i vpvwhv B W OKtmt fcrr.i t... WAWN MATTMAl.. AORICU LTURAL nl MUSICAL LXSTBUM&JIT8. . tart arrived a "tal lUntt" Bad -Live Taalms.' lb 100 troa axles; 1M aa nails aMortti; M " H.S. Balls; 95 doc Haul's axes, with u4 wttkMt M " Bocaifa s 13Umwa. rrauMrt. andaaadaawa: Tbnthtr with a fMctml sasrtatat of lamars' nl Maefcaniss' Hardware. Habs. spoksa. fi lies, aad wsrythiag b U Bm Tanating machines, Ac.. Ac; Himm . attlodcort. violins, act tii fk mi. Ac. All of walea are offered low for auk, or oa short wjo-tit to reswoeeible parties. Lareaeata aad other porchaaiag would da wall to nsa wiuai my mci. O. B. Colb has entire ehargt of the boataaai aa4 will aaslsaiiii to mrm aaUsfartioa to eaatooaata. Portlaad. Feb. 11. 1859. iotf Or. Warren ft Brown. TTB the BBatraigiiil physsclaa would tsjaaeet Polly V aaaouaee to the cfaxwaa of Seleua aad vtciatty. aaal we have formtd a copartasrship. to tha yraaWce of flaadtsaw Bad geaswel dt ageist hoaiajeaa la Blilltiia to the former stock of Dr. warraj, we rata wareaaaea mam raruaaa aae) Baa n aai I eaa sanely of tttthciatt, each aa are aaaally i tiV -mM throaxh tha eoantrrt atore eaoecfaUJv r-w A Eclectic re ne tea, both erode aad coaceatrated. of law vary hart auaiity. Patent Medicines will alaa he loaad at oar Drag Store. Dr. Brow will attend to calls from the country his Mactrc will be upon Eclectic principles. Baring beea Iff educated ia tae Alopathto practice, and si nee star ted the other systems of medicine extant, feels pre par wa aa oartr to tau eommeaity a ateaium practice among II, which he feeia coufldeot is better adapted to aae eara or disease, tbaa one system, uc wtaoos it am tsactly aaderstood.that his practice Ueati-poisoa; ear eaatto is !f stare's medicines aniast poison. Prom his loaf txpeitcace. from the Atlantic to the Paeidc, ia a I aao eoutnera climate, ne ueiiciea was nature haa provided remedies in every eoeatry. beat adapted to the diseases of that country, aad eeace we follow It a Tecetarae practice. Dr. warren will attend to calls la town, and also the dins i, 1st and office practice. He woald retara thanks to hai eld friends, for past farors, and hopes with his wcreaaed lactates, to merit a share of public patroaare. Dr. Brown's reeideaee, upper pert el the Emery bniteV mm, aeany opposite at tat irrug store. W. WARREN. Z. J. BROWN. laaaaiy 13. 185. &tf New Improvements- THE eabaeriber. baring steered all the hue Impvove meats aad additions to the Photographic art, ta bow Breonred to aonolv the Pictore admirer with a srjDeri- or ciaaa of pictore, heretofore aaknowa In this eoan nry.aaa eaa can niy ne oncaineo ia nni uaiienee ai talem aad Corrallis. Therefore the friends living la the vicinity of either ptace will be rare to avs.il tbeas Mdveeef thiaafportnnity to ottnie some rare aaect tneaeaf ptesores. ! mensseives aae menos. Amhratypes, Met went ypes.Calotypee. Sphereotypes ad notowraphseotored or pUin. Oil painted Pho- tofrapha being by far the most superior portraits and tctnrea that are prod need ia Europe or America, aad are destined t supercede every other kind. The pro eeaa of Photofrrarjin i prodneinr wonders. Pictores of Btaaaary. Models, Boildiags, LaaAapes aad Aa tatals of ail kinds, are among the excellencies of this tstim. I have the only facilitrae la taia comntr, for aae proancoon or snca piciare. I prodace the only picture that Is at all It to aend la titter, ex iertea.-e prjves that Metaneotypes are aotat all St. a has beea published to the worMtJ am fesared to Drove this to any sensible individual. 1 mm nrenarad to nrodnee this oonerior clssa of pictures from the senile possible miniaure to fall life aiae aad even amen larger. I have a variety of doe gold lockets, doable and single. The best evidence of the anteriority of my pictures over all others ini this coun try is. that every visitor to my gallery, withoatexten. tlnn an drrldra Having enjoyed the raft privilege of between three ana roar mamas, prarnca . dob r nraw anmer. with one of the heat practical, aad atoat popu lar Photographers ia lSurapeer America, this given am a decided ad v ntage. My gallery ia always open for the faspeuioa of ladies and gentlemen, aad pictures for their inspection. I hare aa occasional hoar, which I caa appropriate to the repairing of musical Instruments. I have eln a process by which I renew braaa furaitare of sll hinds tatne most elegant sty ie; n wui mosx aa wen as wnea drst from the manufactory. After New Years my gallery- will he eenataatly pea. where I may be found to attend to all call. My gallery, at Corn! Its, will hare aa operator to attend to teainmtrs. M- CAMPBELL. BalemDec.I3.1BS. Lerinson tV Co.'s Expre! CttrtiM, CtBUitniti aid Farrtrmitf lgnte. FORWARD EXPRESSES twice a week T''r to and from the folbwing places: PORTI.ASO. MILWACKiK. OBEMOX C1TT. BUTTETILLB. CHAMPOEG. FAIRFIELD. 8ALEM. INDEPENDENCE. ALBANY. CORVALLIS, BOONHLLE. THURSTO!f , EUtJEXE CITY. DAYTOJf. LAFAYETTE. VANCOUYEB, CASCADES aad DALLES. vanntctlng at Poruaad wiin Wells, Fare ftv Ce To all aarta of California, the Atlaatie BUtes sad Europe. Forward freight and parcels, procure checks on Saa Francisco, aad drafts oa the Atiaatie States, of Wells, Fargo A Co. a. Portland. Execute eommunons, sake eollectiona aad purchases, aad attend promptly to all Butters pertaining to the Express Line. Welle. Fargo A Co.'s Express Envelopes will he used by aa over all our rentes, and eaa he procared at ear OBees, la all the above mentioned towns. Ofhce at Well, Fargo A Co.'s Onto. P-Ttlaad. LEYTNSON A CO. Kuaaascn : J. M. Tansyele. A rent Wells. Fargo A Co. Portland. J. Seller A Co.. A. Mayer A Co. Smith Davie, A. M. A L. M. Starr. J. Failing A Oil. H. W. Corbet, Barter A Co.. a. B. Cole. John B. Foster, BeyuMor A Jaynt, Goldstoae A Merer. 45 tf A. BMXH.BXI.Ajrn. t. W.TBCBHAJI. J. A. KcCleUaUtd &, Co., Csr2iii0ai Ucrchr.nta, To, Ctax srtwees OAII FRAIICI3C0. CINSIGXMENTS of Oregon Floar, Bacon. Lard. Better. Fruit. Ac. Ac. solicited, aad liberal cash ad i s a i is made on the bun, either for aale or oa stor age. Particular attention paid to purchasing goods to order. They have also made arrange natnta with Z- !f . AansboTT, at Portland O. T-. to receive ia atore aad make liberal advances oa all prodace consigned, to hatir house ia Saa Fraaciaco. lytl NEW ARRANGEMETS. STORAGE, FORfVARDIa COMMISSION. Z. N. Stanabary rl NOW prepared with ample Fire Proof Booma for storage, convenient to the wharf, without d ravage, aad will give particular attention to receiving, storing " aad forwarding all kinds of goods and prodace on lib oral terms. He will alo make liberal cash advances fur the boose of J. A. McClelUndA Co., Saa Francis co, en all prodace eoasigaed to them. Office at toe Store of LOVE, TCRPIX A CO ..where, aa aaaal. atoat kinds of family supplies are kept, aad all kinds of prodace bought aad aula. Jan. 1. 189. lytJ paid. A. Boast. B-HcattT. T7illmette Irca Works, OREGON CITY, OREGON. WE beg to inform the public of Oregon aad Wash in gum Territories that are have completed oar Foundry, Boiler, Blacksmith, patters aad Machine hop. aad are prepared to build ENGINES, BOILERS, SAWMILLS, AND ALL Other kinds of machinery. ' rnr business connection la the Eastern 8tateM,the great convenience of our lo cality, the auperiority aad number of our machines, (house of water power instead of steam, aad the per feet kaewledjre of ell branches of our business will en able aa to compete with California. ' Inviting the public to give as a call and fsvor as with their patronage, we promise to execute their orders oa aha shortest notice aad at Saa Francisco prices. A. ROSSI A Co. May,185S. ly FOR SALE. C4f ACRES OF LAND FOB SALE OB BEST Uffr all aader fence, npwards of 100 acres ia cul Mvation sHoated ia the Forks of Willamette river, three miles from Eugene City, on the road to Salem. The above land claim is one of the best, not only in Lane county, but ia Oregon Territory. Oa the claim ahere is one of the best SAW-MILLS ia the country. The water privilege can rot be excelled anywhere raymtam will he arranged to suit the par For fairhat infmmatinn, apply on the pwailsut. G. H. ARMTTACE dltf McKensies Pest Omco. NasTcrf. subscriber has one of the beMirarsrriea in M'HE A. the oountry, situated near Si caa always be found all tha beat ia which a A aae inuiauett d to examine ass trees. Annlv nursery, or the confectioner aad grocery atore, ' a ias manon runue. MICHAEL aTTEBS. Oet.I.lgoB. agar Dr.L I CaaptraybPriTftte MEDICAL AMD 8DB0ICAL DfBTITUTB. fraaoto sxrott, bifew Montgomtry, ecpoatte the PacUe Lall fmam-nln Comnaav'a G-n. Asa Frsu. iof APLISREO Of 1S54. FOB THE PERMANENT CUAS Oa ALL PRIYATB AND CHBOHIO DISXASdS. AND THE mi i aaamna aw ejoacsaar. Atteadlac aad BatHtat PhyaieJaa. l.J.c4apkat,m.d, Late la tha Baagartea BerolaUoaarv War. Chkf Phv. sician to the tath Regiment of Hoaveda, chief Sornon to the Military Hospital of Pasta, H angary, anf the lata Lectarer oathe dissasts of Women and Children, and honorary member of the Philadelphia College at Mwtcfivst a rxHMAirsirr cure guaranteed, OR NO PAY. Commnaicatioon afritvy eoafldential. CoaanltoUoa. br letter or otherwise, free. Addrem Dr.L. J.CSAPEAT. Baa Francisco, CaL tO THE AFFL1CTEO Dr.L.J.CZAPKAYretims hie eineere thaakt to his numeroua patieata for their patreaage.aad weald take this opportunity to remind them that he ooaUnoss to consults hie Institute for the cure of Chreoic disaaaes of the Lungs Xivers JLidneysi restive aad rmiltive ergaas. aad all private dtseaaas, via: Svphiiido Blears, gonuuhwa. gieet, atrictares. etmiaal weakneee aad all tha horrid enaeeeatacea of self abuse, aad ha hopes that his kmc experience aad Jt awful practice of maay years, will ooatiaee la eanure him a ahare of pablio patroaage. By the practice of many years la Europe aad the United States, and daring the Hungarian war aad eamaairaa. he la enabled to annlv tha moat eOrient aad successful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He naee ao mercury cnarges model ate treats bis pa tieata la a correct aad honorable war haa references of anqsestioaable veracity from mea of known respect ability aad high standing la society. All parties con salting him. by letter or otherwise, will receive the best ana gentlest n isvminf. aad Implicit aacreav. Of all dlnaiius. the great Brst cause Springs from neglect of Natures laws. IVrrBR HOT! Wata eau-e to tasrsstwd In all staaree mt HSBASM. adf-Abm, Nil reus Zr&rtry, SrrrcrurM. Sfarft. Grav el. x,netins. xMesset ay me Asgneae and etefder. Mrrtwmd Jtatnmafiim. oVrnnm, Pmmt n lAr Btmn nsf jfatftw. Assam e tar fang. Taraaf, Aost ses, LRvrs apoa me Bom or ubm, Cancers XMawy. fpsnwfsr FSU. St. Vihu' Damn. tad mil int ern mrimmg from a aTermgvaansf e fas Skntar Or gans. Bach aa Nervous Trembling. Lorn of Memory. Lorn oi i-ower, uenurui went n ins, iimnem of i vna, wnn peculiar spots appearing before the eyes, loss of sight. wax els loess, oyer pais, uver aeae, ernpuoo upon tae race, amn in tan nacx ana neaa, remaie irregaiari' aad ail improper aiacaa proper dischanrcs of Loth sexes. It ssattera not from what cause the disease originated. now ever mag staaemg or nnsiineie tee case, recovery ia certaia. aad ia a snorter time than a permanent cure caa he eaVcted by aay other treat meat, evea alter tae din an aas named tae earn or eminent parsiciaaa aad misted all their meane of care. The medicines prescribed are plea sent, without odor, entirely vegeta- ute. caaaing no mcaneea, ana ires irom mercury or balsam. During Bfteen rears of nractire. ia Euroae, the AUaatie States and California. I have rescued Irom the jaws of death many thousands, who. in the tnst stages or tae snore aseuooned eUoeeses, had beea i ren as to die by tneir physiciana. which warrants me in promising to the aftfictcd who may place them selves under my care, a perfect aad speedy cere. Pri vate disease art tha greatest enemies to health, at they are the first caate of Consumption. Scrofula, aad maay other diseases, and should be a terror to the hu man family. A nernsaaent cure is scarcely ever effect ed, a majority of the cases falling into the hands of in competent persons, wno not only fail to cure the dis ease, not rata tne constitnuoa. BUing the system with mercury, which, with the disease, hastens tha aufferer into a rapid roneuwptioa. am aaoara tae outsat aae tae tieatmtat not eaaet nth speedily, aad the victim marries, the disease is retailed apoa the children, who are bora with feeble eonstitatione, aad the carreat of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself" in scrofula, tetter, ulcers. ana oteer atrecuons or ttis saw. even. throat and tangs, entailing upon them a brief existence of suffering and coasigaing them to aa early grave. BKLF-ABCSE ia another formidable enemy to health, for aotlilng ebe in the dread catalogue of hn- eaaea causes so destructive a drain npoa the drawing Its thousand of victims throus-h n few yean of Battering down to an nntimetv erave. It destroys the nervous system, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, coasts mental derangement, prevents the proper development of the system, dieoanlinea for marriage, society, outness and ail earthly napptaees, and leaves the sufferer recked ia body and mind, pre- amposeej to consnmpuoa ana a Train or evils more to be dreaded tttaa eeatn itself. ita the fullest deace 1 assure the unfortunate victims of Self- that a permanent and speedy care can be effected .and with the abandonment of ruinous practices. s nutienta cau e iisihiiu w iuwm, viaiwows nesna. IfTenlarities aad all diseases of males aad females treated oa principles established by Bfteen years of practice and sanctioned by thousands of the most re markable cures. Medicines with foil directions, teat to any part of the State, Oregon aad Washington Ter ritories, by patieata communicating their aymptmns bt letter. Bosinesu tioiiespondence strictly confidential un. u. . iztritAi, Medical Institute. Sacramento stieet. Below Montgomery, opposite Paciao Mail Steam Bjlp to. s vrmce, cum r raacasco. To ran Ltmxa op Oaasoji ak CauroainA-L. J CxtrxsT, M. D.,PhysK-ian ftoweoa and Accoachear Ja vites the attention of the sick and aOicted females la boring aader aay of the various forma of iisi su a nl the brain. luaga, heart. atn ma rh. liver, womb, blood, hid Beys, aad all diseases peculisr to their aex. The Doe- tor U eaTectwg more permaaeut carta than any ether physictaa in Oiugna or Calif ore ia. Let ao false delicacy prevent yea, hut apply Immediately, and nave yourself irom paiarni snnenng aae pre amiuu eeain. All m rird lad iis ah nan ilfilirati atalth ni ullii 1 1 in iimstsn prevent aa iacrease ia their families should write or call at Dr. L. J. Cuapkay'a Medica: Institute, Sacramento nt.. below Montgomery, opposite P. M. 8. S. Co s omce And they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor s OaVeea are so arraaged that he eaa ne onnsuHta witauut saoiestaiiou. llml W9- AI eoesMltaUoas (by letter or otherwise.) free Addrem to DB. L. J. CZA PEAT. Medical last! tote. Ban Fraaciaco, Cel. T EM ABE A BLB INSTANCE OF MEDICAL RR XV UEF-Balow we publish the ceTtiacates of two or toe aiuTueit tram tae pears er.dmeese. who ha vine recoverea xnetr lormer neaiin. ana imneiied bt srrau. tude, make known their cases aad remedial agent, and tneir statements are authenticated by a Notary Public The demands of Society Imperiously enmmand their publicity, and we command their perusal ta the attea lion of aU aaUcted: CEBTUICATE. The nndcrtigoed. detdroaa of aequniatlag those who may be anfortaaate enough to be similarly afflicted, where a permanent relief of their sn Bering may be obtained, feels it his doty to thus pubMclr express nts most sincere grautuae so irr. l. j. lxspxay, for tne permanent recovery or his health. Borne down by the rollable pasatoa ia youth : depressed ia bod v and mind ; n sable to perform evea the most trilling doty imposed apoa the daily avocatmua of life. 1 aonehtthe advice of many physicians, who at Brat regarded my aistasu nsot arming importance out aiat ; altera tew weeks, and in several Instances moo tha. el their treat ment, I foand to my uauttrrable horror, that instead of relief, the symrjtouss became atore alarmma ia their torture ; and being, told by one that my disease, bemc principally confined to the braia, atediciae would be of little consequence, i despaired of ever regaining my health, strength and energy ; aad, at a last resort, aad with hot a faint hope, called apoa Dr. Czapkav. who. after cxamiBiBg my ease, jpreacribed coma medtciae wnich aimoat instantly relieved am of the dull paia aad dittiaam ia my bead, tmcoaraged by tale result. resolved to place myself Immediately under his care. bv a strict obedience to his dirnctioaa and advice. my head bene me clear, my ideas collected, the constant pain ia my back aad groins, the wee ha ess of my limbs, the nervous reacUoa of at whole bodv oa tha slls-ht. eat alarm or excitement: tha miaaathropv gad evil forebodings; the self distrait aad want of confide nee in others; the incapacity to study, and waat of resolu tion; toe rrigntful. exciting, aad at times pleasurable dreams at night, followed by iavoioatary discharges, have all disappeared; aad ia fact, la two months after having coasulted the Doctor. I felt as if iaaoired bv aew life that Hfe which, hat a abort time ago. I coa mpiated to end with my own head. With a view to guard the anfortaaate from falling into the amvrea of incomnetent aaacka. t deem it m v euacka. I the merit duty to offer tbie testimony to the merit and skill of uw. uaaaaay. aao noammead aim to all who may stead all whom or meojcai aovice, being nsanuiil by my own d by my a radical it care will he aahcetd. b. r. rn.T.vnRc gtate of CaDforaia. Ceantv of Sss rMmcj. a-h. scribed and awora to before am, thai 17th day of April, AD. 1864. (Signed) - JOHN M3DDIJT,t,j CABD. bvaahaatst lulu of r heart, I wish to toy before the peMie a eate which d sate ia tine, as aahy aa aa act of eves a high o amitae skill. toat or aaamniii. awo. ai ww veera ago, i dealy aad from r snaps tnkaii me, waateixed with a tt ef mnumtr, which, owiag to my inability to meet the cxpeaeet caaseuoent apoa a thotoagh tsedical treat. it, aad tha dairsmragemeat which I met with on m pilau- H.eooa became such (as I eras " lad to ueiieve.i aa to defy the akill of aav nhtrsielan- I was fratruently. while ia paavft of my callmg, throws dowa to tae groaad wtttooat tha aligMeat wajfmlBg.aBd al. thaach laosswibleto tbe agonies. yet I Itsaltil themia- aryef my exAiteaca. While ia tbie state, aad having to my taction tasted the sweets of lira, I once t ladnced to attempt mohlna aid of a physician. . bv recommendation, called nnoa Dr. L. J. C sas hay, f told him my cticutattancoa. aad my inability to reward hla for bit mrvlcea rertrdlem or which, swever, bt atoaca aadettook mj eate. and with the hasag of Ood, t was once more reetottd to perfect health. UaabM to reward him for the boon which I enjoy at pitta at, and yet conscious of my Indebted aaaa, I consider It due to myself and to all afflicted, to make the case pablio, la order that those la need of medical advice may And a physictaa la whom every ooaAdeace caa he placed- MEYEB TABLONBEY. ia.J State of California. I County of Baa Francisco. Bahacribad aad sworn to before me thtt Brst day of AugBtt, A. U. I860. UlLtKBT A. URtXT. Hutary Pnblic. l. t. CtPERMATORBfKEA.or Local Weakness .nervous de kjbllltv. low snlrita. lassitude .weabneasof tbe limbs and hack, indisposition and Incapacity for labor and studr, dnllDeea of apprehennlon. Iota of memory, aversion to society, love oieontnde.timidity .aeirdittrust.dtxxinem, headache, nalna in the aide, affection of tbe eves. Dim plea on the face, sexual and otherinflrmlttea in man, are eared without fail by the Justly celebrated physician and aurgeoa.L. J.Caapkay. His method of coring diseases ia new (unknown to other 1 and hence tbe great sac- Ail consultations, oy letter or otherwise. Tree. Addrem. L. J.CZAPKAY. M.D.. faa Franrlsro. Cel. Tfce Cmtett BiteaTrrr if the Age. IREAT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! VI DR.CZAPKAY'8 PmirniLACTtura. (seir-disinfec ting agent.) a tare preventive against Oonorrbosal aad Syphilitic diseases, and a reitain and unsur passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenout ana cancerous ulcers, roeted discharges from vaglua, uterus ana uretnru, ana an cntanoue ernptionaana ai tates. At innoculation is preventive axainstamall nox at ia Dr. Ctapkay't Prophyiactieum a preventive against Byohilitle and Oonnrrnceal diseases. Harmlese in It telf, it anmttstt the power of chemically destrorinc the syphilitic vims, and thereby aaving thousands of ntnaucneea irom oetng inrectea by tne most loathsome of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates health be without Dr. Cxapkay'a Prophyiactieum. It la la very convenient packages, and will be found con veaieat for aae, being used aa a soap. Price, 15. For tale at Dr. L. J. Cxapkay Private Medical and Sargi cal Institute, Sacramento at., below Montgomery, oppo- Ail letters must be addressed to L. J. Cxapkay, M.D. oau r mnciseo. CERTIFICATE. I.thennderslgned.Uovernorof Hnngary. doUtlfy hereby .that Dr. L.J.Cxapksy has served during thcot, testfor Hungarian lihertv.aa Chief Surgeon in the llnn garian army .with faithful perseverance whereof I have given him tbie certificate, and do recommend him to tne aymiMUnv. attention and protection of all those wno are capable or appreciating patrtotir seir sscrii and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOt Governor of Hungary. Washington City. Jan. . 1951. SaT Persons not wishinc to lose time la eorresnond ing. please enclose 1 10 in their letters, and they will get iraiueaiate attention to tneir cases. Address. L. J.CZAPKAY. M. D.. Saa Francisco. Cal. October. ItUS SmIT WHOLESALE OREGON. IMPORTER AND WHOLESBLE DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, TAINTS, ALCOHOL, OILS, TURPENTINE. VARNISHES, PAINT anrl VARNISH, nmsiiEs, together with a general and full assortment of PATENT MEDICINES, and are offered to tbe Trade at prices at low as tbe lowest. Having made arrangementa with several leading Drug and Paint Honsea in New York, nnd having a resident a rent there that attends to the buyingof goods, I am enabled, to sell better articles at lower prices than any otner House on tue jortuern uoast. tOOl TO ARKIVrc. $15,000 WORTH OF SELECTED fXUCS, P1I.US iXD PATENT IEDICI5ES, of every variety, bought for cash at a low figure in New xera. Dealers from the Interior will And it to their advan taae to cal on me before purchasing: elsewhere, aa 1 am determined to sell goods at a small advance on cost and carriage. Mr. SlVlMOXS.a thorough and competent Drogt, ill eoaauntiy be present to politely wait upon cue Just received from the Cnstotn House, fine brandies and wines for medicinal purposes. bales room, t rent St., oppuMte upper wnan. W. WEATIIEKFORD. BTORE FRONT 8T, opposite Upper U barf. Dee. 33, 1859. 3mi.i Mare New Booma!! WK. SMITH A CO.. have Just received direct s from New York, a large supply of choice books and stationery, wnica tney win sen at greatly reduced prices. They have made arrangements by which they will be enabled to furnish the reading public with all the standard hooka of the day. at a very reasonable ad vance on tbe New York cost. Their hooka are bousht in New York by a resident agent, well acquainted with the trade, and at much lower prices than they can be had by ordering from the Booksellers themselves. We invite our friends, end the puMie generally, to call and examine our stock, and ascertain our prices. We are permanently ia the trade, will be constantly receiving new supplies, and are determined to sell at the very lowest prices. Any rare books that we may not have ia store, we will order for oar patrons, and libraries of law. Medical or Miacetlaneous books can he obtained throusb oar aseaev. cheaper than in anv other wav. Amour the desirable books lately reeceived by us. tie tne loimwing. vis: Kane a Arctic Expedition; IJvingstone 'a Travels fa Africa: Benton 'a 30 years ia tbe U.S. Senate, Quinhy on Dee Keeping; Unnn a Domestic Medicine; Rollins Ancient History; Dick's Works; A U the standard Poets; Mrs. Southworto's Works; Mrs. Lee Hents' Works; Plutarch's Lives, Ac, Ac. ..ALM.. 100 Resin Paper , Can. Letter. Note and Brief paper. all of excellent quality, and at low prices. ..ALSO.. Envelopes, ink. scrap books, mucilage, gold pens. Gillott'a steel pens, pencils, ink stands, slates, Nelsons copy books, blank books, letter clips, drawing paper, matte paper. Bote books, visiting card, allmras, Ac. n.ik.exiius to. Dee. 7. 1858. 4(tr Faakioa Shaving and Hat taint; Sa loon. WB take pleasure in announcing to tbe good people of Salem, that we have lust arrived from Saa Francisco, the great emporium of taste and fashion, with all tbe la text imnnvementa in the Tonsurial art. aad bare opened a thbp one door north of tbe Nonpa reil Saloon, where we ore preps red to accommcdate castnmers with anything in our line, from a luxurious bath to an easy shave. Hsving considerable experience ia our profession, we promise complete satisfaction to all who may call upon us. With skillful hand and raxor keen Well shave you ia a trice; Then wash you ia a batb till claaa, Aad make you look so nice ! LITTLE TOM A STEVE. , Oct. 19, 1858. 6m32 Attention. Ik MERCHANTS of Oregon and Washington Territory: lYi The Willamette Woolen Manufacturing Co. have now oa hand, and will continue to manufacture, the beat quality of blankets, yarn aad cloth, and would in vite you to favor at with your patronage. All orders the above goods will receive prompt attention and dswjetcn. 1-ua.xx, csipv. . w wsi nn a fwstwa n a Salem i Not, to, 18S8. lyST Scwinc Machines. TTTEEELER A WILSON'S machines are the beat VV ever offered to public patronage. Tney are sim ple aad durable; easily kept in repair; tew with great rapidity; make aa evea and arm stitch on both tides, that will not rip. Persona wishibg to buy will And them at tbe residence of the undersigned. T.SAVAUE, Ag't. April 86, 1858. 7tl Piano Fortes. rp GILBERT V Co., pianos direct from tha maim- Xe factory. Bead ia year orders Mtf J0HK A POST. B. rOTTLnTOII. Paippletoai, - FnYc:cm;3 hid ddrgeohs LAFAYETTE, OREGON. fnrnlsb. at La tf DB. HTJTCHINB ia prepared to f fayette, at wholesale or retail. the following A NEW REMEDY, DR. W. D. HUTCIMNS' BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY; For Consumption, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Colds, Coughs, n'hooping-Cough, and Asthma. This medicine la warranted to be entirely free from Opium or any of ita preparations; from Mercury . or any other pois onous agent. DR. W. 0, UUTCHiejv RHEUMATIC LINIMENT, OB, INSTANT FAIN KXTBACTOa I For the cure of Rheumatism. Toothache. Pain In the Side, and all Painful A Beet Ions. Dr. V. D. nulrhitu' Iili-Bllllom filli : FOB LIVES COBTLAINTa. A aafa cathartic: warranted to be free from Mercury mr They can also be had of the several Druggists and Merchants In the Territory. Dr. Warren ia my agent for Salem, and will be tup- piled at an times witn tne noove sura mcuieiucn. Kalera.Sept. 7. ISAM. lj8 More Book! thaa erer. A. K Shipley ft Co- AT the City Book Store, Front street, Portland, next door, to tbe Columbian hotel, have oa hand, and are constantly receiving aa Immtase Stock if Bioki lid SUtioiery, direct from Eastern Cities. We keep oa hand ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS, Aa Immense variety of Miscellaneous Books, and a stock of stationery thtt cannot be surpassed oa this Coast. We have a very tine assortment of DIARIES FOR 1959, and a large supply of - ' Gift Books for Holidays. We have extra facilities for making up PUBLIC and rKIVATK Ll HltA K1KS of standard and cnoice wurxs. We can supply Webster's Unabridged Dictionary in all styles of binding st low rates. To enumerate our stock bt impossible in an advertisement. II you want any bonk or article of stationery, order it directly from us, or tbrongh: R. II. Parsons, tugene my; n. Bell. Corrallis: Hal.-r Brother. Albany. Kenyon Co.. Salem: A. B. Westerfleld. Lafayette; Butler A Boone. Monmouth; I. Q. Wilson, Santiam City; J. H Chit wood A Co., Eola. We are agent for the American Statesman. Ran dall's life of Thomas Jefferson, for A. S. Barnes A Co-'a Publications, and Ivisou A Pbinney a. We have a few ecpirs or Livingston t Ames, the only complete edi tion In the eountrv: also.Bartb's rreat wark on Africa: also Atkinson's Siberia. We invite an examiuatiou of our stock, and a trial of our prices. A- B. SHIPLEY A Co. Nov. 1J, 1858. 6in37 New Arrival of Jewelry, &c. JUST FROM SAN FRANCISCO. J ROSENTHAL informs his patrons nnd friends, that be has just returned from San Francisco with s select assortment of Jew elry, Musical Instruments, Cutlery, etc., and oners them for sale at bis store nn r root street. star One door below Dr. Coombs' office." JEWELRY. Gold aad Silver wntrbes: Hold and Silver chaina Cold bracelets: (Sold ear-rines: Hold breastpins: Cold Anger rins; Lockets; Uold pens and pencils; Cold sleeve buttons; Silver and Plated ware; fancy goods and perfumery. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Guitars. Violins. Flutes. Fifes: a laree assortment of Aecorueons. Ladies work boxes or all kinds. i;-lu and Mtlver spectacles, Uold and silver spoons. Cutlery Clocks an endless varietv. Ac.. Ac. sT Watches. Clocks and Jewely repaired, and all Kiuasoi jewelry made loonier. n All of my work warranted "EE AVDon't forget" The Sign or the Big Watch."- Corrallis. Oct. It. !5T S31f Empire Store! Pre Enineiit. Kew (J ood s for the Fill aid Wilier trade. Tf TE are now, as usual prepared for labob sales V and ta all raorrrs. We have spared ao bains in selecting our goods ad 1 pled to the trade, and at prices that enable nt to oiler tnem lavuramy wnn any store io tue territory. n e have complete assorluienu ui Dry (Joods. uiwrnci. Hardware, (jueensware. Wooden Ware, Boots A $tmet. Dlass Ware, Books. Stationery. Ac. in a word. a fun stock of Good-i, at prices that defy competition. 1 ome one, co me an. We only ask an inspection of our god and prices. II V. Ml A CAMPBELL. Lancaster. Lane Co., O. T formerly Woody 'a Laai- lUg. OV. Tt, IN)3. JMI Alexander tV McEnran, A RE offering for sale the best and cheapest goods In XL tiregon: DRY GOOns, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS. bllOKS, CltOCKERTWARE. Ae. We ere also paying cash and exchanicius; xooda for ail Kinds of proouce: WHEAT, BARLET, PORK, BACON. Ac. We will aatisfy you thst we give good bertralnt. We have tbe best Tea imported, the best suirar and coffee. Cedar and White Fir shingles. Timothy and Bl De gress teed always on band. Corvallis, August 13. IsoS. tfl NEW HARDWARE STORE. THE subscriber having taken the Are proof Granite Front Store, next door to Mck'tt A- C'e's, Veal St., would respectiiiiiy lnlorm histriends and tha public generany, toat ne ia now opening n iuii ana COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SHELF AND BUILDERS HARDWARE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MECHANICS' TOOLS.II TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. And other articles in hit line. to which be Invites the atteuuouof Merchants, Builders and eountrv dealers. JUUN B. iUSTKK. Portland, February, 185S. 4Stf A. BEES. BBS J. RTSASO. Reed J strama;, DEALERS IX STOVES & Tin Ware, paints, oils, glasa, window ahadee. wall paper and border, hard ware and cut lery, every variety of tin plate and copjier; work promptly attended to; directions (riven to our custom ers for mixing paints and oils, without charge. August 11, ixos. 76 U Books I Book ! fF all kinds, for sale at the Oregon City Book iKleon depot, cbeao. Bend in your orders. Sept.H, lS.rH. astr School Books, A LARGE assortment of Ivison A Phinney't school bookt for sale at the Oregon City Biaifc A Afelo. deon depot, very cheap. Send in your orders. JOHN A. POST. Tax Receipts, iman office, at Bi per hu A T the States man inndred tl 2S. XX. if sent by mail. tf-23 PaintiBr. TT0U8E siga, carritge and wagon painting. J-JL and paper hanffins;. wall paper, paints and putty, mixed pauita, cheap for cash, shop west of tne court oouse, oaiem. til A. August Si, 1858. Iy25 Window Glass. TTtROM 8 X 10. to 36 X 66 always oa hands at the A t tin shop; call aad 1 10 If REED A 8TRANG'8. Paint Your Houses. BEST boiled and raw linseed oil, nnd pure white lead for sale at Portland prices, at 25 tf REED A STRANG'S. For Sale. HATE three hundred and twenty acres of & land situated in Linn Co.. about 3 miles from hud Bck, all well improved. AUo, a good orchard ' which I will tell on reasonable terms, fat informa tion enquire of the nndertigned at 8alem. , niijLiiAn I'xutx.iPB. Salem, Nov. 20, W5&.- 87tf . w. a. auitiaiMa. . Iltttcsslsia Jobn Y. Wilaoo, COAf.1ISSi:Qiy MERCHANT, 19, OaaatMretal St BAN FB AN CISCO, CALIFORNIA, SOLICITS consignments of Oregon Prodace and Pro visions, and makes liberal advaacemente en tame. REFERENCES. Portland. Albany. Messrs. W. & Ladd A Co., Savier A Co. Oregon City. Messrs. Taylor A Ralston. Jan. 16. 1853.-6 in 15 D. Beach, Esq. Dayton. Messrs. Williams A Lippencott. White's Wharf Boat, SALEM, OREGON. WB will attend to the receiving, storing and ship ping of Freight on the following terms, via: Freight receipted for and passed through will be charged, per ton...... IS ceoU; Storage, one week, per ton SO " do one month, ! tl 00 N. B. Freight will be shipped by the first steamer, unless otherwise ordered by the shipper. Jan. 1,1868. LEONARD WHITE, 6m3 Proprietor. Richards a McCraken, COOLUSSIOH nERCHAIiTS AND Jobbers in OREUOJf PRODUCE of every de scription. No. 41 bacramento St., (Fire-Proof Store.) nan Francisco. as. The highest market price paid for PRODUCE. tar Liberal advances made on eousis omenta. ' Orders for Oregon trade promptly attended to. OiBce in Portland, upper wharf boat. J AUKS E. BICHAKPa, JOHH srCBAKKH , San fVaneitea. Portland, Oregon. June II, 1868. lylS John R. Foster Importer and Dealer ia SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, Farmimg Impltwunit, afcCsf ftcsf Ac AT TBB FIRE PROOF GRANITE FRONT STORE, Front street, Portland, Oregon. February. IH5. 48tf Albany Dook 8 tore. THE undersigned would inform the eitizent of I.I nn Co., and the public generally, that they bave Just received, and will keep constantly on h ind. for sale, a large assortment of school books in common use. and also a variety of miscellaneous books, stationery. Ac. HALEY BRO S. Albany, Oregon. Jnly 1 , 1958. IPtf DR. EDWARD S1IE1X., WILL FAT Eiptcltl Alteiliii TO Cbronlc Diseases. Corrallis. Oregon, March SI, 1859. f Boyle 4 Sites, PHTSICIAN3 AND SURGEONS, would respectfully inform the citizens of Polk Co., and vicinity, that they have entered into copartnership for the practice of inejicine, annrery.and obstetrics. Office, Dallas, Polk. Co. J. W. Boyle. H. D.. for the present wiU be found at his residence, 3 miles east of Dallas. Jnne 1.1. IWS. I.ltf Law and I'ollttiion Offiet. 010. n. willIs, a.c. oibbs. (late Chief Justice.) Williams &. Ulkba. PORTLAND. OREUOX TERRITOBT. VtrlLL practice in the courts of Oregon nnd Waah- f T ingtun lerriiuriea. Nov. i-i, 14. lyW E. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co. A RE oreoared to do a reneral commission bosim J. on .New York and other Atlantic cities. Particular attention will be given to the purchase of goods fur merchants. Parties having any busltesa transactions in tbe AtlsnticStates. and wauting an agent that will rive personal attention to tbe same, will do well to call. . . aT Office at tUrnara A Wilson t Law OIEce "tf fvilem. March 13. IS5t. Itf Dichiuion Type Foutadry. TsIIELPS A D VLTOM . Bton. U.P. FUber. A rent JT San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads. rule, Ac. August M. 1S5T. " I4tf Silas C. Herring's Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safri, TfTITil or without Halls' powder proof lock or v v J Jones patent permutation Bank Locke. Sold at tbe manufacturer's prices with freight added. Prices from 3j t j tHoO, call and see sample of their work with the improved locks. UKO. H- JU.-itS gewf. lutf Salem. May IT, l,. w. a. ladd, Portland. J. w. 1 add, San Francisco l S. Ladd Aa Co. Shipping anal CoaiatMsicm lUertkantt, Portland, Ore cos rIBERAL advances made on all consignments of Or- . . r 1 1 . m ezun uruuuee. siessrs nurmin, iiibub No. 73. South street. New York, will recei eaod for ward all goods and machinery, addressed to our care via San r ranciscw,or direct to Oregon. Jan. 1.1H.W. JOHN A. POST. Baakttlltr and Statioacr. ASB WHOLESALE AX KBTAIL DIALBS nt PIANOS AND AIELODEONS, BOOKS AND BTA TIONEBY, Hala Street, Orrgaa City. September 16, 1858. iStf War Scrip. TTOLDERS of War Berip can secure the services of li K. I'elton, ueo. it. Junes Co., to present tneir papers at u ashington lor payment. Keceipts given for the papers and cash advances made in tome cases, Otnce at u.iruum A iison t Lstw omce. Saera. March 23. IS58. Jtf Ktatutea of Oregon, "IAN be found at Jobn Fleming's, Oregon City; and Kj at A. R. Shipley a, Portland. But few copies are lelt. June ?r. E. Pelton, Ceo. D. Jones k Co., CJELL EXCHANGES oa New Tork.in amounUto KJ suit purchasers. Salem, May 17, IH.S. lOtf a. ladd, Portland. j. w. ladd, San Francisco. W. S. Ladd da Co. TM PORTERS and dealers in Wines , Liquort , and Gro- A cenes, portlana, Oregon. Jan. 1, !.. tir Allan Av Iewa-is, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, ORE GON TERRITORY. N. Huber, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Portland. Oregon. Oct. . 1858. S3tf J. Fleming. A T the Oregon City, Post Office Bnilding, has just 11 received, direct from New York. 100 copies of irawmng s r run ana r run trees or Amenra."revised and enlarged. for 1807 tbe latest published edition of this vsluable work. He has also on hand, a good stock of miscellaneous books and stationery, for sale on terms to suit the times. Oregon City, Dec. 15. 1857. 41tf J. I. Coombs, M. D., CORVALLIS, O. T. GENERAL practitioner of medicines. Surgery. Ac. The InSriuary is still attached to his office, for the accommodation of patients not affected by contagious uisease. u Dr. R. N. Bell, Surgeon Dentist. "FFICE in W. Kenyon'a building over "City Book s Btwre ' nrst door west or tne sisrion tioase. Refers to L. F. Cartee Surveyor General's Office. Kalcm, O. T., Nov. 16, 1808. Wtf Chester H. Terry, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALEM. OREGON. COM missioner of Deeds, vind to take testimony, ac knowledgmenU. c. Ac, for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Michitran. CalifoinU and Washington Territory. Let ters of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. rn Particular attention paid to taking deposition?, collections of Notes. Accounts, Ac, 32tl w. a. raJutAB. - LAMSiKO rrocT. w. w. rtoi Farrar, Siont k Page, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN Chancery and Admiralty. Portland. O. T., J uiy 10, tti. iu II. F. Borxltam. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of fice at the Court House. Salem. O. T. fitf Dr. A. M. Belt TT7ISHES to inform his friends and the publio, that VV he haa returned to Salem, to attend to profess ional calls, in town and country. Oct. 26, I80S. 33tr Or. S. It. Uncklea, OFFICE, BALEht, OREGON TERRITORY. Salem, November 9, 1857. S5tf Itdieul Notice. DR. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, California, offers his professional services to the citizens fa Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo puuiic lavor. sr omce at Reed and Fellows drag store. 1 B. W. SHAW, IT IS WOT TOO BIUC1I TO SAY " SINCE ALL Old ui Tan IfilrBi the Trath, fj, Tkt Proftttor Wooit lUxr Rtttorativt 11T1LL preterre infallibl tbe rrowth aad color of y y the hair. If usea two or tarew .iuic. - any imaginable age. Perfectly. restore the gray, cover the bald with natures own ornament, the hair, maxe it mora toft and beau turn man any uu. tbe scalp free from all disease to the greatest age. . ri.v-tnrs clerirvmen. Btateameu, aiuugcs, --. , ,i Prolessional men and Gentlemen and Ladies of all classes, all over the world will bear testimony that we do not ssy too much in its favor. Bead the following. and itidgci , Eicsoar Onorg. BI CbarletCo., I Nov. 19, 1857. f Pbop. O. J. Wood-Dmo- Sir : Some time last sum mer we were induced to use some of your Hair Resto rative and its effects were so wonderful, we feel it our duty to you and the afflicted to report it. Our little ton t head lor some time had been per fectly covered with tores, ami tome called ittcald head. The hair almost entirely came off In conse quence, when a friend, seeing his sufferings, advised as to use your Restorative, we did so with little hope ol success, but to our surprise, and that of all our fneud-, a very few applications removed the disease entirely, and a new and luxuriant crop of hair toon started out. and we can now say that our boy has as healthy a scalp, and as luxuriant crop of hair at any other child. We can. therefore, and do hereby, recommend vour Re-torative. as a perfect remedy for all diseases of the scalp and hair. . We are yours respectfully. GEO. W. HNsm.NBOTHAM. SARAH A. HIGGINBOTHAM Pbop. Wood Dear Sir: My hair had, lor several years, been becoming permanently gray, accompanied oy a harshness which rendered the ciiitant applica tion of oil necessary in dressiiie it. When I commen ced using your Hair Restorative about two months ago it was in that condition; and having continued its use until within the last three weeks, it baa turned to its natural color, and assumed a softness and lustre great ly to be preferred to those produced by the application of oils or any other preparation ever used. I regard it as an indispensable article for every lady's toilet, whether to be used as a hair Restorative or for the simple purpose of dressing or beautifying the hair. You have permission to refer to me all who entertain any doubt of its performing all that is claimed for it. M RS. C. S YMONOS, 114 third St. Cincinnati!, O., Feb. 10, 1457. WiLJfisoTOX, Mo., Dec. 5. 1858. Paor. Wood Dear Sir: By the advice of a friend of mine, who hnd been using your Hair Rest jntive, I was induced to try it. I had the fever, some time last May, and nearly every bair in my bead came ont. Now my hair has come in a great deal thicker than ever it was. Nothing but a duty and sympnthy that I feel to com mnuicate to others who are afflicted as I have been, would Induce me to give this public acknowledgment of tbe benefit I have received fnra Prof. Wood Hair Restorative. Yours repectrnlly. a. R. Jacobs. The Restorative la put op In bottles of three sizes, via: large, medium and small; the small bolds a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle; tbe medium holds at least twenty per cent, more in pnportion than the small retail Tor two dollars per bottle; the lanre holds a quart, 4J per cent mure in proportion, and retails for three dollars a bottle. O. J. WOOD A CO.. Proprietors Sll Broadway, Sew York, (in tbe great S. Y. Wire Railing Establishment,) and 111 Market St., St. I.cis. Mo. And sold by all gaJd DngUti and Fancy Goods Dealers. Park A White, San Francisco, Wholesale agents for California and Oregon. 3ml9 Carriage and Wa'on Makers' Stock Drpositcrj. H. B. 6LEASON, armm ass bealeb ts all amis or CABK1AGE USD WAGON MAKERS' STOCK, 4? Battery Street, San Francisco. AS FOB 8ALB Oak, ash and hickory. White Wood B-rds, Ac, Habs, Spokes, Felloes, hickory Axles, Poles, shafts, wagon and busgy bows, carved and plain Carriage- parts. Seat Sticks, Ac, Ac. ....also Iron Axles, Springs, Bolts. Rivets, malleable Iron, en amelled t l 'lb. enameilcd Leather, patent dash and collar Leather, plated, Japan and Ivory Head Nails and Knobs. Tacks, stump Joints. Top Props, hob Bands. Curtain Frames, half pat. and three bolt Axles, plain and plated Crabs and Tips, and Pole Tips. Ac aay The shore stock has been personally selected; is of the best qnslity. and will be sold as law ss can be purchased ia the city or State. tnr- AH orders for the shove good. left with H. S. JACOBS, dealer in Wsgon and carrisge stock. Trim mings. Ac-, corner of Morrison and Second streets. Portlmd, will receive prompt atteution, and be satis factorily executed without delay. Sept. 23. 1S5S. 30tf San Fran. March, 15. IvS Jahu Dargrort't ECLECTIC LINIMENT, -tOOD FOR MAN OR BEAST. This nenetratins VJT Liuiineut, as it is rubbed in by the hand or a piece of flannel isabsorbed through the saniecbaonei reaches the seat of ii.ttanietioa and subdues it. Everv species of exterior irritation is anh-Kly reduced by the application 01 fins untatrnf. 1 tie enect of this remedy upon itneumatism. mug worn, dwelled glands, r rt-t bites Sore brea-t. Sore heads. Sere throats ore of all kind sprains, stiff joints, ulcers, tmthaclie. swellings of the Hmos or body pains in the sutue or bock, doisou oak Ac, is almost miraculous. It is Z'K-d lor Uihea I. Bissbouldcr.Swinev.SDrains. c iii'iicm nurses iu lact an ui&eases wuere external ap plication is reqmrea. The proprietor sends rliis Liniment before the Dublic to stand or fall. 011 its own merits. He only aksthat it may receive a fair trial by the public. It can be ob tained by applying in person or by letter to the address OI HAKWIUVt;. Sd St.. Corvallis. Orecon. W. B. Demands from a distance accompanied bv the money, will be promptly attended to and the Liniment put up and forwarded accord in it to directions. A lib eral discount will be made to wholesale dealers and persons purchasing large quantities. Retail price vf KoKtic Liniment, Bfty cents perooUie, for further par ticulars aldress proprietor. Corrallis, April, lSu. iy ATTENTION. :SS?ffiSi!iiM ! ffl fttllll I""- ' SB WW S r e JiIllUlUlUI J MERCHANTS of Oregon and Washington Territo ry: THE WILLAMETTE WOULKN MAXIJ FACTORING COMPANY have now on hand, and will continue to manufacture, the best quality of blankets, yarn and cloth, and would invite you to AVvor us with your patronage. All orders for the above goods will receive prompt attention. JOSEPH WATT. !icm. March VI, 1S5. Jlv Ciliie&i of Indrpcodencc ind Vicinitr. PLEASE take notice that I sliaU send a boat load of 40.000 feet or lumber, to Independence by the 10th of March next, consisting of vressea wnite or siding, from 13 to 20 feet long; wuiie nr ceiling, tongue ana arroovea; " yellow fir Sowing f . 1 . IJ. 1 4. and 1 inch thick, and from 11 to 20 foot lone: Dressed white and yellow fir bosrd, from 3 to It in. wide, and from 12 to 20 ft. long; Dressed plank 1J. 1J, lj.and two inches thick, and irom ii to zu it. long; (.suitable for box houses:) Dressed battens 3 to 4 inches wide, aad from II to 20 loot long; Dressed fencing boards, 5. 6.8, 10, and 11 inches wide; " ""u siuea, una eagea, tram 11 to SO foot lonir: Also rough planks, boards, and siding, and 3x4, 3x4. o,u, zxio. and 2xi2,acant- . , i1.?' n.? iout-from 1 to SO ft. long. All of which will be Bold rlmn tnr ..ok For further particulars agenU at Independence. 3 ' Bins for lumber lelt with Coffin and Lyons, will be filled to order, and delivered at Independence by giv- s V" notice. H. . AIL! KE1.L.E. baiem. March 1 , 1859. 5 itf laager Beer. ' THE naderslgned is manufacturing at the OR-is EOONCITV BREWERY a superior artk leSJl of Lager Beer, aa good aa any ia the country- S .f Always on hand and prepared to fill orders, at home or from a distance RV Q5 CLAY Jj i . LOUIS BEHKKSS- May5,IS5. Stf Wallamet University. SALEM. ORfcOON. THE Collegiate Department of the Wallsmet Coiver tity bat been omaniztd. Young men designing to pursue a regular Coarse of Study, are invited to avail themselves of the advantage allnrded by this Instjtn. tion. All available resources will be made nse of to meet the wants of Students. Efforts will be continued tu secure a suitable endowment ;and no pains will be spar ed in obtaining competent and experienced Instructors. The Collegiate year is divided into three term, com. meucing as follows: Tbe first term on the 3d Thursday in September. " secood term on the 1st " " January. " third " " "last " April. - The first two terms are fifteen week tack; the third, eleven meek. : Vacatiohs. There will be two vacations In the year: one. in April, of two week, and one, in tbe so Bu rner, of nine week. Tfirios will be at the rate of tl per week, or 149 per annum. TBB OREGON INSTITUTED Tug PrAATor Department. Tbsms. The Academic year is divided into roca Terms of rlecen week tack. The first term begins on the 2d Woodsy of Septembei second term begioson the 2J Thursday of Nov, third " " " " last " " Js--ry. fourth " " " ' last " " April. Vacations. There will be two vacations In the year: one in April, of two week; and one in the summer, of tix week. r Tcitiow will be paid at the beginning of each Term in advance, at the following rates: In Languages, Hiiher Mathematics A Cbem., Other studies of the Academic "liviaion, . . " Common English Division, " Primary " " For use of the Piano.. I m rri men tjt 1 mOHic. ................... . $10 09 7 69 6 51 t SO J it 10 01 9 Instruction in vocal music Is given to au the studentsrec of charge. THE FACULT T daring the present year will con sist of . " Rev. F.S. Hoyt, A. M-, President and Acting Profess or of A neient Languai-es. S. B. Wilbur. Professor of Mathematics, Teacher' of English Branches. - Miss A. V. Amiraux. Teacher of Instrumental hTosrsi Mrs. P. M. Hurt, Teacher of French, Painting and Drawing. , Mrs. C. Wilbur, Teacher of Primary Division.- ADBtssio. Students will be admitted at any iiraei and will be charged for tuition from tbe time they ea ter only, but their pro;-re -n w.ll be greatly promoted by entering early in the Aea.iemlc ye.sr. In cases where, from necessity, students leave before the end of tbe term for which payment has been made, a just proportion not more than three-fourths nor less than one-fourth of the tuition fee will be refunded Students are not allowed to leave just before examiaav tion. Patrons who are inattentive to tbit point, intlic great injnry npon both the student and the Imtitex tion. Boabdixo. Yonng gentlemen and ladies eaa obtain board at reasonable rates with private families. Cocbsb or Sttdt. A Course of Study has beea adopted for both the Collepiate and Preparatory De partments, well calculated to secure ripe scholarship, mental discipline, and a preparation for the active da ties ol life. A liberal Course of Study has been adopted foryotraa; ladies who desire to obtain a thorough education. MT A Diploma will be awarded to all who shall complete the prescribed course. - f The Government wilt be parental bat strict aim ing constantly at tbe formation of correct habits of Self GiTvernment. Careful attention will be gives to manners and morals. Scholar-shim, perpetual, or for the period of tea years, securing tuition at very reduced rates, can be purchased. For further particulars apply to the Presi dent. :j Per order of Executive Committee. CHESTER N. TERRY. See. Board of Trustees. Salem. Aug. 4. 1S58. 24tf Pacific University. Forest Grove, IVashinglon Co., Oregon Rer. S- M. Marsh, A. M., President. Rev-. H. Lyhax, A. Prof. Malhemaiie TBB enitegfate year consistiag of one terra of nine months, will commence oa the first Wednesday of November. It is the iestgn of this Institution to furnish a tbor ouffh and complete eolleftiute education. There is a Library of luuu volumes for the use of the) students. Applicants for admission to college most have a knowledge of the common English branches, and have studied tbe ancient languages so far aa to have read portmns of Caar and Cicero and tbe Greek lieader. The tuition fee is (32 per aanum. PREPARATION DEPARTMENT. Students fitting f r college, as well as others wishtr) to pursue collegiate studies without entering npon the college exue, will be under tbe instruction of the college teachers. The fall term of 1 1 weeks in this department com mences on tiie 2d Wednesday of September. Taiuon i per term. Tnalatiu Academy. Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon, Ret. Cusqixg Eells, Principal. The fall term will commence on the first Wednesday of Septemtier. Tuition in tbe common branches, $6 in the higher branches. 3 per quarter. September 24, lidS. Iv5S Jefferson iDstitotf. THE Trustees of Je&Vison Iostitute. would annoanca to the public that the school in this Institution is now ia successful operation, under the charge of Prof. O. G. Carr, and his lady, direct- from the Key- .stooe State. Mr. A Mrs. Carr having spent several years in pre paring themselves for the Profession of Teaching, are now p report c to give entire satiMactton to all that may entrust their cniiareu in their care. TERMS : Primary Department per term twenty four weeks. Common English studies per term twenty-four weeks. Higher branches " " weeks. SIC W 12 09 IS 09 Stndents can enter the scbonl at any time, bat will not be received for less than half a term. No allow ance will be made for absence, unless a special ar rangement be made with tbe directors. Board can be had on reasonable terms near the school. Although this school is not controlled by any relig ious sect, yet the strictest mcmls will be enforced aad good order maintained. H. A. JOHNSON, Secy Board of Trustees. Jefferson. Sept. 20th. 1S53. ly2S The Laws of Oregon. THE OREtiON STATUTES. 650 pages, with com-, plete index, annotations, and references, are for sale at the office of the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. Tbe work is executed in the best manner, bound in law style, and is soid at publisher prices. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash, fiiied by return mail. Jn addition to tbe enactment? of the Lerislitive Asseaa- blv. tbe voh.roe contains tbe Declaration of Indeneu deuce. Constitution of the United States. Treaties with tirat Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 17ST.ru force in Ore iron. Donation Law and ail arnendsseuts and full abstract of United Spates Naturalization Law. Statesman Book and Job fJ WE have Three Presses, the best fadVities for Book printing north of California. - sortmentof Jobbino Material of ..j aw master worKmen, are prepared uexecutepron:--ly, and in a workman-like maimer, ail orders ia the above de partments, such aa Boots, Pambphlkts, Ha.vtrills, Ball Ticxets. ClUCCLAS Slaxk Crecks. ; " NOTESOr H AXBv Okdeb Booea. , Steabbo't Bills, Stsasbo't Cabm, Bills or LabsksI CfOsTtVICATEaV - Saow Bills, Corck Books, Bl'k KacKirrs, iNvrririo.Ns. bcsixsss Cakds, Billheads, Conckkt Bills, ; PitoitAjutBa, ADDRESS CaBDS, ORAFTS. . Blanks or all Ktstw. Ac. a-- ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COIOREI INK St Corinthian Lodge Ha. 17. OP Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, hold their, resrular communications Thursday, on or beforw the full of the moon in each m mth. in Albany, O. T. . H.A.CCNJiINJHAM,W.at. . W.G.HALBT,Sec'y. r ;tf Boone's Ferrr. ON Willamette river, new road between Portland aadf Salem. Th ttkA i - ,....! AnA i .n shorter than the old road. JESSE V. BOONS. May 25. IS08. lixt County Orders, FIR SALE at the Statesmaa Office, at ! per hca ured $ 25 if sent by mail. tf 23 Saa Franeist IdTertisinslnatT T PKHt e Imn kr.ajin. nnnnsite PaciSe EXSI a fllfi.-. nnaiairs- Vil at aU the firtacifisvl Papersof CaUfornia and Oregon may be found at this office, air. Fisher is the authorised Agent for the saw"- Blanks. . . . a DFETS mortfrares. powers or attorney mr m scrip tTxts,n' proofs, and uotitications -a new ?Jt justpriuted and for sole at the Statesmaa Office. Varnishes o F every description, at REED A STRANG'S. 20 u GR1D stones, with patent hangings, lor sale cheap at 2.tf REED A STRANG'S. - Horse Bills. - W E have received some new eats for hone bills. - STATESMAN JOB OFFICE. Jaa.38,1853. tfll