same to be used ic forcing or connterfcitinjr any of the notes issued ns aforesaid, or shall have in his custodj or possession auj blauk n.ot?..or "otes eneniTed and printed after the similitude of any notes issued as aforesaid, with intent to use such blanks, or cause, or snffer the same to be used in forpin r 0r counterfeiting any -of the" notes issued as aforesaid, or shall bate in his custody or possession any paper adapted to the making of such notes, and similar to the paper upon which any such notes shall have been issued with intent to use such paper, or cause or suffer the same to be nscd, in forging or counterfeiting any of the notes issued ns aforesaid, every such person being: convicted thereof by due course of law, shall be sen tenced to lie imprisoned and kept to hard labor for a term not less than three nor more than ten years, aud fined in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars. Sf.c. 14. And le it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cause a statement to bo pub lushed monthly of the amount of treasury notes issued, and paid and redeemed, under the provisious of this act, showing the bal ance outstanding each month. Approved, December 23, 1S37. AX ACT masing appropriations for the consular and diplomatic expenses of the government for the year ending the 30tb o June, 1859. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Jtepresentativcs of the Lnited States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That the follow ing sums be, and the same are lereby, ap propriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereafter expressed, for the fiscal year end ing the thirtieth of Jnne, eighteen hundred and fifty-tine, namely: , For salaries of envoys extraordinary, min isters, and commissioners of the United Statei at Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Spain, Austria, Brazil, Mexico, China Chili, Pern, Portuiral, Switzerland, Rome, Naples, Sardina, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Venezuela, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Sandwich Island, two hun dred and seventy-four thousand dollars. For salaries of the Secretaries of legation of the United States, twelve thousand dol lars. For sa!aries of assistant secretaries of le gation at London and Paris, three thousand dollars. For salary of the secretary of legation to China, acting as interpreter, five thousand dollars. For salary of the Secretary of legation to Turkey, acting as dragoman, three thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of all the mis sions abroad fifty thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of foreign inter course, sixty thousand dollars. For expenses of intercourse with the Bar bary powers, three thousand dollars. For expenses of the consulates in tlie Turkish dominions, viz: interpreters, guards and other expenses of the consulates at Con stantinople, Smyrna, Candia, Alexandria, und Beiront, twotLousand fire Luudred dol lars. Fcr the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, one hundred and fifty thousand dollar?. For expenses which may be incurred in acknowledging the services of the matters and crews of foreign vessels in rescuing citi zens and vessels ol the United States from shipwreck, ten thonsand dollars, to be ex pended under the direction of the President of the United States. For the purchase of blank bo"k station ery, arms of the United S:ates, sea's presses, and najrs, and fcr the payment of Postage and miscellaneous expenses of the consuls of the t cued States, forty-seven thoasaud dol lars. Fcr ofuce rent for those consuls general, consuls, and commercial agents who are not allowed to trade, including loss by exchange thereon, twenty-seven thousand three hun cred and seventy dollars. For salaries of consuls general at Quebec, Calcutta, Alexandria, Simoda, Havanna, Constantinople, Foankfort-on-thi-Main; con f nl3 at Liverpool, London, Melbourne, llong Kong, Glasgow, Mauritius, Singapore, Bel fast, Cork, Dundee, Demerara, Halifax, Kingston, (Jamaica , Leeds, Manchester, Nassau (New Providence,) Southampton, Turk's Island, Tricce Edward's Island, Havre, Paris, Marseilles, Bordeaux, La Xlocheile, Lyons, Moscow, Odessa, Levl, Saint Petersburg, Matanzs, Trinidad de Cuba, Santiogo de Coba, San Joan, (Porto Rico), Cadiz, Malaga, Tonce (Porto Rico), Trieste, Vienna, Aix-le-Chaj e!!e, Canton, Shanghai, Fouchou, Annoy, Xigpo, Beiront, Smyrna, Jernselam, Rotterdam, Amster dam, Antwerp, Fnuchai, Oporto, St. Thom as, Fisiaeur, Genoa, Basle, Geneva, Messi na, Naples, Pulermo, Leipsie, Munich, Leg born, Stuttgardt, Bremen, Hamburg, Tan giers, Tripoli, Tunis, Rio-de-Jaoeiro, Per nambaco, Vera Cruz, Acapulco, Callao, Valparaio, Buenos Ayres, San Joan del Sur Aspinwall, Panama, Layguayro, Honolulu, Cyrus. Battavia, Faytl, Santiago, (Capede Vere), Saint Croix, Spezzla, Athens, Zanzi bar, Bahia, Maranham Island, Para. Rio Grande, Mtamoras, Mexico (city), Tanipi co, Pa del Norte, Tabasco, Paita, Tom bez, Talcabuano, Carthagenia, Sabanillo, Omca, Guayaquil, Cobija, Montevideo, Ta lita, Bay of Islands, Apia, Lantbala; com mercial agent at San Juan del Norte, Port an Prince, San Domingo (city), St. Paul de Loanda (Angola), Monrovia, Gaboon, Cape Haytien, Acx Cayes, and Amoor riv er one hundred and seventy three thousand cevn hundred dollars. For interpreters to the consulates in Chi na, four thousand five hundred and seven ty dollars. For compensation of the commissioner, recretary chief Astronomer and surveyor, clerk, and for provisions, transportation and contingencies of the commission to run and mark the boundary line between the United States and the British possessions bounding on Washington Territory, seventy ene thousand dollars. For compensation and per diem or the commissioner, compensation of the surveyor and for the payment of all expenses of the commissioner under the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain, twenty-three thousand dollars. Approved Jnne 5, 1S5S. AX ACT to authorize the President of the United States, in conjunction with the State of Texas, to run and mark the boundary lines between the Territories of ho United States and the State of Texas. ' He it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives rJ the L auecl estates oj Amer ica in Congress assembled, That the Presi dent of the United States be, and he here by is, authorized and empowered to appoint a suitable person or persons, who, in con junction with such person or persons as may be appointed by and on behalf of the State of Texas for the saie purpose, shall rnn and mark tb boundary lines bctweeu the srritories of the USted States and the State of Texas; beginning at the point where the one-hundredth degree of longitude west from Greenwich crosst Red rirer, and running thence north to the poiut where said one hundredth degree of longitude in tersects the parallel of thirty-six degrees thirty minutes north latitude; and thence west with the said parallel of thirty-six de grees aud thirty minutes north latitude to the oint where it intersects the, one hun dred and third degree of longitude west from Greeuwich; aud thence south with the said one hundred and third degree, of longitude to the thirty-second parallel of north latitude; and thence west with the said thirty-second degree of north latitude to the Rio U rnnde. Sec. 1. And be it further enacted, That such landmarks shall be established at the said point of Iwginning on Red river, and at the other corners, aud on the said sever al lines of said boundary, as may be agreed on by the Presideut cf the United States, or those actintr under his authority, aud the said State of Texas, or those acting under it authority. Sec. 3. And le it further enacted, That the sum of 880,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, aud the same is here by appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated" to car ry out the provisions of this act: Provided, That the person or persons appointed and employed on the part and behalf of Texas are to be paid by the said State: Provided, further. That uo person except a superin tendent or commissioner shall be appoiuted or employed in this service by the United States but snch as are required to make the necessary observations and surveys to ascer tain such liue and erect suitable tnouumeuts thereon and make return of the same. Approved June 5, 1S5S. AX ACT toaltir the Time of holding the Courts of the United States for the State of South Carolina. Le it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That from and af ter the passage cf this act, the terms of the district court of the United States for South Carolina, at its sitting in Charleston, shall be held on the first Monday in Janua ry, May, Ju!y aud October, in each and ev ery year, instead of at the times heretofore appointed. Sac. 2. And le it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, the term of the circuit court of the L'nited States for South Carolina, at its sitting in Charleston, shall be held on the first Mon day in April, in each and every year, in stead of at the time heretofore appointed. Sec. 3. And le it farther enacted, That all writs, recognizances and process of all kinds, already issued, taken or made return able to the time hitherto appointed for the terms of the said courts, shall be considered aud taken as made for the time herein pro-. viaen lor tne said courts. Approved, February 10, 1853. A ACT making an appropriation for the payment of clerks employed in the offices ot tbe registers of the land Offices at Or egon city aud Winchester in tbe Territory of Oregon. Be it enacted ly the Senate rnd House of Representatives of the Lnited States of Aner ica in Congress assembled. That the sum of seven thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to enable the Secreta ry of the Interior to reimburse the registers of the land offices at Oregon city and Win Chester, iu the Territory of Oregon, for ex penses incurred by them in the employment of clerks actually required for the transac tion of the business of their respective offi ces, growing out cf an act entitled "An act to create the office of surveyor eeneral of the the public lands in Oregon and to provide for the survey and to make dona tions to settlers of the said public Iands,r approved September 27, 1850. Approved June 5, 1858. AN ACT to supply an Omission in the En rollment of a certain Act therein named. Whereas, the following clause of the act entitled "An act making appropriat'ons for the support of the army for the year ending the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and Efty-eiht," approved ilarch third, eighteen bund red and fifty-seven, to-wit: "For the tnanufactnre of arms at the national armo ries three hundred and sixty thousand dol lars," was omitted in the enrollment of the sid act; therefore Be it enacted ly the Senate and Honse of Representatives cf the Untied States of Ame rica in Congress assemlled. That the sum of three hundred and sixty thousand dollars for the manufacture of arms at the national armories be and the tame is hereby appro priated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise1 appropriated. Approved, February 4, 1858. AX ACT to detach Selma, iu the State of Alabama, from the Collection District of New Orleans, and make it a port of De livery within tie Collection District of Mobile. Be it enacted ly the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ame rica, m Congress assemlhd, That St-lma, in the State of Alabama, which was constitu ted a port of delivery within the collection district of New Orleans by the act of third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, chapter one hundred and two, be detached from that district, and be made a port of de livery within the collection district of Mo bile. Approved, Jannary 27, 1858. Pacific University. Toresl Grove, 'Washington Co., Oregon. Rev. S- M. Marsh, A. AT., President. Rev. II. Lyman, A. M., Prof. Mathematics. THE collegiate year consisting of on term of nine months, will commence on the first Wednesday of November. It is the design of this Institnfion to furnish a thor ough and complete collegiate education. There is a Library of 1000 volumes for the use of the students. Applicant for admission to college must have a knnwi-dge of the common Kngli'h. branches, and have studied the ancient langnages so fur as to hare read portions of Cu-sar and Cicero and the Greek Header. The tuition fee is $32 per annum. PREPARATION DEPARTMENT. Students fittintr for college, as well as others wishing to pursue collegiate studies without entering upon the col:cge course, will be under the instruction of the coi'ege teachers. The fall term of 1 1 weeks in this department com mences on the 2d Wednesday or September. Tuition ts per terra. Tualatin Academy. Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon, Rev. Cfsnixc Ef.ij, Principal. The fall term will commence on the first Wednesday of Septemlier. Tuition in the common branches, SO in the higher Dnuicnes, m per quarter. Septemlier 2. I".1). 1v?fi Mail and Passenger Coach. . ja, THE undersigned hereby informs f-5S ne Puu'" that he is running a 'tt,.s'vyt weekly line of Coaches between K&lcra and fcugene City, carrying the L'nited States Mail and pa-engcr. He leaves f-ugene City Sanu.iy morniug, arriving at Salem Monday afternoon, and IcaTes Salem Tuesday morning, arriving at Eugene Wednesday ereuiuc. (rood accommodation lor passcn oers. Fare, $6 each way. tlEORIE II. McQUEEJT. August 10, lS. tl-M DECLARATION OF WAR! INDUSTRY Mast Fresper. "If THERPXS, In the count of Human Event, tt VV becomes necessary tlmt. there should be a tlioro' reform iu tUe l)UY-t;oblS BUSINESS IN S A L K M , OREGON: We give notice that fur the accomplishment of this object wo hereby declare VXCEASISli and lr. VO.MI'ltOMJSlXli MOXOPOf.Y and lluai Pricks. Our war will not lie a war of words, hut of Action; and although we expect to exc-itethc envy aud npjxisiiion ot our brethren in trade, we suall imrikw.tich a course as win m.ike tins ttio CHEAP EST. STORE AV OREGON! And wc cheerfully invite all who wish to buy goods at the LOWES l' POSSIBLE price, to an examination of our Embracing an Exhibition of the Industry of trrry .Nation, winch u:tz::le iv their IIKII.1.1 AM I or ioinr and UEOIMiEOL'SN KSS of design, and vrsr excitk the aumikat os ot Hit lovers of tne beautiful We have "purple and line linen-' and the MOST BEWITCHING and ENCHANTING STYLES OF GOODS Designed expressly to adorn the persons of the rentier sexs. So ItKAi'TtKi'L, indeed, that we ean truly say, attcr our goods nave oeen purcnasea ana nttea to tne OKACKKI'I. rOHStS of OUT " FAIR rl STOMKKS," That Solomon in all his Glory was not arrayed like one of these.1' We also nuite the useful with the beautiful, and can supply tne most boiui and substantial or MATRONLY WANTS In all the departments of Household economy, enter taining the most profound respect for the uooo iipcsi- wifk. cnave taken t.M SUAL pains to provide an assoitment or DOMESTIC GOODS. Which in quality and price should entitle ns to the gratitude of nil who love to buy the BEST liOODS at the BEST BARUAIXS. In all our purchases we have been guided by a desire v fg(vc our FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS the full benefit of everything which was most ixrnixa ix style, most SUBSTANTIAL IN MANUFACTURE nd most REASONABLE in price. And now having performed our duty as yoni agenta.we invitean examination or onr spring and summer goods. We have not time to go into an enumeration of the many bargains we areottVring.7oiuanri trM srrthrm; THorsA.NHdwii.LUKr tiik hknkmt or them; and will aid nsmonr wanare c.u:M all H UM B U G M OXOPO L Y. AND II I II II PRICES. Respectfully invitim the mt thorough scrutiny, ana cs-iceming u a pieastire to snow goods, we are tne publics. otHrdirnt servants. , Awaiting we remiin. Your mnt respectfully. W. C. CJIUSWOLD & Co. Salem, April SC.KjS. 7tf .tw Tash and Exrlianse Store in Salrm. rpHE undersigned take pleasure In announcing to the L citizens of Salem and vicinity, that thty have pun.-ua.seti oi j. x r-taraey. tne iock or floods con sisting of line and heavy clothinir, staple and fancy dry froods. boots and fluics,, crockery. c, and will continue the bu-iuess at the same Ktand called the head-quarters. Due of the nrra. Nathan Cohen, is well known t this community for bi el and integri ty as a Ducine nun. tli u very ttianKtul to bis friends and the public in eeneral for the fair patronage and warm friendship lvstowvd on him in other times. Mr. Kish is an experienced business man; will be found orthy the attention of the public. We intend to keep always on hand a fir.e assortment of the above mentioned poiU, with thousands ot other articles too numerous to mention, which we will sell so cheap that everyb-xly w;ll be pleased with our cds and prices. We will psy the hi?hct market price fir all kind- of marketable Oregon produce. Any produce left with ns. to sell on commission, will I attended to, without anv chanre leing made for storage. We nave now on hind a tine assortnie'it of ladies and Missi s" bonnets, and all kinds of mil'nery poods, which we will sell at wh"Iesa!e and very cheap: fuch a the silk velvets, silks and satins, rihluns, arti ficials, flowers, feathers, veivet ribbons, la rushe laces. Ac. embroideries, an 1 drv-s trimming, to which we call the attention of the ladies. New (roods received constantly. CO! I EX A FISH. Corner ComT.erdal aad State street. July 21. lg.a. 9 jotf New Store and New Goods. At Oatland, Mrthrnry'M Frrry, O. T. ALBERT ZIF.RElt. Dealer in dry goods, groceries crockerv. hardware, produce, Ac. Hi vine purchased the stick in trade of G. E. (Jetch- eu. t$rether with the premises known as Mctheney s Kerry, on the Willamette rivrr. and havine built a n-w storehouse, and replenished the stock of goods on hand. now o!tfr to exenange, tor pnxluceor cash, an assort ment of Iry goods. eonistin of cl-thinsr, cassimeres, satit netts, sheeting, chirtins, and faucy P'tods; huts and caps, bwts and shus. trroceries in variety, with spices, nuts, raisins, and candies; paints, oils, medicines, per fumery, crockery, tinware, hoilow-ware, stoves, hard ware eut'ery , and many other articles to meet the wants of the public . He has also moved and repaired his warehouse, fo that he is now prepared to purchase or take in storasre, country produce, which he caa discharge by a slide to steamers' decks, without loss orexpense of drnyape And beinir determined to constantly keep on hand a pood snpjily of such iroods as the country trade may re quire, lie "believes he can make it an object for the peo ple in his vicinity to extend hiin their patrona?e. Xo difference madeintUe price of soods, wheth er sold for cash or produce. October 3. 1 4 7. 30tr New Goods at New Prices. T K.SMITHACo. would inform their patrons. Y and the public senerallv. that they have iust received a large addition to their stock of Roods, which they will exchange for produce, or cash, on the most favorable terms. They have now a complete assort ment of dry goods, which they will sell Ckraper than any other store in Salrm. Their stock of boots and shoes is equal to anv to be found in Salem, con'istintrof men's and boy's coarse and fine boots, men s and boy's shoes; ladies' boots, shoes, and slippers, children aud infants shoes men s ladies, and misses rubber overshoes, and in short, any thing in the boot and shoe line that can be desired. Their stock of proceriesis also full, consisting ot coffee, green and biack teas, cm-hed and brown susrar. syrup, salerattis in bulk. cream of tartar, salt, soap, to bacco, sago, starch, tapioca, macaroni, raisins, and sweet oil, si I of which will be sold .cheap for cash or country produce. i'urviiusers win do well to can and exatnineour stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to cjve onr customers satisfactiou in the quality and pri ces of our goods. 42tf Alexander & McEwan, ARE offering Tor sale the best and cheapest goods in Oreg'm: DUYliiiOIW, UltOCKKlEA, IIAHDWARE, HOOTS. SHOES. CHOOKERYWARE, Ac We are also paying cash aud exchanriug iroods for all kinds of produce: WHEAT, BARLEY", TOUK, BACON". Ac. We will satisry yon that we give good bargains. We have the best Tea imported, the best aiurar and coffee. Cedar and White Fir shingles. Timothy and Blue- grass seed always on hand. Al.t..VA.M)h.K HCCWJUi. CorvaUis, August 13, ltviM. tf24 CHEAT INDUCEMENT! 2s E W FIRM CUEADLE & BROTHERS, EXCHANGE STORE ! . DRY-UOODS AND FAMILY GROCERIES, OP Which we will keep constantly on hand, a good variety. We are dttrrminrd to sell for ready pay as low at any r -tail store on the Willamette river. To prove this assertion, we request ladies and gentlemen to call and see before purchaaing elsewhere. x. ii. we win also, pay casa or goous in excuange for all kinds of Merchantable produce. R. CUEADLE A BROTHER. Albany, May 10, 1S.8. limit) A. Rosst, F. Bartels, D. Smith, K. Hiblev. Willamette Iron Works, OREGON CITY, OREGON. WE beg to inform the public of Oregon and Wash? ington Territories tlmt we have completed our Foundry, Boiler, Blacksmith, pattern and Machiue shop, aud are prepared to build EXGIXE3, BOILERS, SAWMILLS, AXD ALL Other kinds of machinery. Onr businesa conucction in the Eastern States, the great convenience of our lo cality, the superiority and number of our machines, the use of water power instead of steam, and the per fect knowledge of all branches of our business will en able ns tAcompcte with California. Inviting the public to give ns a call and favor as with their patronage, we promise to execute their orders on the shortest notice and at Aa Francisco prices. w A. ROSSI A Co. May, 1858. ly BLASTING powder, and water proof caps, at UM W. K.SMITH A Co's. COTTOX rope, for clothes lines, and small rope for halters, at 42tr W. K. SM ITH A Co's. CORN starch, tapioca. sago and hecker. farina, for I puddings.a. lUtQ W. K. SMITH A Cg'a. J Richards & McCralten, COEiniSSION MERCHANTS AND Jobbers in OREGON l'KODUCH or every de scription. No. 41 Sacramento at., (Fire-l'roof Store,) San Franrisco. tU The highest market price paid for TttODUCE. a- Liberal advances made on consignments. 44- Orders fur Oregon trade promptly attended t3. Ollice in I'ortlaud, upper wharf bout. J AUKS K.ltlCKAKIM, JOIIM M'OIIAKKS, Sun Fi ancico. ' I'm tlatul, Orrgon. June 22, 1S58. lyis Tlie Peoples' Dm; Store, SALEM, OREGON. r. n. r&LUEn. ntsuv s. surp. TrEKl the purest and best preparations In the Drug JV line. Cologims and perfumeries of the highest order, highly scented toilet soap, hair nil, ink, pens, letter paper, fancy note paper and envelops, pencils, Ac, Ac, to which we beg the attention of every body. August 24, 1H68. Iy2i John R. Foster. Importer and Dealer la SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, MEVHAXICS' TOOLS, Farming Implement!, . Ac, Ac, Ac. AT TUB FIRE PROOF GRANITE FRONT STORE, Front street, Portland, Oregon. February, H58. 4tf Albany Book Store. THE undersigned would inform the citizens of Llnn Co., and the public generally, that they have just received, and will keep constantly on hind, for sale, a large assortment of school books In common use, and also a variety of miscellaneous books, stationery, Ac. HALEV BUM'S. Albany, Oregon, July 1 , 1558. lstf Ilojrle & Sites, IJUYSICIAN'S AND SURGEONS, would respectfully iuform the citizens, of Polk Co., aud vicinity, that they have eutcred into copartnership for the practice of medicine, surgery, and obstetrics. OUice, Dallas, Polk. Co. J. W. It.iyle. M. D., for the present will be found at his residence, 3 miles east of Dallas. June 15, 1S58. D. William Doutliit, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ASH PROCTOR I N ADMIRALTY. Will practice in the Supreme and District Courts of this State. MW Ofllce over Starr's Tin Store. Frontstreet.-Sa 3tf Portland, Oregon. J. Fleming. VT the Orrgon City. Post Office Building, has just received, direct'from New York, 100 copies of "Downing s t nut and r ruit 1 rees or America, revised and enlarged. for I'vil the latest published edition of this valuable work. He has also on hand. a good stock of miscellaneous bonks and stationery, for sale cnerms tosnu ine uthc?. Oregon City. Dec. IS, 157. 41tf W. W. Page. A TTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. rort- land, O. T. 20tf H. D. Crantr, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Albany.O.T.Feb..l85S. 4tf Dr. S. It. Uuckles, OFFICE, SALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. Salem, November 9, 1S57. Sotf M il Ham C. UrisiTold & Co., M ERCHANTS. SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY W. C. UKISWOLD, 22tf C. 8. WOODWOBTH. 31edical Notice. THE suhscril'er. woitld inform the inhabitants that he i- st his old stand, ready t attend to all calls iu his profession : also he has on hand a well selected stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well Slotted snpp'y of Syringes, all of which he will dispose oi on reasonable terms. . AKIllOi, Salem iH-cember 2. 158. Stf .MfdiCul AOtiff. Tit- ft. W. PHAW, late of San Francisco. California A J criers bis professional services to the citizens to Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a t hare to public favor. - Office at Reed and Fellows' drug store. lly It. W.SHAW, A. J. Thaytr, ATTORNEY AXDOOCNSELUm AT LAW. Office in Crvallis, Benton Co., O- T., opposite to the City Hotel iu said town. ! tf W. B. FAXKAK. L1NS1.NU STOTT Farrar k Slant, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN 'haocery and Admiralty. aw O:lice"ou Front street, one door north of the " Exchange." Portland. O. T.. July 20. i37. 21tf I. K. Smith. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND Solicitor, in Chancery, CorvaUis O. T. 1. . 8MITH. 51tf M. W. Mitchell, VTTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, EU gene City, Lane County, O. T. Sai Francisco Adrcrtisin: iff nc y I' P. FISUFR, iron building, opposite Pacific Express J Office, upstairs. Files of all tbe principal Papers of California and Omronmay be found 8t fiis office. Air. r isber is tbe authorized Agent for the statesman. Chrjtrr S. Trrrr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALEM. OREOON. COM "rsissioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac knowledgments. e.. c, for lowa, lmliana. Missouri, Michimn. California and Washinsrton Territorv. Let ters cf Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. is. Particular attention paid to taking depositions. collections of Notes, Account. Ac, 32tf W. S. Brork, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various courts in this Territory, and promptly attend to the col lection of all claims against the United States, through an efficient airent residing at Washington City. Office in Eugene City, 1-jne County, O. T. II. E. Strattou, ATTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in the various courts of southern Oregon, aud in the Supreme Court of the Territory. t'rrtcK ill Scottsburgh, Ltnpqua county, O.T. N. B. Ronntv Ijnd Warrants obtained lor claimants on reasonable terms. 23tf E. M. BAKM-M. J. 0. W1LSOK Uarnum ts, Wilson. ATTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Sa lem, Oregon. Particular attention Is given to the collection or notes aud accounts, and' cairns against government. Jiouiity Land Warrants bonght and sold. " UiB -c over Starkey's Store. 4S II. F. lionliam. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of fice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. fitf 1. B. Ballock, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, PORTLAND. O. T. Designs, plans, specifications, Ac, furnished on reasonable terms. Campbell k Pratt. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, San Francisco. California. Office, corner Montgomery and Sacremento streets, ovei & Cos. Bank. Messrs. Camnliell A Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business eutrusted to their care. am AlkianukiiCami'bkll. O. L. Pratt. Corinthian Lodge OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold their regular communications on the Thursday niuht liefore the full of the moon of each month, ex cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that night in Albany, o. T. Brethren ia good standing are cordially invited to at tend. DELAZON SillTIl, W. M. SrKisoKR, Sec y. tr Dickinson Type Foundry. - Pn ELI'S A DALTOV. Boston. L.P. Fisher, Agent, San 'ranchtco. Orders solicited for type, leads, rule, Ac. August 45, 1857. 2f Dressed, Tongue & Grooved Floor ing. DRESSED, Tongue & Grooved Ceiling; " Siding; IWAia VUktiH s a vs " w" a - --us. -" for finishing purposes, for sale at Da lielle's Floating Saw Mills, Salem, O.T. Pemons having lumber that mcy wmn mamuactured rnn nfrltA uKaa .ln.islttKf1 I Hill I U rM Ctltl hVa it donp. at any time at Du Rellea Floating Saw Mills for $10 per thousand. 13tf The Island Woqd Yard WILL be a permanent inttitutim in Salem, after this. The subscriber has engaged lUVO cords cut between now and winter, and has machinery to cnt it into any length required fornse in fire places or stoves. Those who want to SAVESOMETHING in their fuel bill, will do wcllto call and see. ea-Onlcrs left with firiswojd uo., or at Moorcs, will be attended to.'a 3. A, CLAKIv. Jnne 1, 13. 12tf Wallamet University, salem, Oregon: rpH E Collegiate Department of the Wallamet Univer X sity has been organized. Young men designing to pursue a regular Course of Study, are invited to avail themselves of the advantages alibrdcd by this Institu tion. AH available resources will be made ns of to meet the wants of Students. Ellorts will be continued to secure a suitable endowment;aud no pains will be spar ed inohtuiuiiigcoinpeteiitaml experienced Instructors. The Colleginte year is divided into tltree term, com mencing as follows: The first term on the 3d Thursday in Septemtjcr. . " second term on the 1st " " January, third last " April. The Hrst two terms Ate fifteen totekt each; the third, eleven weeks. Vacations. There will be two vacations in the year: one. in April, uf two week, and one, iu the sum mer, of nine irtrkn. Tvitios will be at the rate of tl per week, or HO per annum. THE OKEOON INSTITUTE The Pbfpabatort DkI'AKTMKNT. Tkrms The Academic year is divided into roi'R Tkkms of eleven treekt each. The Hrst tenn begins ou the 2d Monday of September. " secoud term beginson theid Thursday of Nov. " third " " " " last " " January. " fourth ' " " lxst " April. Vacations. There will be two vacations in the year: one ia April, of tiro treekt; aud one in the summer, of six irrtkt. Ti'itios will be paid at the beginning of each Term in ailvanee, at the following rates: In Languages, Higher Mathematics k Chem., tlO 00 Other studies of the Academic Division, .. 7 SO " Common English Division, 6 50 " Primary " " 5 50 For use of the Piano I 50 Instrumental music, 10 00 Instruction in vocal music is given to all the students fie of that ge. THE FACULTY during the present year will con sist of Rev. F.S. Hoyt, A. M-, President and Acting Profess or of Ancient LanguiiEcs. S. II. Wilbur, Professor of Mathematics, Teacher of English Branches. Miss A. V. A miraux. Teacher of Instrumental Music. Mrs. P. M. Hoyt, Teacher of French, Painting and Drawing. Mrs. C. Wilbnr, Teacher of Primary Division. Ahmissios. Students will be admitted at any time; and will le charged for tuition from the time they en ter only, but their progress will be greatly promoted by entering early in the Academic year. In rases where, from necessity, students leave before the end of the term for which payment has been made, a just proiortion not more than three-fourths nor less tlian oue-f.Rirth of the tuition fee will be refunded. Students are not allowed to leave just lefore examina tion. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, inflict great injury upon both the student and the Institu tion. Boakdino. Young gentlemen and ladies can obtain board atreasonable rates with private families. Cornse of Sttdt. A Course of Study has been adopted for both the Collegiate and Preparatory De partments, well calculated to secure ripe scholarship, mental discipline, and a preparation for the active du ties of life. A liberal Conrseof Study has been adopted for young ladies who desire to obtain a thorough education. nr A Diploma will be awarded to all who shall complete the prescribed course. The tiOVERNHEST will be rarentsl bnt strict aim ing constantly at the formation of correct habits of Seir-fioveniment. I areful attention will be given to manners and morals. Scholarships, perpetaal. or for the period of ten years, securing tuition at very reduced rates, can be purchased. For further particulars apply to the Presi dent. Per order of Executive Committee. CHESTEit X. TERRY, Sec. Board of Trustees. Pa'em. Aug. 4. IV,9. S4tf Nobles & Iloare's Yarnfclirs. Ill THE STANDARD AMERICA!! .CO 5,taDi5' Dostoo Drnslies. ATLANTIC WHITE LIADi FOREST RIVER DO. Til HAWS and other GLUES, BR San Fran. March, lyS la. . Washington, A GEXT for the prosecution of claims at Washincr XX. ton, D. C, before the Executive lepartiaents, Con gress and the Court of Claims. Will attend to the set tlement of accounts of Marshals, District Attorneys, and other Federal officers, and of contractors with the Postoflice and other Departments: also, to the procur ing of Patents for I.and. Laud Warrants, and other bu siness of a (Jeneral Agency. Refers to lien. Joseph Lane. Oregon Territory: Gov. Isaac I. Stevens. Washington Ter.: Hon. M. H.'McAl lister, Hon.Ogden HoR'uutn and It. Aug. Thompson, of San Francisco. Cal.; Hon. James Guthrie, Louisville, Ky.. and to the Officers gneral!y of the Treasury and Interior Departments at WashinL-ton. Address L. WASH1SOTOX. 1 vlO Washington D. C. Coi-Tallis Dm 5 Store. TR.CARDWELL. Druggist and Apothecary, is eon- stautly receiving, per California steamers, laree and carefully selected stocks of Drugs and Medicines, Oils. Paints, Varnish, Soaps, Perfumeries, Toilet Fur niture. Stationery, and all articles usually kept in In-ug Stores. Agent for Jaynes, and other patent medicines, which, will be furnished at California, wholesale prices. J OKPER9 SOEICITEO. -fc . J. R, CARDWELL. - CorTallis, May 2", 1R57. 12tf Tlie Laws of Oregon. THE OREGON STATUTES, 1855. being a large vol ume of 650 paces, with complete index. annota tions, and references, comprising all the laws in force in tlie Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the offic of the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. The work is ex ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest tieure they can be afforded for here. The price places them within the reach of all who desire the laws they live unuer. urucn tor wou accvinpnuiea wun tne casa. filled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that ill pmlmbly be published in Oregon, for many vears. In addition to tbe enactments of the Legislative Assem bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Independence,-Constitution of the United States, Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregon. Ordinance of force in Oregon, Donation law and all amendments, and full atistntct of United states Naturalization Laws. San Francisco Advertising Agency. P.FISIIER, Washington St.,nearly opposite 1. Macguire's Opera House, up stairs. Files of all the principal Papers of California and Oregon may be louuu at mis omce. L. P. FISHER is the authorized Agent of (he Oredov Statesman ; Marysville Herald; Sacramento Union: San Joaquin ltepublicM, Stockton; Pacific Methodist, Stockton; . Nevada Journal; Sonorn Herald; Grass Valley Telegraph; Red niiifT Itcacon; Columbia Gazette; Mountain Democrat.Placcryille; Tuolumne Courier; Culaveras Chronicle, Mokelumue Hill; El Dorado Democrat; Shasta Courier; Mariposa Gazette; . Yreka Weekly Uuion; Trinity Journal, Weavervillc; Iowa Hill News; Weekly Ledger, Jackson; San Jose Telegraph; Sonoma County Journal; Kolsom Dispatch ; California Mining Journal; Los Angeles Star; Santa Barbara Gazette; ' San Diego Herald; Almeda Ciunty Gazette; Placer Courier, Yankee, Jim's; Napa County Reporter; ' Sierra Democrat, Downeville; ' . Humlioldt Times; Uuion; Oregonian , Portland, O. T.; Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville, O.T.; Pioneer and Democrat.Olympia.W. T.: Washington Republiban, Steilacoom, W.T.; Poynesian, Honolulu, S. I.; Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I.; ' Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico ; Pacific Chrisian Advocate, Portland, 0. T.; Hongkong Register. ADVERTISING IN THE ATLANTIC STATES. L.P. F. has now completed his arrangements for the forwarding of advertisements to all the nrincinal largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published in tne iviuiuuu muies. A tine opportunity is here offered to those wuoHvish to advertise in any part of the Union, of doing so at the lowestrates, and in a prompt and satisfactory .'man ner. August 25, 1S57. 24tf BVV- QS CLAY The Graefenberg FAMILY MEDICINES. : J s r M m . xtmm The Graefenberg Companr. THIS IXSTITUTIOX, (Incorporated by the fegis lature of the State of New York, Capital $100 .OW.) was founded for the purpose of supplving the public with the celebrated GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES. The series comprises remedies for nearly every disease adapted to every climate. For Families. Travellers, Seamen, and Miner's nse they are unequalled. All the Medicines are titl RELY VEGETABLE and warranted fc cure the diseases for which they are severally rec ommended. The Graefenberg Company does not profess to enre ill diseases with one or two medicines. Our seriescon sists of ELEVEN different kinds, adapted to the vari ous diseases incident to tbe temperate and tropical cli mate. The following comprises the aeries of Graefen berg Medicines : TBE GRAEFEVRERO VEGETABLE FILLS Are considered the standard Pill of the day, and are infinitely superior to soy Pill before the public. They operate without irritation on all the excretions, purg ing the blood by the bowels, liver, kidneys and skin. XAKSBALL'S t'TEKINE CATBOLICOM, An infallible remedy for all diseases of the womb and urinary organs, weakness in tne back, pain in the breast, nervousness, debility, etc. In California and Oregon, out of more than a thousand cases where this medicine has beea used, it has in no single instance failed to give permanent relief or to eSect a certain cure. THRGRAEFENBERO S ARSAPARILLA, A powerful extract. One bottle efnal to ten of the ordinary !sarsapanl!a for purifying the tlood. A sure enre for scrofula, rheumatism, hlcers, dyspepsia, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, Sc. THE GREEN StOrSTAIX OINTMENT. Invaluable Cor burns, wounds, sprains, chilblains, sores, swellings, scrofula, etc. As a Pain Extractor, it cannot be excelled, affording immediate relief from the most excrutiating pains. THE GRAEFEXAEEG DTSENTEHT STBIT. This extraordinary article is a speedy and inal!ible remedy in Diarrlxra. Dysentery, Cholera Morbus. Chol era Infantum and the Asiatic Cholera, if kikes with the first symptoms of the disease. It is purely vegetable in its compound. CRAEPENBERO CnfLPREXS' FASACEA, Fit summer Complaint, and most diseases to which children are subject. Its true worth can never be set forth in w"rds. but it can be felt and appreciated by parents whose children have been saved! No Mother should be without it. TUE GRAEFENBERG PILE BEMEBT. Warranted s certain cure for this painful disease. with the Ointment there are very few cases which can not be radically and iermanent!y cured. A snrgical operation for Piles or Fistula shonl J never be retried to until this Ointment has been thoroughly tried. It never fails. GR AEFENBERO EYE LOTION. For diseases of the eye this Lotion has no equal. It is a speedy and positive cure for inflammation of the eves, weakness, dimness and failing of sight. It will always be beneficial in acute inSammation of the eyes, and also as a wash on inflamed surfaces. GRAEFENBEKU FEVER AND AG IE PILLS. A speedy and positive core for this distressing com plain W" These Pills are composed principally of Oii nine. wih other vegetable tonics, anti-spasmodic and febrirtige articles. Thousands have beea permanently cured by their use. GRAEFENBERG CONSOtPTrrE'S EAI.X. Sovereign in all Bronchial and Pnlmonary Diseases. It is. beyond ail question, true that Consumption is a curahle'disease, and the Consumptive's Balm is the best curative ever used. GRAEFENBERG HEALTH BITTERS. These Bitters are skilfully and elegantly prepared from a nu:uler of invigorating healthy root, barks, herbs and vines. An invaluable tonic and health re storer. GRAEFENBCRO Mjl?fCAX. OF HEALTH. A handsomely printed volume of 300 paires, contain ing concise and extremely pliin descriptions of all manner ef diseases, their symptoms and treatment. Every family ihouM have one. Price only 25 ceuts. It will lie sent, posaid, to any post office in Califor nia or Oregon, on the receipt of 25 cents by mail or ex press. Address Redincton A Co.. San Francisco. The Graefenlerg Medicines are for sale by all Drag gists and Apothecaries throughout the country. General Airents for California and Oregon REDINGTONACo., Wholesale Drueeists, No. 107 Clay street. Smith ft Davis Agents, Portland. -San Francisco, Dee. 12, 1S57. 20tf Jolio Hargrove's ECLECTIC LINIMENT, GOOD FOR MAN OR BEAST. This penetrating Liniment, as it is rubbed in by the hand or a piece of flannel isabsorbed through the same channel reaches the seat of inflamation and subdues it. Every species of exterior irritation is quickly reduced by the application of this fJniment. The effect of this remedy upon Rheumatism, ltiugworn. Swelled glands. Frost bites. Sore breast. Sore beads. Sore throatsores of all kind, sprains, stiff joints, ulcers, toothache, swellings of the limbs or body pains in the spine or back, poison oak, Ac. is almost miraculous. It is good lor BigheaJ. Bigshonlder, Swiney, Sprains, Cholic in horses, in fact all diseases where external ap plication is required. The proprietor sends rhis Liuiment before the pnblic to stand or fall, on its own merits. He only asks that it may receive a fair trial by the pnblic. It can be ob tained by applying in person or bv letter totbe address cf JOHN HARGROVE, 2d St., Corvallis, Oregon. -N. B. Demands from a distance accompanied by the money, will be promptly attended to and the Liniment put up and forwarded according to directions. A lib eral discount will be made to wholesale dealers and persons purchasing large quantities. Retail price of Eclectic Liniment, fifty ceuts per bottle, for further par ticulars address proprietor. Corvallis, April, 1S5S. lyS Herring's Patent Champion FIRE PROOF SAFES WITH Hall's Patent Powder-Proof Locks, the same that were awarded separate medals at the World's Fair, London, 1851, and the World's Fair, New York, 1853 and are the only American Safes that were award ed medals at the London World's Fair. These safes form the most perfect seenrity against Fire and Burglars, of any safe ever offered to the pub lic, and can only be had of the subscribers and their agents, who have on hand and make to order, ail kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults. Vault Doors and Money Boxes, or Chests for Brokers, Jewelers and Private Families, for Plate, Diamonds, and other valuables. And are also. Patentees (by pur chase) and manufacturers of JONES' PATENT PER MUTATION BANK LOCK. . Aokxts E. Fitzgerald St Co.; and W. G. Wendell, San Francisco, California. S. C. HERRING A Co., Xo. S."1 Broadway, tor. Murry St. .V. J". May. 1S58. 6m9 Dr. tKriechbatim's Hungarian HAIR PRESERVER. FIR the Restoration, Beauty and Preservation of the Hair. This preparation removes all harshness and dryness of the hair, byexcitingthe scalp to a new and healthy action, and cleanses it from scurf and dandruff: prevents the hair from falling oft" and getting gray, but the most remarkable result which it will effect, is tt trill produce a neto crop of hair an an entirety bald head. Many young persons Sometimes find the too early appearance of gray hairs, this preparation will stop this result. Mothers who wish their children to have line heads of hair, can effect this by the nse of this Tonic; especially on their daughters if the hair is light. I know few persons believe the hair can be restored on a bald head, but, if my directions are followed I will warrant a cure or refund the money. It is put np in two ounce bottles and for sale by wholesale and retail with directions at one dollar per bottle; it can be sent by mail to -Any part of the United States. Gentlemen send on your orders, stating the cause and duration of the baldness and I will cure you. To insure a cure .my charge varies from Twenty-five to Fifty dollars, accord ing to the nature of the case. Prepared only by Dr. J. G. KRIECTBAUM, Cots Hit,' O. T. Corvallis, Feb., 1S58. 50tf Dr. Kriechbaum's Eye Salve and Eye Water. THESE preparations If used with my Life Pills, will effect CURE IN ALL CASES of sore eyea.' 1 have never known them to fail since first nsed in Iowa in 1849, and I will ensure a cure if taken according to ' direction, or refund the money. Persons sending orders will please state explicitly the nature of the case and I will send all necessary for acure, for which I will charge from Ten to Twenty dollors. Prepared only by Ps. J. G. KRlECHBAtJM. Uorvailit, O. T. Corvallis, Feb., IS58, pQtf X m - t . m. Tt aw 1 H w&m&tez ice .51 Courts. TIIE Jodgei of the Supreme Court of the Territory ot Oregon, assembled at the Seat of Government, oa tbe second day of August, A. D. 1858, do fix and ap- miint District I nnrts to he held in the city of Salem, in the county of Marion, on the first Mondays in Apnl, September and November, and the fourth Monday in May, annually, until otherwise ordered. And in the city of Portland, in the connty of Mnltno ruah, on tbe first Monday s in May and October, and the third Mondays in June and November, annually.JHitil otherwise ordered. . And in the village of Roseburg, In the county oi Ikutfrliid on t!i flr.t Honda vs in March. May. Septem ber and November, annually, until otherwise ordered. And do limit the duration of said terms to six days each. ... GEO. H. wiLUASis, unlet j. M. P. DEADV, i Amnrist. J 11. P. BOISE, t soc'te J" - tf-23 Writ of Election. TO the Sheriff of the County or Umpqna, greeting: Whereas information having been received that vacancy exists in the House of Kcpresentativea oi tne Legislative Assembly, by reason of the resignation of James Cole, you are hereby required to notify the several judges of election in yonr said connty of Ump qua, that a special election will be held on the fourth Monday, the 25th day of October next, for the pur pose of electing one memlier of the House of Rep resentatives to said vacancy. Given under our hand, at Salem, in the Territory of Oregon, this 30th day of August, 158. GEO. L. CURRY. By the Governor. B. F. Harding, Secretary of Oregon. 56tl To K ii pene Chivere. YOU are hereby notified that unless you appear ia the District Court of the First Judicial District of tbe Territory of Oregon, on the first day of the term, to be held at Salem. Marion Co., in the month of Octo ber, in the year 1S59, or the first term held in Mid District, after the September terra of 1958, and answer the complaint of Thomas Alford filed in this case, th same will be taken for confessed and the prayer there-' of will be granted by the Court. L N. SMITH, PlaintiraAtt'y. July 22, 1858. 3mK Tlie Oregon Statesman. An Independent Journal, derated to Politic. GnurmS Intelligence, t,-c, Publuhed at Salem, Oregon, ASAHEL BUSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor The Statesman is Democratic in politics, and tbor- oughly National in its character. It is hostile to every species of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance;; aud will vigorously oppose all attempts to incerptatoe any of the insane isms of the day into onr Territorial legislation. jt will advoca all practical measures of Reform and Progress, economical and simple administration ef our local government; faithfulness, integrity, and ca pacity in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac countability of tbe officer to the people. It will dis cuss all measures agitating the public mind, ia a man ner fcarle-s, impartial, and jnfct- Its News Department will be edited with mnca attention, and nothing will be spared to furnish early, accurate, and comprehensive publication of the cur rent intelligence. The Statesman ha.-a large, widely-scattered .and most excellent corps of correspondents,' and very complete facilities for procoring news. Due attention is also paid Xa thepnblicatioirof Miscel lany, Agricultural and LiterAy matter. In this paper are published tbe laws, resolutions, and treaties of tne L nited btates, and the laws and resoin-. tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. Thw paper is printed on new material, and upon a sheet ef the largest size. The Statesman will be an active participant in trans iring political events, and will furnish a faithful rec ord of the history of parties and politics. As a vehicle of Oregon News, the Statesman enjoys facilities that none of its co temporaries do. Terms Three dollars per year, strictly in advance; four dollars, if paid within six months, out not in ad--vance; five dollars, not paid within six months. These terms we must adhere to in all-cases. Persons sending us money by mail, or otherwise, will pleas conform to these terms, adapting the ametmt to th ffme of payment. Tbe low "price at which the paper is afforded places it within the reach of all. Statesman Boob, and Job Office. WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Boo printing north of California, and an extensive as. sortment of Jobbing Material of every kind: apd, with master worfcmen.are prepared to execute prom-- It , an d in a workman-like manner, all orders in the au. . de partments, such as Books, Blatc Checks, Pam HPHLET3, Notes of Hans, Handbills, Order Books, Ball Tickets,. Steambo't Bills, Circtlabs, Steambo't Cakes, Ixvitatioxs. Bills of Labis BrstxES Cakds, Certtficat8, Billheads. Saow BiLxa, Concert Bills, Check Books, Programmes, Bl'k Receots, Address Card?, Drafts, Blanks of all Kinds, Ac, Ac. Ac ' ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED INKS Moffat's Life Pills AND PHOENIX BITTERS. THE best fam!y medicine now before the public, for the care of Scrofula. Ulcers, Scurvy, or Erupt iocs of the Skin, Fever and Ague, Iyspepsia, Dropsy, and in fact most all diseases soon yield to their curative properties. It has been computed that daring the last twenty;fiv year upward? of Four Millions of persons bave beeo benefitted by the use of these medicines; a fact which speaks vofuines in favor of their curative properties- a single trial will pLce them beyond the reach of com petition in the estimate of every patient. By their use the blood is restored to a healthy state and freed front all impurities. The system is not reduced during their operation, but invigorated, and they require no re traint from business or pleasure. The afflicted have in these medicines a remedy that will do for them all that medicine can possibly effect. ' Prepared by W. B. Moffat. New York. And for safe by JOHN FLEMING, at the Oregon City Post Office Buiding. -Oregon City, March, 185S. Iy52 Look Here! . THE; subscriber wonld inform the public that ho does entirely a Commission Business, and therefore has no goods of his own to interfere with consigners. Having a fireproof building and a large Jobbing trade, be offers unusual facilities to shippers. I jfConsigrnnents respectfully solicited. HOHACE GUSHEL. . ' 139 iratUngton St., Sax Francisco. REFERENCE TO W. B. Cawpbell .Oregon Citv; J. P. Knight, .Portland Z. N. STANSBURY, Forwarding Agtnt, Portland. San Francisco, April, 1S58. ly$ E. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co. ARE prepared tq do a general commission business on New York and other Atlantic cities. Particular attention will be ' given to the purchase of goods for merchants." Parties having any business transactions' in the Atlantic States, and wanting an agent that will give personal attention to the same, will do well to call- ' r - Office at Ram-mi ft Wilson's Law Office K . Salem, March 23, 1S58. 2tf Saw Logs! Saw Logs! ' ' I WISH to contract for 3500 saw logs, of yellow, red." -and white fir, 12. 14, 16, IS, 20, 22 feet long, and from 20 to 3ii inches in diameter at the butt end; for which I win pay six dollars per thonsand feet.- tin cash,) delivered at my Floating Saw Mill, at Salem. B.. M. DIJ BELLE. I will psy eight dollars per thonsand feet, for goo4 oak, ash, and maple logs, delivered as above. J5tf Silas C. Herring's Patrnt Champion Fire asd Burglar Pooi Safes,. WITH or withont Halls' powder proof lockSrv J ones' patent permutation Bnk Locks, Sold, at the manufacturer's prices with freight added. Prieeal from $35 to $650. call and see sample of their workv K ; I 1 ,-ETk II Ttxrc-c J with the improved locks. GEO. H. JONESgoU. &aiem, naj n, isos. 1WU. Snort Settlements make Ions friends. THE old year has passed, and we want all those who, know themselves indebted to ns to come forard and settle ami get their "New Years" present. Don't forget this; we mean just what we say. W. C. GRISWOLD A Co, January 1, 135S. - 43tf Sewing Machines. TVTHEELER A WILSON'S machines are the besv V ever offered to pnblic patronage. They are aim-i pie and durable; easily kept in repair; sew. with greafj rapidity; make an even and firm stitch on both sides, that will not rip. Persons wishing to boy will; find; them at the residence of the undersigned. " "' T.SA.VAG,g'r. - April 26. 1358. 7 TeOotL Here ! . w E have just received 83,000 lbs. of ground alnm, ana, wiucn we are selling at :.00 per hnuarea. - GRISWOLP A CO. Allan r, Lewis, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, ORE GON TERRITORY. 1 - J HOT of all kinds, and powder, at t2tfj W. K. SMITH Co's. . . LADIES?cloaks,lateatstyle, for stale cheap at - . 2tfl W. Kf SMITH A CoTs. SCHOOLbooks. at wholesale-and retail, at f42tn W.K. SMITH A Co. AYERS Cherry Pectoral for sale at wholesale and retail, at 2tfj W. K. SMITH & Cos. NAILS , glass, and window sash , at i 42tfl W. K. SMITH A CVs. "lOPAL varnish, paints, oils, and paint brashes, at O litQ W. K. SitlTH A Cafu