The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, August 10, 1858, Page 4, Image 4

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    for I c sntainctl lr them, tone liuncrnl
tfo'l.trs ewc-li,) jmt ilcienth oi'ticlc, five liun
tlreil iln'Iars ;
To eiinli!i ihi Pawners lu nettle ny just
cUinx isi-iiii oninM ih m, per
article. It u tliousawl dollar.
For survey tnir the ex' trior lines of I he
reservation provided in the first art id a one
thousand dollar.
8rc. 2. A4 be it further enacted,' 'Thai
th Commissioner of Indian affair br, and
he hereby is, auteorir.ed and rrqnirwrl, witli
the approval of tlu Secretary of the Interior
to remove from anv trihal reservation any
person found therein without authority ol
law, or who presence witntn .the limit of
the reservation ptay, in lii-t judgment, be
detrimental to the peace and welfare of the
Indiana, and In employ for the purport such
force aa may he necessary to rnatile the
gent to effect the removal cf audi person
or person.
Sue. S. And le it further enacted, That
the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is
hereby, authorised and ilirreied 10 pay such
person) of Miami bloo as bare heretofore
been esclml-d f'Oin the atinuiirs of the tril e
aine the rrntottrt of the Miamies in tinli
teen hundred and foity six, and Mure the
treaty of eighteen hundred and fiiW.four
and whose names are not included in tlx
supplement to said treaty, their proportion
of the annuities from whit-h they have
been excluded; and he is also authotitvd
and directed to enroll such persons upon the
pay list of such tribe, and cause their an
nnitie to he paid to them in future. V"rt
oW, That the foregoing payment tlill I
in tall of allilaims for annuities arising out
of previous treaties. And said Sreretarv
is alxo authorised am directed 10 cause, to be
1 ideated fur such persons each two hunilred
ere of land out of the tract of seventy
thousand acres reserved hy the arqotid arti
cle of the treaty of June fifth, eighteen hun
dred and fifty-four, with the Miatnies, to In
held by sach persona ly the same tenure as
tiie locations of individual are held which
have been made under the third arlic'e of
said treaty. "
Approved 12, June 1958
AN ACT to provide fortl e location of cer
tain confirmed private land claims in the
State of Missouri, and for other purposes.
Beilenacled hu Ihe Senate aid ITonse of Rep
resenlalires rf ihe Vniltd Stales cf Aw tea in
Congress assemb'ed, Thl the dttiins in la
vor of certain land claimants her in made by
the recorder of land title in the -State of
Missouri and the two commissioners associa
te! with him, by virtue of an act entitled
An act for the final arlj-tstnient of nrivaie
land claims lit Missouri," approved July
ninth, eighteen Iiurnlrcj and thirty.tivo, and
an act supplemental thereto, apprcvej sec
ond March, eighteen l-.undied and thirty,
tfcree, as entered in the transcript cf ilecis
ions transmitted by the said recriW and
commissioners to the Commissioner of the
General Land Ofnce, which said claims are
named and numbered as follows: Manuel
de Lisa, number thirty-three ; John Coon:?,
and Jletnpstead, nuiT)!;cr lorty-f'tir ; Math
ew Saucier, mnnl.-er fifty-seven; Charles
Tayon, number sixty. seven ; the sons of J.
M. Pepin, number seventy-four ; Louis Lor
imier, number eighty. seven ; Harthoiortiew
Cousin, number eighty-nine ; Manuel Gor
xales Moro, number ninety-five ; Seneca
Rawlins, number one hundred and four;
William L. Lonr, number one hundred and
mk, Joachim Lisa, number one hundred and
thin v-tliree ; Francis Lacombe, numbe
Ihinv-foar; Israel Doffe, number three
hundred and ih:rty-eij;ht ; Joseph Sylvain
nunibartwo hundred and rimt v-ihtee ; J
fr a
I . vaoai.ts. numoer two hundred and nine
ty-eight ; William Hartley, numufr three
hundred and one ; Andrew Chevalier, niim
ber two hundred and ninety-two; William
Morrison, number three bundled and seven
Solomon Bellow, number three hundred and
eight; Peschal Detcriemendez, ntunl-er three
hundred and nine; Bapttste Amt:re, num
ter three hundred a. id ten ; Alexander Mor
ris, nunWier tbree -hundred and twenty-three
John liapliste Vaile. numl.-er three hundred
and thirty-fonr ; vaid decisions al-me named
being in the first. la sol claims, acted upon
hv at. boa id ; also the claim of 1 huni-is
LoiM 1. number six, in the second class, act
en on (v sat' l board, ue, and llie same an
Lercbv, confiriued io the respective claim
ants or their Irgal representatives.
Sec. U. And he it further enacted, l'h
the decisions in favor oF land tlatman
made by P. Grimes, Joshua Ijewts. and T.
B. Rolenson, ccmmi?-ioner! appointed to
adjust private IjikI claims in the eastern dis
trtcl t the Ierrttory of Orleans, commuui
eated to the llense of Ueprrsi niatives by
the Secretary i the 1 reasury. r.-n the nun
oay oi January, otie iiiou-ami ctht litsn
dred anil iwclve, ami which is found in ti e
American State papers, PuMic lantls, (DiifT
orteu s eo urn voiume two, irom pe
two honored and twen'yTour to threj bun
dred and sixty-sven. inclusive, be, and th
same are nereuy, connrmeo, saving ami re
servim;, however, to all adverse claimant?
the right to assert the validity of their claim
ina court or courts of ju:i:e: Proridrd,
hoierrer, I hat any claim ho recommended
for confirmaii n, but which my have hern
rejected, in whole or in part.'bv any sudse
ejuetit board of commissioner, be, nd tlif
same is hereby, specially excepted from con
Stc. :t. And be it further enacted, That
the locations authorized by the preceding
section shall be entered wkh the register ol
the proper land olhee, who .-hall, on appii-
cation for thut pucpo&e, make out ft-mJ
claimant, or hisLeii il -i'" n'Ttniiive ss the
caj-?w,Tciei:tificae of location, which
enall be transnuced to the Commissioner of
the General Land Office ; and if it sdial!
appcarto the satisfaction of the said Commis
sioner that s.iid certificate shall be fairlv
obtained, according to lh true intent and
meaning of this act, then, and in that case.
patents shall be issued for the land so local
cd as in other cases ; ard for each and eve'
ry certificate as afiresaid issued bv the "reg
ister of any land office, he shall receive the
sum of one dollar ; that in all cases ot von-
fir ma uon, by this act or where any private
tana ciaim nas ocen contirmed hy Congress,
and the same, in w hole or in- part, has rot
, been located, or satisried, either for want of
a specific location prior to such confirmation
or for any reason whatsoever, other than a
discovery of fraud in such claim subsequent
to such confirmation, it shall be the duty of
the surveyor general ot the district in which
clim was situated, upon satisfactory proof
inai i-uen claim lias been so confirmed, and
that the same, in whole or in part, remains
unsatisfied, to issue to the claimant, or his
legal representatives, a certificate of loca
tion for a quantity of land equal to that so
confirmed and unsatisfied ; w hich certificate
may be located upon any of the public lands
of the United States subject to sale at pri
vate entry, at a price not exceeding one dol
lar and twenty-fie cents an acre: Provid
ed, That such location shn!! conform to le
gal divisions and subdivisions.
Sec. a. And le it further en:ded. That
the register of the proper land office, upon
the location oi such certificate, shall issue to
the persoa entitled thereto a certiScatc of
entry, upon which it dtall upp. ar to thenat-Nfei-iioti
of the Commissioner of the Gen
eral L.nd Ollii-e thut such tertifti Bte has
been laiily ohiuined, -accord in o the true
intent und mcanitijj of thisacl, a paleut shall
issue as in other cases.
Approved June 2, 19-58.
AN ACT declaring the title to land war
rants in all cases.
lie U tn.uted fly the Sentie and llte of
Representatives tf the United Slates nf Amer
iet in Congress assembltd, Thnt when proof
has been or may hereafter he filed in the
Pension Office, during the lifetime of a
claimant, establishing, to the satisfaction of
that office, his or her right to a warrant for
military serviees, and such warrant has not
hern or may not hereafter be issued until
after the death ol the elaimant, and all such
warrants as have lieeti heretofore issued
t-nhsequent to to the death of the claimant ;
the title to uch warrants tdittll vest in the
widow, if there be one, and if there be no
widow, then in th heir or legatees of the
claimant ; and all such warrants issued
pursuant to existing laws, shall be treated
as peisoual chattels, and may he conveyed
by assignment of such widow, heir or legs,
lees, or by the legal representatives of ihe
deceased claimant, for the use of such heirs
or legatees only.
Ssc. 2. And bt it further enacted. That
tle piovisions of the fir-t section of tin act
approved March teniy-two, rtchtectl hun
dred and fitly -two, to make land warrants
assignable, and for other purposes, shall he
so extended as Jo embrace land warrants is.
suf' under the act of third July, eighteen
hundred and fifiy-five.
Approved .1 June 183.
AN ACT to extend an act entitled "An act
to continue half-pav to certain willows
and orphans." approved February three,
eighteen hundred and fifty three.
Beit enacted by the Senate find ITonst
rt . . .,.-.. .
xtpretentalires rf th' L ntM States r.f Amer-
ca tn K.ongress asse-nb'ed, 1 hut all those
surviving widows nd minor children who
have been or may be granted and allowed
live years' under the provision ol
any law or laws of tlie.L'nited States be,
and they are hereby, grantrd a continuance
ofstteh half-pay under the following term-,
and limitations, iz : to s Jell widows during
life, and to such child or children, where
hete ate no widow, whi'st-gnder the aje of
sixteen years, to commence from the expi
ration of the half pay provided for by the
first section of the act entitled "An act to
continue half-pay to certain widows and or
phans," approved February three, eighteen
l.undred and fifty. three : Provided, howev.
er. That in case of the marriage or death
of any uch widow (he half pay shall goto
the chi'd or children of the deceased oilicer
or soldier whilst under the age of sixteen
years ; and, in like manner the child or
children of such deceased oilicer or soldisr,
when there is no widow, shall b paiJ no
lot'jrer than while there are children or a
child tir.der the ag aforesaid. And, pro
vided further. That the half pay of audi
ni. on sand orphans shall behalf the month
ly pay of the odicers, non commissioned of
ficers, musicians, and privates ol the Infant
ry of the regular army of the United States
and no more, and that no greater sum shall
be allowed to any such widow or minor
children than the half-pay of a lieutenant
colonel . And. vrorided alsn. That this act
sIiail not be construed to apply to or em
brace the case of any person or persons now
receiving a pension for life; and, further,
that whenever half-pay shall have been
granted by any special act of Congress, and
is renewed or continued under the provis
ions of this act, the time shall commence
from the date hereof.
t?EC. 2. And le it further tnneird. That
the provisions renewed and continued bv
this act shall be pay abb out of any money
in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Approved 3d June 185S.
JOINT RESOLUTION aifhorizing the
arrangement ami disposal of public build
ing in the city of Philadelphia.
RenJfd by lie Senate and Ifime of Jtep
resent nitres rf Ihe United Slates of America
in Congress assembled. That the Secretary
of the Treasury, the Post Master General,
and the Attorney General, and are hereby,
authorized to decide whether the custom
house al Philadelphia shall remain in its
present location, or whether public convenient-
and interests require that the .ca
tion of the custom-ljouse changed to the
grnun I and huiiding purchased of the bink
'I Pennsylvania, by authority of the law of
the nec-'inl of August, eighteen huiid ed and
lif;-Pur, f r the purposes of a post ollice,
and the pot office le removed to the present
custo.ii-house ; and also, to decide whether
it is best to sell the building and lot of
: round niw used for the pu poses of the Uni-
ted States court, and establish court-rooms
in the building of the present custom house,
and they be further authorized and empow
ered to soarrangA the buildings for said of
Gees and purpose as may, in iheir judgment
best promote the public convenience: Pro-
ri'iei, I 1 lie expenses incident to such
change and arrangement of the building
shall not exceed the sunt already appropri
ated for any or ail of such purposes, and any
additional sum that may Ik received for the
budding and ground herein authorized to hp
sii: uind, prorated further, that should
it he deemed best to Hell the said court btiild-
njr and lot of ground, the President of the
United States may oiuae the same to be sold
aner due public notice. .
Approved : June, 1839.
AX ACT confirming locations of land war
rants under certain circumstances.
Be it enncled bv the Senate and House of
n . - . . . . . . . j
iicprctrniaiircs or me Utiuen blales of Amer
ica in Congress assembled, That in all cases
n which locations have been made with
bounty land warrants on lands which were
subject to entry at private sale, but upon
muiviuuai competition .were put up to the
highest bidder, and the excess paid for in
casn. stich location shall be. and thev are
hereby, confirmed, if in all other respects
regular, and authority is hereby civen to
issue patents accordingly : Provided, That
suce confirmation shall only extend to cases
prior to the passage of this act.
Approved 3 June 1353.
A RESOLUTION to correct nn error in a
certain net approved May eleventh, eigh
teen hundred and fifty-eight.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Rev-
resenlalires of the Untied Slates of America
i Congress assembled. That an eiror in the
he act approved May eleventh, eighteen
hundred and fifireight, entitled "An act to
enlarge the Detroit and Saginaw land dis
nets in the btate of Michigan, be correct.
ed, by extending the limi's of that portion of
he Olieyboygan district winch has been at
ached to the Detroit district, to the line di-
lding ranges two and three west, instead
of ooe nd two west, the former beio; the
trie intended by the department as the wes-
ern boundary of the addition to the Detroit
Approved 2 June 1PM.
KtrliMrds 4t 31rt'rnkeii,
VM)J Mierslu OltKi.ON I'KHHL'C Ktif evriy tle-
riitlin. Ni. 41 SiirratutMitii ot., (Kire-t'ruuf
rlorr.) San l intii lri.
The hlshrst nmrket price p i! J rr PHit)UCK.
mr Ltlienilailranrrs niuilo oil rutialRiimeiiU.
Onli-in fur Orton tnidn pnimpily atteuilrd to.
Otllre In t'ortlsnd, upier s burf IhmI.
Han A''iitnro. . Pmlland, Orrgas.
Jnna . isfis. lyia
Uoyle t Kites,
IJHVSIOIAXS AMISl ltHKONS.wivtit.l re'pritrtilly
Itirnrm tli eillxens of Polk 'o..nnil vicinity, that
tln-y hare eutrml InUt ccii:u tm r-lilp for the pnn lice
nt inedicine. siirtfi-rjr. ami olnto'rios. Oitiro, llallas,
Putk. "o. J. XV. B )'le. M. D.. f-r llm nrrxviil will be
rmind at hi rwlcieti. o, i mile east ot llallwr.
J ana tft. itsM. I Mr
i)7 William Donlhit,
Will practice In the Supreme and District Courts
of litis Stutr.
tW Offlrt over Starrs Tin Btwe. Fmnt-treet.'a
Stf . Hand, Orrgnn.
J. Plena Ins;.
AT the Orop'ti Citr. Pst Odi. p Itnltillnf , liaa Just
received, direct' rntn N-w Vik. 1MI eniie of
'Itnsrnin's Fruit and I'rnlt Trees "f Amrrii'."revWrd
and enlrst-d.rr IS5T tlie lutcst ptitililicd edition of
this vM'ialile wrk. Its lias ntnn hsnd.a il tx-k
or niiwririnroa bouktamlstatiuncrj-, fur sale on terms
tisuil the time.
Oregon Citr. Dec. 15. ts.17. 41tf
W. W. Pntrr.
ATTOttXKT AND roi.:.VSKM.t)lt AT LAW. Port
Isnd. . T. trtr
!t. II. I'rttnrr,
DrTs. It. I'nckles,
Salem, Nvrm'er 0, IV 7. 33tf
William C. Grlswolil K Co.,
IV I w. e. oitisirn
AI.EM. t)RWttN TF.ltltlTOnY. 77U; r. . vnonwimrn.
Medicul Notice.
1 Is at his old re.idir to attend t all calls In
I hU nrnrpxlon ; also be hnsnn hsnd a wrjl rle. tpd
stock of Eclectic mnccntratetl Medicines, with a well
a.-orted snnnly of Scrmac,
npiilr of Syringe, all of winch he will -
of on ramialile terms.
Palrm lecemier S. Sj.
. WAltttKN.
Medic Nolirr.
II. W. SHAW. lateofSn Francisco. rnlirornia.
oflcr his role-lona! senriers t the eitizetui to
Salctn and vicinity , aud respectfullr solicit a nharefo
iullic favor.
a Ottlct at R. rd and FellowV dmr t re.
Uv - W. W. SHAW.
S. Illts l I II,
iiToasrr sn .
TT P. Pnrrcme and otlicr Courts, oflire Enrene
Vj Otv, l.:he t'linntv, itreson Territory. Al-
Commissioticrnf Peed tor New York, (.'mmectit-tit. Vc.
Aii?nt 7t. S;-.. "itf
A. J. Tlmyrr,
ATTORNEY Axnc ou.N'PKt.i.on AT I. w. nn.t
In torv.itis. tu-nt n Ca., O. T., opposite to the
l-ity Hotel tn im.l town. 7 tr
Farrark Stout,
ltaioery an-l A'tmii-.Ity.
on Front Hud,
one djor ontth of the
Fx hance
I'ortl .n.l. i. T-. J'dr 50. -,a.'.7
I. N. Sniilii
AXt rlL"XSKI.ilt
J-V Solicitor in fhamery, Conrullis O
M. W. Sliirhrll.
Axn tnr.vsKt.oit
Ijine I'.Minly.O. T.
L see t'ity.
San Franriro Atlvtrlisiii; t'rnrjr
f V. FISHFIt. Iron tii.ildintr. opposite Pacific Expre.
I J t itnce. nt tairs. r lies of sit the pnnciital Taper "I
California and Omnwmar !eioiiml at t'ns office, air.
t imber is the anthorizeil A-jcut for the Statesman.
tlsrsirr S. Trrry.
t missioncr of IVeds. and to take testimony, ac
knowledgment. Vc. Ac. for Iowa. Indiana. Missisiri.
Michigan. California and Wa-hinston Ternt-ry. l-et-
tcrsof Attorney, and all other Instrument of writing.
drawn on short notice.
w Particular attention paid tr tuking depositions.
couei lions oi aoics, accisito. ,c, .in
II ;nlin; 1 Crorcr.
Solicitors in t:uaaccry. Ultice near tuet-oun-nouse.
Salem, t'. T.
Drhizon Sinilh,
J- Solicitor in Cham-erv. will nromiitlv attend to all
isiinesa iierVming to his pnife.ion in the tirst Judicial
District, and Iwf-re the Supreme Court of Oregon.
Onh-e. Allianv, l.inn onnty. i. I.
N. B. When not at his office, or atisent on profes.
i.mnl mtsinesii, tie may be f.mnd at his residance, live
miles siMith-es-t of Aloany, on what is knuwu as the
" Cirand Prairie."
T. S. Brock,
V SoiWitor in I'liancerv. will lira- tice in the v.inis
courts in this Territ.irv. and imitnptly attend to the col
lection of all claims aeinst tit United Sutes. throtich
an elBcient aijent re-iilina t Wa-liin2ton City. OlHcc
in Kuene City. Lane CtMinty, O. T.
It. IZ. SI ration,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, will pra.-tice in the various
I V courts of ootl.ctn Oregon, and In the supreme
Court if tlie reiTitory.
Oretcs til ScnttloreS. t'meona eomitr. O. T.
N". It. H Minty I .ami Warrants obtained lor claimants
on reasnnsole term. z-w
Ha rn tun 5b Wilson.
lem. Ore con.
artii-ulnr attention i iriven to thf
collection of uotes
nd accounts, aud v.aima aj;aiust
Bounty Land Warrants bourtit and sold,
if t;H -e over Starkey'a st-re.
I!. P. llmiliaiii.
J. lice at tiie Court IIme. S.tlcm. O. T. titf
1. D. Ilaiiork,
lcsiirnB, plans, Feciiicauons, c., iiimisueu on
reasonable terms.
Campbrll 4 Trait.
A TTORXEYS AT LAW. San Francisco, California.
Xa. Ottice, corner M ntjf'imcry atid S.icremeuto streebt,
over l'arnitt St Cos. liank.
Jlcssra. Camitell & I'm'.t have lately removed from
Ore eon, and ill he nlcascd to attend to nil business
eutrui.ted to their care. 31tf
Alexanueb Cavi-bkj.l. O. C. ruATT.
S. Hamilton, Al. D.,
XD SURGEON, would respectfully
ie good people of Diuiglas and the ad-
hat he has located permanently at I
JT aoaoum e totli
ioininir counties, that he has located perm incfitl y
Deer Creek lor the iwrpose of praa-licinft medicine, and
in which profession lie will lie faithful to discharge all
duties, aud snare no pains to render the puuenl easy
and comfortable.
Offick opposite R. II. Dcarbora A Co.s store, on
Main street.
Drugs and Patent Mcdiciues for sale at law eah pri
ce. 4211
Attention Farmers.
TTTE will ry the highest market price "in cash'
Corinthian Lodge
iW Ancient Free aud Accepted Aiaaons. will hold
J their reirular communications ou the Thursdav
night before the full of the moon or each mouth, ex
cept when it fulls mi Thursday night, then on that
ni;ht in Albany, O. T.
Brethren iu good standin? are cordially invited to at
tend. SMI 111. W. M.
SratsoKB. Sec'y. 37tf
Blanks. '.
pvEETS, mortjries, powers of attorney for sate of
M-r scrip, tax receipts, nnat proots.and noiincauons
a new lot just priuted and fur sale at the statesman
July Tl. 1857. 20tf
Itook. Here!
TTTE have Jnst received ,000 Ihs. of pronnd alum
t V salt, which we are selling st (.i.iki per hnndred.
Dickinson Type Foundry.
PHELPS & D ALTO V. B rston. L. P. Fisher. A Rent,
San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads.
ruie, sc.
Aofrnst 25, 1857. J -Itf
w. s. lapo, Portland. jr. w. ladd, San Francisco.
W. S. Ladd it. Co.
1MP0BTEBS and dealers in Wines, Liquors, and Gro
ceries, Portland, Oregon.
Jaa.1, 1858. ti
Wallamst University.
'PIIE FACULTY during- the present year will con
X i,tor
Itev. F. 8. Hoyt. A. Fresldrnt and Acting rrnfra
orof Ancient Lanttintpres and Mathematics.
C. II. Hall, A. H-. I'rolcssor or Natunil Science.
g?!: Pp:.dd,in3!'l,tT'ih-r-"r E,.Ki.Ht
Mis rUruU Uucklirgliam, Teacher of Instnmieiitul
TheCoLLtwiATB nurARTMKST of the Wnllsniet Uni
versity has iieen orjanlxml. Young men designing to
pursue s regular C atrse of Stmly. are invited to avail
themselves of the advantage nil nM by tlrrs litktitu
linn. All resources will I made ueol to
Hin t the wants of Student. Ktf'ot ts will lt- continued
tosecureasullalileeniloivinenttttiid no pains will tie npiir
ed lnohtliiingconietentanl expeiienced iti-trui-luta.
Tlie t'ollegi-ite year la divided Into Ihtxt trrmm, com
tnenclng a foil iws:
The lirt turtn on the Id Thursday In Pcptcinhrr.
aei nnd term o tlie 1st " January.
third " " laxt April.
The fir-t two term arc era wrtki tacks the third,
rttrrn trrrk.
V aoatiosh-1 here will tie two vacations In tlie
year: one. io April, of two tottk; aud one, ill the sum
mer, nf Mint mrri:
Tt iTitts will be at the rate of tl per week, or 110
per annum.
Tenxs. Ttie Academic year la divided into roea
Trkns of errrs trerAt M"A.
The llrst term twitlua on the I tt Tliursihiy nf Attiruxt.
' second term begins ou the 2d ' ' N"vcm.
third Iit " " January.
rourth " t.ft " ' ApHl.
YaCatioss. There will he two vacations In the year:
one in April, of fwo wttkif and oue In tha aummer, ol
fix terrki,
Ti'iTiott will le pnld nt the beginning of each Term
i t a leaner, nt the Ml big rates:
In l.angiiasea, Hi-hcr Mullicmtics ,V Cliem., (10 0"
' Ollrar studies of the Academic Division, .. T .VI
' Common KulwU Divixiau 6 AO
" I'rimare ' ' 6 So
For use ol "tlie Piano 1 AO
fitotnimriital music 10 00
t. Itctrui tioi:l la vocal music is siren to all the
lnileiitjv ttf rhttirr.
Anaissios Ntmlciils w il lie ailmttteil at any t me;
and will ho clnin-ed for tuition rrotn the time tfiev en.
term lv. lint thiir prure w 11 be ly promoted
uv eiiiering eni ly in me Ai-nuciiiic year.
" In raes where. Ir tin necessity , students leave before
the end of the term for w hich payment has lieen made,
J i-t prinittiiiu "t mure than three rirtli nor I-
ttmn one-tmirtti ol tlie tuition i-e will he refunded
: sindettis are not allowed t-- Icnvejit-t is-tore ex iniinn
It. hi. I'ntroi who are inattentive to this point, iuttict
vrreat t:itiiry niniu both the ntudcul and the Itntitu
KoinMNO l mine ptntVnirn and I tdie can obtain
b :ird iUMin iMe rates with private lainilie. .
t'oi-Ksa op Srt in. A Cisirse of Stmly his been
adopted tor teilh the "llojriato and I'reparat ry lie-
paitmenrs. wcu cm.-iii neti to necure ripe sciioi.ars:iip.
mrtiti.l ilin li l tir, and a pretiaration for the active du
ties ot
A liberal Coitrsenf .clndy lias been ad p!ed forjrixtng
ladies who desire to ni.t.iiii a thonsir.h edicalion.
ttr A Dipt aua wilt lie awarded ta all who aball
complete the irecill-.ed courc.
Tlie tiovRnsMltsT wilt tie parentnl hot strict aim
In con-daiitly nt the formation hf correct linbits uf
Sclt'tJovernntettt. Careful attention will I given to
manner ami moral.
Si-tioi.AKSHirs. eipetuntor fi r ttie period nf ten
venrs. He.-nrina tuition at very reduced rates, can be
purchased, for further particulars apply to the Pre-l
i'cr order of Executive Committee.
Sec. Board of Tru-tees,
Salem. Pee. 10. 1ST. 41tf
,ob!cs d Coarc's larnlslirs.
Adams Boston Brushes.
TII TJ AW'S antl other Colors
San Fran. March, 1S5.
Lm l. Waslilnglou.
OEXT for the prosecution of claims at Washing-
x V. to. I. C, tsjture the r.secutive l'cirtineiit-,Cou-
ie- and the Court of 1 1 lints. Will attend tithe set
tlement of nccHints of Mar .hut. District Atl-rneys,
and other redi ral ofli rrs, and of contractors with tiie
l.lomce and otiier lienartmetits: alo. to the ir n-ur-
injol ratento lor I, not. Land arrauU, aud other bu-
iues ol Ajeucv. .
Itefers to lien. -l-ieili Lane. Oregnn Territory: (Jot. I. Stevens. Wannnton Ter.; lion. M. II. McAl
lister, lion. O.'dcii II ti iiaii and It. Autr. Th 111111011. ot
SrtuFr.mcis.-o.Cnl.: Iliti. James ti illirie. L sii-iville.
h. v., and ti the Olujers "enerally of the Treasury and
inicriur ireparc-neoiM a aMiiui.iii.
I vl t 1 Wa-diitigton l. C.
Corvnllls Drug Store.
T R.CAttDWELL. Di-uuirit aud Apothecary. con-
I sl willy reeivin;;, per Calitornia steamers. I irje
mil carefully sidei-tcd t ick f Drue and Medicine.
"Ills, rami, rin-ti. -.. ivrtumeries. T -ilct Kur
titnre. Stationery, ami all articles uimllv kept in Druir
store. Aijent for -I iviies. and 'ther patent medi -inc..
which will be fumi-died nt Cnlifornia. wholesale price.
Corvallis. May 2, 1.7. l'.'tt
MAXCFACrUREIt of PirepriHif Dmrs, Shutter.
Vaults, Vi:., Ac. .Ac. Buttery, near Pacific street,
San Erancico.
N. It Orders from the eountry promptly attended
t i and warranted as ordered.
A lurv-e a-irttnent of necond hand Doors and Shut
ter constantly ou band, for sale at rerjrfote rare.
March, tsos. uiu.-ia
The Laws of Oregon.
fpHE OUECIOX STATUTES, lsj.i, being a larjrc vol
J. ume of U.i0 pages, with comidete index, annota- I
lions, and references, comprising all the laws in force in I
the Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session
of the Leinlative Assembly, are lor aule at the ofnce ol
the Statesman, at nve dollars per copy, i no work Is ex
ecuted in the best manuer, bound in law style, and
is sold at iHiblisher prices, and as low as a like work can
he iMHielit in anv State in the Union, and at the lowe.-t
Nirure thev can be attorded for here. Tho urica
them within the reacii nr an who cieire the laws they
live under. Orders try mail accoiiocuiicd with the c-isli.
filled hy return mail. It is tlie la.-t csle of laws that
will probably be pulili-hed in Oregon, for many years.
In addition to the enactment ot mc ix-iiM.itive Assem
bly, the volume contains the of Indepen
dence. Constitution nf the United States, Treaties with
treat Britain rvlatmc to Oregon. Ordmance of I7N7. iu
force in Oregon. D-mation liw and all ameiidmentH,
aud full alistract nf United ..atcs Naturalization Laws.
. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co.
ARK prepared t do a general commission business
on Now Vorkatidntiicr Atlanticcities. Particular
attention will be piiveii to tlie purchase of goods for
mere Hunts, rurlics Having any uiisii ess transactions
in the Atlantic stales, and wanunjr an asent that will
give personal attention to the same, will do well to
Uflce at H irnuin & Wilson s Lie Office "5S
S-ilem, March 23. 18oS. 2 If
Look Here!
rTlME subscriber would inform the pnblic thnt he
X does entirely a Commission Business, and
therefore has no poods of his own to interfere with
consigners, Haviuir a fire-uroof bnildioir and a lanre
Jobbing trade, he offers unusual facilities to shippers.
'Consignments respectfully solicited.-ga
139 Washington St., San Francisco.
W. B. Caxfbei-l Oreirnn City:
J. P. Knight, Portland;
-. ' . Z. K. STANSBUKY,
Forwardinm A rent. Portland.
San FrncIco, April, lgjg. ly
The Graefenberg
V A M I L Y M K D I C I N K S.
The Grnr fciibcrg Company.
THIS IVSTITttTIUV. (lncorp..nited bv the Legi
I iture of the StMte of New York, t 'a fitful JtuoJMMi )
was f Minded lor the nuriefe of sotiptrfriff theiHil t.e
with the celebrated tSllAKFEXIIEIM. MLDICIM-JS-Tlie
s?rie i-omprie remedies lor ileal ly eveiy disease
ndiptrd ti) every rl.tnate. For Faunlii-s. Travtll-rs
Seamen, and .Miner's 11 ie thev are niieipiulled. All the
Medicines are PC IJKI.Y VKOKTAill.K and warranted
t i cure the di-Seasea for which they are sevcrully rec
ommenited. The tlraefenls-rg Company d es not profess fo eu re
all diseases with one or two medicines. Our seriescon-
sii-ts of KLEYEN d-ITerent kinds, a I nited to the vari
ous diseases Incident to the temperate and triples! 1 li-
mute. The foil isriiig cuiuprlies the aeries of Uraetcu
berg Mediciuet :
Tin: ontKrasaKau vmirrt at.ri rit.t.8
Are considered the standard p.ll of the diy. and are
itillniti ly superior t my I' ll lieoire the puldic. They
operate without irritation on ell the ex -retions. purg
ing toe lil Rid oy ine iKlw t I 1, l.vrr. Kioaeyn nnu nikio.
An Inrallil l remedy for nil dleases or the womh
and utimiiy organs, weakness in the hack, pain in the
lireat. tiervimsnc. deh lity, etc. In Caliloritl and
Oregon, wit ol more than, thousand ra where tln
medirineha been used, it has ia no singl In-tan s
failed to irive uermaiicnt relief or ta effect a certain
TnaOBAErasB'BO sirs ata aiti.A,
A powetful extrtct. tJtie Imttle equal to ten of the
nrdiimry sariii.ti'illti Tor p triiyin tlie I Iu-mj. A sun
cure for scr-iluU. rhi'itmitism. ulcer, dypepsia. aul
rheum, mercurial diseases, eutaneous eruptions, Ac.
Inraluat'le fur liurtia. wo uld, sprain, ehillilaius,
sores, swellings, scrolula. etc. As a Pain Extractor.
it cannot be i-x-elted, alt'irdiug itumedt.ite rtl.el from
the iuot excrutiatiug pains.
' TBI oaaKt esakmu DVSE!ertaT sraee.
Ttiis extraordinary artii le is a M-el r and tnfallitite
remedy In Di.irrloei. iveniery. I 'Iiidera M-irtius. Choi
era Infantum a:id the A-oatic ( lu l-ia. it taken withthe
hrt symptoms of the disease. II Is partly vegetahli
la its cotttp riiid.
oait:f ksbfbo ciiil.nrprNS' r Atr acka.
For summer Comp! ilot. and m st disease to which
cpildren are it true worm ran never 1 set
f'irth In wwds, Imt it esn lie fi It and appreciated Uy
parent whoe rhihlivu bare btetl saved. So .Motbei
-lim.1.1 be without it.
TH8 ORtrTRMtrRa ril.R REHF.PV.
Warranted a certain cure for t:ii painful disease.
with the iliiitment there are very few eae win h ea
nt tie radirl'v nnd tier-nsoently cureil. A surjiic-;!
oiier.iti'in f"r Pile or Pi-tcl 1 slisil I never lie rep-rted
to nut I this Ointment has lieeu thormahly tried. It
never lail.f.
ORAcrryeKRO rvr i.oTtnt.
For dlene of the eve this l.i tion has no ennil. It
Is a sneedr and posi;1ve euie f.-r inliammation of tic
eves, weakrte. dimness and fa I n; of sit'ht. It w 1
always I btm llci il in acute ttioa of the eyes
aud also as a wa-tb on Inflamed surfaces.
UKAtHtNBKHO FEVEIt I5H Alii R rtl.t'.
A Rtieedy and p'witive cure for tills ditreing com
plaint. Tliee Pill are comp osed principally of Oni
nine, with other vegetable tonics, autt-spasin-slie an
rebrifutre artk les. TUousauda have been permanently
cured by their use.
OKAF-FEVBRtu) cos'i amvi'i b ai m.
Sovereisn in all Bronchial and Vt.Vn marv lieaes
It is. hevmid all uuestion. true thst Conimiiition is
curat 1 Ut-ea-e. and t ae tjonsuinpiive iujih w me uesi
curative ever used.
T'.tesc flitters are skilfully ard t-lessntlr prepared
fpitu a nnmtier of iuvi ratum heiltiiy r mt. Iiirki.
herbs and vines. An inval ia le t-uic aud bealih re
CRAitFFNecna m AxrAL or bkaltii.
A hand-timely nrinted V iliimeof .110 pases, rnntair
Ins; Ttiflrre and emsremtty id tin dMriitwiu of
manner of diseases, their srniiit"ins and treatment
Everr family sunt.lj have one. Price tile la cents.
It will lie sent, pvl paid, to any P't oRi -e in alifor-
. , . . .. - r. . . : i , :
II IR ir lregon.oa Hie im ejpi 01 J ceiiv- -j wan w r
A (litres llertioffion x 1 o.. r rancico.
The trnefenlsrir Medicines are for sale by all Pruj
gists and Ap-ithecarie tlirnnlinnt tlie eountry.
ueueral Ageuu lor cainornis ann nrr-on
Wh'deaale Dni(feit.
No. 107 Clay street
Swith Sc Pavis Afrtt. Portland.
Ban FranciC". Ihe. 13. KM. Jnt'
Balsam of Wild Cherry,
ioijeK Colds. Iloarsrnm, I'ninp, Inflnrnza
Itleudius of the I .'in if. Liver Anecltons, Pains in tln-
llieator Side, Xiaht Sweat. Piitliisic, lull imtualioi
il l.'in.' an-l flirnt, IV U Hipiug Caiiyh. Astutua, ami
all Knniiuial Alleiluui.
er,BB CAUTIOUS. As there are many counter
feit, look well at the signature liefore pun lia-inu
take none nules it h 1 the name of " Henry Wistar, M
!.. Philadelphia, ami '-&an'nrd and Park, enjrraTi-u
on the uutsiue wrapper. Ail otuers are bare 11111U
I'nrk K AV'tili. are the only Agents to whom all
orders should be addressed.
K VN I Kl ufcM lXK.
131 Washington street. opo-ite the Market.
Sao Franc ico.
SMITH A DAVIS, Agents Portland. O T.
San Francisco, May, 1-vSS. 3ml2
Moffat's Life Pills
rjf HE best famiiy medicine now la?rore the public. f r
J the cure of Scrofula. Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions
if the Skin, Fever and -Ague, Dypepia. Dnipi-y. and
in tact most all diseases aoou yield to tbeir curativt
nn inert ies.
It ha been computed that during the last twenty five
crura upwards of r our Millions.of persons have hcei
beiielitted bv the use of these medicines; a fact which
sieaks volumes in favor of their curative properties
simile trial will iilice them beyond the reach of com
netilion in the estimate of every patient. y tlieir u-e
the lit km is restored to a healthy state and treed from
all iinnorities. The system is Dot reduced duriur; theii
Operation, but invigorated, and they require no re-
U mill irom ousiiies-s or pleasure.
The uftlictrd have in these medicines a remedy thnt
will d 1 lor them all that medicine can p assibly effect
Prepared by W. B. Moffat. New York,
And for sale by JOHN FLEMING, at tbe Oregor
Citv I'o-t Office Ituidinir.
Orcifon City, .March, In in.
llerringH Patent Champion
IT7ITH Hall s Patent PowdcrProof Locks the satm
V V that were awarded separate med lis at the World V
I-air. L,oadon. Sj. and tne nuiij a f air, .cr ork
:! and are the only American Safes that were award
ed medals ut the Loudon World's Fair.
Ther safes form the most iierlect security ticains
r ire mid irs, ol any sate veer ottered to the pu -
lie. ana can ouiy ue nau ni uw sooscnoers mi iiitn
SKCnts. who have on hand antl make to order, all kind-
if li liter and Chilled iron u nit c-nests aud vaults.
Vault Doors and Money B ixes, or CIhf.sU for Brokers.
Jewelers and Private Families, for Plate, Diamonds,
and other valuables. Aud are also Patentees (by pur
chase) and msflurictnrers or JONES' PATENT PEIte
Agknts E. Pitzserald & Co.; ana w. ti. Wendell.
San Francisco, California.
. C HtKltliu (.To.,
A'o. 331 Broadway, car. Murrg St. JV. Y.
May, 1858. v 6m9
Statesman Book and Job Office.
WE have Three Presses, the beat facilities Tor Book
urititiuc north of California, and an ca tensive as.
sort mentor Jobbing Matkkial of every kiud, and, with
master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, and
iu a workman-like niuuner, all orders in the au.
parUnenta, such as
Blank Cbbcks, .
NoTfor Hand, '!
. OKNca Books,
Stkaubo't Bills
Strambo't Carls,
Bills or Lading
- - Cektificatks
Show Bills,
Chbck Books.
- " Bl'k ItRcgtris,
Bali. Tickets.
BraiKKSs Cards,
Conckkt Bills,.
" Programmes. -
Aoiuutss Cabds.
Blanks or all Kinds. Ac. Ac.. Ac.
Dr.L J. Czapkay's Private
Sacramento rtrert, lielow Mntit;nmery. optHislte the
I'aettic Mall Steamship Company s Ollice. San t ran-
ei-rmtssioM or qcaoesr.
Attending and Refideot Physician.
LJ.l ZtPKtT, M. D..
tail In the Ifuurnrian rtevi-l itlonary War. t'hl f Phv
sician 1 1 tho 2nth Kepimentot It inveds, Chief Snrtreiii'
to the Military II -pital of Ilnncnrr. and the
late Lecturer withe di-eae of Women and Children.
Conin'iui -ati ins sticlly ennndeutiul.
ConMitltation, by letter or otherwise, free.
Address Dr. I.. J. 4 Z A PK AT,
San r'ram-iar-o, Cal.
TO THE FF!.ICTED.-Dr. l..J.i X PKA V returu
hts in t-ir thanks to Id numerous pnttnua fur tlieit
imtriintie and wmild take this opportunity to rrniim!
them th it lie continues at tti tin-titute for thi
ol e ot Chronic di-eai-es of the l.urijr Liver. Khlneys.di
eetive and ren live organs, and all private di-ee-.
via; Sy.ihilitie ulcers, pori"rrl:ora. elect. -atrictures.
seminal weakness and all the horrid coiiseipieiu es i-l
self abuse, and he hope that Ills long experience and
aitcressful practice nf many will enntlmte
to eiwure him a share of public pitrouage.
By the prin t e. nf many year in Kuro e and
the United States, and during the Hungarian war ami
eimpalgu. he I en-iMed to apply the mo-t efti- lent
and succe. fill rcmi-die n-jnint di-eases of all kind-.
He ifes no mercury charge moderate treats hi pa
tient In a correct nnd honorah'e way ha refereuce
f i-i'-ie-'too.l .lever "ily fr im men nf known re-peel
iliitity and hlcli t imling in K-ii-ty. A II partie t?m
Milling liim. ly letter or otlierwii.. will receive tin
het and eentle t treatment, and implicit ei-rey.
Tn Tits Laihhs ur tlitnms ao Califurvia. L.J
I'tiriAV. M. D-Phy-ii Ian S-irgeon and Ai-nwi
vites the attention of the ick and altlii-ti-d females la
boring under any of the varioti forms of dieaea id the
Itraiu. lonirs. tieart. st-imach. liver, womh. Llietd. kid
neys, and all dia-es peculiar to their sex. The !'--t-ir
ltfecti: g m ire iiermaticut cuie than any otiier
phydciati l-i tire-ion orUalifornia. U-t nufulsedelH-a.-r
jirivent yui. hut apply Immediately, and save yntrstli
fnm pninfnl JiifTerin- and premature death. All mar
ried ladies, who e delicate health or other .-ircum-tauce-prevent
nn iiereuxe in ttieir famdies Mti'mld
write 're ill at Dr. I -I. z likiy s Medical ln-t:t :te
acra-iienbit.. la-low Montgomery, opposite P. M. S.S
Co' ofTii-estid they will re vice every p issiiile ri I:ef am!
help. The D'M-bir's t llices are si arranged that he ran
lie consulted without mole-d-ttinn. r I3m3
Al consultations t by teller or otherwise.) free.
Addre-sto Dlt. I.. J. t'KAI'KAY,
Medicnl fntitote. San Krio-i-o. f'al.
LlEF-ltclow wep iblMi tl
Or Jil lUlAI. Kfc
p ihli-li the certiticates i f tw..
11 the aiilteier from toe pang "f di-i.e. wli haviu
recoveit d ttieir former health, and impelled by prati
tude. in-ike kn-iwu tlieir tass and a-eut, noil
licir -tatenii nw are aut!ieuti. ated by a Notary Puiiiic.
t he demands of S a-iety i uperi m-lr command tireu
,iui li. ity. and we commend their perused to tire atlen
iionof ell afflicted :
The undeisi ned . desirous of acuaintiu the who
nay I tin o tuuate euoneh to be similaily sSlicled.
srhere a ier.iianent reliel of their snllerms may I
ititaiurd. te-ls it his duty to thus publicly expre
ii ino-t sincere eiatitudcto Dr. I.. J. t in.k jy . I..r tin
li-rmaneiil re -overy -r bis he.ilth. It rue d wu l.y the
distreit!K sympbons inciiletil t -'i he vtt-iou prai-ticeot
iiiit-oiitmitabie pa-s-nion in youth ; depres-ed iu !dy ai.-d
tu . """i': ... nrn me nil inning unit
iniieised the daily avocations nf li.e. 1 wsijiht tu
adri.e of many phyicians. who at llrt re e riled mi
disease ss of trilling important e biitala': attera lew-
week, and in several ni-tance months, ot tlieir treat
ment. I found tm unutterable horn-r. that iie-tead m
relief, tbe si mi.t, ms became more alarm. ue in theii
torture ; and ben jr, b.M ty one that my tiieae. beins;
principally couth eJ to the bruin, medicine would te m
little eonsequei.e. 1 despaired of ever resnnine nn
health, streng'h a :d energy ; and, a a last result, ami
with but a taint n -pe. called upon Dr. Czanksy. who examining my e-se. prei rils d some medicine
a-nich iustintly relieved me of the dull pain
mil il ini in my bead. Km-ouraaed bv this result.
I resolved to Iji e myself irr.tnf li it Ic ut.-der hi rare.
and ny a sirn t bed em e to lit dire, mm ami advice,
my head lieeaineearar. my ideas c 1 e ted. the constant
pain in my back a id end. is. the weakness of my limb,
the nervous re- cti oi of utr whi-le body on the slight
est alarm or excitereetit; Ihe niisantiirupy and evil
forelssloies: the s-ll l:Mni.-t and want of "coufid'-iw-e
in others; the ii c ipuc.-ty t -t'ij v, and want of resolu
tion: tlie fnplit ul exc'tine. and at time pleasuraidc
dreams at nilit, (olhmed by inv.iluul.iry dit harees
have all disapiieared; and in'fact. in two months aftei
havii e consulted t!ie D n t--r. I felt as if iniird l.
t new IWe that life which. Imt a short time ago, I coii
temjilated to end my own baud.
t ith a view t- pn ird "the unr.miin.-ite from failinc
into the snarvs f in niieteiil iportk. I deem it mi
lntr to i.fter this ie-tim my to the merit and k ill o
Dr. Cxipksy. aud rei omnn i.d him to a II who may -land
in noel of ui ilii-cl advice, l-einif assured by liiv wi,
rxjierience. that one under his care, a radical and
jrermaneiit cure Will be effected.
S ate of California. Comity of Sun Fmcisci. sub
crii-d aud sworn to I -en re nie. this 17tb day of April.
A. D. lob. (Signed)
Notary 1'ubiic.
C A It D.
Promple l by an honest desire of my heart. I wish to
lay lf.-ie the public a case which deserves a bieh com
mciidatioii. n t only as an ai t id scientific skill, but
thnt of humanity, also. A I nut two years ao. I sud
dcnly and Irom catises unknowu to me". waseized wit!,
t tit "f epilepsy, which, nwiutr to my inability to meet
tlie expensi s consequent upon a th -r-sisjti medical trest
uient. and fie dise-Hiraeerociit which I met with on
attempting it, s m liecsnie such (as I was then led L
lieve.) as t-r defy the skill of any physician. I was
frequently while in pursuit of my m l nj. thrown d n
to the cnwnil wit lent tlie slightest wa ruins, and r.l
tliouh1i,Feiisil.le to the as onies. vi-t I di-spi-d the mis
ery of mv existence, while in this state. and havine
revinu to my nftlction tasted tlie sweets f life, I once
more was induced toattempt stekint; aid ut a phrsician,
mil. by re o nmend ition. called Ufion Dr. L. J. Czsp-
ksv. I told him mv rircillnstniii-c-4 and n,v tnrftiilil i-
t reward him for his services regardless "of whii-li.
Ii-iwever. he at om-e nndertook mv case, and with the
leinff of t.'Hl. I was once more restoreil to iierfect
health. Cnable to reward him for the lioon which I
enjoy at present, and yet conscious id my indebted
tie". I consider it due to mysclr and to all afflicted. t
make the ese public, in order that those in need of
medical advice may ti ml a bhysiciau in whom everv
confidence can be placed.
M fc.1 Eft YABLONSK V. IL. S-J
State of Calir .ruia. I
County of San Francipco, f ps
Snliscribed and sworn to before me this first day ol
August. A. D. IHoG. Oii.bkrt A. (.rant.
Notary Public, (l. e.J
SPERM ATOKU1KEA .or IH-al W eakness. nervous de
bility, low i.pirit. lassitude, weakness of the limbs
md liack. iudiMMxition and incapacity fur labor and
study, dullness or apppetite. loss of memory, aversion to
a ajicty. love ot solitude, timidity, se!l distrot. dizziness.
ueadaclie. pains in tlie side, allcction of the eyes, pim
ples on the lace, sexual and ntherinhrmities in
e i red without rail by the justly celebrated physician and
s irgeon. 1 J. Czapkay. His method of!-is
new (unknown to others) aud hence the great suc
cess, aii consuiiauoiis, uy letter ftrotl)erwie. free.
Aauress , Lm J. CAA P KAY. M. D..
, San Francisco. Cal.
Tlir Lnralfsl Uiscovrr? of the lie.'
lltEAT Messing to Mankind! - luuoceut out Potent!
y DlLCZAP.vAl b PKopiiiLACTici ja. fself-disiulec
ll UR uent ,.) a sure preventive against OiHiorrlMcal
and Syphilitic di-ease. and a ceitaiu aud unsur
passed remedy for all venereal, scr-ifiilous, Kanrenous
no cancerous ulcers, iwieu from vasriua
items and uretliia. and alt cutaiious er.iptionsaud di-
easex. as iiiiih i lanon is preventive aL-ainr-t small isiX-
si is Dr.CzupkayV Pripb Ucticuiu a prcyeutiveaainst
lypuiiiiic aim vonomiUMl di.ea,-es. 1 lanniesa iu it
self, it p-wsesses the power of chemically destroyiujf
tlie syphilitic virus, and thereby saviuir thousauda id
debauchee Irom being infected by tbe mo&t loathsome
of ail diseases. Let no yisnilf man who appreciates
health be without Dr. I zapkay a rroptiyiacticum. It
is iu very convenient packages, and will be found con
veuieut for use, bein.s: used as a soup. Price, $-. For
sale at Dr. L. J. Czankay a Private Medical and Surgi
cal Institute. Sacramento st.. In-low UouUromerr. omuv
site P. M . Co'a. office. San Francisco.
All letters must be addressed to L. J. Czapkay, M.D.,
M.m rrancisco.
nK. L. J. t ZA PKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical
Institute. Sacramento St., below Uonteomerv m,u.
ite Pacific Maill Steamship Co.T Office .San r'ram-i!-,.
rue uKwr oners tree consultation, and asks no remu
neration uniess ne enects a cure. Office hours from
9 A. At. to 9 P. At.
I, the andersisned. Governor nf tflinrraei. An tMtifv
hereby .that Dr. L. J .Czapkay has seived during thecon
tesfror Hungarian Chief Surgeon in the Hun
garian army, with faithful perseverance whereof I nave
iriven him this eertiticate, and do recommend bim to
the sympathy, attention and protection of all those
who are capable of aunreciatinir patriotic self sacrifice.
and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS,
Governor or Hungary.
Washington City, Jan. 6, 1852.
mW Persons not wishing t lose time in correspond-
inir.ulease enclose ill) in their letters, aud they will
get immediate attention to their eases.
Address. - leara i , . A..-
San Francisco, CaL
April, 1S58 3ml7
Tli. Oregon SKUfMnan.
An li.Hrf rhtfrnf Juarnnl, ittrotrd to Polities, General '
l:ltittr,rnrt, fyt., I'ublithtd at Sulrm, Ot rron.
ASAIiEL IIUSII, Propriclor, PuWisher, sod Editor
The r-lateMimn i Iiciikm ralic lu oolitice, sod Uor
ouglily National in it character. It is hostile to every
pecies of aectioimliMm, fanaticism, and Intol.raarei
aud will vigorously oppose alt attempt to Incorporate
ny of the insane Ism or the day Into our Territorial
It will advocate all practical meaanrea of Reform
and Progress, economical and simple administration of
our local government ; faitfatnlneaa, integrity, and ca
pacity in ottice, snd a syatem of rigid and direct ac
countability of the nfilrer to the people. It will dis
cuss all measure agitating the public mind, In ma a
ner fearless, Impartial, and Just.
lu News Department will be edited with much
atteutlon. and nothing will b spared to furnish early,
accurate, and comprehensive publication oi ibe cur
rent intelligence.
Tlie statesman has a large, widely-scattered .end moat
excellent cnrs of correspondent, nnd very complete
facilities for ptm urlng news.
. Due attention is also paid to the publication of Miscel
lany, Agricultural and Literary matter.
lu thi paper are hed the laws, resolutions, and
treaties 01 the United States, and the laws and resolu
tion!, o' the Territory of Oregon by authority. Tbs
paper is printed uu new material, sud upon a sheet of
the largest size.
Toe rtitenian will be an artive participant In taan
iring p-.litnul events, and will lurtiii-h a faithful rec
ord of tbe In-t oy of parties aud .itl-.
As a vehicle M Oregon Newa'. the Statesman enjoys
:aciltttrs tlutt none lU C"U-mMiratiea do.
I kkiis Three di. I!ar ier year, strictly in sdvancej
four dullnrs. it paid withia six m..nlh. luit not in ad
Wire; Bve dollsrs. if li"l liaid within fix months.
These terms we must adhere to io all eaaea. Peraons
eudi ig ua money by mail, ur utlierwiae, will please
.-.nt.irni to tnee terms, adapting the anammf to tbe
(tme of payment.
The low price al which the paper is aaorded plaees
it within tlie reach of all.
Proaieetaa fl
Caliiornia Ctiltarlsti
'pHE rapidly increa-imr imporUnceof the Aerit-ilte
X r.l and Mechanical intete-t of the Pacific Csart
and islands, and the evident necessity of sy-tew t4
Aericulttire adapttd t tlie peettliaritiea of aoH.eti
aate. and pr-idoct. seem to ofien a new. wide and on
uciipied Held, for tlie paldicati'Mv of a JouriJ parties)-.
I irly devoted to tlio-e interests.
To pr un ite the desired object, and to supply thw
want seri-ai 1 feit. we have Iritro luced the CALt
rousi Ci i.ii iT. t be iievoted to the advsncemeat
fevety bid istrial pursuit eoaite-ted with the pnK
ce of A-n Kl .riculture. Mei-hantani and Min
ing; whilst tHj developme it of tbe Natural History of
nir rJ', river, eoastt aud Island, will constitute al
time at iitere,tinrf feature of the work.
ICVrill be a reliahl mediiita of information relative
t the intr k1 l tKin. etiltivati-m and value uf new fruita.
eed. Rrain. and vereti de. and of tbe intr-fdoetaoa
or m-iuitfactiire uf all new and valuable OAachiaery and
it wul fie aim of the pr iprietor Ut make it the
il .rtlcnlt iral Guide and Text H-nk nf the Pacific. dis
;.i-siti id prce itiiij the m t appr rved nvides of
-tillure, a adipta-d ti pirticnlar vanetiesof fruits,
p! mts and Sower, in tlieir ever! 1 arables.
It w. li e i it tin a ret 1 1 in? Price Carrerrt isf airricolta
ral a:d b irticultural products, at the UwotmereiaJ ate
trip dis. an I an accurate HI ete irological Table at the
tjapilal of tlie State for every month.
It wilt be tiie medium fir mijh which the operation
a the State Agricultural and Horticultural Societies
and tiie M..-hauica' Insjit ite. their proceed ines aad re
xirts. will li - airea t-i the public al the earliest practi
catde moment.
It will a!o contain a complete summary of the projr
ress aud niipr-ive-uent in A jrii allure and Mechanism
lan-i.-li t ic w irld. C H-repondeot of ajkiwledc--d
a nitty, u it o ily t ir iuh sit tlie United States and
r;, i it tiie l'a id : China and Japan arw
.se--ored. who tit CMtlri 'Kite to (he W. irk.
T i the A ;rjcn:t irist. the llerjan tn. tbe Florist. tb
wechanic, M i tl -t iret . Miuur and Naturalist: tn ail
a pitrm .we pledge wr unremitted efTirta to mat
the Cali'oruiaCulturali.t not only a reliable record uf
tne it a d mechanical prmresaot Calif -ruia.
Is adjacent Coa t. Islands, b it an Literertinf.
i-efLl ta-l we!e nnj m mil. I.- viit ir.
Il will c nitii f irty-eijf .it paxe. m ntlity ex Insrre
: advert i-s? ncn ami e-.nnellism-d wilhculurtJ pott;
'Mutf-rop1! and tagraring ta t!e bi-hf-st merit, and
sill lie p ihlished i:n.illa ie m-ly at San Francisco and
Sacramento mi tlie ritteeuth of every in mta.
O. C W'heefer. C irre -fxindiu g Se-ji clary of the State
Agricultural Sx.itiej, Editor.
July Z7. fiil. jota
Harper's Magazine.
IHE present n i n ter is the first of !e Seventeenth
Vulaoteof llAarza's New Mostolt M asaxiss.
I ue Pduli-her 1 1 toe v da ae just c-io laded ss
the be-4 assurance far the character of that which is
low commenced. They believe that tbe Magazine emu-aces
in it general plan every thine easetiiial to am
titractive literary mi-cellany. adapted to tbe wawla of
tne American It rezul r circolati-10 has an
ceo diminished even d iritis the unexampled financial
n viil-i mi, which has proved disastr-ios t.i so many lit
erary and commercial enterprises; and they are assar
ed (mm every quarter that the Magazine is recornized
a a necessity rather than a luxury. They therefore
announce no "New features" for the future. They
will e -iitinue t till tbe Magazine with articles iuetilca
lin sound view in Li.'e aud dorjls; leaving, as bere
trfore, tiie dtca.-iou of sectarian opbimi ia Jteligion.
ami seclioujl que-tion) in Politk-s to their own appro
priate orau. Wise men and true patriots inrrc upon
p-iiiits far m ire nuuier wa thau tlme npuu which tbey
difi" r. Tbe object nf t:ie Magazine will I to nude than to separate tne views and feelings of the
people of different sections 1 1 nor common cnantry.
Lacb nun ber of the Magazine will contain 144 -eta-v
i pases, iu d si le columns, e-ach year thus comprta
neaily two thon-ji.d paes isr tbe cntrHest MiseeJlaae
us Literature of tlie day. l-jn h nuuilr wilt cntain
numerous Pictorial ill jstrjtioiM. accurate plate ot tbe
Fa-slii ui. a c piou ehroiikle m current events, and
-mpirtial notices of tile important U ks fd the Month.
1'be Vohimes cumme.He with tbe number JCXE and
I itL KM, but Subscription may onmnteace with
a.iy numtier.
i i:ajs. The Magazine may I obtain d of Book-elh-rs,
Perii'dicai airei t. or from tiie pui-li-bers. at
i'uacK Dullaks a tear, or Twektt Fiva rei.U a nnm
ner. The eini-aiiiiudl V l imes, a eom lrted. neatly
"xind in cl th. are s..ld at Two Ix.llarvracb. and Mm
do Covers are furnished tft liese who wish tbeir back
Numbers imifomily bound, at Twenty Five cents each,
-ixteen Volumes are now ready, bound ia Cloth, and
also in Hal: Calf.
The Puotishera w:jl supply specimen number grata
it srsly to Aleuts and Po-tina-ters, and will make libe
ral arrangements with tbein fr rircnlating the Maga
z:ue. They will al-o raipidy Ciub of tw 1 persons at
Five D .liars a year, or Bve persons at Ten Dollars,
clergymen and Teachers supplied at TwolMlirs a
year. Numiiers inn tlie romiiieucement can now ba
siipi lit-d. Also, the bHind Volumes.
1 he Jlaiuzine weighs i.e.-r seven aad not over eight
iluces. The p i-tte upon each .amr. which nwt
ie paid quarterly in advance at the Office where the
.dairsztue i re. e.vej, is Tukee Ccxts.
Jl1i- 27. WA. lotf
Sao Fraoeisro Idrrrtising Jgrnrr.
LP. FISH r.K, i A Wai.hiugt.Mi S -.nearly opposite.
. .M acquire s Upera House, up stairs. I- lies of all
me priucipal Papers of California and Oregon may bs
.oiind at tuis nffiit.
L. P. FISH Kit is the authorized Agent of the
Marysville Herald;
Sacramento Cniou ;
Sau Joaquin Republican. Stockton; .
Pacific Methodist, Stockton;
Nevada Journal;
Souora Herald;
G rass Va . ley Telegraph ;
lied ICIutf Ifej∈
Columbia Gazette;
Motnitaiu Deiins ntt.Placerville;
Tuoluiuue Courier;
Calaveras Chronicle. Mokelumne Hill;
Kl Dorado Dero sjrat; -Shas-la
lariposa tiazette; N '
Yreka Weekly Cnion;
Trinity Journal. Weaverville
Iowa Hill News;
Weekly Ledger. Jackson:
San Jose Telegraph;
Sonoma t'isinly Journal;
polsoin Dispatch;
Cabforuia Mining Journal;
lyvt Augelcs Star;
Santa Barbara Gazette;
San Diego Herald;
A Imeda tTauufy Gazette;
Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's
Napa County lieiiorter:
Sierra Dem n-rat. DuwneviUe;
Humisddt Times;
Oreionian. Portland. O. T.; Herald, Jacksonville. O- T.
lioiteer and Democrat. Oiymput. W. T,:
W'ashiugton IteiHiiriiban. Steilaouvm. W.T-r
Pnynesiau. H-iiiolulu, S. I.:
Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Howdula S.I.g
Mexi.-an Extraordinary, City f Meaico;
Pacific Chrisian Advocate, Portland, O. T.;
- Hongkong Register.
L. P. F. has now completed his arrangements tor-
the forwardiug of advertisement to all tbe principal
largest circulating Journals and Newspapers publiaueq
in tlie Atlantic States.
A hue opportunity is here offered to those who wish-
to advertise in any part of tbe Union, of doing so at
the loaeat rates, auu in a prompt ana saifc-iactory 1
Auirust 25. !So7.
Sbort Settlement asak.e Iods
THE old year has passed, and we want all those who.
know themselves indebted to us to come forward.
aud settle aud get their "New Years" present.
Don't forget this; we mean just what we say.
W.C.GitlSWOH) A Co.
January 1. 1S53. 43tf
For Sale.
WEBSTEB S Unabridged Dictionaries;
Hsh.School "
Primary aad Pocket Dictionaries.
Oregon City, Feb1858, stf "