ENCOURAGE HOIIE IITDUuTIlY. rTHE subscriber desires to announce to the public, X that be ku now on hand and ready for sale, of hU arn manufacure. one of the most complete assortment T AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS in the State.and kit to be offered on the rant liberal terms. The as sortment embraces everything wanted for Fall d Winter oar. The implements offered are such. In quality and bamcter. as hare been ex trained bjr rnrnmittees at the several Pair of the St ite, and to which hare been warded, at the State Fair at Marvsville, the Mechan ic of San Francisco, and the Santi Clara County Fair; MI Cold Medals. Fire Silver Medals, and - Twenty Fire Diploma. Ibm? the prominent Implements offered, is SMITH'S PA TEXT GAXG PLOW, Which was tried at the State Fair in Marysville. and the Fair at San Jose to the entire satisfaction of every observer. With this Implement, and four horsea can do the work of three-men and six h rses with the Bin tit plow, and in a much better mmncr. THE SKELETON CLOD CRUSHER, Or Fictd Roller. This Is an Implement Ions wanted by the farmers of this country, to wh t whom it will be of untold rsloe. It fctenma-neil of 3-inch sections, which operate inde pendent ly of each other, and will thoroughly pulverize, breaking everr I'imp of earth, leveling the land, and leaving a sprinkling of loose earth on Uie surface to protect the germinating grain in its early stages, and secure and protect it from drouth, greatly increasing the yield, besides preparing the land for the better op eration f the res Tier. - EXTEA SIZED DEEP TILLER PLOW, tecwi aid Third Siitd ud Der p Tiller Plow. SIDE HI LI. PLOWS important for hilly farms. THE SHOVEL PLOWS. WEEDING AXD HILLING PLOWS. . THE SVBSOIL PLOW. This all-imrortint Plow deserves the special attention f every cultivator in onr State, and we invite them t call and examine tiise made by usl We have various styles of Plows, fitted to every use. la fact we. manufacture to order any style of Plow reded by the California grain grower, or the cultiva tor of the soil in every branch of cultivation. We also Oar to oar patrons the following imported Plows: THE CELEBRATED. CIXCIXXATI EAGLE STEEL PLOW. We have them both right hand and left hand. These pl-iwsare most favorably known by ail who have known ad used thera, as taey combine durability and strength, aad are of easy draught. The Galena, Bos ton and Sew Vork Plow, we also offer at low rates. TLOW MATERIALS, 8aca as PiO ti' ll'OOD, of the best timber thorough- AlAlvYWfri'tELS; FLOW COULTERS, (rolling, stand ing or hanging) 1 HE FLOW CLEVIS, HOOKS, CHAINS, Ae. HARROWS. Square, D j-ob'.e and extra size. Broadcast Sowers; Horse Cultivators; Horse hoes: Fanning Mills; Grain Drills; Cheese presses; Batter working Churn; Wine and Cidir Presses, With every other implement of utility. Cultivator Tetlh, Harrow Tettk. Plox Cast ingsEclran, tj-e. Tie above goods are a!l oSV-red for sa'e. and they will be sold at such prices as to defy camr-eliti.o, and at the same time give satisfaction to bis p ltroas. so that they ahull coaiia.ic to give hint their custsm, aad thus SITPORT TIOME INDUSTRY. The articles now offered as imported, are such as are not yet manufactured 1.. re. bat the subscriber is deter mined to engage in tht -.r r.tanutacture. or offer a bet ter, at the earliest moment, and thus his rstablish Bent srAU offer . excio-.. :v HOME MAN UK AC TUBES. Also. Agent for JOHN A. IITT'S celebrated Tbresh V and Separator. T. OGG SHAW, Agncwltaral Impinsnt Nuafulurr, Corner of Sacramento and Davis streets. Kor.l.lSo. 2ra3 SAN FRANCISCO. DECLARATION OF WAR! IIIESTKT last Pmper. VfTHERBAS, tn the court of Human Event t, it reform in the DRY-GOODS BUMNESS IN SALEM, O II E G O N : We give notice that fcr the aecnmnl!shment of tilts object we hereby declare UXCEASlXti and t'A COMPROMlSiXti war against ALL MONOPOLY aad High Prices. Our war n il! ut be a war of words, but of Action; and although we expect to excite the envy and opposition of our brethren in trade, we shall yu nvu m WMiac mil uunc luu kite CHEAPEST STORE IX OREGOX! And we cheerfully invite all who wish to buy goods at the LOWEST POSSIBLE price, to aa examination f our embracing an Exhibition of the industry of every .Nation, wuich dazzle by their BlULLlANl V of Color and GEORGEOl'SXESS of design, and i st excit tilt adbikatiox of all lovers of tue beautiful. We hare "pnrple and fine linen" and the HOST BEWITCHING and ENCHANTING STYLES OF GOODS Designed expressly to adorn the persons of the .gentler exs. So Etimivi, inds-ed, that we can truly say, Iter oar g Kids hare been purchased and fitted to tue saacerti. forxs of ocr " raw ct stoxeks," - " Teat Solomon in ail bis Glory was not arrayed like one of these." We alio unite the useful wv "a the beautiful, and can apply the most solid and substantial of MATRONLY WANTS In aTI the departments of Household economy, enter taining the nt't profound respect fur the good hoitse wirn. We have taken L'XL'&L; AL pains to provide an assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS. Which ia quality and price should entitle ns to tbe 'gratitude of all who h-ve to buy the BEST GOODS at he BEST MA R GA iXSs In all our parchaes we have been glided by a desire ste give our ' .FRIENDS AXD CUSTOMERS he full benefit of everything which was Most ixrinxG is style, most SUBSTANTIAL IX MANUFACTURE and most REASONABLE ia price. And now having prf rmed onr duty as yoni agents,we CONFIDENTLY invite an examination of our spring and summer goods. We have not time to go into an enumeration of tbe many bargains we n "Siting. ThoutaiuU vcill are Mem; TBOCADs WILLCET TOKEtNtFITOF THE; and Will id nsinonr warfare azaint ail HUMBUG MOXOPO L Y. AND HIGH PRICES. Respectfully iavitiu? the ut'st tboraugh scrutiny, and esteebi.i? it a pleasure to show goods, we are the pubticV o.-dient servants. Awaitmsr we remain. Your m'wt rcspe tfuTTy. W. C. GUIS WOLD Si Co. Salem, A;ril 2o.lS.iK. Ttf Sew Cash and Exchange Store io Sa!tm. . THE undersigned take pleasure in announcing to tbe citizens of fealem and vicinity, that they have purchased of J. ft A. Starkcy. tte tock of goods con sisting of fine and heavy clothing, staple and fancy dry goods, boots and hboes, tprmrie, crockery, Ac, and will continue the business i t the same stand called the head quarters. One of fie firm. Nathan Cohen, is well known to this community for his zeal and integri ty ax a business m in. He ia Very t 'aarikful to bis i'neud nd the pnbiicin general for the fair patrons and "warm triendsbip bestowed on him in other times. M r. Pish Is an experienced business mm; will be found srortby the attention of the .;iLI-c. We intend tu keep always on hand a line a.-aortntent of th ebr.vc saentioned goods, with thousands or other articles to-, numerous to msnt.nn. which we will sell so cheap that everybody will be p leaned with onr goods and prices. We will pv the highest market price f-Jr all kinds T marketable Oregon proJu-e. Any produce lclt with aa, to sell ou commiwion. n II be attended to, without stay charge being made I t -i"i-aiee. We nave now on band a hue assortment of ladies' and M ies' bonnets, and all kin 1 of millinery goods, which we will sell at wbol .Malc aud retail very cheap; such as the silk velvets, silks anl satins, ribbons, arti ficials, flowers, feathers, velvet notions, la rushe !aces, Ac embroideries, aud dress trimming, to which we sail tbe attention, of the ladies. New rood received constauUy. COHEN A KISH. Corner Commercial aad State street. July 21. I!!. 20tf Varnishes o .F every description, at EEEDt STRANG S. Window Glass. f7BOM 8 X 10. to 36 X 5G always oa hands at the I tin nhnn- rail mil - 2-tf CEEfl STR WS. Piano Forin. GILBEBT A Co pianos direct from tbe mnnu . factory. Send in your orders. 28tf JOHN A. POST. LADTES'ctoaks. latest-style, for sale cheap at ln w. K. SMITH A Co's. SCBOOLtiooks, at wholesale and retail, at t-mtj W.K. SMITH A Co'. i TERS Cherry Pdoal for sale, at wholesale and LretarLat 42trj W. K. SatlTH A Go's. JURE WINES and liquors for medicinal purposes, lUtfl ' V. K. SMITH A (Vs. ISC Hsu ArriTal of JexTelry, &c JUST FROM SAN FR ANCISCO. J ROSENTHAL Informs his patrons and friends, that be has just returned from San Francisco with aselcct assortment of Jew elry, Musical Instruments, Cutlery, etc, and offers them for sale at his store on Front street. tO" One door below Dr.foomb office. JEWELRY. Gold and Silver watches; Gold and Silver chains: Gold bracelets; Gold ear-rings; Gold breastpins; Gold finger rings; Lockets; Gold pens and pencils; Gold sleeve buttons; Silver and Plated ware; fancy goods and perfumery. MUSICAL) INSTRUMENTS. Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Fifes; a large assortment of Accordeons, Ladies' work boxes of all kinds, Gold and Silver aiiectacles, G.dd and Silrer spoons. Cutlery, Clocks an endless variety, Ac, Ac. tT Watches, Clocks and Jewel repaired, and all kinds of Jewelry made to order. tW All of my work warranted WDon tforgefThe Sign of the Big Watcb.M-f Corrallis.Oct.24.lS37 33tf C. A. BSESX SS9U. BTBAXO. Reed M. Strums;, DEALERS 121 STOVES Tin Ware, paints, oils, glass, window slides, wall paper and border, hard wire and cut lery, every virtcty of tin plate and copper; work pr.;nptly attoaded to; directions given to our custom ers for mixing paints aad oils, without charge. August 27, 1S63. 15tf Mail and PaMrnaer Coacli. .. W THE undersipned bereby informs V:7A the public that he is running rWTag weekly lino of Coaches between Salem and Eugene City, carrying the L'ritfl States Mail and passengers. He leaves Kufcr.e City Sunday morning, arriving at Salem Mond.iy rrtcrmoi;. and leaves S.ilem Tuesday morning, .ni;v:n at Kugene Wedaesdsy evening. 'Good accommodation for passen gers. Fare, ti each way. CEORGS U- McQCEEN. Angnst 10. 158. . tf-2S Fashion Shaw ins; and itathins; sra loon. take pleasnre in anninneing to the good people V of Salem, that we have jni arrived from San Francisco, the great emporium of taste and fashion, with all the ltiti-t improvements In the Tonsorial art, and ha re opeir l a shop one door north of the Nonpa reil S'oa. sriictc we are prepared to accommodate customers witfc anything in tmr tine, from a luxurious bath to an easr shave. Having considerable experience in onr profession, we promise complete satisfaction to all whs may n'. upon us. With ;kii;ful hand aad razor keen Well shave you in a trice: Then waili yen in a bath till clean. And make you look so nice ! LITTLE TOM A STEVE. filjm.Oct. 19, 153. r.m32 Li. Q. Washington, AGENT for the proecnt'.on of claims at Washing Urn, D. C, before tiie Kxecotivc Department, Cou gnts and the Court of claims. Wilt attend to the set tlement of accounts of Mar-hal, li.trict Attorneys, and other Federal efffcrs. and of contractors with the PostoSoe and rther Departments: aUo.to the rrocuT ing of Patents frn- land. Land Warrants, and other bu siness of n General A genry. Refers to Gen. J'Weph Lane. Oregon Territory: Gcr. Isaac I. Stevens. Wasiiinston Ter.; Hon. M. II. McAl lister. H m. Ogden HoS'man and It. Aug. Thompson, ol San Francisco, Cal.; Hon. James Gutbrie. IxHiisville. Ky., and to the Officers generally of the Treasury and Interior Departments at Washington. Address L. Q. WASHINGTON, lytJ Washington 1. C. Look Here! THE subscriber would inform the public that he does entirely CuRn:issiot Husiness, and therefore has no pogus of hi c.n n to interfere with eonsimers. n.iinja fire-t rr'f h:!;!.!:.:; and a large Jobbing traCe, hecCV-rs i.!. :m 1 faci-.t ts to shippes. Consignments rc -it . : j!!v s )':iiied. I-JRACE GCSHEL. 133 IV eiKingtm Af., Aaa i-YoJiciJco. ECFEKKNCE TO W. B. Cajtrscti. Oregon City; J. P. Ksicar, ..." P-rtland; Z. N. STANSBURY. Fortcrdiug Agent, Portland. San Francisco. April, IS58. lya Silas C. Herring's rairnt Champion Fire aad Burglar Troof Safes, 1T7ITII or without HalU powder proot lock or t Jones' patent permutation Hank Locks. Sold at the manufacturer's prices with freight added. Prices from tSi t ttioO, call and see sample of their work with the improve J locks. GEO- IL J0NES4grn(. Salem. May 17. IsaS. lutf w. s. hod, Portland. j. w. hdd, San Francisco W. S. Ladd & Co. SMjfing and Commitrion Merehanli, Portland, Orrgtm LIBERAL advancestnade on all c msignment? of Or egon produce. Messrs Wakeman, Dimon A Co., No. 73. South street. New York, wi 1 recei eand for ward all goods and machinery, addressed to our care via San Francisco, or direct tuOrvgon. Jsn.l. ma. 44tf JOII A. POST. . Bcakicllcr and Stationer. AND WHOLESALE AXO HETXIL EEALCR IX P1AX03 AND UELODEONS. BOOKS AND ST A. TIONEUY, Hnln Street, Oregon City. September 1. 1P58. I9tf War Srrip, HOLPERS of War Scrip can secure the services of K. Pelton. Geo. II. Jones A Co., to present their papers at Washington for payment. Receipts given for the papers and caih advance made in some cases. Office at Barnnm A Wilson's Law Office. Salem, March 23. ISiH. 2tf J. Li. Coombs, M. 1., C0RVALL1S, O. T. GENERAL practitioner of medicines, Snrcery, Ac. Tue Infirmary is -t;ll attached to Ins office, tor the accommodation of int ents not affect d by contagious direase. 2U Statutes of Oregon, CAN be found at John Fleming's, Oregon City; and at A. U- Shipley's, Portland. But lew colics are left- Jnne 2!. Io. ; E. Fcltoa, Geo. II. Jonts k Co., SELL EXCHANGES on New York, m amounts to suit purchasers. Salem, May 17, IS58. lOtf w. s. laod, Portland. j. w. ladd, San Francisco. W. S. Ladd &. Co. IMPORTERS and dealers in Wine3, Liquors, and Gro ceries, Purt.'and, Oregon. Jau.l. 1S..N. 44tf Allan & Lewis, . rnOLESALi: MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, ORE GON ifclClillUUl. W. Huber, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, Portlaud, Oregon. Oct. 2.5, law. 33tf J. K. Caldwell, Dental Surgeon, . MAT le found at his office in Corvalli-. until notice is given otherwise in this card. All operations pcrioi .ncd in the niot-t approved manDerof the Balti more College of Dcnbil surgeons. Persons from a dis. tanee promptly attended to. Iy32 Painting. HOUSE sign, carriige and wa-jn painting, glazing aud paper lian.ipng, wall paper, paints, oil, glass, and putty, mixed paints, cheap for cash, fchop west of the court house, Salem. K. a. COX. Ansust 31. 1H.. 1-2j Dressed, Tongue & Grooved Floor . iug. DRESSED, Tonne & Grooved Ceiling; Siding; " Btiaru, edsed from 6 to 14 inches wide, for finishing purposes, for sale at Do Relic's Floating Saw Mills, Salem, O. T. Persons having lumber that they wish manufactured into any of the above described hirnVr., can bare it done at any time at Do Relic s Floauu Saw Mills for $10 per thousand. 13tf E. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co. ARE prepared to do a pencr.il commission bnsiness on New York and other Atiantic.-itie. Particular attention will be given to t:io purchase of goods for merchants. Parties having any busicess transactions in the Atlantic States, and wanting an agent that will jive personal attention to the same, will do well to C'a-Office at Barnnm & Wilson's Law Officer Salew. March 23, IsS-a. 2tf Dichiuson Type Foundry. PHELPS A 1 ALTON, Boston. L.P. Fisher, Agent, San Francuco, 4rders solicited .for type, leads, rule, Ac. Angnst 25.I95T. !4tf RlcuBrd it McCrafcen. conmssioii nERCHAirrs AND Jobbers in OREGON PRODUCE of every de scriiition. No. 41 Sacramento sL, (Fire-Proof Store.) San Francisco. Tbe highest market price pnid for PRODUCE. Aw Liberal advances ra.ido ou consiguineuU, Orders for Oregon trade promptly attcuded to. Otlice in Portland, upper wharf bout. Jisia i. RicniROS. joua n'caaECM, Vaa t'l-ancitcm. Portland. Orrgtm. June 22. 1S38. Iyl3 Tlte Peoples' Drat; Store, SALEM, OREGON. P. D. rtLUER. ' HBSRT S. STtrP. KEEP the purest and best preparations In the Drug liue. Colognes and pertumeries of tbe highest order, highly scented tjiletsoap, hair oil, ink, pens, letter paper, fancy note paper aud envelops, pencils, Ac, Ac, to which we beg the attention of everybody. August 24, 1859. ly2i John R. Foster. Importer and Dealer la SHELF AXD IIEAV1' HARDWARE, MECHAXWS" TOO.S, Farming Impltmrntt, Ac, Ac, Ac. AT TB' FIRE PROOF GRANITE FRONT STORE, Front street, Portland, Oregon. February. 158. 49tf - Albany- Hook. Store. rIB undersigned would inform the citizens of Linn Co., aud the public generally, that they have Jut received, and will keep constantly on h ind, for sale, a large assortment of sch ol b oil in common use, and also a variety of miscellaneous books, stationery. Ac. . HALEV BltO'S. Albany, Oregon, July 1. 1839. lStf . llojrle fc Sites, PHYSICIANS ASDSURUEON's. would" respectfully inform ttie citixens of P lk Co., and vicinity, that the have entered int copartner.!! ip Tor the practice of mejioioe. nrerv. and o'l.ts'ric. O.H-e, Ihtllas, Polk. Co. J. W. B-yle. M. IK, f r the nreseut will be found at his residence, 3 miles cast qf Dallas. JnneU.lSo. 15tT Law nntl tolleeiiou Office. OKO.B-WILt.taW9. A.C. otsas. (late Chief Justice.) Williams Glbbs. PORTLAND. OREGON TERRITORT. WILL practice tn the courts of Oregon and Wash ington Territories. Nor. 24. 1S53. lySS i. W. JOUNSOX, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Notary Pabilc, tc. A 1 k a n y, Lian Co., 0. T. Nov. 21.19J9. 33tf . D. Tl illiara Donlhit, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AXD PROCTOR IX ADMIRALTY. Will practice in the Supreme and District Courts nf this State. mr Office over Starr's Tin Store. Front treet.-S 3tt Portland. Orrgan. k. J. Thayer, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offlce in Corvalli. Benton Co., O. T., opposite to the '!. ( 1 I.. - . . SOf City Hotel in said town. W. S. Brock, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various courts in this Temtry, and promptly attend to the col lection of all claims asaiust the United States, through an efficient airent reading at Washington .City. OQkfe ia Engene City. Lane County, O. T. H. Strp.iiou, ATTOnXEY AT LAW, will practice in the various courts of southern Oregin, and in the Supreme Cor-rt of the Territosy. Orrtcn in Scotts'ooriih, Umrqa connty, O. T. N. B. Bomty Land Warrants obtained tor claimants on reasonable terms. 23tf K. It. SAKM JI. J. 0. WtLSOS Barnuin &. Wilson. ATTORNIES AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Sa lem, Oregon. lnrticular attention s given to the collection of notes and accounts, aud cainis agaiust government. B-ranty Land Warrants bought and sold. r ii'Mx over Starkcy's Store. 48 II. P. Uonliam. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Or nVe at the Court HoUe. Salrm, O. T. 6tf A. B. Ilallcrh, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. PORTLAND. O. T. Imigns. plaus, specuicatious, Ac, furnished on reasonable terms. Campbell k Tratt. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, San Francisco. California. OOice, comer I utmary aud Sacremeuto strecu, over I'sirutt A fix. Bank. Messrs. Campt-ell A I'ratt have lately removed from Oregon, aud will be pleaded to attend to all business entrusted to their rare. Sltf AintiniriMrii.i.. . C. Prstt. I'hrslrr M. Terry, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALEM. OREGON. COM missiouer of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac knowledgments. Ac, Ac, for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan. California and Washington Territory. Let ters ol Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. 3. Particular attention paid to taking depositions, collections of N"tts, Accounts, Ac, 2tl W. B. PAROaa. LAS1N8 8TOIT. Fnrrar & Stout, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN ;ban-ery and Admiralty. mr Office ou Front street,' one door north of the " Exvhange." l'ortl-nd.O.T., July 20. I57. 21tf I. K. Smith. - ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND Solicitor in Chancery, Corvaliis O. T. I. K.SMITH. 51tf M. W. NiUkll, ATTORNEY AND COCNSEl.Olt AT LAW, ETJ gene City. I-ane County, t). T. W. W. Page. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Port land. O. T. otr N. II. francr, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Al'ny.O.T.Feb..l858. " 48tf J. Flenting. AT the' Oregon City, Post Offloe Building, has Just received, direct from New York. 100 copies of Ifciwning's Fruit and Fruit Trees of America'revised and enlsred.for I 50" the latest pnblishcd edition of this va I table work. He has alto on hand, a good stick of miscellaneous books and stationery, for saleoa terms 10 sun me tunes. :. Oregon City, Dec. 15. 1S37. 41tf Dr. Edwanl Shell WILL PAT Especial AttentioB TO Chronic Diseases. Cirvillis. O. T, Oct. 2.1th. Sm3J Dr. it. Pi. licll, Surgeon Dentist. o ,FFICE in W. Kenvon's building over "City Blok r iv r . icii,wm. urn, ..... t: . 'I (1 4 .1 ..f 11.A If..,,- J II I u"-Jk wi;. ... .-.'. - . ttfr. tf, I . I.1, lii-ti., H irvtvr t.mieral'a Aulce. Salem, O. T-, Nov. IG. 183. 3tftf " Dr. A. 91. Belt WISHE3 ti inform his friend and the public, that h li 1. n'turiied tiSilein.tj atteud ta nrofes- ional calls, in town and coui.try. net. Ztt. I80S. . nr Dr. S. 1C Uucltles, OFFICE. 8ALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. Salem, November 9, !So7. 35tf William C. Urttwold tv Co., M ERCHANTS, SALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. V. C. 0BI8W0LD, 22tf C. 8. W00DWORTH. Uedieal Notice. DR. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, California, offers his professioiial services to the citizens fo Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo public favor. a ufhee at Reed and Fellows drag store. 14y ' U. W. SHAW. Ian Franeico Ad vertisin; Agency rP. FISHFR, iron bt.ilding. opposite Pacific Express J Office, upstairs. Files of all the principal Papers of California anil Oregon may belound at this omcc. Air. Fisher is tbe authorized A gent for tbe Statesman. Corinthian Lodge .D 1 I . Cmn .,,.1 li.i.AtiUi1 lr.eAn. will V...1 ,1 their regular communications on the Thursday nii,v i.r.M t hn full nf the moon of each month y. cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that night in Albany, O. T. Brethren in good standing are cordially invited to at tend. DKLAZON S N ITH . W. M. Srwsr.Bii.Fs-i'y. 37tf ' Wallamet UniYereity. SALEM, OREGON. THE Collegiate Department of the Wallamet Univer sity lias lieen organized. Young men designing to pursue a regular Curse of Study, are invited to avail themselves of the advantages afforded by this Institu tion. All available resources will be made use of to meet the wants of Students. Efforts will bo coiitiuued i.. iitiillr enilon-incntiaiid no pains will be snar ed in obtaining compcteutand experienced Instructors.. r.M . ,, . : . .1 : ..; ,1 .1 ,JLM. a.nm. A no woucgmie jear ia u uc ...v. - , - mencing as follawa: The llrst term on the 3d Thursday hi September. " second term ou the 1st " " January. ' third I st " " April. The first two terms are Jiftren wtekt taeh; the third, tltrrn wrrk: VacATtoss-Tliere will be two vacations in the year: one. in April, of two tcttkt, and one, ia the sum mer, or inn tctrKt, Tcitiox will be at the rate or II per week, or $40 per annum. THE OREGON INSTITUTE Till Pbtaato;t IlKPAKTMKNT. Tkrms The Academic year is divided into rocn Tekjis of tlrren week each. The flrat term begins on the 2d Monday or September. " second term begins on the 2d Thursday of Nov. " third " " " " list - " January. " fourth " " " list " April. Vacations There will be two vacations in the year: one in A pril, of f iro toeeks; and one in tbe summer, or six leetke. TrtTins will be paid at the beginning of each Term in a irance, at the following rate.: In Languages, Higher Mathematics A 1 hem., 110 00 " Other studies of the Academic Division, .. T 50 " Common English Division 50 Primarv " 60 For use of the Tlano 60 " Instrimcntal waste 10 00 M. Instruction in vocal music is given to all the students Vee qf charge. THE FACULTY during the present year will con sist of Rev. F. S. Hort, A. M., President and Acting Profess or of Anc.rnt languages. S. II. Wilbur, l'rolesior or siauemaucs, teacher of English Branches. Miss A. V. Amiraux. Teacncr or lnsTrnmentai xnsic. Mrs. 1. M. llort. Teacher of French. Paintinc and Drawing. Mrs. C. Wilbur, Teacher or rrlmary mvtston. ADMisoms. Students will be admitted at any time; and will be charged for tuition Trora the time they en ter only, but their progress will be greatly promoted by entering early in tne Academic year. Ia cases where, from necessity, students leave before the end of the term for which payment has been made, a Just proportion not more than three-fourths nor less than oiir-lotirth of the Mitinn lee will !e refunded. Students are not allowed to leave Just before examina tion. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, inflict great injury upon both the student and the Institu tion. BoAitntvo. Tonng gent'.t-men and ladies ran obtain board atreastittl'ile rate with private families. Corit of Srt'PV. A Course of Study has been adopted for both the Collegiate and Preparatory De- parTmemx. wen caicnuica to wcewre ripv wjnuiarsnip, mental discipline, aud a preparation for the active du ties ol life. A liberal Course of Study has been adopted for young ladies who desire to ni?.iii a thorough education. mr A IMpl una will le awarded to alt who shall complete the prescrilicd course. The GovKUNsir.NT will be parental bnt strict aim ins constantly st the furantina of correct habits of Sclf-Govenimcnt. Careful attention will be given to manners and morals. Si Honksiiirs. perpetual, or for the period of ten years, securing tuition at very reduced rates, ran be purchased. For farther particulars apply to the Presi dent. Per order of Executive Committee. CHESTER N. TERRY. Sec. Board of Trustees. Salem. Ang. 4.1?. 21tf Pit ci lie Universitf. Forest Grore, Washington Co., Oregon. Her. S- M. Marsh, A. M., Presiirnt. Her. II. Lymax, A. M., Prof. Mathematics. TH!?C'!!egl::te year consisting of one term of nine ta-utas will commence on the fir.t Wednesday ol Ncvemlier. It is the -le-ilm of this I-.tir;iti m to furnish a thor ough and complete c Oloji .tc education. There is a Library of 1000 volumes for the use of the student. Applicants for admission to rolleee must have a knowledge i f the cjiunion English branches, and have studied the ancient lan-;:Mes so far as to have read portions nf faM.tr and I'iccroand the Greek Readei. Tbe tuition Ire is t l? per annum. PREPARATION DEPARTMENT. Students fittinr f'r college, as well as others wi-ilig to piTr-ne collegfate studies with mt entering upon the college ronr-e. w.ll be under the instruction of the college te tchera. T he fall tern of 11 weeks in this department com mences on the 24 WcJuesJay ol September. Tuition M per term. Tualatin Academy. Forest Gmcf, H'oshinglon Co., Oregon, Rev. Ci'smxG Keixs, Principal. The fall tcvm will coniinencc on the first Wednesday of Septeml'er. Tuiiiou ia the enmmon branches, $& in the higher brain he. $ per q-nrtcr. Septem'ier ?4. ! lr?8 Jiffrrsja Institute. THE Trustees of Jefferson Iustitiite, would announce to the public that the scli-wl in this Institution is now in successful oper.tfi in. under the charge of Prof . O. t i. Carr, aud Uis lady, direct from tue Key stone Ptite. - Mr. A Mrs. Carr harin? spent several years in pre paring themselves for the Profession of Teaching, are now prepart i to Bive entire satisfaction to all those that may entrust their children in their care. TERMS : Primirv Department per term twenty-fonr weeks. $10 00 Common HuglL.ii studies per term twenty-four week. 12 00 Higher branches " M M weeks. 16 On Students ran enter the school at any time, but will not be received f'? Iis Inn hall a term. No allow ance will be made f r awcti'-e, unless a special ar rangement be made with the diiectors. Board can be had ou reasonable terms near the school. Allh-nigh this school is not controlled by any relig ious sect, yet the strictest mjrali will be enforced and good order maintained. H. A.JOnNSON. Sec y Board of Trustees. Jefferson. Sept. 20th. 1S59. ly2S Corvaliis Dm; Store. JR.C A RDWELL. Druggist nnd Apothecary, iscon- stantly receiving, per California steamers, large and carefully selected stocks of Drugs and Medicines, Oils, faints Varuish, Snaps. Perfumeries, Toilet Fur niture, Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drug Stores. Agent for Jaynea. and other patent medicines, which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices. . v r OBUERS SOLIC1TKP. -SB) J. It. CAR0WELL. Corvaliis, May 2", 1857. 12lf San Frnncisro Advertising Agtnrf. rr. FISHER. 1 J Washiugtn St.,nearly opposite J. Ma-.-giiire's Opera House, up stairs. Files of til the pri.i. ,.ul Papers of California and Oregon may be fouud at t in office. L. 1. HSHr.lt is the authorized Agent or the OKKIiOV STTf5MlN ; Marsvilie llei-ald; Sacramento Union; Sail Jo.i'iuiii I'.cpuM'rcan. Stockton; Pacific Methodist, Stockton; Nevada Journal; Sonora Herald; Grass Valley Telegraph; Red Bluff Beacon; Columbia Gazette; M miitain DcmiH-rat.riacerville; Tuolumne Courier; Cal.ircriis Clironicie. Mokclamne Hill; - Kl Dorailo lem'K,rat; Shasta Courier; MariKsn tinzctte; YrcUa Weekly Union; Trinity Journal, Wcaverville; Iowa Hill News; Weekly ledger. Jackson; San Jose Telegraph; Sonoma County Journal; Folsnm Dispatch; Cstlifornia Mining Journal; Los Angeles Star; Sants Barbara Gazette; San Diego Herald; Alineda Canity Gazette; Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's; Niipa County Reporter; Sierra IVnvxT.it, Downcville; Humlxildt Times; Uubm; Oreiroiiian , Portland . O. T.; - Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. O.T.; Pioneer and Democrat, Olympia.W. T.t Washington Rc(iuliiban, Stuilucoom, W.T.; Poyncsiaii,IIinoliilii, S. I.; Pacific Commercial Advertiser .4! onolula S. I.; Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico; Pacific Chrisian Advocate, Portlund, O. T.; Honckone Register. ADVERTISING IN THE ATLANTIC STATES. L. P. F. has now completed his arrangements for the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published in the Atlantic States. A line opportunity is here offered to those whowfch toadverto-ciil nnv part of the Union, of doing so at the lowestratcs, aud in a prompt and satisfactory man. ncr. Angust25. 1857. 24tf )RESTON C Merrils yeast powders and extracts o lemon and rose, for llavoring pastrys. at 42tf W. K. SMITH A Co's G RIND stones, with pateut hangings, for sale cbeap at zoit iibbusaiuADus, It HE best black tea yon ever saw, at 11 J . nr QMI1J1 m vv S. HedicaL Or.L J. Czapkay's Private MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Sacramento rtrert, Ik-Iow Montgomery, opposite the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's OUice, San Fran cisco. ESTABLISHED IN 1R54. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF AM. PRIVATE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. AND THE l-ri'BESSION' OF QCACKEItr. Attending and Resident Physician, L. J.CZAPKAY. M.D.. Late in the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chi f Phy sician to tho 20th Regiment of Honveds, Chief Surgeon to the Military Hospital of Pcsth, Hungarv, and tbe late Lecturer on the diseases of Women and Children. Communications stictly confidential. Consultation, by letter or otherwise, free.. Address Dr. I.. J. CZAPKAY. San Francisco. Cal. TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. L.J.CZAPKAYreturna his sincere thanks to bis numerous patients for their patronage. and wonhl take this opportunity to remind them that be continues to consult at his Institute for the cure of Chronic diseases of the Lungs. Livers. Kidneys, di gestive and genitive organs, and all private diseases, viz: Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrhiea. elect, strictures. seminal weakness nnd all the horrid consequences of self abuse, and he hopes tli:it his long experience and successful practice or many years, will continue to ensure him a share of public natronaze. By the practice of manr rear-- in Europe and the United states, and during the Hungarian war and campaigns, he is en i !ed to apply the most efti writ and successful remedies against diseases of all kinds. lie uses no mercury charges moderate treats his pa tients in a correct and honorab'e way has references of nnquestionable veracity from men of known respect ability and high standing in society. Ail parties con sulting him. by letter or otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and impli-it sccresy. To tub L.ime.4 or Okeuox xso Camfoksia. L.J CzarKAT, M. D-. Physician Surgeon and Accoucheur .in vites the attention of the sick and afflicted females la boring under any or the various forms of diseases ol the brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, "kid neys, and all diseases pecnliar to their sex. The Doc tor is effecting more permanent cures than any otlier physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy prevent you. but apply immediately, aud save yourself from painful siifTcrine and premature death. All mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their families should write orcall at Dr. I- J. Cztpkay't Medical Institute, Sacramento St.. below M "rt .joinery, opposite P. M. S.S. Co s oMi-e Jind they will rc.e:ec every possible relief and help. Tiie Doctor's oMire are so arranged that he can ne consulted without molestation. Um3 t. A 1 consultations bv li tter or otherwise.) free. Address to ' DR. L.J. CZAPKAY. . Medical Institute. San Francisco. Cal. REM tltK ABLE INSTANCE OF MEDICAL KE- Below we publish the certificates of two f the sufterera from the pangs or disease, who having recorded their former health, and impelled by grati .ude, make known their cases and remedial agent, and heir statements are authenticated by a Notary t'ubiic. The demands or S ociety i:iifeMotily coinmu:d trieir publicity, ard we commend their perusal to the atten tion ot all afflicted : CERTIFICATE.- The nt(!ers:gned. desirous of acquainting thne who miy be uniortunate enough to be imilarly afflicted, where a permanent relict of their suffering may be obtained, leels it his duty t thus publicly express his mie-t sincere cratitude to In-. L. J. L'xapkay.forthe dermanent recovery of bis health. E 'rue dosrn by tbe distressing vinpt'rnis incident to the vicious practice of tincontrojiablt passion in youth ; depressed ia body and mind ; nnalde to perform even the tnot trifling duty imposed upon the djily avocations of life, sought the advice of many physicians, who at Crst regarded my dira--e as of trilling importance but ala ; altera tew weeks, and in several in.-tauces months, ot tiieir treat ment. I found to ray unutterable horror, that instead or relier. tfie symptoms became more alarming in their torture : and being, told by one that my disease, being principally confined to the brain, medicine Tould be of l.ttle consequence. I despaired or ever regaining my health, strencth and cntrcy ; and. s a lst rcsott,"aiid with but a taint h pe. called upon Dr. Czapkay. who. ifier examining my case, prescribed some medicine wnirh almost instantly relieved me of tl.e dull pain and dizziness in my head. Eni-cr:(ged by this resnlt, I resolved to jd.ice myself immediately under his rare, and by a strict oled:ence to his directions aad advice, my bead l-smecle:ir. my id?:ts collected, the constant pain in my back aud gri:is. the weakness of mr limbs, the nervou reaction r my whole b-'dy ou the slight est alarm or excitement: the misanthropy and "evil foiebodings: the self d:str.;t v.rd want of confidence in others; the incapacity to st iiiy, aud want of resolu tion; the frightful, exciting. ai?d at times pleasurable dreams at ..-iclit. followed by invjjuntary discharges, have all disappeared; and in'fact. in two"mnnths after having consulted the D"i f r, 1 Kit as if inspired by a new ii.e that life which, but a shirt time ago, 1 con templated to end with my own hand. With s view to ctisrd the unfortunate fn rn failing into the snares ot incompetent quacks. I deem it my duty to offer this testlmnuy to the nierit aud skill of Dr.'Czapksy. and recommend him toall who may stand in need of medical advice, being assured ly mv own experience, that once under his care, a radical and permanent cure will be effected. B. F. FILLMORE. State of California, Comity of San Francisco. Sub scribed and sworu to before nie, this lJih day of April, A. D.1S5S. (S'nr-ed) JOHN MIDDLF.TON. l. s Notary Pubiic. CARD. PrPtrpled by an honest desire of my heart. I wish to lay before the public a case which deserve-i a high com mendation, not only as an act ol scientific skill, but that of humanity, also. Almtit two years ago. 1 sud denly ami from causes unknown to me. was seized with a lit of ErtLErsr. which, owing to my inability to meet the expenses consequent npon a tboroucb medical treat ment, and the discouragement which I met with on attempting it, soon became ncb (as 1 was then led to lielieve.) ns to defy the skill of any physician. I was frequently, while ill pursuit of my calliug. thrown down to the ground without the slightest warning, and rl though insensible to the agonies. yet I despised the mis ery of my existence. While in this state, and having previous to mr sfllction tasfod the sweets of life. I once more was induced to attempt seeking aid of a physician, and, by recommendation, called upon Dr. 1.. J. Czsp kay. 1 told him my circumstances, and my inability to reward him for "his services regardless of which, however, be at once undertook my case, and with tiie blessing of God, I was once more restored to perfect health. ITnable to reward him for the boon which I enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebted ness. I consider it due to myself and to all afflicted, to make the case public, in o'ider thst those in need of medical advice may find a physician in whum every coniiJence can be placed. MEYER YABLONSKY. lL.e Stale of California, I Comity of San Francisco, j "s . Subscribed and sworu to before me this first day of August, A. D. 1S5C. Gilbkrt A. Grant. Notary Public, i.. s. SPERMATORRHOEA .or laical Weakness.nervous de bility. low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the limits and back, indisposition and incapacity for labor and study, dullness of apppetite, loss of memory, aversion to society. luvcol solitude .timidity.aelf'distrust, dizziness, headache, pains in tiie side, affection of the eyes, pim ples on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man. are cured without fail by the justly celebrated physician and surgeon. L. J. Caapfesy. His method of ciiri'ngdiseases is new (unknown to others) and hence thegreAt suc cess. All consultations, by letter orotherwise. free. Address, L.J. CZAPKAY. M.D.. San Francisco, Cal. The Crtatrsl Discovery of the Age. GREAT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! DR. CZAPKAY'S lKoriiiLACTicfu, (self-disinfecting agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea! and Syj'hiiilic diseases, and a ceitain and unsur passed remedy for ail venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, beted discharges from vagina, ntems and urethra, and all ciitannus eruptions and dis eases. As iniiociilation is preventive agitinstsmal) pox. so is Dr. Czapkay's Prnpbylacticuma preventiveagai.ist Syphilitic and Gonorrheal diseases. Harmless in it self, it possesses tho power of chemically destroying the syphilitiiV virus, and thereby saring t'oonsimis of debauchees rrom beii.g infected by the most loaiusome of all diseases. - Let no young man who appreciates health be without Dr. Czapkay's I'rophylacticum. it is in very convenient packages, and will be found con venient for use. Ieing used as a soap. Price, $5. For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Privste Medical and Surgi cal Institute, Sac rumen to St.. below Montgomery, oppo site P. M . Co's. office, Snn Francisco. All letters must be addressed to L. J. Czapkay, M.D., San Francisco. rR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical U Institute, Sacramento st.,below Montgomery oppo site Pacific Mailt Steamship Go. sumce, ban francisco. Tbe Doctor oners free consultation, and asks no remu neration unless he effects a cure. OUice hours from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. CERTIFICATE. I, the undersigned. Governor of Hungary, do testify hereby .that Dr. L. J.Czupkay has served durum thecon- test for Hungarian lilierty. as Chief Surgeon in the Hun garian army.witn tnitnt til perseverance whereof I have given biin this certificate, and do reconmiciid bim to the sympathy, attention nnd protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic seir sacrifice and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS , . , Governor of Hungary. ' Washington City, Jnn.G, 1S52. M3T Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond ing, please enojose $!0 in their letters, and taey will get immediate attention to their eases. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., " ' ' Sail Francisco, Cal. Octrdysr, JSSfJ jja,3J - The Graefenbcifj FAMILY MEDICINES. The Crarfcnkr; Company. THIS INSTITUTION, (Incorporated by the Legis lature of tlte State or New York, Capital $100,000.) was rounded for the nnrpose or supplvmqr the public with the celebrated GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES. The series comprises remedies lor nearlv every disease adapted to every climate. For Families. Travellers, seamen, ana Miner f rise tney are unequalled- ah we Medicines are PURELY VEGETABLE and warranted to cure the diseases for which they are severally rec ommended. The Graefenberg Company does nnt profess to cure all diseases with one or two medicines. Onr series con sists of ELEVEN different kinds, adapted tn the rati ons diseases incident to the temperate and tropical cli mate, i ne ion wiag comprises tne series of Uraeiea berg Medicines : THE GP.AEFEN'ItnitO VEGETABLE PILLS Are considered the standard Pill of the dir. and are infinitely superior to nny Pill before the public They npcraic whiiwi imumin tin an me excreuons, purg ing tbe blood by the bowel i, liver, kidneys and skin. MARSHALL'S CTERTSE C ATmi.lCOS- An Infallible remedy for all diseases of the womb and urinary organs, weakness in tbe back, pain in the breast, nervousness, debility, etc. In California and Oreson. out of more than a "thousand cases where this medicine has been used, it has in no single instance failed to give permanent relief or to effect a certain cure. TnBG-lEFENEJTRG SARStr ABTLI.t, A powerful extract. One rx.ttle equal to ten of the ordinary Sarsaparilla for purifying the flood. A anre cure for scrofula, rheumatism, ulcers, dyspepsia, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, Ac TBE GREEX MOCNTIIX OtNTMENT. Invaluable for bums, wounds, sprain, chilblains. sores, swellings. scr.fu!a. etc. As a Pain Extractor. it cannot be excelled, aa-irding immediate reliet rrom the most excrutiating pains. THS G3AEFEXACBO DYSENTERY STJtCT. This extraordinary article is a speedy and infallible remedy in Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Cholera Morbus. Chol era Infantum aud the Asiatic Cbrlera, If taken with the Hrvt symptoms of the disease. It is pure.j vegetable in its compound. GKAEFEVBERG Cmi.DRENS' raXICEA, For snmmer Complaint, and mist diseases to which children are subject. Its true worth can never be set forth in words, but it can be felt and appreciated by parents wme children hare been saved. No Mother should be without it. TBE GRAEFENBEKG PILE REMEDY. Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease. with the Ointment there are very few cases which can not be radically arj permanently cured. A surgical operation for Piles or FUti.lt shouH never be resorted tn until this Ointment has been thoroughly tried- It never fails. GSAEFEXSERQ EYE LOTIO. For diseases of the eye this Lrtion has no equal. It is a speedy and "positive cure f. r inflammation of the eyes, weakness, dime-tss and failing of sight, h jjll always be beneficial "n acute inflammation of the eyes, and also as a it h o j inflamed surfaces. GKAEf'iSralO FEVER ASD AGCE riLLS. A speedy and positive cure for this distressing com plaint. Tnese P.lli are composed principally of Qai nine. with other vegetable tonics, anti-spasmodic and feVrifoge articles. Thousands have been permanently cured by their use. , CKAEFENSKSO CONSrMlTfCE'S CAT 2f. Sorereicn in sll Br-mchisl and Pclmmary Diseases. It is. bevoud all q'.ietii n. tree that Consumption is a cnrahlet Uease, aud the Consumptive's Balm U the best curative ever used. csAEFENE-rro nE.tt.TB ErrTERS- Tbese Bitters are skilfully and elegantly prepared from a number of invigorating healthy roots, barks, herbs snd vines. An iavalaable tonic aud health re storer. GRAEFEXEERO MANUAL OP BEALTIt. A hands-imely printed volume of 300 paces, contain ing concise and extremely i liin descrii tions of all manner of diseeses, their s"y3iit.ims aud treatment. Every family should have oue. Price orly ia cents. It will be se'nt, po-t paid, to any post ofli.-e in Califor nia or Oregon, oa the receipt of 25 cents by moil or ex press. ' Address Redington A Co., San Francisco. The Graefenberg Medicines are for sale by all Drug gists and Apothecaries throughout the country. General Agents for California and Oregon " REDINGTON A Co.. Wholesale Druseists, No. 107 Clay street. Smttii A Davis A cents. Portland. San Francisco. Dec 12. 1S57. 50tf Ssn Fran. March. ISO?. Ir3 John liarrravc's ECLECTIC LINIMENT. GOOD FOR MAN OR BEAST. This penetrating Liniment, as it is rubbed in by the hand or a piece or Sannel is absorbed through the samecbanuel reaches the seat of iiiilaination and subdues it. Every species of exterior irritation is quickly reduced by tbe application ..f this Uniment. Tbe e fleet of this remedy npon Rheumatism, liingworn. Swelled glands. Fnsst bites. Sore breast. Sore beads. Sore throats ores of all kind, sprains, stiff joints, ulcers, t mthache, swellings ot the limbs or body pains in the spine or back, poison oak, Ac, is almost miraculous. It is good lor Bighea I, Rigshoulder. Swiney. Sprains, Clmlicin horses in fajt 4II diseases where external ap plication is required. The proprietor sends rhis Liniment befc: ; the public to stand or fall, on its own merits. He only asks that it may receive a fair trial by tl.e pnblic. It can be ob tained by applying in person or by letter to the address or JOHN HARGROVE, 2d St., Corvaliis, Oregon. N. B Demands from a distance accompanied by the money, will be promptly attended to and the Liniment pill up anu lorwarueu accoruiug to uirecuoiis. a lib eral discount will be made to wholesale dealers and persons purchasing large quantities. Retail price of ra-iectic Liniment, nny cents per DJiue, tor lurtter par ticulars sioress proprietor. Corvaliis, April, 185S. Iy5 Dr. Kriccltbaum's Hungarian HAIIi PRESERVER. TT'OR the Restoration, Beauty and Preservation of the X Hair, lnis preparation removes all harshness aad dryness of the hair, by exciting the scalp to a new and neaitny action, ana cleanses 11 irom scurf aud dandrpfl: prevents the hair from falling off and srettinsr erav. but tbe most remarkable result which it will enect, is 11 mil produce a neio crop of hair on m entirety oaM head. M any young persons sometimes find the too early appearance of gray hairs, this preparation will stop this result. Mothers who wish their children' to bare line heads of hair, can effect this by the use nf this Tonic; especially on their daughters if the hair is light. 1 know few persons believe the hair can he restored on a bald head. but. if my directions are followed I will warrant a cure or refund the money. It is put np in two ounce bottles and for sale by wholesale and retail with directions at one dollar perbottlr; it can be sent by mail to any part of tbe United States. Gent!eraeu send on your orders, stating the cause and duration of the baldness and I will cure you. To insure a cure. my cnarge varies irom 1 wenty-nve 10 t i:;y d-Uars,aocord ing to the nature of the case. Prepared only by 1. J. G. KRIEC IQATJiT, t'o v Uis, O. T. Con tllis, Feb.. 1358. sotf Dr. Kriechbaum's Eye Salve and Eye Water. THESE preparations if used with my Life Pills, will effect a CURE IX ALL CASES of sore eyas. 1 known them to fail since first used in Iowa in lStfl, and I will ensure a cure if taken according to direction, or refund the money. . Persons sending orders will please state explicitly the uature of the case and I will send all necessary for a enre, for which I win charge from Ten to Twenty dollors. Prepared only by Dr. J. G. KRTECHBACM, CorcaUit, (X. T. (rv3)li,Feb.,!S.B. fifiriiSBUw Wigaa lakers' Stock Crposilorx. II. B . OLEAS ON. laroaraa" akd dealer ts all e:xcs cr CASUIAGE AKD WAGOX 3IAKEH3 STOCK, 47 Battery Street, San Fraud h o. OAS FOE SALB Oak, ash and hickory. White Wood Board, A;.. Huba, . Spokes, Felloes, hickory Axles, Poles, shafts, wagon and buggy Lows, carved sad . plain Carriage- parts. Seat Sticks, Ac, Ac. ....ALSO.... Iron Axles, Springs, Bolts. R:veti. malleable Iran, -enamelled Clitb, enamelled l.c.tiier, ptte:it d.t-a nd collar Leather, plated. Jap in a.iO Iv ry Head Kails and Kn j!. X ick--. stumjj Joints, Top Props, ha 3.nil-.C !rt.;: Frames, half pat. and t'trce bait Axles, plain and plitcj Crabs and Tips, and Pole Tips, Ac. tr The above stock ha s been pcrsonn l'y selected ; is of tne best qnlify. and will be sold as Ijst as can bs purchased in tbe city or State. MT AH orders for the above !nods. left with If. R. JACOBS, dealer in Wag,n and carriage sto; k. Trim mings. Ac, corner of Morris.m and Second strcets. Portl mdtwill receive prompt attention, aud be satis factorily executed withu-t deljy. t-n, 4 10 0 nr.. r w. D. atrrcniNS. e. rorPLtTox. - - - - m. ..rfvi.sr,,.,,. PHTSICIAIIS AND SURGEONS LAFAYETTE, OREGON. DR. HCTCHLYS is prepared to furni-h. t La fayette, at wholesale or retail, :aa following remedies : A NEW REMEDY, DR. W. D. UCTCIHS5' BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY; For Consumption, Bronchitis, Plenri-y. (Jjida, Conbs, n nooping-Cougb, and This medicine is warranted to lie entire! r free fr Jm Opium or any of its preparjtio;i-; i0:a Mercury, or any other ui. onous agent. DB. W. D, HCTCH3S3' RHEUMATIC LISIMESI, oa, rssTAST ratx extsactok ; For tbe enreof Eheumatism.T:xt!i ictie. Pala ia the Side, and all Painful Air.-cti lr. W. 0. Hnlfblos' Anli-Bi!Ho.is fills : ' roX X.ITEB COXTLAISTs. A safe eathart'.c; warranted ti be free from .;ct ttiry. MT Tbey can also be bad of tiie scvcr.il Dr J.sgUta and Merchants in the Territory. Dr. Warr is my asent for'Salem. nnd vr;:i ' e sp-, plied at all times with the above nau.cd medicines. Salem, Sept. 7. 185. "l2i The Laws of Oregon. THE OREGOS STATUTES, 630 pase-. with com plete index, annotations, and reservnee-, are ror" sale at tbe office of the Statesman, at nrc d diara per copy. The work ia executed in the ii-t cunucr, boiuid in law style, and is sold at publisher nri -es. Orders by mail accunpacjcd vim tie casj, liiicd by. return mail. In addition to the enactments of the LejrlsL: t're Assem bly, the Tolnme contains the DejrLir.iUja u fnde;e"n- dence. Constitution ot the United States, Trcat cs wish Gieat Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance t:f i T7. ia force in Oregon. LNmation law and ait aicairneats. and full abstract of United States .Nacur!i.ii' -u Lutg. Mules Lost II STRAYED or len from the sabs.-ribcr. from Sa lem, ob Friday night fast. tw horse ra ilji; tine a verT large dark bar male, aoout hauu- iii-!:, !r.;:id- ed A on the hip. left fore font has beet roikc-J, aud looks bad. Tbe otlier a light bar. a . .: tii:-J bands high, has a Roman nose. B th are ud ui! tjjzi, and had heavy leather halters on. lfanv one shall find them, fi'ease r2-icer 1'.--. tm JOHN BASH. Salem, who will pay 1 i'U i;rrjr'.r for tberr trouble. i'i;ij.:.-.LAii Salem, Jnne 21. 1S5S. 1-jtf Notice. . THE undersigned wncid retnrn hi? smcere tnanss fc the citizens ot Salem and ricinirr I . r :i.e l!ucral " patrooage they have given him for the 1 :sr See cars. and would respe-iuily say ta then tait sire j.n--tiaves m wntcn nertadno contro; luniniiiy u,a age compel biai to give np a ri-Jiug pn rtice er:d it -cuntine himself to town and office i;rv-t:e. lie 'has removed his office from his residcice tn i;.e pn-t ..fU.-e. where he will attend to calls i i t nv-t s; ! irre scriptions. He would say as heret-6'iv that his re?ne-. dies are from the Vegetable Kingdom. eo.noi:er 1 1y his -patients will escape the ravages of cisrcury lyaitii Le believes is an important cousidcr.iti m. Hsvlll co- . stantly keep on hand the m ist choice i;i:iti f o tio -Medicine both simple and cm:-nt ti : ;-v.,:: ft .or 3 Dr. Uutcftina" balsam, of Wiid cherry. - I will pay to any one $10 XI lor a Setter f il.mssrr medicine free fraxn deleterioas dm s. I mJ.:a '.ct -.1 I say. 1 will send prescript!. ns Uir ague t avy prt of the Territory for tiO. and if it d s not eiFct a pc-rsia-' nent cure will refund double the aruou: Mr. N.T. Caton h associated with n e in t'--e nle of ' family groceries, medicines. Ac., which -iii be soid upon sech terms as we think siiX alt ta--e win T-y tavor us with tbeir patronage. T,". R'A :K Salem. Oct- 19. 1S58. - six: Courts. THE Judges of the Supreme C -m t of ti e Ttrrit iry rf Oregon, assembled at the Sett or G- vernmef.t ' cr tbe second day of August. A. 1). 1-oS. !ux au poiat District Courts to be helu a ti e a.. rn. 13 - tbecosntvof Marion, on tse first JI.. 7; tu A5nl." September and November, aud tke : uiij iiut-J iV in May. aonaal y, nutil otlierwise ordend. And in the city of Portland, in ti.e wur.ty cf Jl-lfro- mah, on tbefirst'lloadajs! j ii ;y aud Oct.joer. ai.il the third Moniiays in Jnne aad Njv-12 jtr, aniu;ii.v. nClil -otherwise ordered. And in the village of Rosebcrg. in Ci cfrty of , Douglas, on tbe first Atondays ia Vrch. May, St-jAeni- ; berand November, annually, uiil -tiierv.-i-c ordsred. And do limit the duration of said Kr.-- u 1 x u..k'i each. - '-"' GEO. H. WK.LIAMS. CLI-f J. M. P. DEAl'V, tf-!3 K. P.BOiSE. Ass-!L-iate J. Stateaaaam Boole aud JobCce,. w E have Three Presses, the best facilities fur B2." " pnoting Bonn 01 iaiiiomia, and a:i extensive as-. sorttnentof JoBBisa Material of every kind, and, wilii master worcmen.are prepared loexecutepr.'icii'r-aiif-a a workman-like niauner, all orders iu tac de partments, such as ' DOOSS, 6I.15K t. HEI RS, " ' PAJutraLETS, FIaxiuills, Ball Tickets, CntCTLABS, ISTITATIOSSj BrstKESs Cards, Billheads, 1 CoKcawT Bills, l'soaiAsais, XoTESorilAXP, i OKPti; Ikioss, . ' Steamdo T itLS . St.ise-j't Car-L. L'-'i-l-r UF I.AD".N CEi-. IKiCAl Show ISills, "7 CHfiCS UtHJKS. Bl'k Uscku ts, C Address Cards, BLANKS Of ALL krsDS. AC..AC. AC. ' ' ORNAMENTAL PRLNTIXG. with COLOLED TXKS Moffat's Life Pills I a is r 11 vjrj .1 a ,v t 1 1 t r. u . THE best family medicine now beftire the public, f Jr; tbe cure of Scrofnlt. Ulcers, S-urvy, or uptiisv of the Skin, Ferer and Ague. Dyspepsia. Dropsy, aiid in fact most all diseases sooa yieiuto t-ir cuijinf properties. ; V It bas been computed that during The last ttver.tv-rrTe- years upwards of Four M iliions of persons ii.-.ve i cdpr. oenehtted ty tne use or these meuicn es; a v.-bnor- speaks volumes in favor of their curative propel res -single trial will place them beyond the reach t coin- the blood is restored to a healuiy state and 7r c.t frcra" . all impurities. The system is not reduced iiu :v.'j their operatHHi. but invigorated, aud tl;ey require no rtri trsint fmm business ur pleasure. " The afflicted have in these medicines a remedy thc. will do for them all that medicine caa p sssitly 'eu'ccrl' Prepared by W. B. Moffat. Xew Yoi k. And for sale by JOHN FLEAlLVG.at the Oresci City Post Office Bniding. Oregon City, March, i&i8. I r32 Saw Iogs! Satv Log ! WISH to contract for iiD-3 saw 1 s. ir viiT ref and white fir. li. 14. 16. 13. 2J, 22 feet Uv. r. ann from TO to 36 inches tn diameter at the b ut et.d;fr which I will pay six dollars per tlioiinu-.l fc-;-t. t: cash,) delivered at my Floating S-t.v Mill. rt S:-,!o!;. ' B. M. 1FJ RMLLE. I will pay eight dollars per thousand feet, f Jr s oak. ash, and maple logs, delivered as above. Ijtf Laser Beer. THS undersigned is wannfactnring st the 0R-W EGONClty BREWERY a superior artuUi'. of Lager Beer, as good as any in tue country Always oa Bawl and prepared Ur fill orJcrs", at honw or from a distance LOUIS BEEUFXst- My5.1ti58. sf Sew in a: -Machines. TTTHEELER AWIUiOS S machines" are the test t ever offered to publis patronace. The v arr ple and durable; easily kept in repair; sew with cr5Tt rapidity; male au even aud firm stitcu ou lu th s:de tluttv.ll not rip. Persona wishibg to buy u iJ! Ud them at the rssidehce of the undersized. - I.sUVaGE, Ji'fja April 56. 1858. 7tr look HcrcJ -, PERSONS having Prince s MeloJeons with brca reeds, can get them replaceil with new ones ty sending to Oregon City Books A Mclodehu Jeivit Sept. 21, Ida. 2stf uusur it erry - v o ,S Willamette river, new road between Portlnr d tml KJ Salem. The road is a good one and ten rmlc shorter than the old m. JESSS V. liOi'X'r" - nay. a. IBM. j-.-