I FrabiU Court Kolicc. TERRITORY of Oregon. Connty of Marion, . whereas the administrator of the estate of DAVID T. SEW ELL, deceased, had filed his petition in this Coart, asking that an order be made for the aale of the Teal estate of said deceased, therefore Saturday the 20th day of November at tlia hour of one o'clock, p. m., said petition will be heard; all interested will please take notice. Ordered that thia notice be published In the Oregon Statesman for four weeks. J. D. BOON. J: P. Oct,14.1S.'i8. 4w32paid Janson, Bend & Co., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, "10RXER Battery and Clay streets, San Francisco, Vy hare now landing and in store 300 balaa 30 inch Brown drills; 100 bales 30 inch brown sheetings; 100 bolts No. 0000 Duck: 500 bolta X.I 10 Duck; 30 bales Karen Duck; 10 cases Merrimac prints; 10 cases Prague prints; 10 cases Pacific print; 1 0 cases Dunnell s prints ; 10 cases i and 41 bleached shirtings: 10 cases, 6 4. 8 4. and bleached shirtings; 10 "eases blue drill; 30 cases blue denims; 10 bale hickory stripes; 20 bales J. and 4 4 tickings; 10 bales scarlet, blue and gray flannels; 10 bales Ballardic white flannel; 6 cases Cobnrghs and Merinos; 5 rases wool and half wool plaids; 5 cases blue and black alpacas; 10 cases Pacific new style De Lainea; S cases, all wool, new styles " 3 cases French Merinoes; 1000 bay state plaid shawls; 1000 cashmere and plain wool shawls; black and colored silks; plain, figured and plaid silks; -Lai a large assortment of other dress goods. BLAXKETS. 1080 pais white, green and blue Mackinaw; 10OO pair H B. T H B and ABU Blankets; 1000 pair cheap grey English Blankets; lt0 pair cheap blue English Blankets; 500 pair scarlet Earttsh blankets; COOptirS-I.DM, 11-4 and 12 4 white bed Blankets Clothing sad Fsnrnlshlna; Goods. 1000 do, grey, bine and scarlet flannel shirts: - 1000 dox. grey and white Merino undershirts and drawers; 1000 doc Merino and all wool socks; $00 dox. Satinett and Jean pants; 600 dox. duck and cottonade pants; -609 dox. hickory and check shirts r 600 dox. calico and white dress Shirts; 600 dox. Overalls and Jnmoers: Black and fancy silk cravats, neckties. Silk Hand kerchiefs, Suspenders, and a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. For sale low bv JANSOX. BOND A Co., Corner Battery and Clay streets, San Francisco. .Sept. 17, 1358. ' 2m3l Sale of School Land). BY order of the Board ofCoanty Commissioner, for Lane Co.. I will offer rvr sale to the highest bidder, at the Court noose in Engene city, on Monday (the eth slav) of November next, ail the com -non Sch'tol lands (the tree area of which I may be able to ascertain) ly ing in said county, ana north of the line dividing town, ships 19 and 19 SJGth. Sale will be between the hours of 10 a. ta-, and 4 p. m-, and continue from day to day until all is offered. Tkrms. One fourth rash in hand, and the remainder t to be paid in three equal ant nal instalments at one, two and three years, with interest at ten per cent per aannuTn. para'qie semi-annually in advance. Notes with anproved security will be repaired on all deferred .payments. . 1I. RISDON. Superintendent of Common Schools. Eagene City, Oct. 6, lsiS. 3wJl Probate Court Notice. TERRITORY of Oregon, a. s. Coonty of Marion : Whereas, John F. Iennv. guardian of CATHA RINE WINCHESTER, late widow of Miles Winches ter, deceased, has filed his petition in the Probate Court ol" said I county, asking lor an order to sell the real estate of said deceased, insane widow, which is ' titrated it said county, therefore all persons interest ed in said estate, take notice that said petition will be heard on Saturday, the 13th dav of November, A. D-. lsJS.at the hour of oneo'el-vk. p. m. Ordered that this notice be published in the Oit Statesman for four successive weeks. J. D. BOON. J. P. -Oct. 4. 1453. - 4w31 Dissolution. THE copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned is tins day dissolved bv mutual coa .'aent. LKVIKENT. WM. W.HAIXES. Win. W. H .lines, successor to Kent A Harris, will Continue the fancicg business in Scotuburg. where he will be able to furnishes the trade with the best qnaii e of leather. WM. W. HAINES. Scottsburg. Sept. 3D, 1?5S. 4w31 Public Sale. fS Thnrsdav. October 25th inst.. tt the residence of J the late deceased, two miles and a halt northeast tf feoria, in Linn Co.. will be soid on 12 months cred it, ail the personal property belonging to the estate of John Mailer, sen., also that of the estate of John Mill r. Jan.. consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, and many other articles too numerous to menlion. - GEORGE W.MILLER. Admin'r. . Oet 5. 15J.S. w3 1 paid Notice. THE ndeTXigned bavin? been appointed by the Probate Court, of LinnCo.,adminitratorof 0T1L I I. A rrHVAV. deceased, late of said Co-all per sons indebted to said estate, are required to make im mediate rravment. and all rrsons having claims gainst said 'estate, must present them within the time rewuired by law. ... ' DAXIEL CCSHM AN. Admin r. Albany, Oct. 5th. lsol. 4w3lpaid , Probate Xotice. skTOTlCE v lerebv given, that James Bassett, exee- IN ctor of the estate of JOSEPH TLRMDGE, ce eeased. has rendered bis accounts for final settlement to : the Probate court, of Linn Co.. and said court has ap 'nniml th first Tnesdav of Xovember next, for the adjustment of the same; parties interested take notice. " D. H ALE i , J. P. t Oct. 9th. 1S58. . 3w3l For Sale, . - nY GOOD brood mares; 100 stock sheep; 200 mnt. 1U ton sheep; 60 stock cattle. t JOSEPH WATT, r TarahiH. Oct 7. 1E58. 3w31paid - WW XX for divorce. To Joseph W. Mahon: You are here by notined that un:ess you appear in me u. o. ii -Jourt of the 1st Judicial District, of the Territory of "lOregoe. oe the first day of the Terra, to be held at Sa ")em, Marion Cou, in said Territory, on the first Mon ;dsy Xovember. 1S3, and answer the within com plaint, the same will be taken for confessed, and the prayer thereof will be granted by the court ' I.X. SMITH, PiS-s Atfy. , ';- SepL 14. 1853. 6w27 War Strip. HOLDERS of War Scrip can secure the services of E. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co., to present their papers at Washington for payment. Receipts given jortbe papers and cash advances made in some cases. OUSce at Barnora A Wilson's Law Office. Salem, March 23, 1858. 2tf' - ) -1 Aursery . . THE subscriber baa one of the best nurseries In mm the country, sitoated near Salem, m which 1 . can always be found all the best varieties. Of chari men are requested to examine his trees. Apply atthe norsery.or the confectionery and grocery store, Whwest of the Marion House. MICHAL MTERg Salem, Oct. I, lhoS. ' btf ..tr7 Drogi! Drop! Drags! WK. SMITH A Co. have just received direct from California, and rrom the States, a large addi Hon to their stock of Drug, and medicines, making, with- their former stock, the largest, and best assort ment oi-those articles.ever offered for sale in the V ll Jamette "Valley. They receive their goods directly from the importers and manufactures so that every ar ticle bought of them can be relied upon as fresh and ten nine, and they are determined not to be undersold - by-any other druggists in the country. Orders sent rem a aistanre win oe promptly uucu, 's tory prices. Store near the bridge, south end or Com- roercial street, Salem. Judicial. TUK term of the District Court for the trial "of i oe in the First Judicial District, of Oregon Ter ritory, wflj be held as follows: In Marion oonuty on the 24 liW'ay of SepL inst; Linn county on the 3d Mon Uy ef Sept. inst; Lane county on the 4th Monday or fiept; Benvm county on tbe-lst Monday of October oezt; Varahiil county on the 2d Monday of October text: Polk cwuiity on the 3d Monday of October next. B, P. BOISE. Judge. Sept. 9, 1S5S. - 27tillNov klka iatins. 0TJSE sign, earr.ice and wagon painting, glazing ,aa,i paprrr iiani.g, wall paper, paints, oil, glass, And put, loixeu fiaicw, cheap for cash, shop west of the coart hoac. Saleia. E. S. COX. . August At . i:-.. Iy25 - Wagons ! Wagon ! MAXEFACTURED expressly for us of materials from Last&rn Mates, for sole upon order at Scotts burg, Oregon, or ban Fraucisco, by W. H. SPEXCER. AogostlS.lf.S, e 6wV6 "ax lteceipts, T the .statesman oflioe, at $1 per hundred $1 25, Am. r seat hy mail. tr-23 BUaitli. Books & Paper. LARGE bantity direct from New York, for sale j. a. ivsieourg, Oregon by 26 W. H. SPEXCER. MACKEREL and codfish, at - iAM) W. K. SMITH A Cs'a. Cirriage ud Wagon lakers' Stock Depository. H. D. OLEASON, lUrORTRK AND DKALKK IN ALL IINPS OP CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS' STOCK, 4 T Battery Street, San Framelsco HAS FOm SALE Oak. ah and hickory. White Wood Board. Ac, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, hickory Axles, Poles, shafts, wagon and bnirgy bows, carved and plain Carriago parts. Seat Sticks, Ac, Ac ....ALSO Iron Axles, Soring, Bolt. Rivet, malleable Iron, en amelled CI ith, euimelled Leather, patent dash nd collar Leather, plated, Japan and Ivory Head Nails and Knobs. Tack, stump Joints. Top Props, hub Bands. Curtain Frames, half pat. and three butt Axles, plain and plated Crabs and Tips. and Pole Tips, Ac. XJ- The above stock has been personally selected; is of the best quality, and will be sold as low as can be purchased in the city or State. Alt orders for the above gooils. left with II. S. J A COBS, dealer in Wsgnn and carriage stock. Trim ming, Ac. corner of Morrison and Second streets. Portland, will receive prompt attention, and be satis factorily executed withont delay. Sept. 23. 1 W. 30tf McMinnTille College. NOTICE is hereby given, that the next session of this Institution will commence on Wednesdsv, Oct. 37, 1&5S. All branches of a thorough Englifi, Classical, and Mathematical education taught, together with music, vocal and instrumental. Terms or tuition for 1 1 weeks, td. S3 or S10. Board in clubs, or in private families at reasonable rates. g A fine apparatus and library have been ordered for the school which will arrive during session. Board of Education. Rev. Oxo. C. CnAXPHR. President. J. D. Post, Prof, of Languages, acting Prof, of Math. C. H.MTTO!c, Prof of Math, as soon as a second Prof, shall be endorsed. Teacher in in the Primary department. HENRY WARREN. Sec'y Board of Trcstees. Sept. 34. 1Sj3. Sw30 R. G. Geer & Co., TAKE this method of 'nforraing Fruit growers that they have about 75.000 apple, about 6.000 pear, and several hundred plum and cherry tree, from 1 to 4 year old, that they will sell in lots to suit purchaser and no mistake, (excepting plums and cherries, which will have to be sold in small lots.) We have all the leading varieties of winter fruit Wholesale nr retail apple trees. 3 and 3 years old, fr-.m 30 to 3" cts.; 1 year old. 10 to 12$ ets! per tree: pear, plum and cherry trees, from 50 cts to $1,00 per tree; extra 4 year old apple trees 3 to 4 hits per tree. November and DecemDer considered the best time to remove trees. As we have had onr barn. oats, and horse burned this fall, we will take oats at the market price, in Sa lem, in exchange for trees; also, two or three good work horses. N. B We have hlo muckamuck for tillicums, but halo hore feed. Post 0;n?e address, Silverton. . Fruit Farm, Marion Co., Oct. I, 135S. 30tf IV ew Gold Mines!!! Money ! Money Money 1 MONEY is the root of all evil, and as the under signed is tired of keeping his customers' notes, drawing front IS to 25 per annum, when he knows it h against thei r, as well as his. interest, be wishes them tieome forward and pay np. and those indebted to him by account likewise, and when I get mv new stock np. I will remember all those who pa v up, and give tnem good bargains. LOCI3 WESTACOTT. -Salem. Sept. 2 . 15S. ;m3opaid Confectionery & Groceries. rPHE undersigned has purchased the store and stock x of eo3fe:ti nery and groceries of C. V. Crafovage, nearlv opposite tlie Marion H rase, Salem. Oregon. where he wiil keep a general supply of confectionery, nnts. fruit. Ac. Ac. on hand, together with a choice assortment of groceries, and many other articles in his line. Give me a call, and I wiil try to give you a bar gain. 31. JUtKS. Salem. Oct. I. ls.'.i. 3otf Administrator's Motice. TT THERE A 3 letter of ai?ni nitration npon tl e V tate ot WILLIAM M VERS, deceased. Hte of I"uglis Co.. were granted to tne endersigned on the 17ta int-. therefore all persons owing said estate, will pleae come forward and make payment, and all per sons hsving claims sgaicst said estate, will please pie- sent their accounts w.thin one t ear from this date, to the undersigned, at fcis rtsidenre in Rehurg. er thev may be forever barred. S. H AMILTOX, Admin. Sept. 17. 15"). 4w30 JOH.X Bookseller A. POST. and Stationer AN3 WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL PKALEX I P1AX05 AND MELOPEOXS, BOOXS AND 5TA- TlONEUl, Main flntt, Oregon City September 1. 1S--9. !9tf Jiew Goods. C1HEX A FISH have jast received a new assortment of goods, consisting of fine and heavv clothing. fancy and staple dry good, and many other articles suitable for this season or tne year. Salem, Sept. 34, 1-.5S. 39tf Sale of Common School Lands, Sarion Co. 4 LL Common school lands situated in Marion Co. of which a description can be obtained from the Register of the Land uflW. will be off-red. at public sale, at the Court boose in talem.on Saturday, Aov. 13. 1S5S. Terms or Sale will be one fourth of the pnrchase money in hand, and the remaining three-fourths, in three eoual annual instulir-ent. with interest at ten per cent- per annum. Datable semi-annually in ad vince. F.S. HOYX. v Supt, Com. Schools. Salem, Sept. 24, lSoR. 6w2S Facifie Hotel. Albany, 0. T. F)R sale, the above well known and valua ble tavern stand, with furniture and sta ble, or honse and furniture without stable. Tne property will be sold on good terms, and afford a fine opportunity for persons wishing to en gage in the hotel business. Enquire on the premises. Sept, 15,1653. 6m29 For Sale. LOTSXo. 1,2,3. in block 53. with dwell ing boose, barn and other improvements, in Salem. Enquire of J. O. Wilson at Salem, or. at Portland, ef CEO. H. WILLIAMS. Sept. 23. IRoH. 30tf Vcbslrr'i Tnabridefd. 200 COPIES Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries; i on copies v ebster s Unabridged Dictionaries: loo ittunting-nouse 100 " " Academic 100 " ' High School 50 " " . Common school, " 200 " Primary Direct from G. A C. Merriam and Mason Brother, which 1 will fell cheaper than any other house in Oregon. Send in yonr orders. JOHX A. POST. Oreg-on City, Sept. 7. 1858. 2otf Piano Fortes. rp GILBERT A Co.. pianos direct from the roann- X . factory, aunt in your orders. 2tf JOHX A, POST. iieo. Prince & Co. A LARGE assortment of these melodeons. just re ceived from the makers, consisting of the fol lowing kinds of portage instruments: 4 octavo C to O 5 octavo F to P 44 " C to F 5 " double reed F to F PIAXO CASED: S oct. F to F 5 oct. 2 hanks of keys. These instrument I will sell CHEAPER than any other house in Oregon or California. Send in your or ders. JOHX A. POST. Oregon City, Sept. 10, 1858. 2tf School Books, A LARGE assortment of Ivison A Phinncy's school books for sale at the Oregon City B oK A Melo- deon depot, very cheap. Send in your orders. Zoll JOHX A. POST. Books ! Books ! rvr li kinds, for sale at the Oregon City Book A Melodeon depot, cheap. Send in your orders. Sept, 6, 1S5. . 2 -ill Parkersville coming Bp Again! New Firm! T.Mitchell, from Oregon City, MVAP EXCHANGE STORE!!! a intliinr. and family groceries, which I 1 I ,11 keep constantly on hand, a good variety. . n r, i Hv navas low as anv store toTrthSasro'n. I ladies and gentlemen . . . . 1 r ... h.oinir liiewnere. local ana see ociurc h";""-f -- .11 v;.la N. B I will take produce in exchange of all kinds. Parkersville. Sept. 15. 1858. Jm28paid DiuolnUon Kotice. THE copartnership heretorore existing nade'r the i.i ,.F A. Colrlschmidt A Co.. was this A A: . . 1 J i.M ......I MinuinL A. Goldschmidt is athorized to spttl and adjust all .-Inim- A. iiUijiminJiiui, L. BETTMANN. Ssalem. Sept 14. 1858. 3w2apaid County Orders, TV)R SALE at the Statesman Office, at 12 per hnn II A ured . 25, if sent by mail. tf23 W. . HCTCtMKS. .rOrPLTOX. llutclilu 6t Poppletoii, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS LAFA YETTE, OREGOS. DR. HCTCHINS Is prepared to furnish, at La fayetU'. at wholesale or retail, the following 2? remedies : A NEW REMEDY, IU. W.D. ItX'TCilISS' BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY; For Consumption, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Colds, Cough, hoopmg-Cougli, and Asthma. This medicine is warranted to he entirely free from Opium or any or its preparations; Irom Mercury. or any other pois onous agent. DU. IV. D, ut-Triiixs RHEUMATIC LINIMENT, OK, INSTANT TAIN EITBACTOB ; For the cure of Rheumntism. Toothache, Pain in the iMOe, and all gainful Anections. - Sr. W. D. nutrhinV inll-Billious Tills : FOB LIVEU COMPLAINTS. A safe cathartic; warranted to le free from Mercury. Kir Thev can also be had of the several Druggist and Merchants in tho Territory. Dr. Warren 1 my agent ror Salem, ana win ie sup plied at all times with the above named medicines. Salem, sept. 1, isos. ty-o FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. Selling at San Francisco Prices. r"1HE undersigned having recently opened a store on X First St.. between Washington and Alder. Port land, with a new and select stock of goods, respectful ly invites the public to call and examine his beautiful assortment 'of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. SHEET MUSIC. MUSIC BOOKS. AND STRINGS, Musical merchandise of all kinds. alo STATIONERY. CUTLERY. PERFUMERY. COMBS. BRUSHES, FANS, FANCY BASKETS. BACKGAMMON AND CR1BBAGE BOARDS. DOMINOES. BILLIARD CHALK. BIRDCAGES AND CANARY SEED, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. BABY JUMPERS. TOYS, ETC.. ETC., At wholesale or retail. N. B. Brass Instruments furnished at San Francisco prices. K. U. K.IAUAI.L. nrsi si., ronianu, Oregon. August 17, 159. 3m25 .ews! Read This! W. II. SPENCEK, ROSEBURG. OREGON. TMPOtER. of Books. Sutionerv. ClJck. WatchM A Jewelry. Musical Instruments. Silver-Ware, Willow- Ware, Cntlery, Ac, is now receiving and oners for sale a, a small advance oncost, tae largest ara greatest. variety of the above class of goods, ever before import ed into Orecon. As we are just commencing business. and hsve made a venture in a class of goods not before introduced as a distinct business in Southern Oregon. we hope and trust that the people will sustain us in this new enterprise. We purchase all our goods direct from Manufactures in the Eastern States and elsewhere. and for this reason we can arford to sell as cheap or cheaper than any other hojse 00 the Pacidc Coast, We ournose in the course of the coming autumn, to open a 1'iano and Jleiodeon ware-room at roriiaiiu, at which we shall ofl'er for sale, exclusively the celebra ted "Stoddard Piano' and "Prince Mei-d"con. Printed catalogues of our books wiil be furnished free of charge uron application. Gentlemen wao contemplate purchasing books for private libraries will find it t ) their interest to give us a call before sending their order elsewhere. Orders sent to our address. .No. 4 T Cliff street. New Tork. Pacific ware-houe. B.-.tterv street. San Francis co. Portland. Oregon, care ti. E. Cole, or to Roseburg wiil be promptly attended to. Smit W. II . SPrXCER. Friends, Countrymen & Lovers. KTTEAR me for my cause and be silent that you A A may Lear. I am goinu to the Atlantic States on or about the 1st or September next, for the purpose of buying goodi and to Dtiy them to good anvantare 1 m: nave mon ey. "Now all je that are heavy laden" with coin, and are knowing yourselves indebted to W. C. Oriawold A Co.. either liy note or book account, yon will please come forward and pay cp, and relieve yourselves ol the heavy burden, by so "doing yoa will accommodate us and we can still aceornnvxl-ite you. by still being able to sell yon gojds a little cheaper than the cheapest. K now al! men by these p-e-"T-t that ym that have not paid en by thLt time will 1 ii call at Messrs. Rarnum and Wilson's office ai-i settle oo and you wiil s.ve yonrself some cost. This is the third and latt call, take warning and govern yonrse'ves accord inglv. We remain in -t repe.-t:"uliy. WiC.Uttl-sWOLD TO. July 14. 1-.?. 2!tf SCW HARDWARE STOKE. THE subscriber having taken the fire proof Urauite Front Store, nest d'wrto Mr fit 4- Co', JVunt St., would respecttuiiy inform histnends and the puLlic generally , that he is now opening a full and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SHELF AXD BUILDER'S HARDWARE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MECUA.NICS' TOOLS!! TABLE AND POCKET C UTLERY. And other articles in his line, to which he invites tlie attention or Merchants, Builders and country dealers. JOHN R. FOSTER. Portland. February, 1S3. 4M.f . Notice to Scrip Holders, Prices Reduced One Third ! The Cable is Laid Views cf the Comet Free ! 1 Anolhtr improTemtnt in the Pictare Bnsinr. THE undersigned is now taVing MELAINOT YPES, which s irpass anything in the picture line ever in troduced in the country yet. It is the favorite picture with most of the Artists of the Eat. They can be sent in a letter to the States without the case for ten cents. The undersigned will furnish them cheaper than Photographs, and will warrant them more durable. sT Gallery over the City Book Store, Salem, W. KEN YON. September 3. 1858. Stitf Writ of Election. TO the Sheriff of the county of Marion, Greeting: Whereas information having been received that a vacancy exi-ts in the Council of the Legislative Assem bly, by reason of the resignation of Edward Sheil. You are hereby required to notify the several judges of election in vour said county of M rion, that a spocial election will be held on tile 4th Monday, the 25th day or October next. Tor tlie purpose of electing one mem ber of the Council to nil saiil vacancy. Given under our hand, at Salem, iu the Territory of Oregon, this 13tU day ol heptember, 1. ULU. Li. I I run . B. F. Harping, Sec'y of Oregon. 2td Livery and Sale Stable. TTTE are now keeping a Livery stable in Oregon City, where horses can wavs be obtained on lileral terms. V ro slsn nrenared with excellent sta bles? well supplied with hay and oats, to keep horses by day or week. Those who call ujion ns may feel as sured that every attention will be given to horses lelt in our cliarge. jiuw. a rvi August 11, 1837. CorTalliB Vinegar 3Ianufactory. "tlTE always have on hand a large supply or PUhE W STRONG VINEGAR, which we will sell at Wholesale and Retail as thtap, if not chraptr, than it can be obtained from San Francisco or any other port. Healers in i-oiiiaua anaoioerpiaccs iu tue xcrriMjry would do well to give us a ell. Z. ;E0KGE KRIECHBAUM Co. CorvalIis,Fcb..l!'58. SOtf Marion IIAise, Salem. TH E undersigned announces to the public that he lias purchased the well kuown tavern stand .called the Marion House, in Sa lem, together with the furniture and fixtures tbereol. He will keep it in first rate style, and invites the patronage oi tne public. ic M. hai May 23, 1857. lltf City Hotel, Corvallis. MESSRS. A. II. &. I. SPREXGER WOULD announce to the citizens of Corvallis, and the travelling public generally, that they have thoroughly refitted this well known estab'',-hmetit, and are now prepared for the accoinraodatiou .mstomers. The rooms have all been newly rcfurniirij ;1, the beds clean and comfortable, and their table wi.i be furnish ed with the best the market affords. Corvallis, Aug. 30, lsoj. 25yl .Notice. 4 LL persons knowing themselves indebted to me, as XIl. clern ot tne District Court, will please come ior ward and settle the same and save costs. F.S. HOLLAND. Oregon (Sty, Sept. 4. 1858. 27tf Look Bert! TIERSOXS having Prince's Melodeons with broken L reeds, can get them re i diced with new ones by sending to Oregon City U'ks i ileloceon aepot. SepL21,l5H. 28tr Boone's Ferry, YN Willamette river, new road between Portland and yj Salem. The mad is a good one and ton miles shorter than the old road. JESSE V. BOONE May 25. 1858. IRESTON C. Merrils yeast powders and extracts of lemon and mse, for flavoring pastrys. at 42tfJ W. K. SM ITH & Cos. A FRESH iisortiiientoran wool plaids, at w . . t 1 L II I TIT Jlltf W. K. SMITH Co s. Udolpho Wolfe's SCHNAPPS. A Medicinal drink, of eminently salutary qualities, manufactured bv himself exclusively, at his factory at Schiedam. In Holland, and well known during the iiit twelve veura throughout all me Auautic and eat- em States. . . . ' It la niaJe Trom the I vest barley tliat can oe selected in Europe, with the essence of an aromatic Italian berry of acknowledged and estraordiuary medicinal proper ties. It has long since acquired a higher reputation. both in Europe and America, than any other diuretic bevcraje. Analyzed. It is a vkriectlt plus Liqpon, In Its ef fects a' mild and wholesome tonic. It Is extensively used and approved by the medical faculty, the temper ance people, heads oi families, 4c. In Giavpl. Gout, and Rheumatism, the obstructions of the bladder and kidneys, and in general debility, its effects are prompt, decided and invuriubly reliable; aud it is not onlv a remedy for these nmladies. but in all cases in wh'ich they are produced by drinking bad wa ter, which Is almost universally the cause ol them, it acts as a sure preventive. For'Fever and Ague it is one or the most eOications preventives that can b resorted to. The Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps Is consequently in great demand by persons traveling, or about to settle in new parts of the country eseclally, as well as by many in every community, where it has become known, on account of its various other remedial properties. In all cases of a dropsical tendeiiry.lt is generally Hie only remedy required, when adopted in the early stage of the disease. In d vspepsia maladies, wheu taken In proper quanti ties, ass diet drink, and especiallyatdinuer.it is found by uniform experience to be eminently erhcacious in the most olistinate cases, when even the best of the usual remedies have failed to afford more than temporary re lief. In cases of flatulency, it is an immediate and in variable specific, and it may be administered in diluted and proportionate quantities, even to young infants, in all those paroxvsmsof griping pain in the stomach aud bowels to whicn they are especially subject, as well as tne cnoiic or grown persons. Its judicious adoption in connection with the princi pal meals, or when a sense of exhaustion dictates Its use, never fails to relieve the debility attendant upon protracted chronic maladies, low temperament and ex tiiusied vital energy, by whatever cause induced These are f-ict to which many of the most eminent medical men, both in England and the United States, have borne testimony, and which are corroborated by the highest written authorities. Put up in quart and piut bottles, in eases of one doz en, with my name on the bottles, cork, and facsdmiie of my signsture on the label. For sale by sll the respectable Druggists and Liquor dealers iu Oregon and California. UDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer, 2S Beaver ktreet. New York. Caution to the Public. London Cordial Gin, Club House Gin, Schiedam Schnnpps, Medicated Schnapps, Royal Schnapps, Ac, dec. dee. Under the above and similar titles, the liquor mixers of this city are bottling Ltrge quantities of adulterated, nuwh'-bisuine trash, costing but little, on which they hope tealize large pruhts by selling in California. Avoid all compounds. S ne are so skillfuly prepar ed as to pass for pood Liquor, except with the best of Jud-.-e. If you would be safe, use only the long estab lished, renowned, genuine Wolfe's 'Sciiiedau Aku xatic ScuMArrs. UDOLPHO WOLFE, Sale Importer. Ang31. Cmis2 22 Beaver street. New Yoik. Jefferson Institute. r"HE Trustees of Jefferson Iustitute, would announce is now in successful operation, Prof. O. G. Carr, and bis lady stone Stute. , under the chnrge of , direct from the Key- Mr. Mr. Carr having spent several years la pre paring themselves for tae Profession of leaching, are now prepared to give entire satisfaction to all those that may entrust their children ia their care. TFRMS: Primiry Department per term twenty-four weeks. 10 00 Common English studies per term twenty four weeks. 15 00 Hither branches - - - weeks. li 00 Students can enter the school at anv time, but will u.l be received Tor less than half a term. No allow ance wiil be made for absence, unless a special ar rangement be made with the directors. Board can be had ou reasonable terms near the school. Although this school is not controlled bv any relig ions sect, yet the strictest morals will bs enforced and good order maintained. H. A.JOIi.NSOS , Sec'y Board of Trustees. Jefferson. Sent. ?0h. 13?. lvS3 Bennett House. Opposite the State House Square, SALEM, OIIEGOX. VIE nndrsienej. having leased the above Hotel will men tne same tiie 1st dav of September next. The lesees Irom a tnorouira naowieuse oi meir oum- r.e.- ran nromise their natrons accommodations equal if not snuerior to the best Hotel in Oregon, while the t.tble will be furnished, at all seasons, wits the bast a "iber.il market affords. Gentlemen traveling with their families will Una at this Hotel, rxiim esneciallv fitted up for their nse. The situation of t'lis Hotel gives it superior advanta ges over any otner Hotel in tne city. I. It AK!II1.: . WM. D.STOWEU. Augiist 23, H5". ' 3m25 City Book Store, Corvallis, 0. T. THE undersigned has now on hind, and is constant ly receiving a targe and vaiied assortment of Mis cellaneous and Standard books, school books, statione ry of all kinds, and all other articles usually found in a book store, all of which will be disposed of at the lowest prices. Persons desiring anytnmg in mv line, ul a '5 wen to give me a can. 31. 11. or.LL. Corvallis, Sept. 14. 1S59. 27tf Livery and Sale Stable ..AT.. CORVALLIS, OREGON. jJC.t THE subscriber would respectfully Isform ,?i the Dublic that he will on or about the 2oth of September, open a new LIVERY AND S ALE STA- ... ,, 1 1 ;,t 1 1 ... r : u BLb in corvallis, wnere ue win ue prruareu intuitu a tine turnouts as can be found in this Territory. He will have single an J double buggies, and carnages, with splendid carriage and saddle horses. He will also buy and sell stock, and in fact attend to all business per taining to the livery business. His stable will be the best in all respects that can be found in the Willamette Valley. Particular httention paid to keeping Horses by tbe day or week. W.C. RIGG3. Corvallis, oepv. a. isos. . o Latest from Frazier River. THE undersigned having established perma- yg jnsnent Nursery, at Silverton. Marion Co., 14 miles east of Salem, offers for sale, the ensuing " season 50.000 of the following varieties of Fruit Trees : Apple, Winter, lf.low.N.l. Pippin... lO.Ouli Winesan '. 8.000 White Winter, Pearmain 4.000 EsopnsSpitzenburg 4.000 Genniton, z.000 and other varieties, such as Hubbardson's Nunsach Gol den Rnsett. R:mbo, Smith's rider. Gravenstein Red June. Carolina June, Ac, Ac. My trees are from one to three years growth of the largest siie. I have a fair assortment of pears, and alse a small lot of LAWTON BLACKBERRY, wnicn 1 will sell on reasonaoie terms. H. J. GEER. Silverton, Aug. 24. 1838. w25tf C. A. KMr.. BE!, STRANG, Reed & Strang, DEALERS IN STOVES A Tin Ware, p.tints, oils, glass. Window shades, wall paper and bonier, hard ware and cut lery, every variety of tin plate and copper; work promptly attended to; directions given to our custom ers for mixing paints and oils, without charge. August 27, 1858. 25tf Jonas G. Clark & Co., IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURER OF if It UN 3 II IV43, 128 WASHINGTON STREET, . SAN FRANCISCO. TTTE are now manufacturing our FINEST FURNI- V TURK. anil would invite the attention of. the public to our PRESENT STOCK, the largest ever ouered on tue racinc iuasi. JONAS G. CLARK & Co. August 31, 1S58. 3m2."iis Talk About Gold Mines PUTS me in mind that I WANT TO PAT MY DEBTS and cannot do it WITHOUT MOXfV , and if there is any body owing me. (and I think there is,) we would hist say that money we must have, and we would hereby Df itify those indebted to me either by note or book ac count to come forward and pungle otherwise we will have to consign tbem all over to J. D. Boon, who will no doubt make cost on iL 1 ours, resplly. J.A.JOHNS. Salem, Sept. 1, ISJ. 1 2itf Medical. ay Dr.L J. Czapkay's Private MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Sacramento t-treet, lielow Montgomery, oppocite the Pacllic Mail Steamship Company's Oilloe, San Fran cisco. ESTABLISHED IN 154. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OP ALL PRIVATE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. AND THE scrrKK&uos or quack EC t. Attending and Resident Phvsician. "L. J.CZAPKAY. M.D., Late In the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chi-f Phy sician to tho 2Uth Regiment of Honveds, Chief Surceon to the Military Hospital of Pesth. Hungary, aud the late Lecturer on the diseases of Women and Children. Communications stictiy confidential. Consultation, by letter or otherwise, free. Address . Dr. L. J. CZ.tPKAY. San Fnucisco, Cal. lO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. L.J.CZ A PKAY returns his sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage. and would take this opportunity to remind them that he continues to consult at his Institute for the cure of Chronic diseases of the Lungs Xivers.Kidneys.di- gestive and genitive organs, and all private diseases, viz: Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrhoea, gleet, strictures, seminal weakness and all the horrid consequences of self abuse, and be hopes that his long experience and successful practice of many years, will continue to ensure him a share of public patronage Bv the practice of many years in EuroDe and the United States, and daring the Hungarian war and campaigns, he is enabled to apply the most efficient aud successful remedies against diseases of all kinds He uses no mercury charges moderate treats his pa tients In a correct and Honorable sir has references of unquestionable veracity from men of known resuect ability and nign standing in society. All parties con sulting him. bv letter or others-, ise. will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and implicit secresy. To thk Laoies or Onraos asd Caupohnia. L. J Curt at, M. D.. Phvsician Surgeon and Accoucheur .in vites the attention of tbe sick and afflicted females la- borini under anv of the various forms of diseases ol the brain, luncs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid neys, aud all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc tor is efTectiug more pcrraauent care than any other physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy prevent vou. but apply immediately, and save yourself irom paiuiui suueruiK uu I'rcmai'jru acaiu. jiu mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circunf-lances prevent an increase in their families should write or call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Medical In'titute Sacramento St.. below Montgomery, opposite P. M. S.S. Co s ofli'-ejind they will receive every p-sihle relief and help. The Doctor s Ollices are so arranged that he can be consulted wittinut molestation. r.'nu sj Al consultations (by letter or otherwise.) free. Address to l'It-L. J. CZArivAx. Medical Institute. San Francisco, CaL IV KM ARK ABLE INSTANCE OF MEDICAL P.E LI tr. Below we publish the certificates of two of the sufferers from the panrs of disease, who having recovered tbeir former health, and impelled by grati tude, make known their eases and remedial agent, ssd their statements are authenticated by a Notary Public. 1 he demands or society imperiously command their publicity, and we commend their perusal ta the a'.tcn t:on of ail amxiea : CERTIFICATE. The undersigned, desirous of acquainting those who may be unlortunate euougn to be similarly afflicted where a permanent relief of their suffering may be obtained, feels it his duty to thus publicly express his most sincere gratitude to Dr. L. J. Csapkay. for the dernianent recovery of his health. Biriie down by the distressing symptoms incident to the vicious practice vf micoutruiabie passion in voutn : expressed in bodyand Kind; unatie to penorm even tne most trilling duty imposed upon the daily avocations of life. I sought tbe 1 vice of many physicians, who at first regarded my disease as of tr.tiiuj.' importance bet aia ; altera few weeks, and in several instances mouths, ol their treat ment, I found to my unutterable horror, tbnt instead of relief, tlie symptoms l-ecaine mere alarming in their torture : and beine, U'ld by one taat mv disease, being principally confined to the brain, medicine would be of little consequence. 1 despaired cl ever regaining my health, strength and energy : and. as a list resoit. and with but a jMnt hope, called upon Dr. Caapkay. who, after examining my case, prescribed some medicine wnich almost instantly relieved me of the dull pain and dnrzmess in my bead. Kncouraged by ttiis result I resolved to place myself immediately under his care, and bv a strict oleuience to his directions and advice, my head became clear, my idfs collected, the constant nam in mv back and groins, the weaknessof mv limbs tbe nervous reaction of mv whole body on the slight est alarm or excitement: the misanthropy and evil forebodings: the self distrnft and want of confidence in others: the incapacity to study, and want of resolu tion; the frightful, exciting, and at times pleasurable dreams at night, followed bv involuntary discharges, have all disappeared; and in fact, in two months after having consulted the Doctor. I feit as if inspired by a new life that life which, hot a short time ago, 1 con templated 10 end wan mv own mod. With a view to guard the unlortunate from falling into the snares of incompetent Quacks. I deem it mv d'ltv to offer this testimouy to the merit aud skill of Dr. Czapksy, and recommend him to ail who may stand in need of medical advice, being assured by my own exierience, that once under his care, a radical and permanent cure will be effected. B. F. FH.LMORE. " State or California. Conuty of San Francisco. Sub- scriied and sworu to before me, this 1 7th day of April, A. D. 156. (Signed) JOHN MIDDI.ETON. t-S Notary Public. CARD. Prompted by sn honest desire or my heart. I wish to lay before tbe public a rase which deserves a high com mendation, not onlv as an act vf scientific skill, but that of humanity, also. About two years ago, I sod denly and from causes unknown to me, was seized with a fit of epilepst. which, owing to mv inability to meet the expenses consequent npon a thorough medical treat ment, and the discouragement wmcu 1 met wim nn attempting it, soon became such (as I was then led to lielieve.) as to defy the skill of any physician. I was frequently, while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down to the ground without the slightest warning, and al though iusensible to the agouies.yet I despised the mis ery of my exUtence. While in this state, and having previous to my aillction tasted the sweets of life, 1 once more was induced to attempt seeking aid of a physician, and, by reeommeudation, called upon Dr. L. J. Czap ksy. I told him my circumstances, and my inability to reward him for liis services regardless 01 wnicii however, he at once undertook my case, and with the blessing of God, I wasouce more restored to perfect health. Lnable to reward mm tor tne boon wnich enjoy at present, and vet conscious of my indebted ness. I consider it due to myself and to all afflicted, to make the case public, in order that those in need of medical advice may find physician iu whom every confidence can be placed. METER YABLONSKT. L.S. Stale of California. I County of Ban Francisco, ( Suliscribed and sworn to before me this first day of August, A. D. 1S56. GtLBKitT A. Grant. Notary Public, l. s. SPERMATORRHEA, or Local Weakness.nervons de bility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the limbs and back, indisposition and incapacity for labor and study, dullness of apppetite. loss of memory, aversion to society, love of solitude, timidity. self-distrust, dizainess, headache, pains in the side, affection of the eyes, pim ples on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man, are cured withoutfail by the justly celebrated physician and surgeon. L. J. Czapkay. His method of curiug diseases is new (nnknown to others) nnd hence tbe great suc cess. All consultations, by letter nr otherwise, free. Address, L. J.CZAPKAY.M.D.. San Francisco. Cal. The Greatest Discovery of the Age. GREAT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! DR. CZAPKAY'S PBorHiLACTIcTM, (self-disinfeo-ting agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea! and Sjiphilitic diseases, and a ceitain and unsur passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, fipted discharges from vagina, uterus and iirelhra. and all cutanous eruptions and dis eases. As innoenlation is preventive ngainstsmall po. so is Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticum a preventiveagainst Svphilitio and Gonorrheal diseases. Harmless in it self, it possesses the power of chemically destroying the svpliilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of debauchees from being infected by the most loathsome of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates health lie withont Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticum. It is in very convenient packages, and will be round cnn: veiiient for use, being used as a soap. Price, ti. For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Private Medical and Surgi cal Institute, Sacramento St., below Montgomery, oppo site P. M. Co's. office, San Francisco. All letters must be addressed to'L. J. Czapkay, M.D., San Francisco. DrTlTj. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medicaland Surgical Institute, Sacramento St., below Montgomery oppo site Pacilic Maill Steamship ('o-'sOfllce, San Francisco. The Doctor offers free consultation, and asks no remu neration unless he effects a cure. Oflice hours from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. CERTIFICATE. I the undersigned. Governor or Hungary, do testify hereby.that Dr. L. J.Cxapkay has sei ved during Uncon test for Hungarian lilierty , ns Chief Surgeon in the Hun garian army ."with faithful perseverance whereof I have riven him this certificate, and do recommetM him to the sympathy, attention and protection or all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice, and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOSr Governor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan. 6, 1851 Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond ing please enclose $10 in their letters, and they will tret 'immediate attention to their cases. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M. IK, an Francisco, Cal. October, 1?58- . S32 Pacific Foundry AUD MACHINE .SHOP SAN FRANCISCO. Established 185 U. rfHE above establishment is believed to have facili- I lies lor tne uiauuiacture or every description 01 CASTINGS AND MACHINERY superior to any other on the Pacific C0.1 .t. . Every kind of SAW and FLOUR MILL MACHINE RY. Si EAM ENGINES, Ac. ic., made at short notice and in the most workmanlike manner. We manufacture a style of Shingle Machine, at moderate cost, which we believe to be mare efScient than any other in use. Orders are particularly solicited irom uregon ara Washington Territories, wlii'Ji will have the same au thority as though the parties were personally preseut. UUIIUAKU, UASM.UJ1 X l.AArvl.Ai, late Ooodakh a co San Francisco, Aug. Id, 1853. 6m23. New Arrival of Jewelry, &c. JUST FROM SAX FRANCISCO. r ROSENTHAL informs his patrons and frieuds, that he has just returned from San Francisco with a select assortment of Jew elry, Musical lustrumeuts, Cutlery, etc., and oOers them for sale at his store on Front street. jaar One door below Dr. Coombs' oQce.E JEWELRY. Gold and Silver watches; Gold and Silver chains; Gold bracelets; Gold ear-rings; Gold breastpins; Gold Bnger rings; Lockets; Gold pens and pencils; Gold sleeve buttons; Silver and Plated ware: fancy goods and penuiuery. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Guitars. Violins. Flutes. Fifes: a Urze assortment of Acco'rdeons, 1 .atl.es' work boxes of ail kmdj. Gold and Silver siiectacles. Gold and Silver spoons, Cutlery, Clocks an endless variety, ice, &c. v atcnes, Clocks and Jewely repaired, and ail kinds oi jewelry made tooroer. 07-All of my work warranted- w-Don'tfbrgct-'The Sign of the Big Watcn."T Corvallis, Oct. 24.1857 3Jtr Lumber! Lumber ! DU BELLE'S Patent, Floating. Steam Saw and Planing Mills. The proprietor or these Mills is pleased t) inform the inhabitants cf the Willamette Valley, that he intends to visit every town on the upper n illamette river, between Oregon City and Harris burg, for the purpose of sawing, plauiug, tongue and grooving lumber of every description. Having au improved tire foot circular saw. and one of Woouivorlh's latest patent tongue A grooviuK ma chines, (aud experienced men to ran them.) he is pre pared lo nunc uei:er luniner, and more oi is in a dav than any other Mill on the upiter Willamette. Being located iu fcalem. lor tne summer. Lie will be prepared to leave the first of the fail for any point on the river, where lumber is wanted. Aud having made arrangements with the steamers plvitig cn the npper Willamette, he wiil be prepared to send dressed, tongned A grooved lumber, to any point on tue river wcere tne steamers stop. All orders tor lumber of every description will re ceive prompt attention and qnick dispatch. Canietiters' orders for lumber such as dressed stuff for window frames, cornice boards, shelving, and coun ter boards, doors, and doorframes, Ac, dressed and edged on both sides from 2 to 14 inches in width, and I to 'i inches In taitkness. Also, oak, ash, and nianle plank, suitable for wagon ana caomei matters use; inraisned a: snort notice. ti. Al. uu KtLi-t;. Fropnetor. Salem. June 16, 1-553. lotf The City Book Store. W. KENYON & Co., H AYE RECEN TLY EST A BLIS H ED A N'EWBOOK nish all kinds of School aud Miscelaneuus Books, aud Stationary at rtriurrd pivet. Our stock is t .and is being increased weekly, witn Iresn arrivals. n e are prepared to furnish new and rare Korki, as earlv as can be done bv anv house in Oregon. 1 kacbeks can be furnished at reasouable rates, by tne quautitr. inosewisnmg anvtningin oar line would do wen to give ns a call at the Cite Book Store in the .Vrtr Build trig nnder Kenyon a f hotorapbic and Amorotrpe Gallery. r. J..N O.N Co. Salem. March, 1558. 5-".f Books. Books. TTT K.SMITH Co. have recently received a large M invoice of bocks, direct from New York, which they offer for sale at reduced prices. They wiil be con stantly receiving additions to their stock, and will keep on band every article in that line, which tne wants ol the country require. Oue t-fthe firm will visit the States in t.ie spring, after which they will keep a fall assortment oi LAWAXD MEDICAL BOOKS, in addition to miscellaneous and school books. Their present stock includes all tbe different kinds of school books used in tne country, and a great variety oistend ard scientific and miscellaneous works, all of which will be soid at greatly reduced prices, to make room for new ones on the way. They also have and will continue to keep a complete assortment of stationery, slates, pencils, pens, ink, and fancy articles. Store near the bridge, south end of Commercial street. Saiem,Dec.2,lS57. 42tf G. A. Ada 31. Weed, Physicians. FFER their professional services to the citizens o! YJ Salem, and vicinity. They will practice the H vgeo Medical (better known as Hydropathic system: be lieving asl urugs to be not only unne.e&ary in tne successful treatment of diseases. but injurious to the constitution of tbe patient, and relying catirely upon Hygenic appliances. "Special attention will be given to obstetrics, and those diseases peculiar to women and children by Mrs. Meed. References: Drs. R. T. Trail and O. W. May of N X. City. Or. G. At. Bourne of ban r raucisco. Office at City Book sture. Saiem. Oregon, July 30, 21U Gold! Gold! rPHK undersigned wull inform their friends and JL customers that they expect t j associate with tbem iu business. Mr. B. r . Brown on the 1st ot beptemoer next, consequently the old firm wilt be closed, and we would resoecUuliV invite all those who kuow them selves indebted to call aud settle either by note er cash cash preferred. ery respectiullv, W. C. ORIS V"OLD CO. Julv21.155S. 2otf C. B. Pillow. TEALER in clocks, watches and Jewelry. Sa- lem. O. T. Particular attenuou paid to the repairing of watches and clocks. All work war ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. FOR SALE : Watches and clocks, 8 day striking clocks at a very low price ; also 50 hour marine clocks. JEWELRY. Ladies and gents Brooches, Finger Rigs.Ear Rings uold Buckles, wuard vnaius,x-c, &c Salem. July 6, 1857. 17tf WANTED. AGENTS in Oregon and Washington Territories, and California, to sell my Eclectic Linivirnt. 1 wiil psy a premium of fifty dollars to tue Agent who wiil sell the greatest amouut of Linimeut from the brst of June next, isoti. nntil tne ioiiowiog June, i-vy. ena on your orders for the Linimeut; I will pay all freight, charges, on tbe Liniment sent to Agents, therefore no Agent will be at any expense in receiving it. The Agents are to sign a receipt or pay for the medicines wuen sold. Tbe price ol Aauimeui is 1 uu per dozen JUtl.N HAtiUKUlI;, ly5 2d St., Corvallis, Oregon w. s. ladd, Portland. J. w. laud, San Francisco W. S. Ladd &. Co. Shipping and ComwuMsum Merchant, Portland. Oregon LI BER AL advances made on all consignments of Or egon produce. Messrs Wakeman, irtinou A Co., Ao. Ti, South street, New York, will receive and for ward all goods and machinery, addressed to our care via Mu r ranuisco, vr uirect to Oregon. Jan. 1.158. f J. JL. Coombs. M. D., CORVALLIS, O. T. GENERAL practitioner of medicines, Surgery, Ac. Tue lnnnuary is still attached to his oilice, lor the accommodation ol patients not affected by contagious disease. s" Statutes of Oregon, CAN be fouiid at John Fleming's, Oregon City; and at A. R. Siiipley'a, Portland. But tew copies are lelt. Juue 29, lf5S. Attention Farmers. TTTE will pay the highest market price "in caan n"for VV wheat. BEACH I BEACH A HOGL'E. E. Pelton, Geo. IT. Jones k Co., SELL EXCHANGES on New York, in amounts to suit purchasers. . Salem, May 17, 1858. 10tT CAROLINA rice, and syrun to sweeten it in 5 gallon kexs.at 421 j W. K. SMITH A Co a. SALT, sal soda, aud sassafras, at (42tf) W. K. SMITH A Co's. PICKLES and pepper paper, at 42UT sauce, wash-boards and sand W. K. SMITH A Co s. PURE WINES and liquors for medicinal purposes, at 42tfl W. K. SMITH A CVa. . FREKCH merinos, and alpacas, at t!2tfl W.K.SMUH4;Co. E8TRAY NOTICE8 fThe charge for estrav notices la one dollar, for eactl animal advertised. No notice will appear until paid1 . nnere uo money, or lesstnan tne correct tmoioi sent with an estrav notice, the notice will ant be published nntiltbe full amount is received.) rTIAKEX CP. by the subscriber, living one mile east L of Corvailis, Llau Co., Orleans precinct, two yoke of oxen, one white and red pided, marked nndsrslope and opperbit in left ear, and nnderslope in right ear; one speckled ox, nnderbit in right ear, branded J It on tbe shoulder, supposed to be five and seven years old; also, one red and white ox. marked with crop and underbit In eacti ear. one Mack ox, crop ctr tbe right and nnderslope of tbe left ear. supposed to be seven and eight years old. branded U ft on the shoul der, also, oue blue nx, marked swaUow-fcrk in eacb ear, branded J D on the shoulder. CHARLES MULKRY. Rept.2.18r,a. 2w3J rpAKEN UP, by tbe subscriljer, living in Centre JL bend, between crescent and irenton rerry s. on precinct, Urnpqua comity, Oregon, one stag, abt ' or 8 years old, color mostly black, wan some wnite pots, the points of Imrus sawed off. marked with m nootn crop on tne ngnt ear. and upper aau crop on the left, no brands perceivable. A.O. LAil'OJ. Sept. 2, 1858. JwJl ' IA KEN UP, by the subscriljer. living 7 miles s. e. of J. Salem, one brown Indian horse, supposed to be 9 years old. some saddle marks, a small white spot in the forehead, aud one on the nose; about 11 hands high, nd branded one the left shonlder HR S. ANDREW EMERICK. Oct- 16, 159. 2w32 rj 'AKEN UP, by the subscriber, residing 1 mile eat A of Salem, oue roan more, blaze face, left hind foot white, a scar on the hock; no other marks perceiv--able. BENJAMIN STANTON. October 6, K'. 2w32 TAKEN UP. by the subscriber, living in the Fofks of tbe Sankam, Linn Co., one steer supposed to be 2 years oid, brindie sides, white back and beily. some wliite ia tbe face over tbe left eye, marked hole in each" ear, no other marks or brands perceivable. Sept. 12. 19$9. 2w32 fsAKhJH L r. bv tne snttscnocr. living, living atLe- JL land creek houe, Josephine Co.. on the 4ta day of Septeaioer. WiS. one briudie steer, four years old. has a smooth crop off the left bip. Also one red Spanish steer. 3 years old. marked with a half erorp o botn ears, and branded witn rl on tne ngnt n;p Also, one white face cow. 7 or 8 years old, has a smooth crop and enderbit ont of the right ear. brand ed with a C on tbe right Sank. Also, one black borse pony, 7 or 8 years old, some white on the forehead, and a snip on the nose, both hind feet, and the right fore foot white., no brands perceivable. T ft OGOOU A HA Kb. fciS Sept. 4. 1?5S. 2wJl riAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living in Linn Co.. JL when berding cattle tear the foot of Mt. Hood on the east aide, on the tributaries of Olney's creek, a distance from any settlement of twelve or fifteen miles, one black horse, sopnosed to be 5 or 6 years old, about fifteen hands high, the right fore foot white nearly tij the pastern joint, a few white hairs in bs forehead, no other fleb marks perceivable: branded on the right shoulder E ahd on the left shnclder tbca. 9;. and the appearance ef being branded on an elder brand. JONATHAN KEENEY. Oct. 2. 1S5. JwJl rTVAKEN UP. by tiie subscriber. living eight mile JL from Milwaukee, on the road leading to Philip Fosters, in Rock creek precinct, Clackamas co., one white raire, no marks or brands perceivable, supposed to be about twelve years oid, said snare came here aboct the middle of May last, and was taken np on the t!i of October. 2558. S. P. G1LLILAND- Oct. tth. 155S. 2w31 ryiAKEN UP. by tbe Subscriber, living one mi'm 1 sonta of Conser s Terry, in unn Co., one ciacc mare male, branded on the left hip with a Y, on the left shoulder H B. no other brands perceivable, has a running sore cn the right jaw. said mole is old, and has been running in the vicinity about &ix months. rk . T-fT. i.i- r.n- Oet.3d.15j9. 2w3l rrtAKEX UP. by the subscriber, living in Peoria pre- JL cinct. Linn Co, one bay mare, eirat or nine year old. with a spot in her face, and left hind foot white a brand on the left thonlder, resembling a horse ?hxe, and X T on the left bip ; said mare came tn my prem ises in May last. . J. a. WKOjMi. Sept. 9, 185-"; 2w31 f"AKEN I P. fcy the subscriber, living 7 miles soutn JL west of Corvai'is. Benton Co., one brindie cow. S or 4 years old, marked slit is each ear, nnderbit in the right". A No, one red-sided cow, line back white face some indistinct brands, 3 or 4 years cl i. J. M. MOKl'.IS. Sept.23.lS3-. 2w31 Straw Cattle. SEVERAL head of cattle have strayed from my premises, branded and marked as fol lows: ur curt, crop and sin in tne ngai, and aaiier bit in the le:t, horn mark, the tips of the boms sawed off, and branded with the letter V on back part of the right born; tbe horn marks on some of the vcung catt'ie may be defaced by tbe pealing of tbe boras; there is also a brand on tbe left bip intended for J F B: some of them are badly scarred in brand ing. Any person having knowledge of the whereabout of the above described cattie sbail be amply rewarded for Ms trouble, if be will drive tnem to my place, or give roe information of their whereabouts. My post-- oSce is Albany, Linn Co., O T. i u. unit nji. Albany, Angn SS. lo!. 3m27 Mules Lost!! STRAYED or stolen from the subscriber, from Sa lem, on Friday nizht last, two borse males; one a verv btrge dark bay mule, about IS hands high, brand ed A on the hip. left fore foot has been corked, and looks bad. 1 be otner a light bar, about 141-1 nana high, has a R rnsn nose. B jti are shod ail ruaad, and hid heavy leather halters on. It any o-ie a.nn Bid tnem. please deliver taeaa to JOHN BASH. Aiem, who will pay him liberally for' their trouole. PRIOR F. BLAIR. Salem. Jane 21. l5s. 16tf Strayed, TROM F. E. E!dridces farm on French Pra:- JU r"ie. six or wore bead of rattle, branded . on tbe left bin with a brand resembling two , . , - i 1- . l. V. T! A.. : - ...uc.&A n- return them to Mr. EidridC, who will reward them for their trouble. WM. TICHENOU. Sent. 30. 1SK3. 3ftf To Indian Department Claimant. HAYING been appointed, by the Secretary cf th . Interior, commissioner 'o audit and state."' the cl-iims against the Indian service in Oregon Territory . originating during the year ending the 30th of June. 1S5;, I have opened an office in the room occupied by the Quarter-master General in this place, where all per--sons holding fnch claims are notined to present the? same, for examination and auditing, at as early a day as possible. Proof is required in every case. C. H. MOTT, Commissioner. Salem. Sept. 14, 1558- 27tf Oregon Times and Christian Advocate, Portland. and Sentinel. Jacksonville, wiil please copy one month and send account to this office. Piano Fortes FROM W. H. Hall A Son's mannfactory 339 Broad way, N. York, sold at their prices with freightadd ed. Also, Prince A Co Melodeons. Call aud we wiil show yon a list of prices and sample of their work. GEO. H. JONES, Agent. Salem . May 17. 1 5e. I'tf Lager Beer. THE undersigned is manufacturing at the OR- EGON CITY BREWERY a superior article! of Iji!?er Beer, as good as any in tbe country. Always on hand and prepared to 611 orders, at home or from a distance. LOUIS BEHREN3. May 5. ms. 9tf Window Sash -1 LAZED, and common sixed nnglazed. just received T from the Portland sash ractiry. ana ior sie now for cash, at REED A STRANG'S. August 27, 19 5S. 2otf Wall Paper and Border. A LARGE and splendid assortment of wall paper and border, oil. painted window shades, an J paper window curtains may be found, and for sale very low, 2Mf REED STRANG'S. Paint Your Houses. B EST boiied and raw linseed oil, and purs white lead for sale at Portland prices, at 25 tf REED A STRANG'S. Force Pump. A FEW more left, at r Call soon. 25tf REED A STRANG'S. Blanks. DEEPS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of scrip, tax receipts, final proofs, and notifications a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman; Office. July 27.157. , 2tf w. s. ladd, Portland. i. w. iadd, San Francisco, W. S. jLadd - Co. tMPORTERS and dealers in Wines, Liquors, and Gro- X ceries, Portland, urego Jan. 1. 1S58. 4tr Ricnards & 3IcCrak.en TTJILL pay particular attention to the sale of fraifc V V on consignment, during the coming season. Portland. Jnne 15, 1&58. 4ml5 Varnishes OF every description, at ?stf REED A STRANG'S. Window Glass. T7ROM 8 X 10. to 36 X 56 always on hand at' that tin shop: call ana see. REED A STRANG'S. GR1 ND stones, with patent bashings, for sale cheap at astf REED A STRANG'S. rrtHE best black tea too ever saw, at Jl UttfJ W. K. SMTTH A Co's. LAMP oil. candles, andeweet oil, at llitfl W.K.SXlTHACo'j,