V i i ' Stfamboat Accident. We learn from Gibson nnd Col. A. I. Dennisoii, l!ut the new steamboat, "Venture," buIH ly H. It. Thompson Jc Co., nt the CaMde!, went . over too falls on 1 uesd.ir, the Ilth itist.; in going over, one man junipsil overboard and was drowned. The boat, orer tho fulls, lodged npon a rock opposite the middle block house, where she remained until the 12th inst., when she came off, and was pick ed op bj the steamboat " Mountain Buck," and was towed to the shore, where she now lies. The extent of the injuries to the boat are not yet ascertained. The cause of the accident, we understand, was a misunder standing, between the Captaiu and the Engineer. We further learn, that if it is damaged beyond n-pair, tho proprietors will 'commence building another boat immedi ately. 9Mpj. Lesdernier, the accomplished lecturer and actress having returned to X. York from a snccesfal tour in California announced a costume recitation in that city on the 25th nit. So says Porter's Spirit. Special Notices. . Eltrtiou, Monday, June Tib, 1SJS. DEMOCRAT State Ticket. Ton EPaETATin to coxenrss,' L. P. GRO VER, of Marion. FOR COVEKNOX. JOHN WHITE AKER, of Lane. roa SECBET1RY OF STATE. LXJC1EX HEATH, of Tolk. FOB. STAT TaBASTREa, JOHN" D. BOON, of Marion. FOB STATE PRINTER, ASAHEL BUSH, of Marion. FOR JTSTTCES OF THE StTBKME COttT, M. P.J1EADV, 1st District, It. K. STKATTOX, 21 District, It. P. ROISE, 3d District, A. E. WAIT, 4th District. FOR DISTRICT PROSECITINO ATTORNEYS, 1st Dist. A. C. GIBIiS, of Dongas 2J " I. X. SMITH, of Benton 3J " II YER J ACKSOX, Washington Marion County. . TOR SENATORS, JOHX W. GRIM, E. F. COLBY. F.1R EET-KE-ENTAT1V5S, B. P. nARDIXG, B. F. BOXIIAM, J. H. STEVENS, J. II. LASATER. roa cotntt rmaz, - k MILTOX SIIAXXOX. Polk County. FOR SENATOR, FREDERICK WAYMIRE. FOR RnFRESENTATITES, B. F. BURCII, J. K. WAIT. FOR CCNTY JUDGE. BEXJAMIX HAYDEX. Lane County. SENATORS, W. W. BR15TOW, A. B. FLOREXCE. REI"EKSENT ATI VIS , R. B. COCHRAX. A. PATTERSOX, A. J. CRUSAX, COt'XTV JiTXSE, W. S. BROCK. Dougla3 County. , EESATOK, II. D. O BRYAXT. REITtEJISTATITE., tf. D. BURNETT, THOMAS XORRIS, COITNTV OTTCB, S. F. CHADWICK. Maltnomafi Coiintr. SESATOR. A. D. FITCH. RErRE.-ENTATlVrP. A. B. UALLOCK, A. D. SHELBY. COTSTT JUDGE. LAXSIXG STOUT. Benton County; ' SENATOR. GEO. E. COLE. REPRESENTATIVES. A. J. THAYER, E. L. PERU AM COrNTY JCDG2. . B. ROBIXSOX. Yamhill County. SENATOR. JEREMIAH LAMSOX. REPRESENTATIVES. J. C. XELSOX, JOSEPH WATT. COVNTY Jl-DGE. GEO. II. STEWARD. Jackson Counts'. ' SENATOR. A. M. BERRY. R Er RES ENT ATI VM. H. H. BROWX, DAXIEL MEWCOMB, W. G. rVAULT. CCirNTY JCDGE. WM. J. BEGGS. TERRITORIAL TICKET. Marion County. FOR REPRESENTATIVES, B F. BOXHAM, J. H. LASATER, JOIIX II. STEVEXS. - Polk Countr. FOR REPRESENTATIVES, ISAAC SMITH, H. X. Y. HOLMES. Lane. JOIMT COrjfCIIOlAS 1.AXB AND BENTON, J. W. MACK. ' REPRESENTATIVES, W. W. CHAP MAX, W.S. JOXE5. Wtll adlrets their fellow citizens at the following timssand places: . Douglas precinct, at Hanaker s, . May 2h ; Jackson " Cluf store, " 2th; Walt Creek " Ira Towncnd 'a " 2Hh; bethel 2,tll5 Kola - ''"i Monmoth " , J? 1M Lue Daudson's S. H. 2d; Luckiamute" Simpson's " 3d; Bridgport - h; Dili is oln Tiie speaking t the different precinct will commence at one o'clock P. M. The opposition candidates are respeetmlly invited to attend. piir ,-onntv. Ainl 17. K. d Ucameratlc SpelUit MarJon. The democratic nominees of Marion county will ad SrS the.? fellow citiwn, at the following time, and places: Bitteville, Friday. May 2th; Champoex. Saturday 2!tli; Fairfield, Monday " SI"1; Parkersville. Tuesday, June 1st; Kilvertou, Wednesday, " 2d; Sublimity. Thursday, " ?d; Sautiam, Friday, " ; Salem, Saturday, " 5tb; Sneaking to commence at 1 o'clock, P. SI. Sowing candidates are respectfully invited to be Pm, April 2C.J Ldnat Cty DtmocntUe Spklg. The democratic candidates of Linn county will meet thJreptbS at their appointments, at the following times and places: Scio. Jl nday. Mat fist: Ixsbanon. Tuesday, June 1st, SownsvUle. Wednesday, Jane 2d; Harrisbnrir. Thursday, 3d, Peoria. Friday. Albany, Saturday. &ln 1A. . IlKMOCIt ATM? AIP01TM HXTS Ftit ii uiAv. sim:aklu. j Th; II iv. I. F. Or-vk'r. tho 1omncrnUc nnni- ir.i'rr i,u- o'i;;r .'ss, aim otr.pr rnuuidxtcs frKlat flriovrs, will ad lress lha peoplo at the times and jil.nms, ni'ii.mnocd bnlov. Tho r.indiilnt.-i of nny nnd nil opposing pvtio urn rcspoctfitllv hivhcil to moot tho democratic nominees nt thoir sovcml appointments, aud to discuss existing poliitic.il issues. ,.Th Hon. Delazon Smith and othrr aMo nnd oistinpnishcd dpntnerAtio- speakers will also be prosont. and address tlie people. The Democratic candidates extend a cordial and enrncst invit.vi.Mi to their democratic fellow-rtt-lzens and all others, to attend at the following times and places, to-vi it : TIMES ASI I'LACF.S OP SPEAKrKtt. SIcltnomah rcrtland. AVtduesdav, Stay 10; Sr.nvie's Island, (Ellis Walker s,) Saturd.iv, C'olumhia I'ounty Kainer, Thursday, 20 ; St. Helens, Friday. SI. Clatsop County Astoria. Ct. Honsc, Tuesdav, So: Clatsop Plains, (Chnrch.) Wednesday, S6." Tillamook County Saturday, 29. Yamhill County Weal's store, (S. Yamhill River.) Tuesday, J nne, 1 ; Lafayette. Thursdav, 3. Polk County Dallas, Wednesday, 2. Washington County Forrest Urove, Friday, 4, Hillsborouph, Saturday, 5. " Per order of tke Demo. State Com. IropoHt mi rartlir lxHon cfthc Oantr Se. of Vamtttil uttxy. It is ordained by the Hoard of ronr.tvCommissioi-.ers of i smhill county, that the follotvinir pmposition made by the town of Lafayettd, MrV inviJle and lavt.m, fur toe l.tration ot t county wat, hv vote, at t:-.e Jnue cirriioa. i pnnit-nrd m three newspapers of general viii ua.iui'u il riiu rociiiv: Oa brh.llf Of LllV.vJtteti-e f-lr- I,. t', rnnnte (tiiroK(:h the land ohi. e) if one h mdred and sijrtv acres of land in.-!i:diu tiis t.wu )It or the said t.m n as at presort urveyed nnd laid -ii;. The jmMier snnare ku iiiihuid uim-Rx ana iuis. anu ine unntuttrd ana un Oif; :ip:nl p.irtiin of said liiOarres. ran be appmprirtrd by the county B- nrd for the erection of a Court H.)cse, laii and county omcrs. alichalf or McJnnville the dmition by W. T. Xen-bv of live acres of Land fur a p i! lir-S(nare. rnd one liun.imlaMd forty lnt t' be t.ika alt-nalelv.with the foiiowinr restrietloa; that If al-nhoiin drink be oean in,soi.iorrvcnanav.sss beverare.on the prem ises, the title shi l! be forfeited tn the nse if scho .1 dis trict No. 40. 1 he alove donation is npon condition that the eouatv scat hall be Incatt d at that rliw. On behalf of Ihiyton the donation lr Ren. Palmer ar.d otiiera, of one entire bl.wk often lots hein-jths hi ji k known ss the pt.l.lio square In the town of Pav ton.and thiny lots a;id eleven hundred d !I.ir in mnner tor the erection of conr.ty biiihlins; eonditioned that the county seat shall be l"cated at lavt n. J. V. COWLS, Co. Ard. May 8, 1?. 3wl0 Jail Xottcc. Tiie Judges of the several ele"ion nreeinct in ifar- in county, are reot e.-trd to inert in each p..M t..Mk. l) Ciilnmai for the wnwsf of takln? vote fsr or a$r:nnt the erection of a conr.ty jiil in Mid connty. lly order ol tho Board cf t.'o'ur.ty 0Tnm;ioner. K. J. HARPING. tTiir. em 17. 1 2vli) 1 1 INK LEY & XvI3inAL.L.S O L, Y M P I C GZ2 ix na. cct fFORMKRLY THE MAMMOTH) Rnor: l AXTZ::iVITH EVEnVTHING NEW and Original J'r Lhc tpj-irg tj' ivii. ATH" PERl ORytERS, New h-r--s. ni'Tr rtrwi and new ct-aiacs. AIX HK-.AKii.r;5 or EXPENSE WiU Ezliibit At ALBANY. Wednesday. May l:t'i: LEBANON, TU;irdiy. i!ay 2'jtb afternoon at 2 o"i : i -k. tveniiitr at 7: .OiO. FKd.-.y, 'av l!ist a;i-rn-vn at !. even'ir et 7: SCELlMl'i' V. Saturday. May 2d aiJcrnoon at 2, and evniri at T"; SALiC31. Mondav ard Tne? 3av evening-, 5Iiv 'Z i-.h and 'Z5:h; SILVEilTON. Wednesday. Sljy 2e.th aCle;-ncion at 2, " tre.sin at 7; r. LOLTl;, (on Vrrncii 5'rriiric) Thursday eve-j:r: jiaviTth: CHAMP0E.. i r .'sy May Ith artcrr,.5oa ct 2 P. M., ev?ni-!S at 7. Ciinn"ct'il Willi tie 'omnany are the fol'iwlnjr d:s-ir.ff;n-::ed and p pah r rt!?tr-. irhtwe performance :.re of t;:e Ewt eit-srant and n-nned character: Madame JEXETTE AUSTIN", "i"he wr.Hd renon-itd. Paring. Terrilie, Tipht-rcr.e Pan eos. A"cei)-ioi-.ist and Equestrienne, who performance are icdM'd incredible nntil seen. Mr. NAT AUSTIN", Ti.e ceeat B'nk-rer::ia Jester: n'-o celebrated for hii rit ai t at oi h ireha -fe. " ' Mr. WILLIAM FRAXKL1X, The farefa; ilinnr K-5".e-tniT. drains ni-slje in hi-? iR:TdioIo a"t of tliPrtwus four clne?ti'tn sim v.vt .niu oti IiorsfJra'-k. whit h bs tx-en pronoun y t- II other ler.Amt-r as imp?-iIiC. II.-. N". M. II INK LEY, The ar'wii.ii!'.-!! Yr ,:riri:'.n at gi-neral perf.rT ir. rir. Linkicy is noted ia a v.:ri?:y of pleaiig p'-nur-laaaot. Mr. J. II. KIES, The crest Acrobat and Gvmnat. H: 5r?t sopearanee ii tiwrinon the Pacifie "coast, t.vmjer withMr.J.L. Hinkley in a new performance ent:Ued the Trappeze or twiniriag Bars. Mr. J. L. HIXKLEV, The renowned Gymnv-t, A"nbt and Eqnniirit, in bis wonderful ! b Laperche a -t. lyinsr on his bu t on tbe top of a polp. 2 feet hisn and dancing a larsre :! ;Le on hisfc-t at the same lime, the pole is the band f Mr. Ant:-i a f'yt never attempted by any other artis tes in theknown world. ay Dtirinc the evenins's entertaintnnt. ?Ir. Au-tia wiliinndiice hi brnifl trick dog Fr.HKY, whose per formance are irt(-retiR?. Tne ever.ine' jierfDrmanre? will crnr!nIe tiiitis vory isU;retin? atctrjiie' e, entnled LUBIX AND ANNETTE, ily the whole Company. In appropriate costumes. AecoTr.pan'r.f t'uis .:tl)rutt u t-taUiU-hnient is Bnrkbnrl's Cckbraled Brass B.and. X. B. Great attention has tefn p::d to the Comie Ie; art:rient,nd eveiytliini? Ih.Tt mipbt be snircrestivc of sn immoral and imaioileit tendency I. as been carerul!y PRICED OF ADMISSION. RON fl 50 PIT fl 00 Children nnder 12. hulf ri.e. -i'olil and attentive others will be In attendance ti tmt la.lir-. F. C. POMEROY, Agmt. Salem, May 17, l.ViS. 2wl0 Farm for Sale. - " - ' - - . ' i-.i ii.-. . ;i f ii I ( . ,i i j -j. fct. Paul's ath.lie Miukjii. 1 pcatrd on I.T t' 4 the Willamette Kiver, nearly ojipo-iip t'ie 1 inintli of the Vainliill. The (arm contain 321 '""J' icks; 200 aerea or ra-ire i. tw Held, with new fence around each, ueinjr rich, dry prairie: one of the tiel.l i set in tame -rris. There i a line y-uu;r octh ird. lieariniz Irnit of tlie let vsrictie; 1o a never f.uli-i hpriii of water, ncr the d.vei!inir. Tbe improveipenls con -ist of 1 Rtiry d '.veiling, with a new frame addition; fra:ne tarn.ii bv'31 f t.wit j "hed sround na.ne; ni ike liof.e, -tal l.ciii.-.ken l,ime. Ac. This is one ofthe most desirable farms i.i t je Territ iry. licini; peiniliarly ad pt ed to fruit-raiting or agricultural purples, and will be sold cheap. For Wrn apply tt Daniel II. Jlornhv in Salem. or to Andrew ll.ir,;iv 2 5 miles s. w. of t'liamKee, and near M. Ha'h Corovc's. DANIEL MCRPHY. ilay 17, lKi8. 2mIU Probate Court Marion County. "VTOTICE is hereby jriven to all coneerned that ap il plicution has been made to tiie Probate Court of thi- county. A. D willot. adiniointrator. for an order to seil the real estate of JOSEPH BINET. decea-d, to I my the debts tLt-reof, aad unless the contrary be shown on or I efore the tenth aay of June next, an order will le made aci-onlingly. J. Ii. BOON. J. V. Jlky 13, InOS. 4wl0 Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby piven that the nndersijmed lias been appointed sdmiiiistnitor with the wiil annex ed of the es! ite of BENJAMIN DAVIS, deceased, all persons bovine avour.l a?aint the estate are railed upon tn present them for bcttlcment with the proper vouchers at mv residence near EnTenc City, within tweh-e months 'rr.m the 4th day of May, 1S5S; and all i r-in owins the said e-t ite nre requested to make lm-nc-dinte oavment. JA'S H L D DLESTON , Admr. EugeueCity, Lane Co., May 4, lSi. 2 10 Administrator's Notice- NOTICE is hereby friven that' the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of ( iEO. V. OUITWOOD, deceased, by the probate court, it Marion Co.; now nil person indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and nil persons havinar claims a?ainst said estate, are requested ta present thcra within the time conired by law. J. U. CHITWOOD. Adminr. SUverton, May 1,185s. 4wl0paid Land Warrants and Lost Horses. APPLICATIONS for land waraant and lost horses, in the late Yakima Indian war. and all other wars nince the I'ite of Jane, 1M2. will be applied for by fSiester V. Terry, at his oBre in the Court House, in Kalera, to t proseoated at Washington City, D. C. by Ifamilton G. Fant; nothing to be paid nntil the war rants rc-Ady for delivery. CHESTER N. TERRY. S tlem, Maylo, 1V. . -Se -A GREAT - INDUCfiMESiT! ' J ; N E W P I u at ! C II E A D I j E it U R. OT II E U S , . : KXtlHANUK STORE ' miY- C.OOD: AND PASni.Y cnOCEKH, OV Which we will kt-eji constantly on hand, n fr.'cd varii ty. W e are ditirtninrd to sell for remly p it ns linn at a: retail Htoif on the ill;! nu ttc r'Vsr. In prove this t i.ii . we retpie.-t ladti'Haiidj;ciiHvi:iJn to OiMi and see iieinre pnrcllasinir Hsewlieie. N. II. We will also, pay cash or Roods In exchange or ail Kinds or Mcrcminlable produce. It. CHEADLB 4 BROTHER. All any. May 10, If jti. - tlmlO Piano Forte3 . - IpilOM V. H. Hall A Son's tn.un:r.ut:rv a::n Broad way, N. York, sold at their pricca with freight add ed. Also. Prince A Co Mebxleons. Call and wc a ill show you a list of pri.es and sample oi ineirwoiK. Ol.O. II. JOAIi.lce.K. Salem, May 17, 15S. lmf Silas C. Herring's Palrnt f linrnjiion Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, "71TII or without Halls' powder proof lock or V Jones' patent permutation Bank Locks. Sold at the manufai ttirer's prices with freight added. Prices irom ja t iwii, call and tee bample of their work with the improved locks. UEO. U. JONESireal. Salem, May 1. lsis. lOtf E. rdlon, Ceo. II. Jones & Co., CKI.I. EXCHANGES cn New York, in amounts to snu pnrcna-sTS. Salem. May 17, JS.. intf Loat. CJTR A YED.or stolen from the undersigned. livtna ar near Win.-hester. Donirhis coimtr. 7" ' O. T., aSout the ISth of Iat Decemtjcr. 01:0 fTTl sorrel Ann lean horse, five Tears ..Id. brand. ed on the left shoulder thus F 8, which may n;.t le via ble, both hir.d feet white, and roan spot on one side of 1115 lerrncao, an.t a mir 1 a m forehead. Any person on. nninc me 01 me wnereabouts ot all lir.rse sSall be liberal;-rewarded. FEN DEL bUTIIEIILlN. May 10. 1-ioS. SwiipaiJ' Imager lleer. rTi!K nnderslr.ied is tnannnctorinx at the OH-mt 1 EUONCU V BUF.'.VIIRY a superior articIeVT. v of tjffer Beer, as frood nsanvinthe comitry Always on hand and prepsttd to till orders, at home or fnpt a distance. LOUIS BEHRENS. Mayo. ytf Administrator's -Notice. VfOTICE is hereby given that the nndersiirned lias 1 obuiiucd from the probate judge of i'mpqua co:i!-t,v, letter of administration on the estate of JoiiN W HI 1' LOW. deceased, late of said conntv, hearing; dale April Pith A. D. All p-rsons indebted to sa:d e-tate are reijuestcd to make immediate payment, and all person bavinir claims azaint said estate are requested to exhibit iliem pmperlv authenticated .with in one year from the d:!te of said' letters, or they may be precluded from kavi::R anv Is-nelit in said estate. liit'HAKD siMlTH,if r. Arril 23, 1-js. 4wJ Final Settlement. IN Prolmte CoMrt for Yamhill county. O. T. ITel 1 at Laravctle, M.iv 4th wherein " W-.Uiam. II. Per kins admirtistrr.r r or the estate of JOEL PERKINS, dev-eased. filed hi linal account prayiri? for a final set tlement: this is therefore to the end" tUat the heirs at lasr and persons interested may appear in the Court of Pr ilo.te to be held at Lafayette in said county on the 1.1 day of June nest to shuw cans if any why' the said account shall cot be allowed atd a fiaal settlement made. MARTIN OLDS, J. I'. May 5. lii. 3w9 . Final Settlement. IN Probate Conrt fir Yar.-.!i:!I conoty, f. T-.Lafayette Mav Ith.ls iS ahertin W'm. A.Cul lerti-on, ad'min istratJrof the estate of .'EI'EillAH BI RFORH, de ceased, filed bis linal arrnnn prayir? ftr a final set tlement; this is taercWre tJIbe end that the heirs at law and all persons interested in Said estate may apear in the pmoato eourt to be bcld at Laisvette in said coi:t:ty the2Jiy of Jane next at 10 oVVx-k A.J!, to show "cciT-e ir any why the said aonount shall not be tliowcd a!id a fiaal settlement made. , , MABTIN olds., p. May6,lS5S- 3r.) Final Settlement. - IN Prol ate Court f t Y amhill county, O. T May 4lb, 1-."S sin rein Wiiliam H. Ode'l administrat e of lh est ite t f SAMUEL 11. TH!'i:.TON. decea rd. pre- seiitrii h.s lir.al accoant prayine for a final settlement: thi ;s therefore to the cr.d tnat the heirs at law a::d nl! per.5om interest ! in said estate may appear in the coj.Tt of probate to be held in lf ivette in --aid ceuntv on the 21 dav if Jciae at 10 o'clock a. m., t-i show cause if anv why the sj;;i aseiaat shall rot be si! wed and a final ett!.-:nert laade. MAUlIN OLP.i.. Mayj, IsiS. SwSpaid Final Settlement. IN Private Court f ir YamhiU conntv. May 4th, ljs wherein William H.Odell, eseentr of the last wi!! and Ustimi Bt of PAMUEL ANUEL. late of said county deceased, has Clfd his final secotict of said es tite pr.1y.1si; for a tiaal seti letuent ; tais Is therefore to the e:i U it tie heirs at law and ail person interested in -ai l est-.rj 1 vr ap-sr st the court of probate to be he'd s:t lj.faye'te in said county on the Id day of June text t,t 10 o'i ! n k a. m. to shuw cause if any why the said a count s.osii i I he ali-jwed and a Onal settlernect ma !. MARTIN OLDS. P.J. May 5.13. 3w9paid IVotice Ii herrhv tiven thit the undersirned lias been ap imir.ted l v the Pro ate Court of Linn eountv. is executrix e.l'ti.e . -t.;?e -,f JOHN V. WBUil.E. deceas ed late of said county; now, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and si! persons having cliim against said estate are requested to present tben wirh-n the time reqnired bv law. . CATHRIXB WRIiiLE. Eitt'x. ' May5,l?o. 4w9paid. Probate Court, LINN e.iuetv: To the heirs and next of kin of A LEX AN PER M. DYER, deceased; you will take notice that application has been made to the urobate court of said county of Linn, bv Win. S. CIsvpool. ad ministrator of said estate, for an order for t he sale or t'ie real estate of said cei-ased, to pay the debts there of and exr.-ense of administration, and ntl -ss the con trary lie shown on or bei'ore the fir-t Tuesday in June next an order will be made accordingly. e. D. HALEY , P. J. May 6,1 -tfS. 4wS Delinquent School Tax. BY virtue of a tax li-t and warrant issued by the Directors of School District No. 24. in the county ol Marion, town cf Salem, to me directed.l have levied upon the iollowinjr described property of the following named ptrsous: s- FOt-TH SALEM. - 3 -a ! I Ssi r c I1W0 00 til 80 ; 200 00 2 3(1 I i 230 00 1 S3 ' 80O no 0 ; 200 00 2 30 j 100 00 1 15 ! S75 00 4 11 i 200 00 2 30 ! 150 OP 1 72 1.10 00 1 72 ' 150 00 1 72 ! 100 00 1 15 j 400 00 4 CO i I I 3C0 00 3 45 j 2500 00 28 75 300 00 3 45 ! 650 00 7 03 3000 00 41 40 I - I 2000 00 29 SO t j 500 00 5 75 ; 650 00 & 33 1 150 00 1 72 SO 00 68 00 00 5 75 j 300 00 3 45 ! S00 00 3 45 j j . 150 00, 1 73 25 00 30 SO 00 68 60 00 S8 25 00 30 75 00 87 25 00 30 60 00 58 60 an 68 25 00 30 100 00 1 15 50 00 68 To trAom atsrsMd Brey, M. Liurkimrt, L. C. C7 3 r, 23 31 17 1,23 If 51' part of 2 6 7 3 A 4 l 3 & 6 6 7 1 A 2 3A4 w.lof 7A-S ) 5 J e. of 1&2 Breed iarfWra. r. :ii;.V Corner Cox. Tiio's Chat;leld. Wni. Carter. I .. estate of Cooke. I.-aao Co.ke, Joseph Curl. James Gi 7 21 2 i,3 74 2d 35 44 fit 71 Eacrlish. L. N. Fruit, -lames Hur. M. Ie. rhillester 1,2. 3, 4 24 feet of 6 7 48 8 6.)fsf,,ofl ) 78 f Parker, Ym. Prinele. V. K." Rn-.l Waddle Stuart, C. P. Stran?. James S. J OI 3 3 3 A Smith.. lames S. ten lota Watt.I.Y amhill co if T Yauit. W. . Zinialt i 3A 4 n. iof 3 Waddle, Mrs. & F. ORTB SALEM. English, L. K. McUin.J.B. 1.24,4.G,7 781 5 ifcGf Zumal', H I 7i8( Real, W. K. 8 1 Iluntlv, D.&D. Ii ft I 1 A 2 Plumer - 7 I 6 A 6 Steaveus. Sanford 6 4 Boart, O.irrot 2 1, 3 & 3 Crow, 14 3 Clinc.U. 32 15 AO Cochran, 1). 8 2 & 3 Walden. B. 8 4 Blnnehand. A. N. 11 0 5,6, 78 Wkite, Doctor 15 I 5 & 0 Which I shall sell at public auction at the door of the Court House. In the said Town of Salcm.on Monday the 21th day of ilay next, at 9 o'clock, in forenoon ot that dav, for the payment of th taxes and charires thereon. 1. r . tMun.i IsIctkoj insina. Dated April 12, IV18. 7wo . YE RS Cherry Pectoral for sale at wholesale and L retail, at I42tfj w- K- SMITH Go's. 'HE best black tea you ever saw, at S (lltfl w- K. SMITH A Co.. I A.R0WI, F. Rabteu, D. Sxrra, It. TIcklex. WillamHte Iron Works, ORKfiDN CITY, OREGON. . y-'tt Lc!' t bifitni the ptihlic or Oregon and Wash V 1113: h 'iti-rtoiBW that we hava 'completed on? Foiuidiy. II :!er. Bha '.smith, pattern ' and Hacbine shop, nnd aie prepared to build " ENJINF.s. BDII.Eia, SAWMILLS, AND ALL Other l;iin! of machinery. Onr bnsines connection in the Eastern Stutea.tlie preat convenience of our lu cnlity, the supi iioiity and number of our machines, the use of w.trrrpownr instead of steam, and the per fect knowlcd.-tf of all bmnrhesof oar business will en able lis to r oi.inete with Callfcrnla. Invitii:-? the f.ttblie to ?!re n a call and fuvorn with their pulrotijei:. we jir imise to execnte their orders on the stioi te l u iU :e and at San Francisco prices. .,.,,' A. ItuSMt Co: Slav.19:.. 1 ' . Iv'j llerrins's Patent Champion - EIRE-FUOOP BAILS IXTIT'' Hall's Patent Powder Proiif Tierai the same that were Avardea separata medals at the World's Fair. London, IS5I, and the World's Fair, .Vcw York, 1S53 and are the only American Safes that were award ed medals at the tandon World's Fair. Tlies safes f irm the most perfect seenrity against Fire and Burglars, of any safe ever offered ti the pub lic, anj! can only be had of the subscribers and their nRcni. wnonave on nana ana niaseio oraer, an Kinn rf Bailer and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults. Y1111 It Doors and Money Boxes, or Chesty for Brbkers, Jewelers and Private r amiltes. for. Plate, Diamond, and other valuables. And are also Patentees (by por chasc) and mannfactnrers of JONES' PATENT PER MUTATION BANK LOCK.; Auknts E. Kitrserald Co.; and W. O. Wendell, san 1-rancwco, California. 8. C. HERRING A Co., Ab. 231 Broadway, cor. ilurry St. .V. I". May. 1 .".. Cra9 For Sale. T'lIE nndersiirned offer for sale, their splendcd mill X property, Uinjr aliout 2 milca west of Dalli, po!K to., heniR the same prspery formerly owned by J. W. Nesmith, consisting of a (fiist mill in (rood order, doini; a be.-tvv business, oerhabs twice as much as anv othrr mill in" the eonnty, 2:15 acres of excellent land. aoom no acres 01 wuicn are inclosed, a yoanir orcnara, pralled and bonj 'roit. Two (rood dwellinc hones, store house, bain, and other out hnildinira. Aim one hundred head of hogs. For further particulars see WM.P LEWIS, at Dallas. or J. Ii. LEWIS, on tho premises. April 21 . lSjs. 3ni3 E. Pelton, Geo. H. Jones & Co. VRS prepared t. d i a ceneral commission bnsine cn New York andotlicr AtLanliccities. Particular attention will be given to the purchase, of goods for merchants. Parties having any bnsitesa transactions in the Atlantic States, and wanting an aRent that will pice personal attention ta the same, will do well to ill. aa-om -e at Karnurn A Wihon a Law Office ts Salem. March 23, IS53. 2tf War Srrip. H0l.DF.U3 of War Scr-n can seenre the services of E. Peitoo. Ceo. H. Jones A Co., to present their papers nt Washington for payment. Receipt riven for the papers and cash advances made in some cases. Office at Birnutn A Wilson's Law OUice. Saleia. March 23, 145S. . ;tf To Jleliitj-e & JJouelier: TOU are hereby required to appear in the District 1 Court of the First Jitdi-ial District of Oregon Ter ritory nest to be held atSalern oa the 24th day of Mat lsj-i.ar.d anwer the complaint of Jean B. Goi.in fir eleven hundred and seven d illarj the same will be tak en as confessed and the nravcr ihctewf irranted bv the Court. It is ordered that publication of summons be rameiaine treiron fctate-maa ror the term or six week. By or Jar of !irietCocrt 1st Jud-eiil District. BARN I'M A WILSON. PTff Attg. April 12, 1S5S. fiwa Notice. - 4 LL persons havin? claims apilnst the Terribiry crowitn out of tbe action of tbe Penitentiarv Commisiiwers in the erection of said Penitentiarv' are hereby bi.ti'ied t file their said claims with trie clerk of the District Court, for the 2d Judicial Dis-tve-t within C ) dars from the date here -f. "01 be f r- erer bsrrerl" and a!o to serve coptes cf claims so filed npon l. . I'.Hitmt, r.sq., wno has been appointed by me to a'-t in rtflrenre theret. cn behalf of the Terri try. GEO. H. WILLIAM?. Coms r. Dated pri! 2. A.D.. lS"itS. SmS "Votiee. VLL person ir.de: id to the undersigned, l y book account, will please ca'l and settle either Ly note r casii, as my bo-.ks most Le closed. J. M. McCONNELL. Albany. Mir.h 17, 155s. 3ni2pa:d Sewiiig Machines. llfHEELER A WILSON S niachiijes ere the best 1 V ever oC'ered to public ratronace. Thev are sim ple and durable; easily kept in repair: sew with preat rapidity: make au even aiid nrm stitch on both sides, that will not rip. Persons wi.sl-.ihg to buy will tind them at C. A. Reeds, Salem, on Saturdsy of each week, cr at the residence of tha underpinned! T. SAYAUE, Ag e. April ii'., I .-.. ' Ttl Etfculor!s Aotice. "VTOTICE isherr''y prven, that the underslirnea have i been appointed Exei-ut-r's, bv the last will and tesme'!t of JONATHAN MORGAN, deceased, lite of Laue Co.. therefore all person ewinu said estate wil! please come forward and make imme,iiate payment, and all having claims apninst said estate, nust present the KaniP t) the undei-sined at their residences, in HMtiesiiHke a:!ev and t lever lisle, in said eountv. sw-wn to as the law directs, within one year from the date hereof. HC. MORGAN. Rattlesnake Yallev, ) . JOHN T. UiLFRY, Cljver Dale. " , April 16j 185S. 4w7paid John 3Ioilew ts. Robert Mael.et al: rriO liobert Mael: You are hereby notified that J. Unless you appear in tha District Court of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Oae?on, the first d.iy of the term to be held on the fourth Mon day of May H51. and answer the complaint of John Morley.on file in the Clerk's office of said Court, for the recovery of the sum of seven hundred and thirteen dollars and seventy cent (i713 70). with accruing in terest and costs of snit, the same will be taken as con fessed, and the pniver thereof will I pranted by the Conrt. Cil ESTER X. TERRY, i'U ff t Ait'y. Salem, Marion Co. April 8, 1853. Pwt5 Lumber! Lumber! rfMlB undersigned has just received per steamer X Canemab. FIFTY THOUSAND feet of lumber. Pressed, toniried aud grooved tioorins:, eetliuj;, and sidinjr. Also, a large assortment of rmgh bimlier, for sale low for cash. B. M. Di REI.LE. tralem, April W. 1R58. - tf IVojtlce to Farmers. ITVlRMEltS aud others who intend procuring Reap ers and Mowers lor tlie coming seasons, can order them through. Me-ssiis. HCLL, KNAPP A CO., - Our Agents iu rot t'and, on terma as cheep as the cheap est. REAPERS AND MOWERS. Can be had of any kind or style, either those impor ted direct from the States, or manufactured herewith extra irons, etc.. expressly to suit the niurket. A satn jite of the latter will be on exhibition two weeks at the store iT 11.. K. A Co., in Portland. We Would also tall particular attention to Willard's Patent Seed Sower and narrower, The most complete machine of the kind ever invented, which will lie publicly exhibited forTRlALat different point throughout the Territory some time iu May, of which notice will be given iu due time. T. OGG 11 AW, .Von JYifitCMCo. P. S. Two of riTT"S T1TRESHERS in store andfor sale low. DULL, KNAPP A Co. Tortland, April 2G, 1ST8. 4w7 Look Here! riHE aubscriber would inform the public that be JL does entirely a Commission JJusiness, and therefore has no poods of, his own to interfere with consigners. Ilsvinp a iire-prof building and a large Jobbing trade, he oilers nnusnal facilities to shippers. y Consignments respectfully solicited."fai HORACE GUSHEL. 133 H'at.'.injf'on HI., San f'raneiaco. Rl-EUENCE TO 4 W. B. CAMrnm.L , Oregon City: J. P. Kniuut, Portland; Z. N. STANSBCRY, Forwarding AgciU, Portland. San Franclaco, April, 158. . lyti J. Fleming. VT the Oregon City. Post Office Building, has just received, direct' from New York, 100 copies of "DowniiiR'a Fruit and Fruit Tree3 of America,"revised and enlarged, for lso" the latest published edition of this valuable work. Hahssnlsoon hand, a pood stock 01 miscellaneous hooks and stationery, for sale on terms to suit the times. Oregon City, Dec. 15, 1857. , . 41tf w. s. ladd, Portland. a. w. Linn, San Francisco W. S. Ladd & Co. Srtfrpiiijr and Comnwtiion JIercliantt, Portland, Oregon LIBERAL advances made on all eonidrnmonts of Or egon produce. Messrs Wnkeman, Dimon A Co., No. 73. South street. New York, will receive and for ward all (roods and machinery, addressed to our care via Sau Frnncisoo, or direct to Oregon. Jan. 1. 1858. ' ; ' 44tf ' 1 " SCHOOL books, nt wholesale and retail, at . 42tf . - W. K. SMITH A Co'a. LAMP oil, candles, and sweet oi), at 42tr . yv. k. surra tva. . Pungle. LL persona owing ne,-vill please call and pay their L accounts, up till January 1st. 1858. , 44tf . G. E. COLE. B LASTING powder, and water proof cans, at . . ,, 42tf K. ojaJTU A Co a. Baoks. Books. - . , - WK. SMITH ft Co. have recently received a larre invoice of books, direct from. New York, which they offer for s ile nt reduced prices. Thev will be con stantly receivbvr additions to their stock, and will keen on baud every article in that line, which the w.v;t o'i the country require. One of the firm will vi.'it the Slates in tiie spring, arter which they will keep a full assortment of - JLA IV AND MEDICAL BOOKS, In addition to iniscellaneons and school books. Their present stock Includes all the different kinds of school books nsed in the co"ntry, and a great variety of stand ard scientific and miscellaneous works, all or which will be sold at greatly reduced prioes, to make room for new ones on the way. Thry also have and will continue to l:cep a complete assortment of stationery, slatca, pencils, pens, ink, and fancy articles. Store near the Lrdge, aouth end of Commercial street, Salem, Dec. 21, 1357. 42tf loitdon C!ul House TO TflE PCBLIC. Gin. ritHIS celebrated Gin pretending to nothir.g but X whnt it is, viz.: a pure and unadulterated article, and assuming no artificial merits of what it is not. as Rome of its rival imitators do after eight years of pub lic approval and very extensive sales, in the cities of New York, Philadelphia. Boston, and the Western cit ies, has been pronounced bv the public, a well as bv the best medical and scientlrlc authorities of the V. A. aud tbe Canadas, to be superior, nut only a beverage of general use, to any other article competing against it, but H unequalled in its medicinal efficiency in ail class es of complaint. To persons traveling iu these days of rapid transit from East to West, North and South, and more particularly to those crossing tlie Isthmus, and who are constantly chsnriiig their water as well as climate who are drinking, indeed, a dozen kinds of water In every ta-enty-four hoars, and each draught containing some property acting in chemical antagon ism to the proceeding cue, thereby causing an nnuata ral denm of excitement to the stomach it is posi tively and absolutely necessary to use a counteracting agent. From the fact that this article is prepared ex pressly to meet such exigencies, and t act, as we know it will act, as an antidote, we confidently prescribe it as the very best article In tho country. The name of Aromatic S-jbiedam Schnapps baa never been attached in any way to tUi: articie- THS LONDOX CLUB HOtfSE GIN Requires none of the nsual "cantioh to the public t beware of counterfeits, it bein?. like all other genuine articles, lieyond the base art of counterfeiting. The London Club House Gin is an antidote to fhe horrible adulteratiou to which ererj thing alcoholic is submitted the noxious poL-ons made np and stJ J as AR JMAT1C SCaiEUASI SCHNAPPS, Ac, Ac. The London Club House Gin requires no "word of advice." no '-caution to the public.." Those who once drink it, find the security in it3 virtues apain -t the vi cious temptations of drinking any of its vile imitations even under "advice:" while those who-cantion the pub lic" against counterfeiter, have themselves been cau tioned bv tbe public to beware of anv tut Tbe London Club House Gin. WILLIAM II. DALY. Soe importer, -Vio l"oHL Xonrr The unexampled success of THE LOXIJON CLUB HOUSE GIN Ha induced a host of imitator, who are putting up an inferior article, under similar titles. Purchasers will please notice the fac-siziilc of the signature of the un dersigned on the lalssl. For sale ly oil of the principal Liquor Hausei in San Francisco. April S, lsJ. 3m7: John C. Bell, 182 Clay Street, Next door t a the JJuseura, near Kearny Street, SAN FRANCISCO. CARPETS OF ALL KINDS. FLOOR and TABLE CLOTH. Paper Hanzinjr. Window Shades. FURNISHING GOODS OF ALL, KINDS, Wholesale and RetaiL Green Bulze, Pew Cushions, Ac. Ac. Ac. A libera! discount will elways be nude to people from the country Cheapest Carpet Warehouse on the PaciSs Coast. "Don"! fer.;et the number, re-lS2 CLAT STREET, S-LV FOAXV1SCC. April. IV?. SrcTis Jonas G. Clark & Co.. IPORTERS 8 R OF'TI 3 - AND AND CTUEE W JI A N U F A 11 n n 3 or 11 u e , 1-28 WASHINGTON STREET, SAN FRANCIPCO. YTTE are row Tiisnnr.ictaring or FINEST FUP.NT- V TL RE.and would invite the attention rf the poblbr t: ir PRESENT STOCK, etfered oh .the Pacilic Coast. JONAS O. April, 15S. the'larcst ever CLARK A Co. 3m7is Notice. THE Judges ef the Supreme Court of Hie Tcrritnrvof Oregon, assemoled at the seat of Government on the lfitii day of Iecember, IS.5S, do fix and appoint District Courts to be held in the city of Saiera. in the county of Marion, oi tlie first Mondays of April and September, and the fourth Mondays of May and Octo ber, annuallv. cntil otherwise ordered : and in the eitv of Portland, iu the eountv of Multnomah, on t!:e fifth Monday, of December, !56. 52 J therfiftor on the first Mondays of May aud October, and th; third Mondays of Juni and Noveniber. aunnallv. until otherwise order ed. and dj limit t!te duration of said Terras to sit days eah. EO. H.WILLIAMS. Chief Justice. 41 " CVRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice. Notice. NOW for large sales and small profits, for ca or Oregon produce. A well selected assortment of dress patterns. Delaines. Merinos. Calicoes. Oiughams and all other goods for ladies. An assortment of boa nets and ladies hats of the Is test fashion. Also a well selected assortment of clothing, boots and shoes of the best anality, coffee, tea. sairar. salt. rice. rpepper, salaratcs. and lamp oil. with other articles, too numerous 10 mention, lor saieia i.eciors oiiuoia, Salem. , L.WESTACOTT. Mav 19, 1S57. lOtf Slntionrry, Slalionerj. Ip L. BRADLEY A Co., have just reee'ved, direct li. from New York, per clipper ship Aurora, a fine lot of blank books, and stationery generally, consisting In part tif the following: 4 'in Reams paper of every variety: luO!) Quires blank books,"ha!f bound, full bound, all ti-ids; 2(9 Dos.ink, Davies bet black, blue, and red; 75 Reams wr.ippins paper dif. size; 50 gross pea holders: 50 " slate pencils; ' 20 doz. slates. Tojredier ji"ith a general assortment of school and miseell menus books Sander's spellers and readers Pavies' and Thompson's mathematics complete. We would say to those who bav to sell again, just give ns a call. . E. L. BRADLEY A Co., City Book Store, Oregon City. Dec. 20, 1337. 43tf NEW HARDWARE STORE. THE subscriber having taken the fire proor Granite Front Store, next door to McfCce Sr Co't. Front St., would respectfully inform bis friends and the public geuera lly , that be is now opening a f ull and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SHELF AND BUILDER'S HARDWARE, AGRtCULTPRAL IMPLEMENTS, MECHANICS' TOOLS U TABLE AND POCKET c UTl.ER r. And other articles In his line, to which he intiles the attention of Merchants, Builders and countrv dealers. john r. Foster, Portland, February, 1 808. 48tf Drugs! Dress! Drugs! WK. SMITH A Co. have just received direct from California, and from the States, a large addi tion to their stock of Drnes, and jnedicines, making, with their former stock, the largest, and best assort ment of those articles, cvrr offered for sale in the Wil lamette Valley. They receive their goods directly from the importers and manufactures so that every ar ticle bought of them car. be relied upon as fresh and genuine, and they are determined not to be undersold by any other druftpists in the country." Orders sent from a distance will be promptlv filled, and at satisfac tory prices. Stor near the bridge, south end of Com mercial street, Salem. 42tf John It. Foster. Importer and Dealer In SHELF AND HEAVY" HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, Farming ImplemtnU, Ac, Ac, . Ac AT TBI FIRE-PROOF granite fjiont store, Front street, Portland, Oregon. February, 1838. 4Stf For Sale. WEBSTER'S Unabridged Dictionaries; " Quarto . " , High School " " Primary and Pocket Dictionaries. . L. BRADLEY A Co. Oregon City, Feb., 1853. : : 48tf To David MalioDy. iron are nerebv notified that unless voa appear in JL "the District Court of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Oregon, on the first day of tho term to be held at Salem. O. T.. on th first day of the terra held in said Distriet,alter the April term of A. D. 1858. and answer the complaint of George E. Cole .the plain tiff in this action, filed in said cause; tbe same will be taken for confessed afrd the prayer thereof will be granted by the Court. , , thaiEB, rijj Att y. March 1, I5fi. . ; - , 3n5l A Word to Free and Slave State ' ' " Men. , ; ' ' ' THE question as to whether a nrrn can be a consist ent dLrrterat and vote for a free Sfito, is a ques tion b.r p jl.ticians to dispute about at pleasure. "But Uif urstion S3 1 1 where both free ar,.-! slave State men .can b:?y j.-ods ehenp, is the one that the enlir people of Oregon are interested in. ; The nian that pays high runt?, " fares miirtptucrsly every dnyi" and above all credits out his goods to thos who" are slow pay, must of necessity soli goods high, or he will ' go in." While he who sells for 'cash down and no grumbling, can afford to sell low. There are ten stores in C'orvallis, all setlin? on a credit system. Now, 1 propose to make mine a CASK STORE, and thoso who have any Cash cr Produce to purchase goods with, can bey of" me 10 per rent lower than they could if 1 was doing a credit hoincsa. Tiie man who pays for his goods when ho purchases them, will not have to pay higher than they are really worth to make good those accounts that are not pafd for in a long time, and in some instances not paid for at all. . And this works no hardship to those who wish to buy oa credit, for there are nine other stores in town where goods can be btrght on credit, by payin? a lit tle more than they are worth. Tbe other merchants in town are a very clever set of fellows, aud to them I commend those who have not the ready1 to bay with ; while to those who hsve Cash, Batter, Eggs, Pork, Bacon, Wbcat, Oats, Shin gles, Wool, etc, (don't mean credit) come to me, I intend to sell voa goods at LOW RATES, without regard" to ruling prices in town. I am jnst receiving a large and well-selected stock of good?, consisting of Dry Goods. -Groceries, . Boot and Ph es, Clothing, O. ic?n.iware, Hirdware. And in fact EVERYTHING to supply the wants of tbe people of Oreeon. as follows: Domestics, brown and bleached : Tickine. heavvand medium ; Denims, heavy and medium : Prints Merri mack, Cocheco, Ac; De Lsines cil wool and half wool; Alpareas a great variety ; Merinos French and English ; Silk black dress ; Velvet various col ors ; Satinetts from 50 cents to tl',03 per yard ; Lin-sey.-s a larp-e stock ; Plaids an assortment ; Flin nels red, white, blue, yellow and jrray : Towellnrr: Table Linen, and red Blanket. In a word, a general assortment of stapie q.d fancv dry goods. GROCERIES, 20.000 Ijt. salt, Livarpool blown, . 5.f)00 d-j coffee, be.-t Eio, 6, IM.'0 do sugar, brown and white. 1,000 do tea, i;i caddiesud in bulk, 5V0 do rice, Carolina, 500 do saleratas, pure Boston, 5y0 do tobacco, pure leaf and Golden Gate, 50 kegs E. B. syrup, s galliSeth Adams. 20 do do do 8 do -do do 100 baxes adamantine candles, 75 do pale soap IliU's a:id Fay's, 20 do pickles, $ galL Gherkins, "0 do j le fruit, assorted, I ) do oysters, Baltimore cove, 2j doz. sardines, hlr. snd qr. bojres, 10 do yeast powders, Ac, ..together with.. Prices, Catsup. Peppersasce, Slsstard, Cloves, Sr.i'.e. Pepper, L'iuajaoa, - "da. Cream Tartar. Indigo; Alum. - Logwood, AladJcr, Borax, Chalk, Beewax, Matches, Ac. CLOTHIXG. Coats, vests and pants, all kinds : Iadia rubber coats andpauti; red. blie and grey oven-hirts ; overalls grey dcniins ; undershirti and drawers : white and cal ico shirts ; check shirts and hkkorv shirts; filk un dershirts and drawers : 20 das. ladies hose ; 5 doz. mens half hose, a greit yarietv ; buckskin, kid and thread cloves ; gaantiets buckskin and kid. Indeed everything ia ladies aud gents fnrcis j:c? line. BOOTS AKD SHOES. Mens' heavy, medium and light boots ; bsvs medium boots; cn'ined kip and cowhh'.; l-roirans ;" eleth tap and patent-leather gaiters; calf aid hear- shoe: ladies gaiters, buskins and shoe? : misses gatters. bos kins and shoes : childrens' pa'ters. beskios and shoes ; ia fact, every style cf boots aud sh-ies, chesn. Crockery aid elas war?. Backets and woor!e;i frare. Brooms and window s.iiu, Ctims and tabs, CI ocks and Iooktag-glaSi.es. IIARDTV'ARE OF ALL KIXVS. Carpenters and blacksmiths' to-ils; ct:t. wroorht, aud horseshoe naiU: ase?. hat.-hets. and hammers, adzes, augers. sd broad sx;s, .lanes, pli-c bftsand spoke aazers. drawing-knhes and pnrjir? knives, butcher knives ad pocket k-ice. c.Trvi;:? knives, sad knives and forks, screws, tacks, brads and butts. 1 cis, latches and boits, tiie lock1, cht locks and padlocks everything usually fasnd in 2 fiard-aref-tore, invl d- IRO?I AND STEEL. Iron axles, steel prin, eastieel and olouirh steel. carriage bolts and wagon boxes, blacksmiths' band bamniers, Mactcsmsths shoe haacrsers, masons' stone hammers, strap hinges, daor hinges and trswels. I keep a grocery store. A dry goods stirs, A hardware ?torc. A clothing store, A boot aad fhoe st-re, and A seeral VARIETY STORK. If E.iy boay iaa sail cttan, I csn s'll e'-eaper. My iu'tt i. as ciieap as Tbe cbeare-t. and a l;tt;e che.-'-er. Come and see. Post yourselves up on prices at the other stores then buy of rae. If you will examine my good nd prices, yea csnnot go away dissatisfied. " G.E. COLE. Corvailis. Sept. S, 1 ?37. 2o!f Judicial. rpHE ter.-ns cf tha District Court far the tral or Is L Bues in tbe First Judicial District will be as foMows: In Linn county the 2d Monday cf April inst.: Marion eonnty the S.d Mondsy of April inst : Yamhill county the 4ih Monday of A pril inst.; Benton eonnty the 2d Monday of May next: Lane conntv the Sd Monday of May next; Polk county the 2d Moudav of June next. R- P. BOISE. Judge. Saiera , A pril 9, 1853. Stt WASTED. AGENTS iu Oregon and WSshington Territories, and California, to sell my Eclectic Liniment. I will pay a premium of fifty dollars to the Agent who will sell the greatest amount of Liaimeut from the first of June next, 1S5S, nntil the following June, 19. fiend on your orders for the Liniment: I will pay all freight, charges, en the Linimeut sect to Agents, therefore no Agent will be at any expense in receiving it. The Agents are to sign a recefpt or pay for the medicines when sold. The price of Liniment is $4 00 per dozen. JOHN HARGROVE, ly5 2d St., Cervallis, Oregon. Brnton Co. Jockey Glul Races. r irir.S'r-races win coiniutncc a n . I . . .- . 1 - w james a. s imcfi.ouc? mile from Corvailis, on XWjAk, .forte 29th, 1S5S. and continue ' four davs. Tbe following parses will be ran for: 1st iav Sweepstake for 3-veer-olds, 1 mile, $ 75 P0 2o DAT 3 mile heats .best 2 in 3,free for all ages, 275 00 3d bay Mile heaU,2 best in 3.free for !! sees, 130 00 4th DAT Mileheats,3be.-4ra5,freefbrailagfc?, 175 CO Ten per cent, entrance on the above parses. Three entrances required to make a race, and two to start. Corvailis. Aprii 7, 1-35S- 6w5 For Sale. 2,ff ACRES of good land on Upper Molalla prairie. I vJ For particulars enquire of H. Ilolland.on lioard steamer Surprise, or E. L. URADLEY.Citv Book Store, Oregon Cily. E. L. BRADI-EY A Co. February, 1S5S. 4Stf Ilydropatliic Books. B Y Trail. Shew and O. S. Fowler. For sale at toe Citv Book Store. E. L. BRADLEY A Co. Oregon City, Jan. 1S5P. 4tf Attention Farmers. w E will pay the highest market price "in cah'"for wheat. iilav. ri uuiiin. Corvailis Vinegar Manufactory. WE always have on hand a larse supply of PUF.E STRONG YINEXiAR, which we will sell st Wholesale and Retail as chfap, if not cheaper, than i can be obtained from San Francisco or any other port. Dealers in Portland and other places in the Territory would do well to give os a call. Z. GEORGS KRrECriBACM A Co. Corvailis, Feb., ltsdS. SOU Dr. Kriechbaum's Eye Salve and Eye Water. THESE preparations If nsed with my Life Pills, will effect a CUBE IX ALL CASES "of sore eyes. 1 have never known them to fail since first nsed in Iowa in 1849, and I will ensure a cure if taken according to direction, or refund the money. Tersons sending orders will please state explicitly the nature of the case and I will send all necessary for a cure, for which I will charge from Ten to Twenty dollors. ' Prepared only by. Dr. J. G. KRIECHB A tTM , Cornatii. O. T. . Corvailis, Feb., 1S58. 50tf For Sale. A FEW choice Melodeons.Prince'gmake.Piaaocase, rx divided swell, five octavo. "FtoF." E- L. BRADLEY & Co. Oregon City,Feb.,lB3S. ... 4Str . ... 40 WEB3TERS UNABRIDGED DICTIONARIES just received and for sale by - c. i. Citiuixi a in. Oregon City. April, 1353- t 5tf JRESTON C. Merrili yeast powders and extracts of lemon and rose, fr tavonng pastrvs, at 42tfl , , W. K. SMITH A Co'a. FRESBT assortment of all wool plaids, at - - 42tf - . W. K.SMlTHACo's. fOKS starbh". tapiosa.saso and hecker. farina, for puamngsai ' - j-" C3PAL varnish. paints, oils, and paint bruehea, at , t!tfl w- K- sJIITH & Cp e. E8TRAY NOTICES, Tbe charge for estrsy notices is one dollar, for each aniinu I advertised. No notice will appear nntil paid for where no money, or lesstban the correct amount is sent with an ertray notice, the notice will notbe pub published nntil the full amount ia received. lOnonst! LAK3WOBTHT JDouglat Two estrays no money received-J TAKES UP by the undersigned, 8 miles n. w of En gene City, Lane .Co., one 3-year old white speckled cow, brown ears, ewaHowfork in the left ear and nnder bit in the right, branded on the left hip A M; also, one yearling ball, black sides, line back with white spots ;n the face; also, one white and red- speckled cow, 4 years old. point of horns aswed off, red ears, branded B on the left bip. JOHX BROWN. Jlay 1, 1853. IwlO rrAKEX UP by the subscriber, li-ing in Cayon pre X ci:it, Douglas Co.. April 23, Ie58, two cows and calves described as follows, one ted ov white back, split in left ear and hole in right, branded with diamond brand on the left shoulder, and the letter P-cn reft hip. 4 years old ; the other a red pided cow. white face end white on her hips, tind lee? also white, same matk cod brand as the other. 2wl0 ROBERT TRIMBLE- . TAKES UP by the subscriber living 5 miles a. from Mattoon's mill. Hay 1st 1853,one dark chesnnt sor rel mare pony, white face, white hind feet wilh a wbrte spot on the off side, some smaller spots on near side with a figure 8 on the shoulder with an O V on the same, wiih an O T on the hip, all oa near aide S years oIJ. 2wl0 THOS. B. JONES. - rpAKEJiCP by tbe undersigned, living in Myrtle L creek precinct.Douglas Co., one 5-year old red steer smooth crop off tbe right ear and slope off the nnder iide of thejeft, branded S F on right hip; also, one 4-year old red steer, no ear marks, branded 8 W on tha left hip; alio, one 4-year old pale red steer with some white in the face, tail white, right ear split, right hip branded S. 2wl0 ALPHEUb IRELAXD- rF,AKEN UP by tbe subscriber, riving in Douglas Co, X Calapooia precinct, one dark grey Indian horse, branded on left shoulder, not plain. Anr;t26.1S58. . 2wl0 D.MAEKHAM. 'T,iEE3I UP by the subscriber, living about I miles X n. of Constr1 ferry, ose light-bay mace opposed to be American, iharked as follows: a small star in tbe forehead, black legs, mane and tail, some saddle marks on the back, branded with figuje 4 above an S il en the right hip, supposed 7 or 8 years old. ilay 1,156. 2wI0 JOHN H. BELLING EE rjVAKEN CP bythe undersigned, residing in Linn, -1 one S or 7-year old red rosn horse, white streak do.vnhis forehead, about 13 hands hbrh. of Indian stock. " JA'3 M. COTREL. April;!, 1659. 2wl0 'pAKEN UP by the sel-seriber, living 2J miles n.e. X. 01 tar. nam city, one -yearold crown ciiey, nlaze face, three white feet, supposed to be branded F on the hip, came to my place 2 years ago; also, ore 2-year old nay trney, nisze in ncr lace, branded H X on nip ana shoulder, citrce to my house 2 years ago. jiarca eta, iss. zwiu A. LnLKLH TAKEN UP by the subscriber, at Rantiam City, one pale red cow, and one red calf one year old, no marks; the cew is marked, crop eff each ear and split ia left, some white cn her bel!y , about 7 or 8 years old. May 1, li.53. 2wl0 J. P. LAMBING. TAKEN UP by the subscriber, 7 miles n. of Dallas. Polk Co. a bright fcrowsi 3-year old ma re a boot 15 hsnds high, black mane and tail, no other marks cr brands perceivable, said estray came to mv place-ia An-rcst las. - W. HOWE. May 3. 1S5S- 2wl0 TAKEN UP by the subscriber, in Benton Co, 5 miles n. of Corvailis. cse 4-year old sorrel horse, blaze face, sorre white on the right bind foot or pastnrn, s-cie ?adi!a marks. WILLIAM TAYLOB- May 1. Hi. 2wl0 TAKEN UP bythe subscriber, living at Jefferson Marion Co, one brirdle steer, stxppoed 10-vear old. swallowfork in each ear. J. M.BATES. J!ay5, 1SJS. 2wl0 TAKEN CP by tbe subscriber, 3 miles s-w. of Sil verton, Marion Co, one 4-year old hore .blaze face. t!ie ris-ct mud toot wn;te, came to my place in Marcn "5. had on a baiter, shod all around when he came. ilsyS.lSJfi- 2wl0 J. M. BLACKABY, r v A KEN UP t-ythe subscriber, 2J miJise. of Yan X coy's ferry on Tegue river, Josephin Co., on the 1st cay cf April 1S58, one 3-year old d-k re eteer. smooth erop.acd an nsderbit out of the ripht ear. 2wl0 JAS.P. TCFFS- rjAKEN' UP by the nndersigued. living in Foncal a, J. Unpqaa Co- O. T-, the following described cattle, ' i5-wit: A b;efc and wiite steer. 4 years old.! swallow fork in the rig'it ee.r, and an nnderbit in the left, and branded with (72) oa the left hip worth J30A Also, a red and white tteer, 3 years eld. crop acd split in tfie" rbt ear and crop cif the left, branded with the letter M on tbe riht hip worth 25. Also, a yellow steer, 4 vears cid, crop cfi each ear, brarded H cn the left hip - worth SS0. ' JESSE APPLEGATE. if ay 1st, 1553- .2w9 TAKEN UP by the snoscriber, living in Luckiamata preciact, Polk Co. O. T-, one pale red cow and s yearling calf marked with two under slojes (Handed cn the left hip so dim as net to be described. Said cow ii aboct 5 years eld, and came t-o rayplsee in March, lbo7. - KICt W.bLHr'SOi. May 2, 155S. 2w9 TAKEN UP by the subscriber, living 4 miles south west cf Br iwnsviile. Linn Co. O. T-, a grev Indian hrr?e, supposed to 1 ten years old, about 14 hand hich, branded with NO en the right hip. with S on tha iCft shoulder, acd Spanish brand on left hip. ELEK DONNELL-r-rcwnsviKe, April 27th, 1S5S. 2w9 TAKEN UP by tie snbscriber, living 3 miles north . cf Eujrene City. Late Co. O- T., one pale red steer. 2 vears old: sv white snot on both sides of the nnder j.iw. white ia the face, crop eff the right and slit in tne left ear: no other marks or brand perceivable. J AMES KLINE April 24. IJ5S- 2w9 TAKEN UP by the undersigned, living in ToncaEa. Umpqaa Co. O. T-a small light gray gelding, of Indian stock. Mack tail and mane, the right hind foot white, about 5 years old, and very wild; came here 2 c-r 3 vears ago a stallion. He is worth J30. - GEORGE A. BURT. Kaylst.lS5?. 2w9 rrAKEN UP "by the subscriber, living i miles south- . X east of Albany Linn Co., O. T-, one red and white steer, marked with some white on his bejry and with ers; came into tbe neighborhood 3 vears ago. " "NATHAN FRT. May 1st, 1S5. ' 2w9 TAKEN UP by tbe subscriber, living in Orleans pre- . einct. Lirrn Co. O. T-, on tbe Calapooia, five miles east of Corvailis, one white steer with red ears, mark ed with a swaiiow-fcrk in tbe right and onder slope in the left ear, supposed to be 4 years old this summer has been at mv farm some 3 vears last fall. ISAAC BLEYINES. April SO, 1S5S. 2w9 , TAKEN UP by the snbseriber. living 5 miles north of Albany, on the Willamette river, ia Lina Co., oue dark bay horse, about 13i hands high, supposed to be 12 years old, a star in the "forehead, white on the nose, lei I fore foot white, with a small csoital b ob the left shoulder. W. A. McPHERSON. . April 2ttb. 1S5?. 2w9 TAKEX UP bythe saoseriber, livingr 7 miles sonth- ' east of Eugene City, Lane Co. O. T., two oxen one roan colored, crop and spht in the left ear, small notch in the nnder part of right ear, branded on right hip DSP, supposed to be 4 years old. The other large red ox, crop and onder slope in the left ear, and swall- w-fork and nnderbit fa right ear, blind in the left eve, supposed to be 13 years old. WM. RUSSELL. April 2gfh, 1S53. 2w9 TAKEN UP by the subscriber, living ia Orleans pre ciact. Linn Co. O. T-. south of Kendall's bridge, one pale red steer, white face, some red spots on same, white on back, belly and legs, and part of tail white, crop oft" left ear and split in the right. 2 years old this spring came to my farm in the fall of lT. JA-liESf. tlUOLti. April 20th 1353. ' -" 2w9 f I TAKEN UP by tha subscriber, living in Yam- - 1 liill f 'o lltmtlAS R w of T .Stfli Vfttt mi, TV Morris" store, seven head of" cattle, 4 bead dew'aped the brand blistered so that I can't tell what it is, ear mark not known; one red Kife. mnrtw with a swallow-fork in riht ear: one- speckled heifer, marked ' with a swallowfork in the right ear;l pa le red heifer Jta marsse.r brands- o. a. rib. April 1. 158. , . 2w . riAKEN UP, by the subscriber, residence 10 miles s. - X e. or isaiem oa or aoout ine nrst oay ot atay, i?w, one black reare, some ten years old, branded on left slionlder thus H, and on left thiph thus S, soma white on all of her feet below the fetlocks, star in forehead -and white on her nose, the upper part of both ears cut off. seme saddle marks. . JOSEPH KA.RN ES. MavS.l5S. 2w9 . . TAKEN UP by the subscriber, residing eight mile w. of -Winchester, Douglas Co., one. brown ox, 10 veers old, marked crop and npper bit from the left ear, , j ; v.i iru eiTKemT TAKEN UP by the subscriber, living in Cole's val ley. Douglas Co., twelve mi lea north west from Winchester, two estray oxen: one a large brind'e steer, about twelve years old. long horns, rijrht droop ed, some white on his head and belly, marked crop ' and eolit in each ear. The other a red steer, star in -the fe'rehead, point of the left bora broke, 9 or 10 years old marked crop off each ear, no brand-perceivable. April 19, 158. Iwa ALLEN IllTBBARD. . TAKEN UP by the subscririer, in Lane Co, 9 miles a- -w.of Eugene City, one 2-year old heifer, pale red, marked crop off the left ear aud split in the right. April 28. 1853. 2w9 , . JOHN CARTER. - TAKEN CP by the subscriber, 4 miles e. of Albany; Linn Co., one red and white 3-year old steer, mark.- ed cron off tha right ear, no other marks or brands. J . May 5.1358.- 2w9 NIMROD PRICE. ;' TAKEN UP bythe sobscriber, living in Canyon pre cinct, Douglas Co., one large red- steer, 10 or II years old, head Vbiteiind legs white.some etherspota, no marks or brands; also, one red 3-year old steer, small and poor, branded K, swallowfors in left ear .tha other eac not known or-deecribable; also, one whits oow wh'te head, baeksidea rd, swallow-fork in eaeli ear. ho Brands parcelvabl. - X. P. BBJGG8. - j April 7, 1655. . , ".