PIONEER EXCELSIOR AGRICULTURAL 7ORK0. THE SUR'-'CRIBKR begs leave to announce to the FARM Kil-S and DKALEltS IN AGlllCULTi; UAL IMPLEMENT, of Caiu-mia a id Oregon, that he ha now fa -iliuc for ni.tncfactaring and repairing Agri cultural Implement of titty description, from the smallest to tue greatest, of the het and most improv ed kind, nd iu tlie bent manner, having ms shop so enlarged a to acconiniodala sixty workmen, and fur nished with st am power and all- the necessary ma chinery of the LATEST and mart APPROVED alyle. and inferior to none now in use for the purpose 'ov named. He ia contldent. that, with hia past fifteen years' experience ia California, he ran provide the fur . men with machines and implement much more suita ble to the wants or the country than any that can be Imported. a the soil and prodncts of the country are different from those at home, and require Itaihines in most can of a more substantial make, and in many instance Very different. He ieign manufacturing a number of combined Reaper and Mower, particularly adapted to the use of . this country, which will posses niore combinrd strength, durability and !ightn:i, than aav other now in use. Hia Cast Steel Deep Tiller Plow ha alreadv attained a notoriety in this conntrr far in advance of any bcire introduced, tie will be aide, with what other Plows are made within the State, to supply fully the demand for these Plows the coming season. He " design raannfactnrina; Smith's Patent Gang Plow, so favorably known in the Western States, and recently introduced here. Alo. Preminta Fanning Mill, from - If os. I to 4. which, have given satisfaction. Al, the Worid'a Fair Vriie Butter Wot king Churn, to whi'-h wa awarded the First Premium at the Cali fornia State and Mechanics' Fair, IS57. Alo, Har rows. Cultivator. Side-hill S-ib.oil and Lelt Hand Plows, and all other similar implement!-. HE WISHES to call the PARTICULAR ATTEV TlOX of the Farmers to his facilities for repairing all kinds of asricui'.'iral implement, heme such as 1 - en able him to d every part within hhi own shop, being prepared to make easting both of iron and bra: there fore be will be able ta do repairing in the shortest time and wito mach less trouble than has heretofore teei the case. He wi!i-s a!so to ANNOUNCE t.iat be ha now on the WATKU. hound fc-r this PORT, on boarj lhecl:pperh!pVVK3FOOTand MARY KOPIXSON. forty of JOHN" A. PITT'S celebrated THRKSHERS and PEPEUATOHS.twecty each. 9 and 10 hot-se-p-w- era. waicn are superior to any ever tieretoiore otiered ' ia this market, with east steel Cylinder Shafts and Joornal. which has not heretofore Wen the . and ia many other res perls in such a war as to add much to toe steady operation aid wear ot tue midlife. Persons wi'kmtr. any of the above mvhine, will do we'l to fjrwnrd their orders earh. these are ail that wilt be m the market, of th".t make this season, and he ha the ex -lusive riiht of sale for the machine in Califor nia. Oregon and Washington Territories. H. wi!l act Pitt"agc-nt in rrotectincthe patent on said machine All personj will rle-e tike notice that tfcev will be held responsible for any intriueement on said patent. He has also on the way a -rood assortment ot Rr-n;rrs: among which are KURRALL'S. McCOllMlCK'S HUS BEY'S and MANX'S. Also a full up;!y of estra for any ana ail oi me native M.-U'tunes. i vcie. Sections Castings of every descri-ilion, etc Ia addition, he fcas OB hand a full supply of Hav Presses, best stvic: Hy and Straw Cotters; - Grain Cr?dlss. Grant's; XI Steel Plows: Cincinnati Ei?!e Steel T'ows; Kvans A Ada-ns" Cialeua Plows; Kevolving and Wire-Toothed Horse Rakes; Corn-Shellers; Srytbcs snd Snaths, best make; Hay and Birlcy Forks; ThTBi nietcrand l)ah Clf-rns: WUue'a Sdf-Acliag C'heee-Presses;' Pumps; r-'eei-S-wer and ;rain-Drni; . Cider and Wiiie-Presses; Circular Saw Tables; tlarden Rakes and SpaC'np; Forks; Antes' Short and l.on-Haudled Spades; Winn, Drays and Carts; Baud Cart-: Ax rr.d Pick Handles: Hunt's and Simmons' H-in-iled Axes; Fteel Crowbars; Old Colony Assorted Xails; Orini-.t'inei! and fixtures; Btiinit Rope; AVbecHanrtjw; Plow-Beams and IlanJJes. In f: t. a fail o:rtment of all implements required ly the farmer. He proooes to asv thst what be man ufacture, as well as what he imrsTts. be will sell on as reaouoabie t -rms as anv- ran-srlt -similar articles. He is fcrtre that be can and will oflr such inducements as to make it to the interest of f irmers and mrrchants to br.y of bim i-trsd of im!rtin?. He would, attl.e ame time. tenibT fcis thanks to the public tr tlieir liberal patrona?e d-sri-ig the ra-t seni n. wbl h hs keen entinly t bis thsfart:on and ranch beyond his tXTe-xaticn at toe besinnine m tae Reason. Mrs. Holl. Knapp fr. Co of forfand, are sole agents ia O. T. f-r t'ue Siile or my Can Strrl TVp IH Irr P.W. All orders for Plows, as wll as ether im plements and tnachinerv of any description will be tilled tyH:.K.4 Co., at San l iancisco tricts, with freight adied. THO?. OC.G SILWT. 33 Sacrameetostrert. Mannfactory Corner Pavtsand Sacramento streets bin rran-tsco, Caitiornia , F:brnary,l-s. . . Wooden Ware, Brooms, Baskets, BRUsnns, Clofbes Lines, 3Iatcbeiy &.C. la all their varieties. OS HAXD AXD COXSTAXTLT ARR1VIXG FROM THE EAST. For sale at lowest, and Wholesale prices, at tue Wood and VilloT Tare Establish mm t Of IIAWX1IURST & SOX, 39 Sacramento St., below Front, PAX FSAXCISCO.CAL. Fran., Feb.. lSS'. Cm4! JOIIN'A. KITTREDliE, rANTFACTrRER of Fire-prtw Scatter. I anits, ;., Ae&c. batttry, tear rac.&c street, Bon Erancivo. N. H. Orders from the country promptly attea.led tsar.d warrant-d as onlered- A large a-ortmer,t of srond band Poors and Shut- ' ters con-Isntiv on band, for fuleat very late ralrt. Msrch. m.-.2 Vapanill K;tce Course. rriHS racta will i-trwc at the Yamhill Race JL t our-e on VKiX KDAY, Jane IS, lSjiJ, and cou- tinoe tarouza tae week. The pnpr:' t r. having lea-ed the Yamhill race trsii-k. proposes to offer the following PL rtfc.s to lie nm for. rdm la the rules or tlie I :u.ll jockey t ino. Fib-t IV Jlile Heat be-t two intbr(.e Proprie tor' Pure $2li0. Setond Day Two Mi.'e Heats l'ropriitor' Purse ol Tm::t Dv ilile HeaU for Three Year 01.1s Pro- triet-,r" Pure $2irt. Forirrrt Day Mile Heats best three ia five I'to- prietora Pnrne f 10.O. Ten fe cent entrance will be charged for the Above purses. Three i ntnes r,r mrre to make a race, and two to start. R. TA LP.XT. Pronrietor. X. C. T'..e priprif tor has contra .ted for 1-ipi'ier to btiiij aniLio!c utand for pectaurs, and he intends to make other extcusiv" imppivvmtnts tor the accommo dation of visitors. For all persons having horse to train, the track will be ready on the Urv.t of April. YamiiiU Co., Jaa. 23, loS. 47tf ' I. Q. Vasltington, 4 GENT for the prosecution of claim at Waklihif- . ton. I. C, i-ei..rc tue l-.xecut've Departments, (.on- arresa and the Court of Claims. Will attend to the set tlement of arwmnfs of Marshals, District Attorneys, Sa DtheT Federal officers, aua of contractor witn the PostoffiVe and iher Dermrtment': also, to the procur- nz of Patent for Land. Land Warraats, and other bo Bines of a (;enerai Aprency. Refers to Uen. Joseph Lane. Oregon Territory; Gov. Isaac I. Stevens. Washington Ter.: Hon. M. H. McAl lister. H..a. O.ica H'.fl'wnn and R. Au?. Thompson, of San i rancyico. Cal.: Hon. Jamea Uutune, luivii:c, Ky., and to the Officer; generally of the Treasury and interior iep:irtment at vi asnmton. Addeesa L. Q. WASHINGTON. lytl Washington D. C. Corvallia Drug Store. T V.. CARD'VF.fL.Drnrrist and Apothecarr. is con- J ataotly receivin;?. per California steamers, lurt-e and carefully e!e.Tted stocks of Drnira and Medicine!, Oils. Paints, Varnish. Sonps. Perfumeries, Toilet Fur niture, Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drug Stores. Airent for Javnes. and other patent medicines. which will be furnished at California, wholesale price. Kg- ur-DESS BOLicrrr.n. - J. R, CARDWELL. rorvan' 12tf Notice. ' 13RYALLI3 Ware House, No. 1. we offer for rent. I ldi in r O r -o c WAYMAN St. CLAIR. In connection with the above we have a pork house and smoke booM tor rcni. lbU KOORE ft.ST.CLATR. Casta Srtn Adopted. "1VTO more credit will be (riven by me, and those in- ll debted to me, who aav not aaada arraare4aenta to pay tbetr accounts in pork or other produce, will please call and make payment or aettle by note, as I intend ciomn-r my dook. ti.ti.liLb. Corvallig. Sept. 8. W,-. ; 26tf- rtOTTOS rope, for clothes lines, and small rope for Wallamst University. BAIiE.M, OREGON. rpuE FACCLTV during the present year will con- 1 Sh-t of Kev. t s. Hoyt, A. ., 1'resident and Acting ITolcss- or ot Ancient laiiRoiics and alatliemattcn. C. 11. Hall. A. .. FrufiMMor of Aatmul Science. SnalS!'' T'ache" of ton- English. Mine Sarah Buckiiichaiit. Teacher of Instrumental Nnsio. The Collkoiatb IKPAmiKNT of the Wallamet Uni versity has been orvanised. Young men designing to pursue a regular Cenrse of Htnilv, are Invited tJ avail themselves of the advantage anonled by this Institu- ti m. Alt available resources will be made nse ot to meet the wants of Students. Rtl'orts will be continued U; secure a suitablerndowment;nnd no pains will be spar ed in obtaining competent and experienced Instructor. t he Collegiate year is divided Into Vint ttrmt, com mencing as lolloas: The tint term on the 3d Thursday in septemiier. cond terra on me isi - jannnry. tiiird " " " lat " " April. The lirst two term are fij'irm wrrkt tack; Hie third, Hrarn tree.U. Vacatioxh. There will be two vacations In the year: one. in April, of ftro wcrts, and one, in the sum mer, ot nine free. Ti mos will be at the rate Of tl per week, or f 10 I per anni.-ni. nits v'"rA"-JI last iru ik. lua l hxparatory PfARTMIUT.. Ti:iiMS. The Academic year ia divided into rom Ttais of rln-m tctrk t.irh. 'i he ilrst term lglns on the last Thursday of Angwd. seennd term brgtus nn Zd " " Jiovein. third ' " " last " " Jaimr.iy. vacations. There will be two vacation in the vcar: one hi April, of tiro trtrks; and one in the summer, of fix tcw. Ti'itiox will be paid al the beginmnir of each Terra tn alvanrr. at the loii iwitig rates: I t Language. Higher Malhemutics A Cbem., $10 00 Other st::4s of the Acadcmio Division, . . 7 SO Common uylih Division,.... 0 S'i Piimai r 5 60 For use of the Tinno J fid l.titr.nctital mttsie, ID 00 t- Instruction! in vocal nuie is given to nil the student ire cf charge. AniioM students wll be mlmttted at anv fme; and w-ll he chitrsed for tn-ti-io l'rm the time thcr ei- ter oi.l ,-. but their proreM wll be ireatly pmniotcd Lv entering catlv in the Academic vcar. in raes where, irom Rrcesitv. Mudor.M leave tct"iT the eud of tiie una for which payment Das heen madi a jast proiiortinn not more than thive fourths n'ir l'sa rtliaa onc-loiirta ot tue tuition tee win ie remniie.1 Students are mt allowed to l-ave jat bt-t'ore ex imma- tion. I'atrons who are inattentive to this point, inflict sreat tr.jurv v.poa buth tae stuui-f.t and tae la-t.tu io-i. UoAJtrtsn. Ym:r,g ernllemen and Itdie can obtain lvmrd atrf.tsona'ile raU- with private faanlies. Curnsc of Sn nv. Course f Stitdv has been" adotitrd for h-th the ColleTiate and I'reparatorv le- naitnieuts. well calvttl.Ucd to sc.-ure ripe scholar-thip mutal discipline, and a pren.tration f.r the active du ties ot l.fc. A liberal Course of Studv has been adapted for young I i.iics who d ire to ol ts:u a thorough ed-i-atin. Si A Dipt ma will be awarded to all who shall e.mir.'.rte the nresrriheti coun-c, Tae tiovKKNUKsr wni tie narentai nut strict nin iv' eonvtanly r.t the formation of correct biibits of Self 5 vernmer.t. Careful attention will be given to manners and moral. Sa;jiot.Ai:tiirs, porjHtunl. or for the j'eru'd of t'i tears, seci'.nnj tuition at vnv reduced rale, can t e purchased. For further particulars aptly to the Presi dent. Per crder of Executive Committee. F. S- HOYT. Sjc. R ard of Trustees. SsVtn.Pec. II, 1S3T. 4ltf New Constitution for Oregon. "ITyKte? leave to annnnce to the public that we are j i-t rec-eivir' a larje ami wc l si iccted -t c,i of good fr.m San Francisco, which has been si-lected witn "reat rare bv Mr. A lex rider, who Las teen attend- In t t!i..t market n.r ome time, therefore we can safelv say to the public that we can, ar.d Ul sell, gooes as low at wh'.-iesale or retail A3 ANY HOUSE IX OREOOX We will take in exchange for good all kinds of pr-- dilre. X. R We will also py cash for all kinds of pru- doce. t i-wit: Wheat. Flr. Hutter, EtfTs, Macon, 1'orlc, l.arii, )ats. Ac. Ac.. e. All who wish to purchase, will do we!! to call ar.d ex- mine lieftire nun-liasms elsewhere. Our sUick foi-tst of i vtry tiling in lue line tust mis marktt cslisfi.r tvwit: tlrev. White. Red a:id KIne ria-tts: Col. Vests. Pant. Hats and Hat covers; Undcrand lvevhirt. ffol and Cutton; Eeerv de-ription ' ( White Shirts; tuefhs Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery; II ds. Shoes coarse and fine: Progaiis I'alf. Kip and Cowhide: Wool Plaid. Merino. lK-bins. late pattern In short every kind of piece aoodi, and the IIKST TEA ever shipped ttui market. j is,i p i canrvnicirs. i iihdiim ih-ip--. gg- iiwe ta a call, and see lor virltf."6a ALEXANDER A McEWAN. Corva!li, Oct 10, lft57. 'f New Arrival of Jewelry, &c JUST FROM SAX FRANCISCO. J. ROSEX Tn A I. inform his patron and friends, that be has iust retained from ssin t rsm is-o wi'.n select ao.-veiii m jrw- K.. ' i rr , SI i is i m I la-immntu, i , . ' offers them UT sale at his store oa i ront street. J-One d wrbebw Dr.Coom!"oJR.-e.-6w JEWELKY. Gold and Silver watcbe: t;old and SiTver chain: tiold braoelet: Oold ear-rin?s: teid breast pins; ld flnrer rinirs: Io,-kets: Gold rns and incils; tiold sleeve buttons; silver and Plated ware: fancy goods and riertnmery. MUSICAL INSTK 17 M E X T S Guitar. Violin. Flute. Fifes; a larff" assortment of Accordeon. Ladie work boxs of all kinds, ldd and S;lTer snecta'-le. t:.ild and Silver spoons, Cutiery, t'lnrV an endless variety. Ac.. Ac. jtJ Watches, Clockssind Jewely repaired, and an kinds of Jewelry made to order. M- All of my wik wtrranted" trr Don't forpr t -The Si n or the Big Wat .h."-6 a Corva'i'. Oct. !t. 1SS7 31tf Notice. rpiiEjudiresort'ie Supreme Conrt. of the Territory of a. i ir-iT'in. assem.uea ai lue ai oi iven.iui-i:i m. tue l.iatli dav of Jaunarv. ei .-iilcen bnndix-d and liny- even. do tix and apiint Dit.ict Court', to he be.d id villsceof ILwliri. in the county of v.ujrlas on the first Mo.nlavs.of March. Mav, and Xovem- lier.annnallv. until oti:erwie hrdcred.aud do limit Hut of eaid terms tosix d it s each. ;E'J. H. WILLIAMS. Cli'er Justice. 44tf M. l. li:.VDY, A.-s-via:e Ju.-tic. At Iliitrene tZitv. rt 1HE f ubscrilK r ba at Fup-r.e City, ore of the X cw.eral assortment cf lrv tioii,... t.nvenes. Hard ware, B-a'ts and Sli'. and a.l arti !es kept tn a p?ne- i-ol findiiur store, to be found ia Orc-'on. Hff Is con dautlv raceivtntr fre-h additions to hi stork, and al- war keens it u:. Mv troods are now al! received din-rt from San hrr.ncico.-ticre I nare a resident acent. ."111 kinds of farmer'!' pri ace received in exchanre (oriood I nay buher nriow for preuuee. aud sell goods cr.eaper than anv other -t-re ia the I; v. JU3C.rU 1 r. A L. Eugene City, July 1 , 1S.G. I. tf 8tatpsnian IlooU and Job OJIre. WE hive Three Presses, the best facilities for Rook rorotirc north of California, and so extensive as. a rt-nentnr.!iarsi Material of every kind: and, with ma-ter wi.rkmen. are prepared toexecute pn m-iy, and in a workman like manner, an orders m tue aL oe paitmeuts, rurh as Books, Clave Ctiecks. Xni r.t f II isn, Ori:h 1m;oks. Steakwi't Hill. Stf.ambo"t Ca.ii r. P am urn LETS, JIandbills. Ball Tsciets, CiacrLA::, Intitations. Kill of Laimno Ilr.siNicm Caeps, III I.LnKAbS. Concfst R:li i, Pf.ogrambes. CEirriKtCATES Snow Rills. Chkck Rooks. Bl'k Receipts, A duress Cards. 1kats, Ri.svK of all Kinds, ire, Ac. Ac. ORXAMEXTAL PUIXTIXO, with COLORED IXKh Tlie Laws of Oregon. THE OSEGOX STATUTES, 15. bem a iar-rc vol line of 6")0 paces, with complete index, annota tions, and references, comprising all the laa s in force in the Territory, inclnsive of tho?o passed at last ses.sio:i of the Iefriilative Assembly, are for sale at the office of the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. The work is ex ecuted in the best manner, bound in law tdyle. and is sold at publisher price, and as low as a like work can he bonelit in any State in the Union, and at the lowest dent they can be afforded for here. The price place them within the reach of all who deire the laws they live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash, filled by return mail. It is the last code of law that will prohaoiy ie paoiisiioa in t -repon, tor many year? In addition to the enactments of the Legislative' Assem bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen dence, Con.-titution of the United States, Treatie with Oreat Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1767, in force in Oreiron, Donation Law and all amendment, and full abstract of United -states Naturalization Laws. Marion ITonse, Salem. THE undersigned announces to the- pnblie that be ba pnrchaed the well known tavern stand, called the Mani a House, in Sa lem, torether with the furnit ire and fixtures thereof. He will keep it in fint rate style, and invites the patronage of the public. R. SI. MAY. Hay 23, 1857.- i Dentistry. DR. J. R. CARDWELL. Dental Sirrj-eon , Corvallis. in his profession, st Corvallis. Euirere City. Win- 1 Chester. Scottsbartt, and Jacksonville. Skill, unques tionable; charges respectable: work, warranted. Teeth examined, and advice (riven free of charge. 1 J me notice (riven or cDange 01 otnee. April , V65i. 7tf The Graefenberg FAMILY MEDICINES. The Grnrfenbcrg Companr. TmSIXSTITl'TlOX. (Incorporated by the Le-rls-1 itiire ol the State or New Yoik. Capital IiK.()im.) was founded for" the piny-ise ot np;lvliiR the puid.c with the celebrated GKAWKXtlEHtS MKDICiN l-S. The rt-ries coinprism remedies lor nearly every disease adapted til every i lint ale. For Families. '1'ravi llcr. Seamen, and Miner's u -e they are micpi.-.lled. All the Medicines are PI UEL Y KUI-.TAHI.E and warranted t cure the diseairs for which they aro severally rcc oniTTicmleil. The Gniefenberfr Company d -es not profess to cure all diseases with one or two medicines. Our seriesron sists ol 'KI.KVEX li ft' rent kinds, n.lipted to the vari on diseases incident titlie temperate unit trojiical cli mate. The foiliiriag comprises the of Uraelen ber Medicine : ." ths oaAEKr.amiii veoevable riLts Are considered tiie standard Pill of the day. and are inil!iltelv s'lverior to any Pill before the pni I:c. 1 ivy o;n ratc ivilli '; t init i(i "i en nil t ie excretions, purg ii'm Lie bl d by theboweli, liver, kidneys and skin. MARSH u.t."S t'Tf.BtSK CATIIOLU OX. An InfalliLl; reniciiv tor all diseases of the womb anil urinary organs, weakiicsa ia the ba -k. pain in the breast, ucivovsne-s. tlhilitv. etc- ia California aad Oi-r ton. out ol ni ne titan a thousand cas-s wlierethis nicdi' ineliiui l e:-n nt-.J, it has in u Mincis instance la I .1 to til u!;'.ancnt relief or to Rct a ceituin enrs. THE a tBFESBKaa SAU-S .irAllll LA, A powrrful i xtraot. Oae Uitlle enual to ten of the ordinary Sar-uparill for p iri'ymR the I loud. A sure cure tor scroti: la. raeara ilism. uirrs, uyspepsia. s;u: rheum, merciuial diseases, cutaueuus cruptious, Ac. TUB OUEKX MOfSTAlS OINTilENT. luvaluable for burns, woands, Fnrain. chiliilaliis. sores, saeinnc. scroin! i, t.-. - as a t ain r.xirninr. it rannot lie excelled, allot-ling immediate relief from the most ex.'ititialing pains. T11S CBAKFKN AIirO DYSBNTEBY SYUIT. This extraoidinarv article i a snee lv a-d infar.'ble reui-Jy in DiarthoM. Dm-ntcry. Chnlcia M ir!nn. Chol era Inlaiitara a:id the Asiatic I hol-ra, if taken with the tirt svniutmns ol the. disease. It is purely vegetable in its compound. " . aa.iKFEVBmui rnit.DnEss' tasacka. ForsumrrrerComiil lint. and ra t di'easea ta which 1: l'lreit are sul-je.-t. Its true worth can never be set fort'a ia words. In t It can be fi It and nnpreciated by parents who-e i hild'.ea have bved s-.ived. an .Mother should ne witni.ui it. Tint oa trrrNr.rjtn ptt.r bfmkpy. Warranted a certain cure for this painful d'seae. with the lii t ne'it there are very few rases which can not be radicat'v and twrmnnentTv cured. A si:ric:)! onention for I'ib-s or I'i-ti 1 shoi-l I nererbe res..rted to until this Ointment ba been thoriuahlv tried. It never failu GH ACFKNBFltn F.VE tOTIOS. For diseases of the eve this ., tint) lis. no emiil. Tt is a speedy and positive cure f"r inllainmatioa of the eves, weakness, ipmness and fa;lin id siyht. it will al"asbe ber.eri. i. l in acute iadanimation ol the eyes. and also asa wa-ti on tnir.raed svrJace. OBiKfh.NBr.Kii m i:n and aqi e riLLS. A Kf.eedv u:i 1 iff it-v Hire f.r this dt-trei.!T com- pi nut. Tuese P. lis are coui-J principally of Oui iiine. il!i otaer vciv taLle to.iics. anti-spa-nnslic an i febrifuue artu 1-s. lhouands have been peruiiaeutly cured ly tlieir use. oaAr.FKvniJiG cTiimvt's calx. Sovereign in all Hnncbial and Pulmanarv Diseases. It i. bev-iul all oue-tiou, true that Consumption is a eurable'disea-e, a ultirf Consun-ptivc'S llulm is the best curative ever ued. OKAEFENfrjlO HEALTH BITTEBS. These Ritters are skilfully and eleraatly prepared from a nu-alier ot iavia ratios healthv rMt. lars, herb and vims. An iaval aal.le tonic and health re storer. GRAM ENEERO XtM lL OF lir.ALTH. A hsndMne!v ori'ited volome of ?no iwie, cotitain- 15 concise and vxtremt lv l liin descriptions of nil manner of diseases, their symptom and tn-atment. Kverv family slioij l have oiit". Prii-e only 2 rea. It will he Rent, non paid, to aav post ofd'-e in Califor nia or Oregon, fn the receipt ol 2.5 cents by mail orex- press. Ad Jress lteilL.irlon , o.. s,.,a r rancisco. TheGraefinUiaMedi.-'uesa'eforf-al bv aU Tree gist ar.d Ap ithn-arie thrHiinuit the count: v. U neral A?em lor C:-i. :or n nu cre'ii I " 1 1 1 N" 1! To X ft Co.. Wholesale Pruirei-t. No.'lo; CI ty i-trec t. Piiitm A Pavi Ajrent", Portland. Baa Francisco, Die. 12, lJj7. Cmtl The Oregon Statesmau. Am I tdeptndent Journal, tlreottd lo lol.lict.OTt(tal ixirdtzenre. 4-c., i'ubns.ieti ni nuttm, loipci. ASAHEL Bl'SH, Prprietor. PublUher. and Eilitor- Tlie Sta'esinini 1 leraocriitiy in politic, and thor- ouahiv Xational in ii character, it is bivst-le t-i every siiecie of sectionalism, fauntici-tn, and intoUruni e: viifor.Hi-lv oppo--enll uttcaipts to incoipi-rate j'iv of tlie in-ane isim ofthedir into our Territorial Liiislation. - It will advocate all practical meanre 01 kpioiiu and Pi-ajfress, eeonomival-nnU simple administratioii 01 our l jroveriituet-.t ; t.ntlilul:ie, inl -giity. and ca nacitv in ollice. and a system of ria'd an 1 direct ac countability of the o'.,i r to the people. It will ilis ens all measures aiiutin? tli imMic mind, in a man ner it-arlesK. inioai-tial. atid iti-t. it News De::attni-r.t will be edited with tnucb atlc iti in. and notiii;iir vt ill lie snared to furai-h early, accurate, and omprehcasive publication of tue cur rent intellii-ence. 1 ne Statesman has n larpe. wi.l'iv-scalere!.nrd most ex'ellent coiii.s of corcesimudents, and very complete facilities t'T pux ur.nir tu s. Hue attention n also paid to loepu'iiicaiion 01 Miscel lany. Acrieultur al and Literary mailer. I11 tlii raier are mil li-lieil L.e j s. rcoI i"i"P,nnd treaties ot the I'nited State, and the law and resolu tion of the Territory of Oregon by pnthority. The paper is printed oa new material, and upon a f-liect ol the l.irgcst size. Tiie cominir year w;II be the mo-t iaiporta'it ia Ore gon's histrv. A State is to be inaugurated. thn.'iM;h warm political coldest, and the machinations, of faction, di-alle- tion. abolitionism, aad evei v of opposition, to overthrow the Id leui-icracy Every cit.zen 01 nre!-on sno':iii uc i.a ieoiir:niy iiuormcu 01 nvs-ini eveats. if he de irt to diwharie liisd ilvto the St ite aiui the coTintrr, iutelli gently and upn-rhtlv, The Statesman will te an active participant in traii.s- innir ioiitic?i events, and win iiirntsii a taiiimu rec ord of the history of parties aad politics. A a vehicle or Oregon ews.ine i:;Temait enjoys facilities that none ot its e.-.l. m;i ir.rnos do. Tkbms Three ib r.n-s per vcar, tricbv in n. v.incc four dollar, if paid within six months, lint not iu ad vance: live dollar. II not paid wiunn six nioiuns. These terms we must adhere to in all cases. Persons sendior n money by mail, or otherwise, will please conform to these terms, adapting the omcunt to the time of navnicr.t. The low price at wbi.-h Hie paper ia afforded place it within the reach of all. Boot ahd Shoe Store. T?irniri?lf -I w I 1' K "I f J X- vnn ,1 nnnotincA X to tiie citizens of Salem, mid the surround- PVt'I in? country, that he have taken a store 011 the !rw ea,t side of Commercial street, north of the postoRice, wheiu be will keep cU'-tuntlv on band a full assort- nient of every kind ot oo-ta and shoes, ihiiii custom ami sale work, which he will sell ut the lowest livini pri ces. Reinsr a t,ractical workman, all order for the manufacture or repair of work will he complied with, and the work done in a Run-iamiai ana wurKmauiiKe manner, tiive me a call and examine n y stwk. FREDERICK. WICKMOV. Salem, March 12, 1S57. 13tr Bakery anil Confectionery. THE n'ldersijrncd would announce to the public that they have established themselves iu the b.-ikiiijr and confectionery business at Salem, on Commercial street. second door north of the Union House. A tliorouih experience at the baking business they trust will enable thein to Rive satisfaction to theircustomcrs. All orders nromntlv filled. drocerics and Fruits, will also be kept constantly on hand. MCU1.. .t BlKMi. April 9. 1S.-.7. Mf School Hooks. TUST received, a complete assortment of Sanders' J School Hooks, together with a larxe lot of Thomp son's Practical Arithriietics.all of which will be sold chean. at the Citv Rook Store. E.L.JJRADLEY A Co. . Oregon City, Jan. IMS. 4Gtf Tor Sale. THOMPSON'S Arithmetical Tables; . Mental Arithmetics, ' Practical " UiKli School Arithmetics. E. L. BRADLEY A Co. Oregon City,Feb.,18;8. 4otf m. T HE best black tea yon ever saw, at W. K. SMITH A Co s. D. William Dontbit, ATTORN EI AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ASH - PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY Will practice iu the Supreme and District Courts Ol luci CUIIC, tr fllllce over Slatr'n Tin Store. Frontstrc't,Sa 8tf l'ottland, Oregon. N. II. Cranor, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Albany. O.T. Feb.. 1S5S. ' 4tf l)r. H. It. Unckles, OFFICE. SAI.RM, OREIlOX TERRITORY. Biilent, November 9, 1S5I. 35tf Wllllaiu C. iri9To!d k. Co., ERCHANTS. SALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. c. iiiiiswot.n. 2'itf o. . woonwoiiTH. Medical Notice. ' pHE subscriber, would inform the inhabitant that be X Is at Ills old tann,reauy to attend to an cans 111 his profession ; 11 1 so be ha on hand a well selected stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicine, wilh a well a.ortcd supply of Syringe, all of which he will dispose or on reasonable terms. w. wiliKb.t, Snlem December 2. lsTirt. S- tf Notice. 1"R. R. XT. SHAW, late of Pan Francisco, California, J ) oflVr Ms professional services to the citizens In S.ih'in and iclnity, and nierituiiy aoucita a auarr 10 ptiMie rnvor. f innce at iieea ana r cnowa urns store. 14y It. W. SHAW. S. Kllswonit, ITTOllNKY AND CUl'NSEI.LOIt, Supreme and oilier ('ourt. OfB'rc- I J. ?' En?ene itv, Ijine County, Oregon Terribry. Ijne Coiintr. Oiirou Territory. Alsn Commissi.merof Heeds tor New 1 ork, Connecticut. Ae. 4. J. Tlinytr, 4 TTORXEr AXDCOUXSEl.LOll AT LAW. onie iV In Corvallis. Ueutoa Co., O. T., opponile to.tlie City Hotel lu said town. I 'll W.1V. Page. t TTORXF.Y AXD COUX-SELLOR AT LAW, Pa- V Inn, O. T., O.H e, lirst dooraaulh of the Ptate- niaa Ollice. up ctaira. 20lf . II. FAHBAK. I.ASHISU BTOfT. Farrari Siont, 4 TTORXEY3 AT LAW AXi) SOLICITORS IX iV 'haucerv and Admiralty. er oili on trout street, one door north of the ' F-xhnnse." Portland. O.T.. July -0. iS5T. "i itl I. N. Smith. V TTORXEY AXD CIHTXSELOR AT LAW AXD S-dicitors in Chancery, CorrnllLs O. T. I. S. SMITH. Mtf X. W. Milchrll, V TTORXEY AXD COUXSKI.Oll A I pene City, lame Comity, O. T. LAW, nu Snn Francitto AdTfrlixin-flfenrf r P. FI?llFR.Ir-nbi.i!din. oppiviite Pacillc ExprefB I j onice. upstair, tile ofM the pnncipal -aKTsoi L am omia ami intjnnmat oeionru 111 um "aire. s aij . Fi her isthe authorised Aient tor t!ie statesman. I'hesltr S. Trfrr, 4 TTORXEY AT LAW, SALEM. OREGON'. COM 2 X. -tnissioner of Deedi, and to lake te-tim my, ac knowledgments. Ae., Ac. for Iowa, Indiana. Missouri, Michisan. Caiiiuniia aa.1 Washinct in Terntorr. Iet- i ts of Attorney, and all ot;ier iutrumeuts of writia?. dmwn in vhort notii-e. w Particular attention paid to taking depositions. collection of Xcte, Accounts. Ac, JH n. riUu; & Grovrr, 4 TTORXEVS AMI OH SK!MW AT LAW , ! TTnRNEYS AXD CorNEl-ORS AT LAW, j Solicitor in Chancery. OCi -e near the Court-huse, Salem. O. T. Gro. fi. Sbril, t TTORXEY AXD COl XSEI.OR AT LAW, AXD iV S-i!irit-ir iu t'lianci-rv. will prart'ee in the tsvvmis ciurt-s 01 tiregou aad a-uiUKxou Salem, O- T. Territories. Ollice. Dolaion Smith, i s S ili-'itor in Chmceiy. will promptly attend to all ine-ss nertainuia to his profession m tae nrst amnciai D'striet. nnd liefore the Supreme Court of Oreroa OHi-e. Altny. J.inn County. . T. X. It. W hen not at h ofJice. or a"-'nt on pp sional hi'siness, he may I foiiad at ilis residence, live iii:t-s ,Htth-e-ist 0 Al'sf-y, on wuat 14 Ktiawn as tue Oraud !'ra:ii. t TTOnXF.Y AT COCXSELOR AT LAW. AXD J Solicitor in Chancery, will nrac tice in the various court in this Trrrit-d-v. and promidlv attend to the eo le.ti n of all rlum aeainst tlie 1 nuen -iai-. turoni:n au e:licient aent residins at asliinaloa City. OUice in Kuetie City. Lane touiity. o. 1. 11. 1Z. Stratton, V TTORXEY AT LAW, w-ll practice In the vanon court of o-athcro Orciron, aud in the Sa:-reme Cimrt of the Territory. Ort irr in Sci tt-sl.urrh. Cmpona county. O. T. X. B. IV -nnt v Land WurrauU obtained lot claimant on reasonable terms. 23tf T. . BABM M. . O. WlLSO-.- it r it it lit H. ilon. t TTORXIES AXUOH .si;i.U)l AT l-Avt . f-a- lem. Ores on. Particular attention is eivea to the co lection of notes and accounts, and c.aiins against iveninient- B lunty Land Warrant bought and sold. J- ti.ll -e over Starkey'a sdore. 4 It. P. llnnliam. VTT0H tbca al the Court House. Salem, O. T. Utf k. B. Uallork, AXD nCH.DER. PORTLAXD, O 4 RI1ITECT T. . Design, plan, spei Lication, Ac, furnished on reasonable term. Campbell & Tratt. 4 TTORXEY9 AT LAW. San Francisco. California. ili ilii-e. e r.ier and Sacreminto utivets, i.ecr l-n.roll .V I c. u .u. Messrs. CmpUU i Pratt have l iteiy removed ir.m Oivsoti. and will be pieascd to attend to all IMt-smesB entrusted to their can;. 31tf Alei&mikh C AairuELL. O. C. Pratt. S. Hamilton, 31. I).. yiYSICIAX AXD Sl'IbiEOX. would reprctiiliy announce to tlie fro-'d peuple of Douglas and the ad- joi lintr counties, that he has located permanently et le-T Creek lor the purpose of practicing medi iue, and in which profession he will befailliful to uis-hare all duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy and couiforbilile. Office opposite R. II. Dearborn & Co. s store, on Main street. Drugs and Talent Medicines for sale at Imc rot jiri- II. 31. D11 Kelle. TV'ALER in Orc-oii Produce. OD'u e at W. C.Grue JLJ wold A Co.'s store, Ssiera. Salem. July 1. 1'T. IStr C'orintuian Lodge lF Arcient Free and Accepted JIaons. will hold their regular communications on the Thursday ni-f'it lie ore tne tan ot tue moon 01 eacn mouiii, ex ; ept when it full 011 Thursday night, then on that nirriit in Albany. O. T. itretlii enia ffood stamlino are cordially Invited to at tend. . DELAZON SMITH, W. M. SrarNifcn. S-c y. . .litf lllanka. TAEErS, mortaces, jiowersof attorney for sale of YJ scrip, tax receipts, limit proofs, and notification -a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman Olli.-e. July 27. lsJ7. JOtr Look Here! TVTE have just received 88,000 lb, of ground nlnni W salt, which we areselliug at .1.011 per hundred. UK IS VI OLU & L-U. WAX! ED in exivliaii"cfor cash or, 100 bushels of rood apples, to be delivered by the 10th of Ausnst highest price paid. O. E. COLE. WAXTKl) in exchange for merchandise or on s eonnt 10.001) lbs. 6od butter, for which I w pay the market price. G. E. COLE, Dickinson Type Foundry. PHELPS A D.VLTOV. R ston. L.P. Fisher, Aftent San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads rule, Ac. August i5, IS.7. 21tf Orleans Warehouse. o RLEAXS Ware House, opposite Corvallis, for rent lstr ISAAC MOORE. M ACKEREL and codfish, at 42tt) W. K. SMITH & Cs's. CAROLINA rirc. and syrup to sweeten it in 5 gallon W Kegs, at liti w. k. .niiM at cos. Ci ALT. sal soda, and sassafras, at O (42tn W. K. SMITH A Co's. IHICKENS 10,000 wanted, for which the highest V- market price win be puid. enquire at ltf G. E. COLE'S, Corvallis. Oregon Statutes. "O0UND volume for sale at John Fleming's, Oregon JJ City, and A. R. Shipley a, Portland. Price, $5 00. Also laws of last session 1 uu. Dec. 17, lt?67. ltf BOOK BOOKS! BOOKS!! . . AT . . The City Book-Store, . (frost rt., rorrn.Axn, o. t., A. It. SHIPLEY &vCoM ave ii Jtore, ntid will be receiviuft by the 1st of June nk-fc iza 9 3d sib od tV HOOKS AND STATlOiNEllV Which they offer to the SPRING TRADE At small advances oa New York prices. ve us a call, or send as an order, aua wc are fraund to give yon satisfaction ! A. II. SUipler & Co., Are the Solk Aorsts in Oregon and Washington Ter ritories for the sale of The American Statesman, A GREAT B'JOKH Rein;? the only political history of the United State. Send ns yaur names. Price I 03: Payable on de livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st of September to all who scad us tlieir names uy 1st 01 way. Catalogue of Pari of our Stock : - SCIIO )L HOOKS. Sanders' old 1st. ad. 3d, 4th, and 5th, nd The Yutini Laiiitf'; Sanders' New 1st, 2d, 3:1, 4th and 5th: Parker' 1st, 2d. 3d, 4tu and 5th; iic iluTey's 1st. .!. 3d. 4th olid 6th. Si Ki.LeK--. Sauders Old, banders Iew; Llemen- tary! Puistttn. Sander Pictorial. School and Parkers. GBoumPlliKs. Mitchell's, An- ientmiJ Modern, (li ners. Mor.-es. ic.i:ey s, aau jjonieaus isi ana d illioK. M ithkh ATtcs. Anluinelirs 1 liomson s. 1 able! Mental, Aae.lysia. Practical, and IliUer; Davies i'ri- marv. InUjtlcct-aal. Sch-iol and Cmvcrsity; Sini'.h'-s. Roltmrn's Itiv's St-d,lard's; . Davies AUebra, Stir- vevitij'. Ge niietrv. Practical Matiiematics, Math. V lioiiary, Lojio 01 rraiacinaii'-s, .aumtucaa iic:iijhiii, and Philosophy or ilallieiiiatic. Oraininars. urren s eisnii' n uuiiiuii -ITIrt -nn's Soeneer's Tower's. Puil-isoraiKS. 1'arker t 1st ueason, j-avenne auu .-jchool; Cotnslork's--Smith s. HrsTuitiRM. Vi iiaou s juvenne, ano 1 u:ieo risi Parley's L'ltivcraal; IVillard'a L'uivtrsa!, a:id L'uiled -jtates. . . Lasiicaik.0. t oopers virjrii: Anun-w a uum i:ea- dct; Viri Honue: Andrew a Latin (r-iin'nar: Mil i:n tock' l-triiid 2d It-M.k in Latia. and do. ia Greek: An kun'i Oreik lirammar and Keaifr; JoarLsons iero Fasiuelle"s French Oramniarand Header; Woodoury'si i:..r,. 1 Or itnmar and Reader. Tc'ema pie. G.vek 1c-- .,0- fren; ! xe if-taaeht: sarrennes rrencn in tionarv: Andrews Latin d . i.iou'rii v rscjn urces I.. si hill. t'lanMcal U . -sillll-l S QO On. in, rms tKiKs. V.' elter"s S' lut- l. l'ich do, Ai-a- dfMtiic, University, 11 yal $vo, CuabHdged and Cobl i.t-.-KRi -. Matti-uii Asironomy. ewman s Rhxtorie. Wood a B ilauv. Kaiae s hjeinentii 01 rii ice-m. lrker Aid in comoosilioo. 1'aiKers r.x. ii. Broukficld s Composition. McKlti-r .f s Y-n in .liTir. do. Analytical Maaual. l atKvTS n Mav iiv s U k KeeidiiB. ayianu s atorai -1, -j-iict.. Palev's Xntiiral f h-;oo:y. Iliakc's Airricul tore for Sch-sds. I'pbams lutvllrct i.-.l I'lid os .j.H,-. 11 lion s do. do. il:llo:i; 1 113:1'-': t'oiiocs; ami 11:11 i- (toiition for Schsil-1 Cutters Amitytuy PUe-iolo-ry. 'imeticaii I'eua'er. 'einn.ia i-oiiin.u .VomMov nitchio-'k (ieology. t;reat variety u. .L,-rs SOU l.llK-UIIOlt. All klit'11 tU COOOi v Slates of all; Drawin-x Rooks: Drawino Pauer: Perforated Card Boaul: nn-M ttnaru: i-ea 11 Aid llnisnes; ii-aun s oixotTj iumwhus, tmij nr mil st; Se, Ac. Ac ,":o. J , x- r-. M - tj.icM.-o il iaC.l-l.A- ci lwon.-. Hisroitr Haul-roll's I'nited State-. 6 n.ldrptb's d . do. 6 yol imes: Fr-vst's I'ictorial Unittd -;t:,t.-s- Tavlor s do. do. do. li il'.is iiw. i:i-viirain-i P. irrson s do. il-on e Lulled i-tat. wiMiird s d llist. Indian War I'nited States. WiHarJ's ruiversa! History. Mailer' do do, Rotteck'a Htt. World lor ! yoium. Rolli'is Ancient llistiry. tarrs do, d luine's Encland. Ma au!av's d'-., complete. Dickens Child's do. Linrrard tt do. t.iotwas Home. I Au- ii -ne"s R-lortintion. Dan -VII. K. 1'hin-h. Allison' .-: irone. 1-t and 2d series- erescou s 1. crKi i,uruer lli-t. if Religion. Hist- of Council of Trent. Jo-e- ihiis. All of Ablo-tt s Hi tones. Historical Cul!:iet Jiiecns of Siin. Oacers of Scotland. llc:p s Fpai t't.nunest. urare s iinncary. ivia-jer iiraz:i. r-a- Vink's Drar.d. Parleys Luivcrsj!. History of I ru sodes. AULteiit Ktf vidians. 11 iiiaru s .doiilie Aa History for It v. It caoer Child's Uuilsrd Statos. !--i.-iVs FM-ld It K.k of Ueyo!.:lio-. RliMi::.ruv. Plutarch 4 L!vef. Li.'e Brar.t. TMin- Jcrfa! Cbararters. ;re?.t Bud Celebrated Chwt-ts. I.iye of the Siuner. Aubvlii osrajiby of Finlev. I J- ii irtine's Ceiclirated Characters, l.iteof Ad tm Clarke. 1 i Ui-hop ll-rbliu,;. do Niehwhr. do Oeu. Ilarris.n. i i Daniel B one. do Ruoerfe. d' lifavette. t'at- tains of Roman Re;ubiic and Old Worid. Dr. Ciial- ners, 4 vols. Live of Hun'ol-'t. Mrs. H ers. j1 izarl. Wesley, r let her. Ijse and Tune r,f 1'Liy: lrins' Va-hin:iton. Kminent Mechanic. Lire ot Chief Justice. Josephine. Napoleon. Ciiarh-s Ijaib. Jackson, lien. Oreen. Joan of Are. Lady Jf.:el,n-y. J. y. Adams. Julietine. Daniel Webster; Kitis ol Home- Kiirzs and Voeens. Lielimtx- Lives of tlie Popes- Piecntt s Pliihp 21. Mary and Martha vt ,!. in ua. I 10 jeer omen 01 ine e -1- Travei-s. Ha k luiiia. Aram-atiian. Stephens E?vpt- Oiia's Travels. Mungo Park. N:le Notes. Adveiitatr on Mu(U'-o Shore. R,iyard Tailor's Trav els. Dur oin s Travels m the K.--L Scientific- Rrsiide sKneycl.ii'f.lia. Parsi.-al rtrt;. r.ldiy of Hie Se. 1A w-i s Sutxmi llist,,rv. Itrduer s feitures. e.seiio ri-. iosiuuv. jiaiiiem-ii:- :ii iic- tionarv. Lojie ! Matoemacs. ivonders ol Krien--. Hitcheil's Planetary and Slciiar nurlk Looniis He- cent Prosrre of Astronomy. S'uilii s I'i 'tionary ot Art and Science. Lula'ik s I: . dr.uuics. Iik s work. Various wort: s on Architecture. Poktkv. RiTua vanous styles. Snakeeare. do. Milton, do. Burns, do. Hemans. do. M nre, do. rb-uilson. 1 cnnsr. Polloc k. I upper, iowimt. Pooe. C'ampiiell. Wads worth. Ossian. Mi-utj-omery. Kuk i utte. t emaie 1 oeus 01 cumii'i. uo. uo. America and many otner. IMIOK OP ll.:rClvS'.-K. yci"iro:a 01 n-ai'ui. I . do. Cine Arts. rfa. do. Uiography. Cseful Arti. MclVlIiK-h's Gaaetteer. Harjier s i:nyersul Lxzi-tteer. Fhcit and AaicrLTrKAi- r.niois mm iiook. Thomas' do. Duwniui s - Barry s do. t-essnji,.! s Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener' Companion. Alien cn the Crae. Pardi-e oa Straw'trcny. Florist's Guide. Ameiican Farm Book. 'I.n's Doni'.-stio Animals, auoi Mna s luuu uooss. Weak oa U .re. Cattle. Sheep, II07. Ac. TuKUUMiiCAL A llELimofe. Uxr nony and Fxpo-i- tion of Gospel- Neandcr" Life of liiiist. U.itlers, d orks. Kuspp cur.stian lueoioey. ncsiern mvih oilism. Morris r Miscellanies. Iectuies on Roiiianis.n. Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot ou RomanUin. Dames" Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Denm"s d - Jay's Kwn iscs. Watson's Institute. I Jirra'.iee's Eyidences. Bato r's L'lliL'at li-scourses. Rogers' Fclip-e of Kart'i. d. Reason aud Faith. Foster's Christ. Perfection. Raker on Discipline. iViitiup- of Anniuics. Jahu'-J Biblical Archie d ?ry. li.uies. an sizes auu prn es. irom il to t-'O. Testaments, prcat variety. .Mc:iiodi-.i livmns. Christian llvma Iljoks. Church Psahuist Pfymmth Cullectioui Select Melodit-i. . Ciiriftinn Pan 1 mist. Medical. Ruchau's Family Fhjsician. Hydro pathic do. Il.inia'patti'C Works. Miscellnkiic-s, Constitutions of LTniteJ State. Mayhew'a Popular I'dacatioti. Cr.iM's Synonym. Piatt's Book of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's Manual. Headier' Works. 1 1 vols- Mrs. TuthiU'. (J vols. I.Ry. ard's Nineveh. Biftelow's Cseful Arts. Harwell's i K11- i-i!ieers Guid?. American institutions, i ni-sniv of Knowledge. PsrkMadison. Peruvian Ant'cpiities. . Way Down Fast. Pynhurt. Ike Marvel's Works Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles in EnnhMiil. Talcsand Feveriia- aa excellent Teaiper arice II x-k-l Money Maker. K-capcd Nun. Neiys BV. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Rook. Jlil-b-r's Old Rid Sandstone, do. Footprints 0 Cieator. Vounit Ladies' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial Catechism. Thomson l,ect- t 1 . Men. Constitu tional Text IJaok. Captive in 1'iiiaionia. 1 ne Arncn- can llousewiie. nail iioors mm --i iimuiiuiri Athens; it Grandeur and I'ccay. .Mrs. frcojrwi. k s iiedwood. .do. New Eni. Tale, Uncle Sam's Farm Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. T.ils. Mrs. Partimrton. Horace Translation. Yirsil do. Mrs. Car len'a Works. Heroines of History. Land ard Sea Deck and F'ort. Sea and Sailor. Ship ar.d Shore. Naval LiTe. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irvine's. Columbus. LflngLook Ahead. City of New York. Living Orators of America. Younsr Man Advised. Mis sions in Tonira and Fcsee. Truth Stranger Than Fic tion. Kniut nnd the Russian. Hydropathic Cook Book. Death Bed Scene. Gift Rook for Young Men do. 'do. laidies. Anecdotes for Gil ls, do. do. Boy. Footprint of Fnniotia men. Charlotte Klizal-eth's Work's. Advice to Yonns Men. Peasant lny philoso pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Franconia. And a number of others too numerous to enumerate. Constantly receiving large addition to the foregoing. Statioskky. Foolscap Pe-ier great variety. Let ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do. do. do. Fnvel opes all styles. Inks all kinds. Pen and Holders great variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles , Memorandums, Diaries. Pass Books, Tme Books -Paper Cutters. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Lithographic Print a large variety. Wrapping Pa- fer goiKl variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac, A.C. inaliy, we have a good variety of Mrsto Books Xew Carolina Sacra. Alpine Glee Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred Mclodiau. Christian Psalmist- Piano Instruc tor. Guitar do. Flute do. Aecordon do. Violin do. Melodeon do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet Music. ' And the most t aried assortment of Stationery ever flered in Oreson. " ng- This stack is all hougllt in New York and other Eastern cities and is sold at ; UNIFORM PRICES. a- We keen on band School Books in large auan- tica, together with most of the publications of Harper lirouiers.; Derby A Jackson; Ivison A Phinney; Phillips A Samson; ' A.S. BnrneaA Co.; Miller, Orton & Mulligan; Icary & Getz; . Putnam; Apiileton: and others. . u. We askyonr patronage. If onahM to nsrt ns aid examine our stock, your order will be attended to on the same terms as if yon bought in person. Portland. Marcn tu.isat. "All of the above works may be bad W. Kenyon A Co.' City Book Store, Salem." Medical. 3i5h v . -.s-.. DR. L. J. CZAPK A Y?S T)RIVATE niedicnl and uri'ical institute, Sacramento ! 1, Ktreet. uclow rionigomerv. ounosite Pa-r tic Ma 1 Steamshin Co' oflice, San Francisco. California. Us- Uihlisbed in 1854, for the permanent enre of all Private and Chronic lisease.aiid tlie suppression of j.iackcry. Attending and Kcsident pnysirian L. J. C ZA PK A Y M. I.. late In the Hungarian iievoiuiionary War. Chief Physician to the 2oUi Heninient of Honyed. chief Sur geon to the Military Hospital of Pesth, aud late Lec- ureron Ifisseases ol women nnd children. TO Till: AFFLICTED Dr.L.J.CZAPKAYretnrr.i hi sincere thank to lua manerouF patients for t!-eir patronage. and would take tbi opportunity to reniimi thcrn that be continues tocouseit at bis Institute fortbe cure of Chronic di.easca of the Lungs. Livers. Kidnevs.di- tredive and eenitive erians, and all private disease- viz : Sriihilitio ulcers, gonorrhtra, cleet, strictures, seminal weakness and all the horrid consequenres of self abuse, and hehoies that hi long experience and successful practice 01 maiiv yer, will continue to ensure him a share of public, pa-tronaae Bv the nineties of many year- in Kurone nnd tlie United Suites, and dnrina the Hungarian war and umaigns. be i en inled to apply the tnst efli-ient and wicces ful remedies against of all Kind.. He iisi-s no mercury charges moderate treats hi pa nts in a eorre'-t on-l iionoriic wav nas re:ere::; es f uoi i?r-tio-iaole veracity from oi'oi of kno s-a resie-t-ihility and high starding iu society. All psrtie con sulting him. bv k-AUT or idlierwif, will receive the bct a id'c-t treatment, ami implicit secresy. To TitK La:h!:. op Oux'tos asi Camfoiisia L. J ztrsAV. M. D-.I'liy-b ion Surgeon and Accoucheur .in vites tae. e.Hentioii of t:ie si'-K lino a:.::e;-i lemnie la boring nn-lcr any of the yari :rs forms of dise-a-fsof tiie brain, loi!ff. he-ait. stouach. liver, womb. bliod. kid neys, and all diseases peculiar to their s-cx. Tht D'c- r is e'f. ctiiig ia ire i.crma'ieiit cures ta.:i any other physician in Oi-e-'nu DrCiilifuruia. Let no false ueltcacv (in vent you. nat afipiy imne'itateiy, ana Kaye yoursei: t'r-ro'iii'oi s;ii:i-i::2 a'ld prera itiir.- death. All mar ried la Jirs. wH:r-c delicate health orihereir--iim--tauce do not uliow to have au incn-a-e in their rao::!ies should rile ore ill c.t Dr. L. J. Cztokay's M-rdi rl In-tit:;te, s.i'ra':ii-!!t' ht.. iic-iow Moiii!roiiiery. ojm : . .a. I'o's otlice.fsiid they wi:f re-cire every p is.juie n lief and he!n. The D-K-tor O ii -es are so arra.iged that he can be co-ss'.lted without raolestatb.n. " ! itn t au Al eonsaltatiat.s I by letter or otherwise.) tree. Address to Dil. L. J. Z. i'K A V. MJi-f!l fnt'.t :te. San Frt'ici o, Ca!. REMARKABLE INSiAM'E lit Ml DICAL RE LIEF. ift-liiw we pu'.'li.h the certificates ff two o, lue K::nrrer.j. frita the J- sn'.-s of Hif-eae, wiio baying re-uvered t.ieir tonncr lie iltu, aad impriied by grati-lu-le, m ike known their ca-es and jier:t, nnd their Fla'.cuif at are autiienticated br a NoLiry Pnblie. f he demands of S -ciety imperiou.-is- c-ommand tiieir publicity, a: d we commend their perusal to the attea :i u of til alliicted : . CERTIFICATE. The nni!esigic l. de-ir.-i:is of acpisinting those who mav l.-e unfortunate e:tou;b to le foutihu lv -ifiiicted where a permanent relief of their s::!icr::ig may le obttiif d. leel-i it hN date to thus publicly exres.- his mo-t sincere g:Ttit:n!c to I -r. L. J. Cxipkay . ! r tiie ib-r:i:aneiit rec; v..-:y "wf his Jie..!!h. l ;n:e dowa by the dis'.resi:T'" y:npUims i'lciiieat t tlie vivim: practice f nncoiilt!:a:oe pasion in y-jrtti ; d'-pres-ed 1:1 tiy;iid m n l; nnaide to ier.o,n:i even tiie pt'r-v tmiinz dnlv iifp.-.-ed upon the daily arocatiuus of !;'e. srij;l:t tiie adviieof many physicians, wha at first regarded my disease as of tailing impartanee las! nU- ; altera tew weeks, aud in evera! instance tnoii'hs, ot their treat ment. I found to tuy unutterable horr-r, fiat in-ttai ot rei:?i. i:ie t- nipioius oee.iiiir Kiore aiami'.ng ja tlieir to: tare : and t-dd by one that mv disease, bein pri-i-ipai'y eontiaed to the brain. teediC.iie wjubl Le ca" c-iose pie 1 e. 1 upa.rea t,i eyer regaining my iien iii. sircng.a a:iu e:o r- y ; nnd. a iriii, but a faint h v j.raAed ,Von Dr. Cza, kav. who. after examhiir. vr ri. ,..,! ,',-,i;. - , . auu.a, ii-i 1 - It I . ::u wb'vir ;i:rao--t iastuitlv relieycd me of tbe da'I train ..iiJ !::-! :e-s 11 mv u--d. Lncrerra-cd 111 tsis result 1 r oived to 1 1 ice myself irnniediideiy under his rare, a'j l bv a stiit ol-ed.ence to bU direction am advice. ;:iv !: id i: tineiltar. mv id:". cr lie-ted. the consiaiit o.iin in mv ba k ai:d irriii:.-!, til iTtness of nir lir lae i.crvou reaf lion of my whole boi'y on the f light- esi aiarrn or exciieinerti: ii;e toisuntiiropv e.nd ei firrelKidniT-s: ti:e self di-tmst and want d eoi;fi:!-nce in others; t!:e lacaoacity to st:i-,:y. and watt of resvbi- ti in; tiie fri..'i!t;"ul. exciting, and st time pleasnrai.Je Ircim af ni.'Li, 1-iiloTreJ i:v lnvomidarv dis names have ail disaopeina!; nnd ia fact, in two months alter having consulted the D . tor. I felt as if inspired by t new li e tiiat life which, hut a shi-it time ago, I con- lenii'Iateri lo end Wit.i my own 11 imt. With a view to gr.ard the tinfort-inate from f.t'ling into tbe snare cf incompetent qiacks. I dee'a it my d :tv to offer th:s testimony Ii tiie nterit aad : fcii Dr. Cr opksy. a:;-! re -ommeiid !:iia toail who maystaisd in need of isM'di al dvi:-e. bein? as-ured bv mvown experience, 'hat once under his care, a radical and permanent cure t al l-e effected. R. F. FILLM0PE. S ate of California, Coaaty of Sao Francisco. Sub-scri!-d ntid sworn to before me, this 17th day of April, A. D. ISa-i. (Signed) JOHN AI1DDLETON. l P. " Xutarv Public CARD. Trompte by an honest desire of my heart. I wish to iv liefore the public a case whii-ii deserves a hiirh com- nirtidsti-in, n -t :!y aa an set of scientific skill, but tfiat of bumaii'ty, also. AlKiut two years a to. 1 st;d- dcnlv ani irom ea-js-s nnlcriown to me, wos se.-zd with a tit f Ent-EPST. which, owing to rov inai ility to meet the expenses consp-juenl ujron a th.-r aish medical treat ment, aad the discouragement whicii I met with on j attempting it. s-j-oi I rcamp such (95 I was then led to i-eheve.) as to defy the skill of any r hysirian. I was I Ire-pie at .y. while in pnrsoit of my cailag. thrown down tn the ground witaimt tiie slu-Iif-st waniias. and el- though insensible to the airopies. yet I despistd toe mis ery 01 ny exisacn -e. line in tui state, aau navinc oreviou to my ttrlb-tion tastc-1 tiie sweets of life. I once ni"re was mil. iced l ttenrpt seffc!?,gaidof a physician. ana, by rom-nendt!oTi. called npon Dr. L. J. t'3:ar ksv. I to'.d him my circumstances, and mv inability to reward him for bis srvi . 5 reeardies of wh however, he at once undertook rovc.v-e, and with the oiessing of (Jod. I was once more restored to perfect health. I'nable to rew,srd him for tbe !oon w'oich I enjoy lit present, aid vet c 1 i--'i ins if i:y in.toi.teJ- ness. I consider it Tnt- to myself and t- al! iQ-cted. to make tlie ca- pubis., in order th.U t". .e in reed of mc-li-al advice may flMd a physician in wh,m every ia!idi'tice cati le pia'-ed. METEIi TAEL0NSKV. S'ate of California, I County of San Franci.--ro, Suii-crihed and sworu to before me this first d.iv of Aii-rust, A. D. 1-siij. C,ii.b--rt A. Obaxt. N. Liry Public, l. s. S" PERMATORRlHKA.tur Lta Wenkrirssxerv us de biliiv, low spirits. I issltude. weakness of tiie iimi-s aud Uick. iiiili-j-tisiti n ar.d incapacity for l.i'or aiid study, dullness of uppj-etite. loss of memory, acr-rsionto socii tv, love ol.s,.Jit;:dc.tiniiuiry.scIfdist--ust.dii:zi-icss. h"ailaciie, pains inj oe side, aa'cetion of the eyes, pim- p.e on tlie face. exua and 1 t.ieriTitirmities iu man, are c ired w-.taoi.tfail L-v tue justly celeitrateu physician and s irgeon, L. J.Czapkay. ilis meth d of ciirinir diseases is new (a:ik:iow;i 1 1 others) and hence the great suc cess. Ail cousiiltaJ'ous, bv letter "r'-t ierwt-e. free. Address, L. J. C'APK AY, M. D- S lO Vrioci;-o. (; 1. The Crcaffst DisroTfr? cf the Age. REAT Rles-ings to Mankind! Inno-crit but Potent! v T DR. CZAPivAY S Puoraii-ACTicra. (seif-disinfec- tiag agent.) a sire preventive agaiu-t Gouorrhiral and Syphilitic fiisease--, and a ceitain aud nasur passcd remedy for ail venereal, scrifnlous, gangreiH-us and cancenius ulcers, beted discharge from vagina, uterus and urethra, and ail cutanous er.fptionsand dis eases. As iiinoculafiou is preventive againstsmall pox. so il Dr. Czapk iy's Prophylartk-um a preventiveagainst Syphilitio aud Gouorrha'al diseases. Harmless in it self, it po?sess the jKiwer of chemically destroying the sypliilitic vim-, and thereby saying thousands of delrtiuchces frSm being infected by the roast loath-souie of all di-.ease. Ix-t no yonn? man who appreciates health be without Dr. Czapkay's Prophylacticum. It is in very convenient packages, aud will be found con venient for use, being used a a snap. Price, $ ". For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Private Medical and Surgi cal Institute. Sacramento St., below Montgomery, oppo site P. M. Co's. oHice, San Francisco. All leitcrs must be addressed ta L. J. Czapkay, M.D., San Fraucisco. ', DR. L. J. CZ APKAT'S Grand Medical and Surgical la.stitiite, Sacramento st.. below Montgomery oppo site Pacific, Maill Steamship Co.'sOi'ice. San Fraucisoo. Tiie Doctor ofTers free consultation, and ask no rcinu neration unless be ctTects a cure. Office hours from 9 A.M. to 9 P. II. CERTIFICATE. I. the undersigned, Goyernor of Ifungary. do testify herehy.that Dr. L.J.Czapkay has seived during thecon for Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon ia the Hun garian army .with faithful perseverance whereof I have given hi:u this certilicate, and do recommend him to the sympathy, cttcutiou and protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice, aud undesej-ved misfortune- KOSSUTH LAJOS, Gnyeroor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan. 6, 1832. ag- Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond ing, please enclose 1 10 in their letters, aud they will get immediate attention to their cases. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D-, San Francisco. CaL April, 1858 34 WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise 20.000 lbs. of bacon for which I will pay the highest price. G. E.COLE- TAX receipt blanks for sale at the Statesman office at $1 per hundred. LADIES' cloaks, latest style, for sale cheap at 12tf . W. K. SMITH A C5's. Faints, Oils. WINDOW GLASS, ETC., ETC. V TTE would call the attention of Dealers tt our large ff and well selected stock of PAINTS, OILS. WINDOW-GLASS. BRUSHES. GLVE. EU. I ST.V '?;.- "r. 1. KAijcwetts, Atlantic, rorest Hirer and r-ngtish pore; cniund in oil, in kegs and tins; . tv--T4"- brand, do. do. do.; 1111 i,..:ia r t- 0.1 a L N ?-;Mv,..r.0T.01 ''-In ease and bbls; WLVIMnV-tSLASS-sy,, boxCTrtedsizesand good . !'!;';? d.?nb ? nd Hotfc. thick; also Plate Glass; ? AH """f "h "4 American, coach A furniture; BRL'sH En A larrre assortment of every kind, of tbe best manufacturer; GOLD LE A F Extra and e mUe deep, manufactured evnresslv to onr own order for ti.:. v.. SIf.VEU LEAF AND BRONZB-of tbe best quality; nil.OKS fieinann s. Lewi . Ae-drv .j . 'iil ami packed in assorted cases; GLUE Eastern and California mak. in hqHc- VKHMM. ION Trieste. Chinese. American, English: ARTISTS M ATKRl A LS A well selected aortment. Also Chalk. Whiting, Pntty, Ac, Ac, Ae. We have also, constantly on hand CAMPHESE: fre.'h rfi'ef. in tin". BURNING OILS- Refined srd bleached, sperm, Laid, Polar. China, pure, in barrel and cases; BURS' INC. FLUID Fresh distilled; MACHINE OIL Excellent oiuility in bhSt and I bbta. CAMERON. WHITTIER A Co. 10 ", front St., Sm Fraadteo, CaTa. Mah, 151. 3m51 Saa Frnacure AdTrrtisin? IgeBtjr. LP.FISHER. Utl Washington St.,nearly opposite Macgiiirc's leri House, up stair. Files of all tue principal Papers of California and Oregon may tm found at ttiis ofH- e. L. P. FIS'IEH is the authorized Agent of the OilfKOS STAirfAS; Marysville Herald; Sacramento Union; San Joujum Republican, fctocaion; Paciac letiiolit, Stockton; Soaora Herald; Nevada Joornal: Gr.v Valley TelegrapL; Red Bi -ff Beacon: ColomJtia Uarette; Moaatiin De:n-.-rit,Placerville; Tm liiinue C-oorier; Calvarez Clir.aicle, Hokelnmae Hill; El Dorado Democrat; S ha 'I a Courier; Marijiosatiazette; , Yrefca Weekly Union; Trinity Journal. Weaverville; I"W. H:!l New; Weekly Ledger. Jackson; San J'rse Tel--rph; S-ir?n:ua County Journal; Fol- o:n liiiiatcb; California lining Journal; L- Angeie Star; Santa Bir.'jara t;zttte; Sim D'iP-'O Herald: Alme-Ja ('aunty Gazette; Placer Conr cf, Y ankee Jim's. Napa Cotrsty Fejw,rt-rr; Sierra Dem rat. DownieviUe; Hamlfoiut Times; Union; Ore r oiii.n. Pottiand. O. T-Pacia'-bristion Advrcate. Salem, O. T-Jaekso-iyille Herald. Jaeksnnrille. O. T. ri 'r.eer aad Ilem' Oiymoia. W. T. V.'a hi.ictoa RepaS .'ihan. SieaacoofB, W. T. Poynesian. Houoi :l-i. S. L; Pa -iil---Cnmraers-ia! Advertiser. Hmolain S. I. Mexican Exrrrtordirjary.City of Mexico; Usoikong Register. ADFESTISIXO IS THE ATLJNTIC STATES. L. P. F.fcnow rornnleted bis Rrrangerrients for the forwardins of advertisements to all the principal largest rircnhitir-? J rarnals aad Newspapers pablkbtd in 1 re Atlantic Mate. A fine ojiportanity is here p2"?red' to those who wish- to advertise in any nsrt of tbe Union, of doing so at the lawest rates, and ia a prompt and satisfactory man ner. Moffat's Lifa Pills AND PUGSSIiS BITTERS. I . - .. ... 1 r rF Tunri,' A the core f scrofula, t leers, Ku re the public, for .-tirvy, or ta-uptioos f the Skin, Fever and Ague, I'yspepsia. 1'ropsy. and a fa :t ratrf t ail diseases soon yield ta their curative properties. It Las ireen comTiniea i-o.ii anring ice last itiiitiic year e;ward-ot t our Mui;on of persons nave oeea bene Stteu by t!ie p-e or these medicives; a laci waica sneaK v- lame iu tavrr ol t:eir coraijye properties siris will place them beyond the reach of eero petition in the e-tim:ite of eyery patient- By their sca the l.l d is rt-ston d to a healtby stae and fresr from II imparities. The sy.-tem is not reduced daring tbeir operatK.n. but iuv-gi'nated . and they require no re trsiLt from bo-iuesw or pleasure. The aEIicted have in these medicir-es a remedy that w:l! d fr them all that medicine fan possibly effect. Prepared- bv W. R. MorFAT. New York. And for sale bv JHN FLEMING, at the Oregon City Post OSre B-iidi-ig- tirern C;iy. March. IS,.a. y52 Lii-rery aud Sale Stable. T TTE are now keeping a Livery stable in V Oregon City, where Horses can al wav be obtained -n liberal terms. 8s V.'e are also prenared with excellent sta bles, well supplied with bay and oats, to keep horses: by day or week- Those who cali upon us may feel as- ired that eyery attention wdl e ffyen to ljorse left in oar charge. GIBSON A POTTER. Angnst 11. 1557. 22tf Salem Tannery. '"P'HE subscribers have purchased the Tanner S I K-m. tonneriy belonging to l-.lisna l. tlgm jij de sorptions of ie-iber will be kept constantly oa handi and the highest price, in cash or leather, will at al limes be paid for bides and b;rc. , CLARK A HOLMAX. " Salem, Oct. 24 , 1S57. lySSpaid ' Vity Hotel, Corvallis. MESSES. A. B. V I. SFKEXGER TTTOl:LD announce to the citizens of CorvaJGs. and V the travelliB pnblk- ffenerallv. that they ha-r thoronghiy refitted this well known establishment, and are now prepared for the aceozn mod at ion of ensto-nera. The mom have all been newly refnrnistred. the beds clean and comfortable, and t!ieir table will be furnish ed with tiie best too murket aSords. Corraiii, Aaj. ;, 1S57. 25yl New Store and 'New Goods. At Ost'ond, ZJtthfT.ry'f erry, O. T. LBERT ZiiCBFR. Dfaler in dry goods, groceries. Jfx crockery, hardware, produce. Ac. Havin 1 par !nse 1 ta stock ia trade of G. E. Getcb- ell. t.ogfther with the premises known as Metheney's eerrv. on tire u ii:.iraeiLe river, ana nanng mult a new st -ruiioo, stir.i repk-oisbed toe stoell of goodson hand, in.w oiTers ta exchange, for produce or cash, an assort ment of Dry goons. coTisiling of clothing, cassiroeres, satit petts. sheeting, sbiriiug. and fancy goods; hats and caps, b K-ts and slies;. grocerie in variety, with spkes, nuts, raisins, and candies; paints, oils, medicines, per-r.ime.-y. crotkerv. tinware, bellow-ware, stoyes. hard ware cutlery, and many other articles to meet the wauts. of the public. lie t: as also moved nnd repaired bis warehouse, so that he is now prepared to purchase or take in storage, . country produce, hk-h be can disvharge l-ya slide to steamers." ilecks. without loss or expense of dravage. And Iiiii determined to constantly keep on band a g vd supply of such goixls as the country trade may re ('i;re. be believes he cai make it an object for the peo ple in his vicinity to extend hira their paironage. Xo difference made iu the price of goods, wheth er soid for cash or produce, October 2, lv7. SOtf C. B. riUotr. TY kKALER in clock, watches and jewelr Sa- 1J lem. O- T. Particular aUention paid to tbe repairing of watches ar.d clocks. Ail work war ranted. Jewelry repaired st short notice. FOR SALE : Watches and clocks, S day striking cVieVs at a very low price ; also 30 horr marine clocks JEWELET. Ladies and gent Brooches, Finger Rings, Ear Ring1 Gold Bar k!es, Ucard Chains, Ac, Ac. Salem, July 6. 1S57. 17tf Allan & I-t-tvis, "I TTITOT.ESAf E MERC HANTS. PORTLAND, W GOX TERRITORY. cf&r? A STORE room in Orleans, a first rate stand for af produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse and store will be rented together if required. ISAAC MOORE. July 8, 1S57; IStf Dictionaries. JCST received and for sale at the Citv Book Store, Webster's Unabridged Quarto and Hirh School Dic tionaries. - E- L. BRADLEY k Co. Oregon City. Jan. 1S58. . 6tf J AS- B. BlOn AKOS, - JSO. MlX-RAKKX, I . San Francisco, f Portland, O. T. f Richards & 3IcCraken. COiTMISSIO MERCHANTS, and Jabbers in Oregon Flour, Grain. Produce. Fruit, Pork. Bacon. Lard, -Hams. Ac, Ac. Orders for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Liberal advances made on consiirnments. -No. 4l Sacnmento street, below Front, San Francisco January 27, 157. 46tf Buggies. o PEN and covered buggies Concord make, for sale. Apply to J. McCRAKEN, Portland. ' HOT of all kinds, and powder, at lltQ W. K. SMITH Co'a. iTJRE WINES and liquors for medicinal purposes,- at W. K. SMITH A Co s. T7RENCH merinos, and alpacas, at jT titfj W. K. SMITH A Co's. I ,il J baiters, at r2IJ W. K, BVITH & Co s. tfj