The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, October 05, 1858, Page 4, Image 4

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    Hirer, at the present established ferrlea on
thoae rifert, to Ft. lUnrlall, Nebraska Tcr.
From Den Moines br Mitchell, Qreencas
tle, EJenrile, Starry Urove to Marietta.
From Ft. Dodge to Sioux Falls, Miune
ota. From Ft. DoJpe op wet fork of the Dcs
M-inea ltier to Spirit lke.
From Greenfield bj Itolidaj'a and Tier
on'i mill to Adell.
From Harlin Tia Waokon, New Galena.
Dorchester, Portland Prairie, Minnesota,
and Caledonia to lkownsville.
From Iowa Falls, tia Alden, Otiavile,
Fry-burg, Belmont, Bar Oad Grove, Fore6t
citj to Bine Earth city, Minnesota.
From Iowa falls via Belmood to Clear
Lake citr.
From Leon via Stanley's store, Spring
Vailey to Nine Eagles.
From Lewis i& Wheeler's GroTe, Farm
creek, Silver creek to Glen wood.
From DloomGcld to Lancaster, Missouri.
From Bradford to llo kford.
From Cedar falls by Wiloujrhby, Butler
centre. Bear Grove, Majsvile, Hampton,
Saratoga, Belmont, Irvington to Algona.
From Dyersvile, by llovkrile, llopkinton
to Anamosa.
From Independence by Chatham, Fair
bank, Rock's settlement to Fredericksburg.
From Jobnsonjiort by Rosville, Cleave
land, Lybraud, Postvilie, Clearmonnt to
West Union.
From Landing to Twine Spring, in Win
neshiek county.
From Magnolia by Preparation, Belvi
dere. Smithland to Sioux city.
From Monticello by New Buffalo, Mc
Queen's mill to Paris. "
From Mt. Vernon by New London, Tad
dington to Clark's ford.
rrom Hock ford to Rock Grove city.
From Roil ford by west side of She! rock
river, Nora Springs to Shell Rock falls.
From Webster by Peck's, Cooper's, In
dianapolis to Hopewell.
From West Union by Wapsi, Buck Run,
Martinsbnrg to Waverly.
From Belmond by Liberty, Dacotah city
to Packard's settlement, on the Sioux.
From Walnnt fork by Madison, and the
centre of Jones county to Cascade.
From Webster city by Dacotah city, Pa
oli, Irish colony to Spirit Lake.
From Webster city by Cropper's G rove
to Mankato, Minnesota.
From Wett Liberty by Tike to Tort Al
len. From Ft. Dodge by Emmett city, thence
to Odessa, in Minnesota, thence by Otesco,
Chrystal Lake city to Maukota.
From McGregor to Otratonna, in Minne
sota. From Sioux city via lower crossing of big
Sioux river, the mouth of Vermillion river,
present crossing of James river and Choteau
creek to the Indian Agency on the Yancton
Sioux Reserve and Ft. Randall.
From Sionx city by Sioux Falls to the
month of Snake river.
From Fort Randall, Nebraska Territory,
via the month of Crow River, passing vn
the east side of the Missouri to the mouth
of Little Medicine Knobb river.
From Sioax falls to Ft. Randall.
From the month of James river via Blue
Earth, Rocky Hill, Sandy llill to Wakau
dapi liills.
From Neobrara Tia Ponka Reserve to
Cbinnej Rock.
From Sioux city, Iowa, via Neobrara to
Ponka Reserve, I t. Randall and month of
Whit Earth river.
From Westport, (Mo.) via Shawnee,
(Kansas Territory,) Lexington, Franklin,
Lawrence, Kanwaka, Lecompton, Big
Springs, Tccumseb, and Topeka, to Iu
dianola. From Westport, (Missouri,) via Olatka,
(Kansas Territory,) San Bernard, Prairie
city, and Ottowa creek to Sac aud Fox
From Westport, (Missouri,) via Paola,
(Kansas Territory,) Ossawatomie, Miami
village, Centrevile, Sagar Mound, Carbon
dale, and Little Osage, to Fort Scott.
From Westport, (Missouri,) to Spring
From Westport, Missouri,) via Blooro
iagton, Paris, and Sugar Mound, to Cofa
chique. From Sngar Mound, via Paris and Brook
lin, to Wettport.
From Butler, Missouri, viaMenrka, Kan
sas Territory, Shannon, Hyatt, Hampden,
Burlington, Ottnmwa, California, Italia,
and Emporia, to Council Grove.
From Fort Scott to Marmaton.
From Ft. Scott to Catholic Mission.
From Ft. Scott to Crawford Seminary,
, From Ft. Scott, via Barnesvile, to West
From Ft. Scott to Ft. Union.
From Ft. Scott to Mapleton.
From Ft. Scott to Ft. Atkinson.
From Ft. Scott, via Breckiuridgc, (Mis
aoori,) Hard Wood, Medoc, Carthage,
Neasho, Harmon's Mill, Elkridffe, Pinevile,
and White Rock Prairie, to East Beuton
vile. From Ossawatomie to Walker.
From Leroy to Belmont.
From Leroy to Hampden.
From Leroy to Pleasant Grove.
From Council Grove, via Kenton and Ri
ley city, to Riley.
From Council Grove, via Orleans, Italia,
Columbia, Leroy, Neosho Falls, Cofachiqui,
to Fort Scott.
From Topeka, via Waubansee, Beandale,
and Ashland to Ft Riley.
From Ossawatomie, via Walker, Shanon,
to Neosho.
From Ossawatomie via Sbnmansville and
Ohio city, to Sac and Fox agency.
From Paoli, via Ossawatomie, Blooming
ton, and Paris, to Sugar Mound.
From Shumansrile, via Shannon, to Cofa-
From Richardson, Tia Italia, to Colum
From Sac and Fox ajrenev to Lerov.
From Ft. Riley, via Reader, to Vermill
ion city.
From Ft. Riley, via Reader and Vermill
ion city to Marvsville.
From Lawrence, via B'oomington, Rich
ardson, and Italia, to -h-mpona.
From Topeka, via Brownsvile, to Conn
ed urove.
From Topeka, via Brownsvile, Wilming
ton, ana Kansas Ueutre, to imporia.
From Lawrence, via Prairie city, Ottawa
creek, Shannon, Hyatt, and Cofachiqui, to
From Tecumseh, via Richland, to Sac
and Fox agency.
From Tecumseh, Tia Walkamsa city, to
From Lecompton, via Walkamsa, Ottowa
creek, McKioney, and Stanton, to Ossa
From Lecompton to Marysvile.
From Lecompton to Richardson.
From Lecompton, by Davis and Midway
to Paoli. Jl
From Kansas, Missouri, via Wyandotte,
Kansas Territory, Qaindaro, aud Laurence,
to .Lie com p ion.
Froaa Ft. Leavenworth to Taoromee.
From Kansas, Missouri, via Wyandotte,
Qnindaro, and Delaware city to Leaven
worth city.
From Kansas, Missouri, via Oskaloosa,
Kansas Territory, to Ozawkie.
From Leavenworth, via Leavenworth
city, to Lawrence.
From Leavenworth city, via Middletown,
to Lrrompton.
From Leavenworth city, via Nerato,
Kaston, Shields, Ozawkie, Mt. Florence,
lndianola. Silver Lake, St. Mary's Mission,
Hock creek, Manhattan, Ogden, and Fort
Riley, and Kansas Falls, to Buchanan.
From Leavenworth city, via Stanley's,
Moony, Grasshopper Falls, Rock Point,
and Vermillion city, to Dyer's.
From Leavenworth city, via Ft. Leaven
worth, Kickapoo city, Ft. William, Sum
ner, Mount Pleasant, Atchison, Doniphan,
Rock creek, Walnut Grove, and High Laud,
to Iowa Point.
From Independence, (Missouri,) via
Kansas, the settlement at the mouth of 11 u
esfona, on the Upper Arkansas, and Little
Salt Lake settlement, at the head of Nico
let river, ta Stockton, California.
From St. Joseph, (Missouri,) via White
heads, (Kansas Territory,) Rogersville,
and Troy, to Walnut Grove.
From St. Joseph, Missouri, via EI wood,
Kansas Territory, Watbanna, Palermo,
Greary City, Doniphan, and Ozawkie, to
From St. Joseph, Missouria, via, Pontis,
Kansas Territory, Mount Roy, Hamlin,
Central City, Highland, aud Urbaua, to
From Iowa Point to Mount Roy.
From Iowa Point to Swain's store.
From White Cloud to Padonia.
From Marysvile to Nottingham.
From Atchison, via Kennekuk, Burnside,
rowuattan, and Capsiouie, Douipbau, to
From Rubo, Nebraska, to Topeka.
From Rogersvile, via Nebema agency, to
White Cloud.
From Oregon, Missouri, via Iowa Poiut,
Kansas Territory, to Nehema agency.
From Kickapoo city, via Crooked creek,
to G rasshopper Falls.
From Ozawkie, via Pleasant Hill, and
Indiauola, to Topeka.
From Doniphan, via Green Top, to Tlcas
ant Grove.
From West Point to Brooklyn.
From West Point to Paris.
From Walthina to Claytonvile.
From Laurence, via Shields, Torter to
From Topeka, via Grasshopper Falls, to
Frcm St. Joseph, Missouri, to Keneknk.
From Pleasant Hill, Missouri, via Plum
Grove, Spriog Hill, Gareiuer, and Frank
liu to Lawrence.
From Spring Hill, via Shannon, Hyatt,
ana Mantoii, to Neosho city.
From Quindaro, via Shawnee, Olathe,
Paoli, Ossawatomie, Shannon, and Hyatt,
to Burlington.
From Lawrence, via Palmyra, Ohio city,
Deer creek, to Humboldt.
From White Cloud, via Pandonia, Ham
burgh, Central City, Richmond, and Sene
ca, to Marjsville.
Frcm White Cloud to Iowa Point.
From Topeka, via Brownsvile, Wilming
ton, Waushara, Allen, aud Orleans to Ply
From Leavenworth city, via Atchison
Snmner, Doniphan, Palermo, El wood.
White Cloud, Rulo, Nebraska Territory,
Nemaha, and Brownsville, to Nebraska
From Lawrence to Burlington.
From Lecompton, via Bloomington, Ver
eailles. to Italia.
From Emporia, via Bayard, Chelsea, EI
Dorada, to Towtnda.
From Leavenworth City, on the old mili
tary road as now established, via Salt creek
valley. Mount Pleasant, Rusk, Alley's Cuy
uira, Keneknk, Lockuane's Pelmetto, and
Marysvile, to Fort Kearney, (Nebraska
From Topeka to St. Joseph, Missouri.
From Ft. Riley to Gates vile.
From Lawrence, via Big Springs,
Brownsvile, Fremont, Alma, to Ashland.
From Burlington, via Verdigris Falls,
rail river, Jndiau city to El Dorado.
rrom Lawrence, via Centropolis, Sac and
rox Ageucy and Oread, to Burlington
from Sac and rox Agency to Pleasant
From Grasshopper Falls to Hatten.
Fofachiqui, via Belmont, to Pleasant
From St. Joseph, (Missouri,) via Iowa
Point, Mount Roy, Hamlin, Ceutral city, to
r row Leavenworth city, via Oskaloosa.
to Lecompton.
rrom cktport, Missouri, via Spring
Hill, Stantoo, Shumansvile, Grcely, to Ne
osho city.
Iroin fct. Joseph, Missouri, via Uathma,
Winona, Hiawatha, Carson, Central city, to
Marysvile, Kansas.
1 rom W arrensburgh, Missouri, via liar-
risonvile, Paola, to Ossawatomie.
From Mauliattau city to Marysvile.
From El wood to Capioma.
From St. Joseph, (Missouri,) via Pal
ermo, Ueary city, Uompliaii, .Monrovia,
Grasshopper rails, to lopeka.
from &t. Joseph, (Missouri,) via Rush-
vile, via Sumner, Oskaloosa, to Lawreucc.
From Topeka, via Quincy and Eagle city,
Shell Rock Fal s.
From Emporia to Cottonwood Falls.
From Italia, via Council Grove, to Bu
From Warsaw, (Missouri,) Tia Butler,
to Montgomery, Kausas.
From Ossawatomie, via l'aris, to Mont
f rom Atcnisou to v crmimoa city.
From Atchison to De Foe.
From Atchison to America.
From Utchison, via Laucaster, Muscotab,
Eareka, Ontario, aud America, to Vermil
lion city.
From St. Joseph. (Missouri,) and Llwood,
via Kenekuk, to Grassbapper rails.
From Kausas city to r i. Scott.
From Minneopolis via Greenwood, Coca-
to. Forest city and Irving to Breckinridge.
From 1 1. Brits via Blue Earth city to
Albert Lea.
From Honston city Tia Yucatan, and
Highland to Preston.
From Dacotah city Tia Judson, Crystal
Lake city to Blue Earth city.
From Albert Lea Tia Bristol, (Iowa,)
Mason city to Cerro Gordo, Iowa.
From Albert Lea Tia Blue Earth city,
rainbault county, to Winnebago city.
From Traverse des Sioux via bead of
Swun Lake, Lafayette, Ft, Ridgley to Sioux
From Lake City via Mazeppa, Pine Is
land. Mantervile to W assioiah.
From New Ulm via Soda Springs, Oasis,
Mouutaiu Pass to Medary.
From Medary via Flandrean city, Sam
mit city, Sioax falls city, Emineja to Sioux
city, Iowa.
From Medary to Ft. Randal, Nebraska
V T .'sk r sa sit 11 iriaala i
dv vm . s-j w ivuvovvi i
From La Crescent Tia Loretto, Ridgeway,
Farmersvile, Wytoka, Wavland, Wyatts-
vile, Warren, Neoca, Saratoga, Chatfield,
and Marion to Rochester.
Front Caledonia via Sheldon, Yucatan
and Dedham to Rushford.
From Rochester via Marion, Chatfield,
Farmer's Grove and Preston to Carimona.
From St. Peters via New Ulm, Ft. Ridge-
ly, Sioux Agency to Pajutazee.
from Looneyvile via Houston, incatan,
Dedham, Newbury, Senora to Eliota.
From Chatfleld via High Forest, Madi
son, Geneva, Freeborn to Winnebago city.
r rom Shockapee via St. Valentine, Kock
ford, Monticelo to Clear Water.
From Brownsvile via La Crescent, Eagle
Bluff, Dressbuck, Dakota, Richmond, Line
vile, Horner, to Winona.
From Wiuuebago city via Fairmount to
From Glencoe via Hvtchinson, Forest
city, PaynesviU to Clear Water.
From Glencoe via Camden to Waterton.
From Eliota via Granger, Uxbridge,
Forest city, Lime Springs, Chester, Leroy,
Six Mile grove, Otlan Valley, Otranto,
Shell Rock city, Walnut Lake to Blue
Earth city.
From Chatfield via Pleasant Grove, High
Forest to Austin.
From Minneopolis via Wayzata, Water
town, Winestead, Byron and Cedar City to
From Minneapolis to Hudson on the west
side of Minesota river.
From Clear Lake via Clear Water and
Fair Haven to Forest city.
From Faribault via Swaresey and Iasco
to Mankato.
From Owatanna via Clear Lake and Iasco
to Maukato.
From Austin via Genava, Berlin, Otisco,
Wilton and Iasco to St. Peters.
From Wabashau via Dodge City to Mel
From Princeton via Granite city io Crow
From Little Falls via Granite city, Han
over, and StriitgliMir to Fortnna.
From Little Falls via Broltersburg to
Sunrise city.
From Watah, in Benton county, to St.
Joseph, in Steams county.
From St. Cloud via Broltersburg and
Brunswick to rortuna.
From Fuirbault, in Rice county, to Wil
ton, iu aseca county.
From Grey Eagle via Pine Creek I. O.,
to Kulgeway.
From Rochester via Salem, Ashland and
Somerset to Wilton.
From Uedwin&r via Sacramento, Wana-
minjro and Rice Lnke toX)watona.
From Curnion's falls via Wastedn, Ilsder,
Wauauiingo, Cherry Grove and Concord to
From Austin to Blue Earth city.
From Minneapolis via Watertown and
Winstead to Brcckenridge.
From Mouut Vernou to While Water
rrom Geneva, in Freeborn county, to
Freeborn city, in I airbault county.
From Swan River to Long Prairie.
From Blue Earth city to Ft. Dodge, in
From New Ulm via Tattle's Farm to
From Long Trairie to Little Falls.
From Columbus to Cambridge.
From Clear Spring via Clearwater to For
est city.
From Redwing tg Montorvile.
From S;oux falls to Ft. Randall, Nebras
ka Territory.
From the mouth of James River via Blue
Earth city. Rock Hill, Sandy Hill to Wa
kandnpi Hills.
From Eliota via Granger, Uxbridge, For
est city, Lime Springs, Chester, Leroy, Six
Mile Urove, CVdar Valley, Otranto, Shell
Rock City, Walnut Lake to Blue Earth
From Chatfield via Pleasant Grove, High
l'oreit to Austin.
From Minneapolis, Wayzata, Watertown,
instead, Byrou aud Cedar city to Kandi
From Minneapolis to Uudsoa on the west
side of .Minnesota river.
From Clear Laka via Clearwater and
Fairhaven to Forest city.
From Fairbault via Swanzey and Iasco to
From Owatuuna via Clear Lake, Iasco to
From Austin via Geneva, Berlin, Otisco,
Wiltou, Iosco to St. Peters.
I To be continued.
HF.I.KN M. MAHOX r. Joseph W. Mahoo; Petition
Tor dirorve. Tu Jiiteih VV. Malum: Yuu are here
iiy notilieil that unlem you apiear in the V. S. District
l ourt.of the 1st Judicial Iini:t,ol tue territory
Oregon, on the Hrst day of the Term, to be held at
letn, Marion . .. in mid Territory, on toe nntt Mon
day November. 1M, and answer the within conv
plaint, the aame will be taken for confessed, aud the
prayer tucreol win be granted iy me court
I. A. ami i it, i in s Att y.
Kept. 14,1 S.V. w!7
Administrator'! Notice.
NOTICE ia hereby ftiven, that the nndemicned was
appointed administrator or the estate or L W'OSK
si) VfcK, de. eased, l ite of Marion Co., on the 10th day
of Sept. lsjS, therelore all persons owing aaid etale
will please come torwanl aud rauKn payment, ana all
persona having claims acainst aaid estate will present
the Mtrae within one year from this date, to the under
pinned, at his residence near the brick church, in the
trench prairie, that thev may be settled. II so ordered
by the court UAi mtSh: UOYlUlt. Adnilu r,
Sept. 10, 1.K. swi.pmd
Administrator's Notice.
T ETTEI'S of administration haviuir been granted
U to the nndcrsigned. upon the estate ot (J bit) RUE
HO Vl. deceased, late of Salt Creek, Polk Co.. all per
sons knowing !theniselres indebted to said estate, are
reti nested to made immediate payment to r red k Shoe
maker, mv attorney in fart, to whom also all claims
against said estate must be presented within one year
I rom tnis date, or tney will be lore ver debarred.
J AS. U. tAMI'lltLU
September 3. 1'8. 4w27pald
Probate Court Notice.
FIXAL settlement of the estate of MILES WIX
CUESTEK. deceased; whereas, John F. Denny, ad
ministrator of the estate, has Hied his vouchers in the
Probate Court of Marion county, asking for Una) set
tlement of said estite, therefore Monday, the fourth
day of Octoler,lK5r, at the hour of one o clock. P. M.,
said estate wiH come np for final settlement; those in
terested will please take notice.
Septemler 6. ISJS. 4w27naid
TS hereby given that the undersigned has been an
1 pointed administrator, with the will annexed, of
the estate of JOHN MILI.Elt. Sen., deceased, late of
the county o L.inn, and lemtory or Oregon, by the
Probate Court of said county. All persons owing said
estate will please make immediate payment, and those
baivng claims against said estate must present tbcin
wiimu ine ume preacrioeu Dy law.
GEO. W. MILLER, Admin'r.
Sept. . 1S8. 4w27paid
TS hereby given that the undersigned has been ap-
L pointed, by the Probate Court, ol the county of
Linn, and Territory or Oregon, administrator ot the
estate of JOHN M1LLEK. Jan., deceased. late of said
county. AH persons indebted to said estate, are re
quested to make immediate payment, and all oersoua
having claims against said estate, are requested to pre
sent Luem wiuuu us uine prcscrosra oy law.
GEO. W. MILLER, Admin'r.
Sept. , 1858. 4wt7naid
War Scrip,
TTOI.DERS of War Scrip can secure the services of
11 e.. l-eiion. yeo. ii. jones Co., to present their
papers n nasuingvon ior payment. Keceipta given
lor trie papers auu cwn nuvances maue in some caseR,
Office at itarnum nson s utw omce.
Salem, March 23, 1858. 2tf
rrvHB best black tea you ever saw. at
X Ctl W. K. SMITH A Co's.
LAM P oil , candles , and sweet oil , at
(42trj W. K. SMITH A Co's.
Itlchardft Jfc McCraken,
concussion riERCHArrrs
i NDJohheraln ORKUON PRODUCE of every de-1
A. aerintion. No. 41 Bacramento at., (Fire-Proof
Store,) San Francisco. ...
B -j-Da niffutnit maraes pnw pmu ior riurniivn.
ar l.llMiral advance mane on oonsignnienta.
BW Orders for Oregon trade promptly attended to.
Office in Portland, upper wharf boat.
jambs K-atca. aim, onn cs,
San trancieo. for nana, irrrgon.
Juna il, HUM. lyli
The Peoples' Drui Store,
r. v. raLMKR. nanav a. irrirr.
"EEP the purest and best preparation In the Img
V liie. Cologne and perluineries of the highest
order. hlahlT scented toilet soap, hair oil. Ink, pens,
letter nauar. fancy note paiier aud enveloos. ueiicils.
Ac., ., to wliii u wa beg lueaiienuonoi etervixxiy.
August 14, IMoH. yi
. John R. Foiter.
Importer and Dealer la
MECHANICS' TOOLS, Farming implement;
&c, Ac., Ac.
Front street, Portland, Oregon.
February. 1338. 48tf
Albaiir llook Store.
TUB nndrrsigned would Inform the cltlien of t.inn
C.. and the public generally, that they have just
reeelvtd. and will keep constantly on h md, for sale, a
large assortment of sch'tnl bonks In common ae, and
also a variety of miscellaneous books, stationery, Ac.
llAL.r.1 iiii'f n.
Albany, Oregon, July 1, 18S8. xf
llof le Sitea,
PnVSICIAXS ANU8URr.F.ON3,woald respectfully
inform the clliien of Polk Co., and vicinity, that
they ha entered into copartnership for tha pntrtice
of inedi :lue, surgory, and obstetrics. Otnce, Dallas,
Polk. Co. J. W. U .vie, II. P.. for the present will tie
found at his residence, 3 mile east of Dallas.
Juueli, l!U. liM
D. William Donthit,
Will practice In the Bnpreme and District Courts
of this State.
nr Office over Starr's Tin Store. Fmntstreet.-va
Stf Portland, Oregon.
J. Fie iu ins;.
AT the Oregon City, Post Office Building, has Just
received, direct from New York, lit" copies of
IHiwnina s Fruit and Fmtt Trees or America, revised
and enlarged. for s47--tlie latent published edition of
this valuable work. He has also on hand, a good stork
of miscellaneous booktand stationery, for sale on term
to suit the times.
Oregon City, Dec. 13, 1 857. tltf
W. W. Page.
L land. O. T. Jotf
R. K. Crinrr,
Alhany.O.T.Feb..l8S8. 4tf
Dr. 8. It.,
Salem, November 9, 137.
William C. Clriawold fc Co.,
w.c. omswoi.n, 2tf c. . woodwoktb.
Medical Notice.
rTMIE suhscriher. would inform the inhabitants that he
X Is at his old stand, ready to attend to all calls in
hi profession ; also be has on hand a well selected
stock of K let tic concentrated Medicines, with a well
asorted supply of Syringes, alt of which he will dispose
of on reasonable terms. W.VVAKItKN.
Salem December J, 1858. Sstf
Bfditjl Notice.
DR. R. W. SHAW. lateofSan Francisco, California,
offers his profession! services to the citisens fo
Suient and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share to
public favor.
tr iimce at Kced and I enow drag store.
14y It. W. SHAW.
A. J. Tbaytr.
In Corral I is. Benton Co., O. T opposite to the
City Hotel in said town. Z9ir
laksino rroiT
Ferrari Stoat,
2 bani-errsnd Admiralty.
mr Office on Front street, one door north of the
Portland. O.T., July 20, 17. mf
I. H. Smith.
jfiL Bolii-itor ia Chancery, Corvallia O. T.
I. H. SMITH. . Oltl
1. W. Hitrbell,
Xl gene City, Lane County, O. T.
San Fnocisco iilnrtiilai Apnry
I- P. FISHFR, Iron building, opposite Paciflc Express
J Office, upstairs. Files of all theprincipal Papers of
California and Oregon may be found at this office.
Fisher is the authorized Agent for the Statesman.
Cbcslrr N. Trrry,
A missioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac
knowledgments. Ac. Ac, for Iowa. Indiana, Missouri,
Michiran. California and "Sxbinirton Territory. Let
ters of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing.
drawn on short notice.
Particular attention paid to taking deposition,
collections of ftote. Accounts, Ac, 3211
VT. S. Brock,
Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various
courts in this Territory, and promptly attend to the col
lection of all claims against the United Mates, tnroneb
an efficient agent residing at Washington .City. Office
ia Eugene City. Lane County, O. T.
11. K. St ration,
ATTORNEY AT LAW. wilt practice in the varions
courts of southern Oregon, and in the Supreme
Court of me Territory.
OrricK in Scottsburgh, I mnnna county, O. T.
N. B. Bounty laind Warrants obtained lor claimants
on reasonable terms. 2;ltf
Ilarnnna & Wilson.
Jr. lem, Oregon. Particular attention is given to the
sollcction of notes and accounts, and c.aiuis against
uounty usna arrant tmngnt ana sola.
)r- Oilicc over Starkey's Store. 46
B. F. Bnnham.
J. flee at the Court House, Salem, O. T. 6tf
A. B. Dallotk,
O. T.
J. Designs, plans, apecillcationa,
Ac, furnished on
reasonable terms.
Campbell fc Pratt.
A TTORXEY8 AT LAW. San Francisco, California.
J. Office, corner Montgomery aud Sacremento streets,
tiver Pnrrott A. Cos. Ritfik.
Messrs. Camnbeil A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to atteud to all business
entrusted to tneir care. '"
Alexander Cajifbklj.. O. C rRATT.
Corintliian Lodge
OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will bold
their regular communications on the Thursday
nieht before the full of the moon of each month, ex
cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that
niirnt in Albany, u. l.
Brethren in good standing are cordially invited to at
tend, aniin, nr. Bl.
Spkikoeii, Sec'y. 37m
Dickinson Type Foundry.
PHELPS t D ALTON. Boston. L.P. Fisher, Agent,
San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads,
rule, &c.
August 45, 1857. Sf
Dressed. Tongue fc Grooved Floor
"TVRESSED, Tongue A Grooved Ceiling;
I J Sidine-:
' Boards, edged from 6 to 14 inches wide.
for finishing purposes, for sale at Da Belle's Floating
Saw Mills, Salem, O. T.
Persons having lumber that they wish manufactured
into anv of the above described lumbers, can have it
done aUny time at Du Kelle'a Floating Saw Mills for
The Island Wood Yard
1TTTLL be a permanent tnsftfuiiom in Salem, after
VY t jis. The subscriber has engaged 1000 cords cut
betweeitpow and winter, and has machinery to cut it
into anyflength required fornse in fire places or stoves.
ThoseVuo w ,nt to SAVESOMETHIXG in their fuel
hill, will do well to call and see.
aa-Orders left with Griswold A Co., or at Moo res,
will be attended o.-w - a. ul.akiv.
Jpnelit8. 12tr
Wallataet University. !
THE Collegiate Department of the Wallamet Unlver
ally has leu orsnir.vd. Yoting men designing to
pursue a regular Course or Study, are Invited to avail
themselves or the advantages atiorded by this lustibi
tion. All available resources will be made nse of to
meet the wants of Student. KITorta will be continued
to secure a suitable endowment ;aiul no pains will be spar
ed In obtaining competent nnd experienced Instructors.
The Collegiate year la divided Into inret term, com
mencing as follows:
The tirst term on the 3d Thursday In (September.
second term on tue 1st - -- January.
1 third " " " last " " April.
The llrst two terms are fifteen meekt eaehi the third,
elrren writes.
Vacations. There will be two vacation In the
year: one. in April, of two wrtkt, and one, Iu the sum
mer, of nine eers.
Tuition will be at the rate of tl per week, or Sin
per annum.
lUri UICKUUN LUMIIIUir 1 inirmnni
Trrms The Arademlc year I divided Into roca
Tkrms of eleven levekt earh.
The Brut term begins on the Id Monday or reptemter.
second term begluson theld Thursday of Nov.
" third " ' last " " Janunry.
" fiMirth last " " April.
Yacitioms There will be two vacations in the year:
one In April, of liro treeke; and one in the summer, of
atx week: .
TriTioit will he paid at the beginning ol eacll Terra
in ailvanre. at the following rates:
In Languages. Iltpher Mstbematiea it i:nem., sio on
" Other studies of the Arailemlo 1'ivision, .. I mi
Common English Division o 60
" Primary ' " 6"
For use of the Piano 1 60
Instrumental music 10 00
1. Instruction In vocal mnslo is given to all the
students free of rhai ge.
THE FACULTY during the present year will con
sist of
Itev. F.S. Itnyt, A. M., President and Acting Profess
or of Aneient languages.
r). II. Wilbur, I'roleasor or Malliematies, Teacber
of English Kranehes.
Miss A. V. Annraux. Teacher or Instrnmental Music.
Mrs. P. M. lloyt. Teacher of French. Painting and
Sirs. C. n ilbnr. Teacher or rnmary utvision.
Ansjtssiort. Students will lie admitted at any t'tne;
and will be charged for tuition from the time tliey en
ter only, but their progress will be greatly promoted
bv enterins early In the Academic year.
In cases where, from necessity, students leave before
the end of the term for which payment has been made,
a Just proportion nut more than three fourths nor less
than oiie-lomtb of the tuition lee will be refunded.
Students are not allowed to leave jifctt before examina
tion. Patrons who are Inattentive to this point. Innicl
treat Injury upon both the student and the Institu
IlOABPiKO. Young gentlemen and ladies can obtain
board atrrasonaMe rales with private families.
Corasa or hrrpy. A Course or study has been
adopted for both the Collegiate and Preparatory De
partments, wen cairuiaiea to secure ripe scnoianinin
mental discipline, end a preparation for the active du
ties ol lite.
A liberal Conrseof study has been adopted foryoong
ladies who desire to obtain a thorough education.
ir A Diploma will he awarded to all who shall
complete the prescrilied course.
The tflOTRitttxEwT will be parental but strict aim
Ing constant ly at the formstton of correct habits of
Self (lovernment. Careful attention will be given to
manners and morals.
KcHOLAitsHirs, perpetual, or for the period of ten
years, securine tuition at very reduced rates, can be
purchased. For further particulars apply to the l'resi
Per order of Executive Committee.
See. Uoard of Trustee.
Salem. Ang. 4. 18.1".
Xoblrs & lloarc's Varnishes.
Adams Doston Drastics.
TI E5I AXN'S and other
Ban Fran, starch, 15".
Is. Q. Waaliiua;ton,
A GENT for the prosecution of claims at Washing-
XI. ton, H. C. before the r.xeculive tiepartments. von
gresa and the Court of Claims. Will attend to the set'
tlement of accounts of Marshals, District Attorneys
and other Federal officers, and of contractors with the
Postofflce and other Departments; also, to the procur
ing of Patents for Land. Land Warrants, and other bu
sin ess of a Weneral Asency.
Keren to Uen. Joseph Lane. Oregon lemiory; uov.
Isaae I. Stevens. Washington Ter.; Hon. M. H. McAl
lister, Hon. Ogden Hoffman and R. Aug. Thompson, of
San Francisco, Cal.; Hon. James Guthrie. Louisville.
Ky., and to the Onicers generally of the Treasury and
Interior Departments at n ashinton.
ly4 Washington D, C.
- Corvallis Drug Store.
R. CARDWELL.DroErist and Apothecary, is con
stantlv receiving, per California steamers. large
and carefully selected ttocks of Dmgs and Medicines,
Oils. Paints. Varnish. Sonps. Perfumeries. Toilet Fur
niture. Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drug
Stores. Agent lor jaynes, ana oiner patent meoicmt-s,
which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices.
Ma Orders solicited. n
Corvallis, May JJ, 1857. 12tf
The Lavri of Oregon.
rnHE OREGON 8TATUTES. 155. being a large vol
JL ume of 650 pages, with complete index, annota
tions, and references, comprising all the laws in foi ce iu
the Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session
of the legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the Statesman, at nve aouars tier copy, i ne wora is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and
i sold at publisher prices, aud as low as a use wora can
h bought in anv State in the union, and at the lowest
figure they can be afforded for here. The price places
them with n the reach of all who desire the laws they
live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
tilled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that
will probably be published in Oregon, for many years.
In addition to tne enactments 01 tne legislative Assem the volume contains the Declaration of Indenen
dence. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
(ireat Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 177. in
force in Oregon, Initiation Law and all amendments
and full abstract of United .-mtcs .atiinii7.ntion i.s
San Frautisco Advertising igenev.
LP. FISHER, lV'i w ashington bt.,nearly opposite
. Macguire's Opera House, op stairs. Files of all
the principal Papers of California and Oregon may be
found at tins nnice.
L. P. FISHER is tne antuonzea Agent or tne
Oregon Statesman ;
Marjsville Herald;
Sacramento Union ;
San Joaquin Republican, Stockton;
Pacitic Methodist, Stockton;
Nevada Journal;
Sonora Herald;
Grass Valley Telegraph;
lied Bluff Beacon;
Columbia Gazette;
Mountain Democrat.Placcrrille;
Tuolumne Courier;
Calaveras Chronicle, Mokelomne Hill;
El Dorado Democrat;
Shasta Courier;
Mariposa Gazette;
Yreka Weekly Union;
Trinity Journal, Weaverville;
Iowa Hill News;
Weekly Ledger. Jackson;
San Jose Telegraph;
Sonoma County Journal;
Folsom Dispatch ;
California Mining Journal; i
Los Angeles Star;
Santa Barbara Gazette;
San Diego Herald;
Almeda Caunty Gazette;
Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's;
Napa County Reporter;
Sierra Democrat, Downeville;
Humboldt Times; '
Oregonian, Portland, O. T.;
Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T.;
Pioneer and Democrat, Olympia.W.T.:
Washington Republican, Steilacoom, W.T.;
Poynesian, Honolulu, S. I.;
Pacific Commercial Advertiser, Honolulu 8. 1.;
Mexican Extraordinary. City of Mexico;
Pacific Chrisian Advocate, Portland, O. T.;
Homrkong Register.
T.. P. F. has now completed his arrangements for
the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal
largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published
in the Atlantic states.
A line opportunity is here offered to those who'wis
to advertise in any part of the Union, of doing so at
the lowest rates, and in a prompt and satisfactory man
August 35, 1357. Jitf
The Graefenberg
Gracfrnbtrg Companr.
THIS INSTITUTION, (Incorporated by the Legis
lature of the State of New York. Capital IKJO.OiHI.)
wss founded for the purpose of supplying tbeputil.c
with the celebrated Git A F.FKN BEliti MEDICINES
The series comprises remedies lor nearly every disease
adapted t every climate. For Families. Travellers.
Seamen, and Miner's use they are nneqnslled. All the
Medicines are PURELY VEGETABLE and warranted
to enre the diseases for which they are severally rec
The Oraefenherg Company does; not profess to core
I diseases with one or two medicines. Our seriescon-
sists of KI.KVKS different kinds, adapted to the vari
ous diseases lurident to the temperate snd tropical cli
mate. The following comprises the series of Graefen-
berg Medicines :
Are considered the standard Pill of the day. and are
inllnlti ly superior to any Pill before the pnblic. They
nM-rate without irritation on all the excretions, purg
ing the blood by the bowel , liver, kidneys and skin.
An infallible remedy for all diseases of the womb
and urinary organs, weakness in the back, pain in the
reast. nervousness, debility, etc. In Usinornia and
Oregon, out of more than a thousand cases where this
medicine has been used, it has in no single instance
failed to give permanent relief or to effect s certain
rnacBAErCNBriui SARSAfARii.LA,
A powerful extract. One bottle eoual to ten of the
ordinary Sarsaparilla for purilying the Hood. A sure
cure for scrofula, rheum ttwm. ulcers, dyspepsia, salt
rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, Ac.
Invaluable toi burns, wounds, sprains, chilblains.
sores, swellings. Scrofula, etc. As a Pain Extractor,
it cannot be excelled, affording immediate relief from
the most excrutiating pains.
This extraordinary article Is a speedy and Infallible
remedy in Diarrtom. Dysentery. Cholera Morbus. Chol
era Infantum and the Asiatic t-lioiera, H taaen witn tne
first symptoms of the disease. It is purely vegetable
la its compound.
For summer Complaint, and most diseases to which
children are subject. Its trne worth can never be set
forth in words, hut it can be felt and appreciated ny
parents whose children have been saved. No Mother
should be without it.
Warranted a certain core for this painful disease
with the Ointment there are very few cases which can
not lie radically and permanently cured. A surgical
operation for Piles or Fbtult should never be resorted
to nntil this Ointment has been thoroughly tried. It
never fails.
For diseases of the eye this Lotion has no eontl. It
Is a soeedv and positive cure f"r inflammation of the
eves, weakness, dimness and failing of sight. It w II
always be beneficial in acute inflammation of the eyes,
and also as a trash on inflamed snrfaces.
A speedy and positive cure for this distressing com
plaint. These Pills are comp-jsed principally of Qui
nine, with other vegetable tonics, auti-spasmislic and
febrifuge articles. Thousands have been permanently
cured by their use.
Sovereisn in all Bronchial and Pulmonary Diseases.
It is . beyond s II qoestion. true that Consumption is a
curable " aud the Consumptive's Balm is the best
curative ever used.
Tbese Bitters are skilfully and elegantly prepared
from a number of invigorating healthy root, barks.
herbs and Tines. An luvaluable tonic and beaiin re
A handsomely printed volume of 300 pases, contain-
ne concise- and extremely vitin descriptions oi sii
manner of diseases, their symptom aud treatment.
Every family should have one. Prica only 24 cents
It will be sent, post paid, to any poet office in Califor
nia or Oregon, on the receipt of 2j cents by mail orex-
AdJspss Redington Co.,.San Francisco.
The t;raefenlrg Medi'Sue are for sale by all Drug
gists and Apothecaries tlOfiughout the country.
Ueoeral Agents lor tainorni ann Oregon
Wh'desale Druggists.
No. 107 Clay street.
Smith A Davis Agents. Portland.
San Francisco, Dec. II, 1957. iOtf
Job a Hargrove's
"tOOD FOR MAN OR BEAST. This penetrating
VI Liniment, as it is rubbed in by the baud or a piece
of flannel is absorbed through the same channel reaches
the seat of inflamation and subdues it. tvery species ol
exterior irritation is quickly reduced by the application
..f tnis iJniment. The effect of this remedy upon
Rheumatism. Kingworn, Omened glands, r rwl bites
Sore brea-t , Sore beads. Sore throatsores of all kind
sprains, stiff Joints, ulcers, tsdhacbe. swellings ol the
limbs or body pains in the spiue or bacc, poison oas
Ac. is almost miraculous.
It is eood lor Bighea I. Higsaoulder. hwiney. Sprains,
Cholicin horses in fact all diseases where external ap
plication is required.
Xbe proprietor sends rois i.inimeni oeiore tne pnoiic
to stand or fall, on its own merits. He only asks that
it may receive a fair trial by the pnblic. it can he ob
tained by applying in person or by letter to the address
zd St.,sLorvallis, Oregon.
N. B Demands from a distance accompanied by the
money, will be promptly attended to and the Liniment
put up and forwarded according to directions. A lib
eral discount will be made to wholesale dealers and
persons purchasing large quantities. Retail price of
hclectic Liniment, nity cents per bottle, for lurtuer par
ticulars address proptielor.
Corvallis, April, lttos. lya
Herring's Patent Champion
WITH Hall's Patent Powder-Proof Locks the same
that were awarded separate medals at the World's
Fair, London, Itsol. aud the World's Fair, New York,
153 and are the only American Safes that were award
ed medals at the London World's Fair.
These safes form the most perfect security against
Fire and Burgljrs, ot any safe ever offered to the pub
lic, and can only be had of the subscribers and tiieir
agents, who have on hand and make to order, all kinds
of Uiler and unu led iron tiauK cnests and Vaults,
Vault Doors and Money Boxes, or Chests for Brokers,
Jewelers aud Private Families, for Plate, Diamonds,
and other valuables. And are also Patentees (Iiy pur
chase) and manufacturers of JONES' PATENT PEU-
Agents E. Fitzgerald A Co.; and W. G. Wendell.
San Francisco, California.
. t;. ric.iiui.Mi x to,
A'o. 31 Broadway, cor. Marry St. N. Y.
May, 1858. 6m9
Dr. Krieclmbaum'a Hungarian
TTlOR the Restoration, Beauty and Preservation of the
F Hair. This preparation removes all harshness and
dryness of the hair, by exciting the scalp to a new and
nealtny action, anu cleanses it irom scuri anu uanurun:
prevents the hair from falling off and getting gray,
but the most remarkable result which it will effect, is
if will nroduce a new crop of hair on an entire! u bald
head. Many young persons sometimes find the too early
appearance oi gray nairs, mis preparation win stop
tnis result. Mothers who wish their children to have
fine heads of hair, can effect this by the use of this
Tonic; especially on their daughters if the hair is light.
I know few persons believe the hair can be restored on
a bald head, but, if my directions are followed I will
warrant a cure or refund the money. It is put np in
two imnce bottles and for sale by wholesale and retail
with directions at one dollar per bottle; it can be sent
by mail to any part of the United States, Gentlemen
send on your orders, stating the cause and duration of
the baldness and I will cure yon. To insure a cureony
charge varies from Twenty-live to Fifty dollars, accord
ing to the nature of the case.
Prepared only by Da. J. G. KRiEC IBACJT,
Cm' Hi, O. T.
Corvallis, Feb., 1858. S'Hf
Dr. KriechbaTim's Eye Salre and
Eye Water.
THESE preparations if used with my Life Pills, will
effect a CURE IN ALL CAStS of sore eyes. 1
have never known them to fail since first used in Iowa
iu 1849. and 1 wili ensure a cure if taken according to
direction, or refund the money.
Persons sending orders will please state explicttly
the nature of the case and I will send all necessary for
a cure, for which I will charge from Ten to Twenty
dprSared only by Da. J. G. KRIECHBAUM,
Comdiim, O. T.
Corvallis, Feb., 185. $utf
THE Judges of tha Hnpreme Court of the Territory of
tlregou, assembled at tl Heat of ;ovemment. oa
the second day of Angurt, A. D. It-a8, do fix and ap
point District Courts to be held in the city ol Salem, io
theconutrof Marion, on the first in April.
September and November, snd the fourth Monday ia
May, annus i y, unm mnerwire ordered.
And in the city of Portland, in the county of Multno
mah, on the first Mondays in May and Octoiwr. and the
third Mondays In Jaue and November, annually, nntil
otherwise ordered.
And in the village or itosetmrg. In the enmity or
Dnuirlss. on the first Mondays in March, May. Septem
ber and November, annually, until ulherwt ordered.
And do limit the duration ol sum terms to six day
GEO. H. w 11.1.IA.S13, tjnief j.
at. r. , . ,:,,. i
Writ of Election.
TO the Sheriff of the County of Umpqoa. Greeting:
Whereas information having been received that a
vacancy exUta in the House of Representative of the
Legtklative Assembly, by reason ol the resignation
of James Cole, you are hereby required to noti.'y toe
several judges of election in your said county of u'mp
qus, that a special election will be held on the fourth
Monday, the 2ith day of October next, for the par
pose ol electing one member of the House of Rep
resentatives to said vacancy.
Given nnder our hand, at Salem, in the Territory of
Oregon, this 30th day of August, IVA.
By the Governor.
B. F. H aroiko. Secretary of Oregon. !6td
To Kisgene Cltiere.
YOU are hereby notified that unless ym appear ia
the District Court or the First Judicial District of
lite Territory of Oreifon. ou the first day of the term,
to be held at Salem. Marion Co., in the month of Oeto--ber,
in the year lif. or the first term held In said
District, after the September term of !, and answer
the complaint of Thomas A I ford filed in this ease, the
same will be taken for confessed and the prayer there-'
of will be granted by the Coort.
a. n. Biun, ruuuun
July Jl. 1858. 3m J0
The Oregon Statesman.
An Independent Journal, derated to Polilite.Urnetal
nrfigrnre, fl-c, HulMuhed at Salem, Oregon.
ASAHKL BUSH, Proprietor. PoMb-ber, and Editor -
The rtatesniau is Iiemocratic in politics, and thor
oughly National in ita character. It is faortile to every
tpecies of sectionalism, lanstn, and intokrabce
aud will vigoroui-iy oppose all attempts to incorporate
any or the insane urns of the day into our territorial
It will advocate all practical measures of Reform
and Progress, economical and simple administration of
our local government ; taitbfk lnea, integrity, and ca
pacity iu office, and a system of rigid aud direct ac
countability of the officer to the people. It will dis
cuss all measures agitating the public mind, ia a man
ner fearless, impartial, and just.
Itu News liei.nrtmnit will be edited with moih
attention, and nothing will be spared to furun-h early.
accurate, and comprehensive publication ol me cur
rent intelligence.
The Statesman has a large, widely-scattered. snd most
excellent corps of correspondents, and very complete
facilities for ptorunng news.
Due attention is also paid to the publication of Miscel
lany, Agricultural and Literary matter.
In this paper are published tue laws, resolutions, and
treaties ol the United States, aud the laws and resolu
tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. Tha:
paper is printed on new material, and upon a sbeet oi
the largest size.
The statesman will be an active participant in trans
iting political events, and will furnish a faithful rec
ord of the history of parties and politics.
As a vehicle oi uregon aews, tne Matesmaa enjoys
facilities that none of iu cotemporaries do.
Terms Three dollars per year, strictly in advance;
four dollars, if paid within six months, but not ia ad
vance; five dollars, if not paid within six months.
These terms we must adhere to in a U cases. Persona
sendiug us money by mail, oy otherwise.-will pleas)
conform to these terra adapting the amount to the
lime of payment.
1 he low price at which the paper is anortied ptaces
it within the rearhof all.
Statesman Boots, and Job Office.
1ITE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book
V printing north of California, and an extensive as.
aortmentuf Jobbing Material of every kind, and, with
master wore men, are prepared tu execute proic-'ly, and
in a workman-like manner, all orders io the a'u. . de
partments, such as
Clank Cbeces,
Notesof Hand,
Ordeb Uooc.
Steaxbo't Kills,
Steahbo't Carls,
Bills of Lading
Show Bills,
Check Books,
Bl'k Kecf.ifts,
Ball Tickets,
Bcsiness Cards,
Concert Bills,
Address Cards
Blanks of all Kinds. Ac. Ac. Ac
Moffat's Life Pills
THE best family medicine now before the pnblic, for
the cure of Scrofula. Ulcers. Scurvy, or Eruptions
ol the Skin, Fever and Ague. leyspepaia. Dropsy, and
in fact most all diseases soon yield to tbeir curative
It has been compnted that during the last twenty-five
years npwardsof Four Millions of persons have been
benefitted by the nse of these medicines; a fact which
speaks volumes in favor of their curative properties a
single trial will place tbera beyond the reach of com
petition in the estimate of every patient. By their use
the blood is restored to a healtny state and freed ftom
all impurities. The system is not reduced during their
operation, but invigorated, and they require no re
train! from business or pleasure.
The afflicted have in these medicines a remedy that
will do for them all that medicine can possibly effect.
Prepared by W. B. Moffat. New York.
And for sale by JOHN FLEMING, at the Oregon
City Post Office Buiding.
Oregon City, March, 1"S. ly5J
Look Here!
THE subscriber would inform tbe pnblic that bo
does entirely a Commission liusiness, and
therefore has no goods of his own to interfere with
consigners. Having a fire-proof building and a large
Jobbing trade, be offers unusual facilities to shippers..
Consignments respectfully solicited. "ia
139 IFashington St., San Francisco.
W. B. Camfbell Oresron City
J. P. Knight. Portland;.
Far teat ding Agent, PortBtnd.
San Francisco, April. 1858. ly
E. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co.
ARE prepared to do a general commission business
on New York and otiier A tlantir cities. Particular
attention will be given to the purchase of goods for
merchants. Parties having any bush ess transactions
in tbe Atlantic States, and wanting an agent that will
give personal attention to tbe same, wiil do well to
araT-OffiVe at Barnnm A Wilson's Law Office -Cm
Salem, March 23, 1858. " 2tf
Saw Logs! Saw Logs!
I WISH to contract for saw I jjs. of yellow, red,
and white fir, 12. It, 1G. 18. 2J, 22 feet long, and
from 20 to 36 inches in diameter at the butt end; for
which I will Vy six dollars pe' thousand feet, (in
cash,) delivered at my Floating Saw Mill, at Salem.
I will pay eight dollars per tbonsand feet, for good
oak, ash, aud maple logs, delivered as above. ljlf
Silas C. Herring's
Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safes,.
WITH or without Hills' powder proof lock or
Jones patent permutation Bank Locks. Sold
at the manufacturers prices witb freight added. Prices,
from $3o t t'iSO. call and see sample of their work
with the improved locks. GEO. H. JONES Jfgeai.
Salem. May 17, 158. lutf
Short Settlements make long
THE old year bas passed, and we want all those who,
know themselves indebted to ns to come forward,
and seule and get theii- "New Years" present.
Don't forget this: we mean inst what we say.
. C.G1U5WUL4J J L.O.
January 1.1858.
Sewing Machines.
WHEELER A WILSON'S machines are the best,
ever offered to public patronage. Tbey are sira.-.
pie and durable; easily kept in repair; sew with great
rapidity; make an even aud firm stitch on both sides,
that w;ll not rip- Persons wishing to buy will find
them at the residence of the undersigned.
T. SAVAGE, Ag-t.
April 26. 1S5S. 7tl
Look Here!
WE have just received 88,000 lbs. of ground alum
salt, which we are selling at per hundred.
Allan &. Iaewis,
SHOT of all kinds, and powder, at
I42tfj W. K.
LADIES'cloaks.latcststyle, for sale cheap at
i2tn W. K. SMITH A Co's.
'CHOOLbooks. at wholesale and retail. at
W. K. SMITH 4 Co's.
a YERS Cherry Pectoral for sale at wholesale and
XX retail, at
W. K. SMITH & Cos.
AILS, glass-and window sashat
(.lttl w . ,- o.niiti ac to a.
"tOPAL varnish. paints, oils, and paint brushes, at
j 42tq W. K. SMITH A C9"st