The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, August 17, 1858, Page 4, Image 4

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Representatives, viz:
For binHrn documents, one hundred thou,
sand dollars.
For furniture, rrpaira,and boses for mem
bfrs, ten thousand dollars.
For stationery, fifteen ihousnn! dollar-.
For horses, carriages and saddle horses,
six thousand dollars.
For fuel, oil and candles, three thousand
six hundred dollar.
For newspapers, twelve thousand five
hundred dollars.
For engraving, elect retyping and litho
graphing, one humlrei tho nan. 1 dollar.
For Cipitol poltej. five thousand eight
hundred and ninety dollars.
For ptges a. temporary- mail boys, four
thousand two hun I red dollars.
For biding document, ine'.u Jinjs pay of
folder, wrapping inper, twins and paste,
thirty thousand dollars.
For cartage two thousand dollars.
For miscellaneous items, thirty thousand
For twenty-four copies of the Congres
sional Globe and Appendix for each member
and delegate of tha second session of the
thirty-fifth Congress, seventeen thousand
three hundred and fifty. two dollars.
For binding twenty-four copies of Con
gressional Globe and Appendix for each
membir and delegate of the second session
of lite thirty-fifth Congress, eight thousand
and ninetv-seven dollars and sixty cent:
' Provided, That no greater prica shall be paid
for the same than sixty cents for each vol
ume) or part, actually bound and delivered.
For reporting the debates of the second
assioa of tne thirty-fifth Congress, eight
thitsand dollars.
For the usual additional compensation to
the reporters for the Congressional lllobf
for reporting tha prooee ling of tlte House
of Representatives for the next regular ses
sion of thirty-fifth Congre, eight hundred
d Jlar to each reporter, four thousanl dol
lars. To pay the reporters of the Senate, the
usual extra compensation, for the third ses
sion of the thirty. fourth Congress, eight
hundred dollars each, three thousand two
hundred dollars.
To pay the reporters of the Senate, the
usual extra compensation lor the first session
of the thirty fifth Congress, eight hundred
dollars each, three thousand two hundred
To pay the reporters of the Senate the
usual extra compensation for the second ses
sion of the thirty-fifth Congress, eight hun
dred dollars each, three tbousana two hun
dred dollars.
For one hundred copies ef the Congres
sional Globo and Appendix, and for binding
the same, for the second session of tho thir
ty.fifth Congress, Tor the n-e of the Library
cf the louse of Representatives, four hun
dred and forty dollars.
For the compensation of the draughtsman
and clerks employed upon the land maps,
clerks to committees, and temporary clerks
ia the ofuce of the Clerk of the House ol
Representatives, seventeen, thousand eight
hundred dollars.
For two mail biys at nine hundred dol
lars each, and the messenger in charge of
the south extension, three thousand three
hundred dollars.
For furnishing ths cammittee rooms, re.
" tiring rooms and oQes in the south wing ol
the Capitol extension with gas ftxlire,
Ideliers, iron safes, and other furniture, forty
thousand dollars.
Library of Congress.
For compensation of Librarian, three as.
aistanl librarian, and messengers, nine
thousand dollars.
For contingent expenses of said library,
one thousand dollar.
For coal, and fireman f r furnaces to
warm the library, six hundred dollars.
For purchase of books for said library,
five thousand dollars.
For purchase of law books for said libra
ry, two thousand dollars.
Botanic Garden.
For procuring manure, tools, fuel, repairs,
purchasing trees and shrubs for botanic gar
den, to be expended under the direction of
the Library Committee of Congress, twenty-three
hundred dollars.
. For pay of horticulturist and assistants
in the botanic garden and green-houses, to
be expended under the direction of the Li
brary Committee of Conjres, five thousand
one hundred and twenty-one dollars and fif
ty cpnts.
For reglsring and repairing damages to
the green houses by the hail storm of June,
eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, one thou
sand and forty -four dollars and sixteen cents.
f- For compensation of the Superintendent
- of Public Priming, and the clerks and mes
senger in his o.iicc, eleven thousand five
hundred and fourteen dollars.
For contingent expenses of his oGce, viz :
For blank books stationery, postage, ad
vertising for proposals for paper, furniture,
traveling expenses, cartage and labor in
stsring and transportation of paper, and mis
cellaneous items, two thousand eight hun
dred and fifty dollars.
For rent of wareroom, two hundred and
fifty dollars.
For paper required for the printing of the
second session of the thirty.fifth Congress,
one hundred thousand dollars.
For printing required for the second ses
sion of the thirty fifth Congress, seventy
thousand dollars.
Court of Claims.
For salaries of three fudges of the Court
of Claims, the solicitor, assistant solicitor,
deputy solicitor, clerk and assistant clerk,
and messenger thereof, twenty-seven thou
sand three hundred dollars.
For stationery, fuel, gas or other lights,
printing, labor, and miscellaneous items for
the court of claims, four thousand dollars.
For commissioners' fees for taking testi
mony in behalf of the government, fees of
witnesses and of agents or attorneys to be
appointed by the solicitor to attend to the
taking of depositions, five thousand dollars.
For compensation of the President of the
United States, twenty-five thousand dollars.
For compensation of the Vice President
of the United' Slates, eight thousand dollars.
For compensation to secretary to sign pa
tents for lands, one thousand five hundred
For compensation to the private secretary
steward and messenger of the President of
the United States, four thousand six hundred
For contingent expenses of the executive
office, including stationery therefor, three
Lund red and fifty dollars.
Department of Stale.
For compensation of the Secretary of
State, and Assistant Secretary of State,
clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and
laborers in his office, fifty-seven thousand
' eight hundred dollars.
For the incidental and contingent expen
ses of said depart mewf.
For proof-reading, packing, and distur
bing laws and documents, including cases
and transportation, and miscellaneous ex
penses, fire thousand dollars.
' - Fr stationery, blank books.'binding fur
niture, fixtures, repairs, pain ting aod g!a-
z nr, six thousand five hundred doMsrs.
Tor newspaper, MX hundred do', la is.
For iniccellaneous items, tw thousit d
dollars. .
To enable the Secretary of State to pur
uhase filly copies each, of vclumes twei.t.v
two and t vveiity-lhreo of Howard's Reports
of the D.HriMons of the Supreme Court of
tho United S:ates, five hundred dollars.
To enalile the Secretary of State to car
ry into effect the act entitled, "An act for
the admission of the State of Kansas into
the Union," ten thousand dollars.
Norlheist executive bwtditif.
For compensation of Tour watchmen and
two laborers of the northeast executive
building, three thousand six hundred dollars.
, For contingent expenses of said building.
t'z: for fuel, light, repairs, and miscellane
ous expenses, four thousand three hundred
Tress u rjr dep-i rtment.
For compensation of the Secretary of the
Treasury, Assistant Secretary of the Treas
ury, clerks, messenger, assistant messen
ger, and laborers in his olfiee, forty-eight
thoustnd six hundred dollars.
For condensation of the First Comptto'l
er, and the clerks, messengers, and labor
ers in his office, twenty. eight thousand
thrt e hundred and fort' dollars.
For compensa I in of the Second Comp.
troller, and the clerks, messenger, and la
borer in hi ollice, I wenjy-si'x thousand eight
hundred and forty do'l.irs.
For compensation of the First Auditor,
and the clerk, messenger, asttant inessen-
tier, and laborer in hi offic:, thirty-five thou
sand nine hundred and forty dollars.
For compensation of tho Second Auditor,
and the clerks, messen-jer, assistant mes
senaer, and laborer in bis office, thirty-five
thousand five hundred tin I forty dollar.
For compensation of the Third AuJiior,
and tho clerks, iiv'sse tiger, assistant mes
senger, and laborers in his ofiice, one hun
dre.t and thirty-two thousand six hundred
and forty dollars.
F r e-'mpei satioti of the Fourth Auditor,
and Lie c.erks, in sponger, and assistant
messenger in his office, twenty even thou-
sartl t-even hundred and forty dollars.
For c m; ensatio.i of the Fifth Auliior,
and ti e clerks, mjssener, and tauorer tn
liiaefSce, seventt e ll.oa-anJ eight hun Ire J
and tony dollars.
For to:npen-'olion of the Aud'tir cf the
Treasury for the Post OJice Department,
and th& clerks, mes-senjjer, assistant mes
senger, and laborers in his ofiice, ono hun'
dred and seventy-two thousand threa hun
dred and forlv dollars.
For comp 'iisat ion of the Treasurer of the
Utit'ed Slates, and the clerks, messenger.
assistant nfssergor, and laborers in his of
fice, twentv-five thousand seven hundred
and fortv dollars.
For compensation cf the Rcgutir of the
1 reasurv, and the clerks, messenger, assis
tant messenger,, and laborers in his office,
fifty thcusmd three hundred and frty dol
For c mpenat!on of the Solicitor of thi
Treasury, and tho clerks and messeurrs in
his ofuce, seventeen thousand one hundred
and forty dollars.
I-or compensation of the U unmissioner
of th? Custom, and the clerks messenger,
and laborer in his ofiice, twfn'v thousand
four hundred and f Jrtv dollars
For compensation of the clerks, messen
I"r, and laborer of the Light house Board
nine thousand two hundred and forty dol
Contingent Ernsts of the Treasury De
pir intent.
In the oTireof the Secretary of Treasury,
For coptiig, blank books, stationery
hind-ng, sealing ships' registers, translating
foreign languages, advertising, and extra
cleric lure lor preparing aoi collecting in.
forma. ion to t laid betire Congress saitl
clerks lv be employed onlv ilormg the tes
sion of Congress, or when ludiSTf nsably ne
cr-ssary ,o enable the department to answer
some call made by either houe of Congress
at one session to u? answered at another;
and no such extra clerk shall receive more
than three dollars and thirty. three and one
third cents per day for the time actually and
necessarily employed ami for miscellane
ous items, thirteen thousand seven hundred
and fifty dollars.
In the office of the First Comptroller:
For furniture, blank honks, binding, sla.
thn-ry, public Iocumrn'n, State ami Terri
torial Matutes, and mUeel' items, and
the Union and National Intelligencer te-vs.
papers, two thousand two hiin-Irt-u dollars
In the office of tht Second Coinnt roller:
For (dank book, binding, stationery, pay
for the Nnticnal Intelligencer and Union, to
Ik filed and preserved for the use of the
office, otlice furniture, and miscellaneous
items, one thousand five hundred dollars.
In the office of the First Auditor:
For blank book, binding, stationery, sffice
fu-.niture, cases for records and official pa
pers, and miscellar.eius item, including
subscription for the Union and National In.
telligencer, to Le filed for the use of the
ofTiee, one thousand eilit hundred dollars,
li the oCii-e of the Second Auditor.
For Llank books binding, stationery, of
fice, foruttare, and miscellaneous items in
cluding two of the daily city newspapers,
to be filed, lound and preserved fir the use
of the ofiice, cne thojswnd two hundred
In theo.Ttcftof theTl.ird Auditor.
For blank books, stationery, ofiice furni
ture, carpeting, two newpapers, the Union
and In'clligencer, preserving files and pa
per, bounty-land service, miscellaneous
items and arrearages, three thousand five
hundred and fotv dollars.
In the office of the Fourth Auditor:
For s'otionery, Looks, binding, labor, and
miscellaneous items, one thousand ono hun
dred dollars.
In the office of the Fifth Auditor:
For blank books, binding, stationery, of
fice furniture, carpeting, and miscellaneous
expenses, in which are included two daily
newspapers, one thousand dollars.
In the office of the Auditor of the Treas
ury, for the Post Office Department.
For stationery, blank book, binding, ru
ling, miscellaneous iteir s, for file board, re
pairs, cases and desks for safekeeping of
papers, furniture, lights, washing towels,
ice, horse for messenger, telegraphic des
patches, and stoves, twelve thousand five
hundred and fifty dollars.
In the office of the Treasurer:
For blank books, binding, stationery, and
miscellaneous item?, one thousand dollars.
In the office of the Register:
For rutins and full finding books for re
cording collectors, quarterly abstracts of
commerce and navigation, and blank ab
stracts for their use, b'ank books, binding
and stationery, arranging and binding can
celled marine papers, and records, and mis
cellaneous items, including office furniture
and carpeting, copper-plate printed certifi
eates of registers of vessels snd crew lists,
ten thousand dollars.
In the ofiice of the Solicitor:
For blank books, binding, stationery, la
bor, and miscellaneous items, and for stat
utes and reports, two thoasaasJ two hundred
d 1W.
re It tontimud.
lllcliarils & McCraken,
AKUJuhlwrsir. UltKUOX fKUUUlc or cveiy ce
srriiition. No. 41 bacrauieuto at., O'lre-f rout
ttnre.) San Krnntisco.
S&. inn tnnet nmtKci price pmu iur i nuuuv-u.
SS Lil tral advances nmita tm coiisitrumetitit.
mtr Orders Mr Oregon traile intnptly attended to.
Otttre in roi tland, uii.':r wharf bout.
San t wnciteo. roruana. intgon.
June ?2. W. lv'S
Jtoyle & Sites,
PHYSICIAXS ANl)8tTiti;KO3.woitll respertfuiiy
tuforoi tlio ciiitena or folk Co.. aud vicinity, tliut
thrv hnv entered into cniiartneritUhi lor I ho urnitice
of niediuiue, anrsery. and oufcto'ric. Otlice, Dallax,
Polk. Co. J. . 'jle- " ",r ,,,e Preseui wtu do
found at hi residence, 3 miles east of Daliaa.
Janata. iaos.
U. William DBUlhtl,
.4 '' AZD
Wl!l practice la the Anprema and District Court
of this Kt te.
If Odlce orer Starr 'a Tin Store. Fr-nttiret.-TS
Stf Portland, Orrgmt.
J. Fleming.
A T the Oreffon Citv. P.wt Otlice Biiildinc. Iiaa JuM
received, liirect I'r-in New York. HMl rnpica of
Dnwnlnx s Fruit anil r rnlt Treennr Amcrtra."i-pvied
md enlarged. rir lv57 the latent published edition ol
tli: V4 inlile work. I If lias it I so mi h.ind.a xxl stock
of tnlst-t I! m ous b juks aud .itatiouerj-, for ule on ternw
to suit the time. .
Oreon City. Pre. 15, 1P5T. ltr
W. W. Page.
Nod. o.T
N. II. (ranrr,
AltanT.O.T.Feb..ta-.S. 4tf
Ur. S. It. Duckies,
sai.rm. onK'iox TEnnrroitT.
Siiem. Nvemlcr 9, ISJ7.
William C. 2rlsTold ft. Co.,
. c., 2'2tf c. 8. woonwoam
Itledlcul Notice.
rfllE -ihser:i:i-r. wonld inrortn the inhabitants thnt 1e
X Is nt his old uid, ready to attend to nil rails in
ui Drofeiin : nlso lie has on lmnd a well electrl
ck of Ei Iwtic com entiatrd Medicine, with a well
a.orted upi!r of Syringe, all of which lie will dipwr
ol.on resnn!le terms. I . .liur
Sa!r:n tcc-ern'er 2. l!St. 3-tf
Slnlicl ?iolItf.
l!t. Tt. W. FIIAW, l::teof Sn FrancUco, California
1J offers lii no!'e.iiiml wrvii-ea to the citizeua to
S.iicm and vtciuity, ai:d respcttiully solicits a share fo
puliiie favor.
r- OrBce at Teed and Fcllowa' dniff t"re.
14y it. W. SHAW.
S. i:ilsvortli,
P. Pur-reme and other Coui-t. OttiPe-
t.vrte Comitv. Oregon TerrimrT. Al
C""tnmlssi"i:rr" Peeds tir Xew York, Conneclicot. Ae.
Aunt !'J. IS.'G. !l"
A. J. Thayer,
Axnro'vjxsEt.t.oTt at law. oa
1 V in Corv .11:-.
Hcnl n Co., O. T., opposite to the
Ciiy Hotel m .-aut town. I 'tr
Tarrari Slant,
a"l 'han.-ei v ai t Ad-n-raltr.
4 ira -f oa
Port!f..l. O.T.
t'rJi.t street,
. j.v ;o.i.v
one door north of the
I. N. Smith.
XV. Soliciti r in tuaactrj
Corvallis O. T.
:i. w. jiiitiitii.
Y Rene City. Lune County, O. T.
San Franrifo AJtfrtiiu;lfcnfy
r. FISHt rt, Imn bt.ildin?. orn-s!te Parirtc Express
j orSt-e.nntnirs. tiles of it 1 1 the pnm-ial I'aperso
California and Oregon may befound at this nltice.
t l.-her is the antimirtcd A pent fr the tatemsn.
I'hfstrr S. Trrrj,
a ttorxet at law. Salem, onnoox. COM
IX. miirtt-er of Peeds. and U take testiiu-ny, ae-
knowledirmeMt. Ac.. Ac. f.r Iowa. Indiana. Missouri
Michinn. Caiif-imia snd VV'a-diinrton Terr-.t ry. Ixt
U-rsnf Attorney, and all other instrument of writing,
dntnrn on short notice.
Particnlar attentftn paid to taking depositions
collet lions of ote. Account.. Ac. , lil
U rtlin; It Grsrrr.
Solicit"! in Chancery. OOica near the Court-house.
Celazon Smith,
2 StlH-ibrin Chsn -ery. will promptly attend t- all
'MKinf s iM-rtaininr to his profession ia the tiit Judicial
n.trii-t. and Iwfore ttie Supreme Court of Oregon.
Oftt -e. Altnv, IJnn Iminty. n. I.
N. It. '-Vlit-n not at his o!tk-e. or absent on nrofi
sinnal bosisess, he in y l fmind at his residence, five
m-li-t anuTl-nt or Alouny, oo wuat is Known as tne
Orand Prairie.''
W. S. Brork,
il. K..Ii.-it.r i:i .Chancery, will practice in the various
worts In this TerriVry, ami promptly aiieno to me ci
ievti.m of ail . I lims ajainst the t'niu-d States, tbroiish
an efficient n?e:it re -idi.i,j at Washington .City, oaive
in Eugene City. Lane County. O. X.
It. 12. Stratton,
TTORXEY AT LAW. ill prai tW-ein the various
A. ciMirts of southern Oregon, and la the Supreme
Court of the Territory.
Offick ia Scoit-borch. I'mnana eonntv. O. T.
X. H. It .iiiiTy ImuiI Warrants obtained lor c'nim-ints
on re:tsnialie lenns. 7-itl
Z.U. SABNl'H. . a. WILSO.
Hat ntiiit & Wilson.
lem. Ore smt. I' Articular attention ia aiven to thr
co.iection of notes a 'id accounts, and cairns against
It unity 1,-ind Warrants bonvht and sold.
.li -e over Starkev"s Store. 43
II. V. Itonlinm.
lice at the Court House. Salem, O. T.
A. D. IliiUock,
Jr. Designs, plans, speculations, ic furnished on
reasonable tend.
. tauiplicll It Pratt.
ATTORXEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. California.
Oilice, corner il-nt!rraery and Suercmeuto sticcts,
over Parrott & Cos. Bank.
Messrs. Camnbrll i Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleaded to attend to all bosiuese
entrusted to their caie. Sltf
Alexamieu CAuruiu.!.. O. C. Pbatt.
Attention Farmers.
E will pay the highest market price "in casli"for
wheat. inmuc.
Corintliian JLodge
OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold
their re-n.lar communications on the Thursday
ii. Kht before the full of the moon of each month, ex
cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that
nijiht in Albany, O. T.
ltrethren in good standing are coruiauv mviteu toat-
T...-1 I VOV Cll ITU w r
W. M.
. SmiNOKB. Seo'y.
DEEPS, mortsascs, powers of attorney for sate of
acrip, tax receipts, liual proofs, and uotiticntions
a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman
July 27. 1F57. 20tf
JLook. Here!
WE have Just received 8S.O0O lbs. of gronnd alum
salt, which we are selling at fcl.On per hundred.
Dickinson Type Foundry.
PHELPS A DALTO.V. B iston. L.P. Fisher, Agent,
Saa Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads,
rule, Ac.
August 25,1857. 54 tf
w. s. iidd, Portland. J. w. ladd, San Francisco.
W. S. Ladd U. Co.
IMPORTERS and dealers ia Wines, Liquors, and Gro
ceries, Portland, Oregon.
Jan. 1. IS-18. 44tf
ZIAUOLIN A rice, and syrup tn sweeten it in 6 irallon
V kegs, at
W. K.SMITH A Co s.
SALT, sal soda, and sassafras, at
(2tf) W. K. SMITH & (Vs.
)iCKLESand pepper sauce
waKh-boaid and muid
I paper, at Utrj
W. K. SMITH A Co's.
ACKEBEL and codftsh, at
t2U) W. K. cMrill Ct 8.
Wallamet University.
THE PACCLTY during the preseut year will con
aikt of
iur. r S. Itort. A. M-. President and Actlnc Profess
or of Ancient I.AiiiiiiaRe and Mathetnnlli-ii.
C. It. Hll. A. u.. rroleawir or xi.iinnii science.
Edwin Cartwriaht, ( ..... f ,, .
l. L. Spauldinif, f ""'"" Sarah lijckiusham. Teacher of iDxtnimcutuI
The CtiLtr-oUTic DnrxBTarsT of the Wiillimrt Cnl-
vcrnity biw lieen or.-anlzed. Young men dcnljMiIng t"
pursue a regular C ' ol siuiiy, are invited to avu.i
theniM-lres of the advantage aU'"rdcd ly this Institu
tion. All available resources will lie made use ol to
meet the want of students. EU'orU will be continued
to secure a suitable endowment ;uud no puiiiH will be s .ar
ea in oiiliiiiitnft competent ana exierieuced Instrucloiv.
The Collegiate year is divined into tni tt Urm$. com
oieiii-lnir as loll ws: .
The Urot term ou the 3i I hursday in September.
" second U-rin ou the 1st Jan nirr.
third " "list " " Apr;l.
The Hrst two trrtus are- fifteen teetki each .- the third
eleven wrrkt.
Vacations. There will be two vacations in the
year: one. la April, of two tore, and una, in the sum
mer, or nun Krx.
Tt'iTios will be at the rate of tl per week, or tin
per annum.
luti uucuu.t lAsiiiuir ms I'aarAEJtior.T
Turm. Tho Acadriuio year is divided Into rota
fKiiMSorwerrn ttf-rie t Kit.
The llntt terra lt;lii on the last Tlmmday nf A-iignxt.
pcctmu icra urjjnii nn ine j -- - aoveni.
third list " " Juiiuirr
f-mrth " " " "list April.
Vacation. There w it he two vacaUnis In the rear:
ne in Atir.l. of two teee'm aud one lu the summer, of
six tret:
Ti itiov will le paid at the tiealnnlnz of each Term
in a leaner, at tne r. II xrinir rates:
" other stuiiim or Hie Araiiemio utvisiun, . . 7 ou
" lmmion Eulixh Uivkdou,... 6 SO
' Priiuarr ft SO
For use id the Pimo 1 AD
Instrumental mmlc 10 00
aw. Instr.ictionl in vocal music U given to all the
-itud.-lits frrf m rhaier.
Aumission. ttuleiiis w ii be admitted at any fme;
n.t w II tie rharued Mr tuiii'in irtim tne time they en
term ly. but thtir prioress w.ll be ercatly promoted
bv eutcrlne eailr In the Academic ver.
lu case nriK-rt-. trim necessity, siuueim leave neiore
the end "I the term r wliicn payment has lieen nn. li
ft lost ir.rM-rtinu more ttmn three 'oui ths nfr I
than o!ie-lrtti ortne tuition Ire win be rclnntlel.
tudeii's are not allowed t leave Just before eximina
ttn. I ntriins who are inattentive to tins point, lutlicl
eieat luiiiry uiHin both the student ami ttie ittstita
UoAnmNO. Yi.une eentlemen and l idle ran obtain
bnar.l atreavmnMe rate wilii urivate families.
Com P bn ur. Courss f Mndy baa been
adnptrd lor b-dh the llesiate 'and Preparatory le
oartmenr. wi II raiii ned to secure ripe scnoiarsnip
mental discipline, and a preparation for the active du
ties ol 4-te.
A lioeral Course of Study lias been adapted foryoonif
lidies whoit'ire to fmalii a thoron.;!! edtiratlon.
as A lipl ax will lie awarded t all who shall
eninnlcte the nrescril'ed course.
The tiovricsaKNT will be fiarental but striet aim
le? constant I y ct tne rnrmati'in or correct naoils
SrlMiovernniciit. l areful attention wilt he Riven to
nianrrrsand moral'.
fVtioi.n!iir. rierretnal. or for ttie period of ten
vears. seriirinij tuition at verr reduced rate, can be
purchased, t or fu:i.iier particulars apply to the Prcai
Per order of Executive Committee.
Bee Coard of Tru-teea.
FaVm.Pec. 10. 17. t Itf
Nobles & Goare's
Adaus Iioston CrusLcs.
TID1 IXVS antl oilier Colors,
San Fran. March, 1958.
Lm Q. Wusbitigtou,
VtiEXTforthepniset-iitioii f claims nt Washing'
I mi. !). C, lefore the rlxe.-ul ve Department-. Cmi
ir-si and the Court of 1 1 liuis. Will atlend t Hue et-;!-ment
.if accounts of Mir-h iU, li-trl t AUt b h
nd tulier Feleral dH -ers. sml of cn'Hra.-tors wild the
iot and otiier Uepartments: also, to the pru-or
ins of Patetits lor l.ind. Laud Warrauts, aud other bu-
ttitessof a Itenerul Ajrency.
Itefers to tieii. .I.weph l.sne. Oresoa Territory: fv.
Isiac I. Mtevens. vvannisfin ler.; l.n. M. rt. Nc.ll
lister, II in.O'den II i.Timii snd It- Aim. Thompson, ol
Ain Fr.tucis.-o, Cal.; Hon. James O.itlirie. l.-uiville
Ky., and t the -ers generally of the Treasury and
Interior ucpart netiia at vtranitnn.
lyll Washiimton l. C.
Corvallia Drug Store.
II. u kii Ki.i..tmisiM ant Ap 4hecary. is eon
stanliy re.-eivinir. iier I jihtnrnia shamers. I irje
sod earefiillv sIei-tel stiK-ksof Uruirs and Medicines
Oils. Paints, Yaruish. Slips. Perfumeries. Toilet Fur
lituie.St itionery. and all arti.-les usually kept in Drop
stores. A?ent for Jsynes. and other patent medieines.
which will be fnmislied nt California, wholesale prices.
Corval'i.5IaT5,tSj7. 12tt
MANUFACTURER or Fire-proof Dors, Shutter",
Vaults, Ac, Ac, Ac. Battery, near Pacific street,
Sun Eraneiseo.
S. H Orders from the country promptly attended
to and ivarrauted as ordered.
A lar;rc nasnrtinent of second hand Doors and Shut
ters eonstnntly on hand, for sale at very low rales
March, lsjg. fi'"-5
Tlie Lint of Oregon.
THE OREtiOX STATUTES, 1S.M, lieinfr a larRB vol
ume of .0 pages, with complete indcxTannotn
tions. mid references, comprising nil the laws in force iu
the Tirritorv. inclusive of those nassed ut last seviion
of the letiilative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the Statesman, at live dollars per copy. The work ia ex
ecuted in tiie best manner, bound iu law style, and
ia sold nt publisher prices, nnd as low as a liKe wors can
he boiifrht in anv State in the Union, and at the lowest
tietire they can be afforded for here. Tho price places
them within the reach r all who desire the laws tuey
live niiiter. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
titled bv return mail. It is the last code of laws that
will nrohr.blv be nublished in Oresron. for maov years.
In audition to mo enactinenis 01 uie ixikliiivc nsneni-
blv, the contains the I lerl.iru tion or lnde)ien-
deuc. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Orent Rritain reluti:iir toOreeoti, Ordinance of 1787, iu
force in On-con. I) mat loll l.anr and an amenaments.
and full alistract of United oates Naturalization laws
E. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co,
ARE prepared t- do a Rcncntl commission business
on New York and other Atlantic cities. Particular
attention m ill be piven to the purchase of goods for
merchants. Parties having any imish ess transactions
in the Atl intic St,ites. and wanting an airentthat will
give nerjoiial attention to the same, will do well to
call. . .
aTr om-e at Itirnnm & witson a law Office
Salem. March 2-1, 185. " 2tf
Look Here!
THE suliscrihcr would inform the pnblic that he
does entirely a Commission Iiiuiness, nnd
therefore has no goods of bis own tn interfere with
consigners. Having a rjre-proni uiiuning aim a large
Jobbing trade, he offers unusual facilities to shippers.
aa-Consignments respectfully aolicited.-ea
139 WaikutgUM St., Son Voaetseo.
W. B. CAarsBLt. Oregon CHy:
J. P. Kniobt. ...I Portland;
- Z. n. BTANSBUFY, 7
' Fbfwdimf Agrnt, Portland.
Ban Frssciseo, April, 1868. ly
f,, 'CLAYSt. J
The Graefenberg
Tlte Crarfcnbcr; rompnnjr.
THIS INSTITUTION. ( IncorporaU-d bv the Les
I ituiv ..f the State of New York. Canit-1 JltlO.iHKi.)
was roumle.l fur the purlins? of siipidt-iitg the pul l, c
with llx celebrated U It A r. F KN BEItU MEIMI IM-
The series coniprsr remedies lor neai I f every dis-.i.e
sdanted to everr 1 mate. For Fain 1 es. rraviu -rs
Sennen, and Miters nse they are nnepu lied. All the
Meiliciiies are rulttl.Y IMir.lAIH.r. anu wsnsnno
t t cure the dueaaes for which they are severally rei-
The Omefenberg Comatinr d-es not profess to enre
all diseases with one or two medicines, trur senescon
sists of ELEVEV d fTerent kinds, ad ipted to t!M! vsrl
ous disrates incident to the tcmtM-rate and tr iptcal li
mate. The f i t twiug comprucs the series ol Oraeieu
berg Medicine- :
M oitAsrsNBtafi vsnirr .!. ni.t.s
Are considered the t mdird Pill of the dir. and are
iutinlt'-lr sniterior to snr Pill before the pni.l c. They
operate without It ritati-.m on all the ex.-retions. purg-
lug tae oy Kile inkio, i.Trr, Munr5 .uu o.iu.
MARsiiai.1. a VTKise cvnoijco.
An InfMllill - remedv lor alt diseases of the womb
and urinary organs, weakness in the back, pain in the
breast, nervousness, aebiiny. etc in cai.iornia anu
Oregon, out of more than a thousand cases where this
medicine has been used. It has in uo single Instan re
failed to give permanent relief or to tflect a certain
A powerfol extract. One bottle etpnal to ten of the
ordinary Ssrapanl'a for parilying the I lood. A sure
cure for scrofula, rhenra tliara. ult-ers. dyspepsia. Bait
rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, Ac.
Inraliiatiie for bnrns. wonnds, sprains, chilblains
ores, swellings, srrofula. etc. A a Pain Extractor
it cannot be excelled, att'irjiiig immediate relief from
the most excmtiating pains.
This extraordinary article is a speedy and Infallible
remedy in UutTho.i. I'ysentcry. t 'h'ilcnt Morbus. Choi
era Infantum and tiie A-i:itic Ch' l.-ra, if taken with the
Hr-t symptoms of the disease. It is purely vegetable
ia its compound.
GSAKrcxBraa cnit-t'RESs' riActA,
ForsnmmerCompliiiit. and m-st diseases tt which
ehitlren nre sut.Jei t. Its trac worth ran never be get
forth in words. Uit it can be ft It and anyieciated by
parents whoe cbildreu have beeu saved. No Mother
should be without it.
Til a QRAErRNerao rrt-r reufdt.
Warranted a certain cure f r fiis painful disease.
with the Ointment there are verv few caes which can
not be radically and rw-rm mentSy eued. A sureica
opera' i-m for IM-ss or Fi-ti:l 1 shonl I never be resorted
to nnt l this Ointment has tsien thoruuehlv tried. It
never faiLv.
For diseases of the eye this Li Hon lias no eqail. It
U a S'Hredv and i.-sitive c?e fur iuS.immution of ttie
eves, wekue. di-me and fa l a of sight. It w ll
alaarst bene!tci.l in at-ute ntla'ii-natiou of the eyes
aud also as a wa.-u 09 luilamed surl;:ces.
A speely and -aHive cure for this di-tressiog cm
nlainu Tuese P.llf are e-im rj M-d prirK-instlr of Qsi
uiue. with other vegetal le tonics. autiH-pasm.ic and
fe'.irifie-e srti 1?. Thousands hare beea penniaently
cured by tneir use.
Sovereisn in sit iipmchxl and Pr.t-n-m.iry Diseases.
It is. Iwrnd at! oiie-ttion. trie that C -wnmitmn is a
curat 1 r di-ease, a-idt'.ie Consumptive's Balin is the best
curative ever ued.
Tliese Bitter are skil.'i llr and rt?santly pre.Tared
!r-n a nnntier of i ivif w tvi: hil.'iy r ts. oirki.
herbi and vices. An iur-.t :a le tmic aud besl.h re
A h milt unity printed v lumenf .100 paars. eoptai"
ing cnci-e ano extmm ly 1 iin uesvrii.iMoi ! ii
mtnner f dt-ea-es. fieir ros ami treatraett.
Ererv fami'r sh n 1 1 hare one. I'rice 01 I.- 2 ceot
It w ll I sent, p st paid, to any p 1st offi -e in t'.-tl:for-
ni or Oregon, on tlie receipt ol 2j cents by 101. 1 ores-
Address lie litstin A C".. Sn Fnnci-?.
The ;nefeits?rs MeiMt-iues sre for seI.- by all Prn
gists and Apothecaries t'lmusbont the connf-y.
Ueueral Aseota for Calironis and iregtHi
. rjFiMvr.Tr.NACo.,
Wh-1 -li lr.iseins.
Xo.lOf CI iy street
PMrrn A Paris Atrert". P'rtland.
San Francisco. IVc. 13.1 7. !'
Balsam of Wild Cherry,
fan&h!1, Colds. Ihirernrss, Irunn, Inflnrnia
Hleudtnir of tlie Longs, Liver ArTactii M, Pains in ttie
Ureat ur Side. Xibt Sweats. Potaisie, liit)ammati-u
ol l. i'izs a i l. T triit. VUxiulU2 CJsri, Asthma, aud
all llniucbial AfTections.
rvRS CAUTIOUS As there are nianv counter
feits, b'k well at the signature before pun basing :
fcikc n-me unless it has the mme of '-Heury Wistar, M
1).. Philadelphia." and ' Sanford and Park,"' engraved
ou the outside wrapper. All others are bae imita
tions. Io rfc & AVhlte are the only Agents to whom ail
orders should be addressed.
am .
HAXTEI10E.VUINE. 133 Washington street, ojiposite the Market.
Sail Frautisco.
SMITH A DAVI3, Agents Portland. O. T.
8an Francisco, May, 18SS. , Smli
Moffat's Life Pills
THE best family medicine now liefore the pnblic, for
the cure of Scrofula. Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions
of the Skin, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, aud
in fActmost all diseases soon yield to their curative
It bas been computed that during the last twenty-live
years upwards of Four Millions nf persons have beeu
benefitted by the nse of tliese medicines; a fact which
speaks volumes in favor of their curative properties a
single trial will place them beyond the reach of coni
ietition in the estimate of every patient. By their use
the I I Hid is restored to a healthy state and freed from
all impurities. Tiie system is not reduced during their
operation, but invigorated, and they require no re
ttaii.t from business or pleasure.
Tiie sttiirted have in these medicines a remedy that
will (i for them all that medicine can p-ssibly effect.
Preptred by W. B. MorvAT, New York.
And Tor sale by JOHN FLEMING, at the Oregon
City Post Ofltce Buiding.
Oregon City, March, 13. ly52
Herring's Patent Champion
WITH IlalFa Patent Powder-Proof Locks the same
that were awarded separate medals at tbe World's
Fair, London. 1S61, aud the World's Fair, New York.
I HAH and are tiie only American Safes that were award
ed medals at the London World's Fair.
Tlie-e safes form the most rfect security against
Fire and Burglars, of any sure ever offered to the pnt.
lic, and can only be bad of fie s.tbscribers and their
agents, who have on baud and make to order, all kinds
of Biiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults,
Vault Doors and Money B xes, or Chests for Brokers,
Jewelers a4 Private Families, for Plate. Diamonds,
and otherVjuables. Aud are also Patentees (l.y pur
chase) and ni.tniir-ietnrers of JONES' PATENT PER
AuKNT E. Fitzgerald & Co.; and W. G. Wendell,
Sau Francisco, California.
8. C. HERRING & Co.,
JVb. 231 Broadway, cor. JVurty St. JV. Y.
May, 1S33- . Gui9
Statesman Book and Job Office,
WE have Three Presses, tlte best facilities for Book
printing north of California, and an extensive as.
sortment of Jobbixo M atkriai. of every kind, and. with
master worRmen.are prepared toexecute prom-'lj-, and
iu a workman-like nuuuer, nil orders in the aU. de
partments, such as ,
Blank Checks,
Notesof Hand,
Okdeb Books,
Btrahbo't Bills
Stkambo't Caki.s,
Bills op Labi.vl
Show Bills,
Caaoa Books,
Bl's Racarrs,
Ball Ticasrs,
ClRUl'LAKS, ...
Buwtisss Cards, - -Bii.lhkaps,
Cakxokkt Bills-,
Aphws Cabs,
Blaxbs of all Kims. AcAo.. Ac.
Dr.L. J. Czapk'ay's Private
mtmrrtn ftrret.lK.lotr Mol.tT' merv. rvunfitf tt.e
Parltlo Hail trams:up company a umce, ban rran
8L'rrKE88IOS or QL'ACXSUr.
Attending and Resident Phvsic'an.
Ijite In the Hutirarlan Iter titionary War. llii f Pby-
h lnn tt tho 2mli lirginieutof Monveds, Ch:ef Surgeon
to the Military Hospital of Pe-th. Hungary, and the
le Lecturer en tne ui-eaes or women and Cliliurea.
C .n n mi -ati ns s'.l.-ily eonl lent hi 1.
('onultaticn, Ly letter or otherwise, free.
Address Dr. L-J. CZAPKAY.
Su r ineiscti. Cat,
TO THE FFLlCl Kl lr. IJ. i, PvA ) rcu.r.-
his Mil. eie thanks to bis nmnemuF patients for their
mirniiaee. ana w-niiii mice tins opportunity to rem:ni
them thit he continues tocon-t list hi lu-tttote for the
are of Clir Mlic di -eases i-f the Lungs. I jvers. Kidneys li-
lestireaud ren.tive organs, and alt pr.vate tlixrases.
v.x : syphilitic ulcers, g-mornea. glet t. Htrict;in-i,
4-min-il weakness and all the horrid consequence "t
self alnise, and he hojies that his long ex(ierieiire and
incccliui praeiicc to many J mr.. win cmviniie
vi en nire ln:ti a share f ptibtm p.itronage.
Fty the prsi-t ce of many year- ia Knro.e and
lie United States, and during the Hungarian war and
c imnaigns. lie Is eu iiiled to apply tne mot emetent
mil succeoliil remeaies against neaxeni ait Ktnus.
He uses no mercury charges moderate treats Ins pa
tients in a correct and honors ti e way lias reterenees
if ui-i-ie-.tTOt.e veracity mm men or Known rewtiecl-
sliility and high standing in society. Atl parties con
sulting him. iiv letter r ttierwie. win receive tue
best and gentlest treatment, and implu it erresy.
To Tits Lapiks of Oituuux xso California. I.. J
Csafkat, M. D..Pbysieian Surgeon and Accoucbt ur .in
vites the attention of the sick sud arUicted females la
Vtriug nnder any nf the various forms of diseases of the
brain, lungs. Heart, sumacn. liver, womb, blood. kiu
ners, and all dieaes peculiar to their sex. The Doc
tor is'etreetiug more permanent cures than any other
..1 z . ' . , .v.i..' . :.. 1 . ri. i . t :
uoysteian in vnr'.n "r Luii'iniio. lxi nuupcuciiciri
prevent yon. but apply im.nediatelT, and save yourseli
rrom nniiiful siiQerins and premature death. All mar
ried ladies, wuo-e delicate ueaitn orutnereircnrastances
prevent an increase 111 their families should
write or etll at Dr. L. J. Cztpkar's Medical Institute.
Sacramento Ft., b. low Montgomery, opposite P. M. S.S.
Co s oflieejindtliey wilt receive every p jssihle relief and
help. 1 he Dor tor s u lures are so arranged that be can
be consulted wttnont molestation. 12m3
a Al coosultatious I by letter or otherwise.) free.
Address to PR. L. J. CZAPKAY.
Medical Institute. San Franrisco. Cal.
LIEF. Below we publish the certificates uf two
of the sufferers from the pangs of disease, who having
recovered their former health, and iinfielled by grati
tude, make known their cases and remedial agent, and
their statements are authenticated by a Notary Public.
1 ne aeman.ts 01 t ieiy imjieri'Kisly command their
publicity, and we comuiend their perusal to the atten
tion 01 cuaniicieu:
The nndersiintd. desirous of aeqnainting those who
may tie un o lunate enongn to be simitatlv eUlicted
where a per.uauent -relief of their suffering may be
obtained. Ie?ls it his duty to thus iiulilirlr express
his mot sincere gratitude Ut Dr. L. J. Caapkay. lev tbe
ilermanent rc.-tivery of bis health. Borne down bv tiie
distressing syuntoms incident W-the vicions practice of
uneontruiiau.e passion in youtn ; oe ressea m ooctv and
mind ; uualle to tier.';.rin even tue most trifliag dtv
imposed upou the djiiy avocations of lire. I sought tiie
advice of many p!iyiciaiis, who at fir-t regarded my
disease as of trifling imjiort-toce but sla? ; altera few
weeks, and in several iiisUm n raoutlts, ot their treat
ment. I f vnuid to mv nmiltt rable horror, that instead of
relief, tiie svmpb ms be. -a me wore alarming in their
torture: and beii.g. told l-y one that irry cea.e. being
principally conar ej to ine brain, meiiicine would te ol
l.ttl3 conseqner e . t despaired of ever regaining my
health, strength a id energy : ai:d. as a Ia--1 resist, and
with but a faint b -pe, cal.ed upon Ir. LVapkay, who. examiniug my ease, precriid some medicine
wuirh almie-t t;st intly relieved me of the diill pain
and dizziness i my bead. Encouraged by tnis result,
I resolved ti J la e myself irr.mediau-!y uuiier hi- care,
ind by a strict 1 bed ence to his directions and advice,
my head becanec'.ear, my ideas c l'e-ttd. tl constant
pain in mr back a m!, the re: kties.oi" mj limti,
the rterv-.tis rerct.oii of my r.h'!e b"dy 0:1 the sti:t-e-t
alarm r e.xcitetrent; "the mi--aiituroj-y and evil
forelKxlings; the s.-IT d:strust and want m coiirid-me
in others; the it c ipac'.ty to twy, and want of resolu
tion: t':ie rrilit ul. xc ti-tg. and at times pleitsuralde
Ireams at 111 M, f- ll.mel by iuvoluiiLiry discharges
'lave all disstpiieart d; anil in fact, in two mf-nth-f aftei
tavii g cons-iltcd ttie D -tor. I felt as if iasuire J by
t tew life that life whirli.btit a short time ao, I con
templated t end w til mv own band.
With a vie-xt-i gntrd the onfoitiinate frrm faHtng
into tae snares if in -tmipt-tent rpiacks. I deem it m
' -l-itr tt offer this te t'.m 1 V to the merit and skill til
lr. Cztpkay.atid roommet.d him to all who may stand
i t neetl of medic: I advit-e, being assured by my own
experience, that ooe under bUcare, a radical and
permaneLt cure be enected.
S'ate of California. Conutv of San Francisco. Sub-
scriiied and swora to bef re me. this 17th day of April.
Notary Public.
Promptel by an Iitnest desire of my heart. I wtsh to
lay i-ei.'ie rue public a case which deserves a high com
mendation, not only as an ait ot scientific skill, tint
that of humanity, also. Alsmt two years ag'. I sud-
lenly and iro n causes nnknown to me. was seized w.tli
tit of KriLEPsT. ahk-h. owing to mv inability to meet
the expensi s consequent upon a tu.r.g!i medical tmt
neut, and t ie disc ouraaemeiit which I met with on
attempting it, s-s-n became such (as 1 was then led t.
lieve.) as 1 1 defy the ski!l of anv physician. 1 was
frequently while in pursuit of myca l'ng. thrown down
t the ground without the slightest warning, and al
though iusensible to lire agonies. yet I despised the mis
ery T my exrstem-e. v lute in this state, and having
,revious to my solution Listed tlie sweets of life. I once
ill .re was ind iced to attempt seeking aid of a physician,
ami. Iiy re o n ion. called ojion Dr. L. J. Czsp
ksy. I told him my circumstances, and my inability
to reward him for bis services regardless of whi. li.
however, be at once undertook my case, and with the
Messing of God. I was once more restored to perfect
health. Unable to reward bim for tbe boon which I
enjoy at present, and yet eonscksis of my indebted
ness. I consider it dne to myself and to all adicted. to
make tbe cae public, tn order that those in need of
medical advice may find a physician in whom every
confidence can be placed.
State of California,
County of San Francisco, 89
Snliscribed and sworn to before roe this 5rsit day of
August, A. D. 1856.- Oilbfpt A. Ukast.
Notary Public, l. s.J
SPERMATORRHOEA .or Local Weakness.nervons de
bility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of toe limbs
and back, indisposition and incapacity fur labor and
study, dullness of apppctite, loss of memory, aversion to
s ciety. love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness,
headache, paina in the side, affection of the eyes, pim
ples on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man, are
c ired without fail by the justly celebrated physician and
surgeon. L. J. Czapkay. H is method of curing diseases
is new (unknown So others) and hence the great suc
cess. All consultations, by letter orotherwie, free.
Address, L. J. CZAPK A X. U. D..
San Francisco. Cal.
The Greatest Dueovrry of the kit,
GREAT Blessing to Maukiud! Innocent but Potent!
Dit-CZAPKAY'S pKorniLACTici M, (seU-disinrec-tiojr
agent.) a sure prevertive against Gonorriiceel
aud Syphilitic diseases, and a reitain and unsur
passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous
and cancerous ulcers, fcr-ted discharges from vagioa.
uterus aud urethra, and all cutanous eruptions and dis
eases. As innoctlation is preventive against small pox,
so is Dr.Czapkay's Pmpbylacticnma preventiveagainst
Syphilitic aud dieaes. Harmless in it
self, it possesses the power of chemically destroying
the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of
dcba-.fcltees from being infected by the most loathsome
of ail diseases. Let no young man who appreciates
health be without Dr. Czapkay's PmphyUcticora. It
is in very convenient packages, and will be found con
venient for use, lieing used as a soap. Price, $ . For
sale at Dr. l. J. Czapkay's Private .Medical and Surgi
cal Institute, Sacr.inieuto st below Montgomery, oppo
site P. M. Co's. nificc, San Francisco.
All letters must be addressed ta L. J. Csapkay, M.D.,
R;n Francisco.
DK. I.. J. t ZAPXAY'S Urand Medical and Surgical
Institute. Sacramento St.. below Montgomery oppo
site Pacilic Mai! Steamship Co."s office, San Francisco.
The lK-tor offers free consultation, and asks no remu
neration unless he ejects a. cure. OSce liuura from
I, the undersigned. Governor ef Hungary, do
1 testify
hereby .that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has sei red durins tbe con
test for Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in tbe Hun
garian army .with faithful perseverance whereof I have
?ivcu hlin this certificate, and do recommend bim to
the sympathy, attention and protection of all those
wbo are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice,
and undeserved mUfoituue. KOSSUTH LAJOS,
Governor of Hungary.
Washington City, Jan.6. 1852.
mr Per ons not wishing to laae time in correspond
ing, please enole $10 in their letters, aud they will
get immediate attention to their casea.
Address, I J- CZAPKAY. M. D..
San Francisco, Cal.
' April, 1858 3ml 7
The Oresosi Statesnaa.
An Independent Journal, devoted to PoliHei.Uentrmt
jraigo., a-e fubiimhed at Salem. Ore ecu.
ASAHEI. BUSH, Proprietor. Pnblisfaer. and Editor.
The tstatemau la b.ninrii 1. .i,i;.. .nH l,c.r-
oiighly National in iu character. It Mhoi-tiie to evi y
species 01 sctnouBiism. raitstubm, and intolcrame;
a;:d will vigorously opiwue all attempts to incorporate
Any of the iiisuue laais of the day iuto our lerritorial
It will advocate all practical tnpMmr.1 re r,rnfn
and Pr'gress, economiciil and simple artministration of
mirl-icalgoverumeiit; faithf.lue, integrity, and ca-
pacity 111 oius-e, ' rigm ana airect ae
coutitahility of tbe ofllct.r to the leo,le. it will dis
cuss all measures agitating the public mind, in a man
ner Tearless, Impartial, anu just.
Its News Department will be editefl wtth mack
attention, ai;d notiiiug will be spared to furnish early.
Accurate, ana comprci.eusve puuuauniu m we cur
rent intelligence.
The Statesman bass large, widely-scattcred.aad most
exreilei.t rurpa of correxiMudeuta, and very com i lets
facilities for p:ocuriitg news.
. Due attention is alsu paid to the publication cf Miscel
lany, Agricultural and Literary matter.
iu this paper are put. li, bed the laws, resolutions, aria
treaties ol ll.e United States, and the law and resolu
tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. Tbs
paper ia printed on new material, and upon a abee
the largest mm.
Tiie sUlcstiiaa wi!l be an active participant in trans
iring political eveuts, aud will fumii-b a faithful rec
ord of tbe history "f parlies si.d polities.
As a reliicle 01 Oregon News, the Statesman enjoy
facilities that n-ine " its ctemuorariea do.
Tr.BJis Three di Pars per year, strictly in advance;
four dollars, if paid w.tbl six months, but not in ad
vance; five doll; rs, if int paid wilhin six months.
These ti-rms we mint adhere to in all cases. Perwna
sendi ig us money by mail, or otherwise, will plea
cniorm ti these terras, adapting tbe ostotni to the
(me of payment.
I be low price at wbicn ine paper is aaoraea places
it within the reach of si'.
Prasiieet oa as tiie
California Cnltorist.
THE rapidly Increasing importance of tbe AgrieoKo
ral and Mechanical interests of tbe Pacific Cos.
and Islands, and the evident uece-wty of a system ef
Agriculture adapted to tlie peculiarities or
:nale, and prodJcts. seem to open a new, wide and nn
ocenpied held, for ttie publication of a journal parties-'
I irty devoted to thoe interests.
To prxmote tbe desired object, and to supply the
want so eeriou-ly fe:t. we have intro faced the CaLI
roiNi t Ct'Lit'BisT. to be devoted to the advancement
of every industrial pnr.uit eotioeeted with the prog
ress uf Agrti-ultnre. FbiricuKure, Mechanism and Min
ing; whilst the development of the Natural History of
our seas, rivers, coasts and Islands, will constitute at
times an intere-ting feature of tbe work.
it will be a reliaila median of infiwmation relative
to the introduction, cultivation and value of new fruits,
seeds, grains, and veetitiies. and of the introduction
or manufacture of all new and valuable machinery and
It will be tbe aim of the proprietors tt make it tbe
n irticultural Guide and Text B-wk of the Pacific, dis
cussing aud presenting tbe m-ist approved modes of
culture, as adapted 1 1 particular varieties of fruits,
plants and flowers, ia their severs! toealites.
It will c tin a reliane trjt Carre-it of agricnltn
ral ami horticultural prodnr-ts, at tbe Commercial Me
tnp l an accurate Meteirulojical Table at the
Capital nf tbe State for every month.
It will he the medium titrongh which the operations
os the State Agricultural and Horticultural Societies
and the Mechanics Institute, their proceedings and re
ports, will be given to the public at tbe earliest practi
cable moment.
It will also contain a complete snmmary of the prog-
re ss and improvements in Agricn!tore and Uecha.iism
throutrbint the w irtd. Correspondents of acknowledg
ed ability, not only throughout the United States and
Europe, bat the Pacific Islands, China and Japan are
secured, wbo a ill cisji tribute to the Work.
To the Agricultarist, the Herdsman, tbe Florist, the
Mechanic, Minafactnrer. Miner and Naturalist; to all
its patrons, we p!;e our nnremitted efforts to make
the California Cnltoralist not only a .-eliable record of
the agrictslkiral ard mecbanica progress ot California,
its adjacent Coasts and Islands, bat an interesting,
useful aud welcome monthly visitor.
It will contain forty-eight pages, monthly exclusive
of advertisements and embellished with cviared plates,
lilhcgrnp&e. and eagi aeiags of the highest merit, and
will be published simultaneously at Saa Francisco and
Sacrament! on the fifteenth of every ra'mth.
O. C. Wbee'er, Corre-po ruling Secretary of tbe State
Agriccltnral Socities, Editor.
WHEELER II WAD3T02TH, Saa Fraaetseo.
Jriiy iT. 1S3. iutt
Harper's Magazine.
THE present nnmber is the first of the Seventeenth
Vclirneof Ha area's Kbw MOstblt Maoszink.
Tne Pabltsbers refer tj the v dutne last cutcluded as
the be-4 assurance far tbe character of that whicb is
now eorarnenced. They believe that the Magazineers
braces in ts general pfan every thing essential to an
attractive literary miscellaey. adapted to tbe wants of
the Americaa puulic lis re ir circulation has m-t
lieen tiimnisiM-d even daring ine unexampled financial
revulsi which has proved di-sstr ms t, so many l.t
erarv and commercial eaterprises; and they are assur
ed from every quarter that t.'ie Magazine is recognizei
as a necessity rather than a luxury. They there ore
animuore ".ev tores f the future. Tber
will e 'irtirne t -ti 1 1 the Magazine with arteries, incul---tiug
sound views in Life and -Hor-L-; leavin;. as hete
lotore, tiie discussion of sectinaa o;iions ia Religion,
and sectional qnestions in Politics t J tlieir own appro
priate organs. Wise men and true patriots auree upon
points far more numerous than Close upon which ti.ey
d.ff. r. Theol jector" the Magazine will be to unite tUan t.i separate trie views and feeling of tbe
people of different sections: V our common cvtintry.
Eiich nuir ber of the Magazine wiil cit.tain 144 octa
v; pttjes. in rlou le columns, each year tints compris
neaily two thoasand pages of the choicest Miseellane
ons Literature of the day. Each number wiil contain
numerous Pictorial ill is'trations, accurate plates of tbe
Fashions, a coohms chronicle of current events, and
impartial notices of the important Books of the Month.
The Volumes irommeaee with the cumbers JUNE anl
DECEMKKR. but Saascriptioa may commence with
any number.
Tskms The Magazine may le ob tained of Book
sellers, Periodical agents, or from the publishers, at
Tbsse Dollars a year. r Twextt Five rents a Ren
tier. Tlie Semi-anunal Vot.imes, as emn leted. neatly
b iund in CI lit . are sold at Two Dollarseacb, and Moss
lin Covers are furnished t those who wish their back
Numbers uniformly bound, at Twenty Five cents each,
sixteen Volumes are now ready, boond is Cloth, and.
also in Hal. Calf.
The Publishers will supply specimen numbers grata.
hVmsiy to Agents and Postmasters, and will make libe
ral arrangements with them for circulating the ktaga
zine. Tey wi I also supply Clubs of two persona at
Five Dollars a year, or Bve persons at Ten Dollars.
Clergymen and Teachers supplied at Two Dollars a
year. Numbers frtn the eominencement caa bow be
snp Ted. Also, the boond Volumes.
The Magazine weighs over seven and not over eight
ounces. Tbe p st ire upon each Number, which most
be (Mid quarterly in advance at the Office where the
Magazine is received, is Thkee Cexts.
Jtly 27. 1858. JOtf
San Francisco AdTcrtiiiRg Agtutj.
IP. FISH ER, 11 Washington S:.,nearlv opposite
Jm Macguire's Opera House, up stairs. Files of all
tbe principal Papers of California and Oregon may b
found at this office.
L. P. FlsH tit is the antborized Agent of tbe
Ok tecs- Statxswax ;
Uarysville Herald;
Sacramento Cnion:
San Joaqnia He publican. Stockton;
Paciric sletlrodtst, Stockton;
Nevada Journal;
Sonora Herald;
Grass Valley Telegraph;
Red Bluff Beacon;
Columbia Gazette;
Mountain I emoe.rat , Placerville ;
Tnolnmnc Courier; -Calaveras
Chronicle. Uokelruane Hill;
Kl Dorado Democrat;
Shasta Courier;
Mariposa Oszette;
Y'reka Weekly Union;
Trinity Journal, Weaverville;
Iowa Hill News;
Weekly Ledger. Jackson
San J use Telegraph;
Sonoma County Journal
Folsom Dispatch;
California Alining Journal;.
Los Angeles Star;
Santa Barbara Gazette
San Diego Herald;
Alroeda Caccty tiazette;
Placer Cornier. Yankee Jim's
Napa County Ke porter;
Sierra Democrat, DowneyiHe;
Humboldt Times;
Oregonian, Portland, O. T.
Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. O. T,.
Pioneer and Demoerat. Olywtpia. W. T-:
Washington Repoblibaa, Stettacoom, W. T.j
Poynesiaa. Houolnla, l- .:
Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Hooolula 3. 1.
Mexican Estraordiaary.City of Mexico;
Pacific Chrisian Advocate, Portland, O. T.;
Hongkong Register.
L. P. F. has now completed his arrangements fos
the forwarding of advert isemente to all the principal
largest circulating Journals and Newspapers publisher
iu the Atlantic States-
A tine opportunity is here offered to those who wish
to advertise in any part of tbe Union, of doing so at
the lowest rates, aud in a prompt and satisfactory mea
ner. AugnstSS, 1857. utt
S&ort Settlement naalke Ions
THE old year has passed, aud we want all those who
know themselves indebted to us to come forward
and settle and get their "New Years' present.
Don t forget this; we mean just what we say.
January 1. 1353. 43 tf
For Sale.
WEBSTER'S Unabridged Dictionaries;
High School "
Primary and Pocket Dictionaries.
. J- BttADLKY Co.
Oregon City, Feb., 1S58. " istf '