The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, May 11, 1858, Page 4, Image 4

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rBE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to announce to the
. lPLEMEXr.of California and Oregon, that he hi
w facilities for manufacturing and repairing Agri
ittural Implement of everv description, fnm the
tallest to the greatest, of the best and most linprov
! kind, and in the best manner, having Bis ahop ao
lUrged aa to accommodate sixty workmen, and fur
'iiBjed with atcam power aad all the necessary tna-
liner; of the LATEST and rat APPROVED styles,
i .1 inferior to none now in nie for the purpose abAe
med. Heia confident, that, with hit past fifteen
:tr' experience ia California, he ran provide the far-
t -vs with machine and Implements much more auita
.9 to the want of the country than any that can be
lported, at the aoil and product of the country are
a .fereot from those at home, and reanire Machines in
i wt caws of a more iubstantial mtue, and in many
i i-tances very different.
He design raannfactnring a number of combined
"pera and Mowers, particularly adapted to the use
-:f this "country, which will possess more combined
''reagth. durability and lightness, than any other now
i use. Ilia Cast Steel Deep Tiller Plow baa already
' "talced a notoriety in this coontrv far in advance of
:y before introduced. He will bo able, with what
o'."ier Plows are made within the State, to supply fully
" 2 demand for these Plows the coining season, lie
T signs manufacturing Smith's Patent Gang Plow, ao
f-vorably known in the Western States, and receutly
i 'reduced here. Abo, Preminrn Fanning Mills, from
'". I to (.which have given nuiverul satisfaction.
'., the World s Fair Prize Butter Working Churn.
: . which was awarded the First Premium at the Cali
" -mia State and Mechanics' Fair, 1S37. Also, Uar
rjara. Cultivators. Side-hill Subsoil aad Left Ilaud
tws, and all other similar implements.
71 )N of the Farmers t5 hia facilities for repairing all
'.-ids of agricultural implements, being such as to en-
!a him to d i every part within his own shop, being
.vpared to make castings both of iron and brass; there
. re he will be abla to do repairing in the t-h'rtest time
- '4 with tunc le-ts trouble than has heretofore been
i', lease. He wiahesalso tt ANNOUNCE that he has
w on the WATER, boond for this PORT, on board
i :? clipper snip WEBFOOT and MaRT R0B1XS0N.
' ty of JOHN A. PITT'S celebrated TUltESHERd
i SEPERATORS, twenty each. 8 and 30 hone-pow-"
' ., which are soperior to any ever heretofore offered
-. tbia market, with cast steel Cylinder Shafts and
J . una!, which baa not heretofore been the rase, and
t many other respects in such a waj as to add much
t the steady operation and wear of the machines.
, noas wishing any of the above machines, will do we'l
forward their orders early, as these are all that will
'. : in the market, of that make this season, and he baa
. i exclusive right of sale for the machine in Califor
' v. Oregon and Washington Territories. He will u.-t
Pitt's agent in protecting the patent on said machine.
. ..1 persona will please take notice that they will be
'. "a responsible for any infringement on raid patent,
tie has also on the way a good assortment of Rrapers;
- -wmx which are BUBBALL'S. McCORMICKS HUS-
YS and MANX'S. Also a full supply of extras fcr
y and all of the above Machines. Cycle. Sections.
i stings of every description, etc In addition, be bis
..! hand a full supply of
Bay Presses, best style;
Hay and Straw Cutters;
Grain Cradles. Grant's; '
XI Steel Plows; .
Cincinnati Eagle Steel Plsws;
Evans Adams' Galena Plows;
Semiring and Wire-Toothed Horse Rake-; i
Scythes and Snaths, best make;
Hay and Barley Forks;
Thermometer and Dash Cfcnrnst
White's Self-Acting Cheese-Presses;
Dongtas' Pumps;
Seed-Sowers and Grain-Drills;
Cider and Wine-Presses;
Circular Saw Tables;
Garden Rakesand Spading Forks;
Ames' Short and Long-Handled Spades;
Wagons, Dravs and Carts;
Hand-Carts; '
Ax and Pick Handles;
Hunt's acd Simmons' Handled Axe:
Steel Crowbtrs;
Old Colony Assorted Sails;
Grindstones and fixtures;
Baling Rope;
' Plow-Beams and Handles.
la fact, a full assortment of aH implements required
' v the tanner. He pronosea to say that what he rcin-
tetnre. as well as what he imports, he will sei: vn a
..- isonabie trms as any can sell similar articles.
rJe iasnretnathe can and will offer such raducemer.t
" to make it to the interest of farmer and merchants
buy of him instead of importing, lie would, attiie
- ine timeftendcr his thanks to the riahlie fur their
t -era! patronage daring the pa t season, which has
- cv entirely to ns satisfaction and muc a beyond ni
, oectatmn at the beginning of the season.
Mssrs. Holl. Knapp A Co.. of Portland, are sole
rents in O. T. for the sale of my Cos Sletl Drtp Til
- Plata. All orders for Plr-ws, as well as other im-
Mnenta and macmnerv of any descnction will be
ted by H.. K. X Co., at San Fraacisco r-rit es, with
T303. OGG SHAW. !
33 SacramcEtoi-treet,
" it ranctsco, Lsliornia.
i-VbraaTy. - 4ml9
vcoden Ware, Brooms, Baskets,
Clothes Lines, Matches, &.c.
Ia all their varieties.
For sale at lowest, and Wholesale prices, at tie
uo4 ud Willow Fart Establisbmriit Of
39 Sacramento St., below Front,
A rAXTTFACTUBER of Fire-proor Doors. STjuttors.
X' Vaulti,Ac, ic-.Ac. Battery, near Pacific street.
i Ermncisco.
NT. B. Orders from the country promptly attended
and warranted as ordered.
V large a--sortmer.t of second band Poors and Shut
! 4 constantly on hiad, for sale at rerj toto ratrt-
"tfarch, liot. Cwj2
Is. Q,. Washington,
VGEXT for the prosecntioa of claims at Washing
ton, D. C, before the Execntive Departments, Cou
.ss and the Court of C'l iims. Will attend to the set
taent of accounts of Marshals, District Attorneys.
1 other Federal oScers, and of contractors with the
.stoffice and other Departments: lino, to the procur
; of Patents for Land. Land Warrants, and other Du
ress of a General Agency.
Infers to Gen. Joseph Lane. Oregon Territory: Gr.v.
tsc I. Stevens. Washington Ter Hon. M. H."McAI
ter. Hob. Ogden Hoffman and K. An?. Thompson, nl
-a Francisco. Cal.; Hon. James Guthrie. Loaisviile.
r., and to the Officers generally of the Treasury and
. .erior Denartments at Ws-hiDtrton.
' Address L.Q. WASH1XGT0X.
Iy46 Washington D. C.
Corvallis Drue; Store.
TR. CARD WELL. Draggist and Apothecary, iscon-
stantly receiving, per California steamers. Inrge
'1 earefolly selected stocks of Drugs and Medicines,
is. Paints, Varnish, Soaps. Perfuraeri". Toilet For
:ure. Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drag
' nrea. A gent for Jaynes. and other patent medicines.
lich will be furnished at California, wholesale prices.
tnr Okdkbs solicited. -
CoTvaUi.ltfay2S,M.57. 12tf
"1"BVALLT8 Ware Hoose.Tfo. 1 . wo ofr ffr rcut.
tn connection with the above we have a pork hoase
. nd smoke boose for rent.
18tf MOORE ft St.CT-AITJ.
Cash System Adopted.
VJO more credit will be given by me. and those in
. 1 debted to me, who have not made arrangements
paytneir accounts in porK or otner produce, will
'-tasecall and make payment or settle by note, as I
lend elosing mv books. G. E. COLE.
Corvallis. Sept. S. Wt. 2r,tf
Dr. Kriechhaum's IIiingariA.n
J"XR the Restoration, Beanty and Preservation of the
Hair. This preparation removes all harshness and
- yueaa of the hair, by exciting the scalp to a new and
slthy action, and cleanses it from scurfand dandruff:
t "events the hair from falling off and getting gray.
it the moat remarkable result which it will effect, is
toill pndue a new trap of hair on an rutirtty bald
-'td. Many young persons sometimes find the too esrly
-tpeaxance of gray hairs, this preparation will utop
: iia result. Motnera who wish their children to have
: ie beads of hair, raa eflec.t this by the ne of tliU
.nic; especially on their daughter) if the hair is light.
I know few persons believe the hair can lie restored on
: bald bead, but, if my directions are followed I will
. irrant a cure or refund toe money. It ia put op in
. rt ounce bottle and for sale by wholesale and rt tail
ith directions at one dollar per bottle; it can be sent
1 7 mail to any part of the United Suites. Gentlemen
- od on your orders, stating the cause and dnration of
- ie ha I due and I will cure yon. To insure a cure my
Uarg varies from Twenty -five to Fifty dollars, accord
rig to the nature of the case.
Prepared only by Pa. 3. C. KRTECHBATJK,
Cwicallit, O. T
Corvwliia. Feb.. 1S5(?. 5tr
Wallmst University.
THE PAPCLtr during the proeent year will eon
1 aiat or
Kcv. F. S. Hoyt, A. M., President and Acting Profess
or of Ancient Languages and Mathematics.
C. H. Hall. A. B.. Profeawr or Natural Science.
Fku" SpiS'f T'h'o' Common Engliah.
Misa Sarah Buckingham, Teacher or Instrumental
The CoLLeotarg PcranniEXT of the Wallamet Uni
versity has been organittd. Young men designing to
pnrsne a regular C'nrse of Study, are invited to avail
themselves of the advantage ait'irded by this Institu
tion. All available resources will be made ne ot to
meet the wants of Students. Kd'urts will bo continued
ti scenre a suitable endowment ;and no pains will be spar
ed in obtaining competent and experienced Instructors.
The Collegiate year is divided Into tArer terms, com
mencing as follow:
The ttrst term on the 3d Thursday in September.
second term on the 1st " January.
third last " " April.
The first two terms are era mot tadt; the third,
tlevrn vrekt.
VaCATioKs-There will be two vacations in the
year: one. in April, of Uco vttks, and one, in the sum
mer, of nin tttekt.
TcrrtOK will be at the rate of tl per week, or tlO
per annum.
Tenuft The Acadrmlo year is divided into roi'R
Terms of rltm trrrti tach.
The first term begins on the Lift Thursday of Aitgnst.
" second term begins on the IJ " " Novera.
" third " list ' ' January.
fourth " J.ut " April.
VACATtoxsTbere will be two vacations in the yean
one In April, of f-xo uxeks; and one in tuo summer, of
six teers.
TciTio- will he paid at the beginning of each Term
in mdrarter, at the foil wing rates:
In Languages. Higher Mathematics A- Chem., $10 00
" Other studies of the Amilemio Division, . . T 50
" Common English DivWon, 8 SO
" l'rimary 3 60
Fcr nse of the Piano ; S 50
I-tetrnmental mnsic 10 00
au. Instruction! In vocal mnsia la given to all the
stndeuts-ee of c.iarge. -.
Adjiissiox. Snuients will be admitted at any time;
and will be charged for tniti-m from the time they en
ter only, but their proreiu wilt be greatly promoted
by entering early in the Academic year.
In cases where, from necessity, students leave before
the end of the term for which payment has been made,
a jnst pmpnrtiou not more than three-fourths nnr less
than one-tonrth of the tuition fee will be refunded.
Stndents are not allowed to leave just before examina
tion. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, inflict
great injury upon both the ttudent and the Institu
tion. BoAsmvo. Yonng gentlemen and 1 idles ran obtain
board at reasonable rates with private fam'.lies.
CorKK or Stvdy. A Oirrse of Stndy has been
adopu-d for both the Collegiate and Preparatory De
partments, well calculated to secure ripe scholarship,
mental discii'line, and a preparation for the active du
ties ot life. ,
A liberal Course of Study hat been adopted for young
ladies who desire to oltaina thorough education. "
MM" A Diploma will be awarded tJ all who shall
complete the prescribed course.
The Govkkxvest will be parental but strict aim
ins constant ly tt the formation of C'Trect habits of
PcIi'-GoTernment. Careful attention will be given to
manners and m-ral.
ScnoLAEntrs, perpetual, or for the period of ten
years, securing tuition at very reduced rates, can be
purchased. For further particular arply to the Presi
dent. Per orler of Executive Committee.
Sec Board of Tmtres.
SaTcm.TVe. 10.157. 41tf
New Constitution for Oregon.
TE bog leave t- nna-iunce ti the public that we
are last receiving a large and wet' selected si cg
of good from San Francisco, which has been selected
wit h great care hv Mr. Alex tndcr. wh has been attend
ing that maikct for some time, therefore we can safely
ay to the public that we csni, and will sell, goods as
low at wholesale or retail
We will take iu exchange for giods all kinds of pro
duce. N. P.. We will a!?o pay cash for all kiads of pro
duce. i-wit:
Wheat. Flour. B.itter, Ers, Bacon, Pork, Lard,
Oats. Ac. 4c Ac.
AH who wi-a to pnrchae. iil do well to call and ex
amine before purchasing elsewhere.
Our stock consist of every ttiug in the line that this
market calls.'or tvwit:
Grer, White. Red and Blue EI infects;
Cor.ts. Ae?t. I'sat", Hats and Hat covers;
Vndcrand Over shirts. Wool and Cottan;
Everv ilecr:rtion of White Shirts:
Qaeer.s Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery;
It'X-t. Shoes coarse and fine;
Brocan Calf. rCp and t'owhid?:
Wod Plaids. Merinos. Detains, late pattern
In short every kiad of piece gwas.anithe BEST TEA
ever shipped to this market.
Al-Sti Cedar shingles. Timothy seed and R--r.
03- Give ca a call, and see tor yourselves.
Ccrvsilis. Oct 1!. 1S57. S3tf
New Arrival of Jewelry, &c
T KOSEXTHAL infornn his patrons and
l . friend, tuat he basjast rcturnea inm
Saa Fnnciico with aselect asottnei-.t of Jew
elry, Musical Iutrument. Cutlery, etc.. and
offers them for sale at his store on Front street
MV One d.-or beljw Dr. Coombs" ofSce.-sfa
Gold and Silver watcher; Gold and Sliver rlisin:
C-.'ld bM'elet: G i!d ear-rings; Gold breatpins; Gold
fiager rings; Lockets: GoM pens and pencils; Gold
sleeve bntVKis; Silver and Plated ware; fancy goods
and pcrfumerv-
Guitars. Violins, FIntes. Fifes; a large assortment of
Aecordeons. Ladies' work boxes of all kinds. Gold and
Silver spectacles. Gold and Silver spoons. Cutlery.
Clocks an end!es Tariety. Ac.. Ac.
ga- Watches. Clocks and Jewely repaired, and all
kinds of Jewe'.ry made to order.
sjr- All of my work warranted H
3Don"t forget "Tae Sign of the Big Watch.'r
Corvallis, Oct. 24. 1M7 33tf
THE judges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on
the ninth day of Jann-iry. eiihteen hundred and fifty
seven, do fix and appoint District Court-", to be held in
village of Kxelmrir. in the county of Douglas on the
fiivt Mondavi, of March. May. September and Xnrem
ber, annually , nntil otherwise nrdercd. aud do limit the
duration of said termi tosix d tvs e-!i.
;EO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief J.istice.
tttf M. P. DEARY. Asv i.tte Justice.
Statesman Book, and Job OSce,
1VTE have Three rresses, the best facilities for Book
V ptintiug north of California, and an extensive as.
sirtment of Jobbing Matekial of every'd. with
master a-orktnen.are prepared to execute promiy, and
in a workmau-like manner, all orders in the sl. ' de
partinenta, uca as
Books. Blank Checks,
PAMnrui-XTS, Xotksop Hand,
BalI Ticiets, Steaubo't BiLt.a
1st itatioss. Bills op Lading
Bit-ikess Cards, Cbrtikicates
Billheads. Snow Bills,
PiKXiBAMMKS, Bl'k Keceipt? ,
APPRE5 Carps, Draits.
Br.Avrs op ai.t. Kinps, Ac.. Arc, Src.
The Lam of Oregon.
THE OREGON STATUTES, being a larcc vol
nine of i-vi pages, with coinnlete index, annota
tions. and references, comprising all the laws in force ia
the Territory. Inclusive or tuo passed at last session
of the legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
luc statesman, at live aouars per copy, ice worn is ex
ecuted in tae oei manner, uouna in law stvie, and
is sold at publisher prices, and a low as a like work can
lie bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest
figure llioy can be afforded for here. Tbe price places
them within the reach of all who desire the laws they
live under. Order by mail accompanied with the ciu.Ii.
filled by return mail. It is the. last code of laws that
will be puUished in Oregon, for many years.
In aVlition to the enactment of the Ix'iriHlativc Assem
bly, the contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence. Constitution of the United States, Treat ins with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1787, in
force in Oregon, Donation law and all amendments,
aud full abstract of United ctates Naturalization Laws.
Marion House, Salem.
THE undersigned announces to the public
that he has purchased the well known
tavern stand. called the Marion House, in Sa
lem, together witu the furniture and fixtures
tlxroof. He will keep it in first rate style, and invites
the patmnageof the public. R. M. MAY.
Slay Z, 157. . liu
DTLJ. K.CARDWELL, Dental Surgeon, Corvallis,
in his profession, at Corvallis. Eugene City, Win
chester, Scott burg, and Jacksonville. Skill, unonps-
tionahle; charges respectable: work, warranted. Teeth
examined, ard advice given free of charge.
j me notice given oi cnange ot onice.
April 26.1 66. . 7tf
.PEN and covered bnggiea Concord
make, for sale. Apply to
J. McCRAKEN, Portland.
i HOT of all kinds, aad powder, at
42tfJ W. K. SMITH & Co's.
lUKE WINES and liquors for medicinal purposes,
' at 42tTJ W. K. 8MITH tCoy
1SF.XCH merinoa.and alpacas, at W. K. SMITH A Vs.
The Graefenberg
The Gracfcnbrrg CompRnf.
rpHtS IXSTITUTIOS. (Incorporated by the Legls
X l iture of the State of New York, Capital $100,000.)
was founded for the purpose of supplying thepubl.c
with the celebrated G RA EKEX UEIIG SlEDlClXfcS.
The series comprise? remedies lor nearly every disease
adapted to every climate. For Families. Travellers,
Seamen, and Miner's thev are unequalled. All the
Medicines are PURELY VEGETABLE and wnrranted
to cure the diseases for which they are severally reo
o rumen Jed.
The Gracfenberg Company d s not profess to enre
all diseases with one or t wo medicines. Our series con
sists: of ELEW.V different kinds, adapted to the vari
ous diseases incident tithe temperate and tropical cli
mate. The foil wiag comprises the series of Graefen
bcrg Medicines :
Are considered the standard Pill or the day. and are
Inlinitly superior to any Pill before the public. They
operate "without irritation on all the excretions, purg
ing the bl kkI by the bowels, l.vft, kidneys and stm.
An infallible remedy for all diseases of the womb
and urinary organs, weakness in the bark, pain in the
breast, nervousness, dciiil.ty, etc. In California and
Oregon, out of more than a 'thottsaud cases where this
medicine has been usc.l. it has is no single instance
failed to give permanent relief or to effect a certain
A powerful extract. One bottle equal to tea of tbe
ordinary Sarsaparilla for purifying the I lood. A sure
cure for scrofula, rhr-im.itism. ulcers, dyspepsia, salt
rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, Ac
Invaluable for bcras. wounds, sprains, chilblains,
sores, swellings, scrofula, etc As a 1'aia Extractor,
it cannot be excel'.ed. a3" rding immediate rel et from
tbe most excrutiatmg paiiib.
This extraordinary article U a speedy and Infallible
remedy in liarrhie". Dysentery, t'lfdera Morbus. Chol
era Infantum aud the Asiatic Chol?ra. if taken with the
first symptom of tbe disease. It is purely vegetable
in its compound.
ForscmmerComrliint. and m"wt diseases to which
chiMren are subject. Its true worth can never be set
forth ia words, but it can be frit and appreciates! by
parents who-e rhildiea have hcea saved! No Mother
should be without it.
Tn- cBAcrtetcrnso rtL KEasrcr.
Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease.
with the Ointment there are very few raes which can
not be radicslr.v and permanently cured. A surgicil
operation for Piles or I'istli shoulj neverbe resort'd
to until this OiLtment has been thoroughly tried. It
never fails.
For diseases of the eye thisirtlrn has no eqnsl. It
isaspeedrand positive cure for inHammation of the
eves, weakness, dimness anlfa'l n of signt. It will
b1tsvs1 bentliciul in acute inflammation of the eyes,
and aloo as a wash on inUamrd surfaces.
A sreedv and p witive cure tut this distresning com
plaint. Tiicsc P.U are composed principally of Qui
nine, wnn otaer vegt taLie tonics, ami spa--miuic auo
febrifuge artitles. Thuusandx have been (ermaceutly
cured by their use.
Sovereign in all Bronchial and Pulmonary Disea-s-It
is. berond nil onestion. true that Consumption ia a
curahle disease, audtbe Consumptive's Balm is the best
curative ever u?cu.
These Bitters are skilfully and elgant!y prepared
from a number of inviir. rAt:'ng heilihr ro"ts. birks.
herbs and vines. An invaluable tonic and health re
A handsomely printed vn'nme of 300 pages, contain
ing concise and extremi ty 1.-1 tin descriptions of all
manner of diseases, tlieir symptoms and treatment.
Every family shor.H have one. Price only 23 cents.
It will be setit, p'Xt paid, to any post ofiice in Califor
nia or Oregon, cn the receipt i.f ij cents by ma:i orcx
AdJress Tteilington A Co., San Franciseo.
The Gnwrenbcrg Molicinea are for dal? by all Drug
gists and Apothecaries throtwhtwit tiie country.
General Agents fcr California and Oregon
llKDI.VGToX A Co.,
Wholesale Druggists.
No. 1U7 Clay street.
Surra A Davis Agents, Portland.
San Francl-e-, IHe. 12, lso7. 6ie4l
The Oregon (Statesman.
An hdeprndent fnti-nal, drrotrd to Pelilirs,Ornrral
frUtlttgrnct, 4"C., l ubHthcd at Saltm, Oregon.
ASAHEL BUSH, Pririetor, Publisher, and Editor.
The Statesman is Democratic in politics, and tbor-
ouguly national in its cUaratter. It is Hostile m every
species of sectionalism . famiticism, aud iiitoUmme;
and will vigorously iipMise all attempts to incorporate
Any of the insane urns of the day into our Territorial
It will advocate all practical measures of Reform
snd Progress, economical and simple administration oi
our local government ; faithfulness. Integrity, and ca
pacity in iGi. e, and a system of rigid and direct ac
countability of the officer to the people. It will dis
cuss all measure agitating the public mind, in a man
ner fearless, impartial, and just.
Its News Department will be edited with much
attention, and notiiiug will be spared to furnish early,
accurate, and coniuehensire publication of the cur
rent intelligence.
The Statesman has a large. wMely-wattereu'.and most
excellent corps of correspondents," and very complete
facilities for piocnring news.
Due attention i also paid to thepnblication of Miscel
lany, Agricultural and l.iter.iry matter.
la this paper are published the laws, resolutions, and
treaties ot the United States, and the taws and resolu
tions of the Terntoiy of Oregon by authority. The
paper is printed on new material, and upon a sheet ol
the largest size.
The coming year will be the most Important in Ore
gon's history. A State is to he inaugurated, through
warm political contests, and the machinations, of
faction, ilisafiection, ab ilitionism. and every hue of
opposition, to overthrow the (.'Id Democracy. Every
citizen of Oregon should be thoroughly infonmd of
passing events, if he desires to discharge his duty to
tbe State and the country', intelligently aud uprightly.
The Statesman will be an active participant in trans
iring p il.tical event, and will furnish a faithful rec
ord of the history of parties and p'litics.
As a vehicle of Oregon News, the Statesman enjoys
facilities that none ol its c;t. nipjraiicn do.
Terms Three dollars per year, strictly in advance:
four dollars, if paid within six months, but not in ad
vance; live dollars, if not paid within six months.
These terras we must adhere to in all cases. Persons
sending ns money by mail, or otherwise, will please
conform t tuesc terms, adapting the amount to the
(ime of payment.
Tbe low price at which the paper is afforded places
it within the reach of all.
Doot and Shoe Store.
FREDERICK W I C K M O N would announce
to the citizen" of Salem, and the surround
ing coimtrv. that he have taken a store on the
east side of Commercial street . north of the postoflice.
where he will keep constantly on hand a full assort
ment of even- kind of boots and shoes, both custom and
sale work, which he will sell at the lowest living pri
ces. Being a practical workmun, all orders for the
manufacture or repair of work will lie complied with,
and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike
manner. Give me a call and examine my stock.
fSAleni, March 12,1857. 13tf
IlaUery and Confectionery.
THE undersigned would announce to the public that
they have established themselves in the baking and
confectionery business ntSnlcm.on Ciinimcrciul street,
second door" north of the Union House. A thorough
experience at the taking business they trust will enable
them to give satisfaction to thcircustomcrs. All orders
promptly filled.
Groceries and Fruits, will also be kept constantly on
hand. McGlXX & BYRN E.
April 9. 1S57. Atf
School Books.
JUST received, a complete assortment of Sanders'
School Books, together with a large lot of Thomp
son's Prartical Arithmetics, all of which will be sold
cheap, at the City Book Store.
Oregon City, Jan. 1856. 4titf
For Sale.
THOMPSON'S Arithmetical Tables; -"
Mental Arithmetics,
Practical "
" High School Arithmetics.
Oregon City, Feb., 1858. 48tf -
MIE best black tea yon ever saw, at
ti'JttJ W. K. SMITH A Cos.
D. WililUa Boathit,
Will practice in the Supreme and District Courts
of tbis State.
tar Office over Starr's Tin Store. Frontstreet.-Gt
Stf Portland, Oregon.
H. H. Cmiwr,
Albany. O.T.Feb.. 1858. - Stf
S. 11. UiiCklei,
Salem, November 9, 1857. ' 35 tf
William C. Griswold h, Co.,
zztr o. a. woonwoKTn.
Medical Notice.
TIIE iulscriber, would Inform the Inhabitants that he
is at his old stand, ready to attend to all calls in
his profession 5 also he has on hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
s norted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose
of on reasonac
asonable terms. w. warkiji.
Salem Decemtier 2. 156.
Medic tl Notice.
TMt R. W. SHA.W, lute of San Francisco, California,
1 s oners ui 1 1 n;-s--n .I.... . " v-i...-...j ...
Salera and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo
puonc lavur.
no- Office at Reed and Fellows' drug store.
I4y It. W. SITAW.
S. Ellsworth,
attornkt asd couhhbllob.
UP. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene
. City, Lane County, Oregon Territory. Also
Commissiorcrnf Deeds for New York, Counecticnt. Ac.
August Sb 1150. Z4tf
1; I. Thayer,
it Corvallis, Kenton Co., O. T., opposite to the
City Hotel in said town. IMf
W. W. Page.
lem. O. T-. 0:9-e, first door south of the States
man Office, np stairs. 20tf
f arrar k Slent,
Chancery and Admiralty.
ma office on Front street, one daor north of the
" Exchange."
Portland. O. T., July 50. 1R5T. t3tf
I. M. Smith.
Solicitors in Chancery, Corvallis O. T.
I. if. sac ITU. 51tf
I. T. Mitchell,
gene City. Lane County, O. T.
San Fraitisrs idTfrtisiag I'tntjr
I- P. FISHFR. Iron building, opposite Pacific Express
J OiHre, up stair. Files of all the principal Papers of
California and Oregon mav be found at this office. Mr.
Fisher is the authorized Agent for the statesman.
Chester 3f. Terry,
"missioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac
knowledgments. Ac Ac for Iowa. Indiana. Missouri
Michigan.-California and Washington Territory. I-t-
trrsof Attorney, and all other instruments or writing,
drawn n short notice.
Particular attention paid to taking depositions,
collections of Notes. Accounts, Ac, i2tf
Dunlin? k Grorer.
j-Y Solicitors in Chancerv. Office near tbe Court-bouse,
Salem. O.T.
Gee. E. Shril,
Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various
courts 01 Oregon anu vtasuingwa icrnvjncs. uiaw,
Salem, O.T.
Delaion Smith,
Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to ail
business pertaining ta his tSe first Judicial
District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon
Office. Albany. Linn County. O. T.
X. B. When not at his office, or absent on profes
sional brtsiness, he may be found at his residence, five
miles smith-east of Albany, an what is kuown as the
" Grand I'ralnc.
W. S. Brock,
J. Solicitor in Chaneerv. will prat tice in the varies
courts In this Territory, aud promptly attend to the cnl-
. ..... - . . 1 1 . it.:.. A . . . . i k
lection 01 an claims against u;e loum oum-s. ini;n
an efficient agent residing at Washington City. Office
in Eugene City, Lane County, U. i.
K. E. Stratton,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in the various
conrts of southern Oregon, and. in the Supreme
Court ot the Territory.
Office in fscottsburch, Cmroua county, O. T.
N. B. B uintv Land Warrants obtained for claimants
on reasonable terms. 23tf
Darn ti m &. Wilson.
J. lem. Oregon. Particular attention s given to thr
co lection of nutes and accounts, and cairns against
Bounty Land Warrant? bought and sold. .
sa drti e over Starkey's Store. - 4S
It. F. Bonhant.
jM. fice at the Court House, fsalem. O. T- 6tr
A. B. Balloek,
A. Designs, plans, specifications. Ac, furnished on
reasonable terms.
Campbell Jk Pratt.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW. San Francisco, California
Office, comer Montgomery mud Sacremento streets,
t-r Purrott .V Cos. Rank.
Messrs. Campbell & Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to tlieir rare. Ji"
Alexander Campbell. O. C. Pbatt.
S. Hamilton, M. !.,
PriYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectruUv
announce t- the good people of Douglas and the ad
oi ling counties, that be bas located permanently at
i-ieer creea ior tue purjics m pracuciu$ uieuiciuv, ww
in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all
duties, and snare no pains to render the patient easy
and comfirtab!e.
Offick opposite R- II. Dearborn A Co.'s store, on
Main street.
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at low rash pri
te. ; 42tf
11. 31. Uu Uelle.
EALER in Oregon Prodoce." Office at W. C.Gris-
wohl ,t Co. s store, bjaicm.
Salem. July I. 1S..7. lStf
Corinthian Lodge
OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold
their regular communications on the Thnrsday
nilit before the full of the moon of each month, ex
cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that
night in Albany, O. T.
Brethren in good standing are cordially invited to at
tend. DELAZOX SJllTH, W. M.
SmiNfirn. Sec'y. 37tf
DEEPS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of
serin, tax receipts, final proofs, and notifications
a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman
July 27. 1557. 20tf
Look Here!
E have fust received HK.000 lbs. of ground alum
salt, which we are selling at jrt.oo per hundred.
ITT ANTED in exchangeror cash or merchandise, 100
VV bushels of good apples, to be delivered hv the
10th of August highest price paid. G. E. COLE.
WANTED in exchange for merchandise or on ac
count 10,000 lbs. good butter, for which I will
pay the market price. G.E.COLE.
Dickinson Type Foundry.
PHELPS A DALTON. B iston. L.P. Fisher, Agent,
Snn Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads,
rule, Ac.
Ausrust . 1S57. ' 24tf
ORLEANS Ware lloope, opposite CorvaUin, for rent
ACKEREL and codfish, at
(4.2tt) W. K. SillTH Ca'8.
CAROLINA rice, and syrup tn sweeten it in 5 gallon
kegs, at 42tfj W. K. SMITH & Co's.
SALT, sal soda, and sassafras, at
2tf) W. K. SMITH A Co's.
CHICKENS 10,000 wanted, for which the highest
market price will be paid. Enquire at
ltf G. E. COLE'S, Corvallis.
Oregon Statutes.
BOUND volume for sale at John Fleming's, Oregon
City, and A. R. Hbipley'a, Portland. Price, S 00.
Alo laws of last session tl CO.
Dec. 17, 1W7. Uf
The City Book-Store,
A. R. SHIPLEY & Co.,
ave ii Store, and will be receiving by tbe 1st of June
3$5 " 4L 99 O sij
W HOOKS AND stationery:
Which they offer to tbe '
At small advances cn New York prices.
e us a call, or send as an order, aud we are
bound to give you satisfaction !
A. It. Shipley fc Co.,
Are the Solb Aoests in Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories for the sale of
The American Statesman,
A GREAT BOOK!! Being the ouly political history
of the United States.
Send ns your names. Price f 1 00 S Payable on de
livery of book. Can deliver by tue 1st or September
tn all who send us tbeir names oy 1st ot May.
Catalogue of Part of our Stock :
Reader. Sanders' old 1st. 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th.
tnd The Vounu Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st, 2d, 3d.
tth and 5th: Parker" lat, 2d. 3d, 4th and 5th; Mc
Guffev's 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th.
Smellers. Sanders' Old, banders' xew; Elemen
tary! '
Piti liens. Sanders' Pictorial, School and Parker's.
GnxiKArBtES. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, Ol
qey's, Morse's, McJtfalley's, aad Montcith's 1st and
2d Bk.
Mathkmatics. Arithmetics Thomson's, Table.
Mental, Analysis. Practical, and Higher; Davics Pri
mary. Intellectual. School and L'uivcrsity; Smith's
Colburn'a Bay's St'tddard's; Davics Algebra. Sur
veying, ueometry, rrucucai aiaiuciuaucs, aiaiu. luc
tiunary. Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry,
and fuuoaopny 01 aaioemuuca.
Grammars. Green's Clarke's Bullion's Smith's
Klrkam'a Snencer's Tower's.
PuiL08oru.BS. lTirker s 1st Lesson, Juvenile nnd
School; Coatstock's Sm'.lh's.
Hj.'rroBiES. Wilsou's Juvenile, and United States:
Parley's Universal; Willard's Universal, aud United
Lanocacsf. Cooper's Virgil: Andrew's Latin Res-det-
Viri lliiur; Andrew's latin Grammar; McC'lia
tock'a lt aud 24 Book in Latin, and d'i. in Greek; An
l.n'j r.r,.U Cr.imm ir and Krader:' Cicero
Fasqnelle'a French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's
Jennau (iramnur and Reader, Telemaoue. Greek Tes
tament; French, self-taught; Surrenue's French Dic-tinnan--
Andrew's Latin d- Liddell A Scott s Greek
ti, Anthou's CUiB-ieal do. Smith's da do.
Diction a Kit?. Webster's School, High do, Aca
demic, University, Royal 6vo, Unahridged and Cohbs'
MiscELLAsaors. ilattison's Astronomy. Kewman's
Rhetoric. Wood's B tany. Kamc's Elements of Crit
icUm. Parker's Aid in Composition, Parher's Exer
cises. BrookScld's Coraxisitiin. McElIigott's Young
Analvzer. d;i. Analytical Manual. Parker's Word
Builucr. Mayhew"8 B'wk Keeping. Wayland's Moral
Science. Pafev's Natural Theibgy. Blake's Agricul
tiim for Schools. Unhara's Intellectual PbiIos-phr.
Mahan's do. do. M'.lfcm; Young: Pollock; and Thomp-
on; (Edition for Schools) Cutters Anatomy aud
Phrsiolocv. American liebatcr. Newman's Political
Kcunoniv. Hitchcock's t-l"gy. Great variety of
Sneakers and Elocution. All kinds of School station
cry; Slates of all size: Drawing Books: Drawing
Paper: Perforated Card Brd; Brisb-l B.ard; PcaciL-
and Brashes; Osborn's Colors; Inkstands,. every size
md style, Ac. Ac. Ao.
Histoct Bancroft's C cited State. S rola
Hildreth's do. do. 6 volumes. Front's Pk.-tirial United
States. Taylur's do. do, d.'. B itta's Hist, involution.
Peterson's do. Wilson's United States. WilUrd's du.
lll-t. Indian Wars United btates. il.'ard s .L niversal
ilistorv. Mailer's do do. Rotteck's Hit. Wurld 1 or
i Tolutnes. lt dlin's An:ie!it History. Farr's d i, do.
Hume's England. MacaiUay's d-., oim;ilctc. Dicke
Child's do. Lingard's do. Gibbon R.ime. D'Ao
bizne's Reformation. Baug's M. E. Char-h. Allison's
Europe. 1st and 2d Scries. Present's Works. Border's
Hirt. of Religions. Hist, of Council of Trent. Je
phus. All of Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet.
0:ieens of Sosin. Oueensof Scotland. Help's Siunili
U-nuauests. Brace's Hungary. KidJcr's Brazil. Ea-
bmk s Brsril. Parley's Uuiversal. Hist-ry .f Cru
des. Ancient Egyptians. Hallam's Middle Ages.
History for B -vs. Banners Lands Luitea tsute
lsins Field Book of Revolution.
BiooKArHV. Plutarch's Lives. Life Brant. Won
derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Character
I IrM nf tin, Siffiipw. Aut-nbiorranhv of Finlev. La-
mirtine's Celebrated Character. Litenf Admilarke.
1 Uih'p Hedding. do Niebuhr. do Gen. Harrison,
lo Daniel li wne. do Robert, do Lafayette. Cap
tains of Roman Republic and Old World. Dr. Ciial-
ners, 4 vol. Lives of Hiunbuldt. Sirs. RnTers.
Mtizart. Wesley. Fletcher. Life and Times of Clay;
Irving "s Wahingt-.n. Eminent Met-haaicji. Lives of
Chief Justices. J-.jsephine. Napoleon. Charles Lamb;
Jackson. Gen. Green. Joan of Arc. Lady Jane Grey.
I. I). Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster: Kings "t
Rome. Kiugs and Queerw. Licbmtz. Lires of the
Pies. Prescotl's Philip 2d. Slury aad Martha Wtii
inton. Pioneer Women of tbe We-t-
Tbavbls. Huck's China. Arancanian. Stephen's
Egypt. Olins Travels. Mungo fart. X'le .Notes
Advenrures on Musnuito Shore. Bayard Tay!;r's Trav
M. Iliir!in's Travel in the Ea't.
Scientific. Brsude's Enevclnped'a. Physical Geog
raphy of the Sea. Wjod's N'at;irai History. Lardner's
Lectures. Ueful Ait. C"smos. Mathematical Dio-
tionarv. Logic f Mathematics. Wonders of Science.
4 itclu-il's Planetary and Stellar World. Loomis1 Ec
cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith s Dictionary cf
Arts and Science. Eubink's Hvdraulics. Dick's works.
Various work on Architecture.
Poetby. Byron various styles. Shake.peare, do.
Milton, do. Burns, dt. Hc-mans. dn. M-iore. C k
rhonmson. Ymmg. IVillock. Tupper. Cowper. P"ie.
Ctmpbell. Wadsworth. Osiau. iloutg)mery. Kirk
iVhite. Female Poets of England, do. do. A iierica
and many others. "
Books or Rskerevcs Cyclopedia of Geography.
d-. do. Fine Art, do. do. Biography. Useful Art.
tlcColloch's Gazetteer. Harper's Universal Gazetteer.
Fnt'ir asd Aukici'ltitral. Elliot's Fnrit Hook.
Thomas" do. Downiiig's d. Barry's do. Fessenden's
farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable
.Jardeiier's Companion. Allen on the Grape. Partly
on Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Farm B k.
Allan's Domestic Animal. All of Saxton's Hand Book.
Wojks on Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Ac.
TnEnLooiCAi. A Rklihioi-s. Harmony and Exposi
tion of Gospels. Neander's Life of Christ. Butier'.s
Works. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth-xli-m.
Morns Miscellanies, lectures on itmanism.
Braud of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes
Votes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jar's
tJxereises. Watson's Institutes. Larrabee's Evidences.
itatler's Ethical Discourses. Rogers' Eclitise of Eart'i.
In. Reason and Faith. Foster's Christ. Perfection-
Baker on Discipline. Writings of Arminius. Jahn's
Uiblicnl Archieology. Bibles, all siies and prices, from
1 tj S'0. Testament, great variety. Methodist
ilymns. Christian Hymn B ks. Church Psalmist
Plymouth Collectioa. Select Melodies. Christian
Psalmist ,
Mkoical. Buchan's Family Physician. Hydro
pathic do. Homospathic Work.
Mtsc kllas KOtrs. Constitutions or United States
Vlayhew's Popular Education. Crahbe's Synonyms.
Piatt's Book of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's Manual.
ileadler's Works. 14 vols. Mrs. Tathill's, 6 vols. Lay
trd'e Xiueveh. Bigelow's Useful Arts. Harwell's to
ri tieer's tiuide. American Institutions. Pursuit ol
Knowledge. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antiquities.
Way Down East. Pynhurt. Ike Marvel's Works
Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles
u Etigtitnd. Tales and Reveries, an excelleut Temper
nce llook.l Money Maker. Escaped Nun. News
Boy. Dick Wilson. Mis. Hale's New Cook Book.-' Mil
ler s Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator.
Young Ladies' Counsellor. Yonng Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu
tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri
oan Housewife. Half Hours with Old Humphrey.
Vthens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's
Redwood, do. Xew Eng. Talc. Uncle Sam's Farm
.-"ence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs.
Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car
Ion's Works. Heroines of History. Land ami Sea
Deck and Fort Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Iapers. Masonic Chart Irving's.
Columbus. Long Look Ahead. City of Xew York.
Living Orators of America. Young Man Advised. Mis
sions in Tonga and Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic
tion. Knout and the Russians. Hydropathic Cook
Hook. Death Bed Scenes. Gilt Book for Young Men
lo.'dn. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Boys.
Footprints of Famous men. Charlotte Elizabeth's
Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant boy pbiloso
pher. Abhott'a Marco Paul Books, do Franconia.
And a number of others too numerous to enumerate.
Constantly receiving large addition to the foregoing.
Stationery. Foolscap Papt-r ,-rreat variety. Let
ter do, do, pi', in and gilt Note do, do, do, do. Envel
opes all styles. Ink all kind. Pen and Holders
great variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles.
Memorandums, Diaries, Pass Book. Time Books.
Pajier Cutters. Bo Folders. Shipping Receipt Books.
Lithographic IPrints large variety. Wrapping Pa
per good variety. Wafers, Sealing Wax, Ac. Ac
Finnlly, we have a good variety of .
Mrsic Books New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Melodian. Christian Psalmist Piano Instruc
tor. Guitar do. Flute do, Accordon do. Violin do.
Mclodeou do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet
Music. . '
And the most varied assortment of St ationekt ever
ffered in Oregon.
ar This stuck is all bonght ia Xew York and other
Eastern cities and is sold at
IT We keep on hand Scnooi, Books in large quan
Ues, together with most of the publications of
Harper & Brothers;
Derby A Jackson;
Ivison tt Phinney;
Phillips A Samson; . .
A. S. Barnes A Co.;
Miller, Orton & Mulligan; 1
Leary&Getz; x
. Putnam; '"
Appleton: and others.
We ask your patronage. If unabl to visit ns
aid examine our stock, your order will be attended to
on tbe same-terms as if yon bought in person.
Portland, March 20, 18S7. 2tr
All of the above works may be had W. Kcnvon A-
Co.'s City Book Store, Salem."
PRIVATE medical and snrgieal institute, Sacramento
street, below Montaomerv. opposite Pacific Mail
Steamship Co's office, San Francisco, California. Es
tablished in 1354, for the permanent cure of all Private
.nrl I -i T-jin i i- TijAss nnil tho winnniiD of O-iac Irrv
Attending and icesiuent I'uysician l-..,
M. D.. late in the Hnngarian Revolutionary War, Chief
7. . ' ' . . ,.,c-. : x
Physician to the 20th fregiincnt of Honveds, chief Sur-
leon to the Military Hospital of Pesth, and late Lec
turer on DiSiascs of women and children.
bis Mnrere thanks to bi numerous patients for their
patronage, and wonld take this opportiuiity to remind
them that he continues to consult at his Institute for the
are of Chronic diseases of the Lungs.Livers.Kidneys.di-
zestive and genitive organ, and all private disease.
viz : Syphilitic ulcer, gonorrhna, gleet, strictures,
seminal weakness and all the horrid consequences of
self abuse, and he hopes that hu long experience and
successful practice of many years, will continue
to ensure him a share of public patronage.
By - the practice or many year in tnrope and
the United States, and during the Hnngarian war and
campaigns, he is enibled to apply the most efficient
and successful remedies a?ainst diseases of all kinds.
He nses no mercury charges moderate treats his pa
tients in a correct snd honorab'e way has references
f nnq'iestio'ia'ile veracity rrom men of known resneot
thility and high standing in society. All parties' con
snltinar him. by letter or otherwise, will receive tbe
best aad gentlest treatment, and implicit secresy.
Czapkav, M. D., Physician Surgeon and
vite the attention of the sick and afflicted female la
boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the
brainrLinzs, heart, stomach, liver, wumb. blood, kil-
nevs. aud all diseases peculiar to tbeir sex. The Doc
tor i eftectiag more permanent cure- than any other
physician in Oregon or California. " Let no false deli-arr
prevent yon, out apniy immeaiaicsy. aaa nave yourseir
:rom nafuful sufferins and premature drath. AH mar
ried ladie, whose delicate health or other cir-nmstances
lo not allow to have an increase in tbeir families should
write at call at Dr. f- J. Cz ipkay's Me J:c 'I In-titute.
Sacramento st, beluw Montgomery, opposite P. M. S. S.
to s office and tiiey will receive every possioie relief and
help. The Doctor s OSccs are ao arranged that he can
be consulted without molestation. I sms
eS- Al consultations t by letter or otherwise.) free.
SIcdical Institute. San Fraocico. t!.
. LIEF-Bclow we publish the certificates of two
hi the sufferers from the pang of disease, win having
recovered their tinner bealtn. and lapeileJ by graU
tade. make kuown their case and remedial agent, and
their statement are authenticated by a Notary Publtc
fhe demands of S-iety impcriorr-ly command their
publicity, ai d we commend their perusal to the atten
tion of all afflicted :
The undersigned, desirous of acquainting those who
may be unfortunate enough to be similarly afflicted,
where a fiermaneat relief of their sn3eriug may be
n'jtained. feel it hi duty t thus pablicly expre.
his most sincere gratitude to Dr. L. J. Czapkay . for the
iicrmanent recovery t bis he.ilth. Borne dowa.Ly the
distressing symptoms incident to the vicious practice f
liinmtrollalile paion in youth ; depressed in body and
mind ; nnable to jH-rform even the most trifling dutj
imposed upon the daily avocations of life, I sought the
Jdvice of many physician, who at first regarded my
1 1 sexse a of trifl!nir importance tct ala ; altera few
weeks, and in several instances mouths, ot their treat
ment. I found to my tmutterable horror, that iastcad of
relief, the forniptres became more alarm:ng iu thrh
fcwturc ; and being, told by one that my disease, being
pri icipally confinej tthe brain, mclicine wocld i-e ol
1 ttle corjsequem-e. I despaired of ever regaining my
a-.i:tb. strength aad energy : and. as a last resottTaiio
with but a faint h ijie, caiicd upon 1'r. Czapkav, who.
jfter examining iny case, prescribed some medicim
which almost intiutly relieved me of the dull pain
ind dizziness ia my he ad. Eueonraged by tais result,
i resoired to lace ni vself immediately nu.ier his care.
nd by a strict obedience to hi directions and advice,
my lurid ttecame clear, my idea c l ected. the constant
pain in my back and gr-ins, the weakness of my limb,
the rervoits reaction of my whole Jdy on the slight
est alarm or excitement: the misanthropy and evil
forebodings; tlis self distrust and want of "confidence
in others: t;e iueapscity to stu-iy. and want of resolu
tion; the frightful, exciting, and at times pleasurable
rlreams at night, followed by invjhmtary discharges,
have all disappeared; and in fact, in two'month after
having consulted the Dortor. I felt as if inspired by
.1 new life that lite which, but a short time ago, I con
templated to end with my own hand.
Wit'iaviewto guard the niifortunate frvm falling
into the snare of incompetent quacks. I deem it my
i :y to offer this t--tira"uy to the merit aud irkill cn'
Dr. Czspkay. and recommend him to ail who may ftand
in need of "medical a! vice, being assured by ipvowii
ex;jerience. that once under his care, a radical and
psnnanei.t cure will be efTectcd.
S'ate of California. Cnnr.ty of Sin Francisco. Sub
seriiied and sworn to bef re n;e, this 17ih day of April,
A. D. I'ioti. (Signed) -
JOHN illDDI.ETON. (t. s
Xotary Public,
Fr-impteJ by an honest desire of my heart. I wish to
lay before tae public a case which de.scrves a high com-
mendat:on, cot onir as an act of scit-iitinc skill. bi:t
that of human. ty. also. Altotit two years ago. 1 sud
denly and irom causes unKnown to me. was se;zed with
fit of Eni-!tr?T. which, owing to mv inabilitv to met-t
the expenses consequent upon a th-.r:ch medical treat
ment, and the disconrasemetit which I met with on
attempting it. s- on became sneh (as I was then led to
!ieve.) as to defy the s fci:i of any physician. I was
frequently while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down
to the ground without Vie slightest warning, and al
though insensible to th? agonies, yet I despised the mis
ery of my exi-tence. While in this state, and having
revke"to mysfilL-tion tasted the sweets of life, I once
tn re was induced to attempt seeking aid of a physician,
nd, bv re-jonrnendation., called upon Dr. L. j. Czsp
kay. t told him my circumstances, and my inability
to'reward him for hi service regardless of whi-h.
however, lie at nacc endr-rt-v my case, and with tbe
leesing of God. I "was once more restored to perfect
heolth. Unable to reward him for the boon w;ich I
enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebted
ii' s. I consider it due to myself and to all afflicted, to
nake the case public, in order that those in need of
medical advice may find a physician in whom every
confidence can be placed.
- State or California.
Cnnntv of San Francisco.
Subscribed and swora to before me this first dav of
August. A. Li. Gilbert A. Grant.
Notary Piiblic. u. s.J
SP ERM A TORR H CEA .or Local Weakness.nervrms de
bility, low spirit. lassitude, weakness of tl limli
and back. iadiposition and incapacity for labor and
study, dullness of apppetite, loss of memory, aversion to
society, love of solitude, timidity. seli'-distriist.dizziuc-ss.
headache, paius in the side, affection of the eyes, pim
ples onthe face, sexual and otherinfirmiVes in man. are
c ircd without fail by the justlj: celebrated physician and
S '.rseon. L. J. Czapkay. His method of curing diseases
is new (unknown to others) and hence tbe great suc
cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise-, free.
Address, L. J. CZAPKAY. M.D..
' So r rncisco. Cal.
The Grratfsi Diseovrr? of the Agr.
GREAT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent but Potent!
DR. CZAPKAY'S PKOPHiLACTicm. (self-disinter
tiug agent.) a sure preventive against GmorrlKBsI
and Syphilitic diseases, and a ceitain and unsur
passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangreuou
tnd cauceruua nlcers. lo?!ed discharge from vagina,
uterus and urethra, and ail cutannus er iptionsand dis
eases. A iunoculat'on is preventive againstsmall pox.
so is Dr. Czapkay "s Pmphylactic-una a preventive against
Syphilitic, and Goaorrhoeal diseases. HarmjessT in it
self, it possesses the power of chemically destroying
the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of
debauchees from being infected by the most loathsome
of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates
health be without Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticum. It
isiu very convenient packages", and wiH Ie found con
venient for use, being used as a soap. Price, Jo. For
sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay "s Private Medical and Surgi
cal institute, Sacramento St., below Montgomery, oppo
site P. M. Co"s. office, Sn Francisco.
All letters must be addressed to L. J. Czapkay, M.D.,
San Francisco.
DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Snrgical
Institute, Sacramento St.. below Monrgomery oppo
site Pacific Miiill Steamship Co.'s Ofiice, Sao Fraucisco.
The IK-tor offe free consultation, and asks no remu
neration unless he effects a cure. Office hours from
i A. M. to 9 P. M.
T ; ... '.... ..-,.... .r it. a-
hereby .that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has sei ved during the con-
fccsi, 0,1 iiuoimi ,rtn ii.r,j. uvuiei cturgeon in ine txun
garian army .with faithful perseverance whereof I have
u" whiiiihw, iiu uu recommena mm to
the sympathy, atteution and protection of all those
s.K..ra aicujL.nj imtriouc sen sacrmce,
and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS,
. . governor ot Hungary.
Washington City, Jan. 6, 1832.
--"" ni&uiug w iose time in correspona
ing. please enclose f 10 in their letters, aad they will
get immediate attention to their cases.
ts j. I.XAI &AI,,
San Francisco, Cal.
April, 1358 3mi
WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise
20.000 lbs. of bacon for which I will pay the
highest price. G.E.COLE.
TAX receipt blanks for sale at the Statesman office
at $1 per hundred-
LADIES' cloaks. lateststyle, for sale cheap at
H2tfJ W. K. SMITH A Co's.
Paints, Oils.
E would rati attention of Dealers to nnr lirn
and well selected stock of
Consisting in r art, of
WHITE LEAD-Jewetta, Atlantic. Forest Kiver and
English pure; ground iu oil, in kegs and tins:
Assorted brands. ao. do. do.;
LINSEED OIL Boiled and Raw. in bblsand cases;
XEATSFOOT Oil In cases and bids;
A LCOHOL 1 1 ca-es and bbls, 95pc;
WINDOW-GLASS 50ft boxes Assorted sizes And good
quality, double and single, thick; also Plate Glass;
VARNISH English and American. eoacb A fumiture;-
BRUSHES A large assortment of every kind, of the
best manufacturers;
GOLD LEAF Extra and doable deep, mannfactnretf
expressly to onr own order for this, market;
SILVER LEAF AND BRONZE of the best quality;
COLO ills Tiemann's, Lewis'. &e dry, and ground in
oil and packed in assorted cases;
GLUE Eastern and California make, in bnlk;
VERMILION Triesse. Chinese, American, Engliak; .
ARTISTS MATERIALS A weli selected assortment.
Also Chalk. Whiting. Patty, 4c., Ac, Ac. .
We have alo. constantly on hand CAMPHENE,
freh distilled, in tins.
BURNING OILS- Refined and bleached. Sperm, Lard,
Folar, cnina. pure, in barrels and cases; -BURNING
FLUID Fresh distilled:
MACHINE OIL Excellent quality in bWs and bbla.
103, Front St., San FraaeUco, CaTa.
March, 1?58. 3m52
Moffat's Life Pills
THE best family medicine now before tbe public, for
the core of Scrofula. Ulcers. Kcorvy, or Eruptions
of theSkia, Fever and Ague, uyspepsia, i-'ropsy, tno
in fact most all diseases soon yield to their curative
properties. - . ' ' --"
It has been computed that daring the last twenty-live'
years upwards of Fonr .Millions of persons have beetf
benefitted by the nse of these medicines; a fact which'
speak volumes in favor of their curative properties a
single truil will place them beyond the reach of com
petition in the estimate of every patient. By their M
the blood is restored to a healthy state and freed from
all impurities. The system i not reduced during their
operation, but invigorated, and they require no re
trairt from business or pleascre-
The afflicted have in these medicines a remedy that
will do for them sll that medicine can possibly effect
Prepared by W. B. Moffat. New Vork.
And for sale by JOHN FLEMING, t the Oregon
City Post Office Buiding.
Orecon Citv. March, IT,S. Iy55
Livery and Sale Stable.
WE are now keeping a Livery stable in
Oregon City, where Horses can al
ways he obtained on liberal terms.
Ve are also prepared with excellent sta
ble, well soppiied with hay and oats, to keep horses
by djy or week. Those who call upon cs tray feel as
sured th it every attention will be .1ven to horses left
in our charse. G IBSON A POTTEB.
August U, 1557. 22tf
Salem Tannery.
rp'HEsnbsoriljers have porchased tl.e Tanner ' S
I lent, formerly belonging to Eiisha a iccg. All de
sorptions of leather will be kept constantly on hand
tnd the bighe-t price, in ca.-h or leather, will at aE
times be paid for hides acd bark.
Salem. Oct. 21. 1S57. Iy33paid
City Hotel, Corrallis.
TT7"OULD announce to the citizens of Corvallis, and?
the traveiling pablic.eeaeraUy. that tbey hr.Tfc
thoroughly refitted this well known e-ta'lishment. and
are now prepared for the accommodation of customers,
Tlie r oms have sli been newly reiiirai-hed, tbe bed
clean and comfortable, and their table will be furnish
ed with the best the market affords.
Corvallis, Aug. SO, laoj. !3yl .
. New Store and New Goods.
A t Ozgand, Mtthezeif Ftrrg, O. T.
ALBERT Z1EBES, Deafer'in dry goods, gnceriea,
crockery, hardware, produce, tx.
Uavino: pjrchise.1 the st-ock in trade of G. E- Getch
ell. together with the premises known as Metheney s
Ferry, on tbe Willamette river, and hiving built a new
stTehoue. and replenished the stock of goods on hand,
now offers to exchange, fur pro-luce or cash, an assort
ment of
Dry goods, consisting of clothing, eassiraeres. eatit
netts", shcetins, shirting, and fancy good; hats and
caps, boot and shoes, rroceries in variety, with spices,
nuts, raisins, and candies: paints, oils, medicines, per
fumery, crockery, tinware, bo'iow-ware, str.ves. hard-,
ware cutlery, and many other articles to meet the wants
of the pnl lic.
He has also moved and repaired his warehouse, s
thst he is now prepared to purchase or take in storage,
cnnr.try produce, which he can discharge by a slide to
steanicW deck, without loss or expense of drayage.
And being determined to constantly keep on band a
irood supply of such goods as the country trade may re
quire, he believes be can make it an object for the peo
ple in his vicinity ta extend him their pa iron a re.
t3 No difference mde ia the price of goods, wheth
er sid for cash or prodoce,
October 2, 137. . SOtf
C. B. mew.
DEALES in clocks, watches ard jewelry. Sa- y
lem. O. T. Particular attention paid to the jtJ
repairing of watches snd clocks. All work war- r'
rauted. Jewelry reraired at short notice.
Watches and clocks. S day strikire clocks at a very
low price ; also 30 hour msrme clocks.
Ladies and rents Brooches-. Finger Kings. Ear Einjs
Gold Buck es. Gcard Chains, ic Ac.
Soiem, July , 157. " 17tf
Allan & I-e w i ,
A STORE room in Orleans, a Erst rate stand for a
prodoce dealer. Tbe Ortesas warehouse and store
wiil be rented together if required.
JulyS. 1S57 . IStf
TCST received and for sale at the City Book Stnre,
Webster's Unabridged Quarto and Hieh School Dic
tionaries. " E. L. BRADLEY & Co.
Oregon City. Jan. IS5S. 46tf
San Francisco. J Portland, O. T.
Richard& McCraken.
COMMISSION MERt'HANTS. and Jobbers in Orego
Floar, Grain. Produce. Frnit. Pork, Bacon. Lard,
Hams, Ac, Ac. Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments.
No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco
January 27, ls57. 4otf
COTTON rope, for cl ithes lines, snd small rope for 42t,T W. K. SMITH A Co "s.
School Books.
JUST received st the City Book Store, in Oregon City
Ihrrrt from the PubtisJun;
SANDER'S Primers;
" Spe'ttTs. old and new series;
" lst.2 J A 3d Readers.old and new series ;
. " Righ!chool
' Voun Indies
WILSOX"Stutiinesoi History;
" U. S. Hisory, school edition:
U. S. Ameri. educational series ;
" JavinileHist-irv, schKl edition;
PARLEY'S Universal History;
COMSTOCK'S Natural History;
And many otlier gootf tno A s t k numeroos to mention. "
Dealers and Teachers are requested to give us a call.
Oregon City. Feb.. 1?5S. 4Stf
The City Book Store.
W. KEN YON & Co,
1 Stnre in SA - A" .. and are now prepared to fur-
ish all kinds of S-hooi and liiscelaneous Books, and?
Stationary at redtteed prices.
Oar stock is NEW, and is being increased weekly ,
with fresh arrivals.
We ate prepared to furnish new ant rv
early as can he done by any house in Oregon.
isachi-ks cm oe lurmsbed at reasonable rates, by
the quantity.
Those wishing anything in our line would do well to
give us a call at the Citv Bk Store in the A'n Build
ing under Kenyon's Photographic and Ambrotypo
Gallery. y. KENYON A Co.
Salem, March, 1S5S. 52tf
New Goods at New Prices.
WK. SMITH A Co. would inform their patrons,
. and the public generally, that they have just
received a large addition to their stock of goods, which
they will exchange for produce, or cash, on tbe most
favorable terms. They have now a complete assort
ment of dry goods, which ti.ey will sell
Cheaper than any other store tn Satan.
Their stock of boots and shoes is equal to any to be
found in Salem, consisting of men's and boy's coarse
and fine boots, men's and boy's shoes; ladles' boots,
shoes, and slippers, children and iafants shoesmen's
ladies, and misses rubber overshoes. and in short, wr.
thing in the boot and shoe line that can be desired.
Their stock of groceries ia also full- rnn.sL-.tinw of
coffee, green and black teas, crushed and brown sugar,
syrup, saleratus in balk, cream of tartar, salt, soap, to
bacco, sago, starch, tapioca, macaroni, raisins, and
sweet oil, all of which will be sold cheap fur cash) or
country produce.
Purchasers will do well to call and examine our stock -before
purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to
give our customers satisfaction in the quality and pri
es 01 our gooas. 4Ztr
PICKLES and r?pper sauce, wasb-.boards and sand
paper, at 4tf1 W. K. SMITH A Co b.
AILS, rlass. and window sash, at
a a, ve 5.