- ' trianectiia ertb . California Culturist. THE rapidly Increasing Importance of the Agrienltu ral and Mechanical Intel ens or tbe lacitl.- Coast ami Ist.tnda, ami the evident necessity of a system of Agriculture adnptrd to the peculiarities of noil, cli mate. and products, seem to ocn a new, wide and un occupied Held, (or the publication of a j lurual partictfr fctrly devoted to those interest. To promote the desired object, and to supply the want so seriously felt, ire have Intro Itt -ed the fjsma CrxirarsT. to he devoted ti the advancement of every industrial noronit ennn--tsd with the prog rme of A garniture, Fb iricuttttre. Mechanism and Miu la; whilst the development of the Xiiunil History or oor seas, river, eoast and t-dand-t. will constitute at time an lnt?reting feature of the wot It. It will be a tvhal.l medium of tni'orm.itlun relative to the introduction, cultivation and value or ne fruit i. seeds, grain, and vegetable, and of t!i Introduction or reanafacture of all new and valuable machinery and implement-i. it will be the aim of the proprietors t mil: It the Horticultural Guide and Text K ott of t!io Pacific, dis easstn an l presenting the m-Mt approved modi- of culture, aa adapted t particular varieties of fruit, plant and Bower, in their several I-icnlites. It will contain a rclia'iln Price Oo.rre.it of arrrifitltn ral and horticnltaral products, at the t'om-nrrvial Me-tron-itu, and an aerarate Meteorological Table at tho C ipitnl of the State for every month. It will be the medium throngh whh the operation m the State Agricultanl and Horticultural S.K-teties and the Mechanics' Institate. their proceeding and re port, will be givea tc toe pn'jlie at the earliest practi cable moment. . It will also contain a complete anrnm try of the pmg re and tmprovemeut- in Agriculture an'l Mechanism toronjrhout the world. Correspondent of a.-knowtedg-e-l ability, not only thrn?limt the United State and KXtrope.butthe Paclrt? Island. Chin and Japau are aecnred.whJ will contribute to the Work. To the Agriculnriit, the Herdinin. the Florist, the Mechanic, M injfa -t ircr. Min.-r and Xitnr.tli-.-t; t-a!l it rtron, we pledge mir unremitted rTirts ti m ike the California Cult oralis! not only a triable re-nrd vt the asrirultural ard mechanical pro-iressof t'.ilirrnta, its adjacent fst and Island, but an iutcra-tiiig, cfi:l an 1 wctoati m inUilj visit r. It will contaia forty-eight pane, miritblv ex -bistre of a Ivertisements and embellished with ejtvrej pl.irt, lithograph and engraving of the highest merit, and will be pqhtiihed sim-iltaneonsty at San Francisco and Sacramento on the fifteenth of every m mta. O. C. Wheeler, Corresponding Secretary of the Plate Agricultural Socilics, Editor. Addnw t WHEKLEIl 4 WAD3rOKTn, San Fran ico. July!7.1WS. iSli . Harper's Magazine. rTtHE present number I t'ie firt or the Seventeenth J. Volume of Hani-ait aew MovTHt.r SI AdAZtN im mniisaer refer to the r.ilnaie i'.it eonclndeJ a toe best anrance far the eharai-trr of that which is now commenced. They believe that the Mamineem viwniaivtnicni piaw every intng essential l a attractive literary ml-tcel'.any, ailapted to the want n ac anenma puuiic. iw reiu ir circiilalion ha n Been dtmtoMhed even darinj theum-xami'l.-d n:ian i, rernlfljn. which ha proved dL-Astnm to o mattv Ir erary and commercial enterprises; and thry are aar- uuui t-i j naancr mai ue jiaaznte t recguizco ad a necessity rather than a luxury. They therefore announce no "Xew Jr'eatnre" for the fnt-ire. Tliey wui cvnunne to nil tne jtarozme wittt articles lucul .-a a.!f sou no views in uie and Moral; leaving . a here tofore, the discos-ion of aort-triaa oioa in IHiu'ioii, and sectional qnevtiona in Politico I t t;ieir o-n appro- t"s; wia-u. n rx men ana trae pairiou anrt upon l nnua isr more nnmerotis taan lux npu w&icn the; a:ner. lheoiyei-tof the Mair.ine will te t- unite rather than to separate the views and feelm of the people ot ainerent aectfrns v our common country. Each number of the Magaaine will contain lit octa vo PTe. in 1-w.le dilum.H. ea-h vear tliii comnria- Bcarly two thousand pa?e of the rhoiiest MUceliane- ou Laierainre ot tne oay. fcach n.ira'.ier will contain Buajerom Pictorial illustratiotH, accurate plates ot the Fiihions. copious chronicle of rurretit event, and impartial notice of the imoorUnt B-'k of the Mouth, The Volumes commence with the number JtNH and VLluiliut, but feuuscxipuoa may couaaicnce with any number. m 1 kkjls. TheTMasaziae may be nhtiinrd of Bx.k filers. Periodical ?eats, or from the p.iLdNliera, at a hue WLUH a year, or i westt Iiii rent a nam--ber. The Semi-anuual Volumes, a eomi l.'ted. ne-a:lj- bound in CiJth. are Id at Two lSIlreaeh. mid Mas. mb t overs are furnished to Ihw who wih tbeir lat k Aumoers naiTormly bound, at Twentv Five rents each w'Keea v oiiime are now ready, bound in Cleth, and also in Half Calf. The Publishers will npplv specimen immher jrmrn ttously to A rents and P. tmasters. and will make !ile ral arramrementn with them for circnl.uinir the Maira aine. They will also stippiy i'lnhs of twj prrnn at x no Kvmare a year, or nve person at Tenr'I!.tr Clergymea ana Teacher supjylied at Two I11 irs n year. umbers from the eommenrement can now be supplied. Aiso. the bonnd Volumes. Tna Magazine weii;h over seven and not over ei'-'l: once. The pnstasre noon each Xums-r. which m i- ne paia qnarterty in advn-e at the t)(B-e- w here th jtarazine is received, is Tiiukb Cksts. Jalyi7, 14. 20tf S chool Books. TC?"Treceived at the City Book Store, la Oregon City, BANDEU S Primers; Spellers.old and newseries: " lt.2d 1 3d Rea.lers.old and new series , " llitn?clloo " Youns Ladies WILSON'S Outlines ot UUtorr: - V. 8. Uisory.scliooledition; L. S. Ameri. educational series JCTinile M istorv, school edition ; PARLFm? Universal Histiirv; COMsTOC'K S Xatnral liistorv- And many other ooi trorkt too nomerons to mention. Dealers aattlcachers are requested to pve naeall. Ji. L. BBADLEY Co. Oregon City, Feb., 1?33. 4Mf F. Baktkls, D.Smith. It.lltai.EV 7illainette Iron Works, OREGON CITY, OREGON "1TTE be; to inform the public of Oregon and Wash' W inston Terrtt.ne that we have completed our iimwitr, ooiier, DiacK.smiin. pattern and Machine nop, and are prepared to bmld EXCISES, BOILERS, BAWMTLLS, AVD ALL "ion ainos oi m tcninerv. lar bnsineo. mnnarikn in the Eistera State. the 'irreat convenience of otir lo- tiiy, me supenoniy ana nnmiier of our macbiues the use of water power instead of steam, and the tier- fwf k-nn 1 ,1 . r -ill t . . , . .. iwimui ui an nranrnra ot our UU-loess win en able o to compete with California. Inviting the public to give u a call and favor with their patronage, we promise to execute their orders oa ue soonest notice ana M ban t rancisco prices. A. UOoSI Co. May, 1858. IjS GREAT ISDUCE3IEM! NEW FIR M CIIEADLE & BROTHERS, EXCIIAXGE STORE ! DKY-COODS AXD FAMILY GROCERIES, 1 Wnfcn we will keep constantly on band, a coed variety. W e are detmninrd to nell for ready py as lorn us aa retail store on the Willamette river. To prove this assertion, we request ladiev and gentlemen to oall and see before purchasing elsewhere. X. B We will also, pay n-ii or good in exchange rvr iu aiuos oi jaercnaiiiaiMe proni-e. K. CIIEADLE A BHOTnER Albany. May 10, ral0 7ooden Ware, Brooms, Baskets, BRUSHES, Clothes Lines, Matche, Vc. In all their varieties. CTS HAXD AND CONSTANTLY ARRIVIXG FROM T1IE EAST. For sale at lowest, and Wholesale prices, at the Wood tad Willow Ware Eslallulimfnt Of HAWXIIURST & SON, 90 Sacramento St., below Front; SAN FRANCISCO, CAU San Fran., Feb., IMS. 6m49 w. s. ladd, Portland. a. w. Lano, San Francisco W. S. Ladd &. Co. Skipping waf Coamtamoa MerevmU, Portland, Ortgam LIBERAL advances made on a U consignments of Or e?on produce. Messrs Wakeman, limon & Co.. No. 73. South street, New York, will receiand for ward all goods and machinery, addressed to our care ia San Francisco, or direct to Oregon. , Jan. 1.1858. 4ur War Scrip. HOLDERS of War Scrip can secure the acrTices of E. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co., to present their papers at Washington for payment. Receipts given for the papers and cash advances made in some case. Office at BarnumA Wilson's Law Office. Salenr, March 23, 185$. 2tf For Sale. AFEv choice Melodeons.Prinrc's make, Piano case, divided awell.fiveoctiuro-F to F.' FtoF.' E. L. BilADLET Co. Oregon. City, Feb.,lS58. tf A STjEE 1 ' Orlenns, a first rate stand for a wul -teddelhjbu WehQ""dre Jly8.185T. ISAAC MOORE. SBoTofall kinds, and IHiwderTaT 42tf W. K. SMITH A Cos TAX receipt blanks frr sale at the Sutcaman offic e at tl per hundred. LADIES etoeks. IateUtvU, f-r inle cheap at 2tf W. K. SMITH A- Go's. IAROLINA rice, and svrcp to sweeten it in 5 gallon 'kegs, at 2trj ' W. K. SMITH A Co's. I ALT, sal soda, and saMafraa, at ' C0 W. K. SMITH 4 Cas. Wallamet tJniversity. ; , SALEM, OREGON. rpiIE FACULTY dining the prcacnt year will con- X M.-t of Rev, F.S. Hoj t. A. M., President and Acting Profess or of Anclrut I-i.i;u.ii.s and Mt!ictuutics. C II. Hall. A. U.. I'rolcuur of Natural Science. n't? SpnVS!"- r Common Ens,W,. Miss h.irah Uuckiuhsm, Teacher of InUiuuietiUil Mu.-.ic. The Cot.t.E.itATB PrriRTMrKT or the Wallamet Unl versity has iw-en or,-nuiad. Young meu dsigiiing to pursue a regular U irse of Study, arc Invited to nvail t'temsi Ives of the advantages all' Tiled by this Inxtitu- linn, ah avail u. ir resources will lie niaile Dnul to meet the wants of Student. Ktbru will bo coutiiuir t -si'!!! e a snitallc endowment ;uiid no pains will bespn cd inoMjiulngviiuiH'tentand expeiienced Instmctors, Tiia Coil -'iate year U divided into Vurt termt , cou niem iug as ittii vs: The llrt term on the 3d Thursday in September. second terra on the 1st " January. ' third I.it " April. The Hit two terms anjiflctn trtckt each; the third tfiren lerrJts. V ArATioxs.. There will le two vacations In the year: oue. iu April, of Itro tercVa, and ou, iu the sum mi r, ol nine irnk: 1 i mo( w ill ba at the rate of tl per week, or 110 per annum. THE OREGON INSTITUTE. Thb PiutraaxTon Per aura ICT. Tkkms Tho Antdcmia year U divided Into root ir.uvs ot r'crm ttvtKi taen. 1 he llrnt ti;rm begins ou the last Thursday of Angind i " second term begins on the Sd " " Novem, third " last " Jannnrv. t.Hii-ta - April V acavtoKs. There will be two varations in the veur: 'ne in April, of tiro trtrkt; and one in the summer, or Tt'tTtox will he paid st the lieirinning of each Term a a trance, at tne tnllnw ing rules: In Ijmpuacrs, Hi -her Matbrmatics A Chem., (10 00 --utnersiii'iies or tne Acailetuiu IMvision, .. T 50 Common bugli.li Uivuiou,... ' Primary . 6 50 S For nse or the Piano J 50 Instrumental music 10 00 t Instruction! in vocal music is given to all the sinaenisjree oj raaigr. Armissios Students will lie admitted at any time: ani win tie rnarsca lor tuition irotn the time thev en ter only, but their progret will be greatly proi'ujted by entering eai ly in the Academic year. In cases where, from necessity, Ktudrntx leave !efnre the end r the terra for which payment has been made, ja-t propiution mt more than three fourths nor less than one-lottrth nf the tuition fee will be refunded. Mudcnts are not allowed to leave just before camina tiun. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, inriict great injury upon uota me student and the Institu tion. BoARntvo Ynnne eentlemen and ladies can obtain b arrf at rcasonaMe rates with private families. Cot-Rsn or Srt-nv. A Ci.nrse of Studv has been adopted ftr both the tYIVtrmto and Preparatory Pe- pnninenis, wen rai tti.itri to fsrenre rtpe sciioiarsiitn mental discipline, and a preparation for the active du ties ot lite. A liberal Oo-ire of Ptndy has been adopted for young wairt wiitiir.iie o omrim a loTOOll euueatTon. mr A IMploma will be awarded ta all who shall complete the press-rilicd eoorse. The Governmknt will be parental but stri-t aim Inr constantly at the formation of correct habits of Seir-iiovemment. I'areful attention will be given to manners anu morals. . KcnoLAKsnirs, perpetual, or for the period of ten years, securing tuition nt very reduced rates, ran be purchased, r or further particulars apply to the Presi Ullll. IVr order of Executive Committee. V. 8. HOTT, Sec. Board of Trustees. Patem.Pec. 10, 1Vi7. tltf JfJll.N'A. K ITTII EDGE. A f AXl'FACTCRER or Fire-proof Poors. Shntter IV L V anlLs,c.,c.,c. waltery, near I'acmcstreei Sao Krsncisco. X. B. Orders from the country promptly attended to and warranted as onlereii. A larse assortment of second band Poors and Shut ters constantly on hand, for sale at rerjote rain. March, l-sois. mS2 Dr. Krieclibattm's lluugariau HAIR PRESERVER. Tr1R the Restoration, Beauty and Preservation of the A Hair. 1 his preparation removes all harshness an ilrvness of the nair. hy exciting tne scalp ti a new an healthy action, and cleanses it from scut f and dandruff: prevents the hair fpm falling oil' and getting gray leit tne m-st retnarkal-le result wincn it win run 1. 1 it vritl produce a new crop of hair on an entirely bald head. Many young persons sometimes find the too early appearance ot gray nairs, tnis preparation win sio this result. Mothers who wish their children to hv tine heads of hair, can effect this bv the use of this Tonic; especially on their daughters it the hair islisht. 1 know few (lersons believe the hair can lie restored on a bald head. but. if mv directions are followed I will warrant a cure or refund the money. It is put up in two ounce bottles and for sale bv wholesale and retail with directions at one dollar per bottle; it can be sent bv mail t anv part of the United States, lientleiuen send on your orders. stating the cause and duration of tne oaitiness and I win cure you. i o insure a cure .my charge varies from Twenty-five to Filty d-.llars, accord ing to tne nature or the case. Prepared only by Dn. J. G. KRTEC IB ACM. Cor-, , . T. Con tllis, Feb., 1S5S. . 50tf L. Q. Washington, i GENT for the proseention of claims at Washing- il ton, l. C, before the fcjcecutive departments, Con gress and the Cou-tor CI lims. Wil! attend to the set tlement or accounts or Marshals, Pistrii-t Attorneys, and other Federal officers, and of contractors with the Post'ifliee and other Departments: also, to the nroenr- ing of Patents for I-and. Land Warrants, and other bu siness of a General Agency. Kefers to t;en. Joseph iane. uregon Territory: tiov. isaac 1. Stevens, w asmngion rer.; lion. si. n. McAl lister, Hon. Osden Hofl'man and R. Ane. Thompson, an t ram i-o. si.: lion. James utiine. imt.sville Ky., and to the Officers generally of the Treasury and interior Departments at asliington. Adurass L.y. W A111M.1U. , lyi? Washington P. C, Cor-all is Drug Store. T R.CARPWELL, Druggist and Apothecary, is con stantly receiving, per California steamers, large and carefully selected stocks of Drugs and Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnish, Soaps, Perfumeries. Toilet Fur niture. Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drug r lores. Agent lorJ.iynes, ana otner pau-nt medicines, aich will be furnished at California, wholesale prices. Br URUEHS SOLICITED. J. It. CARD WELL. Corvallis, May 2, IW7. lit! Xotice. 'T'lIE judges or the Supreme Corrrt. or the Territory or j. regon, assemoiea at tne seat oi uovcraraeni on the nmtli day of January, eighteen hundred and fiftv seven, do n.x and appoint District Courts, to be held in village of Rovebnrg, in the county of Douglas on the nrst Mondays, of March, May, September and Novem- bcr.annually, nntil otherwise ordered, and do limit tne duration of said terms to six days each. GEO. 11. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice. 44tf M. P. DEADY, Associate Justice. Tne Law of Oregon. rrtHE OREGON STATUTKS, 1855. bein a lanre vol JL ume of 650 pages, with complete index . annota tions, and references, comprising all the laws in force in the Territory, inclusive or those passed at last session of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of the statesman, at nve donars per cop v. ihe work is ex ecuted in the best manner, booar law style, and is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can be bought in any 4SUte in the Union, and at the lowest figure they can be afforded for here. The price places tnera wiuiin tne reacu oi an woo aesire the laws Uiey live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash. Riled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that will probably be published in Oregon, for many years in addition to tne enactments ot tne legislative Assent- lv, the volume contains the Declaration of Indenen dence. Constitution or the United States, Treaties with tireat Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance or 17S7.in force in Oregon, Donation lav and all amendments. ana iuii ansiraci oi c nuea optics naturalization uti. Marlon House, Salem. TIIEnndersigncd announces to the public that be has purchased the well known tavern stand. called the Marion House, in Sa lem, together witn the furniture and fixtures thereof. He will keep it in lint rate style, and invitee .i . . . i ,- . ..... me iiiinnaKe ii iut puuiic. It. 31. At A 1 lay 23, l57v lltf j Dentistry. DR. J. R. CARPWEI.L, Dental Surgeon, Corvallis, in his profession, at Corvallis, Eugene City, Win- nesier, coiisourg, ana jacKsonviue. ISKill. iinones- viiHiaoie; cuarues rcxun-wuiF; worn, warranted. Teeth examined, acd advice given free or charge ime noiic civcu ui cuunge ot omce. April 2!,t "65. 7tf HydropatliiG Books. BY TraH. Shew and O. S. Fowler. For sale at the City Baok Store. E. L. BRADLEY Co. Oregon City, Jan. isr.g. .. 4,;tf JVotice. CORVALLIS Ware House. No. l.ww offv-r for rent. Ky ISAAC MOORE, or WAYMAJf St. CLAIB. In connection whh the above we have a mark hones sndjimoke house for rent. . - -. . . IS" JIO0RE & fiT.CLAIR. The Graefenberg JULY MEDICIN FA i: s. The Crncfcnbcrg Companjr. ritlllS IXSTITUTIOX. (Inronrated bv the Lcgis J. l.tture of the rotate of New Vork, Capital flOO.OUO.) was founded for the purpose or supplying the public with the celebrated tlitAKFKXBEltO MEDICINES. The series comprises remedies lor nearly evety disease adapted to every climate. For Families, Travellers, Seamen, and Miner's use they are uneonullcd. A.'l the Medicines are PURELY VKliETABLK and warranted to cure the diseases for which they are severally rec ommended. Ihe Uiaefenberg Company does not profess to cure all di-rases with one or two medicines. Our seriesron sixts or ELEVEN dill'en'tit kinds, adapted to the vari mis diseases incident to the temperate and tnuiieal cli mate. The following comprises tba series of Uraefen berg Medicines : TUX OttAKFENBRRO VSOETARl.t! rtt.LS Are considered the standard Pill nf the day. and are inliniti ly superior to any Pill before the public. They operate without irritation on all the excretions, purg ing the blood by the bowrli, liver, kidtirys and skin. MARSHALL'S 1'rKUlNB CATIIOLICOS. An infallible remedy for all diseases of the womb and nrinary organs, weakness In Uie back, pain in the breast, nervousness, debility, etc In California and Oresn. out of more than a thousand cases where this medicine has been used, it has in no single instance fa-led to give permanent relief or to eflevt a certain cure. TttUOt'AF.rKSBKRU SARSAr AR11.LA, A powerful extract. One bottle tuusl to ten of the ordinary Sarsaparilla for purilying the Hood. A sure cure for sorofula. rheum itisra. ulcers, dyspepsia, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, Ac. TUEORKRM M0t-J!TAIXOtSTENT. Invaluable for burns, wounds, sprains, chilblains, sores, swellings, scroftila, etc. As a Pain Extractor, it cannot lie excelled, arl'ordiug Immediate relief from the most excrutiating pains. TnS CBAEFRNACRO DTSENTTBT STKt r. This extraordinary article is a speedy and infallible remedy iu Diarrlioya, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Choi era Infantum au I the Asiatic Cholera, if taken with the first symptoms of the disease. It is purely vegetable in its compound. orakprn-rero Cnil.nREXS rSXACRA, ForsntnmerComplaint. and most diseases to which children are stibjert. Us true worth can never be set forth in words, but it can be felt aud appreciated by parents whose children have becu saved. Ho Mother should be without it. TBt OBAEFEVBEKa riLE REMEDT. Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease. with the Ointment there are verv few cases which can not lie radically and permanently cured. A surgical operation tor Piles or Pi-tnls should never be resorted to until this Ointment has been thoroughly tried. It never faili. CRAEt KXBrRd EYE LOTIOX. For uiseaes of tho eye this Lotion has no equal. It is a speedy and p-itive cure for inflammation of the eves, weakness, dimness and failing or sight. It will always be beneficial in acute inflammation of the eyes anu aiso as a wa.-n on innameu surfaces. GKAKFfcNBKRII FKVER AND AOl'S FILLS. A speedy and positive core for this distressing com plaint. These Pills are romp-wed principally of Oui nine, with other vegetal le tonics, anti-spasmodic and febrifuge articles. Thousands have been permanently cureii oy meir use. ORARI-EKBKRd CONSIHPTt VES BAI.W. Sovereign in all Bronrhial and lulinonary Diseases. It is, nevotid all question, true that Consumption is cnradle di-ea-e, and the Consumptive's Balm is the best curative ever u?ed. GRAEFEXRER1 HEALTH BITTERS. These Bitters are skilfully and elegantly prepared from a mimwr or tnvig rating healthy roots, imrks. nertis and vines. An invaluable tonic and health re storer. N CRAFIFNREKO HAXrAL OF BEALTIt. A handsorael y printed volume of 300 pages, contain ing concise aud extremely plain descriptions of all manner of diseases, their symptoms and treatment. Kvery family should have one. Prica only 25 cents. It will lie sent, pot paid, to any post office in Califor nia or Oregon, on the receipt of Zo cents by mail or ex press. . Address Redincton A Co., San Francisco. The tiraefenlierg Medicines are for sale by ell Drug gists and Aotiiecaric throughout the country. Ue lie nil Agents for California and Oregon ItEDIXUTOX A Co., Wholesale Druggists, No. 107 Clay street. Smith A- Davis Agent", Portland. San Frsn-i-o, Ihe. 12, 1h57. 50tf New Constitution for Oregon. "I'l TE beg leave to announce to the public that we V v are just receiving a large and well selected stock of goods from San Francisco, which has lieen selected with great rare by Mr. Alexander, who has been attend ing that market for some time, therefore we ran safely say to the pnblic that we can, and will sell, goods as tow ai wnoiesaie or retail A3 AXY nOUSE IX OREGOX. We will take in exchange for goods all kinds of pro duce. X. B. We will also pay cash for all kinds of pro- uuce. io-wii: ' Wheat, Flour. Butter, Eggs. Bacon. Pork. Lard Oats. Ac., Ac., Ac. All who wish to purchase, will do well to call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. Onr stock consist or every thing in the line that this morsel cansior to-wn: Grey, White, Red and Blue Blankets: Coats, Vests, Pants, Hats and Hat covers; Vndcrand Over shirts. Wool and Cotton; Every description or White Shirts: Queens Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery; B jots. Shoes coarse and fine; Brogans Calf. Kip and Cowhide; Wool Plaids. Merinos, Detains. late patterns- In short every kind of piece goods, aud the BEST TEA everstnpped totnis marxet. ai.ni edar shingles, limothy seed and Hops. Mi Give us a call, and see for yourselves. - ALEXANDER A. McEWAX Corvallis. Oct 19, 1857. , 33tf New. Arrival of Jewelry, &c. JUST FROM SAN FRANCISCO. TROSEXTII A L informs his patrons and friends, that he has just returned from San Francisco with a select assortment of Jew elry, Musical Instruments, Cutlery, etc., and oilers them for sale at his store on Front street, , Mr One door below Dr. Coombs' ofBce.-SS . JEWELRY. Gold and Silver watches: Gold and Silver chains Gold bracelets; Gold ear-rings; Gold breastpins; Gobi finger rings; Lockets; Gold pens and pencils; Gold sleeve buttons; Silver and Plated ware; fancy goods and perfumery. MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS. Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Fifes; a larire assortment of Accordcons, Ladies' work boxes or all kinds. Gold and Silver spectacles. Gold and Silver spoons, Cutlery, iiocks an enuicss variety, occ, vc. -Watches, Clocks and Jewely repaired, and all kinds or Jewelry made to unler. U All of my work warrantod"E Br Don't forgcf'The Sign of the BIWatch."-SVi Corvallis, Oct. 24. 1857 33tf School lloolts. TUST received, a complete assortment of Sanders' J School Books, together with a large lot of Thomp son s practical Arithmetics, all or which will be sold cheap, at the City Book Store. K. A.. BUAUL1SY A Co, Oregon City, Jan. 1858. . 4itr For Sale. THOMPSON'S Arithmetical Tables; " Mental Arithmetics, " I'ractieal " High School Arithmetics. E. L. BRADLEY Oregon City. Feb.. 1S5S. A Co. 4Htf Short Settlements make long friends. THE old rear has passed, and we want all those who know themselves indebted to us to come forward and settle and get tbeir "New Years" present. 4 Don t forget this; we mean just what we say. W. C. GRISWOLD A Co. January 1. 1858. -. ; : 43tr Kducatlon Complete. - ... TY O. S. Fowler. For sale at the City Book Store. E. L. BRADLEY A Co. Uregen City, Jan. 1S5S. 4titr TURE WINES and liquors for medicinal purposes JT at U2tn - W. K. SMITH A Co's. 'SENCH merinos, and alpacas, at - f42trj W. K. SOnTH 4 Co s. Richards & McCraken conmssioH derchants AND Jobbers In OHEOOX -PRODUCE of every de scription. No. . 41 Sacramento St., (Fire-Proor store.) San Francisco. t. The highest market price paid Tor PRODUCE. Mr Liberaradvauees made ou consignments. Br Orders for Oregon trade promptly attended to. Ollice In Portland, upper wharf bout. JAMBS K. RICIIAIttlS, JOHH X'cRAKt'N, San -Voneuco. Portland. Oregon. June 22, IS5S. . . lyli Huyle &ite, IJHYSICIAXS AXDSl"RlEOXS.wonld respectfully L iiitorm the citizens or Polk Co., and vicinity, that they have entered into copartnership for the practice of medicine, surgery, and obstetric. Ollice, Ihillas, I'olk, Co. J. W. Boyle, M. D., for the present will be found at his residence, 3 miles east of Dallus. June 15,185m. 15tf D. William Donthit, - .ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW D PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY. Will practice In the Supreme and District Courts of this State. Br Office over Starr's Tin Store. Frontstreet,-tr 3tr Portland, Oregon. J. Fleming. AT the Oregon City. Post Office Building, hss jnst received, direct from New York. 100 copies or "Downitig's Fruit and Fruit Trees or America.''revied and enlarged. rr 1S57 the latest publixhed edition of this valuable work, lie lias also on hand, a good stock of miscellaneous books and statiouery, for Sale on terms to suit the times. Oregon City, Dee. 15. 1S5I. 41tf W. W. PaSe. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Port lnnd.O. T. 2ttf N. 1!. Cranrr, ATTORNEY AXD COUNSELOR AT LAW. Albany.O.T.Fcb..lS5f. 4Str Dr. 8. 11. Unckles, OFFICE. SALEM. OREGOX TERRITORY. Salem, November 9, 1S57. 35tf William C. Griswold Co., ERCHAXTS. SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY. .W.C. OKISWOLD, J2tr C.S. WOOBWORTH. Aledical Notice. rriHE aiibserilier, would Inform the inhabitants that he X is at his old stand, ready to attend to all calls In bis profession ; also he has on hand a well selected stock of IVIrctie. concentrated Medicines, with a well asorted supply of Syringes, all of which be will dispose or on reasonable terras. v. hakiiu, Salera December 2, 1858. S-tf Jlftlicjl JSolkf. T-VIt. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, California, IJ oners his professional services to the citizens to Salera and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo public favor. Br Oflice at Reed and Fellows' drug store. My R. WT. SHAW. S. KliiwortU, ATTORNET AND COfSSEIXOR, US. Supreme and other Courts. Office Engene City, Lane County , Oregon Territory. Also Commissioner of Deeds for Xew York, Connecticut. Ac. Auenst W. li5t. Mtf 1. J. Thayrr, ATTORXEY AXDCOUXSELLOR AT LAW. Office In Corvallis. Benton Co., O. T., opposite to the City Hotel in said town. 29tt W. H. FAKBAR. LAXS1SO STOl'T. Farrar k Stoat, TTORXEYS AT LAW AXD SOLICITORS IX J ' 'hanccrv and Admiralty. a OlHce on Fruut street, one door north of the " l. vchance. Portland. O. T-. July 20, 157. J3tf I. N. Smith. t TTORXEY AND COUXPELOR AT LAW AND 2. Solicitors in Chancery, Corvallis O. T. 1. N. FHtTR. Sltf H. V. Mitrhrll, A TTORXEY AXD COUXSEljOtt AT LAW, EU rl gene City, Lane County, O. T. San Frnnfitro Atlrertikin; Arnrj T P. FISHKR. Iron building, opposite Pacific Fix press M-A tlfttce. upstairs. I- lies of all the principal rapersf California slid ire iron may lie found st this office. M Fisher is the authorized Agent for the Statesman. Chfittr 5. Ttrrr, A TTORXEY AT LAW, SALEM. OREGOX. COM X Vvtnissioner or Iteeds, and to take testimony, ac knowledgment. Ac-. Ac-. f"r Iowa. Indiana. Missouri Michigan. California and Washington Territory. let ters of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing drawn on short notice. esu Particular attention paid to taking depositions collections of otes. Accounts, c, nit nanlin k Grorrr, A TTORXEYS AXD COUNSELORS AT LAW, AXD n Solicitors in Chancery. Utnce near Uie Lourt-house Salem, O.T. ' Dcluon Smith, A TTORXEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND Jr bxdiritor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all business pertaining to his profession in the first Judicial lMstnct. and before tne supreme court. 01 uregon. Office. Alhanv. Iann County. O. T. N. B. When not at his oflice, f-r absent on profes sional business, he may be found at his residence, five miles snutli-enst of Albany, on what is kuowa as the "Grand Prairie." W. S. Brock, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, ANT) Solicitor in Chancery, will practice In the various courts in this Territory, and promptly attend to tne col lection of all claims airainst the United States, throuch an efficient acent residing at Washington .City. Office in Eugene City, Lane County, O. T. It. E. St rat ton. TTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in the various xl courts of southern Orecon, and in the Supreme toon 01 tne Territory. GrFtcR in Scottsburgh, L mpqns conntv, O. T. X. B. Bounty Laud Warrauts obtained for claimants on reasonable terms. 23tf B.M. BAH.M-M. J. U. WILSON JIarnuin & Wilson. A TTORNfES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Sa Jr. lem, Oregon. Particular attention 's given to the collection of notes and accounts, and c.aiins against government. liminty iand n arrants boneht and sold. Br tiiBce over Starkey's Store. 48 11. F. Itonham. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of- J. ace at the Court House, Salem, O. T. Ctf A. B. Bollock, A RCHlTECT AND BlULDER. PORTLAND. O. T. XA Designs, plans, specifications, Ac, furnished on reasonaiile terms. Campbell k Pratt. A TTORXEYS AT LAW, San Francisco. California it Ifiice, corner M-mtsomcrv and Sacremcuto streets over Parrott A Cos. Bank. Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business entrusted to their enre. 31tf Alkxandek Cami-bku,. O. C. Pratt. S. Hamilton, M. PHYSICIAN AXD SURGEON, would respectfully announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad joining counties, that he has located permauently at Deer creek lor the purpose or practicing mediciue, aud in which profession he will be faithfid to discharge all duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy and comfortable. Ofpior opposite R. H. Dearborn A Co.s store, on Main street. Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at lour cash pri ce: 4-'lI Attention Farmers. TTTE will pay the highest market price "In cnsh'Tor TV wneat. isr.ALil liuf.urj. Corinthian Lodge OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold tbeir regular communications on the Tbnrsday night before the full of the moon of each mouth, ex cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that night in Albany, O.T. Brethren in good standing are cordially Invited to at tend. VKL.A.jy SMITH, W. M. SrmNGER, Sec y. 37tf Blanks. DEETS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of Bcrin, tax receipts, final proofs, and notifications a new 101 just unutcd and lor sale at me statesman Oflice. July 27. 1857. . 20tf Look Here! WE have just received 89.000 lbs. of ground nlum salt, which we are selling at t-t.00 per hundred. GRISWOLD A CO. - Dickinson Type Fouudry. . PHELPS A DALTO.V, Boston. L.P. Fisher, Agent, San Francisco.- Orders solicited for type, leads, role, Ac. . -: . , . August 55,1857. 24tf ; Orleans Warehouse. ORLEANS Ware House, opposite Corvallis. for rent ltf ISAAC MOORE. TVTACKEBEL and codfish, nt 1V1 (42U) W. K. SMTTHACs's. ' DECLARATION1 OF WAB! NDU8TBT Host Prosper. WI1EREAS, fit the count of Human Event. It becomes necessary thut there should be a thoro' reform In the DRY-GOODS BUSINESS IX S A L 13 M , O It K O O N : We give notice that for the accomplishment of this object we hereby declare UXCEAMXti and t'. VuMPKtlMISI.Vii war against ALL MONOPOLY and Hum Pnicus. Our war will not be a wurof words. but or AcTtosj; and although we expettto excite the envy and opposition or our brethren in trade, we thai) pursue sucii a course as win m.iKe mis 1110 CHEAPEST STORE IN OREGON! And we cheerfully Invite all who wish to buy goods at the LOWEST POSSIBLE price, to an examination nf our Embiacing an Exhibition or the Industry or rrerg Nation, which danisle hy their BRILLIANCY or Color and GKORGEOl'SXESS or design, and mi st excite the apxihatiom or all lovers or the beautiful. We have "purple and line linen" and the MOST BEWITCHING and ENCHANTING STYLES OF GOODS Designed expressly to adorn the persons oi the gentler sexs. So ItKAt TiFl'L, indeed, that we can truly say, after our goods have been purchased and fitted to the QRAtr.KtL FORMS or Our " KAfR ITKTOMEKS," That Solomon in all bis Glory was not arrayed like one or these." We also unite the useful with the beautiful, and can supply the most solid and substantial of MATUONLY WANTS In all the departments of Household economy, enter taining the most profound respect for the 0000 itot'SE wirs. Wehave taken UNUSUAL pains to provide an assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS. Which in quality and price should entitle us to the gratitude or all who love to buy the BEST GOODS at the 13 EST B A It UAIXS. In all our purchases we have been guided by a desire to give our FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS the full benefit of everything which was MOST J.XMLXG I.X STYLE. MOST SUBSTANTIAL IN MANUFACTURE and most REASONABLE in price. And now having performed our duty as youi agents.we CONFIDENTLY invite an examination of our spring and summer goods. We have not time to go into an ennme ration of tlie many bargains we areofl'ering.Inouaoiirf trill tee I hem; THOfSASPS WILLOKT TUB BKNKKIT OF TIIES; and will aid os in our warfare against all HUM B U G MO NO P O L Y. AND HIGH PRICES. Respectfully inviting the mrst thorough scrutiny, and esteeming it a pleasure to show goods, we are the publics' obedient servants. Awaiting we remain, -Your most respectfully. V. C. OIHSWOL.D & Co. Salem, April !6, lsjS. 7tf NoMes & Ioares Varnislies. IM. THE STANDARD AMERICAS .DO Adams' Boston Brushes. ATEAHTIG WHITE LEAD. FOREST RIVER DO. TIHIAN VS and other Colors glues, iu:oi:s San Fran. March, 1859. Iv3 John ilarirove's ECLECTIC LINIMENT, GOOD yR MAN OR BEAST. -This penetrating Liniment, ss it is rubbed in by the hand or a piece of flannel is absorbed thronsh tlie same channel reaches the seat of intlamation and subdues it. Every species of exterior irritation is qnickir reduced ny tne application nueumaiism. lungworn, swelled glands, r rost bites Sore breast. Sore heads. Sore throatsjsores of ail kind sprains, stiff joints, ulcers, toothache, swellings of the limbs or body pains in the spine or back, poison oak Ac. is almost miraculous. It is good lor Bighead, Biashonlder. Swiney, Sprains Cholicin horses, in fact all diseases where external ap plication is required. The proprietor sends rhis Liniment before the pnblic to stand or fall, on its own merits. He only asks that it may receive a fair trial by the public. It ran be ob tained by applying in person or by letter to the address CI JUtl. HAHOKOVK, 2d St.. Corvallis. Oreeon, JT. II. Pemands from a distance accompanied by the money, will be promptly attended to and the Liniment put up and forwarded according to directions. A lib eral discount will be made to wholesale dealers and persons purchasing large quantities. Retail price of Eclectic Liniment, tiny cents per bottle, for further par ticulars address proprietor. Corvallis, April, 1858. ly5 San Frtntisro Adrtrtising Jt-rntr. T P. FISHER, lti Washington St.,nearly opposite - mnifiuiciivpil iiwus:, up vuiirs. r lies oi an the principal Papers of California and Oregon may be found at this office. L. P. FISHER is the authorized Agent of the Okeuox Statesman ; Marysville Herald; Sacramento Union; San Joaquin Republican , Stockton; Pacific Methodist, Stockton; Nevada Journal; - , Sonora Herald; J Grass Valley Telegraph; - . lied Bluff Beacon; Columbia Gazette; Mountain Democrat, Placerville; Tuolumne Courier; Calaveras Chronicle, Nokeltunne Hill; El Dorado Democrat; Shasta Courier; -- Mariposa Gazette; i Yreka Weekly Union; Trinit y Journal, WeaverviDe; Iowa Hill News; Weekly Ledge. Jackson; - ' San Jose Telegraph; , Sonoma County Journal; - s Folsotn Dispatch; . .A - California Mining Journal; , Los Angeles Star; . Santa Barbara Oazette; San Diego Herald; A lmeda Caunty Oazette ; Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's; ,. . Napa Couuty Reporter; , Sierra Democrat, Downeville; Humboldt Times; r t Union; - ' Oregouian, Portland, O.T.; ,..-. Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T.; Pioneer and Democrat. Olympia. W. T.: Washington Republiban, Sieilacoom, V'. T.; . . Poynesian, Honolulu, S. I.; Pnciflu Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I.; ' Mexican Extraordinary, City cf Mexico; Pacific Chrisian Advocate, Portland, O. T.; Hongkong Register. ADVERTISING IX THE ATLANTIC STATES. L. P. F. has now completed his arrangements for the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published in tne Atlantic mates. - - A line opportunity is here offered to those who wish to advertise in any part of the Union, of doine so at the lowest rates, and in a prompt and satisfactory man ner, t August 25, 1857. - . . 24tf Something New ! EL. BRADLEY A Co., have just received a large lot of band-books for home improvement: com prising bow to write, how to talk, how to liehave. how to do business, in one volume: will be sent free of post age to any part of Oregon, on receipt of tl. aaurean k. u. uk-s ka-c i , City Book Store, Oregon City. ' Dec. 20, 1857, 3tf Books! Books! X Jl . L. BRADLEY A Co., have recently received a Li. large lot of Fowlers and Wells publications. Take notice all ye that are sick, water (cure) is a powerful nice thing in a family. ajcc. ifU, iso. . 43tr . laud, Portland, r w. lao, San Francisco. W. S. Iadd &Co. . IMPORTERS and dealers In Wines, Liquors, and Gro ceries, Portland, Oregon. " r Jan. 1, lotJ. 4-ltf r 5 CLAY ?T' MedicaL a5$ at Dr.L J. Czapkay's Private MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Sacrametito ftreet, below Montgomery, opposite the Pacilie Mail Steamship Company's Oflice, San Fran cisco. ESTABLISHED IN 1851, FOR TnE PERMANENT CURE OF ALL PRIVATE ANI CHRONIC DISEASES, AND THE , , Bl'ITKESSION OF UL ACKEKr. Attending and Resident Physician, L. J.CZAPKAT, M. D.. Ijite in the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief Phy sician to tho 20tli Regiment of Honveds, Chief Surgeon to the Military Hospital of Peth, Hungary, and the late Lecturer on the diseases of Women and Children. Communications stictly coulbleutial. Consultation, by letter or otherwise, free. Address Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, San Fraucisco, Cal. TO THE AFFLICTED Dr. L.J.CZAPKAYretums his sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, nnd would tnke this opportunity to remind them that he continnea to consul tat bis Institute for the cure of Chronic diseases of the Lungs.Livers.Kidneys .di gestive and genitive organs, and all private diseases, viz: Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrhoea, elect, strictures. seminal weakness and ail the horrid consequences of sell abuse, and tie hopes that tus long experience and successful practice of many years, will continue to ensure Imn a share of public patronage. By the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, and during the Hungarian war and campaigns, he is enabled to aniily tiie moxt efficient and successful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He uses no mercury charges moderate treats bis pa tients in a correct and honorable way has references of unquestionable veracity f rom men of known respect ability and high standing in society. All parties con sulting him. by letter or otherwise, will receive the best and gentle-t treatment, and implicit serresy. To THB I.ADIKS OP OBEGO! AND CALIFORNIA. L.J Ceapeat, M. D..Physician Surgeon and Accoacheur.in- vites the attention of the sick and afflicted females la boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the brain, lunirs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc tor is effecting more permanent eurea than any other physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save yourself from painful sufferiiig and premature death. All mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their families should write or call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Medical Institute, Sacramento st., bekiw Montgomery, opposite P. M. S. S. Co's oflice nd they will receive every possible relief and help. The Docto. s Offices are so arranged that he can be consulted without molestation. 12m3 aj. A I consultations (by letter or otherwise.) free. Address to DR. L. J. CZAPKAY, Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cal. REMARKABLE INSTANCE OF MEDICAL RE LIEF. Below we publish the certificates of two of the sufferers from the pan its of disease, who having recovered their former health, and impelled by grati tude, make known tbeir cases and remedial agent, and their statements are authenticated by a Notary Public. The demands of Society imperiously command their publicity, and we commend their perusal to the atten tion of ell afflicted : CERTIFICATE. The undersigned . desirous of acquainting those who may be unfortunate enough to I similarly afflicted, where a permanent relief of their suffering may be obtained, feels it bis duty to thus publicly express his most sincere gratitude to Dr. L. J. Czapkav, for the derraanent recovr ry of his health. Borne down lv tin- distressing symptoms incident to the virions practice of uncontrollable passion in youth ; depressed in body and mind ; unable to perform even the most trifling duty imposed upon the daily avocations of life, I sought the advice of many physicians, who at first regarded mv u:m.-bvisui inning importance out ala? ; altera tew weeks, and in several instances months, ot t!ir-ir tr-nt- ment, I found to my unutterable horror, that instead of relief, tlie symptoms bei ame more alarming in their wruirr ; ana i.s-ing. mm ny one mat my disease, being principally confined to the brain, medicine would be of little consequence. I despaired of ever regaining ray o.-iiLu. sirtTiim anu energy : anu, as a last resoit, and wiin duii laint nope, called npon Ilr. Czankar, who after examining my case, prescribed some medicine wnicn almost instantly relieved me of the dull pain nuu uimiuitsm iu m- ucao. r.nconrageo by mis result, I resolved to place myself immediately nnder his care, and by a strict obedience to his- directions and advice my head becameclear. my ideas collected, the wnstaat pain 10 my bacK and groins, the weakness of my limits, the nervous reaction of my whole body on the slight est alarm or excitement; the misanthropy and evil forebodings; the self distrust and want of confidence in others; tne incapacity to stu-iy, and want of resolu tion; the rrightful. exciting, and at times pleasurable dreams at night, followed by involnntary discharges, have all disappeared; and in fact, in two months af ter having consulted the Doctor. I felt as if inspired l.y a new life that life which, but a short time ago, 1 con templated to end with mv own hand. With a view to guard the unfortunate from falling into tne snares or incompetent quacks. I deem it mv duty to oner this testimouy to the merit aud skill of in. tzapsay, and recommend bim to all who may stand in need of medical advice, being assured bv iny own experience, tnat once under his care, a radical and permanent cure will be etlected. B. F. FILLMORE. State of California. Connty of San Francisco. Sub scribed anu sworn to oetore Ane, tins 17th day of April A r w-; n J JOHN MIDDLETON, tL.s - Notary Public. CARD. Prompted by an honest desire of mv heart. I wi -h to lay before the public a case which deserves a high com mendation, not oulv as an act of scientific skill, but mat 01 humanity, also. About two years ago. I snd- ueniy and trom causes unknown to me, was seized With a tit ot epilepsy, which, owing to my inability to meet the expenses consequent npon a thorough medical treat ment, ana tne discouragement which I met with on attempting it, soon liecanie such (as I was then led to believe.) as to defy the skill of any physician. I was frequently, while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down to me ground witnout tne slightest warning, and al thongh insensible to the aeonies, vet I despised the mis ery of my existence. While in this state, and having previous to my aiSction tasted the sweets of life, I once more was induced to attempt seeking aid nf a physician, and, by recommendation, called upon Dr. L. J. Czap kay. f told him my circumstances, and my inability to reward him for his services regardless of which. nowever, ne at once unaerrooK my case, and with the blessing of God. I was once more restored to perfect health. Unable to reward him for the boon which I enjoy at present, and vet const-ions of mv tn.ll.tyt. ness, I consider it due to myself and to all afflicted, to make tne case puiuic, m order that those in need of meuicai auvice may nnd a Physician in whom Mt.ifc.lt YABLONSKY. f L.S.I State of California, I County of San Francisco, f 83 Subscribed and sworn to hefnnt mo fliie first .1 t. tf August, A. 1. IS06. Gilbert A. Grast. N utary Public, l. s.J SPERMATORRHEA .or Local Weakness .nervous de bility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the limbs and Dark, indisposition and incapacity for labor and study, dullness of apppetite, lossof memory, aversion to tuic ui uiiiiiue,iiiuiuiiY,seirdistrust,uizz-iuess headache, pains in the side, affection of tho pro.- ,ii.i pies on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man. im urea witnoutiau by thejustly celebrated physician and surgeon. L. J. Czapkay. His method of rnrinsr diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence the great sne- aui-onsiuiiu, oy loiter or otherwise, free. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M.D.. San Francisco. Cal. The Greatest Discorrrjr of the lie. ATI RE AT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! V OK.CSAPKAY S PKOPHlLACTICrit. f self-disinfec- Mujc acent.! a sure preventive asrainst linmin-hil and Syphilitic diseases, and a ceitain and unsur passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous aud cancerous ulcers, fceted discharges from vagina, uterus and urethra, and all cutannus eruptions and' dis- j iiiuov uiatiou is preventive agamstsmall pox. so is Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticum a preventivea?aiust Syphilitic and Gonorrheal diseases. Harmless in it self, it possesses the power of chemically destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of ueuauciices trom oeing infected by tne most loathsome of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates health be without Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticum. It is in very convenient packages, and will be found con venient for use, being used as a soap. Price, $5." For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Private Medical and Surgi cal Institute. Sacramento st. below Montiromerv omww site P. M. Co's. office, San Francisco. All letters must be addressed to L. J. Czapkay, At.D., DR. L. J. CZAPKAT-S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute, iacraniento St., below Montgomery oorio aire Pacific. Mail! St.!lmi,i f s . ,.". ""llumery oppo- , """"'huiid, ano asKs no remu- a i r . o d en"eure- Office hours from 9 A. M. to 9 P.M. - CERTIFICATE. 1. uie nndersiorned i; hereby .that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has served during thecou test for Hnngarian lilierty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hun garian army.wita faithrul perseyeraace whereof I have given him this certificate, aud do recommend bim to the sympathy, attention and protection of ail those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice, and undeserved misfortune. .KOSSUTH LAJOS, Governor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan. 6, 1A52. 9- Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond ing, please enclose 10 in their letters, and they will get immediate attention to their cases. Aauress, l.. litraAi, at. l., San Francisco, Cal. Anril, ISjS 3ml7 Balsam of Wild Cherry, . , FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSUMPTION'! AND ALL ITS INCIPIENT SYMPTOMS. SCCH A3 Coughs, Cold., HoarxtntH, Cronp, Influenza, uinuiius vi "" uin Aaslwu, Pains in the Breast or Side. N flit Sweat, pnthbric. Inflammation nf Lungs and Throat. Whopiui; Coneh. A -Hon-, all Bronchial Affections. ttW.BE CAUTIOUS Aa there are man ronnter- feiu. look well at the sfgnature before purchasing ; take none unless it has the name of "Henry Wbitar. M. I)., Philadelphia," and '-Sanford and Park." engraved on the outside- wrapper. All others are base imita tions. Hark & White are the only Agents to whom all irders should be addressed. aso - ISIPOBTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGEST3 ALL VALUABLE PATEN'?-MEDICINES, WAR- ' - ItAXTEO GEN L INE. 132 Washington street, opposite the Market, San Francisco. SM ITH A D A VIS, Agents Portland, O. T. San Francisco, May, 138. 3mll Moffat's Life Pills AND PHCESIX BITTERS. rpHE best family medicine now before the public, fof L the cure of Scrofula. Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, Fever snd Ague, Dyspepsia. Uroppy, and in fa-t most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties. It has been computed that during the last twenty-five years upward of Four Millions of persons have been benefitted by the nse of these medicines; a fact wfaicb speaks volumes in favor of tbeir curative properties si single trial will place thern beyond the reach of com petition in the estimate of every patient. By their use the blood is restored to a healthy state and freed from all impurities. The system is not reduced during theif operation, bnt invigorated, and they refjuire no re' traint from business or pleasure. i The afflicted hare in these medicines a remedy that will do for them all that medicine can possibly effects Prepared by W. B. Moffat. New York. And for sale by JOHN FLEMING, at the Oregon City Post Office Binding. fircgon City, March, 1S5. Iy52 Li-ej-jr and Sale Stable. WE are now keeping a Livery stable in Oregon City, where Horses can al ways be obtained on liberal terms. We are also prepared with excellent sta Mi bles, well supplied with hay and oats, to keep horses' by day or week. Those who call npon us may feel as sured that every attention wiil l e given to horses left in our charge. GIBON A POTTER. August 11, 157. 2tf . Salem Tannery. THE subscribers have purchased the Tanner r -;Sa lera, formerly belonging to Eiisba S.rrng. All de sorptions of leather will be .kept constantly on band and the hichest price, ia cash or leather, will at ai times be paid fur hides and bark. CLABK k HOLMAY. Salem, Oct. 24, 1957. ly3:tpaid City Hotel, Corvallis. MESS liS. A. B. & I. SPREXGEE . WOULD announce to the citizens of Corvallis, and the travelling public generally, that they have thoroughly refitted this well known establishment, and are now prepared for the accommodation of customers. The rooms have all been newly refurni.-hed, the beds clean and comfortable, and their table will be furnish ed with the best the market affords. Corvallis, Aug. 30, 1S57. Kyi New Store and New Goods. At Oalland, Methenty Ferry, O. T. ALBERT ZIEBER, Dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, hardware, produce, Ac. Having purchased the stock in trade of G. E. Geteh ell, together with the premises known asTJetheney'a Ferry, on the Willamette river, and having built a new storehouse, and replenished the stock of goods on hand, now offers to exchange, for produce or cash, an assort ment of Dry goods, consisting of clothing, cassimeres, tatit netts. sheeting, sbirtins. and fancy goods; bats and caps, boots and shoes, groceries ia variety, with spices nuts, raisins, and candies; paints, oils, medicines, per fumery, crockery, tinware, hollow-ware, stoves, hard ware cutlery, and many other articles to meet the wants of tbe public. He has also moved and repaired his warehouse, so that he is now prepared to purchase or take in storage, cooctry prodnce, whk-h he can discharge by a slide to steamers' decks, without loss or espense of draraee. And being determined to constantly keep on "hand a good supply of such goods as the coiifctrv trade mar re quire, he beiieves be can make it an object for the peo ple in bis vicinity to extend him their patronage. S difference made in the price of goods, wheth er sold for cash or produce, Octobers. 157. - - 3nlr Herring's Patent Cliampioii FIRE-PROOF SAFES WITIT Halls Patent Powder-Proof Locks the same that were awarded separate medils at the World's Fair. London, 131. and the World s Fair, New York. l-s53 and are the only American Safes that were award ed medals at the London World s Fair. These safes form the most perfect security airainst Fire and Burglars, of any safe ever offered to the" pub lic, and can only be had of the s-jbscribers and their agents, who have on hand and make to order, all kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bink Chests and Vaults. anlt Doors and Money B -ives;, or Chests for Brokers Jewelers and Private Families, for Plate. Iiiarnoads) and other valuables. And are also Patentees (bv pur chase) and manufacturers of JONES' PATEXT PER MUTATION BANK LOCK. Agents E. Fttzgeraid & Co.; aad. W. G. Wendell, ban Francisco, California. S. C. HERRTNG Co., Ao. S31 Broadtcaa, cor. Mvm St. iV, F". Alay, ISjS. " 6ra9 Dr. Kriechbaurn's Eye Salve and Eye Water. THESE preparations if used with my Life Pills will effect a CURE IN ALL CASES of sore eve 1 have never known them to fail since Erst osed in Iowa in 1S49, and I -will ensure a cure if taken according to direction, or refund the money. Persons sending orders will please state explicitly tbe nature of the case and I will send all necessary for a cure, for which I will charge from Ten to Twentv dollors. Prepared only by Pit. J. G. Corvallis, Feb., ISo. KRIECHBAUM, VorvallU, O. T. 50tf E. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co. ARE prepared t- do a general commission business on New York and other Atlantic cities. ParticnUp attention will be given to the ocrchase nf nnl. for- merchants. Parties having any business transactions in the Atlantic States, and wanting an srnt tht will give personal attention to the same, wiil do well to oa!1. Br OfH.-e at Barnnm & Wilson's Law Office "S Salem, March 23, lS. 2tf JVotice. ALL persons baying claims against the Territory '-trrowins out of tbe actionof tho Pniu.K. Commissioners in the erection of said Penitentiary'' are hereby notified to file their said claims with tho clerk of the District Court, for the 2d Judicial Dis trict within 60 days from the date hereof "n K fL ever barred and also to serve copies of claims so filed upon D. W. Donthit, Esq.. who has been appointed by me to act in reference thereto on hehslfnf tho T.m tory. GEO. H. WILLIAMS rv.v Dated April 3, A. D., 13. SmS Look Here! TIIE subscriber wonld inform the pnblic that he does entirely a Commission Kosi ness -ami therefore has no goods of his own to interfere with consigners. Having a fire-proof building and a largo Jobbing trade, he offers nnusual facilities to shippers. 3-Consignments respectfully solicited." HORACE GUSHEL. 139 Washington St., Sm franeisca. REFERENCE TO W. B. Campbell Oren-nn r;t- J. P. Knight, Portlands Z. N. STAXSRITRY. roncarding Agent, Portland April, IS5S. lyg San Fran Jsco, WASTED. AuENTS in Oregon and Washington Territories, and? California, to sell my Eclectic .tinmen. I will pay Premium of fifty .dollars to the Arrent who will sell the greatest amount of Liniment from the first of Jnae next, IS08, nntil the following June. 1S39. Send on your orders for the Liniment; I will pay all freight, charges.on the Liniment sent to Agents, therefore no Agent will be at any expense in receiving it. Tho Agents are tt sign a receipt or pay for the medicines when soli. The price of Liniment is H 00 per doien. s - JOHN HARGROVE. Iyi 2d SU, Corvallis, Oregon. C. 6. rillovT. DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, ga lem, O. T. Particular attention paid to the jfy repairing of watches and clocks. All work war- v ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. FOR SALE ; Watches and clocks, 8 day strikins- r Wl a t . low price ; also 30 honr marine clocks. Jt.nu.RY. Ladies and gents Brooches. Finrer Rinn-s T!ar R!ni Gold Buckles, Guard Chains. Ac ic- T 1 a lor . . R. RICHARD3, San Francisco. JNO. MCCRAKRV, Portland, O. Richards & 3IcCraken. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and" Jobbers in Oregon, VV Flour, Grain, Produce, Fruit, Pork, Bacon, Lard, Hams, 4c. Ac. Orders for Oreson trade promptly at tended to. Liberal- advances made on consignments No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco January 27, 1Sj7. tutl "lOTTON rope, for clothes lines, and small rope for U halters.at 12tQ W. K. SMITH 4 Coa.