v A.SoMt. F. Babtzls, D. Smith. ILIUblbt. Willamette Iron Works, OREGON' CITY, OREGON. WE beg to Inform the pntl.'e ot Oregon and Wash Ingion Trrrit irte tint have completed our Foundry, Builrr. Blacksmith, pattern and Machine hep. and are prepared tu build ENGINES, BOlt.KlU. SAWMILLS. ANI A 1. 1. Other kind of machinery. Our hii.lnc.ta connection la the Eastern St ites.the ureal convenience of our 1-w eality, the superiority end number of our machines, then of water power Inst? ad of sieant, snd the per fect knowledge all branches of onrbiMiarM will cit able n to eampete with CultUrnia. Inviting the puhlie t rive us a call and favor u with their patronage, we prombe to execute their order on the shortest notice and at San Franrir price. A. ltUSSl A Co. May. 1S5.. j,j Herring's Patent Champion FIRE-PROOF SAFES WITH Haifa Patent PowdorTrvW I.-j-ki the same that were awarded separate mtd'liattbe B'orM'i Fair. London. 11. and the WoilJ'e Fair, New York. 18 S and are the onlv Anrrinn Safe that were award ed medal at the London Wnr!d fair. Thee safe form the roost perfect security Kg aiuat Fire and Bnrgltr. of any safe ever offered to the tul lle. and ean only be had of the subscriber .and their agent, who have on hand and make tn order, all klnda of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Cheata and Vault, Van It Doora and Money Bi'ns, or Chests for Brokers, Jeweler aod Private Families, for Plate. Uiamnn.li. and other valuable. And are sl-o Patentee (he pur chase) and msnnfict irer of JONES' PATENTFER HUTATION BANK LOCK. . Agnt E. Fitzgerald A Co.; and W. 0. Wendell, Baa Franciaoa, Calilornla. s. c. herring Co.. .Vo. 1 Broadway, cor. Afarr. St. A'. Y. May. ItU. em For Hale. THE undersigned ofler for ea!e. their plen?ed mill property, being about 1 mil! west of Dallas, Polk Co.. being the samo propery lormerly owned by J. W. Nemitu. consisting of a grist mill in good order, doing a heavy busine, perhaps twice aa match a any ether mill In the nmr-.ty. SiJ acre of excellent l.ind, about (t acre of which are inclosed, a tnnj orchard, grafted and hearing 'rt.lt. Ten good daeliing house, tore h-ne. bam. and other oat hail.liv.g. Alt cue hundred head of ho0-j. For further patti-ol-tv ee 'M. P LEWIS, at ldl.t.or J. II. LEWIS, oa the premise. April . m. ret E. Pelton, Geo. II Jones &Co. ARE prepared t- d-i a renera! commission bxhra on New York and other Atlar.ticrlties. Particular attention will le Riven to the purchase of K.ioda for merchant. Patties bavrrg any hnaii e-ut transaction In the AtltntieSr tte. and wanting an agent that w.U srlee personal attantioa ii lUe aame, ill do well to !!- w-OCT -e at B trenm & WiUna'e Law Office Salem. Mirvh S I. IS3-S. jti rvoticf. ALLperon hain.t -i!m .4rl!:i.t t'oo Territory -crowine; on of tiie action rf the Penitentinty Commisi.tnerA In the emtn of Mid Penitenttrv are hereby ot!fiej j Hie their Jid rla:m w.th t'ie clerk vf the Iitnct Comt. fcrthe id JrdiHsl Dm- vici aitotn 8J mv ir,m t tf date hereof, -rt be f.r rer barred' and al t aerve ropict .fil.ii n filed pan D. W". Dnithit. Ej.. wh- h.ia l een ap-nimed bv w w in rcicrenc irrere-i on i eUJ.lt ol tne 1 ert . . ... u, H- w ILLIAK3. (teir. Pate4 Aprd J. A.T.. 1S3S. SmJ JLook ller! fllllit. ubcrihor would Inform ths pMic that h X die entirely a Cunimioitioti Dnsine, an tberer.e has ni g-xi-H of ki r,B t interfere with eomiioeiM. tiivioia fire trW bnildinc and a larce HORACE Gl'KL. ira.JhtM St., oil lYatcittOk a aaw V . V W. B CariLt Orejm Cilv J. P. Ksuit. r.r:Und Z. X. STAX.'UOiiV. F&iei'd; Aitnt, Por.ltr. J Swrrwdwo. Apnl.l Vit. lvi War Scrip. TTOT-DEHS of War S-.-r"r cart te.-t're the ervice o Al t. r t'3. Ce.i. K. J.',4lV,i present t:te: pi 7' " a.:i.:Ki-n j.-r pr)meiu. tveoeir.t ptvcn i cjwrj r.-.i c-.sn af.ejn- n rnre in so.iie carf vj n .-o ai BimnaJt wuoq i Law Oti:. Sjiem. March S3. l?S . jtf w. a. taco, fott.av.a. j. w. hed, 6a t ra.icic W. S. Lartd & Co. B-Fptrg and Ccsnukn 'Jax'.sinii, Pa t'a: . Cr j-it T I5r.lt AL advance ri.-..e ct H eonairrtniei.t ot O no. i j. Sv.ta 'treet. enr Y'.ik, wi'.l recvi e ar.d lor- wj.ti aii.da ana marl.irery. adarewed t- cur cji Tie San Franciaco.cr cliivvt to OrerB. Jtn. 0 4ttf Wooden Ware, Brooms, Backet! BRUSHES, Clothes Lines 31aclie, &c. Ia a'.! t!-e r Tr'etie., us UiJO COXiTAXTLV AB.11VIXG FROM thi: east. For a!e at lowe-t. ard Wh: Iei.iV pri . t ta TfioJ Willeir Were Esiatlisfcnif-nl Of IXAWX1IURST & SON", SJ Sacra -ceto St.. t-cl w Fro-t. BAX FKAXCICC). CAL. Baa Fiau.. rb 3-"S. n(t WW 7. M - - S JOU.VA. KITTUEUUC, 1TAXCKACTCKEn of Flre rr' f P v rt. ShutfTt JLvX Vanlt,4, ie.,i-o. Bat.ery, r.car l'acidc street Ban Eracci-.?o. N. B Order ffira t"-.e conntry promptly atteaJed A lsre a--snrtmnt of re-.-nd hand T.vira ard S'u.t teni corttiantlv on iu-.d, lor at dry iuui rate. March. l'3jj. 6:52 A GEM for t.:e proseeuti-in cf claims ft W'a.-fc ing- grea ana tae cot.rtor i im. ui ; irnd t t:ie t- tiemeut or aocnn? of Mir i! i!. ui-trt.-t Att ircey. aid other Fetieral oij..-er. and of cnlrjtct-r wilh tiie Poetaffi-.e and otaer Lerartmnt: '.-o. to the procur ing ot Patent for Lmd. I j.nd Wurrauts, ami .--her fcu- ajnesa of a General Aeen-v. Keter to Gen.-J-vse'-.h Lane. Ore?n Tf rritirv: ? v. T J o. IT. I - . . . . . cjHen. t 4Hninijifta ler.; ti.n. m . rl. .McAl lister, K'n. Ogden H. " nan and R. Autr. Thonipon. of ojin r rsnciaco. t uon. janes tiutnre. imiisviue Ky., and to the Officers genenlly of the Treasury and T rv . . . 1 1 - i ' . wwtivr ieparcneni at n asfitnjzsofi. Addresa L.Q. WASIIISGTOX. lyi$ Wa-hincton r. C Corvallia Drug Store. T R-CARDWELL.Dnisrj-i-t and Apothecary. I eon- a manuy receinnir, per California atearnera. Iurp e ana carefully selected atocke of Drue and Medicine, Oils. Paints. Varawh. Soaps. Perrumerie. T.'llet Far, niture. Swttionery. and all article an:tllr kept in Ding Store. A ?ent for Jayne, and "ther patent medicines. waicn wm dc inrninei at caiiiornia, wnniesale pnees. W ORDERS SOLICITED. " J. R. CARDWFLL. Corvania. May 23. 1837. . 12?f Notice. COBVALLIS Ware Hjusc, No. l.we offer for rent. IS A AC MOORE, or WAYMAN St.CLaIR. In connection witi the above we have a pork house lgtf VOORE St. CLAIR. Cash Sfttem Adopted. VTO more credit will be given bv rae. and those In- 11 dewed to me, wn nave not made arrangements payucir accoonu in p.irK or otuer produce, will pteiae call and make payment or settle bv note, as I usena ciosin? my oooks. G.E. CuLE. Corralli. Sent. 8. 1SA7. Mtt Dr. Kriechbaum-s Hungarian nA!3 PRESEEVEIL TJOtl the Bestoration. Beanty and Preervatoii of the -a. tiair. I nis preparation removes all barstineas and oryneas of the hair, by eiciting the scalp to a new and bealthy a-tkn. and cl.?ane it from ecnif and dindrnff: prevent the hair from fallioff off and gettin? gray, bat the mot remarkable renlt which it will effect, is tmfl pvojitce a new crop of hair em an entirrig bald mf Many yrrang persons sometimes 6nd the to-i early Waafanc f aray hairs, this preparation will stop this resort. Mothers whwish their children to have line heads or hair, cn effect this by the of this Tonic; especially on their dauebters if Uie hair Ulijbt. I knoar few person bel eve the hair can be resto red on a bald kead, bet. If my direction are followed I will warrant a cure or refund the money. It is pot no in two nance bottles and for sale bv wholesale .and retail with directions at one dollar per bottle: it can be sent by mail to any part of the United States. Gentlemen end oa nar orders, stating the canse and dnntion of the baldne and I will crare yin. To innre a care mr charts varies fmni Twenty -five to Fifty dr liars, accord int? to the nattrrs of the case. Prepared only by Da. J., G. KIJTECT T3 ACH, Cof His O T CoraaCU, Ft 15 jotf ' I 4 1 V -. : 1 "Sv Wallanet University. ' fcJALE.U, OREGON. HE FACULTY during tls present year will con sixt of Tl' V. F. S. rinyt. A. M., Pivaident and Acting Proftss. or of Ancient l-nsu:me and Mallimnotic. C. II. II ill. A. B.. l'roffsv.r or N ituml Science. 0?V" H;,nr!d.rnS!,t ( T' " of. C'u EiiKllsh. Mis Sarah Bnckiiighara, Teacher of Imtrumeutul M'lic. The COLt.llJIT UKrAMTMliST of the Wulbimet Uni veiiily hat Iweti ttr- aniaad. Vouuit r.ieu dealsninR to pursue a rejjnlar V ure of Study, are Invited to avail Ihein-wlv'S of the advantage afl'r.!ed by this Inatltn ti n. All available resources will be m'ulo ue nl t' nv-et the want of Student. EllWiuwill bo rnntlnned t. cnrnnit.iM?eu'l iwmentiaiid nnpaiua will be spar ed In obtaining competent and esjeilenced Instructors. The CoU-pinte year is divided Into fne leimi, com lUffnclnj aa f. II ma: TiiS rlrnt term ou the Sd Thursday In September. second term rtu the lt J:in iry. ' third " lit " April. The flirt two terms irtiflan terrU tacht the third, srVrrn SreeA. Vacations There will be two vacations In the year: one. In April, of rteo vetks, and one, iu the sum mer, of nine treeAs. Tt'irtON will be at the rate of 1 1 per week, cr Hi) per aniu-m. THE OREGON INSTITUTE Tub rairtkiroRT DerAKTMKKT. Tsrms. Tho Acidemia year la divided luto rot a Tkkms of Wrrrs) trevAs earA. The llmt term heetns on the last Thursday of Augnat. second term beslus oa the Id " Novem. " third list " January. " fourth " 44 " last " April. VciT!0iv There will he two vacations In the year: one in April, of ftro tpcrA-s; and oue la the summer, ri six tceats. TntnoM will be nnld at the beginning of each Term 'a a fraare . at the foil .wing; rates: In Linkages. Higher Mathematics A Chem ' Other studies of the Aeaderaio Division, . Common English Division..... " Primary , For use of the Piano Instrumental muslo, , . $10 00 7 n 6 40 S 00 f 60 13 Oil A. Intmctonl In vocal music Is given tail! the student ret tf f ye. Atwii tti'ileiit w;il be admitted at any t me; vi I wll be chr,;ed fcr tuitl'.n fmm the time they en ter orly. but their pr ijre w.ll ba areatly priu3ted by enterinr eatly In the Academic ye.ir. In c.lv wi.ere. fmm neceity, student leive before the e:td of the term for wh eh payment has been tnide. a jut i.ri'poitioii nut more th in three fourths nor l"a t'ii one-touith of the tuition lee will V-e refunded- Stsdcnt si-e nt'l allowed li lenve lnt hnfore eximins ti.u. Patrons who are inattentive t- this roiut. luUict pre.tt Injury i:'on botii the t-ludeut and tha liistita ti-. HOAanixa. Toting jenllrmeii and 1 id e ran ohtaln lv:ird ( rea"h iljle mtes with private liimil Cnrtts op STfPV C-iurse of Study hta I een ad'ptrd tor b"t:i the C l'ejine and Pieparst rv le ptrtmriits, well cl:ul ned t' secure ripe schnl:trs'iip iieatnl di v-ii.l.ue, and a preparation for the act. re du ties ot 1 fe. A LberAl Coarse of Study lis been sd 'ptedforyaung i sijie wuo ii-sire t o' t mi a tnori'M -n eu icain n. - A Oiplmta w 11 be awarded t all who shall c-rtplete the nrectt ed course. The OoricRiE!T wnl be narental bnt strict aim Inconstantly r.t t'ie f-'rmtit' vi nf eonect hnblts of .-tu n iverr.meni. t arc.nl attctiiicn w in le given m.innersnnd tn'Tsl'. Souotansntr. i erj-etnal. er for the pe-li i of tf t year, stcurirs tmiton at tety tenured .ate, ran I purchased. For further particulars apply to the l'rei Per erJcr of Executive Comnilitee. K. R. rtOYT. Sec. Bard of Trttt-e. fixed. Dec. 1. l:.7. 41tf New Constitution lor Oregon. JS betj l.-sve t- ann m-ice ti tl:e public, tli.tt we t t ate i recciviii a i.irxe mm i tnt vn uto c'd frm Sin l'tancic.. ulnch hs been selected witn ere it inre ir Mr. Aid itu! r. wh-i has been attcr.tl tii.it mnik't l-ir .me linie. t!ierefjiv we can su'el av rise put. lie t t we can, a.id w-.u scil. gooes as icw at w u.iieso.e or rei:i AS ANY H0C3E IX 0UEG0X. We a :U tike l:i s.l:a:it: tor giii fti lili.dt nf pr ise. N.B v, ew.il alw pty cah fcr :U:uili : pro .i -e. 1'-s-:t: Wheat. H-ir, rtj-ttr. r.-A9, Bier:!. Tti. V Ost. Ac, Ac,. Ac. A 'I wiii wt 'u t- tvirhvf . wi'.l di well cal auiltx mi .e beTore unrcha-ins e!-c;.f re. O :r st.K-k c.c.Lt of ttcry tuius ia tr.e lite Cist tlii; tnatk.'t c-i f'.r t wit : Grey. V-mte. e.l and B'. ie B'v iflu: C k-t. Vert'. Pant. Kt. sr.! li it covers: Vi dcrai'l liver ahirt. b'wl a- d C' tt.m; K- erv i'-i-lp!: tn f V'I,'ie $h!'t.: O .eeh Wire, Iinrd TVate and C itlery; li !.. v '.' mi Jli.e; p -.-,v..v.- C.-.K. Kin ..! Cowhl.il: 'o PI iM-. Meriu.-s. l-e!a::s. l:c pnitT'S Ir. a";( rt everj- kind of pice gJCKl. aai tae B-if TEA ever "irio t t v, mi Kct. Al.S-i ft Jir -hineles TiP-."thy eed K-A H-i-. I G:vc us a ca"l. a id e f- r yi;rilve."sa ALEX AX PER i McEW AN c rvim. Oct n. iv.7. s .tf Nev . Arrival cf Jewelry, &c. JUST FROM SAX FRANCISCO. T R Si:.'THAL iiif ri his nitr-M and y- el ti.e.iiis. tiist he li u j i-l ret iri.ed fr.v.u v S.ia Fr-l". i-.--l w.t'l an.-ie.-t a. -tm-r.t of Jew- .lV c! y . KiU 1 instru-Kvut. C':'.k-ry. etc. ai.d cCcrs ice n f jrs-i'.c at his i-t .-te n Frujt etreet. tiTOe il 'urtt.1 iw Dr. CiralV oj.-e.-atj JEWELRY. fl i'J and Silver wit.'tics; UM sn.l Silver chain G !d bracelet'; -id esr-nnj": l ild l.retpini; Onld fi -per rinir; Liekets; Gol I pens tii.i pencil; Gold iceve bu'-tin; 5.icr aa j ria'.ed ware: fancy good asd ver;.imerr. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. G-iitsrs. YIItna. Flute. Fife: a I-irce artment e AeeT.Jeon. I.n lics work bone of all kind. G-!d snd Silver spectacle. G-rid and S.lver anoons. Cutlerr VI tk so e.ioien Tanev. jr., e. ajv Witches. Clock and Jewely repaired, and all ki.vls of Jewe'rv r.njet i order. s AH cf my work wtrranted"Tla aerD"ntrorgfThc Sign or the Big Watch."- Corvalii. O. t. 24. 1J7 31tf Notice. HE JaJes of the i?lpre-ne C-mrt. of the Territory of ir-c.a. a5-eraoiea at in seat ot Ifovemmei.t on me ntntft iv of Jiio-trv, e.ibteen hundred and Brtr seven, dt nx and appoint District Court, to be held in ViiUvenf itivierutK, n tiec-vin'-vof Iiir! o;i the flr.-t M cidivs.of M.ucb. M ty, fcutoTil-er and N'ovtm fcer.anniiary. until ctUerwine entered. a:'id do li:n.t the dumtion of tA:d t:m t-isix dxv e-i.-li. G1JO. H. WILLI AMS. Chirr J itice. t Uf M. P. DSAUV. A'Miate Ju.ii e. Stnftiuian Uoohaiid JooOHIce. 1 "XTti. U.tve i'Urce l'ref. the best fscilitie Tor Honk v rri -vi is cnt:h of California. a:nl an eteiiMve a. i .rtrnpp.t f Joceino Munuii. of cverv kind: and. with master workmen, are prepai-e.1 t.ejre:uie promptly, and m -.- .uh.i-i.a w4ut:rf, u uiuviB la mc tie p.MTi.ic:it. such as DouaS Blank Checis, '0TES0F liANP, Okdkh Books, STKAxno'T Bills Stkambo t Casts. PMHrHLET3, HS! BILL. P. all Tickets, ClKCt'LARS. IsrtrATto.vs, Bills or Lading EcrtsKss Cards, Ea.LHKAns. Concert Bilu, Phogravwcs, AnonBss Cakf. CitttririCATES Show Bills, Cnr.cs Hooks, Bl'k KacRtmi. liaAFTS. Blavks or ail Kivps Ac. Ac, Ac. 0HXAXTEXTAL.PR1XT1XG, with COLORED IXKf Tito Larva of Oregon. HE OREGON STATUTES. 15. being a larpe vol time or 650 panes, w:ti e.imr.lete index, snnota- tions. and references, comprising all the laws in force in the Territory, inclusive of thos tm-iyed at lust n-skinn of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the off.ee of the Statesman, at five d-il'.arj per copy. The work is ex ecuted in tne bt'-t mmncr, bound In law style, and is sold at publisher prices, and an low as a lika work can be bmiirkt in any Stnte in the Union, and at the lowest fieri re tiiey can be afPwded for here. The price places mem wnuin iw rcacn hi an woo ac-tire tiie laws thev live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cali. tilled by return mail, it is the lant coic of laws that will prohauiy be pnbiisnea in Oreiron, for many years.- In addition to the enactment of the Legislative Awcm- lily, the vuli.me contains the Declaration of Indcnrn dence. Constitution of the United Stites, Treaties with t.reat Britmn relating to Orejon. Ordinance of 17S7.iu force in Oreg-m. lionatton Law snd all amendments and full abstiact of United states Naturalization Laws. - Marion House, Salem. H E ondcrsitrned announces to the nublio that be ba purchased the well known T-'i tavern stand. called the Marion House, In 6a- !-tl lem.tocether with the furniture aod fixtures thereof. He will keep it in first rate style, and Invites me patronage oi tne puoiic. It. u. MAI. lay zj, iso. utf Dentistrw. "PVR. J. R. CARDWELL. Denfcil Snrgeon, Corvallis. 1 in ma proiesstoD. at corvallis. Kneen Citv. Win cnester, bcotlsburg, and Jacksonville. Skill, unqnf-s- ii'.naoic; cusrges repect-ioie: srorx, warranted. Teetu examined, ard advice given free of charge. j..ue n-Hiu hitco vi couige oi omce. April 28.1 Si. 7tf Buggies. covered bnggiea Concord Ji --, a-PEX and J make, for aale. Applv to -vs;-! J.'MoCSAKEK. Portland.' 'HOT of all kinds, and powder, at 2tfl W. K. SMTTH Co's. PURE WINES and Iiqnors for medlcfnal purposes. rjsn w g ninrt.i. A at W. K. SMITH 4 Co s. i - j TTTRESCH merinos, and alpacas, at - . . r t2tn W.&. SMITH Co's, The Graefenberg E S. The Crarfrnbrrs Companr. rpi!l3 INSTITUTION. (Inc rp..rated by the Legls 1 litiire of the Stale ofNew Yotk. Capital tHK).oM.) w.i f iiiinlrd lor the pu.-tse of snpplring the puhLc with the celebrated GUAEKENBEUG MKD1CIN KS The series comprise remediojlor neaiif every iliae.ise adapted to every ilim ite. For Fainil e. Travelb-ra. Se-imeu. and Miner's u-w thev are tmefiuuMrd. All the Medicines are PURELY VEGETABLE and witrruni.u t cute the diseases fur which they are severally rec ommended. The Ofaefenberg Company does not profess to cure all diseases with one or two medicines. Our serlrscon sists of ELEVEN different kinda. adipted to the vnri ou dit-ies Incident t-itlie temperate and tropical cli mate. The foil iwing eoinirie the series of Gruel'en berg Meuiclr.es t TIIS HUAKFKXB-.sa VKOTTABLE PILLS Are considered the staudurd Pill of the dir. aud are iiiiliiiu-ly superior to tiny Pill before tiie pul lie. They opemte without Irritnliiin on al the ex -relions. pur iug Lie blod by the bnwrlt. liver, kid irys and siiin. MAKII ALL'S t'TKKINt CAtHULICOK. An Infallible remedv I r all dii-aiesor the womb aud urinary organs, weakness to lUe back, pun In tit' ureaai., nrivoosueis. aeoiiuv, etc. in laiiiomia a i Ui-nn. out ol mure loan a thousand ca-u- where th medicine has been uoed. it hi In no alnglu itu.ti.tac r.i l -.l to give pcimaiKUt nlief or t en.-.t a crttai Cure. TnaanAere:BKa SAHsarABiLtA. A powerful extract. Oue Iw-ttle equal t ten of tl otd. i irv tMir-cip4iill f-ir p.iril i ins too I lood. A eurv cire lor scr iliila. rhu n HKiU. ulcers. dy-penia. i rlictim, ill "re trial dl.-eiet, cut.it e ms erupU-jiis, i : TH5 OKEM MOt'NTAI!! OINTMENT. luvatjaliie fur burns, wotuds, sprains, chiluialus re. swelliuBs. s-roltiH. et.-. A a Pu'.a Extra, t-ir it cannot ! ex el'.ed. au rdig Inmediste relied Iroin tne mm exi rutiatt-.iii pains. THt ORAKt CNASRd PVStSTSRT STKtT. ThI estmordln.tiy aiticle U a stee ly a-id Infr.liib! remi-.ty in in.inii.ei. iivwnierr. t iiniera M"rou. t it- era laiantuni and the Ai;ie Cli' l ra. It' tnken with tin tr-.t symptoms of tbe il!s-.-e. It' Is puttiy vegetabli in n. t;uuiiouii(l. oiAxrrNSEaa cn;Li'Ht;Ns' raNArtiA. For atimmer C-imtl lint, mil m il diseise tt wiii h I Iren are su'iiect. lttt;uewrth can never Le se fori It In w-.rds, but it em be fl: nod np;-reji:tti-d t intents wh.ve childiea have bcu-t savcJ. No Uthc :'.U-ilJ be With -lit it. THiT nsAi.rfvBtao tilb uua-tar Wiirtanfed a certain cnte f r fit paln'ul d'-;e aiuitne nim-nei-t t'.iere ate verv few rn-c w.Hn ran u it be rfldi-rv s.nd prm.iuently etrrd. A enrical pi-r.iti . f.-r l" l or I'i t-..l sh-Hil never be te rti-.l to unt 1 this Ointment has been tu-r-.ccLli tiled. It niter f.rli. or.ARrKvmrid rrc Lft:oi. Fcr ilieste of tJe eie thU I.i i:-.ii I s. no ec..:.l. If a rneede nnd n-xi'-ivi- on re f -r 1 i.lntiT'iat en rf tl- evi-s. weak tes-i. d-'itveji ni-d fa I n: of sir;!i. It n 11 -I rur t t-eaiu nl in s'-ti'.e I Jur.i-nrtioa oi t Ujo eyei and -Im) ac a wa. u on I illj-r.n; furf u-k OiUEfli ifctllC Fi.VLH AS9 A ;!'K TlUS. A eree.-e u:ni p -sitive ruie Kr tin ili-tre-wnir c-.n pi iitit. i:.r-c I' lit me C '.npfJ piiuctj.llv .f ..i.ie. wita ot-.er te til-le l nct. aiiti-e!ja-i:i.'Iie nn ie::r.fi.-e m:.i l. Tj .u.mda hve been ieituj:!e'itl cuix-d in luvii ue. onxtrr'. bo coNvv;n;vi"s a: s. Sc-Vcrv'.1 n i i all BrmcU al a:-.-l 1 1-mr.arv P.iei-e. I: is, l.ey.iiid i li qiie-ti !, it e lh.it A""!-"iiitftl- n m cm-.i! 1 liiij-c. and tUo Conviio.itive s B-l n is tiie let cuiotie ever u-.d. ciAtrrrtBrao ntAtrn iTT:r.. These liiltns are skilitlly snd tl-int'y pn, sr Ipimt ntnubvr of I iv.i rit u ocil' iv rut., i-iiai lieib ar.d viv. An ii-v.ila' u t-'iilc and hjal.h rc at .rer. cBAut v cf.so it ArAL or hcaltii. A hin.li.;n-lv print -d v-bi'r.e l ' 'SO past. c-etlt ing c-mcie and extcemely lliin i-M ri; tions of a manner ' d e i-e their sy-.ui't -nit and tre:i:r.ie'it i very fatni'y pii utlJ l.sve ni-e. I'n -e ot Ir ZS t" it' ll will be ec't.t, p.t ti sjv p-tjt f'.'i'i ia '.tlii' n i or iti-rgon. oa l..- recitj-t 1 1 2 tents bv ui-. I jre.v F re. A l lie 1 I'l-tEti" A C ., S-i Finn -1 tit. The Gmtfi e! c: j Mc-li. l cs ire for jL l-r a!f Drug ami An -i-e-? n i-.-s t r -n :'i-iit tie cvur.fy. General Ati.u l- r Cul.i'or. i i n-I Or-iv-'-' L'r 1'IVG ii)N i C-.. V li- l-.il- PrusirUU. No. Uii t l iy street. Smith A Pavts Asei,t, P it'..-.nd. San Franetc , D.c. 13. 1.57. 6;nl Tlic Orea;oii Stateamuu. a Itdrptndtnt Journal, drrvttd to Fuiitict.drnfraJ IrviUigrtXf, 4 c., A'uUtthrd at Aulim, Uitgcn. ASIIL,L UUrfU, Proprieti r, Publ-sher, and LMitor- the rttem.tn is I'em-xratic In oolitic, and tliot oulily National iu it character. It is b-tilr tu everv t;ecie of seitio::aIism, fsnaticKnt, and ii.tnUnime a id will vig.irtmly oriii.jfe all attempts t i iiu-iitn;rai any oi tne lusaue isms )f the day luto cur Ten.t-jr.al legislation. It will advocate all practical rnfaiures of Reform anu i-rpros, economical snd simi le adminiftratum oi our I tcsI government ; tailhf.lue-a, integritv. audts p.iciTy in olUce. and a vlem ol nirid aud dnei t ir CJnntalnlity of the officer to the people. It will dis- cas all measures scitnting the public inind, ia a umn ner teai lew, linpnriiil, and just. I News Deiii'.rtiue'it will be cdilid with mn attentiou, snd luitjiiij: will be stnifil l- rurnieli early accurate, and coatpielieiibive puUication of the cur rent iiitFllicence. 1 he 4t.itc-.rasn ha a lame, widelescattercd. and m.i.t exv-ellcr.t corps of onesMiudeuts, and very complete ia- iiik.ei. lor uiociiriiiir new". D-:e attention i jU paid to the publication of Misccl lanv, A rrtciiiiurai and uierurv mutter. In tuis paper are put li-licU the law. rcsi.Iuli.'ns.aiid treaties ol tiie united btnle., and the law and rcs-olu lions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. Hie paper t printed on new material, auil upon a sheet ol tne idrei -iize. 1 ie coming year will be the mmt ihinorUnt In 0:-e- k "ii uiMory. a runic is in ie inaiui nitcri. turougl warm p -iiiu-.il couiei.. ana tne iii.iciiiiiation. ractl-nt. iianection. aboliti mi-on. and every hue of opposition, tt ovei throw the Old Dt-mocrac v. Every Citixen or Oregon should be th irouirhl y informed ol painj event, if he desires tt dicharo his duty to the fct ite and tne eountrv, intelliyentlv and uprightly The Statesman will be an active participant in traus- i no w i.-.ui cm eveuts. anu win lurrn-ii a faithful rec- oni oi toe niiory i partie. snd poid.ee. a. rriiiciri uregoii news, tne M ite:naa eniovs r...ill,lnj n ... ... .... . . : i . - . ....IJ. .1.. innic ... IkS v.'.'-iiiuoi .1 1 ii uj, Tbrm Three dollars per year, strictly In advance four dollars. If paid within six month, but not iu ud vance; nve dollars, if not paid within six months. The t -rms we must adhere to in all case. Persons sending us moury by mail, or others i-e. will please conform to these terras, adapting the amount to the lime of payment. 1 be low price at which the naDcr is afforded places i wiiiini u;c rvacn oi an. Boot and Shoe Store. . rtREDFmrir ' i o k- u n v .....i.i J. to the citizens of Salem, and the surround. S"Sl iog country, that he have, taken a store on the BVZ eastsioeo! innmerciui street, north of tiie pnstofnee wne ue win Been conMstm v on nand a Iu assort ment of every kind of boots ami shoes, both ctitoiu and sale work, wlncli he will sell at the lowest living pri ces. Kcing a practical workman, all orders for the manniacture or tepaircrwork will be complied with and Uie work- tioue In a substantial and workmanlike manner, tiive me a call and examine my stock. FREDERICK WICKMON, S.lem, Marsh 12.1857. , 13tf School Hooks. TUST received, a complete assortment of Sunders' O School B.Kiks, together with a large lot of Thomp son a Practical Arithmetics, all of which will be sold coeap, at the City Book Store. g. Li. BttADLEY Co. Oregon City, Jan. 185S. 46tf Fo r S al e . THOMPSON'S Arithmetical Tablea; " Mental Arithmetics, " Practical High School Arithmetics. E. L. BRADLEY & Co. Oregon City, Feb., 1868. 4Stf Short Settlements make long friends. THE old year has passed, end we want alT those who know themselves indebted tons to come forward no settle ana get their "New Years" present. Don't forget this; we mean jnst what we say. W. C. GRJ3W0LD 4 Co. January 1. IS58. 43tf Education Complete. BY O. S. Fowler. For aale at the City Book Store. E. L. BRADLEY A Co. Oregon City, Jan. 1859. ntf FAMILY M E D I C I N D. William Donlhll, ATTORNEY AKD COUNSELOR AT LAW AKU PItOCTOR IN ADMIH A LTY. Will practice lu the Supreme and District Courts of this Stale. Otllco over Starr's Tin Store. FrnnMnit.-en 3tf , PotlitnJ, Origan. N. II. Frantr, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Alhaiiy.O.T.Feb..l.'fl. 4ctf Dr. 6. K. Uiickles, OFFICE. SALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. ; Salem, November 9. 1957. 3olf William C. Grlawold k. Co., iM ERl'HANTS. SALEM. OREGON TEHUITORY. c. OKtsa-tiLn; 1'ilf c. a. woodwohtu. Aledit al Notice. 'ptHE S'lhscrilicr, would InTortn the Inhabitant that be L I at hi old stand, ready to attend to nil cults In his profession ; also he lias nn band a well selected tock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well a.nrted supply of Syringes, all of which be will dipoe of on reasonable terma, W. WAHKEN. Salem I'sontlier . I "I. 8-tf Medic il Notice. , DR. n. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, Cnllfonils. offi r bis professlonul servleea to the citizens fo Silem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo public favor. tr Office at Reed and Fellows' drug store. 14y R.W.SHAW. 8. Ellsworth, ATTORMET AND COUXSBLLOR, US. Supreme and other Courts. OlB-e Eugene City, Lane Comity, Oregon Territory. Also Ciimmlssionernf Deeds lor New York, Connecticut. Ac. Annnst 2J. I'-jfl. 2ltf i. J. Thayer, t TfORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ora e 1. In Corvslli. Bentna Co. t:ity Hotel in said town. T., opp islte to the x ur W. V. Iae. t TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Ss tV lem. O. T.. O H:e, Hist door south of the States man nihVe. np stairs. 2-ntf r. it. rABBAtt. LASrilNO HT01T Farrar ie Stout, VTTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN ''hau.-ery and Admiralty, aw Olllce'ou Front street, one door north of the " Tx hntire." Portland. O.T., Ju'y 10. 115T. Iltf , I. !. Smith. A TrollNF.Y AN I COUNSELOR AT LAW AND 9 ilicitors in Chancery, Corvalii. O T. I. K. SJIITU. iltf . - W. Milrhcll. VTTortNfrr And counsklor at law, eg gene t itj. Lnue County, . T. Kan Franritfii A.krrlisia lieiicj f P. VI.'Hnt. Iron bi.ilding. nppmile Pa-iile Expre S I J Ol C.ilil"'.rnta snd itregon may be fotiml at this ofll.-e. r'l-ber i-. Uie snuV-rited Arenl f r the Statesinsn. Mr. llicslrr S. Ttrry, A1 TroHXEY AT LAW, SALHM. QUEZON. COM miioner of Deedt, and ti tiKe tei n any. ac knowledjment A-.. Ac, for I wa. Ind'AM I. Mi".inr! Mi.-hi-.'.ti. lil forma snd Wa'h'neton Territory. Le lersof Att rney. snd all other instrument of writing lira it ii on Miort notice. . Fart'ivhr atlenllon :. t taking densili tn c-'Iie.ti.iua of Notes, Accoiiul. Ac, k5tl II r.lin; & Cruvrr. A" TTOKNEYS A fp COUNiTLORS AT LAW. AN li.-i ot ia I htiuei v. D.ilie near t ie coiirt-h 'a-ie iitm.tl.r. L'ra. u. Shril, A1 TTORNEY AND COlNSEU:l AT LAW, AND &K.:t it-r is I tianrei y. sill pr.n t-i e in tiie -..n c'uit.ti.f Oretr n and v. -.i i -n.O. r. imt ia li-rr-t rl. Ofllce I'rlaTiiii Siriilb, t T'PtFNEY AND COCXSELOrt AT LAW. AN S--ll-tt-.r i;: Clian '-ry. will promptly ntte'-J t a o-:-.in-.-- i.-t i-r-tiritne: t ui- r-r.!e-i--n i t iie lirst j-uii--ij Ditrifl. end li-l-ie the Sjiirene l unit uf Ores m Offl: e, Ah-ny. I ::m t'ocnty. O. T. X. II. Wiiiu rot at his cli e. or a'.Mit on jr .U.i-sl Ixiaii:. ke my be f-t:tl at hi resident v. II miles ruth-eat if Aluany, oa whit is knur, a ut tiie ' l.raui 1'raii .e. ' TT'I'.IXEY AND COUN3;.LOH AT LAW, AN J: . Soli, itor in Ciiancejy, will pru-ti e In the vsti w .onus In thi Territory, and promptly attend to be ol le-. t:en :f all it lim ni int tiie Umied ltt. thfouli uii : tent s-j.-nt re-iilmg l -hiii;jtoa taty. Oai in L ii-me City. Lane County. O. T. n. n. Siinttoii, TTOUNEY AT LAW. wiii pra lice In the rari-ti c-jurts r-f southern Orrin, and in tlic Qi;iremc t onrt ol the TiMTitiry. I'mcr ia fV-itt-lmrch. Vnnqna cour tr, O. T. N. P. U mntv I And W armiMs :-btaucd if-r c'simant on tei enable t;rms. 23tf K. M. IU.MH. 4. IUSON liariitim & Wilson. 4 TTOKNIES ANDCOUNSELLOri.s AT LAW. Fa iV lem,Ortfin. Particular atteutnH is given tt th co l- tiou ot uotea and accounts, aud cairn aAitif g"vernnient. B unity Ijiud Warrants bought a'ld sold. a- J.n ,-e over Slarkev's Store. 41 II. V. Donhnin. 4 TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of- 2X. lice at the Court ll-mse. Sib m. O. T. 6tf A. D. Iliillutk. . 4 RCniTECT AND BUILDER. PORTLAND. O i. Designs, plans, specincatiun. Ac, furnished on reaonalde term. Cumpbrll 4 PmtL TTOKNEYS AT l.AW.S-ia Fnrncisco. California 1 V O in e. corner M ul-r ouery and Sacre.neuto streets over Tairttt A Co. Bink. MiHsr. CamplicH i Pratt have lalr removed fnm Oregon, and will lo pleased to, attend I nil buuiuess entrusieo vi tneir enre. aiti Alexanper CsMrBELL. O.C. Pbatt. S. Hamilton, 31. D., nilYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would resnertfuil L announce to the good people of Ibtuslns and the Ri oiuiiii countie. that he has located permanently at iteertreeK tor tne purpose or practicing medicine, and in which profession he will be faithful to discharge nil duties, and spare no paiua to render tiie patient easy and comfortable. Okficb opposite IL II. Dearborn A Co.'s stare, on Mam stitKl. Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale st line eah pri c. 4'tr II. Al. Uii Ut ile. T"EALErt in Oregon Pnnlnce. Office at W. C.Gris 1 wold A Co. s store, Salem. Salem. July I. tiviT. IStf Corinthian l-oilge OP Ancient Pree and Accepted Masons, will hold their rcgiihir communications ou the Thursday night before the full of the moon of each mouth, ex cept when it full on Thursday night, then on that uVht In Albany, O. T. Brethren in good standing are cordinllv Invited tn at tend. UbLtAZOX SM1TU. V. H SritiNorn. See'y. 3tf liianks. TVEErS, mortgages, power of attorney for sale of is scrip, tnx receipts, mini proots, and nntiticHtions ust printed and for aale at the Statesman Ollice. July 27. 1SS7. 2ntf Loiik Here! ITtTE hve Jnst received RS.000 lbs. of ground alum t V salt, which we are selling at :l iffl per hundred. GlirSW OLD A CO. WANTED in exchnngefor cash or merchandise, 100 bu-hcls of good apples, to be delivered by the 10th of A ogust highest price paid. G. E. COLE. IirANTEl) in exchange for menhandie oron in- VV count 10.000 lbs. good butter, for whiihl will pay the market price. O.B.COLE. Dickinson Type Foundry. TiIIELPS St DALTON. B ston. L.P. Eishcr. Agent 1 San Francisco. Orders solicited fur type. leads. rale, sc. August 25, 1857. 24tf Orleans Warehouse. "VRLEANg Ware House, opposite Corvsllis. for rent IStf ISA AC MOORE. TV TACKEREL and codfish, at 1V1 (42tl) W. K. SMITH I Wt. CAROLINA rice, snd syrup tn sweeten it in 5 gallon kegs, at r.42tf W. K. SMITH A Co's. SALT, sal soda, and sassafras, at (42tO W. K. SMITH & Co's. CHICKENS 10.000 wanted, for which the highest market price wiii be paid. Enquire at in u. is. LULU , torvallia. ' Oregon Statutes. BOUND volume for sale at John Fleming's, Oregon City, and A. R. Shipley's, Portland. Price, $5 00. Also laws of last session SI 00. Dee.A7.1S67. 41tf DECLARATION OF WAR I INDUSTRY Must PfuKfinr. WHEREAS. In tht rourtr if Human Errnti, It bccoine iieressury that lln-re should be a thoro' reform in the DRY-GOODS BUSINESS IN SAL 10 M , O 11 E O 0 N : We give notice that for the mvomplNhitient of this object we hereby declare VNVKASINO snd Vl COMl'lltiMISfXti warngulnst ALL MOlS OPOt.Y and limn Piihtks. Our war will not be a wsrof word, but of Action; bmI although we rxpe'tto excite the envy and opposition of our brethren tn trade, we shall puruo.suc.h a course a will make this the CHEAPEST STORE IN OREGON! Aiid we rheerfnlly Invite nil who wish to buy gocal at the LOWES l POSSlliLE price, to an examination of our IBU'SEIiSbiliBIISIi) tSIPCS-IilEi Embracing an Exhibition f the Indu-try of eeeru Nutlon. which dar.nlr by their HUILLIANCY of Color and GEOKGEOUSNKSS of de-lgn, and mT SXC1TB the admimathin of all lovers uf the brautiliil. We have purple and tine linen" and the MOST HEWIli II1N.1 snd ENCHANTING STYLES OF GOODS Designed rxprexaly to adorn the persons of the gentler sex. So Ili;M'Tif I L. liuK-rd, tliut we can truly say, after our go-id have been purchased nnd lilted to the RACRrt-L Tonus of our" rAia ci-ftomekp." That Solomon in ull his Glory was not arrayed like one of these." We al) unite the useful with the beautiful, and can supply the most solid, and mibntautiRl of MATRON III' WANTS In at! the departments of Household economy, enter taining the mwt profound r-.e t for 'he ooou hook wire. We hnve taken UNUSUAL pains to pruvido an assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS. Wlii-:h I-l quality aud price should entitle lis tithe grutitmleof all who lore to boy the BEST GOODS at the tSlC fi 1 ' U A KG A I AW. In all our purcha.--.es we have ben guided by s desire to give our FKIEND8 A NO CUSTOMEKS the full benefit of everything which was most ixrm.xa ix style, most SUUSTANTIAL IN M A N U F A CT U R K and raiftt PEASONABLE in jrice. And n-iw having performed our duty aa y-mt ageats.we CliNKIDEN n.Y invite an examination of our ti spring- and summer goods. We have not lime to go inti an enumeration of the nmuy harffln we aii'fr-Hng.7cnamJ triU srtl'inn; THOUSAND WILLOW TDE Ef'K IFIT CF TUMI; Bbd W.il aid usinaur wer.uie aguiiD-t ail U M li U 6? MO NOP O L Y. AND HIGH PRICES. P.epcctful!y luvitln . the tirit thorongb semtitty, and est' i-iulng It a pleasure to tbow gocds, we aic the pnbliei' o'.iedient n-rvauts. Awaiting we remain. Your m l re-e t'otlv. XV. 13. ORISWOLD & Co. Salem. April 2n.lt. Ttf Jt- P CsDLAW'KS I . wi -C iv- .05 CLAY St- Piol'Tcs d Hoare's varnlslies. .ii the c-TAiiDArj al:ef.igam .CO AcUcii Boston Brnsbes. TtKYIG Vfi!TB tZhJSm FGHCST It.VEfil DO. TIl?MX.VS beiI ether Colors. GiLIES, IROsZES Can Fran. M irch, 151. J:ilia S!ar?rjvr ECLE.CTIC LISIMKXT, f-thD rOK M AN OR Ei.AS f. This pet..tiat:n v i.i:i.ii;c ii. ss r. is rtib!.-t-i n bv tae hand mi pi ol tUiitivl fahruI thr.mjlt tae sa.tie caadnri rea.-he toe scat or li0-x:i.:tt,on ar-d -i-tt.-c-i it. Kvrrr i-.-c.e i ex.ur irritsiion is ijiu lu; rt-dix-eii br i"..e .ii" licatii id tuis tisTOnl. flie eflVrt this remedy n;- l.hcumati-m. Itmgwnrn. Swelled gland, tr.i l bites &oie Uret-t. sore tieads. S .re tnnxiLir of ell kind -Miram. stiff j nt. ulcer, t mth true. aweLtngs id the Innos or body pains in t.ie spiue or back, puisoa oak c. i. ami i'i m-racui-ius. it is g'ent tor litgne 1 1, inc-suanider. Sia-uirr, Sar.nns t !:lic iu Lorse In fa-t ull disease where external aji plication is required. The proprietor sends rhi Liniment before the puM to stdt-d or fall, on its owo merit, lleoiilv askstha it may receive a fair trial bv the public. It csn he ob tained by applying in person or by li tter tntlie eddrcts ci JHH. HAHiiltOVE. 2J St.. Corvallis. Oregon N. B Demand from a distinceaccompinted by the money, win ne promptly attended to and the I.iniitient put up and l-irwariled according to directions. A Ii' eral discount will be mad to wholesale dealer an persons pun hasiinr !ar?e nuantities. Kclail iri, . i. Kcle -tic Liniment, tii'iy cents per buttle, for lurliicr par- ic.-ai-s aouiT-sa pr.piieior. Corvailis, April, Hi. ly5 San Frnncisro .lilvrrtlsing iiccncr. I" P- FISHEK. Ut Washingtm S-..nearIv rFrrite -J. M acsriiire ttpera II miss, op Muirs. Files -f nil the priiicilil Paper of Cadforuia and Orcgnn way le i-nin.i at tiiisoime. L. P. piSilElt is Ihe authorized Agent of the 'sreos Kttkkman ; Marys ille Herald; Sacr.imeiito Union; San Jos juin Itepublican. Stockton; intciBj Metlndist, Stockton; Neva-la Journal: Son-.ra Herald; Gr.ss YaUey Telegraph; Bed Bl.itTUeaom; Columbia Gszetle; Mountain Detnocrat.PIacervine; T lolnmne Courier; Calaveras t'hroiiicle. Mokelamne Dill; El Dorado De nacrat; Shasta C nner; Mariposa Cnzctte; Yrcka Weekly Union; Trinity Journal, WeavcrviBe; , Iowa Hill News; Weekly Ledger. Jackson; ' San Jose Telegraph; Sonoma Cnunty Journal; Foluoin Dispatch; -California Mining Journal; Los Angeles Star; 'Santa Biriiara Gaaette; San Diego Herald; Almeda Caiinty Gazette; Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's; Napa County Reporter: Sierra lemocrat, Downevillc; Humboldt Times; . Union; Oregonian, Portland, O. T.; Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T.; Pioneer and Democrat. Olympia.W. T.; Wasbington Republiban, Steilacoom, W. T.; Pnynesiau. H-uiolulu. S. I.; Pacilic Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu 8. 1.; Mexican Extraordinary, City of .Mexico; Pac;flc Chrisian Advocate, Ponland, O. T.; Hongkong Register. ADVERTISING IN THE ATLANTIC STATES. L. P. F. has now completed bis arrangements for tne lorwarding or adverlisenients to all the principal largest circulating Jouruuls and Newspapers published in tne Atlantic s-uues. A Hue opportunity is here offered to those who with to advertise in any part of the Union, of doing so at toe lowest ruies, ana in a prompt and satisfactory mau ner. August 25. 1357. 24tf i Something New ! E. L. BRADLEY A Co.. have lust received a larce .... uaiiu-iNiuKa lor Home imurovemfnt: enm- urising bow to write, bow to talk, how to behave, how to do business, in one volume; will lie sent free of post age to any part of Oregon, on receipt of $2. Address E. Li. liKALILCt , City Book Store, Oregon City. Dec. 20,1857, 43tf Books! Books! EL. BRADLEY 4 Co.. have recently received a large l it of Fowlers and Wells publications. Take notice all ye that are sick, water (cure) is a powerful nice thing in a family. Liec. ZU, 957. 43tf w. s. laop, Portland. J. w. laud, San Francisco. W.S. Ladd at Co. IMPORTERS and dealers in Wines, Luqnors, and Gro ceries, Portland, Oregon. Jan. I, 11558. 44tf . HedicaL . . - v; i. r i 1 V--ia rx' V i t -.J M'. jT.W if ' - -V DR. L. J. CZAPKAT S IJRIYATE medical and snrglcal institute. Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite Pacilic Mail Steamship Co's nfS-e, San Francisco, California. Es tablished in IH34, for thn permanent cure of all Private nd Chronic Diseases. nod the suppression of Oua-kerv. Atlendinr; and Resident Physician L. J. CZAPK AV, M. D., lute In the Hungarian Revolutionary Wsr. Chief l'hrsiciiit; to the 2nth lleglment of Honved. chief Sur geon tn tie Military H's-pital of IVsth. snd late Lec turer on Diaeases of women and children. TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. L.J.f ZAPKAYretttrn his sincere thanks to hi numerous patients for their patronage. and would take this opportunity to remind them that he continues t-ieonnlt at his Institute for the core of Chronic diseases of the Lungs. Liver. Kidnejs.di getlve and genitive organs, and all private disease, via : Syphilitic nicer, g-tm-rrlia-a. gleet, strk-tures, seminal wenkoess aud all the horrid consequences of si-ir since, and lie hopes that his long expi-rieu.-e and successful pra.-tice of many .ears, will continue to ensure him a share of public patronsire. By the practice of many vear- in Europe and the United States, and d-iring the Hungarian war and ampaigns. he ia enabled to apply the most efficient n'ta succenii!i remedies against disease of all kind. He use no mercury charge moderate treats hi - tient in corre- t and honorsh e way hi rt-fen nee tf 'tn- ie.t:ona'il vera:ity fr ra mtn of known re. peet a.nniy ann u:an sianuing in society. AH parties con suiting him. by letter or otherwise, will receive the best and gentte-t treatment, and implicit secresy. To tub l.ntit or Okhoon ano (!alifobnia L.J t'arav, M. I..l'hysiclan Surgeon aud Accoucheur .In vite the attention or tu t-k and alllicted females la boring nnji-r any of t'ie various forms of disea ol the brain, lungs, heart, svimaeh. liver, womb, bl-e.d, kid neys, and all diseases peculiar to tbMr .-x. The D m lor is rft..cti:ig more prmaoc.it cures tu-in any other physician in Oreson or California. !et nn f!re dcMca. i prevent yoi. but app'y immedrately, and save ymrsef 'r on iftt'ilul ausenng a id premature death. All mar- rled Indie, who e dchcat" hs.ilth or other cir nm -tstii e do not allow to have an Increase in their families -h mid writeoreill at Dr. IM J. Cz iiikav's Jle Jic 1 ln-titute. -sa.-ra'nentost.. bel-iw Mont joinery, opp.ij.ite P. M. S. S. o i-iineann iey win re-fire every p is utile n I eraud help. The loi-tor'-s OiS es are so arranged thst he ran ije enn!--Hed without m;ile..tati in. riinll tf- Al e msultatiutis Iby h-t!j-r or othcrw:se.) free, Address ti DR. L. J. CZ A !'KA V. ( Mediral Institote. San Prancisi-o. CM. REM A UK A 111. ti 1XS1..M.E Or MKDlt'AL HE ' LIKE. BtI-jw wepuiih.il the certiticates of tw. il the suflerprs Irom tilt- angs of u'-ea.-e, wii i haviiig re-.ovi-red tneir f-irnu-r lieaith. nnd iui' ei!e-l by cr.iti fade. In ike k-iowu tlieir ca--s and remeilial agent, aud i!:etr Ktatemi-nl are autlienti uted ly a N dm I'uuiic i ne ucinaiiu. or fc. c!f i:.ieri ,t;-ly command tlieii pui iitity. a. a we commend toe-r perusal to tae titer. ti.iuof all afiiicted: CERTIFICATE. Ti.e an lcrsianed. desirous of ac'iua'ot-ng thtse wli mny Le unfortunate e.-s-juph t l siiniiaily aRi.tled. wiiere a permanent reliej of their ei.Meriug iimy t . .....if-.r.i. ir. j. oi. o.njr i t uiiw p.tiNi:-:y exi.-res oi m t sincere gre.titudt ti lir. L.J. t'zapkay. I -r the drmaneut recovery f hi lie .lth. B rue i .wn 1 y the d Vr.s.-iug sj ir.r.toni Incident t i the rk: n prat tles f iiicoiitruiisliie p i -siori iu youtii ; c!-:.resed In l.idyai d imuu ; iiiiji.ie m pen .rni even tne ni'-l tnriin can iosp i sed up m the duly avacatinta of ii c. I ivH-jiblt.il- a'.ti t ui inin. i-ir-iiniin., im5 at R; st regarded ir.i disea-e a of fining iinport-iiice !:t sia ; altera tew sceKs, a-u m several losian- ej m i-ilii. oi tl.e.r treat men!. I f-.uud twimy unutterable honor, t!i::t in-U-.id nl reoei. me s rop.ouis i-t-came in-ne aiarming i;i t':eii .- i - iv- . nim -. i i i-j int latt my i.iseas. tjtii-g ipsi.y r .- i!i.M to -.as urain. tneui-.ire wx.-id be io I ill rintrj'-i! e. I de-p-ilre-i id ever renaming fi a-i l.i. s-.feng.il a:--a etn-iaj ; ah'l, a a 1 11 tes ot. and Ti.u ii iu i..:i.i n .pc, eaid cpon Dr. C t,-iwy. wh i a'ter examining mj ei.se, pn-ts iiiad M ine ni dicii.i wui.-it airnot i:i,Uu!ly tx-iievcd p.e of ti.e d-ii! pJ.r; j:id iii-ie-s it tny bead. Kiwi.:MKed fcy tui result. i re.--i.vfu to lice r-yseif immeuiatiy muler bi- esre. aou Miiiii.;i-i.,eirf:M tn a:re-.!oris sd iTvti e. my ted. v - -aiaecesr. my Ut aa ml ted. ti.e cntteUut l-a.i in my hi. k and er 1:1s. tin- tre-iktieffid u:y l;nil,s, the m-rvoiis rea- t-oi of tt.y wh'-Ie body no tht eSigl.t' est aiarni "r excite-ne.-t; "the luisantiii-rpy and evil i.-iro--ti . . . --en irM a'ol waul el CJ.roi.i'-nre o otSe s; : ,o i icip-.rity ., -t..-:y. and want i.f res l e tiiii: ti.e nii-ii'mi. x stinir. e-id t-i t tries i-te.tstmt.tt i;ea:ns rt l-is-iwtd t y inv.-luntf ry discharges h.iv? al! uissi-iii-iiFil; t , in ia. s. ia twj m'-Titiiji aile hav.i-g r.iirt!t .1 th? D . -t-r. I fc't as if i:ipired tv a ne i.ie that n e which, but a sh ul lice ago, I con- .t;i! ... u cim t:t-i .i-a ii u iiKi. . it i a vew fc ci iiid tne cui 'riunilt fn.m fall:.-:-; ot" "e ", al. " tnmmr-etent r-matk. I ibei-t it my mi; iii urr tu ' ii--iimoc-y i , i;ie Pier-t a;:d f IXlii I).-. Cz -j-kay. and res-inneiid him to att who may sliiui iri need of medical advke. Iieini; ac;rtd iv rny owr ex;e.--ienre, mat ice tanner b.e care, a radical aad pe:.a.i!it:.t c.:re wnl 1 eecttd. B. F. FH.r -dnr;r S r?tc Oi" C ilifori.ia. Coc-.ty of S.tn Fran -aw. Si.b - ne anJ f w..-rn to Ix-i'ore tiie, this 17th day of Apiil, A. I. l 'ai. (Sig'-eii) JuiiN" Kir-ELr ro::. r.s Ni-tiTT PuLii.. CARD. PriMptel by an honest de.nire cf mv fcetrt. I w;b to lny before the ppblic a case which deserves a hiirh com mtnJation, not only a-s an act ol sciectine skill, but that of humanity, al.-w. About two years ago. I sud denly and Iro-u cacses unknown to me! was e iced w.tli a lit at ATiLtsrsT. which, owing to my inaoiiity to me. I the expense emnseuent npon a tbopiugb medical trvat nent. and the disc-inntgement which I met with on attempting it, scon became such (as I was then led t--'s-Sieve.) as 1 1 defy the skill of anr physician. I was frc-qneutly while in pursuit of my caU-n-r. thrown down to the ground without the slightest waj-uini, and al though iuf-ensii.Ie to th a.-rmiies.yrt I despised the mss eryol my existence. While in this .--tare, and having orevions t-i my sfflction taste.l t(:e sweets cf life. ( ence mure wasiud aced tuttempt stekiiigaid of a physician, and. lir re -ainmeud ition. called attin Dr. L. J. Cz.in kny. I told him my circumstances, ard my inabilitv t i reward bim Tor his service regnnliew "of wiii. b. inwever. lie at once undertook my ca-e. and with tlie '!csiiig of Cod. I was once mine re-t'-red to -jierfei t heilth. enable to reward him fi-r the boon which 1 ei joy at present, aid yet c onsci .tts of mv in-lei-ted-tiess. I ror.sider it due to myself rod t- nil aiH.cted t. make the en- puMu. in vrdr that th-.se in need ot med-cal advice may find a i-vsiciaa ia wh riit-ra every coniidcnce c;in be i'!a-ed. V.El'ER YADL0NSKY. u.s.1 Blate of Califortiia. 1 County of San Francisco, s3 Suoscri'!d and swora to berore me this Erst diy of August, A. D. 1J0S. "- ('.a-iEiiT A. CctxT. Notary Public. i s.J C"PElMATORi'HfEA.or lynal Weakr.es.-,neryon de- KJ bility. low . spirits, la-witnde, weakness of the limi ana o.h k. iiiui-position nd incapacity f-r 1 ibor and siuuv.niuinessoi apppeute, loss of memory, aversion t. s.R.iety. love ot solitude, timidity. self-distrn--t. dizziness neauacne, pains in tne side, affection of theeyes. pirn pie on the face, sexual and other intirmi'ies in nun nr. C ired without fail by the justly celel.ratcd physician and a argcon. u. j. tzapKny. his metinsd or cunug diseases is new luiiKiiown to ..tners) aud hence the great suc cess, au consultations, ov letter orotherwise. free. Address, L. J. CZAPKA Y. M.D.. S in Fraori-aeo. -Pel The Crcatfsi Discovrrr of Uie Aie. BEAT Blessing to Maukiudl Innocent but Potent! UIt.t..l'li.Al fnoritiLicTirxs ..ir-.li.nf,- ting agent.) a sure preventive a.gaiust G-.iiorrhceal auu e-tpniiitic aiseascs. and a eeituin and unsur passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous aim cant-emu ulcers. io?ied discharge from rairiim uterus and urethra, and all cutanous erapttnnsand dis- ea---eN. as innocuun-oii is preventive against small pox. so is Dr. Czapkay's Prnphylacticaim a preventive against syphilitic aud Gonorrliaf.il diseases. Harmless in it- seii.it (Kwsesses the power of . chemically detroviiisr the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of utuaucnecs irom neing inlected by the most loathsome of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciate in-uim ih; wuiioqi nr. i T.iiiKuy s rmptiyiacticum. It is iu very convenient packages, and will lie found con venient for use. beinz used as a smn. rr. - mo it. i. j. -c zapnay s private Medical and Surgi cal Institute, Sacramento st.. below Montgomery, oppo site P. M. Co's. office, Sin Francisco. AH letters must be audressed to I.. J. Czanka-. M.T. C . l ' . : ' I 0411 1 IAUV1SCO. DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute. Sacramento st.. below Al OIlll-OITI--r-. i.t.iu. site Pacific Maill Steamship Co. 'suffice, San Fraccico. toe uoctor oners free consultation, and asks no reinn- uenition unless he effects a cure. Office hoars from s a. a. to r. at. CERTIFICATE. I, the undersigned. Governor of hereby .that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has served during thecorf test Tor Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hm garian armv.with faithful uerseveran.-o.honr 1 1. nun wuis icruncaie, aria do rvcommend him tt. th flvmnathv nttont;..,, a. ..... i7 r" 't i V . u Fpwwuod or all those n uv smw: VAthMJie UI BilOnm'tiili rt n- vv.i..s: a- - d undeserved mUfortune. &SSUTh17SZ5.. .. , . Gnyernor of Hungary. iashington City, Jan. 6, 1852. Saf Persons not Wishing to lis. tim. in rom-jnond- ing. please encloses 10 in their letters and they will get immediate attention to their cases. Aaaresa, L. J. CZaPKAY, M. D-. ... San Francisco. CaL April, 1858 3m4 TTTANTED hi exchange for cash or merchandise v zu.Oflu lbs. of bacon for which I will pay tht igbeat price. - K.COLE. TAX receipt blanks ror sale at the Statesman office at 1 per hundred. LADIES' cloaks, lateststyle, for sale cheap at 42tfJ W. K. SMITH A Co's. Paints Oils, WINDOW GLASS, ETC.. ETC. WE would rail the attention of Dealers to ear large and well selected stock of TAINTS, OILS, IVMDOlV-ULAtiH. BRUSHES. GLUE. Ett. ('.insi'ting In rart, of - WH ITE LEA I) Jewetl's, Atlantic, Forest River and s-.ui.-iiy r i Kronno in oil. In kegs and tins; Asmrted brand. do. A,, An . LINSEED Oll-Bniled and Raw. In bblsand eases: NEAT-FOOT Oil, tn r..e. ,nd bM,. A LCOHOI-I i coea and bbla, jue Tl'KPhNTINK In cases; ' WINDOW-GLASS!-50rt boxes .-Miorted!.xesatnd good quality, double and single, thick; also Plate Glass; VAHNISIl EnglUh and American, coach A furniture; BRUSHES A large assortment of every kind, of the best manufacturers: GOLD LEAF Extra and double deep, mannfaetored expressly to our own order for this market; SILVER LEAK AND BRONZE of the bertqoallty; COLORS 1 iemnnn's, lwis. Ac dry, aud ground la oil and packed In assorted enM-s; OI.l.'E Eastern and California make, in bnllr; VERMILION Trieste. Chinese. American, Engti.b; . A RTISTS M ATEKi ALS A well selected aaaortment. Also . hulk. Whiting. Putty, Ac, Ac, Ac. We have also, constantly on hand CAMPHENE. frmh dintitni. In tin. BURNING OIUH. itedned and bleached. Sperm, Lard, I'olsr. China, pure. In barrel and eases; BURNING FLUID Frcb distilled; MACHINE Oil Excellent quality In bl.'s and bbla. CA'dERON, WlllTTIEB A Co. 105, Fiant St., San FrantUto, CaTa. March. 1S53. Sm2 Moffat's Life Pills AND PHQ3NIX BITTEB8. rpHE )est family medicine now before the public, fur X the cure of Scrofula. Ulcer. r?uryy, or Ernpliops. of the Skin. Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia. Drnp,y. and., in fa -tm-iet all diseases soon yield to their curativ properties. It ba been computed thst during the last twenty fiv. yeara npward of Knur Million of person bave been. icne!ltted by the oe of these medicines; a fact which, speaks y dome In favor of their curative properties a .-incle trwl will place them beyond the roach of com-, wtition in the etimnte of every patient. By their use:, the 1.1-mhI is re-ton d to a healthy state and r-ed from, all impnritie. The system t not reduced daring their iperatmn. bst Invig irated. and they require no re ttaipt from buitie.. or plsannre. Tl-.e stflicte I have in these medicines a remedy that wiii do for thrm all tint medh ine can psjbly effect. Pri-'inrrd t-y W. B."MoyfAT. New York. Arid for a by JHN FLEMING, at the Oregon City Post Office Ituidieg. Oregon City. March, ISiS. lySJ livery and Sule Stable. WE are now keeping a Livery stable in Ortffni City, wiiere lloRrsss can al ways be obtained on h'-wit-al terms. We are also iireoared with ex-elleat sta- lik-i. wM sal-plied with hay mid oats, to keep horses !-y day or w:k. Tho-e who rail upon us may feel as sured th it every attention will I e given to horse left in our charge. UIBSON A POTTER. Auga-t 11. l.")7. i!2tf Salem, Tannery. 'fHEs'ibscrliiC.-s have parrha-td tie Tanner :Ss I lem. lormeriy belungmg to E!i-ha S n eg. Alia s.-rii in of Iratiir will be ke.t constantly on hand d tiie hiiie-t i-ri e. inraJi or leatiter, will at a? times be pa.d for hides and bark. CLARK h HOLMAN. Salem. Oct. SI. 157. . Iv33paid City Hotel, Cot-Talli. MESSRS. A. B. & I. SPKENGER 7"OULI an'tonnce to the citizens of Corvallis, am? . t tiie travelling public generally, that they have 1'ii'ir n:,'!il)' refitted tin wi ii known e-ta!.lish.-neiit, and tre now pieparej fr Ihe aw"nt:m dttios of customer. Tne r am have all !en m-wly re.'urnihed. the beds i-b-an and eimrorxjii.ie, and their ttble will be furahih e.l with the lj-t fir market eff-.-ru-t. Cory.illis, Aug. :!0, 1 H7. ' 2yl Ner Store and New Goods. A l Ojt'anJ, 'rfrL'itnry'M Ferrg, O. T. Ln;-:RT 7..1'A'.YV.. Dealer in dry goods, groceries. rrick-Ty. hurdTssre. pr..-d-.ii-er Ar. H.iviu : p'iivh 1 t.ie .-ta, k in trid of G. E. Getch :!!. t tin r wi'h t!ie tretni-scs known as Metheeey'a Kerry . on tt.c Wiibtsette Hver. aud having buiit a near -t yehote. and ieiiiei:is!red tin-st.ck of g'idonl.-and. now offers to ex- liane, l r prjduce or cash, an asas?rV rrrf-nt of Dry - o ennsitir-g of clothing, cassiw-ere. at:t Reifct'. eliciting, -hiitiiig. and fancy go.jl: hats and -a;;. L-or.-is a:,d ;:!s?s. ft tr.r in tcrk-tr. wi.S sfiies, -inti. n:i?i-. arul ca-i-jies; pair?, oils, medicines, per .'i.n.ery. crockery, tinware. b"'.iow ware, sti ves, kard sr.ire cutry, ad luany other ar:ii.5es to meet the w-aaaSa of thepoi i;"-. lie V-a- sl-v mcred nr-i rrp.sire3 L5 warehrasse. so that be Is pow prepared to ptinhs-e or take in t--iraee, country pr-"d-,.. e, hu h lie can discharge i y a sriee to -teinicrs t'e- ks. w;U.- -it l's oresrien-e of dreyage. t.d leirr de,crmired to eorstntly keep on hand a a-K-d supply of m: h g-d as th ec wr.try tssde msyrw if.;:re. be it ;;res1ie can raike it an ol-ie-.rt f.,r the pe-J-l-l ia hi viinty to exiend him their ;.-ar--ina?e. No difT.-eeiice tndeiu the price of goods, whe& er"id f-rra-h r i-rodaie, Oct ,teT 2. l-".7. Sf tf C. E. Piiior. TASALEP. in c :Ts-ks. rafcl.es and jewelry. Sa IJ bm. O. T. Par:i iltr attcrithm paid t the repa.i t.g ?ir wat -i.es and cw K Ail work war roKd. Jewelry re-i-vd :t -': -rt n dite. FOR SALE: Wati-hi-s and clrs-h-:. ft day striking cl-eX.s i --w price ; i.l--s 3-a hot r n-iri elt-cka. . a very JV.'KIJ!'i. . Ijan'e and ge-i' Br--hea. Fir cer Rings, Ear Hin s Gold Bim kles.Guurd Cfiains. Ac, Ac Salem. July 6, tsi7. 17tf Allan & Ivewifi, TT THOLES ALE MERCHANTS. PORTLAND. OKS GON TERRITORY. V STORE room in Orleans, a first rate stand for a produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse ai ditore wiii be rented together if required. ISAAC KOORE. July 6, IS57. 1SU Dictionaries. TuisT received and for sale at the City Rr-clt Store .1 Keiyters Lnaondged Q-aarto ar d Hih S(-b.w Dic- tionaries. E. L. BRA DLEY A Co. 4Ctf (treon City. Jan. l-.s. JAS. B. K!CHAKPS. Sin Francisco. JSO. KlCKSEEN. I P.s-tland. O. T. t 11 iclsards McCraken. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and J .bl-ers in Oregon Flour, Graia. Produce. Kriiit, PrS. Bacon, Lard, H.-.tis. Ac, Ac. Orders for Ore'in trade PMirtptiv at- tende l t--. Litieral advance made on conpg iments. No. 41 KacrToento s-trect. belirw Front, Saa Francisco Jinuary27, 1S57. 4,stf fl;TTON rope. fr r thes lines, and smnll rope for K ha'tcr.s.at I2M W. K. SM iTrl A Cos. S chool Books. JU5T received at the City Book Store, in Oregon City, irert from the Jub.'thtrs: SANDziU'S Primer; ' Spellers, old and new series; lst.id A 3d Readers.old and new series; " High School " Young Ladies " WILSON'S f Intimes oi History; " U- S. Hisory.schosdedition: U. S. " Ameri. educational series; " Jnrinile History, school edition; PARLEY'S Universal History; COMSTOCK S Natural History; And many other good Boris too numeroos to mention. Dealer-sand Teachers are requested to give n a call. E. L. BRADLEY A Co. Oregon City. Feb.. 1S58. 4Stf The City Book Store. W. KEXYOX & Co., HAVE RECENTI.Y EST BLISHED A NEW .Sfore in SALEM, and are now prepared to fur nish ali kinds of School and MisceUneous Books, and' Stationary at rtducrd price. Our st-ick is NEW. and is tieinir inr..s.t -...V'. . with fresh arrivals. W'e are prepared to fnrnil, .. a . t. ... earJj s can be done by any boo-e in Oregon. iucbeib tan m lurnisbed at reasonable rates, by . the quantity. l nose wishing anvt'ongin rmr line would do well to give us a call at the Citv B..-k Store ia the AVtc Build- ig under Kenyon's Photographic snd Ambrntyper Gallery. W. KEN YON A Co. baiem, March. 1858. 52tf New Goods at New Prices. , WK. SMITH A Co. wonld inform their patrons. -. and the public generally, that they have lust received a large addition to thew stock of goods, which they will exchange for produce, or cash, on the most favorable terms- Tbey have now a complete assort ment of dry goods, which tl.ey will sail Cheaper toon any otUtr ttort in Salem. Their stock of boots and shoes U eanal to any to be' found in Saaem, consisting of men's and hn.. and fiae-boots. men's and boy's shoes; ladies' boots, shoes, and slippers, children and infant, stu. n,n- ladies, and misses rubber overshoes, and ia short, any thing in the boot and shoe line that can be desired. Their stock of groceries is also full, consisting of coffee, green and black teas, crushed and brown sngar, syrup, saleratus lo bulk, cream of tartar, salt. soap, to bacco, sago, starch, taniora. macaroni, raisins ..A weet oil, all of which will be sold eheao for cash or country produce. Purchasers will do well to call and examine oar stock before pnrchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to give our customers satisfaction in the quality and pri-i-es of our good. 42tf PICKLES and pepper sauce, wash-boards and sand paper, at rt'ltfl W. K. SMITH A Co's. NAILS, glass, and window sash, at riatf W. K. SMITH & Co'a V J