fur- i - Yerdict. , , So I think it will be with the demo cratic jnrowof Drprt - The words of the great Hateeman G-n. jfaekroti Were measure and not men." We proft-w-.to he democrats of the same school, and I think we are ' It fctrikesme that my old friend Gen. Lane preferred men, or sutav- before measures, and that man himself. The admission of Oregon was a great measure and one that had been sanctioned hv more than a two-thirds rote of the people of "Oregon ; so that measure went to Gen. Lane, at Washing ton, with more than a two-third majority vote of the people of Oregon ; Btitl, with that great majority, and the measure one of importance, and he pledged to the people in bis pubUe kpeechee, before his election as Delegate, to use TeiT effort in hw power to carry that measure, ad then set silently in the House where he was Delegate, and let it be packed off by his per sonal and political friend to the Committee on Territories, and he know nothin; of it, is a thinr which I cannot believe. 1 think that Gen. Lane feared he would not be one of the Senators of the State of Orecon. - Some democrats say down with Bush, that Lane may lire, and be honored with a renomi nation to Congress, or elected again to the Sen-tt--, I mf down With no man at the expense bf tru$ and Justice; but I do' say let the ftital plow fall upon the guilty head, if it be no legs illustrious personage than Gen. Joseph Lane. t If you nevct do any thing worse than tell the Truth on Ucrt. Lane, or any other person mint ing office by election, or appointment, you will a respected and honored lv democrats of in tegrity and firmness. The democrats of Yam pill prefer measures to men, but I fear there are some in outer parties oi tne siare no pre fer .men to measures t but I think they will be a mall minority-. j Last year we had to contend against Nation alism and Kepublicanism, united as one man to -defeat the democratic- party. This year we may expect something to transpire. The de taocracj are ready for any contingency if they only use the weapons which have ever brought tictory to their standard; that is truth and jus kreo, and take the advice of the lamented Jack ton and go for u measures and not men.'' 6 F.B.MAUTIX. . Omci-HcxTERS. We copy the following paragraph from the Mariposa (Cal.) Gazette, Merely remarking that it strikes us as roarvel loasly well adapted to " these latitudes: Candidates for office in this county will be more numerous the coming political season than ever before. Many individual have already indicated their readiness to be sacrificed for the pnbKo weal, in ease their friends insist on drag ging them oat and making them the servants and menials of the people. Some of theia are so ignorant that they can't bound the -State they came from, and some eat jast do it. Hallelujah ! Others don't know the difference between Po litical Eeonomv and the principle "when you have a good thing, save it." Many are too dev ihaa buy to earn their bread, as was originally 4migmt ; aad all are undyingly a-nbitiou. Cy The Portland levee case has been decid ed by the Supreme court of the U. S. against the dedication of the levee to the public. 2CARBTBD. f tew. BarM KVnc, M-. Taotnis Allen, of Cmtrs C ttx, C t It ss Vu itl Arm H antt-r, at C jrvsnis, Orrson. t -3 4, by rr. Jacob B. L di-nt hulcr. J. P. Strosrhnde. V taMWk Iwsnlj . arad M-as Fannie S. Case, of Marion Oaonty. . At the Panes, on lae 4S iaa, by Satire M-wlr. Benjamin F. Rownt, of Vnaaim- to M as K Killv. ol Irrlnu'!. Oa th M inn. 1H, by C. S. Hvrucn. F.-a.. CoL Jamrs p. Goodatt of Yrrfca, CaL, and Mjb lUry Jane Johtf jo, of Jack oa eonntv. OreguB. At the Urajsra A-srlc iv. Sanrliv rvmirr-. March Joth, by 3. F.tzhnrh. J. r, Mr. Wsa. S. Wills and Hji Anna Stater, B of Duocia county. Orrrn. DIED. 1ft Lane Co., Anr3 4. of Baknonary consumption. Win. Jane Gale, arr-d il year. In Euxroe City, J in. 19th. 1S39, Hogh Clrmmont, aon of Bobert Arbockle, rt-i 2 years. Oa Txh tr-t-, at t .rvsli s. of tvyholj fever, M irtin IT-, ta lks -Q of Cnarlcs il- nna Cbtra rYrivIly, seed 7 mourns. Tn Harrtsbarr. L-ria on T?rars;-tay evenin-, March Slst, Catltartne. wife of Dr. illuun Uest-r. ad n years. Oa Feb. lTt!, at lidrtmdimcr, Jackson C - M-., of eon rnmnptioo, Mrs. Jane WJtersoa, furmcriy of Marion Co. - SPECIAL NOTICES. Job Prfattogv We have made some additions to our Cock of Job Type, inchdmg a good assortment of Card and Fancy Letter, of the newest styles. To Advertisers. The actual circulation of the Stat warn is ever two thoessad copi ; the advertisements appear fcs dear and readable type; the rates of charge are not more than those of the papers of tittle circulation. PrvM aatal Printing IS atari al for Bale. A new We. 4 Washington press, and full second hand newspaper See (with the exception of a few minor articles) for sale. latrolre at the Statesman ofEce Ths Orsversnberg BarespariUaw A powerful ex tract. One bottle equal to ten of the erdmary Samparilla for psaifjiug bae Mood. A sure cure for scrofula, rneuma tisos, akers, dyspepsia, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, rata ese ereptlim j. Ac THE 6REXX MOCSTAIX OIXTMEXT. for burns, wounds, sprains, dyspepsia, chilblains. . snOings, scrofula, Ac. As a Pain Extractor, H cannot , affording immediate relief from the most excru- 1.5 SJgizf can XCxattaAfr Xlnrxoeirt. From rich and poor, tend and free; an colors, grades and conditions of life, we Bear the same meed of praise awarded this wonderfij ar- Sores are healed, pains relieved, Eves ssved, valuable i made wsefol, and untold IBs assuaged by th's great which are surprising to the Judgment of m What family does not require a standard Unhnent. Who aver heard of the same effects produced by any other article Per Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism, Swellings. Strained mia.Ae It has ne etruaL Beware of Imitation. The taeniae Maslang Unissent IssoM by all respectable Druggists esnt Livery asm tn every town, parish aad hamlet throughout Porta asss South America, Europe, aad the Islands of the Oessav " Buy at once. BAR5ZS A PARK, Proprietors, Sew York. Bail I A Satis, Agents for Oregon. -. Pew. It, I3St. SmSl -The most extraordinary chemical discovery of is the Antiphlogistic Salt. It acts upon tne Mood in precisely the same manner ss the vaccine matter or erates la the prevention of malignant diseases. It curx oiily diseases which are Inflammatory In their nature. First, In flammation In the head and throat, such ss brain fever, Sts, headache, neuralgia, erysipelas, and catarrh. Second ; esses of inflammation in the chest and abdomen, vis : Inflamed langs aad Ever, pleurisy, dyspepsia, asthma, gravel, piles, Ac. Third; Inflammation of the extremities and skin, to-wit : ul cers, scrofula, rheumatism, scarlet fever, venereal, and all cu taneous affections. This chemical eorabicat'on is so powerful aad instantaneous In its effects, that the dose is only what will adhere to a qniB dipped m the Salt and held to the tongue for on srerrrr- The most astounding results hare Invariably tbBowed K use m the Atlantic States, ami thousands of testi Biunials as to Its virtues can be furnished if required. The proprietor asks not. however, for rxrra. bat is willing to let she Smlt abide by its wonxs, confident that H win never fail. is pat up In drachm packages, price Two Dollars, aod will . he forwarded by mad, post-paid, to any part of the country, bob receipt of that sum, addressed to Redixctos A Co, Sin YraacaKO' Pol directions accompany each package. As 'soon as a sufficient supply can be obtained, H will be for sale By Druggists generally. P. CoggsweD, M. D., discoverer and proprietor. Bole Agents for California and Oregon, RXDINGTOX A CO., Wholesale Druggists, Ban Francisco. rr tale In Portland, by W. WEATHER FORD and SMITH A DAVIS. f s . - "'i RBICSATI8S. in all eases of Inflammatory R?ieomatism, whether acute or 'chronic, the Antiphlogistic Silt, discovered by Dr. Coggswell 0f Boston, is a sure and infallible remedy. In Sew England, where this disease Is very prevalent, the Salt has never been l to faitfn effecting, a radical cure, or of giving perma- ( relief. Rheumatism is almost invariably caused by In- and colds, and the peculiar effect of this medicine. ha Its same (Antiphlogistic, or antl-inOlammatory,) signifies. b) to reduce inflammation, and balance the circulation of the blood and the fluids of the body. It docs not profess to be a general panacea, but is calculat ed expressly for an diseases of Inflammatory nature, and is thus a perfect sulwlitute lor blood-letting In aU its forms. The Salt is also peculiarly efficacious in BROXCmrrS, ASTHMA, CATARRn, and diseases of a similar character, caused by troubles in the Bead, throat, chest, or abdomen. PJcs, Gravel, Venerea) Dis eases. Dyspepsia, Scrofula, and an cutaneous diseases, yield baofdtr and sorely to Its effects. The smallneas of the dose Should not excitewurprlse, as this Salt is a combination of the saost powerful chemical agents known. No better proof of Its Tirtoe can be given than the fact that, although it is two years ttoce ft was Srst offered to fhe public, the discoverer bss never Been able te SB bis orders, aad it Is only within the bat few inMfhT an, sac Bast seusaViiwe obtained in this State, at any -rlc. Paa dUmlluaw acoosspany each package. For sale by General Agents, EEDINGTUS A CO., Wholesale Druggists, 8an Francisco. fr sale In Portland, by sf W. WKATHEKFOItB, and BOTH A PAVIS. tl iaa frMat Coast, uier nilr CS; WtSTAR'S MA LSAJf OF M ILD CUmtt I. The moat cer tain aad speedy remedy eTer discovered for all dUessts of the chest and lungs, Coogtii, Col.ls, Influenxs, Consamptlon,BroB- chltls, Asthma, Hoarseness, Difficult BrrstMtir, Pains In the Chest, SpRMnt of Blood, Sore throat. Irritation of tho Uvula and TonsibH etet The most solemn assurance Is given, that there Is not a fact stated with respect to the powers of this Invaluable remedy, which la not fully established hi every class of cases for which It It recommended, by a mas of evl dene which must carry conviction to the most skeptical mind ; and the medicine, although thus highly effectual In Its remedial character. Is In the utmost decree Innocent In lis composition, and may be taken by the most delicate. Thia Balsam elves tho most Instantaneous and perfect re lief, and wben properly persevered with. It will never fall to eflVet a rapid and lasting cure. Thousands have been restored who have previously tried all other means In Vsla. To all classes and all constitutions II U equally a Messing and a cure none need despair. The medical properties combined, are agreeable and pleas ant to the tastei so that a child wiU readily take It. None genuine without the signature of Henry Wlstar, M. and Banford k Park, on the ouUlde wrapper; all other Is spurious and Worthless. Por sale by V. K. SMITH 1 CO., Salem. DR. W. WEATHERrORD, SMITH A DAVIS, Portland, and PARK A WHITE, San Francisco, are Agents. JmS Or. J. Csapatay. We would direct the especial at tention of Invalids to a perusal of Dr. L. 1. Czapkay's adver tisement, to be found In another column of this paper. In or- der to place the services of a learned and experienced physl clan within their reach. So much ill has been inflicted on the human family from the pernicious and Ignorant practices of empirics, that it seems as If we were fulfilling a bounden duty to make known where relief can be obtained. To those un fortunate enough to ttuTer from the etTects of sexual or private diseases, or their in treatment, we cheerfully commend Dr. 1 J. Ciapfcay as a man of rare scientific and medical acquln. merits, possessing all the rcoutsiu-s, from long experience and acknowledged skill, for the successful practice of his profes sion. Having made sexual complaints an especial study, like the celebrated Rlcor.l, of Paris, he Is enabled to guarantee a permanent and speedy cure in all eases of private or chronic dtsesses, whether the eSects of contagion, self-abuse, or loss of virility ; and In order that iaUents at a listance may ava;t themselves of his advice, free Ct limitation is open to them. The knowledge that we hare of the nam rous cures he has effected, some of which were or long standing, leads us to place much faith In Dr. C's efficacy, and commend U;m to '.he confidence of thjse in ill health. Dr. Cxapkaj s office Is Sacramento street, below Montgomery, nearly opposite tl Pacific Moll Steamship C.v.'s OSce, San Francisco. 49 IW Persons advanc 1 tn L.fe, and feoUng tl hand of time weighing heavily upon them, with aU Its attend ant tils, win find in the use of Dr. J. HOSTETTER'S CELE BES TEZ STOXACU BITTftlS, an elixir that will Instil new life Into their veics ; restore. In a measure, the ardor and energy of more youthful days, bull J up their shrunken forms, aad give health and vigor to their remaining years. Thosi who are in the Wast atnlcted with Dyspepsia, Ague, Languor, Nausea, or any other troublesome or dangerous disease, aris ing from a disordered syst em,- should not hesitate to avail themselves of the benefit derived from this great remedy. Try them; we assure you they w.ll give satisfaction. As there are sev eral counterfeits, be careful and get the genuine. Sold by respectable DrufgisU, Liquor and Grocery Dealers everywhere, and bv PAKE A WHITE, General Agents, 133 Washington street, Saa Francisco. W. K. SMITH k CO., Aeents. Salem. Sir.3 W. II. Spencer, FROST STKEET, rORTLAXD, Firt-pratf BHtk Starr, oppontt If. IV. Corlctt. IMPORTER ASO DEALER IS 1B0X, STEEL. 1LVBUW ARE. WILLOW WARE, WAGON MATKKIAU and AGiUC'l'LTL'UAL IMFLEMESTS. Just arrireit, ex " Lire J'antec;" 50 tons refined iron, assorted; 000 lbs. curt 4. 50 eeua steel springs; 100 " iron axk-s; l'-0 kegs ratil, aorted; 25 II. S. nails; 50 dot. f 'oihna' axes, vrith and vcit'-cut tea Sea iiidoz. liuat s " " " " 50 ' liouart'a " " " " " A large aaaortoicnt of tdgo tool of every deacrip- tirm. MILL SAIVS, CROSS CUT d HAXDSA M'S, Togctl:er with a (rrncrul assortment of Farmer' and Mechanic' Hardware Moves. Straw Cutters. Hoes, Shovels, etc.. etc. Cotrrpriiiirrg a g encr.il aseortini-nt of Agricultural Ira- ptetnenia. UIT5S. SrOKES, FELLOES. and evervtl-.intr in the tne vf WAUON" Jf ATERtAL. Merchanu and others parchasicj would do well to look tlirotun mr rtocK. O. K. t'OLE Las entire charge of the business, and trill endeavor to fnve sattffurtTim to caalomera. To arrive about tlie firt of 31r 4 THRESHING MACKIXES, 13 KEAl'KlMtndMOWEilS. AVhich will be at. Id fur a small advance on coat and chargea. TO BLACKSMITHS. Jnst received, at W. 11. Spenitrr's, Front St., rort land: i doz. Blactnaitli's Hellows, from 32 to 33 inclics; " Iron Mvcs; i " u Anvils; 'xS lces ITorxe Shoe Nail : Aad lilaeVsmitr-'a tvlsof nil dVe-iptions. TO IVAOOy MAKERS. 1P0 sect of States Wood Hub j 40W) Spo!ifS, JStates Wood; 25 sett lVtit Felloes; Hickfivy Axkn. Bent Shaft; llickorv and Oak I'buik ; lK-nt Felloe. Vr., etc. JUST RECEIVED AD FOR SALE; A grteral anortmcnt of Harness Makers' and Sad dlery Iliirduare. Kite and spurs of all kinds. Stirrups, whips and Cinche. Also, jost received, ex ll'kat Cheer, a large and well gticciea aKrrment or WILLOW WARE, including Cliairs, Sofas, Iiuskets, Wagons. &C, etc. W. II. brEN'CER. Portland. Mrch 4, 1S59. Ctf Sprinc and Summer Clothing! JUST RECEIVED. fHE nndersigned are now oneninsr their stock of til'KIU A.L VLiJTHIXU, to which thev would call the particular attention of Mer chants before purchasing their usual supply. It con eists of Planter' Linen and Dnck Sack and Coats; White Lim-n and Duck Sin ks and Coats; Fancy Marseilles and lnll Sncks and Coat ; Blacl and Fancr Alpaca Sacks and coubi; . Mix Mohair and l'oplin sacks and coal ; Grass Linen sacks and coats; Fancy Cam. aud Teed sack and coat ; Fancy Cas hireiness suits; . Fancy Ca. and Tweeii pants ; Fancy drill and Marseilles pants ; While linen and iitck pan! ; llanter'a linen and drill pants; White and Butt' Marxeilfes vests; Fancv and colored Matdeiiles Vest; Col. finen and d K-k vesta; Funry silk and issitnere vests; Fancy satin and cashmere vet; Whise linen and dnli drawers; White domestic flaunel Under-tliirt and Drawer ; Merino and eapliuiere suirt and drawens; Check linen shirts; K.Ik and linen ties and cravats. AImo, constantly on band a fud and complete assort ment of It A VIS Sc JOA4 PA TEXT 8IllKJS, w Licit will be sold at t.'ie LOWE.S T MARKE T KA IE IS. The alwve stock comprises the Vhoicett and, 0t$( tetecmn twooat ever received t iru Market, And merchant visitim; tl:e citv will find it to their advantage tocull before purctiaaiiiif elwewhere. Every article warranted both us to make, lit, and quality. Orders respectful I v solicited. (Succtiisors to Johnson, CanlieU & Co.,) mli6Im6is h4 IJatterv street. Hargrove', Eclectic I-iuiiueul, Oood for Mm or Beaut. EVERT specie of irritation it qnickly reduced by the application of tliix Liniment. MAL'K THIS. The proprietor does not intend this Unimont to be excelled by any Liniment in tne nuliou or tiie world. Toe e.lect of this meiiii-ine upon KHEl'MATLSM, TJine worm, swelled jrlmnln, ho re nipples, sore breast, sore headH, sore throat, sorca of all kinds, sprains, still joints, ulcers, TOOTHACHE, pain in the spine or hack, poison oak, frost bite, burns, scalds, Iresh cuts, tumors, etc., isaliiioft mirur ulotiK. It is ood for the bij head, poll evil, fistula, old nmnins sores, wind (f:'!', splint, scratches, suddle, or collar kII, s)rains, rinjf hone, in fit, all diseases where an external application is required. V& L'e the Liniment freely and according to direc tion. JOHN HARGROVE, Sole Proprietor. . Xd street, Corvtdlie, Oreiron. April 7, 1R59. Ivti Xm. Tlinrnaner, Importer of French and German FAXC Y BASKETS, ENGLISH and American Willow Ware, Cane and Willow Chairs, Ladies' Work -stands, Tov, ate, No. 'Jz Battery street, between Commercial and Cuty, San Fi-ancirtco. Iiui6 Administrator' JVsstice. LETTERS of administration ontbeestale of AKCIIY L. WISHARD, deceased, hoe of Linn Co., Suae of Oregon, were granted to tbe undersigned by the JudL'e of Probate, of said county, on the lath nay of April, Ib59, therefore ail perHons ow in said estate are hereby, required to make imtutsdiiUs paymeut, uud all iersou bayiur chdms aKuitifet suid en tale j-r.: hereby untitled to present them, w ith the proper voucher to Samuel K. Wialutrd, at the former residence of the de ceased, within one year from this date, or ibey may be forever barred. SAMUEL E. WISHARD, Admin'r. April 8, 1S59.' 4w6paid Atactien Sale!! TnE ftnlirTsitrned will drier for sale to thn Vitfthest A bidder, at hi reaidenne, In Polk Co., on Monday, tbe t'th day of June next, lil entire property conBistinir of about l.WHi acres ol mud, w ncadol borseR, 4iiti ncm of ciittle. and 0 Blicen. All under one hundred dol lurs, rash down ; Snd all tiiiins over $111", terms made known on day of sale. All persons indebted to the tin dcrsiimed wtlA nletue imnifW over, on, or before that time. " A. H. WHITLEY Polk Co., April 4, 1S3!, 5 .vt aid IN'otlce. DAVID A. SLOrolI is mr trarelinff agent for tlie sale of mv E CLECTIC LI N1MENT. lie is au thorized to collect money and take note In my inline Tor tne sme oi ine snnic. .viso tocnuiniisit nnu upponit local agencies tor tne puto tnereoi in tne tMuten ot tre won and California, and lorntorv or Wnshinston. JJlIN 11AUOROVE. April 13, 1850. Iy6 Sherlfl Sale. Tl T virtue of three Executions, issued out of the MJ IJiHt. Court of the V. & lt Juiliciul District, in, und for the County of Polk, State of Oregon, in favor of J. B. V. ISutler, iiml auiust Oliver Liit.key. I have levied upon ami will proceed to sell to the hiiilieft, on the 1 Jth duv of Muv, A. !., irvjJ, on tho preuiises, the following i)r.iixrtv to-wit: The south half of Olivi Laskey's llonatiou claim, bcKiuiiiiiji; at the quarter see tion corner of the eiit hoittidarv of sec. ?. iul84w of the Willamette Meridian, in "Polk Co., thence houth :t0 50 chs, thence east 3 'M chs. tlifiice south 4 45 rhs. thence eaxt xrf t7 chs, thence north 35 lt chs, to the place of Iteuinniiiyr, containinir 55 3J-1U0 acres, more or leas, to satisly said executions. J. a HOL.MAX, Sh'ffof Polk Co. April, 9, 185P. 4wpaid ISo Ice. A FTER six weeks nutilication of tlsis notice. I will make application totlic Conimisbionerof l'ensions for tbe issne of a Duplicate Bountr Lnnl Warrant, lbU acres iso. 4 under Act ot aiarcn l-V), ttiie to lite, for services as a private in Captain's ltiKh'satu Martin's Comnanies'. in the Cavuse Indian W'ar ii 1X41 the originial having been lcwt in the tSenerul x-niii v niire. nin.ui i. ot-iixvt.v. Ih.ted. April 16, 1359. bv6 Spring Races fit Uiiiluu Count) riUIERE will be a meeting on 1 mv tracks, 9 miles sonili of Corvaflis. commencing on cd nesdar. June 1st. 185u. and cuti- tinuinir four days, w hen the following purses will be run for : First day Mile beats, 2 in 3, for all aires, pnrse of attiu. Mine day sweerwtulie tor saddle Corse, 9111 entrance, one mile. -Sid day 1! mile heat, for all aires, pnrse of Jt 3d ilaV Purse of Slutt. for 3 rear olds, mile ho.tt. in three. S.inie day Sweepstakes for ail ages, 1 mile 'JO entrance. 4th day Mile bents, 3 in 5, purse of $100, for all aires. caiue any wettiiKes lur suaaie norses, ?h entrance, w ith SM added, if 3 or more mart one mile Rules of bite lienton Co. Jockey Club to uovem tli course. -11 icr ct. entrance on the putves. 3 to enter, and to start- Wcke-up-Juke, llujiou Colt, aud all other trGroughbreds, 8 lbs. extra. Ti:e trite k will be in good order, and every effort nmae to give suugiat-iion. JOIIS PROCTOR, Proprietor, ronton Co., April 5, ISill. 45 Public Sale of Stuck. WILL offer at public sale, at Kuox'a llutte. Linn Co., on Fri.hiv, May Ith, l5y. at 10 o'clx k, A. M., the follow ir.i nam ed stock, viz : -5 head of bor?cs, mares and colts, and work horses "J Durluun bull. 4U head of cows and calves, some Durham ; also, a two horse buuy and harness, new. Teks Notes at 12 months. JAMES KXOL March S5, li5:. 3w.p:;id IV suited. rpWO GOOD HARNESS MAKERS, X at St. Ivouis, Conctv, 1 Iretron. Am il 3. ! .'. 1o Clark IIniu!iii. STATE OF OREGON. . COFNTV OF MARION. I "' T OV are hereby nototied that a writ of nttnclircent X has been ttied a'aint you and your property at' ttuhed to tcttwiv the dt-ciand'of illium Cline amount' in to twent v-t wo dollar. Now nuieis you shall ap pear be tore 1. J. 1 etiy, a Jtwtire ct tne eme lu au' for said romit v. i.t bis ollice. on the tnenlv r.n-t day May, ls5i, jitiLtnoiit u ill be rendered atlitu-t ytiu auj your projcrty sold to pay tne aetit. Dated this" the 4th day" of April. 135!. 4w5raid WJ1. CLINE, 1-Uiititi;r. 1SV THE GOVERNOR OF OREGON: A Proclamation. TTTHEREAS, satl-fitctory infonuution las been re- t ceived hv me of the ailuiisxion of the State ! Oregon into tbe Union, on an equal footing with the tanon is necessary to complete uic frrale orutimalion, Trerefo-e. I. JOHN WniTEAKER. Governor of t!:e St;ile cf On-iron, publish this, my proclnrauiion. callinir upon the members of tiie LejLn-Lr. ive Anrenibly to eonxeue at tlie setit of Government of said Mate, on MONDA V. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF MAY, lsott. and there honiait extra t-sfio'-: of ti'.e leuiluturc,aiid take sucu action as mat be deemed extH:d:eiit. in tetimt.r.y wmrvoi, 1 nave rerrunto s:gnea nty name this ltu-tii day 01 April, .v i.y. uiii dun.i niiiir..tnr-ii. Writ of i:ifCliou. STA TE OF ijREOOXTo the Sheriff of Linn C-oaa'jgr, ti rcrimg .- I17I1EKEAR, a vacancy exists in the State Senat V ranged by the resi-tuttion t.f Charles Drnin, a SENATOR, from rnnr raid loitntv ol Linn, liiere fore I, JOHN WH1TEAKER, tiovernor of the State of Oregon, hereby direct ti ut yon notify t!:e jud-jes of eKH-tion of said Comity, that oti Monday, the NINTH DAY OF MAY, 115;', Uiey hold a fpecial election to fill Hlid vucanrv. Given under my hand this f'Mvrth ar of April. A. IX 1"5. 5td JOHN WHlTEAKEIt Writ of Klcction. S TA TE OF OREGOX To tie Sheriff of Clack- amas Counre, Orrrftair.- WHEREAS.n vacancy exists in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of this Slate, caused by the resignation of H. Jenuiitus, a Itepreeiifa'ive from votir win! llonnlr nf llacaama, i Ueretore I. .IUI1A WHITKAKEIt. tlovernor of tbe S.ate of tlretror hereby direct that von notify the jtidtr-.n f eleetior.sof said County, tlmt on MON'l)AY THE NINTH DAY OF MAY, 1854, they bold a special election to till said vacancy. . 0 1 veil under my band this fourth day of April, A. u. ir.tj. otu doii.i , 1 111 1 1. iv. Writ of Election. STA TE OF OREGOX To the Sheriff cf Yamhill Vounrji, lj reefing : IITHKREAS a vacancy exists in the HOUSE OF V V KEl'KESENTATIt ES of this State, enured by the resiiuttiim of J. C. Nelson, a Ueprewentarive from vonr said f'ountv of Yamhill, Theiel'ore I, JOHN WHITEAKEK, Governor of the State of Oregon, here by direct ti.at you notify the judye of elei-tion of said County, that on MONDAY, THE NINTH DAY Or' MA Y,135'., they hold a special election to till said va cancy. Given under my Hand tins lonnn oar 01 jtprn, a. D. 185J. 6td JOHN" WHlTEAKER. . . - . . . ... ... W. C. Griswold S. Co.'i OFFICE FOR the present will lie np stair in tbe Brick Block next to ' Satrtman" otlice. Where we bUiiII exiiect to meet all those indebted to ns either by note or mvount. We shall remain ill Sa lem nntil the 1st of May only, mid all a-.-eoimts and note that are not settled bv't' ut time w ill be left ill hands of Messrs. llamum cc ll-m for immediate col lection; pleitse call and save tronlile. t..--..!!.. - liijicwnrrut. rrv Salem, Ogn, April 6, ISo'J. 5tf Mill for Male. CnASCE FOR A BARGAIN. TIIE nndersijrncd will sell for cash r scrip, the un divided third in the property known us the Mary's i: . it....,i it, lt-t,.t t 'mint iiiii., U.VCI muin. wiun.u iu - .- , " - tv.,.., CtrvulIiH. in the mnlst 01 a ktrue lanminr unuriet. The iroieily com-isis of a Grit and Saw-mill in gonti 11 in. ...1 i ,i,- -i.,..i; mniUllIf Onifr. AW uiiu.whihi e,, ti. iujf-houses, and about twelve hundred Saw-lnus. Tiie mill lot contuins about tliirtv-one tieres of bind. Trte aliove property will fie sold 011 reasonable terms. For further particulars enquire of the mnlervint il on the premises. V At. MA1S(.U(. Apni z, toiw. Peoria Ploughs. 'HE nndensiKned s tnaimiactiiriaij for sale and to order, a sm.eiior artn-lc of Peoria Premium Plomihs, of various sizes. Taese Ploughs ate vurrau- . 1 . : - 1 1 . n,l ,1... IwHt mm- ill line. l;tl 10 m-iivr in ". . . - Shop in the reurot Durbiu's Livery Stable. Sjil' ,,, T a' II T 111' Ii" April 12lh, 1859. SwJpai.l B. KOBEUTS. '. CASKDAT. S. D. MOOHE. Roberts & Co., fx EALERS in Marble, Monuments, Tombstone, Ob- I ' clicks St Spues, Marble Mantles, Tables, Coimtei Tops, Fire-Feuders, Gnites, Hearthstone anil Steps. Shop on Frout-St., 1st door above the bridge. Port land. Oreuon. Uia5 land, UreKn. Dissolution of Co part iter hliip. THE copartnership heretofore existin.it between the suhscriliers, muter the linn of W. S. Ludd ct Co., i this day dissolved by mutual consent. The bu'siiH-ss of tlie'tinn ill lie settled by cither of the subscribers, or bv Ludd, lieed Si Co. W. S, LADD, J. W. L.AI1. Portland, April 4. Ij0. SwS Copaititerbliip Notice. t pinE undersigned l ave this tlav formed a copartner 1 ship under the firm of Lnl.l.'l.Yod & Co., aud will continue tbe bc&iucss of tbe late firm of V. S. Inild & Co. .1. W. IMI, 8. n. KEK1), J. M. LADD. Portland, April 4, 1S53. w5 Deeds and -'Scrip Blanks.' NEW lot j list printed at autx STATESMAN. To tJse Public. READ. FARM FIIS Tif ATI TTAVIS'O THE SOLE AGENCY FOlljrinjT A I X PITT'S unpnr.illelnd Tliresliimr Sfafhines, for all the 1 aeinc coast, I tube this method of informing you inai 1 nave on nana una lor sale r UIC 1 I JUacniiies, thirty of which are ten borne mid ten of which areeiirhl horse power. The above machines were Rot up to or- aer, ana cannot oe surpasseu in any respect, as to oemt ty, slrenutli and durubilitv-r-tlicfrutncs beinar very sub- stnntiul and Mrons, with 11 tmich lanrer Fuunitnr Mill ami more depth ol'Seive, with Cant Steel Sliaftiiitf. nnd not liable to spring, aiblin much to the steadiness of me rnnr.iuu 01 ine iiiucniiie. 1 ue uyjiiuier ox tne ten Horse Machine is Thirty six inches in length, and that 01 tno r.isrnt ttrse 1.1 1 tnrty-two tnehes. - r.uch nia chine has with it Trucks. Hire-Power. Levers, ami the usual amount of Extras, which are made aud titled expressly tor each machine, n-.akinx them less liable to get out of order thau any other niucbiuo in tlio Alur ket. Beinjf aware of the many fiilse plans and deep laid schemes that have been taken to defeat this most wor thy muchiiter'which np to the present time has never known its ennui, either inTlireshinr orClcauinir irrain: and us all means have been used to deteut the sale of the same, by 11 bonus tuuchinu of a very inferior kind I feel it mv duty to let the Fanners know that no iron nine Pitt's Miichine can be purchased except of the BuomTioer, at M Sacramento Btreet ; ana un parties ot- Tcruiff tor sale or using any noitus mactnties purporting to be Pitt a Maehiuo, w ill be held personally rcHpoaai dio tor au sates una usinir tue sume. THOJ1AS OGO SHAW, Agent for John A. Pitta, W Sacramento street Ohio Threshing Iflnchincs. . Also have a few of these celebrated Mncbine. Tliey are just what every Fanner wants. The compact ar rangement of diliei-rnt part bf this nia. liine; the great simplicity of its construction, the strength and durabili ty of its workmanship, the small amount of power it tlikes to run it, together w ith its etl'eeti ve operation in inrcnuing ana cleaning, at least as murn gram ot any kind aa an v other four or six horse mat hine now in use. combine to justify us in believing thut it cannot fail, as it becomes kuowu, to be the most useful und popular machine in the country. The Cylinder of the above machines are from Eighteen to Twenty -four inches in lengtn. r-aen ot the tjmo juaennte nave 1 racks, Horse-Power, lx-ven, and the usual amount of extras. t u ran Katcly recommend ear pit-sent lot ot 1 tires!: ing nmuhiucs us being tiie best that has ever been 1m tiorted, as they were all imnlo to order. Give us a call bclore buying. . THOMAS OGG SHAW, - b3 Sacramento street. Extras! Extras!! THRESHING MACHINE EXTASl We have on band a full supply of u'.l the different l'u ib 01 1110 iti'vte iu.u-iioie(fc u mse it.i v oortlou ll 1.1 ... :i 1.. . : " . . eiiovou .tin, ,,u eui i'i, , o uu euun uumu j-V lew ot the leading ailicles we will liume, viz: Master w heels, Stniw -carriers, DinjH-ns Elevators, Spur, Bev el, and Bull pinions, Cylinder-teeth. Fan licar, Line- ouau ooxnig, tic liiu.M.xs UUU MIAW, S3 Sacruiueiilo slrect- THE CALIFORNIA COMBINED EEAPEU AND MOW Kit. The Irst coml '.nrd lisr.per and Mjtrer now in e. Will manufacture for the present hart-eel One Hun dred el the t!.c California Couibiiietl Keuners and Mow ers, wbUh. for beauty, strength and siiuplichy, has no etjia'.i in u is or any otter uiutKet,as It orsv--s many great anyiaii:n.-i- over t.uy oti;cr machine, to-wit : 1st. li is much li'htt-r: thedrivinir w lie. I is four fee hivh. making tlieu:-oJt 3J 4 cenu lets tlaiu any other uiai tune. 2d. The cuP.ins part is t!ie rear of the machine, ntr tho upi-on is so cuustrurted that it can be taken oil u, ten uiinutes tor mowing. .M, Tne gruiit is i:ri-cd to one side with ckfc. 4th, It will cut ifitlrsas low as thtce iucf.es. sid grain as hih as twelve. aih. It t-tn be raiK-3 or lowered in three minutes. Uh, It has less side druit tluia any uiachit.c iu litse. 7 tit, It has more 1:101.0:1. Sih. You can drive dower und do vonr work Wtter. inU, Leuueix and u bait feet ia 'width, and has a spring scat tive SV-et front tlw wix-und, whieh .luet the u;-ivt r iu a position to be able to ini4i;aue his team, and see t .e breuKers uiit-u! iu l.uie to save tin uuu-nine. lv i 1, It uii be t!.;oxn out of, and into gear in one minute. 11th, Tiie catting r art of the nmcliine bcinv ia the rear, taki-s nil the weiirbt oil the hores. tth, Ine bet antl lust reasoti ut aii is. that it is a Outuoruia iuiprocd and uuiite uiachiue ; therefore any purchaser can, oil snort notice, obuiiu any poruou 01 ti.e inuciuiic mat uuir nituii. Imivet.ikt-u purtirular paitia to select sncul wor men aud giod uaiteruils, aiid 1 warrant tain m:.e!:i::e to reap aud mow, aud to do eiu:t-r or both, belter than any other machine iu it. is murket. l'iea-- give me a c-AL. I ilKJM AS UtHI Sll AU , ol Sacramento street. ALSO KEEP OX HAND MANNY'S COMBINED LEA i I.KS oi MOW r-US, HJ.KA1.L S ULAl'ERS. ltL'.-!Kli S KKAl'liUS, Aictt.Mi.Ult. Iv S ItEAPERS. Ia ttct, all kin'cU ot Kt.lfbUS tuu ure iu use. can he t-a-1 01 u-e at tue loert ri':i i nnn THOMAS OGO SHAW, iJ S.ii n.nic;iio suect. SAFES! SAKES!! LillW ItrprortJ. H'romgkt aaut ij Aiiicd Iron Safes. Fire IVoof, Iri!l Proor, Powiler Pi-oof, liiiriur Proct A ttu lollie s LnuickaMe. Powdet-tiiwt Lock. 1-.mC best Sale uuidctor reriet:!!- bum tire aud thieves, a? proven 111 innumerable iuMamc. A. to retctit test bv Ure, reference ts n;:ule to the late LuriiM.i.- ,t ti.c CrtMal I'aime iu New otk Ci:v. at u itic:: an otner ?aiea oa extiiniuon were uurncu up. 1... i 1 1- s -...e uioue nu uuiiiiureu. Kete:ciiitf is also maJe to the te?t sitfordetl br t!ie burning ol U-e I.haula Central Lajiroud Deot at vuiro. RluJ tiie fjliowuig letter: Icopr.J. Caiuo. liL IVe. lth. 1S53. Lewis Lii.i-IE, Esq. I fear Sir: Tne S.ile we pur-eliot-d of you was in our ottice, which was consumed on Monday night., We have just oiietied it, and hud the ptt-e.s uninjured, and the books will be good for service by benur rebound, tiie bniuini; be:n-' iiimred by steam, but the puter of the books is not injured in l!e leat- te couteuts 01 the iron tuoi-ev chest weie till rijjht, gtKHl us wheu put 111. liuly vours. Signed, JI.li.ABBO IT, Aireut Illinois Centml Kuili-oad. Referenee is also lun.ie to the ereMt test trial w hich took place at Iowa Cuv, iu Iowa, ou the loth January, li.i. 'l'ue oriiu ol the test was thehatp co uietitlon for the sn'i lvi:ir the Stale Bank, and its blanches, with sates, vault doors, locks, ore. the Mute Batik having purchased Mr. Eilhe S.ife, etc, the opposilion sale vcmti-is, being uissatisUed, tiroiiosed, as a test, to drill tiirou'h oiie oi the safes the oauk hud purchased, which proposition tbe bank ac- cei-teil, una Jlr. i-i!lie went turougn froiu Iroy, N. 1., 10 i.iwa, to w uiiesa this let. r our iieiteclly clieiuie ally burdened dulls were prepared, and the machinery was adjusted, Mr. Lillie assisting tin-in iu adjustingtlie nuu-binery to drill his own sale. The result of all this was. thut after driliiin; one hour and hftv six minutes they reached the chilled iron, when tbe urili would go 110 further, all the unit hat iu:r beeu Lteruilv brokeu ana ground 10 piece, au ntiiier e.toits to uiiu weie tx-liictunilv atiaiKioneo. A shit'Uieut of these safes has hist arrived, and can now ue seen at the agricultural vt arehoutse ol 1 . U. Shaw, y3 Sacramento street- Lillie's celebrated Bunk Locks on bands for sale. The best Bank uud aidl I-in-k in the werid. THOHAS OUG SUAW. OIL, OIL.. Tlie best in this market for all kind of machinery whieh I will warrant not to gnui iu usiug. Send us your orders, and it shall be sntisfnetory. BELTING, BELTING. All kinds can be had as cheaii us the cheapest, both ox tanioima uiiu eastern nmniiiucture. EXTRAS, EXTRA All kinds of reaiier sickles and sit 1; le sections, spur. tievel ana crutiK pillion iifixes tor iiliinny s euinhiuetl, Jli Uonnn k s, uiu'nil , llUBsey s,,i5cyiuour 6i jllor- gau'g Ueupei. EEPAIRING, REPAIRING. All kind-s of Airricultunil Itnuhuieiits made atid re paired ou short notice: K.-pt constantly on hand any amount of extras, which w ill besent to all parts of the Stale by express. Send iu your oht niiieiiiueH in lime to gelihem ivpciiiwl ; save ullt your old vasiugs, for which I will give you the hihi-el 111111 ket price. I vish oil to bear 111 nuuu that I have any amount ol goods to sell, and must si II tiieia, Hint wilu your mil will sell them, and anything you may need iu the Agricultural Ti-ade, as low ns can be bought in this iinnket of the same quality. Feeling thankful lo vou for all past fa irs. I hoie vou will cull at ovi Sucrameuto sti-eet, be fore buying, uud look lor yourselves. THOMAS OGG SHAW. April 12, law. btf Dissolution of lartii?rs2ii. THE partnership heretofore existing between Steve ami Little Tom, at Sulem, is tins :n dissolved by uiiittml coi.rent. STl-.VE, LITTLE TOM. Jf. U. The linn i now nmlcr the solo iimnagcuieM of Steve, who will continue to please his customers in all tiie branches of tnusoriul art. Any debts contract ed bv the wild Tom ou or utter this ilute, will not be recognised by inc. ell'.!!,. April o, livi'J. Dr. J- II- Cliitwooti, EOLA, POLK CO. OREGON. WILL continue to keep on hand an ussortuiunt of drugs and medicines, ulso 11 li the leading patent me liciues in common use ill Uregom J10 will supply ..1., .. 1..1 u,l vifinitv wiili HCtiool and mis- the rll utieoiia books, slalionery, oic. 11 le also tenders his 1'iolessionul service to the peo. of l'olk vouuty. Hi treatment of disease- is si riet- ly 11 ;.. .i,iit him 111 t.iM Ili-Iiii-iii nrucliee. If I Ai ril 4, lriot. 5tf V. LADD, Suu Francisco. . o. hi: ED, p ADD, J 'ortlund. 1. M. LADI) Laild, RrcJ &Co, (Sxccetsor to XV. S. Ladd & Co.,) JM PORTERS and Wholesale Dealers, in wine, li quors and Giot cries, Front at., Portland, Oregon. Force Pump. FEW more left, at fj?' Call soon. EELD & STKAJia'S. vort alT VttMc IWTiisfeeTi ' . ' yE BEG TO. CALL TnB. ATTEXTIO. OF . Dealers, a well a consumer, to the following 1 -Tl, ... e ' 11 1.. .u l !. .1 , ,.i cenmcnies 01 wen Known i-uenunis, wno nave ttiinivE ed "DALY'S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY." The high reputation of tlid parties Is n kntricient gunr antee that tho article possesses nil the merit claimed 1. , , - x v i.'ii' 1-1 r I'.. ior lb. ,, -l. A., Xl.,4 c- , Sole Agent. State Assnyer' f Iffico, 32 Somerset street, Bostom, M as, April 17,138. J Wst. It. Dlr.t. New Yorkt Dear Sir I have made a chemical analysis of your " AliU.MATIU VALIiLI WHlMv X , and una it a pure, ffne-nayored Whiskey, containing no Jujiirions mutter of any kind, and recommend it as suitable for medical and public purposes. tUlK LES T. Jacesox, M. D-, State Assaycr. New ToitK, April in. 1P5. I have analyzed a Rumple of "DALY'S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY,'; ttn'1 find to be tt t'ure arti cle, of tine flavor, and without any deleterious admix ture. Jamxs li. Chiltox, M. D., CheuiiaL AYst. II. Bait. Esq: Jfear Sir.- Your "AROMATIC VALLEY WHIS KEY," is reeeivedf and after careful examituition, I Iiml it to be a pure article, entirely free from the adul terating iiigrediunt so frequently used. James'J. Mapks, Chemist. DALY' AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY is rut up iu cases containing one dozen bottles each. t't For sale by all the principal Eujuor Houses in San Francisco. 3ni5 . Frank linker, 110 AND 112 CLAY STliEET, . 45 AND 47 MERCHANT STEEET, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic CARFE TS,FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS at ATS, tSD COCOA-MATTING, DRCGGETS, BAIZSS, DAMASKS, WINDOW SHADES AXO HOLLALhS, CPHOI.StEBT OOODS, PAfKll IIAXOINOS AXD BORDERS, CHINA MATTING, for sale in bond or duty paid, at the lowest rates, feuti Son Francisco. J. w. Ladd, San Francisco. s. o. reed, Portland. J. . ladd, do " I.add, II red tX Co., Successor to IF. S. Ladd 4- Co.) SHIPPING AND COM51ISSION MERCHANTS, and wholesale and retail dealers in choice wines, liquors. Groceries aud general merchandise, Front st, Portland. Consignments solicited, aud liber.J cash advances made ou the same, which will receive the special at tention of our Mr. .1. M. j.ald, iu San Fmnci.-co. Par ticular attention giveu to the purchase aad shipment of goods in New York. If sutHcicnt inducements are offered, we propose having a vessel leave Ncv York every spring and fall, tor Portland dtreot. 1'ortlaud, April 4, l-t5. 5;f STATE OF OREGON. ) COl'NTY OF MARION. PH. INSTATE of DAVID T SEWELL, d-eaed. Iji J titer C. Morrisou. aduiiuistrator; notice is hereby given that tl-.e adtuiitistrator of said esUUe will nuike application lor liiud settlement of tbe situe, bo Tues day, May 3d, l-SJli. All persons interested are notiUed to'nppcar. MILTON SHANNON. 2o Judeof County Court. J. YY. JuLusoH, A TTORXEY AT LAW AND SOL10ITOU IN .iV Ci:am-ery and A.lniim'ty, Seattle, V. T., w iil practice in all t!.e Courts iu V;liiintou Territory. April 6, lsjl. lvi I'tlotolto Voire's Ht linapps. V MEDICINAL drink, of eminently salutary qraili t;c, imttiUtaciHred by himself excinsiveiy", n: his ia.-torv at Schiedam, iu HIhiud. and well knowu dur um the bi; t twelve years throughout aU tie Athuitic and Wc.-u-rn Statt-s." It is made from tiie best bttrlcy that can be selected in Europe, with the essence of uu 11r.nn:. til Italian ber ry of acknowleU;ed and extraordinary incdicinnl prop el le-. It f as long since acquirt-ii a higher reputation, boiu ill lairope aud America, than any other cburetic bevcrago. Auuh .-!, it is a rERFECTi.T rrEE i.iQfor., ta its ef fictsa mild i;t.d w liolt-soiiie tottio. Ii is cx:niKivc!y u-ed a:id upproVedb v the nte.lit-id faculty, the icmrcr- atice Kopli-. bca.l ot fHt:ii!it-s, Aro. la tiravcl, txuut. ai-a KUeumatism, the otistmctiors cf the bladder and khiuevw, and iu ueueru! ilehilitr, its ei'.cc'.s arc prompt. decided and iavaritihlv reliable ; and it is not only a retaedv lor tuese mnusities. but in all caes in w hich tber are produced by driukinit bad wa- . -.i.:i. 1 .., . ... : . .11 . .i" . ... -. u-r, winca iil aiimiM uiiiversouy ine cause 01 tucm, 11 ti ts ti? :t sure prevetttative. r or r ever an. I Ayue it is one of the most cliicacrons preventives that run he resorted lo. tilt. ALWIAliU SVItlr-tAAl W.HSAITS Ij ronse'pteutly in great demand by persotos travelin?, or uiiotit to settle m new partsof the country especially, S3 win as by itianv la every conimumty, wliere it has become kn-jwn, ou account of its various other reme- tiial properties. lu att c.e ot of a dropsntil tenuency, it is generally tbe only remedy nspurcd, when adopted in the corly st:me el tt-e lilsense. I11 urMK'psui niiiladiis, wben ta'sten ia projier qnan- 1:1 a diel drinU, uud rsH-ciui!r ut dinner, it is funiid by nuilbrtu experience to be eniitieiitly ellicuciotts iu the n;ost obstitutU cases, when even the" best of tbe usiud muetiien have failed to atlord more than tempo rary relief, lu cases of flatulency, it is an immediate and invariable specitic, and it may be admiuistered iu Muted and nroiHiruonute oiuniuties, eveu to voune m- bntts, in all thosv tiartxsnis of riiiiiit; tKiin in tbe stoiuach and bowels to which they are esoccialiv sub ject, as well as the cholic of grown persons. lis judicious adoption in connwtion with the princi pal uieue, or w ueu a sense 01 exuaitsiion amines lis use. never nuis to relieve the dehihty atteudant upon I rot rut ted chrome maladies, l:w teuiemuietit and ex inusted vital energy, by whatever cause induced. T:iese are facts to which many of tbe most eminent medical men, Imth in Entlur.d 1111J tiie United States, have borne testimony, and which are corroborated by the hiuhest written authorities. I ut itn m timtrt and piut bottles, in cases of one doz en, with my name on tiie bottles, cork, and fac-siiniie ot mr siirnature on the Int. el. For sale by all the restectiib!e Drn-rsista and Liquor dealers in Oreeon and California. CDOLPHO H OLKE, Sole Importer. t Beaver street, Kevr Vork. Cnution to tiie Public. Lomlou Cordial Gin, Club House Gin, Schiedam Schnnpp, Medicated Sciuetpps, lioyul Scimapf:s, etc., etc., etc. Cnder the above and similar titles, the liquor mixers of this city are bottling large quantities of adulterated, unwholesome trash, costing but little, on which they hope to realise large prolits by selling in California. Avoid all comixiuiiUs. Sonic are so skillfully nreiar- ed as to puss for gotsi Liquor, except with the best of lulires. It you would be suti-, use only the lung estab ished, renowned, genuine Wolfe's Schiedam Aro matic Schnaits. CDGLPIIO WOLFE, Sole Importer, Ang. 31, tt is7 i Beaver street. New York. LiOiitloa Club House Uiu. TO THE PUBLIC. 1IIIS CELEBRATED GIN PRETENDING TO . uotliinif but wind it is, viz: a mire and unadulter ated art icle, and assuming no artiticial merits of what it is not, as some of its rival imitators do after five year ot public approval and very extensive sales in California, has been pronounced by the public to be su perior, not only as a beverage of genera! use, to any other article competing ngniust it, but is UN RIVALLED IN ITS MEDICAL EFFICIENCY n most cases of complaint. To persons traveling in tiese day of ranid tiausit from East to West, North to South, who ure constantly changing their water as well as their climate: who are drinking, indeed, n dozen kinds of water tn every twenty -tour hours, and each tlrHimht containing some iiroiierty ai ling in chemical antagonism to the preceding one, thereby causing au iiiiinunr.it degree ot excitement to the stouiucu it is positively and uosoiitieiy necessary to use a counter acting agent. From the fact that tne " LON DON CLUB HOUSE G IN" is nrennred expressly to meet such exigencies, and to act us we know it w'ill act, antidote yve confident ly prescribe it as the very best nrtii le in the country. The mime of " Aromulio Scb'ediim Schnapps" has nev er been attached in any way to this article, la lirst )t-e8cutiiig the LONDON CLCB HOUSE GIN" to the public, my aim wne to give them a pure and on adulterated iii-tnlo of Gin, and to call it by its right name. Tiie nieces attending its introduction and ex- teusive sale 111 Culiioiina w u sutlicieut gtuu-autee 01 the high iippriH-iutiou of the article by cousuiuers. , annus pontes iinvv 110m iimn ... ui.ro ...... hipped to Culil'orniit an article which they cull "Club lloitfo Gin." My ttiu, which has gamed such u repu tation in California, is branded ou tlie cases. OLD LONDON CLUBHOUSE GIN WM. II. D." Tlie bottles also have a while label with fiic-Miuie of mv signature. 1 caution ull pitrties to beware ot mut- utious. v M. II- JJtAl, Solo Importer, Aw toi-K. .Tun. 21, IS.9. 4Stl i A A I one who proiesses to nuuersmim uu intiu-n J. or sciences, assumes to impose an absurdity upon the public. Oil tiie same principle, any one 1 medicine which professes to cure all diseases is un .. . , . ii . 1 worthy of tho slightest confidence, awl should ut once lie denounced us a quack nostrum. The OlEFEXIiERG FAMILY MEDWIXES do not assume to cure all disease with one remedy. They have eleven dillereut 111eUicir.es, each adapted to its peculiar disease, aud lime has proved beyond a ques tion the eliicocv aud certainty of these iirei-aratuuf. Their list comprises the foliowmg medicines! Gnefeulierg egetanie 1111s. luarsiiuu s Lienue ta ilioli.oii Gi-ad'eiiberir Sursauarilla. Gra-feiiberg Pile Remedy. Gnefeulierg Dysentery Syrup. Green Moun tain Ointment. Onrfcuberr Ciiildreu's Punucea. Giiei enberg Cunsnniptive's. Bahu. Onvfenberg Eye Ixition. Grn-tenlMsru: Fever 6i Airue Roiue.lv. Gm-feuberg ruberg J Ueultu Biltei. Gra-lenlierg Manual of Health. For sale by all druggist tlirouglioul tue Suite. General Agent, KEDINGTON & CO., Wholesale Druggist, San Francisco. Oct. 16, vm. oda PatiOe Foundry and Machine Shop, San Francisco. . J ESTABLISHED IN 1850. TIIE above establishment is believed to have facili ties for tbr mHtnifucttire of every description of -, , CASTINGS AND MACHINERY snpenor to any other on the Pacific Coast. - Every kind of Saw Slill Machinery, steam engines, &c.. Ate., made at a short notice and in a most work manlike manner. Woeuiauufactnre a style of SHINGLE MACHINE, at moderate cort, which we believe to be more efficient than any other in use. Orders are particularly solicited from Oregon and Washington Territories, which will have the same au thority as tlioiifth the parties were personally present GODDAKD, IIANSCOSl & RASKIN. late Goddakd 6c Co. San Francisco, Feb. 2, 1S59. &nol . New Iinprovcmcnts. THE subscriber having secured rII the late iinprove nients And additions to the photographic art, is now prepared to supply THE PICTURE ADMIRES with a superior clas of pictures, heretofore unknown in thiB country, and Buch only as can be obtained in HIS OALLLERIES AT SALEM AND CORVALLIS. Therefore the friends living in either place will he sure to avail themselves of this opjiortimity to secure some rare specimens of ricrtuts of Themselves asd FIIIEXUS. Ambrot ypet, Melainntypen, Citto.'ppe, Spher o'.ypes, and Photographs, colored cr plain. OIL PAIXTF.D PHOTOGRAPHS, being by far tho most superior portrait and pictures that are Produced in Europe anil America, and are destined to sntiercede every other kind. Tbe process of Photographing ia producing wonder. Pictures if Statuary, Models, Buildings, Landscapes a.-id Animals of all kinds, are among the excellencies of this process I hate the only facilities in this country for the production of sKch pictures. I produce the only picture that are at all FI T TO SEXlt IX LE TTEIiS. Experience proves that Mehiinotvpe are not at all St, aa has been published to the world. I a-n prepared to produce this superior class of pictures, from the SMALLEST POSSIBLE MINIATURE TO FULL LIFE SIZE, and even much larger I have a variety of Fine Gold Lockets, Doutle and Sinsrle. The best eviib-nce of THE SUPERIORITY OF 31 Y PI CTCKES over ot'-'ers in tbia country, is that every visitor to my gallery, without exception, so decide. Iltivine enjoyed th! rare nriviletre of between three and four months practice iu Sun Francisco last summer with one of the best practicul and most popular pho tographers in Europe or America, this gives me a redded adcan'-je. My gallery is alwnva open for tlie inspection of ladies and ireiuieuien, and pictures for tlicir iiispection. 1 Lave an occasional hour which I can appropriate to THE KErAItt Or MCStCAC ISSTKCStESTS. I have also a'procees by which rennr Bras Furniture of all kinds in tbe moat elegant stvle. It will look as well as when first from the manufactory. Sly gallery will be constantly open, w:bere I may be found to atvnd to cs.iis. My gallery at Corvailia w-11 have oa operator to attend to customers. 11. CAMPBELL. Sale April, 1853. tf ' veil"sid FROM THE DALLES TO ST. LOUIS. VliOCT the tWHh of May, I shall start upon a bits". ness trip to the Atlantic States, and rttt atfend personalty ta tiie collection of any tni eys or claim; the settlement of estate interests ; the division and sale of 'reel estate and other property : arid nt:y other bust tie? of a legal nKtitre. thronhotit tbe Western, North ern. Middle or Eastern States. Aiso. will jive carrf'ti and prompt a'.'eiiiion to tbe pnrclutfce aud shipment direct to Oreifoa. 01 any jroods, stock, farm implements, macbinery, carriages, books, seeds, musical instruments or other articles- And, as I sliali visit Washington City, will also attend to the aiipistiiteiit of rlaiuis Melius! Government, pnx-aring bu'lc pay cr susjiended Bounty Land War ran la, and otiier claims in tae DepartnieuLs. E. M. BMUfOL Salem, March 20, 1S33. iis3 Oregroa ! Otc;ob ! ! Orc;oa II!" IELLOW CITIZENS will do well to keep in mind that March 7th, April -ah. May 2d and 3. lb, .June r.'th, July sub, Aug. .d, Sept. lA'n, Oct. 17th, Nov. 1 Ith, 1 K:c 1 Vt h , iu the present year, within any week commencing sit any of the above f kites, you are respec- tiiUy solicitcl to atten l Altniuy Jiai to cot your trrists Litmud, bv E. S. A .'tree, it bcimr bis time to ru:i the Mill. Every attention will lie paid to who wish to patrounte una, boja in quantity and quality. should the mil! not run, I will exchange a lirst tale article of aonr at vr::vs on kaml tor saie. 1. S. Cash paid for wheat, or wheat stored at at! times, at tiie M'll. setierate frorn the oilier proprietors. I keep n ski.T for any one ia cross their grain free oyer the river. 'OmoJ E-S. ALTRKE. Talk about Gold Miues IiUT-5 me in rr.ind that I WANT TO jl i .1 1 .11 1 1'r.iuonnu camion 110 11 fz. . -14 WITHOUT MONEY.and if there is any- 'J'A-; btniy owing me, (aad I think t-iere is.) we -wouKl just say that money we must have, and -we would hereby" notify those" indebted to me either by note or book aceomil to come forward and puagle otherwise we will have to cousiifu thern all over to J. D. Boon, who wiU no doubt make cost on it- Yours resjvUy, J. A- JOHXS. Solera, Sej. 1, ISa-i. 1'atf Aolice. IEKSONS wishing any business transacted ia C-e Athmtic- Slates, sac u as purclatshtg of carriages, buggies, -wngous, sewing machines, pianos, reapers, and raowers,or any other article which b not nsoaliy kept in this market, will find it to their advatita-e to call on the nudorsignetL Abo, for tue collection of money (which is usually d.uie thni!:a tlie Jt-xpres Co., at a heavy e.persv.-) will bo promptly attended to by one of our linn. We wiil pay easa for ail drafts, bills of exchaiu.-e. and ceriieatea of deposit on tbe East or Western Bank. W. C. GP-ISWOLD & Co. Salem. Oct. 12, l. sitf For Saie. in ACRES OP LAND FOR SAL.K OE KENT xtHJ all under fence, upwards of KM acres tn cul tivation situated in tbe Forks of Willamette river, three miles from Salem. The bind claim is one of the best, not oidy in Lane county, bill in Oregon. On the claim there'is one of the "best SAW-MILLS in tbe country. The timer priviieire cannot be excelled any where water trie yenr rotinct ana iimoer mumy. Payments will ie arranged to suit the purchaser. i or turtuer luiorniauon, apply ou tiie premises. -"O. H. AliMITAGE, 41tf McKenzie s I'ost Ortice. C. 15. PillotVs DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, Sa lem, gn- l'articubir attentiou paid io the rcrairiuir ofWatches and clocks- All work war- ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice- r Ol. n .11. 1 . : Watcu.es nntl clocks, S day BtriSutg clocks at a very low price ; also dJ hoar marine r lock. JEWELRY. Ladies and gents brooches, Finger Uings.Ear Kings, Gold BuckK, Guard luauis, &.C., ct-c. Salem, July ti, lcSo. ltf WATCHMAKER, OREGON CITY. 1 PERSONS desirous of getting good wors oq done will do well to stive me a call, as my fjfyS ...i.i.. : :.. .l....,...l ... ,i.& 1V- w nine time ip iiri wcii in uic itj-aii.t.Q ... u.v - uoineters, Duplex and Ilorutouial V alcnes. .n assortment 01 jeweiry on nana. Jewelry repaired, or made to order. Prices m aceordauee with the times Store at the old stand, Main street. Jan. 1SS. 47tf ii. Collier ICohbiit, I PRACTICAL Watch Maker, Wholesale nnu retail dealer in clocks, watches, jewelry, silver ware, and fishing tackle, and Indian goods, Portland, Oregon- Receiving my gootis direct from tne importers and ti!aiiiiluctiners,"I can sell goods as low as any other House on the Pacilllc Coast. llavimr experienced workmen in every branch of my business, ! can guarantee perfect satisfaction in repair ing hue wtitciies aud jewelry. Every article warranted to be as reputed. All wntcli work warranted to give sntisfaetinn. 46tf Patronize the Etprtsacs. MY enstomers in Salem, or any town in the interior, can order watches, jewelry, silver spoons, &c, by express, payable on delivery "of tbe gooils, provided tho article aud price suits, otherwise they can be re turned. Watches, jewelry, &.c, for repair can be for warded iu the sumo manner, to , G. COLLIER ROBBfifS, Practical AYittc-u Maker, Portland, Oregon, Feb. 2, 1S5J. 4.f I'iano Forte. I7IROM W. II. Hall & Son's manufactory E Broad way, N. York, sold at their prices with freight add ed. Also, Prince &. Co. Melodeons. Call and we will show you a list of prices and sam ple of their work. " GEO. II. JONES, A srent. Solera, May IT, 1858. liitf K. I'flton, Geo. II. Jones & Co., SELL EXCHANGES ou Now York,, in amounts to slut purchasers. Salem, May 17, 1K53. lOtf Window Sash, GLAZED, and common sized uuglazcd, jnst received from tlie Portland Sash Fai toi v, and for sale low for cash, at REKD STRANG'S. August H7, 1858. Stf Luuk Here! PERSONS having P.-ince's Melodeons with, broken reeds, can get theia replaced with new ones by sending to Oregon Cit' Book Jt Melodeon depot Sept. iil, 136& 4ttf Boone's Ferry, OX Willamette river, new road between Portland and Salem. The road ia a gorsi one and ten n .ile shorter than the, old road. JESSE V. BOONE. May 25, 1868 12tf ESTRAYS TAKEN UP. FOUR nub: nontbeast from Ilarriebnrg, Linn Co., by the TObscriber, two estrnvs, one Kgl't bay half breed horse, white face, fore feet and right hind foot white, supposed to be three year old ; came to my res idence some tune last spring. Also, one red heifer, with a crop off of each ear, aad split in the left, some white on her back and telly, star in her forehead, white tail, no brands perceivable, supposed to be 2 years old. , CHARLES B. COCHRAN. , March 2C, isr,. . .g ' BY the enbseriber, living in Ashland precinct, Jack Co., one red and while spotted steer, 5 years old, branded on the left hip, crop off of the right ear, bush of tail white, aud some white dn the face. Also-, one red mnley steer, 5 years old. crop off of the right ear, brandedJsvith figure 2 on left shoulder. Also, one steer, 5 years old, marked with crop oS the left ear, and slit in tlie right, white back and belly, brindle heaJa3 si.b. MINUS WALKER. March 22, 1359. i?w6 - ON Bear creek, about six mile eat of Jacksonville, in Jackson Co., a brown Indian horse, wbite leg, a white spot on hi left etiffe.land wbite face, the whjtJ ending around tiie lower end of tbe npper jaw; he ia about 14 band high, and ia anpposed to he at least ten year old. - O. D. 1IOXIE. March 21, 1853. 2w6 - BY the subscriber. living three mile southeast from Dayton, Yamhill Co., Ogn., three three year old heifers, marked as follows: One red heifer, marked by having a slope oft" upper side of both ears. Also, one roan or dun heifer, without any marks or brands visible. Also, one deep red heifer, marked with erpuar) crop oif right ear, and a split in both ears. r , r , o-, L MEEEDTTIL March 15, mn. vwo IN Yamhill Co., Oretrnn, by the subscriber, living 4 mile eoiih of McMinville, an Indian mare about 7 or 8 years old, with heavy mane and tail, dim brand on the near ahonlder, which" appears to be J W; no other marks perceivable; color brown, or dark bay. Sha came npou my premises sometime in Feb. as well aa recollected. J. A. CORNWALL. April 11, 1353. 2w6 ' IX Yamhill Co., Ogn, on South Tualittm, 4 steers, supposed to he five yearsold,and each marked with, an underbit in the left ear, and branded with an S on the riifht hip. One of them i a red, with a b Jd face t one a red, with some white in his face ; one a red roan, and one a brown, wilh a bail face. D. SMIT1L April 4, I8jJ. 5rw6 I Y tbe subscriber, living two miles southeast from M Ilarrisbnrg, Linn Co., two estravs, one block brindle steer, crop oH" of each ear, and" a hole in tha right, supposed to be three years old. Alsoone dark brown steer, nwailow-fork in the riirbt ear. tcid miner slope in the left, snnposcJ to be three years old- Feb. K, 1?53. iw6 I Y the subscriber, living near Fera Butte, Lane Co., ) O. T., a three year old r?d lull, no marks or brands. W. G. PINKERSOX. April 9, 1?50. 2wd ON the ?lt of M.-srcb, 153, at tbe residence of tbo the su??criber. eight miles north of Corvailia, one roan steer, tmtrked v- ith an rmderlit in tbe left ear, tho rii-'ht eye ont. enpposed to be three years old. Also, one bLick and white heifer, vrhh a.bob tail, has a young calf, no marks or brands, supposed to be 2 year old, - JACOB MODIE. . March 21, 1559. i-w5 BY the snbscriher, living 5 miles sonthestst of En"ena City, Lir-e Co., Oim, one three year old red Lull, white in the forehead, raider shine "and crop off Xh. riglit ear, no otiier mark or brands. E. L. MATLOCK. April I, -ts5 BY the sniifscrilier, living two miles sonthwest of EijLt, Polk Co.. Oregon, on the .fourth day of April, 1". one yearling heifer, with red sides, wbit back and face. ' XORMAX SCOTT. April 4, ISJJ. - '--5 T" Y" the enbseriber. livins - about five miles west ef one dark iron irniv horse. 1 i Brownsville, Linn Co., blaze face. sime white on tue sides of his bead, and 4 years old this sprim-. JAMES McMAHAN. March i, Iiso9. Sura ON the 2d inst., by tbe subscriber, living aborft three mites nortiieasi of Taylor s Ferry, in Washinstoa Co.. one bLtck Imiian hor?, blaze face, branded' on near hip with several characters, in rarber a confused c-incer, white marks on eaci side, and is supposed ti be nine cr ten years old. Dec. 24, I .". 2w5 BY the enbseriber, living 5 miles north of Spores Ferry, in ltne Co., one red roan steer. 3 years old, marked crop of riibt- and -spht m the left ear ; came here in December, 1S59. Also, one brown hei&Tf i years old, crop olleft ear. M-WILKINS-"March !, lS-it. 2wi 1 5IaiI and lassesiger toafh. THE nndersined hereby informs tbe public that be is runninff a . - . weeklv Line of Co-ic-bc-s Itween Sideia . Ci'y, carry the United States mail and riassensners. He leaves Ent'ei City Samfay morrjror, arrivinar at Salem 3Iond;ty arternoou, and leaves Saiern Tuesoay morn ing, arrivinsr at Eajrene Wednes-iny eveninsr. - Good accozunodation for passengers. Fare, $5 eats -srar. UKOEGEE. JlcrQCEES Anenst 10, 1S5-4 iScf tiivery aad Sale Sla&'e. TY TE are rtow kespintr a Livery Stable in Or- V eon City, where horses can always be obtained on'bberal terms. Yi'e are also, prepared with excellent stables, well supplied with hay and oats, to keep horses by d 17 or week. Tiiose who call upon us may fee! assured thafi every aueutioa will be given to iiorses left i-i our eharie. GIBSON & POTTER. Aunst 11, 1S57- ifif City Hotel, Corrallis. MESSRS. A. B. & I. SPEESGEB. T"f J"OULD announce to tbe citizecs of Corvaiiis, and V tie traveUina public jreneraily, that they have thoroughly refitted this well known est.-thbsbn.-fcnt.and are now prepared for the accommodation of eastern ers. Tje rooms have all been refnrnisiied, tbe becLj clean and comfortable, and their table will be furnish ed with the best the market atTorus. Corvaiiis, Aug. 3t, 1S57. Iy25 Eale Hotel. THE nndersiimed has jnst opened a public house iu the town of lhtiias, the county seat ss.--ef Polk Co- livery attention shall be iven to tbe mo commodation of tite travebu commnuity, as well a to boarders : no pains or expense have been spared to make the II jnse convenient and pleasant, and would respectfully solicit -a share of pubUc patronage. Ia connection with tiie House is a iiverv stable. - -TilOS- J". LOVELADY. Dallas. Jan. 12, 1S59. 6at4aid Marion House, Salem. THE nndersiimed announces to the pnblic that he has purchased tbe well-known tavern stand . called the Marion House, in Solera, tosether with tbe furniture and fixtures thereof. He wiil keep it in firs rate stvle, and invites tbe patronasre of the pnblic K. il. MAY, May S3. 1S57. lltf - For Sale. LOTS Xos. 1, 2, 3, in block 53, with dwelling bouse, barn, ami otby improvements, ia Sa JJiit lem. Enquire of J. G. Wfconat Salem, or at Portland, of jEO. H. WILLIAMS.--Sept. S3, 185?. Sutf House ane2 Iot for Sale. IN the town of Salem. JOHN FORCE, Dec-7, 1S5S. 40tf 1G0---2OO. FROM one humlred to two hnndred acres of improv. ed hind for sale, about two miles from Salem, Mar ion comity. Dee, S."1359. JOHN FORCE, 40rf ' Farm for Sale. L TWO and a I.aif ttii'.es from Salem, all nnder im provement, pood bnildins, aud a large orchard of Fruit- trees, front one to nine years old. JOHN FORCE. Dec-8, 1551 4btf - Nursery. THE enbseriber has otie of the best nurseries J in the country, situated near Salem, in which can always be found ail the best varieties. Orchard men are reqnestea 10 examine uis trees, tppiy imrsery, or the coufectkmary and grocery stora, north west oi the Marion House. a - MICHAEL MYERS. Salem, Oct. 1, 1S5S. For Sale. TIIAVE tlirechnndredandtwentyacresof land ci,..-.!..,! ;n l.inn f'.v. B.-iont 3 miles from Scio, all well iriproveil. Also, a stood orclmnl which 1 will sell on reasonable terms. For information enquire of the undersijrued at boJem- , . . IVibUAJi ruiuai &ilem, Xov. 20, 1S58. Cieo. Prince & Co. A LARGE assortmer.t 01 tnese meiooeons, jnst re 2 ceived irom the makers, consisting of the foUow ia kinds of portasfe instrument: 4 octavo C to C & octavo F to P 41" C to r o " double reed to If PUSO CASED: 5 octavo F to F 5 octavo, 2 banks of key, Thes iustrnment I will sell CHEAPER than any other house in Oregon or California. Send m your or ders. JOHN A. POST & CO. Orecon City. Mept. I". -tt Wall Paper .aad Border. V LARGE and Splendid assortment of Wall Paper o.l ItorrW Oil iiniird Window Shades, and Pa per Window Curtains, may be fonnd.and for sale Tery ,ow, at - aatt - t i.r.i-. ctl- o . ...... Enconrasc Ilonie lflaaracmre f-piIE WiUarcette Woolen jianuraciurniS X . Co. have now. on hand tbe nest quauijr of blankets, yarn, and cloth- . ' -n- 1 ...1 .... .Jl I,.-,.- for the above froods; unwashed wool at 15 to IT eta. per lb.; washed wool at M to -arB. vr -t.,-!,.nt. .nnnlied on reasonable terms. Orders &6- teaded with promptnes and diiah. MJ. Ji. IVAi A CUW. Salem, Xry. 4, 1S58.