F. BARTCL0, D. PXITH. tt.Hi'BUtr. Willamette Iron Work3, OREGON CITY, OREGON. WS bear to inform the public of Oregon tad Wash ington Territ mei t.'i it w have completed out Foundry, Boiler, Blacksmith, pattern aud Machine hap, and re prepared to build - ENGINES, BOILERS. SAWMILLS, AND ALL Other kinds of machinery. 'iur business connection la tht Eastern SUte,tiie unit convenience of our lv eallty, tbe superiority and ntaiW of our rnscbir.es. the use of water power uioU-al of steam, and the per fect knowledge of all branches of oar business will en able as to compete with California. Inviting; the public to give us aralland favor ns witb their patronage, we promise to execute their orders on the shortest notice and at Saa Francisco prices. A. ROSSI A Co. May, 1833. Iv9 llerrinz'a Patent Clianipion - FIRE-PEOOF SAFES WITH Hall Patent Powder-Proof Locks the same fast were awarded separate medals at the World's fair. London, 1 SSI. and the WorH Fair. New York. 151 and are the only American Safe that were award ad medala at the London World's Pair. These safes farm the most perfect security ngsjnst FW and B irgl irs.ot any safe ever offered to the pah Be, and can only be bad of the so.bscri:ers and their rent, who nave na hind and make to order, all kinds f Boiler and Chilled Iron Bink Chens and Vanity Tanlt Doors and Money Boxes, or diesis tor Broker, Jewelers and Private t amities, for Flat. Diamond. ' and other valasb'e. And are also Patentee (by pnr ehae)and manufirtarers of JONES' PATENT PER MUTATION BANK LOCK. Aozrrrs E. Fitrgerald Co.; and W. G. WenueU. Baa Francisco, California. 8. C. HERRING Co.. Ao. St Broadveaj, cor. Harry St. X. F". May. 1353. em9 ',- For Sale. THE atyleriignf d offer for a!e. their riiended mill property, being abor.t 2 rr.iHs west of Dallas, Polk C-- being the same propery formerly owned by J. W. Nesraith. consisting of a grist mill iu good order, doing a heavy business, perhaps twice r.s much a any ther mill in the county. Sao seres of ex client land, about bO acre of which' arc inclosed, a yonr?; on-hard, rrafted aad bearing mit. Two good dtvellioi houses, ature bouse, barn, and other nut -buildings. Also one handled head of hogs. For further particulars see i B'JI. P LEW" iS. at Daila. or J. H. LEWIS, ou the preraiiea. April S. 1W. am E. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co. ARE prepared to do a general comrnis.ion ba'iness on New York aad other Atlantic cities. Particular, attention will be given to the pci chase cf poods for merchants. Parties bavjng any bush ess trtiisactians la the Atltntie States, and wanting an agent that will (ire personal attention ta the eaxe, wi.l da welt to all. r Office st Birnnm A WKsona Law OSceTTS Salem. March 11. ls. ' LL person having rlihn against the Territory A "growing out cf the a-titm r,( t ie Penitentiary Commissioners In tut erection of mi J Penitentiary'' are hereby noticed to file their sai J r'.v.ms w-.tii the clerk of the District Court, for the Sd Judicial Dis trict within 6i days fritn the dats here., "ot te for ever barred' and also to serve copies of t'airas so Slot! npon D. V. Dsathit, Ejq.. whi has teen apntj.l l.y me to act in reference thereti on tebairci' the Teiri tory. GFO. H. WILLIAMS, Coats V. Dated April S. A.D.. 1:3. 3m5 Look Here! THE subscriber wonM inform the pnbHc that be doea entirely a Commission Hasincss, and therefore has no coeds of b: own f ia:rfcre- With ronsisnera. Kavins a fire-proof bi'i liTijr and a large Jobbing trade, he offers saurail iacihtic-s to siiiimera. -ConaignmcnU respectfeily stli-.-i;d.-6a cobacs ccHtr.. X39 Wathxngioa St., San F-a;iii3ca. ItEFESEXCE TO W. B. Cimtu,.; Oreron r:tv: J. P. Kxiairr, I inland; Z. X. SrAXBUiiV, Farwjrdir.g Agf.t, portM r-i. San Francisco, Aoril, 1 v6 War Strip. HOLDEP3 of War 5-.-rip car. sec-re the servl.-e of E. Pelton. Geo. H. Jocrs k Co., tt pree it their papers at H'asliia-tin for cay.Tient. Tt-ceirn r-"0 lor the papers and ca-h Rdvaoces cia(?e in sc'uie raws. 03i at Biran-n vviioa'a Law Oiiice. Salem, March 23, 1S5S. rtf ' w. 8. 1. ADD, Portland. j. w. Lto, Saa Fraaciseo XV. S. La da & Co. Shipping mi Comziisncn Sftrthtudt, Pa Vcr.d, Crert n T IBERAL advances made on 1! ennswentj ofOr- J- l A e-ron proance. s?esrs axeman, l-'icwn Ce., No. 73. South street. l"ew York, wl'l recti ee.cd for ward all rood"! and machinery, adireswdto our care via jsan r rancisco, or Q.reci to Oregon. Jan. 1. 138. Utf l7ooden Ware, Brooms. E enirvi B R U S IT E S , Clotltes Lines, Matches, &c. In all their varieties. 03T HAXD COXSTASTLY AHETVTXG FP.OM TUB EAST. For sale at lowest. End TVfc'rtesiiIe rrir?. t t- Wwd ud TTiilow Wars Esiatlisaaent Cf HAWXHURST & SOX, Sacramento Et., below Front, SAN FBAJ.-CXSCO.CAL. Saa Fran.,FeblW9. 49 JOHX'A. K1TTREDUE, "J f"A VUFACT0P.ER of Fire-prxvf Dor.rs, Slr.lfer. ' VaaI,&c.,eS0. Battery, ntar 1'aciaceireei, Saa Eraocisco.. N. B. Orders from the country promptly attended to and warraotea as ordered. A larre assortment of second band Poors and Shut ten constantly oa band, for sale at very line rclc. Mirch.lSOS. I. Q. Wasliinsioo, AG EXT for the prosecution of claims at TVahing toa. D. C, before the PZxecttive Department", tW gnas and toe Coitrtof CI limn. V i i I attend totm set tlement of accounts of Mar-ha!, Di-trct Attorney, and other Federal oiUcers, and of contractors wit a t ae PasSorSce and other Departments: also, to the procsir ing of Patent .'or Land. I-.aod WarwU, aud otuc-r bj ainew of a General Aseacv. Refers o Gen. Joseph line. Oregon Territory: G v. Isaac I. Stevens, Washington xer.; uoa. :i. ti. flcAi lister. Hon. Ogden Iloffntan and R. Auc. Tuotnpon. o! fan r rancieco. Cat.; Hon. James Goinrtc, l-OistMie Ky., and to the 0 Seers general'v of tho xreasary and Interior Departments at w ant:nKton. Addreas L. Q. WAS!T1 VGTOJT. ly4S Washington D. C. Corrallis Drug Store. JE-CARDiV ELL. Drugsint and Apothecary. tcon- stantly receiving, per California Harn'-t. l.ir; . and carefully selected ittocks of Drurs and Keiicinc. Oils, Paints, Varnih, Soaps. Pen'uiaeries. Ti: t l-u- nitare. Stationery, and all articles ssaally kept in Drug Stores. Agent for Jayo.es, and tbeT patent medicines. Whica will be fnmithed at California, whoiesale prices. OkDEU BOLlClTT.n. S J. O. CARD'nELL. Corrania,May23,lS?r. I2:f Notice. rtOSVALLIS W'areHoose.Xo. 1 w rfTor for rent- ISA AC KOOnE. or WAYXIAN St.CLAIS. In connection with the above we have a pork house and smoke bouse for rent. IStf MOOP.E & St. CLAIR. Dr. Kriechbatitsi's Iiunsarl.n HAIR rEESERVEB. TTOR tbe Restoration. Beantv and Preservation o tbe A7 Hair. This preparation removes all barsbr:eii at;d dryness of the hair, by exciting the scalp to a i:t and healthy action, and cUantes it .rooi scirf and dsiii! revents tbe hir from fulling oil and getting ixiy. aot the m'Mt remarkable romlt which it wiii efTo t.'i it will produce m new crop, of fair oa an entirely bzld kemd. Utnyyoang persons sometimes find the ton cr!y appearance of gray hairs, this preparation wiii atop this result. Mothers who wUh tneir children to have floe heads of hair, can effect this by tlc use of this Tonic; especially on their danghters if the hair is li ;! t. 1 know few person believe the hair can be restored on bald head, bat, if my directions are followed I will warrant a care or refund the money. It is put up in two on nee bottles and for sate by wholesale and n tail with directions at one dollar per bottle: it can be wnt by mail to any part of tbe Coiled States. Gentlemen send on y nt orders. stating the canse and dnration of the baldne-w and I will cure yon. To irmnre a care my charge varies fmra Twenty-five ta Fifty dcUara.accord jag to the nature of the case. Pnpand only by Da, J. C. KTtTEC IB ACM, Co. -, UU, O. T. OrrallU. Feb 135S. tiotf Oregon Statutes. f0l!NDToiume for sale at John Fleming's Ore Ton ' JJ City, and A. B. Shipley's, Portland. A. Boast. Price, i on. :tf Abu laws of last sessiua- -I 0'J. ez...W. Wallainet University. SALEM, OUKGON. rpilR FACULTV during the present year will con J. Mstt.f ' Hev. S. Hoyt. A. M., President and Acting Profess or of Ancient Language and Mathematics. . C. H. Hall, A. B.. l'rotcsiur of Natural Science. . Misa Sarah Buckingham, Teacher of Instrumental Manic. The CotLtwtaTB IHrrABTJiKVT of the AValUmet Uni versity has bein orsanize I. Yonng men designing to pnrue a regular Cunrse of Study, are invited ts a-ail themselves of the advantacrs attorded by this Institu tion. All available resources will be made nso of to meet the wants of Students. Efforts will bo continued tosecnreasnitableendntrment;and no pains will be spar ed in obtaining competent and experienced Instructors. Tim Collegiate year is divided inta thitt term, com mencing as toiiswr: The rlrst term on the S J Thursday In September. ' second term on the 1st " " January. third " lart " " April. The first two terms arejiVrra tcttkx tach; the third, rhtrn wrtks. -Vacations. There will be two vacations In the year: one.ln April, of (too week, and ono, in the sum mer, oi nine tceft.t. Trmox will be at the rata of tl per week, or $10 per annum. TUB OREGOX INSTITUTE Tn PBrrAaaToar PEfABTltltkT. Teiois. The Academic year la divided Into rori Terms of flerrn trreks tack. - Tbo llret term begins on the last Thursday of AngnH. second term begins on the Jd " Novem. third " last " January fourth " " last " " April. VactTioies. There will he two vacations In the year: one in April, of riro teteii; and one in the summer, of sir treris. TrtTioH will he paid at the beginning of each Term in air: nee. at the folloK-ing rates: In Languages. Hii'her Mathematics k Chem., $10 W " Other studies of the Academic Division, . . T 50 ' Common Enjliah Division, d 60 Primary ' " -. (( For H5e of the Tlano : 150 " Irutruraeutal moir. 10 00 tF. Tntractiorl In vocal moslo is giren to til the stadeiswirf ofencrrt. Asji!if!. Students will be admitted nt any Vme: and w-ll be charyed for tuition from the time they en ter or I, but tht ir prore will be greatly promoted by entering early in the Academic ye-ar. " In cases where, frara neces.sity. students leave before the er.d cf the term for which rarment has been m.de, jast proportion not more than three fonrtln nor lrs t-ian one-i'ixirth of the tuition lee will be refunded Stddents are not allowed to leave ja.-t before ex imlna- U'-c. I'otroos w'ao are fntttten;ive to this point, inlltcl areat injury ouoa both the ktudcut and the lrutita tio. nAitptNTJ. Tenng gentlemen and I ic!ie ran obtain bor.r;l ntrs.vomb!e rates with private families. Urt'S fT Sttdt. A Citirse ff Study has been adopted for tota the Vl'c;:ate and Preparatory le-Dir-nrm. wrll cali-clutcd to seenre ripe scholarship. tncr.tr.l disctpl.ee, ana a preparation for the active da tic of life. .V liborul Conrseof Ptndy has been adopted for yonng lame Tr.iOiireire to oi-iam a tiiopntan raucatmn. C$ A ri I urn wilt be awarded tj all who ahall complete the prescribed course. Tne Goverxjient will be parental bat strict aim-i-.r contanily at the formation of correct habits ot .ei:'-(i )Vernmer.t. Careful attention wiiTbe given to manners and morel. ScaoLAr.siiirs. v't-pctcsl. er fertile pericd nt ten years, seenrin? tuition at very reduced rates, can be iinrcaased. For further particulars apply to the Presi dent. Per erJer of Exccctive Committee. . F. S. HOYT. Bee. Board of Trustees. Para. Pec. 10. 1?57. 41tf I?ew Constitution for Oregon. WE beg Irsve to announce to the public that we are jst receiving a larje and wel' selectrd sto -k of KO is Irom San Francisco, which has teen selected trit'a crcat care by Mr. Alexander, who h la-en attet d ing tiiat market fur some lime, therefore we can safely say to t lie public tiiat we can, and wiii aell, gooes as low at wholesale or retail A3-ANY HOUSE IX.OP.EGOX. " We will taie in exchange for good all kinds of pro duce. X. B. We will also pay cash for all kinds of pro duce, t'vwit: V.'hent. Flocr. Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Pork, Lard, Oats. ic, Ac. At! who wl-h to pm hae. will do well to call and fx amir.e bf.re purchasing el."enbrre. Or.r stock cwn-t of every tiling in the line that this market cailfr to-wit: Grey. White. Ked ar.d Bine Elarkets; Costs, Vest. Pact. Hat. and H.it ewers; Vnderand Over shirty. Wool and Cottou; E-."ery d-.cription r.f White Shirtf: Q-ceas Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery; Kx.-ts.ShoM eoar-e cn-1 fine; Brogan Calf. Kin and Cowhide: Wool Plaids. Meriiios. IKlains. Iste ratterns. In short everv kind of pie--e goods, aalthe BEST TEA ever shinned to this rr.ai ket. ALSO Cedar shingles. Timothyeecd and Hop.. CST C;ve cs a ca':l. ard ee f .r yourselves, fa ALEXAXDtR 4 1UEV. AK. Corvnl-s. Oct 10. 33tf New Arrival cf Jewelry, &c JUST FROM SAN Fit ANCISCd. JKOSEXTHALinforms his patrons and 5 . friends, that he b is just rt't irr.ed froul ?r 5.ia Frix--iiCO with aselct a-o tmeut of Jew-Cf...-' cicrs theai for sale at hi rtire oa Front street, AS Oae d'icr below Dr. Coombs" oSce.a JEWELRY. Go!.! and Silver watches; !olJ and Filrer chain. GM bracelet.; Ooid ea--rfa(rs; Goi d breast-pins; OnH linger rin?s; Lockets; GoM pens anj pencil; Gold slf eve buttons; S.lver and Plated ware: fancy goods ata peri u mere. MUSICAL IXSTKUMENTS.' Guitars. Yl :lin. Fintcs, Fifes; a lsrce at rtmr.t of Aecoraeons. Laoies work boxes of ail kind, ti ld and Silver srectacie. Gold and Silver spoons. Cutlery, Clok in endless variety. Ac, &r. Sm" Watches, Clocks and Jewely repaired, anda'l kiu'is of Jewelry made toordcr. 1 Ail of my work warranted" M r-Pe-n't foret"The Sign of the Big Watch.--" Crvallis. Oct. 14.1 c57 31 t ce. TI-C j:ii7es of tbe Supreme Conrt. of tbe Territory of s un-iron, aetnsirtj attnefeatet Uovcrnment on the ciuth dav of Janmry, eighteen hnndrei and Cftv. seven, do fix and appcict District Conrts, to le held n viitige of .Hose'onrg. in the county of Douglas on the fir-t M:.mtvs,rf Muf.-h, May, Scptemher and Xovrm ber.ainnaly, nr.til otiienrise nlered.f.itd Co limit the duratioa of said trrm to six davs each. Gi;0. H. WlLLIAUrf. Cliie r Jurtice. 4If M. P. DEADY. Associate Justice. Statesman Book ami Job OfUce, 1 TT hare Thtce Pr??es, t!;e bet facilities for B xk v printintr north of California, and an extensive a. s irtmoi't of JoEsiNa Matkriai. of every kind, and. with master workmen, are prepared toexecnte pirciy, and a wrKraan-lilce maucer, ull orders in the U. oe .tmecls, such as Bt axi Cnrxxs, Xctksok HXD, OsriR Hooks, bTKlUBO T UlI.LS KlTUKBO'T CARtS. t Bll.I.S OP 1.AD1X6 L'KRTIFICATES, Snow Bills, CnitcK Bos, Bl'k RKostirrs, TAMcruLrrs, llAM'Stl.I.S. Bai.l T icilets, ' yviiATroxs. lill.l.I!F.ArS, Ojvcekt Bim.s, PnOOBAXMKS. Arm;nss Carw. Drafts. TJr.AVKS or Af t. Kivrs. Ac Ac. Ac. OnXAMiXTAL PRiXTlXG, with COLORED IXKS The Lain of Oregon. KB ORSOOX STATUTES, IMS. be ing a lair vol tune of C-"0 pa.7e, with eomilete index, annota tion, and reference, comprising all the laws in force in the ifrr.torT, iiiclnsive of those pasred at last uion of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of the StaUi-insn, at five d '.liars per copy. The work is ex ecuted in the best tnanacr. bound in law ktyie. and is sold at prj!,Iiher prices, and as low as a like work can e bonghl in any fctste in ine union, and at tbe lowest lignrc they can oe atfordeil for here. The price places titra within the reach f.f all who desire the laws thev ive endc-r. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash. filled by return mail. It is the bast code of laws that will prDubiy be puirfi.snca in urc.rnn, lor many years. in au:iiiion 10 ice en.nm.ci oi me ieitai-ive ASAcm lv. the von.me contains the Declaration of Indenon :;iire, Constitution of the Uiiitcd States, Treaties with Ire-at Bnt:n relating to Oregon, Orumance of 17S7. in force in Oregon, Donation Law and ail amendments aud foil abstract of United otates Naturalisation Laws, Marion House. Salem. TITE undersigned announces to the peblic that he ha", purchased the will known tavern ft:! rid, called the Marion Moui-e, iu Sa- e.m. to-retl.er with the furniture and nx'ures tbcrsrif. lie will cecp it In Uit rate stj-ie, and invites tiie patronaeeof the public. U. U.MAY. Kay 2J, lii7. lltr Dentistry. DTL J. Tt. CATS DWELL. Dental Surgeon, Corvallis, in bis profession, at Corvallis, Enirene Citv. Win chester. Scot tfbnrg. and Jacksonville. Skill, unques tionable: chrrges respectable: a-ork. warranted. Teeth examined, ard advice given free of charge. irne none riven oi cuaoge oi ouice. April 2.l 15. 7tf . '.' Hydropathic Books T)Y Trail. Shew and O. S. Fowler. For sale at the JJ City Book Store. . L. BRADLEY h Co. 4Stf Oregon City, Jan. 1838. i HOT of a 1 kinds, and powder, at I 2tn W. K. SMITH A Co'a. Prrr WIXE3 and liq avra for medicinal tmrpoies, at 12tf W.K. SMITH Con. TXIENCH merinos, and alpacas, at V l2t-T W. K. SUTTJT A Co. The Graefenberg MILY MEDICINE F A .4f Graefenberg Companf. TniSTXSTlTUTIOS, (Incorporated hr tbe Legis lature of the Stale ofNew York. Capital $100,000.) was fomtded for the p trpose of supplying thepnbl.c with the celebrated GRAEFESBEUG MED1C1 tS. Tbe series comprises remedies lor nearly every disease adapted to vc'ry climate. For Famil.es, Travellers, Seamen, and Miner's use they are unequalled. All the Medicines ate PURELY VEUKT A BLfcl and warranted to cure the diseases for which they are severally rec ommended. The Graefenberg Company des not profess to cure all diseases withone or two "medicines. Our scries con sists of KI.EVEM different kinds, adapted to the Vari ous disrs.es inrulent ti the temperate and tropical rli mate. The fall nvinjj comprises the aeries of Uiaefen berg Medicines : TttS OttAEntNBElia TEdCTABAa TILLS Are considered the t a:l ml Pill of the d.iy. and are inBalt. ly superior to any P1I before the public. Thej operate without irritatiin on til the excretions, purg ing tae blood by the batvela, l.ver. kid:tcy aud Uin. IHHIIX'S CTKRINK CATnat-tCOtC. An Infalli! 1? remedy for nil diseases of the worn! and nrinnry rtans. veaknos in the bae. pain in tin breast, nervousness, db l ty, etc. In CV-luoniia arid Oregon, out of more than a Ihrasar.d cases wliere thl medicine h; l-cea used, it .has in no singlj Inst.ince I'a.l-d to give permanent nl.ef or to elicit a certain cure. TnSORAirKNEriO SARSArASILLA, A powerfi 1 extract. One bottle equal to ten of the ordinary Sarsaparilla for p -irirying tne l'"d. A sun cute Tor s Tiaifa. rh-iitnilisin. ulcers, dy.-pepsia. sal racam, nicroarial uiseaea, cutaneous eruptions, 4c. T9S CXEEM XOJNTAIS OtNTKENT. Iavaloahle for burns, woandj, sprains, chilblains sore, swelling, scrofula, etc. As a I'ain Extract ir it cannot be t-xrl!ed. aJ'inliag immediate rcl.ef Iron; the iuot txcrutiating pains. Tin cs lErc-jAttrtn ptfextest siKrr. This extraordinary article Is a spee ly and Infallibli remedy iu Diarrhx.t. Dysentery. Cli'dcra Morbus. Chid era Iniant-.im and the Asiatic Cbclera, if taken with tin nrst f vin:t"ms of the cUeaae. It is pi;re!j- vegetabh ia its compound. cnArrEVPEro cntt-psrvs' rAttacxi, ForsnmnierComplalnt. and most diseases t- wbirli ebilJrta are subject. Its true worth can never lie set forth in w it, Uit it can be f: It and appreciated bj parents whose children have been saved. Xo llathei shoulj be without it. T2 GR'.rTEjrBEKO rttR EEHEDr. Warranted a certain cure for t'rls painful dieae. with the Dirit-uent tht-re are very few cases which can not be radicaliv affd riemiar.ently cured- A sr.raic 1 operation f.-r Piles or Fi-tul t slum! 1 neverbe resorted to rntil this Oiuttueat baa been thorjuhlj tried: It never fail'. oxErr3fBr.na tb lotion. T-yr disease, of the eve this L tion has ce equal. It la a s;e'!r and p witive cure f.-r Ititlammntion of tl eves. wa-;e.. dimness aodfailinx of signt. It w:ll I.vayste benetici.:! in acute intlammatioa of the eyes ana auj as a wa-u on if.uimed surtares. er.Ai.rEMu:::a feveb axd aovk pills. A sneer'v s:td nositive cure for this di.stressing eonv plaint. Xiicse i'.llj are eomp wed principally of Qji utile, w:ta utr;r vettai.Ie t-iiticd, autt-pa-iuisiie an Te'-aifu-e art i les. Ta.Hisauds have been fertnaueull) cure a vj taeir te. OKsa-KerBrr.o cox?rjirrivE"s bum. SoTereiiu in all Pnmchial and Pi lmnsry Diseases It is. is J all ooestlon. Ir.ie ttial consumption is cnral Ie ili-em-e. a:id the Consumptive's Bul:n is the Lest curauve ever u.-std. 0 tt A SrKN ftEKfl HEALTH BtTTEKS. These Bitlei-s are skilfully and elrgantly prepared tro:n a nnm'xrr of lavig iratiog ueauay r'ts. irk. herbs aud vices. An mvalaabie tonic and beal'.h re storer. osAHrrsinra hantal or health. A hatdsomelr pritited volnnie of 300 pagrs, contain ag concise and eiiremtl,- liin dwrtptions of all manner or u vises, their ?viuit m ana irestment. Ever innii'v should have one. Price ot:Iv 23 cent. It will lv -tt;t, p-ist noid. to anv poet otlije in t'ulifor- ni-.i or Orcgcu. on tbe receipt uf 25 cents by mail orex pres.. AdJrvM Rciiriirton.VCo.. San Francisco, The Grae!e!irj Medicines are for sale br all Drug gists and Apothecaries thront hout the country. Geaeral Agents for California and Drevron EEDIXGTON A Co.. Wbolesnl? lrn?cisLs. Xo. 10? Clay street. Smith Datis Acer., P 'rtland. Saa Fraucisco, Die. 12. 1S57. Cm4l '1 lie Oregon statesman An Independent Jmtnutl. iterated to Politic, General i...-gnre. 4-C-. PubiitAed at Halcm, Oitgon, A3AITSL bUSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor The St itema:i is L'emoiTatii in politics, and thoi oughiy MatioKtl its character. It is b-!-tile ti evert species of sectionalism, fanaticivm. and intolerant e and wiii vurorousty epitope attenir-ts to incorporatt- any of the. insaue Lsms of the day iulo our Territorial legisla. n. It will advocate all practical measures of Reform and Progress, economical and simple auminu-tratioti m our local govi-rnuieni ; laitiii -inei-s. Integrity, and ca ptcitv in oCice, snd a system of riaid aud'direct at- coantabil.ty of the officer to the people. It will dis cuss all me.iurc aeitating the public mind, in a man- cer icar.ess, impartial, and J'.iki. Its News Department will te edited with much attention, and botiiing will be snared to furnish earlv accurate, and comprehensive publicatiou of the cur rent im-iiipei.'ce. - The SLitc-maa has a larce. widelv-eeattered.and most excellent corns of cori esiondents, aud very complete acuities tor pioconuj news. Dae attention is al.-o p.;id to t'lepuldicalion of Hiscel lany, A:rrici:ltural and Litefiirv matter. In tais paper are pul li-hed the laws, resolutions, and treaties cl the United States, and the laws end resolu tions of the TeiTitorv of Oreiron by authority. The paper is printed on new material, aud upon a sheet ol the largest size. The corning year will be the most important In Ore gon's lii.; -try. A State is to be inaugurated, through warm p 'lith-al cotite-ts. and the machinations, l faction, disjitJectinn. sboiiti tnism. and every lme of opposition, to overthrow the Old Democracy. Everv citizen of Oregon saouid be thoroughly informed ol passing events, if ha desiiea to discharge his duty to the St.lc and t!;c country. Intelligently and upriglilly. i lie cin 'escinyi in oe an aciirc panicipanr IB l rails. nog political events, and will lurnmn a tailulul rec ord of the history of parties aud polities. As a vehicle ol Oreron Xews. the Statesman enjoys facilities t int none of ill coUmporaiics do. ikrms lurce dollars per year, ktritl.'y in advance: rottraoi.ar n pni.i witatn six mouiiis, oui not in ad- vaoce; five uolliira. if not paid within six month. The-e term! we mast adhere to in nil ease. Persons sending us money by mail, or otherwise, win please conform to these tenns, -adapting the amount ta the liie of paymei.t. l lie low price nt win n the paper is afforded place it witnin tue reacu oi ail. Boot and Shoe Store. -w.r r-Ti r-. 1 1 i.- wt s t- i r r i to the citizens of Salem, aud the Rtirroutid- Fril ing country, that be have t ixcn n store on the ' Vti. east side of Commercial street, north of the postofflce. where be witl keep constantly on hand a full assort ment of everv kind of boots and "hoes, both custom and sale work, which lie will sell at the lowest living pri ces. Being a practical workman, all orders for the manufacture or repair cf work will be comil:ed with and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Give me a call and examine mv stock. FilEDEItlCK WICKMOS S.s.l5m, March 12.1857. 13tf School Hooks. TTST received, a complete assortment of Sanders' scnooi litmus, logoiner wtta a large lot or iimmii soo Practical Arithmetics, all of which will be svld cheap, at the City Book Store. E. L. BRADLEY A Go. Oregon City, Jan. IS33. 46tf For Sale. TilOMPSOX'S Arithmetical Tables; . " " Mental Arithmetics, " - Practical " " High School Arithmetics. E. L. BRADLEY & Ce. Oregon City. Feb.. 1S38. 4Stf . Sliort Settlements make loug friends. THE old year has passed, and we want all those who know themselves indebted to us to come forward and settle and get their "Xew Years" present. Don t rorgei mis; we mean Just what we say. W.C.GR1SWOLD A Co. January 1. 1358. 43tf Education Complete. BY 0. 8. Fowler. For aale at the City 1V Store. E.L.BRADLf ACo. The Oregon City, Jan. W5f. 46tf IticitMrtts S. .TlcCralten, connissioN eierchants AKD Jobber In OKKtlON PHODUCB or every de acriptiau. No. l Sacraiaeuto st., (1 ire-l'roof More.) San Franckco. . The highest market price paid for PRODUCE. mi" Lilierul advances mads ou consigiiiueuts. ' mr Orders ror Oregon trade promptly attended to. Uitice in Portland, upper wharf boat. JAXKS K. BlUH Rt. JOI1S ji ORilKS. ai Franciteo. Portland. Oregon. June ti, 1358. lyla ijoylefe biteit, PHYSICIANS AND8UntSEON9,wonld respectrully inform the citizena of Polk Co., and vicinity, that they have eutered into copartnership for the practice of medicine, surgery, and olwte'.rics. OOice, Dallas, Polk, Co. J. W. Boyle, M. D., ror the preseut will be found at his residence, 3 miles east of Dallas. June IS. 185b: 13tr U. William Dontliit, ' ATT0HXEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY. Will practice In the Supreme and District Court of this State. tar Office over Starr'a Tin Store. Frontstreet.-V Stf PciHand, Oregon. J. Fleming. AT the Oregon City. Post Office Building, has just received, direct from New York, 100 copies of 'Downing' Fruit and Fruit Trees of Americ.''revifed and enlarged, for IS57 the latest published edition of this variable work. He has nlsoou hand. a good trk of miscellaneous books and stationery, for sale on terms to suit the times. Oregon City, Dec. IS. 1857. 41tf XV. XV. Page. 4 TTOMXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Tort X bind. II. t. I'll A. II. CratitT, ATTOnXET AND COCXSELOE AT LAW. AIbsr.y.O.T.Feh..l.iS. 4tr Dr. 8. It. l uetics, '.OFFICE. RALEJI, OREGON TEHRTTORT. Salem, November 9, 1857. 35tf William C. Grianrnld & Co., EIICHANTS. SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY GKISWOLP. 2 Jtf C. S. WOOPWORTII. Bledieal Notice. rTxnE auhscrlber. would lufonnthc inhabitants that he X is at Ins old tiuu,rcaay in aucns n mi ran n .is nrnf.-jsiim also l.e has on l.aiid a tscll select .t.K-V or E. lectic concentrated Medicines, with a wel! i.ortcd supuly of Syringes, all uf which he will disp.se f on reasonable terras. W. WAKLKX. Salem Decemlr S. 156. 3-tf Mctlic I Soiice. rR. R. W. SHAW, lute of San Erancl'-o. California, I J ofl'i r. bis ivrofessional services to the cltizc: fi talera and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo public favor. eo ORiie at Reed and Fellows' drug store. 4v It- W. STTW. s. i:iu oi t!, ATT0RNET AND CtHTiSSLLOB, TT S. Supreme and other Courts. Ofnce Eutrene . Lite, ljne Loumy. ureeon iotphj. ai" Conimissi'.weror Deeds lor New York. Connecticut. Ac. Anns' i i. 15. Li. Thayer, A TTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OS ii. io Corvullis. B;;ttn Co-.'O. T., oj.ptK.ite to the "itv H-tel in -rt t"i. r" W. B. TARKAR. LASSISO 8TOCT Forrar k Stoat, K TTORNEYS AT LW AND SOLICITORS IN V ''hancerv and Admiralty. JOfS-e oa Front street, one door north of tbe Ex range." Portland. O. T-, July 50, 1 ViT. tf I. S. Smith. A" TTORNEY AND COUNSEIlft AT LAW AND Solicitor in Chancery, Corvallis O. T. t. k. surra. oi" M. W. Sitehfll. t TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, EU i. cene City. Ijiie County. O. T. Saa Franeisfu Ailrrrtisiuslwnef P. FISHKR. iron building. oiip.:te Pa:iil Expre- Offli-e. upstairs. Files f nil the prinrial Papersnl California and Oregon msv l found at this utu M Fbdier fci the authorized Asent for tbe SLatesman. theslrr S. Terrj, A TTORNEY AT LAW. SALEM. OREGON. COM L 1 missioner of Deeds, and ti talce testimony, ac- knowledgmeiit.. Ac.. Ae.. f.-r Iowa, Indians. Missouri Micbiirau. California and Wa-hinct-Mi Ternt nr. Let tersof Attornev. and all other instruments of writing drawn on short notice. w3u Particulnr attention paid to takiny depositions. coliei lions of Notes. Accounts, o, iZU n-nlin k Grovrr. - V TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. AND t V. Solicitors iu Chancery . OSIce uear the Court-houde, Salem. O.T. Delazan Smith, V TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to ail 'sasiness pertaining to IiLs profession In the Srst Judicial District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon Office, Al'mny, Una County. O. T. N. B. When not at bis office, or absent on profes sional business, be may be found at his residence, five in He. oiith-eat of Aioanv, on what ia known as the " Grand Prairie.' f. S. Broek, 4 TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND 2. Solicitor in Chancery, will pra-tiee in tbe various inirts in this Territory, and promptly attend to the col lection or all clnims nsaiost the Coiled States, tbroouh an efficient innt resiUinc at Washington City. OEke in Eugene City. Ine C-ounty, O. T. it. 12. Stratton, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in tbe vsrion courts of southern Oregon, and in the Supreme Court of the territory. Office in Mcottsburgb, Umpnua eourty. O. T. N. B. Bounty I And Warrant- obtained lurc'aimants on reasonable terms. !.1tf E. H. BAHNI M. J. U. WILSON liarnitm fc. Wilson. A TTORX1ES AXDCOUNSELUHIS AT LAW. Sa l. lem. Oregon. Particular alteulioii is siven i the co lection uf notes and accounts, and caiins agaiait govenmtent. B'Miniy una v, arrant nontcntana boio. Utll e over Starkey's St ire. 41 II. V. Itonliam. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of- ii. Oce at the Court House. Salem. O. T. Ctf i. D. Ilnllock. a TiriTITECT AND BCII.DER. PORTLAND. O. T. afV. besians, plans, specifications, Ac, furiiished on reasonable terms. Campbell & frail. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. California. I Oin.-c. corner Montgomery aud Sucremeuto streets, ni'.r I'm nitt .Y I !rw. flank. Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all busiues entrusted to their care. am Alexander CAvrBKi.L. . O. C. Ibatt. S. Hamilton, M. I)., TJHYSICIAN AND SURtiKON. would respectfully A announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad iofninir counties, ttiat he has located permanently at Deer Creek fur t'ao purpose of or.icticiiia medicine, and in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all duties, un.l spare no paius to render the patient easy and comiorlable. Offick opposite R. II. Dearborn A Co. store, on Mam i-treet. Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at low crh pri ce. 42tl Attention Farmers. TT7E will pay the highest market price "In casn'Tor v wheat. ur.ACH s miijUE.. Corinthian lodgc OF".nci their Ancient Free aud Accented Masons, will hold recular cominuiiications on the Thursday night before the full of the moon of each month, ex cept when it full on Thursday night, theu on that uigut in Albany. . T. - i Brethren in good standing are cordially invneu iori. tend. DELAZON SM I I'll . W. M. SpKTNfiER. Sec y. ' o.tf Ulanks. pEErS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of a serin, tax receipts, nnai proois.ann noiineannns a new lot just printed aud for aale at the Statesman Office. July 27. 1S57. Sntr Look Here! tTTK have just received S.000 lbs. of ground alum VV aalt, which we are selling at 3.00 per hundred. IjlilSWULD A CO. Dickinson Type Foundry. THELPS A DALTON. B iston. L. P. Fisher. Agent, X San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads. rule, Ac. August 25, 1S57. S4tf Orleans Warehouse. ORXEANS Ware House, opposite Corvallis, for rent 18tf , ISAAC MOORE. M ACKERRL and codfish, at (2tl) W. K. SMTTn A Cs. DECLARATION OF WAE! ISDUSTttT '-WrJSU Mast Trospcr. WHEREAS, In the course cf Human Eeent. It becomes r.e,-ess.irv that there should be a thoro' reform iu the DRY-GOODS BUSINESS IN SALEM, "OREGON: We give notice that for the accomplishment of this object we hereby declare CXCEAMNO and VA VOMPllOMI.SI.Slr war against ALL MONOPOLY and Htuti Prices. Our war will not be a warof words, but of Action; and although we expef t to excite the envy an1 opposition of our brethren in trade, we shall pursue such a course as will make this tbe CHEAPEST STORE JiV OREGON! And we cheerfully Invite all who wish to bny goods at the LOWES t POSSIBLE price, to an examination of our 132012 & VBXEE1& SSS , Embracing an Exhibition of the industry of mrj Nation, which dazzle by their RltlLLI ANCY of Color and DEOUGEOUsNKSS of design, and mcst excite the APMtBATiox of all 1 ivers of the beautiful. We have "purple and fine linen" and the MOST BEWITCHING and ENCHANTING STYLES OF GOODS Designed exprc-sly to adorn the persons of the gentler exs. So BEArrriFPL. indeed, that we can truly say, alter our goods b tve been purchased and fitted to the OitACEri L FOKMS Of Our " PAIR CCFTOMBBS," " That Solomon iu all hi Glory was not arrayed like one of these." We aUs unite the nseful wi di tbe beautiful, and can supply the most solid and substantial of MATRONLY .WANTS In all the department of Honebold economy, enter taining the most profound respect for 'be ooob HOCSg wtrx. We have taken UNUSUAL pains to preside an assortment of - ' " DOMESTIC GOODS. Whi- h in rjnality and price shoulj entitle us to the grattndc uf Hllwho b.ve to buy the BEST GOODSat the BEST BAKGAIXS. In all our purchases we have been guided by adosire to give our FEIENDS AND CUSTOMERS the full benefit of everything which was MOST IXTfTIXa -V STYLE, MOST SUBSTANTIAL IX MANUFACTURE and m-t REASONABLE in price. And now having performed ortr duty as yuui agenls.we CONFIDENTLY iuvitean examination or oar spring and summer goods. We have n"t time to go Into an enumeration of the many barotitis we arc Bi-rini.IlwuKUHf, trill tee them THOUSANDS WII.LOi.T TUE BFSJKFIT OF THKM; aiid Will aid Us in our war. are against ail HUMBUG M ONOPOL Y. and men PRICES.. I!erectf:l!v inviting the nvst thorough scrctiny, and esteeming it a pleasure to show good-s, we are the pn'ilic.s nhed'ent ftryant. Awaiting we remain. Your m st re-pe fully. W.-C. GUIS WOLD & Co. Salem. April i. liS. 7tf -Nob!cs 6 Coare's Varnislies. Atlams Boston Cruslies- ATUETJS WHITE IE1D, FGKCCT RIVER DO. Ti:SA.VYS and other Colors, GMIES, BR0aZES San Fran. March. lW. . Jiiliu ilarrjte' ECLECTIC LIXIM E.X T , UOD FOIt M AN OR BEAST- This penetratine VJT Linimeut. as it is rubbed n by the k.-md a piece of Qjnne! .is absorbed through tlie swmecbamiel reaches the seat of iuflamation and subdue. it. Every species of raieri-ir uri.iiif.n :a ijriiciijy reuueeu oy me apiJiicaiion I nils Lm.iml. itte eDect of this remedy upon Kueumati.m, Kuigworn. dwelled glands, e rt tntes Sore breast. S..re beads. Sore l-'inats ,.rt-s ,.f nil kind spraius, stitT j isuti ulcers, t H.tii.iche. swellings ot the limijs or body paitLs m the spine or back, poison oak Ac i i!mM mincnlous. It is go:id lor Birrhea 1, Ritrshonlder. Swiney. Sprains Chi lie in horses in fact all diseases where external ap plication is required. The proprietor sends rliis Liniment before the public to stand or full, on its own merits. He only asks that it may receive a fair trial by the public. It can be ob tained by applying in person or by letter tothe address Ct HllHiKUVh. 2d St- Corvallis. Oreiron. N. It. Demands from a distance accompanied by tbe money, will lie promptly attended to and the Liniment put ui and lorwarued according to directions. A lib eral discount will be made to 'wholesale dealers and p rsons p::rc!iasing large quantities. Retail price of Eclectic Liniment, ttfty cents per bottle, for further par- iici tars snuress propneior. Corvaliis, April, 1S38- ly5 San F:antisro ailvfrt'sing Arntf. LP.FlSlIt;. ta 1 J Washington S-..near!v opposite Maeguire's Opera House, up stairs. Files of !1 the priociu! I'aiicrs of California and Oregon may le iiiuitu ut mis fni.ee. L. P. FISHER is the authorized Agent of the Okf.oox Statesman ; Marys, ille Herald; Sarrameiitn Union; San Joaquin Republican. Stockton; Paciiio lctlioli.-t, btocktou; Nevada Journal; " Son -ra Herald; -tir.ss Valley Telegraph; Red BliitT iieac m; Columbia (iagette; Nouutain Demo-crat.Placerrille; . T 1'iliimue Courier; Calveriu Chronicle. Mokeltimne Hill; Kl Dorado l e n crat; Shasta Ceur.er; Mariimsa (inzettc; Yreka Weekly Union; . Tiinity Journal. Weaverville; Iowa Hill News; Weekly Ledger. Jackson; San Jose Telegraph; Sonoma County Journal; , Folo.n Dispatch; California Mining Journal; L-w Anrc!es Star; , Santa Birbara Cazette; San Diejo Herald; AlineUa t-THiuty Oarette; Placer Courier". Yankee Jim's; Napa County Reporter: Sierra Democrat. Dajerille; Hiimisildt Times; Union; Oregonian. Portland, 0. T.; Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. 0. T.; Pioneer and Democrat. Olvmpia. W. T.: Wusiii it-ton Republiban, Steilacoom. W.T.; Poynesiau. Honolulu, S. I.; Paciiio Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I.; Mexl -an Extraordinary, City of Mexico; Paoitic Chrisian Advocate, Portland, O. T.; Hongkoiig Itcgister. ADVERTISING IN THE ATLJNTIC STATES. L. P. F. has now completed his arrancements for the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published in the Atlantic States. A Hoe o,Kirtiinitv is here offered to those who wi-b to i d 'erti.-c in any part of the Union, of doing so at tin Io vest rules, aud iu a prompt aud satisfactory niau ner. August 23, 1357. 34tt Something .New ! EL. BRADLEY A Co., have just received a large lot of hand-hooks for home improvement: com- prixfng bow to write, how to talk, how to behave. how to do business, in one volume; a-ill lie sent free of post je to any part ol Uregon.ou receipt or i'l. . Address K. L. BRADLEY, City Book Store, Oregon City. Dee. 20, 1857, 43tf Books! Books! T. nmni rv m. r.. l.nA MMnit. : j J. I.r.ro 1 tt rf Cinwlnrs and VV'.'l I a riTtV.li.. atinn.. Take notice nil ye that are sick, water f curei is a powerful nice thing in a family. Deo. 31), ISjJ. 43tf tr. a. ladd, Portland. jr. w. laud, Saa Francisco. W. S. Ladd & Co. . MPORTERS and dealers in Wines. Lianora. and fim- X. eerie, Portland, Oregon. . ' -. J05 CLAY St- Jan. I, ISiK). - iftr Medical. 2 - DR. L. J. CZAPKAY S PRIVATE medical and surgical institute, Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Co' office, 8an Francisco, California. Es tablished in lft54, for the permanent cure of all Private and Chronic Disexsevand the suppression of Qoactery. Attending and Resident Physician L. J.CZAPKAY, M. D.. late in the Hungarian Revolutionary War. Chief Physician to the 2'rth Regiment of Honveos, chief Sur geon to the Military Hospital of Pestb. and late Lec turer on Diseases of women aud children. TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. L. J.CZ A PK AY returns bis sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, arid would take this opportunity to remind thctn that he continues to on-i.lt at his Institute for the cure of Chronic di.-cases of the Lungs. LiverJCidneys,di nestive and irenitive organs, and all private diseases, viz: Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrhoea, gleet. strictr, seminal weakTiees alid all the horrid consequences of elf abuse, and he hope that his long experience and successful practice of many ye;ira, will continue to ensure him a share of public pitronage. By the practice of many year in Europe and the United States, and during the Hungarian war and campaigns, be is enabled to apply the most effi lent and successful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He uses no mercury charges moderate treats hi. oa trents io a eorrect and houorabie way has reference it unquestionable veracity Trom men of known ropect ability and high standing in society. All parties con oillini him. by letter or ottierwise. will receive the best and gentie-t treatment, and implicit secresy. To run Lapiks or Oaoios and C'ai.ipoksia. L. J ("xirxAT. M. D.. Physician Surgeon and Accouchenr.in vites the attention of the sick and afflicted females la boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the brain, luuzs, heart, stomach, liver, womb. L.I wd, kiij- neys. and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc tor is effecting more permneitt cares than any other physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacv prevent v.m. but apply immediately, and save voursei. from painful sriSerinz and premature death. All mar ried ladies, who-e delicate health or other cirTim-tance do not allow to have au increase in their r-amilic-s should write or call at Dr. L. J. t'z ipkay's Me lie In-titute. Sacramento St.. helow .Montgomery. oin--ite P. M. S.S. Co s office jnd thejr will revive every p-Msihlerrl-ef and help. The Doctor" OiS -e.i are so arranged that he can oe con..-:lted without moie-tatton. I2m3 wv Al consultations l by letter or otherwise,) free. Address to - DK. lj. J. tJiAPKAY, Medical Institute. San Francisco. Cal. REMARKABLE INSfANCh OK MtDlCAL Kfc LIEF. Below we p:ib!ih the certificate of two or tne siifterers frm the pans of disease. wu. havinc recovered tiieir former health, and imjielled by grati- ruue. icaKe aaowa itieir cases and remeoisl agent, and their statements are authenticated by a Notary Pubiic. The demand? of S iciety imperi Mi-ly c--mmand tritir publicit y. at d we commend their pero&U to the atteo liunof til afllicted : - , CERTIFICATE. The undersizned. desirous of acquainting those who may be unfortunate eimugh to be similarly zffiicted. where a permanent relief of their siiSeniig i:wy be o'jtnined. letls it his duty 1 1 thus publicly expre his BUM sincere gratitude to Dr. L. J. Liapk.iy. I .rtbe lermanent recovery -f bis he.ilth. ftirne d iwa bv tlie distresyiiiB syniptnns incident to the vicioo practice f iiicoutrollabie passion i:i yottii ; depressed in b-idy ard mind ; unable t j perform even the most triain.f dutv imposed upon the daily avocations of life, I i.htt:il idvice or rainy physicians, who at first regarded m lisea-ss as of trifliaz importatice but alas ; aitera lew weeks, and ia several iustancea mouths, ot their treat ment. I found to my unutterable horror, thxt instead oi relief, the symptoms became more alarming in their torture ; anil being, bd I by one that my disease, being principally confined to the brain, medicine would be oi t.ttle consequence. I de-paired of ever regaining mj iu-aith, strenpth a.-.d ejierfy : ai:d. as a la.,t reaoi t, anu w :h but a taint h -pc. caik-d nfa Ir. Czapkay, who. af er examining my e-.se. nresscribed some ni-dici;a- uich almost iuta:itiy relieved me of ti.e dall pain ind dizziness in my head. Enctoraged by this result, I resolved to 1 1 ice myself ifr.rr-e-diately under bis care, and by a itrkt obedience to his directions and advw-e. my bead broame clear, my ideas c Lected. the constaiit pain in my back and groins, the weakness of my limtis, the nervous reaction of my whole ImhIt on the slight est alarm or excitement: "tbe niisai.thropy and evil forebodings; the self distrust and want nf ciniiJ-nce in others; the iucaparity t.t taoy, aud want of resolo tirui: tbe frightful, exciting, and at times pleaairalrle dreams at night, f i lowed by ioyulunt-iry discharges ha-e ail disap!eared; aid in'fa-t. in two m; nths after havijir consulted the Doctor. I fcit as if iirspired by a new life that Ii:e which, but a hort time ago, I con templated to end wilii my own band. m r With a view to guard the eafortunate from falline into tbe snares of incompetent q lacks. I deem it m d ity to otTer this tc-timouy t- the merit and o. Dr. Czspksy. and recommend htm to all who may stand in need of medical advice, beius assured hr my own experience, that once under his tare, a radical and permanent care will be effected. B. F. FTLIVMOP.E. S atecf California. County of San Francisco. Sib scribed and sworn to before rlie. this 17th day of April, a. v. loos. t5t?nenj , JOHN AlIDDLFTON. l. s j X;tiry Fubiic. CARD. Prompted by an honest desire of my heart. I wish to lay before the public a case which deserves a fcieh com mendation. n"t only as an act of scientific skill, but that of humanity, also. About two years ago. I sud- ueniy ana irom causes uiicaown to me, was se.red with a fit of EPiLBrST. which, owing to my inability to meet tlie expenses consequent upon a thorough medical treat ment, and the discouragement which I met with -on attempting it, son became rach (as I was then led t. :ieve.) as to defy the skill of any physician. I was frequently while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down to the gronnd without the slightest warning, and al- th-mgh insensible to th ssrouies, vet I despised the mis ery of my existenc e- rule m this state, and havine revious to myaffiction tasted the sweets of iife.,1 once snd, bv recommendation, called npon Dr. L. J. Czan kny. I told bim my circumstances, and my inability v ic.aiu nun mr ma services regaruiess oi wnicn however, he at once andertook my case, and with the ilessing of d, I .was once more rest jred to perfect he ilt h. Unable to reward bim for tbe boon w?icb I enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebted ness. I consider it due to myself and to all afS.cted. t nake the esse public, in order that tbse in need of medical advice may find a physician in whom every couuueuce can oe places. MEYER TABLOXSKY. tL.S-1 State of California. I County of San Francisco, Subscribed and swara to before toe this first day of AUgUSl, A. L. tilLBKRT A. URAST. Notary Public, i. g. SPERMATORRHCEA.or Local Weakues.,nervous de bility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of tbe Iiml and back, indi-position and incapacity for labor and study, dullness uf apnpetite. I's of rtiem-.rv. aversion to society. love o( solitude, timidity, self-distrust. dizziness. neauaciie, pains id the side, affection of the eyes, pim ples on tbe face, sexual and other infirmities in man. an- c ired without fail by the justly celeorated physician and s urgeon. 1 J - LzapRay. tils method of curing diseases is new 1'iuKnowti to omersj ana nence tue greas suc cess. AH consultations, br letter or otherwise, free. Address, L. J.CZAPKAY. M.D.. S-in Frsitieiaro. Csl TJir Crratfsl Disrovrry of the Ise. f BEAT Blessing to Maukuid! Innoceut but Potent: VJ DiLC.ZAPa.Ai S PnaraiLALTicm. (self-disiafec ting agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrheal and Syphilitic diseases, and a reitain and ausur- psssed remedy for ail venereal, scrofulous, (ra'-irrrenou.- nd cancerMis nlcers, fceted discharges from vaeina. uterus and urethra, and ail cutauous eriptKmsand dis eases, is mn icuiaiion is preventive arainst small oox. so is Dr.Czapkay Propb.vlacticum a preventive against - piiimio auu onorruoMi aiseases. llarmicss iu it self, it possesses the p;iwer of chemically destrying the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of leonucnees i-.-om oemg infected by the most loathsome oi an disease. IX"i uo young man who appreciates nenun oe wimooi nr. i zopKay s fropiiyiacticum. Jt is iu very convenient packages, and will tie found con venient lor use. teing used as a soap. Price, $i- For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Private Nfedical and Sarjii- -al Institute. bacntRiento st.. below Montgomery, oppo site P. M. Co's. fifBce, Son Francisco. All letters most be addressed to L. J. Czapkay, M.D-, San Francisco. DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute, Sacramento St.. below Mmitgomery onrx site Pacific Mail! Steamship Co.'st,1ice. San Francisco. The Doctor oners free consultation, and asks no remu neration unless he effects a cure. Office hours from 3 A.M. to 9 P.M. CERTIFICATE. I. the undersigned. Governor of Hungary. do testify herehv.that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has set ved during the con test lor Hungarian libert y, as Chief Surgeon in tbe Hun trarian army. with faithful perse ver' nee whereof I have given bim this certificate, and do recommend him t.. the sympathy, attention and protection of all those who are capable of appreeiatinir natriotii- irriii.-. and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH L JOS. , . , Governor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan. 6. 1S52. IO Persons not wisbintr to lose time in correspond ing, please enclose $!o in their letters, and they will get immediate attention to their cases. Address, L.J. CZAPKAY. M- D-, San Francisco. Cat. April, 1S5S - 3uii TAX receipt blanks f- sale at the Statesman office at SI per hundred. LADIES' cloaks, latest style, for sale cheap at ffitn W. K.SMITH A Co's. CAROLINA rice, and syrup to sweeten it in I kegs, at 42tfJ W. K. SMITH A 5 gallon Co. SALT, sal soda, and sassafras, at Ct;tfy W. K. SMITH S Co's. P aint s, Oils. WINDOW GLASS, ETC., ETC. W'E would call the attention of Dealers to our Urge 4 aad well l3Cted atotk of PAINTS, OILS, irlXDOTV-GLASS. BRUSHES. CLUE. Etc. Cousl-ting in fart, of Will lb y'AO Jewett's. Atlantic. Forest Eivr and English pure; ground iu oil, iu keg and tins; Assorted brauds. dn j,. . NEATsFOOT OIL In cases and bbls A LCO H 0 . I . case s nd bbia, &5yc ' TURPENTINE Iu cases; ' W IS DU W-G L.VSS 60!t boiesssorted size, jnd good? qnality, double and angle, thick; rUj Plate Glasa; VARNISH English and American. coach A furniture; " BRUSHES A large assortment of every kind, cf the best manufacturers; GOLD LEAF Extra and double deep, manufactured1 ' expressly to our own order for this market; SILVER LEAF AND BRONZE of the best quality; COLORSl iemunns, Lewis'. Ac dry, and croana ia oil and packed in assorted cafesr GLUE Eastern and California make. In bulk; VERMILION Tries.se. Chinese. American, English; ARTISTS M ATERiALS A well selected assortment. Also Chalk. Whiting. Putty, Ac. Ac, Ac. We have also, constantly on band CAHPHENE, frr'k dittilled. in tins. BURNING OILS- Refined and bleached, Sperm, Lard, " Polar. China, pure, in barrels and cases; BURNING FLUID Fresh di.-tilled; MACHINE OIL Excellent qnality in bb' and 1 bbl. CAMERON. WH1TTIER A Co. 105, Front St., Sm Francisco, CaTa. March. 1S9. 3m-5I - Moffat's Life Pills AND PHfflJTIX BITTERS. THE best family medicine now lfore the public, for ' the core of Scrofula. Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruption if the Skin, Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia. Dropsy, and in fact most oil disease socn yield to their curative properties. - It has been computed that during the last twenty-five years upwards of Four Millions of persons have been ' lenefitted by the use of these medicines; a fact wbicb speaks volumes in favor nf their curative properties single trial will place the in beyond the reach of com-' oetition in the estimate of every patient. Bv their oser the blood is restored to a healthy rf;rte and freed from .ill impurities. The system is not reduced during their .peration. but invigorated, and they require no re trait.t from bu-iness or pleasure. Tlie afflicjted have in these medicines a remedy that w 11 do for them aii that mcJlcine can possibly "effecU Prepared by W. B. MorraT. New York Andfora!ebT JuHN FLEMING, at the Oregon City Post Office Boiding. ' E fireiron City. March. lySl lairery and Sale Stable. WE are now keeping a Livery stable in Oregon City, where Houses can al- 2a wavs be obtained 'i:i liberal terms. We are also prepared with excellent stn- ules, well supplied with bay and oats, to keep horse oy dny or week. TSove who call npon us may feel as sured th it every atteiition will ie given to horses left m wir charge. GIBSON A POTTER. Angust 11. IS57. i;tf Salem Tannery. rpHE snbsTiirs have purcha-ed t! e Tanner t Sa 1 lem. formerly belaiiging to EJisha S rg. AH de scrptions of leather wiii be kept constantly on haaii irfd tbe hii:liet price, in ca-h or leather, will at al iimea be paid for hides and bark. CLARK A HOLM AN. Salem. Oct. 2A. 1SS7. Iy32pzid Citr Hotel, Corrallis. MESSES. A. B. & I. gPRENGER WOULD announce to the citizens of Corvallis, and the travelling public eenerally. that they have thuronghly refitted this well known e-tai ii-hmerit. ard ire now prepared for the accomnnidation of customers. The r.oms have all been newly refurnished, the bed -lean and cnmfortaLle.-and their title will be furnish fd with the bet ti;e market aifjrds. Corvallis, ASg. 30, 1S57- l.vl New Store and New Goods. -if Oai!md, MtVuney Ferry, O. T. VLB EST ZiESKR. Dealer in drO goods, groceries, vth kcry. hardware, product. 4c. Havin p arch i-e l tae stick iu trade of G. E. Getcb ell. tigelrK-r with the premtes k.iown as Methecey'a Ferry, on the Wiilamette river, acd having built a new -toreao;ise. and replenished tbe stock of grmdsun hand, uw offers to ex jhaiige, for produce or cash, an assTTt ment rtf Dry goods, consisting of clothing, cassimeres, satit oetts. sheeting, shinier, and Jrncy gotjds: bats and " caps, boots and sb.s, groceries ia nsriety. with spices, nut, raisins, and candies; paints, oils, medicines, per fumery, crockery, tinware, ho'Iow-ware. Steves, bard ware cutlery, atid many other articles to meet the wast of the public. He has also moved and repaired bis warehouse, as that he is now prepared to purchase or take in storage, country produce, wbicb l.e can discharge by a slide to -.earners uecss. wiunn.1 mss or expense or dravaee. And being determined to constantly keen on bnd & rood supply of such poods a. the country trade may re quire, he believes he ran m ike it m object for the pea- c ' ' nr. ' ' : CAir:iu iiiih IT! r IJ3 inula pc. S- No diJerence mode in the price of goods, wheth er soid for ea-h or produce. Octolier 2. 157. SOtf C. C. filicw. KALER in clocks, watcbes ard iewelrv. Sa lem. O. T. Particcrar attention paid ta the repairing oi waicDcs and clorCs. All work war- rauted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. FOR SALE: Watches and clocks. S day striking clocks at a very low price ; also 30 hour nrarire clocks. JEWELRY. Ladies and eents Brooches. Finger Riags.Ear Rises Gold Buekies. Guard Chains. Ac, Ac, Salem, July 6, IS57. 17tf Allan &, Iveiwas, WHOT.ESAIJ: MERCHANTS, FOETLAXD. GON TERRITORY. ORE A STORE room in Orleans, a first rate stand for a produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse and store will be rented together if required- ISAAC MOORE. July S, 1S57- istf Dictionaries. TCST received and for sal? at tie City Rook Sb-re, J Webster's Unabridged Quarto ard His-t! School Dic tionaries. E. L. BRADLEY A Co. . Oregon City. Jan. 1S5S. 4Ctf AS. R. RH-RARDS," Saa Francisco. JXO. JtcCRASEX, I Portland, 0. T. I Ricliards & McCrakrn. COMKiSSlOX MERt HAXTS. aod Jobliers in Oregm Flour, tirain. Prd -ace. Frr.it. Pork. Bacon. Lard. Ha:ns. Ac Ae. (niers for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. .Liiiersl advances ma:e on coiLsignraent. No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco January 27, 1-S57. 46tf OTTON rope, fr l tiies ires, and smsll rope for V halters. at 42t;J W. K. SMITH A Co'. School Books. JUST received at the City Book Store, in Oregon City, Uire-t fitm the Publishers: Uiii a I'nmer; , Spellers, old and new seriesr: " lstid A 3d Re rs-oid and new aerie; " HighScbmd " Yinng Ladies " WILSON'S Outlines oi History; " U. S. Hisory.schoideditm; " U. S- - Ameri.edocatioaalseries; " Jnvin le Hist-wy, school edition ; PARLEY'S Universal History; COMSTOCK'S Natural History; And many other good tcokt-to numerous to mentions Dealers and Teachers are requested to give ns a calk i- L. BRADLEY A Co. Oregon City .'Feb.. 1S53. 4 stf The City Book Store. W. KEN VOX & Co., HAVE RECENTLY ESTABLISHED A XEW BOOK Start i SALEM, aud are now urenared ta fur nish all kinds of School and HisceLaneutis Books, and stationary at reduced price. Ourst-x.-k is NEW, and is being increased weekly, with fresh arrivals. We are prepared to furnish new and rare work. AS early as c-au be done by any house in Oreiron. Teacbeks can be furnished at reasonable rates, by tbe quantity. - 1 nose wishing seething in onr line would do well to give us a call at the Citv kiuk Store in the .Venc BuM- uig under Keuyun's Photosraphic and Auibr- tvpo Gallery. W. KEN YON A t i. Saleia, March. 1S53. o'-tf New Goods at New Prices. TTT K- SMITH A Co. would inform their patri-cs. V V and tbe public generally, that they have just received a large addition to their stock of Hoods, a hu-b. they -i!i exchange fr produce, or cash, on the most favorable terms- They have now a complete assort ment of dry goods, which they will sell - Cheaper than any other ttort n Salewm. Their stock of boots and shoes is eonal to any ta b found in Salem, consisting of men's and bov's naim and One bouts, men's and boy's shoes; ladles' boots, shoes, and slippers, children and infants shoes niea's ladies, and misses rubber overshoes, and in short, any thing in the boot and shoe line that can be desired. Their stock of groceries is also full, consisting of coffee, green and black teas, crushed and brown sugar, syrup, saloratus in bn!k, cream of tartar, salt, soap, to- "". S". siarcn, tapioca, macaroni, raisin, and sweet oil, sll nf which wiii be sold cheap for cash aw country produce. furcnasers win do well to call and examine onr stek before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to give our cos turners satisfactiun in tbe quality and pri- : s .i mr Kinmi. 42lf TJICKLES and pepper sauce, wash-boards and r paper, at 43tH W. K- SMITH A Co' N AILS, glass, a nd w iudow sash , at - It-til W. K. SMITH A Co".