The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, April 20, 1858, Page 4, Image 4

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THE Pt'n.SCKini'rt iir leave to announce to tlie
.. IMPLEMENT, of California and Oregon, that he bus
now facilities lor liianufucliu ing and repairing Agri
cultural Implements of every description, trout the
mailed to the greatest, or the best in J most impmv
" ed kind, and In the bent manner, hnving nUahnp ho
'enlarged as to accommodate sixty workmen, and fur
nished with steam power and till the tieeeary in.
cbinory of tho LATEST and most APPItOVEIH styles,
i and Inferior to aano now tn e fur Ihr purpose above
named. He is ronrtdint. Mist, with Ida post ilftera
years' experience In Calirimta. he ran provide the far
mer with machine and implements much more unlia
ble to the want of the country than any that ran le
imported. a the soil and product of the country are
- different front those at home, and reiintre Machine la
most eases of a more substantial niakc, anil In many
Instances very different.
Ha designs manufacturing a immlirr of roinhlttril
Reaper and Mower, particularly adapted to the use
of this eonntry. which will possrs more rombUud
strength, durability and lightness, than any other i
Ian. Ilia fast Steel Deep Tiller Plnwjwts already
attained notoriety in this eonntry fur in advsm-e i
ny before introdiired. He wiH he able, with what
otaer Plows are made within the State, to rnipply fnlly
. the demand for the llowa the coming riii. He
. designs manufacturing ?mtttt' Patent (Sang Plow, f
. favorably known in the Western State, and recently
introduced here. A bio, Premium Fanning -M ill-, from
No, t to 1. which have given universal s iti-ila, lion.
Alas, the World's Fair Prire Hotter Working Churn,
to which was awarded the First rrrmium at the Call
foraia Stale and Mechanics' Fair. K.7. Also Hsr
. row, Cultivator. Htde-hill Subsoil anil Left Hand
Inwa, and all other aimllar Implement..
- TIOX of taw Farmers to hi facilities for repairing all
. kind of agriraittiral implements, being mrh aa t-i en-
bit him to d every part within his own ahop, being
prepared to make castings both of Iron and brass; there
fore he will ha able to do repairing in the shortest time
tad with much less trouble than ba heretofore been
the case. He wishes alao to AK.VOUNt'K that he hn
, noweatke WATER, honnd for this PORT, on board
theclippershlpsWEHl-niVr and MARY KUltlXSnX,
forty of JOUX A. PITT t celebrated T1IKKSI1 F.HS
and J?V.PKBATO!W, twriity each, 8 and 10 horsc-now-ers,
a aich are auperior to any ever heretofire oflfcred
In tbla market, with rat Mrcl Cylinder hafbi and
: Joamal. which haa'aot hetvtofora tlie rae.' and
ia many othvr respect in Mich a way ax to add mat b
tothaatcadr operation - and wear of the ravhineo.
lVrwoa waiting any of the above machine, will d well
to forward their drr early, ax thew are all that will
be ta the maiket, of make thin ran, and h h:i
the exvlnmva rijrht of nalvfor th mnrhlna in Caltfnr
nia. Oroiroa and V"tiinrtn Terribrie. tin a-iil a t
.a ritt'aafent in protecting the patent on eaid marhhie.
All per.iu will plaa take notice that t'.iev will lie
belli reKuttle f T any infringement on naid'roti-nt.
He ha alo on the wv a good a.rtment of Ueaper;
among which are Bl'IlRAl.U'.s. MdliliMK K s lirs
BKY b aad M ASXK AIo a full ntly of rxtrn f.T
ny and all of the above Marhinto. t'yi-tr. Sn ti..
Casting of every description, etc. Ia addition, be hna
on hand a full anpply of - ,
Hav Pre?, beet ntvle;
Hay and Straw letter;
t:r.iia Cradlt, f irnnt'g; ,
'. X! Stevl flow;
Cincinnati Kagle Steel Plw;
' Kvaiia Adam' tialena Plow:
Hevolvinif and Wirc-TootUed H rs Kake; '
Scythe and Snalh. bet make; '
. - Hay and Harley Forks;
Thrrmonv-tiTand l."h t'hnrn:
- ;, White' f5Hf-Act!ny Chie-Prc-w.; i
PooHm' Pump:
' - Peeil Sower and Tr"in-Irin;
: Cider and Wine-Pree; "
' Cln-alar aw Tahre-.;
iardcn !takeml Spading Foik:
Amea Sh-rt and Long-Handled ?jaJ-:
tTa.ann. Pray anj .'art;
Ax and Pi. k IfatiiUo;
Hunt and Simmons" Handled Axe:
Ftecl t'nra-bar; .
Old IVlonv Artcd Xa:l?;
. ttrindst nc qud fijitureo;
rUtintf Hrpo;
heclt pmnBr n
riow-Bcom and Handle.
In r't, a full astftrarnt of all inp!cmeiiti n-qnirc!
fcy the fanner. He pnrMVrt to ray that what he nuin
nl'actare. aa well ait wbat he imports, he will nrl! on a
reasonalile t-rm a any can sell similar aiticlcs.
He is isre that lie ran and will offer uch indiiremtit
as to make it to the interest of farmer end mi-rchrmN
to buy of bun inrtrad of importing. He nroubl. at the
Me time, tender hi thanks "to the pnbtic ft.r tht ir
liberal atroi-.ime during the part eain. whli b In
been entirely to hi KticlH. tion aud mnrii bryt-fld hi
espectatwn at the beginning of tlie w.ion.
MT. IluU. Knapp A i, nf Portiand, are le
gent in O. T. fr thr Kile or my VaH StrH Hcrp Til
ler Plan: All order fur Plows, a aill a oth-r im
plement and machinery of any dt- r'ptK n will le
lilted by H.. K.4 Co., at Kan Franciac prire. with
freight added. .
i .- THOS, OC.rt SHAW.
3.3 Si rnment-KtrH t.
STannfai tiiry Comer Davis and Sacramento stretn.
Ban Fram ico, California.
Febrwary, 1 MU - - -, 4ml 4 .
V7ooden Ware, Brooms, Baskets,
Clothes Lines, Matches, fcc. .
In all their varieties,
For sale at lowest, ami Wholesale price, at the
Wood and Willow Ware Esinblishmrot Of
38 Sacramento St., l-low Front,
Pan Fran., FeTx.Tj'J. . m49
... 1
joiix'a: kittredcse,
MAXUFACTUREB of Fire-proof Iirr.. Shutter.
Vanlta.Ac-Ae.,. Battery, near l"aciSc street,
Kan Erancwcot
X. B. Order from the eonntry promptly attended
to and warranted as ordered.
A large aortment of second hand IWr and
ter eoactantly on hand, for sale at rrrjote ratn.
Mrch. WVh. im'it
Yamhill Kate Course.
THK race will commence at the Yamhill Race
Coarse on WEDNI-iUA V, June 1, and om
tinoe tbroagh the week.
Tb peoiirictor, having leased the Yamhill race track,
propowa to offer the following PL KSKS to be rnn for,
according to the rule of the Yamhill J-x-key Club,
j FiaT lav Mile Heata best two ia tbree Pronrie-
tor'a Pane... 2(K.
SeiM Dar Two Mi!e HeaU Proprietor' tnre
ol t ji)0.
Tstibd Dt Mile Heata for Tbree YearO!d Pro
prietor" Pmre. t'K. '
Foitcth DT Mile Heat best tbree ia five Pro
prietor Pnrae $100.
Tot raw cent avraANre will b charged for the
above pome. Three ntries or more to make a race,
and two to itart. R. T A LRKT. Proprietor.
X. B. The propriebir baa contracted for lumber to
bnild a nitble tand for speetaton. and he intend to
tnake other extemive improvement for the accommo
dation of visitor. For all person having home to
Wain, the track wilt 1 ready on the first of April.
Yamhill Co., Jan. 25, IS.ii. 47tf
I Q. Washington,
ACEXTfortbeproeecation of claim at Washing
ton. I. C-. bcfire the Executive Icpartment, Coa
frresa aad the Coartof Claim. Will attend to the wt
tlement of accounts of Marshal. litrict Attr.i-n y.
and other Federal officer, and of contractor with the
1'oatoflice and otiicr Uepartment: also, to the procur
ing of Patent for Ijnd. Land Warrants, and other bu
siness of a (General Agency.
Refer to len. Joseph Lane. Oregon Territorr: Gov.
Isaac I. Steven. Washington Ter.; Hon. M. H.'McAI-lisK-r.
Hon. Ogd"n lioltuutn and K- Ansr. Thompson, of
Son Francisco. Cl.; Hon. James finthrie. lyroisville.
Ky., and t-i the Officer generally of the Treasury and
Interior Departments at Washington.
Addresd L. Q. WASH1XC.TOV,
- 1y Washington 1. C
Corvallis Drag; Store.
JR. C ART) WELL. Hrnpgist and Apothecary, is con
. rtantly receiving, per OUilurnia kteamers. large
and carefully selected stock of Prugs and Medicine.
Oil. Paint. Vaminh, Sfian. Perfnmcric. Toilet Vur.
nitare. Stationery, and all article usually kept in Drug
Store, Agent for Jayncs. and other patent medicines,
which will be furnished at California, wholesale price.
aW BUUtlTKH. 1
CorraU-a.ygyi'i.lSS-. i2tf
WO.LIA1I F. H IGnFIELD.Chronometer and
- - ---- t - ' e.w - I. . I ir 1UURQ HI
Km nlit tmnd in fmn -. r .1,. 4 it i
- -- - uiwu u'liri,
late Main-street Hnoae. where be can be eontintlv
found prepared to doaoy business in bis line. Wat-lies
cleaned ana renan-ea on short notice and reasonable
term. wi ruim toi 01 watches and Jewelry for sale
. Mari-h6, ls57. jy51a
pti IiVALLIS Ware House, No. offer for rent.
ia ..; MOimu or
In connection with the above we have a pork bou
juiu m'c uciu.M;iir reni.
a mm r
1 Ti
WallsLZict Uciversity. f .
'I Ml B FACULTY during thepreaent year will ton
J. it of
Itcv. F. S. Hoyt. A. M., President and Acting Profesa.
or of Ancient linguage and Mnthenmtlc.
V. 11. 1111. A. II.. l'rureor ol Matnml Science.
UV" ..Idiw!'1' Twbwaof CViimmn Eimllnh.
Mi Sarah Buckingham, Teacher of Instntmt Btal
Th CoLi.nilATB IKrKTMiSNT of the Wsllamet I'nl
verslly ha Ima omatiiaad. Yming men deignlng to
pursue a rrj-tllnr C'Hirae of Studv, nre lnlt d to avail
themselves of the ailvantagr nrtordrd by Hit liistltu
llon. All available resource will lie made tn
meet the wants of Student. KiPirt will Ihi continued
to secure n suitable viulowmeiit;and iHipainwill lieir
cd in olilnlninv eouietentand rxierieneed Instnictors.
' The Collegiate year I divided into Mive teem, eotu
uienring a follow:
The tli-Mt term nil the 3d Thursday In Replemlier. -'
m'conj term on the 1st " Jainmry.
".third " Inst "April.
The Hist two term are Airrn trtrk- roc: the third.
tlrm tprrAr.
VafATniN There will be two v.v-otlnn in the
year: oue. in April, of two trtrkt, and one, in the sum
mer, of nine teerJtj.
Trmoit will be at the rate of f I per week, or 40
per annum.
IHK (lltr.lit. lASllJ t lKr 1IIH 1. ItKTAIt ATOItT
Tkkms. -Tlio Academiu rear ia divided Into roi n
Tkiims of Wern tree srA.
1 lie nrst term l-gin on the last 1 bursday of August.
' second term begin on the Sd " " Nuvetn,
" third lat " " Jannnrr.
" fimrth " ' " " last " ' April.
Vacatiom. There will be two vacation In the year:
one In April, of fro am,- and one in tlie summer, of
rix ireeA:.
Tvmoa will Ivc paid at the beginning of each Term
in nWrnsre, at the following rates:
In Langun;f, Higher Mathematics '.'hem., f 10 00
" Other studies or the Academic MvLslon, . . I f
" Common English Division, 6 IM
Primary 6 60
For no of "the Piano........ S ftt)
l:i.-tnilucntal music.. , 10 00
In-tructiiuil in vocal mnslo iscivea to all the
tudcutiv nf rAargr.
. AuaissioN. Sladctit will be admitted at any t'me;
and will l charged fur tuition from the time they en
ter only, but t'u ir progress will be greatly promoted
by entering ral ly in the Academic year.
"In caes where, from necessity, students loave before
the end of the term for which payment h:i been innde,
a Just proirtlu not more than three fourths nor less
than oiie-ionrth nf the tuition lee will be refunded.
Student are not allowed to leave Just before examina
tion. Patron who are Innttentive to this point, Inflict
grefl Injury upon both the student and the institu
tion. Ito mmsi. Tonng gentlemen and Ltdie enn obtain
hoard at reaso:irMe rules with private rauiU'ee.
t'nt'Rsa or Srt nv. A Course of Study h been
adopted fcr Ixth the Collegiate and Preparatory IH?-
partment. aril ralcni ileil u iM-ure ripe scHoiursnip.
mental ili.-ij-line, and a preparation for the active du
ties ot life.
A lilieral Course of Study n l-en adopted for young
ladies who desire to obtain a thonmch education.
as- A Mir loin willl awarded to all who shall
complete the prescrilsrd course.
The tiovKHN aKNT will He paremai inn inci aim
imr constantly at the formation of correct habit of
Self tJovrinment. Careful attention will be given to
manner and moral.
SoHOLAKsHira, perpetual, or for the period of ten
vcr. seenrios tuition at very reduced rates, can I
purchased. For further particular apply to the Presi
. Per order of F.xeeittive Committee.
F. 8. HOYT.
Sec. Board of Trustee.
Salem. lec. 10. IS.U. 41tf
New Constitution for Oregon.
TTTEls-g leave to announce to the pnUie that we
t V Iff jut ret eivtng a lr?e ami well selected st ck
of g.vds trom S.n Francisco, which ha been selected
wirh great care by Mr. Alexander, who haabee.i attend
ing that market for some time, therefore we can wilely
ny to t'.ic public that we can, and will sell. g'Kc a
loir at wholesale or Mail
We will take in exchange for good all kind of pro
dnce. X. H. We will also pay cash for all kinds of pro
duce, t'ewit-
Wheat. Fbmr. nutfer. Ecg, Racon. Pork. Lard, Ac, Ac. Ac.
All who wi.-h to purchase, will do w;i to ca.l and ex
amine lefore purchasing ei-ewlit re.
tur sus a consist oi every ming in me line inni mis
market callsfor to-wit:
tJrev. White, Red and Flue Rlanket;
Coa't. Yet. pant. Hat and Hat cover:
Cndcrand liver shirt. Wool and Cotton;
F.vcrv desrription of WhiteShirt:
Queens Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery;
It's-t. Shoe -oareand line:
Itrogan Calf. Kip and Cowhide:
Wool Plaids. Merim. IK-lain, late pattern
In short every kind of piece goods, andl'-ie I Hiss t TEA
everhip;ied tothi maiket.
ALSO l etar suineies. I imoiny seeo sn iiojis.
mg- (jive ns a call, and se for yoiirselve."t,
Corvalli. Oct 19. IM7. 3tf
New Arrival of Jewelry, &c
TROSKXTHAL inform his patron and
. he hi ittst n turned lrim
San Francisco with a select assortment of Jew
eler. Musical Instrument. Cutlerv. etc.. and
ofli-r them for sale at hi store on r ront street.
r One d.wr below lr. Coombs' offlce.-
, j JEWELUYi r -Oold
and Silver watehe: lM and Silver chain;
Cold br.tcilet; (S.ild earnngs; tiold breastpins; t.old
fincer rimrs: lyx-ket: (Sold pen and pencil: (.old
k-evehntt.m; Silver and Plated ware; Taney goods
and HTfumerr.
( Ybdin. Flute. Fifes; laree aortment of
Aeconleon. Ladies work boxe if all kinil. Odd and
Silver iectncle, rll and Silver ioon. Cutlery,
Clock an eiidle variety. Ac, Ac.
-Wtc!ie. Cbs k and Jewely repaired, and all
kind of Jewelry made toorder.
9-Alt of my work warrantcd-Sa
-Don't rorget "The Siirn of the Rig Watch."-
Corvalli, Oct. 14, ls;,7 f
qtHE judges of the Supreme Conrt, of the Territory of
L reiron. aiemblel at the neat of (Sovennnent n
the ninth day of January, eistiteen hnndred and tifty
seven, do fix and apisiiiit listrn t Courts, to tie held in
village of Uoveburg, in the county of IMigla ihi the
lii-t Mondays.of March, May, September and Xovcm
lr. annually, nntil olbcrwise ftrdered.aud do limit the
daration of said term to six day raeii.
CKO. II. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice.
Hit M. P. DEADY, Aociate Justice.
At Kttsene City.
THE sulnciilwr has at Kugene ( ity, one of the lKst
general assortment of lry Goods, t;roceries. Hard
ware. Root aBd Niioes. and nil articles kept in a gene
ral findimr store, to Iss ftsnml in Oregon. He I con
stantly receiving fresh addKions to hi stock, and al
ways keep it np. My good are now all received direi t
from San Francisco, where 1 have a resident sgetit. All
kiiidsof farmer's priMlnce received in exchange fur goods
1 pay hijrher prices for produce, and sell good cheaper
than any other store in the Territory.
jiim li ir..i..
EngeneCity. July 1,1 VC. bitf i
Statesman Hook and Job C3:ce.
WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Rook
printing north of Calilornia. and an cxten'ive a.
a rtmettt of Jobsiko M atbbjai. of every kind; and. with
master workmen, are prepared toexecutc hnim-'lv. and
tn a workman-like manut-r, all orders in the au da
partments, sitch as
Blanc Check,
Okpkk Rook,
Stravbo't lllt.L
Htkambo t Carls, or Ladik
Snow Bills,
Ciikck Rook.
Bl'k Ukoiipts,
Raul Tickkts,
Ursine Carps,
C'OVCKRT Rll.lil,
Apprkss Card.
Ri.axks of am. Kinds. Ac, Ac. Ac
Tlie Iaws of Ore-con.
rr-tnE OREGOX STATCTES, ls-wbein-ralare vol
A ume of (3j0 pages, with complete index, annota
tion, and references, comprising all the laws in force in
the Territory, inclusive of tho?e passed at last session
of the legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the Statesman, at live dollars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, honnd' in law style, and
is sold at publisher prices, and a low as a like work can
he bonght in any State in the Union, and at the lowest
figure they can be afforded for here. The prire places
them within the reach of all who desire the law s they
live onder. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
filled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that
will prolislilv be nnhlishcd in Orcson. for manv years
In addition to the enactment of the legislative Assem
bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Great Uritain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1 7S7, in
force in Oregon, imnauoQ l-aw and all amendment,
and full abstract of United .spates Naturalization
Marion House, Salem.
TH K undersigned announce to the public
that he has pnrchased the well known
tavern stand, called the Marion House, in a
lem. together with the furniture and fixtures
t licreof. Ue will keep it in first rate style, and invitee
ine pamHiaire im luc Jiuunc II. M. MM.
May 23, 157. ntf
DR.J.R. CARDWELL. Dental Surgeon , Corvalli
in hi profession, at Corvallis, Kugene Citv, Win
chester. Scottsburg. and Jacksonville. Skill, "uii'ines
tionable: charges respectable; work, warranted. Teeth
examined, and advioe given free of charge,
line notice ariven of change of oflle.
April 2r,, 1R33. 7tf '
Tho Graefenborg
-el .
The Grnrfcnber; Company.
rpms INSTITUTION. (Inompi.raUMl bv the IrI
X latum of the Slate of New Voik. Capital f KMMHMI.)
was founded for the purpose of supplying the public
with the celebrated GRAKt KNHKIIU MKHK l.hl
The series comprise remedies lor nearly eveiy illseaso
adapted to every climate. For Families, Travellers,
Sramcu.and Miner's n-e tiiey are nnctptallvd. All the
Medicines me Pl'HKLY VKGKTAULli and wananled
to cure the disease lor which they are severally rec
ommended. The Grueienberg Company doc not profess to cnr
ali di-ua-s with one or two me 1 ines. Our serirscon
si'its of LI.KViiN dill'creiit kind., adaptetl to the vari
ous dioritses Incident tollin totiiH-rte and tropical ell
male. The lull iwlm; cumpiise the eite of Grnelen
berg Medicines s .. i
Are considered the st indml Pill of the day. aud are
inllnitely superior t any Pill Is-Tore the puli;-. They
npernte without Irritation on 'all the excretion, purg
ing t!te H "Hi by tlielviweli, liver, kidney and skin.
An Inrslllbl-' remedy for nil disea-c of the" womb
and minntr organs, weakness in the back, iinln In the
breast, tiei'visnes. debility, etc. In California and
Otvgon, out of more tlmn a tltoiisand rases where this
medlritn- ba lcn used, it his In no stngls InsUmce
failed to give jiermnnint n-lirf or to efject a certain
tint nit.trKKNBKim SAi:ArAiui.i.A,"
A p laeifnl extract. One bottle eipial to tea of the
ordinary SsrsapariHa for purifjlng the I loud. A sure
rare for Tofiila, rheum itis'ii. ulcers, dyK'uli. salt
rtretim, men-urial dl--e'se, cutaneous uruptinua, Ac
Invaluable for burn, wound, sprain, rhllblalns,
sore, swellings, scroiula, etc. A a Pnln Kxtmctor.
It cannot lie excelled, ti'rding immediate relief frum
the most excrutiatlng pains. ,
Till extraordinary article i a opeedy and Infallible
remedy In lianho-a" lye;:tery. Cholera Morbii( Chol
era luiaiituin and the .intie Cholera, if taken with the
lirst symptom of tiie dieae. It I purely vegetable
in it coinMi!nd.
nRArrs8FRi rttit.PKFN r.ts 'cr., '
FornatmerC'mplint, and m vt diasM ti which
chil'li-en sie subject. Its trie wirth can never be set
forth in word, but it cut: 1 fi It ami appreciated by
parent whose vhildien have LccU saved. Xo Mother
should be without it.
tiik i;H rfK emu rut rrnsnv. '
Wnrranied a certain elire for thl painful dieae.
with the Ointment there bi very (Vw eae which can
not be radiinllv ami perpianeiitly cured. A siirslcal
ojieration for l'il"r f'i-4i:l t sluinld tieverle resorted
to until thl Ointment ha lieeu thoroughly tried. It
never fail.
or itmvBM'.a kvk lotion.
For disease of the eve this . tin ha no eipisl. It
I a sjieedv and p-r-itive cure fr inflammation of the
eye, weakne, dimnes and failing of sight. It will
Hlnsyst benelli ial in acute Intf animation of the eyes,
and ulio us a wa-h on inllamed sonace.
A speedy nnd po-itlvc ci. rc T r thi dbxrclng com
pi tint, l'he-e PiH are e m; l pi)ncipnllr of On.
niae. with ot'ier regi-t-il lo t on , anti-spasmodic nnd
febrifuge article. Thou.inds have been periaaucutly
cured by their n-o. ,
liUAl.lkMltKl CSH JllTll ' TAI.M.
Sovereign in all Hn m hiiil and Pnl-n inary liscae.
It is, lyoiid 1I question, trie that Consumption i n
cural.le disiase, ami the Consumptive' Uvlw Is the best
rurutire ever u-cd.
OHAF.IK.BCll IlllTtl,s.
Thi-e ltitiers are skilfully and elegantly prepared
f:im a numlier of invigorating hesltliy rooi. bnk.
herb and vine. An iaval rable tonic aud lieal.b re
storer. ;iIAF.'ENrKI!0 MAM'AL OP HEALTH.
A kn.lkme!tr printed rnlnme nf XOO pa r. col.lsit
init conci-e and extienu ly pliin description of all
manner of di-easr. their sjmptonn and treatment
Kvery fuinily sh wil l have nie. Pri- only IS cent
It will be sent, p-t paid, to any po-. e!H--e in Ciilifor
ni.t or On son, on the receipt of Vt rent by mail orex-
Addre Redinfft-m A Co., San Francisco.
The (Iraefeiilierg Medicines are for sale by all Prtig
gists and .Vp.ithecarit'. throughout the country. ,
Genera! Auent for California and Oregon '
HKI'IXG lo. A Co.,
Wholesale lruggi-t. "
No. 107 Cliy street.
Smith .V Davis Affitit. INirtland.
San I'r.incisco, IH-c. 12, 117. .firuil
Tlie Orriion Stateamttti.
A Inittpnttltnt Jonrttal , tfrrolrH to I'olitiri.tifnnal
lirmre, -c, fuuiMi of .Nr, Vrgtm.
ASAHKL HUSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Kditor
The StiU'siimn is Uenus-ratic in isditios. and thor
oughly National in its chiraiier. It is hostile tn every
specie ni MH'iiotiallsm, laicuict.-iu, ami invjivr.nn e:
and will vigorously oppose all attempts to incorporate
my or tnc inane win or the day into our ierriirai
It will advocate all practical measures nf Reform
and Proercs. economical and simple administration ol
our l'K-al government ; fiiUbriilness, Integrity, aud ca
pacity in oltice, aud a system of rigid and direct ae
counl ability of the viiicvr to the pcuple. It will dis
cuss all tiivasiires agitating the public aiind, in a man
ner Icaricst, impartial, and just.
Its Xew IX'iiaitincut wilt le edited with much
attention, and nothing will Le spared to furnish early,
accurate, and comprehensive publication vl ill cur-ri-nt
The SUtosman h.u a larse. widc!)--sc.ittercd,aud niott
excellent corps of corresisnnleiit, and very complete
facilities for piocminp news.
lue attention is also paid to the publication ol Miscel
lany, Agricultural and Literary matter. . .
lii this paer are published the laws, resolutions, and
treaties i f tlie raited State, aud the bins and resolu
tions of t';e Territory if Orc?on bv authority. The
paper i printed on new material, and upon a sheet ol
the largest Mae. ''.''. -
The coming year will lie tlie most important In Ore
gon" history. A State is to I inaugurated, through
varm political contest, and the machination, of
faction. diallection, abuliti mism, and e-ery hue of
opposition, to overthrow the Old Democracy. Kvery
citizen of Oregon should be tlioronglily informed "f
passing events, if he deyfrcs to discharge hi duty to
the St i to and the country, intelligently and uprightly.
The Statesman will be an active participant in 1 raus
i rin I ;vlitical rvents. and will I'lmi-h a faithful rcc
oril of the history of parties and polities.
A a vehicle of Orezoti Xcws. the Statesman enjoys
facilities that none ol it cntemporarls do. .
Tkrws Three dollars per year, Mrictly in advance:
four dollars, if p;.id within six months, but not in ad
vance: live dallar. If not paid within six months.
These terms we must adhere to In all cacs. Persons
sending ns money by mail, or otherwise, will please
conform to these terms, adopting the amount to the
timr of payment.
The low price at which the paper is afforded places
it within the reach or all.
Boot and Shoo Store.
Fni:ni:rciCK W I C K M O X would announce
to the citizen of Salem, and the urround- 5 I
iug country, that he have taken n store on the ' R
east side of Commercial street, north Of the postoflice.
where he will keep ouistautlv on hand a full assort
ment of evcrv kind of boots and shoes, both .-in-torn and
sale work, which he will sell at the lowest living pri
ce. Rcina a practical workman, all order for the
manufacture or repair of work will be complied with,
and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike
manner. Give me a call and examine my slock.
Salom, March 12. 1S57. Lltf
Bakery aud Confectionery.
THK undersigned would announce to the public that
they hive established themselves in the baking and
confectionery business at Salem, on Commercial street,
seennu uoor norm or inc union House, a tnorougn
experience at the baking business they trust will enable
them to give satisfaction to thcircustomcrs. AU orders
promptly lilled.
Groceries and Fruits, will also be kept constantly on
band. AIcGl & UlltXrJ,
April!. 1S.17. fitf
Sclioul Books.
JCST received, a complete assortment of Sanders'
School Books, together with a large lot of Thomp'
son a Practical Arithmetics, all of which will be sold
cheap, at the City Rook Store.
Oregon City, Jan. IPoR. 46tf
For Sale.
THOMPSON' S Arithmetical Tables;
" Mental Arithmetics,
Practical "
High School Arithmetie.
OregonCity,Fcb.,lS58. , 4tf
rHE best Mack tea yon ever saw, nt
fitf J W. K. SMITH & Co's.
. - 0. William Donthlt, .
' - ' AHD . ' i
Will practice lit the Rnprcma and DUtrlct C'oiirt ,
of this State.
r Ofllce over Rtarr'a Tin Store. Frontstrett.-en
3tf Portland, Oregon.
N. IT. Cranur,
Albany. O.T.I'eb., l- atf
AS. W. Me A. i'F.P., M. !.. Physician and Snrgeim
()ll.-e over Star, 11 inmrd ft Co,
Store, 1- rout St.,
.Monroe, llenton I 'o., O. T.
. Jrr. H. It. ITiieUles,, ;
Salem, NnvemlKT , l-"7. ' 3.Uf
William C. Orlswoltl t. Co.,
W. C OlllSWOt.O, ?'2tf C, g. WOllllWIIllTII.
Aletlical IVotlce. x
THIK tub-crriicr, wonld Itiromillie InhaMtanl Hint lie
Is at but "Id stand, ready to attend to all rail in
hi profesdua ; also be has on hand a well selected
stock of Kcleotb- oonceiitrated Medicine, with a well
averted supply ot Syrlutjc, all of which be will dispone
of on reasonable term. W. WAHltKN.
Salem llecetliber , I"i1. I
edie.iL Nolier.
! E.
Dlt TV, VTi SHAW, late of San laneteo,Oiirlrornl,
ull'crs bis nrwfessional ervii) to ttm t-ittren to
Salem and viclullyt aad tvspecthilly solidta a share fo
nubile favor. , .
tf oniceaiKotiil litilt Fellow' drttf tort.
Uj ' . ' A -i ' ; t tt. W. BHAW.
--. 8. Kllsworth, ,
US. tiiqircjite -nnd other Uourt. . Otlitnj .1'iigeu
. Cilf, Uihti 'oMu(y-Oretpm Territory." ' Also-.
Ciunmlssi'onerof Deeds fbr Xcw Vork, Couuctiiiiit, AA
Augiiitt'i. m
, ; ; '!A. J. Tliajrtr, .
in t'mvallis. Rent, in Co., O. T., opposite to the
City Hotel in auid town.
W. y. lnKe.
lent. O.T., O'll-e, llrst daor south uf the States
man Olllce. np stair.'
W. U. KAllllAll.
Furrnr k Siont,
'hsncery and Admiralty.
a-olllce on Kraut otn?t, one door north or me
" Kxchamte." . ' ' j
Portland, O.T.. July SO, ij7. 'ttf '
I. H. - Smith. -
Solicitor iu Chancery, CorvalH O. T. .
I. K. SHtTII. Ol"
W. Jlilthrll,
1. gene City
lne County, U. T. ' s "
TL. COOMrtst. M. P.. FTir-eon. Ac. SPECIALTY
.-DISK ASKS OK TUG EVE. Coryallu, Oregon.
Septeni!cr 51. li'l. . 2.soia :
' ?:n Pranriaco AtlTcrtiiini; iicntf
rP. KISHKR. Iron Isdlding. opposite Pacifle Express
J Olllce. uiistair. I'lU-s of all tlie primlpal Paper of
( niirornia and Orcion may lsMoumi at unsoince. ur.
r i-lier I the ntli iro-rd Agent ror the Matesman. i
Chester S. Trrrv,
2 ."n!i-ioiier cf leels, and to take testimony, ac
knowledgment. Ac. Ac-, for Iowa. Indians, Mismri,
Michigan, (aliforui an. I Washington Territory, let
ters of Atbirw y, and all other instruments of writing.
diawn on short notl -e.
Particular attention paid to taking deposition.
collections of Antes, AecitmL. Ac, tl
Uurtlin; 4 Grovrr, ,
L Solicitor in Chancery. Oflke uear the Coiirt-h iise
Sulem. .T.
Gro. E. Shril,
1. Solit itor ia Ciiancerv. will practice in the virions
(-HiiUi.'f tire goo aad S ashiugt m leniLirii-s. OOice,
Salem, O. J .
, Drlaian Smith,
it Solicitor In Chancery, will promptly attend t. all
tnisine pi'rtaitiing to hi profession I'l the !lsit Judicial
. . . . 1 I . . .... L . . . . e i t
OTTtce. Albany. Linn Countv. O. T.
X. It. When not at hi offl e. or absent on profes-
sf"nal bit-dues, be nnv ls f mini at hi residence, live
mile south-east of Albany, on what U kuuwu a the
' Grand Prairie.-
V. S. Brock,
Solicitor in v'liancert-. will pnn tice in the vari os
.1.1- i. .. I n...l t.. !. ..i.
. . It. 1. Mratton,
A TTORXEY AT k AW. will practice in the various
A court. of soutliera Oroguu, and ia the Supreme
Cisirt or the Territory.
ilrt kE in ScottsUireh. I'mrMina eoantv. O. T.
X. It. Roiiuty luid Warraul obtained lor claimants
on reasonable term. 3jtf
E. M. SAHM-M. J, (!. WILSON;
Ilamninfi Wilson.
1cm, Oregon. Particular attention is given to tbe
CO lection of uutcs aud accuiints, and c.aiins against
Roiintv Ijind Warrant bought and aold.
liill -e over turkey's btore. : 41
. B. V. Bonlinm.
lice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. fitf
1 A. B. Hallork,
4 RfiirrrcT akt iiun.DKit. iortl.nt. o. t.
1. Desiciia. plans, specJticatiuu, Ac, furnished on
reaminble term., . . ,
. . CampbfU Is Pratt.
4 TTORXEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. California:
i Hti- e. corner Moutgnnuiry ami Sacrenienlo strecus
over Parrott A Cos. Rank. f
Messrs. Camiila-U A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will I pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to their cure. . 31U
Ai.exaxdku Cami-bbll. O. C Pa ATT.
S. Hamilton,. M. !.,
TVIVKIl'UX AXD SURGKOV. would resoectfullv
1 announce to tlie good people of Douglas nnd tlie stl-
piiuiti'r counties, that na ha located jierraanently nt
Deer Creek for the purpose of practicing medicine, and
in which profession he will lie faithful to discharge all
duties, and spare no pains to render tbe patient easy
and comfortable.
Omen opssite R. II- Dearborn A Co.'a store, on
Main street.
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale nt low tnh pri
tf. 4-tr
Corlnthiau L.odge
OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold
their eominiinicatioiis on the Thursday
night liefore tlie full of the moon of each mouth, ex
cept wuen it. inn. on murstiay nignt, than on mat
night in Albany, o. i .
Un'thrcn in good standing are cordially invited to at
tend. DELA.OX SMITH, W. M.
Stkisufb. Scc'y. 37tf
TTVEErS, mortgage, powers of attorney for sale of
scrip, tax receipt. Una I proof, nnd notincationa
a new lot jusi printed anil lor sale at tue biaiesman
July 27.1so7. 20tf
Look Here!
E have just received 8S.000 lb, of ground nlnm
salt, which we arc selling at f.l.lin per hundred
'ANTED in exchnngefor cash or merchandise, 100
i i i . t 1.. , 1 i... I,
V OIIS107I.S VJI .n.ll H1IIIIGR, 1, 'V U lll. V-1 .1,1.
r . . t.:i . : : I l- -t
will in Aiiiisb uif;ue piicv puiu- v . i . . v vts
WANTED in exchange for merchandise or on ac
count 10,000 lbs. good butter, for which I will
pay the market price. G.E.COLEJJ
Dickinson Type Foundry.
PHELPS & DALT0X, Roston. L.P. Fisher, Agent,
San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads.
rule, Ac.
August i5, 1S57. 24tf
Orleans Warehouse.
.RLEAXS Ware House, opposite Corvallis, for rent
1TACKEREL and codfish, at
W. K. SMITH i Cs's.
lAROLIN A rice, and syrup to sweeten it in 5 gallon
W Kegs, at ICitr w. ri.. smith s Co s.
ALT, sal soda, aud sassafras, at
Cf-itO W. K. SMITH Go's:
III ICKEXS 10,000 wanted, for which tlie highest
ninrKct price will be paid, tnqmre at
ltf G. E. COLE'S, Corvallis
rooris iu inis icrriuirT, hiio pi'.io"ij ...m-,.,, .... vo,
l1inn of all claim against the L lilted State, through
an efflclent ag-ht re-iding at Washington .City. Ollice
in Eugene City, Ijiiic Cisinty, O. T.
. . AT . .
The City Book-Store,
A. Rt b'HIl'fiEY & Co.,
bvb li Row, and will Ue rncelvlnir by the 1st of June
spfe 523 m - ma
WSlch they olT-r W the -
,At amall aiWattce on New York price.
v us a cull, or send iu an order, Hud we are
boun l to give you Satisfaction I
A. (t. Slilitley K Co.,
Arc tho Hii.- AuBN-rs iu Oregon and Washington Ter-
,r s .i rttnflo for tlie atte of i . i i
Tho Am pri nan Statesman.
A O'.tlCAT DOOKII Relug the only ivjliticaJ lilstory
.r the United States. . ,
. . ,.-! ..... t ....I.I u .1
Menu Us your names, i nru .? . s j.-,oc wu ur
livery of It ook. Can deliver by tho IM of September
to all who send u their names by 1st of Muy;- ,
Cataione of Part of our Stock s
nkAnRK.. Sanders' oldlst, 2d, 3d, 4th, and Sth,
nd Tlie Young Uidies'j Sanders' New 1st, 2d, Sd,
4Mi and 6th: rurker' 1st, 2d, 3d, till and otli; Mu
tMllby's in, 21, Kd, Ith and rttli.
HI'Kt.t.Rlts. Jssnuer unit raxmjeru i c f , r.icmen-
iry! " ' ...
Jki.hi!k. Sanders' rictorlal , School and I'.irKer s.
tlKOontritiE. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, til-
nev . Mor e s, wc.Nuis ys, ana .-nonieiin s isi ana
Id' Rook. . . . .
MiriiKM.tTtc. Arithmetics jnomsmi s, lame.
Mental, Analysi. Fnn-ticnl, and lliglier; Dayie'rri-
nmrv. ; llilclli-ctuul. ciumii anil uiiiYermiy ; nnmii n
Uidouru ilay's Studdanl's; 1smm Aluebra. Sor-vevlu-i.
Geometry , I'ractical Malhematicji, Math. Dio-
liouury. Login "f M itliumntb:. Analytical Geometry
hi,, I rliiiooouliv of Mathcmultcji.
tiianiiiiari. Green t UirKe nullum Istnltti a
KlrksmV-. Sneuocr -lowir. t ' i -'
I'ltitisoriiiKS. rarki-rs 1st Laaoun, juvenile ana
Sch'Kil; C'uui.-tock" Smith's. .... .
HisTomt-s ilson jilveni'e, ami uuiicu ruur-,
Parley. Uuivcwal; Willard's L'uiyeral, ami United
LaSijuaoBs. Uooptrs tirg"; .inurew s urn i.i
del; Vlrl It-inue: Audicw's Latin t'nuuinar; MuCSiir
tm k's 1st and 21 Ibxik :n Latin, ami d'. in Greek; An
lion's Giisjk Giaiiiiuar and Header; Johnson' Cicero.
PauiiM-tlv' (- rcaili Gramiuar and Reader; WiHjdlmry'a
c.r.n io Grnmmar and ib-alcr. Tclemaipie. Greek Tea-
i t r.on b Milt tauulit: rwrrenne rrenen inc
tion'irv .nirew S l:il'U uo. i.c-.ocu tv ocuui ujcv
, , t I 1.11 C. L- . . 1 , I.
1 .. A ntlmn s ClasMcui no, sniiin s no uo.
Illl'flll t .1 ITS. Webster's School. High do, Ara-
demie, ITniyersity, R iyal vo, L'nabritlsed and Cobl'
Uiw.Ltmr. Mattison s Astronomy. Xewmaa
Rhetoric Wwm! llotsny. Kme rJementa ni i nt-
t'rker s In cetitiMitin. I'arser s r.xr
ri. Rnsiklield' Cmnpo-llion. McEHig-rtt's Young
Ana'rter. d". Analytical .Manual. I'arner nora
lliiilu'er. Mayhew's lisik Keeping. Wayland's Moral
Science. I'olev Xsliirsl riieob'gy- IHaKe s Agncuf
tore for School. I'pham' Intellectual I'hilosojihy-
f ih.n's do. do. 3lilton: loung; i-ouoca; ami iiinmp.
i..o- iK.btlon fur School) C"utWs Anatomy and
I'lLsiolo-r. American Debater. Newman' Politic ill
ivimt.' llibbciKk'a t'enloffV- tireat variety of
Kiikriii and Elocution. Ail kind of School Station
ui.i,d ,.r nil six; l)rwina Rooks: Drawins
t aper: I erioraten v.ara iumtoj di ,,-w,u, , ,iv,o,
.. ... ..i..., i, i. u.. ...i ii .j. i&H;i
an-.t linunesj o-i o cinui?, i h r-w.i.-t, c,wp
sod at y, A'-.. .
lllsb KI.LAXEOt'8 BOOKS.
Histokt-- llaucrolt United State. volume.
ll.hlr. lb s ilo. do. H volume. 1'rnst'a7 Pictorial United
State.. Tavlor's do. do. do. lbitta' Hut. Revolution.
Peterson's Jo. Vilon United Stat-s. Willsrd's do.
II l-t. In.lian War I'niled States. Willard's Universal
History. MuHer's d i do. Rotte k' Hist. World 1 or
yidninea, It illin AncitMi lliteryi : Furr' do, do.
H'ime' Lnylanil. SI tenuis' do., complete. Dickens
fluid' di. Linirard' do. tiibhon Rune. D'Au.
Iiiitie' Reformation. Hang' M. E. Church. Allison's
E irone, 1 st and 2d Series. ' Presuott's Works. Rurder's
Hist, uf Itelitrion. Hist. f Couucil of Trent. Jo
pint. All of Abbott's Histories. HLstoiiral Cabinet.
Uaeen nf S .ain. Otieen of Scotland. Help s Spanish
t.'cmniest. Hra'-e' Hungary. Kidder's llraxil. Eu-
biok' Uracil. Parley's Uniyrrsal. History of Cni
ades. Amient Kgyptian. Haliam's Middle Ages.
History for I'.ir. "Rontier Child Cuitcd States.
Iii.ia'i 1'lebl ll's.k of Revolution.
Itiitiiinvnv. Plutarch' l.iyes. IJfe Rrant. Won
derful Character. Great and Celebrated Character.
Live of the Signer. Autobiography of Kinley. I j
martine'. Celebrated Ciira -ter. Lifeof Adata Clarke,
1 i Itislimi lied din z. d X'eleibf. do tlen. Harrison,
li Daniel It-mae. - dt Itobert. do IjJ'ayette. Cai
tain of Ibonan l!-tmblic and tld World. Dr. Chal-
nicr. 4 vol. Lives of lltimti-ddts. Mr. Rogers
Moxait. Wesley. Hetcher. Lite and Times of ciav
Irviiii' WasUinston. Eminent Mechanic. Live cf
Chiel Justice. Josephine. Napoleon. Charle Lnmb.
Jackson, tien.tlreen. -Josnof Are. Ijidy Jane Grey.
J. .'. Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster; King of
Itomo. Kine nnd is?n- LlebmtK. Live of the Presrtitl Philip 2d. Mary and Martha Wab
tn-ri'rii. 1'ifMiei-r W'ooien of the West.
Ikivils (link's China. Araiuaniai. Stephen's
EiL i. Olin' Traver Sllnngo Psrlt. Xile X"t.-s.
Adventures on Mosquito Shore, liaysrd laylor's Trav
el. Durbiu' 1 ravel in the Ea-st.
Sciev i-n-J j. Rian.le's En- yc..i-il'a. Physical Gog
raiihv of t'le Sea. Wood" Natural Hit-rv. Ijinlner'a
lecture. Useful Art. Csmo. Mathematical Die
t'onarv. ljaio of Mathematir. Wonder of Science
Mitcheil's Planetary and Stellar World. lomis' Re
cent Progre-s uf Astronomy. Smith" Dictionary of
Art and Science. Lubank s Hydraulic. Pit a a work.
various wcrRs en Architetiure.
Poktkv. llvnm various style. Shakespeare, do.
Milton, do. "burns, d '. Heiuans, do. M vre. do.
Thoniusou. Young. Pollock. Tupiier. t "owner. Poie.
Camidfll. Wad-worth. . 0-inn. Montgomery. Kitk
While. Female Poets of Ens'and. du. dj. America
ml manv other.
lbos or Rr.KF.BENCK Cy.loieilia of Geography.
do. do. Fine Art, do. do. lliography. Useful ArU.
Mct.Vtloch's Gazetteer. Hartier's Universal Gazetteer.
FiirtT as Aoitiofi.TVBAt- Elliot's Fruit Rook
Thomas' do. Downing do. Barry's do. Fcssendeu's
Farmer sml Gardener., Fruit. Flower and Vegetable
Gar lcjicr Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee
on Strawberry. Florist' Guide. American V'arm Rook.
Allan's Domestic Animal. .llof Saxton'a Hand Uouk.
Wojkson Horse. Cattle, h:iccp. Hogs, Ac.
Tiiwianisctt. Jt Rsbitiiors Harmony and Esposi
tlon of Gosiiels. Xcftiidcrs Life of llirlst. Uutlcr
Work. Knapp' Christian Thed 'gy. Westcru Metli-
n.lisni llorris Jliscc'.laiiie. Ixtures on Romanism
Itrar.d of Dominic Rule. Kltiot on Romanism, llarncs
Notes. Clarke's Commentiiry. Uensun'a do. Jay's
Exercise. Wntsnn s Institute. Uirraocc r.vuieni-cs.
Ilutlcr's Ethical Discourse. Rogers' Kc4ise of F.artli,
Jo. ss-in :ni4 Faith. Fo-r s -ctinst. Perfection.
Baker m Disciidiiie. Writings of Arniinius. Jahu's
Uiliiiciil ArcujB-doiiv. Rible. all siics and nrice. from
1 W 20. i Tastaments, itnat variety. Methoil'ist
llvuiiis. Christian Hymn Rooks. Church Psalmist
PI vmoutli .. Collodion. Select Melodies. Christi in
Psalmist. . -
JlKnn-ilt- Ruchau" Family rhy.sician. Hydro
pathic d i. llonurpatliio Works.
MiCELi..SEoif.---Const!tntioas of Pnitod States.
Mavhew Popular Education, t mm s r-ynonvnis.
Piatt's Rook of Curiosities. Odd Icllows Manual.-
Heitdlcv's Work. 1 vol. Mrs. Tuthill's, 6 vols. Lay-
aril s Xinerch. ' liigclowa fc.setai Arts. tiawcil s tu-
ciuecr's Guide. American Institutions, pursuit of
knowlcibre. larXMadison. Peruvian Antiquities
Wav IHiwn Kjist. Pynshurt. Ike Marvels Works.
Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles
In Kntrlsnd. Tales nnd Reveries, an excellent Temper
ance Roek.l Money Maker. Escaped Xun. Xews
Roy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale s ISew Cook Rook. Mil
ler s Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprint of Creator.
Vonng IsidleV Counsellor. Vonng Man's do. Pictorial
Catttdibmt. Thomson's I-ert. to V. Men. Constitu
tional Text RHik. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri
can Housewife. Half Honrs with Uld Uumplirev,
Athens: its Grandeur and Decay. - Mr. Sedgwick's
Kodwood. do. Xew Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm
Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Sir.
Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car
Ion's Works, tleroiuea of History. Land nnd Sea-
Deck and Port. Sea ond Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Nnvsl Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving's.
Columbus. Long Look Ahead. City of Xew York.
Living Orators of America. Voting Man Advised. Mis-
iio. in Ton" and Feiree. Truth "stranger Than Fic
tion. Knout nnd the Russians. Hydropathic Cook
Bonk. Death Red Scenes. Gift Hook Tor Young Men
do. Mo. Indies. Anecdotes forVirls. do. do. Boys.
Footpripts of Famous men. Charlotte Elizabeth's
Work's. Advice to Young Men. Pensaut boy philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Rooks, do Francouin.
And a imnilier of other too numerous to enumerate.
Constantly receiving large additions t the foregoing.
St ATiosKitY. Foolscap Paper great variety. Let
ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do. do, do. Envel
opes all styles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders
great variety. Rlank Rooks all sizes and styles.
Memorandums, Diaries. Pass Books. Time Rook.
Paper Cutter. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Rooks.
Lithographic JPrints a large variety. Wrapping Pa
per good variety. Wafers. Scaling Wax, Ac, Ac
Finally, we bate a good variety of
Mrsic Rooks New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Rook. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Melodiau. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc
tors. Guitar do. Flute do, Accordon do. Violin do,
Melndeon do, Plymonth Collection with Music, Sheet
And the most varied assortment of Statiosekt ever
1 fifered in Oregon. i
g- This stock is all bonght In Xew York and other
Eastern cities and is sold at .
7- We keep on band School. Books in large quali
ties, together with most of the publications of
Harper & Rrothcrs;
Derby A Jockson;
Ivison A Phinneyt
Phillips A Samson;
A. 8. Barnes A Co.;
Miller, Orton A Mulligan:
Appleton; and others.
( We ask your patronage. If unabl to visit us
aad examine our stock, your order will be attended to
on the same terms as if you bought in person.
Portland. March 20, 1857. 2tf
"All of the above works may be had W. Kenyon A
Co.'a City Book Store, Salem."
n a " 'i "V -3ik -sZ ."w" m.
PRIVATE medical and surgical Institute, Sacramento
street, below Montgomery, iipoite Pacifle Mall
Steamship Co' olllce, San r rttiirbco, Ciibforiihi. K
litblisbed in l.i. for the iiernlanent cure of all Private
and Chronic Diseases. and thesuppression of Qmv-kery.
Atteii.llna andlte-i deat Physlcmii L. J. (70 A 1'KAl,
M. D.i lute In the Hungnrlan Revolutionary War, Chief
Physician to the 20th Rejrlment of llonved.s, cnief Mir-
geon u ine luiiiiary riospuai oi itii, iiiq mw w
tureron Pisscasc of women and children.
Ills sluceie thanks to Ids ntiineron patient for tiieir
pnlrotiage.and would lake jhtu opportunity to reminu
them that he continues to consult at his Institute for the
ure tf Chronic diseases cf the Lungs. Livers, Kidneys!!
gestlve nnd jrenitlve organs, and all private diseases,
vli: : St nhilitiu ulcer, sonorrlnra, elect, strictures
seminal weakm-ss and all the horrid consequence nf
self abuse, and ueiioiK-a that hi long experience and
successful practice of many years, will eoutinue
t-i ensure bim a filiare of public patronage.
Ity tbe practice of many year in Kuroiss and
the Putted State, and during the Htmifnrian war and
campaign, he is enabled to apply the most eflb ieut
and SUCCCS'lill remiruio kshium m-mn- vi nil stilus.
lie iikp tin merenrv charge ni'iilcralc tret in pa
tients In a correct and honorable way ha reference
of un-piestiouable vera'iity from men of known renjieet
ahilitv and hiirh st indinK ill mu tety. All liartiescon-
sultinx bim. bv letter or otherwise,' will receive the
Is-st and gentlest treatment, aud Implicit secresy.
To rnn Ltni! or iBtis n Ctl.tFonstA. L.J
I'T.xrmr. M. D-.Py-j'-iKii Surgeon and Aceom hetir.ln-
tT- the attention or me sn K atoi amictcti icmaie ia-
leii-ini. tindcT any f the various forms of disease of tbe
brain, 1'ii'i-i, heart, ;doni,o h. liver, womb. bl-H,d, kb
neys, and all dis-aes pe'-u!iur to tbeir -x. The lino
tor i ellecting more pcrmilciit rare than any other
physician in ' frc-on or ( atitoruia. It n-i laise delicacy
prevent you, but apply immediately, and svc vonrs-ff
I r ...J . , .. ... .
ried ladie. whose delicate health or other circumstance!
do not allow to hare an increase in their families 'em!d
write or r ill at Dr. L. .1. ipkay s Mt-dt rl ln-t tcte
Sacramento st., Iwlow Montgomery, oppwite P. M. S.S.
t o oftb-eand they willre.ive every psii,ie rt-lief and
help. Tiie Doctor s Ortice are so arranged that he can
be consulted without molestation. It:n3
aja. At consultations f by letter or otherwise.) free.
Adtlressto PH. I J. . Z.ATKA T ,
Medical Institute, San Fram-isco, Cat
LIEF. Below we publish ti' eertilicate of two
o! the sntlrrers from the pane of j'tsease. who having
reeovered their tornier u-a!lh, and itnin-Hed by irrati
tude, make known their ease aud remedial agent, and
their statements are authenticated by a Notary Public,
The demand- of Society imperiously command tiieir
publicity. "d we commend their perusal t j the atten
tion oi en auiictea :
, " :;. CERTIFICATE. ' " '-
Tlie undersigned, desirous of aennainting those who
may be uiiiortnuate enough to be similarly afflicted
where a permanent relief of their snflering may le
o Gained, letls it bis -duty to tho publicly express
hi ni'fct sincere gratitude t i Dr. L. J. Czhpkav, for the
ili-riuanelit recovery f his health. Borne down bv the
distressing Mveinbims incident tt the viebm nractic i
uncoutroliable passion in yonth ; depressed in bodvard
mind ; unable to perform even the mt trilling duty
imposed upon the daily avocations of hie. I sought the
advice or many pnysician. wno ot nrst regarded my
disease a of triMine importance but ala ; altera tew
-e k. at:d in several inst-mice months, ol their treat
ment, I found to my unutterable horror, that instead of
rehef, ti:e symptoms became more alarming in thei
torture ; and Isriuif . told by one that my disease, being
tirincipallv confined to the brain, medicine woubl be of
Lltle conseouenre. 1 despaired of ever retraining my
bealtn. streiiRth ami energy : ami. a a la-1 resnn, sod
with but a faint nope, called nn Dr. Ciapkay, who
alter examining my case, presrrii-ed some meiitciiie
which almost instantly relieved me of the dull pain
nuu uiuiii i in, urarj."frueu oy inis resuii,
I resolved to place myself immediately nnir bis care
sad by a strict oliediene to hi direct! and advice
my hesd liecaiae clear; my iden eid'er ted, the cr,st.1t
paiu la my bat k and groins, the weskms-f my lim'rs
the nervous reaction uf mv whole hodvon the iight-
est alarm or ex jiement; the misanthropy and evi
loreoo iiuu's: i:ie sell mstnist oej want ol conu.ien
in other.; Ife i:icapac!ty to study, and want of res 'lie
tion; the frightful. Vxcitins, and at titn- plea-cjral.le
dreams at night, ftdlowed by involuntary discharges,
have all disanpearel; and in fact, in twa'montlis after
having consulted the Ibe tr. I frit a if inspired by
a new iiie that hie wbirn.iiul a shrt tsmeaco, I con
templated to end .wits mv own hsnd.
With a view t- guard the unforttmnte frm falling
into tbe s;!re of incompetent na k. 1 deem it my
wrtuwr tin te-timotiT to tue merit and sk-u o
Dr. t,'plir. arid rec7tmerd him to all who may stand
iu need of medical advice, being aured hv mv ews
exiierieure. tliut once -miner hi- care, a redicai and
pernnTicr.t cure will lie c.'tec tel.
P'nte of California, Comity of Sa a FrancLsm. Sub
s riled and sworn to l-c-fore mc, this lTlb day of April,
A. D. l-i-Vi. (Sicne ")
Notary pubiiv.
Prompted by nn honest di-sire of my beait. t wisb to
lay Is-fore the public a ca-se wlib h deserve a bii;b com
mendation, not only as an act of scientific t-kiil . bit
that of humanity, also. About two years sgo, I sud
denly and from cause unknown to me, wa s-i.if.ed with
a fit of Krn,i:rv, which. oi i:;r to mv inability to meet
the expense conecjnetit upon a thorough medjial trest-
meul. and Pie etLsi--Mmtt:enicttt which i met with on
ii1tmpting it. soon became such ( I wa then led t
believe,) o to defy the skill of any physician. I was
frcpieotly. while in p;irsnit of my calling, thrown down
to the ground wit'jout the slifjhtest warning, and al
thonffh insensible to tlieagnie. yt-t I despised tbe iiiis
eryof my existence. While in tlii state, and hiving
previm! "to my slftVtion tasted tlie sweets of life, I once
more was induced to attempt -seeking aid of aphysiciau.
and. by re-ommendati.m. called upon Dr. L. J. Czap
kny. I told him mv circumstances:, mid my iuabiiity
to reward him for lit services regardless nf wlikb".
however, be at once undertook my-ease., and with tiie
Messing of Gnd. I wa on-e more 'restored to fterfect
health. Cnable to rewartl him for the tsmn wMt U I
enjoy at present, and yet cofea'irei-s of my indebted
ness. I censbk-r it due to"my--i If ami t all afflicted, to
make the case public, in order that those in need of
medical advice may find a physician ia wli-m every
confidence can be placed.
State of Ctdifornis, ' f , ' "
Count v of Han Francisco. ( ss - - '"'.''
Subscribed nn.l sworn to before me this first d.iy of
August, A. I'. GILBKKT A. GKANT.
r-ii - Xotary Pal ills. l. S.J
C?PLI'lATOKl!lIEA.or Local WcskBess.nervou de
O bility. Ijw spirit, lassitude, weakness of tbe limbs
aud backiuiii-position aad incapacity for labor and
study, dullness of apppetite. loss of memory, aversion to
society, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness.
headache, paius in the side, nnoction of the eve, nim.
pies on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man. are
aired without fail by the justly celebrated physician and
s irgeon. L. J. Czapksy. His method of curing diseases
is new (iinRiHiwn to otners) and hence the great suc
cess. All consultations, bv letter or otherwise, free.
Address, L. J. CZAPKA Y, M. D.. .
San Francisco. Csl.
The Crratfsl Disrorrry of the Jsc
GREAT Blessing to Mankind! Innocent bnt PiTtent!
DR-CZAPKAY'o PBorHii.ACTiWM. (eU'-diinfec-ting
agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea!
and Syphilitic diseases, and a ceitiiin and unsur
passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous
and cancerous ulcers, fa ted discharges from vazina,
uterus and urethra, and all cutanniis eruptions and dis
eases. As innocuiation is preventive agaiustsmali pox.
so is Dr.Czapkay's Prophy lacticum a preventiveagainst
Syphilitic and Gonnrrbopal diseases. Harmless in it
self, it ossesses the power of chemically destroying
the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of
debauchees from being infected by the most loathsc-me
of all diseases. Iet no young man who appreciates
health be without Dr. Czapkay's Prophylactk-am. It
is in very convenient packages, and will be fonnd con
venient for use, being nsed a a soap. Price, $.. For
sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay' Private Medical and Surgi
cal Institute, Sacramento sL, below Montgomery, oppo
site P. M. Co's. office, San Francisco.
All letters must be addressed to L. J. Czapkay, M.D.,
San Francisco. - - - -
DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical
Institute. Sacramento St.. below Montgomery oppo
site Pacific Maill Steamship Co.'s Office, San Francisco.
The Doctor oilers free consultation, and asks no remu
neration unless he effects a core.' Office boors from
'J A.M. toy P.M. ,
I, the nndersigned, Governor of Hungary, do testify
hereby .that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has served during the con
test for Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hun
garian army.with faithful perseverance whereof I have
given him this eertilicate, and do recommend bim to
the sympathy, attention and protection of all those
who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice,
and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS,
Governor of Ilnngarv.
Washington City, Jan. 6, 1S52.
3- Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond
ing, please enclose $10 in their letters, and they will
get immediate attention to their cases.
Address, L. i. CZAPKAY, M. D.,
Sao Francisco. Cal.
April, ISJ8 3m4
WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise.
20.000 lbs. of bacon for which I will pav the
highest price. G.E.COLE.
TAX receipt blanks fee sale at tbe Statesman ofSce
at $1 per hundred.
LADIES" cloak . latest style, for sale cheap at
42tfl V. K. SMITH & Co's.
' ; Iti tnathw hi vrllsHi Igriir jr . -'
r.F4SHER,liWiriRt-na.,neaiy opposite
J. Macenire". Oneri Hnnse, np stairs, t lies of all
the principal Psper of California and Oregon may -
iwunu at tlii 4iflt'-e. . . . . .
L. P. FISH Kit is the aiilhorizea Agent oi in. ;
Orroon ST.tTf,."MlN; -
Marysvllli, lb-raid; ' " '
Sacramento Union;
San J'm'piin Repuldicnn, Stockton; ' (
Pucillc Meib')()i-t,Stocktm; .'
, Sonora Herald;
ifesU Journal; ,
(;ra.s.V'!l' y T'-!;
lied BluO" Beacon;
r'nliunbia fjaette; "
Mountain Pemo-rat, Plaervl!!e;
Tnolnittite Courier;
(Alvarez Cbroniele. Mokelntnne Hill;
El Dorado Dem-Jtrat; f
Shasta tJourier; , .
Mariposa Gaactte; , ?
Yreka Weekly Union;
Trinity Journal, Weaveryllle;
Iowa Ililf News;
Weekly ldgrr. Ja' kiwn; - " ;
Siui Jw Telegraph;
Sonoma 'ounty Journal; , . -j .. .
Fotsnni Dispatch: ' ,
California Mining Jmirn:!l;
L-is Angeles Star; ' .
Santa Barbsra Gsr.ette;
Sa Iiego Herald;
Aliaeda Cinnty Gazette; -
Placer Courier. Yankee Jim',
Xaa County I-jiorter; . , i
. Sierra lh-mo" mt, Dowuicvillc; ,
Hnmlxildt Times; ,
Union; , ' , '
Oregonlnn, Portland, O. T.
pacific l.'hristiaT Adtoi-ate.Salf trt.O. T. '
.lackwmville HeraM, Js'-kH-mville. O. T.
11-meerand Dejnocmt.Olympia. W. T. i!
Wxdiiujrtnn ItepuMiban. Sttrilacoum, T. T. -.
Poynei in, Honolulu, S. I.; , . . ,t
Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I-
Mexi:'9n-txtnt'rd;nary,l;ify of Mtsico; , .
Hongkong !c-;l-Ur. -ADVERTISING
L. P. F. has" now cempHtsl ht arrangements fo-'
the forwarding of s-lvertisernents to all the jM-inrtpsi
largest ciri-nl-ttine Journals and A!ewsjiaitr published
in the Atlantic States.
A line opportunity is here nrfcrod to tnose who wish
lit adrertise in any ,irt of the Union, of doing m at
the lowest rates, aud la a prompt aad satisfactory man-
August 25, 1Sj7.
. - Attention Farmers! ,
Thretbtrt, Reap tri aid Mawtri. !
tlE havp now on tbe way from the Eastern State,'
V to arrive nlrmt the litter part or April next, a
superior bit of tbe above mentioned machine. They
combine all of tiie latest im pror eutents , and we hve
no hesitation in s.-fying that we believe tbm to be the
most perfect machines we ever brought to this coast.
They were constructed miderour own supervision, hav
ing all the alteration necessary to render them suita
ble for the country. :
The Threshers consist of two. fonr and six h'H-se pow
er, (railway and sweep) with elevator and every es
senli.U convenience known to the machine.
Our Reaper and Mower are coraMned machine
suitable for either mowing or reaping, they work fWwni
two to fonr burses : wit h ami without rakes', or, in other
words, one i a self-raker.
In addition- to the above, we have to arrive at the
same time, the following atrricult'iral implements, vi :
Peoria plows X 8 Host-.n Clinncrpbnrs.extensioB culti
vator, grape vine, grain cradles, scythes, snaths, straw
cutu-rt, hay presses. by frkind rakes, bor"e rakes,
wheel-barrows. eider mill, .hf-vel, spades, Ae.
itark mills and Tanners tool. Also, a select awsort
ment of Smitiis"and carjetiterV tools, with maty ether
articles not here mentioned.
We would say to ot:r c r-t inters and tha pnblie gene
rally .if tiiey are in want of any of the a sive mentioned
articles, tiiey will do well t call aad see mirs before
piirciusiug el where, as we sre determined to sell low
tor cash. "We would aJsonddtUt our macbinea ore
rapidly "!d to arrive: better cull and secure one ef
them.'before tK late. If preferred .mac him? delivered in
Purtl JEd if engaged arrival.
Oregon City, opposite lnd Offi'.
January S3, ls."3. 3mtT
Moifat'a Life Pills
fT""fin be-t farni'y mediciiK- now lfore the publie, for
X the cure c-f Scrufuia. Uicers, Scurvy, or Kmptions
of the Skia. Fever aud Ague. Dysptfo-:. Dropsy, and
in fart moat 11 diMstses k b "yMdto tbeir curative
It has ben rojoptrted that during tbe last twenty-five
years upwards of Four Millions of persons have been
Leiitfllted by the use of these medk-iaes; a fact which
speak volumes in favor of tbeir curative properties a
single tiial will piai-e then beyond the reach of cora
jietitiou ia tbe estimate of every patient. Ry their nse
the Id Kid i restored to a In altliy stale and treed fmm
ali irapurilie. Tiie system is not reduced during tbeir
operation, bet invisji-rated . and tiiey require no re
tmiiit frm Inisjness ,,t rlrasure.
The sffii. ted have in these medicines a remedy that
wili di for tiicru all lb-it medicine possuLly effect.
Preoared by W. li. Moffat, New York.
Ami for sale by JOHN tbe Oregon
City I'ost OlSce fluiding.
Oregon City, March. H'.S. lyS!
Litrryaud Sale tt able.
UfK ore now keeping a Livery stable in
reeon City, where Horses can al
ways be obtained on liberal terms.
VVe are also freiuired with excellent sta-
bltis. weil supplied wita hay and oat, to keep borsea
by dsy or wei k. Those who rail upon os may feel as
sured tii l every attention wiil be triven to horse left
in our charge. GIBSON A POTTER.
Augu.-t 11, ls;,7. . Ktf
Salem Tannery.
rpnr" subscribers have pnrcbased t!.e Tanner ' S
X lem. forierly btiauging to Kiisbs S.rt-ng. All de
scrptious of leather wiil be kept constantly on hand
and tlie hishest price, in cash or leatber.'will at al
limes be paid fur bides and bark.
Sa!eia,Oct.-S4,lsV.7. - lyJ3paid
Citr Hotel, Corvalli.
T"IT0ULD aminnnce to the citizen of Corvallis, and
the travelling public generally, that they have
thoroughly refitted this well known establishment, and
sre now prepared for tbe accommodation of customers.
The room have all been newly refurniehed, tbe bed
clean and comfortable, and tiieir table will be furnish
ed with tbe best ths market affords.
CarvaJ.'is, Aug. "0, ljf. J5jl
New Store'and New Goods.
At Oat'and, JWrthtnry'i Ferry, O.T.
VI.BEKT ZIEr.EP., Dealer in dry goods, groceriet,
croi kery. b-irdware. produce, Ac.
Ilaviiu p irchaed the stck in trade of O. E. Getcb.
ell, together with tlie premises known as Metheney'a
Ferry. m the Willamette river, and having built a new
storehouse, and replenished the stock of goodsonhand,
now offers to exchange, for produce or casb, aa assort
ment of '
Dry good, ronsit'r.g or clutulng, cassimercs, salit
nefts, sheeting, sbirting, and fancy goods; hats and
caps, boot and shoes, jrroceries in variety, with spices,
nuts, raisin, and candies; paints, oils, medicines, per
fumery, erotkery. tinware, bollow-ware, stoves, hard
ware cutlerv, and many other articles to meet tbe wants
of tlie public.
He has also mi red and repaired bis warehouse, so
that he is now prepared to purchase or take in storage,
eonntry produce, which he can discharge by a slide to
steamers' decks, without loss or expense of drajage.
And being determined to constantly keep on bond a
good supply of such goods as the country trade may re
quire, he believes he can make it an object for the peas
pie in his vicinity to extend him their patronaee.
a. So difference madein tbe price of poods, wheth
er sold for cash or produce,
October 2, 157. 30tf
'Salem Market.
THE subscriber, proprietor of the Salem Market, in
the center of the town, is happy to in form the pnb"
lie that he keeps constantly on band a snpwy ot aS the"
varieties of meats, fresh and pickled. lie also baa tbe '
various kinds of vegetables in tiieir season. Beef will :
be sold s follows: Fore quarters. 6 cents per lb-, hind ,
quarter 10 cents; and if you want a choice piece, I shall '
charge yon a I it a pound.
All klndsof farmer's produce and grain received in
exchange for meat. THOMAS CKOSS.
Salem. July 7, ls5- 17tf
C. B. Pillow.
"PvEALEIt in clocks, watches and iewetr, Sa-
lJ lem. O. T. Particnlar attention paid to the
repairing or watches ana clocKs. Ail work war
ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice.
Watches and clocks, S day striking clock at a very'
low price ; also 30 hoir marineclocks.
Ladies and gents Brooches. Finger R!nS,Er Ringir
Gold Buckles, Gnard Chains, &-C, Ac
Salem, July 6, 1S57- I"tf
Allan & JLe-wi-S
bO"i xtiasiruKi.
A STORE room in Orleans, a first rate stand for a '
produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse and storo
will be rented together if required,
win be remc & i 1SAAC MOORE.
July S, 1S57. lgtf
TCST received and for sale at the City Book Store,
Webster's Unabriifced yaarto and Hiirh School Die-"
tionaries. E. L. BRADLEY A Co.
Oreson City, Jan. 1858. 46tf
San Francisco, l foruana, u. X.
nicliards& McCraken.
COMMISSIOX MEI1CHAXTS. and'Jobbers in Oregon
Flour, Orain. Produce, Fruit, Pork, Bacon, Lardy
Hams. Ac. Ac Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended t.v Liberal advances made on consignments.
Xo. 41 ssaeramento street, below t rout, &aa r ranciacs
January 21, 1S67. 46tf
lEXCH merinos, and alpacas, at
litfj. W. K. SMITH A Co "a.-
r au l