The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, May 25, 1858, Page 3, Image 3

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    -.-.,. . .-sio .vt- j w
- "A '-s sV VJS W
. In tuft (candidate for printer, think
ta EutoCHaab "indecent." Wonderfullj
fSutkSoss and moral little Californian!
Yonr small "airs" on this score will no more
hide your ml self, than upon otters.
mews received from sooth of the
Calapoota monUins since the candidates
left there, is of the most cheering character.
The entire democratic ticket will carry every
county there.
CSTW. W. Page, late legislative reporter
or ut Statesman, was here on a visit a few
days since. Upon the evening of his arrival
ttt are companies or the city tamed oat to
receive him. Portland Times.
On 2th in-, mt the residence of W.b. Cole. bv H
K. Waller. Mr. HchiT Vicrom and Via LrcixD D.
- Kun.ill of Polk county. (Comptimente ef parties
' -At Winchester on tth 8th hut., Mr. Dins Hum. to if
aad Mix Mast Brans.
Ia CsrralU oa too 9th lost, by the Her J. A. Hanna,
vr. 4.B. aciraxT ana aitss a. e, harobotx.
Oa tt M lost, oa Long Tom. Lane county, P. G.
Lesley. Mr. W. Nnm and Miaa M. A. Baowx.
I a i c 1 1 1 Hattcei.
ElecttM,,..m 7th, 1858.
State Ticket.
Ma aanutsBSTarmi to coxckkss,
F. O ROVER, of Marion.
voa sscacraar or stats.
roa sttb raKASrasa.
JOHN D. BOOX, of Marion. .
tq stays rentm,
ABAHEL BUSH, of Marion.
roa naricaa or m scrum cocbt,
M. P. DEADY, 1st District,
R. E. STRATTOX. 2.i District,
' R. P. BOISE, 3d District,
A. E. WAIT, 4th District.
" Ut Dist. A. C. GIBBS, of Douglas
5.1 " - I. N. SMITH, of Benton
; 3d " HTER JACKSON, Washington
EXarion County.
roa iniTon,
roa amasasTATiTcs. -B.
L roa cw. sir kmc,
Pouc County.
roa saxaroa.
' Lane County.
. K34T0KS,
; W. S. BROCK.
O Douglas County.
Mnltnesmah Cottntj.
- ' scsiAToa. -
Benton Connty.
Yana.nill Connty.
, nfatclasoa Coaiaitr.
i A. M. BERRY.
- IstaiBi Cvauaty
f cot. ni r JCBOM,
Marion County.
Plk. Caiaitr.
)onr cocxciLMAS laxb aitb aaxTOR,
f J. W. MACK.
Iqdgea pT the several electina nrecincts ia Mar-
nty, are reqneea vo insert in eacn poll uoos,
Bssaa for tbe pruose of takinc Votes for or
agaiast the erection of a count j jail in aaid eoany.
I By orocr of the Board of Count v CommMooera.
Z E. J. llAHDIXG. Clerk.
17,1858. 2wl
kins tn MnlM.
' Tkw dowieratic nominees of Marion county will ad
dress taetr fellow eitisea at the following Umes and
Botteville, Friday, May Sh;
Champoeg. Satawday" 29th;
FairaeU. Monday - Slat;
.- Parkersville. Tuesday , Juue 1st;
SirverVia. Wedoenday, - 2t;
, ablinlity. Taorsdsy, " Jd; '
' " Bsatiaas, PriAsy, 4th;
Salem, tsaturoay, - ota;
Apeakiag to
Oprasiag rasWH- are resDoctfully invited to be
Um Csastr DwaimUi a steak tag;.
'. The demicraUc candidates of Linn county win meet
At repabiicaaaiat thnir appoiutmeate, at the following
''"-jfMrTsv. My Slst:
,, Lsbanoa. Tuesday. June 1st;
t BrosrassrilU, Wadnoaday, June Id;
' HaiibsjTg. TUarsday. " 3d;
APa-risrriday, " ;
AJbaay, Satordav,
Ltoa eouaty. Kay 17. 1858.
The Ron. L, F. Oaovaa, the democratic nom
inee for Congress, and other candidate for State
officers, will address the people at the times and
place, announced below.
The candidate of any and all opposing parties
are respectfully Invited to meet the democratic
nominee at their several appointments; and to
discus existing political issues.
The Hon. Delaxou 8mlth arid other able and
distinguished . democratic speakers will also be
present, and address the people.
The Democratic candidates extend a cordial and
earnest in vita ion to their democratic fellow-citizen
and all others, to attend at the following
times and places, to-wit : -
Vamhilt (County Weal's store, (S. Tamhili
River.) Tuesday, June, 1 ; Lafayette, Thursday, 3.
Polk County Dallas, Wednesday. 8.
Washington County Forrest Grove, Friday,
4, Hillsborough, 8atnrday, S.
Per Tier f tJu Demi. Stats Ota.
Propositi mi fter lb. tcatlait cCtko Coty
mt VaaaaillCovnlr.
It la ordained by the Board of County Commissioners
of Yamhill county, that the following proposition made
by the town of Lafayette, HcMinriUe and Dayton, for
the location of t e county seat, by vote, at the Jane
electk. be published in three newspaper of general
circulation in said conutj:
Oa behalf of LaXatette the entry by the county
(through the land office) of one hundred and sixty
arrea of land Including the town plat of the said town
as at present survey ed and laid off. The public square
and unsold blocks and iota, and the unplatted and un
occupied portion of said 180 acres, can be appropriated
oy ine county rj'wra ror tne erection or a ijeurt ttouse,
jail and county offices.
On behalf of McUinrilte the donation by W. T
ftewby of five acre of Land for a pnblic square, and
one hundred and forty lots to be taken alternate! r.witb
the following restriction; that If alcoholic drink lie
dealt In, sold or siren a beverage .on the prem
ises, the title shall be forfeited to tbe use of school dis
trict No. o. The above donation ia upon condition that
the county seat shall be located at that place.
Oa behalf of Dayton the donation by Gen. Palmer
and others, ef one entire Wuck of tan lots being tha
block known as the pnblic square in the town of Day
tonaad thirty lots and eleven hundred dollars in money
for the erection of county bnildinrc conditioned that
me county seal snau ne located at uayton.
J. W. COWLS, Co.Aud.
May 8, 1858. SwlO
Tate Deoaoeratle Candidates In Polk Cosnlr
Will address their fellow citizens at tbe following
tunes ana places:
LMugiaa preci net, at Honsaker's, May 2 1th ;
Jackson " duff 's store. " 15th;
Silt Creek Ira Townsend's " J6th;
Bt-thel " srth;
Eola JSth;
Monmoth- " Jane 1st;
Lane Dandson's S. H. " td;
Lnckiamote ' Simpson' 3d;
B rid if port " th;
Dull " " 6th.
The speakinr at the diflerent nrecincts will commence
at one o P. M. I
The opoositioa candidates are reioectiullr Invited
to attend.
Polk county, April 17. 135S. Std
Da.L. J.Cxirxar'sSarncal and Vedical lustitnteis
so extensirelv known in this Territory that any notite
of it, or of hint, might seen sunerdaous. Yet fearing
mat tnere are tnnse won neretorore nsving no neeu oi
medical aid. have neglected to ascertain the proper
stMsrces of relief in ca-tes oi miinanes. to inose we
beg leave t direct attention to Dr. L. J. Cxankav. who
is certainly a Physician of great skill and wonderful
snecess in his profession. The Dr. has devoted much
attention to the treatment of chronic and private dis-
ies, and stands nnnrailed in bia management or
tnera. to tnose wno need seen assistance we cneenuiiy
recommend Dr. I- J. Czapkp.y ; it would be rU at all
events to consult him, as he makes no charge for con
sultation, and much good might result from it. The Dr.
guarantees a cure in all cases or asks no compensation.
ay See Dr. L. J.Czapkay'sadvertiaementa in another
column of this oaoer. 3mA
Koticet Contract era.
SEALED PROPOS ALS will be revived at the office
of the Snpt. Penitentiary, ia Portland .until 1 o'elk
on Wednesday, the ninth day or JUNE. 1&S9, ror fur
nishing a softicient quantity of rough block stone for
the completion of forteea additional relit in said Pen
itentiary; a sufficient quantity of cement and sand,
which may be required to complete the fourteen addi
tional ceils and build the same.
One sett Blacksmith's
Iron and Steel for use, price fj ft.
Stone hammers, price V lb.
The form -f all proposal for sorulring anv of Ibe
above mentioned articles or materials, shall be substan
tially ia tbe following form:
l. A.iJ.. oi county, in tne Temtorv of Oregon.
hereby propose to furnish (of tbe aforementioned arti
cles of the best quality, and to deliver tbe same on. or
Deiure tne nrt aay of , isos, on tae part or tne
renitenttary grounds designated ty tne superintendent
ia good order and condition far the sum of dIUrs
per perca vor stone per oarrei lor cement per uusnel
for sand.
This vrooosal is made with a full knowledee of the
cost of auch materials, and the distance and mode of
(uated.) . (Signed.)
AU proposals for nirnlhing anr of the articles or
materials as aroreaaid shall be sect mpanied with a guar
antee pigned by three responsible guarantors, which
guarantee shall be a bond conditioned for the faithful
performance of all obligations incurred by the contrac
tor, which shall be substantially as follows.
ne, tne undersigned, citizens or countv. In the
Tern tor of Oregon, do hereby acknowledge univelves
jointly and severally indebted to the Territory of Ore
gon ia toe sum of dollars, equal to toe amount or
compens-ition: VovsoM the annexed bid be accepted
by the Superintendent of the Penitentiary for the Ter
ritory of uregon.
Now ,the conditions of this bond are snch that if A.
B-, contract-ir. shall welt and faithfully perform the
conditi ms of his contract, then this obligation to be
aauV aosd ronrf.otherwr-e to remain in full force and effect.
Or Bids will also be considered for furnishing a snf
ftcient quantity of building stone, cement and sand .for
the construction if a sewer one hundred feet long
apertire two feet.
Any information required by bidders in regard to
qaantity. qoal ty and manner of payment, can be had
by calling on tbe Superintendent at his office.
A portion of tbe material for the construction of cell
to be delivered on the Penitentiary ground on or before
tbe 1st day of July. 1958, and tbe residue as the Super
intendent may direct.
The Superintendent names the right to reject any
and all bids if deemed unreasonable.
JOS. SLOAX, Swpt. Pea'
. May 14.1868. 3wll
Irgisttr and tatiTers Soiief-tmpqns District.
r SETTLERS ia Township S south, range 4 west.
34 " 6
M JJ 4
" 35 " "6
M 39 " J "
39 3
39 - "1
The above Township having been surveyed and pints
thereof approved on the 10th day of April, 1858, all
settlers who have claims or parts of claims therein, sre
reqnested to appear at tbe Land Office, for tbe Umpnus
District of Oregon, at Winchester, within thirty dnyx
from and after the 10th day of June, 1858, or previ
ous to that time if convenient, when and where we shall
be prepared to receive the notifications of their claims,
snd enter upon the adjustment and settling according
to law, of all conflicts of boundary that may be found
to exist.
Given under onr hands at Winchester, this 12th dsy
of May, A. D., 1858.
L. F. HOSHER. Register.
WM. J. MARTIN. Receiver.
May 12. A. D.. 1858. 4wl
leflslrr aid leeeirer's Kaliee rnpaa District.
rfX) SETTLERS la Township 23 south of range 8 west.
24 " 7 "
i .i "8 '
25 7 m
JJ m 3
Tbe above townships having been surveyed, and the
pitta thereof approved oa tbe 24th of April. 158.
all settler who have el im or parts of claims therein,
are requested to appear at the Land Office for the Cmp
qna District of Oregon, at Wincberter within thirty
day from and after the 24th day of June. 158. or pre
vmnm to that time if convenient, when and where we
shall be prepared to receive the notifications of their
claims, and enter anna the adjustment and set
tlement, aocwding to law, of all conflicts of boundary
lines that may be rowed to exist among tnem.
Given aider onr hands at the Land Office in Win
chester, this 12th day of Msy. 158.
L. F. MOSHER. ftrgitUr.
W. J. MARTIN, teenver.
Mav 12. las. 4wll
r hereby given that letters of administration, upon
the estate of ISAAC UITSTRAP. deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned by tbe Probate Court
for Polk county, O. T-: Therefore all persona indebted
to said estate sre hereby notified to come forward and
settle, and all persona having claims against said es
tate are notified to present the same within one year
from the date b error or they will be forever barred.
May 4. 1858. 111
r HEREBY given that tbe undersigned has been
appointed executrix of tbe last will and testament
of JOHN A. KRAMER, deceased .late of Polk county,
therefore all persons owing said estate will please come
forward and make payment, and all having clsims
gainst said estate must present the same to the under
signed at her residence In Monmouth in said county,
worn to as the law directs within one year from date
crnof. MART JANE KRAMER. Ezrartrix.
Msr. tsn. 4wllpaid
LASTING powder, aad water proof caps, at
lzirj w. k. ssm ith A uo s.
YEKM Cherry Pectoral for sale at wholesale and
L retail. ,t ltxr W. K. SMITH Co'a.
'HE beat black tea you ever saw, at
t0 W. K. SMITH k e.
ninixiaXST a. hiuoall3
XT CO. GZ3 xu
Original for the Spring tf 1858.
New horses, new wagons and new costumes- ALL
UiU Exhibit At
ALBANY. Wednesday. Mav I9tht
LEBANON, Thursday, May 20tb afternoon at 2
SCIO. Friday, May 21st afternoon at 2, even'g at 7;
SUBLIMITY. Saturday. Msy 22d afternoon at 2. and
evening at 7:
SALEM, Monday and Tuesday evenings, May
SILVERTON, Wednesday, May 26th afternoon at 2,
evening at 7;
St. LOUIS, (on French Prairie) Thursday evening
May 27th;
CHAMPOEQ. Friday May 28th afternoon at 2 P. M.,
evening at T.
Connected with the Company are the following dis
tinguished and popular artistes, whose performances
are of tne moat eiegant and refined character:
The world renonned. Daring. Terrific, Tight-rope Dan
sens, Ascensionist and Equestrienne, who performances
are looeco lucreaioie uum seen.
The great Shakesperian Jester; aUo celebrated for hi
great act or juggling on norseback.
The graceful and daring Equestrian, distinguished in
his Incredible act of throwing four consecutive sotn
mersanlta on horseback, whit h has been pronounced by
all other performers as impossible.
Mr. N. M. H INK LEY,
The sccomplished Equestrian and general performer.
nr. mnaiey is noted in a variety or pleasing perfor
mances. Mr. J. H. KIES,
The great Acrobat and Gymnast. His Brat aooearance
In the ring aw the Pacific coast, together with Mr. J. U
Hinkiey in anew performance entitled the Trsppeze or
swinging Bars.
The renowned Gymnast, Acrobat and Equilibrist, in
his wonderful Globe Laperche act. lying on his back on
the top of a pole, 25 feet high and dancing a large Globe
on his feet at the same time, tbe pole in the hands f
Mr. Austin a feet never attempted by any other artis
tes in tbe known world.
tr During the evening entertainment. Mr. Austin
will introduce hi learned trick dog FRISKY, whose per
formances are interesting.
Tne evening's performances will conclude with a very
interesting afterpiece, entitled
By the whole Company, in appropriate costumes.
Accompan!ng this celebrated establishment is
BarkkarTi Ccltbratrd Bran Band.
X. B. Great attention has been paid to tbe Comic
Defjartment.tnd everything that might be suggestive of
sn immoral and immooest tendency has been carefully
Prices op admission.
BOX SI 50 PIT $1 00
Children under 12. half price.
aT" Polite and attentive ushers will be In attendance
to seat ladies. F. C. POMEROT. AztkL
Salem. May 17. 1859. SwlO
Farm for Sale.
r I ""HE subscriber offers for sale his farm near
I St. Paul' Catholic llteion Ivitpd on
the Willamette River, nearly opposite the
month of the Yamhill. The farm contains 320
acres: 200 acres or mtre in twj Heidi, with new fence
around each, being rich, dry prairie: one of the Gelds
is set in tame grass. There is a fine young orchard,
bearing trait of the best varieties; also a never failing
spring of water, near the dwelling. The improvements
consist of 14 story dwelling, with a new frame addition;
frame barn S by 30 feet.with shed around same; smoke
house, stahle. chicken honse, Ac This is one of the moot
desirable farms in the Territory, being peculiarly adapt
ed to fruit-raising or agricultural purposes, and' will be
old cheap.
For terms apply to D.tniel H. Murphy in Salem , or to
Andrew Mnrphv 21 miles a. w. of Chanipoes. and near
May 17, 153. 2ml0
Probate Court Marion County.
NOTICE is hereby given to all concerned that ap
plication has been made to the Probate Court of
this county. A. Douillot. administrator, for an order to
sell the real estate of JOSEPH BI.N ET. deceased, to
pay tiie debts thereof, and unless the contrary be shown
on or eft re the tenth day of June next, an order will
oe roaae sccoraingiy. J. V. num. J. f.
May 13, I$5a. 4wl0
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed administrator with the will annex
ed of the esUte of BENJAMIN DAVIS, deceased, all
persons having accounts against the estate are called
upon to present them for settlement with the proper
vouchers at my residence near Eugene City, within
twelve months from the 4tti day of May. 115S; and all
per ions owing the said etste are reonested to make
immediate psvment. JA'S HUDDI.ESTON, A4mr.
Eugene City, Lane Co., May 4, ie58. 4wl0
Administrator's Notice
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned ha
been appointed administrator of the estate nf
GEO. V. CHITW'OOD. dereaed. hv the probate court,
of Marion Co.; now all person indebted to said eta'e
are reqnested to. make immediate payment, and all
pet sons having clsims avainst said estate, are requested
to present them within the time renntred hy 1 1 w.
J. H. CHITWOOD. -fsuVr.
Silvertoo, May 1, 158. 4wl0psid
Land Warrants and Lost Horses.
APPLICATIONS for land waraants and lost horses,
in the late Yskim lndisn war. and all other wars
since the I 'He of June, 1IS. will be applied ror by
Chester N. Terry, at hi office in the Court House, in
Salem, to he pnstecnted at Washintrton City, D. C-, by
Hamilton G. Fant; nothing to he paid nntil the war
rant is rettdv for delivery. CHESTER N. TERRY.
Salem. Mayl5. 15S. 3wl0
OF Which we will keep constantly on hand, a good
variety. We are oVterswnerf to sell for ready pay
as lam any retail store on the Willamette river. To
prove this assertion, we request Indies and gentlemen to
oall and see before purchasing elsewhere.
N. B. We will also, psy cash or goods in exchange
for all kinds of MerchsnUhle produce.
Albany. May 10. 1858. 6ml0
Piano Fortes
FROM W. H. Hall & Son's manufactory . Broad
way, N. York, sold at their prices with freight add
ed. Abo, Prince & Co Melodeons.
Csll and we will show you a list of prices snd sample
of their work. GEO. H. JONES, Agent.
Salem. May 17. 1&58. 10tf
Silas c. Herring's
ratcat fhampioa Fire aad Barglar Proof Safes,
WITH or without Halls' powder proof lock or
Jones' patent permutation Bank Locks. Sold
at tbe manufacturer's prices with freight added. Prices
from t35 t) $o50. call and see sample of their work
with the improved locks. GEO. H. JONESfgmi.
Salem. May 17, 1858. lQtf
E. Ptltaa, Ceo. H. Joaes k Co.,
SELL EXCHANGES on New York, in amount to
suit purchasers.
Salem. May 17. 185. 10tf
CJTRATEDr stolen from the undersigned.
kj living near wincnester. lmugias roumj.
O. T.. about toe 15th of last December, one
snnl American horse. Ave years old. brand
ed on tbe left shoulder thus P S. which may not be via
ble, both hind feet white, and roan spot on one side of
his forehead, and a rtar in hia forehead. Any person
informing me of the whereabonts of said horse shall
be liberally rewarded. FEN DEL SUTHERLIX.
May 10. 1858. SwOpaid
Lager Beer.
THE undersigned is manufacturing at the Oh-sm
EGON CITY BREWERY a snpenor article Vj K
of Lager Beer, an good aa any in the country-
Always on band and prepared to nil orders, at .
home or from a distance. BEHRENg
May 5. 1858. 9U
A FBESH 7rAmentr" wTkH Co'..
CORN starch. Upioca. sago and heckler, tarina. for
puddings, at I42tf W. K. SMITH A Cos.
COPAL varnish. paints, oils, and paint brushes, at
42tff W. K. SMITH A Co s.
SCHOOL books, st wholesale and retail, at
Itltf . W. K. SMITH ACo's.
LAMP oil, candle, and weet oil. at
4'itq W. K. SMITH A Co'.
IX persons owing me.will please call and pay their
L accounts, up till January 1st. 1858.'
4tf o. E. COLE.
.Bosh, P. BaaTsu, D. sbtrrii, ' B.HraLrr.
WillanstwSlrca 7crl3,
WE beg to inform the nubile of Oregon and WashJ
ington Territories that we have completed onr
Foundry, Boiler, Blacksmith, pattern and Machine
shop, and are prepared to build 1 ,
Other kind of machinery. Our business connection
in the Eastern States, the great convenience or our lo
cality, the superiority and number of our machines,
the use nf water power instead of steam, and the per
fect knowledge of all branches of our business will en
able n to compete with California.
Inviting the public to give call and favor us with
their patronage, we prom If e to execute their orders on
the shorten notice and at San Francisco prices.
May, 1858. ly9
Herring's Patent Champion
WITH Hsll's Patent Powder-Proof Locks tbe same
thst were awarded separate medMs at the World's
Fair. London. 1851, and tbe World's Fsir. New York.
1853 and are the only Amertsan Safes that were award
ed medals at the London World's Fair.
Thee safes form the most perfect security sgsinst
Fire and Burglars, of any safe ever offered to the pub
lic, and can only be had of the subscribers snd their
agents, who have on hand and make to order, all kinds
of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults,
Vault Doors and Money Boxes, or Chests for Brokers,
Jewelers and Private Families, for Plate. Diamonds,
and other valuables. And are also Patentees (hy pur
chase) and manufacturer nf JONES' PATENT PER
Aoents E. Fitzgerald A Co.; and W. G. Wendell,
San Francisco, California.
S. C. HERRING A Co.. "
JVo. M Broadmaf, ear. Marry St. JV. JT.
May, 1858. - 6m9
For Sale.
THE undersigned offer fnr sale, their splended mill
property, being about 1 miles west of Dallas,
Polk Co.. being the same pmpery formerly owned by
J. W. Nesmith. consisting of grist mill iu good order,
doing a heavy business, perbsps twice as much as any
other mill in the county, 255 acres of excellent land,
about HO acres of which are inclosed, a young orchard,
grafted and bearing niit. Two good dwelling houses,
store house, barn, aad other out buildings. Also one
hundred head of hogs. For further particulars see
WM.P LEWIS, at Dallas. or
"-' . J. . LEWI8, on tbe premise.
April 1?. 1858. . 3m8
. Pelton, Geo. E Jones & Co.
ARE prepared to do a general commission business
on New York and other Atlantic cities. Particular
attention will be given to the purchase of goods for
merchants. Parties having any basil ess transactions
in the Atlantic States, and wanting an agent that will
give personal attention to the same, will do well to
T Office at Barnnm A Wilson's Law Office -Ta
Salem, March 23. 1858. 2tf
War Scrip.
HOLDERS of War Scrip csn secure the services of
E. Pelton. Geo. H. Jones A Co., to present their
papers at Washington fnr pacment. Receipts given
for the papers and cash advances made in some cases.
Office st B.irmtml Wilson's Law Office.
Salem. March 23. 1858. ;tf
ALL persons having claims against the Territory
"growing ont of the action of tbe Penitentiary
Commissioner In the erection of said Penitentiary '
re hereby notided to file their said claims with the
clerk or the District Court, for the 2d Judicial Dis
trict within 60 days from the date hereof, ot be for
ever barred' and alss to serve copies of claims so Bled
upon D. W. Douthit, Esq.. who has been appointed by
me to act in referent thereto on behalf or the Terri
tory. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, femur.
Dated April I. A. P.. 1458. 3m5
ALL person indebted to the undersigned, by book
account, will please call and settle either by note
or cash, as my books must be closed.
Albany. March 17. 1553. 3ni2paid
Sewvlng Machines.
WHEELER A WILSON'S machines sre tbe best
ever offered to public patronage. They sre sim
ple and durable; easily kept in repair; sew with great
rapid!'!-; mike an even snd firm stitch oa both sides
that will not rip. Persons wUhihg to buy will find
them at C. A. Iteed's. Salem, on Saturday of each
week, or at the residence of the nndersisned.
Apr 1S5. 1R5. 7tl
John 3Iorlef vs. Robert Mael,et al:
TO i: ibert Mad: You are hereby notified that
uni-ss you appear tn the District Court of
the First J udvjial District of the Territory of Ojegou,
the first day of tbe tern to be held on the fourth Mon
day of May 185. and am-wcr the complaint of John
Morley, on tile in the Clerk's office nf said Court, for
the recovery of the sum of seven hundred and thirteen
doll.irs and seventy cent-t ($713 70). with accruing in
terest and coots of suit, the same will be taken as con-fes-ed,
and the pr-iver thereof will be r ranted by the
Court. C 1 1 fcST E S.TERRY, PU'Jft A f.
Salem, Marion Co. April 8, 1S5S. 8w6
Lumber! Lumber!
THE undersigned has jut received per steamer
Canemah. FIFTY THOUSAND feet of lumber.
Dressed, tongue J and grooved flooring, ceiling, and
siding. Also, a large assortment of rough lumber, for
sale low for ca-h. B. M. DcRELLE.
Salem. April 19. 1858. 6tf
Laook. Here!
THE subscriber would inform the public that be
does entirely a Commission Business, and
therefore has no good of his own to interfere with
consigners. Having a fire-proof bnilding and a large
Jobbing trade, be offers unusual facilities to shippers.
AtsTConsignments respectfully solicited."?
139 fVaxhinrttm St., Sat Eraneitcm.
W. B. CaaraELt. Oregon City:
J. P. Ksiobt, Portland;
Forwarding Agent, Portland.
Ssn Francisco. April, 1858. lyO
J. Fleming.
AT the Oregon City, - Post Office -Building, has just
received, direct I'nnn New York. 100 copies of
'Downins's Fruit and Fruit Trees of America."revised
and enlarged, for 1857 tbe latest published edition nf
iu:a vaiuauie wnrs. ne nns aisoon nanu.a gooa awe
of miscellaneous books and stationery, for sale on terms
to suit the times.
Oregon City, Dec. 15, 1857. 41tf
w. s. laud, Portland. j. w. ldd, San Francisco
W. S. Ladd & Ctf.
Shipping and CommiMtwn Merchant, Portland, Oregon
LIBERAL advances made on all consignments of Or
egon produce. Messrs Wakeman, Dimon A Co.,
No. 73. South street. New York, will recei e and for
ward all goods and machinery, addressed to our care
via San Francisco, or direct to Oregon.
Jan. 1. 1858. 41tf
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has
obtained from tbe probate judge of Umpqua
county, letters of administration on the estate of JOHN
WHITLOW, deceased, late of said county, bearing
date April 12th A. D. 1H58: All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate payment,
and all persons having claims against said' estate are
requested to exhibit them properly authenticated .with
in one year from the date of said'letters, or they may
ne precluded from mmng any benent in saiu estate.
April 29, 1858.
Final Settlement.
IN Probate Conrt for Yamhill county. O. T. Held at
Lafayette, May 4th 1858 wherein William. H. Per
kins administrator of the estate of JOEL PERKINS,
deceased, filed his final account praying for a final set
tlement: this is therefore to tbe end that the heir at
law and persons interested may appear in the Court of
Probate to lie held st Lafayette in said county on the
3d day of June next to show cause if any why the said
account shall not be allowed and a final settlement made.
My5. 1858. 3w
Final Settlement.
IN Probate Court tor Yamhill county, O. T..Lafayette
May 4th, 1858 wherein Wm. A. Cul erUon. admin
istrator r the estate of JEREMIAH
ceased. filed bis final account praying for a final set
tlement; this is therefore to the end that tbo heirs at
law and all persons interested In said estate may apiear
in the probate conrt to be held at Lafayette in said
county the 3d day of June next at 10 o'clock A. M. to
show cause if any why the said account shall not be
allowed and a final settlement made.
May 5. 1858. 3w9 -
Final Settlement.
IN Probate Court for Yamhill county, O. T., May 4th,
1858 wherein William H. Odell administrator of
the estate or SAMUEL K. THURSTON. deceaed, pre
wMite.l his final account praying for a final settlement:
this is therefore to the end that the heirs at law and all
person interested in said estate may appear in the
court of probate to be held in Lafayette in 'Sid county
on ttie 2d day of June at 10 o'cl ck a. m., to show cause
if anv why the said auuouut shall not be sllowed and
flnsl'settlement msde. MARTIN OLDS, P. J.
May 5, 1858. 3w9id
Tor Sale
A FEW choice Melidenns.Prinre's make, Piano case,
' divided swell , five octavo. F to V."
Oregon City, Feb.. 1858. 48tf
tJ just received and for sale by
Oregon City. April. 1858.
PRESTON C. Merrils yeast powder and extract or
lemon and rose, for flavoring pastry, alt
42tfT W7 K. SMITH A Co'."
'torts. Ewtki.
WK. SMITH A Co. have recently received a Urge
invoice of books, direct from New York, which
they oflbr Tor sale at reduced prices. They will be con
stantly recelvina- additions to their stock, and will bi.n
on hand every article in that line, which tbe want of
tne conntry require, une or the firm will visit tbe
State lu the spring, after which they will keep a full
assortment of
la v and Medical books.
In addition to miscellaneous and school books. Their
present stock Includes all the different kinds of school
books used in the country, and a great variety of stand
ard scientific and miscellaneous works, all of which
will be sold st greatly reduced prices, to make room
for new ones on the way.
They also have and will continue to keep a complete
assortment of stationery, slates, pencils, pen. Ink, and
fancy articles.
Store near the bridge, south end of Commercial
Salem, Dec. J4. 1857. 42tf
London Club House Gin.
THIS celebrated Gin pretending to nothing but
what it is, viz.: a pnre and unadulterated article,
and assuming no artificial merit of what it i not, ca
some of its rival Imitators do after eight years of pub
lic approval and very extensive sales, in the cities of
New York, Philadelphia. Boston, and the Western cit
le. has been pronounced by the public, as well a by
the best medical and scientific authorities of tbe U. S.
and tbe Canada, to be auperior, not only a beverage of
general nse, to any other article competing against it,
but ia unequalled in its medicinal efficiency in all class
es of complaints. To persons traveling in these days
of rapid transit from East to West. North and South,
and more particularly to those crossing the Isthmus,
and who are constantly changing their water aa well as
climate who are drinking, indeed, dozen kinds of
water in every twenty-tour hours, and each draught
containing some property acting in chemical antagon
ism to the proceeding one. thereby causing an unnatu
ral degree of excitement to the stomach it is posi
tively and absolutely necessary to use counteracting
ageut. From the fact that this article i prepared ex
firessly to meet such exigencies, and t act, as we know
t will act, as an antidote, we confidently prescribe it
ks the very best article in the conntry. Tbe nameol
Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps has never been attached
in any way to this article.
Requires none of the usnsl "caution to the public' tn
beware of counterfeits, it being, like all other genuine
articles, beyond tbe bae art of counterfeiting.
The tandem Clnb House Gin is an antidote to the
horrible adulteration to which everYthimr alcoholic ia
submitted the noxious poisons made up and sold as
The London Club House Gin requires no "word of
advice," no "caution to the public." Those who once
drink it, find the security in it virtues apsini-t the vi
cious temptations of drinking any of its vile imitations
even nnder-'advice:" while those who-cantion the pub
lic" against counterfeiters, have themselves been cau
tioned hy tbe public to beware of any but The London
Club House Gin. WILLIAM H. DALY.
Sole Importer, As I'orifc.
Notice The unexampled success of
Has Induced a host of imitators, who are potting np an
inferior article, under simil tr titles. Purchasers will
please notice the fae-timUt of tbe signature of the un
dersigned on the label.
For sale by all of the principal Liquor Houses in
San Francisco. - 4
April 8, 1S53. ' Sm7is
John C. Bell,
182 Clay Street,
Next door to the Museum, near Kearny Street.
CLOTH. Paper Hangings. Window Shades,
Wholesale and Retail. Green Baize, Pew Cushions,
Ac. Ac. Ac
mw A liberal discount will always be made to people
from the country Cheapest Carpet Warehouse on the
Pacific Coat. Don't forget the number.
April. 1858. 3m7ia
Jonas G. Clark & Co.,
VI7E are now manufacturing our FINEST FURNI-
TURE.and would invite tbe attention of the
public to our PRESENT STOCK, the largest ever
offered on the Pacific Coast.
April, 1353. Sm7i
THE Jndjes of the Ssprane Cotirt rf tbe Territory of
Oregon, assembled at tbe seat of Government on
the 10th day of December, 1856. do fix and appoint
District Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in the
county nf Marion, on the first Mondays of April and
September, and the fourth Mondays of May and Octo
ber, annually, nntil otherwise ordered ; and in the city
nf Portland, in the county of Multnomah, on tbe fifth
Mondav, of December. 1S56, and thereafter on the first
Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, nntil otherwise order
ed. and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days
each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice.
41 CYRUS OLNEY. Associate Justice.
NOW f-r large sales and small profits, for cash or
Oregon produce. A well selected assortment of
dress patterns. Delaines, Merinos. Calicoes. Ginghams
and all other goods for ladies. An assortment of bon
nets and ladies hats of tbe latest fashion.
Also a well selected tssortment of clothing, boots and
shoes of the best quality, coffee, tea. sugar, salt. rice,
pepper, sslsratna, and iamp oil, with other articles. too
numerous to mention, for saleia Rector's building,
May 19. 1857. 10tf
Stationery, SUlioaerj.
EL. BRADLEY A Co., hsve just received, direct
frm New York, per clipper ship Aurora, a fine
lot of blank books, aud stationery generally, consisting
in part of the following :
400 Reams paper of every variety;
1000 Quires blank books, half bound, full bound,
all kinds;
200 Dnz. ink. Davies best black, blue, and red;
75 Ream wrapping paper dif. size;
50 gross pen holders: x
50 " slate pencils;
20 do, slates.
Together with a general assortment of school and
miscellaneous books Sauder's spellers and readers
Davirs' and Thompson's mathematics complete. We
would say to those who buy to sell again . just give ns a
call. E. L. BRADLEY A Co..
City Book Store, -Oregon City.
Dec. JO, 1857. 43tf
THE subscriber having taken the fireproof Granite
Front Store, next door to MeA'ee - Co'. Front St.,
would respectfully inform his friends and the public
geuerally , that he is now opening a full and
And other articles in his line, to which be invites the
attention of Merchauts, Builders and country dealers.
Portland, February, 1858. 48tf
Drop! Drap! Drags!
WK. SMITH A Co. bare just received direct from
California, and from the States, a large addi
tion tp their stock of Drugs, and medicines, making,
with their former stock, the largest, and best assort
ment of those articles, ever offered for sale in the Wil
lamette Valley. They receive their goods directly
from the importers and manufactures so that every ar
ticle bought of them can be relied upon as fresh aod
genuine, and they are determined not to be undersold
hy any other drugeista in tbe country. Orders sent
from a distance will be promptly filled, and at satisfac
tory prices. Store near the bridge, south end of Com
mercial street. Salem. . 42tf
John R. Foster.
Importer and Dealer in
MECHANICS' TOOLS, Farming HtpUmtntt,
Ac, Ac, Ac
Front street, Portland, Oregon.'
February, 1358. 48tf
For Sale.
WEBSTER'S Unabridged Dictionaries;
" . Quarto
High School "
" Primary and Pocket Dictionaries.
Oregon City. Feb.,1858. 48tf
To 0avitf Irfabosay.
TTTirT are herebv notified that unless you appear in
X the District Court of the First Judicial District of
tbe Territory of Oregon, on the first day or the term
to he held at Salem, O. T., on the first day of tbe term
held' fn said District jifter the April term of A. D. 1858.
and answer the complaint of George E. Cole, the plain
tiff in this action, tiled in said cause; the same will be
taken for confessed aad the" prayer thereof will be
granted by the Court. ' THAYER, PTJfk Atfrn.
March 1.1858. Jm5I
A. Wot-sl to Free and Llte State
rtiHE question as to whether a mas esn be a consist
JL ent democrat and vote for a free State, is a ques
tion for politicians to dispnte about at pleasure. Bat
Is giusfeoM a to where both free and slave State men
can buy goods cheap, is the one that the entire people
of Oregon are Interested iu.
. Tbe man that pays high rents, " fares sumptuoatdy
every day," and above all credits out hia goods to those
who are slow pay, must of necessity sell good high.
or oe win -- go in.-- w hue ne wno sells ror easn oaten
and no grumbling, can afford to sell low.
There are ten b tores in Corvallis, all selling oa a
credit system. Now, 1 propose to make mine a CASH
STORE, and those who have any Cath or Product ta
purchase good with, can buy of me 10 per cent lower
than they could if 1 was doing a credit business. The
man who pays for his goods when he purchases them,
will not have to pay higher than they are really worth
to make good those accounts that are not paid for in a
long time, and in some instances not paid for at alL
And this works no hardship to those who wish to
bny on credit, for there are nine other stores In town
where goods can be bought on credit, by paying lit
tle more than they are worth Tbe other merchants
in town are a very clever set of fellows, and to them I
commend those who have at the ' ready' to bay with ;
while to those who have
Cash, Butter, Eggs, .Pirrk, Bacon, Wheat, Oats, Shin
gles, Wool, etc., (don't mean credit) come to me,
I intend to sail you goods at LOW RATES,
without regard to ruling prices in town.
I am fust receiving a Iaree and well-selected atoct
or goous, consisting or
urj u
u eocenes.
Boots and Shoes,
Hardware. And in fact
to supply the wants or the people of Oregon, aa follows:
Domestics, brown and bleached ; Ticking, heavy and
medium ; Denims, heavy and medium ; Prints Merri
mack, Cocheco. Ac; De Laines all wool snd half
wool; Alpaccas a great variety: Merinos French
and English ; Silk black dress ; Velvet various col
ors ; Satinetts from 50 cents to 11,00 per vard ; Lin
seys a large stock ; Plaids aa assortment; Flan
nels red. white, blue, yellow and gray : Toweling;
Table Linen, and red Blanket. In a word, a general
assortment of staple and fancy dry goods.
50,000 lbs. salt, Liverpool blown,
5,000 do coffee, best Rio,
&.000 do sugar, brown and white,
1,000 do tea, ia caddies and in bulk,
500 do rice, Carolina,
500 do saleratus, pare Boston,
5u0 do tobacco, pare leaf and Golden Gate,
60 kegs E. B. yrup, 5 galls. Seth Adam.
20 do do do 8 do do do
100 boxes adamantine candles,
75 do pale aoap Hill's and Faj-s.
20 do pickles, J gall. Gherkins.
20 do pie fruit, assorted,
10 do oysters, Baltimore cove,
25 doz. sardines, hlf. and qr. boxes,
10 do yeast powders, Ac,
. ..together with ..
Prone. Cafeap.
Peppersance. Mustard,
Cloves, Spice,
Pepper, Cinnamon,
Soda. Cream Tartar,
Indigo. Alum,
Logwood. Madder.
Borax. Chalk. Beeswax, Matches, Ac
Coats, vest and pants, all kinds ; India robber coats
and pants ; red. blue and grey uverscirts ; oreralU
grey denims; undershirts and drawers; white and cal
ico xhtrta ; check shirts and hickory shirts; silk un
dershirt and drawers ; 20 dox. ladies hose ; 50 doa.
men's half hose, a great variety: buckskin, kid and
thread gloves ; goantlets bnckskin and kid. Indeed,
everything in ladies and gents rurnishing Une.
Mena' heavy, medium and light boots ; boys' medium
boots ; nnlined kip and cowhide brogana ; cloth top,
and patenvleather gaiters ; calf and heavy shoe ;
ladies gaiters, buskin and shoe ; misses gaiters, bus
kins and shoes ; childrens' gaiters, buskins aad shoes ;
ia fact, every style of boots and shoes, cheap.
Crockery and glass ware.
Backets and wooden ware.
Brooms and window sash.
CSarns and tubs.
Clocks and looking-glasses.
Carpenters and blacksmiths' tools ; ent. wrought,
snd horse-shoe nails; axes, hatchets, and hammers,
adzes, angers, and broad axes, planes, plane bits and
spoke angers, drawing-knives and priming knives,
butcher knives aad pocket knives, carving knives, and
knives and forks, screws, tacks, brads and botts, locks,
latches and bolts, tiie locks, chest locks sod padlocks
everything usually found in a hardware tore, includ
Iron axles, steel springs, cast steel and plough steel,
carriage bolts and wagon boxes, blacksmiths' hand
hammers, blacksmiths' shoe hammers, masons' atone
hammers, strap hinges, door hinges and trowels.
I keep a grocery store.
A dry goods store,
A hardware store,
A clothine store.
A boot and shoe store, and "
. A general VARIETY STORE.
If aay body can sell cheap, I can sell cheaper. My
motto is. as cheap as'the cheapest, and a little cheap
er. Come and see. Post yourselves up oa prices at
the other stores then buy of me.
If yen will examine my goods and prices, you cannot
go awav dissatisfied. G. E- COLE.
Corvallis. Sept. 8. 1857. 26tf "
THE terns of tbe District Court for the trial of is
sues in tbe First Judicial District will be as follows:
In Linn county the 2d Monday of April inst.; Marion
county the 3d Monday of April inst.; Yamhill county
the 4th Monday of April inst.: Benton coonty the 2d
Monday of May next; Lane connty the 3d Monday of
May next; Polk county the 2d Mondav of Jnne next.
R. P. BOISE. Judge.
Salem. April 9. 1858. 5tf ,
AGENTS in Oregon and Washington Territories, and
'California, to sell my Eclectic IJniment. I will pay
a premium of fifty dollars to the Agent who will sell
the greatest amount of Liniment from the first of June
next, 1853, until the following Jane. 1S59. Send on
your orders for the Liniment; I will pay all freight,
charges, on the Liniment sent to Agents, therefore no
Agent will be at any expense in receiving sf The
Agents sre to sign a receipt or pay for the medicines
when sl'li. The price of Liniment is $4 00 per dozen.
ly5 2d St., Corvallis, Oregon.
For S ale.
ACRES of good land on Upper Holalla prairk-.
For particulars enqnire of H. Holland, on board
steamer Surprise, or E. L. BRADLEY. City Book Store,
Oregon City. E. L. BRADLEY A Co.
February, 1853. 48 tf .
llrdropathic Books.
X Y Trail. Shew and O. S. Fowler. Fnr sal at the
JJ City Bonk Store. E. L. BRADLEY A Co.
Oregon City, Jan. 1S53. 46tf
Attention Farmers. .
E will pay the highest market price "in cash'Tor
neat. HtAUM sc HWiUK.
Corvallis Vinegar Manufactory.
WE alwavshave on hand a large supply of PUkE
STRONG VINEGAR, which we will sell at
Wholesale and Retail as cheap,, if not cheaper., tban it
can be obtained from San Francisco orany other port.
Dealers in Portland and other places in the Territory
would do well to give ns a rail.
Corvallis. Feb., 1858. SOtf
Dr. Krtechbaum's Eye Salre and
Eye Water.
THESE preparations if used with my Life Pills, will
effect a CURE IN ALL CASES of sore eyes. I
have. never known them to fail since first used in Iowa
in 1849, and I will ensure a cCre if taken according to
direction, or refund the money.
Persons sending orders will please state explicitly
tbe nature of the case and I will send all necessary for
a cure, for which I will charge from Tea to Twenty
Prepared only hy Da. J. G. KRIECHBACM,
CorvaUit, O. T.
Corvallis. Feb., 1858. 50tf
Final Settlement.
IN Probate Conrt for Yamhill county. May 4th. 1858
wherein William H. Odell, executor f the last
will and testament of SAMUEL ANGEL, late of said
county deceased, has filed his final account of said es
tate praying for a final settlement; this is therefore to
the end that the heirs at law and afl persons interested
in said estate may appear at the conrt of probate to be
held at Lafayette in said connty on the 2d day of June
next at 10 o'clock a. m. to show cause if any why the
said account shall not be allowed and a final settlement
MayS, 1858. , , .JwOpaid
IS hereby given that the undersigned has been ap
pointed by the Prorate Court of Linn county, as
executrix of the estate of JOHN W. WRIGLE. deceas
ed late of said county; now, all persons indebted to
aid estate are reqnested to make immediate payment,
and all persona having claims against said estate are
requested to present them within the time required by
May 5, 1858. 4w9paid.
Probate Court,
LrjfM county: To the heirs and next of Wu of
ALEXANDER M. DYER, deceased; you will take
notice that application has been made to the probate
court of said county of Linnby. Wm. S. Cwypoei. ad
ministrator of said estate, order for the. ss.Ie of
tbe real estate of said tecasei, to pa the debts there
of and expense of administrationaod . unless the con
trary be shown on or before the .first Tuesday la Jnne be mad. IJjJABT.'x.
May 6. 1?59. 4w
The charge for estray notices is one dollar, for each
animal advertised. No notice will appear until paid
lor where no money, or less than the correct amount
,nw!.th " " notice, the notice wUl notbe pub
published until the full amount is received.)
TAKEN CP by the undersigned. 11 miles a. w.of
Eagene City. Lane Co., one brindle snd white pi
ded steer, 4 years old, branded on left bip with letter
O, upper and nnder nick In the left and under nick in
the right ear; one 3-year old red nmly steer, crop off
each ear snd noderbit hi the right; one 3-year old red
and white speckled steer; also, a sorrel Indian horse,
Mote face, saddle marks on both sides, white hind feet
and legs, 14 bands high, supposed 10 rears old.
May 10, 1858. iwll 'G.C.SMITH.
TAKEN UP by tbe subscriber, 7 miles e. of Salem
on or about April 18, 1858. one 7 or 8-year old red
and white (potted cow, crop off each ear and so! it in
tbe left. 2wll JOHN KAYS.
rpAKEN UP by the subscriber, Olney's preci nct,Linn
J. Co., on the Calapooia, one large white and black
pided ox, some red in the black spots, motly face, tail
wnite, crop off the left ear and under half crop in the
right, auoposed 8 or years old. .
May , 1858. . 2wll T. J. ANDERSON.
TAKEN UP by tbe undersigned, living on the road
leading from Starr point to Eagene City, Benton
Co. .one steer .brindle sidcs.white on the back and belly,
mail red speck in the white parts, branded 03 tbe left
bin L C. 4 or 5 years old; one pale red 4-year old steer,
white spot on the bel'y, swallowfork in the rizbt ear,
branded V. J. W. LAWRENCE.
May 9, 1858. 2wll
TAKEN UP by tbe subscriber, six miles south ef
Eagene City, Lane Co.. four head of estrar cattle:
one red and white three years old cow and calf, white
face, marked crop off left year, and under-bit in the
right; one half Spanish black and white cow and calf,
9 years old, not marked or branded;, one 3-year old
red cow and calf, dark brows about the bead, no
marks or brands; one. 1 year eld steer, red with dark
red head and ears, no mark or brand.
Eagene City May 6, '58. 2wll S. SWAGGABT.
TAKEN CP by the undersigned on Mohock, Lase
Co., on May 7, 1858, one 2-year old steer, red sides
and white face, back, belly, and speckled legs, a brand
on tbe right hip resembling a diamond- -. j
stay 9, isos. zwit t. w, BAbLi.
TAKEN UP by the undersigned living in Pleasant
Hill precinct. Lace Co., one red ox, with line back
snd belly, smooth crop off tbe left ear with crop acd
split ia the right, stagish horns, supposed 6 years old.
mays, 1858. . zwii s. KttilHM
TAKEN UP by the subscriber, living in the n. e.
corner of Linn Co.. one large red and white 12
year old spotted ox, bald face, bob tailed, smooth crop
off tbe right ear; one dark brindle 7 or 8-year old ox,
white flanks, diamond shaped spot in forehead .branded
with R on right bip: - H- T. WOODS-
atay is, lsos. - swll
WAKEN CP on the 14th of May by the subscriber,
X 4 miles e. of Monroe, Benton Co., one bay horse,
branded P on left shoulder, star in forehead, snip oa
nose all tour of his feet white, some addle marks and
supposed to be 8 years old; also, one red roan Indian
mare, years oiu witn wnite race ana white legs.
TAKEN UP by the subscriber, in Happy valley.
Douglas Co.; May 8, 1858, one 3-year old red and
white pided cow, white face: also, one red calf with a
wnite face. zwll M.I AS. CAfhUJ.
TAKEN UP by the subscriber, living in Douglas Co,
3 miles shove Winchester, on the North Cmpqna.
one brown Indian pony about II years old, white strip
down his face and left foot white.
May 9. 1858. 2wll E. P. BAMARD.
TAKEN CP by the subscriber, living on the South
Fork of Deer creek, 10 miles above Roseborg in
Douglas Co.. one brindle pided 4-year old cow and
calf, cow has swallowfork in left ear and branded C-I
on off hip: also, one yearling brindle heifer calf with
a white streak in her forehead. T. LEDGERWOOD.
May 9,1858- 2wll
TAKEN UP by the subscriber, Irving in Multnomah
Co., 2 miles n. w. of Portland, one white cow with
some red on her sides and head, crop off tbe right ear
and a crop off the under corner of the same. 9 y 'rs oid-
Msy 13. 1858. 2W11 V. BAaB.
TAKEN UP by the subscriber, 1 miles e. of Starr's
point, Benton connty, one roan G-vear old cow .split
in each ear. G.COFFEE.
Mayl.lSiS. 2wll
TAKEN UP by the undersigned, oa main road 121
miles a. Corvallis. Benton Co.. one bliek 3-year old
horse, about 15 hsn high-
May 19.
STRAYED from mv premises, in Spring valley. Polk
Co., about the 25th of Aprils BLACK YEARLING
colt, has a star on its forehead. Any person giving me
information of the same will be Gberallv rewarded.
Msy24. 1S58. . 2wllpaid.
TAKEN CP by tbe subscriber, in Lane Co., April 25.
one brindle steer, marked crop off the right, a slit
and under-bit in the left ear.
May, 1B58. 2wll
TAKEN CP bv the undersigned, living seven miles
a. w. of Engene City, Lane Co-one red and white
cow. eight years old. white lace, some rea aoou mi
eves, branded P, on the left hip. no otber brands per
May, 1358. 2wll
TAKEN UP by the undersigned, living on Sand
Ridge, in Linn Co., one red and white estray heif
er, two years old, marked with a swallow-fork in each
ear. - u.ia aiuava.
Msy, 1558. 2wll
TAKEN UP by the subscriber. living 4 miies s. w. of
Eagene C'ty, Lane Co., one three vear old red and
white speckled steer, crop off the neht ear, no other
marks or brands perceivable.
May, 1S59. 2wll
TAKEN UP by the subscriber, living 8 miles a. w.
of Eugene City, Lane Co., one pale red cow and
calf, five years old, crop and nnder-bit in both ears.
Also, one two year 01a, yeiiow ana wmie, wiiu lire
bosh of the tail off; no other marks or brands rereeiv-
1S53. - Iwil
TAKEN UP by the undersigned, 8 miles n. w of Eu
gene City. Lane Co., one 3-year eld bite speckled
cow, brown ears, swallowfork ia the left ear and under
bit in tbe right, branded on the left bip AM; also, ob
yearling ball, black sides, line back with white spot
in the face; also, one white-and red speckled cow, 4
vears old. point of horns sawed off, red ears, branded
B on tne left bip. JOHN BROWN.
May 1, 1858. zwio
TAKEN CP by the subscriber, living in Cayon pre
cint. Douglas Co.. April 29, 1S58, two cows and
calves described as follows, one red cow white back,
split in left ear and hole in right, branded with diamond
brand on the left shoulder, and tbe letter P oa left hip,
4 years eld; the other a red pided cow, white face and
white on her hips, hind legs also white, same muk aad
brand as the other. - 2wl0 ROBERT TRIMBLE.
TAKEN UP by tbe subscriber living 5 miles s- from
Mattooa'S mill, May 1st 1858 ,one dark cbesnnt sor
rel mare pony, white face, white hind feet with a white
spot on the off side, some smaller spots on near side
with a figure 8 on the shoulder with an O V on the
same, with anO T on the hip, all on near side 5 years
old. 2wlO TBOS. B. JONES.
TAKEN UP by the undersigned, living in Myrtle
creek precinct,Dooglas Co., one 5-year old red steer
smooth crop off the right ear and slope off the under
side of the left, branded S F on right hip; also, one
4-vear old red steer, no ear marks, branded S W on the
left bip; also, one 4-year old pale red steer with some
white in tbe face, tail white, right ear split, right hip
branded S. 2wl0 ALPHEUS IRELAND-
TAKEN UP by the subscriber, living in Douglas Co,
Calapooia precinct, one dark grey Indian horse,
branded on left shoulder, not plain.
- Aprit 26. 1858. 2wl0 D.MARKHAM.
TAKEN UP by tbe subscriber, living about 2 mile
,n.of Consers ferry, one light bay mare supposed
to be. American, marked as follows: a small star in the
forehead, black legs, -mane and tail, some saddle
marks on the back, brauded with figure 4 above an S D
on the right bip, supposed 7 or 8 years old.
Msy 171858. 2wl0 JOHN H. BELLINGER
riUKE! UP by tbe andeiaigaed. residing in Linn.
X one fi or 7-year old red roan horse, white streak
down his forehead, about 13 hands high, of Indian
stock. J ATS M. COTREL.
April 24. 1858. 2wl0
TAKEN UP by the subscriber. Irving 2 miles a. -of
Santiam City, one 4-year old brown filler, blase
face, three white feet, supposed to be branded F on t)o
hip, came to my place 2 years ago: also, one 2-year oW
bay Alley, blaze in her face, branded K T oa hip snd
shoulder, came to my House S years ago.
Msrcn fin, zwio a. t- tii . n
TAKEN CP by the subscriber, at Santiam City, on
pale red cow, and one red. calf one year old. no
marks; the cow marked, crop off each ear and split
in left, some white 00 her belly, soon 1 ?r "J
May 1.1859. 2wl0 j.r.LsBi-.
TAKEN UP by the subscriber. 7 miles n. of Dallas,
Polk Co. a brigKt browm J year old mare j bout 14
hands high, black W '"ZtlZ
kianda perceivable, saia 'j -r--K,,.
.ngust last.
aMay 3. 1858.
TAKEN UP by tne oktok, " """ .
of Corvallis. one 4-year old sorrel borse, blaxe
. . " , wDite on the ngbt hind foot or pasturu.
M.vl.lS- wl0
riiAKKN UP by the subscriber, living at Jefferson
I uarion Co, one bru die steer, soppoed 10-year old.
" .. . n . i D ..... r K .1
Bwallowfork in each ear. j. m.baijus.
Mav l'W- ;
TAKEN UP by the subscriber, 3 miles s. w. of Sit
verton, Marion Co. one 4-year old hoise.blaze face,
the right hind foot white, came to my place in March
'58. had on a nailer, snoa ait arouno woes
Msy 6, 1858. ZWIO 'J. JS. puataaDtI
TAKEN UP by the subscriber. 2$ miles e. of Vsa
noy's ferry on Togoe river, Josephine Co.. oa tha
, . j.. nr anvil ifiAfi mi-TMroli dark te steer-
smooth crop and an uaderbit oat of the-right ear.
3W1 into.