A I.KTTKR rnon . Mr. KniTOK I liiitl ft litilo t1i,s:itisfiie.i(ri through tin cotititry nf tin; result of this Into (lotniM-mtic Stnti" con vent ion, utmio even rt. ' teiulitip; th:it the party i imt lunnul liv it a ne tion, i mttmnl of rt-rt:iiu irregularities which are ttlh-trtl. Now, I tuke tin ground hit nil domovnits are txmud liy the ncttoti of the ron rent ion, and that they lime no right to go he hind the record to iuipiire whether the niNtcd tiig were regtilnr, or not ; neither huvn tiiev a right to inquire into the nnteeedetiU or iiitiiill cationsof the persons plaeed in iioiniiuttiin. I rvgrvt that you have seen lit to gic tuMi city to matter in relation to the proceeding tf the eonvrntioti, which do not appear in the tatcment made out and aigtiitl hy the ollicent thereof, ho were the proper jii.liies of what onjtht to be puhli-Iutl, uini w tiatipprej. However, there i no grvnt h-.irm done, for all fotx democrats will recognize the binding ulili gallon to ttipport the tiouiinatioim timdc Vy die convention, without iiipiiring tiMi furiously tint th proeetnlingw ; they w ill not cure to Know whether it wan fuirly condnetcil, or not. Mr. O rover tuny have been the choice ef a large majority of l Wo, deiiUH-nitie party of the State, but it diM not llicrelore l l low that he ought to have received the nomination. The convention found it nee ttwiry to defeat the pop ular will, and was jtiwtiliitl in ho doing, lut-a ino the good of the countrv deinauded it. t lur ilt-l-egntion in I'wiirreM rliouM be a tuiit. and be Able, under nil circumntnnec , to act together a one num. lu order thut this may be the t nr. It in onlv necessary thut tJcn. ljine have nsso fiiitc who are willing to 1h siihscrt ietit to him. uhinitting Jiciusclvc nhsolutclv to his contrid And direction iu all discs. I'liere can there fore he no impropriety in pcnuitltog him, or hi friend, to designate who those nsstaintca shall lie. Mr. I : rover is a Very able man. with an unimpeachable domm nine record, ami by rea :eon of hi familiar aoouaintance vith nil the Suterest.i of Oregon, w ell qualified to be our reiv reflcntative iu l'ongret but not uniting the friends of 1 5 en. Lane, he had to be pused over. Ner was there any Oregon politician of any prominence who would suit for the place. Mr. Jtovtt was therefore chosen, who lius been a democrat since he came to Oregon over a year ago. lie might be somewhat unknown, but the prestige and influence of lien. Lane' great name, will insure his election, t Jen. Lane has already chosen his colleague iu the Senate, and when "the Legislature meets, it will only In necessary to go through the form of an election. Then, when the people shall have ralilicd hi. choice for Representative, we will have a dele gation in Congress of which our new State tnuv well be proud. Gen. Iinc is himself worth, more than any ten men w e could send ; his in flncnee with Congress mid the Oepartnients is o rret that in all the long time lie has been ear delegate, he has never Hxlted anything for Us which he has not obtained. It has bceu the general remark in W ashington that he was worth more than all the delegates of ull the other Territories pnt together. And now since he has attained a higher and more influential position as Senator of the I'tiited States, he will soon make our war debt come, aided and .sustained as he w ill be by a Senator and Kep resentative of his ow n choosing. And w hen he ia called, as the likelihoods now strongly indi cate, to the chief magistracy of this great na tion, it will be a proud day "for Oregon to give a .. President to the United' States, and ttuch a President ; the first iu peace, the first in war, and the first in the hearts of his countrymen. I do not suppose that in refusing to nominate Mr. G rover, the convention nuaut to express any disapprobation of his course in Congress, but there can be no doubt that what he has done w ill tend to embarrass our leading inter ests there. He depends on argument, demon stration and proof, while we all know that meas ures have to be tricked and traded through. It la well enough to make buueomhe. speeches once in awhile, nut to expect to accomplish anything by argument is consummate folly. If Mr. G rover had kept still, and h it Hen. Lane .to manage our all airs iu his ow a w ay, they cer tainly would have been iu a belt-, r condition w," and possibly our war debt would have been paid. The fact that Mr. .Stout was a kuowuothing ia California, is u- reason why he should int b supported by democrats, and called to tiie high est office iu the gift of the people of Oregon. There was nothing so very wrong ahoat haow liothingisiu. We m uie a great to do about it here, but that was because w e not under stand it ; we were under a delusion nt the time. Knownothings were sworn to support the Con stitution of the United States, and the rules and regwlatwts of their order ; they only coii- tended that Americans should rule America. All this they might do aud still be consistent aad true-hearted democrat. They w ere charg- " rd w ith being a little intolerant and prwcripliv e some times ; admitting that they were, was that Mr. Stoat's fault lie did not found the or der, and Blight have hecn deceived as to its tone character when he joined it, like Mr. Rlank wan w hen he joine t a band of horse- " thieves, under the impression that they were Free Masons. I do not undertake to ray that having been a know nothing ought to commend Mr. Stout particularly to tuc support of demo crats ; if hi had l-en an Oregon know nothing it might have been a serious objection, but a Calilomia know nothing is better than an Ore gon democrat. With the exception of W. W. Chapman, W. G. T'Vault, J. C. Avery, and perhaps one or two others, there are no men among the old Oregonians w ho are tit f.r the management of public aiiairs. lu Calitoruiu, on the other hand, there is a large surplus of these kiud of men ; and we have only to hold out proper inducements to have enough of them come to Oregon to do all our public. buiucs. Then we can soon hope to have a mazuiticcut public debt, high taxe s, and tiiisli times. It is 1 a mistake to suppose that taxation impoverishes ', a country, it only makes the money circulate among the people. I have now examined, aad, I think, answered every objection that can be made to the action of the Convention. If wrong has been done there was pod caue for it it fraud has been practiced, there is no redress. Fraud may vi tiate the acts of private persons, but not the public acts of the representatives of the people. This is the very basis and ground work of our free institutions. A law may be passed through the Legislature by fraud and corruption the dearest interests ot the people maj ocvioum-u and vet no one will pretend that it is there fore voii, and not biuding on the country. The case is the same with regard to the convention. " As far as the binding' e fleet is concerned, it makes absolutely no dilicrence whether the nominations were fairly made, or not. If the members of the Convention, disregarding the known will of their constituents have placed iu nomination a man that would not have been the choice of the party at large, it is to be regretted, but there is no help for it. There is no appeal from thecouventiou save only to the ballot-box. Since writing the alove, 1 hear that demo crats all over the country are rallying to the support of Mr. Stout with unanimity. Many who have hot acted w ith the party tor years, exhibit remarkable zeal in his lavor. His nom ination will prove eminently fortunate for the democracy, and strcugtheu it greatly for future Contests Before the Convention, probably not ten men thought of Mr. Stout in connection w ith the office he was called to fill. This shows how juue capable me people are ol cntHising those I who are to role over them. liy keeping Gen. Lane in office, and permitting his ineiuls to control our conventions we shall be saved from manv of the evils of a popular government.. W. Effects of Tiiin vpos Coffee. Coffee oerries undergo a change called ripening, by keeping ; that is they iuiprove iu flavor. The Arabian coffee run-us in three rears, and it is said in ten years the iuf. nor American collce becomes as good, and acquires as high a flavor as any brought from Tui tcy. IJut it is dili'cr Mt after the coffee is roasted aud ground. Its flavoring ingredients have a tendency to escajH-, and it should therefor lie confined" in vessels closed from the air. It should not be exposed 1 fireign or disagreeable odors, us it lias a pow er oi inhabiting bad exhalations, by w hich st is often injured. Many cargoes of coffee have been spoiled from being shipped with, or even pnt into vessels which have previously betu freighted with sngar. A few bags of pepper is sufikieut to spo'd'a wbole ship-load of coffee. IIISOI t TION PNSK AT A It:TtO- it ' m i:ktivu i oiti.i'.AMiMti:. r, i.i- t o. tlfnitlrrt. That we havo uliiilinjr confidence in the hoius!y, ability and integrity of the Hon. IMuxtvu Smith, lute United St-ncs'Semitor from Oregon, that he deserve well of the people, uini that, we earnestly ilesiie Ins return. HrsolrcJ, That it is with the deepest regret that we receive the intelligence of the defeat of Hon, L. F. t! rover as n camlnlato for nomina tion in tho State Convention, for Congress, and the more so, when we believe we see the evi dence thut his defeat was to build tip a personal party1 in Oregon, ami we couiieuni the course pursued bv the delegates from Linn county w ho cent rihutiMl to the defeut of Mr. G rover, ns be ing oiiMn d, ns we believe, to the W ishes of the democracy of Linn county. Kes'tlml, I hat we lelieve the Uctcnt ot Hon. 1 4. F. G rover will greatly lessen the chance, if not defeat lion. Oclazoii Sinilh for U. S. Senator, and that the result was brought about by his enemies with H tvrjf Id" his frieinls,iind that we hold them responsible for this net of injustice. lifsolmi,' That ns Oregouiatis vte view with distrust Califoriiiuns alteinpting to control the political destiny of Oregon, mid thut we have all confidence iu the intelligence nud sense of jus tice w ith the democracy of Linn county, ami that tiny will, nt the proper time, rectify the great wrong perpetrated by her delegates in the late State Convention. lirtnlvttt. That we have full confidence In The ttrtgon Statrsmtin, ns a true and faithful exponent of democratic principles and that a pul die journal has the right to investigate the acts of any public servant of the people, with out incurring censure by the party, but when it strikes nt democratic principles, then we will lie ready to strike buck. AV.o.'rn, That the altove resolutions be for warded to the Oregon Staltsmnn for publica tion. L. W. rilLLPS, Ch'm. Isaac Mue, Scc'y. Orleans Frecinct, lliun Co., April 2! If.Vt. MAIIRIED. -On fh i I in-t . t the riM'nT r,f the hrMr-'g Bnihr. th Krr. J. W. K S IIw.mmI, Mr. Wtllimiu J. IUr and M.a J. Btnt XV.tt.n, nil r hh tn. At 8:!. m, on ! ih -f M:mh, ty R.-v. 3. V, llim, O. R. l.-ton t Mr. Citthfrlti H'TrHf, n of it.im. Iti 1,- Nium Hf ffoti, m Ma T' ltlrncf, on Tur.inv rrrttlttir, Afrtrtl ty K.t. 8. T. MtlK-r, Mr. Jimn ',i, UI lo Si rah liTin. At thr ni1rtM tt Jimc W-xxl.-n. VX IVrtt, ntt Ihr 'h Apr. I. A V , KM, l-y O. I Suvtv, Kq., Mr. Amlrr W ,'lfr (m l M Ann omV n, c II of Flk !. Iti t'HnciaiUi, l'Lioknn' rUTtty, t Ihr ri-i'!nt-t of l'it. J-hn lrhran. y tf U. y. Mr. ltiitlttlKr, Mr. Jactl Sprritucr mtvt Mit J Ettm (irntm, tvU uf lirvntti. On the XU l!ml.,r.v Mr. imtiH hiU.tnl, Mr. A- P. Met 'lure and M: Sar-ih J. iMItr.l, nil t! I.nn Va. t l .rlHrt.!, on Ihr li Jih Inst., hy lU-T. V. Mackrn, Mr. 1. W. Tei, I t M I Urn it'Krirn. On Mit 11, S-.touson thnry to M:s Bt-rtha StcinhcliMrr, all of F.nlan I. DIED. On the nt Apr.!, at P.rtUnil, Ann K nnliiM, in the lth y. vr ( hi e. Ai V rct irti r, of Vry r''. Julia Fran, Infant H.mph trr nf ThoK il. an. I i'Tithnrins- Nt..r. tr-rt ttir moitlh. At rt tiruvr, April t'nh, Martha fchsabrih rtukti, aed 1 yrar. April llh. tf rrnp, Htirr-r Vlril. ymnirt-t mn of R. B. ami J.inc tt Url, ul liiaui IVaiiic, l.atic caunty, artt one Fi b. ITt -i, at lnppfr!'nf, M., f cnrwm-tion, Mr. Jane W -lltnn, formerly if Mr1n munir. OrTffn. In llnrr hurir. I.tnn c"tirir. on Thtiriy rT1np, March 81 t, V v trmr, t!r of lr. ilharo I.irr, atfrl M rnr. ar : tirtr, Ja-kn conr.ty, Orryui, A r it 1-U, Mar, wiff -r Km, in the 7th yrr of hr At r.tlw ri!-h I' .iincf, Kml K'vt r ?ctt. mrnt, Rrit'ith tNv himM, R'xlmi-ti M.-Kr-rtilr, a rdirrd chief t&ctur of the Hud c H-v "o.. Vrsr. In ut na. V. I.. April 1 1, ilns- Olxon, aed M Tran, frm rnlui.: stroke of Irti risy rrvi't.-iiwt nhirh h" hs otiir hn 'lr t arttrnlal T ty tn-iwimuy. Or hal r-n f -r IS vmv in thi irtTU'r nf thr IIiin m Bay Co., from which hr rvt.rri on atxtmttt off i of PKuht. In Vtft.r;, V. 1 , Htn. J. S. Kriif-ly,mfmhrrof the Httue of Acsi-ml ly from ' Misitno, lr. Kcmwiy n one ot the C!rlirt pio:ieern of llril-S Amrr1- on tht- lneln havhiR h.-n rotireftfit a'.th lltvlaoti lity $ tr;nn for np- nar li of tw- tity y art, ami r rrd M r t I aitcwuvcr, qiaKy, ai.t Frt Smcnn at liiiJ'-Tr-nt ti nrf. SPECIAL NOTICES. Jo Prlntlagr. We have n'jiilp dome aM5tJtni in our t.K-k of Job ryiv, li-U:!in rwJ ,ort:i;ct:l f Card anil Lc:Ut, of the rt r- !!-. rro oad Prtntlaf MstnHal for Bate. A o,n NV 4 W'..'ii t.vn ,rr4., an-l full tcoml hand tir-j'iprr tficK (m-jth ili rcri.t:ie of a f,- tu'uojr artitlrs) fur anlc. To A-tertlrm. Yh aml dr.-ul ill. n f lit A'Tt:.', man toeTtirc !hoti-in 1 ro;..; i!ir- aH .-rtiti,-n! ai'p,-r l clar a nl rra-'.tHc tj pr ; thv rntt of charge are nl jirr Uian tlnis-: of th pajH i-, of l.ttle c!rcti!aUon. Mr. Stout's Appo!n;uo'. tA?I0 STiU T, -ai..!i!at fur R-fMnihltM In Con rrvm, ill a itlrr-, the Pctr-'e at t.ie fi IK'itnf uamcti l-Iacrs on the day .t forth : - A'tli. . Sntunlaj , ilay tth. at lrt o'clock, i . S vilo'-'n Pt-nm. Srttur.lav, My Tth. at 4 o'clock, r. H. Kirh. Till.-, M n.y. Miy 9 ll. at 11 oVlovk. a. t. John O'llrtc.'j, Tut4.,y. Slur !;:h, at 1 o'clock, r. If. JVH-S O'l NtT. Sirrlinff. H't ! .ay. M,y ll;h, at 11 oVWk, a. . IW-lit(f, " " " at 4 nVl.irk, T s. J u-L-tirn lie, Tlia : lay. May li'h, at t oMock, p. it. l:var.yille. frhlay, Jt.iy t,'Uh, at t o'cloclr, r. K. Van y. Suunlaj. May 3 Irh, at 1 o'clock, r. M, r-u'Gi..ia cm xtt. Canyonvitle. Mn.Iay, M-.T lUh, at I oclo-;k, r. R . '.urr. Tii. !sy, Miy ':h, at 1 .V!-ck, r. s. Wiiu-hct-r, We-in lny, M iv l-!h, at I o'clock, r. . Oakl iti-!. TSnrflay. May Uth. at t o'clock, r. . Eaftnc C.ty, Satur-.Iay, May 21.t. at I o'clock, r. M. We are reo.m-t-d t- announce that Iitid Lcaa, Lia oppc. n'nt,.I! accompany fc m from Kerhy, illc. A t .lIID-TO Till: I't llMf. I liuve Wen a tlciiUH-rat f.ir thirty otlil year", anl in all that time Lave vott-il the ileinocmtie t: k.-t. I5.it I h1i:1I not vi-te for Mr. Stout, anl the wav it l.Mks now, I slmll vote for Mr. Lo-an Mr. Stout is no democratic caiuliilate, ainl no )re'-nii;iii. I will not siiport n man noiiiinnt il lir fraud, or a kuon nothing, ami I ,lo not like fre.-li California politicians. I vva present nt the. Salem convention, run! had of;eu heard of the Salem cli.iue, but I never cav r.nv until I there t :iv the cli pie that held iu meeting over liVIHe S KllH!l. I have heard much "aid about the clique. Xow what I understand bv a eliipie in, n minor ity ruliiijr a majority, anl if there be n clique, the firt that I ever saw in the democratic party was the aforesaid convent ion. And I have heard much said about vvhippinr into the traces, but never saw it attempted before it was tried by said convention. I have pulled iu the demo cratic traces (vot4tl the straight democratic tick et) for iti years without whipping, but now that I am to lie whipped, I kick out of the tugs and dont pull at all that is, I vote for Logan at the rirk of being read out of the democratic party Andvou will find manv more such in this State. VM. H. CAKEY, ltO of Linu count v. The Orefenbr; Dysentery Syrup. T.i'.a extra ordinary article ija jeeily and Infiilliltle reraely in lliarrhea. Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and Astatic cholera. If taken with the fipfl aymptom of Uie disease. It is purely TcprtnWe In it" compound. CR.EFEXntiKG CHILDREN'S PANACEA. For Summer con. plaint, and most diseases to which children are subject. Its true worth can never be set in words, bnt it can be fi It and appreciated hy parents whose children have been saved. No mother should be without it. Mszlcaa HotUaf Liniment. From rich and poor, bond sn.i free; all colors, prades and conditions of life, we hear the same meed of praise awar.led this wonderful ar ticle. 9-rcs are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable au:ma!s ma te useful, and untold ills sssusyed by tills preat medicine, which are surprising to the judgment of man. What family docs pot require a standard Linimer.t. Who ever heard of Jhc same effects produced by any other article? For Cots. Bruises, Sprains, Rirfumatism, Swcllinps, SUained Il.rc, 4c, it' lias no equal. Urieart of hnit ition. The jrenuinc Mustang Liniment is sold by all respcclable Drnpi'.Ms and Livery men In every town, parish and hamlet throughout North aad S,uth America, Europe, and the Ialands of the Ocean. Buy at once. BARNES k PARK, Proprietors, Nw York. Suits k Pwis, A .rents for Oregon.. Feb. U, 1J. 8..I.1 tS Persona advanced in Lite, and feelins the hand of time. weighing heavily upon them, wUn bil iU attend ant i.!, will find in the use of Dr. J. liOSTETTFR'3 CKLK BI1A TED STOMACH HITTERS, an elixir that wi;l lusti. new life u-t-j tin ir veiat; rct'ore, in a measure, the nr'Iorar.U energy f-f more youthful diivs, buiid up l!:rir hrut.Wcn forma, and give health and vij;or to their rcmainUiK years. Tio.s. who arc in the leaat aftlietvd with Iyppepia, Arue, (inpuor. Nausea, or any other iroubteSoEie or dnr"erous disease, aris ing from a disordered setem, shotr! ; r t hi&itate to avaj themselvdi of the benefit derived fr an liiis great remedy. Try U.eaa ; we assure you they will pive satisfaction. AS tin re are. several counterfeits, be careful aud get Ue eemiU.e. S jI J by respectable Drug-ist, Limor aud Grocery Dva'ert everywhere, and by V A HK k WHITE, General Afn.s, 1"2 Wah:nton street, San Franeiseo, -. K. hiUTH k CO., Ajeuts, fakm. 2iu Dr. Ouyaott's Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and Baraaparllla.ls a sure remedy for llercdllnry T:ll'l. Now Is llic time use this erlr'iral'tl piirmer of Hie blood. It Is the irrenl SprliiB Remedy, and tho only medicine which can stlri'luidly cleanse tho system from nil lmpnrillcs of the blood. Thousands who have used II ran testify t i rx MIHACI LOl H KIWIS l l'O.V JlK Bi.oon. tl create new, rich and pure tlood, carries nil the putrid humors, cleanses the stomach, rcput-tlcs the bt.wets, anil Im parts a tone of l(?or lo the whole body. r. tV uyatrt tirtnift nf i flfme lh-k onrf ."Nlr.iMtWWi, As manufactured under the superintendence of Ihe niont cele brateil chentlsl and physician In this country, la the 1 1 V. YS.i KS.t P.i KILL A which wilt cnVcttinlly rteanae tho sy stem, rradlcats disease, restore a healthy action In all Ihr ninitloiis of the body and A' .' T1IK Hl.ooli I't UK. For anle by all llrimelsts on the I'aeltle eimst, and by I' AUK k WIIITR. Ain-nts, Ifti Wn.hlncton street, Sun Francisco. W. K. SwiTtl a Co., Airei.t,. S llenl. Sn.S Porfoot Treedom from Cough, after twins lR. W 1ST It'll Iti ..S.I V Of UI1P ( UK lift Y. The most nr. lain and siceily remedy rverdNcovered for nil diseases oftlis rhesl and lungs, Conirhs, Col Is. Inlluensa, Consumption, llron rhltls. Asthma, Hoarseness, IMmrtdt HreulliloF. Cuius lit the l"hel, SpittliiK of III... l. Sore Throat, Irritation of the l"ula and Tonsils, etc. The melt solemn assurance Is given, that there l mil a Tart stated With respect lo the powers of lh) Invahmblo remrd.i , ul lch Is not fully established In every class of eases for which II Is recommended, by a mass nf evi dence which must carry conviction lo the most skeptical mind ; and the medicine, although thus highly rAVctuat In Its reiucdiut ehitactrr. Is In the nttnont deeree hmocc? In It cm. position, and may be taken by the mo-.t delicate This lliil.ain gives lint most Instantaneous and erfecl re. II. f, and when properly -rsevered with, It will never fall to rS .1 a rapid and Inning cure. Thousands have been restored who ha e prev l.m.ly tried all other means lu vain. To all rlau.'S ami all constitutions II It e ually a blessing and a cure none nerd despair. The medical proiertlrs combined, are airrrraMr and pleas ant to the taste, so that a child will readily take It. None aenuloe without the slfronltire of Henry Wistar, M. Ik., and Sanfotd I'arfc, on Ihe outside wrapMr; all other la spurious and worthbss. I'-r ,-lr bv W K FYHTIt Ctr. Fnlem. llt W. V. F ITUFItroillt. SMI I II k IA IS, r.Mtland. and FAHK k II III I tl, Sau Frarl.ro, are At.nls. !mS Lyon's Magnotlo, or flea Powder. Will destroy Harden Insects, H-krnarbr, It. i-lln;-,, Flrna, Ants, Moths, and all pests of the vermin kind. The lmM-rtuce of a relia ble article of this kind la Imitltnal Ir. In sarin weather all nature teems with thrse amnying foes. This owder la the only article ever discovered a hleh w 111 t t:-milnate them. A ci,mpany of bolim!,!, from the lr.rtleullnral Society of Farls, while amidst the terns of Asia, oblerved Uiat all Insects Urid ine upon a certain kind of plant very soon dropiied di ad. This fact w a, made u.e of to tusrd their lilebt rami from the lutru li r. liuantltbs of the pl.tnt were broueht home by Mr. F. I. on, and f .iiud a positive insect d'Strovrrln every ex peTtmeut. It U simply a avwdere,! leaf, chemically prepared to resist the effect of aire and climate. Me.lnls anil Letter latent have been oMalnrtl from the governments of F.iii'lnnd, France, tlerniaiiy anil lln.s'a. from the Wtitld's Fair, and nu merous medical and hortleiileirnl rotb-v-s and ! ties. t.rrTv.s tac'S tilt rrii)rt or tuc t xttrn srttta. M AlrerMfire .Vcmstott, ir.isAjif7.'on, Jitn. !llf. l"OS. "Ma. KsiM'CL Lvoa Vte.v,r.- 1 hnvethe pleasure to In form you that that the Royl CminiUsion, of the World's Fair, at London, hate awarded yu a Mlr.l and Certificate fur th ureal taint of mnr V e.-leal I'.is.b rs, sc. Mil.l.AKO HI I-MiUlK. I'tt tins x." The above was aceoinpssib d by a ctrtiiicatc of I'lincc Al bert. it is r:ir m'i, rois". .V,ir I'.icit, fh l.,h,r ,!, W. Ma. K. I vi -s Vtr Sir : l e Imv c analysed nd te.ted your Mt.-netic Powd.-rs and find I'o-tn vrfi etly harml--!' .i man kind and dotrtestie animals but certain death w Lt n inhaled by bucs. ant and andltwwiM. JAMES R. CHILTON. M t , CtirwisT, I AL IIAM F. Ill Il. 1'a .r. Cnr.aisTRT, N. V. lbsr:Tvi Mr. John I.. Rows, r.ierinteii lent of the New York ILpl tal, says, bhc haa vs lulled all Uie blips, ants, roaches, moths, with Lyoti's Powder, and tin. is it of Iruiictise value. " Ei try gardener and housekeeper mu.t have a direct Inter est in an article of l!-.l, kin I. Reference can h ins le to the AOor.Pt. N.rholas, and M lr.plitn: II Ms; to Juiye M-Its President of the American Institute; Jittms tiordoti Bir.nett, Hen. Winflild Scott, Cyrus W. Field, L. M. Pease, of the Five Points M ssion, e.. Sc. Juiljre I.-i?s sn,s, u Thl, dls,n.ver of Prof. L on ti of nntiolist lwl.!tt:itire. The Farm rs Club have toted It thoroughly. It vt ill d. stroy locusts, grai-hep irrs, ar.ts, mollis, Luts, and all vetniiii. Uarden -laiils call be preserved, and houses made pure." Arranjremrr.ta are now made tlirouh M sirs. RVRNFj k PARK, of New York, to have It s. Id tlirouhuut the world Many wortMc Iniitatlous are advertised, lie caut! iuh ! -V.tr '., JW.a'rr In ret'rins; frm luini, 1 list e -1.1 all my Iiecl PeW. tiers and P. 11. Letter Futi'tit, and the secrets pertaining tliercto, to M. ssts. Rre.es A Pstk. T'lls Powder is a di-.tfore-ry ma !e by m, If, and t-roliyht from the Interior cf Asia, and Is u- known to any I'.th.r rrur.s. Tlie jrenulne and t!ti-ctlve article is pul uy lu tin ccuU'-vr, art w ill continue to bear u:r nane. ' K. LYON.' Rats an 1 mice cann-,t l e reaehe I tiy a iowder. and are killed by a M.i-t;rtc f il. Onler tlom through any merchat.t. T.S I. oil's P"W ler k l's lti?i.'e, tu a tr ice. He! Lyon's Pill-i nr- ie:etl f- r ruts ati-l mice. f..ll' illieetMni. I 't f. c..'i o-nf f.WNay. W. K. Smril a I )., A;.Mf. S ,1. m. ith s L'av t-i, and lu. V. Ui it rrern. A?, nt,. Portland So. PARK Willi K, .-an Franc.sco. Salt. The most esrraorilinary ehemiesl discovery of modern limes Is the A:tiphloi;;t:c Silt. It ac: niui the blood in precisely the same manner as the vaccine niatt.-r op erates in the prevention of luaii.iant diseases. It runs only di.eases w hich are luliaainiatory tu llieir nature. F.tt, In. Ssnuaatiiin In the bead aud Itroa. such as brain f, ver, tin. hea-lsche, neurat.-ia, en :p--ls, an I rstnrrh. S."Cend; cs. s ol infUnmntion III the dust and aM onteti, vli : lntlimed limci ami l:ver, deiiriT, iljijn jwia, a!hma, gravel, piles, lc. Third; Inflammation of the estremttim and skin, lo-wit : ul cers, scrofula, rheumatism, varl, fever, venereal, and all cu taneous atTi-ctions. Tills chei'cal eoiiil.innlion is so powericd and lnstati'aneous In Its effects, that the dose Is only what will adhere to a qui!! flipped in the Hilt and held to the ton me for est xiM Tit. Tiie niot tistoundlng result have inrarlably followed lt use in the Atlantic Ststes, and thousands of testi mottinls as to its virtues can be furntflied if required. The proprietor asks not, however, for rlva, but Is willing to let Ihe Salt abide by Its woaas, con lent that It will never fail. It is put tip In dractim paekiti., price Two Hollars, and will be forwarded by mall, post-pal I, to any part of Ihe country upon receipt of that sum, a Idrvssed to Ranixutoa k Co., San Fiaucisco. Full dirc tions accou pany each package. A, twin as a aumcient sutidy can be obtained, it will lie for sale by Kruejrists f-nerally. F. CoifLsatll, M. It , iliseovercr and proprietor. S-jle Arents for California and Ores-on, KI DINOTllN CO., Wholesale Prurn'sts, Sau Francisco. For sale In Pontsnd. bv W. V KATllLRFORn and SMITH PAVIS. mini itlfl. In all cases cf luHaimnatory kheiimatsm, wliether acute or chronic. Uie Aittr'.'oyUtie Salt, discovered by Dr. Co.sw, ll of lbton, is a sure and Infallible remedy. In New Falkland, where th'i illeease is very prevalent, the Salt haa never been known lo full In elT.-ctin a radical rure, or of giving perm a neiL relief. Rheimati-.n Is almost invariably caused by In. flammallon and eiHds, and the peculiar rilcet of this medicine, as its name (Anliphlol.tlc, or anti-intllammatory.) sl(.Ti!fUs. is to reduce In.lammatlon, and balance the circulation of Uie blood and the fluid of the body. It dors not profoa to be a general panacea, but I calculate ed expressly for all disease uf Inflammatory nature, and Is thu a perfect substitute tor blood letting In all Us form. The Salt Is alo peculiar!, efS -aclous in niiirSCIHTIS, ASIIIMA. V.iT.iRRn. and diseases of a similar character, caused by troubles In the head, throat, chest, or abdomen. Pil.-e, Gravel, Venereal !la eascs. Iysie-w.ta. Scrofula, and all cutaneous discuses, yield rapidly and surely to its elTect. The smallucss of the doe should not excite r.trprie, as this Salt is a combination of the most iowerful chemical a nts known. No better proof of It virtue can lc -riven than the fact that, although it Is two years since It was first olTcriel tothe public, Ihe discoverer hss never been able to (ill hts orders, nnd It is only w ithin tlie Inst few mouths that tiie Salt could tie obtained in tills Slate, at any price. Fail direct. mis accompany each p.lcl.aee. For sale by all Druggi-d. Ilcnvral Aperts. RKPINfiTON k CO., Wholesale Itrugisls, San Francisco. Far sale in Portland, by 3ml W. WEATIlllltl'ORn. nnd SMITH k PAVIS. IIo! i:verboIy ! XOW DOST A Lis KE.Vl THIS AT OXC'Et H'Aots m v 'triifhbvrl N'OAV I ilo nut infcml to jivei ati aitvccr t ttiis text, litit only nsk wlio will ho neigh- 'r"? y ln.r!v enontfli toitilVii iiinio liv mail, orollit-rwiw, where mv liorse if, proviiloil ilicv know. Ar lion I till pt nk nt once ! Saiil liorsclcft Snlcni nn Tltnrsilay. tin .llh inst., witU a l'ut!iir lialtcr, and a tauw- tied on the end of tlie etrui,, of simi lialler, till of w hich wits done tip very enrv fuilv rouml liis luvk ; tlie Kti.1 lialtcr wa rivclod in Kteitil (if Li-itiif wni'il toirriluT. Tlie lion-" was a iihmI enile sid liluck lmrwe, lirauila not rcmcmliered ; lie in burefiKit and lioul's very loti-r, ave -i r t years. Who ever will return usiid liorw, ur (,'ive iiibirmn lion wlu-re lie m:iv lie found, will Le well paid for ull trouble . a., 7 I llt... .,t..... at.d expt'tise. 1 le-l..- ttmin-rM, it. . o , a.."" ,i, .-... o., (iLii.aml tliis w ill lie uciUlturly. Siilem, Miiy 1, J'l'. 3w9 Lxftiilui's iNotice. TTTIirTfK S letters ,-f Exoentornltip on the ostnto of V WILLIAM WALTLU, tie-ceaseil. Into of LoU!f l:is count v, Ore"on, were rr:iiited t. tlie sulwriher, w ith liic'will sitmext-d. by li e jml-e of tlie prolmle ei.mt m nnd for aaiil ei.iii.lv.llierel'ure all pertrons m ilel.i. d to siti.1 estate w i'.l i Unite come forward aud set lie tlie Rime, nnd all pers-oiir liavimr claims nsramut iid eetiit w ill present llio wtmf to tli sul rili'r, at his residence, (at tiie house of II. 1. tl'ltryunt. Ksq., nouulas nrnnty, ti-eyon.) nine miles west nf lioae turtr. witldii olio year from date, or lliey will he for ever Imrred. I'. 1). VALTi-.R. April lit, 19. w9 House tsutl Lot for Sale. JX the town cf Salem. f" JOHX FOr.CE. i. ivc. 7, i8:.'. t";f Vli'''r A. As ilMttn'is Hifilir.it Premium Family Swing Machines, 117 77 lIKMMEIi ATTACHED. tlKKAT liEDVCTWN IS MiCKS. riMIOSK Mnelilnea lire tlm Inont aiinplo of tmr III wae, L ami me oof Unfile to nrf nut rf order. Tito milch la made alike tm lioth kM" uf tiie liihiic scwi'il, whleli w ill not rip or ravel. The thread enn he tisi d from the oriKluat spiinl illi.nit re wltiilini;. They titru the hem Without lutntitlK, ((IllllIT, ijnill, and do A greater variety of Family Sewing Thnn ntiv other lulu hine oll'vred to thn public. They rersived tho lii"het pretiiium at Ihe Htutu fair, illuryavillo i nt the AlerhatiU'w' InHlitrilu fttir, Hun Kraiu iiwo, and ut Ihe San June fair, les. t". IHIMKHOV, A fro ttl. tj llillec and Sales room on 1'irat atreet, I'ortlntitl, Onenii. Hit' Ailiiilslrulor's IVo(lr, IK'ITK.ItS.ir ti'linlulstrtiliiiii of the estate of EI.. A M )l;l. K EES, deceased, lute of l.itni t'o.. Stale of t In troti, were rrtititird to the tinderHivned, hy the judtfe of riihnl of niiid fiiimty, on the bill ilitr of April, S.,;i, therefore ull persiiiiii owinvl Mtitl rattiie are In to hy reiiiesled lo make immediate payment, and ull per rons lint inn; claims uullii-l wild estate urn llerehy null lied t present them, with tho prowr vouchers, to Mor gan Kees, near lx-laiton, Ltiitt (lo., tlre?iin, within out year Iroiu litis date or tliev mav Ire forever liur red. MOKUA':.' litKS, Admlii r. A p: 11 f!, I S.MI. 4 v!pniil ScltincOtr!! Scllliiir Off!!! BE HI IV CtlSTW BlCt. OH' COSTH I"S"" Take A''tVc. J IXTHAOKIHNAItV ! N IX E.M EXTS ! I J Ti ininliuserw til Wulches, Jnn eli-y , lia mntlils. f.Voct, I'anry flitodf. Cutlery, ftntirnl Iflrutnenti, etc etc ;c ; n x n a u m tf c o it t: x: Would ri-sMM-tfullv invite the attention of lite I. A I 'I l a and li i:M I.EMKN of 1'ortlsml and other tihtees In Oregon to the taet Hint thev nre now s i: i.li N u o v V I ... .our liirire nnd vurirsl tihk . . . . Ii R L tl IV X K IV YOU K C O S T! We shall eoiitinne lo c' gonj on these condition until tlie '.'."ill of Slay. As we expect to etiutrun ottr store ill order lo make room for the new stock of onods now en route for this place from Sew York ami Eu rope. l'V Io not neileet to lake advatitncre of this oppor ttmity thut we otter to purchaser of utches, Jewelrr, cVe., &.., Wr rnt m'i May i!lk ! ! Al IHKSH W.M Ac Itl'IIK.N'S, Wutch Maker nnd Jewelers, Front at., foiilaml. April , IS.VI. It7 Ir. ii. A. A Ailu 71. ri d, llllgeit-MeJicul 'A yiirian. MA VI XI I liK-ated in Palem, we aliall bo happy lo uttend lo calls, both in town and countrv. .Mrs. Weed will itive special attention lo Ulwtctrlcs, and tliseuiM-s pea-tdinr to womeu and children. I'lilieitta ut a distttuee visited on reuMinuble trins. Tliev mav lie rotisulled peinonullv.or l?y letter, tire. April '.-.', I -ill. ' itf To llio l.iitlii'sof Siilcni iiimI vicinil) 'l'ME siihsiTilK'ra wish to Hiitiounee thut ther X. intend keepim; on hum! all kinds t,f Milliti- erv I IimmIs. silk and lacu bonnets, colored and white straws. Iloiitieis nnule and trimmed to order ; nlso, dress tti ti k in tr . Shop near the Woolen Kaetorr. Mm. I'. A WOHTLKV, Miss hi. A. l'lt.M 1. April ., I"i!. - -iii7piiid IV of ice. (1 A. riT.lt linriiisy dii-posed of Ids Inlr-rrst In the , ..nrm ul Heed Strjitnf ti Thos. Kl runic, ihe tdd Itrin is iberebire dissidved br mutual rotiM-ul. All tit the otltMiitidint; hileiuess vv ill lie in the hnllil ?f Ib-tti Mnitic lor settlement. All person iiulelited Ut them n ill -nl! and make immediate, paytm-nt. All ersotis Indditiu claims uuititisl them will please present their Heeoniiis aei orilinu'iv. I . A. I!lf.l. ll.MKANti. X. H. Thoa. cV Iletij. Sti-ranir will cosititiue ibe bttsi tic at the old stand. A Hood assort oietit of stoves and tm ware, hard w nre. rutlei v. is. Job work. riMitltte: sheet iron, mid ropper-woi ii promptly attended lo, and oti tae titosi rettsvtaana? terms. T. St It. 6TKANU. Salem, April -., !V'.t. 3ws Icv llorse-Fcrrr Iloaf. raii.. uit.l.rMi.Mu.d wottld respee! fully aiiiiounre to 1 the ritiretts of this State, and esper-nllr to the tntvi pti(f pttldie, that n new and eouuntidiottH ELlfltV IU AT. ol TWO III UiSK ruWKK.hu just been pul in sneeeHslttl ota-mtion. ut a hev v e?ti-ii.e. iinnn the AN illameite Itiverat Salem, and w ill lie prepared at ull limes in erns buitiuen. horseii-n, w ajrovs and stiwk td every deserij'tioM, trt rciiima!!erriTe tf ferriatje. The patriout -e e! tl'e public is rtspev'.lullv sulii ite I. i;iri.v WIIITR Sol. in, May ai, IVj'i tf Auction Sale!! rpilE ntidersie neal will i!!er for wile to the hijrhent a l id U r. at b:s re"ul-jii.-e, in I" Ik (lo., nn Moitdsr. ihr t'lh day of June tn-xt, his et'tire prrertv consisting ot uoout l.Ms-acres H laml, sn bead of horses, (On hem) of entile, and .fl ti she, p. All nndcr one huuiiied do! Inrs, taish il.iwn; and all Mints over $!' 0, tetnts made 1 iinwii on tluv ot sale. All persona indebted to the mi dotfined will please piini'ie over, on, or before that tune. A. 11. WIIMLKV. Polk fV.pril 4. vvbpaid IV o I ice. I Will A. Sl.ontlt is ntr 1-tiv.a'po; n.-'iit for the I sale of mv ::i Li:i I It' I.1M VIE.NT. He ia uu ihoriaa! to collect mom-v and take m!i?s iu tnv ttatiie for the sale of the same. Also toe..tiihti,.h nnd appoint Im-lll Su'etieii-S for the SI.. tlllTwif ill the StMt-S ol ( Ire- i?im unl ( ulilonnu, and Iemtrv of Hr.litie.ii. JOHN HAMiHoVE. April H, V). ivti V. C. CriswoM & t'o.'s (IEKICK I4"t tit tiie pres,nt will lie up strurs in the llriek lllock next to " SfirmriH" ollii-e. Where we shall exjiect to tue.'t all those indebted to us either bv note or iieeontit. Ii e snail remain 111 Sa lem until ide 1-1 of May only, nnd ull account and notes that are not settled bv thut lime will bo. left in hands of Messrs. Iktrnuui cV. Wilson for iuimediute col lection : pleniM' call and snve trouble. I.'i-fln-eifiiliv. W. f. liULSWOLD & CO. Salem, ( irn, April fi, LS."il. 5tf Dissolution of Partnership. 'TMllC partnership heretofore exist in between Steve A. und Litile Tom, at Sitlein, j tbisiny iliscdved by uititutit conseni. ri i-. v r,t LI ITLL TO SI. X. H. The firm ia now under the sole mitimin iiu nt of Steve, who will continue lo please his customers in all the branches of tonsorial art. Anv debts contract ed by Ihe said Tom on or after this date, will not be reeotrnueil bv me. Ml-. fc.. April IU, rV. 6tf Dr. J. II. Chit wood, KOLA, I'OLK CO. OKKCOX. 1 T71LL conliniio to keep on hand an assortment of t tlruirs and medicine, also ull the letiilnit; patent medicines in common use in Oreifon. He will sttpplv the jieople of Koln and vicinity Willi eeliocl und mis ce1laiHkons biKks, stationery, c, AVe. He also tf'tiib-rs his l'rotessionul services to the pevo- rde of i'olk comity, (lis treatment of ilisetise is strict y tiMin tin? liolanie practice, ti-ine; nil the Hygienic ajrencies, in common use iu tac j.ciorin practice. Aptil 4, IN-V.I. 5tf Dissolution of Copai 1 ncrsliip. rpilK eopartnership heretofore existinii la-tween Ihe L vnhsci tln rs. under the linn of W. S. Ludd ,V Co., is this dav dissolved bv miittml rotisetit. The htisiness of the linn will he settled bv either of the subscribers, or bv Ludd, lieetl &. Co. W. S. LA1I, J. W. LA M. rortland, April 4. IS.i.1. Hwft Vessel for Oregon direct. TMIE nndi rsioaed will have A vessel leave ff--NEW YOUK for IDKTLAXll ilireet. onis or ahoat the 1st of November next. Shippers, iu onler to secure, freight, should make curly ::pplu-atiou to Ihe miii-rsij?ntMl, or Alessrs. w uKeman, Jjiiaon oc to., .evv York. We will ulso iilteiul to the purelinse and shipment of men lianilise, ran litres, uuu laaeiiinerv, ior panic iu Un-jon. LAUl, lilUill&rO. April 20, loll. tiitw Strayed or Stolen, OX or nhoat Ihe l.ah of Slareh, lSj:. from the ranpe near l'arkersville, .Marion Co., Ojtii, nn Indian ponv, r-d roan cwlor, bald face, hrft side of his bead also white, branded on left shoulder with three riii.-s join ing. Anv person rotiirniuu- the pony, or giving any inloniialion of him will he suilahlV rewarded by the subscriber ut I'urkersville, U;:n. IIKO. AI. A1!UIIj. April 15, ISoH. Jv7 Fine Blooded Stallion for Sale. PEDIGREE: HPIIIRD from imported Sledoc, on side of JL sire; tliirct from imported Sir Arohv on side of dam. Inquire of N. A. Keed, Amitv, S'amhill Co., aud Jos. Wall, Salem. Aprils, 1S3'.. it Mill for Sale. CHAXCE FOIi JC A KG A IX. TIIE undereioiied will sell for cash or scrip, the un divided third in the proper! v known us the Marv'g Kiver Jlilht, situated m lionton C'ottntv, seven miles from Corvallis, in I lie midht of a liu ue tai inino district. Tlie projiertv eonciet of a Cast u::d Saw-mill in Kod niiiiinio; orifer. Also a ltl.icl.sinilh shop three dwell ino hoitsee, und about twelve hundred tsaw-los. The mill lot coutaius about thirty-oue acres of laud. Tho above property will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars enquire of tho undersimied on the premises, SI- aiAliULIi. April V, ouns Boose's Ferry, OX Willamette river, new road between Portland und Salem. Tho road is a pood one nnd ten miles shorter than the old road. J ESSE V. 1SOOXE. May 2.", l-'o '-If W II. Spencer, FItONT STHF.ET, FOHTLANIl, -fire proaf Jlrirk Store, appotite. II. V. t'orbctl. J SI PORTER ASH DEALER IS UOX, KTKEL, 1 1 A !( I W A It E. W I LLO W W A II E , WAtiON M ATKKIAL, . and Adlilt I LI tUAL ISII'UOSIEXTS. Juil arrived, t.t ".ice Yankee;" rSI tons trllned Iron, ussortcdi 2U0O lbs. eust sU.nl, 611 setts sleel spring f 100 " iron axl. a, 100 kegs tiHils, ussorted) 'Ji " II. S nail! 60 doa. Collins' axes, with and without bundles ; iiSilox. II mil s " " " " " 60 ' Iltmart's " ' " ' A hirrni ussortmuiit uf edtra tools of everv descriu- tlo... ' ' Ml 1.1. SAWS, CROSS CUT HASDSAIVS, lonether with u (fetterHl ussortinetit of Farmer' and Mecknniet' Hardware, 1'loW'B, Straw Cutters, Hons, Shovels, i.c, 6Ve. Coiiinriaitiu u Heneruluasurtincut of Auriculttirul Im- pleiiieuls. iu:na, ri'okfs, fkm,oi:s. und everythltiK in the line of WAHU.N SIATKKIAI Mi-rebunls and others purehtuiuy; would do well lo look llirotitrb my stis-k. I,, i.. ( I ILL bus enure ehurirn of tho bunitirss, und will endeavor to piva salisfnciiou to rustomais. To arrive nhoiti the Hist of Muy 4 TIIHKSIIINt, SIACHlSKS. Ill UKAI'EKSiiiid SIOWKHS, V. hieh will be sold for a small udvutu-s on eust ami charges. 'J II Ii . A CKSM I THS. .lust recciveJ, ut W. 11. Speuter'e, Front St., Port land : I, -os. Klueksinllli' It, Mows, from 3ii to 38 Inches; ' Iron Vices, " " AnviUt i::i keen Horse Shoe Nails; And Dlaeksiniih's tool of ull rlesriiptlons. TO VA UOX MA KEILi. JIMI is-tl of Slates Wotid Huhsj 40 Sii.k., Mttites Wood; 26 sett lb tit l elliH Sl Hiekory Axle, Itetit Sliaflsi llickorv und Oak I'lauk llenl Fellm-s, tie., oVr. JUST RECEIVED AXD FOR SALE, A iretiernl stssorlinent of Harness .Makers' und Sad dlerr Hardware. Hits ami spur of ull kinds. Stlrrui', whips and Cinches. Also, just received, ex ll'Anf Cheer, a lurgv und wen seiccieu usson litem oi H7..OIF WARE, itlcliidiny Cliuirs, Sofas, llaskets, Wagons, Ate , ir. W. II. Sl'KM KK rortland, Sfartli 4, 1R'i9. titf Sprinx nnd Summer Clotliiug ! JVST RECEIVE O. TIIE tindersitfiied ure now openlni; their stock of SI'RI.W .il SI. AIMER Cl.O TIIlStl. lo which they would call Ihe particular intention of Mer chants before purchuaiittr their usual supply, it cou sists of Planter's Ijtien and Hack Sji k nnd Coals t White Linen und 1'itck S;it ks und Coals; Fancy Marseilles and Ilrill S;u k und Coats; Illack nnd Funrv Alpaca Sacks and couU) .Mix Slohuir uuif I'upiui sucks und coulsi Orass Lineti sacks aud coats; Fuiicy Cuss, and Tweed sacks and coots. Fancy Cnss. business suits; Fuiicy ( ass unit Tweed punts: Fancy drill und Marseilles pants; hilo linen und dock pants; I'hinlet's linen and drill pants t White Ullll Hlltf Mlirseilfes vest! Faner nnd colored Marseilles Vestsi Col. tineu uud dtnrk ve?!; Fancy silk and raasimere vestsi Fancy satin uud ciislimere vestsi White liuen nnd drill drawers: S bite domestic thiimcl Ctider shirts uttd Drawers; Slermo und cHNlnuere sliirts uud drawers; Clu ck linen shirts; Stlk und linen ties and cruvitts. Also, constantly on hand a full and complete assort meat of pa vis josr.s- r.t test shirts, which will be suld ut the LO WES T MARKE T RA TES. Tits nlmve stock comprises the Choirtrt and Uit teiet'ed imt.lt erer received in t'ti Moil, I, And men hunts rlsirintr tlteeitr will find it to their ad vantage to call before purvhastnt; eljM?where. Everv article warranted biah ns to malic, 1:1, and quality. Onlers restectfiil!v soln-iti-d. ('AN HELD, rIEirSON' At CO., fttccessits to Johnson, Caalield At Co. J mhiS! Itnfi is t"! Hatlery street. w. n. tiiTcuiss. e. rurrutoK. Iliilrliins nnd Ioplelou. IJHVSICIANS AXIiSntOEOXS, LA FAY- n Kin:. (HtKoo.v. rw lK. HI.H.IIINS is prepared to f trtiish, n! jt Ijtfavette, ut wholesale or retail, the tollowinir 3 relacllieB : A NEWREMEItY'. .-. 11". . I hit, tlnltnm uf Wild Cherrf ; For Consumption, llcmehitis, l'h-uriy . (..'olds, Coughs, Wh,cp.i?i.. ( Vnrtrb, end AmIiiuu Tliis ntedieine is warrant, -d lo be entirely free from Opium or any of its preparations;-from Mercury, or ajiy other pois onous Uifent. lilt. W. II. III TCHIXS' Vheuma'ir l.iftinrltt, nr, Jni'HHf Vntn E rtraclnr. For the tare of Khetimnlim, Toothache, l'ain in the S'de, and sll Faiiifnl Alh-ctions. 1. YV. I. 1(1 rclllXS' AMI lill.UutS FILLS: Eie I.trrr Cnnplaintt. A safe cathartic; warranted tu be free from Mercury. l ir" Tliev can also be had of the several Itruggisis und Merchant in the Territory. 1 r. Warren is my aeut for Salem, nud will be sup plied nt a!! times with the above uanied medicines. Salem, Sept. 7, ly"it I.riiisuii V ( o.S I!xpre! Culict tion, Commisninn and Ft'etcnrdin Agents, Iouwauii Kxrni:ssi:s twice a -tir.s week to and from the following J- - idaer-s : Hil l l AXI, MILWACKIF, OKFOOX ( I I Y, III ITEMLLC, CIIASII'OEO. FA1KFIKL1I, SALKM, I X I'El'EX IEXcn, ALU ANY, COFtVAl.l.lS, lit IN KV H.l.K, I II I KSTi iX, t CO EXE CITY, HAY ItiM, LA FA Y KTTK, V A N ( C V EK, CAX'ADl.Suiid HALLES, CoTtnecting at Furtland with Fl.'EKMAN' & CO . To nil parts of California, the Atlantic States and Eit rojie. Forward freight and utreels, iins-ure ehe-kson Sun Francisco, and drafts on the Atluutie States, of Freeman &. Co.'s. I'ortlaud. Execute cotnuiisHioua. make collections and purchases, and attend promptly to all matters tertuiuiii!f to the Express Line. Wells, Farico iV Co.'s Express EnveloiHs will be used bv us over all our routes, and can lie procured at our Ofticea, in siJ tlie utiove tus-utioned towns. OlHce at Wells, Fur;o Co.'s ( Mliee, IVirttand. LEVIXSON St. CO. nrri:nrsrFs J. SI. Yansvcle, Ajrent Wells. I iireo cV I ., ortiumi. . iseiler; V t o., A. .Haver cV IU, Smith cfc 1'avis, A. M. & L SI Starr, J. Failing Sc. Co., II. SI. Corbett, Savier oV Co.. (J. II. Cole, John li. Fos ter, Seymour . Joynt, Ooldstone at Sleyer. 4.rtf J. W. Johnson, 4 TTOKXEY AT LASV AXD SOLICITOR IX J:. Cham-err uud Adinimllv, Seattle, W. T., will practice in all the Courts tu W aslnnijton Terrttorv. April li, IKiO lyA Hargrove's JZclectic L.iniiueiit, (tiwd for AVia or Unix. "VKRY species of irritation is quickly red' iced by -a.- iiie application oi tins i.iiiiuieni. Si A KK THIS. The proprietor does not intend this Liniment to be excelled bvunv Liniment in the nation or tho world. The elleet of this medicine upou K1IEC5IAT1SM. Ivitifr worm, bwuIIihI viands, sore nipples, oro breast, sore heads, sore throat, sores of all tiuds, spruiiuv, still joints, ulcers, TOOTH ACHE. (tains in the spine or back, poison oak, frost bites, turns, scalds, fresh cuts, tumors, iStc., is almost mirac ulous. It is irood for t he !if bead, poll evil, fistula, old riinniinr sores, wind K''K. splint, scratehe. saddle, or collar xa'ls, sprains, ruin bone, in tait, till uiseiiscs where all cxleriutl niMilieation is required i sf Fse the Liuiuicut fi-eely and aceoniing to direc tion. JOHX 1IAKOROVE, Sole Proprietor. !M street, CorviJliB, Orefron. April 7, 1R5!1. lyli I XV one who professes to understaud ull traih'S x. or sciences, assumes to ini(Mse nn ubsurdity upon the pu'ilic- On the same prirciple, any one : nieilieine whieh professes to cure ull diseases is un- i worthy of the slightest coiilidcnce, and should at once he deiiouneed us a iinaek nostrum. The OR.EEEXRERO FAMILY MEDICINES do not iuommo to euro all diseases with one remedy. They have eleven dill'ereut medicines, each adapted to its peculiar disease, and time bus proved bcyonil a ques tion the ellicacy and certainty of thene prejmraxjous. Their list comprises the follow intr medicines: Ontdenberit VeL'otuble Fills. ii'.irshull'B Uterine Ca- Iholicon. (irji'fenber": Sarsaparilla- Ora'fenlienf Pile lteuiedv. Oi-a'fenberj; Dyseuterv Syrup. Oreen Sloun tniii Ointment- UnefonberK Cliifdreu's Panacea, (inef- enbero; Cousumplive s lialni. Orteteniierjr r.ye lotion. Ont'feiilieroj Fever Sf. Ague Keniedy. Gra!fenberg Health Iiitleiu. (Jr.etenbero; jliUiuul ot tleuiin. For Bale by all uruifgisits tlirou;iiout the state. V (etierai Asrenis, KEOIXfiTOX & CO., Wholesale JJruggicta, Sau Francisco. O.-t. 1, 1S.W- 3litf A. B. ROBERTS. WM. CASEDiV. S. D. MOORE. Roberts & Co., DEALERS in Slarble, Monuments, Tombstones, Ob ehsks & Snires. Marble Slantles. Tables. Coimter Tops, Fire-Fenders, Orates, Heurt'ustonea and Steps. Shop on Front St., 1st door above tho bridj-e, Port land, Orefron. 3m5 too aoo. TIRO JI one hnndrcd to two hundred acres of improv ed land for sale, about two miles from Salem, Mar ion county. JOHX t OIiCE. Pacific Foil ud rv nnd Machine .Miap, Hun Francisco. . E K T A II L I K II E I) IV 150. rpilE nhove establishment Is believed to have faeili X ties for the tniiititfnetitn, tif everv description of CAKI INOS A Nil SIACIlH.VKUY superior to any other on the I 'in itio Const. Every kind'of Saw Mill Machinerr. stenni euiiies, Aic., Ac, iniidii ut a short notice unci in a most work manlike manner. ' v We iiiauulacture a stvl" of SHIXoLE MACHINE. ut moderate cost, which we believe tube more efficient than niiT other ill use. Orders ure particularly solicited from Oregon ami Washington Territories, which will have the suiiu? au thority as though the part ins were pentoiiuMtr present. (JULlLIAUli, IIASSt Oll KA.NB.IJS. late (Jotioian 6t Co. Smi Francisco, Felt. 2, l69. Btn&l Nrw Improieiiieiils, rilHF atilMH-rilier bnTintr seenred all the lute Impmve- M mettts and additions lo tlie photorupnie art, is now ptetmred lo supply THE 1'ICTl'KE ADMIRER wllh a sttpertor cluss of pictures, heretofore uuJin'jwn In this country, und sucii only its run be obtaitied in IIISOALI.LEItlEH AT SALKM AXIK'OHVALLIS. Therefore the f riends living in either place will br sure lo uruil ihemse! ves d Ibis 0fKrtuuii v lo secure sotne rare kpeeiuuituj of rieil'Kss or TUfcaacLVK a so f ItltMH. Amlirot;iri, Mi litinot -, Collotype, Sphee vlnptt, und I'ltotoffrapht, colored or ptitin. Oil. PA I SI El) PHOTOGRAPHS. Ileitis; by isjr the inol superior portraits and picture that are" Produced in Eurnne ant America. and are destined to supercede everr other kind. The process of 1 hotoruphin is pmduciuo; wonder. Picture! of Staittarl,, hlmlrlt, B adding t, Landaizaprt and Animal of al! kinds, arc auioitt; the excellencies of this process. I have the only facilitin in thit country for the prod nit inn of inch picture: I produce tlie only picture that are at all EI T Tu SEXU IS LE T TERS. ExDerience nrnves tbul M,.ii,itkf cu. mm ,.. m!1 fi. as tin been published to the world. I am prepared to prouuee uits superior class uf pictures, from the S3IALLF.ST POKSIRI.B MINIATURE TO FELL LIFE SIZE. und even much lurifcr I have a varietr of Fine fJold Locket; Oouble and Single. The best evidence of THE SUPERIORITY OFSIY PICTURES over other in this country. Is thut every visitor to my guhVrr, tritknal exception, to decide. Having clijoved the rare privih-ue of between three und four ntotiUis nnietii-e iu Sun Francisco last enuiiner with titie of the Iwst practical and most pojiular pho togniphers iu liuroie or America, this give uie a dectdiid advantage. My nailery Is alwav open for the iusjiection of ladies ami jjentlemen, and piel tires for their insiect;m. I have an uccasioitnl hotirwbieli I can appropriate to TIIS rimih or Xt'Sirst, tsTKtx.sr. I have also a prrKvss by which renew lira furniture of all kinds in the tmwit elet-aiit a'vle. It will bajk aa well us when (irst frtitn the imtiiulaetorv. Sly itallerr will Ite constantly oieu, where I mar be foutid lo uttend to calls. Sly jailer? at Corvulli will have an operator to attend to cus'.oiuers. II. CAMI'UELL. Salem. April. IW tf sverliil FROM THE DALLES TO ST. LOUIS. VIHH'T tU'-Hh of Jlay, I shall elan upon a l.u in?ss trip to ihe Atlantic State, and sii" u'c ,ust- rip to ihe Atlantic .stBtt., and si al'twi pergonal!- lo the collection of uriy moneys or claims; the settlement of estate interests; the division and sale of real estjtte and other property ; und any other busi ness of a lefjnl nature, throiioiiout the Western, North trn. Middle or Eastern States. Also, w ill t'ive careful and prmr.pt aStenlion to lite pur,-hne and siiipnu-nt dir?t to Orejfort, of any s-o!, Mo-k,!arm impl,.inuis, nuw-hitiery. earrinues, books, seeds, tiiiiiica! intrtimeatn nr olber articles. And, as I shall Tisit Wsshiairton City, will also attend to the adjustment of chiiius amtinst Oovi-rnaietit, procuring lim k pay or suspended llouiity Ittid Warrant, and other claims iu tlie lleparltuetits. E. M. BAHXl'M. Sulem. March 2, l55!. i't3 Oretton ! Orctcon ! ! Oreifon ! ! ! 1EI.Li W (TTIZEXS will do well to keen in mind that March 7th, April lib. Mav "Jd nnd ::-0i, .Itoie i'Tlh, .luly i'.rh, Auir. id, Sept. litb, Oct. 17th, Xov. I Sf li . t:c. I'tti, in the present venr, witfnnaiiv week eeunineiieii'sf at unv of the niiove datei, vna are resree- lully sjlicitcd lo ut'.end Aibanv Mill to jjet votir lt:?4s rroiitid, by E. S. Aitree, it bcin his linu.-to run the Mill. Every uttemion will lie paid lo ull who we-h to patronize him, lilb in quantity and qtiult'y. Should the mill not run, I will exchanie a first rate article of Hour always on hand for sale. P. S. (ash paid for wheat, or beat stored at all times, at the M:ll, seperate from the other proprietors. I keep a akilf for anv one lo eross their j;rani fi-,-e over the river. fihu. E. S. ALT REE. Talk about (sold Mines 1 ITS tee in mht l that I WANT TO , PAY MV ItElti'Saiid e:iiinot do it JttZU Wl'l Ht il l MONEY. aud if then? is any- SgV btnly utring me, land 1 think there is.) we would just say that money we n:nst have, and we would hereby- notify thos,'' indebted to me either by note or be?k aeeoutit to come forward and putiyle otherwise we w ill have to eonsicu them all over to J. 1. Boon, who will no doubt auike cost on it. Yours no-'llv, J. A. JOHN'S. Salem. Sept. I. 1S.A " li st' Aolice. 1ERSOXS wiehiiijr any bmtiness transacted in the Allaiilie States, sm-n u4 purcluisinsf of earriuites, bucfifies. wagons, sewiinf maehinr-e, pianos, reape-rs, and mowers, or any other article which is not usually kept iu this market, will God it lo their advnutaire to call ou the tnnlersitrnesL Also, for tiie cllectioli rf moneys (whieb is usually done thront.'h the Kx press Co., at a heavy expense) will be promptly atte-mled to br one of our lira. We will pay easit for all drafts, bills of exclmnie, and t-ertiucates of UejKisit ou the East or Western JL-uiks. W. C. GRISW0LIJ Sc Co. Salem. Oct. 1-2. 1W. ir.tf For Sale. i lis ACIJES OF LAXIl FOR SALE OU KENT U"i" ' ull under fence, upwards of 1U0 acres inert! tivaiion situated in the Forks of Willamette river, three uidirs from Sulein. The laud claim is one of the best, n.tl only in Lane ceuntv, but in Irevon. Oa the eluiui ther,.'is one of the "beet SAW-MILLS in the countrv. 7lie water privileite cannot be excelled any where1 water the year round and timber handy. Payments will lie arraiured la suit U.e purchaser. r or utrtner uuoruuilton, ui'plv on Hie premises. O. II. A lOI I TAOE. 4Itf MeKenxie's Post Oilii-e. c. ii. nuow, DE ALER in cloc ks, watches and jewelry, Sa- ' lem, Oiu. Particular attention paid tothe repairing of watches and cits ks. All work war- ranted. Jewelrv retrnirtnl at short notice. FOR SALE: Watches and clocks. 8 day striking clocks ai a very low price; ulso ou hour marine clocks. JEWELRY. Ladies and rnt brcsahes, Finder Rins, Ear Rinr. tioiil ltuckles. Hoard Chains, c, ic Salem, Jalv 6, 1K7. I7tf V. F. IlisIifieM, WATC H M AK ER , 6 U EGOX CITT. TERSOXS desirous of irenintr cckkI work J done will do well to five me a call, as my whole time is devoted to tne repairing of I. lire nometers, luplex and Horizontal Y'atches. An assortment of jewelrr on hand. Jewelry repaired, or inade to onler. Prices in accordance with the titnea. Store al the old stand, Alaiu street. Jan. '-'7, l?m 47if .. Collier Itobbins, 1R ACTICAL Watch Maker, Wholesale and retail dealer in dis ks, watches, jewelry, silver ware. and hshinir uickle, gild Indian kooos, Portland, Oregon. Kcceiviuif mv uoous direct from tlie importers and manufacturers, I can sell goods as low as any other House on the Pacitnc Const. 1 laving exjierienced workmen in every branch of my business, 1 run iruaranlee perfect satisfaction iu repair inir tine watches ami iewelrv. Every article warranleii to be as reputed. All watch work warranted to ifive salietm tinn. 4?ir Patronize the Expresses. 31 Y customers in Salem, or any town in the interior. can onler watches, iewelrv. silverppoons.&c.. bv express, payable on delivery of the (roods, provided the article ami price suits, otherwise they can be re turned. Watches, jewelry, &.e., for repair can be for warded in the same manT.er, to O.COLLIER ROBDIXS, Practical Watch Maker, Portland, Oregon. Feb. 2, 1859. 4Mtf Piano Fortes. FROM W. II. Hall Sc Son's manufactory 239 Broad wav, X. Y'ork, sold at their prices with freie-ht add ed. Also, Prince Sc Co. Melodeons. Call and we wili show yon a list of prices and sam ple oi ineir worn. UW. U- JOiLS, AcnX. ciaieui, aiay u, t. lotf E. Pelton, Gee. II. Jones & Co., CELL EXCHAXGES on Xew York, in amount to ar sun parcuasers. Salem, May 17, 1S5S. lOtf Window Sash, GLAZED, and common sized nnglazed, jnst received from the Portland Sash Factory, and for sale low for cash, at REED &. STRAXG S- AuguM in, Iivi tlMl Look Here! PERSOXS having Prince's Melodeons wilb broken reeds, can cet theui replaced with new ones by sending to Oregon City Book &. .Hel.xleon depot. Sept-21, 18AS. 40tf For Sale. THAVE three hundred and twenty acres of land 5 citimtail In T.lnn 1 'f e.niit 't miL. fmm ?X." ' C J. all well improved. Also, a irood orchard whieh I will sell on reasonable terras. For information enquire of the tmdersiened at Salem. c I,-11 x T 4 SC OH T I T TTQ Salem, Xov. 13. 37 tf ESTRAYS TAKEN UP. ITlie c'iar:e for estrni imtm I. .l.ll... r .-.-,,4, nttttiutl advertied. So t,oti.- will ii,i..nr u'ntU paid for. S here no money, or loss ttmn the rorr-et iitnotnl " is sern wiui on estniy notice, tl,P notite will not be -published until the full amount i reecived j . Y tho subscriber, livinif In the fork lietween Lon- torn and Willamette, IW-nton Co.. Stale of Oremm. one cow, brindlu aides, while on tlie bark, bellv, und luce, markeit crop ami spin tn rtKiii enr, umtersiope la Ihe brfl ear, suposed to be 4 years old bus been run- ninu iu the settlement 8 or 10 motith. RtJUERT 11KKKEN. April 10, iVa. '-w3 1 Y the siilatcriber, SJ iiile west of Corvnllia, ll. tit.in J C'o., Oku, one four year old sleer, niostl white, red neck, head and les, whi'e fuee. inaiked with a cri uud underhit in the riuht car. Ala", one red cow, J years old, marked with a swallow fork in Uie left ear, and an uudcrbit iu the right. S. IL BERXARU. Mny 3, 1P5D. 'Jw9 VKAB Seholl's Kerry, Washlritrfon county, one pale il red row, wild some white on her belly and back, mar ked with a crop and underhit in the left ear, snd a holo and swallow fork in the rijrht. three or four years old ; said cow eauie into the uei;.'htor!Hftod dtirintf htt summer. PETER C. KINOT. April 10, lra. " itxe 1 Y" the undcrsiiftied. at bis resiih-nce in Wa?itnttoM Co., ttifn, uboitt four miles south of Forest Orove, on or about the Jst of March, A. Ii., 1SVJ, one 3 year old steer, red and white, n tinder crop in the left ear. JO.silLA HIXUX. April Ifl, X I Jine preclml. Polk Co , one red and white steer, 1 with crop oil the left, and split in the right ear, bia tail uearl v half off, about 4 years oi l II. P. LOCKE. April 27, wi ) Y' the uhH-riber, fen miles east of Salem, Marion i Co.. one vellow beifer, red and brindle, co marks or brands perceivable. JOHN K-AV-i, J. P. April -if, IX-'Ai. iw'J 1Vtbe subscriber, mile west of Amite, Y&inhiU Co., one red cow, white face, end beHy, marked wilb a square crop off the rttht ear, upper half crop off the left, supposed to be eiuhl or nine yea: old ; cam to nt place iu Februarv. IsjSI. ' r JOHX SHEUWOOU. April 9, 1359. itwS HY'the subscriber, in Itichardjn prceiiwrl, lrie Co., Oipt, otic three year old heifer, red brindlc, and w bits pided, marked two onderbits in riUt KJr. Also, one yearlinit heifer, red brindle, no mark . ' UAVIDIIAROK. April 5, lla. iis" I X Forks of Suutiaui. Linn Co., Ofrn. one black horse 1 potty, with a blnxe face, some small saddle mark; no other marks cr brands perceivable, supposed t be eiht rears old JolIX II. KITTEK. April la. X:i 2w1 fsAlsKW ItAcFiTc-WI-'HcSU, OHEUO.K- rfHE Propr 1 Race ( oi rietor of the new and Iw-autiful ourse. lour itiin-s iiortu oi Auit-m, r'. 2 direi-tlr oti the river, in Jlariott county, resjiectfully iK-ffs leave to announce to the raciuir cou.mui:jty rf the State, the foilowiutt purses to be run for over his course this sprimr, eoutmeueititf on Tuemlay, Ihe th day of June, IS., and continuing six days, exeeptrtur Sunday, aud ittelndaijf Monday, tbe4th dny of .Inly, and hope the lovers of sport "will turn out liberally wilb their sporting stock. 1st day, Tuesday Swcej-etukn! for 3 and I vear olds, mile heats; IU subscription, J0 forfeit. Thre or more subscritM'-rs to till tlie stake. To which tlie Pro prietor will add if the stake is hile-J ; tu name and close on the 2oth dar of J tine, IHjil. id lav, Weilnesifciy Parse $LSI, free to all ajes, mile heiits; lo run to rule, '& to enter and i to start. 3d dar, Tliurwlay Two ntiie heals. Purse t?W, free lo ull litres lo rule, 3 lo enter and 2 to start, 4th day, Friday Purse f JUtl. mile hi-ats, 3 in 5, free U, all aes to m'ie 3 to enter and s! to start, 5lh dav, Saturday Handicap purse $-tiU, mile beat, 3 in 5; entrance forfeit. bib dav, Monday, July 4th Purse $:J00, 3 mile beets, free lo all aye. iornlu.3 to eujer and - to start. The weights to be carried for the above purses, except the Hatidirnp. areas follows: 3 rear olds i lbs., 4 yemr olds luo lbs, i year old. 1 10 lbs., 6 years old, lH'lbs., 7 vear old, anil upwards, 124 Hss. "Mares, fillry. and ifekiiui: allowed 3 lbs. The en trance shall be ten ixrr cent of the ubove purses, except the sweepstakes. This course wili be ?o cnied by the rules and rejruiation of the Marysviiie Puik Associse tion, of Marveviile, CaliforiiiH- J. W. II FILE, Projector. Sab-m, April 3T'h, laj'J. I will here state that our fall meeting will cotnmenrt oa Tuesday, Ibe 4:h day of Octelw-r. I6-','. To eotn nieiice witii a stake for l year olds, f jO etitraiice, ft forfeit t 3 to fill the stake'lo v. liicb wii! be added, if tilled, (l.jlt. Weiahis 7i llsj : liileys and BeldiiiKS al lowed 3 lbs. To mime and cloe on the i-ltU duy of SepteUitMrr, lji. 8wH J. W. UFII.K Tlnil nod Iaietser t'oarh. riHIE otidersisftied hereby informs ptwJTli 1 the public that he is ruuuuix a ..'' r T?LZf weekly hue of Owtche lietwe, ri S:ile;n una i.ueno ( "tty, carry the Failed States mail and psesrnirers. He buives Eui-'eue City Sumlay nioniin. arrivtnu at Salem Monday afternoon, und b-aves Siik.ru Tuesday rnorn in, arfivinyr at Etucene VVediaslay evenii:;. Oood aceoiimiodution for l asseneers. Fare, each way. UEOROE II. MctfEEX. Anrrtrst 10. 15. a3tf i;ncoi?r:ii?e Home Manufacture r I stir, vt iiiaiuette v ooten juanui.icttiniii sa I l.-.e ,.w ,o, l....wl rl I : iiIiiv tfTTrtr of blankets, yarn, and cloth. Wool taken in eschaits-e for tlie above poods; unwashed wool at 15 to 17 cts. per )b. ; wasbe4 wool at "Ji to els. jrer lb. I-r,-hants suppUeu on reasonal.-le terms. Orders at tended to with promptness and chspuu-h. L. 11 PRATT, Snpt. Snlem. Xov. 34. lyrft. ly37 urterjr. riHE subscriber has one of the best nurseries gf "A in tlie country, sitnafed near Salem, in whieh mT can always be found all tiie test varieues. Orclmrd men are retneied to cxiimine bis trees. Ajply at the nursery, or t'ie roiifej-rioiuirr and grocery store, north west vl'the ilariou House. MICHAEL MYET.S. Siilem. Oct. 1. ISosl. 3tsf Geo. Prince & Co. ALARtsE a-'sortuient of 1'iese melodeons, just rte ceived from tiie makers, consisting cf the follow ing kinds of porutjie itistruuients: 4 octavo C to C o oclavo F to P 41" CtoF 5 " double reed F tu P PIAXO CASED: 5 octavo F to F 5 octavo. 2 banks of keys, These histrnmetiui I will sell CHEAPER than any Other boose iu Oregon or California. Send in vtr or ders. JOHX A. POST t CO. 4 Ireson City. Sept. 10, 1?."H. 2lf Wall Paper nnd Border. VLAKOE and Splendid assortment of Wall P?per and liorder. Oil painted Window Sliades, and Pay fer Window Cnrtaiiuj, may be fouml.and forsale very ow. at J.'nf KEEi Sc. STIiAXO S. Dissolution ZVotice. "V"OTICE is hereby tfiven, that the copartnership XI heretofore exisiinv; between Coon Sc Jones, of KosebuTeT, Oini, has this day been dissolved by mmuai consent. Ail accounts of the firm will be settled Ly CJ. W. Joues, at EosburX. U II. C'OOX, O. YV. JOXES. April 6. isa. 3w7 City Ifotol, CorvalliN. MESSRS. A. B. Sc. I. SPKEXGER. TTTOFLD announce to the citizens of Oorvsdlis, and W the travellinir public penerally, that they have thoroughly rcfiuol this well know n i-MHolislimeut.and are now prepared for the accommodation of custom ers. The rooms have ail been refurnished, the lied cU-an and eomfortable, and their tablet will be furnish, ed with the best tiie market ailbrd. Corvallis. Ausr. 30, Li7. Iv25 liable Hotel. THE undersiimed has jitst opened a public house in the town of Oulias. the county seat ni 'l of I'olk Co. Every attention shall be friven to tho ac commodation of tliio traveiina conununity, as well aa to laiarilers : no pains or expense have been gared to make the House convenient and pleasant, and would respectfully solicit s share of public patronage. In connection" with the House is a livery stable. THOS. J. LOVELADY. Dallas, Jan. 12, 159. 6ta4fipid wnrinii IlnDfU. jsalCIO, TIIE undersifnied annonnces to t!;e public tTt be haspnieluuwsl the well-kr.own tavern stand i2. called Uie ilarion House, in Salem, together with the furniture and fixtures thereof. lie will keep it in first ! m,.;. thrt sitMiiaie of the miblic rue si, o K i jur Mnv 23, lS.'s7. Htf . Cor Sale. t OTS 2o-1, , ln oiovs s ku aweuinsr f? Ji house. Dam, anu oiucr iuipn.euieilis, iu i-st- u. I lem Enuuire of J. (i. Wilson a Salem, or at Portland, of ' - GEO. II. WILLIAMS, o . in i0 ;r Farm for Sale. anJ a half miles from Sak-nt, au nnuer 1m. provement, pood buildings, and a large orchard of F ruit InXx, irom oue iam unit; cunt oiu- o tin r ii.i r Dec. 8, 1S3S. 4tHf Copartnership "otiee. THE rmdendimed have this dav formed a copartner tb; ne.Wihe firm cf Ladd. Keed Jr Co., aad will continue the business of the fcb? firm of W S. Ladd St, C J. V. l.Al'P, v-v, c c ' ' i' r i J. iL LA10. Portland. April 4, lj!C wS J. W. I.ADT), S. G. B.IED and. fean Francisco. J. X. LA&O Ladd, Reed tCo , (Successor to II" S- Ladd &. C&.A T IMPORTEKS and Wholesale Dealers ra- wfnes, li cjure and Groceries, Froat I'ortland, Oregon. 1 I