR. Pn)rletir, Nrw ntk.
PtT0 A ft lew, Afonta fin Oreaoll.
leb. li, D,
!tltiir! niuHlt ! t
UrElmvc ltil rrreivcln liit-fr- iiranrf mont of .fJSi.
' mCica i. .v ru iwe.x rs
Or all kln.1, pmlntHnif Hie followm?: jV
A litrw awMiMtitmt of the I 'llnwlttK kitnlat
Nine 6 octntro. piann ruaeil,
Knttrft .to dmililf re eiiej,
Two 3 do ) tlotililu Imnk,
Four 6 do d
Tw o 4 d. portnl'le.
T Otltrrl Co.'n, HMJrr an X'nd.irtTi Celebrated
r i a x o .v .
Prsi'lc l:lt'0 lliwoi tlut llt of
Ouitar. Violin. .
Accordoona. Flntinna,
liriitilrt. Tnn'.lrtrinea,
Klnti'rt, Acr., Are.
Jitft nrt'ivi-i1 nt tlie rn r book trout, a lurne a
tottmriil of HOURS,
coxstsTixo or
M or, 11 lire' nmd iifkrna' A'rr., Vr., V".
Stationery, of all kinds, nt Whol.iuilt ntid Ht'tttil.
IMSl'tV AVI 111' H.
Orcif"" rite, April mi, S;'.!I. It tf
To III' Slo-aiItiM'ia til" Oresuu.
BELIEVIXQ irrmt injustice wns tlotie me
and my otiK-i lr llie ju.lj.TS at the Unn
t'oittite F.ttr in r-eoiember lunt. and denintiir
to correct cciluiu f:tlse alutvturliU, 1 publieli thi silver
liffvttiettl. At the Fair nliove mentioned, a 3 Tear olJ licifcr.
in tl by mv bull. Untie. rn awardeifa pretitititn a a
J'aliott cow, but whether for the purpose of injiirtiiif
me or mv stock, 1 inn tied prcpiirvd to av. lowiin.iv
tlw public, however, tliat 1 own a ooifnti nuininl us
Oivuon ran proiluec, I nmke iho followiuir pnxenl :
thi the 11 h tinv of .Inly next, in Corvnllu-, 1 fl ail
show ten clv,- mr bull. Ittiko. two 4 eette l.l.
two 3 Tear old, one two yenrtdil. nttd lit e vettrltns
nil bulls. At nliicti tiuie'twool litem will be wriu-d
one bcin, nn ihnt due, tne vntroM. I will jfive
liny twie t!n aiit 1 1 VitkiiiKJVom nil llie t-k be
twti'ti I'ortlnnil anil llii! ('uIiiooiit iiiiitiiitsiiiiit, t lie rntite
number of calves, ami w ill meet tht-iu on lUnl tU.v, and
'"c ypr f jui :
The Judirce weleeted t iVNnl llie nrt-mititu hn11 I,m
onlr tbitee? who arc tititt(tiiinnted with wih uiv rattle,
or with nny sn-w n. ami aliiill not be cuiiwiiiemt rmi -lent
niiU-Mi thry Lave dntil in line stock before -onnii
to Oregon ; and it I am beaten my motley elmll io liw
It, but if the preference be wivi ii . my tnlves, llirtt 1
sliall rlitim the mom-r. Any one intetiiiiuif to accept
Ihm challetiv, or to ohow R-nin-t me, nniM jtive mr it
w ritten notice :o that etleet, on or before llie first dav
otJiiiy next, add rt-xsiti;; meat lVoria, Ijtiit Couutv,
Fersorm tk-sinrt-f l ee me or mv !iH-k w ill find
fivemilrsensl ol I Voria, or erylil tmlr?weft ol ltrowit.
vilie. I still own the old bull, and eliow bint to terve
coves f r $iA or r ' to iinnirtr. iany l hi calves e:iti.
tn le biitti;lit for ("it, and scarielv nnv lor brs tUutt
i'". I. M. M -liliks.
Unn Co.. Mar 15, 1511. Is HI
KirltiirtiH A .Tlofrnkoit,
F'ortcardinr and On m et i lr a AfrrcAaaf.
AMI .lulll KltS IX
Oregon fi'iur",' (iniin, Eruit, liiiron,,
r.. c Av.
IMK.C EMKNT.atitl fUASTKIC neeivej bveverv
1J milm ve?el
( c AVill nttend to the pnrrliaiMS ntid stiiinnent of
Merc'-midi- ot verv dewription in the KuMertt and
San Frnni-tia-o umrk.-i-t. AUo to Forwattluiif (foods in
aIt Franeimit ntil Fotiliuul.
7'Ac ti bi v'rti .V-raay lxraprr and .V'wt
and Aifrteuiturul l.n'lemenls of vvery deeei-iptiiiu fur
niebeU for rash at uit Frai-eUco cue and trtuuxrta
lion. We vriil nl attend lo llie u!e of ilrciron Fi-ojitce in
Victoria, buvtiix eetblited a !ioiin m Unit rlace un
der t!te umntteir.eiit of Mr. II. r'ik,A ffeui ie'Uitit t-f
eiultt Vciun cAixiien c in llie tt-n-ie in r-Hti Fntueis
cw. " J.illX Mil H AKKX,
(Vwimrrr tal "ktirf I'nrtlaHti.
JAMK-i R. RiniAHIH, -
:u sarn!itt-oi. -t , r-ii Vmn. liMf
IICV (i(MM)S! I) IC V IN!!
Ml et.tJ t'l i'tl ' i f-ir ) 1 1 f rr rt , I It. M r I g BLOCK.)
I Ml tlli l KbS AMI JotlUKKH,
Offer j'or Hal bti the Piece or Package,
II LaXKUTS AVff, : 't'nic, Blar antl Ortc ;
Frwnrh and Ergl;h Me
rino, Alpacas,
I 'tttTe,
Hewrtii RiifiH,
I'niuib Cloth,
L.icen liooris of all kinds,
AV'nulovv Curtains,
Wool Flnids,
Velvet Hibbon.
Klatk Od Omit,
lilot and Ueaver Cloths,
French Hats,
Illack Oil Cloth Huts,
Freucit and EnglieU Mus
lin de Lame,
Spool Cotton,
r .iruier' Satin,
Murvtmr illicit Thread,
And a iult assortment of Try liothit, for sale nt liw.
est Market! SrulU
Tilton .Tlrrariantl'ss
'tll SL who in in Tcant ff a Ft re i.D'I lirtltr
I Proof mfet, per Ine barn luditidry" fnitn New
York, wre have a complete assotltueul of Fire amd
Brg?'tr Prwf fffct. with
Steel Faults and Vomhinatio Loci-.
Tiie best Fafeiiilbe world manufactured bv TILT X
tt He i-artienlar in buying a aiife, you have TIL
TOX Sl McFAIiL A X D a uaiue in full on the bale, as
none ethers are genuine.
L.DI, REEO it CO..
Front Sl., Fortlatid.
May 10, Hit
Calrin -Nutting;,
Fire- Procf oorit, Ircn Ft'itces, Railing,
... .AND ALL KINDS or....
04 Jacktna Street,
One door trett of Baticry, San Franciieo.
M.iv 3, ikw. " nmio
THE mnl-rsii."ned wouUI beif to inform c
A he rublic H at lie. wil'l others, b.tvr
oenel & wMun rood from Kuinier to f-L lleiei
lieciini; with the nm1 from liie lullcr plio-e
n, con-
it ir with tlie r-u Irom Ine lullcr uo-e to tuc
l'l.iin-, and peHpIo'lr.ivelitiir from orejfoii lo ilieoiiinl
countrr, ami ei evmllv otvvera, will lind u mum to
tht-ir dvarilairc to come down oi, llie weel eiue ! llie
Cl'im hut river t Kamier, w tiere tiiey ciu auu wil
le lernea im the ntK r-s ttiHlle tenus. as ttie? iiniler-
sijtT-! bns n. n-t-.l a t':tt l.a: lor tiutt purHMe.
w t.- piiMi: v a irt tiiit-ice atiove iiituer.
at J. lla-lit' U'.ti J. tl.i:ir.-uias farms.
a. p. mim:ak.
Mav 6. Hi?. Km'
Important lo I'ariiit'ri.
UtE have a few of t!.oec- UCt CYf.TXOKR
7VA,A."-HA A a. willi wriwiifht iron borwe ihw-
crs unaoia. I.iev .v wiiuus icuiira w ne, it; hii w ho
bate need them.
Tie Lett Machine ercr Bronh' to lliit C ontt.
Tl-iier api-ly mun, or yon will be loo bile.
I.V- Terms eiu-v.
a Im A i m Ji i C CI. TIKAl.IMP I. E A; .V 77?,
crut an. .', at price to suit llie liii-.
Give n a call. i l new vonr interest.
Oppunte Land 0ie, 'Jirgon CVjr.
April 3 IV'.'
nR. I1ROWX is on his own hook ana vein oe lonna
.t ,.r.nt iui oltiee bnilditnr. next door lo
Messnt. Moorcs' store, where he intend by strict udlic-tvui-e
to busuit, lo nierit the patronn;,' ol n jfetienm
CV He alway warranis bi medicines to !o wlmt
be reeouiiiieiHls liiem lo uo.
Mav II. ISK. ""'
THE' uliscrilier would inform tue cilizce.s of fcuiem
A and vii-in.rv. ilmt be bus on Imiul n
CUmce A-o, Imm' J Bolan-.c M' tlicine.,
T.iat be oil. rt. oti tenns to knit the litiies. lie would
uUioay to lus u:d ctiMoiuers, Unit he will attend lo
calls, in both town uiid counlry, in the day liiue, as
long a the road and weather are irood.
May 12, ISM. Hrtf
For Sal.
nHKEEanU ba!f lota, w ith nn-eUuiff Houf,
A Bum, and otbcriuiprovcuic-uls.couvenicntlv
situated, in MUcta. Lniiuire at U.e Sn.umnun Oifice, or
ar i, ,o-o JollX A. JOHNa.
May 13, isa. l( ,r
1'IIE pnltlic is hereby cautioned not to trust niv
cliilurea, on my account, as I bball pav no debts of
their cotitractiu-. If tbey aviU come under my pro
tecuon, I w-iLl provide lor thcui.
May 9. 1U. Uwltipaid
Dissolution or Copartnership.
TIIK copartnership heretofore existing between W.
Warren and 2. J. Brown, is dissolved, bv mutuui
content Tiie ucconnts due said linn are le'ft in ihe
hands of W. Warren for sc-tilc-uient.
'A- J. AllioWX.
'lHE roi arlnemblp berelofore : fur brlweeti II
I MitrkH, II. Ahin1 am Ac. Al. I(iet.b ru, itudur Hie
nnnio nnd stvleot Marks At Ab.aliiiin, in Itosi-biiru
' 'rc.'on, ia t!ii tiny dissolved by mull al I'truwul. II
Abritbiiin net nines nil the Iwrtnc-W in buliilitie ill I're
itim. All debts due their piirtnerHhip In reon nr
ma. lie is aiiiiiortreu to collect linn receipt ine eiiine
in tue niiiiio til llie uriu.
v. u rir .Nm:K(i,
II. AltltAllAM.
Kowhnrn, April xv. awin
For Ori'Kini tiii-ft't.
i VT-'FI . mttv htint loiill t.!k net.MMl v fue llm S
I'ntron mule, Minder, in tliiilienle iit
ol llie Itiirli C. E. Tillon, which niiniu H piisu out ill
i in imvm w in n-iive 1 'Uiv on or uiioiit tnr
lirxt olXoveinlicr next, for 1 "IITI..A X l dit-ert. Ship
-ra. in order ti seeure Irciglil, t.'toulii iiiuke eitily np-
plifiinott lo Hie ItmlerHiitiril, or Jles.irs. t ukcniiltl. IM-
liion ct Co.. New York.
We will nlan intend to the pnrrhnse mid hlpttienl of
iiiereiiniKiiw, rnrritiiifS, unil iimeiinierv, lor pitrties in
! re no n. L..AIUI, ot in.
April '.HI, !M I. :titt
Ho! HTtiylmi!,-!
ll'Ao i m jf ncighhorl
N OW I do not Intend lo oivr nn linswer lo Vrrs
this text, but only nrlt who will be nelh- 2C3L
borl v euo'ivh toinlorinttie by nitiil, or otherwise, w here
my Horse la, provided Hier know.
Aoir dH'i aft 'TH-tik at nitre !
Paid horse loft Sulein on Tiiumdiiv, tho Mb Inst., w ith
n lentber biilter. ntid n ipe tteil ontbe eiul ol'the strut
of mid htilter, nil of whieli wn done up very cure-
limy roiiim ma neck ; ti e mid Imller w us rivelt'U III
f U-uil of lM-ttiif sewed lo-'ethrr. The honi w as It moil
ernle sired hlitck honse, hiiuids not reineiiibered ; he ia
barefoot mid hthd's verv lonif . nie 5 or o year. Who
ever will return anid horse, or wive iiifori'tiHiioti where
be timv Im found, will be well pttid for nil trouble
nnd r.Xveiire. Flense address lr. Z. J, Ili-own, .-illcm,
OKti.nud thi w ill be neighborly.
Siilem, M:iv I", x.''. ' 3w9
llmcf-titor'a iNutitf.
1 TUFRK a letters of Fxeeutorsbip on the eslnle of
t ILI 1 AM A L.I r.K, deeniscd. luto or liottir
his county, Hretron, Were Hruutetl lo the ubsrriber,
with the' w ill nunexed, by the jitde of the probate
roTirt. in and forsnid rouiiiy, thereloru all persona In
debted to sitid estate w ill ph-nse come forward mid set
tie the sitnie. ami all person hiiviiuf chtiiua ntminsi
mid eslnlo will pix-seut the suuie lo the siibseriber, at
his residence, (nt the house ol li. 1. O'llrvunt, Esq.,
Di vtilns county, Oregon.) nine miles west of Re
I'ttrjr. within one year from date, or they w ill he for
ever b irred. V. D. AVAL.Tr.ll.
April 16, 19S9. dwtf
lloiie tinrt lot Tor Sale.
IN the town of Sulem. T
JOHN I'OKCi:. Ila.
Dee, r, xa mt
H'llfelfpA; WilKOIl's
Highest Premium Family Sewing Machines,
rIMIO-F. Mm-hines nic the inot simple of nny in tine,
X ami tire no l-ahie tn rrt vttt 1' Milrr, Tiie sliteti
is made alike on both aides of the tuhrie sewed, which
will not rip or tav el. 'I be llirend cun be used Iron! llie
oriuiiml spmd wiihout rew imliui-. '1 liey Hint the ht-tu
w itiiout bioditi, gather, init, mid tlit
A grealer rttrittif cj' Family Sett ing
Than any other machine otlcred lo lie public.
Tlu-v "received the hit-'iiest pr iiiiimi nt l!ie State
fuir. Marj Ktille: nt the Mcchaim-' leMitiite fair, t-un
Fiatiiriwo, uud ut itie Sun ,1-e-e lnir.
F. t . I'OMEIMY, Air.i t.
I f' ll'.iice mid RiileH riioiii on Fust utrx-et, l'oitiuiiil,
Oivuon. VII
A tint 1st iilltii'ii flit'f.
IKTT'l, f nihiiitiilnt!ioii tf te e-utitc if FK
J MltUl'. KtXS, il.teiiM-.l.htle id l.illll Co , Suite ol
IliiV'ti, w ere vmtiu-d loilie mnier-iiied. by ti e judve ale of Miid cmnty, on tin tthihiy d' .til.
1.1:. therefore uli pei-i-oiis w iiii uid estaie nre I ete
by reipiested to nmke iitttncdinlo imvuietit, nod all er
iMitis liMvinit chtiios tttiniui! eaid olHle lire- 1 ervhy noti
fied to prem-nt tlu-ui. Willi the prop.-r vouel.eis. lo Mur
frnu Kces. in-iir 1x-1miioii, l.iitn Co., Oreou. w ii'.in
one Venr froni lliis liute or !ev trv be l.ireter her
red.' MOlitJAX Kl -IKS. A. in. in r.
April tl, l.'.o. -iw.'pitiil
St-lllliS OiT! f I lilts Oil ! ! !
7'uie .V-'xv.
li To pun hnsi-iK ol 'Watches, Jewelry . Ilia
tiiouiis. Cloti, F'tKCjrlifoJ, 'ic-Musical i nttenmen' ,
li I Rx'ba' LM'cajE X!
AViiiil.l r-pei-ttiinc invite the iilenf-oii of ll-e
I. V I H K nnd UEXTI.EMKX of Porthmd and other
places lu tiretfon to li e liiet thai thi-v nre now
I-: i.l. I x i; t f F
our in; ue lonl vurifMl siorit . . . .
B E L O W X E W V O R K C O S T!
We ehall continue to tr!l ircndt on these cont'.ilion
until the v.'ith of May. A w ee.ieet to eiil.u e our
store in order to make room f r the new tiH-k ol ifoinis
nw en route fortliis place from New- ork and Eu
rope,. 1 V Do not ne-jlei-t to tnlte Hilvatita-je of this oppor
tunity that we oiler to pnivhttsers ol Watches, Jewelry,
Azc, Are., l-rfoir cvnt "v .."iJT ! !
Wuleh Makers neil Jewelers,
Front t., l'ortlnnd.
April 22, le".1. Inu
Ir. ..A.tV Atl;, I.M cotl,
If f aco Mf J'-cal rijtit iiHi.
HAVIXO hx-ateil in Snleni, we s'.iall be happy to
attend to mils, hsiain town nnd eoiintrv.
Mrs. AVeed will KiveVieeial attention to tllmtelrics,
and diseases p.eculiar to women and children.
Patients t,t a distance visited on reasonable tenit.
Tliev nmv be t-oneiilted pei-sonuily.or by letter. free.
April i-J.'lNiil. " 7ti
To tlio I-adiow. of S:iltm utttl viriitif) .
r I MIE PubserilK-r wish to announce that tbey frf'S
A. intend keeping on hnnd ail kinds of MiHin
err Ootxts. silk and luce bonnet, colored and
white straw t.
llouta-'ts made and trimmed to order ; aleo, drees
i-hop near the Woolen Factory.
Mrs. li A. WOUTLEY",
Mu K. A. l'UAT f .
April J3, 1V9. im7paid
CI A. REED havinit dirpixeJ of bis interest in tbe
tinn ot Kci-d & Straux to Tiios. Stniuif, Uie old
firm is therefore dissolved bv mutual consent. All of
the oiitvtuudiiifr business w ifl be ill the bund of Ifelij
r-tunir for nettlement. All persons indebted to them
will call nnd lunkc immediate payuieul. All persons
boldini; cluiuis uifuinet them will please prt-tMMit their
account accordingly. C. A. ULl-.O,
1$. TUANU.
X. II Thos. &. Rcni. Stranar w ill continue the busi
ness ut the old stttnd. A ?ood ifeortineiit ol stove and
tin w nre, hard ware, cutlery, Ac. Job work, rooting,
sheet iron, and fop per wort promptly attended lo, and
on the most reaFoiuihle tonus.
T. & II. bTK AXO.
Salem, April it), lSo'l. 3w
New Iloree-I-Vrrj' Uout.
riHE uiitlet-riined would re.u-4-:fu!ly nniio-uneo to
JL tlie citizens f this late. aiul especially to t'ne
tniv.-'ittu pnlMic. tleit ii t:ew ami euiooiiiMln KKKKV
l:l AT, ..: TH .) lltUi: I , i:i.lni l-cu put
in soi-,-ee?.!id o;ciu:ii.ti. ui u In-nvy exeiiee, iimii th
Willitmi-'te Kiver ut Si.l.-iu, m.d w ill he re an d nt nil
times to cro l'"S!nii u, horM-ineii, w;iviiii lind M k ol
every description, nt rviu-oniiblc lutes ot lei r'.nuo. The
patronage ot llie public is rci.pcottiiilv solicited.
Sal. in, Mav 3d. IW. Mf
Atirlioii Mtlt:!
TIIE iimiersiitneil w ill inler for rale to the hiuhest
bidder, nt his residence, in Polk Co., oil .Monday,
the t.tli duy of June next, his enure property omi.!iiiif
if alxuit 1mk n-res o laud, beadtif Iiocm-s. -os. bi'ad
of cattle, and 3(1- siicep. AU tualer one hundred dol
lars, cash dowu; and nil sinus over $ .- , leitus made
know u on duy of m!c. All i-ci-sous indebted lo the nil
ilerriuued will plvaeo putiuk' over, on, or licl'ore that
time. A. II. WIUTI.EY.
Polk Co., April -I. !.!. owl paid
i:a! llolol.
MlIiE undeii
lied has iurt opened
public c-y
1 hotiM. ill the town el D.ilias. ll
county scut - -
of Polit t o. r.very utleiuion slum oe i;ivi-ii to tue uc
couuiiodulion of tlie tivelinjf coiiiiiiiiuily, us well as
to boe'.rdcrs ; no pain or cxeti.e have been spared to
make the J louse convenient ami ph-aniiit, and would
rcrKi-liiiilv solicit a shure of ptililie pulroumre. In
coiiniiiion w ith ibe House is a livery stable.
Dallas, Jan. IC. IS.V1. bni'l paid
Clarion llouw, Salfiti.
rt'HE iiiidersiKncd nntionncea to the public tint Tv5f
J be has j'tirctiawd the well known tuvera sluud tn"t
called the Marion House, iu Sitlent, to--et her w it h the
funiilure and lixttircs thereof, lie w ill keep it in first
late style, and invites the putroniiije of the public.
Mav C3. 18.-.7.
For alo.
IOTS No. 1,2, 3, in bha-k Zi, with dwelliitK- ffTJ
J house, bam, and other improvements, in Sa- Xix
lew. Eniiuire of J. O. Wilson nt Snleni, or ill Port hind,
S.-pt- 23, 1ST,!.
Fanu for Sale.
TWO and a half miles from Salem, all nndcr im
provement, rood building, and a large orchard of
Fruit trees, from one to nine years old poRCE
Dec. 8, 1S5S. 4t tf
Copartnership Notice.
rpHE nndersiirned have this dav formed a copnrtner
1 ship nudeMhe firm of Ladd, lieed Ac f.'o., and will
continue the busineEB of the late linn of W. S. Ladd
Co J- W. LADD,
FarUaiid April 4, 123.
new HiJot''ittfjM.
riltlE suhscriher haviim sei iirt'd nil Ihti lute llnprove
l nienta ntid iiililitlotis to tho plioliyruphie uli, is
now pre ureu to supply
with n superior t his of pictures, heretofore iinltnnwn
in this rouiitrr, mid niii li only nn run be obtained in
II IS 1 1. M.I.I. EKI ICS AT 8 A l.EM AND CI lit V A I.I. IS
Therefore the Ii IuiuIh llvinif in either place w ill he sure
tonvail IheniHi lyes id litis oppoiliiuity to secure some
nirt specluii'UM of rirll'lti.s up 1 AUU
Aml'rvlyic M:litin"'yftc Ciori-s, Siltrr.
iivt, and Pht!tt2raiiht colored
or fdtun.
OH. M.V77.7 PHOVOtiJt.tPllS,
bi lnif by far the misit iix-riiir pon rails uml pietureH
thai are
Prodttrrd in Europ and America.
nnd nro destiueil lo supercede every other kind. The
proccMi of Pholonipliiui' ia proiluciiitf wotiilers.
Ptctnrrt of S'otnar v, Modrh. Biildingt,
I'andtcaf and A mmnU
of ull kinds. lire uinoiiif the excellencies tiflhis priHC.
1 hare the only fictlitir in thit country for
the production of urh picture,
J prndmr the unit) picture that are at all
Experience proves ilmt Mehiinolypes nre not at nil fit,
a bits been published lo the world. I nut prepared lo
produce this siiNrior class of picture, from thn
nnd even much lamer I have a variety of fine (Sold
Lochctt, Itnulile and Single. The best evidence of
over other
In this country, la Ihnt every visitor to niy (rnlh'ry,
tt 't'horit exception, no dmdr.
Hiiriiiif enjoyed the rtire prlvih-ixe tf between three
nnd four munll'is practice in San Frnncisro lust tntiiitner
with one of llie best practical and most popular pho
tographer iu Europe or America, ibis give me
a decided adcantitce.
My (rnllerv s always open for the inspection f ladies
and gentlemen, nnd pictures fur their inspection.
I have an occasional hour which 1 tun appropriate to
TIIK lir.r-Alll or MUSICAL I s fur Ma MS.
I have ulson process by w hich
7 rrnctr' Brant Furni'itrr
of nil kinds iu the most eleuant stvle. It will look as
well as when hrst from the nmtitttactorv.
My jrallery will lie roustnntly oH-n, w:here I mny le
found to alt end to culls. Mr itnllerr nt Corvnlh will
have nn operator to attend lo customer.
Salem, April, IS59. tf
VnOLT the 'Jthh of Mny, 1 shall sturt upon a bimi
r.ess trip to the Atlntitir Stales, and w-rZ atfend
perianal f "o the collection of nny moneys or rlniios.
the settle! .etit of estate interests; the division and sale
of real ct uie mid other property : and any other buti
tics of ii lejjal nature, throughout tho Wculerti, North
cm. Middle- or KiiHtern Slates,
Alo, will uive careful and prcmn! attention to (lie
purchase mid shiiunetit ditect lo Oreitoit, of unv nooils.
stiM-k , I'lirin tirpleiiietits, macliitiery , carriages, biMiks,
ee-l.i. tuuilcai inetriiitieuts or oiut-r ai-licli-n. Ami, as
shall 'a-liinirion City, will also attend to the
adjustment of claims ncnitist tioveniun-iit, inHiirinif
nui-li pav or siihiw n-leil isoimtv I jui I t urianls, unil
oilier t-luiuia in the DcpHiiuieiils.
I.. M. II.1H.". I
fvih-m, March g. IS.VI. -JmJ
rt"joii ! Oifjro?! ! ! r',roii ! ! !
IKl.l.t W CITIZENS w ill do w ell to keep iu mind
ti nt March i th, April ith, Mav "d and .1 th, June
j. th, July ...til. Auif. V d. Sept. I'.'ih, Ihf. Itli, Nov.
I Ith, ! e 1 .th, iu l'ie preseui year, w it' in any week
i-.i'iiTi.i rn iry al any ol ll:c aliove 'l.-:U-s. ynu are ri pi-c-1-tII
c Miticif eil lo ali'-nil Alh-inv .Mill ! u-et yoer .-i i-ti
v"niutil. 1-v 1. S. Abrcc. it bi-iiiiT bin t-:ii-to rtr.i the
M ill. Evi l v ullclilitoi w ill I paid lo u!l who w ifll I i
patronise hint. b"lli iiihiihihm v and ;n:ilii v. Slioul I
liie mill iinl iiiii, 1 will e,tc! aiie u lirat line ttrticle ol
itoiir ittwt-.vs on hitud tor Mile.
P. S.-t .t'i t'liid l'r wheat, or when! stored ut nil
iitit'S, n the Mill, sepemte frmu the proprietors.
I keep a skid lor unv one to cross their utum !ii-e over
!u-river IHn.ia F. S. A 1.1 liF.E.
'I alh itbmit iiill .l!iti-s
ICT. t o- in mind that I AVAXT TO
l'A MV DEIiTSuiid cannot h it
V1TIHFT MONEY and il there is any.
itodv o ii'Lr me. ;.-.lnl 1 ttiiltk I'lcie i I we
would jut say ti n' murii-y we niii-t I-iive, nnd we
would hereby' notify those iudi I.ichI tome cither by
note or lnok iici-oinii to cotiie lurwiiul ami ruule
olid-wi- we will have to con-in litem all ower lo J.
D. Immui, w !-o will no d.niLt ltaikc -o-t on it,
Yoursre.p-llv. J A. JOHN
Snleni. Sepl. I, !..
EUSt INS vvinhiiii; any bu-inc trntirijieted in the
A! lain if Slates, sin
ii as piir. lia.-iiiLf ot t-arrmifes,
Iniiriiies, Wiltons, s.-utMif tiiiicliiiu
ii, rtaitos, reapi:.
i liicli i iu t iir.iml!v
d iiuiW-rM, or ar.v ot-u-r ait' li
Kept in ti ii itiai k,-t. win tuni u in tin-ir aiiviituae io
i-aiil imi tiie iMiii'ivi-'m-l. AIij. tor tl cII'-.-ii-iii ol
ttioneys twliich is usually done tiir.uuh tlie E.prc:s
Co., ul a heavy e.vliel"- f w ill be ploi;i!-iiv utteiuied to
me of our lii in. Wo w ill imt- vasti lor uli ilrai's.
bills of exihunire. mid reiiilic.ite of deposit on the
Eaet or Western Hank.
AV. C. oaiSWllLD & Co.
Salem, Oct li. IW. Vjtf
I'or Salo.
ull uinler lelice. ubw-anls ef list Hi res ineul
tivaiioti sitiiateii iu liie rorfc i v lllumette nver,
lliree tuilea Irom Silcm. Tue laud claim is one of the
best, lie! only in Line cotiulv, but in Oreaon. On the
hum there is one cl llie nest r. n M I i.L.. iu tue
i-iuntry. Tue water privileue eaimol lie cain-lled any
wbere wuter the year rvMiiul and tiail-er bandy.
I'avmeutH will be an-Hiiijcd to suit the purchaser.
For further ii.iiiriiiiltiuii, upplv on th" p!--iiii-s
"O 11. ARM 1 1 'AUK,
sllf Mi's Post tl.ln-e.
'. It. Pillow,
DEALER m clock, w atches and jewelry. Sa
b'lu, tL'ti. PaniciilHr attention paid io the
rcpairine id w niche nnd clocks. sAil w ork war-
muled. Jewelry repaired at short notice.
Watches and clin ks, H day stiikmir clocks at a very
low price ; also ;10 hour murine clocks.
Iridic and jrente bnMH-li-s, Fmi-r l.ins, Ear Rings,
Oold Ituckles, ttimrd Chains, Aic, A.c.
Salcin. July ti, 1-Sj.'. Ilf
V. 1 lliKltl1t-Ir,
lERSOXS desirous of telliins irood work
I done will do well to trive tue a call, as uiv
whole lime ia devoted to tlie repuirinn ot Chro .
noiuetcrs. Duplex and Horizontal vnuae.
An assomueiit of jewelry oil bund.
Jewelrv repaired, or made lo order.
Prices III accordance with the times.
Store nt the old maud, Maiu sireeL
Jan. ai, lort.
H. 1'olltor lloultiii,
I PRACTICAL AYut-h Maker, Wliolesjile nnd retail
dealer in clock, watches, jewelry, silver ware,
and fiuhiuu lui-kie,aud Indian iz.hmU, Portlumi. Oregon.
Keceiviiiif my M""ds direct front the importer and
iiiiiuufacturers," I can sell kocJs us low ns any oilier
House on tiie Piieitlic Coast.
IlaviiiL' exHrienccd workmen in every branch ofmy
business. 1 cun irimrBiilee iieriert Siitirtiictiou ill rcpiiif
iiivf line wuIcIk-b nnd jewelry.
Even- hrtiele warruuteil to he as reputed. All watch
work w'urmiitcd to uive sntisfnetion. tstf
I'atroitizo tlif L. premi'ii.
MY customer
cau onli-r i
uers ill Suleiu. oranv t-m-n in the interior.
WMt-:iee. jewelrv. Kilver1.piMi11s.1Vc.. hy
xpn-i-s. avunie on ia livery ul uvmkis, pro ue.-o
ttieailii'.e tud price s;its. ot liet w i- liu-y c.iii l e re-iuiiu-iI.
Wait he, jewelry, iSlc, tor lepLir tun lo for
w.inU'l in tin' suuie iu;iiiin-r, lo
Pnii-tieal Watch Maker, i'oitiand, Oivtou.
Feb. l-o.i. -i-tf
Dr. .1. II. I'll it wood,
UlLLeoMl::iuelo keep on l and tin assort ineiit of
drills and medicines, also i.ll il.e leinliin; patetn
medicines in common nee iu O.-eton. lie will supply
the pcoplot I Ei da and vicinity w ith seuool uud iius
ceilaueoiis lnMii.ii, sliiiiniii'ty, iV... Ac.
Me al-o leudeis his Pro!, Mioitul services to llie peo
ple of Polk coiiuiy. His Itvatiuenl ol iIim-uso is strict
ly iisn lbt llotu'iiic r.ii lice, tisimf t.11 Hie llyuienic
uin'licies, in eouiuioii ueo in uie itcionu pmcwee
Aptil 4. IXiii.
.11 f
Dissolution of Copartnership.
ri'llE copartnership hen-lolon- cxiflimf Ih-iwcch the
1 suliM-riiiers. mider the linn of W. S. Ijidd iSi Co.,
in this dav dissolved by uiiilunl consent.
The hiiVinoss of tlie 'firm will be seiilcd by cither of
the sithscrilicrs, or bv ljuld, Kei-d A: Co.
Portland. April 4, IW w-A
Fine Blooded tstallion for Sale.
'T'HIRD from imported Modoc, on sale of
SIIX'1 II111U iroiu llliporieo .--ir svrciiv
oil side of dam. Impiire of N. A. Reed,
Amitv, Y'limhill Co., and Jos. ult, sulem.
Mill for Sale.
THE undersigned will sell for cash or scrip, tho un
divided third iu the property know u as the Mary's
River Mills, situated iu Houtou County, seven miles
from Corvnllis, in the inidat of a lans larniiux district.
The property coneisls ot a OriBt mid Snw-mill in fjroim
rnniiuiK order. Also a Blacksmith shop three dwoll-iu-houscs,
and about twelve hundred Saw-loirs. Tlie
mill lot couluius ubout thirty-one acres of hind.
The above property will Oe aoiu ou rcaeonuuie terms.
For further particulars enqmre ol tho undersiimeil ou
the premises.
April a, loog.
lEoone's Ferry,
ON Willamette river, new road between Portland
nnd Salem. The road is a pood one Bnd ten miles
shorter than the old road.
Mav 25, IS.
GRIND stones, with patent hanjrings.for sale cheap
U'. II. M!tinc-rt
Fire penof Bciek Stoir. oppoiin . II" Corlett.
J ant arrired, ex "Lire Yankee;"
SO tons refined Iron, iissorted i
2IHMI lbs. cast leel, "
Ml sett altH-1 spi-illfs;
lull iron axles;
llHI kejf miils, ussortedi
2.1 " II. S. mills;
M dor.. I 'ollina' nxra, with uud without lilinillns;
2.1 doa. Hunt " " ' " "
.'il ItiiL-mfs " " " "
A luruo assortuietit of cdi;e tools of svery ilcsi-tip-lion.
Together with n ji-itorul Hssortuienl of
Farmers and Mechanics' llardtrare.
Plows, Straw Cutlers, Hoes, Shovels, Ace, Ate.
Comprising n general ilnMorlmelit of Agricultural Im
ami everything in the line of WAOON AI ATERIAL
MerehantH mid olliers purcluuiiiiff would do well to
look through mv stock.
O. E. COEE bus entire churtre of the business, and
will endeavor to give siiliHliictioti lo eustomera.
To arrive ubout Ihe lirst ol Miar
4 '1 1 1 If ESI 1 1. U MACHINES,
Which will be aold for a small advance on cost nnd
Just n-ceived, ut W. H. Spencer's, Front t., Port
land :
!doz. Bhtrksutitli's Bellows, from 32 to 38 inches;
" " Iron Vices ;
" " Anvils;
t!5 keurs Horse Shoe Nails;
And Black smith's toidsof till descriptiona.
inn rrlt of States Wood Hubs ;
4lH)0 Spokea, States Wood;
26 sett limit Felloes;
Hickory Axhn, Bent Shafts)
Hickory nud Oak Pb-.nk i
Iletil Felloes, Are.. Ate.
A irenerul assortment of Harness Makers' and Sad
dlery Hardware.
Bits and tpnrs of all kinds.
Stirrup, whip and Citiehct.
Also, lust receivetl. ex What Cheer, a Inrire and
well-selected assortment of
including Chairs, Sofas, Basket. Wuuoiis, A-c . tic.
W. 11. SPtXI ER.
Portland. March , (;tf
Hprliis ami Siimiiirr Clotliittg I
TIIH iintlfrtiipnvil are now npotiimr their mock nf
SlRtMi AMI Sl.MMt.ti CI.0 1 IllMi. to
which they would tall the particular attention of Mer
chant belore purchasing tlieir usual stijiplr. It con
sist of
Planter's Linen and Duck Sacks am! Coats;
W lute I .ineti and 1 hn-k Sacks and oas :
Fancy Marseille nnd I Irill Sacks nnd Coals ;
Black nnd 1'uiicv Alpm u S k and coals;
Mix Mohair nud Poplin sack and coats;
I !m Linen sucks mid Ciiats;
l'niiey Ciu-s. nnd Tivi-iil suck and coats;
r'.-iiii-y I hss. bunincss suits ;
l imey 'as. uitd Twce.l fiattts;
I'liiu y drill and Marsa-iile nnts;
V lute linen and dm-k pants;
Piatiler H Inii-ll Hild di-ll) punts;
liite and ll'iif Alann-ilii-s rn-l.;
I'nttcv itu-l en iitit Ma-fcilics i--tri;
I'i'! riUftl utel duck Vi-.:-i;
r' eipit mid c:l.--i'T.-te vets;
l-'ain y latin and eii-iintcre vesiy ;
Yi'iiiio l.m-ii irid dull dr rivci!;
1-ite diiiiie-itH-lhiioii-i t'lider hirts ami Dri'wers;
Mcr'tiio Hlnl eusauiere shirts uud drawers;
Cl i k linen shirt;
Silk and linen tun uud eraiuts
Ali-o. i-.iusiatilly on hand a lt:d ali-1 c-::ph r uort
ln It! of
n t i s ,v jof.. pa pes t .- inn ts,
wbi li will he iild lit t'li-
Tlie above Mock eoiuprli-es lite
Chotie' ntut in! frit. ' ' iins ever rtcetced in thi
And men-! nets viniiinu the city will find it to their
ad Mlilaae tot-all ln-lore piirctia 111-4 r!n-tt!n-rf. Every
article wui-niuli-il bold as to uutke. tit , and UHlity.
Onlers reiH- ilnllv soli itt-'l.
tSuci-eiMtrs lo Joiuisnii, Cani'a Id A Co..)
mh'ii Imt'i is S4 Raiti-ry street.
W. I). Itl Tt UIS. E. t'oi ri.lTON.
II ttlrliiiis attti I'oppSetni;,
I) 1 1 V If 1 A V S A X D S f Kl i Et N S, LA FA Y
K l'l I-:. H.EOON.
IU. Ill Tt IIINS is pn-pnrcd lo fomtsh. ut
liiai itie, ut w uoicuie or reiail. the following
He. If. . ,,' B:l".m tf IV, Id f 'Acres;
For Consumption; Bronchi!!, Ph-uri.y. Colds, Cuutj'ts,
AV'hiMtpiiij Ciut;h, mid .tiltnu.
Thi med'srine is wurtatitt d lo he entirely free from
Opium Or any of its prcpanitioitfj from
Mercury, or any oli'.er pois
onous M-ettl.
Rheumatic l.t nt mrnt . oe. Instant Pain Et' cartor.
For the cure of RlieuitiH'ism. Toothache. Pain iu the
Side, nnd atl Painf-d Atleetions.
Foe J.iccr Complct tt.
A safe enihartic; warranted to be free from Mercury.
fr7 ' '1 liey ran also lie hv.d of the several DrrjiziriKt
and M-'rchunl in the Territory.
Dr. Warren ia my agcut lor Salem, and will be snp-pli-d
at ull lime with Ihe above named inctiiciiiett.
Sulem, Sept. 7, lSo. lyjti
lHrvioa V Co.'
Collection, Commitfion and
I? i pros)!
Foncardinj Azent,
week to and from the follow initT
Connect'unr at Portland with
To all parts of California, the Atlantic Slates and Eu
rope. Forwnrd freight and parcels, procure chet k on
San Francisco, and drafts on ihe Atlantic States, of At Co.', Portland. Execute commissions,
moke collection and purchase, and attend promptly
to all matters pertaining to the Express Line.
AVells. Faruo Ac Co.'s Express Envelope will be
uped by u over nil our routes, and can be proenred at
our Oliices, in nil Ihe above mentioned towns.
Ollicc ul Wells, Farifo At Co.'s Otlic. Portland.
Rrri:Rscrs. J. M. Vatisvcle, Agent Wells, Farito
A: Co., l'onluini. S S-ller V Co., A. !.iver Ac Co.,
Smith ct Davis. V. M. Az L. M Starr. J. Failinif Ac Co.,
II. il. Corbett, Savier A. Co., G. B. Cole, J0I111 R. Fos
ter, Sevnimir & Jovnt, OohUtone A. Meyer. 4.itf
J. W. Jtlill!s;ill.
Chancery and Admiralty, Seattle, W. T., will
practice 111 all the Courts 111 V uhuuf.ou territory.
April ', !.-.. lyj
ILiiKiot c K li t lie ltitt tttciit,
llotttl fvr ,1in or Betrxt.
I "'VERY species ol iinl..tion i.-i iiiick!y reduced by
I J the applitulioti of this Liniment.
The proprietor diws not intend this Liniment to be
excelled by tiity Liiiiiueiit in the nation or the world.
Tue cllc-ci el" tins nu'iiii-iiie upon
Riiuf worm, swelletl bllltls, sore nipples, sore breast,
sole heads, sore titioat, soivs of nil hi. ids, spiuius, siiil
joints, ul. ers,
puius ill the t-pine or back, poiM,:i oak. f.-.w! bites,
iMirits. scalils, trcsli cuts, luinoi-s. Are., is al.aost mirili
tllollM. It IS irood tor I lie hipr heltd. poll evil, tisllila, obi
ruiiiiiii sores, wind stalls, splint, m rntciies, sadule, r
coliur i:ails. spiaius, rmif bone, in fact, all
wiiere 11:1 e.Mi ri al application is rcitircd.
1J' fee the Liniment liccly ami ueconlitiK to direc
tion. Ji I1N HARGROVE. Sole Proprietor.
d street, Corvallis, Oreiron.
spril 7, 1H.")1. lyti
VN Y one wiio pnd'esses to understand nil trades
or sciences, assume to imHse tin nheiirdity
upon the public. Oil the same principle, any oiie
medicine wnich professes to cure all discuses is 1111
worlhy of the slnrhtest conlidcucc, and should ut
once Im- dciio-mrcd us a nnaek nostniin. Tiie
do not ussiime to euro all disi-escs with one remedy.
Tncy have eleven dilleix-ut in-.-oicines, each aihipteil lo
its peculiar tiiseaae, and time bus proved beyond a ques
tion the ellicucy uud certainty id' these preiaraiiout.
Tueirlis-t couiprisea ihe lallow imr niedicines:
Oncteuhcru VcKVlable Pills. Marshall's L'terine Ca
iholicou. JrJd'enlcrj Sursauirillu. Orjcfeiiberif Pile
Remedy. Unefeubeix Dysentery Symp. Green Moun
tain Oiiitmeut. Graieiilnr Cliihlren's lunacea. Onef
cuberir Consumptive's Balm. GnvfciilterK Eye Lotion.
Onctciiberir Fever Ac sVne Remedy. Ura'feuber(
Health Bitters, tineleuliertt Alauunl ot lleaiiti.
For sale by ull drujiitu
Oct. 16, ISoS.
For Sale.
I HAVE three hundred and twentvacresof land
situated in Linn Co.. aaout 3 miles from Scio,
all well improved. Also, a ?ood orchard which I will
sell on reasonable terms. For information enquire of
the undertsiinied at Salem.
Salem, Nov. 20, 1858. 37 tf
FROM one hundred to two hundred acres of improv-.
ed land for sale, about two miles from Salem, Alar
ion county. J0Hr tfOECE.
K A aflfk Jllaa
AMD. o, uwt, wa
sis throuliout the stale. w
ueiienu jifent8, s
Druggists, San Francisco.
( uOiJ..O Vt.'k'a rV .i.t..
MEDICINAL drink, of em n n ly ajjutnry rjnttU
lies, littiniitacttired be biii'e f e.- cl'nitvcly , ut bis
factory ul Schiedam, in Holland, and well known dur
uit the last twelveveur throtilioul ull file AlUnlic
mid Western StuK .' ' 7
Hi made from the beat barley that can be selected
In Euroiir, with the essence of an aromatic Italian ber
ry of lick now b:ded mid extruordiunry medicimil prop
erlie. It has lnn since acquired a higher reiuitaliou,
bolh iu Europe and Auiericu, thau unv other iliuretic
lievernite. . '
Analyzed. It is a l-riirrrTi.r mirk tloioR. In lla ef
feels H mild 11ml wholesome tonie. It is rxleusivelr
used and npprovedli y the inedicnl faculty, the temper
ance people, head of futilities, &e.
Iu linivi l, timit, and RhctimuliHin, the ohstrni-uoiis
of Ihe liluililcr unil kidneys, nud in ncneial debility, iis
i-lii-i-tn are prompt, decided unil invariably reliable -, nud
il inj not only a remedy for these maladies, but in ull
ease in which they are prmluced by drinking had wa
ter, which ia almost universally the cause of them, it
uct u tt sure preveiilative.
For Fever and A)ue it i one of the most efuraciou
preventive that can be rwsortrd lo.
Is consequently in (jrcut detiiuud by perun traveliii(f,
or about to settle iu new part of the country eapeeially,
11 well 11 hy many in every community, w here It bat
become known, 011 account of its various other reme
dial propcrtiea.
In nil case of a dropsical tendency, it is pctiernlly
the only remedy required, when adopted in the early
stae of the disease.
iu dyspepsia maladies, when taken In proper qean
titicR, us u diet drink, and especially at dinner, it is
lotiml by uniform experience lo be eminently cllicaciona
in the most obstinate eases, when even the bct of tl e
usuul remedies buve failed to afford more than tempo
rary relief, lit cases of flatulency, it is an immediate
and invariable apecillc, and it mar be administered in
diluted and proportionate quantilitra, even to young in
fants, in ull those paroxvems of griping pain in the
stomach nud bowels to wnich ther are especially sub
ject, as well as the cbolic of jfrown persons.
its jiiuiclou auoption tn connection witn tne princi
pal meals, or when a sense of exhaustion diciatea its
use, never fail lo relieve the debility attendant upon
protracted chronic niubidies, low temperament and ex
hausted vital energy, by whatever cause induced.
These are fuels to which muny of the most eminent
medical men, both in England and the United states,
have borne testimony, and which ure corroborated by
the highest written authorities.
Put up in quart and pint bottles, in rase of one dot
en, with my name on tlie bottles, cork, and fac simile
of 111 v signature on the label.
For sain hy all the resjiectable Druggists and Liquor
dealers in Oreuroti and California.
I'DOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer,
Ml Beaver street, New York.
Caution to Ihe Fublic.
London Cordial Gin,
Club Houe Gin,
Scbieiiam Schnapps,
Medicated bctmappe.
Royal Schnapps,
&.C., fltc.. Arc
I'niler the uhove nnd fiuiilur title, Ihe liquor mixers
of this ciiy are bo'.'.linp lariif quuntities of adulterated,
unwholesome trash, costing but little, on which tbey
boie to realize larire protits by selling in California
Avoid itil coin!oun(is Sotue are suskiltftiily prepar
ed a 10 pai-s lor foo! Ei'juor, except with tiie let of
indues. If you would he safe, use only the iotiij estab.
lisbed, relioWtleil, genuine Wol f E 9 S HltDAM Alto
t ic Si tixArp.
I'DOLPHO WOLFE. Sole Importer,
A tnr. 31. tf is 17 Oil Bearer gtreet. New Ymk.
I.oiitloii CIulv Ilotine (sin.
1 nut!. 1117 but w lmt it is, viz: a pure and unailijter
t'.tc.l a-tti le, ami a--u:t!;!i no r.rtiia-iai taerits ol what
it is not, ia- pome of i:s rival imite.tor do Hirer live
ycuisol pabiic approval 11ml very cxtem.iveri.Un hi
t'aUt.iriita, bii- be it pronounced by the public to bestt.
penor, tal at a beverutfe ot .eneral use, to any
other ailii-le roipct:i:ir auuinrt it, bul is
in must r.t-M- nf .:. 1 :i:ls. Ti Je a;.s tra cii.i :
;!ei-e liays i.f rapid lr;il:s:t lr..:a E-i-l '.- W;, Ni-.lU lu
S.itit-i. w iioare t-i'io-i;ti:!iy i-.'ianiau liu-ir w uu-rtn well
its t 'i"r c'n'iu'c: w !.o a:c ilniiKiu, rtttr'i, h t.oei.
kiiao. i-f water iueiery twenty.! fir hours, and eact.
tirnitfcTiil rot-.t:i:tii!i soii.e pruperly uclit. lit i-hcmi,...
uiitauotiiHin to llie preceiiintf, thereby causing ia,
ultiiiitiiial deirrei ol excitement lu tlie stoiiuieli it in
piiMtively and iibsoltiiely necessary lo use a couiili-r-uciinj
aaent. Frtun the fact ti e
is prepared expressly to meet such cxiyeueie. and lo
act a we know il w"iil uet, as anautidote w-ecotiliib-ut-Iv
presi-rilie il as the very best article iu the country.
The natne of Aromatic Schiedam Sx-bmipps" has nev
er been attneiied in any way to this article, lu first
preM-ntiiiif the
to the public, my aim was to give them a pure and un
adulterated article of Gin, and to call it by its riht
name. The success attending its introduction and ex
tenyive sale hi California is a sufficient irnaraiitee of
the biyli uppreeiuiifui of the artieie by cmsiimers.
Various parties have from time to time put tip and
shipped to California an article which they rail Club
Hotire Gin." My Gin. which ha gained inch a repu
tation in California, is branded on tbe cases,
The botiU-a also have a white label with fac simie of
mv signature. 1 caution all parties to beware of imit
ation. WJI. II. DALY,
Sole Iraiiorier, New York.
Jan. 2f. 1vA 4tfis
I'acilic Fomidrr and .llacliiue
Shop, Mtn Francisco.
'PIIE above establishment is believed to have facili
X lies for the manufacture of everv description of
siiferior to any other on tbe Pacilic Coast.
Every kind "of Saw Mill Machinery, steam engines,
Ac. A.c-, made at a short notice anil in a most work
manlike manner.
We manufacture a style of
at moderate cost, which we believe to be more efficient
than any other in use.
Orders are particularly solicited from Oregon and
Washington Territories, which will have the same au
thority as thomrh the parties were personally present.
late Goddakd Ac Co.
Sun Francisco, Feb. 2, 18.19. Cm51
J. w. ladd, San Francisco. a. o. reid, Portland.
J. Jf. LADD, do
I.adil, Ite.el & Co.,
Sxecettors to IV. S. Ladd A Co.)
and wholesale and retail dealers in choice wines,
liquors. Groceries and general merchandise, Front St.,
Consignment solicited, and liberal cash advances
made vu tlie same, which will receive the special at
tention of our Mr. J. M. Ladd. in San Francisco. Par
ticular attention given to the purchase and shipment of
goods in New York.
lf eutlicient inducements a-e offered, we propose
having a vessel leave New York every spring and
fail, for Portland direct.
l'ortlaud, April 4, lfvi9. 5tf
s. vr.
ban Francisco.
S. 6. KXED,
Ladd. Krrd & Co ,
ISitcosors to If. .. Ladd Sr Co.,)
IMPORTER'S and Wholesale Dealers in wines, U
1 quois nnd Gr.weries, Front St., Portland, Oregon.
DAA'ID A. SLfif (ill is mv traveling naeif for the
salewf my ECLECTIC LINIMENT. He is au
thori.ed to collect money ami take mites in my name
for tlie sale of tiie same. Alto toetahlisii attu appoint
local rtuenvies for llie Siiie tiieroof ia tile States ot Ore
gon und Cahi'oruia, and Territory of Washington.
April 13. IS.VV lyti
V. C tirisAvtild A Co.'s
IOR Ve prLwnt v ill lie up Uiire in the Ilric-k Blot k
IIV.t 111 .V'lV IH'lii" UtllCC.
Wa-re we i ii.II expe. l lo i.ic t all thne iiwlebted to
11s eil!ar by note or hivoiiiiI. We shall tciuuin :u Sj-li-m
until ti:e ifl of May only, aed ail aecoi.n-s tiiii
noiert lltat are nor by 1.,1 i te wul lie icii iu
bauils of Me-crs. lian.uui Ac VViisiui lVa- immeuiuie coi
Iceliou: ple.oi Cali and wive tixmlih.
Resp.-. tlnilv, W. C. fililSAVOLD Ac CO.
Sat 0,ii, April f. 1-VA irtf
I)ioiuf ion of Pari iicrsliiu.
THE partnership heretofore existing between Sieve
and Eittid Tom, ut Suleui, is this oav diiMilved by
mutual constent. STEA'E,
li rrLE To.f.
X. 15. The firm ia now tinder the sole management
of Steve, who will continue to please bis customers in
all the branches of lonsorial art. Any debts contract
ed tiy the suid Tom ou or after this ilute, will not be
reec.i.'-iii.ed bv me. v STEE- -
April F.l, IxVK 5tf
I'iano Fortes.
FROM W. II. Hall Ac Son's manufactory 233 Broad
way. N. York, sold at their pri- es with freight add
ed. Also, Prince Ac Co. Melodeons.
Call and we will show yon a list of prices and sam
ple ot their worK. titu. ti. JUAJbS, Arent.
Siilem. .May 1 1 ,
, IS58.
11. I'clton, Geo. II. Jones & Co.,
JELL EXCHANGES on Xew York, in amounts to
3 suit purchasers.
Salem, Mav 17, 1858. lOtf
Window Sash,
GLAZED, and common sized nuglazed, just received
from the Portland Susa Factory, and for sale low
for cash, at REED it STRANG'S.
August 27, isaa. astf
Look Here!
PERSONS having Prince's Melodeons with broken
reeds, can set them replaced with new ones by
sending to Oregon City Book At Melodeon depot.
sept. 21, irsoei. 4UTI
ko Deris sun.,
nEALERS in Marble, Monuments, Tombstones, Ob
i;i.0 s. c;. turkiA xt.n.i t.Mu r.mii.
Tons. Fire-Fenders. Grates. Hearthstones and Steps.
Shop on Front-St., 1m dor above lbs hndae. Port-
latal, Ore3x .
Thee ar e for en ay notices (a one dollar, for each
""'"J "dverilaed. No notice will appeal1 imtil paid
lor. W fc ere no money, or leas than the correct amount
ia sent with an esirnV notico, the notice will not bo
published nnlil the full amount is received
Stewart Hanua, l"irmAt Co., three otrsys i
llililitintllll clue. "
SIX miles southwest of Lafayette, Yamhill Co.,
iign., one brimlle cow, upKised lo be Spanish,
white fnee, belly, and about ball way up ber tail 1 no
marks, but has some kind of a Spanish brand on ber
liip, aupjMised to be seven or eight years old this spring.'
the said cow came to my premises about two years
ago. WM. G. BLCH A N A'N.
April IB, 15CI. itwlO
tlX miles sonthweetof Lafavette, Yamhill Vsk, one
sj white and red steer, about five or six year old this
spring, marked with an underhit out of each ear, and
branded on left hip with hay fork, on right bip with H
F ; the said steur came to my premises lust August.
April 18, 18a9. . gwl"
OIX miles son th west of Lafayette, Yamhill Co., one
IO pied cow, 4 years old tliis sprin, niarked with an
utidershipe off of the left ear ; the said cow came to my
premises about two Tears ago.
April 18, 1. 2wl0
IX miles southwest of Lafayette, Yamhill Co., oni
O pied two venr old heifer, no marks or brands
said heifer came to my premises about two years ago.
W. t. tllttlAfl A.
April 18, 1B59. awlO
SIX miles aonthwest of Lafayette, Yamhill Co., one
dim colored Indian or Spanish mare, seven or eight
yean old this spring, three white feet, black mane and
tail, branded b R on her left bip 1 the said marc came
to my premises about tho first of last December.
April 18, 1859. iiwlO
BY tbe subscriber, living three miles north of Win
chester, Douglas Co., on red steer, with a little
white iu the Hank, small star in forehead, stag horns,
niarked crop of? the the left ear, swallow fork and un
derhit in right ear, a boot 4 years old, has been running
wi'h rnv cattle since hurt summer. F. K. HILL.
May '12, 1859. 8wlU
"V'EAR AHnhrn's Ferrr, fat Linn Co.. sorrel mare,
ll and tucking colt ; the tsare bas three white feet,
blare face, etipposed to be 6 years old thia spring. Also,
a bay two year old (illy, with a star in her loretead,
no other marks or brands perceivable; said animahp
have been running in this vicinity about a year.
May 3, I860. irtvlO
BY tbe eutiecriber, livincr at Mount Peott, Douglas
Co., one bay autre, with a small whits stripe iu
ber face, very thin mane and tail. 3 or 4 years old ;
said mare is supposed to be a ball breed, er a Spanish
mare ; said mure came to my premises about one year
April 29, 1339. aw 10
1 Y the subscriber.
livintr In Prairie creeinct. Linn
Co., Oira, one roan Indian horse, with a bald face.
about twenty years old.
April 25, Q33. 2wlU
IOt'H mi.'es south of Alliany, linn Co., two
heifers ; one is a red three year old briferatMl caif,
and muiked w ith a svraliow-fork and midrrhit in en h
ear, branded with A 1! on tbe riifht bip ; the other is a
re'! brind'e, thtee year old heifer and calf, the
white spot over ber, and marked with a svlit in en b
ear. FRANC L-i efM I fiS.
M ay 7, IR.'t, 2wlb
IN Item cm Co., ten taih-s northeast of CorvaUis, "He
gray Indian or .-pane-h niare, supposed to be ame
years old, about lii bainls hiuh, ro umrka or brands
" erceivable ; suicl nare t-;is a yellow yearlit!f n.are
colt, not btutdert; raid narecntii- itilo t i.ciiihlior
hooil t'Vii vt-tra ai.o. J.V.VI S GINl.Lc. .
Mav 1 1 -. . .
ri.i-sj-riuer. iivitt il ti.iles routh A Sadc-ni,
t Matija
Cottnty, one i.afk brows fairse, 1. bauds
. iu'l'. Mar t- ti.e foe' etc', M,-vetal addle irjirfcs, atid 4
Viiitsoi-I tr;i. spriu;; ; mil 10. u isi-e to Ut) ia e ia.- jieat ao, I i.i . i.s atrct.i tvL e two uoi.ii.s.
ti.e (a.cer art 01 iaal v. it.ier.
May 9. Ii9.
1Y the subscriber. living iu the fork between Long
t lorn and Wiluitrieite. lietiton Co.. State of Oreuon,
trie cow, briiwile sides, white on the back, beliy, and
face, marked crop and split in right ear, undersiope in
the left ear, supposed to be 4 years obi ; has been run
ning in the settlement 8 or 10 months.
April 10, iq.,3. fcw9
BY the subscriber, 5 J miles west of Corvallis. Benton
Co., Ogn, one four year old steer, mostly white,
red neck, brad und legs, white face, marked with a crop
and underhit in the riuht ear. Also, one redeow, 3
years old. marked with a swallow-fork in the left ear,
and an underbit in tbe right.
.May 3, 159. 2w9
"EAR Seboll's Ferry, Washington county, one pale
a.v red cow, with sonie white on her beliy" aad back,
marked with a crop and underbit in the le'ft ear, and a
hole and swallow fork in the right, three or four years
old ; said cow came into the neighborhood during last
summer. PETER C. KINDT.
April 10, 18M. iwJ
BY tbe andereifrned, at bis residence m Washintrtoa
Co.. Oirn. about four miles sooth of Forest Grove,
on or a'out the 1st of March, A. D., 1869, one 3 year
old steer, red and white, an under crop in the left' ear.
April 18, 1859. Sfw9
IN Lane precinct. Polk Co., one red and white steer,
with a crop off the left, and split in the right ear, hia
tail nearly half off, about 4 years old.
April 27, 1S59. 2w9
T) Y the subscriber, ten miles east of Salem, Marion
XJ Co.. one yellow heifer, red and bnndle, no marks
or oranas pereeivaaie.
April 27, 1859.
THE Prorrrietor of tbe new and beautiful y.
Race Course, four miies north of Salem, Je
directly on the river, in llarion comity, respectfully
begs leave to announce to the racing community of the
State, tbe following purses to be ran for over his
course this spring-, commencing on Tuesday, tbe 28th
day of June, 1859, and continuing six days, excepting
Sunday, and including Monday, tbe 4th day of July,
and hopes the lovers of sport 'will torn oat liuerail
with their sporting stock.
1st day, Tuesday Sweepstakes for 3 and 4 Tear olds,
mite beats: $10 subscription, $9 forfeit. Three or
more subscribers to fill the stake. To which the Pro
prietor will add 100, if the stake is filled ; to name and
close on the tiath dav of June, 1S59.
id day, Wednesday Purse $150, free to all ages,
mile heats ; to ran to rnle, 3 to enter and 3 to start.
3d day, Thursday Two mile hears. Purse $X0,
free to ail aires to rule, 3 to enter and 2 to svrt.
4th day, Friday Purse t-W, mile heats, 3 in 5, free
to all aires to rule 3 to enter and 2 to start.
5th day. Saturday Handicap purse fi-CO, mile heats,
3 in 5: entrance IU forfeit.
tth day. Monday. July 4th Purse $309, 3 mile heats,
free to all aires, to rule." 3 to enter and 2 to start. Tho
weights to be carried for tbe above purses, escept tho
H-indicap. areas follows: 3 year olds &6 lbs., 4 year
olds 1U0 lbs. 5 years old, 119 tls., 6 years old, 118'lbs.,
J years old. and upwards, lii lbs.
"Marcs, tilleys. and geldings allowed 3 lbs. The en
trance ehail be ten per cent of tbe above purses, except
the sweepstakes. "Itiis course will be governed by te
rule and resrulaiioos of the Marysville Park Associa
tiou, of Mnrvsviiie, California.
I . W. HEILE, Proprietor.
Salem, April 3f th, ISiti.
I will here state that our fall meeting will commence
on Tuesday, tite ith day of C-ctoher, i-S'.'. To com
mence with a sta'iefar year oid, $a!' entrance, $JI
f irteit; o ;o l:,l t..e suike 10 wlwh will he NOiied. if
tilled. . . Wi-its ilis: tilieys ami fceldiurs al
luvi eu lit. T-. came and close on ti.e x-.tii cay of
-iTteuii i-.-,
sw.-i I W HEILE.
riatii a Ml I'iissenc Voa?li. utidersined hereby informs rv-,'-,
A ti-.e public be is running caaso
weekly tine ot I oucl:es iietween rxilt ..o
City, rry the United States mail aad passengers. He
leaves Eugene City Sunday morning, arrival at Salem
M.tiuiav atieixoou, and ieaves Saiem Tue-siar morn
ing, arriving at Eugene Wedne1ay evening. Good
uccoiuinociation for paseenirers. Fare, earn wav.
Autrnst in, 185 i3tf
Encourage Home Ianafarture
THE Willamene Woolen Manufacturing
1 1. . . .. . . 1 ...... 1 .l.u LmI .n.lil.
of bhinkets, yarn, and cioth.
Wool taken in eseharure for the above
goods: nn washed wool at t5 to 17 eta. per lb.; washed
wool at it) to as cts. per lb.
Merchants supplied on reasonable terms. Orders at
tended to with promptness and dispatch.
L. E. PRATT, Supi.
Salem, Nov. 24, 1858. Iy37
THE subscriber has one of the best nurseries tk
in the country, situated near Salem, in which 1
can always be found all the beat vane ties. Orchard
men are requested to examine his trees. Apply at th
nursery, or the conf ecti onary and grocery store, aortav
west of the Marion Uoose.
Salem, Oct. 1, 1858. 30tf
Wall Paper aad Border.
A LARGE and Splendid assortment of Wall Paper
and Border, Oil-painted Window Shades, and Pa
per Window Curtains, may be found, and for sale very
tow, at 25tf KEEP dt STBAXO'8.
City Hotel, Corvallis.
WOULD announce to tbe citixens of Corvallis, and
the travelling pabiic generally, that they have
thoroughly refitted this well known establishment, and
are now prepared for the accommodation of custom
er,. The rooms bavs ail been refurnished, the beds
clean and comfortable, and their table will be foraiab
d with th bast tha market Sotis
Cajcvallis, Mag, 30, 1S57. lyas