( , ) PIONEER EXCELSIOR &GXHCULTUR.&L T70MIQ. rrHK SUBSCRIBER bega leave to announce to t!is X FARtfllliaandDEALEUSlN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT, of CuuT-iruU aud Oregon, that h baa now i-iciiuics ior manmacinring ana repairing Agri cultural Impleniaut of every description, from the smallest to the greatest, of tUe best anH raot improv ed kindt, uttd lu the best manner, baring txlsshnp so cniarna ns ti aceommauate sixty worxiuen, ana tur- Blalied with fleam power and all the necessary ma CQlnerr of the LATEST and m it APPROVED ui h Md inferiir to cone now in use fur the purpose a Vive wn. tie m conjarr.1. mai, ,ia u;s past Ultceu year' experienco in California, he ran provide the tur- raers wita machine and implement much mure auita- oi to trie wants or tae country man any thit ran be imported, as the toil and prod acta of the country are amereni irotn uo at anise, ur.a require juatauaes to most oases of a mnre suhauutial make, and la many Instance very different. Hi designs manufactm-ing a -number of eatr.Uiied , Reeperi and Mowers, particularly adanted to the use of this country, -which will possess more combined strength, durability and lightness, than any other now rn use. His Cat Steel Deep Tiller Plow baa already attained notoriety In this country tar in advance of any oewra tarroaiicea. He will be able, wUii what ether Plow are made within the State, to supply fully til demand for these Plows the coining season. He designs manufacturing Smith's Patent Gang Flow. o lavoraory Known ta la n eacern states, ana recently introduced here. AUo. Premium Fanning Mills. I rum Hoe, lt(. which have rirea universal satisfaction. Also, the World's Fair Prize Butter Workira- Churn, ta which was awarded the First Premium at the t'nli- fornla State and Mechanics Fair. IS57. Also, llor- rowa, Cultivators, Side-bill Subsoil and Lett Hand Plows, and all other similar Implement. HE WISHES to call the PARTICULAR ATTEN TION of the Fanners to bis facilities for repairing all Kinase ignnuiura implements, oeing sue 3 as to en able him to di every part within hi own shoo, helmr prepared to make easting both of Iron and brass; there- fere he will be able to do repairing in the sb"rtet time and with mnch !e-a trouble than has heretofore been the case. He wisheaalso to ANNOUNCE that be baa bow on the WATER, bonnd for this PORT, on board the clipper ships WEBFOOT and MaRY R03IXSOX. torty 01 juax a. fill 8 celebrated XHRtlsuEKS and SEPERATORS. twenty each. 8 and 10 horse-now ers, which are superior to any ever heretofore offered in tbla market, with cast steel Cylinder Shafts and Journal, which haa not heretofore been the ease, and ia many other resoects la such a way as to arid" much to the steady operation and wear of the machines, (nsvmiinuiiifjui; ui tue vjii r raacu.ue, wnino wei: to forward their orders early, as these are all that will be ra the market, of that make tills season, and he h is tbs exclusive right cT sale for the machine in Califor nia. Oreg-m and Washington Territories. He will not as Pitt's acentia protecting the patent un Mid machine. . AH persons will please take notice that t'eev will b held reponbte for any Infnngetaent aa saij patent. He has also en the war a irooj assortment nf Roanei-sr among which are BCRSALL'S. SicCORMICK'S HUS BEY'S and MANX'S. AUo a full supply of extra for any ana ail or tne snore Macmnee. i vc.'es. Sections, Casting of rrery description, etc. In adlitiaa, be has on band a fall supply Hay Presses, best style; Hay and Straw Cutters; Grain Cradles, Grant's; XI Steel Piows: Cincinnati Eazie Steel Plow; Eraas & Adams' Galena Plows : Berolvine; and Wire-Toothed Horse Itke; Cora-Shellers: Scythes and Snaths, best make; - Hay and Barley Fork: Thermometer a'od Dash Churns White's Self-Acting Cbeese-PreiHe; Donjrlsa' Pumps; Seed-Sowers and Grain-Drills; Cider and Wine-Presses; Circnlar Saw Tables; Garden Rakes and Spading Forka; Amea' Short and Loe-Hand!e4 Spades; Wagons, Drays and Carts; Hand-Carts; Ax and P.ck Handles; Hunt's and Simmons' Handled Axes; Steel Crowbars; Old Colory Awrted Xai!; Grindstones and txtures; Palina; Eope; Wheeibarrows; Piow-Bcsrassnd Haailet. In fact, a full assortment cf al! l;."!iie:re-! ncn:.-cJ by the farmer. He proposes t a say that wtiat ha "rata afactares. as well as what he lmpT!. he will seil ti as reasonable tras a any cso sell similar arti.-les. Ue is snre thatbe ean aid will o-Tcr sa;': InJ-iren.er.ts as to make it to ti e interest of farmers and mtfvliacts to bay of him instead of importing. Ke wcld, at the same time, tender tU thanks to tiie puMic fir fieir liberal patronage dni t!ie pat reason, which ba been entirely to h:s satisf.u'tion cr.d mao'j terocd bis expectation at the befiaaing of the stason. . Mssrs. HU. Knspp A Co.. cf Ptrt:acd, are mt s Vents lo CWT. f ?r tie sa'e tf my Catl .StM Iter? T.! fcrflar. Ailordfrsfor riows". as well rs other im pleclents snd machiaarv oi arT description wiil I f filled by H-. K. k Co., ai San Fi-sncUco j-rices, with freight adced. TK0i OGC. PQAW, 31 Sa-raraer.tostitt. MannJactory Corner Divi i i Sa.rja:n'.i streets. Baa Francisco. Calit'orala. Febroary,iaj8. ' tmty VJcoden Ware, Brooms, Baskets, BRUSHES, Ciothea Liaes, JIatciies, d.c. Ia all tbelr rarieties. OX HAND AXD CONSTANTLY AF.IUVIxd FROI THE EAST. For tale at Iost, snl Wholesale pris, ft th? Toi u4 ViWcw Were Esi&blisbmrct Cf nAWXHURST & SOX, S3 Sacramento St, btlow Frcct. BAN FSAXCISCO, CAL. ' San Fraa., Feb., 1835. 6.nt9 JOIlXA. K1TTREDGE, TV TAXCFACTURER of Firc-proof Po-ts, Shutters. 1YX Tanlts.icic&c. Battery, near Pacific Urett San Erancisco. X. Orders from the -country promptly attended t y and warranted as ordered. A larjre assortment of second band Doors snd Shut ters constantly on band, ior sale at rerj- low rale. March, loS. 6m52 L. Q.' Wasbington," A G EXT for the prosecution of claims at Washing" X. ton, R. C before the Executive Departments, Con gress and the Coartuf Claims, n ill attend totl:e set tlement of aecoonts of Mar-hali, District Attorneys, and other Federal officers, and of contractors with the Postoffice and other Departaier.tp : alsf.to tie procur ing' oi i 'ate its ror LAnd. uana arranis, and otuer on aioess of a General Arency. Refers to Geo. Joseph Line. Oresron Territory: Gov. Isaac I. Stevens. Washington Ter.; Hon. M. H. McAl lister, Hon. Ogden Hoffman snd R. Ar.g. Tiiompson. of Saa Francisco, Cal.; Hon. James tJotbrie. Looisville. Ky., and to the Officers generally of the Treasury and interior departments at aaxiinton. Addrosa L.Q. W ASH1XGTOX. lv Washington I- C, Corwallis Drug Store. JK.CAEDWELL, Druggist and Apotliecary, :.con- stantly receiving, per California steamers, large and carefully selected stocks of Drtifrs and Medicines. Oils, Paints, Varnish, Soaps. Perfumeries, Toilet Fur niture. Stationery, and-all articles usually kept in Drag Stores. Agent for Jayaes, and other patent tnedi-inex. wqicb wiil be rornisoea at laiiiorma, wnoiesale prices. ST9 Okdeks eox.iciTEi. J. K. CAEDWELU CorvanU.Mayl,l85r. . 12tf ORVALLIS Ware Hoose, Xo. l,we offer for rent. WAYMAX St.CLAIR. Ta connection wili the above we have a pork Lonse arid smoke howse for rent. IStf KOORE &. Sr.CT. A in. Casta srtem Adopted. , XTO more credit wiil 1 given by me. and tij.e i.v X debted to me, who hsve not made arrangements to pay their accounts in pork or other produce, will please call aad nuke payment or settle by note, as I intend closing mv books. - G.E. COLE. Corvallis. Sept. 3. 137. ' 26tf Dr. Krieclmatanm'k Ilungarisvn HAIR PRESERVES. FiR the Restoration, Beauty and Preservation of the Hair. This preparation removes all harshness and dryness of the hair, by exciting tlte scalp to a new a:id healthy action, and cleanses it from scurf and dandruff: prevents the hair from falling off and getting gray, but the most remarkable result which it will effect, is it wiil nrhtec a stem crop of hair on an eniii ely bald head. Msay young persons sometimes Snd the too early appearance of gray hairs, this preparation will stop this result. Mothers who wish their children to have fine beads of hair, can ttrect this by tbe use of this Tonic; especially on their daughters if tbe bair is lisrbt. I know few persons believe tbe hair can be restored on a bald bead, but, if my directions are followed I will warrant a core or refund the money. It is put op in two ounce bottles and-for sale by wholesale and retail with directions at one dollar per bottle; it ran be sent by mail to any part or the United Statea. Gentlemen end on yoor orders, stating tbe cause and dnration of the baldness aad I will care yoa. To insnre a cure any charge varies trove Twenty-five to Fifty dollars, accord ror to tbe nature of tbe case. Prepared only by Da. J. G. KBXCCHB AUK, Corvalla, O. T. Toreallia. Feb.. 1MZ$. Jotf Vallanst University, SALEM, OREGON. r"HE FACULTY during the present year will con l si: t of Rev. F. S. Hoyt, A. II., President and Acting Profess or r Ancient Languages and llathematii-s. C. H. H til. A. B.. rrofcssor of Natural Science. off wlinf1! leachenrf Common EnglUU. Itiaa Sarah BackliigUam, Teacher of Intr.unental atonic. The CoLtroiara rsPATMST of the Wallamet Un rcraitr has been crvnnlud. Younar men desisnlnst pnrxue a regular C- nrseVr Study, are invited to avail tuemseires or tne aurani.tgos an iraea ty tins msttiii tiun. All arailalile resources will be mude ne ot f meet the wanu of Students. Kitbrtawill bo continued tu secure a suitable endowm..'tt;and no pains will be spar ed inootaininscompeienia-iu experienced Instruct?r. The Collegiate year ia divided Into IAjw ttrmi, com mencmg as tuiiows: The liiat terra on the Sd Thursday in September. " second term on the 1st " " Jaiimiry. ' third lsst April. The flrst tiro terms arrJiVcea toerit mach .- the third tltvrn tertfet. VaoartoNs There will be two vacations In th year: one. in April, offtoo meet, and one, In the sum mcr, or mm vmt. Tcmox will be at the rate of tt per week, or tin per a-.inout. i nr. uiwimia i.iamuu tub I'KarARAToaT nrisTMT. Teaxa.- ' ""Aeademio rear la divided into rora I ran oi vr-ceexa tat. 1'hc first term bejrine on the last Thursday of Auprnst. aenond term begiua on the SI Novem. ' third Itst January. imina loss .prii. Vacartoss. There will be two vacations in the year: one ta April, oi noo mm; ana one in (ue snmnier sir wttks. Tcitio will be rial J at the beirtnnlns of each Term in ctranzt, at tne loinwinff rates: in Lan.itt.re.s, UiKlter Matuemativs Chera., tin ro utuer stndies or tue Ac.vleinio Uirision, . . " Common Englii-h D.vlii.c, Priraarr t .o S 0 s so s so io oi) For use of the PIar.. latrnmcr.Ul muMj Intr.u tionl In vocal rncsio U siren to all the stuacucsyTf oy euxrge, H D.Hiss:o! .tunents will re admitted at any t rue ami will te cnarcetl rcr tuition trora tne time tuey n tor orlr. bnt their pojres will be greatly promoted by eutering early in the Acadrmic year. " In cases wiser. I'rvu necessitr. students leave before the erdof the term fur wh'ch pavmrnt has necu made, S Just prtprrtioB not mere than three fourths inr lesa than oue-tiwsrth rf the tuition fee will be retUnded Students are not allowed t l-ave Jt-t hetore eximina tit a. Patrons who are inattentive ti this pniT-.t. Infli crest injury unoa both the student and the lustita lion. Boittrnxo. Yoanc eeatlcmen and J td:es can ol.uin board atreaso-.iable rates with nrivate far.iilVa. Corass or Sttbt. A Cirse rf Studv has been adootrd for both the C-illeaiate and Preparatory l!? panmenta, wen eaicmatea t.s secure ripe acneiarinp. mental discipl'xe, and a preparation for the act.ve in tlCMOt life. A l'beral Course of Rtnty lias been a.I.Mited fr t-ann-i ladies who d"-sire t- olitnio a tliomri-h ed irntM-n. el" A Diplmna will be awarded tn all who shall complete tue prescruiel cfurj. The Gov!tsnjvt will be rarentsl but strict aim ln contamly at the formation of c orrect habits of Selt-tiovernmenu tarelul attention will te given t manners and moral. ScaoLaasmrs. rerretnal. or for the reritnl of tea rears, aeennnff tmtin at rerr reuoced rates, can purcbxtd. t or farther fattionlars afply to the Pre! oer.t. Per cr ier of Executive Committee. V. S. HOYT. See. B -arJ of Trat.'cs, Sa!em. Dee. 10. 1SJ7. ltf New Constitution for Oregon. TfTTE hex leave tanmnnce to the public that we V 1 are t il nvtrivitiir a krgc n:iu wen wirrmi no of roiuls li-om San FranrWeo. which has lecii e!erf?d r.iir. erest enre hr Mr. Alexander. who ha'ieea cttei-.d Inc that market f r some time, therefore we -aa satelr avto the publi: that we can, tad will sell, goois a 1 w at wU.iesa:e or retail A3 AXTTiOUSB IX OREGOX. i.'e wiil '.-..e in L-x.!.iase fi r good all kin.U of prs- N. B. 'Tea ill alpv eosti f.r a!ljklud of pro in--e. t-it: Wheat. Fiiar. BuLJer. L;.rs, Eacon. ro:k. Lard Oats. Ar.. ft-., 'ce. All who wi.-h it purrhaee. wi.l at tre:. to csll and ex amine beiVre rtin-fiafinc eL-e line. u irstjcx cwit r rrerr tumg :a t..e :ir.e i.iai tais maikrt caitr-T i'--wit: Orer, White. he.l .nnd FI :e KliiKet 't Co.ru. Tr-t. Per.:-. Ka' and Hat rovers; Undrrand Over shuts. Wool and Cutun; Kvvry dscripMia of White Shlits; "Jawrs Ware, 1-lnr.l Ware and Cutlery; V. tts. tSLce"5 c?we ard fine: l'r-iTais Calf. Kip a...l Cowhide: Wo-.l Pb.M-. Verini. lelains.Uite ra'.t -r"S lit sUorteverv kind of p'e--e rood., aa Jl'ae CiiT TEA rversmrr-ri tottis msrwi. Ai- CvQirsBiri-ies. li.-nrir.yscea ar.u ii 'ri. SSa' Give u" a call, snd are ( r r.iurse've.L ALEXAXlL".i & HcL'WAX. Ci rvallis, Oct 13, 1V7. i3if New Arrival cf Jewelry, &c JUST FKOM SAN FUAXCISCO. TBOSESTHAi. informs h.s patrons and Ff2, u Francisco w;ta ase.ect a-vso-tmett r Jew- cflfera them for sa'e at bs l re on Front strwt. a 4" Oae u-iorbviow Dr. Cwabs" oiH--e.-ffa JEVfELKT. Gold and Silver waVhes; (Mil aid S:!vcr chain: fi-'d bracelet: G-jld earipffs: Gold breastn's: iiold ner rincs; Lo-et: tioM pens and pencils; Gold sle?ve nuitons; hiirer ana t'latea ware: lancj- gooas aud pertnmery. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Gaitara. Violins, ri'.itos. Fifes; a larre aswrtmiMit of Accordons. Lailc3 work boxrs of all kinds, t-id and Silver sectaoles. Gold and Silver spoons. Cutlery, Clocks an endless vanety. c, c. H- Watches, Clocks aad Jewely repaired, and all kinds of Jewelry mine to order. All of my work warranted! a es-Don'trorgcf'The Siga of the BigWatch."-X Corvallis. Oct. !t. IK7 33tf Notice. THE judges of tTie Supreme Court, of the Tc.Titory of Oregon, asvmiilcd at the seat of Government on the ninth day cf January, eijhteea hundred aad tifty seven, ilo fix said appoint District Conits, to he held ia viils-eof Roseburir. 1:1 tne county or Douglas on the fir-t alondavs.of Mar -h. Mar, Seotemlr and Novem ber, Sonually, until otherwise ordered, and do limit the Ciialioa ol sa. j terms to s:x o-ivs ea'n. Om. K. WILLIAMS. Chief -T isti.-e. 4 ltf M. P. DEADY. Awciate Justice. Statesman Book and JobOTce w TE have Three Trcsies. the be.-t facilities for Book printing norta of California, and an extensive as. srtaientof Jobbing Material of every kind; ami, with master workmen. aYe prepare-t to execute pnn:ly, and ia a workman-like manner, all orders ia theaV de partrnentd, such as Books. Blsvc Checks, Notes op Haud, Ur!kb Books r Stkambo't P.IM.S SrEAaso'T Carls, Bills op Ladikw Cebtificatks. Show Biioj, Chuck Books. El'k KKt-Kirrs, FAMiirm.ETS. Handbills, Baix Ticeets, ClRvXLARS, Iy.-ITATIONS, BrsiNEss Casds, E:i.LnEJii.f . COSCRKT EiLI-O, Procramhki', Adprkps Cards, Orapts. Blanks op all Kinds, Ac. Ac, Ac. ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLOIIF.O INKS The Latva of Oregon. THE OREGON STATUTE?, 10S, being a Iarre vol nme of 6.S0 pages, with complete imlex, annota tions, and reference., comprising all the laws in force in the Territory, inclusive of tho? pawned at last session of thelxiUlative Assembly, are for sale at the oftlce of the Statesman, at five doliars per copy. The work is ex ecuted in the best manner, bound in law i-tyle. and is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can lie bonelit in any SUte iu the Union, and at the lowest fimre they can be an irded for here. The pr.ee places tiiem within the reach of ail who desire the laws they -live nnder. Orders by road trasmpaaird with the cash. tilled br return mail. It is the last code of laws that wiil probably be putli.-ied in Ore eon. for many years In nddition to the cuactmcnts of the Legislative Aiwm l.lv, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen (nce. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with (Jreat Britain reiating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1787, in force in Oregon. Btmation Law snd ail nienlmenu. and full abstract ot Lj.LcJ .-,kIcs ntura!ization Laws. Marion House, Salem. Tf! undersigned sunonnces to the pnblic that he has purchased -the well known tavern stand. called the Marion House, in Sa lem . tocet her with the furniture and fixtures t-jereof. He will keep it in first rate style, and invites the patronage of the public. R.JI. MAY. Alay 23, 1367. nit Dentistry. DR. J. IL CARDWELL. Dentnl Surgeon, Corvallis, in his profession, at Corvallis. Eugene City, Win chester, Scottsburg, and Jacksonville. Skill, unques tionable: charges respectable: work, warranted. Teeth examined, ard advice given free of charge. lme noticr uvea of change of odlt-e. April 26.1 i. "tf Buggies. OPEN and covered bnirgies Concord JlMKo make, for sale. Apply to -VS J. SIcCRA KEX. Portland. 1H0T of all kinds, and powder, at 42tf W. K. SMTTIIA Co's. PTTSE WINES and liquora for medicinal .purposes, at ttfj W.K. SMITH 4 Co b. FREXCH merinos, and alpacas, at tt!trj n.tssnnjcs'i. The Gracfenberg' M I L Y H E D I C I N FA E S Tiie Crarfmbcrg Company. rpHlS INSTITUTION. (Inc .rpi.rated by the Legls- X tature or tiie Ktate otArw loiK, fapilat f loo.mio.) was founded for thn pnrpiee of siinplving thepubl.c with the celebnted GRAKFEXBEItU SlEDK'INKS The series comprises remedies lor nearly eveiy disease adapted tl every climate. For families. Tr.ivcil?rs, Seamen, and Jliiier's uw thevire imenunllt Medicines are PURELY VKti BTA BLK and lied. All the d warranted to cure tho duveases for which they are severally rec ommended. The Graefenoerg C-'tnpmy does not profei-j" to cure an diseases witiione or two medicine, uur senes con sists cf KLEVEV different kinds .I n ted ta the varl ousdisesseaiiirldent to the temperate mid tropical cli mate, i ue ton iwiug conipnaca tae aer.t a oi uraeien oerg meaicmes : TltS OlMKrKSBSBO VROETABLE PILLS Are considered the standird Pill of tho div. and a itiflnitrlv Minerior to nnv Pill beture t!-.e public. They opercte witii xt irritation on all the excretions, purg- log t'-.e t'l vod ny t:ie ooireii, liver, K.aneys and SKin. MARSHALL'S CTIRISR CATHOLtCOS. Anlnf.ill.i l remeily f r all diseasrs of th womb and urinary rrg.ius. w.-akness In the bark. pai:i in the breast, nervo-.isnoa. qsniuv, etc. in l aiitornm ana Oregon, out of more thin a thousand cases where this medicine has been nitl, it has ia no sitirl instance failed xt give pinn..ui'3t rtlief or ta eOect a certaiu cure. i Tn.iGRA'FEVBrraa SAasarAKiLLA. A powerf il extract. 0::e bottle eour.l to tea of the ordinary farsnpsr.na ror pintyt'tg tue t loon. A sure cine f r scri.'ula. riu iin itis-n. ulcers, dj'speosia. salt rlicu: mercurial disenes, ciitnneon eruptions, ic. tiij: creux jc oi ntain oirisrsr. Invaluatile for bar. v., wn-inds. sprains. chill.Iains. sores. se:liiiTs. scrofi-la. i-V. As a Pain Extractor it canunt be rxeelled, atiording imiicdiate relief from tue most rx -"mt:ntiiig paiu. the ua.iErcN Aaito dtsektebt svnrr. This exiraordinarv anielr if. a prt !v s-i-1 Infallible remedv in H.airii-pa. lfienrerv. i'k lera M-rb, Choi era In.ant'.ini and ihs A-i::tic Cholera, if titen with the llrst sj m v tows of li.e dl-case. It is jmrely vegetable m in roniou:ia. (iRAEPSNBEml cbii.prkns' paxacka. For'nmmrrCom'ilaiut, and m wt dUeases t whirl: children are suMert. ltn tree worth can never 1 wt frth in w.-rds, hut it can I felt and appreciated by parent ! who e ihildieu have beea saved. Xo Mother sbocltl be v.mior.t It. Ttis ORArrcxBima rn E lu.MrDV. Warrantsd a ccrt iin cure for this paiuful diiae wittitne u:ntn:c;it t.irre are verv lew caes wiuon can not be mJ iullc and rerm-.inemiv cared. A snrsicr uper.it! hi fir Piles or Fi-tlt slir-nH nevebe reortei to un! I this Oi.it-m-nt has been tiiori;hlv t.-ied. I never fails. ORAKFLXBPBil FTE LOTICK. For d!.-ie-s . f t'.e ci e tl-h !. tien hie ro eo ial. It a s;wj.lv a:. 1 pos-t-vH rcto f r i:i;Iammatioa f t eves, tt-'-alt'rt-. Uimr.ess andt.nl nj of siiht. It w:H slwav-Lc bc'ie:i -:rl m nrute i:i:iari.iiati a of the eyes ana n- as a waa en intia-neil surtace. ctA.:i ctii-RO rEvtn asp aci-e ritu. A speev a:i J positive cure for t in d!!n--'i;i eo-M plaint. Tue e Pills ar- c-mo-d prircipillv of Coi iilre. w'.lj it'aer tru-toi la tunic .i. anti-si'S-nAilie and leorifue at t.ilfto. Vii-)a.-a.iUa h ivi bre'i penn iuciitlr cured Ly la-ir u'e. OUAtKENBERO COSSt XfTI TtU CALM. Firere'rrn in nil Bnm :li:al and P.ilfn ,uarv I'iscasea. It is. -eyiid nil quevtiun. trie that Consumption Is a cur.il-1 dr-oae. a-ul the CVu-u:nptive's B.-lia la the tc.-t cu.af.ve ev r u -ta. ORAEVESBEH HEALTH tlTTIlSS. Tiieite Hitters are skilfully er.-I rl-nantlv prepared fmrn a number of lnvia fii.tisf heai'-.-iy ri. uaiits herbs au-J vines. Aa iuv-olja': la tonic aud health rr- ttjr.r. ' C HAPPEN Dina a.M"AL CP BUALTH. A hantl-vmelv printed volume of pages, contain in? enncie aud exti-enMlr rlun description ol all manaer of diseases, their symptom and treatment. Kvery rrmilr Rhorl 1 have oae. Price t-i Iv 2. cent It will lie i-nt. i.ios: paid, to any ri.it oiil.-e in tulifor- nia or Oregon, on the reeeij.t ol 2.1 tenlSjby mail orex- pres.'. AUrties Keanat' t s Co s-.an t ranci-eo. Toe Graefeni eri Medicines are for sal? br ail Drug- f-ips and Vt'.lieciries thr'tiirliout tbe rouutry. Mistersu A fret. is tor t r.t,:orT-.:a anl iiieson liEI-iNliTOX A Co.. hrIal lmg?i t,s. No. 107 Cljy street. Prrn & IUvis Aix:it--, Po.tland. San Kacisco, Pec. 12, 1 s57. Cinll Tlte Oregon Statesman. An IrtdepnuJtnl jcnrnal, titifitd to Politic', Until al ItUttiigrnct, $ e., I'ubiithtd al i'alrm, Uirgcnt. ASAHKL ECSH, Proprictcr, Publisher, and Editor. Tlia Statesinan is i'emoi-i atic in politics, and thor oughty Natiuual iu its character. It is hortila to every species if sectionalism, fanaticism, and intoUrunce; and will vigoruiLsly opKxe all attempts t- incorporate any or t je insane iims or tue day into our lemtonal legislation. U will advocate oil practical measures of llererm and Progress, ecouoiuical and simple adaiinistration ol our local government ; ruitlituiness, integi ity, ana ca n.icity in oGi -e, aud a system of riaid and direct ec cooutability of the officer to the people. It will dis cuss all measnrej agititing the public mind, ia a man ner ftariesH, impartial, and just. It3 News Department will be eL!ed with much attention, snd nothing v, ill be spared to furuish early curate, and compreiieusive publication ol tue cur rent intelligence. Tiie Statesman has a larffe. widely-scattered. and most excellent corps of coires;ondcnts, and very complete fa -i'lities for pto.-uring news. Due attention is also paid to t:ie publication or Miscel lany, Agricultural ana literary matter. In this naper are published the laws, resolutions. and treaties of the United State, and the laws and resolu tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. The paper is printed on new material, and upon a wieet ol the largest size. The coming year will be the most important in Ore gon's hislorv. A State is to be icaucurated. through warm political contests, and the machinations, nf faction, disancction, abolitionism . and every line of opposition, to overthrow the Old Democracy. Every citizen of Orcein should be thoroughly informed of pas-iinjr events, if he desires to discharge his duty to tbe State and the country, intelligently and uprightly. The Statesman will be an active participant in trans iting political events, and win lunum a laitmui rec ord of the history of parties and polities. As a vehicle ol Oregon New?, the Statesman enioys ia. -times m:u none in iu cn-cm jmraries ao. Tekus Thne dollars per year, strictly in advance: four dollars, if paid within six months, but not iu ad vanee; five dollars, if not paid within six months. The-ie terms we must adhere to in cli cases. Persons senditiir us money by r.iail, or otnerwise, will please conform to these terms, adapting the snowil to tbe fime of payment. 1 he low price at wbi:b the paper Is auorded places it witnm i lie rracu oi an. . Boot and Shoe Store. FREDERICK WICK M O X would announce to the citizens of Salem, and the surround- n?r mtntrr. that he have tf.ken a store on the eastciiileof Commercial street, aorth of the postodice where lie will Ueep constantly on hand a full assort ment oi every Kind ol boots and sboes, uotn custom and sale wpik, wuich he will sell at the lowest living pri ces. Being a. practical workman, all orders for the manufacture or repair of work will be complied with. ml tue wort; done in a substantial and workmanlike manner, dive me a call and examine my stock. FREDERICK W1CKMOX KAleiu. March 12,1857. 13tf School Hooks. . UST received, a complete assortment of Panders' School Books, together with a larre lut of Thomp son's Practical Arithmetics, all of which 'will be sold heap, at the City Book Store. I-;, i,. Hit vin.t.1 ,c t o. Oregon City, Jan. 185. ' 4(itf. For Sale. THOMPSON'S Arithmetical Table; " Mental Arithmetics, " Practical " H'ijh School Arithmetics. E. L. BRADLEY" & Co. Oregon City, Feb., 1R58. 8tf Short Settlements friends. make Ions; THE old year has passed, and we want all those who know tbenseives indebted to na to come forward and settle and get their "Xew Years" present. Dan t forget this; we raeon Just what we ssy. W. C. GRISWOLD A Co. January I . JSS 43tf Education Complete. JT 0. 9. Powler. For sale at the City Book Store. R. L. BRADLEY A Co. Oregon City, Jan.lSIS. Mtf D. William Douthll, ATTOBXEY AMD COUNSELOR AT LAW , AND PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY Will practice In the Supreme end District Courts cf this State. - Odce over Starr's Tin Store. Fiotitstreet,-S tf Vorlland, Otrgna. PI. II. Cranor, ATTORXF.Y AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Albany. O.T. Feb.. 1PS8. tatf T Dr. 8. R. Unckltt, OFFICE, SALEH. OREGON TERRITORY. Saleio, Norember 3, ISS7. x 35tf William C. Gri9vrold & Co., ERCANTS. SAI iX w. c. nuiawoMt, SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY S2tf C. S.iWllOPWOKTH Medical Notice. rrIIE sahscrlher. would Inform the InhabitunU that be L is at his old stand, ready to attend tn all calls in his profession : also he lias ou hand a well selected stork of V.i lectin concentrated Medicines, with a well a.orted supply or Syringes, all of which he will div r on reasonable term. W. WAI1I1EX Salera Deremliert. 1RSU. Stf DlcJleil Notice. D R. tt. W. SHAW, lute of San Francisco. California nnvn his urofessioual services to the citizens fo Sulem andviclimy, aud respectfully solicits a share fo public ravor. ir Oflice at Reed and Fellows drug store. l,y 6. W. SHAW S. Kllswortli, ATTOBNET AND C0l"Kr.l.fcOII, TT S. Supreme and other Court. Office Eugene I J . cifr. Lane Conntv, Oregon Territorr. Also Commissioner of Deeds lor Xew York. Connecticut. &c. AiiTtist IS5. !tf A. J. Thayer, A TTfiRXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Oflice r ia Corvallis. Benton Co., O. T opposite to tbe City Hotel in said town. 2Jff H . W. Page. i TTORNF.Y AND COUXSKLLOR AT LAW. Fa XX lem. O. T.. OH-e, first door south of the States man Ofin-e. np stairs, zoii . U. FARRAR. LAXSINO STOUT Farrar k Siout, A TTt XX !i TTORXEY9 AT LW AND SOLICITORS IX haniM V and Adrmraltr. -OiIi:e on Front street, one dxir north of the ' Ex'-hnnce." Portland. O. T-. July SO, 1S.37. tit' I. K. Smilli. t TTORXEY AND COCNSKROR AT LAW AND il. S lii-itors in Chancery, Cjrva!Iis O. T t. s. SMITH. 5 ltf . W. Milchtll. t TTORXEY AXD COUNSELOR AT LAW. EU XX itene t:.ly. Iaine County, O. T. Son Francisco Attrcrthin inner T P. FISHFR. Iron building, opposite Pa-!- Exnre- I J OfiK-e, upstairs. Files of all the pritciiial I'api rs of Caliri-mis and Oregon msv iiefimnd rt tnt oi.ife. j4r Fisher is the authorized Agent for the Statesman. Chrslrr S. Terry, 4 TTORXEY AT LAW, SALEM. OREGON. COM ."n;i ioner of Perd. and t take testimmy. if knowlrtigment. Ae.. Ac for Iowa, Indiana. Jlivio iri Michigan. California and Washinrl-in Terr.tory. lat teraof Attorney, and ell other instniments of writing drawn on sh"rt notice. Particular attention paid to taking dc;oidti'us euhctinns of Notes, Accounts. Ac, IlrtrJiii? 4 Crorcr.. TTORXEYR AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, TTC AND h-itors in I haiuery. OlH e near tI:eCo;?rt hoi: alcm.i. l. . CfO. b. Silfj!. TTORXEY AXD COUNSELOR AT LAW Sr-!i-itor ia I haneerv. wiil rntctire in the A . A XI r.triou m.liof Oregon and ta--Uunttw Territark-. a!cn O. T. Dclazila iil!i. V TTORXEY AXD COUNSELOR AT LAW. AXD Sohritor in Chancery, wiil promptly attend to all Irtisiuess pertainlnn t Lis profession in I be tirst Judicial Plstrlt. ond L-efoie the Supreme Couit ol" Oref iu. O'.Mce. Albany, l.inn County. . T. X. It. Vi ui-ar.i t at bis mlif, or aitseut oil pro. sioiu-.! hasiness, he msy be f .u:id at liis resideni-e, five miles s'liitli-eiift of Albany, ca what ia k:isa aa the " Grand Prairie. VT. S. Diofk, TTORXEY AND COUXSEIXia AT LAW, AXD L SoJieitnrin Ciiancery.will pra'tire in t'e various coutU In tb:s Territory, and promptly nueun io ine r":- leet-on cf ail claims a?.iitist ll L mted States, t jro',;rh an enicient scent residing t Wa-ihinijtoa City. Olliee in Eugeue City. Lane County, U. I. It. K. Straiten, t TTOnXF.Y AT LAW, wiil prsclireln the rar'.ous 1 V conrts r-f s.f'itVrn Oregon, and in ths Supreme Court of the Territory. Office in se..ttsbtrfrh. i mmns county, u. l. X. n. -unt v loiud Warrants obtaiued lor claimants on reasonable terms. 2atf E. M. BARNl M. J. U. WlUOV Daruiuu St. W ilson. A TTORXIES AXD COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Sa JrX loin. Oreaon. Particular attention is Riven to the collection of notes aud accounts, aud cairns against ver:imeut- Bounty Land Warrants bong'it and sold. sT" OiUe over Starkey's Store. 41 II. V. Bohltani. 4 TTORXEY AXD COUXSKLLOR AT LAW. Of- IX flee at the Court House. Salem, O. T. Ctf A. B. Uallock, a rCIHTECT AXD BUILDER. PORTLAXD. O. T. x Desie-ns, plans, epecilications, 4c, furnished on reasonable terms. Campbell & Pratt. 4 TTORXEY5 AT LAW. San Francisco, California. jrx. Office, corner M mtiromery aud Sacremento streets nrir Parrott.V o. Ha:k. Messr. f iinnbell .V Pratt hare lately removed rroin Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business entrusted to tbeir care. Ji" ALEXANPER C All r BELL. O. t. PRATT, S. Hamilton, AI. D., PIIYSICIAX AXD SURGEON, would respectfully announce to the Rood people of Douglas and the ad- ioininj counties, that he has located permanently at i;eer t.reea ior uie purosr m rH:jiicio iihuii:iiiv, huo in which profession lie will be faithful to discharge all duties, aud spare no pains to render the patient easy and comfortable. OrncK opposite R. H. Dearborn & Co. s store, on 4'atn street. Drugs and Patent Medicines Tor sale at foio rriA pri i. 42tf ii. 91. Du Uelle. D EALF.R in Oregon Produce. Office at W. C.Gris- wold A Co. s store, Salem. Salem, July 1.1857. ltf CorintliiaiBf Lodge, OF Anoi"nt Free and Accepted Masons, will hold tbeir regular communications on the Thursday night before tbe full of the moon of each mouth, ex cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that uiglit in Albany, l. T. Brethren in good standi ne are cordially invited to at tend. DELAZOX SlllTH, W. M. SrntworR, Sec y. aitf Illanki. pvEIIPS, nortgages, powers of attorney for sale of jr scrip, mix receipts, uiiiir proois,anu noiiucavions a new lot just printed and Ur sale nt the Statesman Office. July 27. 1S37. SOtT - Look Here! w E have just received 88,000 lbs. of ground alum salt, which we are selling at i.l.'W per nunilred. GRISWOLD A CO. UT ANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise, 100 bushels of Rood apples, to be delivered by the 40th of .'. ugitst highest price paid. G. E. COLE. WANTED in exchange for merchandise or on nc couut 10,00(1 lbs. good butter, for which I will pay the Market price. G.E. COLE. Dickinson Type Foundry. PHLl.PS A DALTOX. Boston. L.P. Fisher, Agent, San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads, rule, Ac. Aoirust 2j, 1S57. zr Orleans Warehouse. tRLEANS Ware House, opposite Corvallisfor rent I . IStf ISAAC MOORE. M ACKEREf. and codfish, A (4"itt) , w. K. SMITH A Cs's. CAROLINA rice, and syrup to sweeten it in S gallon kegs, at 2tf " W. K. SMITH A Co's. s ALT, sal soda, and sassafras, at (42tr) W. K. SMITH A Go's. CHICKENS 10.000 wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid. Enquire at in u. n. uiiLCH, corvaine. Oregon Statutes. BOUND volume for sale at John -Fleming's, Oregon City, and A. R. Shipley's, Portland. Price, $5 00. Alio laws of last session tl 00. Dec. 17,1657. 41tf DECLARATION OF T7AII! INDUSTRY txi. " Posper. WHEREAS, It the courte of Human Evrntn, It becomes necessary thut there should be a thorn' reform la the DllY-GO'JDS BUSINESS IN SALEM, OREGON: We give notice that for tho accomplishment uf this objei t we hereby declare UNCEASUXa slid UPi COMPROMISISQ war against ALL MONOPOLY and Htun Pwoes. Our war will not be a war of words, but of AcTtox; and although wo expect to exeite the envy aud opposition of our brethren in trade, we shall pursue. r.-ocU a course as will make this tbe CHEAPEST STORE IX OREGON! Aud we cheerfully invito all alio wish tn buy gnbds at the LOWEST POSSIBLE price, to an exuiaiuatiou of our Embracing aa Exhibition of the Indii'-try of every Nation, which dazzle by their RRILLIAXCT or Color and GEORGEOUSXES3 of deign, and hvst excite the APMtKATioK of ail lovers of the beautiful. We have "purple and fine linen" and the MOST BEAITCHIXU aud ENCHANTING STYLES OF GOODS Designed expressly to adorn the persons of the gentler sexs. So BiAfTirL, indotd, that we can truly say, alter our goods have been purchased and fitted to the ORACEFI L rORUS of Our FAIR CCBTOJIKB9," That Solomon in all his Ulury was not arrayed like oi-e of these." We also unite the cseful with the beautiful, and can supply the most solid aud substantial of MATRONLY WANTS In all the departments of Household economy, enter taining the mo- profound resnc-t for'be oood nocse wirz. We have taken UNUSUAL pains yi provide an assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS. Which in Quality and price should entitle ns to the gratitndeo'f all who love to boy the BEST GOODS at the BEST BARGAINS. In all our purchases we have been guided by a desire to give our FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS the full benefit of everything which was MOST I.XrtTl.XG .V STVI.E. MOST SUBSTANTIAL IN MANUFACTURE end most REASONABLE in price. And now li-iving performed onrdi:A' as yoni a.tetils.we CONFIDENTLY invite an examination our spring- and summer cood3. We have not time to go int-i an enumeration of the many bariums we areoCertiip, liumteruU tr.vrfci)mt; THOCSASDS WILL GET THE BENEFIT CT TI1LM: BLd Will aid us in out wsrlare against oH U M B U G M O NOP O L 1. AND HIGH PRICES. Respectfully invitlnr the mst thoronrh scrutiny and esteeming it a pleasure to show goods, we are tae pubii-- ceiiieut fervats. Awaiting we remain. Your most respe t:"u!!r. W. C. ORISWOLD & Co. Salem. April JS. 7tf AobJos & lloare's Varnishes. ALL THE STAROARD AWERIGAI .CO Adanis' Boston Dmslxcs. .TLASTIO WHITE LEAD. FOREST RIVER DO. TIEJIAXX'S and other Colors. GLUES, BROIVZES GOLD F.m Fran. March, lSJ?. lyJ John tlareroTe's ECLECTIC LINIMENT, GOOD FOR MANOR BXAST. This penetrating Liuitteal, ss it is rttbVed in by t'ie hand or a piece of fiannvl isaosorbed through the samec'uannel reaches the seat of inliamation and su'ejues it. Every species of exterior irriiaiiou is qnu-Rly reiluertl by tne application of tbis l-iniirurt. The eJVct of tbia remedy upon ttr.euniaMm, Uiogworn, dwelled glands frost bites Sore breast. Sore beads. Sore throats .sores of all kind sprains, stiff joints, ulcers, toothache, swel-inss ot tbe limbs or body pains in the spiue or back, p 'ison oak 4'., is almost inirRcuIous. It is good Ior Bighea I. Bigshoulder. Swiuey. Sprains Cholic in horses in fact all diseases where external ap plication is required. The proprietor sends rhis Linimect lefore the public to stand or fall, on its own merits. Me only asks that it may receive a fair trial by the public. It can be ob tained by applying in person or by letter tothe address Cl JOUN HARGROVE. 2d St.. Corvallis, lire iron. X. B.-. Demands from a distance accompanied by the money, will be promptly attended to and the Liniment put up and forwarded according to directions. A lib eral discount will be made to wholesale dealers and persons purchasing large quantities. Retail price uf hcieruc Liniment, tiny cents per bottle, ror turtber par ticulars address propiietor. Corvallis, April, 185S. Iy5 San Francisco idrrrtising Agrncj. T P. FISHER. 171 i Washington St..near!y opposite jlj. xuacgnire s upera nursp, up stairs, r lies ol all the principal Papers of California and Oregon may te luuuu u mis oince. L P. FISHEU is the authorized Agent of the Oreoom Rtatf.rsiax ; Marysville Herald; , Sacramento Union; San JoanuinWleptihlican. Stockton; Pacific Methodist, Stockton; Nevada Journal ; Sonora Herald; Grass Valley Telegraph; Red Bluff lies cm; Columbia Gazette; Mountain Democrat.Placorville; Tanlnrane Courier; Calaveras Chronicle, Hokelnmne Hil!; Kl Dorado Democrat; Shasta Courier; Mariposa tiazette; Yreka W'eekly Union; Trinity Journal, Weavervjlle; Iowa Hill N ewsj- Weekly Ledge. Jackson; San Jose Telegraph; " Sonoma County Journal; Folsom Disriatch; California Mining Journal; Los Angeles Star; Santa Barbara Gazette; San Diego Herald; Almeda County Gazette; Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's; Napa County Reporter; Sierra Democrat, Downeville; Humboldt Times; Union; Oregonian, Portland, O. T.; Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville, O. T.; Pioneer and Democrat. Olympia, W. T.: Washington Iteptibliban, Steilacoom, W. T.; '' Poynesian, Honolulu, S. I.; Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I.; Me.xi -an Extraordinary, City of Mexico; Pacific Cbrisian Advocate, Portland, O. T.; Hongkong Register. ADVERTISING IN THE ATLAXTIC STATES. L. P. F. has now completed his arraneements for the fonvarding of advertisements to all the principal largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published in the Atlantic States. A line opportunity is here offered to those who wish to advertise in any part of the Union, of doing so at the lb west rates, and ia a prompt and satisfactory man ner. August 25, 1857. 24tf Something- New EL. BRADLEY & Co., have just received a large lot of hand-books for home imrovement; com prising how to write, how to talk, how to behave, how to do business, in one volume; will be sent free of post age to any part of Oregon , on receipt of $2. Address u. a,, ma x , City Book Store, Oregon City. Dec. 20, 1357, 43tf Boolts! Books! EL. BRADLEY ft Co., have recently received a . large lot of Fowlers and Wells publications. Take notice all ye that are sick, water (care) is a powerful nice thing in a family. Dec. ZO, iodl. u w. 8. laod, Portland. I. w. ladp, San Francisco. W. S Ladd & Co. . IMPORTERS and dealers in Wines, Liquors, and Gro ceries, Portland, Oregon. Jan., 18; i dedical. Dlt. L. J. CZAPKAYS PRIVATE medical end surgical institute, Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite Pacllic Mail 8teamhip Co's office. Sau Francisco, California. Es tablished in 185, for tbe permanent cure of all Private and Chronic Diseases, and tbe suppression of Oua-kery. Attending and Resident Physician L. J. CZAPK A t, M. D., late in the Hutiirnriati Revolutionary Wtr. Chief Physician to the 20th Regiment of Hnnveds, chief Sur geon to the Military Hospital of Pesth, and late Lec turer on I). senses of women and children. TO THE A FFL1CTED Dr. L. J.CZA PKAYretarns his sincere thanks to bis numerous patients for their patronage. aad would take this oportuiiily to remind them that lie continues to conduit at his Institute for the cure of Chronic diseases of the L'iigs. Livers. Kidney,di geative and genitive organs, aud all private diseases, viz : Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrhoea, gleet, strictures, seminal weakness and all the horrid consequence of self abuse, and he hopes that bis long experiem-e and successful practice of many jears, will continue to ensure fcira a share of public pstronage. By the practice of many year- in Europe and the United States, and during the Hungarian war snd campaigns, lie is enabled to apply the rn',t efficient and fcoccenful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He cses no mercury charges moderate treats his pa tients in a correct and honorable way has reference of ini'iestion ible veracity from men of known respect ability and high Manuing in society. All parties con sulting liira, by letter or otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and implicit secresy. To tub Ladies ok Oregou anb Ciuraax-ii. 1 J Czavbat, M. D.,Pliysician Surgeon and Aceoucheov.in vites tbe attention of tbe sb-k and a:!i:otrd females la boring under any of the various forms of disee.sesot the brain, limns, heart, stomach, liver, womb. bUsid, kid neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The D-xr-tof is e tecting mure perma-ient cures tban any other piiysirian iu Oregon or California. Let no false delicai-v prevent you. but apply immediately, and save yrarseh from paiutul simenoa ana premature neatti. All mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or ether cireum-.taiices do not cllow to hsve an increa-e in their families shonld write or call at Dr. I J. Cztpkay's Me lie ii In-titute, Sacramentbst., !elow Montgomery , opp wite P. M. S. S. Co s orSi-ejuid ttiey wi!( receive every possible rrref snd help. The Doctor O'Bt-es are so arranged that be can be consulted without m-ile-fttti-in. 1 2m J ttU. Al consultations (by letter or otherwise.) free. Address to DU. L.J. CZAPK AY. Medical Institute. San Francisco, Cat. REM ARK ABLE INSTANCE OF MEDICAL BE LIEF. Below we publish the certificates of two of tae sufferers from the panrs of disease, wh having re-.-overed t-ieir former health, and impelled by grati tude, mr.ke known their ca-- and remedial sge'ut. and their .statements are authenticated bra Xufurv Public. The demands of S e:cty imperiously command tbeir poblieitv. r.r.d we commend their perosal It the Ellen tun of c!I sfil.clcd : CERTIFICATE. The unJer-i-ned. desirous of acquainting those who may be unfortunate enough to be similarly aHicteJ, where a permanent relief t.f their snlieriiig mav be olit.iined. feels it iiU duty ta thus puldiclv exores his most sincere gratiim!!; t Dr. L. J. 4'zapk jy . fi-r the deruianeut recovery t.f bis health. B rne d-wu by tue I stress iu g symptoms incident to the vicious practice of uncontrollable passion in youth ; depressed in body and mind ; unable to perform eveu tbe must trill ng duty imposed upon the daily avocations of life. I a nj-ht the advice of ui.tny physicians, who at first rerarded my disease as ot tri.linrf importance but aia? ; after few weeks, and'in several tustacees rn-r:ths. ol their treat ment, I found t- my iiuutteraule horror, ta;;t instead of relief, the symptoms became more alarmmij in their torUire ; and being, tt-I I by one that my disease, being principally c-mSaei to the brain, medicine woi.! j be ol l.t'.'.e c jusc-jueuc. I despaired of ever regaiuina my healr?-.. strenptb end cneriry : and. as a last VesuiCan-J with but a l:t:;:t h -pe. caikd r.pnn Dr. 'zankay. wh-j. arter exauiiiuug rr.y cen. yrey-ribed s.rce meuiciee whieh almost iustantly relieved me of the dull pain aim uiz7ioess lit my ueu. r-:ioraed by IMs ivsuit, I rrsV:ved t i j lace riiyself immediately tiuetr his care, and fry a strict tbsu:ence to bii uirecti ins aud sdrice, irr bea-j ue-i me e:ear. try id.s cil c--t;d. the constant pain in my back and grt-:is, tai weakness ot mv lirsi t;:e uerv.ms reaction of my whe-e bfrfr ra the slight est alarm or excitement; "the niissntbrerv ami evil fnrebouiHi:'; i--e self di-t!-.ut and want oi coTifideure in ot:n-rs; incapacity to study, and want of res ilu ti ui; tie irigatfol. exciting, aud at ticies I-Sfcasurat !e dreams at night, folljwed by invoiuiitary dis; Snrsres. nave ai! Iisapieareu; crJ in "fact, in two months after bavin consulted the Doctor. I felt as if inspired Lr a nev life that il'.e which, but a short time ago, I con-temvh-teu to end with my own hand. V.'it'j a view to guard "lbs nnforiunate from fallina into the snares, of meornaetefit o-acks. I deem it ray d-itytojiSer this testimncr to the ferit aad stiilo.' Dr. Czaj-ksy, and reroraraend him toa'i wh-j nisvs-taud m need of medical advice, being assured by n:y own experience, that once nnder bis care, a radical and perraatient cure will lie cHected. B. F. FILLMORE. S ate or Ca'..-.-n.ii, Coautrcf Pan Francisco. Siib- scriiied at. J 6W3ra to before r.ie, this 17th d y cl AsrJ. A. a?. A-u. t-i'ienj JOHN SH?rLETOX, l. s Notary Public- CARD. Prompted by an honest desire of my heart. I wish to lay before the pnblic a case which deserves a high com mendation, not only as an act of scientific skill, bet that or humanity, ais-o. About two years a;fo, I sud denly and from causes cokoown t-j me, was se zed w.tn a lit of EPttKPST. which, owing to my inability t- meet the expenses consequent upon a thorough med'eal treat ment, and the discouragement which I met wita on attempting it, soon became such (as I was tuen led to lielieve,) as t defy the skill o any physician. I was frequency, while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down to the ground without the slightest warning, and al though insensible to th" anonies. yet I despised the mis ery of my existence. While in this state, and having previous to my afflction tasted the sweets of life, I once mure was induced to attempt seeking aid of a pbrsician, and, by recommendation, called upm Dr. L. J. Czap kay. I told him my circumstances, and my inability to reward him for his services regnrdless of which, however, be Rt once undertook my case, and with the blessing of God, I was once more restored to perfect health. Unable to reward bim for the boon wbich Pi enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my in JebteiV ness. I cunsiikcr it due to myelf and to ell afflicted, to make the case public, in order that those in need of medical advice may find a physician in whom every confidence can be placed. MEYER YABLOXSKY. ft. .J State of California, County of San Francisco, ( Subscribed and swora to before me this first dijf of August, A.'D. IsoG. - Gilbert A- Grant. Notary Public, l. s.J SPER.MAT0ERHO3A.or Local Weakness.nervous de bility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the limbs and back, indisposition and incapacity for labor and study, dullness of apppetite, kiss of memorv, aversion to society, love ot solitude, timidity. seir-distrtist. dizziness, headache, pains in the side, affection of the eyes, pim ples on the lace, sexual and other infirmities in man, are cared withontfail by the justly celebrated tibvsician and surgeon, U J. Czapkay. His method of curing diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence the sreat suc cess. All consultations, bv letter or otherwise, free. Address, . L. J. CZAPK A Y. M.D.. San Francisco. Cal. The Creates! Discovrr? of the Age. GREAT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! DR. C-ZAPKAY'S PKOPBtLACTicCM, (self-disinfec ting agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea! and Syphilitic diseases, and a reituin aud unsur passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, -fcetcd discharges from vagina. uterus ana uremra. auu nil cuianous er.iptionsand dis eases. As innoc illation is preventive against small pox, so is Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticum a preventive against Syphilitic and Gonorrhceal diseases. Harmless in it- 8elfit possesses tiie power of chemically destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving tluumutia of debaiicheea fnim being infected by the most loathsome of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates health be without Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticum. It is in very convenient packages, apj will be found con venient for use, being used as a soap. Price. $5. For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay s Private Medical and Surgi cal Institute, Sacramento St., below Montgomery, opoo- sue r. ai. s. ouice, cvtu rrsiiciscu. ' - I , - " ..ft . L' . I - All letters must be addressed to L. J. Czabkay. JI.D. San Francisco. - DK.LJ. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute, Sacramento St., below Montoomery oppo site Paciltc Mailt Steamship Co.'s Office, San Fraucisto. The Doctor offers free consultation, and asks no remu neration unless he effects a cure. Office hours from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. CERTIFICATE. I, the undersigned. Governor vf Hnnsrary." doteatifv hereby .that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has.served during the con test for Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hun garian army.with faithfrfi perseverance whereof I have given him this certificate, and do recommend him to the sympathy, attention and protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice, and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS. Governor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan. 6, 1S52. Persons not wishinsr to lose time in rorraannnn- ing. please enclose !0 in their letters, and they will get immediate attention to their cases. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY. it. D-. San Francisco. Cal. April, 1S58 . 3m WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise 20.000 lbs. of bacon for which I will pay the highest price. - G. E- CO LE- TAX receipt blanks f" sale at the Statesman office at f 1 per hundred. ; T ADIES' cloaks, lateststyle, for sale cheap at , XJ 4StfT Paints, 011b, WINDOW GLASS, ETC., ETC. is would call the attention of Dealers to bor large ou wen selected stock of PAINTS, OILS, iriXDOir-GJLASS. BRUSHES. GLUE, Etc. Consisting In jart, of WHITE Li. AD Jewett s, Atlantic, Forest River and English pore; Rroand in oil, in kegs and tins; Assorted brands. do. do. do.; LINSEED OIL Boiled and Raw. in bblsand cases: NEATSFOOT OIL In case and bbls; ALCOHOL In eases and bbla. 95t.e-. TURPENTINE In cases; WINDOW-GLASS obit boxes .assorted sizes .snd good quality, double and single, thick; also Plate Glass; VARNISH English and American, coach A furniture; BRUSHES A large assortment of every kind, of the v brat manufacturers';' GOLD LEAF Extra and doable deep, manufactured cxpressfy to our own order for turn market; i SILVER LEAF AND BRONZE of the best quality; COLORS Tiemann's, Lewis'. Ac- dry, and ground to oil and packed in assorted cases; GLUE Eastern snd California make. In bolk; VERMILION Triesse. Chinese, American, English; ARTISTS MATERIALS A well selected assortment; Also (.'balk. Whiting. Putty, Ac, Ac, Ac. We have also, constantly on band CAMPHEXE, frtnh ditlilltd. iu tins. BURNING OILS- Keficed and bleached. Sperm, Lard; Polar, China, pore, in barrels and cases; BURNING FLUID Freh distilled; MACHINE OIL Excellent quality in bbls and 1 bbls. CAMERON. WHITTIER 4 Co. 103, Front St., San Francisco, CaTa. March, 1S5S. Sm52 Moffat's Life Pills " A Ml PHfENII BITTERS. rl!IE be?t family medicine now before the public, for X the cure of Scrofula. Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions: or the Skin, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, and in fa-.-t moat all diseases soon yield to their curative properties. It has been computed that daring the last twenty-five , years upward of Four Millions of persons have been benefitted by the nse of these medicines; a fact which speaks volumes in favor of their curattve properties a sinsle trial will place them beyond the reach of com petition in the ettimate of every patient. By their the blood Is restored to a healthy state and I reed front al! impurities. The sy-tera is not reduced daring their operation, bit invigorated, and they require no re trnirit from business or pleasure. The afilk-ted bare in these medicines a remedy that will d" for them all that medicine- can possibly effect Prepared by W. B. MorvAT. New York. An.l for sale by JOHN FLEMING, at tbe Oregon City Post Office Raiding. Oregon City, March, 195S. Iy52 Livery and Sale Stable: ITTE are now keeping a Livery stable t v Oregon City, where Iiorkes can wjvs be obtained bn liberal terms. We are also prepared with excellent sta bles, well supplied with hay end oats, to keep horses by d::y or week. Those who eaU upon ns may feel as sured "that every attention will I e given to horses left in our clisrse. GIBSON A POTTER. Anenst 11, 1857. - 22tf Salem Tannery. THEsubscribers have purchased tbe Tanoer tS lem, formerly belonging to Eihsha S.reng. All de srrptviai of leather will be kept constantly on hand and the hirhest price, ia cash or leather, will at 1 times be paid for bides aad bark. CLARK 4 HOLMAX. Salem. Oct. 24, l-57. Iy33paid Citr Hotel, CoPT-allis. MESSES. A. B. &. I. SPEEXGER 7"OCrj announce to the citizens of Corvallis, and vV the trave'.'inz public renerallv. tbattber have thoroughly refitted this well known establishment, and are now prepared f"r tbe accommodation of enstomers Tiie moibj have all been newly refurnished, the beds clan aud comfortable, and t.'iefr table will be furnish: ed wit'a the best the market a!T--riIs. CcrvaliLs. Aag- ?0, 1n"-7. 13yl New Store end Tferr Goods. Ai Oaliand, Mtlhrnty Ferry, O. 1' 4 LBEKT ZiE3ER. Dealer ia dry gooda, groceries, J treckerr, hardware, produce. c. Having purchased tae strck in trade of G. E- Getch eI, together with the premises known as Meiwcey's Ferrv, on the Willamette river, and havias built a new storehouse, acd replenished thelock of g-iodsosband. . now offers to exchiaje, for prcdace c-r cash, an assort ment at Dry i-'vj'Js. coEsi-tins of ejolnisg, efs-'meres, salit netti. si-ettisig, shirting, and fancy grds; bets acd catis. bo--,r.s and shves. groceries in verity, with spices, nuts, raisins, and candies: paints, oils, medicines, per- -funiery. croc&ery. tinware, be-!low-ware, stoves, bard ware ciilrT, and many other articles to met t the wants of the pni 11c. I.'e bss also moved end repaired bis waithocse, sn fast be is nnv prepared t-i purchase or-take in storage. coartrv produce, which he can clsehirge by a slide to steamerr Oetks. wituo-at loss orexpen-e of drayage. And l-eins determined to constantly keep en band good supply of such goods as the country trade may re quire, he believes he can make it an object for the peo ple ;o bis vi.-inity to extend him their paironase. t5..Ka difference madein the price of goods, wheth er so d f or cash or produce, Oct ber S. 1857. ' 30tf C. B. Pillow. DEALER :a clocks, wafches and jewelry. Sa lem. O. 7. Particular attention paid to the repairing of watches and cloefca, All work war ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. . FOR SALE : Watches and clocks, S day striking clocks at a -very low price ; aHo 30 hcnr raerineclocks. JEWELRY. Lndies ard gents Broeches. Finger Rings, Ear Rings Gold Buckler. Guard Chains, Ac, Ac. Salem. July C, IS57. . 17tf Allan ti. Iwis, w HOLESALE MERCHAXT3, PORTLAXD, ORB GOX TERRITOHYr A STORE room in Orleans, a first rate stand for a produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse aad store will be rented together if required. ISAAC MOORE. July S, 1357. IStf Dictionaries. JUST received and for stile at the City Book Stor, Webster's Unabridgld Quarto ard High School Dic tionaries. E. L. BRADLEY' A Co. Oreeon City, Jan. 185. " 46tf JAS. K. EtCH ART??, 1 ISO. MUCRAKEX, I ban t rancisco. J Portland, O. T. f Richards & McCraken. COMMISSION MERCHAX TS. and Jobbers in Oregon Flour, Grain. Produce. Fruit, Pork, Bacon, Lard; Hams. Ac, &c. Orders for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments. No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco January 27, lsj 7. 46tf COTTON rope for clothes lines, and small rope for halters, at t2tf W. K. SMITH A Go's. School Books. TUST received at the City Bookstore, in Oregon Ctty; J Jiirtct from the Publisiirs: SANDEKS Primers; Spellers, old and new series; ' !st,2d A 3d Readers4 and new series; " High School " Y'oung Ladies WILSON'S Outlines ot History; " U. S. Hisory,schooledition; " U. S. " A men. educational series; Juvinue History, school edition; PARLEY'S Universal History; COMSTOCK S Xaioral History,- And man v other xood scwikatoo numerous to mention. Dealers and Teachers are requested to give as a call. Oregon aty, Feb., 1358. . 4Stf The City Book Store. . W- KFA'YOS A Co., HAVE RECENTLY EST ABLI3HED A XEW BOOK Start in SALEM, and are now prepared to fur-' nish all kinds of School and Miscelaneous Books, and? Stationary at reduced price. Our stock is NEW, and is being increased weekly,' with fresh arrivals. " We are prepared to furnish new and rare work, as early as can be done by any hoose in Oregon. Teachers en be furnished at reasonable rates, by the quantity. Those wishing anything in our line would do well to -give us a call at the City Book Store is the -Vne Build ing under Kenyou's Photographic and Ambrotype Gallery. - w. KENYON A Co. Salem, March", 1853. 52tf -New Goods at New Prices. WK. SMITH A Co- would inform their patrons." and the pnblic generally, that they have just received a large addition to their stock of goods, which they will exchange for produce, or cash, on the most favorable terms. They have now a complete assort ment of dry goods, which tbey will sell Cheaper than ang other ttore it Salem. Their stock of boots and shoes U equal to any to be found in Salem, consisting of men's and boy's coarse and fine boots, man's and boy's shoes; ladies' boots, shoes, and slippers, children and infants shoes men's ladies, and misses robber overshoes, and in short, any thing in the boot and shoe line that can be desired- Their stock of groceries is also foil, consisting of coffee, green and black teas, crushed and browa sugar, syrup, saieratus in bulk, cream of tartar, salt, soap, to bacco, sago, starch, tapioca, macaroni, raisins, and sweet oil, all of which wUl be sold cheap for cash or country produce. Purchasers will do well to call and examine ocr stock before ourchasin? elsewhere, aa we are determined to give our customers satisfaction in the quality and pri ces of our goods- s2tf PICKLES and pepper sauce, wash-boards and sand paper, at 42tf W. K. SMITH A Cos. XT AILS, aisss. and window at IV f43tfj W. K. SMITH Co " . i "1 t J JO