The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, June 22, 1858, Page 4, Image 4

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WE beg to Inform the pnbiic of Oregon and Wnh
ington Territories that we have completed onr
Focndry, Boiler, Blacksmith, pattern and Macblue
, ahop, and are prepared to build
Other kinds of machinery. Onr bnsin connection
la th Eastern States, the (Treat convenience of onr lo
cality, the superiority and number of onr machine,
the ue nf water power instead of atcara. and the per
fect knowledge of all bran -lit of. our business will en
able n to compete with t'alifsroia.
InvitirtR the public In aire u a call and favor u "with
their patronage, we promise to execute their orders on
th (hot-text notice and at San Francisco prices. -
- A. ROSSI A Co.
May. IK. ly
. Herring's Patent Champion
WITH Hall's Patent Powder-Preor Lock the asms
that were awarded separate medal st the World'
Fair. London, IS31. and the World Fair, New York,
18o3 and are the only American Safe that were award
ed medals at the London World's Fair.
These safes form the moat perfect aecority asalnst
Firs and Burglars, of any safe ever offered to the pub
lic, and can only lie had of ths subscriber and their
gents, who hare on hand and make to order, all kinds
of Boiler and Chilled Iron Sanx Cheats and Vault.
Vault Door and Money BMtes, or Chests for Brokers,
Jeweler and Private Families, for Plate. Diamonds,
and othar valuable. And are sl-o Patentees (by pur
chase) and mannf tctnrer of JOKES' PATENT PER
Aosxts F.. Fitzgerald & Co.; and vT. 0. Wendell.
Baa Francisco. California.
S. C. HERRING 4 Co..
iW. SM Broadway, cor. Murrm St. A'. F.
May. I3.-.S. . 6m)
For Sale.
THE undersigned offer for sale, their splended mill
property, being abont 1 mil went of Dalits,
Polk C-. being the same pmpery formerly owned by
J. W. Sesroith, consisting of a grist mill in good order,
doing a heavy business, perhaps twice ss much a any
other mill ia the county. S5 acre of excellent land,
about t0 arret of which are laelosed. A young orchard,
rafted and keyring mit. Two rood dwelling houses,
tore honse. bant, and other out buildings. Also one
hundred head of hogs. For further particular see
ffM.P LEVIS. at Dallas, or
J. H. LEWIS, on the premise.
April?, m. l.n,
E. Peltcn, Geo. tt Jones & Co.
ARE prepared to d a general eommlinn b iirte
on New York and other Atlantic cities. Particular
attention wilt be given to the purchase of rood for
merchants. Parties having any busit ess tranartion
in the Atlantic St vt ?, and wantin- sa acent that will
Ire persoual tttion to the same, will do well to
r- Office at Barnnrn & Wilson Law Office "S
Salem. March S3, IS6'. Stf
ALL person having claim arainst th Territory
growing out or the action of the Penitentiary
Commissioner In the erection of said Penitentiary"
are hereby notified t file their said claim with the
clerk of the District Conrt. for the Id Judicial Dis
tries within 63 days from the date hereof, "at be for
ever barred' and nl.o to serve copies of claims so Bled
apon D. W. P-oathlt. Eo.. whi has been appointed I y
me to act ia reference thereto on behalf of the Terri
tory. GEO. IL WILLWrMS, Ccnu'r.
Dated April t. A. P.. lSiS. Sm5
Look Here!
THE ubseri'ier would inform the pnbiic that be
doe entirely a Commission Basiness, and
therefore has no good of bis own to interfere with
consigners. Having a fire-proof building and a large
Jobbing; trade. hetCVrs cruses I facilities to shippers.
aWConeignroeuU respectfully solicited. -a.
U3 IPatAt'iigtoa St., San Frwieiteo.
W. B. Caktbsu. Oregon City;
: J. P. Kxigbt, Portland;
Fj.tcarai.TSr Agent, Portland.
SanFrsnclwo. April. lys
War Scrip.
TTOLDERS of War Scrip can seeore the services of
JLM. r tenon. t,e. ri. i t; present their
paperi at Wahin2tin fcr pajmcnt. Receipts Kivrn
lur me payer anu aarani r mane in some cas-s,
U.uce at imnm & uoa s Law Ouc.
Sjltm, March !3. 1. Stf
w. . lsod, Portland. j. w. laoo. San Francisco
W. S. Ladd & Co.
Shipping am? Cwsmita Mtrcharttt, PortSard, Orrgtm
LIBERAL ad ranees made on all consignment of Or
eirna produce. Messrs Wskemsn; Dimon Co
A 3. tutn street. .t lork. wi!l recei eand for
ward all Roods and machinery, sdil reused to oar care
T:a can t ranciico, or ouect to Urrgun.
Ji. 1. 1"-.'-. 44tf
7ooden Ware, Brooms, Baskets,
Clothes Lines, Matcbea, &.c.
Ia all their varieties.
For sole at lowest, r.d Wholesale price, et the
Wo scd WHIdw Ware Eslatlisliarnt Of
23 Sacramento St., btlnr Front.
San Fran.. Feb.. 1?.)S. 6m49
MAXCFACTCRE3 of Fire-rrxif Door. KhuUcr.
Va!f!t,4c4cic. Battery', near Pacific street.
tun Eraucico. .
X. B. Orders from the country prompt!;' attended
to and warranted ss ordered.
A larcre assortment of second hand Poors and Shut
ter" constantly on bacd, for sale at eery km rain.
Marco. ISM. - 6m'2
, Lm Q. Wasitington,
4 CENT fir the nroeeitioa of claims at Washinc
"V tan, D. C, before the Executirc Department, Con
gress &nd tae courtoi 1 1 inns, n us attend tome set
tlempnt of accounts' of Mr-hsls, Ditrict Attorneys,
ad other Federal officers, and of contractors with the
PostoiBce and other Department": also, to the procur
ing of Patent for Land. Lsnd Warrants, and other bir
aiaess of s General A?erct.
Refers Oen. -Iepi Lane. Orecon Territory: Cnv.
jaac i. bterens. wanninjon ier.; Moo. at. n. McAl
lister, Hon. Osrden Hoffman snd R. An;. Thompwm, of
Ssb Franc;cj), Cal.; Hon. James (i.itbrie. Lmiisviilc.
Ky., and to the Officers peneraliy of the Treasury and
Interior Departments st Washington.'
1yt VVahingt-m ft. C
CerTRliis Drus Store.
T R. CARD WELL. DmjrTi'it snd Apothecary, iscon-
i stactiy receirint;, per uaiiiorni steamers, large
and carefully selected stocks of Drops and Medicines,
Oils, Painta, YarnUh. Soaps. Perfumeries. Toilet For
nitare. Stationery .-and all articles nnnaily kept in Drnjf
Btoi es. A cent for Jaynes, and "tber patent medicines,
which will be famished at California, wholesale prices.
W Obdebs eolicited. "6
Corrallis, May??, 1857. 12tf
COBVALLTS Ware Houne. No. 1 . we offer for rent.
Ia eonnex-tioB with the above we have a pork house
nd smoke house for rent.
liif MOORE ft St.CT.ATR.
Casti System Adopted.
Nfl more credit will be (riven by me. and those Jn
de'uted to me, who hare not marie arrangement
t- pay their accoonts in pork or other produce, will
please call and make payment or settle by note, ss I
intend closing; my .books. G. E. COLE.
Corral lis, Sept.S. lsa7. 2;tf
- Dr. Kriechbanm'i Ilangarian
U'OR the Restoratioo, Beauty sod Preservation of thJ
JL Hair. This preparation removes all harshness and
dryness of the bair. by exciting the scalp to a new and
healthy action, and cleanse it from scurf and dandruff":
Ereventa the hir from fallinir off and getting tmy.
at the raoft remarkable reoilt which it will effect, i
it will product a ntw crop of hair on an entirely, bald
htad. Many ywun g persoiut sometimes find the too early
appearance of gray bairs, this preparation will stop
this resnlt. Mothers who wib their children to have
fine heads of hair, can effect this by the ne of this
Tonic; especially oa their daughters if the hair is light.
1 know few persons believe the h-ir can be restored on
a bald head, but, if my directions are followed I will
warrant a care or refund the money. U is put np in
two ounce bottles and for sale by wholesale and retail
with directions at one dollar per bottle; it can be sent
by maU to ar.y rtrt of the United States. Gentlemen
md on year orders, statin? the canse and dnratioo of
the baldness and I will cure yoo. To insure a cure my
charge varies from Twenty-five to Fifty d:ilara, accord
ing to the natnr of the case.
Ptwparjd oaly by Da. J. G. KRTEC TBATJM,
tor ? Vm. O. T.
;r illi,Feb.,135. "Otf
THE f ACULTV during the present sear will con
stat of -
Re. F.S. Hoyt, A. M.. President and Acting Proress
or of Ancient Languaores and Mathematics.
C. H. Hall. A. Professor of Natural Bcienc.
!x "l? Spildin?!,', ( Teacher of Common English.
Miss Sarah Buckingham, Teacher of Instrumental
Untie. .
The CotLiaiATR DtrAwmtNT of th Wall a met Uni
versity has beep oraniul. Yonnjr men drsigninR to
pursue a regular C-ur of Study, are Invited to avail
themselves of ths advantage all'xnled by this Institu
tion. All available resources will be made noe or to
meet the wants of Students. Efforts will bo continued
to secures suitable endowment ;and no pains will be spar
ed in obtaining cnmpcteniami experienced lnstrnetort.
The Collegiate year Is divided Into fAm term, com
mencinK as followst
Th first term on the 3d Thursday In September.
second term on th 1st Jsunnry.
third " " Ht " " April.
Th first two terms are Jtfltm tettk roc; th third,
slrrea tnrest.
Vacations. -There wilt b two vacation In the
year: one. ia April, of two tree, and on, Id th sum
mer, of sine ncAt.
TrrriOM will b at th rate of tl per week, or $40
per annum.
Tesjis. The Academic year I divided into rora
Terms of rlcrtn trer ears.
The first term lsin on the last Thursday of Ansiat.
second term begins on th Sd " Novem.
" third " last - ' January.
' fomth " " " l.tit ! u April.
VACATioNS-There will b two vacations In the year:
one in April, of rtro tredts; and one in the summer, of
fix frr t kg.
TriTios will be pnld at th beglnaing of each Term
in o frotce. at the fll win(t rates:
In Lanjniaicrs. Hi"her Matlieraatica A Chem., 110 00
' Other studies of the Academic Division, . . 7 SO
" Common Euglixh Division,... 6 SO
" Primary " , 6 50
For us of the Piano . 1 so
Instrumental music 10 00
Tnstmcttonl ia vocal mnaic I given to all the
tndentrr ofekargt.
Apsii0! Students Will be a'dmltted st any time;
and will be charged for tuition from the time t&ey en
ter oHy. but their prrMjre-w will be creatly promoted
by entering: early In the Academic year.
" In ca-wi Where, from necessity, students leave before
the end of the term for which payment has !wii made,
a Ju-t proportion not more than three-fourths nor lc
than one-fourth of the t:iit:on Ire will be refunded.
Students are not allowed to leave jnt before examinn
tbm. lntrons who nre inattentive to this point, inflict
jrrest ii jury upon both the student and the Inst it if
BoaSBIxo. Young gentlemen and l idies ran obtain
board atr-asonable rates with private famil rs.
Cihhb or Prt-nv. A Ctire nf Study has been
adopted lor both the Collegiate and Preparatory De
partment, well calculated t seen re ripe scholarship,
mental discipline, and a preparation for the active du
ties nl life.
A liberal Conrseof Study has been adopted for young
ladies who desire to obtain a thorough rd:icnti"n.
- A lrpl ima will be awarded ta all who shall
complete the prescribed course.
The tSovKRNMKvr will be parental but strict n inl
ine contamiy st the formation of correct habit of
Self Govern mcnt. Careful attention will be Riven tt
manners snd moral.
Si aoLABsmrs. perpetual, or for the period of ten
years, securing tuition at very reduced rate, can be
purchased. For lrthe particulars apply to the Presi
dent. Per order of Executive Committee.
. Board of
Salem. Dec. 10, IPS 7.
New Constitution for Oregon.
1TTE be? leave to announce to the public that we
nre j ist receiving a Isrge and wel' selected tn k
of goods from San Francisco, which has been sehvted
with erat care by Mr. AU x tiider. who has been attend
ing that market Tor some time, therefore we can sa'el.v
-av to the public that we can, and wk! sell, gooes a
low at wholesale or retail -
W will take In exchange fix goods all kinds of pro
duce. X. B We will also pay cash for all kinds: of pro-
dtjre. t"-wit:
W heat. Flour. Batter. Egps, Bacon, Pork, Lard,
Oatt. Ac, Ac, Ac.
All who wih to pnrrhae. will do wen to call and ex
amine before purchasing elsewhere.
Our stock consist of evtry thing in the line tlmt this
mark-t csilsfor to-wit:
Grey, White, Hed and Bine B'.a-ket;
Coat. Vc. Psnl-". Hats and Hat covers;
Vndcrand Over shirt. Wool and Cotton;
Every description of White Shirt:
teens Ware, Hard Wsre and Cutlery;
Bts.Shor cosr.end fine;
Brogap Calf. Kip and Cowhide:
Wool PUid. Merino. Deiain, late psttern.
In short every kind of piece goods, aJttie BUST TEA
ever bippel to this market.
AlJiii-Cedar shinelrs. Timnthyeed nd Hops.
Give us a call, snd ee b-f yotirfelvcs.-a
Corvalli. Oct 19. l7. tf
New Arrival of Jewelry, &c.
J ROSENTHAL informs his patrons end
fr:ends, that he his just ret imed from
San Francisco with a select a-iso'tment of Jew
elry. Mimical Instrument. Cut!ery.etc.. and
oilers them for sale at his store on Frjnt strert
. tiW One dcor below Dr. Cnib" oa.;e."
Gold and Silver wat'-lie; snd Silver chain:
(old bracelets; Gold ear-rinir; Gold breastpins; tioM
8nrer" rinrs; Lockcb; Go I pen and psn.-il; Gold
dceve but m; Silver and Plated ware: fancy good
and perfumery.
Guitars. Yiolins, Flntes. Fife; a lsree aortment of
Aecordeons. Lsdies" work boxes of all kind. Gold and
Sihvr prectnele. Gold and Silver spoons, Cutlerv.
CWk an endle variety. Ac. Ac.
arar Watche. Clock and Jewely repaired, and all
kinds of Jcws.ry msdetoorder. . '
aT All of my work warranted"
wron"trorget"The Sign of the Big Watch."E
O.irvailis. Oct. 24.157 ' 3tf
THE jadares of the Snpreme Conrt. of the Territory of
Oree-vi. aembled st the wst of Government on
the nint.i'd.iy of January, eiehteen hundred and lifly
seven, d Bx and apoint District Court, to lie held in of Koseburg, in the county of Douglas on the
fir.t Miuidays.of March, Mc.y, Septemljer and Novem
lr.annual!y, until ivtherwW ordered, and do limit the
duralioo of said term to six dav each.
GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Jastice.
4ltf M. P. DEADY. Associate Jnitice.
Statesman Book and Job OSCcc.
WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book
minting- north of California, and an extensive a.
rtmentof Jobbing M itkkiju. of every kiud; and, with
master workmen, are prepared toexecuteprorcny,and
in a workman-like manuer, ail orders in the au. de
partnients, ucb a
lfcXK. Bi.ivx t nrcxs,
Pamhthukt, XotesofHano.
Bi.l TtcsETS, Stksmbo't Bills -
CrncrLAKS, Stkambo't Cart s.
Invitation, Bills op Laoikg
Bi'mnbss Cards, Ckktificates
Biu.rf.adh. Snow Bills,
Aooress Cards. Iraits,
Buvks of am. Krsos, A-c. Ac, Ac.
The Lawi of Oregon.
HE OREGON STATUTES, 1855, being a large vol
ume of 6-0 paees. With complete index, snnota-
tions.and reference, compri-ing all the laws in force in
the Terr.torv. inclusive of those paswd at lant session
of the legislative Assembly, are for sale st the 'dice of
the Statesman, at live dollar per copy, i he work is ex
ecuted ia the best manner, bound in law style, and
is sold at pu:rtisuer prus, and as low a a like work can
be boucht in anv State in the Union, r.nd at the lowest
fignre they can be afforded for here. The price places
tbem witnin the reacn or au who desire the laws tuey
live nnder. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
filled by retnrn mail. It is the last code of laws that
will probably be published in Oregon, for many years.
In addition to tue enactments or me uetrisi.iuve Assem
bly, the contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 17S7, in
force in Oregon, Donation Law and all amendments,
and full abstract of United outtcs Naturalization Laws.
Marion House, Salem.
THE undersigned announces to the public
that be lias purchased the well known
Tavern stand. called the Marion House, in Sa
lem, toed her with the furniture and fixtures
thereof. He will keep it in first Tate style, and invites
the patronage of the public. It. M.MAY.
May ZJ, loi. tin
DTl.J.Ti.CAKDWELL. Dental Surgeon, Corvallis,
in his profewion, at Corvallis. Eujrene City, Win
chester, Scot tsburg. and Jacksonville. Skill, unques
tionable: charge respectable: work, warranted. Teeth
examined, ard advice given free of charge.
Due notice given of cnange or office.
April 20,1 S5. ; 7tf
ElYdropatnic Books.
BT Trail. Shew and O. 8. Fowler. For sal at the
City Rook Store. E. L. BRADLEY ft Co.
Oregon City. Jan. 1S58. 4Ctf
'HOT of a:i kinds, and powder, at
42tfJ W. K. 8M1TH ft Co'.
PURE WINES and liouor for medicinnl purposes,
A at
3tC5l merinos, sod aipacm. at
Tho Orcclonbcrff
The Gracftnkrg Compaajr,
rftillS INSTITUTION. (Incorporated hy the Legis
1 1 iture of the State of New York. Capital llOO.miil.)
was founded f ir ths pnrp-e of supplying tlieimbl.c
with the celebrated G It A KEEN BEIitf MEDIC1N r J.
The series comprise remedie lor nearly evriy dicae
adapted to every climate. For Travellers,
Seamen, and Miner's ue thev are unenuallcd. All the
Medicines are Pl'REI.Y VEGETABLE and warranted
t cure the diseases for which they are severally rec
ommended. The Oraefenberg Compa iy does not profes to cure
all d!eacs with one or tr medicines. Our eriescon
sists of ELEVEN different kinds, adapted to the vari
on diseases incident to the temperate and tropical i ll
male. The foil w!nj$ comprise tho series of Giaefen
berg Medicines :
Are considered the stand trd Pill of the d iy. and nre
infinitely superior to miy P:ll before the public. They
operate without Irritation on nil the excretions, purg
ing tu 11 md by the towrl, 1 vcr. k'dnrys and skm.
An InTallille remedy for nil diseases of the womb
and urinaiy organs, weakness in the back, pain in the
breast. uervon.iess. dMnlny, etc. In California and
Oregoji, ont of more than a 'tlinuaand caej where this
medicine ha lcn ne.l. it ha in n single liistam-e
failed to ir permanent nlief or to effect a certain
cure. (
A powerful extract. One lx Ilia equal to ten of the
ordinary Sar'anarilia for p iril.iin tue I lood. A sun
cure for srnii'ula. rneitin itum. "ulcer. dypep!a. sal;
rlieura, mercurial diseat-, cutaneous eruptions, Ac.
the Gnv.7. uoi'srAiii oisr Jtr.xr.
Invaluable for bunt, wounds, sprain, chilblain,
sores, swelling, scrofula, ttc. As a Pain Extractor,
it cannot be excelled, an'mling immediate relief from
the mo-st excrulinlma; pains.
rait oa hvsentkut stKfr. .
This extraonlinary article is speedy mid InfallibU-
remwlv In Unitlun, Hcenlerv. t inlera Hortmi. t lioi
era Infantum and the Aiiatic Ch" I .'ra, if t.ikrn with the
tir-t symptom of the diwase. It Is purely vegetable
in lis compound.
For summer Compl lint, and m wt diseases to which
rhil lren are subject. Its true wtrth can never be set
forth In word, Ixit it car. be n It and appreciated bj
parents w!te childien have bceu saved. No Moth
nouta ie w n limit u.
tub GRAr.rr.Mir.Rn rite nmT.
Warranted a certain enre for tMs painful diea
wifh the Ointment there aie very few caes which raii
m t be radirtillv and permatentlr enred. Asursric: !
operation rr I'll " or Fi-t l !imil I nevet lie resorted
to until this Ointment-has been thoroughly tried. It
never fail.
For di-eae of the eve tiii !. tion lia no eouil. It
i a speedv snd positive cine fr itifiA-nmntinti of tli'
eves, wesxnes. dimce audfa:Ing of sight. It will
.il.vays lie Wuelkiul ia s.-uie i-iKainmation of the eye.
ana atso as a sa il on inuan.cii surface.
A pee'y and p w'.tive cure f r this ditreing com
plaint, itie eiMn nre comp vt principaiiv i V"'-
uine. with otiier vegetal le tomes, aiiti-spa-miHlic ami
(ebnfuire art icles. luuusanus have bceu permanent!;
cured y tneir ue.
OKAErrNEERO COKPrjtrTI ve's balm.
Sovereign In altTtronrhial snd Pel nonary Dieae
It is, lyond ell que-tiun. true th::t Consumption is
ctirai.lj Un tt.-e, and tae ton-sumplive liaim is tue bet
curative ever u-d.
oitArrtsnvRO health bitters.
These Bitters nre skilfully and el-'gnnlly prepared
irom a numuer of lavn rati-.iir beiiriy r-t t, ii.r&.
iH-rbs aud Vines. An iuVtil table tottic aud health re
A handsomely printed r'ira pf OT pace, contain
ing conci-e aiol CAliem' iy nm nmi iiiioi: .'i nu
manner ol di-ar. their symptom and treatment
Kverv family shot-Id hare one. Prit wit J" cent.
It will be sent, pot paid, to any post o!flv-e In Califor
nia or Oregon, ou the receipt oi 2i cents by mail orex-
.Ad-lre Rellogton Co., San Frnnci?o.
The ttntefenhem Mclicines are for sel.' by all Drug
gits and Apothecaries throughout the country.'
General Agents fcr Califomi ' and ireg
Wh"lcsal? Prueirt.
No. 107 CI iy street.
Smt ft Davis Agent, Portland.
San Francs co. IK c. 12. tS57. 6m41
Tlie Oregon Statesman.
An Indtpmdmt Jtmrnal, dmittd to ioittic. O'ener al
nlHligrne. J-c., PnNinhtd at Salrm, Ot rgon.
ASAUEL BL'SH. Proprietor. Publisher, aud Editor.
The Htatesma-i is lHsmwratic in politics, end tiioi-
ougniyiatM iiaiin it cuaracu-r. It is bwtue to cvt-rj
rc:c of sectionalism, fanaticism, and iiitoUranie:
and will vijiMMudy oppoee all attempts to incorporate
any of the iusaue israa of the day iuto our
legislation. - ,
It will advocate alt practical measures of lieforni
and Progress, e-oiiomn nl and simple adminMrnliou oi
our I.kmI government ; tailiif. lness, integrity, and c
p.lcitv iu ofii e. and n srstrm of riirid and diret-t ac
counutbility of the fliccr to the people. It will dis
cuss all measures ajritatuig tue public nnnd.'ia a man
ner fearless, impaitia), and iiiHt.
Its News Department will be edited with much
attention, and nothing will lie spared to famish early,
accurate, and comprehensive publication of the cur
rent lulellifreoce.
The Statesman ha a large, .and most
ex'-elleut corj-s of corw.Hiudeiits," aud very complete
acuities lor piocuring news.
Due attention is also paid to the publication of Hiscel
lany. Agricultural and Literarv matter.
In thin paper are puiili-hed tite laws, resolutions. and
treaties ol the L'oitcd Stute. and the laws and resolu
tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. The
pacr ia printed on new material, aud upon a sheet of
the largest size.
The coming year will be the mot important in Ore
gon's history. A State is to be inaugurated, through
wana political contests, and the machinations, of
faction, disuftecti-m. abolitioui-on. and every h-ie of
oppoHition. to overthrow thelUd Democracy. Every
citizen of Oregon should be thoroughly informed o'l
passing events, if he desire to discharge his duly to
the St.itc and the c wintry, intelligently and uprightly.
The Statesman will be an active participant in trans-
irin j political events, and wilt furnish a faithful rec
ord oi tue History ot parties aim pontics.
A a vehicle of Oregta New, the Statesman enjoys
facilities that none or its cotcmjxiniricit do.
Term Three dollars per year, strictly in a lvance:
four dollars, if paid within six months, but not in ad
vance; five dollars, if not paid within six mouths.
These terms we must adhere to, in all caws. Person
sending us money by mail, or ntlierwi-, will please
conform to these terms, adapting the amount to the
time of payment.
The low price at which the pa"pcr i afforded places
it witmn tue rcacn oi an.
Boot and Shoe Store.
1? to the citizens of Salem, and the surround- frt
ine country, that he have taken a store on the ' PC
east side of Commercial street, north of the postoOice.
where he will keep constantly on hand a full assort
ment of every kind of boots and shoes. Initli custom and
sale work, which he will sell at the lowest llvinjr pri
ces-. Being a practical workman, all orders for the
manufacture or repair of work will be complied with,
and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike
manner. Give uic a call and examine my slock.
Salem, March 12. 1S57. - 13tr
ScUool Rooks.
TUST received, a complete assortment of Sanders'
bchool Hooks, together with a larze lot or l liomt)
son's Practical Arithmetics, all of which will be sold
cheap, at the City Jiaofe Store.
E. L. BRADLEY ft Co.
Oregon City, Jan. 1SJ8. ' 4Ctf
For Sale.
THOMPSON'S Arithmetical Tables;
" ' Mental Arithmetics,
" Practical
" : High School Arithmetics.
E. L. BRADLEY ft Co.
Oregon City.Feh., 1858. 48tf
Short Settlements majie long
friends. . . . -
THE old year hasjjmsscd. and we want all those who
know themselves indebted to us to come forward
and settle and set their "New Years" present.
Lion t lorgct tnis; we mean just wnnt we say. -
January!. 1858. 43tf
Education Complete. '
BY 0. S. Fowler. For tale at the City Book Store..
r - - E u BRADLEY ft CoT
D. TTi::::a Ooutlill, .
Will practice In the Bnpremnd District Court
of this BUte.
- omee over Starr' Tin Store. Frontstreet,-e
Jtf Portland, Oregon.
If. n. Cniner,
Albany. O.T.Feh.,15. IW
8. K. Unckles,
Saletn. Novcmlier 0, 1857. 3Hf
William C. Grlswold k. Co.,
o. OKiswoi.n, Jtr o. s. woodwoktii.
- Medical Notice.
ffMIE til!icrllier, would inform the inhabitant that he
X is nt hi old stand, ready to attend to all call in
his profession ; also he has on hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
a.nrted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose
of on reasonable terms. W. tY Alt REN.
Salem Decemuer 1. l.'iR. i;-tf .
Medic I Nollce.
DR. Tt. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, California,
oflrrs his professional services to the citixens fo
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicit a share To
public favor.
OOli e at Reed and Fellow" drug tore.
4y K. W. SHAW.
S. Kllswortli,
US. Supreme and other Court, oaice Eu?ene
. City. Lan County. Oreon Territory. Als'i
Commisofuierof Deeds for New York, Connecticut, Ac.
An.Tt M. I'ol. . tttf
x A. J. Thajcr,
in t:orv.illis. Benton Co., O. T., oppiwite to the
City Hotel In said town. 2!ltf
W. W. lage.
lem, O. T., O B :e, Urt door south of the States
man OHice. up stairs. 2Wf
w. 0- rasa a a.
LAKsrNo rrotT
Fnrrarfc Slout,
2. ' 'hancery and Admiralty.
mr l)fllv-e on Frout street, one door north of the
- Ex -hanire.''
Portland. O.T.. July 10. ia37. Mtf
I. N. Smith.
' Solicitors in Chancery, Corvalli O. T.
I. K. SMITH. 51tf
H. W . Sitehrll.
Bene City, Lane County, tV. T.
San Frnnriica AilTfrthiii; Ascnrjr
rP. FISHFR Iron tn.ildlng. opposite Pacific Expre-s
j . e. upstairs. Files of all the principal Paper nl
Ciiliroroia and Orecon may I found nt this offl.-e. Mr-Fi-iher
is the authorised Asent for the Stalesraau.'
t'hrstrr S. Trrrj,
V. lUMtiouer of Iieinl. and to take testimony, ac
knowledgment. Ac. Ac. for Iowa. Indiana. Missouri.
Michigan. California and Washington Territory. U t
ter of Attorney, and all other limtrumeiir of writing
drawn on. short notice.
fa. Particular attention paid to taking deposition
collet twit of Notes, Account, AC, -M
n. niiag k Grovtf.
r Soltrilora to Chancery. Uiiue near tue nmn-mnw
aiem. 0. 1.
Gro. I. Sliril,
JL Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various
.mat of Oregon aud tva-imtsgton ierrinc. uuice
r-alem. O. 1.
Drlazon Smith.
. Wolb itor in Clmneery. will promptly r.ttemj to al.
msiness iertalning V hi pmfeJon i i the nrst Judicial
I'istnt t. ana neiore tue Miiprenie loun oi uregoa.
IRi.-e. Allwinv. Linn Csuntv. O. T.
N. B. When not nt his office, cr absent on profe
lotial busine. he m-ir be found at his residence, fiv
iiile south-east of Allny, on what is knjtru as the
Urand frain.-'
IT. 8. -Brock,
IY Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the variola
-otirts in thi Territ-rv, aud prompuy attend to the col
lei tion of all claims a'srainst Hie United flutes. tiiriMil,
tu rftlcienl a-reut re-i.iin? at Wahinglon City. Ollbe
in Eatreue City, I Jiue I ounty, 0. 1 1 .
11. K. Stratton, "
ATTORNEY AT LAW. will practice In the variom
courts of ontl em AlreoD, and in the Supremr
Court of the Territory.
Omen in Scottsbursh. rmpqiia county, O. T.
N. B. B untv Land Wat rants obtained lor claimants
n reaonab!e u-rms. latf
e. a. BAKNl m. t. 9. WILSON,
Barniiui It Wilton. ,
f lem.Oreeon. Particular attention is triven to thr
co lection of notes and accounts, and cairns agaiusl
Bounty ljnd Warrant bought and sold.
mr liill -e over Slarkey's 1st ore. 43
II. F. Ilonltain.
XIl Hcc at the Court Hon-. Palem. O. T. Ctf
k. D. Ilnllork,
S ncniTrm ivn m-ii ti-n pnnTt.lvn n T
Dei?ns, piaus, speciticuti'ra, Ac, funiUhed on
nasonaote term.
Campbell k Tratt.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. California
OltL-e, comer M mtgnmcry aud Sacretnento streets
over Puirott A t'o". Bank.
' Messrs. Campbell ft Pratt have lately removed fmm
Oregon, snd will be pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to tueir caie. 3iti
Alexander Caxpbell. O. C. Pbatt.
S. Hamilton, 31. D.
PHYSICIAN AND SUUGEON. would respectfullv
announce tu the good people of Douglas and the ad
loiiiinir counties, that he has located permanently at
Deer Creek for the purpose of practicing medicine, ami
in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all
duties, aud spare no pains to render tue patient easy
and comfortable.
Office opposite It. II. Dearborn ft Co.'s store, on
Mam street.
Drugs and Patent Medicines Tor sale at law trth pri
en. 4tf
Attention Farmers.
will psv tho highest market price "in onsh'Tor
wheat. U1SACH ft llOUUK.
Corinthian Lodge
VF Ansient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold
tbeir regular commuuicatioiis on tlie 1 nursdar
nisht -liefiirc the full of tlie moou of each month, ex
cept when it full on Thursday night, tbeu on that
night in Albany, O. T.
Brethren iu good standing are cordially Invited to at
tend. . DEL AZ0N S:JlTil, W. M.
Si'itiNontt, Sec'y. 37tf
pvEEPS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of
U scrip, tax receipt, tiual pmois.ann iuitiiication:
a new lot just priuted and for sale at the Statesman
July 37, ls57. !0tf
Look Here! ' ,
E have just received fW.OOO lbs. nf ground alum
salt, which we are selling ot fS.fin per hundred.
TT.XTED in exchange for cash or merchandise, 100
Vv bushels of good apples, to be delivered by the
10th f August highest price paid. V.. E.COLK.
TTTAN I ED in exchonRe. for mert hnndise or on ar-
VV count 10,000 lbs. good butter, for which I will
pay the market price. , O. tt. COLE.
Dickinson Type Foundry.
PHELPS ft D ALTON. B iston. L.P. Fisher. Agent,
San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads,
rule, Ac.
August S5.1857. 24tf
Orleans Warehouse.
ULEANS Ware House, opposite Corvallis, for rent
imi isaai; nuuitfi.
MACKEREL and codfish, at
(42tf) W. K. SMITH ft Cs's.
lAROLIN A rice, and syrup to sweeten it in 6 gallon
V Kegs, at
W. K. SMITH ft Co's.
SALT, sal soda, and sassafras, at
(42tO VV. K. SMJTH ft Co's.
CHICKENS 10,000 wanted, for which the highest
market price will be paid. Enquire at
it? n. si fvir.t"a;D
Oregon Statutes.
BOUND volume for sale at John Fleming's, Oregon
City, and A.R. Shipley's, Portland. Price. 15 00.
A lao law of last sesaioD-l 00.
Dc.lT,1847. , 4Uf
' Mast Pronper
WHEREAS, In the course of Human Event , It
becomes necessary that there should be a thoro'
We give notice that for the accomplishment of this
object we hereby dcehire UNCEASING snd UN
and limn PiticKS. Our war will not be a war of words,
hut of Action; and although we expert to excite the
envy and opposition of onr brethren in trade, we shall
pursue such a ciursc as will this the
And we cheerfully invite all who wish to liny goods at
the LOWES r" POSSIBLE price, toan examination
of onr
Embracing an Exhibition of the Indu-try of every
Nntion. which dazrle by their Bit I I.LI ANCY of Color
and GKOiiUEOUSNESS of deijrn, and mi-st tlOiTE
the sdmihatiok of all lovers of the beautiful.
We have "purple and Hue linen" and th MOST
Designed expressly to adorn the persons of the gentler
sex. So IlKAtTiri't,. Indeed, that we can truly say,
alter our good have been purchased and lilted to the
diiACKrt'i. roKus of our rain ct'sniMKi-.s,"
Tuat Solomon iu all bis Glory was nut arrayed like
one of these."
We nl-ui unite the useful with the beautiful, and can
supply the most solid nud substantial of
In nil the departments of Household economy, enter
taining the most profound respect for he Oiwd BOfSK
wirn. We havo taken L'NUsHIAL pains to provide an
i-sortinciit of
Which in qualltv and price should entitle us to the
srratihideof ail Who love to buy the BEST GOODS at
In all our purchases we have heen guided by a desire
to give our
the full benefit of erervttiiiiB which wa
and mo-t REASONABLE in price.
nd nnw haviii-: performed onr duty as yom agent,we
CONFIDENT!. i luvitean examination or our
spring and summer goods..
We have not time to go into nn enumeration of the
many bargain we are offering. 7ttaJfi trill eeethem:
rnouAsiM wiliokt tuk i:N:riT or Turn; arid will
aid n in our war, ate against all
rtespestfuHv Ltvilin? the nvst thorough sccrttiny
md esteeming it a plersure to show good, we are
the public obedient servants.
Awaiting we remain.
Your most re pe t'ullv.
W. O. GltlSWOLD & Co.
Salem. April 2.1i,1. - 7tf
IN'vbTcs ft Iloarc's Varnishes.
Adams Boston Brashes.
FCCvMIST river do.
TIIJZAX.VS and other Colors.
San Fran. March, !WS.
JiiIiii llanrjvf'fc
GOOD FOR M AN OB BEAST. This penetrating
Liiiiiiieut . ss it is rubbed -u by the hau J ir a piece
tf flannel is absorbed through the same i-hannei reaches
the seat f iutlainatkm and suMuesit. Every sjiecies of
exterior irrit ttion is nub Kiy reducetl iy tlie api iicatinn
I Ibis Liniment. The cO'ect if this remedy on
iEUeumatisut, luugtvorn, e-sreilea ejantl-. I rw-t bites.
oie urea-t. Sire beatls. iore throats .sores of all kind,
-praius, sti!T j iut. nicer. tootb.iche, swtlliogs ol the
oml-s or body pain in the spine or back, poison oak,
Jr.. i a!mo-t miracul m.
It is g'tod InrBigheal, Biirhoaldcr. Swiney. Sprains,
.'h' lic iu horse in fact all diseases where external ap
plication is required.
The proprietor send rliis Liniment before the public
to stand or fall, on its own merits. He only ask that
t mav receive a fair trial by the public. It can be ob
tained by anplyhis in person or bv letter to the address
5 J St.. Corvallis. 1 ireon.
N. B. Demand from a disMnce accompanied by the
nmier, will be promptly attended to and the Liniment
nt up and forwarded according to directions. A Ii'-
eral discount will be made to whodesale dealers and
.arsons imrrhasing htrce utiantities. lletail uriceol
-j le -tic Liniment, lifl y cents per buttle, for further par-
iici i n ouuresa propiieior.
Corvallis, April, lsda. Jy5
San Francisco Advertising Jgrncr.
LP. FISHES, tJIJ Washington St..nearly opposite
Mu-iriiire'a Opera House, up stairs. Files of all
tue nriucip tl Papers of California and Oregon may Le
.ouui nt i uis nmce.
L. P. I- ISM Kit is the authorized Agent of th
Obkoon Btatkfuas ;
Marystille Herald;
Sacramento I'nion;
San Joaquin Ilepublican. Stockton;
I'acilic t:th.idist, Stockt ju;
Nevada Journal;
Hon ra Heisbl;
Or lasVailev Telegraph
Bed Bluff llcic in;
Columbia Oarette;
Mount i i n 1 leiiiiK-rnt , PlacerTille ;
Tiolmune Courier: ;
talavcras Cbnmicle. Mokelumne Mill;
El Dorado Pernocrat;
Pbasta Courier;
Mariposa l.'azcttc;
Yreha Weekly Union;
Trinity Journal, Weavervillc;
Iowa hill News;
Weekly Ijsdircy. Jackson;
San Jose Telegraph;
Sonoma County Journal;
Folso n Dispatch;
California Mining Jonraal;
Ls Anwles Star; . .?
Santa B trluira Gazette; '
Sail Herald; '
AIiiiciIh t'jetttty Oazcltc;
Placer Courier", Yankee Jim's; ?
Napa County Reporter;
SiciA Dern'M-rat, Downeville) -Hniwjnldt
Times; '
Oregonian. Portland, O. T-;
Jtcksoiiville Herald. Jacksonville. O. T.;
Pioneer and Democrat, Olympia.VA T.;
Wasliiaston llepubliban, Stcilacoora,. W. T.;
Poyncsian, If-iiiuliilu, S. 1.:
Paoillo Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu 8. 1.;
Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico;
. Pacific Chrisiau Advocate, Portland, O. T.;
Ilonjrkong Itcgister.
L. P. F. ha now camnlcted hU arrangements for
the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal
largest circulating Journals aud Newspapers published
in tlie Atlantic htatos.
A fine opportunity is here offered to those who wi.-b
totadvertise in any part of the Union, of doins so at
the lowest rates, ayd in a prompt and satisfactory man
ner. -
Ansmrt 23. 157. 24tf'
Somethingr New
E. L. BRADLEY A Co., baro 'just received a large
lot of hand-books for home improvement; com
iirisinsr how to write, how to talk, how to behave, how
to do business, in one volume; will be sent free of post
age to any part of Oregon, on receipt of tl.
' Address K.b. BKaULCi,
City Book Store, Oregon City.
Dec. 20, IS57, . . 3tf
Books! Books!
EL. BRADLEY A Co., have recently received
. large 1 it of Fowlers-and Wells publications.
Take . notice all ye that are sick, water (cure) is
powerful nice thing in a family. -, . -
llec. ZU, 1807. 3U
s. ladd. Portland. J. . ladd, San Francisco.
W. S. add ft. Co. V
IMPORTERS and dealer ia Wine, Liquor, sad Gro
ceries, Portland, Oregon
Jan. ft, hub. . mii
PRIVATE rnedicu and sorgical Institute, Sacramento
street, below Montaomery, opposite Pacilic Mail
Steamship Co's office, San Francisco, California. Es
tablished in la54, for the permanent cure of all Private
and Chronic Dieases,ana the suppression of Quackery.
Attending and Iiesldent Physician 1.. J. CZAPKAY,
M. D., Inte in the Hungarian Kcvolntionary War. Chief
Physician to the 2f!th IteKiiuent of Honveds, rhief Sur-
treon to the Military Hospital of Pesth, and late lec
turer on Diseases of women and children.
his sincere thanks to hi numerous nntients for their
patmtiaRe, and would take this opportunity to remind
thein that be continues to C"iinlt at his Institute for the
cure of Chronic diseases of the Lungs Li vers .Kidneys ,di
crestive and eenitive orjranS, and all private diseases,
viz ; Syphilitic ulcer, gonorrhoea, elect, strictures,
neminal weakness aud all the horrid consequences nf
self abuse, and he hopes that his long experience and
snccesKiiit practice tu many yeaT. win c'lntinue
to ensure him a share of public pntrouage.
Uy tue practice or many year in r.nrope and
the United States, and during the Hungarian war and
campaigns, he is enabled to apply the m st efficient
and successful remedies asainst diseases of all kind.
He uses no mercury charge moderate -.-treats hi pa
tients m a correct and boiiorab'e way has reference
of nTjuestionaiile veracity from men of known re-pect
ability and hleh standing in society. All parties con
ailtinjr him. by letter or otherwise, will receive the
best and Rentle-t treatment, and implicit secresy.
To tub LanrE op Orsuo-j and Camsoksia. L. J
CiArxAT, M. D.,I'hydcian Sitrpptm and Acconi
Tite the attention of the sick and aliiii-tcd females la-
borlnjr under any of the various form of diseases ol t!ie
brain. Inn?. hrt. stomach, liver, .womb, blood, kiii
nrys.and all diseases peculiar to tlieir sex. The Doc
tor is cfTectjng more permanent cures than any tlier
physician In ore?on or t'aiiiurnia. iet it lalse aclica'-f
prevent yon. hut apply imrneuiaieiy, ana wire roerseb
from painful snfTeriiiB and premature death. AH mar
ried ladies, who-e delicate health orotherein-nm-tances
do not allow to have an Increa-e in their families should
write or eall at Dr. L. J. f.'z ipkay )leiic I In-titute,
saeramcnto St.. below Montgomery, opp.-ite P. M. S. S.
t'o iotee4Uid tuey wuirecetee every p omit-ien lit-raud
help. The Dwtor's OBces are so arranged that he can
ie consulted without moie-tation. I2ra3
A! consultations I by letter or otherwise,) free.
Address to D1L LJ. CZAPKAY,
Medical Institute. San Francisco. Cal.
LIEF. Below we publish the certificates of two
! tbe sufferers from the pang of disease, who havinc
recovered their former health, and impelled by prati
tud, make known tlieir ca-e and remt-lil asvvl, and
their statements are authenticated by a iiutary Public.
The demands of S.-ciety imperioa!y cumin mil tlieir
publicity, ai d we comme.'n their perusal to the atten
tiuu of ill afflicted :
The onderslttned. deirous of aeq-raintinir thns who
nmy 1 onlortunate o be similarly aCHi-ted.
where a permanent reliel ci their siilienng may be
obtained, feel it hi luty to thus publicly expre
hi most siii- ere gratitude to .Dr. 1. J. Canpkay. lor the
derinauent recovery sf his be.;lth. B ne il-mu by tbe
distressing symptom incident to tlie vk-iou practice f
anrontrollable passion in youth ; tlepresscd in body and
mind ; nnable Ut perfortu even the tiiot trifling'duU
imposed opou the daily avocations of life, I souiilittlil
advice of many physician. wb- at first regarded my
disease as of triliiug importance but al t-; alter a lew
week, and in seveml instances months, oi tlieir treat
ment, I fuund t my uuutU-rable Iiupt, that iustead o!
relief, tbe symptoms IsM-ame more aiariuoi! in theii
torture; aud bein. tld by one that my uisease. being
principally confined to the" brain, medicine would be oi
l ttle coiieqm-nce.- I despaired ot ever reffaiuing my
healtn. Ktreij;!ii arfd enerty t and. e a last reoirt, anti
wh but a laiet h pe, called upon Dr. Czapkay. who.
f er examining my c-e. pre.i-riled soi metlicii;
wuicli almost iustantly relieved me of the dull pain
snd dijosiue in my head. Knsimragcd by tiii resuit.
I resolred to lace myself iminediateiy under his care,
and by a strict obedience to bis directions and ad vice,
my lie-jd b;;a me clear, my idea cd et led, the constant
pain in my back and groins, the weakness of my limbs,
tbe nervous reartion of my wlu.le botiy on the slight
est alarm r excitement: "tlie misaiitCrtipy and evil
forebiHiins's: the self distrust and waiit nl confidence
in others: t!ic incapacity Ut study, and want of resolu
tion; tbe frightful, exciting, and" at times pleasurable
dream at night, followed by involuntary discharges
have all disapjieared: end in'fart. in two months alter
imvuic consulted the Doi-t-r. I felt as if inspired by
a new life that life which, but a fhiwt time ago, I con
templated to end with my own hand. .
tVith a viewt guard tbe unfortunate firm fallinV
into the snan- of i'lcoiupi-teat quack.. I deem it mi
daty to oflV-r this tctim'uiy to tiie toerit and skill o
Dr.'Caspksy. and recommend him to ail who may stand
in med of in&iical advice. Iieiuij assured by my owu
experience, that once trnder his care, a radical and
permanent cifre will be eflectcd.
S"ste of Califiirnia. Connty of San Fnnciseo. SkH
irrilied and Sworu to before tiie, this 17th day of April,
A.D.1S56. (Si?oei)
Sotarv I'ubiic.
CARD. ' '
Prompted by an honest desire of my heart. I wifb to
lay before the public a case which deserve a hish com
mendation, not only a an act ! scientific skiil, but
that of humanity, also. A hunt two years ajro. 1 sul-di-nly.
and troni causes: unknown t-j me. was se zed with
a lit of EPILEPST. which, owing to my inabiliry to meet
the expenses consequent upon a thorough medics I treat
ment, and tlie discouragement which I met with on
attempting it,sii lcametich (as I was then led to
!ieve.) as to defy the skill T any physician. I was
frequently while in pursuit of my railing, thrown down
to the ground without the slightest warning, and al
though insensible to th1? asonies.yet I despised the mis
ery of ray existence- While in thr state, and having
orevious to my aiBction t;sted the sweets of life. I tnce
in-ire was induced to attempt seeking aid of a physician,
and, by reL-nmmcndation. called noon Dr. L.J. Cxsp
kay. ftold him mr cirrnmstjuces. and my tuahility
to reward him for hi service-? regardless tiT which,
however, lie at once nock-Hook rny case, and with the
lessing of God. I was once m-ire restored to perfect
health. L'nable to reward him for the boon which I
enjoy at present, and yet c-msebms of my indebted
ness. I consider it due to myself and to all afflicted, to
nake thacase public, in tirder that t'uose in need of
inedical advice may find a physician in wlmm every
confidence can be placed.
State of California. I
County of Kin Francisco, f
Sulm-fibed and swora to before me this first day of
August, A. L. Gii.bkrt A. Ohant.
- Ifwtary Public. l. s.J
PERMATORRHfA.or Local Weakncss.ncrvons de
bility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of "Hie limli
and back. iudiositinn and incapacity for labor and
stuoy.ouiiuessoi a pppetite. loss of memory, sversitinti
society, love ol solitude, timidity.sclfdistrust. dizziness.
Headache, pains in tiie side, affection of the eves, nim
pics on the far, sexual and otheriulirmitres in man. are
eired withoutfai! bv tiie justly celebrated physician and
s.irgeon. L. J. Caapkar. His method of curiiijr diseases
i new (unknown to others) sod hence the great sac
Cess. All consnltatfons, by letter or otherwise, free.
Address, L. J. CZAPKAY. M.D..
Sn Francisco. Csl.
Tbr Grratcst Disrovrry of the Ait.
f1 REAT Blessinff to Mankind! Innocent but Potent!
VT DR. CZAPKAY'S PirBH,ACTicia. (self-disinfec
ting agent.) a sure preventive against tionorrliteal
and Syphilitic diseases, and a ceitaln and unsur
passed remedy for all venerea Lcrf"5Mr icangreilmrs
and cancerous ulcers, footed discharges from vasiua.
-uterus and urethra, and all cutannus cr,iptionsand dis
eases, as innoculation is preventive against smai) pox
so is Dr.Czapkay s Prophylacticnm a preventive against
sypiiuiuc and uonorrntcai diseases. Harmless iu it
self, it possesses the power of chemically destroying
me sypniiitic vims, and tnejreuy saving thousands of
debauchees irom beins miected by tlie most loathsome
of all diseases. It no -young man who appreciates
health be without Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticnm. It
is iu' very convenient packages, and will be found con
venient for use, being used as a soap. Price, 1 5. For
sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay s Private Medical aud Surgi
cal liistitutc. Sacramento St., below Muufcronserv. ootio-
site P. M. Co's. office, San Francisco.
Ail letters must be addressed to L. J. Czankay, M-D-.
rSan Francisco. -
DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical
Institute. Sacramento St.. below Montgomery oiipu-
site Pacilic Maill Stearaihip Co.' Office, San ("r.nicisco.
The Doctor offers free consultation, and asks no remu
neration unless he effects a cure. Office hours from
! A.M.toSP.M. .
I. the undersigned. Governor of Hant-arv. do testify
hereby .that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has served durinjr the con
test for Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Htm
unriaii army. with faithful perseverance whereof I have
aiven him this certificate, and do recommend him to
the sympathy, attention and protection of all those
who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice.
and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS.
, . Governor of Hungary.
Washington City, Jan. 6, 1852.
Persons not wishine to lose time in rorres Bond
ing, please enclose $10 in their letters, and they will
get immediate attention to their cases.
Address, . L. J, CZAPKAY. M.
San Franeisco. Cal.
April. 1858 3m
WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise
20.000 lbs. of bacon for which I will par thi
highest price. .
TAX receipt blanks fee sale at the Statesman office
at $1 per hundred. -
LADIES' cloaks, latest style, for sale cheap at
- 42tfJ W. K.SMITH ft Or.
Paints. Oiloi
WE would call the attention of Dealer t- onr Urg
and well selected stork of
Consi.-ting In rart, of -
WH1TK I.KAUJewett S.Atlantic. Forest River and
fctiB Hsu pure; gronna in oil, in kegs and tin;
A aw rted brand. do. . a a...
LINSEED OIL Boiled and Raw. in bblaand cases;
NEATSFOOT OIL In cases and bbla;
ALCOHOL 1 1 cases and bbls, 95pc.;
W I X IU VV-O I. ASS 50tt boxes Morted sizes snd good
quality, double and single, thick; mlso Hate Glass;
VARNISH Rnglfcb and American, coach & furniture;
oHUSHKh a large assortment or every una, of th
best manufacturers;
GOLD LEAF Extra and double deep, manufactured
expressly to our own order for this market;
SILVER LEAP AND BROXZE of the best quality;
COLORS Tiemann's, lewis'. Ac- dry, and groand ia
oil and packed in assorted caws:
OLTJE Eastern and California make, in bulk;
VERM I LION Trieste. Chinese. American, English; .
ARTISTS M ATERiAI J3 A well selected assortment.
Also Chalk. Whititijr. Putty, Ac, Ac'., Ac.
We have also, constantly on hand CAMPHE2TB,
feft dulilled, in tin.
BURNINO OILS- Kenned and bleached. Sperm, Lard,
Polar, China, pure, in barrel and cases:
BCRNINO FLUID Fresh distilled:
MACHINE OIL Excellent quality in l.b's and 1 bbl.
105, Front St., San Francisco, CaTa.
March. 158.. 3m53
Moffat's Life Pills
THE best family medicine now before the fsabtie, foe.
the cure of Scrofula. Ulcer. Scurvy, or Eruptions
of the Skiu, Fever and Ague. Dypepia. Dropsy, and),
in fact most all disease soon yield to tbeir caraUv
It ha been com pn ted that during r he last tweirtg-Bvt
years upward of Four Millions of persons have been,
iienefitted by the use of these medicines; a fact which,
.peaks volumes in favor f their curative properties a
simile trial will place them beyond tbe reach of com-,
petition in the e-iimate of every patient. By their use
the 1.1 Kd is restored to a healthy state and freed from -ill
iinmritie. The system is not reduced during tbeir.
ipemtmn. but ictig'trated . and they require no ro
tiaiiitfrom b-jsinrss or pleasure.
The aftlit ted have in these medicines a remedy that
w;i! do for them all that medicine can povsibly effect.'
Prepared by W. B. Moffat. New York.
And for. "ale by JOHN FLEM1XG, at tbe Oregon'
City Post Office Buiding.
On-iron City, March. Ifi'.S. . lySl
Liivery and Sale Stable.
IITE are now keeping a Livery stable in
VV Oregon City, where 1oksks can al-
sravs lie obtained n lileRil term.
We am ulso orenared with excellent sta-
ole. wt-H supplied with hay and oats, to keep horse
iy d iv or week. Those who call npon u may feci as-'
i:rej'th it every attention wul 1 fc-fVen to horses left
in our charie.' GIBSON A POTTER.
August 11. 1S37. S2tf
Salem Tannery,
r"HEsolscriis?rs have purcna-ed ti e Tancer - Sa
I lem, formerly belumrtuic to Kli-ha S i'-rrg. All d
scrptions of h?ather will be kept con-tantly on hand
md the hizhe-t price, in ca-h or leather, will at al
times be paid for hides and bark.
S3lemHOct.2i,13S7. Iy33patd
City Hotel, CorTBlIis.
YVTOULlI announce to the citizens of Corvallis, and
V V the travelling public eenerally. that they have
thoroughly refitted this weil known establishment, and
ore now prepared for the aiarommt-dation of customers.
The r mm nave all been newly refurtiisbed. the bed
lean and comfortable, and their table will be furnish .
ed with the best the market affords.
Corvalli. Ang. 30, 1357. I5yl
New Store and Hew Goods.
At Oat'ond. Mttkenty Ferry, O. T.
ALBERT ZtEBER, Denk-r in dry goods, groceries,
erw-kery, hardware, produce. Ac.
llaviu I parch sed the jt ck in trade of G. E. Getch
e?l, together with tbe premises known as Metheney's
Ferry, on the Willamette river, and having bniit a nevr
storehouse, and replenished the stot k of Roods on hand,
now offers to exchange, far produce or cash, an assort
ment of
Dry good. consisting of clothing, cassi meres, satit
iietu". slieetinff. shirting, and fancy goods; hat and
cap, boots and shoes, erocerie in variety, with spices.,
nuts, raisin, and candies; aint. ofi-s. medicines, per
:"urr.ery. crockery, tinware, hollow-ware, sti-ves. hard
ware! cutlery, aud many other articles to meet the want
of tlie public.
He has slso moved and repaired his warehouse, so
that he is now- prepared to purcha-e or take in storajre,
rrfiuntry prodm-e, which lie can discharge by a slide to
steamers' de- k. without loss orexp-nse of drayage.
And 'ls?ine determined to constantly keep on 'hand a
good supply of such goods a the country trade may re
quire, be t-eiieve he caa make it an object for the peo
ple in hit vicinity t- extend hire their patronage.
e No diffrent-e mtdeia the price of goods, wheth
er soid fr cash or produce,
October?. 157. SOtf
C. B. Pillow.
DEALER in clock, watches and jewelry. Sa
lem. O. T. Particular attention paid to the
repairing of watches arid clorK. AH wors war
ranted. Jewelry repaired st short netice.
Watches and clocks, S day strikipjr clock at a very
low price ; alio 30 bomr marine clacks.
Ladies and cents Brooches. Finper Rings, Ear Riag.
Gold Buckle. Ouard Chains. Ac, Ac.
Salem. July S. 157. 17tf
Allan & Lewi,
A STORE room in Orleans, a first rate stand for a
produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse and store
wiil be rented togelbtr if required.
TL'RT received snd for sale at the City Book Store.
J Welsters Unabridged Quarto and Hierh School Die
tkmaries- E. L. BRADLEY A Co.
Oreson City, Jan. 1S5. " 4tf
San Iancico. - J " Portland, O. T.
Richards & McCraUen.
Fbiur. tiraia. Produce, Frait. Pork. Bacon. Lard,
Ham. Ac, Ac. Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. IJberal advances made on consignment. -No.
41 Sacramento street, below Front, Saa Francisco
January 27. 1-J57. 6tf
COTTON rope, for 1 -tbes :ines. and smsll rope for
halU-rs,at 2tQ W. K. SMITH A Co'.
School Bo ojes.
JUST received st tlie City Book Store, in Oregon City,
Jiirert from tbe PubHrhtrt:
KANDtiK'S Primers; I
- Speilers. old and new series;
' lst.2il A :ld Rejdcra,old and new series;
" High School
" Y'ounz Ladies "
WILSOX'S Outlines oj History:
" TJ. S. Hisory, school edition;
U. S. " A mcri. educational series; -14
Juvinile History, school edition;
PARLEY'S Cniversal History;
COMSTOCK'S Natural History ; ' ' " .
And many other gootf icerlo too numerous to mention
Dealers aud Teacherare requested to ?ive ns a call.
Oregon City. Feb.. 1S53. tf
The City Book Store
W. K EX VOX & Co.,
Sttnt in SA LEM. and are now prepared to fur
nish all kinds of School and Miscelaneoas Books, and
Stationary at reduced price. . ,
Our stock is NEW, and is being increased weekly. -with
fresh arrivals.
We are ppared to furnish new and rare worta, as"
early as can bedone hy any hoas in Oregon.
Teacbkks can be furnished at reasonable rates, by"
the quantity.
Those wishing anything in our line would do well to'
srive us a jail at the City Book Store ia the XefcBuild''
ing under Kenyon's Photographic and Ambrotypa
Gallery. W. KEN YON A Co.
Salem, March, 1858. 52tf
NewlSoods at Nevr Price.
WK. SMITH A Co. would inform their patrtmsv
and the public generally, that they have just
received a large addition to their stock of goods.which
they will exchange for produce, or cash, on the most
favorable terms. Tbey have now a complete assort-'
ment of dry goods, which they will sell
C heaper than any other store in Salem.
Their stock of boots and shoes is equal to any to be
found in Salem, consisting of men's aud boy's coarse
ana Due wi"w, ure-u a auu uuj a pducii: jaoiea doois.
shoes, and clippers, children and infanta shoes men'
ladies, and misses robber overshoes, and in short, any
thing in the boot and shoe line that eaa be desired.
Their stock of groceries is also full, consisting- of
coffee, green and black teas, crushed and brown sugar,
syrup, saleratus in bulk, cream of tartar, salt, aoap, to
bacco, sago, starch, tapioca, macaroni, raisins, and
sweet oil, all of which will be sold cheap tor cash ot
country produce.
Purchasers will do well to call and examine onr stock
before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to
give onr customers satisfaction in the quality and pri
ces of our good. 42tf
ICKLES and pepper sauce, wash-beards and sand
paper, at titf W. K. SMITH A Co s.
AILS, glass, and window sash, at
latrj w. Jl. smith & Co "v-
J42tfJ w, K.t-34J n K bO.
reen City, Jan.lSiP. fUf