The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, December 21, 1858, Page 3, Image 3

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' Grmercnbcrg Fem aid Agme IHH.
A speedy and positive core for this distrea'ng com
plaint. These Pills are composed principal of yd
nine, with other Vegetable tonics, anti-spasmodic, and
febrifuge articles. Thousands have been permanently
cored by their use.
Sovereign in all bronchial and pulmonary Diseases.
It Is, beyond all question, trne that consumption is a
curable disease, and the Consumptive's Balm U the
best curative ever used.
"These bitters are skillfully and elegantly prepared
from nnmher of Invigorating healthy roots, barks.
herbs and vines. An Invaluable tonic and In lth re-
atorer. iwl0
Mexte Mailang I.lul mmt.
" Intrinsic Tirtne alone could ensnre the success which
, J" artlrle has attained for rheumatism, salt rheum,
. . burns, bruises, stiff joints, or mills, sprain, pole evil,
"d swellings UKn horses, it has no cunl for Man or
. Beast. No person will be without it who has trace
. tested Ha value. -And with reference to the gen
m '. estimation of the Mustang Liniment, I can cheerfully
ay that no article ever performed so manv cures in
" onr neighborhood as this. L. W. Smith, Kidgetield,
Conn." S.Litcb.E-mi Hvile Park Vt. writ.i ,.
the horse was considered worthless, (his case was spav
in,) but since the free use cf the Mustang Liniment I
have sold him for fUO. Your liniment is doing won
ders up here." Such testimony is reaching us every
jky. The half is not told. Every Tamil v should have
It. Beware of imitation. The genuine Mustang is sold
by all respectable dealer throughout the world.
. B VRXE3 A PARK, Proprietors, X. Y.
SMITH 4 DAVIS, agents fur Oregon, Front street,
Portland- 2m3i
i Let no false delicacy prevent the Invalid from
seeking medical relief the card of Ir. L. J. Czapkay,
to be found in another column, indicates where to ob
tain a reliable and competent physician. It is seldom
oat we are called npoa t- bear testimony in favor of
the skill of a physician, but a sense of duty as well as
justice demands that we should not pass lr. Czapkay
V by? without something more than a mere mention. L'u-
' like the greater portion of those who thrust themselves
and their nostrums before the public, whose practices
- are empirical. lr. Czapkay is a gentleman of rare med
ical and scientific attainments, having held the position
of chief surgeon of the liberating army darins the late
Hangnrisn revolution, and ia possessed of all the requi
site experiences and skill for the successfull practice of
his profession. It is to the care and advice of such a
, physician we would command all suffering from the
effects of sexual or private disease.feeling assured that
, in all snch complaints, whether arising from infection,
indiscretion, seif-abnse. or loss of virility, he can guar
t antee, from his extensive practice, a speedy and per
manent care. To those suffering from the effects of
- physical and mental debilitr, we would say let com
y roon sense take the place of false modesty, and seek
auch advice as will save yon from an nntfaieiy. grave
' and lead yoa back again to pristine health, consult Dr.
. . ' Czapkay, whom we cheerfully endorse as a skillful and
' tried physician, capable of "coping with and success.
. fully eradicating those self-inflicted miseries, the evils
of empirical practice and all diseases of a private na-
tnre. Dr. Czapkay s rooms are on Sacramento, oppo-
site the PaciJc Ma'il Steamship 0:Hce, San Francisco.
. T.L.J.CzraAT"sSargiealand Medicallnstitnteis
bo extensively known in this Territory that any notice
of it, or of him. mieht seem superfluous. Yet fearing
, that there are those who heretofore having no need of
- medical aid. have neglected to ascertain the proper
sources of relief ia cases of misf-wtnnes. To those we
beg leave to direct attention to Dr. L. J. Czapkav. who
, - is certainly a Puysiciau of great skill and wonderful
success in his profession. The Dr. has devoted mm-h
attention to the treatment of chronic and nrivate dis
eases, and stands unrivalled in his management of
i mem. lotnose wno need seen assistance we cheerfullv
recommend Dr. L. J. Czapkay : it would be well at all
" ' events to consult him. as he makes no eharee for con---"
saltation. and ranch good might result from it. The Ir
s. ' guarantees a cure in all cases or asks no compensation.
See Dr. L. J.Czapkay sadvertisements in mother
cunmn w Tnisriaoer. 3m"2
Valuable Property For Sale.
fTIhe Saw-mill, and claim attached to it. situated on
L Mill Creek, running into the river I'mpqua. about
a mile and a half below Lower Swttsbnrc. This mill
site has the advantage of being the only one on the
umpqua ner wiwwa -uiLiinir ana me moma; ana
has also the additional advantage, and a great one it is.
of not only being seenre aniast freshets but of givinz
perfect security to logs. The claim is valuable, and by
a little clearing can produce vegetables Ac, in great
abundance. It is also beautifully situated for an or
chard, being entirely seenred from the sea breeze. A
schooner of liirht draft ran 1 ad. a short distance from
the mill. During the salmon season almost any quan
tity of salmon could be cored with little exertion. lu
fact this K an excellent openin;, and cannot fait. under
the auspices of an industrious man. to become very val
uable propertv. For further particulars apply to
ALLAN. McKlXLAY A Co.. Oregon Citv. or to Mr.
WM. BRAIXABD, Scottsburg, who will fchow tte pre
mises. Oregon City. Dee. 3. Sw4l
t . aS the old year is about gone, and our usnal time
s. for settling np accounts and cancelled or renew
ft "ing notes has arrived we would respectfully request
,'..' all those who know themselves indebted, either by
f - .Vote or otherwise to come forward and get their" Xew
" Years Gifts." We hope that n" one will consider him
- , self " slighted.7' bnt that each one who may be indebt
. ed tins will consider that he is personally invited
" and come forward at once with the Rocks.'
We shall continue as nsul, to keep a good stock of
i Pry (Goods. Groceries. Hardware. Iron, Ac, and shall
by the 1st of March, be in receipt of a general assort
i ment of " Farming Utensils" Reapers, Mowers, Har-
v rows. Plows. Cultivators. Ac. all of which we shall
le pleased to s'uow sell or no sell. Give us a call and
nee for yourself.
Salem. Dec. 16,1855. tfll
U'i'VJ all nnder fence, npwards of loo acres in cul
tivation situated in the Forks rf Willamette river,
three miles from Eocene Citv, on the road to Salem.
The above land claim is one of the best, not only in
Lane county, bnt in Oresnn Territ-n-y. On the claim
there is one of the best SAW-MILLS in the country.
The water privilege ean'ot Ire excelled anywhere
water tlie vear ronnd and timler h3ny.
Payments win be arranged t mit the pnrchaser.
For further information, apply on the premise.
41tf McKenzie's Post Office.
Final Settlement.
XTOTTCE is hereby g'rven, that J. H. Moores. one
1 of the Executors of the last will of JOHX X.
McDOXALD, deerwted, has filed his petition in the
Probate Court, asking that final settlement may be
made of said estate. Therefore, let all persons inter
ested in said estate, take notice that said petition
will be heard on Saturday, the 22d day of Jan-
' oary, A. D. 139, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m. of
said flay.
J. D. BOOX, J. P.
Dee. 1". lo. 3wi
To Builders.
XTotiee is hereby given, that sealed proposals will be
. -L received at tue otnee or the Auditor, ror roiK Co.,
O. T-. until the Brst Monday in February next, for fur-
aishing materials and erertinz a Court House at Ialla,
in said county. For information, reference ran be had
to the plan and specification on file in the office afore
By order of the Board of Commissioners.
LI'ClfcX HKATH, Auditor.
Dallas, Pulk Co., Dee. 13, 15. 4w41
Look Here!
TWILL sell, at private mle. on reasonable terms for
ma. the following property, viz :
1 lrge New Whoto 3 Yoke of Ijtrjre Oxen
la Cows and Heifers. Durham 170 Acres Good
arming Ianl, near htlverton, U. 1 .
Inooire of the onderigned.
Xewsom'a Mill. O. T..Dee. 1. 1". wL
hereby given, that George W. Iwson. adrnini-tra-
JL tnr It bomm nan. oi we extaie oi ii.t.r..t
K.VELLlXt;. has tiled his account for settlement, and
.he same is set for hearing on Tiie-day. the 4lh day of
January oext, at I-lfsyette, amhili ronnty, Oregon.
- Jolge of Prootite, Yamhill cnunty.
lVsnWll, lo.V. Swtlpaid.
OF. A LED nronowils will be rereived at the offl-e of
O the Auditor of Ys ohill rmmtv. up to 12 o cloc k
M of Are first Monday in February, l-",9, for the
fnrnihin material and building a F1KK PROOF
"- I KICK COCHT IIKl'se, at the town of jlayett:.
Yamhill county, o. T. at which place, plans, pcO
; IcilMin, details and cooditiona of payment. Ac., can
be seen. J. W. COWLS.
3U1 County Auditor.
Peach Trees.
PEACH TREES, of Cox's Cling variety, can be
found at the Protective Cnion Store, where they
are kept with the roou umier ground
Dec. IS. 1W.
Oold! Oold!
- fTIHE undersigned wouU mror:n their friends and
V A eustomers that they expect to associate with them
i in htwiness, Mr. K. F. Brown on the Ut of September
J next, consequently the old firm will be closed, and we
would respec tfully invite all those who know them-
selves indebted to call and settle either by note or cash
- cash pfeferred. V 'ery respectfully
? W. C. liRISWOLD ft CO.
July tl.iwu. tmr
Piano Fotes
T71ROM W. H.Tlall A Son's manufactory 239 ItrnuH
- J? way, X. York, sold at their prices with freight add
d. Also. Prince A Co Mcludeous.
Call and we will show you a list of prices and sample
or their worK. vitu. n.JUAU,ilg(.
. Salem, May 17, 1S58. lotf
Window Sa.sU
GLAZED, and common sized nngluzed. just received
from the Portland sash factory, and Tor sale now
for cash, at UEED A STRANG'S.
Anguat 27, ia'8. 2.'.tf
Paint Your Houses.
OEST boiled and raw linseed oil, and pure wbije
D lead for sale at Portland prices, at
Rlail Proposals;
1)ROrOSALS for carrying the mails of the United
States Irom the lbt ol July, Isvj, to the lt of
July, lsii2, on the following routes hi the Tcrnti.iii-s
of Oregon and Washington, will be received at the
.ousraci umi'
!. m. of t ie 1
l.-eot the fu.-t UUice Department until 3
l.tthof April next, to be decided by the
lsth of tho same mouth.
OltbCoX TERltlTOrtY.
Xo. 1!7U From Salt Lake City, In I'tali, liv Klam
ath Lake and Jacksonville, Oregon, to ltuschurj;, 7jD
miles and back, twice a month, in covered wagons or
or in post coaches.
I.e:ives Salt Lake City on the 1st and 15th of each
month nt 7 a. m Arrive at Uoseburh in titteen days.
Leave Uoschurg on the 1st and l.UU of each month at
7 a. m Arrive atSalt Lake City in fifteen days.
Xo. rjTlti From Salt 1-ike City, in L'tau, by the
most direct road, to Wasi-opnm, (Hie Dalles,) in Ore
gon. 7o0 miles and back; take a mouth, in covered
wagons or post coaches.
Leave Salt Lake City on the 1st and l'jth of each
month at 7 a. m. Arrive at Wascopum in lilteen
days. Leave Vasuinm on the 1st aud loth of each
mouth at 7 a. M. i rive at Salt Luke City in lilteen
"2717 From Koscbnrg. by looking Glass Prairie.
Ten Mile Prairie, Camas Swail, aud Cutmtlle Valley to
Empire City, 1(H) miles and hack, once m two wreks.
leaves Hoselmrg every other Monday at 7 a. nt
Arrives at Empire City next Wednesday by 4 p. m.
Leave Empire City every other Thurd "y at 7 n. m.
Arrive at Koscburgh next Saturday by 4 "p.m. Hids
for weekly trips will be considered.
117IS From Aftiria, along the military road, to
Salem, 110 miles and back, once in two weeks.
Leave Astoria every other Monday at 6 a. m. Ar
rive at Salem next Leave Sa
lem every other Monday at t a m Arrive at Astoria
next Wednesday by 5'p.ra. Kids for weekly trips will
be considered, itiddcrs tor this route to specify the
intermediate ofiiccs they will supply.
12719 From Salem" via Fort Yamhill to Grand
Round Reservation Agency, 30 miles aud back, oucc
a week
Leave Salem every Friday at G. a. m. Arrive at
Grand Rouud Reservation Agency at i p. m. Leave
Grand Hound Agency every Saturday at 6 a. m. Ar
rive at Salem by f a. m.
12;;i From Salem, by,Sant:am Ciiy, to Franklin
Butte, in Linn county , 30 miles uud baclt.oiice a week.
1-eave Salem every Monday at t a. m Arrive at
Franklin Itutte by 6 p. m. Leave Franklin Butte eve- I
ry Tuesday at 0 a. m. Arrive at Salem by 0 p. m.
Proposals to run only between Santiam City acd
Franklin Rutte are invited.
12721 From Salem to Tillamook Ray and back,
once a seek. Bidders to state distance and schedule
of arrivals and departures. ,
12722 From Lafayette, by McMinville. Muddy', and
Wilhelmina, to Grand Round Reservation Agency,
30 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Lafayette every Tuoday at 6 a.m. Arrive
at Grand Round Reservation Agency by C p. m.
Leave Grand Round Reservation Agency every Munday
at 6 a. rn. Arrive at Lafayette by tS p. ni.
12723 From Jacksonville, by Mansancta and Fred
erick, to Westgate, in Jaikson county, 28 mdes aud
back, once a week.
lave Jacksonville every Wednesday at 7 a. m.
Arrive at Westgate by 5 p. m. Leave vVestgatc every
Thursday at 7 a. m "Arrive at Jacksonville by 5 p. in.
127iS From Olympia. by Miami. Williams", (near
mouth of Black river.) Scammoa's, Lee. (Gray"s Har
bor,) Oystervilie, Pacific City, and Chcnook, to Asto
ria, ItO miicsand back, once in two week.
Leave Olympia every other Monday at 7 a. m. Ar
rive at Astoria next Thursday by 4 p. m. Ieave Asto
ria every other Monday at 7 a. in Arrive at Olympia
next Thursday by 4 p". m. Bids for the part between
Olympia and Oystervilie are invited. Bids lor weekly
trips wiil be cn.-idercd.
1275U From Astoria, by Job Ijmly's and Fort Wil
lopa. to Williams' near the mouth of river, 55
miles and back, once a week.
Leave A.-toria every Wednesday at 7 a. m. Ar
rive at Williams' next day by 4 p. m. Leave V il
iiams every Monday nt 7 a.'m. Arrive at Astoria next
day by 4 p. m. Bids to run but once in two weeks
are invited.
12760 From Oystervilie. by Brnreport , Fort Wil
lopa.and Roundtree's Prairie" to Bois Fort, 70 miles
aud back, once ia two weeks.
la-are Oystervilie every other Thursday at 7 a, m
Arrive at B .isa Fort nest day by 7 p. m. Leave Hoi
Fert every other .Monday at 7 a."in Arrive at Oyster
vilie next day by 7 p.m. Bids to run only between
Fort Willopa end Bois Fort, and make weekly trips,
are invited.
127'il From Steilacoora City to Caaip Montgomery,
10 mile aud ba. k. once a week.
Leave Steilacxitn City every Wednesday at 1 p. m.
'Arrive at Camp Montgomery by 5 p.m. Leave Camp
Mor.tiromery every Wedne--"day at 7 a.m. Arrive at
Steiiacoom i'ity by II a. m:
12702 From olympia. by Chambers' Prairie and
Tecalqait Prairie, to Coal Bank, 2i miles and back,
once a week.
Leave Olympia every Saturday at 7 a. ra . Arrive at
Coal Bank by 4 p. m. " Leave Coal Rank every Friday
at t a. in. Arrive at Olympia by 5 p. ni.
127;3 Foit Colviile, by Ant oine Plante's, to Omr
D' Alene Mission. 1 40 miies aud back, twice a month,
in covered wagons.
Leave Fort Colviile on the l'-th and I'th of ea' h
mo ith. Arrive at C?'ir D'Alene Missien in one week.
Leave C"iir D'Alene Mission en the 1st and lath ol
each month, or on arrival of the mail from St Paul.
Arrive at Fort Colviile in one week.
127-it From Whatcom ( lit l'mgham Bay) to Fort
Colviile, is'io miles and back, once a fortnight.
I-eave Wbatcun every other Monday at T a.m.
Arrive at Fort Colviile "a ten days. Leave Fort Col
vilie every other Monday at 7 a.iii Arrive at What
com in ten days.
127i. From Port Gamble to Sc'tee, U miles and
bark, once a week. Iive IVrt Gamble ivery Monday
at S a. m. Arrive at Seiiec by 4 p. m. Leave Sebec
every Tuesday at 8 a. m. Arrive at Port Gamble by
4. p.m.
127 H From CatLlamet to Bvis Fort, 40 miicsand
back, once a week.
Leave Cathlamet every Moalay at 9 a. m. Arrive
at Bois Fort nest day by 12 m. Leave Bois Fort every
Tuesday at 2 p. m. Arrive at Cathl.miet next day ty
G p. m.
127'm. From Poit Townser.d. by Port Discovery, to
Xew Dnngeme-s, 20 miies and back, f.nce a week.
Leave Port Townsend every Monday at 8 a. m. Vr-
rive at Xew Dunpernos by 4 p.m. Leave Xew Dun
gerness every Tuesday at is a. in, Arrive at Port Town
send by 4 p. m.
12;s. From Steiiacoom City, by the Pny.j!lap and
Duwami-;h rivers, ta Seattle, 35 "miles and back, once a
Iave Stell icoom City every Wednesday at C a. m.
Arrive at Seattle by 7. p. m. Leave S-:;ttle every
Tuesday at j a. in. Arrive at Steilaeooin City by
1 p. m. Bids for twj trips a week are invited.
127S3. Fnim Vancouver, by Cathlapjodle, to Pekin,
35 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Vancouver everv Wednesdav at B a. m Ar
rive at Pekin by 7 p. m. Leave Pekin every Tuesday
at 6 p. m. Arrive .at Vancouver by 7 p.m. Bids for
two trips a week are invited.
12770. From Steiiacoom City to Fort Wallawalli,
auu miies aim oac, twice a mouth.
Leave Steiiacoom City on the 1st and loth of each
month. Arrive Fort Wnllswalls in ten days. Leave
Fort Wallawalla on the 1st and 1.1th of each month.
Arrive at Steiiacoom City in ten days.
12771. From Seattle," by Cfleur D'Alene Mission.
Heilgate, Fort Benton, and Fort Union, to St. Paul, in
Minnesota, l!?00 miles aud back, twice a mouth, in
covered wagons or post conches.
Ix-ave Seattle on the 1st and loth of each month.
Arrive at St. Panl in 25 d lys. Leave St. Paul on the
1st and 10th of each month. Arrive at Seattle iu 2
Containing ermttitiim to 6e rmlrrarrd in the contract!
tn the extent the Ih-part-ment may diem prvper.
1. Xo pay will lie made for the trips not m-rformed:
and for each of such omissions, nt satisfactorily ex
plained, inrce tunes tne pay oi the trip may lie de
ducted. For arrivals so far behind time as to break
connection with dpeinling miiN. and not sufficiently
excused. 'ne-furth of the compensation for the trip is
subject to forfeiture. Deduction will also be ordered
for a grade of performances inferior to that specilied
in the contract For d-ejitnted delinquencies of the
kiad herein pecificd. enlarged penalties, proportioned
to the nature thereof and tue iinjiortance of the mail,
may lie made.
2. For leaving behind or throwing oft" the mails, or
any portion of them, for the admission of passengers,
orfor being concerned in setting up or running an
express rouvcyirg inti lliu'em e in advance of the mail,
quarter's pay may be deducted.
3. Fines will be imts-ed unless the delinquency lie
promptly and salifi t- rily explained by of
ptiiiater. or the aili Ji its ol other creditable per
sons, for fading lo strive in rontrai t tiuic : for neg
lecting to take the mnit from or deliver it into a
post ollice ; aud for sud'ering it (owing either to the
iinsuitai'lcnesa of the place or manner of carrying it)
to lie wet, injured, destroyed, robbed, or lost,
4. The Postmaster Geiietal may annul the contract
for repeated failures to run agreeably to contract : for
violating the xt oftii-e laws, or ilisoisj inn the in-tnic-tioiu
of the department : for refusing to discharge a
carrier when required by the di purtn ent to do so; for
assigning the contrart w ithout the assent of the Post
mater tteneral; for running an eprew; or for trans
porting person- or packages conveying mailable lust
ier out of the mail.
6. The Pos-tmsster cneral may order an Increase c-f
service on a route by allowing therefor a pro rata in
crease on the contract pay. He may change schedules
of departures and arrivals without increase pay, pro
vided the running time lie not abridged. He may also
curtail or discontinue the service, in whole or in'part.
at pro ram uccrcaseoi pay, allowing one momu s ex
tra compensation on the amount dispensed with, when
ever iu his opinion the public interests do not require
the same, or iu case he desires to supersede it by a dif
ferent grade of transportation.
6. Payments wiil lie made Tor the service by collec
tions from or drafts on postmasters, or otherwise, after
the expiration of each quarter say in February, May,
August, and Xovc-mlier.
7. The distances are given according to the best
information; but no increased pay wiil be allow
ed should they be greater than advertised, if the points
to be supplied tte correctly staled. isiaaerM mtisi in
form tliemirlfct ujnm Hi it point ; and also in reference
to the weight of the mail, the condition of roads.
hilLs, streams, Ac, and all toll bridges, ferries, or
, otistructions of any kind by which expense may be
lucurreu. ao claim lor additional pay oasea on
such grounds can be considered: nor for alleged
mistakes or misapprehensions as to tho degree of
wrvices; nor lor bridges destroyed, or other obstrue-
"'"toiib uisiance. occurring miring tne con
tract time. Offices established after this advertise
ment is issned, and also during the contract term, are
to be visited wituout extra pay , if the distance be not
8. The ronte, the service, the yearly pay, the name
and rssideuce of the bidder, (that is, his usual post
office address,) and those of each member or a firm
where a company oners, should be distinctly stated;
also the mode of conveyance, if a higher mode than
horse back be intended. The words " with due ecler
it, certainty," inserted to indicate the mode of con
veiance, will constitute a "xtar bill.'' When a "star
bid'' is intended no specific conveyance must be
I. -
, county of -
-. State (or Ter-
ritory) of . propse to convey the mails of the
i miiicu inies irom tne 1st ot jutj-, is.,:i to June :io,
1"!C2, on route Xo. .from to . a-ree-
aldy to the advertisement of the Postiti ister General,
dated 1.1th of October, IS5S, and by the following mode
of conveyance, viz ;
for the annual snm of .
This proposal is made with full knowledge of the
distance of the route, the weight of the mail to be cur
ried, nnd all other particulars i:i reference t i the route
and service, and nlo after careful examination of the
laws and instructions attached to the advertisement.
(lated.) (Signed.)
The undersigned, residing nt , State (or Ter
ritory) of .undertake that, if the foregoing bid
for carrying the mail on route No. be accepted
by the Postmaster General, the bidder shall, prior
to the 1st day of July, ls."!, enter into the required
obligation, or contract, to perform the service propos
ed , w ith good and sufficient sureties.
This we do, understanding distinctly the obligations
and liabilities assumed by guarantors under the 2Tth
section of the act of Congress of July 2, lS3ii.
(Dated.) (Sigucd by two guarantors.)
, Certificate.
The nndersignod,, postmaster of . State (or
Territory) of , certifies, ttnthv his oath of office,
that he Is acquainted with the above guarantors, and
knows them to lie men of property, aud able to make
good Hie guarantee.
(Dited.) (Signed.)
!. The bid should be sealed; suporscribed " Mail
rroM)sals. Territory of ," addressed "Second
Assistant Postmaster General," Contract Ofllre, and
sent by maiV, not by or to nn agent; and postmasters
will not enclose proposals or letters of any kiud in
their quarterly ri-turns.
10. The contracts are to be executed and returned
to the Departmmt hy or before the 1st of July,,
but the fervii-c must be commenced on that date,
whether the contracts be executed or not.
?omirr tienemK
Post OyFtcK Drpaktmest, Oct. 15, 1S5S. n
More Ncv Books!!
T K. SMITH A CO.. have just received direct
from Xew Yolk, a large supply of choice book
and stationery, which they will sell ut greatly reduced
prices. I hey hare made arran.Tetnrnts by which thev
will be enabled to furnish the reading public with all
the standard Uxiks of the day, at a very reasona'de ad
vance ou the Xew York cost. Their books are bought
in Xew York by a resident agent, well acquainted with
the trade, and at much loner pri. es than'thev can e
had by ordering from the B.MiUscllers themselves. We
invite our friends, and the pul lie generally, to call and
examine our stock, and ascertain our prices. We are
permanently in the trade, will lie constantly receiving
new supplies, and are determined to sell at the very
lowest prices. Any rare IsaiUs that we ni-iv tint have
in store, we will older for our patrons, and libraries of
Law. Medical or Miscellaneous books can be obtained
through our agenry, cheaper than in any other way.
Anion? the desirable Locks lately recccived by us,
are the following, vir:
Kauc's Arctic Expedition;
Livingstone's Travels in Afriea:
Bentmi's 30 years in the U.S. Senate;
O'linl-y on Bee Keeping;
Gunn's Dome-tic Mediciue;
Rollin's Anient History;
Dick's Works;
.Ml tlie s t andard Poets;
Mrs. South worm's Works;
Mrs. Lee Hehts' Woiks;
Plutarch's Lives, Ac, Ac.
. .ika. .
Ion Reams Paper, Cap, Let'er.Xote and Brief paper,
all of excellent quality, and at low prices.
. . also. .
Envelopes, ink, scrap books, mncilacre. gold pens
Gillntt's iteel i-cus. pencils, ink stands, slates. Nelson's
copy bo ks. blank bi ks. tttr clips, drawing paper,,
music paper, note lxKks, visiting cards. atlum-. A -.
Dec. 7, lss. 4otf
I'm pi re jLiTerj- ami Sale Stable.
Oa Sain Strtrt, bflwren Madison and Jlonroc
rimr. r.hsctllr takes this method of in- vJE
A f.miing the public genrrallv that he tir'jizz
has opeued a new LIVFhV AXt SALK STABLE in
Corvallis. where he w ill be prepared to furnish better
accommodations in I. is line of" business than can be
found elsewhere ia the Territory.
1 am supplied with sinrleand double bngsies, carria
ges, and saddle hursts of a quality unsurpassed on the
Paeiue C..a.-t.
Particular attention pai l to keeping horses by the
day or week. Experienced frr-xmis are constantly iu
attendance, and no pains will be spared to return hor
ses in a brttv: condition Clan when received. I keep
all kind of fi-cd that the country produces.
I wiil hey and sell steek, and ia fa-'t carry on every
thing pertainim: t i the liiery bnsiiu-ss.
1 w ill t-,po:i tlie arrival of every steamboat, have a
liai-k in readiness to convey pasicngers to and from the
buat. and Citv Hotel, aud elsewhere irh'-n desired.
W. C. K1GGS.
Corvallis, Xov. 22. H'.s. 4Uif
American lioitso.
ffMIE nndersicnod would respectfully an
X noimce to the public. that they have pur
chased the above named Hotel, nt Rosebursr,
Doutrlas Co., together w ith the large and com- "ifta
ni'uli-'us stalde attached to the premises, and from
their long experience in the business, flatter themselves
that they will be enable. I ti give satisfartiun to all
those wlio favor them with their patron iu'e.
B -debars, Dec . 1 , H.I 1 y 40
Dr. i:. II. Grifiin
Sl ftCFOX DEXT1ST. is now in Salem, at the old
stand. He w ill remain until the middle of Feb.,
except the Holidays, which he expects to spend iu
Dee. 10,15. ti!lFebli40
Xew and Frtsh Drnn and Medicines.
YY7" K. SMITH having recently returned from San
Francisco, where he purchased the comnletest
assortment of drugs and medicines ever offered for sale
ia tlie Willamette valley, we are able to give onr i Id
customers better satisfaction than ever. We are re
ceiving additions to our stock by every steamer, and
will sell every thing in the dr -tor "line at very satisfac
tory prices. Our Patent Medicinces are all genuine,
an I Fresh, and as we buy larsely, and in the best mar
kets, we can affird to sell a little cheaper than the
cheapest. Come and try us.
Dec. 7. 1-353. 4'M
Itobcrf Co.-s Impress
FFICK nt West icon's store, Cora- - ,xtZ
tion of the proprietors to connect wish Wells, Fargo
A Co., Portland, for California. Atlantic States and
Europe, forward letters, jiackages, and freight, with
dispat -h to all parts of ( nl.. Atlantic States mid Eu
rope, and would respectfully solii it a phsre of the pub
lic patronage. L. WKSTACOTT, Asent.
Dec. 2, Wis. 40tf
. T7 i"-",,ve few of those dry gisuls left yet, which
V we will ell very low. and some of the" best boots
and shoes we have ever lxuight. Also,
Salmon. M ickeret. Lani-oil, Fine Teas, lllastiug
Powder, Water-proof cups, safety fue, shot. Ac.
Silira. Dee. 7. sr,l. 4otf
I'-ai m for Sale
TWO and a half miles from Salem, all tinder Im
provement, good buildings, and a large orchard
of Fruit trees, from one to nine years old.
Dec. 8, 1--,s. 4utf
T liOM one hundred t two hundred acres ofimprov-
I1 ed I and for sale, alwiit two miles from Salem,
Marioa county. JOil.X riiKi'U.
Deo.h. ljs. 40tf
ll.i use and Let for Sale
X the towu of Salem.
Dec. 7.1oS.
C. D. rillow.
DF.ALEr; In clocks, watches and jewelry, Sa
lem, O. T. Particular atteution paid to tho
repairing of watches and clocks. All work war
ranted. Jewelry repaired at short tiotive.
Watches and clocks, M day ntriking clocks at
low urice ; also 30 hour marineclocks.
a very
Ladies and gents Brooches, Finger Rings, Ear
Gold lliieklcs, Guard Chaius.Ac, Ac.
Salem, July 6, 107. 17
Notice to Scrip Holders,
Prices Reduced One Third !
The Cable is Laid Views of the Comet Free ! !
Another Improvement in the IMetnre Business.
rpilK nndersigncd is now taking MKLAIXOTYTE3,
I which surpass anything in the picture line ever in
troduced in tiie country yet. It is the favorite picture
with most of the Artists of the East.
They can lie seut in a letter to the States without the
case for ten cents. The undersigned will furnish them
cheaper than Photographs, and will warrant them more
dura tile.
Gallery over the City Book Store, Salem. "C
Septembers, 1S."3. IWtf
New Mold Mines!!!
Money ! Money Money ! '
MOXEY is the root of all evil, aud as the under
signed is tired of keeping bis customers' notes,
drawing from 15 to 25 per annum, when ho knows
it is against thei r, as well as his, interest, be wishes
them to come forward and pay up, aud those indebted
to him by account likewise, and when I get my new
slock up, I will remember all those who pay up, and
give them good bargains.
Salem, Sept. 25,1358. SmSOpaid
Established Sept. 1S34.
A rain returns his thanks to his numerous friends
nnd lmtrons for their very lilsu-al patronsiffe dnr-
,J i"S his mx years residence in Oregon, and would
Like this occasion to remark that as his business
has rapidly increased, ho has employed Mr. A. V.
VII.So., who i well known lobe one of the best
watchmakers In Oregon, lu the
Mr. GEOKGE F. POGEfSS, formerly of Boston, Mass.,
lias been employed, and he will take pleasure in con
vincing tho Oregon public that ho is skillful in his
Holiday Presents.
I will be in receipt of a large assortment of XEW
Suitable for Holiday presents, and they will he open
for Inspection about the 1st of December. The ladies
arc particularly invited to call and examine them.
STRAXGEIIS in Oregon, wishing to have the cor
rect time are invited to call at O.COl.l I Els KOIlltlXS
old established wat-'h and Jewelry etere, where the
correct time can lie obtained.
Portland. Xov. lit. r,9 2inrw
R. C. Geer & Co.,
-..,(( TAKE this method of informing Fruit growers
that they have about J.i.lMO apple, about U.lHKl
pear, and several hundred plum and cherry
trees. Irom 1 to 4 years old, that they will sell In lots
to suit purchasers, and no mistake, (excepting plums
nnd cherries, which will have to 1)0 sold in small lots.)
We have all the leading varieties of winter fruit
Wholesale or retail apple trees. 2 and 3 years old,
fn m 20 to 25 rt-i.; 1 year old, 10 to 12 cts. r tree:
pear, plum and cherry trees, from 50 i ts to 11,00 per
tree: extra 4 year old apple trees 3 to 4 bits per tree.
November and December considered the best time to
remove trees.
As we have had our barn, oats, and horses burned
this fall, w-e will take oats ut the market price, in Sa
lem, in exchange for trees; also, two or three good
work horses.
X. 11 We have biu mucksniurk for tillicums, but
halo horse feed. f
Post OlHre address, Silverton.
Fruit Farm. Marion Co., Oct. 1, lS. SOtf
tautest from Frazier Hirer.
IHE undersigned having established a perm a- .
-L maneut Xuisery. at Silverton. Marion Co., !---
1 1 miles east of S lleni. ofT'Ts for sale, the ensuing
season 0U.0110 of the follow ing varieties of Fruit Tree :
Apple, Winter, Vedow X. V. Pippiu, HLO'iil
Winesap : R.OUO
White Winter, Pearmain 4.0O0
EsopusSpit.euburs- v 4.M
Geuniton t 2.0011
and other varieties, sa.-h as H-ibhardsnn's Xnnsxch Gol
den Kassett, ltambo, Smith's cider, Gravenstein lied
June, Carolina June, Ac. Ac. My trees are from one to
three years urowth of the largest size. I have a fair
assortment of pears, and alse a small lot of LAWTOX
BLACIvBEllItY, which I will sell on reasonable terms.
Silverton. Aug. 21. 1 W. w2.'.tf
.Nursery .
rrMIE subscriber has rne of the lest nurseries in rj
A the country, situated near Silent, in which
can always be found all the best varieties. Or
chard men are requested t examine his trees. Apply
at the nursery, or fie confectionery and grocety store,
northwest of "the Marion House.
Pal-m, Oct. 1 , 1-5 S. :H'tf
Talk About Gold Mines
PUTS me in mind that 1 WAST TO PAY
MY DEBTS and cannot d it WTHl"T
MOXEY. and if fiere is any body owing
me. (and I think taere is.) we woutd just
say that money we mu-t have, and we would hereby
notify those indebted t me either by note or b k ac
count t come forward and panjle otherwise we will
have to cnsi-n thern ail over to J. D. Boon, who will
no djabt m ike cost on it. Yours, resp'll v. .
Silem.Pert. S'-tf
L.irery and Sale Stable.
TE are now keeping a Livery stable in
W tregon City, where Ihin'irs can al- fiTT
rays be obtained on liberal terms. fTTjL
We are also prep tred w ith excellent sta-
bles. well supplied with hay and oats, to keen horses
ty day or wees. 1 ti -e who rail upon us may teei as
sured that every attention will Is eiven to horses left
in ur charze. GIBSON" A POTTEK.
Angu-t 11. l-,7. 22tf
F'MM thesu'weriber, in Sale n, on or about a
the tirst of May last, an American "fKj
horse, rari l.ij hands bih. blar.e rTS
race, two nr t'uree w hite feet, 5 years old
1 it soring, branded but the brand not re-oilected.
The delivery of the h ir-e to the undersigned, or anv
information iu regard ti him wi'l le lilicr.illv reward
ed by HA Y WARD A L1G11 f FOtlT.
Silem. Xov. l".s. 2in:Ptpaid
l"tif:trage Home .Manufacture
THE Will imette Wo-!ea Mannfacturinz Co
us Co.
a- have imw on baud the bet qnuli
oiaiiKets, yarn, and ci nn.
Wool tiKen 111 tx.hance fir the a!sve
gisids; unnashed wind al l i tu 17 ctJ. per lb.; washed
wool at 2 to 2 j i ts. iht Ih.
Merchants suppitc'l on reasonable terms. . Orders at
tended to witu prouiptuess and disp tt-h.
L. E. Pit ATT. Pnpt.
S.-.lem. X iv. 21. Is-,n. lvtt;
A TERCH VXTSofOrejinarid Washington Territory
i L The Willamette Woolen Manufacturing Co. have
now ou haud. and will continue to manufacture, the
U-st ouality of bl lakets, vara and cloth, and would in
vite yoa to favor us with yonr patronage. All orders
nr i:ie nujvc goaui will receive prompt uiieuiiiui nuu
dispatch. L. E. PRATT. Sapt.
Sslem Xov. 2n. Is 5?. Iy37
For Sale.
I HAVE three hundred and twenty a-res of rji
land situated in Linn Co., about 3 "mil cs from
S.-M. all well improved. Aiso, a gm il orchard
n hi. hi will eel! on rexsonahl teru-.s. For informa
tion euipiire of the undersigned at S i' !.
SlVm.Xoy. 2(1. ls'.S. 3"tf
City Hotel. CorTallis.
T1TOCLD announce to the citizens of Corvallis. and
the travelling public eeuerally. that they have
thoroughly refitted llns well known establishment, and
are now prepared for the accommodation of customers.
Tlie rooms have all been newly refurnished, the bed
clean an 1 corniorl;U'e, and their i j'ole will be tiirillsli
ed with the best the market affords.
Corvallis, Aug. 30, lsjr. 23yl
Marion House, Salem.
THE undersigned nnnour--es to the publid
that he has purchased the well known
tavern stand, called the Marion Honse, in Sa
lem. together with the furniture and fixtures
thereof. He wiH keep it in lirst ratestyle.and invites
the patronageot liie public. K.M. MAI
May 2.1. lsj7. lltf
radiie Hutel, Albany, 0. T.
11 IT! a,ln flip alinee well known nnd Vfllnn.
Jj ble tavern stand, with furniture and sta- Ij'jV
ble, or house anil furniture w ithout stable. l';fl
The property will lie s dd on good terms, and
ntl'ords a flue opportunity for persons wishing to en
gage in tiie 11 del oiLsiuess. i-.mpiire on tue premises.
For Sale.
LOTSXo. 1,2.3, in block S3, with dwell
ing house, baril and other improvements,
in Salt in. Emiuire of J. G. Wilson at Salem,
or. at Portland, of
CEO. II. WILLI AMS. ls-,s. rtotf
Bennett House.
Opposite tlie State House Square,
rriHK undersigned, having leased the above Hotel
X wiil open t'.ie same the 1st day of Seoteinticr next.
The lesee from a llioroiigii Kiiowiengo oi ins busi
ness ran promise his patrons accommodations eij ial
if not supeiior to the best liolel in Oregon, while the
table will lie furnished, at all seasons, with the best a
lil-cral market atfords. ,
Gentlemen traveling with their families will And at
this Hotel. riKims especially fitted up for their ne.
The situation of this II iiel cives it superior advanta
ges over any other liolel iu me niy.
August 2a, 1.-i9. .Iflf
TIEItSOXS wishing any business transacted in the
JL Atlantic Stales, such as purchasing of carriages,
buggies, wagons, sewing machine, pianos, rcajiers,
and mowers, or any other article which is not usually
kept in this market, will find it to their advantage to
call on the undersigned. Also, for the collection of
moneys (which is usually dr'io through tho Express
Co., at a heavy expense) will lie prompt ly uttended to
bv one of our firm. We will pay cash for all drafts
bills of exchange, and certificates or deposit on the
East or Western Bauks.
Salem, Oct. 12, 32tf
'Corvallis Vinegar Manufactory.
WEnlwavshavo on hand a large supply of PL'I.E
STBOXG VIN'EGAB, which we will sell at
Wholesale and Retail as cheap, if not cheaper, than it
can be obtained from San Francisco or any other port.
Dealcrsiu Portlaud and other places iu the Territory
would do well to give us a call.
Corvallis, Feb., 1K5S. 50tf
ESSr.S. C. S. Woodworth or B.F. Brown are aiithor-
ued to attend to my busiuess during my absence.
Salem, Oct. 12, 18j8. 32tf
Books ! Books !
OF all kinds, for sale at the Oregon City Book &
Melodcon depot, ccap. Sdnd iu your orders.
Sept. 6,1858, 28tf..
IVotice to Tax-Payers.
rfHE deliiuiuent tax-payers of Linn County will
J. please take notice, ttnit I will be at the following
places, at tlie times specified, for the pprpose of re
ceiving taxes, to wit: At Peoria, Monday the 3d day
of January, lPS'.l llairtsburr, inesday the 4t!i; 1'ntil
Clovci'rf, Wednesday, the f.Hi; Brownsville, Thursday
A Friday the Itth and 7th; Sandridge, Monday loth;
Lebanon. Tuesday lltb; Adam Nve's, Vednesdn3-,
12th, Timothy liiggs, Thursday l:!tli: Wm. Ray s.
Tuesday, lsfh; Scln.wn Wednesday A Thursday, the
I'.lth nnd 20th: William Allphin's, Friday,; Al
bany, Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday, tho 24th, 2.5th.
and 2iith.
All persons who da not avail themselves of this op
portunity of settling their ta'xes, will be charge,! ten
cents per mile, tor each and every mile travel! J in
collecting the same.
And nil those riclmotients for years previous to this,
will luvo an opportunity to pav np, and will save costs
by so d'dng. JOHX SMITH, Slieri'X
Aiuany, lice, s, lXoH. tiIIJau20 III
Admiiiist rutor's Sale.
NOTICE U hereby given that according to an order
or the Probate Court of Douglas Co., Oregon,
made at the November term of said court. A. D-. HjS.
on the thirteenth day of January, A. !., lrt.Vi, ut eleven
tnn.m,oi sain u.iy.outtie premises,! will sell ut
public sale, to tliehigfiust bidder, the following describ
bed real estate: belangiug to the estate of HKXU'i
AXl'IN E, deceased, situated m Douglas Co., Oregon,
on the South I'mpqua, near Myrtle creek, in township
-a soiiin range 0 west, iiegiiiuing 11 ens and So IKs
south, and 4S ths and 4a Iks ea.-t of the south west cor
ner of section (seven) 7, thence south SO chs; thence
cast 20 chs; thence north SO chs, thence west 20 clia,
to place of beginning, containing lt;o acres.
J. u. llMtAhir, AJiiiin r.
Douglas Co., Xoy.25. lsiiS. .1w40
Administrator's Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given, that according to an order
of the Probate Court, of Douglas Co.. made at
the November term or said court, I will, on the 14th
of January, A. D., lSo't, at 11a. m., or that day, on the
premises, sen hi iiuoiic paie to xnc uicnest oiiiuer, tne
rollowiui; describee real estate: belonlriucr to the estate
of SAMUEL H. MAKTI.V, deceased, situated in the
county of Douglas, Oregon, Looking-glass precinct, iu
town-hip 27, south range 7 wist. Beginning 7 chs
south, and li chs west of tiie quarter section post, on
town-hip line, east boundary of section 25, thence run
ning west 22 chs. thence south 73 chs. thence east 22
chs, thence n. 73 chs, to place of begiauing, con
taiuing one hundred and sixty acre"!.
J. v . V UIGIiT, Admin r.
Xov. 29, 3wt0
Probate iVotice.
TETTEUS of Administration having been issued out
J of the Probate Cunrt, Lr Douglas Co.. Oregon, to
the undersigned o-j the estate of WILLIAM Yiil'XG,
deceased, therefore notice is hereby friven, to all per
sons having claims against said estate, to present them
to me, wifa vouchers, within twelve months from this
date, or be forever barred.
A. C. TOL'XG, Admin'r.
Dec. 3, lvS. 4w40
Di-trict C nrt 3d Judicial District, Territory of
Oregon, County of I'mpipia. Actim nt lam lo newer
nionct. To John E. Gardner, defendant: You are here
by notified that unless you appear in the District Court
of the 3d Judicial District, of the Territory of Oregon,
on the first day of the next regnlar term thereof, to be
held at Koseburg, in said District, and answer the com
plaint in this action filed, the same will be taken for
confessed, and the prayer thereof granted by the court.
A. CiGlSBS, Plaintiff.
Xov. 17. H"1'. rtmto
Sheriffs Sale.
J"OTICE Is hereby given, that by virtue of an cxeeu
it tion issued fn m the District Court of the Fr.-t Jn
dicial District, of Oregon. Marion Co.. in
favor of E.
M. Barnum. and again-t James Force, 1 have levied oc
mm wi.i iii( wu 10 M-ii u:i ii:r n.:i u;iy 01 January.
IseS between the b"ur? of tin o'clock, A.M., and four
o'clock, P. M., of said day. 0:1 the premises, all the
.i..Ct t:,l. n . . .1 ;.... u . . " r . 1 . . . : , -
'"--- J nui.-i.-. ut suik wauici rorve, to
the following described town property. to-wit: Lot S in
block 10, upon which there is a good" duelling house,
in the towu of Silem. to satL-fv said execution and
co-ts. X AISCISSE A. COltXOYEK, Sheriff.
Sahm. Dec. 4. Kr.. irin
Administrator's Aotice.
TAMES W. Rust, Administrator of the estate of J.
W. L MICE, d-.-eased. having filed his accounts in
the" t ouit, in and for Linn Co.. Oregon and ap
plied ror final settlement of said estate, notice is here
tic given, that the Srst Tuesday in January. is
the time set apart fo.- hearing tiie same. Al! persons
luicrcsiea may attenu u taey see proper.
S. D. HALEY. J. P.
Pec. 1. l-sj". ,5w40
Administrator's 'otiee.
RS. Cnvle, Administrator of the estate of JAMES
. COYLE. deceased, having filed his accounts in
the Probate Court, in aud tor Linn Co., Oregon, and
applied for final settlement of said eit::tc, notice is
hereby given, that the first Taesd iv in January. ls"9
is the time set apart for hearing the same. AU'pcrsons
iniere-icu cau a.ienu 11 mev sec pr pe r.
S. D. HALEY. J. P.
December 1. 1.". 4w3l .
T"7M. Hathaway vs. Jobn E. C.ardiner: Tn the Dis-
tiict C uirt of the Taird Judicial of the Territory
of Oregon. To the above named John E. Gardiner
wi are hereiiy intiQ -3 that ou the sixt'a dav of Sept.,
A. D.. 1Cm8. t illiam Hathawav riled his complaint in
the said Court, the object of which is to recover the
sum nl (r2'ji li) two hundred and seven dollars, and
seventeen cents, and costs, due and owing by yon for
labor and material furnished in 1 lidding a" ferry on
the Lmpi(ua river, and ojieiiing a r. ad to and from the
ssme; auu unless you appear upon the first dav of the
March term of !.: of the s-ii 1 Court, to be hefj It se-
burg. on the Brt Mond ay in Man.'h 1j, and answer
said euuipiaiiit. the same" will lie taken for confessed,
and tne prayer .nereot will te gra.ited liy tise Court.
In wituess wheref I have he'ninto set mv hand and
the seal of the said court, the 1st day of October, A. D.,
1JS. 1
sel I CleT pf t,:e 'Strict Court of the
! f 3d Judicial District or Oregon
A.C.Giebs, Atfy for Plaintiff.
October 1, !S5i. 3m32
rarkcrsviile earning op A?aia!
Kety Firm !
T. Mitchell, from Oregon City.
TT!Y goods, clothing, and family groceries, which
J 1 will keen constantly on hand, a good variety. 1
am determined to sell for ready pay as low as any store:
to prove this assertion. I request ladies aud gentlemen
to catl and see defore purchasing elsewhere.
N. B I will take produce in exchange of all kinds.
1'arKersviite. :sept. la. lsos. Sm'JSpaid
Webster's Eaabriilgrd.
!f"ri COPIES We'oster's Unabridged Dictionaries
V7 ) l!)0 copies Webster's Cuabridged Dictionaries;
ton .ounimg-uouae
100 " " Academic "
10-) " High School
50 " ' Common school,
200 " ' Primary "
Direct from 0. A C. M?rriam and Mason Brother, which
I will sell cheaper than any other house in Oregon
Send in your orders. JOHX A. POST.
Oregon City, Scj't. 7, lo. 2stf
tieo- Prince i Co.
VLARilS ass-art meat of tuese mel ideons. just re
ceived from the makers, consisting of tho fol
lowing kinds of portage iustrumeuts:
4 octavo C MO 6 o-tavo F to F Ie
4 " C to V 5 double reed F to F
6 Oct. F to F 5 oct. 2 banks of keys.
These instruments I will sell C11BAPEU than any
other house iu Oregon or California. Send in vnur or
ders. JOHX A. POST.
Oregon City, Sept. 10. 1. ?stf
lilj Bjok Store, I'orvailis, 0. T.
rTlHE undersigned h:vs uoiv on hand, and is constant
X. ly rereiving a large and vnied asort:nent of Mis
cellaneivus and St-mdard botiks. sebotd b-Kiks, statione
ry of all kinds, and all ot'ier articles usually found in
a b-Hdc store, all of which will lie disposed of at the
lowest prices. Persons desiring anything in my Hue,
will do well to give me a call. 11. II. Hlil.L.
Corvallis. Sept. 11. His. 27tr
r"HE citizens and residents of Salem, and the snr
X rounding c-.iuntry, are respectfully informed, that
having determined umu locating here jiermaneutly,
Dr. 1. i'olloclt, Surgeon JJentsst,
offers his professional services to all who may feel diss
rosed to favor hiiu and themselves by giving him a call,
lis long practice large and well selected stock of the
best materials, aud close attention to business, he hopes,
will enable him to merit the patronage of the community.
He has received many certificates of recommenda
tion in times past, amongst which, are those from plvy
icians and other gentleman of intelligence in which
twelve different nations are reprts.mted.
To accommodate the fanners, produce or stock ta
ken in part payment, if desired. Please recollect that
1'noi'SAs-riNATio.N is the TitiKK of the Tketb as well as
or Tiuk. .
a J Ollice two doors from the Brick Corner.
Xov. 13. lsjS. 3m 3'.
Notice. '
TIIE undersigned having lately opened business iu
E-'la. Polk Co.. will keep constantly on hand a
general assortment of dnrrs, medicines, groceries aud
liooks, all of which they wiil sell low for cash or pro
duce. J. II. C1IITWOOD A CO.
Oet.2G.lSR. 34tf
School Books,
A LARGE assortment of Ivison A Phinney's school
books for sale at tho Oregon City Book & ilelo
Ucu dep'ot, very cheap. Send iu your orders.
28tf . JOHX A. POST.
Wall Paper and .Border.
A LARGE aud splendid assortment of wall- paper
nud border, oil. painted window shades, and paper
wiudow curtains may ueiound, and for sale very low
Tax Receipts,
T the Statesman ollice, at tl per hundred $1 23
it seut ny man. tr-23
For Sate or Rent, .
A SAW MILL, in good order for making lumber.
For particulars call ou JOHN FORCE.
Dec. 8, 1S58. 40tf
Tdolplio Wolfe's
A Medicinal drink, of eminently salutary ijnalities,
manufactured by himself exclusively, at his factory
at Schiedam, in Holland, and well known during the
last twelve years, throughout all the Atlantic and West
ern States.
It is made from the best barley that can be selected
n Kurone. with tiie essence of nw ammitir !t.-li:n ltn-
of acknowledged and extraordi nary medicinal proper
ties. It has 1 ing since acquired a higher reputation,
both in Europe und America, than aiiy other diuretic
Analyzed, it is a perfectly rrRK I.tQroft, in its ef
fects a mild and whjlc.o.oe tonic. It is extensively
used and approved by the nwi: ral faculty, the temper
ance people, heads of faiaiiica, ice.
In Gravel, Gout, and Rheumatism, the obtrnctions
of the bladder and kidneys, and in general debility, its
effects are prompt, decided and invariably reliable; and
it is not ouly a remedy for these maladies, but in all
cases in which they are produced by drinking bad wa
ter, which is almost universally the cause ot them, it
acts as a sure preventive.
For Fever and Ague it is one of tho most effieatious
preventives that cau be resorted to,
The Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps
Is consequently iu great demand liy iersoiis trsvciiog,
or about to settle iu new parts of the country esjiecinlly,
as well as by many ia every community, where it has
become known, on account of its various other remedial
In all casesof a drontfea! tendency, K is generally the
only remedy required, when adopted in the early stage
of the dieeaje.
In dyspepsia maladies, when taken in proper quanti
ties, as a diet drink, and especially at dinner, it is found
by uniform experience to be eminently efficacious in the
most obstinate cases, when even the best of the usual
remedies have failed to afford more than temporary re
lief. In cases or flatulency, it is an immediate and in
variable specific, and it may be administered in dilute !
and proportionate quantities, even to yonng infants, iu
all those paroxysms of griping painia the stomach and
bowels to tuey are especially KUbject, as well as
Ce cliolic of grown persons.
Vs judicious adoption in connection with the princi
pal meals, or when a sense of exhaustion dictates its
use, never fails to relieve the debility attendant upon
C retracted chronic maladies, low temperament aud cx
austed vital energy, by whatever cause iudaced.
These are farts to which many of the most eminent
medical men, both in England and the United States,
have borne testimony, and which are corroborated by
tlie highest writteu authorities. -
Put up in quart and pint bottles, in cases of one doz
en, with my name on the bottles, cork, aud fac-simiie
of my signutiire on the label.
For sale by all the resectable Druggists acd Liquor
dealers ia Oregon and California.
LUOLfllO WOLFB.Sole Importer,
22 Beaver street, Xew York.
Caution to tlie Public.
London Cordial Gin,
Club House Gin,
Schiedam Schnnpps,
Medicated Schnapps,
Koyal Schnapps,
&c, &c. &c.
Under the above and similar titles, the liquor mixers
of this city are bottling large quantities of adulterated,
unwholesome tra-sh, costing but little, on which they
hope to realize large profits by selling in California.
Avoid all compounds. Some are so skillful'y prepar
ed as to pass tor good Liouor. except with the best of
judces. If you would be safe, nse only the long estab
lished, renowned, genuine n olfe s cH.intDaii Abo
matic Scu.VAPrs.
L POLPHO WOLFE, Pole Importer,
Aug. Sl.Cmis23 22 Beaver street. Xew York.
Pacific Foundry
Established ISoO.
' I HE above establishment is believed to have facili
JL ties for the manufacture of every description of
superior to anv other on the PaciEc Coast.
Everv kind .f SAW and FLOCK MILL MACKIXE
RY. S 1 EAM EXGIXES, Ac. Ac, made at short notice
and ia the most warkmaulike manner.
We mXiufact ire a style of
Shingle Macliine,
at moderate cost, which we believe to be more efficient
than any other iu use.
Orders are particularly solicited from Oregon ard
Washington Territories, which wiil have the same au
thority as though the parties were personally present.
late Goddakd CO
Saa Francisco, Ang. 2d, l5. 6m23.
JACKSON St. SAX t-l.M.!-'0,
JACKSON St. SAN FitANl : '0,
Families and single gentlemen will find this House
the most comfortable one in ail respects in San Fran
cisco. The International Hotel Ccaeh always ia readiness
to couvey passengers to and from the house.
JXO. J. HALEY", Proprietor.
October 2S, ISJ,. am::o
AXY one who professes to understand all trtsdes
or sciences, assumes to impose an absurdity
upon the public. Ou tiie same principle, any one
medicine which professes to cure ail diseases is un
I worthy of the iightest confidence, and should at
once "oc denounced as a quack nostrum. The
do not assume to cure all diseases with one remedy.
They have eleven diS'ereat medicines, each adapted to
its peculiar disease., and tune has prr vtd beyond a
question the efticacy and certaicty o"f these pYepara
rattoiis. Their list compri-es the loiljwing midicines:
Clnefenlierg Vegetable Pills. Marshall's Uterine Ca
tholicon. Grsefeuiicrsf Snrsaparilla. Gi:efenlerg File
Remedy. t;ra:'en!erg Iiyseutery Syrup. Green Mim
fciiu Ointment, tine.entierg Chiidi en's Panacea. Gitef
enberg Consumptive's Cdut. Gniii'enberg Eye lotion.
Gnelenberg Fever A Ague KemeJv. Gne:'cnberg Healta
Bitters. Giafenlierg M.anial uf Iltalih.
For sale by all di uggists thruuuht ut the State,
general Aireuts,
Wholesale Priiggist-s, S.ui t rancisco.
" Oct. 5R, ls.jjs. - : sar
Faniik Scwinij Machines.
Vleele" & "VilsoMs ?Iacltie
TTTAS recommended th? Highest Preminra at the
V State Fair, Marysville, August, i ": w;s award
ed the highest premium at the .Mechanics" Fair. San
Francisco, and at the Sail Jose Fair, in September,
lss. - They were reported by all the Committees as
the simplest and best adapted i lamily uses, making a
stitch ou both sides of the faoric sewn, aiike adapieu
to all kinds ol material, from tlie finest to the coarest.
Tne HEMMER and all the late iinpruveaieuts are now
offered by
II. C. 1IAYDEX, A5eitt,
Corner 3Ioin;ouif ry and Snrramrati) Strcr !s,
October 25. IMS. 3mSS
Jonas G. Clark &-Co.,
liiTO K T JbJ il S P
of M A N U F A C X- U 11 E R Or'H
U N 3 11 U ,
WE are nnr mantifactiirins our FIXEST FURXI
TUKE.aud would iuvii? the attention of the
public to our PRESEXT STOCK, the largest ever
oUcred on the Pacific Coast.
Angu.-t S1.1S5S. 3mS7is
""'"' V3I. TliUSALEK,
English and Aracritaa W illow Wart,
Cane awtl Willow Chotrs, l.dlcs" WocK-Stanfls
Xo. 92 Battery street, between Commercial and Clay,
A.Rossi, F.Baktels, 1. Smith, K-Hiulkv.
Willamette Iron Works,
bes to inform the public of Orejron and Wash;
inirton Territories that we have completed our
Foundry, Boiler, Blacksmith, pattern and Machine
shop, aud are prepared to build
Other kinds of machinery. Our business connection
in th Eastern States, the great convenience of dor lo
cality the superiority aud number of our machines,
the use of water power instead of steam, and the per
fect knowledge of all branches of our bu-sioess will en
.hu n to coinucte with Califernia.
Inviting the public to give us a cail and favor us with nitrbnage, we promise to execute their orders on
the shortest notice aud at ban I rancisco prices.
DEEPS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of
scrip. tax receipts. final proofs, and notifications
a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman
Office. ,
July 27,1857. 20U
fThe charee for estrsv notices is one dollar, for each?
animal advertised. No nctice will appear nr.til paid
for. Wbere no money, or lesstbanthe correct arafiupt
is sent with an estray notice, the notice will not It
published until the full amount is received.
TAKEN CP, by the subscriber, living on the main
travelled road, II miles south of Corvallis, Benton;
Co, O. T. ten head of cattle of the following descrip
tion; one heifer, with red sides, white bark and belly,
marked undcrbit in right ear, swallow-fork in left,
branded on the left hip " H. II. " One dark brindle'
cow, some white on the face and belly, branded on the
right hip M , " small dewlap. One red heifer. mnrKeq
with a crop and uudcroit ju the ri-rht ear, and swallow
fork and underbit in left ear, and branded with - W
on the left hip. One red brindle cow, some white on
face and tail, marKe.-t unacroii in icit cna swainw-:or
in risht ear. branded M." on the left hip. Ore two
yfar old steer, red sleeked, white ow the back and
belly, some white in tne race, branded " a," on tne
left "hip, marked underljit in the left and twallow-fork
in right ear. One white and red speckled cow, white
face, marked swallow-fork in left and sn'.it in the right
car. One brown cow marked underbit in the left and-
swaliow-fork in the richt ear, branded M, on left
hip. One dark red heifer, some white on the belly and
thighs, marked split iu the left ear. One red "steer
two years old, white spot iu the forehead. r. t marked.
One wuite speckled cow marked, crop off of t;sc nLt
The said cattle were taken no me on the tv.'i'h
day or Xovember. A. D. tSjH, and havs l eer, r.:?i. iu
ou my premises for from two to tlin-e nwif.-r-
UOBZiXl D C'.J2-r-i.Y.
Xov.l0,lo3. it,
TAKEX UP, by the subscriber, lis. h, t tv-?.U ;.
E. of Starr's Point, Benton Co., t
of the following description ; one is a red,s&; e iirjiiia
on him, marked crop in right ear swalliw-f ji K in l:ri,
a dim brand on right hip, said steer is tim e - - t
years old and has been running on my premi.-cs - .
last spring. Had Dil ot nanriel Ilea to ill leu ear tf-i-.t
he first came. The other is a black steer, white atri:-: i
the face, branded with a V," on the right hip isthr.
years old aud has been rrinniug in the settlement nea
two years, no other marks or brands perceivable.
Dec. 10, 1?5S. 2w41
fl'AKES I'P, by the subscriber, living on Xona
X Vamhill, Yamhill Co., s dark brown mare, with &
biillface, and all four of her Iers white, and some
white on her belly, supposed to be six years old; i-
prat-sea at I to. jiso a rei steer, witu as-mail while
spot on each thigh, four years oid: no other marks or
brands perceivable; appraised at f30. Also a paie;britfc
die steer, four yeari old; no marks or brands perceiva
ble; appraised'at $TJ. WILLIAM C. SMITH.
Xov. 30, 188. 2wll
rr'AKEX CP, by the subscriber. living oa the main
J. road, eight miles south of Ctirvallis, Benton Co.,
O. T-, one pale red cow fonr or five years old. some
white on tne face and jaw, crnmpy horns, marked"
swailow-fork and uaderbit in right ear, branded with a
" T.;t on right hip, said cow has been runnini in the
settlement eight or nice months and was taken up
abaat the lit of December lbo8.
Pec. 10, IsoS. 2w41
TAKEX UP, by tiie subscriber. living in Cbehalem
T-:l!ey, Yamhill Co., one Bay mare about 14 hands
high, three or four years old, both feet on left side
wuite up to fetlock joints. Xo brand, supposed to be
Indian and came to my premises abont the 1st of April
htt- Valued at $10. FRAXCIS K1XO.
Lec. 7th. Is;. 2w41
rj-lAKEX UP, by the suhscriiier, living ll rciies S. E.
X of Starr s Puint, Bentoa Co., O. T. one red roan
two year old heifer, marked, swallow-fork in ri;rht ear
no other marks or brands perceivable; has been running
oa my premises sis or eight months.
Pec. 10. In5S. -iw41
rX'AK.EX UP, by the snbscriber, living in Lace pre
X cinct. Polk Co O. T an ox of the following di
cription: a dark brown color, marked with a crop and
-split ia the right ear. and underbit ia the left. Xo otiir
er milks or bmnds perceivable.'
Oct. 23, 1S58. - 2w41
TAKEX CP, by the subscriber, living one mile below
Portland, on the west bank of the Wiiiamette ri
ver, one steer, light red, two white spots in the face,
futir rears old; marked with a crop and slit on the left
eRT-ppraised at f40. WM, BLACKISTOX.
Pec. lo. ls.5s. . 2w41
riAKEX UP, by the subscriber, living in Benton
A Co., twelve milesj north or Corvaiiis, cue white
steer, roar years oid. marked with a crr.p off the left
ear and uadersiope off the risrlit, and branded with the
letter " B." on the right hipl ABXES FICKLE.
Xov. 27.1S5S, 2w41
TAKEX UP, by the subscriijer, living ia Lnckimtite
precinct, Polk Co-, cue red steer abont two years
old, no marks or brands, said Sjteer has been mining
oa my premises about one vear.
3 Pec. 13. 10?. ' 2w41
pAKEX UP. by the sabscri!r, living 10 miles X. E.
X of Salem. Murion Co. O. T. one iron grey
three years old last sjiriiic; cu brands or msrks" percei
vable." R. C. GiBSOX.
Pec.B. ls.'.S. 2w4I
rfsiAKEX UP, y thesubocrilier, residing in Mohawk
X Valley, Lane Co., the following described estrays,
to-wit. Oiie Indian Eisre, a'oout years e ld, bald face,
light yellow color, with a msre eoi$. light colored.
Also, one Indian horse about ten years eld, milk and
cider rcan, with bald fac Also, one lay horse, witii
star ia-forehead, and snip oa nose, 4 or 5 rears old.
Xov. 10. 15.5. 2w40
rPAKEX I P, by the subscriber, on the 6th of Octo
X ber, a half breed Durham cow. with a ball calf, a
few hours old; the cow has no brands or marls per
ceivable, cherry red. some white in the face, white
speckles down 6oth hips, white under the belly, horns
point inward, towards each other-
Benton Co., Oct. 26, 13S. 2w40 "
TAKEX UP, by ti e subscriber, a resident of Linn
county, foar miles north east of Scio, in the fcrks
of the Santiam, one iron grey mare, four years oid, a
small bize iu the face, the left hind foot white, with
some saddle marks, valued at tiftv dollars;.
Nov. 1. ISoS. 2-.v:
'PiKEX CP. by the subscriber, livirg six srlts west
I of Forest Grove, Washington Te;r:T. ry. : sra1
dappled grey Spanish horse, branded ou tV-" r'i-: t b;i
witu a Spanish brand; also w:;u a v.". :t.r
marks or brands. W. V. o. jTA. .
Pec 14. 1S53. i-o
cjsiKtX CP, by tl snbscriber, I: viu.j --.jSos Cr,t.
J. near Tampico, Benton Co., one re i stetf. i yc:.n
old last spring, marked with a crop off risit ar.I
underbit in each, branded with a heart on it .-is ;
uo other marks or brands perceivable.
Dec. 3,13. 2ii)
riAKEX UP, by the subscriber, living six miles s.
X of S.ilera, oue pair of red and white oxen, one
marked with nnderbit out of right ear. the other. crop
cu" tiie left, aud two splits ia the right.with one Bom
broken off. , WILLIAM JORY.
Dec. 7, XSSS. '-40
rrtAKEX UP, by the subscriber, living near Jack
X souville. one "red roan heifer about two years oid,
speckled oa the sides with small white specks, white
ou the bellv; marked with a smooth crop off t.e left
ear, no brands. MARY UIXKLE.
Xov. 20; 1S5S. 2w4S
10,000 Apple Trees for Sale.
T the farm of tae undersigned, 3 miies from Sa'em,
i on the road to Siiverton. Said trees consist of taa
f. II jwins varieties:
WiueSap; Ye!lw Xewtown;
Esopus Spitxegbnrg; . V.'hite Pearmain:
Riiode Isl'and Greening; Roxbnry Kusset;
Hnbardston Xousuch; Peck's 1'leassnt-.
Vandevier; Gravensteer;
Famous; Red Astrachan;
3- Terms to suit pnrehasers-
Xav. 24, w:!S
. 1S39. 1S59. 1S39.
ALMANACS for the year T5! can be had it tlie
Drug Store of Palmer A Stipp FREE! For
sale. Diaries for 1S3!, a very superb l"t. A large stock
of fancy articles, of the best assortments, on band.
Xov.21. lmSl'paid
1 To Fruit Shippers.
t LOT of partially damaged white paper, suitable
j. for wrapping fruit, for sale at the
Feb. S3, 1S53. 2w3j
Coijfectionery & Groceries.
THE nndersigncd has rum; based the store and stock
X of confectionery and groceries of C. . Czafovage,
nearly opposite tne Marion House, Salem, Oregon, "
where he wiU keep generai supply of confectionery,
nuts, fruits. Ac- Ac-, ou hand, together with a choice
assxwtment of groceries, and many other articles in his
lin Give me a call, and I will try to pive you a bar
eaiu". M- MYEftS-
Salem. Oct. I. ls. 3ntf
AGEXTS in Oregon and Washington Territories, and
California, to sell my Eclectic liniment. I wiil pay
a premium of fifty dollars to the Agent who will sell
the greatest amount of Liniment from the first of June
next, l.sofi, until the following June, 133H- Send ou
your orders for the Liuiment; I will pay all freight,
charges. oa the Liniment sent to Agents, therefore no
Agent will be at any expense in receiving it. The
Agents are to sign a receipt or pay for the medicines
when sold. Theprice of Liniment is $4 0i per dozen.
1yS id St., Corvallis, Oregon.
Hay & Straw Cutters,
P SICES of Xo. 1 with 5 knives, "2 04
...).. 6 " IU 00
. g 13 CO
4 . 8 " 2o W
5 8 " (lanre sUe.) 30 0(1
For sale at W. C. GR1S WOLD CO a.
Salem, Oct. 13, 1S33. 3-!tf
Force Pump,
FEW more left, at - Call sotm.
" 2otf EEEP& STKAXG l:;