The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, May 04, 1858, Page 4, Image 4

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THE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to announce to the
IMPLEMENT, of California and Oregon, tluit he hits
now farrlit'srt for manufacturing and rcn.tiiing Agri-cnltnrsr-T'trraents
or evry description, from the
smallest to the jrrvatet, of the tHt and most Impn.v
cd kinds, &nd ia the het manner, hiving his shop so
enlarged as to accommodate sixty workmen, and fur
nished with steam power nd all the necessary ma
chinery of the LATES r and mist APPROVED styles,
and tuferior to none now in use for the purpose above
named. Ha b eomident, that, with bis past fifteen
rears' experience in CaTiforrla, bs ran provide tlio far
mers witti machine and implements much more suita
ble f the wants of the country than any that can he
imported, a the oil and products of the cmntry arc
different from those at home, and rcaiiire M.-uhincs in
most cases of a more substantial make, ami in many
instance very different.
He design mjnnfactnrin? a number of combined
Reapers and Mowers, particularly adapted to the use
of this country, which will poshes more combined
strength, durability and lightness, than anv other now
ia nse. His Cast Steel lecp Tiller Flow has already
attained a notoriety in this conntrv far in advance of
any before introduced. He will be able, with what
other Plows are made within the State, to supply fully
the demand for these Puws the coming season. He
designs manufacturing Smith's Patent Gang Plow, so
favorably known in the Western States, and recently
intiodnced here. Also, Premium Fanning Mills, from
Nos. ltr IS. which hivs trivia universal sit'sfuction.
Also, the World's Fair Prize Bntter Working Churn,
to which was awarded the First Premium at the Cali
fornia State and Mechanics' Fair, 157. Also, Har
rows, Cultivator. Side-hill Subsoil and Left Hand
Plows, and all other similar imnlements.
TlOX of the Farmers to his facilities for repairing all
kinds of agricultural implements, heing snc'a as to en
able hia to do every part within his own shop, being
prepared to make eastings both of iron and brass; there
fore he will be able to do repairing in the shortest time
and with much less trouble than has heretofore been
the case. He wishes also to AN'XOUXCE that he has
now on the WATER, bound for this PORT, on board
thcclinpcrshipsWEBFOOTand MaRV ROBIXSOX.
forty of JOHX "A. PITT'S celebrated THRESHERS
and SEPERATORS, twenty each. 8 and 10 horse-powers,
which are superior to anv ever heretofore offered
in this market, with cast steel Cylinder shafts and
Journal, winch has not heretofore been the case, and
in many other respects ia snch a way as to add much operation and wear of the machines.
Persons wishing sny of th-above machines, will do well
to forward their orders early, as these are all will
lie m the market, of that mike this season, and he has
the exclusive richt of sale for the machine in Califor
nia. Oregon and Washington Territories. He will act
as Pitt'sagent in protcctingthc patent on said machine.
All persons will please take notice that tbey will be
held responsible t'omny infringement on said patent.
He has also on the way a good assort m-nt of IJeaprrs;
among which are BURH ALL'S. McCOllMlCK'S HUS
SE5f "S and M AX X'S. Also a full soppiy of extras for
any and all of the above Machines. Cycles. Sections,
Castings of every description, ete. In addition, he has
on hand a fall supply of
Hay Presses, best style;
Hay and Straw Cutters;
Grain Cradles, Grant's
XI Steel Plows;
Cincinnati Eagle Steel;
Evans & Adams" Galena Plows:
Revolving and Wirc-Tjothed Horse Rakes;
S-ythes and Snatas. best make;
Hay and Barley Forks:
, Thermometer and Dash Churns:
White rdt'-Actingthecse-Presses;
Pouglas Pumps;
Seed-Sowers and (rain-Prills;
Cider and Wine-Presses;
Circular Slw Tables;
Garden Rnke and Spading Forks;
Ames" SVrt and Loc-HanUled Spade;
- Wagon. Prays and Cjki;
Hind-Cart: .
Ax and Pick Handle:
Hunt's and Simmtma' i'tnilcd Axes;
Steel Crowbar3;
Old C-loey ATted Xails;
Grindstmesand nxtares;
Haling Rope;
riow-Beams and Handles.
In fart, a fall assortment of al! implements retpiirtt"
. by the farmer. He proposes ti say that whst he mss
i'rtare. as well a what he imports. !e will sell on as
reasonable tortus as any can sell'siraiUr arti.-lcs.
He is sure that he can and will offer t-scri induct racnls
as to make it to the interest of farmers and merchants
to bay of him instead of imp rtiirg. He wn!d. at the
same time, tender his thanks to the public f.r their
liberal patronage daring the pt season, which has
beea entirely To his a:isf:iction sod mn.-h beyond his
expectation at the besiuniag of the s.-aon.
Mssr. Hall, Knapp A Co.. r.f Port'.and. are "!e
agent in O. T. for the sale of my Cast rrl Ifrin 7 (7
Irr JSow. All order for Flows, as we!! a ether im
plements and machinery of any de-crirtb'n will le
filled by H-. K. A Co., at San Francisco prices, with
freight added.
33 Sacramento ttrert.
Kanufaetory Corner Piv is and Saixiincato stretH,
San Francisco, California.
February, 135. 4mt3
Wooden Ware, Brccnis, Baskets,
Clothes Lines, 31atclies, kc.
In a!l their varieties,
ox uaxd- axi coxstaxtlt AP.Rrvrxo from
For sale at lowest, and Wholesale prices, at the
Tacd and Willow Ware Establishment Of
39 Sacramento St., below Front,
San Fran., Feb., lo5S. 6m49
MAXTFACTCRER r Fire-prr Por.r. ShutUrs,
Vanl, Ac, Ac, Ac. battery, near Pacific street,
San Eranrico.
X. B. Orders from the country promrtly attended
to and warranted as ordered.
A large assortment of second hand poors and Shut
ters constantly on hand, for gale at eery lots ralrs.
March. W.v. inSJ
Yaiuliill Kacc Course.
THE races will corn!:?en';e at the Vamhill Race
Coarse on WEDXEfjDAV, Jane 16, lsia, and con
tinue throogh the week.
The propnetor, bavins leased the Yamhill race track,
proposes to offer the following PL USES to be run for,
according to the rules of the Vamhill Jockey Club.
Fit l)tY Mile Heats best two in three Proprie
tor's I'nrse fit).
Szcond Dat Two Mite Heats Proprietor's Purse
of 500.
Third Dat Mile Heats for Three Year Olds Pro
prietor's Pm-se $2'W.
Foritra Dav Mile HeaU be.-t three in live Pro
prietor's Purse tlOO.
Tek rat cent :nteace will be charged for the
above pnrse.s. Three ttries or more tn make a race,
and two to start. R. T A LBET , Proprietor.
N. B. The proprietor has contracted for lumlier to
build a snitable stand for spectators, and he intends to
make other extensive improvements for the accommo
dation of Tis:t'rs. For all persons having horses to
train, the track will be ready on the firht ol April.
Yamhill Co., Jan. 25, 11.58. 47tf
I Q. Washington,
AO EST Tot the prosecution of claims at Washing
ton, P. C, bef' the Executive lepartmeiiU,Con
tfresa and the Court of Claims. Will attend to the set
tlement of accounts of Marshals, Iitrict Attorneys,
and other Federal offn-ers, and of contractors with the
PostonVe and other Pepartments: also, to the procur
ing of Patents for Land. Land Warrants, and other bu
siness of a General Agency.
Refers to (tea. Joseph Lane. Oregon Territory: Gov.
Isaac !. Stevens. Washington Ter.-, Hon. M. H. McAl
lister. Hon. Ogden IIofTman and R. Ang. Thompson, of
San Francisco, Cal.; Hon. James Guthrie, Louinville.
Ky., and to the Officers generally of the Treasury and
Interior Departments at Washington.
ly46 tVa-bington P. C.
Corwallis IrK Store.
TR.CARPWEI.L.Prnggist and Apfithecary, iscon-
atantly receiving, per California steamers, large
and carefully selected stocks of Drugs and Medicines,
Oils, Paints, Varnish, Soaps, Perfumeries, Toilet Fur
niture, Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drng
Stores. Agent for Jaynes, and other patent medicines,
which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices,
or Orders boliciteo. -
Corvanis. May 2, 1S7. 1 2tf
alOBVALLIS Ware House. Xo. 1
we offer for rent.
In connection with the above we have a pork house
and smoke house for rent.
Casta System Adopted.
NO more credit will be given by me, and those in
debted to me, who have not made arrangements
to pay their accounts In pork or other produce, will
please call and make payment or settle by note, as I
Intend closing my book. G. E. COLE.
Corrallis, Sept. 8. 18.57. 2(itf
C3TTOX rope, for clothes lines, and
halters, at s2tf W. K. SM
and small mpe for
ill! Co s.
Wallamet University.
T'HE FACULTY during the present year will con
1 sistef
Bcv. F. S. Hoyt. A. M., President and Acting Profess
or ol Ancient Languages and Mathematics.
C. H. Hall, A. B-. Professor or Natural Science.
p't? 8S.d.r' Teachers of Common English.
Miss Buckingham, Teacher of Instrumental
The Com.eoiatb PEPAnir.T of the Wallamet Uni
versity bas been orgnnixed. Young men designing to
pursue a regular Course of Stmlv, are invited to avail
thenulvesof the advantages atl'.mlcd by this Institu
tion. All avauable resources will be mado u.-e nt to
meet the wants of Students. Efforts will bj continued
to s-ciire a suitable endowment ;and no pains will be spar
ed in obtaining competentand experienced Instructors.
1 he Collegiate year Is divided into fnrre terms, com
mencing as follows:
The tlrst term on the Sd Thursday In Septemlier.
second term on the 1st " " January.
third last " " April."
The first twj terms are Jiftern trttkt tack: the third.
tlrrrn terrts.
Vacatioxs There will be two vacations in the
year: one. in April, of rteo irrrij, and one, ia the sum
mer, or nine trcrtts.
TftTios will be at the rate of $ I per week, or $11
per annum.
Trr.MS. Tho Academic rear is dividrd into rorn
Tkiisis of 'term trtrk each.
1 he first term begins ou the last Thurstlay of August.
second term begins on the 3d " " Xovcm.
" third " " " " last " ' January.
" fourth " " " " last " " ApriL
Vacations. There will be two vacations in the year:
one in April, of fico KvrisJ and one in the summer, of
six tnrAf.
Ti itios will be paid at the beginning of each Term
in advance, at the following rates: -
in Languages, Higher Mathematics ( hem.,
Other studies of the Academic Division, . .
Common English Division,
" Primary " '
For nse of the Piano -.
" Instrumental music
$in 00
T 50
6 50
J si)
1 50
10 00
Instruction! in vocal music is given to all the
studeuts-ee of charge.
Apmissiox. Students will be admitted at any time;
and will be charged for tuition from the time they en
ter only, but their progress will bs gra.itly prom .ted
l.y entering early in the Academic year.
In cases where, from necessity, students leave before
the end of the term for which payment his been made,
a just proportion not more than three-fourths nor
than one-fourth of the tuition fee will be refunded.
Students are n.'t allowed to leave just Iwfore exunrna
tion. Patrons who are inattentive t this poir.t. innVt
great isjnry npon both the student and the Institu
tion. KoARmxc Young genwmen and ladies ran ol.tam
board at reasonable rauss with private families.
Coi rse or Sttpv. A Course of Study, has lrcn
adopted for both the Coliegiate and Preparatory le
partmer.ts, well calculated to secure ripo!iip.
mental discipline, and a preparation fur the active du
ties ot life.
A liberal Course of Study has been adopted for young
ladies who dcire to oiittin a thorough educati. n.
ti A Dipl mia will I awarded tj all who shall
complete the prescribed course.
The tiovrasMrvT will I parental but strict aim
ir.g rontsntlv at the formation of rurrect habits of
Stir-Government, ("ureful attention will 1 c (riven to
manners and moral.
ScHotAiesmrs. perpf-tnal. or fcrthe pericd of t.n
years, securing tuition at very reduced rates, can be
purchased. For furtiter particulars apply to the Presi
dent. Per order of Execntive Committee.
See. B ard of Trustees.
Salem. Dec. 10. ls.17. tltf
New Constitution for Oregon.
"IXTE beg leave to amvmncc to the public that we
are j:i't receiving a larire and wel' selected st irk
of iroods from Sn Francisco, which has been scle- ted
with mat care by Mr. Alex mdcr.whn hastee:t attend
ing that market f.r some t-me. therefore we can naicly
say to th pntilie that we can, and will sell, goods as
low at wholesale or retail
We will in exchange for goods u'.I kinds ef pro
duce. X. B. We will also pey cish for all kinds of rro-d-ice.fw:t:
Wheat. Flour. Butter. Eirg, B-tcn, Tor!:, I.: rd.
Oats. Ac. A r-.. Ac.
All who wi-h to purchase, will do we'l to call and f x
aniir.e before purchasing el-ewh re.
Our stock consist of every tbia in the line that this
market caUsf. r t vvii::
Grey. White, R -J and Bine Blankets;
(,'o..ts. Vests. Pants. Hats and Hat covers;
end. rand Over shirts. V. arid Cotton;
Everv description of White Shi its;
(, ic-ens Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery;
1! ts. Shi- coarse and fine:
3mgnns Calf. Kip and Cowhide;
Wool Plaids, Merinos. Pelains, late pattrrs
In short every kind of pie-c goods, and the BEST TEA
ever shipped to this matket.
.ALSO Cedar shingles. Timothy seed and Hops,
jfy Give us a call, and s-e f. i- yourselves. h a
C.Tlli. Oct 19. 17. 33tf
New Arrival of Jewelry, &c.
TROSEXTIIAI. informs his p-.itr--ns and g?.
. friends, that be has jifct ret irned from Ji
San Francisco with a select assortment of Jew- ,..8
elrv, Musi'-al Instruments, Cutlery, etc., and
ofrers thera for saie at his store on Front street,
3" One door btl jw Dr. Co-uubs' ofB-.e."S
Gold and Silver wat.-hes; ;old and Silver chain':
Gold bracelets: Gold ear-rings; Gold breastpins; Gold
f.nirer rings; Lockets; Gold pens and pencils; Gold
sleeve buttons; Silver and Plated ware; fancy goods
and perfumery.
Guitars. Violins, Flutes, Fifes; a large assortment of
Accordeons, Ladies' work boxes of all kinds, Gold and
Silver soectacles. Gold and Silver spoons, Cutlery,
Clock an endless variety. Ac, Ac.
3- Watches, Clocks and .lewely repaired, and all
kinds of Jewelry made to order.
3-All of my work warranted"
. ira-Don't forget "The Sign of the Bij Watch."-5
Corvaliis, Oct. U . 1 3nt f
TilE judges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
regon, assembled at the seat of Government on
the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty
seven, do fix" and appoint District Courts, to lie held m
village of ijosebnrg. in theconntyof Douglas 011 the
first Mondays, of March. May, September and N'ovem-bt-r.annualiy.
until otherwise ordered, and do limit the
duration of said terms to six days ea.-ii.
GEO. II. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice.
44tf M.P. DEADY, Associate Justice.
At i:ue:enc City
THE subscriber has at Eugene City, one of the bet
general assortment of Dry Goot's, Groceries, Hard
ware. Hoots and Shoes, and a'll articles kept in a gene
ral finding store, to he found iu Oregon. He is con
stantly receiving fresh additions to his Ktock, and al
ways keeps it up. My goods are now all received direct
from San Francisco, where 1 have a resident agent. All
kiudsof farmer's produce received in exchange for goods
1 pay higher prices for produce, and sell goods cheaper
taan any otuerstore in me lemt jry
Eugene City, July 1, 1S.5H.
Statesman Hook and Job OtCcc.
ATE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book
W printing north of California, and an extensive as.
srtment of Jobbing M atkbiai. of every kind; and, with
master workmen, are prepared toexecutcprorcly,and
in a workman-like manner, all orders in the a'u 1 de
partmeuts, snch as
Blank Checks,
JS'otksof Hasp,
Obdkr Books,
Stfambo't Bn.t.s
Stkambo't Caris,
Bii.i.s op Ladixo
Snow Bills,
Chkck Books,
Bl'b Receii-ts,
TIaix Tickkts,
BrsiNKss Cards,
Blanks op all Krvns, Ac, Ac, Ac.
The Laws of Oregon.
THE OREGON- STATUTES, 1SS5, tsing a large vol
nrne of 6."0 pages, with complete index, annota
tions, and references, comprising all the laws in force in
tiie Territory; inclusive of those passed at last session
of the legislative Assembly, are for sale at the oilire of
the Statesman, at live dobars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and
is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can
be bonpht in any State in the L'nion, and at the lowest
8 en re they can be afforded for here. The price places
them within the reach of all who desire the laws they
live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
filled by return mail. It is the code of laws that
will probably be published in Oregon, for many years.
In addition to the enactments of tiie Legislative Assem
bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1787. in
force in Oregon, Donation Law and all amendments,
and full abstract of United .suites Naturalization Laws.
Marion House, Salem.
THE undersigned announces to the public
that he bas purchased the well known
tavern stand, called the Marion House, in Sa
lem, together with the furniture and fixtures
thereof. He will keep it in first rate style, and invites
the patronage of the public. K.M. MAY.
May 23, 1867. lltf
DR. J. C CARD WELL, Dental Surgeon, Corvaliis,
in his profession, at Corvaliis, Eugene City, Win
chester, ScottslMirg, and Jacksonville. Skill, unques
tionable; charges respectable; work, warranted. Teeth
examined, and advice given free of charge.
Due notice given of change of office.
Anr;12,! 5j. 7U
The Graefenberg
V A M I L Y M K I) I C I N E S.
Thf Crnrffnbrr Company.
rnillS IXSTITL'TIOX, (Incorporated l.y the Legis
X l.ttiire of the State of New York, Capital tltW.OlMi.)
was founded for the purp..e of supplying the public
with the celebrated GllAKFEXIJEliti MEDICINES.
The series comprises remedies lor nearly every
adapted to every climate. For Families, Travellers,
Seimrn.and Miner's ti-e they are unequalled. All the
Medicines are PURELY VEGETABLE and warranted
to cure the diseases for which they are severally rcc
omtneuded. The Graefen!erg Company docs not profess to cure
all diseases with one or two mrflicines. Our sericscon
sists of ELEVEN different kinds, adapted to the vari
ous diseases iucidei.t to the temperate and tropical cli
mate. The foil m ing comprises the series of Giacfen
berg Medicines :
Are considered the stand ird Fill of tne day. and are
hiiinitely snperiur t any Pill before the public. They
operate "without irriiati 'm oil all the excreti iii ;. purg
ing tiie blood by the bowels, liver, kidney and skin.
Marshall's naa catuolicos.
An infallible remedy 1 r all diseases of the womb
and urinary organs, wi akness in the back, pain in the
breast, nervousness, debility, etc. In California and
Oregon, out of more than a thousand cases where this
medicine has been nsc.l, it has in no sirigU- In-t nice
failed to give permanent relief or li ctlctt a certain
TiiaoittsvKNcrRii s.tns.irAr.!!.LA,
A powerful extract. One Iv ttle equal to ten of the
ordinary Sarsap:iri!!.i for pnrilying the I lood. A sure
cure lor . scrofula, rh "u:a it-snt. uleers, dyspepsia, salt
rheum, mercurial dirases, cntaiieJus cniptious, Ac.
Invaluable fr Imrns. wounds, sprains, chilblains,
sores, swellings, scrofula, etc As a Pain Extractor,
it cannot be excelled. a!frding immediate relief from
the most exeratiatiiig pains.
This extr.icrdiuary article Is a pee 1 y and infallible
reineilv in Iiarrinr-.i". Dvsentcry. Cholera M rlus, l h"l
era infantum nad the Asiatic Chid -ra. if taken with tiie
ti:-st symptoms rf the disease. It is purely vegetable
in its compound.
csArtEvnrKr; riiiLi-RKvs" panacea,
ForsnmmerComplalnt. end trn-t diseases to which
chiMren are subject. Its true wotth can never It set
forth in words, but it cat: be felt and npi reciat.-d by
p irrnts whr-e ch.!;l:en h ive l eea sutved. No Mother
should be i:h !.t it.
Tiir. r.:!A!:r::sri:Kil rtt.f: ByMtrrv.
Warranted a rertnin cure for this j.ainfnl d":ea-'c.
tl ilh the tint:ne::t there are very few cass wliich ran
n. t be'-ur.r nnd j -rmnently cored. A
oMr-ition f"r l-les or Fi tult should never be roorted
to tint t this li:itmeut In. been ta irurihly tried. It
never failv.
citAErrvarn-s eve lotion.
For diseases r f the eye this 1.. tirn has no eqnsl. It
is a siKdv and ps:tive i-oie fir ir.tlaTn:nnti.n ef tiie
eyes, weakness. ,jni:ic-s and failing of sivrit. It w ll
alwavs be be:.;ti -In I m a ' inflammation of 'he eyes.
arid also as a a i-h en inflamed surfaces.
A and ns.iye rure for thlt di-tre-sintr com
plaint. 1 1:1- Fills ar- .r n-iposed principally f J il-
nine. a itu 1 Itivr eg. lal le toni'-s. a:it:-rpasmou:c ani
febrifuge artVlvs. Thousands have been peniuueutly
cured by their nse.
csAtrcscm: coM-i-MrrivK's balm.
Stivereign in all Brouchial aud Pulmonary IM'easts.
It U. lieyoud all question, trie that I "n-iiir-t.'n.n is a
curable di-ea -e, and the Consumptive's B: l:a is the le-t
curative ever a ti.
These R it ter are skilfully and el-gantly ire;irred
Trim a n'im's.-r ;l nvi s inttiair neaiiny, i.irK
heris and viiiesu - An iuval ia: I; t mic and htal'.h re
st n r.
caAEi Err.rjr.o a.-.s-r At of nitALTtt.
JL !. -wtt el y,l vlnmr of aim papra, rontsln
1112 concise and extremtlv Plain decrii,li"i:s nf all
manner of diseases, their symj t ms and treatment.
tvery frti.ii'y s!inul-l have one. Pri-.e only 2o cents.
It mill be pe'nt, p-ist paid, to any pist oP.i e in Califor
nia or Oregon, ou th? receipt of 2 cents by mail ortx
pres. Address Re i rgt in A Co., S.iri rratirtfco.
The Grief enN n M.-di"int-s are f.-rsjle by all Drug
gists and AH-thec:i! ie-s ihronrzhout the country.
General A'--:r.ts for Califcmii and Oregon
l!ED!N'5TON" A Qo..
Win lesale Drugcits.
No. lur Clay strett.
Smith A Davis Agent -, R utland.
San Francisco, Dec. !2, -1. Cmll
Tlte Ore pon Statesman.
Art Independent Jtnrma, tlrrotrd to PtJitici ,tjrnrt at
litttlUgrn.-e, 4-c, I'ubli&lttd at fialrm, Oi
AAHEL RUSH. Proprietor. Publisher, and Editor.
The Statesman 1 Dem.wTatie. in politics, and thor
oughly National in its character. It is hostile to every
species of sectionalism, fanaticism, and iutlranee;
and will vigonwisly r.ppose ail attempts to incorporate
jny of the iusiae ls-.iis of the day iuto our Territorial
It m ill advocate all practical measures of Reform
and Progress, economical and simple administration of
our l'cal government ; l.iitlifuluess, integrity, and ra
pacity in ofti- e, and a system of rigid aud direct ac
countability of the officer to the people. It will dis
cuss all measures agitating the public mind, iu a man
ner fearless, tmpartinl. and yi't.
Its News Dei.srtment will be edited with mncb
attention, and nothing will be spared to fumi.-h early,
acenrate, and compreiien.ive publication cl lue cur
rent intelliarence.
The Statesman has a large, m idely-scattered.and most
excellent cors of correspondents, and very complete
acuities tor procuring news.
Due attention is also paid to the publication of Miscel
lany. Aori and Literary mutter.
In this paper are publi-hed the laws, resolutions, and
treaties ot the t inted States, and the laws and resolu
tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. The
paper is printed on new material, and upon a stieet ol
the larirest size.
The coming year will be the most important in Ore
gon's history. A State is to lie inaumiratcd. through
warm contests, ami the machinations. f
faction, disaffection, abolitionism, and every hue of
opposition; to overthrow the Old Democracy. Every
citizen ot Oico.n should 00 luoronglily lutonned ot
passiuir events, if he desires to discharge his duty to
the State and the country, intelligently and uprightly.
The Statesman will be an active participant in trans-
ring political events, and will Im 111 -n a laitliliil rec
ord of t'.ie lii-t. 1 v of parties and politics.
As a vehicle of Oregon News, tiie Statesman enjoys
facilities mat none 01 its coieniporarics i .
Iekms Three dollars per year, strictly in advance;
four dollars, if paid mithin six months, but not in ad
vance: tive dollars, if not paid mithin six months.
These terms m e must adhere to in all cases. Persons
sending us money by mail, or otherwise, will please
conform to these terms, adapting the a.-iuvttnf to the
time of payment.
The low price at which the paper is afforded places
it mithin the reach or all.
Boot and Shoe Store.
- o t - -i -1 t , -. " xv t 1- m n r 1.1
to the citizens of Salem, and the surround- fgri
ing country, that he have taken a store on tho EaJ
east side of Commerciiil street, north of the postoffice.
where he mnll Seen constantly ou hand a lull assort
ment of very kind of b'HHs and sh.ies. ImHi crstom and
sale work, m hich he will sell at the lowest living pri
ces. Being a piactical workman, nil orders for the
manufacture or repair of wcuk will be complied with,
and tiie work done iu a substantial mid workmanlike
piumicr. Give me a call and examine inv stock.
Salem, March 12,1857. 13 tf
Haliory and Confectionery.
rrHK undersigned m-i!d announce to the public that
X they hive established themselves in the baking rind
couiectionerv nnsiness airsnicm, on commercial street
second door north of the Union House. A thorough
experience at the hakingbnsinessthcytrnst will enable
them to give satisfaction to t'ueir customers. All orders
promptly filled.
Groceries and Fruits, will also be kept constantly on
hand. AlcUlNM A BiHXE.
April 9. 1S57. fitf
School Hooks.
JUST received, a complete assortment of Sanders'
School B-Kiks, together with a large lot of Thomp
son s prac tical Arithme tics, all ot which will be sold
cheap, at the City Book Store.
Oregon City, Jan. 1S58. 4Gtf
For Sale.
THOMPSON'S Arithmetical Tables;
" Mental Arithmetics,
" Practiesl "
" High School Arithmetics.
Oregon City, Feb., 1S5S. -4Stf
THE best black tea you ever saw, at 1
mi W. K. SMITH A Co's.
I). William Deulliit.
Will practice In the Supreme aud DL-trlct Courts
of this State.
j- Orflce over Starr's Tin Store. Front street ,-S
K ffl'mtland, Uitgon.
S. II. Cranor,
Albany. O.T. Feb.. IS.1S. tf
Dr. S. H. Unckles,
Salem, November 9, 1"j7.
William C. Uriswold & Co.,
Uledical Notice.
HIE subscriber, would inform the inhabitants that he
is at bis old htand, ready to attend to ull calls in
s profession : also he has on hand a well selected
u-k- ir Kclectic ennrentrated Medicines, with a well
a .xried supply of Syringes, all of miiich lie will dispose
of mi reasonable term". - W. WARKEN.
Salem December 2, l'il.
Mrdicul Not iff.
R. . SHAW, late 01 nan r rancisco, t.a!iiornia,
I J offers his professional services to the citizens fo
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits s share fo
public favor.
1 UK e Bl lieea miu rciiu.a un.y
S. Ellswortli,
nP. Supreme and other courts, omce r.ugene
. 1 'it- t'ountv. Oresron Territory. Also
Cpmniissionerof Deeds for New York, Connecticut, Ac.
August ;!. lsi.ifi.
A. I. Thaytr,
A in Corrallis. Benton Co.. O. T., opposite to the
City Hotel in said town. 21'tf
AV. W. Pase.
lem. O. T., O.lL-e, tlrst door south of the States
man OSice, up stairs. Sl'tf
Farrar & Siout,
JA. Chancery and Admiralty.
ar Office on Front street, one door north of the
Portland. O. T.. July SO, lo7. ? itf
I. S. Smith.
C Y Solicitors in Chancery, Corvaliis O. T
I. -. smith.
W. MitrhtH,
1 . gene City, Lane Couuty, O. T.
Sun Franriwo Idrrrtisinsisrnrr
rP. FISH FR. ira building, opp.i-ite Pa-iilc Express
J Oftiee. upstairs. Fih-s of all tiie principal Paers of
California and Oregon mar I found nt this office. Mr.
Ft-her is the authorized Agent f or tiie Statesman.
Chfstrr S. Tfrry,
of leeds. and to take testimony, ac
knowledgments. Ac.. Ac. for I-.wa. Indians. Missouri
Michigan. Califnnila nnd Washington Territory. Let
tersof Attorney, and al! other instruments of writin.g.
dramn on short noty-e.
a. Particular attention paid to taking depositions,
colie. Hons uf rotes. Accxints. &c, c-ii
Ilrnlin? Jfc Grovrr,
I S.l!cit'i-s in l lianrrery. irtue near tue Loun-a se
sah-m. O.T.
Cro. I. Miril.
S :!k-itr in Ciiancery. m ill prai-ti -e in the v -irious
courts of Oregon
Salem. O. T
Iieiazon Smith,
X Solicitor in I han-ery. will promptly attend tt all
i.'iiness iwrt;iiiiing to his profession i'l tiie first Judicial
District, and Isf .re the Supreme Couit of Oregon.
OiK'-e. APflnr. Llnu County. O. T.
N. It. When re t at his "i-lUce. or elsent on pr'res.
sional business, he may !e found at his residence, tive
miles siaith-ea-t "of Al'iany, on what is known as the
" Uraud 1 raine.
W. S. Brock,
J !. .r . 1 bancerr. wi'l pnntice in the various
courts iiinliis Territory, and promptly nttend to tlir
l. t... r all Ikmx Ma&a the Called stuts. thr'.neh
an e:Ti.-icnt a-.Tiit residing at Washington .City. Oih-.e
in Eag.-ne City, Lane County, O. T.
It. i:. St rat ton,
VTTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in the various
courts ef southern Oregon, and ia the Supreme
t oir.t of the Territory.
.Office in Scott-burgh. Umrnua com tv. O. T.
N. B. Bounty I-and Warrants obtained lor claimants
on reasonable terms. 2Jtf
eT. BAIl.MM. i. O. WILSON.
Itanium &, AVilson.
lem. Oregon. Particular attention is given to the
collection of notes aud accounts, and cairns against
Bounty I.aud Warrants bought and sold.
3" Oill re over Starkey's Store.'
11. V. lionliam.
X. Kce nt the Court House, talem, O. t. W
k. B. llallock,
. t-t't x-i Ki-n nrn pimiti ivn rv T
ISI I1I11A 1 .-.sw i.v.i-...., ............. - -
Designs, plans, specilicatims, Ac., furnished on
reasonable term".
Campbell & Trait.
4 TTORXEY-s it law. San Francisco. California
jTJl. ofllAs. corner M ntg.uery and Sacreraeuto streets,
over Tarrott ft Cs. Bank.
Messrs. Campliell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, nnd will be nleased to attend to all business
entrusted to their care. 3 ltf
Alexander Campbell. O. C. Pratt.
S. Hamilton, 31. I).,
TVIYSICIAN AXD SUROEON. would resiiectfullv
.1 announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad
joining counties, that he has located permanently nt
Deer Creek for the purpose of practicing medicine, and
in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all
duties, and spare uo pains to. render the patient easy
and comfortable.
Office opposite R. II. Dearborn A Co.'s store, on
Main sheet.
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at loto ctth pri
ce: 4'itf
II. 31. D11 Ulle.
EALER in Oregon Produce. Office at W. C.Gris-
wold ,t Co.'s store, Salem.
Salem. Julv I, ls.ii. l"tf
Corinthian Lodge
OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold
their regular communications ou the Thursday
night before the full of the moon of each mouth, ex
cent when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that
night in Albany, O.T.
Brethren iu good standing are cordially invited to at
SrniMiKn, Sec'y. ' ,17tf
D EFT'S, mortgages, pomersof attorney for sale of
scrip, tax receipts, Unal proofs, and notifications
a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman
July 27, 1S57. 20tf
Look. Here!
have Inst received SS.OOO lbs. of ground alum
bait, which we arc selling at f:1.0il per hundred.
tiltlSWOLIl & CO.
TAXI ED ill exchange for rash or merchandise, 100
V bushels of good upples, to he delivered by the
10th of August highest price paid. O. E. COLE.
WANTED in exchange for merchandise or on ac
count 10,000 lbs. good butter, for m hich I will
pay the market price. G. E. COLE.
Dickinson Type Foundry.
PHELPS A D ALTON. Boston. L.P. Fisher, Agent,
San FraucUco. Orders solicited for type, leads,
rule, Ac.
August 25,1357. ' 24tf
Orlsaiin IVureliniiM-.
.RLEANS Ware House, opposite Corvaliis, for rent
ion . .0 .- . hi oiiui,.
"1 TAC1CEREL and codQsh, r.t
W. K. SMITU A Cs's.
.VR0LINA rice, nnd syrup to sweeten it in i gallon
kegs, at 42tf W. K. SMITH A Co's.
SALT, sal soda, aud sassafras, at
(42tf) VT. K. SMITH A Co's..
CHICKENS 10,000 wanted, for which the highest
market price m ill be paid. Enquire at
ltf G. E. COLE'S, Corvaliis.
Oregon Statutes.
BOUND volnme for sale at John Fleming's, Oregon
City, and A. R. Shipley's, Portlaud. Price, $5 00.
Also laws of last session tl 00.
Dec. 17, IS4 7. 41tf
. AT . .
The City Book-Store,
avc li 5tore, and will be rcceiviug by the 1st of June
-3t iJ3 CJ 9 CD P CD
Which they oCTcr to the
At small advances on New York prices,
ye us a call, or send as an order, aud we are
bound to givfi you satisfaction !
Y. 1-. !5lIIej o. s.?
Are the Sols Aoents in Oregou and Washington Ter
rllirios fur the sale of
The American Statesman,
A GREAT BOOK!! Being the only political hi.-tory
of the United States.
Send its vour names. Price tl 00 : Payable on de
livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st of hCpteiulicr
to all who scad us tncir naiura
Catalogue of Tart of our Stock :
h,n,ci Sanders' old l-d, 2d,' 3d, 4th, aud 5th,
nd The Young Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st, 2d, 3d,
4th and 5th: Parkers' 1st, 2d. Jd, 4tn ana atn; ilc
Guffev's 1st, 2.1, 3d. 4th and 5th.
Si-ELi-Eas. Sauders- o;u, auucrs .leu, tiemtn-
tary! . . , .
Pkimkhs. Sanders' Pictorial, scnooi ana i-arncr s.
UKoaBAfntes. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, Ol-
. .. ,. ... .. tr.....i.l.. 1.-. .....I
nev s. Morses, atc.aiiey, auu jiuukuus ouu
.l lbv,k.
M iTiiEMiTics. Arithmetics Thomson's. Tables,
Mental, Analysis, Practical, and Higher; Davies Pri
mary. Intellectual, Schol aud University; Smith's
Colhurn's Riy's Stoddard s; Davies Algebra. Sur
veying, Geometry, Practical Matncmaiics, Mam. LMc
th.uarv. Logic or Mathematics, Aualytical Gwraetry,
and pliilos-iphv of Mathematics.
Grammars. Grecu s Clarke s Bullion s bmi:n s
KirkamV Spencer s Towers.
Philosophies. Parser s 1st Lesson, Juvenile ana
School; CoinstocK s i-mnn s.
Histobh;. Wilsons javemie, ana cuiura r-iates;
Parley's Universal; illard s tmrersal, ana Lnitea
States. . ... . .
LasoranKs. Coopers irgu: ionrew una iwa-
det- Viri Rotnar: Andrews Latin (irimmar: jicvnn
, it nnd 4,1 B-K.k ia Latin, and do. iu Greek; An-
!.,.'. i!nb Grammar and Header; Johnson's Cicero.
F isonel'.c's French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's
German Grammar and Header, Telemarpie. Greek Tes
tament; r rencll. SClI-tauglli; aimruircaricuvu f.v-
tionsw; Andrews litin do. uiaueu x scon s ureci;
do, Atithon s Classical do, smun s uo u .
DiiTiosABiKS. Webster's School, High do. Aca
demic, University, R"yal tvo, Unabridsed and Cobbs'
Po.kFt. . , .
Miscr-LLKEOi'S Matt!n s Astronomy. Newrrfan s
Rhetoric. Wood's Botany. Kame's Elements of Crit
icism. Parker s Aids m l ompnsiii'-'n. rirh- r.n
rise. Brookrield's Composition. McElligotts T'rang
i ,1.,. Analytical Manual. 1 -arscr s nor'i
BuiiJer. Mayhew s lf-.k Keeping. Wjy'.and s 5!rtl
J -ience. Palev's Natural Iheol 'gy- BUke s Agn.-ul
f 5eh.Tols. I'nham's Inteik-ct ial Philosophy.
Mahau's do. do. Milton; Young: Pollock: nnd Thomp-
n: (Edition for Schools) cutters Anatomy ant
1'hr.i.J.iPT. Amrrican Iriter. Newman's Political
tvnnmv- Hit.-hcock's tJcligv. Great variety of
.M.,.keri nnd Klorution. All kinds of School Stati.
erv: Slates of all size; Drawing Books: Drawing
l,.i-r- IVrfcrat.-d Card B ard; Bristol Board; Pen-!l
n.l Hruhes: Osbrt-n's Colors; Inkstands, every size
and style, Ac. Ac. Ao.
H:rot:r llaucnft's United States, fi vr.!nmes.
HiMn-th's do. do. 6 volumes. Er"t's Pictorial United
States. Tavlor's do, d . do. Btts'3 Hist. Revobiti iri.
P.-tersion's do. Wilson's United States. Wizard's d'
H!-t. Indian Wars United States. Wilbtrd's Universal
llist'.rr. Jlulk-r s do do, ItttecK s Hist. Yi orld I or
I volumes'- K.ilUu's Ancient History. Fair's do, do.
!! ini"'s Enclandl M icaulav s d"., complete. Dickens
Child's do. Lingard's do. Gihtom's Rome. D'Au-
bi-rne's Ref maticn. June s 31. 1- I h'iren. AUisoas
Erirooe. 1st and 2d Series. Prescotf Works. Brrdt-r's
Itist. cd Reiiiri rw. Hist, of Council of Trent. .?
Tiims. All of Abbott's Hitrses. Historical Cal'iriet
,'i-nM-ns of Soiin. O ieensot S-Mtl ind. Help's Sani
Cnn-iestj. 'Bra-e's Hungary. Kidder's Brazil. Eu-
i..,ik' Parley's L'uivea!. Histitx vt Cm
sides. Ancient Krvptiatts. Hallam's Middle Aces.
HisturT fir Bi.vs. Boater's Child's United States.
I hint's Field ltook of Revolution.
Bi..)-ii:riiT.'s Lives. Lire Brant. Won
J -rful Cliaractrrs. Great and Celebrated Characters.
I.iiest of the Siirr:er3. Aut jbicraphy of Finiev. La-
marline's Celebrated Characters. Lileof Adam C!:irke.
J Bish..n He.ldiug. d j Niebuhr. do ties. Harrisoa
li Daniel Boone, do R.lierts. dj Lafayet'e. C;it
tains of R.maa Republic and Old World. Dr. Chal
mers. 4 v!s. Lives ot HuiWHiMts. Mrs. Ifogers.
Mozurt. We!ey. Fletcher. Life nad Times of I !;iy
lrring's Wahlngton. Eminent Mechanics. Lives n
Ciiief Justices- Jicphiue- N:ior.lecii. Clmries Larrit
Jackson. Gen. Green. Joan of Arr. Idv Jane Grev.
J. Q. Adtms. Julienne- Daniel Webster: Kin.irs n
H-.nie. Kines and o-jetns. I.iehnitz. Lives if th
i'oi-es. Pre-cott's Philip 2d. M..ry and Martha Wa-b
j,.-,,,. Pioneer omen or ttie est
tmvKM. Hack's China- Arauoaiu&n- r-.t.-.iir r.
KTi t. t!ras TnlfrH, Monxo l'aric. ?Vil N
AdveiitHre on Mosquito Shore. B-ivard Tal..r's Trav
els. Durbin's Travels ia the Ka-t.
ScinNTivic Brande's Euevc! jiedia. Phvsi -al Ge.
rauhv of the Sea. WoodV Natural Hist-.rv. lirdrier's
Lectiires. Useful Art'. Cosmos, ilathematical I'i
tionarv. Logic of Mathematics. Wonders of Sc ience.
Mitcheil's Planetarv and Stellar Worlds. I--v3mis' Re
cent Pn'irress of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary o
Arts and Science. Eubank's Hydraulics, l'ick's works.
Various works on Architecture.
Poetbt. Bvtub various styles. Shakes;eare, d
Milton, do. Burns, do. Hein.tns, do. Moore, do,
Thompson. Young. Pollock. Tup!er. Cowper. Pope.
Campbell. Wadswurth. tsian. Montgomery. Kirk
lute, t emaie runs 01 r.:igia:iu. uu. u.. emeries
and many others.
Books of Heference Cyclopedia of Geography,
do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts.
McColloch's Gazetteer. Harper's Uuiversal Gazettcex-
Fr.riT and AoRicri.TiKAL. Elliot's Fruit Book.
Thomas do. Downing's iio. Barry's do. Fessenden's
Farmer and Gardener. Fniit. Flower and Vegetable
Gardener's Companion. Allen on the. Grape. Pardee
on Strawlierrv. Florist's Guide. American Farm Book.
Allan's Domestic Animals. All of Saxton's Hand Books.
Wojks on Horse, Cattle. Sheep, Hogs., Ac.
Tueolooical V RELioiors. Harmony and Exposi
ti.m of G-isueU. Neander's Life of Christ. Butler's
Works. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth
odism. Morris' Miscc!lie. lectures on Romanism.
Brand of Dominic Rule. Eilioton Romanism. Barnes"
Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's
Exercises. Watson's Institutes.- Larrabee's Evidences.
Butler's Ethical Discourse. Rogers' Eelipe of Earth,
do. Reason and Faith. Foster's Christ. Perfection.
Baker on Discipline. Writings of Arniiuius. Jahn's
Biblical Arctueology. Bibles, all sires and prices, from
$1 tu $20. Testaments, great variety. Methodist
Hymns. Christian Hymn Books. Church Psalmist.
Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies- Christian
Medical. Buehsn's Family Physician. Hydro
pathic do. Hom.epathic Works.
Misi-EbtAsBOt's. Constitutions of United States.
Mnvhew's Popular Education. Crabbe's Synonyms.
Piatt's Book of Curiosities. Odd Fellows Manual
Headlrv's Works. 14 vols. Mrs. Tuthill's, 6 vols. Lay
ard's N ineveh. Bigeiow's Useful Arts, llaswcll's E11-
gineer's Guide. .American Institutions. Pursuit of
Knowledge. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antiouities.
Way Down East. Pynshnrt. Ike Marvel's Works.
Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles
in EnuhMid. Tales and Reveries, an excellent Temper
ance Book. Alouev Maker. Escaped Nun. News
Boy. Dick Wilson. "Mrs. Jlale's New Cook Book. Mil
lers Old Bed Sandstone, do. 1 ootpnnts of Creator.
Young Ladies' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y . Men. Constitu
tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri
can Housewife. Half Hours with Old Humphrey.
Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's
Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. " Uncle Sam's Kara
Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tsls. Mrs.
Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car
leu's Works. Heroines of History. Land and Sea.
Deck and Part. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving's.
Columbus. Ixuig Look Ahead. City of New Y'ork
Living Orators of America. Young Man Advised. Mis
sions iu Tonga and Vegee. Truth stranger Than Fic
tion. Knout and the Russians. Hydropathic Cook
Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Book for Young Men
do. Tdo. Laities. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Boys.
Kootpripts of Famous men. Charlotte Eu'zabctk's
Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant boy philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Francouia.
And a number of others too numerous to enumerate.
Constantly receiving large additions to the foregoing.
Stationery. Foolscap Paper great variety. Let
ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel
opes all styles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders
great variety. Iilank Booka all sizes and styles.
Memorandums, Diaries. Pass Books, Time Books.
Paper Cutters. Do Folders. Shippiug Receipt Books.
Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa
per good variety. Wafers, Scaling Wax, Ac., &c.
Finally, we have a good variety of
Mrsio Books New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Melodian. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc
tors. Guitar do. Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do,
Melodeou do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet
And the most aricd assortment of Stationery ever
ffered in Oregon.
This stock is all bonght in New Y'ork and other
Eastern cities and is sold at
7 We keep on band School Books in large quali
ties, together with most of the publications of
Harper ft Brothers;
Derby X Jackson;
Ivison ft Phinney;
Phillips ft Samson;
A.S.Barnes Co.;
Miller, Orton ft Mulligan;
Leary ftGetz;
Appleton; and others.
m wa nsk vour oatronage. If nnabl 1 to visit ns
aid examine our stock, your order will be attended to
on the same terms as if yon bought in. person.
Portland, March 20,1857. 2tf
'All of the abovo works may be had W. Kenvon A.
Co.'s City Book Store, Salem.".
, V X - -l
1 PRIVATE medical and surgical institute, Sacramento
Ktreet, below Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail
Steamship Co's office, San Francisco, California. Es
tablished in 1S54, for the permanent enre of al! Private
and Chronic Dieacs.and the suppression of Ojiarkery.
Attending and Resident Physician L: J. CZAPKAi,
M. V., late in the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief
Physician to the 2(ith Regiment of Honveds, chief Sur
geon to the Military Hospital of Pestu. and late Lec-
tureron Diseases of women ana children.
his sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their
patronage. and would take this opportunity to remind
tnem mat ne continues at nis institute for tue
cure of Chronic diseases r f the Lungs. Livers, Ki.lneys.di
gestive and genitive organs, and all private diseases,
viz : Syphilitic r.lcers, gonorrbrea, gleet, strictures,
seminal weakness and all the horrid consequences of
self abuse, and he hoes that his long experience and
6ucces.-!ul practice ot many years, will continue
to ensure him a share of public patronage
Bt the practice of many years in Europe and
th'e United States, and during the Hungarian war and
campaigns, he is enabled to apply the mo.t eflicient
and successful remedies against diseases of all kinds.
He uses no mercury charges moderate treats his pa
tients in a correct and honorable wav Has references
of nn'piestionable veracity from men of known respect
ability and nign standing in society, ah parties con
sulting him, by letter or otherwise, will receive the
be.-,t and gentlest treatment, and implicit secresy.
To tiis Ladies of Oke.jos and California L. J
Cz.ifKAr, M. D..Phy-ician Surgeon and Accoucheur .in
vites the attention of the sick and afflicted females la
boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the
brain, lung, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid-
nevs, ana ail uiea--es nc-tinar to tneir sex.
ail diea-'es pc-uliar to their sex.
ling more permanent cure--- than
in Oregon or California. Let no i
The Doc-
tor is efi'ectin
any other
nh vsician
alse delicacy
prevent von. out. appiy imineuia.c
aul suve yourself
tr.un painful sr.fieriug and premauire death. All mar-
do not allow to have an increa in their families should
write or call at Dr. I- J. Czapkay's Medical In-titute,
Sairramento St.. bebjw llontgomery, opp.te P. M. S.
Co s o.'tice Ana tuey win reeeiye every possifie renei ana
help. The Doctor's Offices are so arranged that he can
be consulted without molestation. 12m3
-Al consultations I by letter er otherwise.) free.
Address to DR. L. J. CZAPKAY,
. Medical In-titute. San Franci.-o, Cal
iV LIEF Below we iiubiish the certificates rf two
of the sufferers from the pungs of disease, who having
recovered their former beaita, and isineiled by grat.
ttide, make knowa tiieirCiis.s and rerntviiiil asrent. and
their .statements "re authenticated bv a Notary Pub
The demand-! -. rn :iety irui'erion-lv command tneir
publicity, a-.d we coraiuend their perusal li the atten
tion of ail ataicted :
The undersigned, doirjus of e-'juaiiitirig t'joe who
may fce unturtunate enonph to Le smnarly aSnctcd
where a permanent relief of their sritierir;? may I
obtained, feels it his duty ti thus publicly exr.res
his most sincere gratitude to Ir. L. J. Czapkay. f.T the
dermanent recovery fri tiis. nenltij. d-twii ty tn
distressing svnipt .rjp incident to the virions practice 1-
nncnr.trolia'd.e passion iayoath ; depressed in bodrarrd
iiiuM ; unable t!orat eveu tne most tnsing da-
imnnsed upon the daily avocations of fife, I sought tiie
advice of many physicians, who t first rerrarded inv
dieiise as of tririinir importance but sU : altera few
weeks, arid in seren-1 instances months. 01 their treat
ment. I found t;-s n;y unutterable horrfr, that instead of
relief, the srmpt!n Ireeame more alarming ia their
t jrture and being-, td I !,r cne thai civ Ussease, treing
priocipaRy ciaSired to the brain, medicine would be cf
l.ttle consequence. 1 despaired of ever regnining rev
heaitii. sTrtncth ?.rrd energy : and, 3 a resoit. and
v. :t!i but a fair.t u-ipe, ceiled upon Ir. Czrtpkay. vrh-
aiter exannr.irg n;v ca-r. l-re-cm-; some mwir-ce
whi. h aloiTst instantly reiTtd rue rf the d ill p
and dir::ce--3 it try head. Eacoaraged by tais
I rcs-'Ived t- riee mr-eif irnmed-ater.- under bis care.
and by a strict otedieuce to .iiretions and
rnv bc-ad tcame clear, mv idras ccLc-i-ted, the corrs-
paia iu my l a- k and trains, the weaksesef my 1-cvs.
the rervi.ns reatti'ra or my waoie ts.-c?r ca the s::gi:'
est a'arrn or ex-iierns-nt: the misanthropy and ev
foreb -idiriL--; the self distrist and want cf cni-gi -no
in otuevs; i:,ir incapacity to Stacy, snd want tri res-Mu-tiiin;
t 1 - frightful, excitine, and et tinres pteasuraHe
areara at nigtt. I-uijr.-eii ov mvcrlautarv aisrlsan
h:e ail di-sai.peared: and in fact, in two months after
having consulted the D ' -t :r, I felt as if inspired by
a new -tnat lire wriicn. rcrt a stirt tuiie aro, 1 con
terri-.l ited t rend with my own baud.
YVirh a view to gnord tire unfortunate frc-m fall'n.
into the s-2res of i-icoinpc-tet;t nrracks. I deem it ru to i ffer this te-tiirMiry t the merit ard sk:!I 01
Dr. Ci-ipkay. and re-"mmend hitn to ail who may st
i.i i..-e.i .f si.; I--.1: ivis e. V-eirrt rs--;rcd by Try.
Mprnce, 'it -e under L :.. care, radfcsl ol
ricrmiiient care wilt i.-e eeected.
S ate of California. Con-.ty of San Frauciseo. Sub-ss.-riled
and sworn to he'.re riie. this 17sh dav of April,
A.D.l-ij. (Sidled)
Notary Fabiij.
Prompted by an horrest desire of my heart. I wish to
l-iy bef ue the public a case which deserves a high cosn
mend ttion, not only as an act of scientific: skill, but
that of humanly, aiso. Alout two years agj. 1 sud
denly and (rom causes unknown to tae, was seized with
a fit of F.FiLEPsr. which, owing to niv inability to meet
the expenses consequent upon a thoroagh medical treat
ment, and the discourag'emeiit which I met with on
attempting it. son became such (as I was then led to
lelieve.) as to defy the skill of any physician. I was
frequently, while in pursuit of my calling, thrown dowu
to the ground withont the slightest warning, and al
though iuensii!e to the ag' Dies.yet I despised the mis
ery of my existence. While in this state, and h.ving
previous to ray afBotion tasted the sweets of life, I once
m-re was indni'ed to attempt seeking aid of a physician,
and, by recommead.itim. called upon Dr. L. J. Czap
kay. i told him mv circumstances, and my inability
t j reward him for Lis services regardless of which,
however, he at once undertook my case. ari,i with the
blessing of God, I was once more restored to perfect
health. Unable to reward him for the boon which I
enjoy at present, and yet concioas of my indebted
ness. I consider it due to'myself and to all afBicted. to
make the case public, in order that those in need of
medical advice may find a physician in wh-jm every
confidence can be placed.
State of California. ) s.
County of San Francisco, f "s
Suliscribed and sworn to before me this first d ;y of
August, A. D, 1S56. Gilsekt A. Grant. "
Notary Public, l. s.
SPERMATOERHiEA.or IocaI Wei'.kness.iieryoiis de-biiirs-,
low spirits, lassiaide. weakness of the limbs
and back, indisposition and incapacity for labor and
study, dullness of apppetite, loss of memory, aversion to
society, love of solitude, timidity, self-distriist. dizziness,
headache, pains in the side, a Section of the eves, pim
ples on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man. are
eared without fail by the justly celebrated physician and
surgeon, L. J. Czapkay. His method of curing diseases
is new (unknown to others) snd hence the crest suc
cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free.
Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D-.
San Francisco. Cal.
Tiie Greatest Disrorfry of the Age.
CI REAT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent but Potent!
T llt-CZAPKAY'S Pbophilacticim. (self-disinfecting
agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrheeal
aud Syphilitic diseases, and a ceitain and -unsurpassed
remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous
and cancerous ulcers, fo?ted discharges from vagina,
uterus and urethra, aud all cutauous eruptions and dis
eases, as innociiiation is preventive apunst small pox,
so is Dr. Czapkay 's Prophylacticnm a preventiveagainst
Syphilitic and Gonorrhoea! diseases. Harmless in it-
or nil diseases. Let no young man who appreciates
health be without Dr. Czapkay 's Prophvlacticum. It
is in very convenient packages, and will be found con
ven.cnt for use, being used as a s-.ap. Price, For
sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay s Private Medical and Surgi
cal Institute, Sacramento St.. below Montgomery oppo
site P. M. Co's. office, San Francisco.
All letters must be addressed to L- J. Czankay, M D
San Francisco. '
DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical
lustitnte, Sacramento St.. below Montgomery oppo
site Pacific Maiil Steamship Co.'s Office. San Francisco.
The Doctor offers free consultation, and a-sks no remu
neration unless he effects a cure. Office hours from
9 A.M. to 9 p.M. m
I, the nndersigned. Governor of Hungary, do testify
hereby .that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has served during thecou
test for Hungarian lilwrty, as Chief Sureeon in the Hun
garian army, with faithful perseverance whereof I have
given him this certificate, and do recommend him to
the sympathy, attention and protection of all those
who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice
and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS '
, ,. , Governor of Hungary.
Washington City, Jan. 6, 18o2.
3- Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond
ing, please enclose 10 in their letters, and they will
get immediate attention to their cases.
San Francisco, Cal.
April, 1S58
W"VTED in e-cnan.'-e for cash or merchandise
20.000 lbs. of hinn r.- ,,;... t jn i :
highest price. G. E. COf.F
VAX receipt blanks for sale at the Statesman office
at $1 per hundred. "
LADIES' cloaks. Iateststyle, for sale chean at
H2tf W. K. SMITH & Co's.
Paints, Oils,
W'E would call the attention of Dealers to our large
end well selected stock of
Consisting in rart, of
WHI1L I fcAU Jewett's, Atlantic, Forest River and
tngnsn pure, ground m oil, in kegs and tins;
Assorted brands. d0. j0-. .
INSEED Oil- Boiled and Pjw in hblsand rxses:
NEATSFOOT OIL In cases and bbls;
ALCOHOL In eases and bbls, S5pc.;
WINDOW-GLASS 50ft boxes,ass?rtedsire8nd good
qnality, aoume ana biufrie, uiick; also Plate Glass;
VARNISH English and American, coach ft furniture;
BRUSHES A large assortment of every kind, of the,
best manufacturers:
GOLD LEAF Extra and double deep, manufactured
expressly to our own order for this market;
ILVER LEAF AND BRONZE of the bestqoalrtv:
COLORS Ticmann's, Lewis'. Arc- dry, and ground in
oil and packed in assorted cases;
GLUE Eastern and California make, in bulk;
VERMILION, Chinese, American, English:
ARTISTS MATERIALS A well selected assortment.
Also Chalk. Whiting, Putty, Ac, ftc, 4c.
We have alio, constantly on hand CAMPHESE,
fresh dixlUUd. in tins.
BURNING OILS- -Refined and bleached, Sperm, Lard,'
Polar, China, pore, in barreLs and cases:
BURNING FLUID Fresh distilled;
MACHINE OIL Excellent quality in bbls and bbls.
CAMtltUJi, WHiiritK CO.
103, Front St., San FrancUco, Vat a.
March, 153. 3mS2
San Frantiseo kixtrXmb Jwnff.
LP.FISHERi il " asbmgton ht.,nca.-Iy opposite
. Macgnire's Opera House, up stairs. Files of aly
the principal Papers of California and Oregon may M
found at this office.
L. P. FLSHER is the authorized Agen.t or the
Oregon Statesman;
Marysviile Herald;
Sacramento Union;
San Joaquin Republican, Stockton:
Pacific Methodiit, Stockton;
Sonora Herald;
Nevada Jburnal:
Gri"sVa!!ey Telegraph;
Bed Bliiff Beacon;
Columbia flazette;
Mountain Democrat, Placerrilfe;
Tuolumne Courier;
Calvarez Chronicle, Mokelumne Hill;
El Dorado Democrat;
Shasta Courier;
Mariposa Gazette;
Yreiia Weekly Union:
Trinity Journal, Weavervilie;
Iowa Hill News;
Weekly Ledger. Jackson;
San Jose Telegraph;
Sonoma County Journal;
Folsom Dispatch;
California Mining Journal;
L- Angeles Star; -Santa
Barbara Gazette!
Saa Diego Herald:
Almeda County Gazette;
Placer Courier. Yankee Jim's,
Napa County Reporter;
Sierra Democrat. Dowsieville:
Harabj'.dt Times;
Ore? Dian. Portland. O. T.
PaeiSc Christian Ady,cate,Sa!eT3,0. T.
Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. O- T.
Pioneer and Democrat. Oivraoia. W. T.
Washington Republiban, Ste'ilacoom, W. T.
P.-iyne-!n. H-molnlri, S. I.;
Paciiic Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I.
M exi -an Extraordinary, City of Mexico;
Hnngkonir Register.
L. P. F. hts'cow completed his arrangements for
the foTTariiin g of advrr:i.eEients to all the principal
largest cirenkting Jonrca!s and Newspapers pQb!is.hei
in the Atlantic States.
A fine onrj.-rtiinitT is here offer-'l to thoe whowrsli
to advfcrtise in any part of the Lrib"n, of doing so at
the lowest rzir.-s. arid ia a prompt and satisfactory man
ner. Sui 25, ls37. 24tf
Moffat's Life Pills
THE be.-t fimi?y medicice now before the public, for
the enre f Scmftiia. Ulcer. Socrvy, or LreaBonss
of the Skin. Fever end Ague, Dyspepsia. Dropsy, and
in fact most all diseases sooa "yield to their curative
It Las been corny. 'rted that daring the last twenty five
years nprrrds cf r orr MiHioES of persons have beea
benefitted by the :-e r f these medicines: a fact which
speaks v Iiiai in favor of their curative properties a
sireie trial wi'l place them beyond the reach of com
pel: a in the e-timate of every patient. By their ase
the bl xd is restored to a healthy state and ireed frost
all impurities. The system ii n -t rednced during tfaeir
opcration. but invigc-n-tei . and they require no re
traiDt from btiiiness er pleasure.
The afflicted have in tiiese medicines a remedy f5al
will do far them ail thrt me-Jicirie can possibly. effect.
Pieirared bv V. B. Moffat. Xew York.
And fcrsa'ebv JOHX FLEM1XG, at the Or?
Cite Post Ofriee Br.i.iing.
Oregon City, March. 153S. Iy52
liiTcry arifl Sale Stable'.
w n..-.,, cr -r fi.-,T.s-f"; ...... r :
I.i. prv si-i b i: in
w-:ys .fr obtained on libera! terms- fT"A,
We are also prepared with excellent sta- f
bles.well supplied with hay and oats, to keep horses
by Jjy or wevk. Those who call upon ns may feel as
sured that every aiteclion will t-e "civen to horses left
ia ir charge. GIBSOX & POTTES.
August I I", 157. 22tf
Salem Tannery.
"TTIE subscribers have purchased the Tanner Sa
J. lem, formerly belorrging to Llisha S.rer.g. All d
rptions of leather will l kept constantly on hand
id the hrsrhe-t price, in cash or leather. "wiil at al
times be paid for hides and bark.
Salem, Oct. 24. 157. Iy33paid
City Hotel, Gorralli?.
" TTOULD annonnce to the citizens of Corvsllis, and
V the travelling public generally, that they have
thoroughly refitted ihis well known establishment, and
are now prepared for the.ccommodatkn of customers.
The r 10ms have all beeo newly refurnished, the beds
clean and comfortable, and their table will be furnish
ed with the best the msrket aTjrds.
Corvaliis, Aug. 30, 1-157- 33yl
New Store and New Goods.
At OaUar.d, MeOieney's Ferry, O. T.
ALBERT ZfEBER, Dealer in dry goods, groceries,
crockery, hardware, prodace, Ac.
Having purchased the stock in trade of G. E. Getch
e'l. together with the premises known as Metheney's
Ferry, on the Willamette river, snd having built a new
storehouse, and replenished the stock of goods on hand,'
now offers to exchange, for produce or cash, an assort
ment of
fry goods, consisting of clothing, cassimeres, satit-
neus, sneetrng, smrnng, and fancy goods: hats and 1
csos. boots and shoes, croceries in variety witK k
nuts, naisias, and candies; paints, oils, medicines, pert
fnmery, crockery, tinware, hollow-ware, stoves, "har-l ) -
wan; cuvierv, auu uzauy oinerariKKS 10 meet tile Want i
of the public. ' i I
He has also moved and repaired his warehouse. P .
that he is now prepared to pare base or take in stora" -
country produce, which be can discharge by a slid A s
steamers' decks, withont loss or expense of dravagr' J '
And ting determined to constanGy keep on 1
good supply of such goods as the country trade 1
K . . 1 - . - . -
ut- csu aiaw it an oojeci lor 1
pie ia his vicinity to extend him their patrons",
a -o diflereace made in the price of irciodsi
er sold for cash or nrodiico " i'.i
October 2, lj!o7. " fi
' 7Hf
L. a. F1II0W. f
DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry
lem, O. T. Particular attention paid h S" jc&t
renairin? of watches and rf,v-h iiiw.-. the 3
r:J II t I I ..a. ' v. j . . . . ' A
- ..... j n j..iirii .11 SIH'I IlULHey
Watches and clocks, 8 day striking elf
'jcks at ref
.on yiice , aiso io nour marine clocks.
Ladies and gents Brooches. Finger
Gold Buckles. Guard Chains, sfce.. A-- J
ngs.Ear Ring
Saiem, July 6. IS57. f
Allan &, Lev
A STORE room in Orleans- ,firstrat stand for
XV Produce dealer The Or4 warehouse andstor
ill be rented together if required.
,,,., . ISAAC SfOOBE.-
July 8, 1S57. iii istf
JCST received and fo 'sale at the City Book Stortf x
Webster's Unabridifed Quarto and Hiarh School Die" '
tionaries- r E. L. BHADLEY A Co. 1
Oregon City, Jan. l5oS- 46tf
Sau Francisco. J Portland, O. T. f
Richards & McCraken.
COMMISSION MERCH AXTS. and' Jobbers in Oregon '
Flour, Grarin. Produce, Fruit, Pork, Bacon, Lard
Hams, Are-v Ac. Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments."
Xo. 41 Saera-'nento street, below Front, San Francisco
January 27, 157. 4tf
OPEX and covered bnggiea Concord vjtj'y.q
make, for sale. Apply to "iS!5s
J.'McCRAKEX, Portland.
SHOT of all kinds, and powder, at
i'itf W. K. SMITH Cos.
PTTRE WINES andUquorsfor medicinal purposes,
at. 12tf W. K. SMITH A. Co's.
"ip.EXCH merinos, and alpacas, at
W. K. SMITH Co's.-