none mDtKTuiY. rpHR MlncHW desire ta aanounc tot smbllr, . -A. that a kH aaw e hiad mnd rwlr for aale, ol hi "J"! ??S!.,'.rfr?.T' r bm complete aaimrliiisan mt AGRICULTURAL I M I'LKM EN TS in the State. ud II to be OnVred OH th m.Mt liberal tarina- Tha Mtmeot tmbrce trtrj-thlnf wanted fur Fall and winter ns. Tbs Implement offered are each. In quality and eter. m ksvs been exsrninrd by nminlttmit tbe eeerml Pair nt the State, and to which hare ba f WJJ" ,he Sut F'r at Mamrille. the Mechan 2Lof 5? .''. and the Santa CUrs County Fair, . Iwar Oold MM1. I1t, and Twenty-Fir Dlploaaaa. Anson; the prominent Implement offend, ta SMITHS PA TEXT GAXG PLOW, WbJcH tM tried at the State Fair la Marwvlll. wd .tha.Falr at Sn Jos ta the entire satisfaction of every bat i lei. With t!il Implement, and four horse can - st"- the work of three men and sis horse vita the ala git plow, and la a much better manner. THE SKELETON' CUJD CRUSHER. Or Fiel.1 Roller. Ttiie b an Implement long wanted by the fanner ef Ma country. If wh whom it will le of untold value. II la corn (Kurd of S ln--h sections, which otwrat loaic Madrntly of e-ch other, an J will thoroughly polvwriae, breaking evert limp of earth, lere'ing the (and. and Marine a sprinkling of Ions nrtli an the urUc ta protect the germinating grain In tu early stage, and fce-t-irr and protect It from drvilh. greatly increasing the vh-U. be-id-a pn-BAriig tbe land r.r the better op ralim f the wni, EXTRA 81ZED DEEP TILLER PLOW. Umi aid Third llui ind Deep Ti'lcr Pliw. 1IDE niLL PLOWS-lmpartaatfor Uy farm THE SHOVE!, PLOWS WJSEUING AX1 HILLIKT3 PLOWS. TUE SUBSOIL FLOir. this sll-lmnjrUut plow deserves tbe rpeclal attention 4 every cultivator la our Mate, and we invito them to . coil and examine taoae made by ax. Wo bare ranooa atylaa of Plow. Sited to ererr nee. la fact we. aunaiacture to order oar stylo of Plow Jed by toe California grain grosser, or the crillira tor of the ami la erery branch of cultivation. Wo also war la our patroea the following Imported Plow: THE CELEB. A1TD. . CIXCIXNATI EAGLE STEEL PLOW. We hare them both right hand and left band. These alow are moat favorably know a by ail who bare know o ad used them, a thrjr (combine durability and atreojrlh, and are of easy draught. Tbe Galena. Boa am aad New York Flow, we also o3fcr at low rates. TLOW MATERIALS. Boca a PLO It' It'OOU, of the beat timber tboroojh lr ojaooed; PLUw' WHEELS; PLOW COt'LTCn3,(rot.ins.tUad laf or hanging); rUE PLUW CLEVIS. UiOK3. CHA1X9, Ae. HARROWS. Sq-tare. Dounle and extra size. Bradcat Soer; iiorve Cultiratart; Ham hoe: Fanning Mills; Urain lnll; L'beeie preaea; - Batter wnrfcinx Lnnros; Wine and Cidsr Preasea, arith ererr other implement of utility. Cultivator Teeth, Harrow Ttttk. PfVw Cutt ings, Extra, 4-, The a bo re iroods are all offered for sate, aad they will be sold at surh pncea aa to defy competitioo, aad at tbe same time gire satisfaction to hta patrooa, o that tbry shall coeiinoe to give him their custom, Aad tana I SUPPORT HOME IXDU8TRV. The articlea now offered aa imported, are anck aa are act ret manufactured here, but the subscriber is deter aaiaed to enjraite in their manufat-tnre. or offer a bet err, at the earliest moment, and thna hi establish ment shall offer exclusively HOME ItAMIFAC TUKES. Abo. Afent for JOBS A. PITT'S retebrated Thresh r aad Separator. T. tMlU SHAW, Aaacwltwravl IsipliMnit Nsaahrtanr, Corner of Sacramento and Iaris strevta. Nov. 1.1SAS. !aW SAN FKANC1SOU. DECLAEATI01I OF 7AIl! JBBCSTl lut FiMfer. V brcoma, nevewary that there should be a thoro' reform in the DltY-UOODS BUSINESS IN SALEM, OREGON: Te irfre notice that f.(r the a-oraplislimeat of thla abject we berrby declare VSCEASIXU and t'A COMPROMIS1.XG waraR9ii:st ALL, MO.OPOLV and Hiun Pkicio. Our war will not be a war of words, but of Action; and aUaoiigU we expe:tto excite the anry and ppouioa of our brethren ta trade, w shall pnr-me such a course as will uuAe this las CHEAPEST STORE IX OREGOXI And we cheerfully invite all who wish to bay (roods at the LOWtbi' pOi&lBLE price, to. an exauuamlioa of our Embracing an Exhibition of tbo tndnstrv of mr Nation, which daulo by their BKILLI ANC V of Color nd GEORviEOL'a-SiEici of design, and mT axcira th ADmaariox of all loreraof loe beautiful. We hare "purple and fine linen'' and tbe MOST BEWlICHIN'vi and KXCU AXI1X0 STYLES OF GOODS Pealgned exptwly to adirn the persona of tbe (rentier aexs. 8o BEsmrtt, indeed, tiut me can truly say, alter ear g'wds hire been pmvhi-tcd and fitted ta tiie AcerrL roajis of our " psik crFruaEKs," " That Soiornoa in all aU Uljry wai not arrayed like one of the-.'' We ibo unite the useful with the beautiful, aad caa aopply the must solid aad sab-uantial of MATRONLY WANTS la all the denartmeota of Hwehld economy, enter Gaining the mxt profound respect for the oooD hocsc wire. Wehave taken UNL'sc Al. pains to provide aa DOMESTIC GOODS. Which in qiu'ity and prii-e ahould entitle a to the gratitude of ail who lure to bay the BKsT GOODS at toe BEST BAHO A.ys. In aU our purchsica we hare been guided by a desire to give oar FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS the full benefit of everything- which was AfOSr IXVIT1XG IX STYLE. MOST SUBSTANTIAL IN MANUFACTURE and mt REASONABLE in price. And now baring performed oar dutv as yoni agrata,ww CONFIDENTLY invite aa examination or our - spring' and summer goods. We have not time to go inti aa enumeration of the many bargains we areofferin.TOoasoaeU antfserfArsi; THOCSAXM WILLET THE ENFPIT OP THX3I: and Will aid asinoar wart are against all HUMB UG MOXOPOLY, AND HIGH PRICES, Respectfully inviting the tnrst thorough ecrntiny, and esteeming it a plea.4are to show goods, we are the public' obedient servants. Awaiting we remain, Vour m t respect'tiTly. W. C. ORIS WOLD & Co. - Salem. April 26. 1S5S. 7tf Sew Cuu and Exchange Store ia Saltou THE nndcrigned take pleasure ia announcing to the citizens nt fealcm and vicinity, that they have purchased of J. A A. Starkey. the stock of goods coa awting of hue and heavy clothing, staple and fancy dry goods, bouts and shoes, groceries, crockery, Ac, and will continue the buainess at tbe same stand called toe head quarters. Ouc of the Snn. Nathan Cohen, is well known to this community for bis'zeai and integri ty aa business m to. He ia very lhanklui to bis friends and the public in general for the fair patronage and warm friendship bestowed on him in other times. Mr. Fish is aa experienced business man; will be found worthy the attention of the public . We intend to keep always oa band a Sne assortment or tbe above anentioned goods, with thousands of other articles too numerous to mention, which we will sell so cheap that everybody will be pleased with our goods and prices. We will pay the highest market rice for all kinds of marketable Oregon produce. Any produce left with as. to sell oa commismoa, will be attended to, without any charge being made for storage. We nave bow oa hand a fine assortment of ladies' aad Misses' bonnets, aad all kinds of millinery goods, which we wiil sell at wholesale and retail very cheap; such as tbe silk velvets, silks and satins, ribbons, arti ficial, flowers, feathers, velvet ribbons, la rohe laces. Jtc embroideries, and dress truanaiag. to which we call the attention of tbe ladies, h ew goods received constantly. COHEN A KiaH, Corner Commercial sad State street. July II. 1858. JOtf Varnishes o F every deseriptioa, st HE5D A STRANG'S. Window Glass. T7B0 J; tii X 8 X 10. to 38 X 66 always oa haadsat the ua sa-m; can and ate. 2-U HEEDS nTRAKG . Piano Fortes. GILBERT A Co.. pianos direct from the mana- r actor, seaa ia your order. 2Mf JOHX A.POST. T JJJES'cloaks.lateststj :e, for sale cheap at Ad - jf itQ - W-K.SMITH A Co's. OCsiOOLbooks. at waotcsaOe aud retail, at O I2tQ W-K-bMITH A Co s. a YERS Cherry Pectoral for sale at wholeaaJe aad J. retail. at ItZtfl w. a. tUIITH A Cos. ItltfJ PCUS W1XKK aad Uswrs far- asedieinal pniuuam. LXTi7ll Cf sIn7S!lTi -C! JUST FROM BAN FRANCISCO. J ROSENTHAL Inform! hit patrona and fVleada, that ho baa Just returned front Saa Francisco with aaelect assortment of Jew elry. Musical Instruments. Cutlery, etc.. aa-! oners them for aale at bis store oa Front strsx.. aT One doot helow Dr. Coombt' aloa.t JEWELRY. Gold and SUrrr watches Uold and Bllvar s kalnsi finld braceletat Uold ear-rlnest Uold breastpins; Uold Soger rings; Ixx-kete; Uold pens and pencils; Uold eleere buttons; Silver aad IMated wars; fancy goods aud perfumery. MUSICAL .N8TSUMENTS. Oaitars, Vbdina. Platen, PI res; a large assortment of Acootwaona, Ladiea' work boxes of all kinds, Uold and Silver speetaelea, Uold aad Silver spoons, Cutlery, Clocks a endless variety, Ac. ate. Bar Watches, Clocks and Jewely repaired, aad all kiada of Jewelry made toordrr. sT All or my work warranted-VSa. aWDon tforgct 'The Sign or tbe Big Watch."- frvellU,n-t..lAT SStf e. a. an. wmu. arsajia. Urrel Ja Strang;, DEALERS IN STOVES A Tin Ware, palnte. oils, glass, window shades, wall paper and border, hard ware aad cut lery, every variety of tin plate and copper; work promptly attended to; directions giren to our custom ers for mixing nsluta and oils, without charge. August ij. lii8. Ji Mall and laaartisvr Caaclu ,tV- TH E undersigned hereby infbrat tyTO. the public that he ia runnlnf a Wii J" J-A weekly lino of Coaches between Salem aud Kugene City, rarryins tlie United Stales Mail and passengers, lie leaves Lugene City Sunday morning, arriving at Salem Monday afternoon, aad leavee (vtlcm Tuesday morninc, arriving at Kugene ednesday erening. tood accommodation f-r passes- fair, td each way. GEOBUE H. McQCF.EN. tf-2i Angnst 10. 158. Fathlan ShaTlnc aaal Uatklmc Sa letsMt. WE take pleamre In announcing to the good people of Halem. that ire hare just arrived from San Francisco, tbe great emporium of taste aad fashion, with all the latrl improvements la the Too social art, and hare opeoed a shop oua door north of the Nonpa reil Balooa. where vrs are pieptred to accnmmurlate customers with anything ia our line, from a luxurious bath to aa eay shave, tlsving considerable experience in our profession, we pmmUe complete satisfaction so all who may call Dhmi us. With skilllul hand and rator keen Well shave yon in a trice Then wash you la a bath till clean. And make yon look so nice I LITTLE TOM A STEVE. Salem, Oct. 19, 18J3. emSt La, Q. Waahlngton, AGENT for the tvrosecutioa of claims at Washing ton. l. C. before the Executive UepartmenU, Con gress and the Court of Cljirua. Will attend to the set tlement vf accounts of Marshals, District Attorneys, and other Federal officers, and of contractors with the Pustoffice and other IVpartment: also, to the procur ing of Patents for Land. Land Warrant, aad other bu siness of a Ueneral Agency. Refers to tSen. Joseph Lane. Oregon Territory; Gov. base I. Stevens. Washington Ter.; lion. M. H. McAl lister, Hnn.Ogden tloOuian and R. Aae. Thompson, of Sua Franciaco. Cal.; Hon. Jamea Uutbrie. Louisville. Ky., and ti the Officers generally of tbe Treasury aad Interior Department tt Washington. Address L. Q. WASH1KGT0X, tyts Washington 1. C. Look Here! TtTE inbscriber would Inform the pnblie that he doe entirely a Commission llasiness, and therefore has no goods of his own to interfere with consigners. Harlot: a B re-proof building and a large Jobbing trade, heoffers unusual facilities to shippers. arConslgamenta respectfully solicited. -e HORACE GCSHEL. 13t H'asUagtosi M., Han Vsutcssr. BEFEUEXCE TO W. B. Csmpseel Oregnn City: J. P. Ksisbt. .- Vortlaed; Z. N. 8TAXSBLUY, Fortrartting Agtnt, Portland. , Ban Francisco. April. 1&S8. lyft Silas C. Herring's Fttrat Chinpioa Fire aid Bnrglar Proof Sifti, T7rTIJ or without Ha IN' powder proof lock or V? Jones' patent permutation Bank Locks. eKld st the maoufarturer s pn ces with fiviKlit added. I nrcs from Hi t Savso, rail and ee sample of their work with the improved locks. UfcU. li. JU B3,f graf. Salem, Hay IT, 13$. lUtf w. a. lsdb, Portland. . w. ladd, San Francisco W. 8. Ladd AW Ca. Skipping amaT Cosuamiaw AfrrcAonfa, rVrffanaT, Oregesi LIBERAL advance made on all consignments of Or egon prvKluce. Ileum Wakeman, Dimon A Co., No. i. South street. New Vork, will receive and for ward all ewda and machinery, addressed to our care via San Francisco, or direct tu Oregon. Jan. l.lM. ttf JOIIx A. POST. Iitkitller old Stationer. AND WHOLK3ALB AND KKTAII. 11 KALES IX P1AXOB AND MELOOKOXS, BOOKS AND STA. TIONEitY, ' atalit Street, OrrgtMS Cltjr. September 16. 1S38. 39tf , Viit Scrip. HOLDERS of War Scrip can secure th services of E. Pelton. Geo. H. Joaes A Co., to present their paper at Washington for payment. Receipts given for the papers and cash advances utile ia some cases. Office st Barn urn Wilson'a Law Office. Salem, March 23, 1M. Stf J. L Coombs, M. D., CORVALL1S, O. T. , GENERAL practitioner of medK-ines, Surgery, Ac. The Inhrmary is still attached to his office, for the accommodauoa of patienta not affected by contagious disease. 28 W Statutes of Oregon, CAN be found at John Fleming's, Oregon City; and at A. K. biiipley's. Portland. But tew copies are leil. June 39. 158. E. Pelton, Ceo. H. Joiei tt Co., OELL EXCHANGES ea Xew York.ia amouoUto suit purcbawrs. Salem, May 17, 1858. 10tf v. s. Ladd, Portland. . w. ladd, Saa Francisco. W. S. Ladd at Co. yMPORTETRS and dealers ia Wines, Liqnor, and Gro- X cenea, l'ortland,uregoa. Jan. I, litts. . astr Allan AW Letvis, WHOLESALE MEIMtHASTS, POUTLAND.OBE GON TERRITORT. N. Iluber, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Portland, Oregon. Oct.25.lS5S. SStf J. K. Caidvrtll, Deatal Sorgeoi, Ik TAT be found at bis office in Corrallie. until notice ivj. fat given otherwise in this card. All operations perfonnvd in the most approved manner or tue Balti more College of Dental surgeon. Persons from a dis tance promptly attended to. . Iy3 Painting;. HOCSE sign, carriage and wagoa painting, glaxing and naner haneins-. wall naoer. oaint. oil. glass. and patty, mixed painU, cheap for cash, shop west of tbe court bouse, Salem. E.S.COX. August 31, 1HS8. lyU The Law of Oregon. rpHE OREGON STATUTES. C50 nana. ritA X plete iudex, annotations, and references, ara for sale at the office of the Statesman, at nve dollar per copy. Tbe work i executed ia too bee manner, bound ia law atyle. and ia sold at : publisher prtcas. Orders by avail accompanied with the caah, filled by InaaditiontoUieeBSctasrateoftheLerislslire Uv. the volume ooatains the Declaration of l.w deace. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with Great Britaia relaticg to Oregon. Ordinance of 1787 in force in Uregon, Doutioa Law and all amendments aad full abstract of United S.ates Naturalization Laws! Mules Lost!! OTUAYED or stolen from the subM.-riber, from Sa- O lea. oa Friday sight last, two fcsr moles; one a very asrge asrs Bay mu.e. aoooi to naaas oign, orand td A us loe fain, left fore foot has been corked, and looks had. Th other a light bay, about Ul-3 hands btgn.nasa Kuataa aoae. uoia are shod au roaad.aad had heavy leather nailers on. If any oaeaball find them, please deliver then to JOHN BASH, Salem, who will pay him liberally for toeir iroouie- r Jti- r . BLvAUfc ,JUia 21.1388, Re? , 1 mtssdrdA AVMeCraBten, AND Jobber Is. 0KEU01T PROUUCK or ever? ae scrlntion. No. 41 SaerauisnW L, (rlre-Proof Store.) Han Francisco. tm nignest marass pnes paiu ior i-nvf uu. ava Litieraladvauee mad on eousiuumanta. wT Order for Uregon trad promptly attended to. Office ia Portland, upper wharf u-ut. JAIU K. BICHARttt, iOHt MCajaSB, - Aaa fVwatura. rorwmm, vrtgm. Jon tl, 18M. lyU Th Peonies' Urns Storo, SALEM, OIIEUOX. p..rLMk. Mmnnw. KEEP th pntsst aad but preparation la the Pmf line. CukMiMt and Bernimeries of th highest order, highly scented toilet snap, hair oil, ink. pens, tetter paper, fancy note paper and envelops, pencils, Ac., Ac. to which w bag lb attoatioa f vrv uody. August It, 1868. J John lis Foster. Importer and Dealer la SHELF AND 1II3AVV UAHDWAttE, MECHA -VC'A TOOLS, Firming tmplt-mt; Ac, Ac, . Ao. ' " At TUB PIIU5 PROOF GRANITE FRONT STORE, Front street, PurlUud, Uregon. rbrory,K.8. Albany Iloolt Store. UK nndrrslgned would Inform the rltlseas of Linn t.. and the Biihlio awnrrally. that they have just received, and will kp constantly ea atad. for aale. a large assortment of i uxil hooki In common us, aad also a variety or mirllanou book, tatlonery , he. ' 11 A LBV BIVO S. Albany, Oregon, July 1.18S8. 1 Borle da Sltoa. PHYSICIANS ANI8l'RilEOV3.woll reepectfully Inform the citizens of Polk Co.. and vicinity, that they bsv entered Into ennartaer-ihlp for the practice of me iiclne, surgery, and ot.telrte. OHk-e, Dallas, Polk. Co- J- W'. H.ylr. M. I.. for the nrrseut will be found at hi reoldeuce, S miles east of Dallas. J no 16. 18ia. ton D. William Dootklt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ASD PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY. Will practice ia the Supreme and District Court of this Suite, ajar Office over Starr' Tin Store. Fmnt.trcet.a. 3tf Pm-Uaml. Oregwa. J.Flemiai. T tha Orevon C tr. Piwt Outre Building, has lust V received, direct from New York. 100 copies of Itownine's Fruit and Fnit Trees of Amerlca."revised and enlarged, for tsiT tbe latest published edition of this valnslile work. Ha nas aiaoon nana. ooo mm of misrrlUneon books and stationery, for sale on term to suit the time. Oregon City, Deo. U.1W7. ltr W. Page. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATLAW. Port land. O. T. tlHf R. II. Craatr, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Albany.O. T.Feb.. 1959. Stf Dr. 8. It. UnckJet, OFFICE. SALEM, OREGON TERRITORT. Sslem. November 9, 1M7. SStf Vllllana C. Uriswold t Co., MERCHANTS. SALEM. OUEiJON TERRITORT W.C.UKISWOI.P. aiU c. a. WOOOWOBTB. Medical Notice. THE subscriber, would Inform the Inhabitants that he is at bis old stand, ready to attend to all calls In his profession ; also b baa oa band a well selected stnalt of Eclectic concentrated Medic inee, with a well twrird snpp! v of Srringn, all of which he will dispose of on reasonable term. W. WAR HEN. Salem December 1. 1S. 3-tf Metlieal Ratice. TXR. R. W. SHAW, late of Saa Fraocu-o. California, I offer hi tirofesaional aervii-ea to the citizens to Halem and vicinity, and respectfully tollciU a share fo puMic favor. Hr trmc at ucea ana r euow arug i, 14y It- W. SHAW. 1. J. Thayer, A TTORNET AND COUNSELLOR ATLAW. Office V (n Corvallis, llentou Co., O. T., opposite to the City Hotel in said town. I tr n. rABBAn. t..ssixe srot-r Fame k Stoat, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN hancerr and Admiralty. BsT Office on Front street, on dr north of the " Lxchange." Portland. O.T., July n, tsof. uu I. K. Smith. a TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND XA. Solicitor in Chancery, Corvaliia O. T. I. If. SUITS. oi" 1. W. litehell, . rmiivrr ivn r-iir vi.-ini AT LAV. C!fT A gen City, 1 jiu County. U. T. laa Fraatisro ldrertisiag Igeaey LP. FISHFR. iron bbilding. opposite Paoille Lxpreav Office, up x lairs. Files of all the principal Paper of California and t'rejroa may befoano ni tuis omce. str r isher is tbe nuUii wised AKent tor toe NausmuL Ckeiter .1. Terry, ATT0RXET AT LAW, SALEM, OUECvOX, COM -mitnioiier of Deedt. and to take testimony, ae knowledgment-i. Ac. Ac for Iowa. Indiana. Misaonri, Mirhieau. California and Washington Territory. let ters of Attorney, and all other instnuneuta of writing. drawn on abort notice. ta. Particular attention paid to taxing depositions. coliections of Aotc. AccouriU, an, Jiii W. 8. Brock, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND A Solicitor in Chancery, wiil practice in tbe various con lis in thin Territory, ana prompiiy senn tne col lection of all claim ai-ai-ist tlie Liiiled SUtes, through an efficient avoi't residing at W Arlington .City. OQice in Eugene City, Lane County, 0. T. It. K. 8tratton, ATT0r.NET AT LAW. will practice in the varlou conrte of southern Oregon, aad in the Supreme Court of the Tern tory . tivrica in KcottMl-ura-h. Lmcaua county, u. T. N. B. Uoonty Ijiod Warraute obtained lor claimants I reasonable term. " i.m. SAaNm. i. a. wilson llarnum At Wilson. A TTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Sa- . lera, Oregon. Particular attcutiou ia given to the collection of uutca aud account, aud cairns against government. uounty Lna tvsrrantg uongni anu soia. aaV Oiflc over Starkey' Store. 44 11. F". Donhan. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of- J. Hee at tbe Court llouce, Salem. O. T. 6tf 1. B. Halloek, a nCHITECT AND BUILDER. PORTLAND. 0. T. A. liesign. plans, specifications, Ac furuiahed on reasonable terms. rairr-hfll A Pratt. A l ll'lv Lia A l uan.oui r rauewco, wooiuis. Udice, corner Montgomery and Saciemento streets, over Parrott A Cos. Sank. Mestrs. Campbell It I rail nave lately removea ins firesnn. and will be d leased to attend to all buainetia entrusteo so uieir vare. .... Albxamdeb Camtbell. i ' . U. C rBATT Corinthian L.odae OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will bold their regular coniin'.aications on tha Thursday t.. uIm t It. full nf tha hum in of each month, ex cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that .... . tt iirethren in Kood standing are oordially invited toat- . . i . i .t w v. tii if r w SraiKOEB, Scc'y. 9ti Dickinson Type Foundry PHELPS AD ALTON. Boston. UP. Pisner. Agent, an Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads, rule, Ac. August 15, 1857. J4tf Dressed, Toasne v OrooTed Floor- - Arm nr. ' ' - TXRESSED, Tooffne Grooe4. CeiliiiKt B AT " Dialog, ; . t bJw avylrwal rVtaffMI it Ia 11 IftrlMMI Widfl. ' awHsWtaVS B.s ws . - for Bnishhig punnMr. for aale at Da Belle's FloaUng Saw Alius, miiciu, . . , , , . Fen on having luml-er that they wi?h raanofac tared ..L. .s JAnli-ul I IBs Va- K tT tat done at any time at Du Belle' Floating; Saw Mills for i.r iu per tnouamau. E. Peltcn, Geo. E Jcnes & Co, A RE ore oared to do a areneral commission bus iness rV. on New Yurk and other AtlanUc cilie. Particular attention will be given to tbe purchase or goods for merchant. Parties having any basic es transactions in the Atlantic States, and wanting an agent that will give personal attaatioa ta the same, will do well ta OAehat Banram A Wilsnn's Law Office"-I hra-.EUrrLsCB. ftf V7i0!wSt UnlTerclty. 8ALEM, OREOON. riR Collegiate Department or the Wnllamet upiver altf ha been, organictd. Young men dol(rtilii to pursue a regular Conrs of Study, are Invited to avail themselves of lira advantaffc alilirded by this Institu tion. All available resourcea will be mane use oi to meet tha rnta of Students. EMorta wlii bo eontlniied to Bcar a ssilabl endnwmeiit;and no pains will be spar d lnobU(uinycompetcotaiidexierieni-(d Instructor. The Collegiate fear U 0i weu into mrtr s'Tn. vuu- menclng as follows: The a rat term on in nt I nursuay in nepurauvr. " aeoond term on the 1st " Jitmiary. tblid " " " t't " " April. The tret two term are rtUsu mcs; tha third, rlrrf mtkl. , .. VACATioTher will be two vacations in tne year: on, ia April, of awe bvmA, and one, in th um mer, of asn wavAs. . Tuition will be at th rat of ft per weea, or siu per anavm. TUB OHkUO?l IffariTU irw ma rnnrasiarwar DsraaTaxiiT. Taaaa. The Academic year I divided Into rota Tehms of alrreM trerA nr. 1 lie HrU term tcplns on the Id Monday or neptemner. " aetond term uegiuon the td Tliursduv of Nor. " third " " lt " l' Jsmiary. fourth " " " " last " April. Vacation There will be two raratlnna In the year: one lu April, of tu tret and one in th summer, of six snrrAs. TriTiii will he paid at the beginning or each Term in aJramrr, at the following rates: In Languages, Higher Mathematlr K l item., f iu vu " Other studies or the Academic uivwion, . . iw " Common English Division 60 Primarr 8 0 For use of th Piano t 80 ' Instminnntal mnile to oo tV liKtrurtmn In vocal muslo I given to all tbe aludrutlVt ufAmgf TUB FACULTY during the present year will con sist of Re. F. S. Ilnrt. A. M., President and Acting ProfeM- or of Ancient Languages. t. H. Wilbur, rrolessor of Matnematie, leacnrr of English Hratichr. Mis A. V. Amiraux. Teacher or instrumental muhic. Um. . M. lloyt. Teacher of French, Paiuting aud Drawing. Mr. 0. Wilbur, Teacher of Primary Division. Aoumhon Students will lie adiuittrd at any t'me; and will be chsrired lor tuition from the time they en ter only, but liirir pnifress win oe great ly prumuicu by entering early In the Academic yrsr. In cases Where, from necessitv. students leave liefitre th end of the term for which payment has I wen mnde. a just proportion not more than three fourths nor less than one-fourth of the tuition lee will he refunded Student are not allowed to leave JuhI la-fore examina tion. Patrons who are Inattentive to this point. Inflict great Injur upon both the student and tbe Institu tion. Hoabmno. Young gentlemen and ladies can obtain board at reasons Me rate with prirate families. Ciii-bse or STVtir-A Course of Study has Wn adopted lor both the Collegiate and Preparatory De partment, well calculated to secure ripe srlmlarslilp, mental discipline, and a preparation rur tne active du ties ol lile. A liberal Conrse of Study has been adiptedfor young ladles ahodinlre to obtain a thorough education. ar- A Diploma will be awarded to all who aaau eomplrte the prescribed course. Th liorimKMENT will no parenisi oat strici aim ta ronstanily at the formation of correct habit of Self-fiorrrnnient. Careful atteutloa will be girea to manner aad morals. ScHiiLAnntiirs. perpetual. or forth period or ten year, securing tuition at rery reduced rate. en lie purchased, r or lurtner paiticuiar appiy to ine rresi dent. Per order of Executive Committee. - CHESTER N. TERRY, bee. Hoard of Trustee. Salem. Ang. 4. 1U. Jftf r I'aclflc UniTcrtitr. Forttt Grove, M'ashington Co., Ortgon. Rev. 8. M. Marsh, A. M., Prtsiifenl. Rer. II. Ltma!, A. M., Prof. Mathematics. T'H E er-Ileglate year consisting or one term of nine JL uiomhs.sjill commence on tn nrst neuuesuay oi Noremher. It is the 'tcslcn of this Institution to furnish a tbor- nnvh and comnlfle eulleeiate education. There is a Library of 1000 volume for the use or the students. Acnliranta for admission to rnlleee rouit bare a knowled-re of the common English branches, and have studied the aneient lanTuases so far as to read portion of t'enr anil Cicero and the Greek Header. Tne tuition fee is fJ3 per nnum. PREPARATION DEPARTMENT. Students fitting for college, as well as ethers wishing to pursue collegiate studies without entering upon the collec course, will be uuder tue lustructiou of tne college teacher. Tbe fall term of II week. In this department com mrncr on the 2d Weduesday of September. Tuition S per tenn. Tualatin Ac-demy. Forest Grovr, H'a$hington Co., Oregon, Ret., Principal. Tbe fall term will commence on the first Wednesday of Senteinl'er. luitmo in tne common nrancnes, so in tue nigner brurhr. $S per qiuirter. Kcpte-niwr n. imm. ivts - Jcffenoa Institatf. fTIIE TruMee of Jefferson Institute, would announce X to the D'j'ilic thut the school In this ln-liiuiMn is nnw In successful njierution, under the charge of Prol. II. o. Carr, and hi lady, direct from tu ey tone St ile. Mr. .V Mrs. Csrr baring spent sereral years in pre paring themselve for the !'rfeiou of Teaching, are now ureuan-d to give entire autisfaction to all those that may entrust tueir cniiuren in taeir care. TFCMS : rrimarr Irnartment per term tweotr-four weks. SIS 00 Common English studies per term twenty-four wceki. li vu Higher hranchea " " " Student can enter the schnol at any time, but will not b received for less than half a term. No allow ance will be made for abwnce, unless a special ar rancemeut be made with tbe directors. IVMrd can be bad oa reasonable terms near the chuol. Althonsh Mii schnol Is not controlled by any relig ious sect, yet the strictest moral win oe eulorcca aud good order maintained. . II. A. JUIIAt1!.. , Sec'y lioard of Trnslee. Jcffenon.Scpt.IOtb. 1V,8. Iv28 Corrallls Drug Store. T n.CARlVEL!..Drujr!riit and Anotbecarr. Incon .1 atantlr receivine. per California steamers, larse aud carefully selected stocks of Drugs and Medicines, Oils, rainlH, rut-ill, boaps. renuinerics, toik-i r ur niture.SUtioiiurv.and all articles usnslly kept in Drug Stores. Agent tor Jaynes, and other patent mediuiiie. which will be l urnisnea at i aiuornia. wholesale prices ajr Ordkrs solicitkp. J. B. CARDWELL. Corvallis, May 28, 1857. 12tf San Francisco AdTcrtising igeney. L, P. FISHER. IH Wiwhington St..nearly opposite Maceuire'a Opera House, up stairs. Files of all tbe principal Paper or California, and Oregon may be found at this ntbeo. .L. P. FlSIIKlt ia the authorized Agent or tb Onr-iiox ferATKssi am ; Marysville Hei-ald: Hacfamento Uuton; San Jimuuin Republican, Stockton; Pacilic Methodist, Stockton; Nevada Journal; Sonora Herald; . , Grass Valley Telegraph; Red Bluff Beacon; , Columbia truxette; '' Mountain Democrat, PlacerviUe; ' , - Tuolumne Courier; Calaveras Chronicle. Mokelumns Hill; - El Dorado Democrat; Hhasta Courier; . Mariposa Gazette; Yrcka Weekly Union; Trinity' Journal, Weavervllle; Iowa Hill News; Weekly ledger. Jackson; San Jose Telegraph; Bonnma County Journal; Folsom Dixpatch; California Mining Journal; Ixm Angelc Star; Kanta Barbara Gazette; San Diego Herald; Almeda Cannty Gazette; Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's; Napa County Reporter; Sierra Democrat, Downeville; . Humboldt Times; Union; Oreottiaa. Portland, O. T-; Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. O. T.; Pioneer and Democrat, Olympia.W. T.: Wasbiagton Republiban, Steilacoom, W.T.; Poyncsian, Honolulu, S. I.; Pacilic Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu 8. L; Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico; Pacific Chriidan Advocate, Portland, O. T.; Hnnirknns; Register. ADVERTISING IN THE ATLANTIC STATES. I., p. F.haa now completed hi arranirements for the forwarding or advertisements to all the principal largest circulating Jonmais and Newspapers published in tbe Atlantic States. A fine .o-tortonitv is here offered t those wbo'wkh to advert ua iu any part of the Union, of dolnx so at the lowest rates, aui in a prompt and satisfactory man ner. August 15, 1S57. . Iftf kRESTON C. llerrils yeast powder aud extracts . lemon 2nd rose, for flavoring pastry, at , , . 42tf W. K. SMITH A Co". G B1XD itoofa, with patent iMBirin for me cheap a a n.- Drrrt av qtd a rr -o . si . , 4saAbA wtssser w tJt IkA.i U Q tHX beat black tea yon ever saw, at . ?7Tjjbs1 W.K. SMITH A Co s. KedicaL Dr.L J. Czapkay's Private MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Sacramento street, lielow Montgomery. npiKisite I'acllioMall Steamsbin Comnanr'a Office. Kan F tli ran- ciarn. ESTABLISHED IN 1R.H. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF ALL PRIVATE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. AND TUB surruEssios or OA'Acm-ar. Attending and Resident Ptiytlelan. L. J.CjS VPKAY. M.D.. Ite In the Hunirarlan Rrvoluti'mary Wsr. ( hi f IMiv slcian tn tho 20th Itrsiniruff f Honreds. Chief Sure-eon tn the Military Hospital of Pextli, Hiiiigarr, and the late lecturer on the disease of Women and Children. Communication "lictly cniiflilriitUI. ; : Consultation, bv letter or nthera lie. free. ! Address Dr. L. J. CZAI'KAT. Han Friinclsco, Cal. I'O THU AFFLICTED. Dr. L. J.CZAPK A V return hi sincere tbnuka to Ms uiiiiiriouN pHtients for their patrunage. and would lake this mici tmitv l- rentiml them Mint he continues toeou.nltat his Institute for the ire ol Chronic dixrasea if the l-tino.. Livers, klilnrvs.di- aestire and eemtive organs, and all private di-essex, vis : Syphilitic ulcers, ronorrli'ra. alert, strictures. Heroins! weakness and all the horrid consequences nf self aim., and lie hopes that his long experience and successful pr.vlice of many years, will continue to ensure him a slnru of public patrons-re. Bv the practice of many rear- In Kiinine and the United States, and during the ilutiRarinit wnr ntid enmpaicu. lie Is etnMrd to applr the nuwt efTU h-til nd succrofiil remedies a-rsin-it uiracsnr nil kio'li. He uses no mercury i linrges tnoderiite treats his pa tient In a correct and houorahV way- lias reference f ntfiietion'ile reracity from men of known reaped- ntntr anil men sTnnuttiff in societr- All parties con sulting him. by letter or utlierwine, will rerrire the best and gentlet treatment, and Implicit seercy. To rna Limns or Okwiiim mn Ctirunu. L. J CzarEAV. M. l..l'hri'ian Surgetm and vlteathe stteutlon of the hick aud araictcd females la boring under any of the rarioo. forms of disease ol the brain, limes. Heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid. neys. and nil disease peculiar to tiielr sex. The Doc tor l eflecting m'ire pi-nnanent cures than any other nhrairiau in t Ireiron or California, i-et no faloe drlicacr ireveni yuu. uui appir irnmeuiaieiy, anu save vonrseii mm psinful snflVniiR and premature death. All mar ried ladies, whwe delicate health nr other circumstances preveut an Increase in their families should writeorcall at Dr. 1 J. t'mpksv's Medx-a. Irctitute Sacramento st.. below Montgomery, opposite P. M. S.K. Co a oCI'e.nnd tliev will receive every p jsnihle relief and help. The I odor's OiUces ate so arrdiijed that he can be eona::lted without molestation. 12m3 aya Al cmsullatioua f by letter or otherwise.) free. Address to 1H. I,. J. (V.AI'KAV, Itedleal In-t:l: le. San Franciteo. Cat r EM ARK A RLE IXSTANCE OF MEDICAL RE- IV lAt-V. He low we publish the eertilionte of two ol the stitlerers from the pans of disease, who having recovered their former iiciltli, and l:uielled by grali tude, m ike known their cars and renieilisl aseut, aud their statemeuts are aulHeiiticateil by a XoLiry I'ublic. The demaiidt of b;cicty luipeiiouily comiiMiid their publicity, si'd we comuiend their Perusal to the attcu tion of all afllicted : CERTIFICATE. The nnder!?neil. desirous of acnualntins those who may be biiioilunaie etmucii to l,e sunilaily afilicled where a i.erutiiiieiii reuei oi meir suffering may be obtained, leeli it li tt duty ti thus puLhcly expresii his nnt sincere gratitude to Iir. L.J. Ccapkar.lorthe ilrrnianent recovery ol his health. Borne down br the distressin symptoms iucideut to tbe vicitsis practice of IIIICinill'-Mauiv i4-Minni-iniui, urirr-mru id ouy anu mind ; un'. le to penorm even the nio-t tntliiig duty imposed up. in the daily arocatiinis nf lite, I sonf-bln sdviie of muty physicians, who at Qr-t regarded my diM-axeasKl tiinmi: iniport-ince but ala. ; altera lew weeks, and in evera! nt.-tanres mouths, ot their treat- ment, I fouud to my unutterable horror, instead of relief, tue symptoms tx-cauie uinre aliirm:ita in their torture ; and being, lul.l hy one Unit mr uevase, belli-; principully conlined fo the brain, medicine would be of little conteouenc. I despaireJ of erer reaaiuiiic mr health, streiiuth a:id euercv ; and. as a l.txt ivmI, aud sitll but a Isint h caJied upon Dr. Crankac rho. after examining my cse. prescribed some medicine wnich alnio.t lusttiitly relieved me of the dull pain ind dizzinSH In my head. Lnro'.u.iered by this result. I resolved to l ice iuv ll'u.rtieiv under In. care. and by a strut olied.euce to lm directions and advice mv bead becaniecleir, mr iil".n collected, the eoutniit pain in mv ba k and gr-ioM, the vre.ikne-'sof my limbs tlie nervous reaction f tnr v- lmle l- lv on the slislit- et alarm or excitement; the misanthropy nnd evil forebodings; the self distrust and want oi rontiJem-e in others; the incapscity to ftutly. aud WAnt of resolu tion: the frightful, txciii'iff. and at t.m tleurable dreanM at in jlit, followed br inr dnnt try ducharres have all dia'peared; and i;i la t. in two mmths after bavimr e..mulUu the UH-ir, I li lt as If in.iired by a new hie that lite wnicii.tMit a Mmri timesto. I con- templated to end with mv own hiiul. tVitli a view to guard the onfoitunate from filling Into tbe snares of incompetent ipuicks. I deem it mr lutr to oner tni testimouy to tue merit auu skui oi Dr. Czapkar, and recommturl him toaii who max stand in need of medical advice, bein? assured by mv own experience. that nnce uuder his care, a radicul and permanent cure will be esected. i. r . r ii.L.'iunr,, Slate of California. Conutr cf San Francisco. Sub scribed and siruru to before me, tins lTtii day or April, A. D. I Sod. ISigne.,) JOilN MIDDLETO.N, L.B. Notary I'ubiic. CAKI). Prompted by an hnnest desire of mv heart. I wib to lav before ti-.e paunc a case wnu:i ilerHTve a hieli com- menuuliiui. not ciiiv as an mi m scientinc skiii, uui that of hum.iuitv. al.-n. About two year aeo. 1 sud denly and Irom causes unknown tu me, was wired with a nt ot tiiursr. wnicn. owing to my inatuury to mi the expeuses consequent upon a tborouKh medical trc ment. and the uisciHiratremeiit which I met with on attempting it, xi became such (a I wjs then led to believe.) a to defy the sliill of anv plivsicmii. I was frequently, while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down to the irround without tbe lii;lit-st waruin?. and al- thouKh insensible to the a-roiiies, yet I despised the mis ery nf my existence. While in this state, and having previous to my alllctinn tasted the sweet nf life, I once more wuslnducedtouiU'iuinsrcxingaiaoi a pnyician and, by rcro n:neiuljtioii, called Uion Dr. . L. J. C .zap- kay. 1 told lii.n my cironm-itances. and my iualiility to rewnnl biiu for Ills services rcjrurdless of which. however, lie a t once undertook my case, and with the blcNSing of (iod, 1 rem once uioic restored to ticrlect health. Lnabie to reward nun lor tne boon wMch i enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebted- no, i consiucr it aue to myseii anu to an aniicteu. to make the cae public, in order that those in need of medical advice mar find a uhrsician inwhomevetv confidence can be pfaced. Mt I Lit 1 AUL.U.l&tl.l. it-s.j Stale or California. I Conutr of San Frnncirco, ( Knl-scribcd nnd sworn to before mePiis fir it day of August, A. 1). 1806. t.II.BKRT A. (.KANT. ivouiry i-iioiic. II.. e-J SrKHMATORKHfEA.or IK-nl tvenlsness.nervoiis ae bilitr, low spirits, lassitude, weskncs of the limbs and back, indisposition and incapacity for l.ibor and study. dullness of apppetite. loss of memory . nver-donto society, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust , dizziness. headache, pains in tne side, aueciinn oi tne eyes, pim ples on tbe face, sexual and other infirmities in man, are cured withoutfnil bythe justly celebrated physician and surgeon. L. J.Czapkay. His method of curing diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence tne great suc cess. All consultations, by ietterorortlerwise.iree. .Addresa, L. J.CZAPKAY, M.D.. 4un Francidco. Cal. The Greatest Distovrry of the Age. GREAT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! DU. CZAPKAY'S PuorniLACTicm, (self-disiufec- ting agent.) a sure preventive against Gonurrhoeal and Syphilitic diseases, and a rcitain and unsur passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, tretcd uisch-irj-ci flora vagina. uterus and urethra, and all cutauous eruptions and dis eases. As innocuiutinn is preventive againatsmail pox, so is Dr. Czapkay's l'ropkylacticum a prevcutiveagainst syphilitic and uonorruccal aiseases. Harmless in II- aeif, it osseises the pesrer of chemically destroying tbe sypuilitic vims, and tncieny saving tnouanua oi debauchees from being infected by tbe most loathsome of all diseases. Let uo young man who appreciates health be without Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticura. It is in very convenient package, and will be found con venient for use, being used as a soap. Price, S5. For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Private Medical and Surgi cal Institute, Sacramento st.. below Montgomery , oppo site P. M. Co's. office. San Francisco. All tetters must be addressed to L. J. Czapkay, M.D., San Francisco. DILL. J. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical institute, Sacramento st.,bc!ow Moufgomery oppo site Pacilic Muill Steamship Co. Office, Suu Francisco. The Doctor offers free consultation, and a-sks no remu neration unless he effects a cure. Office hour from A. U.tol. Al. , CERTIFICATE. I, the undersigned. Governor of llnngtiry. do testify hereby .that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has served during ti.ecou test for Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hun garian army .with faithiul perseverance whereof I have given him tills certilicate, and do recommend him to the sympathy, attention and protection of all those who are capable or appreciating patriotic self sacrifice, aua unucservcu uiituonuue. jiuaau i u LAJUS, Governor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan. C, 1852. KS Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond ing, please enclose $10 in their letters, and they will kc. tiuuicuiaw a-.Msu.iuil su tueir cx -- Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., Saa Franciaco, CaL Pospwsr, aa . Im3) i ua i ri, ua The Graofonberfj FAMILY MEDICINES. The Crnrltnbtrg Compunf. TH19 INSTITUTIOV, (Incorporated by the Legi Isture of the State nf New York. Capital l'0-HMt.T was foumli-d for the pnrp'w of stipplyinjr theptiol.c with the celebrated OH AKKKX REIMS MEDICINES The series compi lie remedies tor neatly every disease adnnted to rverv tltmste. For rs:ifl.r. Iraven-rs, ?tinien. and Miner's n-e they are iinruultcd. All Hi Medli-tues are I'L l!M.r t Hil.l Alil.K ant wnrruiitea to cure the disease for which they are severally rec ommended. The (Sniefrnherg Company d--es not profess to cure nil diseases vi ilh one or twa medicine. Our kcrlrscon aists of ELEYKM diirerent klmN. sdipted tt the vari ous Inrljettt tathe temperate and tropical cli mate. The foil iwluj comprises the series of Graefen berg Medicines : t:i rcii-risi.e. riLL Are considered tue sttnd ird Pill of the diy. snd are m.'luiu ly superior V sny MI before the ptil lic. They operTlewitlioiitlrriLiti .il on all the ex. -nrtiont. purg ing the LI Kid ly the bowel i, I. rer, kidneys ana sum. M4IISHSI.L l-THni CTHOt.lCOf. An Infatlll lr rsmeiW for all diseases of the womb and uri'iary weakness in the liack. pain in the breast, neivousne, uei;lily, etc- lu California ana Oregon, out of more than a thousand cases where this medicine has been nsed. it tins In no si-els instunce failed to give permanent relief or t eOcct a certain cure. rnnatttens-rBRRo ss.sri.niLLA, A powerful extract. One bottle rqual tu tea of the ordinary Sarapariila fur purilyiag tbe 1 1 jod. A sure cure for scroiuia. rneumiiism. ulcers, ayipeusia. sail tbeum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruption, Ae. the aiter mocmtaim oixtmest. Inralualile for burns, wonnds, sprains, chilhlalna. sores, swellings, serofula. etc. Asa I'ain Extractor, it ennnnt be excelled. a!T rdlag Immediate relief from the most excrntiating pains. TBE SBAErEMAKIta PT.rXTEKT STKtT. This extraordinary article Is a speedy and Infallible remedy in Uiarriifr.i. iirienterr. t h'lcra ilurtius. Chol era Intantum aud the A-iatie Cii' 1-ra, if Liken with the Urst symptoms of the disease. It is purely vegetable lu It compound. GBAErcxBEno CHrr.rttt-cs' r axscea, -ForsnmmerComtilaint. and nwt diseases to which ehildren are subject. It. tme worth can never be act forth in word., b'tt it cat! be fi It nt:d anprecisted by parent whne children Lave bee a saved. Jo Mother shvcld be without it. TttB OKArrryBrita file bemeot. Warranted a certain en re fDr this painful disease. with the Ointment there are verv few case which ean- nnt be radicallv and permanently enred. A arjriel operation for Pile or Fi-Lul ahor.ld never be resorted to until this Ointment ba been thoroughly tried, it never fails. casEFtntBrno eve lotion. For divases of the eve this I. tion hss no erssl. It Isaspeedrand positive cure for inflammation of the ere, weakness, ilimnets andfj l-n; of sight. It w:ll al wa.v lie betseftcial in ac-ite InfTummatioo of the ejes, and also as a wash on Inllamed snrraccn. OKAEFENBEBO FEVEK ASD AGl'E rtt-LS. A speedy and positive care for tliis distressing com- plaint. Tuese Fills are eomp sed principally of Qui nine, with other ve-retiMe t niics, atiti-fipamKlic and feurifune artk lj. Iiiuu5ands have been peraunenlly cured by liieir use. outr.rcsBERO cossrxr-TirE's bi.x. Soveiein in all Bronchial snd Pi:l:n-nary Diseases. It is. beyond ull qiteiti -n. tree that Consumption Is a curai-le disease, aud tue consumptive a liaim u the Lest curative ever used. cbaefens:ro health bitters. These Bitter are tkilfclly r.rd Iga'itly prepared from a number of Itvijr vat nig heaUliy rJit.. Jurki. herbs and vine. An iuval-iaLle Wiiit: and bealth re storer. GBACFENBERO I1SI IL OF HEALTR. A handsomely printed v dume of 3rsj paars, contain ing concise aud extremely iliin description f sll of diseases, their symptom aad treatment Every family shot. 1 J have one. Price oi ly 15 cents It will I Seat, post paid, to any p-st oflk-e in Califor nia or Oregon, on tlie receipt ci 25 cents by mail or ex press. Address Redincinn A Co., San Francisco. The Graefenlierg Medicines are for sale by all Drag gists and Apothecaries thronpboi.t the country. General Agecti for California and Oregon llKDIXGTONACo.. Wholeale Drop giist. No. 10J Cljy street. Burnt A Davtsi A rents. Portland. San Francisco, Dc. l i. l."7. 23tf Sin Fran. M.rc.b. ls.V, ' Jolul Har?roTt'k ECLECTIC LINIMENT, iOODFOIt MAN OR BEAST. This penetrating 1 T Liniment, as it is rubbed in by the hand or a piece of flannel isahsorbed thruuirh the aameehanuel reaches the seat of iiitUmation and subdues it. tvery species ot exterior irritation is quickly reduced by the application nf this Luuuicnf. The effect of this remedy upon Rheumatism. Itiusworu. Swelled glands. 1 rost bites. Sore breast, S ire ucad.s. Bjre res of all kind, sprains, -tiQ' j lints, ul -ers, t-vothacbe. sweliiugs ot the limbs or body pains in the spiue or back, poison oak, ic, is almost miraculous. It is good loruighead, Bissaoulder. Swincy. Sprains, Clinliciu horses, in fact all diseases where external ap plication is reonh-ed. ... " ' . t be proprietor senus ruis i.inimeui De:ore tne public to stand or fall, on its own merits. He only as'ksthat it may receive a fair trial by the pnblie. It can be ob tained by applying in person or bv letter to the address cf JOHN H AUG BOTE, ' zd St.. corvalus, Ore-ron. JT. B. Demands from a distance accompanied by tbe money, will be promptly attended to and the Liniment put up and forwarded according to directions. A lib eral discount will be made to wholesale dealers and persons purchasing large quantities. Retail price of Eclectic Liniment, lifty cents per battle, for further par ticulars address propiietor. Corvallis, April, 1358. lyS Dr. Krieclibaum'a Hungarian HAIR PRESERVER. FIR the restoration, Beauty and Preservation of the Hair. This preparation removes all harshness aud dryness of the hair, l.y exciting the scalp to a new and he ilthy actian, and cleanses it from scurf and dandruff': prevents the hair from railing off' and gettiug gray, but the mort remarkable re-ult which it wiil effect, L if will jurodute a new crop of hair on o.i tnlirtly bald head. Many young persoua -sometimes find the too early appearance of gray hairs, this preparation will stop this result. Mothers who wish their children to have tine heads vf hair, can effect this by the use nf this Tonic; especially on their daughters if tbe hair islihL i kuow tew persons bcl eve tbe liair can be restored on a bald head, but, if my directions are followed I wili warrant a cure or refund the mone'r. It is out no in two ounce bottles aud for sale by wholesale and retail with directions at one dollar per bottle; it can be sent by mail to any part of the United SL.tes. Gentlemen send on your orders, stating tlie cause and duration of tbe baldness and 1 will care yno. To insure a .-barge varies from Twenty-live to Fifty dc liars, accord iuR to the nature of the case. Prepared only br .- Du- J. G. KRTEC 13 ACM , Cor O. T. Cortillis,Feb-,lS5S. -"tf Dr. Kriechbaum's Eye Salve and Eye Water. THESE preparations if nsed with my Life Pills, will effect a CURE IN ALL CASES of sore eves. 1 have never known them to fail since first used in Iowa in 1849, and 1 will ensure a cure if taken according to direction, or refuud the money. Persons sending orders wiil please state explicitly the nature of the case and I will send all necessary for a cure, for which I will charge from Ten to Twenty UOIIUIB. ! Prepared only by Da. 3. G. KRIECHBACV. CarwouVw, O. T", CrvaIlis,Peb.,18sA. got? fW'.-5.' too Tfrw- CLAY St- lyt Bsrriiieud Wo. tiixti Itoak lpotlltrT H.B.OLEASON, tVfORTKR A!D PgALKB IX Att IffM OP CARUIAOE AND WAGON MAKERS' STOCK, 47 Bmttsry Street, San rrsuaelsesv B AS rOB SALS Oak, art snd hickory. White Wood IViardi, bs. Bp-kes, Fell-ie; hickorv Axle., Poles, shaflg, wsaonaiid Uiggy bow, carved and plain Carnago part, Scat , Sticks, Ac, Ac. ....also Iron A vies, S-irin;r. Blt. Riyet. mallealde Iron. aa aiBIHd CI -III. entmelled Ulber, patent oaa and collar leather, plated. Japan and Ivory Heid Mail and Knobs. Tack. tump Joi'iU.Top Props, hub Bands. Curtain Frames, half pat. and three bolt Axles, plain and pitted C'rah nnd Tip, and Pol Tip, Ac. nf The aliove slock ba leen personally selected; I ol me bet qnllty. and will be old a low aa can b pjrcliated lu the city or State. rr All order fir th ahore gnoat, iei with H. S. JACOBS, dealer In Wagon and carriage stock, I nm mings. Ac. corner nt Morrison and tjecond street. Portlind. will receiro prampt attention, and b saUs- factonly executed without ueuy. Sept.ii. 1H5S. smf FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. Selling at San Francisco Prlcea. "IIK nmlml.snl b-trinr recent' r opened a store ea irstst., between Wahliigtn aud Alder, Pott- i...., i -... ..i .wi at f eiuui. re. nect ful ly lu'rites the public t-j call and examine hi beautiful assortment of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SHEET M'JSIC. MUSIC BOOKS. AV D STRINGS, Musical mercliandise of all kinds. lo STATiONEItr.CUrLEItir. PEBPCUERT, COMBS. BitUSHES. FANS, Fancy baskets. B tCKGAMMo.V AND CRI3B AGE BOARDS, IMMINOES. BILL(A:D CHALK. BIRDCAGES A N I) ' AN A li )' SEED, CUILDREN'S CARRIAGES. BABY JliMPEILS, TOYS, ETC ETC., At wholesale or retail. N. B. Brass Inatruoients farnished at Ran Fraadssa prices. E. G.RANDALL. First St., Portland, Oregon. Angnst 17. 1553. 3mM w. p. liiTcuiss. e. rorrLBTOK. Iluiciilns At Poppleion, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS LAFA YETTE, OREGON. If' DR. HUTCHINS I prepared to furnish, at La fayette, at wholesale or retail, tb fallowua remedies: - A NEW REMEDY, DR. W.D. Ht'TCHIM" BALSAM OF WILD. CHERRY; For Couaiuoption, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Cold, Coagh. Whooping-Cvugh, and Asthma. This nirdi'jine is warranted to be entirely fre from Opium or any of its preparations; frota Mercury. or any other pois onous agent. DU. XV. D, Hl'TCHI' RHEUMATIC LINIMENT, OB, INSTANT rAIM ITXTsicTOB For the core of Rheumatism, Toothache. Pain la tha Side, and all Painful A flections. Dr. W. D. Hn.r bins' Aali-Biilioss rills s FOB LIVES COXFLAIXT. A safe cathartic; warranted ti be free front Mereory BW They can also b bad of tae several Druggists and Merchsaits in the Territory. Dr. tVsrren is my asent f'r"s5aetn, and will be sup plied at s'l times with the above named medicioea. Salem, Sept. 7, 135S. Iy24 IVoticc. THE nn'Jersigoed would return hi smcere thank ta -tbe citizens of Salem and vicinity fur the liberal patrona? tuey have given bira for tlie last flv year, aud would respectfully ear t me n that eireontstaaeea iu wbicbj be liad no cobtrvS intimriy as well a old age compel him to gire ua a riding practice aad to confine hnust If to town and office practice. He hss remored hiscGire from his residence to tire post tdsW, where be wiil attend t calls in t-wn snd make pre- scriptk;ns. He would Say as heretofore that bis re-ne-dies are from the Vegetable Kingd'rn. consequently hi patients will escape the ravages of mercury which be ix-lteve is an ini;ottaot cmsideratwn. Ile'will con stantly keep on hand the iot cit ric kiud of Botaoia Medicine both simple and compound; among others , I will par to any cue tlOOO for a tetter pulmonary, medicine free fr ;n deleterious drus. 1 mean what I say. I will send prescriptions for ague to any part of ) tiie Territory for 10. and if it d ies not effect a perma nent cure will refund dou'ile tbe amount. Mr. N.T. Citou is associated with me in the sal of fain ly groceries, medicines, Ac, which wiil be aobf " up'iu sui h terms as we tbiuk will uit tbnse who may t..v,,r n arilli -iioir nilrml?. W. WARREM- Ssiem, Oct. 19. ls.'.8. 32tf Courts. " THE Judge of tlie Supreme Court of tbe Territory of -Oregon, assembled at tbe eeat of Government, on. tbe secoud day of Auguyt, A- D. lSos. done and ap point District Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in tne county of Marion, on tue nrst Mondays la April. , September and November, and the fourth Monday ha M;ir. anuusl y, until otherwise ordered. And in the city of Portland, ia tbe county of MoltnA-' mah. on the first Mondays in Mar and October, and the" third Mondays in June and November, annually, nntU " otLerwise ordered. A nl in tt vl!... nf IM1nw tn Sh Mml, mdt Douglas, on the lirat Moudsys iii Mar'-b. May, eVptem -beraod November, annually, unlii i.literwt-e ordered. each. CEO. IT. WILLIAMS, Chief J. M.P.DEADY, tAs80,UteJ tf-51 U- l. HiUSK ) Associaie. Statesman ltoola and Join Office. WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book. ' printing north of California, and an extensive as. jrtineiitof Jossins Material of every kind, and, with master worKmen.are prepared toexecutepruiB'-l-r,and in a workman-like, all orders ia the AU. . a- partoents.such as Booss, Blase Cbecxs, " Notes or Haxb, Ordeb Booes, Steambo't Bills, bTKAHBO T CAES, . pAMurnLrrs, Hamieills, Bali. Tickets, ClBCl'LAKS, Imvitatioss, Business Cards, CurririCATBS. Show Bills, Ctiece Books, Bl'e KKCEirrs, , Billheads, Con'cekt Bills, pKOeBABKES. Adpkess Cabps, LIBAFTS, Blanks or all Kikss. Ac Ac. Ac. ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED ISJM Moffat's Life Pills AND PHffiNIX BITTERS. THE best family medicine now before the pnblie, tuvri the cure of Scrofula. Cleers, Scurvy, or Eruption. ol the Skin, Fever and Agile, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, and '- in fact most all diseases soon yield to their cuiativa , properties. It has been eompnted that during the last twenty 8 v year upwards of Four Millions vf persons hav been ueneuvieu oy i.iie nice oi inese meoicines; a I act WIUCB speaks volumes in favor of their curative properties- a single trial will place them beyond tbe reach of com petition in the estimate of every patient. By their nas the bl.xid is restored to a healthy state and freed from- operation, but invigorated, and they require no ra- trsint from business or pleasure. The afflicted have in these medicine a remedy that . will do for them all that medicine caa possibly, effect, Prepared by . a. Morr at. avv j ers. - -ln.l for csl be- JOHV FI.FWIYf; st tha Domi City Post Office Buiding. Oregon City, March, 13j8. - Iy5t - oasv aios . om Aiogs . I WISH to contract lor 2500 saw Ion, of yellow, red, and white nr, 12. 11, 16, 18. 20, 22 feet long, aad, from 20 to 36 inches in diameter at the butt end; for which I will pay six dollars per thousand feet, via' cash,) delivered at my Floating Saw Miil. at Salem. B. M. DC KELLE. I will pay eight dollars per than sand feet, for goad-, . oak, ash. and maple logs, delivered as above. lotf a- . c. . . . Short Settlements make Ions friends. j TUE olv rear Las pasted, and we want all tboae whn knon themselves indebted to us to come forward and settle and get their "New Years" present. Don't forget this; we mean just what we say. . W.C.GRISWOLD Cw. January 1.1853. . 43tf Setvins Machines. WHEELER A WILSON'S machines are tha best ever offered to public patronaee. They are Sim - nl .nil .1 II 1.1a - tw.t Sr. 11 i , rapidity; make an even a-Id iirm stitch on both sadea. .1. ..... I wll.11. A Knw will them at the residence of the undersigned. T.SAYAGE,rT. ; April 2. 1S53. 7U . Look Btre! PERSOXS having Prince" Melodeons with brokr. reeds, can get them replaced with new ones 'by sending to Oregon City Books A Melodeon depot. . . ' Sept. 21. 1SSS. 23tf j . S-iaBC-'B JC CI I J. i fS Willamette nver, new road betweeaPortland ana; Salem. Tne road is gooo one and ten miiea shorter than the old. road-. JESSE Y, BOONE. i2x May 25. IS60.