Balk Ta moat : atraoedBBBrj' chemical a-scorcry of ,1,11 tones, s Um Antlphlnslstie Salt. It u apoa Ike sssod la precisely the iaiue luuuicr aa the vaccine mailer op- fas the pienntlon T Btaugnant diseases. It cores only rs ch Are .nojutmMory yhetr naioro rwv aa attoa tat the head, ud throat, such as brin feter. Bis, fctanirtH. neuralgia, erysipelas" and catarrh. t'ecaria cam f ManuaaUoo la lb chert sad abdomen, ylaj Inflamed; latajs aa Brer, pleortoy, dyspepsia, asthma; rravel. piles, c. TOra; Massmatioa ef the ezUemrtieS sod skin, to-srlt : Bi ases, scrofula. TBI niasHiiii, scarlet Brvrr, vreerrsl, and an cn- , Is sin ma affections. This chemical combination la so powerful ' aad Bsstaataaeoos la as effects, that the dose Is oat what ! adhere to a uln airped In the 8lt and hM to the loruroe ter am sranrra. The ssost aatoaadlns; resans ban tararUblj followed tta ase In the Atlantic States, aad thousands sf teatl ksoalals as to tta virtues can be furnished V reanired. The Wvartetor asks not, however, for nml, bat Is wining to let (htlaa abide by Rs woaxs, osnOdent that II wttt Beyer salL tomasjtBomdracbmpackarrs, pries To Dollars, aad mm aa forwarded be mall, Mttld, to any part of the eosmtry. sawa receipt of that som, addressed to RsoijctoS Co., San "' fraaelaca. Furl directions accompany each package. As son aa a sufficient sapply can be obtained. It win be for sals v- n. u.nllr. V. CocssweU. X. D- dlscoTerer aad ao. iMiu for California and Orccoa, . - EIDI5GTOX ft CO., Wholesale Dmrrista, . " Baa Francisco., . Far sale sa Portland, by ST. WKATHEKFOBS and SMITH ft DAVIS. " BBBtraATlSS.- I, an eases of InBanuaatory Ebeumatlsm, whether acute or . tarsede, AattpWoglstlo Batt, discovered by Dr. lofgswe - B1'M. ki a sore aad Infallible remedy. In Key (ngcand, - wara this disease Is Terr prevalent, the Salt has nerer been 1 Mil to tan m effecting a raascma cbic, i - ' '. Bttwamatlrn la almost Invariably caused by In- Usasastloa and coUs, and the peculiar effect of this 7BB)BBUnMBJgltlc.or antl-wfllammatoryj alaaWes, j.- t la Ndaos tntarasMtUm, and bamaee the otroaiauoa l" d aad the bbmb ot tne boot. eaicolal- ... - - . , -.1 oanscea, bat S csico' , 14 aoes no wbiw w w - a ' ,-- nd Is i Xmm a perfcet substitute lor blood r tut a. also r'7nrxji. ca tax Kit. V.t. yC?SZ!r c by trouble, ta the ra-.Or.relTenerealD bead- ".,. ud all cataasooa diseases, yield iiaMr-f-!-; - .... . ..u-r ax oatirsi ru a .n.i .iroflts "- - - v- iku v fmct rhat. altbooxk B at tww Tear Vjaee was drat sffered to the poblic, the diacoerer has neeer - - .u. i. an his orders, and M is only vtthla the laat lew ii HT " bs obtained la thai State, at any price. Foil dlrectJoos accompany eacn pacxage. rorsawoy an Draggists. General Agents, KEBTXGTOX ft CO., Wholesale Draggists, San Francisco. Fee sale In Portland, by W. WIATHMFOED. and SUIT 11 tutu. rraadom tVom Comb, after astng DK. BHiiM MA UlAJT or WILD CUE ICR r. The tabs aad speedy r.sscdy erer discovered tor an diseases of the ckaat and taaga. Coughs, Cokis,In(Inema, Coraamptlan.Bron tJtltls, Asthma, Hoarseness, Dlfflcnlt Breathing, Fsins m the .Spitting of Blood, Sore Throat, Irritation of the Cvnia The most sotcma assnraaca Is girea, mat e is not a met stated with respect ta the powers of this emedy, which ta not Cany estanusnea m erery ; .Jbbs sC cases for which It Is recommended, by a aasss of eel tan which mast carry conrlctioa to the most skeptical aasad; and the medicine, althoor thus highly effectual m Its ,.- remedial character, ia m the atmost degree Innocent m Its ssSBswsitioB, and may be takea by the most delicate. aku rim the aaoat tnarantaaeons and ueilett tscf, aad when properly perstiertd with. It wffl aerer fan ta - sweet a rapid aad tasting care. Thousands hare Seen restored ' who ban nrerioaslr tried all other meaas bt ram. To aB A Is ewaany a aussmgaaa a nMned, are agreeable aad pleas ant to the taste, so that a chad win readDy take tt. Koae grnaiBe witSout the signature ef Henry Wistar, Sf. aad Sanford ft Park, on the outside wrapper; an other Is . sssBrtoas and worthless. For sale by W. at- SMITH k. CO.. Salem- W. WEATHERFOaD. SMITH ft DAVIS, Portland, and flU ft WH1TT, Saa Francisco, are Aecnta. SmS Sr. I. J. Caapkay. We would direct the especial at ' tentfam of in Tali da to a perusal of Dr. L. J. Cxaptsy Is adTer tsiia nt. to be foend In another column of this paper, in or der to place the services of a learned and experienced phys! chta with hi their reach. So mach 01 has beca inflicted on the . hwl ii mmOy from the pernicious aad Ignorant practices of S ss)ili h . that B seems aa if we were fulfill :nr a bounden duty to asake known where rrl.ef caa be obtained. To those ns IWlIiiinK enough to suffer from the effects of sexual or private i a isi or their fll treatment, we cheerfully commend Dr. I J. Caapkay as a man of rare scientific and medical acquire. . saeats, pnmi eang an the requiaites, from long experience and acknowledged skin, for the successful practice of his profession- Baring made sexual complaints aa especial study, Wte the celebrated Ricord, of Paris, he Is enabled ta guarantee a permanent aad speedy care In an cases of private or chronic diseases, whether the effects of contagion, setf-ahnse, or lorn of virility ; aad la order that patients st a distance may avail therasrrns of his advice, free consultation ia open to them. The knowledge that we ban of the numerous cures he has Acted, some of which were of long standing, leads as to alace mnch faith in Dr. C-'s efficacy, and commend him to the confidence of those in 01 health- Dr. Czapkay's office fat on Sail iiimiwh street, below Montgomery, nearly opposite the Pacific Ma9 Steamship Co.'a OAce. San Francisco. 4 Drs. G. A. & Ada 31. Weed, Hyzeo-SIcdieal Pkyncian. HAVING located in Salem, we stall he happy to attend to calls, both in town and country. Mn. Weed will trive special attention to Uoetetrics, gawd diseases peculiar to w omen ana cntiaren. Patients at a distance vished on reasonable terms. They mar be consulted peraftaliy.or by letter.rre. AprU52,'lfc59. 'Xi To the Ladies of Salem" and vicinity. THE snbsenbers wish to annormce that tney intend keeping; on hand all kinds of Millin ery Goods, silk and lace bonnets, colored and white straws. Bonnets made and trimmed to order ; also, dress aaakrntr. hop near the Woolen Factory. v Mrs. L. A. WOBTLET, Mix . A. PRATT. April 22, 1859. . 2mTjmii Vessel for Oregon direct. THE rmderaipned vcHl hare a Teasel leave NEW YKK for PORTLAND direct, on or about the 1st of November next. Shippers, in order to secure fretifht, should make early application to the ander- wnmnL or Mrflfrm. nutou. asimon ex. ,o- flew We witl also attend to the purchase and shipment of naercnandise. earnajres, ana jnaeuiTierv, ror pnnrew in Hi eg on. &uwi') xML.tsis - April 20, 1839. 6m7 Selling OIT'.! SellingOlT!!! below cost:: below cost:'. r7" Take Notur. EXTRAORDINART INDUCEMENTS !1 To parchasers of Watches, Jewelry, Di- Ctockt, Fancy Good; Culler f, Mutieal Instrument, ..... .etc. .... .wic. .... .ctc. ..... B IRK B AUM Sf CO HEX! w aTt laM Paah sattnl..fl ff t lid LADIEi-ad GENTLEMEN of Portland and other Isi is in OntromaUsc nn tnai iyj are nw J3s ELLIN G OFF! ' "bF - atari vaknawwl T4W - BEL b'iv XE W Y O RK C OS T! Jt Vl "vn -Mfua arm thftbae madhkpiu HVsVSI! fCwJIlLifi'iw; v o- -w- the) 23th of May. As we expect to enlaiye orjr a eia order to make room for tne new swea. oi , rs ea route for this place irom Jew a w aw a.- 4 V ,T Io not rKrlert to take advantage of thia oppor-t-wwy that we otter to port baser of Watches, Jewelry, smb. fcc, bflir ot mnfi -Viy AVA ! ! ; At BIRNBAUM tc Co II EN'!, . Watch-Makert and Jewelera, Frorrmt., Portland. f r April 22, 1859. lm7 v.--- St rarest orhtolrn, T, ' Nor ahont the lrh of March, 1859 from the - ranjje "Siy near Parkersrille, Marion Co., Offn, an Indian or. red roan color, bald fare, left side of bia head also Wte, branded on left bonlder with three nnps join wpw. Art person retarnin the pony, or jrmi'lf any I Tmmtum ot him will be snitabiy rewarded by "r abacriber at parkersviUe, 0rn. T 4. GEO. M.ABELL. '; init im 3w7 aiaaaalaatiABB KotlCC "TOTICE is lierebr (riven, that the ertnership ''Jal heretofore existlnit between Coon . Jonea, of Soaebarv, Oim, has this day been dissolved by tnutnal BBseok AU accoonts of the firm will be settled by G. W. Jonea, KosebrK. U OOO April 6, 185a. 3w7 Fine Blooded Stallion for n r n r p P P. Sale. M. A - - THIRD from imported Medoc, on side of n . 1 j - ' ...a w; Aiwliv . 1 j - ' 1 ...j w; Aiwliv 7 ' wire, utra ir,,i ,ui" Ae of dam. Inquire of X. A. Keed, a. ty, Yamhill Co., and Jos. Watt, Salem. .v prtl 1H5. 7tf - - -Final Settlement. 'ALPORD,' administrator of the estate of i A. HL'ftTED, cU.vea.xed, bavins; filed hi 1 Swd sopbed to the lrbate Court of Linn Co., fcr assd settlemifta of the saaic. Noiire is at on the first Tacsdav. the th htr 01 m the day net apart for bearing Uie attend 11 iney see proper. Weana, f "Wf Bt1 1 -, A.mltrm.or's Notice LETTtSS r ndminWrttntn oT the, estate of EU I MURE KEES, derrased.hitk! of Linn Co.. Stale of Oregon, were slanted to the nndersigrjed, by the hulire of probata of said county, on the Hh rlaj of slay, 183, therefore all persons owing said estate are here by notiliod to present them, with the proper Touchers, to Juoryau aces, a resiowiivw jr t o., state of urrifon, uriinin ouo yuar ura tuia uau:, or Ujct mr be foreyer bitrrcd. . ! AprU iS, 1859: 4w7 T. If. Spertcer, FRONT STREET, PORTLAND,' Firx prvof BrUk Store, pppotite ti. IV". CorUtt. .IMPORTER AXD DEALER IS 1ROX, STEEL, , HARDWARE, WlLliQW WARE, WAOON MaTKRUL. . ' and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Jutt mrrivei, ear "Jjira Yanitti" 50 ton refined iron, assorted! . " . 2D0O lba. cast ateel, . 50 setts eol aprings; 100 " iron nslcBj ' 100 kegs nails, asaorted j ' .' &t.5& Wiihd wiiWutu,-ii 25 dox. Hants " , ' ' '. ACaJSuf Cga tooUof every dewcrip- AfJii. stns, crosscut jr?An's' FaZT': Ww Shovels fttv. plementa. !poKES, FELLOES, a iinitatoof WAOOX MATERIAL, d.ehJn.'j iX nurchaaing would do well to jicu-u . . look Atgh cnargo of the bnsincas and will enJcavor to jnj-c audafurtiou to customer.. . 10 Ttii Seshixo 5 iciuKES, 13 KEAl'tKS ana aiu Jiua, . -WTiich w ill be sold for a small advance on Cost and charges. nT- i,rctri'pue Jnst received, at W. U. Spencer a, Front St., Port iooa. Dlaclumitn s ncuows, irorn wm mensa; " Iron Vicee; . - - . Anrila; - SS keen Horse Shoe NBiht: ' Aad lMacksmHh "a tools of all deocriritiona. TO WAQOX MAKERS. 100 sett of States Wood Hub ; "' 4000 Spokes, State Wood ; 25 sett Bent Feiloea; Hickory Axles, Bent Shafts; - Hickory and Oak Flank ; Bent Felloes. Ate., dec. JUST RECEIVED AXD FOR SALE, A general assortment of Harness Makers' and Sad dlery Hardware. . . !, auu r-pur v m Stirrup, whips and Cinches. Also, just received, ex tt Hal II I atJ aw Clcrr, a largo and WVU'flCltXwwU mW'iluirti. wi a- yvigy .J W w t . a . . bgclodinjF Cbair-u Sofas, Baakeu, Vaimn W. H. SPENCKR. Portland, March 4. 1SS9. oil - Spring and Summer Clothing! JVSTRECEirED. rpHE andeiaigned are now opening; their stock of -a. JyfjtliMr J. L aUJU.VJLK Ll.UJri.tli, to which thev would call the rartrcular attention of Mer chants before emrchaams; their usual sapply. It Con or . Planter's Linen and Dock Sacks and Coats; . White uni and Dock Snrks and Coata; I'ancy Marseilles and Drill Sacks and Coats ; Bbsck aad Fancr Alpaca Sacka and coats; Mix Mohair and Poplin sacks and eoata; Grass Linen sacks and coats; Fancy Cass, and Tweed sacks and coats; Fancy Cass, business suits; Fancy Casa. and Tweed pants; Fancy drill and Marseilles pants; 1 White linen and duck pante; - Planter's linen and drill pants ; White and Buff Marseilles rests; Fancy and colored Marseilles Vests; CoL linen and dock vesta ; Fancy silk and rasaimere revta; Fancy satin and cashmere Tests; White linen and drill drawers i White domestic flac-el Under -ehirta and Drawers; Merino and cashmere shirts and drawers; Check linen shirts : Silk and linen ties and cravats. Also, constantly on hand a full and complete assort ment of - - - ' . - OA VIS JOXES- PA TEXT SHIR TS, which will be sold at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. The above stock comprise the Caotcrsf ararf best telecxea. imoa ever rreema tn mis ilirkrt. And merchants visitinar the citr will find it to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere, fcvery article warranted both as to make, fit, and quality. Orders resrectfuilv solicited. CANFIELD. tierson & CO., (Successors to Johnson, ( anfield c to. J mh26 Im6 is 84 Battery street. Hargrove's Kclectic Liniment, Good far Man or Ceatt. ." . 5 f VERT Species of irritation ia quickly reduced by . UK apciicauuu ,I mis i,innnui, M AliK THIS. The proprietor does not intend thia Liniment to he excelled hv any Liniment in the nation or the world. Tb etfect of this jnedi.-ine upon . , KHEt'ilATISM. Rinsr worm, swelled irland. sore nirples, sore breast sore heads, sore throat, sores of J1 kinds, sprains, stitl joints, ulcers, TOOTHACHE. pains in the spine or back, poison oak, frort bites, bams, senilis, tresh co!s, tumors, &c.. is almost mirae nlnns. It is irood for the biz head, poll evil, fiotnla, old running sores, wind (nils, rplir.t, scra'ches. sndtile, or collar amiis, sprains, nns; oone, in iuci, an umsro where an external application is required. fy Use the Liniment freely and according to diree tion. JOHN HARGROVE, Sole Proprietor. M street, Corvaliis, Orepon. April 7, 1S39. Ivd , Wm. Thornnner, Imp or ter of French and German FASCTBASKETS, ENGLISH and American Willow Ware, Cane and Willow Chairs, Ladies' Work tanda, Toys, &e.. No. 9a Battery street, between Commercial and Clay, Ban r ran Cisco. Administrator's .Notice. T KTTERSof administration on the estate of ARCHT Li U WltiHAKl). iWnwd, hue of Linn Co., fcitate nf Omim. weir armnted to the nndersiimed bv the Jodtre of Probate, of said county, on the fifth day of Apni, 1W, thcrelorr all persons owins; sani estate are hereby reqnired to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate fcre hereby notined to prwent tnem, witn tne proper voucners to Samuel E. Wishard. at the former residence of the de ceased, within one year from this date, or they may be forever oarrea. SAM CEL E. WISHARD, Admin'r. April 8, 1SX. 4w6paid W.C.Uriitroldli Co ' OFFICE FOR the present will be nn stairs in the Brick Block neat to Sfiferman' obice. Where we shall expert to meet all those indebted to ws either by note or wvortrrt. We shall remain in Sa lem until the 1st of May only, and all accounts and notes that are not settled by that time will be left in hands of Messrs. Barnum dc Vilaon for immediate col lection; please call and save trouble. - Kespertfnlly, W. C. GRISWOLD Ac CO. Salem, Ogn, April 6, li9. 5tf Mill for Sale. CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. THE undersigned will sell for cash or scrip, the un divided third in tbe property known as the Marv's River Mills, situated in Ik-uton County, seven miles from Corvaliis, in tlto midst of a large firming district. The property consist of a Grist and Saw-mill in good running order. Also a Blacksmith shop three) dwell-tmr-bouses, and aliont twelve hundred Saw -logs. The mill lot contains about thh-ty-onr- acres of land. ' The above property will be sold on reasonable terms. For further partwulfcrs enquire of the undersigned cot the premises. April 2,1859. 3m5 PMrin Plnnsht. THE undersigned is manufacturinr- for sale and to order, a superior article of Peona I'reniium Ploughs, of various sizes. These rionghs are warran ted to scour in any land ; and are the best now in use. Shop In the rear oi avuroin s "vtJjjjJjeB April 12th, 1853. 5w4paid A. B. ROBERTS. ' CSSEDar. a. D. XOOKI. . Btkerti Co., rkEALEKS in Marble, Monnnients, Tomlistone, Ob- clinks Of. Spires. Maroie M antics, aaorcs, ureou Tops, Fire-Fenders, Grates, Hearthstones and Steps. land, Oregon. Jm5 Knrserr i n u. rf Ka KMit nnrsericS I in the comitrv, situated near Salem, inwhicb !- caa always oe ioi:im : , r m. n are reriiiesttd to examine his trees. Apply at the nursery. " tnB confKtsdouuTjf and grocery sto-, nortH- weet oi we aar mm.-m m9 a 11... fc2n I . t f TI1E tinae'rsijrned will nflVr for Kilo to the Wdhest I ,.,1 ,T. u i iH.iv f'A nn Moudar. the utb dry oUhtaaaext, kr. entire protrty conmstma of ahont 1,I0 acres of uutd.HM beadof hotyoa. W head ... 1 a uut S ill ..rlnk aXsssh rttlMllpw'wl flsl- lars, cash down: nd & sums over f MW rn,. made known on day of sale. , All potwana Mbl to the un dersignett wU plw pun.fe KEJjy. Urao.i . . .,t.,;.i Ttilkto.. April 4. 1859. r3r?afeaasswa fr 'l ZS&iel for .hi sale thereof in the States of Oro- t?StiS& -d April SiicrifT Sale. T virtue of three Executions. Issued out of Ihe r!, -.,nrt of the V. S. 1st Judicial District, in. B ind fr the County of Polk, Suite of Oregon, in favor of J B. V. lluiler. and ngniiiKt Oliver Luskvr. I have levied tipon and will prnceod to sell to the highest, on the 14th da of May, A. D., 1X.V.1, on the prcniiKes, the following- property to-wit : The south hulf of Oliver tjukir'a Donation claim, bcirinninir nt the quarter sec tion corner of the cant bounilary of sec. 7, in t 8 a 4 w, of the Willtimctto Meri'liiin, in Polk Co., thence south 30 ,6 chs, thence eut 3 33 chs, tlietice south 4 45 clis, thence east 28 (u chs, thence north 35 16 chs, to the place of beinniiur, containing 55 Xi-lUO acres, more or leas, to satisfy said executions. j. a. nuuiij, au n or I'oik Co. April, 9, ISSa. 4wlnaid ' Notice. A FTER six weeks nnblication of this notim. I will is. make amplication to the Commisaionernf Pnainna for the issue of a Duplicate Bounty Land Warrant, lull acres .o. so .it 4 u utter Act oi .iiarcn o, imi, nvned to me, for services aa a private in Captain's Pngh'saud mnruu s companies', iu tne laynse Indian War in 1S4S the orijriuial having been lost in tlie General LandOflice. U lit AM ii. SIMKiNS. Dated, April 16, 1R59. tiwli Sprint; llaces in lien I on County. rI,HERE will be a meeting on A my tracks, 9 miles south of Corvaliis, commencing on Wed- nesday, June 1st, I Say, and eon tinning four days, when the following parses will be run fort First dar Mile heata. 2 in 3. for all ami nnrao nf SinO C. .1 . 1 ..ill. 1 V """" qwwvww. tur laauia uorse, siu unincc, one nine. -d dar 3 mile bent, for all ten. nurse of IIO. 3d day Purse of lt0. for 3 vear olds, mile heata. S in three. Ssme day Swoenstakes for all Bees. 1 mile. wo entrance. 4th da v Mile heats, 3 in 5. wree of 1C0. for all ages. caniedar SweepstMkes torradJle horses, fit) entrance, with f added, if J or more start one mile. Knles of late Benton l.o. Jockey Club to govern the and 2 to start. Wake np-Jake, Boston Colt, and all other thoroitKhbreds, 8 lbs. extra. The track will be in good order, and every effort hwh to give saiuuacnon. JU11.-S ruui'lUIC, I'ropnetor. Benton Co., April 5, 18o. 4w5 Public Sale of Stock. I WILL oRer at public sale, at Knox's a-'"3$ Btiltc, Linn Co., on Friday, Blav tlth, 1S5'J. at 10 o'clock. A. M.. the following nam- ed stock, via t i5 head of horves, mares and colts, and work horses - Durham bulls, 40 head of cows and calves, some Durham ; also, a two horse buggy and ouracsH, new. 1 rnxt. otes at 12 montlta. JA3IES KNOX. March Sj. lAjjl. 3n5paid Wanted. TWO GOOD HARNESS MAKERS, at St. Louis, French Prairie, Marion Uonntv, oreiron. jwa April 3. l.Soi. To Clark Ilamliu. STATE OF OREGON. ) . COUNTY OF MARION, t VOl! are herehv notohcti that a writ of attachment A has been issued airamst yon and vour iroperiv at tached to satitfv the demand of William Clitic uniount- ina to twentv-t wo dollars. Now unless vou shall an pear before T. J. Peflv, a justice of the peace in and tor said countv, at his ottire, on the twenty-nrst day of May, isoy. judgment will he rendered againt yon and your propertv sold tn pay uie oc-nt. Dated thst'the 4th day" of April, l.V. 4w.paid WM. I UXE, Plaintiir. BY THE GOVERNOR OF OREGON: A Proclamation. 1TTHEREAS. satisfactory information lias been re- v V ceived bv me of the admission of the Slate of Oregon into the Union, on an eptal footing with the original Mates, and it appearing mat immediate K-tns hit ion is necessary to complete the Slate orgauization, Therefore. I, JOI4N WHITEAKER, Governor of the Stnte of Oregon, ncblish tins, niv proclamation, callinir upon the members of the Legislative Atwemldy tn convene at the sent of Government of said State, on Mt IN 1A Y, THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF S1AY, 13j9. and there hold an extra sesvion of the Legislature, and take such action as mav he deemed expedient. In testimony w hereof, I have hcrennto signed my name tbia lourtu oav oi April, .. I' . i.t aid ' JOHN WHITEAKER. Writ of Election. STATE OF OR EG OS To the Sheriff of Linn Cows'y, rccfl.- 1T7HEREAS. a vaeancv exists in the State Senate, V rniiM'd bv the resignation of CliarU-s Drain, a SENATOR from vour said County of Linn. Tncre fore I. JOHN WHITEAKER. Governor of the State of Oregon, hereby direct that yon notify the judges of election ox Siiiii nmnir, tnai in .uummv, lue i-, 111 DAY OF MAY, 1SjL", they hold a special election to nil fa:d vacancy. Given under or hand this fourth of April, A. D. ISi'J. 5id JOHN W1IITEAKEIC AViit of Election. ST A TE OF OR EG OX To the Sherif of Clack ama County, Irrerltng: TTTHEREAS. a vacnnrv exists in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of this Suite, mused by the resignation of B. Jennings, a Representative from vour raid t.ountvof Clackamas, lliervtore 1, jutii'i WHITEAKER. Governor of the State of Oretrou herebv direct that you notifv the jiid-.x-s of clea-tioiigof said County, that on MON DA i 1HK Nl lit 1A1 OF MAY, 1Sj1, they hold a special election to till said vacancy. Given under mv hand this fonrth dav of April. A. D. 185. 5td JOHN WHITEAKER. Writ of Election. S TA TE OF OREGOX To the Sheriff of Yamhill County, Greeting . TTTHEREAS a meaner exists in the HOUSE OF VV REPRESENTATIVES of this State, mused by tbe resignation of J. C. Nelson, a representative fmin toot said :nnmv ot lamtiill, ineretore l, WHITEAK EK. Governor of the State of Oresron. bere- bv direct that von notify the judges of elo-tiun of said ('onntv.thato'n MONDAY, THE NINTH DAY OF MAY, 18o, they hold a special election to nil said ta nnrr. Given under mv hand this fourth dnv of April, A. 1. 10.W. otd JUII. t iiit.ivr.n. Dissolution of Copartnership. THE copartnership heretofore existing between the eubscnliers, under tbe firm of W. S. LAild Ac Co., is tbia dav dissolved bv mutual consent. The business of the "firm will be settled by either of the subscribers, or by Ladd, Keed dt I o. W. S. LADD, J. W. LADD. Portland, April 4, 1T9. Hw5 Copartnership IVotice. THE undersigned have this day formed a copartner ship under the firm of Ladd,Ueed At Co., und will continue the business of the late firm of W. N. Ladd & Co. J. W. LADD, S. . KKKD, J. M. LADD. Portland. April 4, 1859. w5 For Sale. 1HAVE three hundred and twenty acresof land siMiated in Linn Co., aaout 3 miles from Scio, mr. all well improved. Also, a good on-hard which I will sell ob reasonable terms. For information enquire of the undersigned at Salem. WILLIAM PHILLirS. Ralein, Xov. 20, 1S58. Ttf Geo. Prince & Co. A LARGE assortment of these meloileons, just re ceived from tbe makers, consisting of tbe follow ing kinds of portage instruments: 4 octavo C to C 5 octavo F to F 41 " CtoF 5 " double reed F to F PIANO CASED: 5 octavo F to F 5 octavo, 2 hanks of keys, These instruments I will sell CHEAPER than any other house in Oregon or California. Send in youv or ders. JOHN A. POST & CO. Oregon City, Sept. 10, 1KW. 2tf Wall Paper and Border. V LARGE and Splendid assortment of Wall Paper and Border, Oil-painted Window Shades, and l"a pcr Window Curtaius, may be found, and for mile very low, at I25tf REED & STRANG'S. Encourage Home Manufacture THE Willamette Woolen Manufacturing Co. have now on hand the best quality of blankets, yarn, and cloth. Wnnl token in exchainre) for the above goods ; unwashed wool at 15 to 17 eta. per lb. ; washed wool at iiO to 25 cm. per lb. Merchants supplied on reasonable terms. Orders at tended to with promptness and dispatch. 1m E. PRATT, Sunt. Salem, Nov. 24, 1858. Iy3 lOOSOO. FROM one hundred to two hundred acre of improv ed hind for sale, about two miles from Silem, Mar ionZHr JOHN FORCE. Doc 8,1859. " .. Deeds and "Scrip Blanks." KEW lot jo printed U mTja3U3r.. , To the Public. ? READ, FARME1JS. READ. . HAvTNO THE SOLE AGENCY FOR JOHN A. PITTS unparalleled Tbrenhinir MochiueS. for all the lacilie coast, I take this method of informius you tliut 1 have on hand and for sale FORTY Macbines, thirty of which ore ten horse and ten of which are eight uorsw puwer. me uuvvw niHcuines were got np to or der, ami cannot he surpHssud in any ronpoct, as to beau ty, itremjth and durability the frame, being vorTBub statitial und strong, with a much larger Funiiinf Mill and more depth of Sei ve, with Cast Steel Shaftinir, and not liable to sprins;, adding much to the steadiness of the runnitift of the muchiiic. The Cvlinder of the Ten Horse Machine is Thirty-six inches iu length, and that of the Elgin Horse ixTbirty-two llkhes, Each ma chine has with it Tracks, Horse Power, Levers, and tlio usual amount of Extras, which arc niuile and lilted expressly for each machine, making them less liable to r wui ui oruer lauu any outer umchino iu the Mar- ;eL Ileinr aware of th mnnw ful. 1..S.1 schemes that have been taken to defeat this most wor- tny macnine, wliicli up to the present time has never known Us eqiuil, either in Throsliimr or Cleaning grain; ana as all means have been used to defeat the wile of tne same, ny a bogus machine of a very inferior kind, lovi iv my uuiy 10 let me farmers Know mat 1 ume Pitt's Machine ean be purchased except no geu : of the subscriber, at 33 Sacramento street aud all parties of fenug for sale or nsing any bogus machines purporting to be Pitt's Machiue, will' be held personally responsi- uis iur au suics auu using tne snnie. THOMAS OGO SHAW, Agent for John A. Pitts, 33 Sacramento street. Ohio Threshing machines. ' Also have a few of these celebmted Machines. Ther are just what every Farmer wants. Tbe comtmct ar rangement of different parts of this machiue, the great simplicity of its construction, the strength and durabili ty of iu workmanship, the small amount of power it takes to run it, together with its cltective operation in threshing and cleaning, at least us much grain of any kind ss any other four or six horse machine now in use, combine to iustitv na in helievilltr that it ounnor. fuil n. it Becomes Known, to be the moat useful and popular outcome m me country, inc cvtinaers oi lite above machines are from Eighteen to Twenty -four inches in length. Each of the Ohio Machines have Trucks, Horse Power, Levers, and the usual amount of extras. We can safely recommend our present lot of Thresh ing machines as being the best that lias ever been im ported, as they were all made to order. Give ns a call before buying. THOMAS OGG SHAW, S3 Sacramento street Extras! Extras!! THRESHING MACHINE EXTASI We have on hand a full supply of all the different parts of the above machines. In case anv Dortion should fail, we can supply you on short notice. A few of the leading articles "we will name, viz: Mastcr wliecls. Straw-carriers, Drapers, Elevators, Spur, Bev el, and Bull pinions, Crliiuier-teelh, Fan Gear. Line Kiii L.,:i " q-iiiiii ,initii en ite 'Si Sacramento street. THE CALIFORNIA COM MIXED REAPER AND MOWER. The test combined Reaper and Mosrer now in use. Will manufacture for the present harvest One Hun dred of the the California Combined Reapers and Mow ers, which, for benuty. strength and simplicity, has no equal in this or any other market, as it osensrs many great advantages over any other machine, to-wit : 1st. It is much lighter; thedriviiuT wheel is four feet high, making the unilt 3d P cent less than any other machine. 2d, The cutting part is the rear of the machine, and tbe apron ia so constructed that it can be taken off in ten minutes lor mowing. 3d, The i-niin is passed to one side with case. 4th, it will cut gnus as low as three inches, and gram as nigh as twelve. 5h, It can be raised or lowered in three minutes, tkh. It I. as less side draft than any machine in use. th. It has more motion. 8th, You can drive slower aud do your work better. 9tb, It cuts six and a half feet in'widtb, and has a spring seat five feet from tLe ground, which places the driver in a position to be able to manage his learn, and see the breakers ahead in time to save his machine. Kith, It can bo thrown out of, aud into gear in one minute. lith. The cutting part of the machine being in the rear, iukc an too weigtit on tne noracs. l'.th, The Ivcst and last reason at all is, that it is California improved and made machine : therefore. auy purchaser can, on short notice, obtain any portion oi tue macnine icu mav oreaa. 1 have taken particular pains to select cood work men and good niuterials, and I warrant this machine to reap aud mow, and to do either or loth, better than anv other machine in this market. Plrave give me a call. THOMAS OGU SHAW, 33 Sacramento street. ALSO KEEP ON HANI) MANNY'S COMBINED ItKAi'KKSdc MOWERS. BL'RR ALL'S REAPERS, HL'SSEY'S REAPERS, MCCORMICK'S R EATERS. Iu fact, all kinds of REAPLK.S that are in use, can oe boa oi me at tue lowest casn prices. THOMAS OGG Sn.tW, 33 Sacramento street. SAFES! SAFES!! Liiiie's Improved Wrought and Chilled Iron Safes. Fire Proof, Drill Proof, Powder Proof, Burglar Proof. With Liiiie's Inipickahle. Powder-rroof Lock. The bevt Safe made for resitting btlh fire auu thieves, as proven in innumerable inta:ices. As to recent tes-t by tire, reference is made to the late burning ot tue Crystal 1 alace in Aew lorlc City, at which ail other Sates on exhibition were burned up. Liiiie's Safe alone was uniuiured. Reference is alo mude to the test atfbrdod br the burning vt the Illinois Central Railroad Depot at t.airo. Read the following letter: COPT.. Caiko, IIL, Dee. ICth, lSL Lew's Lillie. Eso. Dtar tixn The Safe we pur chafed of vou was iu our oltice, which was consumed on Monday uiubt. We have just opened it, and find the papers uninjured, and the book will be good for service ry being reixmml, the binding bem injured by steam, but the paper of the books ia not injured in the leat.. The contents of Ihe iron moner chest were all right, good as when put in. Truly tours. Signed, B. R. ABUOlT, Airent Illinois Ceutral Railroad. Reference is also mude to the great test trial which took place at Iowa City, in Iowa, ou the lUth January, 1861. The origin of tiie te; t was the sharp competition ior tuo supplying tue riaie uaua, aiiu lis unucues, with safes, vault doors, locks, Aic The State Bank having purchased Mr. Liiiie's Safe, etc.. the opiweition sate venders, beinr dissutislied. proposed, ua test, to drill through one of the sates the bank had pitrcliHted, which prvponition the bank ac cepted, and Mr. Lillie went IhroiUih from Troy, N. V , to Iowa, to witness this test. Four perfectly chemic ally hardened drills were prepared, and the machinery was adjusted, Mr. Lillie assisting tlietn in adjusting the machinery to drill his own safe. The result of all this was, that after drilling one hour and fifty -sis minutes they readied the chilied iron, when the drill would go no farther, all the drills having been literally broken and ground to pieces. All father efforts to drill were relnctantlv abandoned. A shipment of these safes has jrtst arrived, and can now be seen at the Agricultural Warehouse of A. O. chav, 33 Sacramento street. Liiiie's celebrated liank Locks on hands for sale. The best Bank aud ault Lock in the world. THOU AS OGG SHAW. OIL. OIL. The best in this market for all kinds of macbinerv, which 1 will warrant not to gum in using, bend us your orders, and it shall be satisfactory. BELTING, BELTLNO. All kinds ran lw had as cheap as the cheapest, both ot Culilornia and eastern matiulacture. EXTRAS. EXTRAS. All kinds of reaper sickles and sickle sections, spur, bevel and crank pinion boxes for Manny s romluiied MtConniik's, Uurral's, lluseey'g, Seymour &. Mor gan s 1 capers. BEPAIRIXG, REPAIRING. . All kinds of Agricultural Implements made nnd re paired on short notice. Kept constantly on hand auy amount of extras, which will besent to all parts of the Stute by express. Send in your old machines ill time to get i hem repaired; save all your old castings, for which I will give you the highest market price. I wish you to bear in mind that I have any amount of goods io sell, ntul must sell lliein, and will! -your aid will sell them, und anything you may need in Ihe Agricultural Trade, as low ns can be bought in this market of the same quality. Feeling thankful to you for all past fa vors, 1 hope yon will call nt 33 Sacramento street, be fore buying, and look for yourselves. THOMAS OGG SHAW. April 12, 1859. btf Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing between Steve aud Little Tom, ut Salem, is this day dissolved by consent. STEVE, LITTLE TOH. N. B. The firm is now under the sole management of Steve, who will continue to please his customers in all the branches of tonsoriul art. Any debts contract ed by the said Tom on or after this date, will not be recognized by me. STEVE. April 13, 1859. 5tf Dr. J. II. Chitwood, EOLA, POLK CO. OREGON. W ILL continue to keep on hand an assortment of drugs and medicines, also all the leading patent medicines in common use in Oregon. He will supply the people of Eola and vicinity with school and luis celluuvoua books, stationery, &c, etc. He also tenders hie Professional services to the peo ple of Polk county. His treatment of disease is strict ly upon the Botanic practice, using all the Hygienic agencies, in common use in the Kelurin practice. April 4, 185S. 5tf J. W. LADD, Sao Francisco. a. o. ricd, Portland. 3. St. LADD. Ladd, Rrcd ft Co., (Sueeensors to IV. S. Ladd $ Co.,) IMTOUTERS and Wholesale' Detilers in wines, li quors and Grot cries; Front st., Portiaud, Oregon. Force Pump. IX more left, Etc" CsH toon. 25tf - REUD 6 STRANG'S. Daly's Valley Whiskey. Wfc BEO TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF DeRlcrs, as well as consumers, to the following certificates of well known chemiKts, who have analys ed " DALY'S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY." The high reputation of the parties is a sufficient guar antee that the article possesses all the merit claimed for iv WM. NEWELL 6t CO., Sols Agents. Stat Assurer's Office, 32 Somerset street, Boston. Mass.. Am-il 17. 1868. Wat. II. Dalt, New York t Vrar Sir I have made a chemical annlvsls of your "AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKY," and find it a pure, fine-flavored Whiskey, containing no injurious umuer ui uuy itiiiu, uim rcuuiuiueuu 11 as suiiuuiw lur medical and public purposes. IHAltLKS 1. JACKSON, IU. t-f.. State Assayer. New York. April 19, 1S58. 1 hare analvzed a snmnle of "DALY'S AROMATIC VALLEY WllI8KEY.'rand find it to be a Dure arti cle, of fino flavor, and without auy deleterious admix ture. J AMKS IL l HILTON, Jit. V., LLC 111 lot. W. n. Dalt, Esq: Urar Sin Your " AROMATIC VAIXEYWB. S- KKY,'' is received, and after careful exauiinatiou, I find it to bo a pure urticlo, entirely free from the adul terating ingredieuU so frequently" used. Jamcs J. Mapks, Cnsnust. DALVs AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY Is put up in cases containing one dozen bottles each. iy or bhIo by all tbe principal Liuuor Houses m Son Francisco. 3m5 ' Frank Baker, 110 AND 112 CLAY STREET, 45 AND 47 MERCHANT STREET, Importer and Dealer in foreign and Domestic CARPE TS.FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLO TIIS MATS, ISO COCOA MATTING, BRCGGITS, BAIZKS, DAMASKS, WINDOW SHADES AND ' , hollalds, criiof srtur ooodj, rirtK QASCISGS AND BOKDEBS, CHINA MATTING, for sole la bond ot duty paid, ut the lowest rates, 5m6 " San Francisco. i. W. LADD, San Francisco. . i. a. keed, Portland. i. M. LADD, do IarM, Tired &, Co , Successor $ to IK Ladd 4- Co.) GHIPPINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 and wholesale and retail dealers in choice wines, liquors, Groceries aud general merchandise, Front st., fort land. Consiirnments solicited, and liberal cash advances made ou the same, which will receive tbe special at tention of our Mr. J. M. Ladd, in San FruncUco. Par ticular attention given to the purchase and shipment of goods in Jcv lork. . xi euuicieub uuuuceiueiii. are ui.urcu, v. a jiropuee having a vessel leave New York every spring aud lull, lor I'ortiana oircct. Portland, April 4, Vx). 5tf STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF MARION. I ESTATE of DAVID T. SEWELL, deceased, Lu ther C Morrison, administrator: notice is hereby given that the administrator of said estate will make application for final settlement of the same, ou Tues day, May 3d, 1S6L. Ail iiersons interested are notified to appear. MILTON SH ANNON. Jw3 J udge ot county court. J. W. Juliuson, K TTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IX jt. Cliancery and Admiraltv, Seattle, W. T., will practice m all the Courts iu ashington territory. April 6, lai'J. lya I'tlolpho Voile's Schnapps. 4. MEDICINAL drink, of emineutlv salutary ouali il ties, manufactured by liiinsclf exclusively, at his factory at cx.-itieuam, in tloll.-iud. and welt Known dur ing the last twelve years throughout all the Atlantic and vtesn-rn states. It is made from the best barlev tliat can be selected in Europe, with the essence of an aromatic Indian ber ry of acknowledged and extraordittarv medicinal prop erties. It has Ion ir since aciuired a higher reputation. both in Europe aud America, thua any other diuretic oeverage. Analyzed, it is a ferfectlt ftr.t liqcor, in its ef fects a mild and wholesome tonic. It is cxten&ivclv Used and approvedb y the medical faculty, the temper ance people. Menus OI taunlles, occ. In Gravel, Gout, and Rheumatism, the ohstractions of the bladder and kidneys, and in general debility, its effects are prompt, decided and invariahlr reliable"; and it is not oulv a remedv for these maladies, but in ail cases in which thev are produced bv driukin'' bad wa ter, which is almost universally the catase of them, it acts its a sure preventative. For Fever and Ague it is one of the most efficacious preventives that can be nsorted to. THE AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is come-Ucnily in great demand by persons traveling. or about to settle m new parts o! lue cuuutrv especial! v as well as by many in every community, where it has become known, oil accour.t of its various other reme dial properties. In all cases of a dropsical tendency, it is generally the only rcuicdy required, when adopted in the early stare oi the disease. Ia dyspcrsia maladies, when taken in proper quan titles, as a diet drink, and especisllv at dinner, it is found by uniform experienceto be eminently efficacious in the most obstinate rases, when even lite best of the esuul remedies have killed to atl'ord more than tempo rary relief. In cases of Batuleucv, it is au immediate and invariable tqtecihe, and it may be administered in diluted and proportionate quantities, even to young in fants, in all those paroxvsma of gripinir pain in tbe stomach and bowels to which they are especially sno K-ct. ns well its t!;e clitic oi erotrn perf ::s. Iu judicious adoption in connection with the princi pal meals, or when a sense of exhaustion dictates its use, never fails to rvlieve the debility attendant upon protracted chronic maladies, low temperament and ex hausted vital energy, by whatever cause induced. these are lucts to which mativ of the most eminent medical men, both in England and the L'niied States. have borne testimony, and which are corroborated bv the liiuhest written authonties. I'ut up in quart and pint buttles, in coses of one doz en, with my name on the bottles, cork, and fac-simile oi my siLtuiture on the label. For sale by all the respect-able Druggists and Liquor dealers in tiregon and lai norma. I DOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer. i5 Beaver street. New York. Caution to the Public. Loudon Cordial Gin, , Club House Gin, Schiedam Schnapps, Medicated sSchnapps, Koyal Schnapps, " Ac. ecc.. etc. Under the above and similar titles, the liquor mixers of this city are bottling large quantities ot adulterated unwholesome trash, costing but little, on which they nope to realize uirice prouts by selimi; in tjalitornia. Avoid all compounds. Some are so skillfully prepar ed as to pass for good fjiquor, except with the best of imiges. Ai von wouiu oe sate, use omv tne long estab lished, renowned, genuine Y olfe's Schiedam Aro MATIC SCHNAFPS. I DOLrHO WOLFE, Sole Importer, Ang. 31, tf isir 12 Beaver street, JCew York. London Club House iu. TO THE PUBLIC. TniS CELEBRATED GIN PHETENDING TO nothirur but wliat it is, viz: a pure and unadulter ated article, and assuming no artiticiul merits of what it is not, as some of its rival imitators do after five veare of public approval and very extensive sales in California, has been pronounced by the public to lie su perior, not only as a beverage of general use, to any other article competing against it, but is UXKIVALLED IN ITS MEDICAL EFFICIENCY in most cases of complaint. To persons traveling in these davs of rapid transit from East to West, North to South, who are touBtantlyilmn!.'in. their water as well as their climate; who are drinking, indeed, a dozen kinds of water in every twenty-four hours, and each draught eonfaimtifr some property acting in cnemicul antagonism to the' preceding one," thereby causing nn unnatural decree of excitement to the stomach it is positively and nlwolutely necessary to use a counter acting agent. From the fact that tne "LONDON CLUB HOUSE GIN" is prepared expressly to meet such exigencies, and to art as we know it will net, as an antidote w confident ly prescribe it as the very best article in the country. The mime of "Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps" has nev er been attached iu auy way to this article. In first presenting the " LONDON CLUB nOUSE GIN" to the public, my aim was to give them a pnre and un adulterated article of Gin, anil to call it by its right name. The success attending its introduction aud ex tensive sale in California is a sufficient guarantee of the high appreciation of the article by consumers. Various parties have from time to timo put up and shipped to California an article which they call " Club House Gin." My G'n, which has gained such r. repu tation in California, is branded ou the cases,. "OLD LONDON CLUBHOUSE GIN WM. H.D." The bottles also have a white label with fnc-simie of mv signature. I caution all parties to lieware of imit ations; .. - WM. II-DALY, Sole Importer, New York. Jan. 24, 1859. Stfia A NY one who professes to understand all trades J or scieuces, assumes to impose an absurdity upon the public On tho sumo principle, any one 1 medicine which professes to cure all diseases is un worthy of the slightest confidence, and should at once be denounced us a qnack nostrum. Tho GKAZFEXBERG FAMILY MEDICIZES do not assume to cure all diseases with one remedy. They have eleven different medicines, each adapted to its peculiar disease, and time has proved beyond a ques tion the eflicacy and certainty of these preparations. Their list comprises the following mediciuee: Grtefenberg Vegetable Pills. Marshall's Uterine Ca tholicon. Gnefenberjr Sarsaparillu. Gra-fenberg Pile Remedy, Gnefenberg Dysentery Svrnp. Green Moim tain Ointment. Gitefenherg Chihirvn's Panacea. Grssf enberg Consumptive's Bitlin. Gra-fenberg Eye Lotion. Gfsr-funberg Fever &. Ague Remedy. Gnefeuberg Ague Remedy. Gnefeuberg uberg Manual of Health. . r ;gixts throughout the Suite. f Icuernl Aireuts, ED1NOTON is CO., Jmggists, San Francisco. Health Bitters. Gra-fenberg Manual of Hearth. jf or sale by au druggists n General . KEDINQTON waoTeoalB Dmggi Oct. io, loos. Pacific Bfachinc Shofi, Sau Franciaco. ESTABLISHED IN 1850. THE above establishment is believed to have facilf ties for the manufacture of every description of UAS1I.MJSAXDM ACHI N ER Y superior to any other on the Pacific Coast. Every kiud of Saw Mill Machinery; steam engines, &c.f &c, made at a short notice and in a most work manlike manner. Wo manufacture a stvle of SHINGLE MACHINE. at moderate cost, which we believe tube more efficient than anv other in tiso. Orders are particularly solicited from Oregon and Washington Territories, which will have the earn au thority its though the parties were personally present. lute Goddabd ic Co. San Francisco, Feb. 2, 1853. 6m.rl New Improvements. THE subscriber having secured all the late improve; menu and additions to the photographic art, hi now prepared to supply TIIE PICTURE ADMIRER with a superior class of pictures, heretofore unknown iu this country, and such only as can be obtained in HIS OALLLERIES AT SALEM AND COR VALLIS. Therefore the friends living in either place will be sure to avail themselves of this opportunity to secure some rare specimens of FicTtRts or themselves and Friends. - Ambr6tps, Mclaimttypes, Calto!t;pct,- Spher oiypes, and Photographs, colored or plain. OIL PAIXTED PHOTOGRAPHS. being by far the most superior portraits and pictures that uru Produced in Eurotx and America. and are destined to supercede every other kind. The process of Photographing is producing wonders. Pictures of Statuary, Models, Buildings, Landscavcs and Animals of all kinds, are among the excellencies of this process. I have the only facilities in this country for " the production of such pictures. I produce the only pictures that are at all FIT TO SEXO IS LE TTERS. Expericnco. proves that Mekiinotrpca are not at all fit, as boa been published to the world. I am prepared to produce una superior class ot pictures, Irom tne SMALLEST POSSIBLE MINIATURE TO FULL LIFE SIZE. and even much lonrer I have a variety of Fine Gold Lockets, Double and Single. The best evidence of . THE SUPERIORITY OF MY PICTURES over other" in this country, is that every visitor to my gallery, tcithout exception, so decides. Having enioved the rare privifecre of between three and four months practice in Sun Francisco last summer with one of the best practical and most popular pho- logrupuers ui curope or America, ints gives mo a dcciilcd adcantnze. My pullerv is always oren for the indirection of huliss aud tentleii.en. and pictures for their inspection. 1 nave an occasional uonr wincu 1 can appropriate to THE REPAIR OF J1C5ICAL INSTRUMENTS. I have also a process by which renew Brass Furniture of nil kinds in the most elegant stvle. It will look cs well as when first from the manufactory. My gallery will be constantly open, where I may be found to attend to calls. My gallery at Corvaliis will have an operator to attend to customers. II. CA5IPBELL. Salera, April, 1353. tf Overland FROM TIIE DALLES TO ST. LOUIS. 4 BOUT the 20th of Mav. I shall start upon a bus: ness trip to the Atlantic States, and Kill attend personalty to tne collection oi any mouevs or Claims; the settlement of estate interests : the division and sale of real estate and other property : and auy other bued ness of a legal nature, throughout the Western, North em. Middle or Eastern Slates. Also, will give careful and prompt attention to tbe purchase and shipment direct to uregon, oi any gooos, siock, iarm implements, macuinery, carnages, ouoi,s, seeds, mu-icid instruments or other articles. And, as I shall visit Washington City, will also attend to the adjustment of chums against Government, procuring back pay or suspended Bounty Land Warrants, and other claims in the Departments. E. M. BARNUM. Salem, March 29, 1S2. -'m3 Oregon ! Oregon ! ! Oregon ! ! ! IELLOW CITIZENS will do well to keep in mind tltat March 7th, April -5th, Mav id and 3-th, June srth, July -Vith, Aug. .'d, Sept. lvih, Oct. 17th, Nov. 1 1th, Dec. l.1b, in ihe prescut year, within any week commencing at any of the above dates, you are respec fully solicited to attend Albany Mill to jjet your grists ground, by E. S. Altree. it being hie time to run the Mill. Everv attention wiil be paid to all who wish to patronize him, both in quantity and quality. Should the mill not run, I will exchange a first rate article of Hour always on Land for sale. P. S- L'ash paid for wheat, or wheat stored at all times', at the M.'.l, seperate from the other proprietors. I keep a skiff for any one to cross their grain free over the river. ilhnoi E. S. ALTREE. Talk about Gold Alines PUTS me in mind that I WANT TO PAY MY DEBTS and cannot do h WITHOUT MONEY. and if there is any body owintr me. land 1 think there is.) we would just say that money we must have, and we would hereby" notify thtse" indebted to me either by note or book account to come forward and pungle otherwise we will have to cousiirn them all over io J. D. Boon, who will no doubt make cost on it. Yours resp'llv, J. A. JOnXS. Salem. Sept. 1, " iiStf JNotiee. PERSONS wishing any husinesa transacted in the Atlantic Slates, sucli as purchasing of carriages, butnries, wasrons, sewing machines, pianos, reapers, and mowers,or any other article which is not usually kept in this market, will find it to their advantage to call on tbe undersigned. Also, for tbe collection of moneys (which is usually done through the txpress Co., at a heavy expense will be promptly attended to by one of our firm. We will pay cash lor all drafts, bills of exchange, and certificates of deposit on tl;e East or Western Banks. W. C. GRISWOLD & Co. Ralere. Oct. 12, 1853. . sitf For Sale. I? If! ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE OR RENT J-i" all under fence, upwards of UK acres in cul tivation situated in the Forks of Willamette river, three miles from Salem. The land claim is one of the best, not only in Lane countv, but in Oregon. On the claim there"is one of the "best SAW-MILLS in the country. The water privilege cannot be excelled any where water tbe year round and timber handy. Payments will oe arranged to suit the purchaser. For further information, applv on tbe premises. "G. H. ARMITAGE, 4!tf McKenxie s Post Office. C. 11. Pillow, DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, Sa lem, Ogn. Particular attention paid to tho repairini; of watches and clocks. All work war ranted. Jewelry rep:iired at short notice. FOR SALE: Watches and docks, 8 day striking clocks at a very low price ; also 30 hour marine clocks. JEWELRY. Ladies and pents brooches. Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Gold Buckles, Guard Chains, &c, etc - Salem, July 6, 1S57. 17tf W. '- IliRhQeld, WATCHMAKER, OREGOX CITY. TbERSONS desirous of netting eood work A done will do well to give me a call, as my whole time is devoted to the repairing of Chro nometere. Duplex and Horizontal Watches. An assortment of jewelry on hand. . Jewelry repaired, or made to order. lrices m accordance with the times. Store at the old stand, Main street. Jim. 27, Ife-t. 47tf S. Collier Itobbins, PRACTICAL Watch Maker, Wholesale and retail dealer in clocks, watches, jewelry, silver ware, ami fishing tackle, anil Indian goods, Portland, Oregon. Receiving my goods direct from the importers and manufacturers," I can sell goods as low as any other House on the Paciific Coast Having experienced workmen in every branch of my business, I can guarantee perfect satisfaction in repair ing line watches and jewelry. Every article warranted to be as reputed. All watch work warranted to give satisfaction. 4Stf patronize tlie 12xprest.-8. MY customers in Salem, or any town in the interior, can order watches, jewelry silver spoons, etc., by express, payable on delivery of the goods, provided the article and price suits, otherwise they ean be re turned. Watches, jewelry, etc., for repair can be for warded in the same manner, to G. COLLIER ROBB1NS, Practical Watch Maker, Portland, Oregon. Feb. 2, 185J. 4.vSf Piano Fortes. . I?ROM W. n. Hall &. Son's manufactory 239 Broad . way, N. York, sold at their prices with freight add ed. Also, Prince Si. Co. Melodeons. Call and we will show you a list of prices and sam ple of their work. GEO. H. JONES, Azent. Salem, May 17, 1858. lOtf - E. Pelton, Geo. II. Jones & Co., OELL EXCHANGES on New York, in amounts to suit purchasers. Salem, May 17, 1S58. lOtf Window Sash, GLAZED, and common sized unglazed, jnst received from the Portland Siish Factory, and for sale low for cash, at REED it STRANG'S. August 27, 1858. - 25tf . Look Here! PERSONS having Prince's Melodeons with broken roods, can get them replaced with new ones by sending to Oregon City Book Jt Melodcon depot. SeptT2I,Io5A 40tf Boone's Ferry ON Willamette river, new-road between Portland and Solum. Tho road is a. good one and ten milca abort"- than the old roast JESSE V. BOONE May 25,1353. I2rf ESTRAYS TAKEN UP. BY the subscriber, living in Ashland nrecmct, JacK sou Co., one black steer, 5 years old, marked witlt crop off tho left ear, and rmderbit in the right, branaea a on the risrht hip. Also, one dark red steer, 5 years old, marked ..witn a crop ott of- the left ear, ana nn un derbit in the right ear, branded O on the right hip. Also, one briuole heifer, it yearn old. no mark e or brands ilENKY CHAPMAN. April 5, l.g53. 2w7 BY the subscriber, living fonr miles north or I an vonvill. Donulas Co.. Oretron. one brindle cow, - with'line back, about five years old, branded P on the., left hip, and a diamond on the left shoulder, marked with bole tn the rigtu ear, ana sut in tne leii- ROBERT TRI3IBLE. April IS, 1R59. 2w7 BY the subscriber, living 12 miles south of Corvaliis, Benton Co., Oipi, one blue Indian mare with a white strip in the face, Rome saddle-marks, no brands visible ; said mare has been running in the ran:re 4 or 5 mouths, and is powerful mean. WM. GIRD. 2w7 NEAR Petty's Ferry, on Coastfork, Lane Co., Ore. gon, one red cow, with line-back, white belly, two slits m right car, has a calf. Also, a white cow, with bluish roan sides and red ears, marked two slits in right ear, 5 years old. WILLIAM BUSSELU April 15, 18. Siw7 IN forks of the Sontiatn, 1 miles south of the Crab tree bridge, Linn Co., Ogn, one red steer, 3 years old, marked crop and nnderbit otf the right ear", and swallow-fork in the left, white face, belly and tail, no other marks or brands. D. F. CRABTRKE. April 14, 1859. 2w7 IN Willamette precinct, Lane Co., Ogn, one brindls yearling steer, marked with an under half crop in each ear. JAMES E. HOLT. March 24, 1353. 2w7 BY the subscriber, in Douglas Co., Ogn, one red and white pided steer, 4 or 5 years old, marked slit in left car, no brand visible, one cow and calf, the cow marked smooth crop off the right ear, branded on left hip, J S, red sides, line back, 5 or 6 years old, have been ruuning with my cattle since last "summer. , - F. R- HILL. April 7, 1S53. 2w7 IN forks of Sintiam, Linn Co., 6 miles north of I Leb anon, one white speckled cow, four years old this spring, marked rmderbit in the ri.'ht car, no brands perceivable. Also, one i vear old red heifer, sums while spots, face white haff war down, white belly, marked with nuc'arbit in the right ear, and slit in th left ; said cattle have been on my premises ever gims some time last winter. PRESTON MORRIS. April 5, IHSX 2w7 ON the premises of the subscriber, in t 5 r 1 west, in Marion Co., Ogn, one red cow, head white, some white on shoulder, uellr, and tail, ear marks, crop otf the right and slit in tile left, supposed to be about 7 years old. Also, one red heifer calf, with white face. JACOB JLL BAUGHMAN. April 2, 1859. Sw7 FOCR miles northwest from Eola, Polk Co., Ogn, one light brradle cow, white back, belly, and end of tail, marked with under elope in each ear", with the. piece hanging to the end of the ear branded 10 on tha riifht hip, and letter L on the left hip, about 5 year oil. THOMAS J. DENNIS. March 19, 1S59. iw7 BY the subscriber, living at Vernon ranch, five miles east of Gasburg, Jackson Co., one pale red cow, eleven or twelve years old, white in the face, and branded HI. AUo, one four vear old steer, red sides, white back and belly, marked with an under slope in the left car, and brauded T. ALso, one four year old steer, red with white face, marked with a crop off tha risrht ear. ALso, one pale red cow, four vears old, white in the face, marked with a swallow-fork in the right ear, and crop and fclit in the left ear. Aho, one vearlinsr calf, light red, white back snd tail, soma "white in tbe face. JOSEPH ROBINSON. April 14, 1)J. 3w7 ON Oak Creek, 5 miles from CorralJis, Benton Co., one dark brown Indian horse, 14 hands high. Id years old. white face, belly, and legs, small lump oa in side of left hind lea, no brands perceivable, apjiears to have been shod a'f round, but lost shoes recently ; said horse is very gentle, and will work in either saddle or harness. " IH Js. 11- KJZEIR. April an, ISm 2w7 FOUR miles southeast from Harrisburg. Liun Co., by the subscriber, two esfays, one light bay half breed horse, white face, fore feet and riht hind foot white, supposed to be three years c-l-i ; catue to my res idence some time last spring- Also, one red heifer, with a crop olf of each ear, and s-lit in the left, some whiteon her bock and belly, stor inher forehead, white tail, no brands perceivable, supposed to be 2 vears old. CHARLES B. COCfiKAN. March 26, 1ST.9. . i!w6 1Y the subscriber, living in Ashland precinct, Jack- Co.. one red and white spotted steer, 5 years "old, branded W oa the left hip, crop off of the right ear, bash of tail white, and some white in the fhce. Also, one red muley steer.5 years old, crop off of the right ear, braiided with figure- - on left shoulder. Also, one steer, 5 years old. marked with crop off the left ear, and slit in the risht, white back aad hefty, brindle head and sides. " MINCS WALKER. .March 23, 1339. aw6 ON Bear creek, about six miles east of Jacksonville, in Jackson Co.. a brown Indian horpe, white legs, a white spot on his left stifle find white face, the white ending around the lower end of the epper jaw ; he is about 14 hands high, and id supposed to be ai lart ten years old. O. D. HOXIE. " March at, 1S59. SSvo BY the subscriber, living three miles southeast from Dayton. Yamhill Co., Ogn., three three year obi heifers," marked as follows r One red heifer," marked by having a slope off upper side of both ears. Also, one roan or dan heifer, without any marks or brands visible. Also, one deep red heif -r, marked w;Lu square crop off right ear, and a split ia bo; a ears. ABS. L MEREDITH. March 15, 1SS. gwfi IN Yamhill Co., Oregon, by the subscriber, living 4 miles south of McMinville. an Indian mare about 7 or 8 years old. with heavy mane and tail, dim brand oa the liear shoulder, which appears to be J W; no other marks perceivable; color brown, or dark bay. She came upon mv premises sometime in Feb. as well as recollected. " J. A. C ORN WALL. April II. 1559. Sw6 A supposed to be five years old. and each marked with an underbit in the left ear, and branded with an S on the right hip. One of them is a red, with a bald face ;' one a red. with some white in his face ; one a red roan, and one a brown, with a ball face. D. SMIT1L April 4. 1359. 2w6 BY the subscriber, living two miles southeast frota Harrisburg, Linn Co., two esi ray, one block brindle steer, crop otf of each ear, and" a hole in the right, supposed to be three years old. Also, one dark brown steer, swallow-fork ut the right ear, and upper slope in the left, supposed to be three years old. Feb. 26, 1359. 2w6 BY the subscriber, living near Fern Butte, Lane Co., O. T., a three vear "old red bull, no marks or l A - VIT r DTVCVDiOM W. G. PINKERSON. April 9. 13.-& 2w6 mail and Passenger Coach. Tn B undersigned hereby informs y z-. 7. BV the public that he is funning a "attHX weekly line of Cosches between Salem ana .cugcitd City, carry the United States mail and passengers. " Ho leaves Eugene City Sunday morning, arrivinsf at Salem Monday afternoon, and leaves Salens Tuesday morn ing, arriving at Kngene Wednesday eveniiu". Good accommodation for passaemrs- Fare, r each way. " GEORGE H. McQCF.EN. gfKnsast 10, ISoS. S3tf "Livery and Sale Stable. - "t"1 7E are now keeping a Livery Stable in Or- V egon City, where' horses can always be se obtained on liberal terms. We are also prepared with excellent stable?, well supplied with hay and oats, to keep horses by day or week. Those who call upon ns niav foel assured that every attention will be given to fior?tes left in ouf cbarie. GIBSON & POTTER. Angnst 11, 1S37. a-Jtf City Hotel, Corvaliis. MESSRS. A. B. & I. S PR EN GEE. WOCLD announce to the citizens of Corvaliis, and the travelling public generally, that they have thoronghly refined this well known cstablisbraent.and are now prepared for the accommodatiori of custom ers. The rooms have all been refurnished, the beds clean and comfortable, and their tabie will te furnish ed with the best the market affords. Corvaliis, Aug. 30, 1S57. Iy35 Eagle Hotel. THE undersigned has just opened a pnbtic house in the town of Dallas, the county seat of Polk Col Every attention shall be siven to ihe i commoriation of the traveling community, as well as, to boarders ; no pains or expense have been spared to make the House convenient and pleasant, and weald respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. .In connection with the House is a livery stable. THOS. X LOVELADT. Dallas. Jan. 13, 1859. 6:n4i paid jTIarion House, Salem. THE undersigned announces to the public that he has purchased the well-known tavern stand . railed the Marion House, in Salem, together w ith tho furniture and fixtures thereof. He will keep it in first rate style, ana invites uie pau-onage oi tne puma R. M. MAY. May 23, 1857. llrf For Sale. LOTS Nos. 1, 2, 3, ia block 53, with dwelling 3 bouse, bam, and other improvements, iu Sa- fa t. lem. Enquire of J. G. Wilson at Salem, or at Port land. of GEO. H. W ILLIAMS. Sept. 23, 1859. 3'itf House ana Lot Tor Sale, TN the wwn of Salem. X JOHN FORCE. - Dee.' 7, lSoeV- - 40tf Farm for Sale. TWO and a half miles from Salem, all under im- -provement, good buildings, and a larga orchard ot Fruk sroos, froiii one to nie years old. Pes. 8, I35S. 0tT r U. HALKI, JtTOTO ApriIj8,I8S9. r 3w7 SoJem, Oc. 1, 18 ,. - . W