" Hospitals. : Tor the construction and completion of works, and for the eurreot repairs of the seTeral naral hospkals. "Boston. To? the, repairs of building and grounds, three thousand dollars. . That the Secretaries of ihe Treasury and navy be, and they are hereby authorized and required to ascertain in such way an, they may deem best, the actual value of the ten acres of land heretofore belonging to the naval hospital estate at Chelsea, Massachu. setts, and ceded by the sixth section of 'An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic service of the Government," ap- S roved third March, one thousand eight hnn red and fifty-fire, for the purposes of a marine hospital for the district of Boston and Charlestown. -And the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay the so ascertained value of the said ten acres, out of any man ey in the Treasury not otherwise appropri ated, to the credit of the naval hospital fund eut of which the original purchase of the property so ceded was made. New York. For completing heating apparatus, and repairs of buildings and fences, thirteen thousand dollars. Naral Asylom, Philadelphia.' : For gateway and iron gate on Sbippen at reel, and road from same; repairs to fur. naces, grates and ranges; painting main building and lodges; briek floors in govern or's and surgeon's house; cleaning and whitewashing; gas tax, water tax, furni tare for the asylum and repairs, and for general repairs, eight thousand five hun dred dollars. For support of beneficiaries at the asylom, twenty-six thousand three hundred and nine two dollars. Norfolk. For repairs of buildings and appurtenan ces, eleven thousand dollars. Pensacola. For draining and filling ponds, and re pairs of bniLiing and grounds, eighteen thousand seven hundred dollars. . jOagazines. For the construction and completion of works, and for the current repairs at the several naval magazines : - Portsmouth, New Hampshire. For gnn carriage shop and storehouse, boiler room, engine machinery, and repairs of all kinds, forty-six thousand, six hundred dollars. Boston. For repairs of ail kinds, one thousand five hundred dollars, i New York. For dredging channel to Ellis' Island, and repairs of all kinds, six thousand eight hundred dollars. Philadelphia. For repairs of ail kinds, one thousand dollars. Mare Island, California. For shell house, magazine, keeper's house and grounds, tank house and fitting room, railway and oars to transport powder to and from magazine, shot beds, cleaning and pil ing shot and shells, eleven thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. For pay of superintendents, naval con structors, and all the civil establishments at the .several navy yards and stations, one hundred and thirty-nine thousand, two hun dred dollars. For the purchase of nautical instruments required for the use of the navy; for repairs of the same, and also of astronomical instru ments: and for the purchase of nautical in struments, books, maps, and charts, and for backing and binding the same, eighteen thousand dollars. For printing and publishing sailing direc tions, hydrographical surveys, and astro nomical observations, in addition to the bal ance oa hand, five thousand dollars. For continuing the publication of the se ries of Wind and Current Charts, and for defraying ail the expenses connected there with, eighteen thousand dollars. Ao enable the faecretary of the ait to pay the salary of Protssor James P. Espy, two thousand dollars ; the payment to be made in the same manner and under the like control as former appropriations for metorological observations: Provided, That the employment of a metorologist, under the contract of the Secrets ry of the Navy, shall cease on and after the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. For models, drawings, and copying ; for postage, freight, and transportation; for keeping grounds in order; for fuel and lights; and all other contingent expenses; and for the wages of persons employed at the United States Naval Observatory and Hydrographical cfSce, viz: one instrument maker, two wafchrnen, and one porter, six thousand one hundred and sixty dollars: Irovided, In at the compensation of tne watchmen employed at the United States Observatory and Hydrographical Office shall be the same ss that paid to the several watchmbn employed in the executive de partments of the government. For improvement and repairs of buildings ana grounds, and support of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, forty five thousand six hundred and seventy -one dollars, and twenty.two cents. - For preparing for publication the Ameri can Nautical Almanac, twenty-six thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. For five steam sloops, authorized by act third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, one million three hundred and fifiy-one thousand dollars. . To enable the Secretary of the Navy to pay lor the preparation ot a code of regula. tiens for the government of the navy, as di rected in the seventh section of the act enti tled "An act making appropriations for the aval service for the year ending the thirti eth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty- eight," approved third March, eighteen hun dred and fifty-seven, three thousand dollars. Provided, That the provisions of the seventh section of the naval appropriation bill appro ved Marco third, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, directing ihe secretary of the navy w in prepared, ana 10 report to tJonress at this session for its approval, a code of regulations for the government of ihe Navy, and so forth, be extended to the next session of Congress. To enable the Secretary of the Navy to pay tne expenses or courts of inquiry to in vestigate the cases of certain officers affect ed by the act, entitled, "An act to amend an act entwled 'An act to promote the efhcicn cy of the Navy'" approved sixteenth Janu eighteen hnndred and fifty-seven, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. For completing the publication of the charts of the late expedition for the explora tion of the river La Plata and its tributaries, nw inousanu dollars.-- - That the Superintendent of public print lag be, and is hereby directed, to transfer .o the Bureau ot Ordnance and Hydrography me pieies irom woicn tne illustrations and charts' or the late Japan Expedition were prroTeo. ' Sac 2. And be it further enacted, That rem and after the first day of J alv eighteen hnadredaad fifiy-eeven, lheoierisacd mes sengers' at the navy yi mmd marine bar. raeks at Washington, shall be entitled to re ceive the compensation authorized by the acts of April twenty -two, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and August five, eighteen hundred nnd fifty-four, lor ilie payment of which, such sum as may be necessary, be, and i heieby appropriated out of any mon ey in the Treasury not otherwise appropri ated. Sec. 3, . And be it further enacted. That it ahall Le lawful to enlist boys for service in the United States Marine Corps, with the consent of their parents or guardians, not being under eleven, nor over seventeen years of age, to aerve until they ahall arrive at the age of twenty-one years, the boys so enlisted to receive the same pay, rations, clothinu. and so forth, now received by boys enlisted in said corps, under the authority of the Sec- retary ot the navy. S?c- 4. And be it further enacted. That to defray the expenses and compensation of a commissioner to the Repubhe of Para- gnav, (should it be deemed proper by the President to appoint one.) in execution of the. Joint Resolution ot the firesent session (or the adjustment of difficulties with the Republic of Paraguay" ten thousand dol lars, or so much thereof as may be necessa ry; Provided, 1 hat the compensation here, by allowed shall not exceed the ratio of sev en housand flue hundred dollars for the time employed. Sec 5. And be it further enacted. That all the steamships of the navy of United States now building, or hereafter to be built shall be named by the Secretary of the Navy, under the direction of the President of the United States, according to rhe fol lowing rule, viz : All those of forty guns or more shall be considered of the first class, and shall be called after the States of the Union ; those of twenty guns and under forty shall be -considered as of the second class, and be called after the rivers and principal towns or cities ; and all those of less than twenty guns shall be the third class, and named by the Secretary of the CMavy as the f resident may direct, care be ing taken that no two vessels in the navy shall bear the same name. Ssc. 6. And be it further enacted. That the Secretary of the Navy cause to be con structed, as speedily as may be consistent with the public interests, seven steam screw sloops of war, with full steam power, whose greatest draught of water r.hall not exceed fourteen feet, which ship shall combiue the heaviest armament and greatest speed eom- pauuie wun tneir cnaracter and tonnage ; and one side wheel war steamer, whose greatest draught ehsll be etaht feet, armed and provided for service in the China seas; and that there be, and is hereby, appropria ted, to be expended under the direction of the becretaty of the Navy, for the purpose auove specified, tne sum of twelve hundred thousand dollars out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved 12 June, 1S59. AN ACT toesnfirm the ssle of the reserva tion held by the Christian Indians, and to provide a permanent home fjr said In dians. Whereas, by the thirteenth article of a treaty made 'and concluded at Washington on the sixth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, between the United Spates of America and the Deleware Indians a grant of four sections of land was made to the Christian Indian1, for which a patent was to ue issued to tiie said Indians, "sub ject to such restrictions as Consress may provide;" and whereas a patent was so is sued to them on the twenty-first day of May. e.gntecn nurwred and finj-.seven; and whereas it fully appears, by the evidence and papers on file before the Commnite on Indian Affairs, that the four sections of land set apart by aid treaty was, on the twenty- ntntti day of Mar, eighteen "hundred and fifty -seven, soIJ and conveved bv said Chris tian Indians to one A. J. 1 sacks for the con sideration of forty-three thousand four hun dred douars, whicn sum was a fair consid eration fjr said lands: Therefore: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of T " . I T . . . f rv-prtxniaurcs cj me c nuei males of Amer ica tn Congress Assembled, That upon the payment of the said sum of forty-three thousand four hundred dollars by the said A. J. Isacks to the Secretary of the Interi or, for the use and benefit of said Christian Indians, within ninty days from the passage of this act, it bhall then be the duty of the President of the Uoited S:ates to confirm said sale. Sectiox. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and be hereby is, authoriced and required to re ceive the proceeds fur sale of the said four sections of land aud amply the same as fol lows: that is to say, so much thereof as may be necessary to the purchase of a suitable tract of land for a permanent home for the Christian Indians, the erection of the neces sary buildings for their accommodation, and the purchase of stock, agricultural imple ments, and whatever else may be necessary to establish them thereon; the balance of the said fund to be invested by the Secretary of the Interior in safe and profitable stocks, ihe interest whereof shall be applied to the support of a school among the said Chris tian Indians. Sectiox 3. And be it further enacted. That whenever the Christian Indians de sire itf the tract purchased under the pro visions of the proceeding section shall be divided among them, under the direction of the President of the United States, to be held in severalty and with all the rights in cident to a fee simpleestate: Provided. That the said tracts, when so divided shall be for ever inalienable by the grantees or their heirs, except with the consent and approval of the President of the United States. Approved 8th June, 185?. AN ACT for the relief of certain settlers on the public lands in the State of Wiscon sin. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RspreseiUalite by the United States of Amer ica, in Congress Assembled, That so m-jch of the even-numbered sections of land select ed by the State of Wisconsin in the month of June, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-nine, to satisfy the quantity of land due said State under the act of Congress of August eighth, eighteen hundred and forty six, granting land iu aid of the improve ment of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, as have been sold, or contracted to be sold, by said State or its assigns, under the law thereof, are hereby confirmed'to said State, as pans of said grant, and the title of the purchasers declared to be valid as though the said selections had been made in conformi ty with law: Provided, That nothing con tained in this act shall be constructed to in crease the quantity of land to which the State is entitled under ihe grant aforesaid: And provided, further, That a schedule, duly certified by the Governor, of the lands sold and contracted for to be sold, prior to the passage of this act, shall be filed in th Gen eral land Office within six montha from the date of this act. - Section 2. And be it further enacted, That every person being the head of a faiuily.wid ow, or single man over the age of twenty. one years, on the eleventh day of June, in the yea' eighteen hundred and forty-nine, was, or since that time has become, an act. ual settler and housekeeper, and has made other improvements o;i any tract embraced in said even nnmberrd neetion selection, which the Stats of Wisconsin or its assijjns has not sold or contracted to sell, is hereby entitled to the same right of preemption, and upon the same terms and cnndidition as is prescribed by an act entitled "An set to ap propriate the proceeds of the aales of tha public lands and to grant pre empilon rights" approved September fourth, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-one: Pro vided, That this act shall not be constructed to convey to Wisconsin any parts or por. lions of said even-numbered aeetion selec tions which said State or its assigns have not actually sold or contracted lo sell, and the title to which is not confirmed by the first section of ilm act. Approved 0 Jane, 1839. Richards & AlcCralten, conmssioN iierchahts A ND Jobbers in OREGON PRODUCE of every de- J acription. No. 41 Sacramento at., (Fire-Proof Store,) San Francisco. A. The highest market price paid for PRODUCE. Bgr Liberal advances made oa consignment. sr Orders Tor Oregon trade promptly attended to. OflJce in Portland, upper wharf boat. RICHARDS. jonx a CIHIH, San Francisco. Jane M. 15$. Peruana, Oregon- lyl3 Boyle & Sites, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEON'S, would respectfully inform tlie citizens of Polk Co., and vicinity, that they have entered into copartnership for the practice of medicine, surgery, and obstetrics. O&ce, Dallas, Polk, Co. j. v. Kyle. M. v., Mr tne present win be Found at his residence, 5 miles east of Dallas. June 11.1833. IStf D.. William Dontb.il, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AXD PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY Will practice in the Supreme and District Courts of this State. ST Office over Starr's Tin Store. Frontstreet.- 3tf , Portland. Oregim. J. Fleming. 4 T the Oreion City. Port Office Building, has Inst A received, direct from New York, 100 copies of 'Powntne s Fruit and Fruit Trees or America." revised and enlarged. for IS57 the latest published edition of this valuable work. He has tlwon hand, a Rood stock of miscellaneous books and stationery, for sale on terms to suit tne time. Oregon City, Dee. IS. 1S5T. iltf W W. Page. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Port Isnd.O.T. Smf R. 0. Craner, ATTORNEY AXD COUNSELOR AT LAW. Albany. O.T.Feb.. 1538. 4tf Dr. S. 11. Unckles, OFFICE. 8ALEM. OREGON TERRITORY. Salem, November 9. 1S57. SStf William C. Griswold A. Co., fERCHANTS. SALEM. OREGON TERRITORT. 1A W. C. OIUSWOUD, I2tf C. 8. WOODWORTn. Medical Notice. rTHE suSscr:ler. wvold Inform the Inhabitants that be X is at his old stand, ready to attend t all rails in his profession ; also he bason hand a .well selected stock of Eclectic eom-entratrd Medicines, with a well s.orted snppir of Springes, all of which he will dispose oi on reasonable terms. w. AKKKX 6aiem December 2. l5fl. 3tf 3Ifdie.il Solirt. TYR. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco. California. J offers bis professional services to the citizens fo Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo puixic lavor. a- Office at Reed and Fe'Jows' drug store. Uy K. W. SHAW. S. i:i!swort!i, ATTORNEr AND COrxSELLOR, TT P. Supreme and other Courts. Office Effene KJ I ltr, unc Counts-. Oregon Territory. AN Commissioner of Deeds for New York, Connecticut. Ac. August IWjG. Iltr i. J. Tharrr, ATTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OSIr in Corvall-.s. Benton Co., O. T., opposite to the iny noiei in said town. I 'll W. B. V ARRAS. LAN81XO STO IT Farrarfc Stoat, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN 'haitcery an Admiralty, a a OinYe on Froct street, one door north of the " Kx--hange. Portland. O.T., July 20. 15T. 23tf I. X. Smilii. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND XI Solicitor in Chancery, Corvallts O. T. I. K. smith. Sltf . T. Silrhfll, TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, EU XlL gene City, 1-ane County, O. T. San Franc iteo Adre rtisiB? licncy I" P. FISHKR, iron building, opposite Pacific Express J Office, up stairs. Files of all the principal Papers of L aiirornta aud Oreironmav be round at t:s ontce. sr. FUher is the authorized A gent for the Statesman. Cheslrr S. Terry, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAfcEM. OREOON. COM-"mi-ioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac- nowtedgmms. e- c, for Iowa. Indiana, Missouri Michigan, California and Washington Territory. Let ters of Attorney, and all other instrument of writing, drawn on short noti'-e. - wsjL. Partifiilar attention paid to taking depositions. cotMxtions oi a otes. Accounts, ac, azti Oanlin k C rover, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. AND Solicitors in Chancery. Office near the Court-house, paiem. o.. DeUzon Smith, TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND .fV Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all business pertaining to his profession in the first Judicial District, and before tlie Supreme Court of Oregon. Ofli.-e, Albany, J.inn County, O. T. X. B. Wben not at his otfi.-e, or absent on profes sional business, he may be found at his residence, fire miles south-east of Albany, on what is known as the "Grand Prairie." W. S. Brock, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND XlL Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various courts in this Territory, aud promptly attend to tne col lection of all claims against the United States, through an efficient aent residing at Washington City. Ollice in Eugene City, Lane County, O. T. It. K. Stratton, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice In the various courts of southern Oregon, and in the Supreme Court of the Territory. Ovficb in Scottsbtirgh, Cmpqua county, O.T. N. B. Bounty tand Warrants obtained for claimants on reasonable terms. . 2.1tf B. M. BARNCM. 1. Q. WILSOX. itarnuin & Wilson. ATTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Sa lem. Oregon. Particular attention is given to the collection of notes and accounts, and cairns against government. Bounty (.and Warrants bonght and fold. SfT OiSse over SUirkey's Store. 48 II. I Jtonlinm. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW." Of fice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. Ctf A. B. Hallock, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, PORTLAND, O. T. Designs, plans, specifications, &c, furnUhed on reasonable terms. Campbell k Pratt. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, San Francisco, California. Office, corner Montgomery and Sacremento streets, over Parrott A Cos. Bank. Messrs. Campbell i. Pratt hive lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business entrusted -to their care. 31 tf Alexander Cari-bell. O. C. Pratt. Corintliian Lodge OP Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold their regular communications on the' Thursday night before the full of the moon of each month, ex cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that night in Albany, O. T. Brethren in good standing are cordially invited teat tend. DELAZON 8MITH, W. M. Spring kr, Sec'y. S7tf DicUiiasoia Type Foundry. PHELPS Jt D ALTON. Beaton. L.P. Fisher. Agent, San Fraaciavo. prdera soliciUd for type, leads, rule, Ac . lognat S5,18J7. Jitf Wallainet University. SALEM, OREGON. THE Collegiate Department of the Wnllnmct Univer sity has been organized. Young men designing to pursue a regular c iure ot ouiuy, are invited to avail themselves of the advantages atl'onled by this Isutitn- iinn. ah avauame resources, win be ramie u?.c oi to meet the wants of Students. EU'ortswill bo continued to secure a suitable endowment ;aud tin pains wilt be snar ed inobt'iiuingconipeteiitand experienced Instructors.! Ihe collegiate year is divided into tArec term, com mencing as foil twa: Tut arss term oa sue sa Thursday In September. ' second term on the 1st January. third " " " last " " April. The first two terms areJllcm tottks each: the third. eleven wetkt. Vacations. There will be two vacations la the year; oue. in April, of boo uxekt, and one, la the sum mer, ot nuit iceat. Temos will be at the rate of tt per week, or StO per annum. THIS UKEUUa lN3llTUTli TBI FBBTARATOBT Detaetxikt. Tians. The Academlo year la divided Into vofb issue oi eleven ickk earn. The flrst term begins on the 2d Monday of September. second term begins on the 2d Thursday of Nov - third " . 74 . " last January. fourth " " " " last " " Anril. . Vacations. There will be two vacations In the vcar: one in April, of (too tceekt; and one in the summer, of six treeKM. Ti'iTiox will be raid at the beginnine of each Term in advance, at the following rates: in Languages, Higher Mathematics A Chem., flu 00 " Common English Division 6 50 " Primary " 5 60 For use of the Piano , 1 60 Instrumental music 10 00 e Instruction in vasal music la ciren to all the studentsi-tc oj enarge. THE FACULTY during the present year will eon. sist of Rev. F. S. nort, A. M., President and Acting Profess or of Ancient Lanzuaccs. Edwin Cartright, Professor of Mathematics, Teacher of English Branches, . Mia A. v. Amiraux. reacner or instrumental Music. Mrs. P. 31. Hoyt. Teacher of French, Paintins and Lira wing. Teacher or rnmary uivision. Amission. Students will be admitted at any time; and will be charged for tuition from the time they en ter only, but tneir progress win do greatly promoted bv entering earW in the Academic year. In cases where, from necessity, students leave before the end of the term for which paymeut baa been made, a just proportion not more than three-fourths nor less than one-torn tli of the tuition lee will be refunded. Students are not allowed to leave just before examina tion. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, ianict great Injury upon botu the student and the Instita tion. Boarpiso. Yonng gentlemen and ladles ran obtain boord atreawnaMe rates with private !am:l;es f nt'RSB or Stvmv A Course of Study has been adopted for both the Collegiate and Preparatory De partments, well cai-niaied to seenre npe scnoiarsnip, mental discipline, and a preparation for the active du tinf lire. A liberal Courseof Study ha been adopted foryoung ladies who desire to oWaln a thorough education. 3 A Diploma will be awarded ta all who shall comitlete the prescribed course. The Gorrasxcjir will be parental bnt strict aim ing constantly at the formation of correct habits of Self (Joremment. Careful attention will be given to manners and morals. SonotARsatrs. perpetual, or for the period of teS rears, securing tuition at very reduced rates, can be purchased. For lurtner particulars apply to tue presi dent. Per order of Executive CommTtf ee. - CHETEIt N. TERRY. Sec. Board of Trustees, f s!em. Ang. 4.153. tf Nobles 6 Ooare's Varnishes. HI THE STAHDARfl AMEF.1W.H JJO Adams Boston Brushes. AT Li HT J Q WHITE LEAD. FOREST RIVER DO. TIHIAWS and other Colors GLUES, BROXZES San Fran. March, 15!. lyj JL. Q. Washington, VCEIIT for the prosecution of claims at Washing ton. D. C, belure the Executive Department. Con gress and the Courtof Cl iiras. Will attend to the set tlement of accounts of Marshal. District Attorney. and other Federal ot9 -ers, and of contractors with the PostomVe and other Departments: also, to the procur ing of Patents lor Land. Land Warrants, and other bu- ines or a (jeneral Aceney. Refers to Gen. J'weidi Lane. Oregon Territory: Gov. Isaac I.Steven. Washington Ter.; Hon. M. U. McAl lister, Hon. Oipien Hodman and R. Am. Thompson, of 9 r rancisro, t. ai.; lion. James uuiurie: l.ooivine, Ky., and to the Ofti?ers ernereHy of the Treasury and interior I'eptnmtnH ai n asntngron. Address . L.y. WASHINOTON, lyll Washington D. C. Cotrrallis Drug Store. T R.C.VRDWEI.L.DrugsUt and Apothecary, is con tJ stantly receiving, per California steamers, large aim careiuiiy "elected stucKsor Jjrugsand Medicines, Oil. Point. Yarnih, Snaps. Perfumeries. Toilet Fur niture. Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drug stores. Auent lor Jrtynes, and other patent medicines, which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices. vBuERa soLicircn. -fca J. It. CARD WELL. Corva!!i.MsyS,t?S7. 12tf JOIIN'A. KITTREDUE, MANUFACTURER of Fire-proor Doors, Shutters, Vaults, Ac, Ac, Ac. Battery, near Pacific street, San Eranciseo. N. B Orders from the country promptly attended to and warranted as ordered. A large assortment of second hand Doors and Shut ters constantly oa hand, for sale at eery low rote. March, 133. CraSI The Laws of Oregon. rpUE OREGON STATUTES, 1855, being a large vol X nme of 6o0 pages, witu complete index, annota tions, and reference, comprisine all the laws in force in the Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session of the legislative Assembly, are for sale st the office of the statesman, at nve uouars per copy, t ne worn is ex ecuted iu the best manner, bound in law style, aud is sold nt publisher prices, and as low as a like work can be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest figure they can be afforded for here. Tho price places them within the reach of all who desire the laws they live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash, tilled bv return mail. It is the last code of laws that will probably be published in Oregon, for many years. In additiou to the enactments of tlie Legislative Assem bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen dence, c institution of the united b La tea. Treaties with (treat Britain relation to Oregon, Ordinance of 1TS7, iu force iu Oregon, Donation Law and all amendments, and full abstract of United oMrtes naturalization Laws. E. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co. ARE prepared to do a general commission business on New York and other Atlantic cities. Particular attention will be given to the purchase of goods fur merchants. Parties having any busicess transactions in the Atlantic States, and wanting an agent that will give personal attention to the same, will do well to call. Office at' Barnnm Jk Wilson' Law Office "VS Salem. March 83, 1858. - ?tf Look IlerS! THE subscriber would inform the pnblic that he does entirely a Commission Business, and therefore has no goods of his own to interfere with consigners. Having a fire-proof building and a large Jobbing trade, he offers unusual facilities to shippers. saConsignmentsrespectfullyaolicited.-w HORACE GUSHEL. ' 139 IFotatngton St., San Francisco. REFERENCE TO W. B. CAKPasu., Oregon City; J. P. Kriumi. Portland; Z. N. 8TANSBURY, . Forwarding- Ammt, Portland. EanPranolsco, April, lSifi. lye ( fsmS SAV- 05 CLAY Sj' The Graefenber? MILY MEDICIN P A E S. jejuxritTje' The Gratfenberg Companr. THIS INSTITUTION. (Incorporated by the Legis lature or the State of New York, Capital $100,000.) was founded for the purpose of supplying the public with the celebrated GRAEr ENBERU MtDlCUifco. The series comprises remedies tor nearly every disease ad.inted to every climate. For Families, Travellers, Seamen, and Miner's use they are uneqoalled. All the Medicitics are 1'UItELY VEGETABLE and warranted to cure the diseases for which they are severally rec ommended. The Gracfenberg Company does not profess to enre all diseases with one or two medicines. Onr series coin sists of ELEVEN different kinds, adapted to the vari ous diseases incident to the temperate and tropical cli mate, i ne loiuwing comprises tne series oi uraeien- oerg meuicmes : TIlC GRAEFEXBZRO TRQETABLB PILLS Are considered the standard Pill of the day. and are nfinitrly superior to sny Pill before the public I hey operate without irritation on all the excretions, purg ing tue blood oy tue ooweu, tirer, Eianeys ana sain. Marshall's ctsrinr cathomcox. An infallible remedy for all diseases of the womb and urinary organs, weakness in the back, pain in the breast, nervousness, aeoiiuy, etc in California ana Oregon , out of more than a thousand eases where this medicine has been used, it has in no single instance failed to gire permanent relief or to effect a. certain cure. TIIR OB AEFKVBRRG 8ARSAPAR1I.L A, A nowerful extract. One bottle eqnal to ten of the ordinary Sarsapariila for purifying the tlood. A sure cure for scrofula, rheumitisin. ulcers, dyspepsia, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, tc- TB EC KEEN MOl'STAI OINTMENT. Invaluable for burns, wounds, sprains, chilblains, sores, swellings, scrofula, etc. As a Pain Extractor it cannot be excelled, affording immediate relief from the most excrutiating pains. THB OKIEFENAERO PTSfcJTERT STRIT. This extraordinary article Is a speedy and infallible remedy la Diarriio?a, uysenterv, C bolera Morbus. Chol era Infantum and the Asiatic Cholera, if taken with the first symptoms of the disease. It is purely vegetable in its compouuo. GCAirENBERO CRILPREjCS' rAXACEA. Forsummer Complaint, and mist diseases to which children are subject. Its true worth can never be set forth in words, but it can be felt and appreciated by parents whose children have been saved. No Mother should be without it. THE GRAFFCCBERO MLR RXXEDT. Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease. with the U:ntmcnt there are very lew cases wuich ran not be radically and permanently cured. A surgical operation for Piles or Fitul should never be resorted to until this Ointment has been thoroughly tried, never taiU. OR EfTNBUR3 KTB LOTtOX. For diseases f the eve this Lrtion has no egail. It It is a speedy and positire cure f"r inflammation of the eres. weaxness. dimness anaia-.tms oi sigct. it w ii al wars be beneficial in acttte inflammation of the eres. and also as a wash on inflamed snrfaces. GRAEFEXBERO FEVER AND AGCE FILLS!. A speedy and positive cure fur this distressing com plaint. These Pills are comp sed principally of Qui nine, with other vegetable tonics. auti-spasmidic and febrifuge articles. Thousands have been permanently cured by their use. GKAEFESBERQ CON.r JfTTITl's BAUt. Sovereign in all Bronchial and Pjilmonary Diseases- It is. bevond all Question, tme that Consamptmn is curat le disease, and the Consumptive's Bclm is the best curative ever used. CSAEFESBFna HEALTH BtTTTBS. These Bitters are skilfully and elegantly prepared rmn a number or lnvisirAting heaiiny roots, imtes herbs and vines. An invaluable tonic and healih re storer. CRAEFENBERG RANTAl OF HEALTH. A handsomely printed volume of 3fK nacres, cortain- ing concise and extremely pi tin descriptions of all manner of diseases, their n'rmptnms and treatmeut Every family shGuld have one. Price only 25 cents. It will he sent, post paid, to any post office in Califor nia or Oregon, on tue receipt o: 20 cents oj du or ex press. Address Redinfffrm & Co.. San Francisco. The Graefenberg Medicines are for sale by aft Drug gists and Apothecaries tamnchout the country. General Agents for California and Orejron - r.EPI.VGTO.VACo.. Wholesale Druggists. No. 107 Clay street Swtnt & Davts Agents. Portland. San Francisco, Dec 12. 1857. 20tf Balsam of Wild Cherry, FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSUMPTION! AND ALL ITS INCIPIENT SYMPTOMS, SUCH AS ConghSt Colds, floars-nrss, Croup, InflnrHia, Blending of tbe Lungs, Liver Affections, Pains in the Breast or Side. Night Sweats, Puthisic, Inflammation of Lungs and Throat, Wu-jopiug Cough, Asthma, and all Bronchial Affections. aa.BE CAUTIOUS. As there are many counter feits, look well at the signature before purchasing ; tske none unless it has the name of "Henry Wistar, M. D-. Philadelphia," and "Sauford and Park," engraved on the outside wrapper. AU others are base imita tions. Iartt St White are the only Agents to whom all orders should be addressed. also IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS ALL VALUABLE PATENT MEDICINES, WAR RANTED GENUINE. 132 Washington street, opposite the Market. San Francisco. SMITH ADA YlS, Agents Portland. O. T. San prancisco. Hay, 1858. 3ml S Moffat'a Life Pills AND PHIENIX BITTERS. THE best family medicine now before the public, for the cure of Scrofula. Ulcers. Scurvy, or Eruptions or the Skin. Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, and in fact most all diseases soon yield to tneir curative properties. It has been computed that daring the last twenty-five years upwards of Four Millions or persons have been benefitted by the nse of these medicines; a fact which speaks volumes ia favor of their curative properties a single trial will place them beyood the reach of com petition in the estimate of every patient. By their use the blood is restored to a healthy state and freed from all impurities. Tbe system is not reduced during their operation, but invigorated, and they require no re traint from business or pleasure. The afflicted bare in these medicines a remedy that will do for them all that medicine ean possibly effect. Prepared by W. B. Moffat, New York. And for sale by JOHN FLEMING, at the Oregon City Post Office Raiding. Oregon City, March, 18)8- lySl Herring's Patent Champion FIRE-PROOF SAFES - WITH Hall's Patent Powder-Proof Locks the same that were awarded separate medals at tbe World's Fair, London, ltjdl, aud tbe World's Fair, New York. In.YS and are the only American Safes that were award ed medals at the London World's Fair. These safes form the n-oat perfect security against Fire ana Burglars, of any safe ever offered to the pub lic, and can only be bad of the subscribers and their agents, who have on hand and make to order, all kinds of B iler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors and Money Boxes, or Chests for Brokers, Jewelers and Private Families, for Plate, Diamonds, and other valuables. And are also Patentees (by pur chase) and manufacturers of JONES' PATENT PER MUTATION BANK LOCK. A or. nts E. Fitzgerald A Co.; and W. G. Wendell, San Francisco, California. 8. C. HERRING A Co., A'o. Broadway, tor. JHurry St. If. Y. May, 1858. v 6m9 Statesman Boole and Job O&ce TTTE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book VV printing north of California, and an e tensive ss. sortmentof Jobsino Material, of every kind; and, with master wortunen, are prepared toexecutepromly, and in a workman-like manner, all orders in the at. . de partments, such as . Books. Blakk Chrcxs, Notes of Haxv, Ordkbv Books, ' Steabo Bills, Stbamso't Carls, . Bills op Lapiko Ckbttficatks, Show Bills, Chbck Books, . B RacBirra, Paxbphlxts, hahpbill8, Ball Tickrts, Circulars, Invitations, . ' Bitsinks8 Cards, Billheads, Cokcrrt Bills, Proorahms, Address cards. Drafts, - - Blanks op all Knrns. A-o Avn Ac " ORNAHENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED LVK8 Ml UedicaL - ajli. VV -VM V.VV .watl Dr.L J. Czapkay's Private MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's Office, San Fran cisco. ESTABLISHED IN 1954. FOR THB PERMANENT CURE Or ALL PRIVATE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. AND THB 81TPRESSIOM OF QUACEERV. Attending and Resident Physician. L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D-. Late in the Hungarian Revolutionary War. Chi- f Phy sician to tno zotn itegimentoi tionveds, niter surgeon to the Military Hospital or restn, Hungary, and tue late Lecturer on the diseases of women and Children. Communications stictly confidential. Consultation, by letter or otherwise, free. Address Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, t" San Francisco, Cat. ro THE AFFLICTED. Dr. L.J.CZAPKA Yretums bis sincere thanks to bis numerous patients for their patronage, and would take this opportunity to remind them that be continues to consult at his Institute for the cure of Chronic diseases of the Lungs .Livers. Kidneys,di- gesure ana zenniTe organs, and all prirate diseases, viz : Syphilitic ulcers, tronorrbosa. Rleet. strictures. seminal weakness and all the horrid consequences of self abuse, and be hopes that bis long experience and successful practice of many years, will continue to ensure him a share of public natronare. By the practice of many year- in Europe and tbe United States, and during the Hungarian war and campaigns, be is enabled to apply tbe mo.-t efficient and successful remedies against diseases of all Kinds. He uses no mercury charges moderate treats his pa tients in a correct and honorable way has references of unquestionable veracity from men of known respect ability and-nign standing in society. All parties con sulting him. by letter or otherwise, will receive the best and gentle-t treatment, and implicit secresy. To thb Ladies of Okeaoic and California. L. J Czapeat, M. D.. Physician Surgeon and Accoucheur .in vites the attention of tbe sick and afflicted females la boring under any of the Tarious forms of diseases of tbe brain. Innirs. heart, stomach. tiTer, womb, blood, kid neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. Tbe Doc tor is effecting more permanent cures than any other physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy prevent you. out appry immediately, and save yourself irom painiui sunennp ana prcmapire aeaxa. An mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their families should write or call at Dr. 1.. J. Czapkay s Uedicxl Institute Sacramento st.. below Montgomery, opposite P. M. S- S. (jo s omce juia tney win receive every p isaiole relief and help- The Doctor's Offices are so arranged that he can be consulted wituout molestation. 12m3 t. AI consultations I by letter or otherwise,) free. Address to UK. L J. CZAPKAY, Medical Institute. San Francisco. Cal. LIEF.. Below we publish the certificates of two of the sufferers from the pangs of disease, who having recovered tueir former health, and impelled by grati tude, make known their cases and remedial a?ent. and their statements are authenticated by s Notary Public xueuenxanus- oi o; in j i :n pcri'tusi commana toeir puuiicity. ana we commend their perusal to the atten tion 01 Ruamiciea: CERTIFICATE. The undersigned, desirous of acquainting those who may be un ortunate emmph to be simiiarlr afflicted. where a permanent relief of their suffering may be obtained, feels it his duty to thus pnblicly express his most sincere gratitude to Dr. 1 J. Czapkay, for tbe ilermanent recovery f his health. Borne down bv the distressing symptoms incident to the vicious practice of uncontrollable passion in youth ; depressed in body and mind ; unable to perfurui even the most trifling duty imposed npou the daily avocations of lite. I sought the advice of many physicians, who at first regarded mv disease as of trifling importance bet alaf ; after a few weeks, and in sereral instances mouths, ot their treat ment. I found to my unutterable horror, that instead of relief, the symptcms became more alarming in their torture ; and being, told by one that my disease, being pmcipauy conui.ej to ice orain, medicine would be ot Lttle consequence. I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength and eaergy ; and, as a last resort, and with but a faint hope, cailcu upon Dr. Czapkay, who, after examining my case, prestwibed some medicine wmcn almost instantly relieved me of the dull pain sou uminca in my neaos. LJienuraged by this result, I resolved to f lace myself immediately under his care, and by a strict obed:ence to his directions and advice my head became ciear. my ideas collected, tlie constant pam in my back aid groins, the weakness of mv limbs the nervdus reaction of my whole body on the slicbt est alarm or excitement: "the misanthropy and evil forebodings; the self distrust and want of confidence in others; the ii.cipacity to study, and want of resolu tion: the frightful, exciting, and at times pleasnrable dreams at ni-:lit, followed by involuntary discharges, have all disappeared; and in'fact. ia two months after having consulted the Doctor, I felt as if inspired by ajiew life that life which, but a short time ao, I con templated to eaa wnn mv own nana. With a view to guard the unfortunate from falling into tne snares ci incompetent q racKs. j deem it m d'rtr to offer this tfc-tiraouy to the merit au! skill o: Dr. Czapkay. and recommend him to all who may stand in need of medical advice, being assured by my own prnrocc, iuai wore unner niscare, a radical and permanent core will be effected. B. F. FnXMORE. S'ate of California, Conaty of San Francisco. Sub scribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day of April A-D-1S56- Sitmed) JOHN MIDDLETON, l. s.J Notary Pnblic- CARD. Prompted by an honest desire of my heart. T wish to lay before the public a case which deserves a hirh com mendation, not only as an act of scientific skill, but that of humanity, also. Abonttwo years ago, I sud denly and from causes unknown to me" was seized with a fit of efilefst, which, owing to my inability to meet tbe expenses consequent upon a thoroaeh medicaltreat ment. and the discouragement which I met with on attempting it, soon became such (as 1 was then led to llieve,) as to defy tbe skill of any physician. I was frequently, while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down to the ground without the slightest warning, and al though insensible to the a conies, ret I despised the mis ery of my existence. While in this state, and having previous to myafflction tasted the sweets of life. I once more was induced to attempt seeking aid of a physician, and, by reconimendatinn. called upon Dr. L. J. Czap kay. I told him my circumstances, and my inability to reward him for his services regardless of which, however, he at once undertook my case, and with the blessing of God, I was once more restored to perfect health. Unable to reward him for tbe boon which I enjoy st present, and yet conscious of my indebted ness. I consider it due to myself and to all afflicted, to make the case public, in order that those in need of medical advice may find a physician in whom every confidence can be placed. MEYER YABLONSKY. l.s.1 State of California. 1 County of San Francisco, ( Subscribed and sworn to before me this first day of August, A. V. IS06. Gilbert. A. Grant. Notary Public, l. s.J SPERMATORRHOEA .or Local Weakness. nervous de bility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of tbe limbs and back, indisposition and incapacity for labor and study, dullness of apppetite. loss of memory, aversion to society, love of sol itude, timidity, self-distrust, dixziness, headache, pains in tlie side, affection of the eyes, pim ples on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man , are cared without rail by the justly celebrated physician and surgeon. L. J. Czapkay. His method of curing diseases ia new (unknown to others) and hence tbe areat soe- AucuoiniMugiu, uy letter or ot nerwise, tree. Address, L.J. CZAPKAY. M.D.. Ssn Francisco. Cal. Tbe Grtatcst fiiseorrrj of the Ige. GREAT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent bat Potent! DR. CZAPKAY'S Propbilactici-x, (self-disinfecting agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea! and Syphilitic diseases, and a ceitain and unsur passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, fated discharges from vagina, uterus and urethra, and all cntanoos emptionsand dis eases. As innocLlation is preventive againstsmall pox, so is Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticum a pVeventiveagaisst Syphilitic and GonorrlMKil diseases. Harmless in it self, it possesses the power of chemically destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of debauchees from being infected by the most loathsome of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates health be without Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticnm. It is in very convenient packages, and will be found con venient for nse, being nsed as a soap. Price, So. For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Private Medical and Surgi cal Institute, Sacramento st., below Montgomery, oppo site P. M. Co's. otBce, San Francisco. All letters most be addressed to L. J. Czapkay, II. San Francisco. DR.L.J- CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute, Sacramento St., below Montgomery oppo site Pacific Maill Steamship Co.'s Office, San Francisco. Tbe Doctor offers free consultation, and asks no remu neration unless he effects a cure. - Office honra from S A.M. to 9 P. M. . . .. CERTIFICATE. . I, the undersigned. Governor of Hungary, do testify hereby .that Dr. L. J .Czapkay has served during the con test for Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hun garian array .with faithful perseverance whereof I have given him this certificate, and do recommend bins to the sympathy, attention and protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice, and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS, Governor of Hungary. , Washington City, Jan. 6, 1852. S" Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond ing. please encloses 10 in their letters, aud they will ' " . ran Fraactaoo. Cal. April, 1S58 3ml7 The Oregon Statesman. A I')dnd"'t Jmal, devoted to Politics, Oaa; ? '"'-"genre, tec, Published at Salem, Vrtgtm. A8AHEL BUSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor Zi S Taa u democratic in politics, ana tucy gbty Kationsl in it. rhin.-!.. hil to utm species of sectionalism. fanaticUm, atld intolerance! aud will vigorousty oppoee all attempts to incorporate any of the insane isms of the day into oar Territorial It will advocate alt nractieal mtomH r tafbm and Progress, economical and simple adminiatratios f our local government ; faithfKlneas, integrity, and ca pacity ia office, and a system of rigid and direct ac conntability of the officer to the people, I wilt dis. can all measures agitating the public mind, ia a aaaa- f earl ess, impartial, and just. Its News Department will be edita with attention, and nothing will be spared to furnish early. accurate, ana compreucaax b yuuucwna ef tne car. rent intelligence. The Statesman has a Urge, widely-aeattera .and moat excellent corps of correspondents, and very coaaptets) (acuities lor piocunng news. Due attention is also paid to tnepamicauBsi ot mmtnyu liny. Agricultural and Literary matter. In this paper are published tbe laws, resolutions, and treaties ot the United States, and the laws aad respasi tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. Tbt paper ia pnntea on new material, ana upon a sa se the largest size. The statesman will be an active participant ia traasv rinz political events, and will furnish a faithful rec ord of tbe history or parties and politics. As a vehicle of Oregon News, the Stateasaaa enjoys- facilities-that none of its eotemporaries do. Terms xnree aoiiara per year, strictly in advance; four dollars, if paid within six months, but not in ad vance; five -dollars, if not paid within six months. These terms we must adhere to in all cases. Persons sending us money by mail, or otherwise, will pleasS conform to these terms, adapting the asmm to tbe lime of payment. The low price at wmcn toe paper is anoraed places it within the reach of all. Prsspeetsn of tha California CnltTirist. THE rapidly increasing importance of the Ajrricnlta ral aud Mechanical interests of the Pacific Coast and Islands, and tbe evident necessity of a system ef . : . j ...j . . 1 t: 1,1 t .,11 1 - agriculture auuptcu w ijic jiCTuuai iucs v w nute, and products, seem to open a new, wide and na- occupied held, for the publication of a journal partica- tarijr dctukq w luoac interests. 10 promote the desired obiect. and to "fcupply tat want so seriously felt, we have introduced the Cali fornia Ct'LirRisT, to be devoted to the advancement of every industrial pursuit connected with the prog ress 01 Agriculture, r ron cunnre. Mechanism ana Jfia-r ing; whilst the development of the Natural History of our seas, rivers, coasts and Islands, will constitute at times an interesting feature of the work. It will be a reliable medium of information relax tr to tbe introduction, cultivation and value of new fruits, ' seeds, grains, and vegetables, and of tbe introduction, or manufacture of all new and valuable machinery and implements- It win oe tne aim or tne proprietors to make it tna Horticultural Guide and Text Book of the Pacific, dis cussing and presenting tbe most approved asodea af culture, as adaptca to particular varieties ot irons, plants and flowers, in their several tocalites. - It will contain a reliable Price Current of agricultu ral and horticultural products", at the Commercial Me tropolis, and an accurate Meteorological Table at tha. Capital of the State for every month. It will be the medium through which the operations os the State Agricultural and Horticultural Societies and the Mechanics' Institute,thcir proceedings and re ports, will be given to the public at the earliest practi cable moment. It will also contain a complete summary oLthe prog ress and improvements ia Agriculture and Sechsntssa throughout the world. Correspondents of acknowledg ed ability, not only throughout the United States aad Europe, bat tbe Pacific Islands, China and Japaa ara secured, who wii! contribute to the Work. To the Agriculturist, the Herdsman, the Florist, the Mechanic, Moaafactorer. Miner aad Naturalist; te ail its patrons, we pledge our unremitted efforts to make tbe California Coltnralist not only a reliable record ef tbe agricultural ard mechanical progress of California, its adjacent Coasts and Islands, but an iutercstiag. useful and welcome monthly visitor. It will contain forty-eight pages, monthly exclmnva of advertisements and embellished with colored pitta. , liLhograpk and engt ucing of the highest merit, and will be published simultaneously at San Francisco and Sacramento on the fifteenth of every msnth. O. C Wheeler. Corre-ponding Secretary of tbe State Agricultural Socities, Editor. Address WHEELER A WADS WORTH, Saa Francisco. July 2T, 1353. 20tf Harper's Magazine. THE present number is the first of the Seventeenth Volame of Hakfek's New Monthlt Magazixr. Toe Publishers refer to the volume just concluded as the best assurance far the character of that which is now commenced. They believe that the Magazine em braces m its general plan every thing essential to aa attractive literary miscellany, adapted to the wants of the American puLlic Its regclar circulation has not been diminished even daring the unexampled financial revulsion, which has proved disastrous to so many lit erary and commercial enterprises; and they are assur ed from every quarter that tbe Magazine is recognized as a necessity rather than a luxury. They therefore aancanee no Xew "Features" for" the future. They will continue to fiil the Magazine with articles incn tes ting sound views in Life and Morals; leaving , as here tofore, the discussion of sectarian opions in Religion, and sectional questions in Politics to their own appro priate organs- Wise men and true patriots anree open points far more numerous than those apoa which teey differ. The object of the Magazine will be to nnite ratLer than to separate the views aad feelings of tha people of different sections to our common country. Each number of the Magazine will contain 144 octa vo pages, in dou ble columns, each year thus compris neaily two thousand pages of the choicest Miscellane ous Literature of tbe day- Each namber will contain numerous Pictorial illustrations, accurate plates of the Fashions, a copious chronicle of current events, and impartial notices of the important Books of tbe Month. The Volumes: commence with the numbers JUNE and DECEMBER, bat Subscription may comseeace with any number. Terms. The Magazine may be obtained of Book sellers. Periodical agents, or from the pnbBsbers, at Thkes Dollars a year, or Twtsrr Frva cents a em ber. The Semi-annual Volumes, as completed, neatly bound in CI -th, are sold at Two Dollars each, and Mus lin Covers are furnished to those who wish their back Numbers uniformly bound, at Twenty Five cents each. Sixteen Volumes are now ready, bound in Cloth, and also ia Half Calf. The Publishers will supply specimen numbers gratu itously to Agents and Postmasters, and will make libe ral arrangements with them for circulating the Maga zine. They will also supply Clubs of two persons at Five Dollars a year, or five persons at Tea Dollarsw Clergymen and Teachers supplied st Two Dotlara a year. Numbers from tbe commencement eaa now ba supplied. Also, the bound Volumes. The Magazine weighs ever seven and not over eight, ounces. The postage apoa each Namber. which mask be paid quarterly in advance at the Office where tae Magzine is received, is Thrrs Cekts. July 27, lSdS. JOtf Saa Frtneisc AdTtrtisiig Igriej. LP. FISHER, 171 Washingtoa Stnearly opposite Macguire's Opera House, up stairs. Files of all ihe priucipal Papers of California and Oregon may bo found at this office. L- P. FISHER is the authorized Agent of the Oregos Staves aii ; Marrsville Herald; Sacramento Union; Saa Joaquin Republican, Stockton; Pacific Methodist, Stockton; Nevada Journal; Sonora Herald; Grass Valley Telegraph; Red Bluff Beacon; Columbia Gazette; Mountain Denocrat,PlacervflIe; ' Tuolumne Courier; Calaveras Chronicle, Mokehumae Hill; El Dorado Democrat; - Shasta Courier; Mariposa Gazette; Yreka Weekly Union; Trinity Journal, WeaverviUej Iowa Hill News; Weekly Ledge;.- Jackson; - San Jose Telegraph; Sonoma County Journal; Folsom Dispatch; , ' California Mining Journal; ' Los Angeles Star; Santa Barbara Gazette; Ssn Diego Herald; Alraeda Cauaty Gazette; Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's; Napa County Reporter; Sierra Democrat, Downevil'e; - Humboldt Times; Union; -Oregonian. Portland, O. T.; Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O Pioneer and Democrat, Olympia, W. T.i Washington Republiban, Steilacoom, W. T. Poynesian, Honolulu, S. I.; . Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolula S.I.f Mexican Extraordinary. City of Mexico; Pacific Cbrisian Advocate, Port! aad, O. T.; Hongkong Register. ADVERTISING IN THE ATLANTIC STATES. L. P. F. has now completed his arrangements for the forwarding of advertisements to all the' principal largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published' in the Atlantic States- A fine opportunity is here offered to those wbo wish to advertise ia any part cf tha Union, of doing; so at the lowestrates, ana ia a prompt ana satisfactory 1 ner- . August 15. .1357. J4tf Short Settlements make Ions; frientts. THE eld year has passed, and we want all those wb know themselves indebted to us to come forward. and settle aad get their "New Years" present. Don t forget this; we mean jnst what we say. ; . W. C. GRISWOLD A Co-.' January 1.1858. 43t For Sale WEBSTEB'S Unabridged Dictionaries; Quarto HighSehoel -.-. Primary aad Pocket Dictiimarisa ' S. L. 1JRADLEY A tsv Oregon City, Feb., 1848.