I 5 I 4 - 1. o be tha no t domestic of all Wher fcr tnm, and to Uv more marka of th tyr anny of men Imprinted on it fohn. lie it of opinion that thi animal U not now to be found in a utaie of nature that ton humps on its back, the callow tie upon iU leg, and evn,1h great nervoir for water, are all marks for tang servitude and domestic con straint. The deformities be supposed to be pertosted by generation, and what at : first was areiiient at Inst become nature.- However this may he, the hunip np back grow large in proportion as the aniniaUs well fed; mid if examined, ' the J ! found composd of a subatance not unlike the udJer of a eow. . t ' Tae(Cmers miik Is abundant and nour ishing, and mixed with wster, makes the principal part of the liererajro or the Ara bians. These animals be" enffemler at three years or aire, and they ordinarily live from forty to fifty years. ; ; , , trnrau orll Convention 4 Fnrsuant to appointment the Democratic "County Convention, convened at IMkton, the Si' I 1., and mailt! the following nom ination. soUjvct to the decision or the v ler of : the county, at the coming general, t lection: y , : TFRAITOBtAt. OfTICRM. . Representatives Gk II.- Van inner, -si. s II. O. n - V T. CoiHwr: Co. Commissioners Urown, Henry Moore; Assessor John L. Lamiuwi; Tienamcr Win. Uilbert; Sur veyor F. M. Co z -tit. , 6TATR TICKET. . ' t . Joint Senator Umpqua. Coos, and Cur Vy, D. Wells U.presentative J. M. Co it.i; C. Ji!d Win. B Lewis; Co. Clerk Wai. Hiiltrt; Slieriff--S. It. Slnvtonr . Trwnrvr- Cisrk HmWn; Surveyor Q. it. Van ll:ptr; Coroner Luf Butler. After- witR-tt tl:o following Resolutions v -tn unanimously adopted ; us"fnJ, .That we recognize it as t!:e iaiperative'dui," '-f Vt-T7 American citizoii, or friwd of t.-.-.i'ii;.-' institutions. To tit nil legitimate h.fl fenra tC ,i,,.ir 1,10 i aitl :!i:n.!-:tie suii-iisiinff WtC'tn differ ent sec'i'H; V harmoniz co:ifl'cmfT w-"-'n" ions, witti r iird to interest-; to promote a fraternal fVv!iar between th" north nml the sauKi ' nud thus peritetnate this glorious Cion. Tl.at we ho!d that the demo vrati.- nsftr i the true exponent of the nrii-t-ide of tlie constitution; thut its pint ,jf;U e n u4 e the true principles of repub Kcaiti-i.!, w:;ict tinder lies ami supports our free iiistitatf.t-t. K;o 'red, TlmC lit order to carry out those t?ritie:Its. it is essential that we maintain our eifj-'iiMit party organization; tlierefore. we en .t. ih t 5th at-l Cth Resolutions of the StK-.n platform of 1S58, al assert that they coH.i: no doctrine vvliu-li does not r.irree with the time honored usages cf the I v Ir. c o'rf, Tiiat t'e intt rpr tation given '!.- tU-.se r-j.-.olatiJ(H by the Cth Il-Uitioii r. J pi li d it the la'e State convention, 5s in ot co:if.r;u!tV With what intent we alwny isisi:er to be tlcir true and luciui lirsvi re i. Tiiat wa aSlrni onr confidence i r .-.!!-l Built, endorse his course as an ed itor, n:t accord to l :ni our ht-arty ui 1 and O i n .-. c . ; r t 0:1 h w.i reconirnendel that a j-.r- C.N!;:i.r 4f t'13 cmvcition ti I !!'. t J iiie Oregon bt-ttcsmiin for pubii- 3 Cr-loKi. .; nit. P. C. DAVIS, Cli'm'n. IL SL.tvro.N-, S c'y. T::s 15T r,-ss.::iF.R. The St. Louis D.-fiiocrat ay, !. J. B. Fai'er, of XI i Vn'V :.' t !' 5oy ;re. -r, Ims wtthi't the last fiftf we- s di hv. i?d in Marian county Cfty f ur F. t :-v- . nd U.'tn ineimoieiitnl i.t the tranvcrsSoa of o ie Ur. person?. Urt !.as 1st only si'.;-::it tiro moiil rdiel urt i f rty-fosr !l IVeriwJ to preach a.t, Unrins whicli time t;e i a delivered ilpxuriii of fifty d:coij e an.i two Lnn nel ai d f rty ptrson have l--n converted thr.a!i his ittrutm-niality. It i. that ho ik-TiT tlld es his sermo:ts or tn ik- s a-iy notes an I fr.-qwntly does not eekct hU text tintil he ris.n w; in the pnl ' pit t.i preach, and ret, it is en id, ni td lii di-cour-'i-s are a'ike, either in point of ar r it!!ii :it r.t to up 6 t;. ;Ho ajKak tuoi iil;v, :id n -es the mst ciiate and iwtuta'a; la i t i. . CU to preach at variom biai. pv!;ts are tiny pourm in upon IfMs Recall of thb 'British XIimis tes.- Tiw Isew York Tri bonis says that private 1 iters from iro:K state that C.fler vrlll Lt- i--Cd'2ed :ro:;i Washington, and a n:i:i-t ss-r apoointed. whose nanle is ai- rettiiy iauivatcJ. COItaECTKD WtCkl.V.BV B. r. BROWS. Salsm, Jane 8, 1S5S. PRODUCE. Vaeat, wl it . ....... Whe;U, mixed,. ...... ...... Oats Potatoes, . ... Ocions, ----- - . . Henna, Pes - Bacon. ... - Bacon, b&nss, ... - Lard, in ke,. .. . Butter, frch roils, B itrer, packed, 1Z?Z 1 CO 73 m 1 1 t0 00 2 50 3 CO 1 50 SI 23 25 k 30 S5 1 30 I 00 i 00 1 17 1 25 25 25 Chickens, per dozen....... ...... .. Kl.mr, per 100 lbs... 5 50 Wo?l, nnwabed, . . . 1 4 - Woo!, washed. . .... Pork, 2U FRUITS. UrieJ AcpW 20 a 25 Dried PAaches, IS a 25 Dried Currants... -av " v, 75 Appfts, pac bahel, none. "000 1 DUB El. Fir, elftar, p'tr M, ... 18 00a20o0 Ceiar, per M 40 00a3500 &Liiagi&s, eeUar, per M, 6 50 Shiugl-3, Cr, per M 5 00 OBOCERIEI. "Sajyar, K. O., . ......... Sagar, China, . .. ...... Snar, white, crushed,. ... .... .. Syp, , C'oliea, .......... ............ E.1CC, ...... ......... Soap, ... ... Salt. Candles, adamantine, per box Candles, tallow,. -. ... Ssleratas,..-..- -. . Cordaire, , 15 a ... 14 a 25 a ... I 12 a 1 15 a 15 a 20 Jo 26 25 13 20 124a 14 24 S 35 40 ... r-. . none ... I'24s 15 25 33 -I. 12 50al5 00 7 50 a 8 00 --- . 12 50 White Lead, . Xails, cut, per kej-, . K.iiU, wrought, per keg1,..... OILS. Linseed, per frsJloa,-. .... ..... Boiled Oil, Whale,.. 1 Glass, per foot. - --- .... DRYCOODH. Saeetings, brown....... ...... .... Sheeting, bleached, . Drills, brown, . . .... Drills, bine, Merrimac Prints, .. Common Fancy Prints...... ... Mins. DeLaine . Irish Linen. . Brown Linen, ..... . Brown Table Linen,.... .. Ratinett, donbte milled, ... 1 Kentucky Jeans, . . Cotton Jesas.. ... . Pasts, aatinctt, 2 iioot, kip............ ....... 2 1 75 1 75 50 a 2 00 8 a 124 124 14 12 a 20 124 a 14 17 1 20 14 a lo 10 a 14 18 a 374 50 a 100 25 a 50 40 a 75 00 a 1 25 S74a 60 20 a 35 00 4 00 50 a 4 00 SfAItBIKO, , Oa the ISlh uUZhf Rev. P. 0. Lemley. Tauavrow Pwriwonn ad Mis Imxihx VArun, all or '"on "UlJlU imi. hr " BiTswaa t. Uim Eti Auk JoUoh. b i of Lane Co. 8peltl!(fltt(la Kirrcas -DvspenUcsl If ynuaonlil be well, try a bottls of Uiwteltors Bitters. It art like a charm in Riving a healthy tun to the filgeatlvs oi(!ti ana 'a trfntanliiW tha Dervous ayirtam. E"lally ht it utility a a torn ami a jirarenutWa of laneixn-ot ibo higbtf t value, wiien tha trhula nervoiH and ratra culur xyxtvia rtlaxm, ami ellfeuU a condition wblcli prnniti the anuroach of dlaeaei. Tbara I not a sin- nM lndiH! kimvua of tu failure la do g xnl, where It bM been used araurding to direotion. Try It. Kor nl by druxxUta ana at aalooni Reimmlly. Pant a. Whit, Ageuu, 113 Wilnst m Hrect.,Haa Crancluo. - Bflllll lAU,Ajuu ruruanu. Ban Fraaciaon, Mav, 1W8. Smlt ; - ' IMtporiant to honrman. Tha celebrated eolt Rifleman frnnj Kentncky, hy Im nortrd llleiieo. S rmr old tbe 12th dT if MT. ISAK h arrived aafe In Orrnn, and U now at tha reldeii7e of W. SbAnnnn. Hrnrrll Prairie. Marina Co., where ba will remain nntll tlie 10th of July. Any perion who wUha to examine a rAoroug brtd can ntiw hava tbe npiortai)ity. 1 iwu Da. L,.J.Ci iriAT's -Un-ricul and Medical Institute la tn rxtenily known In luta Votrltorr thnt nny mttlce f I. or of him. nii(litem upfmmii. Vet rearing that there are tha who heretofore hovlnj no ned of medical aid. hava neglected to aseertaln tbe pM)er innrpea of relief la case of rnhfortunea. To llioao wa beg Icava tt direct attention to Dr. L. J. Ctapkay , who la eertalntv a Pliwlulan of irrcat aklll nnd wonderful noneH In til imieinn. Tbe Dr. ha fft-Toted mii- h ittantlun ta tha treatment of chronic and private dl ui. and ataiid unrivalled In his management of them. To tho wbt need ah awltnea we cheerfully re jammend Dr. L. J. Csnpkny it a-onld he welt at all aventt to ennault hlra, a he makm no chri;a fvr eo oltntin.and much wd miifht result from It. The Dr. ftuirnt a core In all cae or ak no eompearatlon. if See lr. h. J.Csapkay'adrertienient hi nnotlier esluroB of this Daper. Sm4 ' Lawi sni Journals. VTOTrCE I hereby given, that tbe Law and Journal' 11 of llis la t enn of the Li gUUtlre Amlly t (lie Territury of Oregon are now ready f.r dUtrluullxn mil t'iery to ti e wverl County Autlitim, and all ,,:'it 'H!i'trH entitled to them. Under tha poaUjre ltw tn m..?'r of thU kind la required to Im ure-uaid . w .ill wh J lb ttiem aent by mail wilt be required t erd noHvea t.uiip to pay their postage, at the rale or onaceutper -unct.i .nn m mif receive them. B. F. H ARD1NO, iSir'y of O. SecreUry'a Office. Bni. Jui:e 4. 'in. 4wlS John Morley vs. Hotter Mael: TO R.!rt Mael: Yon are lierelr .tinea Hint onle v-in !rr In the DUtrtrt Omirt Hie First Ju.ll nLtl litri of the TorriMry of Oreffitn.otttb d"y of liTf term 1 1 l- ber 1SW. a-.'1 n; 1 B!e In the C'terk'i 1 10 nt-iii na lh9 tiiirj Mond.i.r nf h;'tB " sn-werthe eomnlalnt "S Jolin Mrl-v..'n Ofli of Mid Cvnrt, fur the rewnety .f oveii huniireJ and thirteen U rfUr-i ana seventy cenU(lilJ 70), with aeeruinx interest ami eost f 4uit. t te ame will le Ukeu a nmlVsseiJ, and the iirayer thereof will l rranird by the Court. CHI-Sl tllN. i'KUKV. Pi ff jtH'f. Satcm. June 4, IkV. 4wIS K of Ice. IS hetvby given the pulilie net to trust my wlfe.Marin UrQlth, on my. aectmnt.as 1 shall pay no eiM of u-r cunt r4rtin alter tbii date. May 23. Iso.h. J. W.UKIFKITH. Money Ltost, BETWKKX KriEer" and Salm, a Isn- diy efure. a B lek-fcm p ire eouU.nin tMt. I11 ld cnin. The .t.iiltr wni be )i-.nl a reward ! rt:ir dolljri span leav lite the puree at the Htateunan o.fU-e. May io.lMt. 3wl2piid W. B. PAItK. It 00 tie's Ferry, o V Wt'.l.invtte river, new road between rmtlar.d and Stie-n. Ther-ijl a guul one and tert miie 4i-rtert',!n the old rad May 13. 1: 3. JiiS's:-: V. liOoNE. I2tf The Island Wood Yard TfILL oe a permanent mttitution In Palem, aftfr V Una. Tue sul.-nber bsaeusaed I0O0 e-irdi t ut between imw and winter, and ha nm-binerr t etit It iuti any lenjrth reqnliwl (vrjeiii Are )laee oratore. Tn.e sin Wrtiil t- SAVest)METHiN In their Kiel bi'.l. will d well tt ei.lt'aud are. OrVr Ml wilhtitiawold JtC.. or e.t More, wi;i oe attended to.-a 8. A. ll.M'S. June 1. JAi8. 12tf Ailuiiuiat rator-s .Notice. N'DTICE ! bereHr eivrn t- aTl pcrwn ln.leMe.1 tn titeettttenf KOMON'D CKiCAMKll BliOVVX !e rewied . 1 1 eome f-rwird and et'.le with the nndersisn- ed. A IT pern having el ti!n as.i!rit aaij estate are l nt-tifie-l t rre.nt the .me within one year from tll. h mf r IHey will be forever brrd. "l?e order Pn-Mte Judre- J. T. l.OOt'GIt A tm'r S.-ottbiirj O. T.. Miy 10, !. 4mlJ B'.ASriXil rwdi-r, aad water proof ear-, at l.'tl) W. K. SXflf II Co"a. VKRHtiierry XV ri'i.-.il, et t'et'tnral for aaia at whaleaale and I4!l W. K. SMITH A Co'a. I'linvle. l.L pmniM owlmr me. will leae rail and pay t'ueir X. at-cont. np till Jannnrr 1st. lSf. tf G. E. COLE. TAKfV HP by the a.tbacrlbi-r. In Prairia piwlnet. L;aa county, one -ye ir old red ox. two nnierUita in eacU ear and ne white on the romp and lel!.r. r',AKl..V UP by the oi!derined. livins on the Siuse 1. law. l.i mile a. w. of Kutrne City, Lane Co., 'e w'a te eow. ame red on her head, ne-k end feet, crop ff Hie rislit ear and half uppervmn off left, bnnded on left hip with T H . supposed or5 renro!d. May 2i). IVi. . 2wli I.KWtS H.VTE3. rrt.tKKX UP by tbe suWrioer, lieine In urieana nrv L ciuit.Liun Co., and town f Orleans, one larjce rayb ire. branded T J on the tight Bin and ) T on the ne-vr shoulder, part PianiIi. mpoed 9 or 10 years old; also, one wiail bay i or 3-year old flllev. no mark or lirands tn be seen. ISAAC MOORE. May 20. l&M.' 2wli THAKhN I'P by tiie undersignedjoriiig on lnl'utn. J. l.-wis Tm precinct. Ijne Co-. oiie light ljy -year M m:r mule, blai k main and tail main mai-Led, ad lle marked on eath side of Use back, black lms op U tneea. no brands. JOUS I'ATLS. May 2T, 1S51. 2wU rilAKKX UP by the siiieriber, livin? in stirluigT-.ile 1 j icKson V".. a WDite noive branded T on left hf!. GliOUGK BL'SH. Msy 19. 18". 2wl2 "J'Akh.X L P by the sobwriber, in Ash'and precimt, L. J. !tson Co.. one 1st roan --ear nM mare hranrl. ed with Spanish brand on botb i-hoalders and left hip. oaia wee ana wnite reei; aio. a roan s.rear old mare and colt, branded J M o the left hip. star in the face; al-io, one 3 or 4-year old white Cayiiae niure and colt; aio. one spotted i-yer 01 1 norse cit. May 19. I. - 2wli MIXUS WALKER 'PAMiX I P by the undersigned, livitic in Browns a vuie preiim t. i.inn V" .oi 4-eear old veil, wrteer little white in tbe face, apot o- each aide just back of .u-iiut:, nit in inc csnKH ana on me npnt nip uncmUi crop oft- the riph' ear and slit in the left: also one 6-year old red stag, while speckl-d back and bel 'J'- - .. JOSEPH THOMPHJX. May20,lR58. 2w I I L F -v tbe """""luned. Clackamas Co., on I. I pper Mnlalla. one 3-year old hi-indl -w anrl -li marked crwp "IT left earunderbitand a Imlein tberitrht; alto, one 10-year old bay bone, ball face and three wcue reel ana saauie marKen. May 2, lStS. 2wH . J. TICKERS. np.tKEXCPby the subacriber. in Polk Co.. 4 mile- x w. or bridgeport, one 4-year old hay mare, black mmn and tail, curked and otherwise Injured .in tlie right Tore fof-t. JOUX PItOCK May 21, IS53. 2wl2 TAKEX CP by the undersigned. North Umpqua. oue brindle ivd ew. few white marks about the jaws, crop and onderbit In left ear swall-iwfork in the rizbt; el, one 2-year old red brindle steer; also, one wnne ana re a spotted i-vear old mule. M y 22.' 118. 2wl2 J. A. CNEIL. rAKKX CP by the sulmcriber, living about Smiles n. c. of JJonmouth. Pitlk count, one iron gray mare ti'.ark miin and tail, snpposcd 12 or 13 rears old. May 2d. Ii3. 2wl2 ROBEKT ELWELT.. TtAKEV CP by the snhseriber, livins 7 miles s. w. ol J. McMinvillc. Yamhill Co. jne 8-year old sorrel horse white face and all of bis less white nearly to the knees. May2., IS5S. A.J.BR.r.K TAKEX CP by tha nndeiniened, in Prairie urecinct. Linn Co.. one S-vear old rtd ox, crop tiff the rieh' ear and balf crop ont of the under side of the left, a few white hairs on tbe ramp. .,tiAa. May V. 158. ' w rpAKE?f CP by tbe subscriber, at hi farm 2J miles J. n. of the town or M mroe, ttenton t., one a-j-ear W red cow and calf, white spot in forehead, a small white spot in the rizht flank, nnderpart of each ear lopiied d'twn. brnded with a m ile's shoe on the rijrht hip and dulnpped; also, one 2-year old redish brindle steer, some white spots about the hips, crop off the right ear and a slit in the left, an nnintelligbile bnnd on rijrhthin. It. B. HIXTON; May 27, 18SS. - , . - 2wl2 'P.VKEN CP by tbe subscriber, living 3 miles w. of Scio. Man Co., one 4-year old claybank horse, three white feet, small star in forehead. May IJ, 1. 2wl2 WM.TEKRT. A FREsH assortment of all wool plaids, at (42tfJ W. K.SMITH A Co's. PTJBB WISES and liquors ffo- medicinal pnrposea, at I42tf W. K. SM ITH A Co s. FRENCH asennos, and alpacas, at f 2tf ... . W. K. K3I ITfl & Co s: lEkn cf Wild Cherry, ' 4 FOR THIS TERM ANEN"f CURE OP OCN8UK1PTION! AXO Atb ITS lNCIl'IEMT 8VUPT0M3, PCUU A8 Couhii, Coldo, Cairwmi. Croup, Influenza, Hlmidlug of tha bungi. Liver An'rutluua, I'ulim In tlie Uieantor Bide, Nilit bwuHti. I'uIIiIhIc, Inll unmul'ou of Limn aud Throat, Wfejoplug Cuugh, Anthum, ftnd all BriMicblal aflevtivua. ; , w.BB CAUTIOUS. Aa there iro nmny counter fcita, louk wi'll at the stKimliue tiefora pun hfrnlna ; take nuiie uulesa It ba the name of "Henry Wtatar, M. U.. Philadelphia." and "Buulord and 1'aik," eiiKruvad on tbe oulalde wrapper. All utligis are box Imita tions, i Paik A VVhli r thi only Aeeutit ) n!mm ell orders should be adln-aeil. alio ' ! IMPORTERS, WHOLEdAl.K AND RETAIL AOhNTS ALL VALUABLE PATENT MEDICINES, WAR RANXEU USN'UINK. 13 Washlnglan atrcct, oppunite the Market, Hn Francliico. SMITH 4DAVI3. Ageiita Portlttml. O. T. Ban rrnnelco. May, IS59. ' ' Built Notice to Contractors. SEALED PROl'09 AL will be received at the oDK-e or the Btipt. Peattmtiarr, in Portlaml.uritll 1 o'clk un W'oane.iliv. the uiulh dav of JUAE. IS id. for fur- nialiliitf a aulUislent quantity of rough black stone fnr the completion or futluon additional cell in said Pen Itentittry; a aunirteiit quantity of cement aud sand. which may be required to complete the fourteen aUdl tlonul cdlx and build the same. Oue ktt( UlHckmith's totdi. " " : ! Iron and Steel for use, price J B. i - 1 no loon rtn l all trnomil fur anppljliic anyi-flhe above me tlally lu the tbllnwimt f irn 1. A. U., of .. tint v, in il,o Territory of 0ngn hereby propose t j furnlolt f f the atoreuicntioned aiti vlenj of the I et quality, and to deliver the same on. ur hetore the Hrt thiy of , on the pstrt of the Penitentiary ground de.iKiiated hy the KuiK-rintrndcnt tn gooa titier bihi uontiKia tor u.nsuei 01 au.trs ptr I'St cli IX ftjrie-.pt.-t bwiel for ec-aoul -.pet auala lor sand. This nroiMWal ta ii.iv.le with a full knowUJu of the cot-t of such materia!!, and the distance aud mode of tian-pvrtiton. (UataJ.l ' f RijTif,! t All ptopnsr.la fi r nirnisliliijt any or tha artufeJ or materials asaforesa Id shall bearc tunnnhrd with a Runr aulee signed by three reponsibl guarantors, wbu-lt Kuarauiee auan ue uonti eoaaiuimed lor tue i-iimiui performance of all obligulious iucurredby the coulrac tor. which shall be tibttanitully as follows. We. the unti-raijriid. eltiaetia of county, la the Teriltor of 0 1 eg "H. do hereby at-knowlerfKe ourtlve hdiitlr and severally Indetted to the Territory of Ore- i( hi in tue sum o' di'Hars, fequnl to tlie amount of compend ium: Proeiritti ibe annexed bid bo aeeepted b tiie Knperiiitendrut of tbe Penitentiary for the Ter ritory of Oregon. Ni)W,theco!idit!niof tbh bond nre soi-U that If A. P., eontia t-r, shall well and fatth!ul!y perioim the eondill'Mis of M contrai t. tlien this ob'.lKK'ion t he ny end ro.ot!ierie to remain In full fin-e and eBei-t. sa Uidit will aiw oe enusulered fur lurnh-hme a snl- UctBjit quantity of ln!!,lin n.me, rnii'iil and saiid.for the cor,. truct'on if sewer one hundred feet long arert ire tu fe Any liirormti"n required by bidders In regard In qua-.ititv.qual tv fanner of payment, can be hod JycalUoaonth'a'i'irs.-rtnndentathlsolBci'. . A portion of the mnlet! " ll;e eonlruction of celia ti be dliveretl on the Penit ntiu.-v roiiod on or Iwfore the I.t dny of July, 1333, and t; e r "4due as the Kutier inleutteiit may diiect. . The Superintendent reserve the tiNlt td reject any sod all bid if deemed unreasonable. . . JOS. SLOAN, V'- May it, lt-63. ' ' Sv. ll (stierifTa Hole. XJOTJCR is ben-by Rirea tht by vlrt le of three ex J. a eitutlons hsued from the IXttriit Conrt la and fur .Vltiri'in county, Un-wi Te'.Ti orv in favor of J hn skaif. FraiK-U Menet. Jcha aiul.!ary Cotel!-, snd auaititt Kdwtn Ue'a-nret. lor the riit of wr-)r-a prop erty. I bare levied rpn midw!'l ptweed tosll at pnlj lic aucia on f.ie loth dy of J.-!y lto, between ih hours of ten a. in. erd two p.m. on the pteu:i-ea. all right tit'e aid Interest of said tdtin Belantt in notifi cation Xo. 40.1: beaitininn at a p.lot 23. 38 ehainsp. 40 3-1' e.nt Irora ti. section slake at the corner of ret--tion II, 12. 13. 14, la t. ! a. r. 2 west, theme . 33. 64 chains; thence east Id . M t'hains. thence n.Sl0 KT ca-t lt cluins, thence west 50. 0 chains, thence north 21 chains, the'i. e wt AK.flOcha'hs to the Uceiif be-.Tlo-uing. beirie fractional psit f section 13. t. 6, s.r. 2 w. and of sretion Is. t. ft, a. r. 1 west, containing i'JO acres. tostUUfv said executions and . ,. I ARClSHB A. CORXOYER. May 81.1 V.. 4 wl 3 $ktrJ? Mttnon Ca. SlierlfT male. Ntl ICE is hereby Kien that l.y virtue of an exeen. liou lat 1 liMia !ie liiitrkt Court in and for Marion rtvunty. Oregon Territory, in fuv.r of Jiw-i'b linnsttt.ier. and ajfainst Isaac Hitutoj. for tt:e want ol personji property , i have levied upon and will pneeed t -il at put l.c nattion on the Mit d:iy of July lSiS, bctwcea lue btvtrs of teno'ebn-k a. m. and 2 p.m. on t'.e premisea, alt the rirfht title aud lnU;re-.t r-r si'd I-.V.I0 Biant ui t. tiie ea-t li'lr of the following describ ed ren! f r-vn-tty. t.i-sit: n. itii rit qumttr and wct hall of . e. quarter aim west hnlf of set tion 2?i; soil n-irth hiiC ot n trth we quarter -f se-.t. 3. in t-wn uliSp eliht. -rtith ranrs 1 we- t, lna.-all i No. 4(4. containlnjf 40 st-re. m ir or l.-w, t. sali-fv said 1-9-Cuti-n and cost.. N KClfrSK A. fil'VCYLlt. Mav 31 . 1. ' 4wll hm(T .Hum tV IVotice to All T,T7'Ht"i!d it miy eonctro: sttme time In the year 1.;6 1 Itilux in toe mn.iin t t r-ent Heptemlier i eave t W. W. Rrtytn tud then retiuins: at Grand Round Ueser vati-iii, my note fur HhJ at the same time selling him various etticla of val.ie fr whb-h he b not paid me. and leantig tiiat be would put the note ont orbit hands or in some war dispose of it. I tike this nieth ottjof warnnig ail iierotis airulii.t buying said note aa I have setoffs airaui-t him. the said fiaymond, lo tuorv toau tUe amouut of said ncte. STErHEX CLARK. Mry 2Tth. lSifl. 4wl2 Tlie Lnderslgned) BEIX(la!)oiitto wind np t'leir b;siaea in Oreg.m. ivqtiest all thnso who know liiem-elvos indeiited, to make an Itutntdiate settlement of ti-.eir accouuU with them, so as to save t ie ent of leiral proceedings. ALLEN, McK UNLAY A Co. Oregon City, May 21, 1. Jwli Rrgislcr unJ Rfffiter'i Notice- Impqua District. rpO SETTLER1? la Township 31 south, range 4 west. a. 34 0 " " 3 3 " 4 " " S5 " "6 ' 39 "2 " Si . 3 " 3i " "2 - ' Tlie above Township havlnir been surveyed and j-lsU thereof approved 0:1 the 10th day of April, lSjS, all seWlerssvho have claim' or parts of claims therein, arc requested to appear at the Laud Oillce. for the Urapqua litrict "t Oregon, at Winchester, within tilirty day from and afttr tlie liVhdayol June, l!s'S, cr previ ous 1 1 tu a time if convenient, ti hen and where we shall be prepaied to receive the notilb-aticns of their claims, and enter upon the adjustment and settling according to I:w, of ail couflktsof boundary that may le found to exist. Civen under onr hands at Winchester, this 12th day of May, A. L, 1S.5S. L. F. MOSHER. Register. WM. J. MARTIN, Receiver. May 12. A.D..1'.8. a-rii Bcsislcr uiid Refcivtr'i-Suiice tuipqua uuinci rpO SETTLERS in Township 23 south of range 8 west. . 81 .. .. .1 a . 2- ."'. 7 . 25 - a The aIove townships bavins been surveyed, and the plits thereof approved on tbe 24th of April. 158. all settlers who have cl 11ms or parts of claims therein, are requested to appear at the Land Office for the Cinp qna District of Oregon, st Wincherter within thirty days from and after the 24th day of June. 1H58. or pre vious to that time If convenient, when and where we hsll be prepared to receive the notifications of their claims, and enter upon the adjustment and set tlement, acording to law, of all conflict of boundary lines that may be found to exist among tnem. Given under ' onr hands at the Land Office in Win chester, this 12th day of May, 18. L. F. MOSHER. it'nUtn: W. J. MARTIN, Hrerirtr. Mav 12. IRSfi. 4wll lc IS hereby civen that letters of administration, npon the estate of ISAAC OITSTRAP. deceased, have len e ranted to the nudersifrned by tbo Probate Court for Polk county, O. T.: Therefore all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to come forward and settle, and sll persons having claims agrainst said es tate are notified to present the same within one year from the dute hereof or they will he forevervbarretf. THOMAS A. LEARARD, jn!nii. May 4. 1R58. 4wll ' - Notice, IS HEREBY given that the undersigned has been appointed executrix of the last will and testament of JOHN A. KRAMER, decensed.late of Polk county, therefore all persons owing said etnte will please come forward and make payment, aud all having claims against said estate must present the same to the under signed at her residence in Monmouth in said county, sworn to as the law directs within one year from date hereof. MARY JANE KRAMER. JSxtcutrix. May 6, 1353. . 4wllpaid Piano Fortes FROM W. H. Hall A Son's manufactory 39 Broad ,wny, N. York, sold st their prices with freight add ed. Also. Prince A Co Melodeons. : . Call and we will show you a list of prices and saraole of their work. GEO. H. JOXES.KcaJ. SaJera, May 17. J88. : lotf CORN starch, tapioca, sago and herker, farina, for pudding, at 42tf W. K. SMITH A Co'. COPAL varnish, paints, oils, and paint brnsbes. st I42tfJ W. K. SMITH Oo'a. THE best Ms tea yea ever saw, at r2fj W. K. SMITH k C. A. Roast. F.BaRtich, D. Burnt, R. Hublev. WUlaiaette Iron vcrrj, i OUKdON OlTTfi OREGON WW bej to lurunn the pnhlle of Oregon and Wash I.ih' :i Ti-i-t.t nlm that we bave completed bnr Foundry. Holler. lll.i-km it li , pattern aud aiachlue shop, and lire prepared to build EXUIXE3. ilOILKR.4. BAWMtttS, AND ALL Other Main ol machluery. I business connection lu the Eastern Slates, the great convcnleuca of our lo cnllty, the snpcrioiitt and ntnnbeir of our machine, the use nf iotr power itisttad of steam, and the per fect koowledgs ol all hraaeheaoT our business will en able us to symipete with C'alilnrula. liviMiR the put li t i dive a-i a call and fav. r tt 1 with their pnLroiinae. we priinba teetttente their urdem on the NlHt;4 i-.'il.e snd .it lrtuqlict prices. , ... A. ROSSI A Cd. Uy,M. ' - - - - : 1 i llerrln'a Patciii Chawptaa : iir)r?firuilr RAPPQ WITn Hall's Patent Powder-Proof Locke tnt lame thatweroawarded sepr.rate med-tlaatth World' Fair, L-ut.lon. l!f Land the Vferld's Fair, New York. 1853 and are the only American Bares that were ewivrd ed medal at the loii-l iri World's Fair. The'e safes form the must perfect security against Fire and Barxl us. of any safe ever offered to the nub ile, mid can wily be bsd of the subscribers and tlietr Nsenta, wUnhnveon hand tid nike to order, ell kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Hank Chests am! Vaulu, Vault Doors nnd Money Boxes, or Cbesta for Brokers, Jewe'frs and Private r amllles. for Plate. iJlamonda, and other valuables. Andarealo Patentees hy pur c!iac)i;d luaniif .ct iieivi of 40XES' PATENT PKR MUTAT10N RANK LOCK. , Adsnw E. f'iterald ft Co.j ami V". 0. Weadell, Sau 1 rsnciaco, Uaiilurnia. s. c. ncRnixa & o.. : Ai. 831 firoimuxiy, rer. ifwrrg St. A. V. May, 1SS3. ... flat For Sale. THE underalei-ed iifl'er for sale, their splemletf mill L nmoertv. belns aljotit I mile west -f dJailn Polk Co.. being the anme pmi ery formerly owned by J. W, Kesmlth, consisting of a RrKt mill in (rood order, d ilnj a heavy business, purlir.ps twice a much aa any oilier mi'l lit the enmity. 6 eeres nf excellent land. about hi) acret of which are Ineloted. ynuiur oreltard, rafted and bearlujf rtiit. Two Rood dwelline houses, store nouse, nam. ana other nm uu!fuinf. Also oue bituured head of bog. or further particulars see : ... . , wy. p tr.wia, st Diis..or , J. 11- LBW1U, oil the prei!iiea, April ift ;a. sm H. Pelton, Geo. U. Jones & Co. A RE prepared t- tin a BRiiersi ommlsslnn b'isiness 7 V on New Ymkotid other Atlantic cities. Particular attention will be ftveutotiie purchase of rKd fjr meirnants. failles uuvtng a:tv ucstr ess transactions In the All inlir.Kt.tle. and wanting an irentlhat will ;!. personal attention to the same, will do well to in. rOPli Rt Rsrnumft Wilson Ijiw Office Salem, Marvh 11. 1 liS. , 2tf .War Srrfp. H 0LIERS of War Scrip can secure the services of fj. Pelton. Geo. II. Jones A Cn.. to urgent their )npers tt u ahlniitiin for payment. Receipts piveo br tue psprrs anu can auvsnces niaise in some casta. Ola-- at Bimum Wilsot Law Olfice. Siilem, March 23, Ihii. 2tf Notice. VLL prr-imn baviitT i l.ilm tfralrsst the Territory 'fTowin ont el the action of the Penitentiary (.inimikiners In the ereeU"n t? said Penitentlarv are hereby nnlified t Ulu U-.eir f H1 rlainis with the ciera or the IHstrtrl court. f..r the 2d Judicial l)is trlct wi'hm G3 days frna the dale hereof, '-oi be for everhtrred and IJ to serve copies of claims so (lied upon I). W. Iiontbit. VAq.. whn bits lieeu appointed by ,"e to act In rcfcreiico ll-erelo on behalf of tha Terrl lory. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, t'ecu'r, Ar''" 3' A't" tSa' 8mS JNotlca. VLI iit-rat. ' In' td ta t! t.nderdjied. bv book accmitit!' wu1 1"- e " n'! ,'u!b either ly note or cash, as ba-O u T5. McCONXELI. Albejiy. March IT. 135- :u2pa:d Senilis AlacMnca ITTilLELF.rt A WILSON'S macb."e a1 the lst V ever Kucteti to ou..iio t.atmsnairs. oev are sun pic and duraWn easily kept in repilrj sen w'"1 prent ra;)li!ity! nrtke au even a:itl lum htltcn on b. - siues l!t.it ui l mt rip. I ursoiis wisinijg to buy sn.I thera at C. A. Ltfcd's. B.tle-n. on R-tttirdsy of Ond week, cr at tue reddeace of the iwider'i.iued. T. SAVAGE, Js't. -J1 "I'L'-.L. "1: , Ttl J0I111 Motlry vs. tlwbei t Mnel,rt al: rilO Robert Mael: Y'ou are hrsby notified that J. nnlfss von appear in the District Court of tbe Pint Jmb. iul Dt-iiict or t!ie Terrify of 0.ieon, tlie first d;iy of the term l" l held on t!;o fourth Moa ditvnf Msy ISC-fl, and answer the complaiulof John n' tricv.cn fi'j i3 the 'tNirit's ofRce of said t'ourt, for tiie i ec." very of the snniof eevt-n hundml an l thirteen d'lll trs nr.? seventy c--nt $713 7'.). with a.rruinin teiest an J eti of suit, tiie mw will l-e t-iken as con fc t l. and the "r-vcr thereof will I e jr-.nte J by- Vm Court. Cls ViTKH N - TGliRY, fUf A If. ISalein,Marin C. Apr J 6. IWJ. Hwa - 1 " y"' - , '.' " Iurotser! JUJuLti! TtllB !ub-!-iift-.l ha in it rc'vd pr teumer 1 t:-iemah. FIFTY TUOtrsA.Vn feet of l-imber. !),-e3od. tinifuet- and grooved ttoorinv.. reiiuip. and siuiiK. A Iso. a large aatfsrtracnt of ro-th lumner, rot sale l w for cash. B. X. IH'RKLLB. Salem. April l'i. lrZ. tf Look Here! rriHE enbscri,lcr would inform the public that be JL does entirely a Commission Business, ai'd therefore has no iro-ids of fcU own tt interfere w.'tb. cnnsijiners. Ifsviti a fire-prorf bUlitiiip ai'd a Urga jounuiK tratie, ne oners nnuvuai ntciiities to snippers. rjConslDoiectsrcsi-ectfiiny eoIicited.Ca KOHACK GCtSHEL. 13 J Ii-aAiiitea in Vascisra. IUrFEiiKNt Ji TO W. BC sipastL. i .. .V Orecon City: J. P. K.Munr, ' . .PortLuid; A. N. bl'ANi-iJIJRY, r . r M tiutg Agrnt, Portland. ttn Frtnoisco. April, 1 80 i. 1yd J. Fleming. AT the Oregon City. Post OTice Buildins, bns just received, direct lr-m New, York. 100 copies of 'Jlowtiing's Fruit and Fruit 1aes of Amertea."revird and enlarged, for 1H5T the hvtest published edition ol this vaUnole work. He bus aisooii hand, good stock of raiscelisncon bjoks aud stationery, for sale on terms to suit tiie titnes. Oregon City, Dee. 15. 1337. 4ltf w. a. LAnii, Portland. j. w. liijd, Baa Francisco IV. S. Tadd 4k Co. Shipping and Cm,tmit$um .Mcrxj'nwit, J'wilat ii, Oregon LIBERAL advances made on sll consignments of Or egon produce. Messrs WakeniBO, Diruou A Co., No. T3.Smth stiect, Ntw York, will recei eand for ward all (5-ods and machinery, addressed to our care via San Francisco, or direct to Oregon. Jan. 1. 13"?. 4Uf Farm for Sale. 'Ttii E subscriber offers for sale his farm near S' X. St. Pauls Catliiilio Muteion, 1 tested on the Willamette ltiver, nearly nmoite the iniut'a of tiie Ynraiiill. Tho farm contains 320 acre.; 200 acre or m ire In ttr ) lields, with new fence around eacb, being rich, dry prairie: one of tbe fields is set in time grass. There is a Rne younjr orehard. bearing iruit of the best varieties; si to a never failing spring of water, neur the dwelling. The improvements consist of 1 story dwelling, wiliia new frame addition; frame baru.H uy 30 foet.wtlh shed n round same; smoke botiMi. stable, cnickeu hunsc. Ac. This is one of the most desirable farms in the Territory, being peculiarly adapt ed t fruit-raising or agricultural purposes, and will be sold cheap. For terms apply to Daniel H. Murphy in Salem, or to Andrew Mnrphy 2 J miles . w. of ChamjKiea, and near M. Hugh Cosgrovo s. , DANIEL MURPHY. May 17. ISiS. ' 2ml0 Probate Court .Muriois County. NOTICE is hereby given to all concerned that ap plication has lieen made to the Probate Court of this county. A. D millol. administrator, for an order to sell tho real estate of JOSEPH BIXET. deceased, to pay the debts thereof, and unless the contrary be shown oa or efore tiie tenth Jay of June next, an order will be made accordingly. " J. D. BOON. J. P. May 13, 1S5S. 4wl0 Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is herefiy given that the undersigned lias been appointed administrator with the wtil annex ed of the est.ite of RENJAMIN DAVIS, deceased, all persons bnving accounts apainst the estate ara called upon ti present them for settlement with the proper vouchers at my residence near Kujrene City, within twelve months from the 4th day of May, I80S; and all fiersons owing tbe said astute are requested to make mmediute payment. JA'S HUDDLESTON, Adm'r. Eugene City. Lane Co., May 4. 1&58. 4wl0 , Administrator's Notice- NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of GEO. V. CHITWOOD. deceased, by tbe probate eonrt, of Marion Co.; now all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said eetate. are requested to present theut within the time rennired by I iw. J. H. CIIITWOOD, Admm'r. Silver-ton, May 1.13-53. - - 4wl0paid ; For Sale. A FEW choice Melodeons.Prince's make, Piano case, divided swell, five octavo. -.FfF. E.; U BRADLEY & Co. Oregon City. FeK.1859. 4fltf ,4 ", WEBSTERS CNABRfDOED DICTIONABIES flCF jnst received and for s!e by E. L. BRADLEY A Co. Oregon Olty. April, 1959. 6tf, - LsUfP oil. candies, tedsweet oil. at r!fH K. EMTTH Ac Co'e , Eocki. . Exki. .- . i WK. SttlTH Co. have rcatiy received a larirt , Invoice of book. direct from New York, which they offer for sal ot reduced m iass. Titer will be eon- atnntly recsitltir; additlous to their stock-, and will keep on nanu every article in tnat line, wuuu tee wants or the country reuuire. On efth Brm will visit the Slates In the spring, aftor which they will keep a full assortment of , LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS, tn addition to mlscellaneona and aetidol book. Tbeir prewat stock Include all tbe different kind of school books used In tlx country, and a greet variety of stand ard scientific ond mlseellanaons works, all of which will be sold st rrreatly reduced price., to make room fijr new one nn the way. . Tb:y also hve end will eutlnae to !teep a eomplete assortment tit stationery, ilates, peuclls, pen, Ink, aad fancy nrtlele, v . " ! Store nerr tha brit;, HeiitiJ red of Commercial street. .-. Saleru, Do.n. 183T. ' ' A , 42tf London Club Iloni Gin. TO THE PUBLIC. . mills celebrated Gin Dreteuuina to cotbirs bbt X yrtiat It ls,yl.i a pur and unadulterated article, and assuming; no artificial merits of what it is not, cs soma of Its rival Imintor do alter eight year of pub lic approval end eery extensive sales, ia th cities of Now Yotk, Plillttdelybla, Boston, and tu Western cit ies, has been pronounced by tbe public, al well as by th best medical and sclentttlo anthofitle of the LT. S. and th Canadas.to be superior, not only a bevem-e of genera lune. In any mner article eompeuiig against is, it is unentitled in It medicinal efficiency In ail class es or coiniilalnt-i. To person traveling In these days of rapid transit trout Last to West, North aud S iuili, and more partictiiHtiy to tiiose crossing tiie isuinus, and whoure cuiut-ntly chsuirlnfr tliclr wafer as well a climate who nre drinking. Indeed, a doect ktndjof water in every twenty-lour hour, and each draught containing some property citing in chemical antagon ism to in preeeetling one, tnreny causing an rninuc- Ml df-frce of excitement to the stomach it it pnl lively and uusoluUly neceswry ta use a counteracting ajent. From the fact thnt thi article Is prepared ex prevslv to meet sucb exlceocles. and t act, aa w know it wilfact, aa an antidota, w eonttdautly prescribe It a tbe very best article in the country. Toe name ol AromaAJc Suhied.im Sc'inapp bas never been attached lu any way to till; article. TUB LONDON CLUB H0CSF. CIN Requires none of tbe usual "caution to the publI.-, to beware of counterfeits, It being, tike sll other geutilue articles, beyond tbe ansa art of counterfeiting. The London Club House Gin Is an antidote to tie Imrriole adulteration to wnicb everything alcoholic is submitted the noxious poisons made np sod f U a AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. Ae.. &e. The I-ondoa Club House Gin' require no "ward of advice," no "caution to the public." Those who once drink it. find the securltv In I's virtue aealnst the vi cious tern plat Ion of drinking ny of its vile imitations even under' dre;" while those wnu'-eatition the p no lle" arcalnst counterfeiters, hare themselves been cau tioned l.y the public to beware of any but The Londun Club House Ufa WILLIAM H. DALY. Soli Importer, A'fte Fori. Notice Tbe unexampled success of THE LOXD02I CLUB HOUSE GIN Ha Induced a host of Imitator, who are putting nnan infcrlorarticle. under simsr titles. Purclia-ers will please notice lhejf-rimi of the signature of tbe eu- dersigned on the lai si. Fi r si.le by all of the principal Liinor H iosei la Sau Frsnci-o. Aprils, U53. ym7i . John C. Bell. 182 Clay Street, Next door to the Museum, near Rearnr Street, SAN FRANCISCO. "URPFTS OF ALL K1SD.-4. FLOOR and TABLE V CLOTH. Paper Hanrings, Window Shades, FtrENISHINO GOODS OP ALL KINDS, Wholesale and P.etail. Green Btixe, Pew Cushlcns, ,l;,.Ae.,e. ttf A liberal d'ss-onnt will always I made to penp'e from thecoiintry Cbenpest Crpt Warehouse on the facias toast, twn t rcrget iiieuamuer, rsrisacLAY STRF.ET.EJ SAX FRAXvncc, April, 1438. SmTis Jonas G. Clark & Co., 1 31 r u it 1 is u h o and Va MAKUFAOTUPEn O F ' T fix UNjfr u U(5, t'ZS WASHINGTON STREET, . SAN FRANCISCO. WE are n jwtaacat'jt luring onr FINEST FURNI TURE, and would invite th attention of tlie ptiblio to our PKKrfBNT STUCK, the largest ever uteit-d 00 the Pacilic Cuaht J OS AS C. CLARK A Co. April. I5S. SmTis Not tec. riIIS Judaea or the Supreras Court of tlte Territory of X i!C.ki. a.-?mbled st tb eat of (iovem merit on ' 19"h day of l;e;v.l-?r. PAi, d Cs aud appoint. L'Ktrli.t Ciatt to I b.d lit tiie city of Sale's, ji-efce cmtr of Uarion, on the lirst Mnndsrsof ArrfiT aud September, and the fourth Mondays of Mav and Octo ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; nuu in the city of I'orfaod. in the county of t:.im .ii. on l;ie Bfth Monday, f I'eccmber. Irifg. aud thereafter on the Brst Mondays of nay end October, and the third Mvnday of June and November, annually, nntll otherwi order ed.and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days ea--b. GEO. H. WIL1.IAM3, Chier Justire. 41 CVnUSOLN'KY, Associate Justice. Nctico. "VfOtT f .rlarpe sales and small profits, for esub or I i Orerron prod-ire. A well selected assortment of dress' patterns, Delaiues. Mertns. Calicoes, liinghams and ali other goods for ladies. An assortment ol bon- nela and iso ' hats of thela test fashion. Also aw til ,lectedtssortment of clothing, boots and sUoe or the best niality, coffee, tea. sugar. alt, rice, pepper, salaratuWaid limp oil. with other articles, too numerous to mention, for sale in Rector's building. isaietu. ... - ITaESTACOTT Msy 13, 1J.-.7. tOtf Slationerri SUliflnerj. t-s 1. nntnt.KY Co.. have inet received, direct Hi. from New York, iter clipper ship Aurora, a fine lot of blank books, and taticoery generally, consisting in part of the following : 400 Reams paper of every variety; 100 Quires blank books, half bound, full boaud, bii Kind'; ;od Dos. Ink. Davies best blscV, blue, and red; 75 Beams wrapping paper dif. size; K . 60 gross pen holders: -60 " slate pencils; 20 dog. slates. . Together with a general assortment of school and miscellaneous books Sander' speller and readers Davlra' and Thompson's mathematics complete. We would say to those whobny to sell aeain. just give OS a call. E. L. BRADLEY & Co., Cily Book St a-e, Oregon City., Dec. 23. 1So7. . 43tf NEW HARDWARE STORE. I'HE subscriber having taken tho fire proof Uranite - Front Stove, ucxtd'ior to McKtt A- Co, fV-oru St., would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he is now opening a full and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SHELF AND BUILDER'S HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MECHANICS' TOOLSI! TABLE AND POCKET 'cutlery. And other articles in his line, to which be invites the attention of Merchants, Builders and country dealers. Portland, February, 1858. 4tf Drags! Drugs! Drags! WK. SMITH tt Co. have just received direct from California, and from the States, a large addi tion to their stock of Drugs, and medicines, making, with their former stock, the largest, and best assort ment of those articles, ever offered for sale in tbe Wil lamette Valley. They receive their goods directly from the importers aud manufactures so that every ar ticle bought of them can be relied upon as fresh aud genuine, and they are determined not to be undersold by any other druggists in tbe country. Orders sent from a distance will be promptly filled, and at satisfac tory prices. Store near the bridge, south end of Com mercial street. Salem. 42tf - John R. Foster. luiporter acd Dealer ia SHELF AND HEAVY" HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, Farming mjttcmenU, Ac, Ac, &c. ' AT TBE FIREPROOF GRANITE FRONT STORE. Front street, Portland, Oregon. . February. 135 S. - 48tf For Sale. WEBSTER'S Unabridged Dictionaries; Quarto " ' High School Primary and Pocket Dictionaries. - - . L. BRADLEY A. Co Oregon City. Feb., 185S. 4str PRESTON C. Merrils yeast powders and extracts of lamou and rose, for flavoring pastrys. at FMtf W. k. SMITH ACo's. E. Pelton, Gto. B. Jones &.Co., CELL EXCHANGES oa New York, ia aisnanteto snit nnrehasoi-s Salem. May 17. 1858. lfltf SCHOOL Moss, 'ao:efaie and retail, at . - ,. 1 UfJ tV. K.55fTTH t Co s. A Wri irn Vt ami CUre State : 'VfZ'Ut"? 1. rv rrHE Tieslltra to whether a tesn can I e a eocsbil A ent denrterat aud Vote f.w a fiae Irtute. le a tjnes tlon for politicians to dispute about at pleasure, i.ut (A qutMion sa to where both fre aud slave State nen can buy goods ehtap, I the on flmt th en'.irs pcp'e ol Oregon are Interested In. 4 The man that pay high rente, " fare anmptaousty very dny," nd abore elicredit 00 hi good tn thoke who are slow per, must of necessity sell gooS high, or b will ' po in." White he who sell for ee4 down and ne grtimiillng.ean slford toaelllotr. There ar ten (tore In Corvallia, alt selling on t credit syjiom. Now. 1 prapot to make mine a CASH STORK, sr.d thoce who bv any Vas'i or ProJuee la pure ii as goods with, can bey of me 19 per cent lover tban tbey conld ir t was doing n credit bnetneas. Thf man wln nay for hi read when he pureli.wc tiiec. will not bave tt pay higher than they ere reftlly wort! to make good thoa aes'Miuts that are not psld for In a Ion? lin-e. mid In ome I nstence ittjt paid rer el all. And this work no hard-drip to those who wish to buy ou credit, further srcTnins other stores lu town where good cart be bought on credit, by paying a lit tle more than they are worth. Tbe other merchants in town are a verv clever set of fellowt. and to them I eammend those who bare not th ' ready to buy wit ; while to those whu hrtve" Cash. Butter, Eifg, Pork, Bacoa. Wheat , Oat. Slln gle. Wool, eti;., (don't mean credit) come to me, 1 Intend to tell von goods at LOW RATES, without regard to ruling pike in tuwn. I am Jtut ren Iving a large and well -selected clo;k of goods, conaixting of . . Dry (i'Mwls, Gr'icerles, . Jioots snd Sb.k'a, Clilfiin;?. IJ'tteiiSwsT, Haidsrarc. And in f.-.cl . n t s: h y r n i x G tn supply the wauts of the people of Oreeou.as follows: Dnmestles, brown and btWiied Ticking, hesvy and medlnm ; Denim, lj'.-ury and medium ; Prints Merri mack, Cosbeeo, Ac; De l-ilnes all wool ard half wocl: Alpaccas a great variety ; Merinos Frcach and Englirh; Kilk black dress; Velvet various col ors; Sittlnetts from 6i cenlstotl.OJ perysrd; Lin seys a lir?s tock ; PUids a.n assortment ; Flan nelsred. white, blue, yellow snd gray Tootling; Tabl Linci. and red Bianketa. In a word, a general assortmasit of staple and funcy dry good. GROCERIES. . SO.tliO lb, salt, Liverpool bloan, fiM'O d eoCVe, best Pj , 5,(Hi0 do sugar, brown so J a hit . l.f'uO do tea, In caddie and ip bulk, e-' O d-J ri;e, Carolina, -.0 do sa;ei.itun, pure Bwtun, 500 do toia;jo, pure leaf snd ttolik-n Cefe, CO kejja K. B. yrtip, i gaili. Keth Adams, 20 ! 1 do d tj di d t 103 bove adamantine eandls.?, 7" d pa!" soap Hi-'l'j and Fsr's, 20 di pickles, I gall. Cherkiiut, 10 do pie fruit, assorted. I 'I di -oyxters, Ballimoie eoe, . : j dj. sardines, hit. ami tjr. boxes, 10 do yesat powders, Ac, together with.. Prune. Cat-tup, Pepper jaucc, Ciuvet. P!i:t-r, BhI. Indigo, t'pite, Clunaiuun. Cres ra laiur. A'-tm. liiwooj, Maddr. " -B'traa, Chalk, Beeswax, M atelier, ,Vc. cLorfma. C miU, rests and p tnt, alt kiaJ t : IniJia ru;,Sjer eU and patits j red, blue attd grev orersuirti ; overails grey detiinis ; uudenhirts and'drswers ; white end cal ico shirt 5 cle-.k ekirts aud hickory shirt ; .-ilk nn dershirts aid drawers ; 2-1 tlT. latltes bos ; 60 dt. men' ball hose, a prett variety; haakKkin. k-d or.d tlu-ead gioifci : garitlelsb-ji;k"skln and kid. ladeed, everytuiug in L. Jies and gents faish.-jg line. , HOOTS A.D SHOES. I'eos besvy. medinm snd il.lttbootei bor' m?d-im boots ; titiUwd kip and cot.-oid. bwssiis ; cljtli tojt, and patent-leather g;titer; eo!f erd hsvy shie-; lalies gaiters, buskin aud shoes ; mis gitteis, bas fcins uud h(e ; cliililren' gett?rs, buskins and shoes ; in fact, every style of b iott and sbce. rh?-sp. Crockery an.l jrlnss w ire, . BuckeU a:id wooden car;, ilrjistHs and rrind saA, CUurns a.-nl lu:if , Clk-i snd looking-glume. llARlUVAtiE OF ALLKISD.1. Carpenters and bLifkamitbs tool; cot, wroogbt, and borse-shoe us'lf; ait?s. haWLets. and hamraars, adzes, auj-ers. and broad plaots, plne biLsend sjMike a'.igers. draaring-kitive and pnini-.-g buives. !utch?r knives aud pocket knives. cnrTn knives, sr.d koiyC and forts, screws, tick. brad and bolts. Licks, latches and 'oil-', tiie locfe. cfiet I icki aud pa-H icks everything ustuj'v fu-tad ia it hardarare,su.re. incl ed- Irora esles, steel sprluge., f wst alee! snl pK"ffb s'eel. caiTiace biits and wagoa bxes,Tl.-k5nttu lina bininiers, 1 iideksmith' shtie baiciiers, masots' stjee hammers. strsp binges, door king. and trowels. 1 fe-ea a grx-ery store. A 1ry g-jntli stare, - v A h:ird vare ?tsie, A el.tl.!nirt-re, A boat and sts-x vtor?,auJ A ge.-ierjt VARIETY ftTOI.E. If any body ea r sell cheap, I mi sail cheaper. Hy iu jI'i) Is, as cheap as tbe ehfipest. aad a little cheap er. Come and se. Post ymu-selve cp on prices at tbe other stores t ben buy of me. If yoa witi exuuiii.e n-r gootls aud prices, yan eatir.at go away dissatUBed. " O.K. t'OLE. Ctirvallis. Sept. St, lT. 2Ctf Judicial. rjUK. ttr ns of t'ie DI.-trict Court for tbe trial of is JL sues in the Firf.t .JnoU-ifil District wiii be as follows: In Linn county th? 'id Morteay of April inst.; Marion county the 3d Monday ef April iit ; Yamuiil eoanty tlie 4lb M-mdav of Aoril iiist.; Benton countv the 2d Mond.iyof May next: i.nne eonnty the SA Monday of May licjtt; foift coa;ty tue Zd Monday or June tiext 11. P. BOISE. A-ige. Saleai. April 9, 183. 6tf - . A GENTS in Orel mi and "tVasbinrrUinTerriiilrle. aad XX California, to sell my EcimciU Liniment. 1 will pny a premium of fifty d-jllars to the Agent who will sell the greatest amount of Liuimeut from the rir-tt cf Jaue uext, 1$54. until the foliowin? Jni.e. 159. Send on your orders for the Liuimont: I w.ll nay all 1 reieht. charges.cn the Liuimeut seut ta Agents, therefore no Agent win be at any expense lu receiving it. The Agent are to sign a receint or tar for the medicine when soli. The price of Liniment is ti 00 per doxen- J'JU.i UAltUiiUVU, JyJ . 2d St., Cvrvsiiis, Oregon For Sale. '"y ACRES of goodlacdon LrnDer Molaila nrairit & I ) For particulars eaqnire of H. Hol!and.nri Ituard steamer o-Tpnse.or fc. u. U.HAUIjfcY.tity Btmk 5t.re Oregon City. E. L. BUAUI-EV A Co. February! 1353. . , 4otf HydropaiJeic Books. TY Tr.H. Shew and O. S- Fcwler. For ssle at the 1 City Book Store. E-1.. BRADLEY & Co. Oregon City, Jan. 1S5. 4Stf Attention Farmers. w E will pay the highest market price "in cash "for wheal. - lit-ACM tlOliUiS. Corrallis Vinegar .Manufactory. WE always have on hand a large supply of PUt E 8TR0NO VINEUAR. which we will seil at Wholesale and Retail as cheap, if not cheaper, than it can tie obtained from San Francisco or any other port. Dealer in Portl.md aud other places ia the Territory would do well to give us a call. Z. GEORGE KRIEpHBACM & Co. Corvallis, Feb., 1353. Ctf Dr. Kriechbaum's Eye Salve and . Eye Water. THESE preparations if used with ray Life Pills, will effect a CUitW IN ALL CASKS of enre eyes. 1 have never known tbcm to fail since first ustd in Iowa in ISt ), and I will ensure a cure if takea according to direction, or refund the money. Persons sending orders will please state explicitly tbe nature of the ca&e and I will send all necessary for a cure, for which I will charge frjom Ten to Twenty dollors. Prepared only by , Da. J. G. KRIECHBACil, - CorsaUit, O. T. Corvallis, Feb., IS58. SOtf .. Siiaa C. Herring's rattnt Cbampion Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes, WITH or without Holls" pawder proof lock or Jones' patent permutation Bank Locks. Sold at the manufacturer's prices with freight added. Prices from $35 to S00O. calf nnd see sample of thei.- work with tbe improved locks. GEO. H. JONESgenf. Salem, May 17, 1958. lurf JLager Heer. THE undersigned is manufacturing at tbe OS sffcy EGON CITY BREWERY a superior articleY2& of Lager Beer, as good as any : a the Country., Always on nana and prepared to nil orders, at home or from a distance. LOUIS BEHRENS. May 5.1S58. Stf GREAT tA'DUCE3iENT! J E W FIR M CSEADLE & BROTHERS, i ..-. EXCHANGE STORE - I DRY-GOODS AND FAMILY GROCERIES. OF Which we will keep constantly oa hand, a good variety. W are dttermvwd to sell forready say as loso a asu retail store on the Will&uicUa river. To prove this asaartion.we req:;e--t ladies and gentlemen to oal! and see before pure basin? elsewhere. jr. B W win also, pay easa or gooos tn excoanga far all kiade of 3tectntahle prodace. S- OEf ADLt & BROTHER. AiUny, Xi 10. 1?- emio ' "r - - swf . t "ifOTRA Y NOTICES. E3RSBHBBnSSBaMMHaBaiHHBHHMMa fTlte L-barse for estray notice l one dollar, for each annual advi-tld. - No notice will appear until paid for. where no mosey, or less than tbe 5orret amano is sent wit 1 nr. estray notice, tbenotlc Will Botb Bub- puljIUIied until tb 1, ill suiouot i received. , rpAKEN CP, by tbe sut-seriber, living is Sandridg .1. precinct, en yoke cl oxen, described aa follow: one psie red steer, white face and belly, a little whltsj on the back and aitoolder, marked crop ami balf crop lutbe Iit ear, branded on th left shoolder with let ter V, supposed to be 8 or 9 year ol 1. The other, bl ek or brown with sores wbit pots on him, smsll whit spot In tb forebead, the bees t f tbe tail part white, rnsrked crop and split In left ti r. suiootb ernp off tbe right, auppocsd to be tea er el-v.-a year obi. Also, oa two year old steer, red hritiiii, with wbit In to tUnk ep beliy, white bind legs op to toe n stern joint, aald r.ter was a bull when fee cam to my firm in tha wiuUrof tH6$: It oxen tme In the fall of 185'. JOHN WHEATOH. AiayJG, 1853. Swl$ rpAKEN UP, by the andersiirned, living 4 I t rnUaa X aoutb wit nf Sdo, LI tin Co., one white Spanish eow, and calf, five rear o!i!, without brand or mark , one steer, two year did, a eau f ae.id ejw. ' i . JOHN J. KELLT. June 1, 1363. lwlS TiXKEN CP, by tbe rj!criijr, living ten mile a. a. ef Corvallis, oue Spiriisu ox, ripposed tu be nioe or tea yetr old, brsrided on tbe left hip with W, and oa the same fcip, with an unknown brand, eome white on the bsiiy, itrge boras, cl'r yellow brindle, 00 mark on hi ear. WILLIAM WALTOM. Mayl3.1S59. Ivlt TAKEN UP by the eubscrilier. living three mile; of UarHsbm-g, Lion Co., one red nd white eow, rided. white face, marked with an tuider half crop la :te rigLt ear, and smooth crop erTUi left.oppoed to be two years c!d, supposed to be branded on tb right bTp, but cannot tU what It i.; said eow hts a calf, tome live week old, red with line hack and white line baek, and with a white tall. JAMES RCUrVNF.R. llsy 2C, 155C. - twlj rpAEEN UP by t'ie ondergigned. liviug la Prairie X precinct. Lltin Co., one red ter, with some wbita abiut the bead and be)!y, marked with a crop 08 the ten ear, end an auaerwt in me nam. a years oin. SAMUEL 1 FEBEKEB. fct May !9, 1859. tU 'IUKKN U P l.y tbe taoscriber. living one mil sr-d a s. bJ( , nortnwest or Bethel, one watte Ionian 1 supposed to be about seven year olj, branded oa the leu shoulder with theMetter H, and cn tbe le!t hip, C. T.. an on tbe right hip. ; said animsl is about 14 ban-Is high, and has been mailing in thi vicinity for the list ttre've month. JOHN P. POT. Mty I,1S?. . SviS ' rttAKEN UP, by th nbscriber, one half mil south A ol Ward' Butte in Linn Co., one eow and eslf, three rears old, last Spring, marked with crop off the left ear, end aa nnderbit ia tbe right, mostly black, white about ber belly, end tail, white star ia her fore heed, aud left fcipj ij-j other mark or brands. V. F. WHISOS. Ksy 21, 1S?. iwlJ 'PAKEN UP, by the subscriber, residence six mile A east of Salem, oa hr sb mt the ?ti dy of Msy. one two year old heifer, with smooth erop off her rightear, iclor red, no briml perceival-le. JOHN G1LMOBE. Jace. MSB. - - 2wlJ . - PAKEN UP, by tbe snriWer, living la Una C.. six A miles, norliiea-tt of Harris mr j, oae roaa cow, with red ears, ted around the mouth marked with crop and nnderbit in the right ear, cause t my residence some time last f 11; no brand prer!vUej said cow had a ealf s jme tiiree or lour inaaths ago. AROALOUS fHOMAS. Msy 25,1553. v twl3 IAKEN CP, by the sa'-fKrilter, l:V1ng In Ooogla Co.. A three miles nurih of Winchester, one red line-backed steer, taree years o'.d. with no visible brsrsd, mark ed with a square B'Jtch oa the under side of tlte left ear. SAMUEL W. GARDINER. KsyU, 1358. 2wl3 'PA KEN CP, by the subscriber, iivicg eveti mile a. A e. of Albany, oce bsy 611.S, 3 year old, the two right feet while ep to the j atirn j iint, blaze face, has teen running iu tbi i vi;-iuity abotit two years, (opposed n 1 e baif cr ail Indian; 00 tther mark or bra no per ceivable, gr.ia KARKHAM. Msy 1, IS3- tw.3 ritAEKN CP by the cadersigaed. living ten mile a. JL cf CorvalSU, Benta Co., one dark bay mare, with black rr.iT snd tail. f-r yettrs old, with white elipoa the no-, aod few w!s:t ha:rs tietsreea tb eys, ap piej t) be he If Americas; ihs came to my Wo tmm yeir ag-. MONROE HOOES. May 13, 18S. j !wll - rpiAKEN CP, ty tlie SuU ri.'-er. liviug two miles J. sot-lb of Etiweue City, lsne Co., in tbe Fork of tbe River, one three 3 ear old teL'er, &ark red, some w! Ue in tie Ca- t. crcp arid slit in both tsn. no oihsr mnrksorttfand-. WALKi.il YOL'NO. May it. IS58. 4wi3 r"!JKEN CP, by t'ie rsbscriiser, living 2 miies east X ef Lina Co., MiL'ocsId prst:itict. a three eld steer, vbite bse!r, asd red tide?, whits face, with some white oa tiie I -rs ard tail: marked with a crop 2 t'js rigit esr, end oa . anaershipe on the left ear; mid tteer c: j.ie W 13 r hot)' Ia-t rsmnjer. - Si9-fRAD H. HAMILTON, mav 8 211 TAK.E2IEP.ty the snbscriier, liviig la Yooeaila preeinct. Tin pot Valley. Usipoos Co.. a small r-Jis horse Vot t"t- years oU.bas a star labia forebead. and is bmndd on tbe sear shaul ier wi-fj P. and oa the Hit fii tr-th A L. .JAMES FARMER. May . IS... 2wia 7AKEN CP. by the sabscHber. Lying at Oakland JL City, b'mpstw Co., one two year old heifer, light bsisd'e. shitrt spike hor, and the lower part of the tjtii white, no o-arks or bnads per-vsb!e. ASDEBSON LONG. Kay 10. 1153. 2wU TAKEN CP. by tbe sn-jseriber, living on Bandridjre, ia Lion Co-, oae twa year old heifer, marked with a cr"p oT the left ear, acd split ia tbe same, and a stffaiiow-fork ia the right, pvUy white, with red specks; no other marks c-r brand peresival.'e. . LEWI3STIMLON. JLty it, V9. - , w!3 rpAECN CP, by the eubecritjer., living la Sandridge JL prectm-t, Linu Co., one red steer, some white oa the back and belby, tail white, bores drooped, marked ctopand split in the right ear, and split is th left, six years old this spring, said steer came to my farm ssme time in tie Utter part of the fail af 1357. C.P.KNITEN. May 24. 1S58. - ' 2wl3 riAKEN CP, by tbe subscriber, living ten miies east JL cf Saiem, Marion Co., a ty horse, aboat J yean old. biack mane and tail, with star ia face, three white feet and some saddle marks, came to my premise hut summer. T. U. HEBBARD. May 31, ISS?. 2wl3 ; 'IAKKN CP, by the obscriber. living in Prainepre X cinct. Linn Co., O. T., one red and white (potted three year o!d steer, marked as follows: a hole in the left ear, and branded with a letter L on tbe right hip. JAMES HOWAED. May 2, 1553. 2wl9 J i K rV CP. by the subscriber, residing on the north JL B.do of McKenzie, Lane Co.. ota estray horse eolt, 2 years old, bay, one white hind foot, blaza face, bracded Y on je.it shoulder. DAVID WILSON. Mty IS.laS. 2wlJ ' IVAKEN CP, by the subscriber living ia South Fork A precinct, Yamhilil Co., oa the 15th day of May, one bright bay horse, black mane and tail, white fclare from his eyes down" to l.i lips, with some saddle marks no brand; perceivable. six years old. ' JAME3 J. SENEFIEL. May 13.1S5?. 2wl3 - TAKEN I'P, by the snhseriber, livTng at Starr's Point, Benton Co., one 3 year eld steer, ale red. marked crop oh' tbe right ea r. aud slit in the left, brand ed J D on tbe risbt hip. Also, one deep red three year old steer, with white r"ce, marked with a crop If the left, and npperbit in the right ear, branded with J M on tbe left hip. and dewlspped, no other marks or brands perceivable; they Tot-th came beret about oce yearsgn. - TALLIf HA C STARR. . May 23, 1S5S. 2wl3 TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living in Yooeaila precinct, Umpqua Co., one brown horse ciule, sad dle marks on his back, been roached lately, no hraqds perceivable; been running here fooror five months.' james Mcdonald." May 21, 1S5S. Swl3 , . TAKtN CP, by the subscriber, living in Sandritge preciuct. Linn Co.. one white cow, with some dark spots on the sides and neck, jaws d irk brown or black, f.tce white, no ear marks, branded oa the near hip . with the letter F, said cow had a ealf this spring, sup posed to be six years Id, said cow has fcesa ntanicg about mv farai since the fall of 1&57. ' . LOYIIXKNtTEN. May 54,1358. 2wl3 riAKEN UP, by the aabsoriber, living ia Linn Co.. A as strays, one a large red steer, supposed to be 8 years old, wide horns, no ear .marks, branded on the right nip. wim toe leuer w; bo tnn:ier raarcsor braads perceivabic. Also a white ai;d brindie pjded steer, a good deal of white ou the forehead, branded oa th left hin with tbe letter W, with a croo and split hi eacb ear, four year old, no farther marks or brands diseov. era nie. Also a tinnoie steer, toar or ave years 01a, a good deal of white abotit the head, and the uuser part of the belly, with an anderhit in each ear. bnusdea oa tho left hip letter dim, tot known-, co further etarks or brands. IAAC BELLINGER. May S3, 1353. 2wl3 TAKEN UP by tbe undersigced, is the forks f the -Sactiam, east aide of Beaver creek. 1 mils from the Territorial road, oae 5-year old eow and calf. crtr an 4 split la the left ear: also, one 4-year oid cow anal ralf. crop and split 5a the left tar; ajo. oa 2-ysar old black heifer. orne white spots on her bcHr, crop and split ia ice let 1 ear ana anawa oa iae Jen tuD wrut e r. MaySS.1553- 3wlJ . . J. KCKEN6. TA KEN CP by the subscriber, at McKlaaey's ni, Marion Co., oae & cr 6-sar-oId red steer, swailoes fork in right ecr. some -wi:ts oa -the beUv asd ee & cf tie rail wtite . -O. B. F-OAJtBY'- STey I, ISe. ' Jwll