To Advertisers. The actual circulation of tat Statts ma It ever two thousand copies ; the advertisements appear In clear and readable type ; the rates of charge are not more tbaa those ol the aper of little circulation. Sail. The most extraordinary chrmlcaj discovery of aaodera times Is the Antiphlogistic Bait, tt act opon the eeoed m precisely the same manner as the vaccine matter op erates la the prevention of mallimant diseases. It cure only diseases which are tndamraatory In their nature, first. In flammation In the "scad and throat, such as brain ferer, (Its, headache, neuralgia, erysipelas, and catarrh. Second ; eases f mHammatlon In the cheat and abdomen, els : Inflamed tanas and Hver, pleurisy, dyspepsia, asthma, grsvel. piles, so. Third ; Inflammation of the eatremHIes and sain, to- : ul cers, scrofula, rheumatism, scsrlet ferer, Tenereal, and all cu taneous affections. This chemical eorobbisttoa Is so powerful and Instantaneous In Its cSrcts, that the dose Is only what r adhere to a onlu dipped la the Salt and held to the tonpne tor on anrcra. The most astounding results hars Invariably followed Its use In the Atlantic States, and thousands of lestl nontats as to Its Tirtues can be furnished if required. The proprietor arts not, however, for riim, but Is willing to let the Salt abide by Its woaas, confident that it will nerer (all. It p pat up In drachm packages, price Two Dollars, and will ha forwarded by mail, post-paid, to any part of the country. apoa receipt of that sum, addressed to Ksnisoros A Co., San Francisco. FuB directions accompany each packs. As aooa as a sufficient supply can be obtained. It wlH be for sale ty BHewWts eenerally. T. CofsweD, M. D., discoverer and iu Acrt-t" for California srd Orecon, REDISGTOX a CO., Wholesale DrnrTtsts, San Francisco. ror sale la Portland, br V(. EATIIF.RFORD and SMITH a DATIS. In all cases of muammatory Rheumatism, whether acute or chronic, the Antiphlogistic flt, discovered by Dr. Coerswell Boston. Is a sure and mfalliM remedy. In e Eneiana, when this disease Is very prevalent, the Salt has never been kmown to fall In effecting a radical cure, or of glrlng perms awnt relief. Rheumatism Is almost invariably caused by In- manaatioa and colds, and the peculiar effect of this medicine, Mtmaanw Antiphlogistic, or anti-tnlllammatory,) sirnlAes, sis reduce mnamrnattoa, and balaace the circulation of the Mood and the fluids of the body. l does not profess to be a general panacea, but Is calculat ed excressly for all diseases of Inflammatory nature, and Is has a perfect substitute tor blood-letting tn all Us forms. The emit Is also peeuilsTlT efScaeions In M&OXUII1TIS. ASTHMA. CATAXBn. and diseases of a similar character, caused by troubles In the mead, throat, chest, or abdomen. "Mrs, Gravel. Tenereal Pis- eases, Dyspepsia. Scrotum, and all cutaneous diseases, yield rapidly and surety to Its effect. The sma'.tnens of the dose should not exrtte surprise, as this Snlt Is s eomhinstlon of the most powerful chemical asruts known. No better proof of its Ttrtue can be given than the fart that, althouirh it is two years alnee It was first offered to the public, the discoverer has never been able to 611 his orders, and It ts oniy wunm me itm tew jnonths that the S-ilt could be obtained in this State, at any rrlee. Fall directions accompany each package. For sale by a UnjP Arr!,t, RFPrsflTOX A CO.. Wholesale Druggists, San Francisco, ror sale In Portland, by Sml W. WEATHER FORD, and SMITH A DAVIS. 41LE.TI RACE COniSE. OltEGO.X SPRIAC. 3IEETI. THE Proprietor of the; Kace Coarse, four n: new and beautiful fiV miles north of Solera. -A diMlT nn the river, in Marion conntv, respectfully begs leave to announce to the raring community of the State, the following rmrc to be rttn for over his coarse thia sprinir, commencing on Tuesday, the) 2th Aw g Jnw ISj. and eontinninir six davs. excerdimr Bandar, and rncludmg Monday, the n our ot July, and hopes the rovers of sport "will turn out liberally with their sportinsr stock. lt ir Tuesday SvrrerwtnVrs for 3 and 1 rear olds. Bile beats; $40 subscript ion. f JO forfeit. Three or avnre snharnhrrs to till the stake. 1 o wmrn the 1TO prietor will M $100, if the stake is filled ; to name and dose on the :5th day of June, 2d day, Wednesday lnnw $150, free to a!l ages, mult heats ; to rna to "rale, 3 to enter and 2 to start. 3d dar, Thursday Two mile- brats. Purse $JtH), ft t t nil asres to rnle, 3 t o enter and 2 to start. dra daw, Friday Pnrw 9 JOt, mile beats, 3 m 5, free to ad aspes o rule 3 to enter and - to start. 5th amy. Saturday H-indicup purse mile heats, 3ia 5: entrance Slu forfeit. Uh dar. Monday, July Hth lnrse frtf0, 3 niile hratn, free to all aires, to rule," 3 to r ntor and 2 lo start. The weitrnM to be carried for tfce above rnrse. exevpt the Handw-ap. are as follows ; 3 rear olds im lbs.. 4 n-ar olds HH) lbs, 5 years old. 11" lbs., 6 Tears old, llSlbs., .7 Tears old. and upward, I'M lbs. "Mares, tillers, and arUimjs allowed 3 lbs. The en trance sha'.l be lea fer cent of the a!ore piirsos. excrpt tBesweert-rakes. This mnrxe will te trovrrned br the nlrsand rrartlntiMts of the Marys viile l'ark Asetocia tion, of MarvsviUe, California. J. W. HEILE, Proprirtor. Sa!em. AprH 3Tth. la. I will here state that oor fall tncrtir will commence -cm Tue!nr, the th day of October, ISil. To com mence with a stake for "2 year olds. $.V) entrance. forfint: 3 to f 11 the stake"to whi-h ill be added, if filled. $1. Wei-its 75 lbs: fillers and jtvldinir al--lowed 3 lbs. To caate and close cn tlie ir ith day of September, lfi(J. fwl J. Y. 1IE1I.E. . stkaso. X. & R. Strang:. "If fHOI-ESALK and Uetail dValers in stores and tin W ware, hardware, and cntWrr, at the old stand of Reed & Strung-, where may Ve uana a complete aa ortnent of - Cook. Parlor, and Box Stores, Tin, sheet iron, copper, plani.-hed and Jnpaned ware, force and lift pnmjw. rubber kore, hvdranta, rims, h-ad pipe, sheet k ail, and zinc, brass aad cuuliiron kettles. bake ovens, cowbells, ic., c. JOB WORK, RooCng-, sheet iron and copper work, promptly at ended to, and on the mft-i reasonable terms, ilpril i, l.ic 3w Notice. CI A- EEED harin disposed of his interest in the J- firm of Keed At Sinin-r to Tiios. Stranif. the old firm is therefore dissolved hv mutual c-Tjrnt. All of the outstandintr busineea w ill be m the linnus of lienj. Mrang for wttleuscnt- All perrons indebted to them will n.U and mlco irnmecilnte lvmfllL All persons holding claims atuiru-t them will "pleaee present their aceoonta aeconlinKlr. C. A KK1.I, It. STKAMi. K. B Tli os & Benj. Strang will continue the busi eas at the old stand. A rood HJawrtinent of stoves and tin-ware, bard ware, emlerr, dec Job work, rootinir. sheet iron, and eopper-wor promptly attended to, and on the most reasonable terms. T. & B.STBAXO. ftiletn. April 20, 3wH ISew Horse-Ferry Uoat. THE tmdeniijrried wonld respeeifully announce to the citizens of this Sfate, and especially to the traveling pnblie, that a new and ronimodions FEKRY" UOAT, of TWO HOKg E PiVEK,has jnst been pnt hi sncreswfnl operation, at a heavy expense, npon the Willamette Kiverat Salem, and will be prepared at ail times to cross footmen, horsemen, wasrons and stock of eiei 9 deserition, at reasonable rates of ft-rriaire. The BMronaife ot the public is respectfnllv sc,li,-ited. KUOUA WHITE. Kalem, May 3d. 13. Nf 8TATE OF OKEfiOX, COl'XTV OK MAklOX, J N'OTIC'E U fcerebr driven, to all pe-sos interested in the estate of WlsXIAM PAKKEK, deceased, late of said conntr, that Milton Yonnr has this day tiled a petition in the conntr ronrt, of said county. atmif in Probate, pravinif saiil conrt to ntrthorize ainl tlireet the administrator of said estate to execute a rviireyanee eonveyinic a certain tract of real estate, descnlied in said petition, eontaininir 3JH acres to him. the said Jlil ton Yonntr, in fulfillment of a contract between him and the said deceased. Xolice is therefore (riven, that Tuesday, the 7th day of June, t5Q, is set apart forlhe fcearinir of the said petition. MILTflX MlAXX'jX. Judge County Conrt. April -Jj. I'm. w8 STATE OF OREOOX. COrXTY OF YAM II I LU. j UEFtJRE County JudKe; To Calvin lh: Ton are hereby notilied" Uua a writ of attachment has been Waned atnunst yon, and vonr property attached to sat isfy the demand of A. V. Sweet, atuountiuK to two hundred and sixty-five dollars. Now, unless you shall appear before Oeo. II. Steward,;conntv judire, in, and 'for said rontity, on the 11th uav of June, ix'ji), at the court house in LaOyette, in sail county, at 10 o'clock, A- M, of said day, judgment will be rendered against yon, and your property sold to par the rb-bt. A. W. SWfcET, Pl'C April go, 4w8 67ATK OF ORKO. )X, rot'XTT OF USX, S IX Justice's Conr ; To William Rexford : Ton are herebv notified that a writ of attachment has been issued auiiinst yon. and your property attached to satis fy the deinaudof Woolen 1 av, auonntinK to sixteen (Collars, flli ; Xosr, unless yon appear l-tore K. A. McFarhiud, JitsSire of the Peace, in and for said conn tr, at his o8i-e, on the Hth day of June, lsi!, ju.U;. menl will be rendi-red against you, and your iroi-ny sold to pav the debt. W WOOLEX DAVIS, Pl ff. April at, 1S.-.9. Copartnership Xotice. THE rmdetined have this dar formed a copartner ship under the firm of Ludd, Iieed At Co., and will oonunue the biisimaut of the late firm of W. S. Itdd Ac Ce, J. W. I. 1U, - S. (i.liEKl, - J.ALLAIU Portlr.nd. AprW 4. 19. ' Sw 5 J. W. .ADD, Sua Francmno. .C.BtED, ?PorUant 4. V. UDD, J Mi, Herd i Co , tSrmorm to II". .S'. hnHd Sf Co) JMPOKTEKS and Wiolesalc Ira!-!rB in wines, li nors and Groceries, Front St.. I'ortland, Oregon. Dn. . A. Ada HI. Weed, Kyrro-Medical rkfician. HAV1XO located In Fuletn, we shall ho l'rpy to attend to calls, both in town and country. . i .;n MMt,il ll.ntuin to I lluiti'trtr-jt. al m. nceu . . -1 - , : , , ' anil diseases pecnliar lo women and children. . - ... . .llannM. ,-1-i t r li f Itl n.HM41tlMlll ImM mucins Si .". llier mnv be cotuiultcd persorutlly.or by AprUaa,""9- 7u To the L.ndies of Salem and virinily. Til E suhsrrilK'ni wish to announce thnt they -isffX intend kcrpmff on bund all kinds of Millin- LlV,L' re flootls. silk and hies bonnets, colored uud - white straws. llonneta made and trimmed to order ; also, dress nuAing. chop uoor toe tt ooicn actory. Mrs. U A. WORTI.ET, Misa E. A. PUATT. April g, 1?C. -imrpni.1 Selling Off!! Selllns Off!!! BELOW COSTH BELOW COSTit rr Tair Sotin. c?J EXTIIA0RD1XART IXUUCKMEXTS! !1 x To purchasers of Watches, Jewelry, Ilia- ffijg monds, CUotit, Fancy Goodt, Cutlery, ilnrical Inttrumentl, ..... .etc. .... .etc. .... .etc. ..... B I R NB A UAI V COI1 E A7 Would restx'ctfullv Invite the nt trillion of the LADIES and UENTLEMEX of Portland and other places in Ureuon to the tact that thev are now SKI.LINd 1) F F 1 ....our hitve and varied stock.... n i' r ti it- v it' v ri i, tr r n s: 7'' We shall coptinne to tell rood on these conditions nntil the of May. As we expect to enlarge our store in order to muke room for the new stock of jrnods now en route for this plucc from Xcw lork and tu rone. f "P fo not neirli-rt to tnke advnntAim of this ontor- tnnity thnt we oH'er to purchasers of Watches, Jewelry, etc., etc., toriotc cot tinltl .ii ! I At BIK.N HAI M & COllEX s, Watch-Mukers and Jewelers, Front St., I'ortland. April 00. la. Ini7 Fine Blooded Stallion for Sale PEDIGREE: THIRD from imported Medoc, on side of sire; third from imported Sir Archy on side of dnm. Inquire of X. A. Reed, Amit v, Yamhill Co., and Jos. Wntt, Sulera. April !, la:. Mi ?tf Adiuistrators Notice. ETTF.RS of administration of the estate of EL Ij MOKE KEES, diceast'd, late of Unit Co., State of Oreiron, were (minted to the uudersifftied, by the jmljre t.f probate of xaid county, on the mil day of May, l"j;', therefore all persons owinir said estate are here by notified to present them, with the proper vouchers, to Morvnn Kees, at his residence near l-banon, I-inn Co.. State of tlrevon, within one year from this date, or tnev mar oe torever nnrreo. MORUAX KEES, Admin'r. April 6, 1359. 4w7 X. II. Spencer, FKOXT STREET, PtllilLAXD, Fire proof Brick Sttrre, opposite H. II". Vorbett. JMPOX TEH AXl DEALER IS IROX. STEEU HARDWARE. WILLOW WARE, WAliOX MATERIA! and AURICL LTL RAL IMPLEMEXTS. Just arrived, ex "Lire Yankee:" .VI tons refined iron, assorted ; 201V lbs. cast steel. 60 sells steel springs ; 100 " iron axles; llNJ kes nails, assorted ; U.S. nails: 50 doz. Collins' axes, with and withouthandlcs; Vo dot Hunt 611 ltoirart's " " " " " A large assortment of edge tools of every descrip tion. MILL SAWS, CSnSS CUT Jr HAXDSAW&, Together with a frcneral assortment of Farmers' and Mechanic' Hardware Flown. Mraw timers. Hoes. Miovils, tVc. etc. Comprising a general n.-wortmcnt uf Axticul'.nml Im plements. urns, spokes, felloes. and evervthina in the line of AVAtiOX MATERIAL. Merchants and others purrhasinir would do well to look tliront-n mr stoeK. tt. E. COLE has entire chnrse of the bnsincss, and ill endeavor to iive sntn-Iaction to customers. To arrive about the find of Mav 4 THRKsiilXti M ACHINES, 13 liKAI'tKSw.d 31tAVEUS. AAliirh will be eidd for a small advance on cost and charges. TO ISL A t'A .U 1 1 IX. J'lit received, at AV. II. Spencer's. Front St.. Port land : idox. Blacksmith's Pellows, from 32 to 33 inches; - " Iron A'ices; " " Ami's; i ketrs Horse Shoe Xa'ls; And blacksmith's tools of all h-enptiona. TO WAUOX MAKERS. lf) sett of States AV.hvI Hubs ; 40t! Spok, States Wood; iio sett lVnt Felloes: Mickury Axh-s. Bent Pliafls; Hickory and thik Phiuk ; ltcnt F'e!liH . if., &c. JUST RECEIVED AXD FOR SALE, A peneral R--ortmint of Harness Makers' and Sad dlery Hardware. bits and spurs of all kinds. Stirrups, whips and Cinches. Also, jnst received, ex llsaf Cheer, a large and well-selected aoruient of WILLOW WARE, including Chairs, Sofiis, baskets. AVajrons. etc., etc. AV. fl. SPENCER. Portland. Mf.rch 4, ttf iSpring and Summer Clothing! JUST RECEIVED. TpHE nni1erij.THl are now openine their stock of s. tfl'liiyu A.U t .M.W A K CL.VTIil.ii, to which tiier would call the tartu uiar attention of Mer chants before purc!ui3!iig their ustuJ suji-ly. It con sists of Planter's Linen and Inck Sacks and Coats; AA'hite Linen and Duck Sacks and Coats; Fancy Marseilles and Drill Sacks and Coats ; blncli and Kanev Al;uea Sacks and coats; Mix Mohair ami Poplin sacks and couts; ,rss Linen sucks and coats; Fancy Cas. and T eed sacks and coats; Fancy Cass, business suits; Fancy Ca?s. and Tweed pants; Fancy drill and Marseilles punts; AA'hite linen and duck pants; Planter's linen and drill pants; White and biifT Marseilles vests; Fancv and colored Marseilles A'esta; CoL linen and duck vexts; Fancy silk and casimere vests; Fancy satin and easJimere vests; AA'hite linen and drill drawers; AA'hite domestic flannel L'nder-shirts and Drawers; Merino and caehuic-re shirts and drawers; Check linen shirts; Silk and linen ties and cravats. Also, constantly on hand a full and complete assort ment of DA VIS J(- JOXES- PA TEXT SHIR TS, which will I" sold at the LOWE S T MA RKE T RA TES. The above Mock comprises the Choicest and bet selected (roods ever reeeieed in this Market, And merchant viitinj the city wSl find it to their advantage tocall lefore purchaMiiff elsewhere. Every article warranted both as to make, lit, and quality. Orders respecllullv solicited. CAN FIELD, PIERSOX tc CO., (.Successors to Jolnn-on, Cauli-ld Sc Co.,) mhCfilmoia Hi Ilaerv street. HargroveN Kclectic I-tninient, Good for Man or Brail. EA'ERV species of irritation is quickly reduced by the application of this Liniment. MARK Til i. Tlie proprietor docs not intend this Liniment to be excelled by any Liniment in the nation or the world. The effect Of this medicine upon KHEl'M ATISM, Rinsr worm, swelled ftlumls, sore nipples, sore breast, sore heads, sore titrout, sores of ull kinds, snrains. stiif joints, ulcers, unji u m it c, naina in the spine or back, poison onk, frost bites, bums, smlds, fi-es'i cuts, tmnors, A;c , is almost mirac ulous. It is pood for the biff head, poll evil, tistnla, old rnnnmg sores, wind frails, splint, scratches, saddle, or collar Kails, sprains, rinif bone, in fact, all diseases where an external application is required. Use the I jniuient freely and according to direc tion. JOHX IIAKOROA'E, Sole Proprietor. id street, Corval'.is, Oregon. April 7, 1S50. ly6 Mill for Sale. CHANCE FOU-A BARGAIN. THE nmlen-iimed will sell for cash or serin, the un divided third in the property known as the Mary's River Mills, sitnated in Benton" County, seven miles from Corvallis, in the midst of a large fanning district. The property exmsists of a tirit and Saw-null in good running ord'ent Alma blacksmith shop three dwelling-houses, and about twelve hundred Saw-logs. The mill lot contains about tliirtv-one acres of land Tise almve property win be sold on reasonable terras. For further particuhirs enquire of the undersitmed on the premises: M. M ATZU EK. April -i, IS59. 3mi Peoria Ploughs. fyHE nnderrigncd is manufacturing for stile and to TT er iierior article of Peoria Premium 1 loughs, of various siites. Tlu-hc Ploniths are warran ted to scour in any land : and are the in-st now in use 6hop m the rear of Durbin'a Liverv Stable. Si.l.-rn .ov, "T- OAL'TIULR. April lh. YU. 6wwid A. B. KOBKKT. WM. CASCDAT. S. p. XOORE. Roberti & Co., DEALERS in Marble, Monuments, Tomlwitones, Ob elisks ct Spires, Marble Jlanlics, Tables, Counter Tops, Fire-Fei.ders, O rates. Hearthstones and Steps. " viioiS on Front -St . 1st lirytr shnr fh Krndrva iAw land, Oregon ?ff6 . Adminlstralor'a IVollce. IETTERS of administration on the estate of ARCHY J L. AVIS1IARD. deceased, late of Linn Co., State of Ori'ifon, were grouted to the undersigned by the Judira of Pmhute, of said county, on the tilth day id' April, IMTiil, therefore nil persons owing said estate ure hereby required to make immediate payment, and nil persons having rlnlms ngninst said estate lire hereby liotillcd lo present them, with Iho proper vouchers to Samuel K. Wishard, at thu former resilience cd' the lo ei iised, within one j eur from this date, or Uiey may he forever burred. SAMUEL E. WISHARD, Admin'r. April 8, 1S.W. 4wtiaiil rtitrtl Mclllciitcnt. THOMAS ALFOltD, ndmiuistnitor of I lis estate of tIEOROE A. HI'STKD, dcreusel, having liled his aerntiiita nnd npplicd lo the Prthnte Court of Linn Co., Oregon, for final settlement of the same. Notice is hereby given, that on the first Tuesday, tho 7th duy of June next, is t lie day set n part lor Hi nting me samu. Alt interested can attend if tliev see proper. 8. D. HA LEV, Judge, Albany, April 1, !'.. 37 Aiit-tion Sale!! THE undcrsiirned will oiler for. sale lo the highest -a bidder, at his residence, in Polk Co., on Monday, the fith dav of June next, bis entire property consistinu of about r.ftHliicrcs of hiud.XU hciidof hoist's, 4IKI heail of cattle, and 3tu sheen. All under one hundred ilol iars.rush down: and ull sums over $im, terms made known on dav of sale. All tx-rsons indebted to the tin-dei-siuncd will pleuse punule over, on. or before that time A. H. AVIU I LEY. Polk Co., April 4, ISM. 5wbpud Not ire. 1AAID A. SLOl'OlI is tnv irnveltng nvent for the 1 sale of hit ECLECTIC LI X 111 EXT. lie ts uu thorizeil to rollect money nnd take notes in my name for the sale of the same. " Also toestablish nnd "appoint local nuclides for the sale thereor in the states ol ure ton aud California, uud Territorv of AA'ashimrtun. Iilnv UlllnliocP wu. ii.iiioh ri ij. April 13, ISM. Iv6 Kliei in" Sale. 1Y virtue of thn-e Executions, insned ont of the M w Mist. Court of the I . S. 1st Judicial Ihstnct, in and for the Count r of Polk. State of t trefoil, in favor of J. B. A', buller, and against Oliver Laskcr, I have levied upon and will proceed to sell to the highest, on the 1 Ith daT of Mar, A. !., !.:, on the premises, the following property to-wit: The south half of I Hi vcr Laskev's Doimtinu cUiini, bkginnini; ut the quarter sec tion comer of the east lioumlarv of sei-. 7, in t 8 s 4 w of the AA'illainette Meridian, in Polk Co., thence Boiith 30 66 chs, thence east 3 33 chs, tliem-e south 4 4j chs, thence east 67 chs, thence north 3.5 16 chs, to the place of bcirinninir, coutaiuiiig 56 1IMI acres, more or less, to satily said exeentions. J. S. HULMAN, Sh ll of Polk Co. April, 9, ISM. 4wlipaid Notice. 4 FTER six weeks nuhlication of this notice. I will J. muke applirntion to the Couimissionerof l'eusions for the issue of a lbiplicato Itounrr Ijii'iI AA'arr-.tnt. lot! acres .o. a, i unuer Ait ot .March J, I -. issued to me, for services as a private in Captain's lhigh'snud Martin's Companies', in the Cuyuse Indian AVar in I'M?1 the ori'inial huvinif been" lost, und a caveat ngntnst its location entered in the Oem-rul l-and t lllice lllli-VH H. S1.MKINS. Inted, April !, lM. 6w6 To IrK lltmiliii. STATE OF ORFOOX, i COl'NTY OF MAKIOX. J"' are hcrebr tiotohed that a writ of uttaihment M has been issued uuiimst yon nnd your property at- tacneu to sntisiy tne ucniarni ot uiiaiu tune ninount ing to twenty -two dollars. Now unless you shall ap rteur before T. J. Petlv. a instire if the lieaiv in and for said conntv, at his ollice, on the twentv-lirst duv of May, l;ii, judgnient wtll be rendered abound you and your property sold to pay the debt. lhttcd rhis'llic 4th day" of April, 1S.M. 4w.puid AVM. CL1XE, Plaintiff BY THE COA'KRXOU OF OKEU0X: A Prorlaination. TTHEREAS, satisfactorv inforniation has lw-en re S s ceived bv me of the" admission of tlie State of Oregon into the I nton, on an equal fooiimr with the original States, and it apearinu tlint iiutudiiue legis lation is necessary to complete the state orgauiaatiou, Therefore, I, JOHN WHITEAKKR, Oovcnior of the State of Urcjfon, publish tins, my iroclatmitin, calling upon the members of the Levishitive Assembly to convene at the seat of Jo eminent of said state, oii MUX DA Y, THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF .MAY, 1M. and there boldan extra session of the leuislature, aud take such action as mav he deemed expedient. In teidimouv whereof. I lave hereunto signed tnv name this fourth dar of April. A D , I .!. Sid ' JOHN WH1TEAKER vVrit or Klfition. STATE OF ORECiOXTo the Hherif of Linn Cosa'y, tireermf: IX7HEREAS. m vacancv exists in the State Senate, canned by the resiirnution of Charles lniin, a SEXATilit from Tr Nii'i Conntv of Linn. There fore L JOHN AVH1 TEAKER. t iovcrnor of the State of Oregon, herebv direct that yon notify the jud-es of eti-ction of s-iid County, thnt on Momhiy. the NINTH HAI tit Jl.ll, IVj'.', they Hold a special electlou to nu na vaeaney. tJiven under mv hand t!iis fourth !nv of April. A I. IhM. j'td .IttHX AVHITEAKKR. t it or i:ieclion. STATE OF ORECOXTo tie Sheif cf Clad am as County, tirtttin : 11 THERE S. R vneanev exists in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of thia State, caused by the resignation of B. Jenninus, a L'cpreseiilative frmn vonr :iiti t'onntv tf t 'liu-kniti:,. "I'n.-ivfore 1. .IfltIN AA'IHTEAKEK," Governor of the S:ate of Oivuuti. herebv direul that you notifv the jndires of elect ions of mid rontity, ti nt on MONDAY '1 HE NINTH DAY OF MAY, lsol', lacy hold a special election to aJ eaia vacancy. Given under my har.J this foimh ihiv ?f April, A D. ISM. aid JOHN A H1TEAKER. AA lit or Election. 5 TA TE OF OREO OX To the Shenjcf Yaw.hill Cvsa.y, O rceitng : ITTHF.KEASa vu-onev exists in the HOUSE OF V REPRESENTATIVES of this State, caused by the resignation of J. V. Nelson, a Representative from vonr said County of Yauiliil, Therefore I, JOHN ' II IT EAK Eli. Governor of the State of t h-egon, here bv direct that von notitv the jitdLn-s of elation if said t'ounty. that on MUN IIAV, 1'liK NINTH DAY" OF M AY", "ISoll, they hold a spccu.l election to till said va cancy. Given under mr hand thi-- fourth ihiv of April, A. D. ISM. itd' - JOHN AVlllTEAKER. W C. GrisAvoltl &, Go 's OFFICE IOU the present will le np stairs in the Brick block next to Statesman" nice. AA'here we shall expect to meet oil thcse indebted lo us either iv mte or ai-couut. it e snail reinuin in ta lent until the 1st of May only, and ull account and notes that are not settled by tiiat lime will be left in bands of Messrs. Itarnuui ic AYiUon for immediate col lection ; please call and save trouble. Res'ifu!lv. AY. C. GKISAA'OLD A. CO. Salem. Ogn, April 6, 1.M. 5tf IV ru. Tlmrniiuer, Importer of French and German FA X C V B A S K E TS, I NO LI SI I and American AA'illow AA are. Cane and J AA'illow Chairs, Indies' AVork -stands, Tovs, etc.. No. 'J-i liatterv street, between Commercial and Clay, San Fruiu isco. 61116 Spring Hares in Iienlon County. I 'lir.ui. win oe a meeting on a. mv iracKs, v nines sunt 11 01 Corvaflis. ctMiiinenoing on AVed neslav. June 1st, 1S.V.I, and e(n- tinnin'g four days, w hen the following purses will be run for : First dav Mile heats, 2 in 3, for all rnjes, purse of $IIH). Same day Sweepstake for saddle horse, $10 entrance, one mile. "d dav i mile heat, for nil aires, purse of f.iw. 3d dav Purse of M, for 3 vear olds, mile heals, 2 in three. Same dav Sweepstakes for all ages, 1 mils, $JI eutrance. 4th day Mile heats, 3 in 5, purse of $100, for nil ages. Same day Sweepstakes for saddle horos, $10 entrance, with ? mlded, 11 0 or more, start one nine. Rules of late Benton Co. Jockey Club to govern .he course.' 20 per ct. enl ranee on the purse. 3 to enter, ami 2 to start. Wfrke-un-Jake, botdon Colt, and ull other thoroughbreds, H lbs. extra. The track will lw in good order, and every effort made to give satisfaction. JOHN I'liociiic, rropnetor. Benton Co., April 5, ISM. 4w5 Vessel for Oregon direct. rfHE undersigned will hnve a viwl leave J. NEAV V11KK for I'ORTLAND direct, on or about the 1st of Noveuiliernext. Shipjiers, in onler to secure freight, should muke early application to the undcoigncd, or Messrs. AYukeman, Diiuou &. Co., New lorn. AVe will also attend to the rnrchnse nnd shipment of merchandise, carriages, and machinery, for parties in Orciron. LADD, REED ct CO. April 20, IS5!. bin Strayed or Stolen, OX or about the loth of March, 1No".i, trom the rnnge near Parkorsville. Marion Co.. Oirn, an Indian roan color, bald face, left side of his head also white, branded on left shoulder with three rings join ing. Anv person returning the pony, or giving any information of him will le suitably rewarded by the subscriber at Parkcrsville, Ogn. littj. .M. JlHtl-b. April 15, ISM. 3v7 Deeds und "Scrip Blanks' - 4 XEAA' lot met printed at ' STATESMAN". To lite Public. REAd7 FARMERS, READ. nAA'IVO THE SOLE AGENCY FOR JOHX A. I'l I T S nnimmlleled ThreHhiiiir Mncliines. for ull the l'nrilic const, I Hike this methMl of iufortiiiiig you tlmt I have on hand nnd for sahi FORT V Machines, thirty of which nreten home and ten of which are eight horse power. 1 he above mtu'hincs were got np to or der, uud riiunot he surpassed in any respect, as lo beau ty, strength nnd durability -the frumcs lieing very suh s'laiilial und strong, with a much larirer Fanning Mill and more depth of Seive, with Cast Steel Shafting, und not liable to spring, adding much to thu steadiness of thu running ot thu maehiuu. The Cylinder of tho Ten Horse Machine is Thirty six inches in length, and thut of the Eight Hsrso is Thirty-two inches. Euch ma chine has with it Trucks, Horse Power, Icvers, and the usual amount of Extras, which are uiitdo aud fitted expressly for euch machine. Hulking them less liuhlu to gel out of order than any other luuchiiie iu thu Mar ket. being aware of tho many falso plans nnd deep luid schemes that have been taken to defeat this must wor thy machine, which up to the present time has never kliown its ennui. either iuThreshinir or Cleaninir irrain : nnd as ull means have been used to defcut tlie snlo of the srinie, by tt bogus machine of n very inferior kind, I feel it in v 'duty to let the Farmers know that no gen uiue Pitt's Machine, can be pur. bused except of the eulis4 rilver. at 3:1 Sucranu-nto street ; mid all parties of. feting for sale or using uny bngns machines puriorting 10 no 1 hi s .iiacnme, win oe iieui pcrsouuiiy responai bio for all sales aud usimr the same. TUOMASOGU fill AAA". Agent for John A. Pitts, 33 Sucruiueuto street. Ohio Tliresliiii? .lliir!iine. Also haven few of these celebrated Mnrhines. They are just what every Farmer wiinis. The compact ar rangement of dilii iciit parts of thia machine, the great simplicity of its con.-driii tion, the strength and durabili ty of its woikuuiiishin, the small amount of power it takes to run it, tot;ciher with its effective operation iu threshing uud cleaning, ut least as much gmiu of uny kind us any oilier four or six horn machine uow iu use, combine to justify us in believing thut it cannot fail, us it becomes known, to be the most useful and populur murhiuc in the country. The Cylinders of the above machines are from Eighteen to Twenty four inches in lenifth. Euch of the Ohio M:uhinei havo Trucks, 1 torse-1 ower, Jx-vers, uud uiu usiuu umouttt of extras. AA'e can safely recommend o;r ptewnt lot of Thresh ing mnrhim-s as being the let that hut ever been im ported, as they were ull made to order. Give us u call before buying. mo.uAS OGG SHAW, S3 Sucruiueuto street. i;xtm! i:!mit! THRESHING MACHINE EXTAS! AA'e have on hand a full supply of ull the different parts of the ubove machines, in case nny portion should fail, we can supply you on short uotice. A few of the hading articles we will name, viz:-Master-w heels, Straw-carriers, DntiH-rs, Elevators, Spur, bev el, and bull pinions, Cylinder teeth. Fan Geur, Line- Shalt boxing, etc 1HU1IAS tlGG SHAW, 33 Sacramento street. THE CALIFORNIA COM KIN ED REAPER AND MOAA'EK. The best combined Rfoaer and Mvirer now in tfe. AYill mnnul'uctiirc for the present harvest One Hun dred of tile the California Combined Rentiers and Mow ers, which, for beauty j strength and simplicity, has no eijuai in tins or uny outer inurKei. as 11 possesses many great advantage over anv other utachiiie, to-wit : 1st. It is much liehter: thedrivinu wheel is four ft-,-1 high, making the draft 30 P cent, less than any other iiuk nine. 2d, The culling part is the rear of the machine, and the apron is so constructed thut it can he taken oil in tell minutes tor mowing. 3d, The gniin is passed to one side with ease. 4th, It will rut grass as low ns three inches, aud gram as uin as twelve. 6th, It can be raised or lowered in three minute's, tith, It hits less side draft than any machine in use. 7lh, It has more motion. flh. You can drive slower aud do Tour work better. "ill. It ruts six and a half feet in "width, and has a spring seat live feet from the ground, which places the driver iu a position to be able to matiage his team, uud see the hreakeis ahead in time to save his machine. loth. It i-uu be thrown out of, aud into gear in one minute. llth. The eutttnir part of the machine being in the rear, lakes ull the weight on" the horses. l'th. The Ina and last reason at all is, that it is a California improved and umdn machine ; therefore, any purchaser can, on short notice, oliuiu auy portion oi the machine thut mav break. 1 have taken particiiLir pains to select good work men aud good materials, uud 1 warrant this machine to reap uud mow, and to do either or 1hi1i, better than anv other machine in this market. Please give me a call- THO.M.VS OGG SHAAA", 33 Sucntmciito street. ALSO KEEP OX II AND MANNY'S COMBINED ItE-V I'EliS Ac MOWERS. lll'llK ALL S REAPERS ULSSEY S kEAPEUS. Mi C IH.MH K S REAPERS. In fact, nil kinds of REAPERS thnt are in use, can oc Lad ol me ut the lowci-t eaxli prices. THOMAS OGU SI1AAA", 3 SicraiueiiU) street. SAFES! SAFES!! Liilie's Improved Wiimqht and Chilled I i-on Sufes. Fire-Proof. ' ... Iri!l Proof. I'owder-l'rxujf, Ilurglur Proof. AA'ith Liilie's laipickahle, Powder-unHjf Lock. The best Safe made for resistiuii bolu lire and thieves. as iiroveu in iiiuumeralfle instances. As to recent teM by lire, reference is made to the late burning of the Crystal Puhtre iu New Y ork Citv, ut which ull other S;'.U-s on exhibition were burned up. Liilie's Safe alone was uninjured. Reference, is aNo made lo the tet afforded by the burning c. the Illinois Central Railroad Depot at t.airo. Read the following L-ttert corT.J. Cmto, III., IVc. K-th, ISiS. Lewis E?o Ih-ar Sir: The Safe we our- chased of you wus in our office, which was consumed on .uoiniuv uitfiit. Ve have just opened it. mid nnd the papers uninjured, and the hooks will be good for ser lee hv oenitf rebound, the bindiuif lieinif iniured bv steam, but the pnper of the books is not injured iu the least. The contents of the iron money chest were all rutin, good as when put UL Trulv vonrs, Si-ued, D. R. AflbO lT, Airent Illinois Central Railroad. Reference if also made to the ircat test trial which took place at Iowa City, in Iowa, on the li.'th January, lNji'. 1 ue orit'iu ol the test was the sliurn conuet!lion for the suppl 1111; tlie State bank, aud us branches, with safes, vnult doors, locks, ecc. The Slate bank ha ing purchased Sir. Liilie's Safe, etc., the opposition sate venders, being uausnt islicd, proposed, as a test, to drill lliroiieli one of the safes the hank had purchased, w bich proposition Ilia bunk ne eepted, and Mr. lallie went l'llonu'il from Troy, X. Y'., lo lowa, to witness this lest, hour perfectly chemic ally burdened drills were prepared, and the luachitiery was adjusted, Mr. Lillie assisting them iu udjustingthe machinery to dull his own sale. The result of uli this was. thut' after drilling oue hour aud title-six minutes they reached the chilled iron, when the drill would go no mrtlier, all the drills haviug been literallv broken and ground to pie ces. All futher efforts to drill were reluctantly abandoned. A shipment of these safes has jnst arrived, and can now le seen at the Agricultural Warehouse of T. O. Siiaw, I3 Sacramento stree't. IJilie's celehniied bank Iskson for Kile. The best Hunk uud A'ault ln k in the world. TIIOHAS OGG SIIAAA". OIL, OIL. The beet in this market for all kinds of machinery, which I will warrant not to tnim in usinir. Send iis your orders, and it ehnll le sutisfactory. PELTING, bELTING. All kinds can lie bad as cbeun ss the cbeanest. both of California and eastern maiiufaeture. EXTRAS, EXTRAS AH kinds of reaiHT sickles and sickle swtions. spur. Cleveland crank pinion boxes for Mannv's combined. McCorutick's. burrul's. Husscv's.' Sevmour & Mur- gun's Reapers. REPAIRING, REPAIRING. All kinds of Agricultural Imnleiiients mude and re- puinHt on short notice. Kept constantly on hand nny amount of rxtiiis, which wiil unseat ton 1 1 parts of the State by express. Send in Vonr old nun bines in time to get i hem roptiiiyd : pave ull your old caMiugs, for which I will ivo you the highest uuu kct price. I wish yon to bear in mind that I have anv amount of goods to sell, und must sell them, ciui wiib your uid will sell them, und anything yon may need iii the Agricultural Trade, as "low as can lie bought in this iiiurket of the snme uuulity. Feeding thiinklid to you for all past fa vors, I hope you will call at 33 Sucruiueuto street, be fore buviui;, und look for yourselves. - n-ii.... .1. . .... ,,. 1110.11,15 vn ,1, suaiT, April 12, 1S.-.3. 6if l)issolution or Partnership. THE partnership lieretoforo existing between Steve and Little Torn, at Suk'tn, is this dav dissolved by nitittiul consent. SlKVb., LITTLE TOM. X. b. The firm is now nnder the sohs mamiiiement of Steve, who will contiutie to please his customers in all the branches of tcmsorial art. Auy debts contract ed bv the said Tom on or after this date, will not bo . : 1 1 -'ei.. 1- oy inc. oini c. April 13. ISil). - 51 f Dr. J. II. Chitwood, EOLA, POLK CO. OREGON. WILL continue to keepon bund an assortment of .1 ..ui;.. ,,1, ..11 .i.A i..n.i;n.. . ... medicines iu common use in Oregon. Ho wilt supply the people of Eola und vicinity with school and mis cellaneous books, stationery, etc., Jcc He nlso tenders his 1 rotessioiuu services to the pon tile of Polk county. His treatment of diseaew is strict. !v upon the botanic practice, nsinir ull the Hygienic agencies, in common use in tho Reform pructico. April 4, iw. oil Dissolution or Copartnership. THE copiutncrship heretofore existing between the subscriliei-s, unden the firm of AA". S. Ladd Sc. Co., is this duv dissolved bv mutual consent. The busiiicsa-of the firm will be settled br either of the subscribers, or by Ladd, Reed i. Co. - W. S. bAlUI, J. AAr. LADD. Portland, April 4, 1SX. 8w5 Force rump. FEAA" more left, at Cull soon. 25tf REED 4c STRANG'S. A Dnly'n VaUey M liiskej . WE bEO TO CALL THE ATTENTIOX OK Dealers, as well as consumers! to tho following certificates of well known chemists, who hnve analyz ed " DALY'S AROMATIC VALLEY AVHISKEY." 'he hiah remitution of the unrties is a sufficient irnur- iiutee thut tne article possesses till the merit claimed for it. AVAL XEAVELL &. CO., Sola Agents. Stulo Assnver's f lllice, 3'i Somersel street. . ) Huston, Mass., April 17, 1853. J A'm. H. Dalt, Xew York : Dear Sir I hnve made n rhcminil nnalvsis of Tour "AROMATIC VALLEY AVHISKY," aiul find' it a pure, Nttc-fhivored Whiskey, coiilabiimr no injurious mutter of any kind, and recommend it as suitable for medical and public imrposes. lUlltlM 1. jackso, m. !., Suite Assnycr. Niw A'oiik, April 19, IR5-S. 1 have anulvredn sample of "DALY"S AROMATIC VALLEY AA lllSKEY, and Qnd it to be a pure arti cle, of tine flavor, and without any th-leterio'is admix ture. Jamij R. CuiLToi, il. D , ChcmisL AA'm. H. Dai.t, Esii: Dear Sir.- Your "AROMATIC VALLEY AATIIS KEY," is received, and after careful examination, I find it to he u pure nrtielo, entirely free from tho adid ternting ingredients so frequently" nid. Jxmkj'J. Mafks, Chemist. DALT's AROMATIC VALLEY AVHISKEY is lnt tin in cases containing one dozen bottles each. It?" ror sale by ull the principal 1-iijuor Houses in Sun Fmncisro. 3mS Frntik linker, 110 AND Hi CLAY STREET, 15 AND 47 MERCHANT STREET, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domettic CAIIPE TS,FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLO TIIS HATS, AND COCOA-MATTINO, DUDOGICTS, BAIZIS, DAMASKS, WINDOW SHADES AND KoLLAi.ns, I'ruouttui ooous, pArcti HAXUINUS AXD ROIIDCItS, CHINA MATTl.WO, for sale In bond or duty paid, at the lowest rates, 5m6 Kan Francisco. J. w. ladd, San Francisco. t. o. Rrco, Portland. J. x. laud, do Ladd, It eed &. Co., (Successors to W. S. Ladd 4- Co.) SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, aud wholesale und retail dealers in choice wines, liquors, Groceries uud general hicrchuudise, Frout St., Portland. Consignments solicited, and liberal caish advances made on me sume, wtucu will receive the special at tetttion of our Mr. J. M. I-add. in Sun Francisco. Par ticular attention given to the purchase aud shipment of goons 111 .ew tone. If sufficient 'inducements are offered, we propose hnvinir a vessel leave Xew York every spring aud Ian, for I'ontana direct. Portland, April 4, 1-S59. 5tf J. V. Johnson, 4 TTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN" xa. Cbanccrv and Admiral! v, Seattle, AV. 'I., will practice in all the Courts ui t ashiugton lerrilorr. April ti, I.-sV.t. ly t'tlolplio Wolfe's rirhuapps. i MEDICINAL drink, f eminently salutary qtuili J. V tics, innnutucttirct! bv hiinself exclitsivelv, ut Ins factory nt Schiedam, in Holland, und well known dur ing the hist twelve years throughout all the Atlantic aud AVestem States. It is made from the best barter that can be selected in Euroiie, with tfie essence of au aromatic Italian ber rv of acknowledged and extraordiiutrv niedicimtl iireo- erties. Il bus loutr since acquired a higher reputation. both 111 Europe and America, than auy other diuretic bevenuie. Analyzed, it is a rERFECTLT runic liouor. in its ef fects a mild aud wholesome tunic. Il is extensirelr n-cd and approved!) y tlie medical faculty, the temper auce people, heads of families, 4tc In Gravel, Gout, and Rheumatism, the obstructions of the bladder and kidneys, and iu ireneral debility, its etleets are prompt, dceided and luvarlublv reliable ; und it is not onlr a retnedv for these malacOett. but in all ruses iii which thev are produced bv dritikinir bad wa ter, which is almost universally the cause of them, it acts a a sure preventative. For Fever aud Ague it is one of the moat educat ions f revenlives thut can lie resorted to. THE AR i.AIATlC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is consequently in great demand by persons traveling, or about to settle in new luirtsof thecotmtrvesiiecialiv. as well us by many in every community, where il has become known, ou account of iu vurious other reme dial properties. la all cases of a dropMod tendency, it is generally the oulv remedy required, when adopted in the early staire ol the disease. Iu dyspepsia maladies, when taken in proper quan tities, as a diet drink, and especially at dinner, it is found by uniform experience to be etuiuetitly efficacious in the most obstinate cases, when even the best of the umiuI remedies have failed to ail'ord more than tempo rary relief. In cases of flatulency, il is an immediate nnJ invariable specific, and it mav- be admiuistered in diluted and prcporfioiutte quantities, even to yonnir in fants, in ull those uroXYsms of griping pain in the stomach and bowels to which they are esjn:cia!!y sub ject, as wvlf as the chulic of grown persons. Its judicious adoption in connection with the princi pal meals, or when a sense of exhaustion dictates its use, never fails to relieve the debility attendant upon protracted chrouic maladies, low temperament and ex- haucted vital energy, bv whatever cause induced. These are facts to which many of the most emineut medical men, both in England and the I'uited States, have borne testimony, aud which ure corroborated by the highest written authorities. Put up in quart and pint bottles, in cases of one doz en, with my name on llie bottles, cork, and fac simile of my siirmiture on the label. For sale by all tlie resH-ctable Druggists and Liquor dealers in Oreaon and California. LDULPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer. 2 beaver street, New York. C';iutio:i to the 1'uMic. London Cordial Gin, Club House Gin, Schiedam Schnapp, Medicated Schnapps, Jkoyal Schnapps, &c.. Jet, &c. J-'uder the above and similar titles, the liquor mixers of this city ure bottling large quantities of adulterated, unwholesome trash, costing but little, on which they hope to realise large profits by selling in California. Avoid all compound. Some are so skillfully prepar ed as to pass for good Liquor, except with the liest of judges. 11 you would be sale, ue only the long estab lished, reno'wned, genuine AA'olfe's Schiedam Aro matic Schnapps. I'DOLFHO AA'OLVE, Sole Importer, An. 31, tfis47 2"J Itcaver street, New York. London Club House (sin. TO THE PUBLIC. rplIIS CELEBRATED GIN PRETENDING TO J. nothing but what it is, vix: a pure and unadulter ated article, and assuming no artificial merits of what it is not, ns some of its rival imitators do after five years of public approval and very extensive sales in California, has been pronounced by the public to be su perior, not only us a beverage of general use, to any other article rouipetiug against it, hut is I'X R 1 A' A LLE D IX ITS MEDICAL EFFICIENCY in most cases of complaints. To persons traveline in these days of rapid transit from East to AA'est, North to South, who are constantly dimming their wntPWis well as their climate ; who are drinking, indeed, a dozen kinds of water in every twenty-four hours, and each dmuutit coiitnitiiiia- some proMrty acting in chemical HRtauonism to the preceding one, thereby causing an unnatural degree of excitement to the stomach it is positively and absolutely necessary to use 9 counler ucting agent. From the fact that the "LONDON CLUB HOUSE G1X" is prepared expressly to meet such exigencies, and to act as we know it wijl act, as nnuntidote we confident ly prescritie it as the very best article in the country. The name of 'Aronaitic Schieduin 5chnapis" has nev er hcvii attached iii any wny to this article. In first preseuting t he " LOXDON CLUB HOrSE GIX" to the otiblic. mv uiin was to uive them a pure and un adulterated nrtielo of Gin, und to call it by ita right name. 1 he success attending its introduction mm ex tensive stile in California is a sufficient guarantee of the hiirh appreciation of the article by consumers. Various oarties have from time to time tut up nnd shipped to California an article which they call "Club House tint. Aly Gin, which lias gameu sum a repu tation in California, is branded on the cases. "OLD LONDON" CLUBHOUSE qiX WM. II.D." The bottles also havo a white label with fac-simie of mv signature. I caution all parties to beware of imit atlous. AA'M. II. DALY, Solo Iinjiorter, New York. Jan. 21. 1S53. 4Stfis A NY one who professes to unde-stand all trades J. or sciences:, Homines to impose an absurdity upon tho public. On the same principle, any one Jmeaicine wtnen professes to cure uu aijeuses a un worthy of tho slightest confidence,' and should at once be denounced as a qnack nostrum. The UJL.EFEXBEKU FAMILY MEDICIXES do not assume to cure all diseases with one remedy. They have eleven diU'erent medicines, each aihipled to its icculiar disease, aud time has proved beyond a iies tiou the efficacy ami certainly of these preparations. Their list comprises the following medicines: Gnefeuberg Vegetuble Pills. Marshall's Uterine Oh tholicon. Gnefeuberg Sarsaparilla. Gnefenberg Pile Remedy. Gra'fcnbcrg Dysentery Syrup. Green Moun tain Ointment. Grn?feiilierB' Children's lTuiacea. Ura;l- eiiberg Consumptive's balm. Grtclcnberr fcye Lotion. Gnrfenberg Fever Sc' Ague liemedy. Gr:efenberg Health Hitters. Gmlenoc-rg jianuiu 01 iicaiui. 100 aoo. ITiROM one hundred to two hundred acre of lmprov ' ed land for sole, about two miles from Salem. Mar ion county. JOHX FORCE. , . a ictft .IO, 4- AWC O, ICSKT. Boone's Ferry, OX AA'Uhunctto river, new road between Portland and Salem. The road is a good one and ten miles shorter than the old road. JESSE V. BOON E. Mav 25, 158. l,tt For sale by all druggists ttironguooi tne saiie. General Agents, RED1NGTO.V & CO., Wholceale Dniggiats, San Francisco. , Oct. 16, ISjS. JWt Pacific Foundry and Machine Mioi, San Jr ranclsco. K S T A U I, I S II E D IX 18 5 0. r I "HE ultove establishment is helinved to have facili ties ior me maniiiacttire of every nesenpuou 01 CASTINGS AXII MACHINERY' suiM-rior to uny other on the Pacific Coast. Every kind of Saw Mill Machinery, steam engines, See., &-c, made at a short uotice und in a most work; iimiilike manner. ' AVe muniifuctun- a stvle of SHINGLE MACHINE. . nt moderate cost, which We believe to be more efficient than titiv other iu use. Orders are tuirticulntiv solicited from Oreo-on and Washington Territories, which will have the saino 1111 thtrity us though the parties were personally prescut- UUUUAUU, I1ASSI U.II ct KA.NKI.N, lute Goddaud 6l Co. Ran Fraheisio, Feb. 2, OmM !S'ev Iinproreinentsi. rilHE suhsrrilicr having secured nil the hite improve JL ments and additions to the photographic art, is uow prepared to supply THE PICTURE ADMIRER with a superior class of pictures, heretofore unknown in this country, and such only as can be obtained in HIS O ALLLERIES AT SALEM AND CORA'ALLIS. Therefore th friend living in either place will be sure to avail themselves of this opportunity (o secure some rare specimens of l ICTClita ut TBtHsU VKf : and FIIIKMIS. Ambrotttpcs, Mrlainntitpcs, Calluttipes. Spher vtypes, and Photographs, culuiei or plain. OIL PAIXTED PHOTOGRAPHS, being by far the most superior portraits and pictures that are Produced in Eurepe and America, und arc destined to siiiK.-rci.ile every other kind. The process of Photographing is producing wonders. Pictures of Statuary, Models, Buildings, Landscttjirs and Animals of ull kinds, arc among the excellencies of this process. I hare the only facilities in this country for the production if such pictures. I produce the onlu pictures thai are at all Fl T TO SE'Xlt IX LE TI ERS. Experience nroves that Melninotviies are not at all fit. as has been published to the world. I am prepared to produce itus stqienor class 01 pictures, from the SMALLEST POSSIBLE MINIATURE TO FELL LIFE SIZE. and even much jarircr I have a variety of Fine Gold Lockets, Double and Single. Tho best evidence of THE SUPERIORITY OF MY PICTURES over others in this country, is thut every visitor to my gallery, without exception, so decides. H iving enjoyed the rare privilege of between three anil four months practice in San Francisco last summer with oue ot the best practiced and most popular pho tographers iu Europe or America, this' gives me a decided adtantase. My gallery is always open for the inspection of ladies ana gentlemen, and pictures tor their inspection. 1 have an occasional hour which 1 can appropriate to the nerAtit of Mt'SlCAI. IXSTKL'XJiISTS. 1 have also a process by which rcnev Brass Furniture of ull kinds in the most elegant etrle. It will look as well as when lirt from the uiKnufactorv. My gallery will be constantly open, where I may he found to attend to calls. My gallery at Corvall: will have au operator to attend to customers. II. CAMPBELL. Salem, April, 159. tf Overland FROM THE DALLES TOST. LOUIS. 4 BOUT the -JUh of Mav. I shall start noon a busi jCm. ness trip to the Atlantic States, and will attend personally lo the collection of R?ty moneys or claims; the settleuient of estate interests; the division and sale of real estate nnd other tiroK.-rtv; and anv other bust' uess of a legal nature, throughout the AA'eetern, North ern, Middle or Eastern States. Also, will give careful and prompt at'.rn'.ion to the purchase aud shipment direct to Urcgon, of any goods. stocK, lurin implements, machinery, carnages, books, seeds, musical instruments or other articles. And, as I eluill visit AVashington City, will also attend to the adjustment of claims against Government, procuring bark pay or suspended bounty Land Warrants, and other claims in the lepartmeus. E. M. B ARXUM. Salem, March , 1S5C1. An3 Oregon ! Oregon ! ! Oregon ! ! ! I7ELLOAV CITIZENS will do well to keep in mind I that March Jth, April -fth, May id and 3'th, June -27th, July aith, Auyr. Jd. Sept. lth, Oct- 1th, Nov. l lth, lb.-c. 1:2th, in the present year, within any week romtneneine: at any of the above dates, you are'respec fully solicited to attend Albany Mill to get your grists ground, by E. S. Ahree, it being his time to run the MilL Everr attention will be pa;d to all who wish to patronize him, both in quantity and quality. Should Ihe mill not run, I will exetiane a first rale article of llour always on hand for sale. P. S. Cash paid for wheat, or wheat stored at all times, at the Mill, seperate from the other proprietors. 1 keep a skiff for anv one to croes their gram tree over the river. iOmaS E S. A LI REE. Talk about Gold Miues I"UTSmein mind that I AA'AXT TO MMj PAY' MY DEBTS and cannot do it Afc3Sl3 AYITHOUT MONEY, and if there is any- gg !ody owing me, land 1 think there is.l we would ittst say that money we must have, and we would "hereby iioiliy those indebted to me either by note or book account to come forward and pimple otherwise we will have to consign them ail over to J. D. boon, who will no doubt make cost on it. Yours resp'llv, J. A. JOHNS. Salem, Sept I. " iiiitf Aotice. TERSONS wishing any business transacted in the M. Atlantic Mates, such uh purchasing of carmines. bnggies, wagons, sewing machines, pianos-, reapers, and mowers, or any other article which is not usually kept in this market, will find it to their -advantage to' cat! on the undersigned. Also, for the collection of moneys (which is usually done through the Express Co, at a heavy expense) will be promptly attended to ny one ot our nrm. vt e win pay casti ior au araits, bills of exchange, and eertiiicales of deposit on the East or Y esteru 15 auk i. W. C. GRISWOLD & Co. Salem, Oct. 12, 1S.V?. i-S;f For Sale. 640 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE OR KENT ull nnder fence, upwards of 100 acres incul tivation situated in the Forks of AYillameite river, three miles from Salem. The land claim is one of the best, not only in Lsine county, but in Oregon. On the claim there is one of the "best SAW-MILLS in the country. The water privilege cannot be excelled any- wnere water tne vear rouna ami umoer uanuy. Payments will be arranged to suit the purchaser. For further information, apple 011 the premises. "(r. H. ARMITAOE, 41 tf McKenzie's Post Ortice. C. IS. Pillow, DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, & lem, Ogn. Particular attention paid to tho repairiii!; of watches and clocks. All work war ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. FOR SALE: Watches and clocks, 8 day striking clocks at a very low price; also 30 hour marine clocks. JEWELRY". Ijldics and gents brooches, Fiuger Rings, Ear Rings, Gold buckles. Guard Chains, iVC, ore Salem, July 6, ISjT. l'tf IV. F. Ilishfield, WATCHMAKER, OR EGOX CITY. TERSONS .desirous of getting good work X dbne will do well to give me a call, as my whole time is devoted to the repairing ot hro- nometers, JJuplex aud Horizontal Vt metes. An assortment of jewelry on hand. Jewelry repaired, or made to order. Prices in accordance with the times. Store ut the old stand, Main street. Jan. -J7, 1K.V. 47tf ti. Collier Itobbius, I PRACTICAL AA'atch Maker, AVholesale and retail dealer in clocks, watches, jewelry, silver ware. and fishing tackle, and Indian goods, Portland. Oregon. Keceivuig my goods direct from tne importers and manufacturers,"! can sell goods as low as any other House on the Pncifiie Coast. Having; experienced workmen in ewrv branch of mv business, I can guarantee perfect satisfaction in repair ing fine watches and jewelry. Every artiWe warranted to be as reputed. All watch work W'arrnuted to trive satisfaction. 4"f Patronize the Expresses. MY customers in Salem, or any town in the interior, can order watches, iewelrv. silversnoons. Jcc bv express, payable on delivery of the goods, provided the article ana price suits, omerwise ttiey can oe re turned. AA'atches, jewelry, etc, for repair can be for warded in the same manner, to (i.COLUEB BOBBINS, Practical Watch Maker, Portland, Oregon. Feb. 2, 1859. 4Stf Piano fortes. IpROM AV. II. Hall &. Son's manufactory 239 Broad way, X. York, sold at their prices with freight add ed. Also, Prince & Co. Melodeons. Ceil and we will show von a list of prices and sam ple of their work. " GEO. II. JOXES, AsrenL Salem, Mav 17, 1S5R. lOlf K. Pelton, Oeo. II. Jones & Co., SEEi. EXCHANGES on New York, in amounts to suit purchasers. Salem, May 17, 1S5S. KHf Window Sash, GLAZED, and common sized unglazed, just received from the Portland Soah Factory, and for sale low for cash, at KEED i STRANG'S. August 27, 1R5& 2.f Look Here! PERSONS having Prince's Melodeons with broken reeds, can get them replaced with new onea by sending to Oregon City Book Si. Melodeon depot. Sept. 31, 1S3& ' " 41 Uf For Sale. IH AA"E three hundred and twenty acres of land situated in Linn Co., aaont 3 miles from Scio, all well improved. Also, a good orchard which I will sell on reasonable terms. For information enquire of the undersigned at Salem. AVILLIAM THILLIPS. Salem, Xov. 5X, 153. 3Ttf ESTRAYS TAKEN Jm!L4 - ' - " -mr 1 'rt IJYthe eubscriber, i mile west or ArmiT, i"""i S . . , -. c l l, ..! - tiiurkd Mr t o., one red cow, wniie iucc, v with a s-jnare crop ofT the right ear, upper half crop on the left, supposed to be eight or nine years old; camo to my place b February, 1 - eBWnn"n in.n o tpno -"wo "I T Ythe subscrilier, in Hichards'm procmct, Lune 1.0.1 Is . .1 : ..1,1 ,! brimllo. ana .I.Ii. ..,l..A marlrl rnrnniiderhits in nirht ear. AISO, one yearling heifer, red brindle, no ta. , . ' " ' X Forks of Saiitiara, Linn Co., Ogn, one black horse r.i a 1 ..II murk a m. pony, wna m Dutze lace, wmo wunu w " no other nuirks or brand perceivable, snpooiwd to m eUht veam old. JUliK H. Ki 1"! EE. Anri l"l IJtil " UY the subscriber, living In Ashland precinct. Jack ... I 1. 1 K , . r ..-i thl tncrkd With crop off tlie left ear, and underblt in the right, branded "S on the right hip. Also, one dark red steer, 5 years old, marked with a crop off of the left ear, and an un derlet in the right ear, branded O on the right tup. Also, oue bnudlo heifer, a years old, no nwss of . t( s till a V brands. llt-.MCl l.u.ll'Ji.iJ, April 5, 1S53. 2w7 J Y the snbscrilx r, living four miles north of Cau J youville, Douglas Co., Oregon, one brindle cow, with line back, about five years old, branded P on the left hip, and a diamond oil the left shoulder, marked with hole in the right car, and slit in the left. ROBERT TRIMBLE, April 13, lS.-,9. BT the subscriber, living IS miles south of Corvallis, Benton Co., Ogn, one blue Indian mare with a white strip in the face, some saddle-marks, no brands visible : said mare has been running in the ramre 4 or 5 months, and is powerful mean. AA M. GIRD March 8, ISo'J. 2w7 VEAR Petty's Ferry, on Coastfork, Lane Co., Oro Jl gon, one red cow, with line-back, white belly, two slits in right ear, has a calf. Also, a white cow, with bluish roan sides aud red cars, marked two slits in right ear, 5 years oh i. AVILLIAM RUSSELL. Aprrt 1:, 1j3. -w7 IX forks of the Santiam, lj mi tree bridge, Linn Co., Ogn, old, marked crop and nuderbit swallow-fork in the left, white other marks or brands. April 14, 1S59. les south of the Crab one red steer, 3 years off the right car, and face, beflr'and tail, no D. F. CRABTREE. IX Willamette precinct. Lane yearling steer, marked with each ear. March 21, 1. Co., Ogn, one brindlo an under half crop ill JAMES E. HOLT. Sw7 1 Y the subscriber, in Douglas Co., Ogn, one red and J white pided steer, 4 or 5 ytsrs old, marked slit in left ear, no hrnnd visible, one cow and calf, the covr marked smooth crop off the right ear, branded on left hip, J S, red sides, line back, i or ti years old, have beeu ruuuiuif with mv cattle siuce last summer. F. U. HILL. April 7, aw7 I X forks of Santiam, Unn Co., 6 miles north of Leb anon, one white siteckled cow. four years old this sprinir, marked nuderbit ill tho right ear, no brands perceivable. Abo, one 2 vear old red heifer, soma wiuie spots, laee wiute lain way aown, wane toh, marked with unJerbit iu the right tar, and Jit in Iho left ; said cattle have becu on mv premises ever since some time last waiter. piiESTOX 3IOKKIS. -April 5, Ho t. tw7 ON the premises of the subscriiier, in t o r 1 west, in Slarion Co., Ogn, one red cow, head white, some white on shoulder, belly, aud tail, ear marks, crop off the rifit aud slit in the left, supposed to be about 7 years bid. Also, one red heifer calf, with white face. JACOB II. BAUGHMAN. April 3, 133-1. -w7 IUl'R miles northwest front tola. Polk Co., Ogn, one light briudle cow, white back, belly, and end of tail, marked with under slope in each ear, with tho piece hauging to the end of the ear, branded 10 on tho risht hip, and letter L on the left hip, about 5 years old THOMAS J. DEN MS. March 19,1 5T.9. 2w7 IV the subscriber, living- at Veraou ranch, uve mite ' east of Gafcburi'. Jack son Co one pate red cow. eleven or twelve years old, white in the face, and branded IIP. Also, one four year old steer, red sides, white back and bt-Ilv, marked with an nnder e!oje in the left car, and branded T. Also, oae four year old steer, red with while face, marked wi;h a crop off tha rit'ht ear. Also, one p:Jo red cow, four vears old, white in the face, marked with a swallow-fork in tha risrht ear, aud crop aud slit in the left ear. Also, ons yearlins calf, light red, white back and tail, soma white iu I the face. JOSEPH KOBINSOX. April 1 1, !.;. 2w7 ON Oak Creek, i miles from Cvrvaliis, Benton Co , one dark brown Indian horse, 14 bant-s high, 10 years old, white face, belly, and legs, small lump on in side of left hind leg,' no brands perceivable, appears to have been shod aiT round, but lost shoes recently ; said torse is very gentle, aud wiil work in either saddle or harness. TUyS. IL K.1ZE1E. April 20. l. 2w7 t : .flail and Passenger t'oarh. fTtHE nudersi-med hereby informs -t-lu liUti Cuiiene tassenjrerr. ita leaves Eugene City Sunday morning, arrivini; at Salem Monday afternoon, and "eaves Salem Tuesday morn ing, arriving at Eugene i' eduelay evening. Good accommodation fc-r p-jssensrers. Fare. each way. GEORGE IL Hctl'KKM. August 10, I'-ca. 3tf L.iverr and Sale Stable. I T J E are now keeping a Livery Stable in Or- S? eiron City, where horses can always be C? obtained on liberal terms. AA'e are also prepared with excellent stables, well supplied with hirv ami oats, to keep horses by d;iy or week. Those who call upon us mar feel assured that everv attention will be given to horses let in our eharL-e. GIBSON A. POTTER. Anyost II, ISoT. itf Encourage Home Itlanufaeture rpiHE AAillamette Woolen Manufacturing S t;o. have now on nana tne test quauiy of blankets, yarn, ami cloth. AVool taken ia escliamre for the above goods; unwashed wool at'lo to 17 cts. per lb.; washed wool at at) to cts. per lb. Merchauts supphed on reasonable terms- Orler$ at tended to with promptness and dispatch. U E- PRATT, Stipt. Salem, Xov. 21, ISoS. Iy37 Xurserj-. THE subscriber has one of the best nurseries in the country, situated near Salem, in which can always he found all the best varieties. Orchard men are requested to examine his trees. Apply at tha nursery, or the confectionary and grocery store, north west of the Marion House. MICHAEL MYERS. Salem, Oct. 1, 1"- 30tf Gea. Prince Co.' A LARGE assortment of these melodeons. jnst re ceived from the makers, consisring of toe follow ing kinds of portage instruments; - 4 octavo C to C 5 octavo F to "? 41 " CloF 5 " double reed F to F PIAXO CASED: 5 octavo F to F 5 octavo, 2 banks of keys, These instruments I will sell CHEAPER than any other house in Oregon or California. Send in vonr or ders. JOHN A. POST & CO. Oregon City, Sept. 10, 1S6 SStf Wall Paper and Border. V LARGE and Splendid assortment of Wall Paper and Border, Oil-painted AA'indow Shades, and Pa per AA'indow Curtains, may be found, and for Rile eery low. at 25tf REED STKANG'Sl Dissolution Notice. "V"OTK'E is hereby given, that tho copartnership il heretofore existing letween Coon fc Jones, of Roseburg, Ogn, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All account of the firm will be settled by G. AA". Jones, at Roseburg. L. H. C OOX, 6. AA". JONES. April 6. 1S59. 3wT City Hotel. Corvallis. MESSRS. A. B. &. I. SPREXGER. "ITyOCLD announce to the citizens of Corvallis, and V the travelling public generally, that they have thoroughly refitted' this well know n establishment, and are now prepared for the accommodation of custom ers. The rooms have all been refurnished, tho beds clean and comfortable, and their table will be furnish ed with the best the market affords. Corvallis, Aug. 30, 1857. ly25 Eagle Hotel. TI1E tradersined has ins opened a public f honse in the town of lhilh, tbe comity sea m"i of Polk Co. Every attention shall be given to the ac commodation of the traveling community, as well as to boarders : no pains or expense have been spared to make the House convenient and pleasant, and wonld respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. In connection" with the House is a livery stable. 1 UOS. J. LOVELADT. DaHas. Jan. 13, 1S."9. 6m4opaid JIarion House, Salcjm. THE tindersisnied announces to the public that he has purchased the well-known tavern stand -" called the Marion House, in Salem, together with too furniture and fixtures thereof. lit; wit keep H in firs rate style, and invites the patronage of the publi. is. .u. at a i. May 23, 1S57. Iltf For Sale. IOTS Xos. 1, 2, 3, in block sa, with dwelunar A honse. barn, and other improvements, in Sa- 1 -:T lem. Enquire of J. O. AA'Ustoi at Salem, or at Portland of GEO. H. AVILLIAMS. Sept. S3, 1S5CT. )"r House and "Lot for Sale fX the town of Salem- JOHX FORCE. sf'3 4fltf Dec- 7, 185a Farm for Sale. TWO and a half miles from Salem, aE nnder im provement, good buildings, and a large orchard of rwn trees, from one to nice years old. JOHXFOBCE. - Dec. S, 1S38; 40tf4'