PIONEER EXCELSIOR1 AGRICULTURAL V70RKO. rpilK fUTRSCRIItER beg leave t ann.Minre the 1 FARMERS anil DEALERS IV AGRICl'LTl IUI. lUI'I.KMF.X I'.of Culllorui and Oivii, that Ito h now factlitie lor manufacturing and repairing Agrl rnltnnil Implement of every ih-u-riptiou, fnm the mallet to the grnt-t, of the bent and most Improv ed kinds, unit lj the best manner, liming hi hop so enlarged as to a-rontinodute slaty workmen, and fur nished with team power and till the neccary ma chinery or the LATtMT and newt AFrROVEl stvle. and Interl'T to none now In use hr the purpose nlmve named. He lit ronll.tent, Hint, with bin p-t fllleen years' experience In California, he run provide the far mer with machtue and Implement much more suitu tile t the want of the country than any Hint can he Imported, M the anil anil products of the rmintry are aim-rent rront ine at nonie, and rcuittre mm nine In lolre ,kc, matt bwm or a mors snlixtattlial make, and lit many issvanccs tttj aiiicrrnt. He design manufacturing a number of enn:hlned Reaper and Mower, particulat ly adapted to the nse of this eonntry, which will wiur( more rnmhtm-d strength, durability ami tightness, than an? other now In nse. Ilia Ct Steel lcep Tiller Flow has already attained a nolorirty In this country Tar In advance of any hrfore introduced, lie will I able, with what other Flow are made within the State, to supply fully the demand for the Flow the coming iiin. He design annnfarttiring Smith's latent lUng I'low, no favorably known in the Western Slate, ami recently Introduced here. Also, rreminm Fanning Mills, from No. I to d. whlrh hare given unlvers-il avtlsfattltM). Al, the World' I'air Vrize flutter Working Churn, to which was awarded the First Premium at the Cali fornia State and Mrrhanfc-V Fair, iHo?. Also, liar tows, Cwitlvatora, Kide-hill Kubsoll and Left Hand Ilow, and all other almilar Implements. HE WISHES to call the PARllCCLAIl ATTEX TlOM of the Farmer to hi facilities lor repairing all kinds of agricultural implements, bolng audi a to en ahle him ti do every part within hi own shop, being repared to wake casting both of Iron and bra; there fore he will b ahle to do repairing in the ahortest time ad with miK-h le trou)le than haa heretofore been the cass. Me wfehe-sahm to ANNOUNCE that he ha now e the WATER, bonnd fur thbi I'OUT, on board the cllnae ships WKRFOOT and MaKY ROBINSON, forty of JOHN A. PITT'S celebrated THRESHERS and RKPKRATORS, twenty each, 8 and 10 horw-i low er, which are auperlor to any ever heretofore offered In this market,' with cat ateel Cylinder Shafts and Journal, which haa not heretofore been the rase, and hi many other reect in such a way at to add much to the steady ojieration and wrar of the machine. IVraons wishing any of the above machine, will do wi-ll to forward their order early, a thee are all tint will le m the market, of that make tlii ec:iKo. and he luta the exclouve riRht of Hale for the macliine In Califor nia, Orejron and Wallinl!ln Territories. He will act lltt'aageBt in protecting the patent on itid machine. AU peraona will llcae take notice that they will be held renjionsihle for any intVinircmcnt on aaid patent. lie ha al on the wav a iod a-rtmrnt f i;cier; amona: which are RirKRAtX'S. MuCOUMICK S IICS BKY'8 and M AX. VS. AIo a fiill aupplv of extmi for any and all of the above Mjchim-s. Cvch-, Sri-tlon, Caitlnif of every dev-ription, etc In addition, he ha so hand full supply af Hay lVeiwe. bct irtyle; Hay and Straw Cutter; , tirairi Cradle. C.rant'a; XI Steel Tlow; Cincinnati K-aele Steel Plows; Evan. A Ad;im' lialena Plow; Revolving and Wire-Toothed Horse Ualte.; Corn-Sheller: Si-ythe and Snath, best malce; Hay and Barley Korku; Thermixnetera'nd lah Cbnm: White Self-Acting Cheee-Prcne; Ponpla' Iimp; rVed-Sower and flraln-Pritls; , Cider and Wine-Pnwees; Circular Saw Tables; (lardcn Rakes and Spad'nx Eorlc.; A me' Short and Ion Handled Spadi-s; Wajron. Prayi and Cart; ' Handlart.; Ax and I'i.-k Handle; Hnnt's and Simmona Handlrd Axes; ' rteel Crowbar; Old Colony Assorted Nails; tirindstonrs and fixtures; Haling Rope; Whetlirrowi; Plow-Beam and Handle. In fat. a full assortment of all Implements required by the farmer. He prose t ay that what he afarturc. a wt'd a wliat he import, he will sell on a. reasonable trms a any can sell similar article. He i sure that he can and will ofl'er nch inducements as to make it to the interest of fanners and merchants to buy of him instead of importing. He would, at the same time, tender his thank to the nuMic for their liberal patrouage dorincr th? juv-t mwn, whu-h ha been entirely to hia vattxiartion and much beyond hU txpei'tatien at the besinninjr of the seasoi1. 3lssr. Hull, Kpapp A Co of Ptnt:antt, are sole agents in O. T. for the sale i.f my Cart J t,rp Tit irr Ptatr. All orders Tor Plow, as well as ot'm-r im plement end machinery of ary deseriplion will be ailed by H -. K. A Co., at San Kuncisco price, with freight added. TilOS. OCC, SHAW, 3.1 Saerameiibihtrvet. Vannfactory Comer ravis and Sacramento strec ts, Rin Krancisro, California. Febrnary, 1 -.W. 4m49 Wooden Ware, Brooms, Baskets, BRUSHES, Clothes L.ines, Matches, tc. Tn all their varieties, OX IIAXD AXDCOXSTAXTI.Y AURIVIXC FROM T1IK EAST. For aale at lowest, and Wholesale prices, at the, Rood tnd Willow Ware Establixhmtut Of HAWXIIUKST &. SOX, 3 Sacramento St, below Front. SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. Piu Fran., Feb., 1S3. rm49 JOIIN'A. K1TTREDUE, MAXVFACTCREn of Fire-proof Honrs. SliutUrs, Vault. Ac, Ac. Battery, near Tacilic street, San Eranciscn. X. B.. Orders from the errantry promptly attended ta and warranted a ordered. A larjre awtment of second hand Poor and Slmt ter constantly on h.ind, for sale at rerj loto raft: . March. fim'.2 Vaiuhill Itace Course. THE races will commence at the Yamhill Race Conrx on WEDNESDAY, June 1G, l5S,and con tinne through the week. Tiie pnphetor. havinz leased the Yamhill race track, propose to offer the i'oilowinr Pl'RSKS to be run for, according to toe rule of the Yamhill jockey Club. Fih-st Day Mile HeaU bot two ia three Proprit- tor'a Ptiwe f i0. Sbvoxd Dat Two Mile lleata Proprietor 'a lurse of foOO. Thikd Iv Mile lleats for Three Y'ear Olds Pro prietor" Purse tioo. ForKTH DT Mile Heats best three in live Pro prietor's Purse 400. Tin re cent evraaxfE will be charjrrd for the almve ptirse. Three ttitries or more to make a race, and two to Urt. tt. TAI.RET, !roprietr. X. B. The proprietor haa contracted fr lumiier to build a suitable stand for spectators, and he intend to make other extensive improvements fur the arr-ommo-4URoa or xi liiiii Fir all pttonna hnvlnj horses to train, the track will be readv on the first of April. Yamhill Co., Jan. 15, lVs. 47tf L Q." Washington, AGEXTfortheprosecntion of claim at Waliinr fcn. I. C, before the Executive Iepartmeiits.Con prea and the Cuortof Claim. Wiil attend to the act tiement of account of M.'.r-haLs, pfcdrict Attorneys, and other Federal officer, and of contractor with the Postoflice and other letiartinent: also, to the procur ing of Patents for Land. Land Warrants, and other bo sine of a General Agency. Refers to tien. Joeph lane. Oregon Territory; Got. Isaac I. Steven. Washinston Ter.; Hon. M. II. McAl lister, Hon. Ogden Hoffman and It- Aug. Thomjison. of San Francisco, Cal.; Hon. James Guthrie, Louisville. Ky., and to the Officers (rene rally of thf Treasury and Interior Department at Wa-shinston. Address L. Q. WASHINGTON. lyK Va-hinston I. C. Corrallis Drug Store. JR. C ARDWELL, DrnjrirUt and Apothecary, Is con- stantly receirinsf. per California RU-amers. large and carefully selected stock of Iruss and Medicine. Oila. Paints. Varnish. Saps. Perfumeries. T ulet Fur nitore. Stationery, and all article usual! v tent in Imi Stores. Azent for Jaynes, and other patent medicines, which will be furnished at California, wliolesale price. ar ISJLlCfTKD. UN J- C CARD WELL. Corrairi. May 2. IQ7- J2tt Watchmaking. Wn.LIAM F.HIGHnELD.Clronorneterandrro, Watch maker. Oreiron (-.ty. to be found at Fc bis old stand in frout of 4he CiiiU-d State Hotel.-" late Main-treet House, where he can lie constantly found preparea to aoany ousutes in hi line. Watches cleaned and repaired on short terms. Also a choice lot of watche and jewelry for sale. March 5, 1857. 1 v51 lVotice. ' tORVALLIS Ware House. No. l.wa offer for rent. WAYMASSr.CLAIU. f n connection with the above we have a pork boose V-U MOOEB ft St. CLAIR. Wallaaet University. RAMOM, OKKHOX. 'IHK FACULTY aurlng the present year will con 1 t t ir Rev. F.S. Iloj t. A. M., President and Acting Profits or ot Ancient 1,'anaiiaires and Mathenmtlc. C. II. Hall. A. It.. Prolistsor of Natural Science. Dl': Spa".'od'lnS!'t,! T. '-f Common KnglW.. Mm Ktinth BuckliiKham, Teacher of Instmmi ntal Mime. - The Cm.t.Mii at Dsr tHTnttHT of tint Wnllamet Uni versity ha la-en orKaniaed. Younif men il-st(fiiln to pticue a Ir-riilur Course of Study, are Invited to avail lhemst-lveiif the advantuuea allordud by this Institu tion. All available resource will lie mudn use of to meet the wanW of Student. Ellhrtswlll U conllnueil to secure a snitaldn endowment :nnd no pain will he snar ed lnolitinliiKC.iinvetentand exerieiieed Instnn tor. The I olleijiute year la divided Into fArve Irmi, com aienelnir as full ws: The first term on the 3d Thursday In September. second term on the 1st January. " third ' " " last " April. The Hrsl two terms are Jiftrm tnrrkt tacht the third, rrera trrrt. Vacatioxh There will be two vacation In the year: one. in April, of fieo mst, and one, iu the sum mer, ot mnf trvr. Ti-iTtiiH will be at the rate of 1 1 per week, or tin tier annum. THE OREGON INSTITUTE. Tn Prki-ahatokv pKfAHTMKKT. Tkilms. The Academic year is divided Into rot a TlKnnofflrrva irarli rm-A. Tiie first term leins on the last Thursday of AiiRiist. second term begin on the 2d " " Novem. ' " third " " " ' last " " January. " fourth " " " ' last " " April. V iCATtoss. There will lie two vacation In the year; one In April, or lira ttvrJU; and one in the summer, of mu tetrk: Ti'iTiosi will Is paid at the hou-lnnlng of each Term i o fcrtix-r. at the loll twlnji rate: la latniwire, llicher Mitthematlea A Chem., $10 IN) Uther atudiea of the Acadeiulo Division, . . T Ml Common English Division, AO " Primary " " 8 oil For ne of the Piano 1 AD " Instrumental music 10 00 I a. Instruction! In vocal music 1 given to all the tuilrntT qf rorre. A intissioK. Student will Im admitted at any time; and will lie rhni-jred for tuition from the time they en ter only, but their pro-jre will bo ureatly promoted Uy enU-rinR eai ly In the Academic year. In cases where, from necessity, students leave liefore the eud of the term for which payment ha leen made, a Just pniortiou not more thnu three-fourths nor le than one-lourth or the tuition fee will I refunded Students are not allowed t leave Just herore examina tion. Patron who are inattentive to this point. Indict ureal injury upon both the student and the institu tion. liOAFimxn. Younjt pentlemen snd ladies can ot.taln hord atrcanonable rales with private families. Coras or Srrnv. A Ctairse of Study ha !en adopted for Isdlt the Collegiate and preparatory IV paitments, well calciil ttcd to secure, ripe scholarship, mentnl discipline, and a preparation for the. active du ties ot life. A liheral Course of Study has been adopted for young ladies who desire to oMatu a thormiah education. BS A Diploma will lie awarded to all who shall complete the prescrliied rourse. The Govkknmknt will l parental but strict -aim-in? constantly at the formation of correct hablt-of Self-Govcrnment. Can-fiil atteittiou will be given to manners and moral. Si-iioi AHsmrs, perpetnnl. or for the period of ten vear. necnrinat tuition at very reduced lutes, can I purchased. For further particulars apply to the Fred dent. ler order of Executive Committee. F. S. HOYT. Sec. lUiard of Trustee. Salem, Dec. 10, K-7. 4!tf New Constitution for Oregon. lTEli; leave t amionnee t the we are i ist rei-eiving a Inre and well selected -t ck of f.vsls from San Francisco, which ha leeii selected with reat rare br Mr. Alexander, who has been altend In? tint market for some time, therefore we can safely ay to the public that we cau, and will sell, gootls as low r.t wholesale or retail AS AN Y HOUSE IN OREGON. We will take In exchange for good all kinds of pro duce. X.B We will also pay cash fir all kind of pro- l'l'-e, to-wit: Wliett. Flour, Ruttcr, Es, Racon, Pork, land, Oats. .Ve., .. c. All who wt-h to purchase, will do well to call and ex amine Hefore purchasing el-whtre. t ir stock consist of every thing In the line tliat till market csllsfor t-wit: Grey, White, Red and RIiieRlnnket; Coats, Yests, pants. Huts and Hat cover; I n. I. rand Over shirts. Wool nnd Cotton; Kvery description of White Shirts: t,stee"n Ware, Hani Ware ami Cutlery; Hoots. Shoe coarse and tine; Rrogan Calf. Kip and f-nwhide; Wind Plaid. Merinos, 1H !.ilti,-Vate pattern In short every kind of piece goods, and the BEST TEA ever shipped to this market. ALSO Cedar shinck-a. Timothy seed and Hop, jajr Give us a call, and see for vours-lve."a ALKXANDKU Jt UvKWAX. Corvalli. Oct 13. 1W. 3f New Arrival of Jewelry, &c. JUST FRO.M SAN FKAXCISCO. T ROSENTHAL informs his patron and friend, that he has just returned from ZjiyV San Francisco with a select assortment of Jew- ri;....-i elry. Musical Instruments, Cutlery, etc., and oilers them for sale at his store on Front etrcct, tjr One dxr bcl w Dr. Coombs' oflice.ta JEWELRY. tlo'J and Silver wat:hes; lo.ld and Silver chains: Hi-Id bracelet: C.old ear-rinirs; t.jld breastpins; Gobi llnier rins; I-kets; tjold pen and psnrils; tlold lceve buttons; Silver and Plated ware; fancy giod and erfumery. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Guitar, Violin. Flutv. Fife; a larire assortment of Acrordeon. Ladies' work boxes of all kinds. Gold and Silver spectacle, G.ld and Silver spoons. Cutlery, Clm k an endless variety. Ac, Ac. t er Watches. Clock snd Jewely repaired, and all kind of Jewelry made tootder. g- All of my work warranted "S aIon'tforget"The Sijnof the Big Watch.-. Corvalli. Oct. JI.1S.V 3r,tf Notice. 'Itll E judge of the Supreme Conrt. of the Territory of J. On-tron. assembled at tiie seat of Government on the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty- seven, do fix and appoint District Courts, to be. held in village of Roschnrg. in the comity of Ifcmgla on the first Monday, of March. May, September and Novem her.annnally. until otherwise ordered, and do limit the duration of said term to six day each. GKO. H.WILLIAMS, Chirr Justice. 41tf SI. P. DKADY, Associate Justice. At Kusene rilHE vjbcribcr lias at Kngenc City, one of the l?xt X general assortment of In v Goods, (inx-eries. Hard ware. I toots and Mioes, and all articles kept in a gene ral finding store, to be found in Oregon, lie is con stantly receiving fresh addition to hi stock, and al ws vs keeps it up. My goods are now all received direct from Sin Francisco, where I have a resident agent. All ki.idsof farmer's prxlnre received in exchange for goods I pay higher price for produce, and sell gixid cheaper tliau any other store ia the Territory. ti U..1U, Enscne City, July 1 , 1S.-.6. ICtf Statesman JSook and Jolt Office. ittc have Three Iresses. the best facilities Tor I look V nrintinir north of Califoniia. and an extensive as. sirtmcntof Material of every kind: and. with ma-tor workmen, are prepared toexecote pnim'iy, ana in a workman-like nuiuucr, ail orders in tueau.1 ae partmcuU, suckjis ItXK. Bi.avk CncR-s, Notks or II AND, OUI'KH liOOKS, STKAXRO'T ltll.LS, fcTKAMnO T CAKtS, Bll.1.3 of Ladixo CltBTII'ICATES, Show Bills, Chkck Rooks, Ul'k Ubckipts, PAMlirnLETS, Hsniiii.i.s, Ti vt.t. TlCXKTS, CtKllXARS, ISVITATIOX. BrsixEss Cards, Ull.I.HFAPS, CONCF.KT i'.II.I, PUCSiRAXliKS. Aih-ukss Cabp Dkafta, . Ri.avks or am. Krxos. A-c..Ac, Ac. OKNVMENTAL PRlNTINtS. with COLORED INKS Tiie Lilts of Oregon. TIIE OREGON STATUTES, 13. being a large vol nine of 6j0 najre, with complete index, annota tions, and references, comprising all the law in force in tiie Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session of the legislative Assembly, rfor sale at the office of the Statesman, at live dollars per copy, i ne worx is ex ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and is sold at nnlilisbcr prices, and as low as a like work can he bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest figure they can lie afforded for here. The price places them within the reach of all who desire the laws they live under. Orders oy man accompanied witn the cash, filled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that will proliably Is? published in Oregon, for many year. lrl aouiuon vt me cui tuinm ti M-umuic .ssvill' bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indopen- ' .r i.a TTnUrt ct.,iA Tnt:a UVUIT. l."llllllUMIIH Ul I HI 1-M . A t C.t . Ull Great Britain relating to Oregon. Ordinance of 17S7, in force tn Oregon, Donation Law and all amendments and full abstract of United vales Naturalization Laws. Marion House, Salem. TH E undersigned announces to the public tlirt he has purchased the well Known tavern stand, called the Marion House, in Sa lem . together with the f.iruiture and fixtures tbcreof. He will keep it in first rate style, and invites the patronage of the puL lie. 11. M. MAY. Muy 23, liS7. lltf Dentistry. DTL J. R-CARDWELL. Dental Surgeon, Corvalli. in hi profession, at Corvalli. Eugene City, Win chester, Scottsburg, and Jacksonville. Skill, nnoneM tiormlde: charge respectable: work, warranted. Teeth cxan.l icd. and advice given free of charge. Due notice riven of change of of!Ue. April 2;, bsio. 7tf The Graefenberg V A M I L V M K I) I C I N 1? 8. r 'I as T i' t - M S The Crncfcnbirg Companf. rpilH INSTITUTION, (Inroriiorated by the lgl X lature of the Slate or New York. Capital KKI.Ono.) was founded for the purim-e of snpplvlng the public with the celebrated GRAEKENIIEItU MEDICINES. The si-rie cumpiise nunedies lor nearly eveiy flisease adapted to every climate. For Families, Traveller, Seamen, and Miller's use they are miooualled. All Hie Medicines are 1'1'ltKI.Y VEGETABLE and warranted to cure the disease fur which they are severally rec ommended. The tSntefenlsirit Company does not pmress to cure all disease with one or two medicine. Our series con sist of ELEVEN' dim-rent kind, adapted to the vari ous disease Incident to the temperate and tropical i ll mate. The roll owing comprises the series of Uraefen bcrg Medicine i TUS nil.lFKKNnKHil vmKTMii. rn.iJi Are considered the standard lt of the day. and are infinitely superior to any Pill before the public. They operate without Irritation on all the excretion, purg- in j; tne i'i sul oy me isiweis, liver, anuicy ami ssin. HAItsll AI.L8 I'TKItlM CATItOI.IC'O.M, All Infallll io remedy lor all disease of the womb and miliary organs, nr.iknes in the back, pnln In the breast, nervousness, debility, etc. In California and Oregon, out ot more than a thoit-.aid cases where this meilieiue has been used. It bus in no single instance faib-il to Kive permanent rclier or to efUtt a eeitain cure. TIIKCIUF.IKMlKml PAHS AT AKII.LA, A tiowerfnl extract, tine Isiltle nin.-il to ten of the ordinary sarsapanll.i for purilylng the t ioihi. a urv eui-e lor scrofula, rlfum iti-4n. nleer, dyspepsia, sail rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruption, c. Tliac.KKKS MIH NTAIN OINTHKST. Invatiiabtp for burn, w-uuds, sprains, ehillilain, sore, swelling. crolul . tc. A a I'ain Extractor, it cannot bo excelled, aM'ordin Immediate relief from the most rxemtiuting pains. TltK OHAKFKMAKUII D VbKNTEaV by in r. This extraordinary nrticle Is a speeily anil Infallible remedy in I'larnnra, iiysenterr. t noiera .nonius, i noi era lot intum and the A'.iatic Clndera, lr taken withth llrst symptoms of the disease. It is purely vegetable In lis conKMiuil. USAKVFVBVHO Cllll.riKKNS' TAXAIKA, For anmmerConipl ilnt. and most disease to which children are subject. Its true worth can uever I set foith in words, hut It ran Is? felt and appreciated by parent. who-e children have bveu saved. No Mother shoul I be ithout it. tub tiHAitrr.vBPtio rn.B hkmkhv. Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease. with the Ointment there are very rew case wlilcli can not be radically aud penimitenlly cured. A surgical operation for Pile or Fistula shoul I never Is? resorted to until this Ointment ha been thoroughly ti ied. It never fail. RArrNBHn eva lotiox. For di-ea-es of the eve this Lotion ha no eiual. It is a spiv. lv and positive cure for inflammation of the eve, ne.iunt-ss, dimne ami iiiil'nj tu signi. it win always be benclit ial in acute Inlluinm.iUou ol the ryes, and also as a wa-li on Inflamed surtai-r. CHIF.IIKIHIIII I'KVKH AM AIII'K I'll U. A sK-e-ly and p-sitie cure for this distressing turn nlaiiit. The- IMls are coinii.-cd pi inclpally of Out- nine, nitii oilier vci-etaldc toiu. s, uuti pa-tnislic and febrifuge aitii les. ruousaiids have bevu t'enuaucutly curvu ny ineir ioe. UH IKKKSBKltO COMU MrTII Id BLS. Rovereian In sll llnmcbiol and Piilin umry Disease. It is, lievoud all question, true that Consumption I a curable disease, and the Consumptive's Balm is the best cm alive ever ti-ed. OKAKl KSBMUI IIKALTIt B1TTKHS. These Bitters are skiiri II v and elegantly piepured from a iiutiilr r iuvlg u-atuig healthy root, lurks, lun-bs aud uni-s. Alt invaluable touic and health re storer. liitAKI K!li:l:ii HAM'AL tr HEALTH. A handtomclr nrintcd volume of 3o0 page, contain ing concise ami rxtrcmrly pltin d,cripllon of all in inner or ilise.ise, tlieir symptoms aim ireauneiii Every lamilv shm.ld hae oi.e. Pri-e only 2i t ents.- lt will t - M iit, poxt paid, to any l-i"t nfltce in Culifor nia or Oiegoii, oil tin- receipt ui za rents ny until or ex pres. Address Re.lington A Co., San Francisco, The Gmefenlierg Medicine are for sale by all Drug gists and Apothecaries throughout the riMintry. General Agent for California and Oregon 15 EDI XGTON A Co.. Wholesale Druggist. No. 107 Clay street. SMirit A Davis A grnt, Portland. San Pranci-co, Ibt. 11, l"v7. f.mll Tiie Oregon Statesman. .J ItiHrprndrnt Journal, ilrrottil to I'oHtin.tSmrral Inlrlligtnet, 4c-, i'tftiAed at SuJrm, Oi rgon. ASA II EL HUSH. Proprietor. Publisher, and Editor- The Statesman is 1'cnus i i.tic In politics, and thor oughly national In its character. It is hostile to every sieeies of sectionalism, taiiatic im, snd intolnrance aud will vigorously opoe all attempt to lnrorM,rate Any oi tne i u -sue isms 01 tue day. into our lerruonai legislation. it will advocate all practical measures of Reform and Progress, ecoiioiiiicu I and simple administration ol our !'! government ; Inilhfuluess, Integrity, and ca pacity in oftlce, and a system of rigid and direct ac conntsbilitv of the elTitvr to the people. It wilf dis co all measure agitating the public mind, in a man ner rearlcs. Imnanial. and lust. Its News IHMisrtment will be edited with much attention, snd nothing will be spared to furnish early, accurate, and comprehensive publication of the cur rent intelligence. The Statesman has a large, widely-scattered .and moat excellent Corp of corrcsiMindents, aud very complete faeiiitie rr procuring new. Due attention i also paid to tlicpnhllcalion or anseei Unv. A o-rii-tiltiiral and l.iternrv niatteri In this natier nre imbli-licd the laws, resolutions, and treaties ot the United State, and the law and resolu tion of the Territory of Oregon by authority. The pnner is printed on new material, aud upon a slicet ol the largest si.e. The coming year will be the most Important in Ore gon's history. A State I to be inaugurated, through warm political -contests, and the machination, of faction, disaltcctioii. abolitionism, and every hue of opposition, to overthrow the Old lcnincracy. Every citizen of Oregon should he thoroughly informed of paasing events, if he desire to tlicliargc Ills duty to mc ?.i:iic sou ine ."noi ry , iiiieiiixcimr aim iipriguiiy. The Statesman will lie an active participant in trans iring political cvenLs. and will furnish a faithful rec ord of the history of parties and politic. A a vehicle of Oregon New, the Statesman enjoys facilities that none of its cotcinpnraries do. Tkhm-s Three dollar per year, strictly in advance; four dollar, if paid within six mouth, but not in ad vance; live dollars, if not paid within six months. These terms wc must adhere to in all case. Persons sending lis money by mail, or otherwise, will please conform to these terms, adapting the amount to the (t'mr of payment. The low price at which the paper is afforded places It within toe reacit ol an. Doot and Shoe Store. FREDERICK WICK M O X rntiM announce to the citizen of Salem, and the surround ing country, that he have taken a store on the Hi east side of Commercial street, north of the postoftice where he will keen ciui-lautlv on hand a full assort- mcut of every kind of boots and shoes, both custom and sale work, which he wiil sell at the lowest living pri ces. Being a practical workman, all orders for the manufacture or repair of work will bo complied with. and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike maimer. Give me a call and examine my stock. FREDERICK W1CKXION. Salffin,. March 12, 1S37. , 13tf Bakery and Confectionery. rrUE undersigned would announce to the public that X they have established tlienisclves In tne baking and confectionery business at Salem, on Commercial street, second door north of the Union House. A thorough experience at the baking business they trust will enable them to give satisfactiuu to thcircustomers. All orders nronititlv filled. Groceries and Fruits, will also lie kept constantly on hand. UcUl.'i.N S Ulll.N E. April 0. is.17. Stf Stora;:! Storage! WE are prepared to store all kinds of farmers pro duce, on the most liberal terms. Also to attend to all kinds of commission and shipping business. Our warehouse is situated immediately on the bank of the river, at the steamboat landing. And in shipping or receiving goods or produce, unattended with expense 01 drayagc. lifcAUU Uiiuu li, Albany, Sept. 10, 1S57. . 27m6 School Books. TITST received, a complete assortment of Sanders' J School Rook, together with a large lot of Thomf- son s Practical Arithmetics, all or whlcn will be sold cheap, at the City Book btore. E. L. BRADLEY & Co. Oregon City, Jan. 15. 40tf D. William Doullilt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSElXMt AT LAW A!U IM100TOR IN A I) M I II A LT Y. Will practice In the Supreme and District Courts of thi State. f Ofllre over Starr's Tin Store. Fronttrret,-S Htf I'ortlttml, ttrtgon. It. II. Crinor, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Albany, O.T. Feb.. !h3H. ntf Medical. TAB. W. Mo A. FEE, M. IK, Physician and surgeon. Office over Sbir, Barnard A Uo.'a HUire, Front St., Monroe, Benton Co., O. T. Dr. N. It. tJncklos, OFFICE. SALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. Ralem, November II, ld.1T. SJtf William C. Grltwoltl Co., M ERCIIANTS, BALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. c. f r woiihwomth. Medical Notice. T "MIK auhcrllMr, would Inform the Inhabitant that he . I at hi old stand, ready to attend to all calls In his profession ; also he has on hand a well selected stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicine, with a well atorled supply of Syriuifcs, all of which he will dispose or on reasona asonable term. W. WAIlltEN. Salem December 1, V Sstf Hfilleul Notice. DR. n. Y. PIIAW, lute of Pun Franelco,Calirornln, oiler hi professional service to the citizen In Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicit share lo uulille rnvor. ..... .a . a r- II.. J . mr iiinee a ih-cq aim rciiwwa uma 14y It. W. SHAW. H. Ellsworth, ATTORNsT AK0 COl'MLL0, UR. Supreme and other Court. Office Eugene City, Ijuio County, Oregon Territory. Abto Commissioner of eed tor New York, Connecticut, Ae. August n. ln.ift. , Vttf A. J. Tbaytr, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OITlce in Corvalli. Benton Co., O. T., opiiosite to the City Hotel In said town. zu W. W. Page. A TTORXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Pa JX. lent. O. T., OHI -e, llrst dooraoulh of the PtaU-s- iiinn I mice, up stair. 2utr W. H. 1AHKAK. LASR1NII STOIT. Fiirrar k Siont, 4 TTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN 1 ''ham-errand Admiralty. - ortlce on Front street, one door north of the " Ex hange." Portland. O. T., July 50, iMT. tltf I. N. Smith. TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND Solicitor lu Chancery, Corvalli O. T. i. s. SMITH. filtf H. W. Milrlicll, AND COUNSELOR AT laine County, O.T. 1 TTORNEY iV gene City, LAW, EU Snrfiral. TU COOMBS, M. D.. Surgeon, Ae, SPECIALTY DISEASES OF TIIE EYE. Corralli. Orron. Septentls?r J3, Wd. JsmO Snn Francisco Ailrrrlising AjtcRf r rP. FISHFU, iron bnlldlng. opposite Pacllic Express J OlhVe, upstair. File of all the principal Pajicrs of I aliform and Oregon may Is-found at tin om -e. Mr. I i-lier isthe authorized Agent for the Statesman. Chrjlcr N. Trrry, 4 TTORNEY AT LAW, FALEM. OREGON. COM i V nnsioner of le-ds. aud L-i lake testimony, ac knowledgment. Ac, Ac, for Iowa. liiilan,Miss.iri Michigan. California and Washington Territiry. tor of Attorney, and all other iitstrumeiiU of writing, drawn on short notice. t. Particular attention paid to taking depositions, collection or iSote, Acctsiiil, Ae. Jill Hartting k Crovrr, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. AND iV Solicitor lu Chancery. WUce near Hie to!irt-h'nie salem, O.T. Cro. I. Shell, V TTORNEY AND COl'NSLIsOp. AT Ltv, AND Solicitor In Chancery, will prnetii-e in the various CHiri oi i'iveoii auu ti osiuuiMua iviriwru-. uukc, Salem, O, T. Dflaipn Smith, A TTORNET AND COCNSKLOR AT LAW. AND A Sdicitir In Chancery, will promiitly attend to all nisim- pertaining to hi prob's-iou In the flrst Judicial District, and ls f'-e the Supreme Court of Oregon Office , Albany, Linn County, O. T. N. II. When not at hi offli-e. or absent on profes sional ItusUiess, be mar ls found at hi residence, live mile Boutlwnst of Albany, on what I known a the " Grand Prairie. W. S. Brock, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND J. Solicitor In Chancery, will pnf ties in the various courts in thi Ti-rribwy. and promptly attend to the col lection or all claim aeainni tne l uiieu ratio, iiinsicn an eflii-ient airent residing at Washington .City. Oflne in Eugene City, Ijiue County, O. T. 11. K. St rat ton, ATTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in the virion court of southern Oregon, and in the Supreme Court of the Territory. Offick in Scoltslmreh. Umpnua county. O. T. N. B. B-miitv laind Warrant obtained for claimant on reasonable term. 23tf K. at. bakm m. J. o. wilson llarinini t- V1I',oii. t TTOHNIES AND COUNSELLf iRS AT LAW. S 2. lent, Oregon. Particular attention! given to the co lection of notes and accounts, and calms against government. Bounty I -and Warrants bought and suld. tf Oill i over Starkey's Storo. 40 Ji. F. lionliani. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of- J. lii-e at the Court House, Salem, O. T. tf A. B. Hallock, A ItCHITECT AND nUILDER. PORTLAND. O. T. I. Designs, plans, siiccilication. Ac, furnished on reasonable term. Campbell fc Pratt. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. San Francisco, California. J. Office, corner Montgomery and Sacrcmoiito streets iv'r 1'itrrott A Co. Ibklik. Msr. CsmnlMdl .V Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business entrusted to their core. stu Alkxanpku Caiipbrll. O.C.Pratt. S. llautilton, AI. I)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad joining counties, that lis ha located permanently at Ieer Creek for the purpose or practicing medicine, and in which profession he will lie faithful to discharge ull duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy aud comfortable. Okkick opposite R. II. Dearborn & Co.'s store, on Main street. Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at low eah pri ce. 4 -ti Corinthian Lodge OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold their regular communications on the Thursday night liefore the full of the moon of each month, ex cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that uislit in Ainaiiy, u. A. Brethren in good stauding nre cordially invited tn at tend. DfeLAU. fi.Mll ll, vv . al S mi no eh, Scc'y. S7tf Blanks. TAEEPS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale a y scrip, tax receipt, linnl proofs, and notifications a new Office. lot just printed and ror sale at the Statesman July 27. 1S57. 20tf Look Here! w E have Just received 83,000 lbs. of ground alum salt, which we are selling at r.i.isi per Hundred. GR1SWOLD & CO. WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise, lOO bushels of good apples, to be delivered by the 10th of August highest price paid. G. E. COLE. Notice TS hereby given, that C. 8. Wood worth is authorized J. to iransaci my iiensimu uusiucs uiiring my "w Salem, June 17, 1RJ . 15tf Orleans WareUouse. o RLEANSAYare House, opiiosite Corvallis, for rent lHtf ISAAC AlOOKE. T fACKEREL and codfish, at 1V1 (42U) W. K. SMITH & Cs's. "CAROLINA rice, and syrup to sweeten it in 5 gallon y Kegs, at 4Ziij v. tv.s.MiiH aco s. s ALT, sal soda, and sassafras, at I4itl) IV. k. smith & uo s. "TJLAST1NG powder, and water proof caps, at Xj L4Ztn v. k. . SMITH A Go's. WE best black tea you ever saw, at 4'2tf W. K. SMITH & Co s. 10 TONS assorted iron, just received fit 9m3 GUIS WOLD Jt CO'8. DOOK BOOKS! DOOKS!! ..AT.. Tho City Book-Store. (FRONT BT., PORTLAND, 0. T.,1 A. U. SHIPLEY & Co.r are b Uore, nnd will be reuelviiijf by the 1st of June srts CZ a QD XX CD N HOOKS AND HTATIONKHY! Which they oRcr to the SPRING TRADE At sinull advance on New York price. ve us a call, or send a an order, and we are bound to give you satisfactiuu I A. II. Shipley Co., Are the Soli Aukkt In Oregon and Washington Ter ritorie for the sale of The American Statesman, A GREAT HOOK 1 1 lining the only political history or the United Rtutes. Rend n your names. I'rloe t 001 Payable on de livery of bonk. Can deliver by the 1st of Bapteinber to all who aenu us tlieir name uj ihi ui may. Catalogue of Part of our Stock : KCIIO l book's. Remes Sander' old l-t. 'id. .Id, tth, and 6th, tnd The Young latdie'; Handera' New lt. Id, 3d, 4th and Rth: 1'aikers' 1st, zi. au, 4tn auu am; no- Gilllev s -lst, Jd, 3d. 4th and fita. Kckm-Sh. Sander' Old, banders' ew; r.iemen fiiindi-rs' 1'ictorial.rlcliiMjl and Parker's. Gr.iMiml'HiKS MltcheH's, Anelentand Modern, Ol- nev . Mollies, SIC galley a, auu aiouuifca in auu 4.1 lliih. M tiikmti-s Afitiimeiie t uomson . isoieti, Mental, Analysis, rmwlleal, and lllglier; navies I'M. mm. Intellectual. ncniMii anu universiiv, nmnii Collmrn's Ray's Sloddard'a: Davie Algebra, Bur veylng, Geometry, Practical Mathematics, Math. Dic tionary, liOgie of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, and Philosophy of Mathematics. Grammar. Green Clarke s Bullion s rwmii I KirliHin's Hiienccr' Tower's. rini.oHoi iiiKs. raraer s ist iesson, juvenile ana School; Comstoi k buiith s. HISTOHIK. Wilsons juvenile, niiu uiiiveu riaies Parley's Uuiversal; Wlllard's Universal, and L'niteii State. . , ..... . Lasui'Aoks. Coniier Virgil: Anurews iitin itea- del; Virl Rom; Andrew a Latin Grammar; Met un tuck' 1st and id Hook iu Ijilin. aud il - in Greek; An n...r. i:r.w k Grammar and Rea-b-r; Johnson's Cicero, Fasquelle'a French Grammar and Reader; WiMMlbiiry'a German Grauiniar ami Header, Telemaipie. Greek Tes- '.aiuetit; Fm-ucIi, nelf-taught; Siiirenne r rem it IMe- tlonarv: Andrew s Ijttiu do. l.lilileii it hcoll a Urec-K I,. A nthon Classical do. r-mltli do do. lio-Tios.n-ts. Webster's S'hool, High do. Aca demic, University, Royal So, Unabridged aud Cobbs' lo, li,.t. MucKi.LasKoi-" Mattion's Astronomy. Newman's in...i,.ro-. Wood's B ilauv. Kame's Kleinents of Crit- i. Utm I'araer Aid in t omiMMiiion. t arser r.jer ns. Brisiklield .om)Hwilion. McKlligott lmtng Analvzer. do. Analytical Manual. Parker' Word Mavhew's Iksik Keeping. Wsyland's Moral sc ience, l'alev's Natural Theology. Blake' Agrieul. tnre ror Schools. Cphatn's Intellectual I'hlioMojdiy. M.iliun's do, ilo. Milton; Young; Pollock; nnd 'lbonii on; (Edition for (schools) Cutter's AnnUiiny aud t'hrshdoirr. American Deliater. Newman Politics! F.eononiv. IlitchiiK-k's Geologr. tJnat variety of Sneaker aud Elocution. All kind fit School Station err: Slate of all size: Drawing Books; Drawing I'uis-r: I'erforativl Card Board; Bristol Ibmrd: I'eucil and Brushes; O-diorn'a Colors; Inkstand, every sire od stvle, Ac., Ac., o. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. His-roKT Bancroft's United Slate. volume (III. In-Ill do. do. volumes. Priwl' Pictorial United Slates. Tavlor' do. do, do. Botta Hist. Revolution IVterson' do. Wilson's United State. Willurd's d Hist. Indian War United Sl;iUs. U'illaril Universal History. Muller' do do. liottoek' Ili-J. World 1 or i volume. RuHln' Aiu leut History. Fair' do, do. Hume's England. M I'-anlay's do., complete. IHcken Child' do. LinganF do. Gibbon Rome. D'Au liigne Reformation. Hang N. r t nnrrli. AIIlin Knrof, Ist and "id Seric. I'rescott's Work. Burder's lli-t. of Relijrion. Hist, of Council or Trent. Josc phits. All of Ablsdt's Histories. Hislorii-al Cabinet. Oiieon of Spain. Qms-nsof Scotland. Help Spanish I Vmpiext, Brace Hungary. Kidder Brazil, hn bank's Parlev's Uuiversal. Illslory of Cru. Ancient Egyptians. Ilallam's Middle Ages. History for ltv. Itooner' Child's United States. t.iiii;' Fi-bl lt'iok or Itevolutiuu. lli.xiR irnv. I'lntsreh" Live. IJfe Brant. Won- lerf il Character. Great ami Celebrated Characters, Live of the Sigis--r. Autobiography of Finlcy. Ia- n.irtliie' Celebrated Chancb-r. l.lteof Adam Clarke. In Bishop lleddiug. do Niebubr. do Gen. Harris-m . Daniel Boone, do Roberts, do Lafayette. C t.ihn or It'iman Itepulilic and Old Wurld. Dr. C'IihI mer, 4 vols. Live of Humboldt. Mr. Roger. Moxatt. Wesley. Fleb-her. Life and Times of Clay li ving Washington. Lininent Mecnanica. Live Chief Justices. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles latnib. Jiu-koon. Gen. Green. Joan of Are. latdr JaneGrev. J. V- Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster: King of ttoiu. Ktnc nd oneen. l.leruutx. Live if the loie. I'rescott' Philip "d. ' Mary and Maltha Wash inifUm. Pioneer women or the Viest. TnavKLSv Hik k's China. Aram anlan. PU-phcn Eivpt. Olin's Travel. Mungo Park. Nile Note. AdvenUire on Muuito Sh-ire. Bayard Taylor s Trsv els. Dnrlnu's Travel in the KnL SciSHriric. Brande KnevclociViii. Phyical Geig. raphv of the Sea. IVood Natural History. Ijirdner I tores. Useful Arts. Cosmos. Mathematical Die ttonsry. Iigic of Mathematics. Wonders of Seiem-e. MilchesT Plaiiftary and Stellar Worlds. loomis' Re cent Progress of AtronoMiy. Smith's Dietiousry of Art aud Science. Eutrauk' Hydraulics. Dick's works. Various woiks on Architecture. I'oktbv BaTon various tyle. Shakespeare, do. Milton, do. lhirns, d-. Heinaus. do. Moore, do. Thompson. Young. Pollock. Tiipr. CowK-r. Pojie. i'anipU-11. Wadsworth. Ossian. Moutgoint-ry. Kuk While. Female Poets of England, do. do. America ami many others. Hooks or Rkkkbukcb. Cyclopwlia of Geography. Jo. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts. McColloch a Goaettecr. Ilr)r' Uuivcrssl Gasettcer. Fat'lT asn AOKiul'LTfUAU Elliots Fruit Book. Thomas' do. lowning's do. Hurry's do. Fesseuden's Farmer nnd Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee on Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Farm Book. Allan's Domestic Animal. All of Saxton's Hand Books. Wnakson Horse, Cuttle, Sheep, Hog. Ac. TumiumiCAi. & Rrruiiiiors Harmony and Exposi tion of Gospel. Neaudcr' Life of Christ. Butler's Woiks. Kuapp's Christian Theology. Western Mcth-odi-:m. - Morris Miscellanies, lectures on Ibimanism. Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Barnc' Note. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's Exercise. Watson's Institute. Lnrrabec'a Evidences. Butler's Ethical Discourse. Roger' Eclipse of Earth, do. lteavin and Faith. Fostcr'a Christ. Perfection. Raker on Discipline. Writings of Anniiiiu. Jahn's Biblical Arclueology. Bibles, all sixes and prices, from II to $20. Testaments, great variety. Methodist Hymns. Christian Hymn Book. Church Psalmist. 1'iymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian Psalmist. Mkiucal Rucliiin's Family Tbysician. ITydro p illiic do. Hoinwpathie Works. Misckixaxboi's. ('onstitntions of United State. Mayhow's Popular Education. Crabhc's Synonyms. Plait's Rook of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's Manual -lleadley's Work. 14 vol. . Mrs. TuthiU's, 6 vols, ljty anl's Nineveh. Bigelow'a Useful Arts. HaswcH'a En gineer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of Knowledge. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antiquities. Way Down East. Pynshhrt. Iko Marvel's Work. Sanderson's Cook anil Confectioner. Country Rambles lit England. Talcs and Reveries, an excellent Temper ance Book. Money Maker. Escaped Nun. News Boy. Dick Wilson. Mr. Hale's New Cook Rook. Mil ler s Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator. Young Indies' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial Catechism. Thomson's LccL to Y. Men. Constitu tional Text Rook. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri can Housewife. Half Honrs with Old Humphrey. Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs. Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car leu's Works. Heroines of History, l-and and Sea. Deck and Port.- Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore. Naval Life. Star Paer. Masonic Chart. living's. Columbus. Long Ixik Ahead City or New Y'ork Living Orators of America. Young Man Advised. Mis sious in Tonga and Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic tion. 'Knout and tho Russians. Hydropathic Cook Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Book for Young Men do. 'do. Iadie. Ane.dotcs for Girls, do. do. Boys Footpripts of Faiuons men. Charlotte ElizaU-thV. Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant boy philoso pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Franconia. And a'numbcr of others too nnmeroos to enumerate. Constantly receiving large additions to the foregoing. Stationkby Foolscap Pajicr great variety. Let ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do. do, do. Envel opes all styles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders grcat variety. Blank BimjIm all sir and styles. Memorandums, Piaries, Pass Books, Time Books. Paper Cutters. Ilo Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa- P?r good variety. Wafers, Scaling Wax, 4c., Ac. inaliy, we have a good variety of Mi-sic Rooks New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred Melodian. ChrUfian Psalmist. Piano Instruc tors. Guitar do. Flute do, Accordon do. Violin do, Melodcon do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet Music. And the most varied assortment of Statiokert ever ffered in Oregon. erg- This stock is all bought in New York and other Eastern cities and is sold at UMFORM PRICES. r We keep on hand School Books in large rjuan Ues, together with most of the publications of Harper & Brothers; . Derby &, Jackson; Ivison A Phinney; Phillips & Samson; A.S.Biirnes& Co.; - Miller, Orton & Mulligan; Leary & Getz; Putnam; Apple ton; and others. We ask your patronage. If nnabl to visit us aid examine our stock, your order will be attended to on the same terms as if yon bought in person. ' Portland. March 20, 1S57. . 2tf "All of the above works may be had W. Kenyon A Co.'s City Book Store, Salem." HedicaL DH. L. J. CZAPKAY'S PRIVATE medical aud surgical Institute, Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite I'arillc Mail Steamship Co' ofllee, San Francisco, California. E tablished in Ih.14, for the iiermanent cure of all Private aud Chronic Disease, and the suppression of Quackery. Attending and llesnient Physician 1 J. C.AI'KAl , M. D., late In the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief Physician to the 20tli Regiment of ilonved. chief Sur geon to the Military Hospital of Pesth, aud late Lec turer on Dissease of women and children. fO THE A FFL1CTED. Dr. L.J.C7.A PKAY returns his sincere thanks to hi numerous patients for their fatronag,and would take thi opMirtun!ly to remind hem that lie continue to consult at hi Institute for the cure of Chronic disease of the Lung. I Jveri, Kidney ,dl- geslive and genitive organ, and an private diseases, via : Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrhoea, gleet, strictures, seminal weakness and all the horrid consequence or ef abue, and hehoiie that his long experience and uci-essfu! practice of many year, will continue to ensure him a share of public pa-tronage. By the practice of many year in Europe and the United State, and during the Hungarian war and campaigns, be 1 enabled to apply the most efficient anu icceHiui remeuie against oiseases or ail Kino. He use uo mercury rharge moderate treats hi pa tients in a oorrect and honorable way has references of unquestionable venu-ity from men of known respect ability and high standing in society. All parties con sulting hhn, by letter or otherwise, will receive the beet ana gentlest treatment, and Implicit secresy. To tu Laimrs or Okbioh and CAi.trosiA. L. J CaArsAV, M. D.,Pliytician Surgeon and Accoucheur .in vite the attention of the sick and afflicted female la- Miring nuder any of the various forum of disease of the rain, lung, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid neys, and all diease peculiar to their sex. The Doc tor Is effecting more js-rmsnent cure than any other t,lieii-iii In Oretron or California, lt do false deltearv prevent you, out apply linmeiiiau-iy, and save yourseii from palurui auneriug and premature neat n. All mar ried ladies, whoe delicate health or other circumstance do not allow to have an increase in their families should write or call at Dr. I.. J. Czapkay Medicrl Institute Sacramento?!., Iielow Montgomery, opixisite P. M. S. S. Co' office .anil they will na.-ei"e every posihle relief and help. The Doctor Olllee are so arranged that he can ls consulted without molestation. rim3 t-AI consultations (by letter or otherwise,) free, Addressto OIL L. J. CAAFKAT, Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cal. EMARKABI.E INSTANCE OF MEDICAL RE IV LIKE. Below we publish the rertilicates of two of the sufferers from the psugs of disease, who having recovered their former health, and impelled by grati tude, make known their rase and remedial agent, and their statement are authenticated by a Notary Publl The demands of Society imissrtously command their piiniii ity. ana we commend tueir perusal to tne alien tiouof all afflicted : CERTIFICATE. The undersigned, desirous of aeipiainting thne who may be unfortunate euotigh to be similarly afflicted, where a permanent relief of tlieir suffering may I obtained, fetl it bis duty to tho publicly express hi most sincere gratitude to Dr. L.J. Czapkay, for the de rmanetit recovery af hi health. Borne down by the distressing symptom incident to the vicious practice i f uncnuuonaiiie passion in youm ; oepressea in iioiiyana mind ; uuuble to iH-rfonn eveu the most trifling fluty imposed umiii the daily avocation of life, I sought the sdvli-eof many physiciun, who at first regarded my disease a of trilling iniortauce but aial ; altera lew week, and in several instances mouths, of their treat ment. I lismd to my unutterable horror, that instead or relier. the symptoms became more alarming in their torture ; and Is-iog. told by one that my disemae, being SiriiK ipally confined to the brain, medicine would 1st of ittle consequence. I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength and energy ; and, a a last resort, and with but a taiut hope, called iin Dr. Czapkay. who, after examining my rase, prescribed some medicine which almost instantly relieved me of the dull pain anu uwjsiness in my neau. r.nconrged ity mis result, I resolved to place myself Immediately umlcr hi care, and ly a strit t oltcdienee to hi direction aad adviue, my head became clear, my ideas collected, the constant paiu In inv back and groin, the weakness of my limbs the nervon. reaction of my whole lsdy on the slight est alarm or excitement; the misanthropy and evil forelsHliiig: the self distrust and want of corllibre e in otlier: the ineaiMtcity to study, and want of resolu tion; the rrigblful, excitine, and at times pleasurable urtaius at nignt, followed oy invoiutitary uux narges, have all disaps?arcd; and in fact, in two months after having consulted the Ibu-lor, I felt a if inspired by a new uie inui me wniru,ou a snort time ago, I con templated to end with my own band. tt'Hh a Ticwto croard the unfortunate from falling into the snare of lnrotni?tent 'iitack. I deem it rav duty to offer this testimony to tiie merit and skill of lr. t zapkay. and recommeud Imu to ail who may stand In need of ine-li, al advice, ls-ing assured by my own exjierieiire, that once under his care, a radical and permaneut cure will be effected. B. F. FILLMORE R'nte of California, Comity tit San Francisco. Snle scril 1 and sworn to lierore nie, tins ITtli day of April 4 i, iu-.i! ji!:.n..i " " ; . JOHN MIDDLETON, Notary Public. CA RD. Prompted by an honest desire of my heart. I wish to lay iK-rore me puniic a rase wnicn deserves a nigh com mendation, not only as an act ot stientilic skill, but that of humanity, also. About two years ago. I sod dculy and from cause unknown to inc. was seized with a lit of EriLiii-sv. which, owing to my inability to meet the cxcne consequent iqwin a tbornigh medical treat ment, and the discouragement which I met with on attempting it, si sin became such (a I was then led to eiieve.) a to aeiy me skiii or anv puysn ian. I 1 freipienlly. while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down to the ground without the slightest wanting, and al though iiieeusihle to the agonies, yet I despised the mis ery of my existence. While in this state, and having previous to my alflctioii tasted the sweet of life, 1 once more was induced to attempt seeking aid of a physician, and, by recommendation, called upon Dr. CJ. Czap kay. ( told him my circumstance, and my inability to reward him for hi services regardless of which, however, be nt once undertook my case, and with the blessing of God, I was once more restored to wrrfect health. Unable to reward him for the boon which I enjoy at present, aud yet conscious of my indebted ness. I consider it due to myself and to all afflicted, to make the case public, in order that those in need of medical advice may lind a physician in whom every rouUdcnce ran lie placed. MEYER YABLONSKY. ti.l State of Cal'io-mi. I County of San Francisco, J Subscrilsxl and sworn to before me this first day of August, A. D. 1. Gilbkrt A. Grant, - Notary Public, l. SPERMATORRHEA. or Ical Weakness .nervous de biiity, low spirit, lassitude, weakness of the limb and back, indisposition and incapacity for labor and study, dullness of appictite, loss of memory, aversion to society, love ot solitude, timidity. self-distrust. dizziness, headache, pains in the side, affection of the eyes, pim ples on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man, are C tred without fail bv the justly celebrated physician and irgeon, L. J. Czapkay. His method of curing diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence the great suc cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. Address, L. J..CZAPK A Y, M.D., San Francisco. Cal. The Greatest Discovery of the Age. GREAT Blessings to Mankind! Innocent but Potent.' DR-CZAPKAY'S Pbophilactici m, (self-disinfecting agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrixcal and Syphilitic diseases, and a eeitain and on-surpassed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, brtcd discbarges from vagina, uterus and urethra, and all cutanons eruptions and dis eases. As innoculation is preventive againstsmall pox, so is Dr. Czapkay 's Propbylacticum a preveutivcagainst Syphilitic and Gonorrlm-al diseases. Harmless in it self, it possesses the power of chemically destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of debauchees from being infected by the must loathsome of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates health be without Dr. Czapkay s Prophylacticum. It is in very convenient packages, and will be found con venient for nse, being used a a soap. Price, 5. For sale at Dr. L- J. Czapkay "s Private Medical and Surgi cal Iustitute, Sacramento below Montgomery, oppo site P. SI. Co, office, San Francisco. All letters must be addressed to L. J. Czapkay, M.D., San Francisco. m DK-L.J- CZAPK AY'S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute, Sacramento St.. below Montgomery oppo site Pacific Maill Steamship Co-'s Office, San Francisco. The Doctor offers free consultation, and asks no remu neration unless he effects a cure. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. CERTIFJCATE. I, the undersigned. Governor of Hungary, do testify hereby, that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has served during the con test for Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hun garian array .with faithful perseverance whereof I have given him this certificate, and do recommend him to the sympathy, attention and protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice, and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS, Governor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan. 6, 1952. f i Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond ing, please enclose $10 in their letters, and they will get immediate attention to their eases. Address, . L. J. CZAPKAY, Jf. San Francisco, CaL April, 1S53 3m4 WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise, 20,000 lbs. of bacon for which I will pay the highest price. G. E.COLE. fTVAX receipt blanks fee sale at the Statesman office A. at $1 per hundred. LADJES'cloaks.lateststyle, for sale cheap at l tf W. K. SMITH A Co's. 35,000 WbrtU or SPRIim AND SUnHERlGOODSi HI, mliacrilieni would reanectfully Inform their en. . turner and lh .i.n nu...n. i.ui .. I.... ..w hand, and an la constant receipt of good from Kan V r n e 1 c o and New York a large and wtUe lectedtock consUtlng In part of Aiuin.auspa.and alpacea, HonnrtH, berag,,, ,nd Uro, lUM Cambric, crash, and calico, Domestic delainea, and damask, Edging, embroidery and everything. Flannels, fringes, and fancy fixln's Ginghams, gaiters and gloves. Handkerchiefs, hose and bair-plna. Iron, Ink, end Inserting. Jaconet, leans, and Java coffee, Knives, kid gloves, and knlttlii-plBJ,( Lawn, lard and IJverpool aall. Mustard, mirror, and mashes, Needles, nail, and nice thing. Oils, overshlrt, snd Oolong tea. Pin, pants, and paper. Quilts, quills, and queensware, Itlhlsins, raaor. and rat-trap. Silks, sugar, and shaving oap. Tea, tobacco, and turentlne. Umbrella, nnder-sleeves, and nsefnl thing, Veil, varnlsb, and vinegar. Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-troM, Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notion, Zinc, and zephyr worsted, Ac, Ac, and so on. Beside many other article too numerous to mention ' all of which we are offering at reduced price, adopt ing the plan of ' Quick sale and mall profit." The ladie will find In their department a large stock? of fancy goods, direct from New York, which I not usually kept In Oregon, and by arrangement will be Id constant receipt adequate to the wants of the ladie. t 1 lie Gentlemen I'eparrmeni oi lurnisinng gnod( will seldom I equalled, and excelled by none ip Salem lHON-Theblicksmithsand iron dealer willatwave. And a well-sebwtl stotk of all ise and gether with a good assortment or Iron axles, from 1-4 jr. 6 in., to 1 a 1 1 inches, which we are selling at l'ortlf price, adding freights, We are prepared to receive all kind of prodnce lrl exchange for goods, and alo money. For full pmrtica- laracall and examine for yonrselves. W. C. GHISWOLP OO. Salem. Feb. 10,17. 4tf Attention Farmers I Thrtiheri, Reiperi, aidlawiri. WE have now on the way from the Eastern State,' to arrive about the latter part of April next, a superior lot of the above mentioned machines. ; bey combine all of Uie latest improvements, and we have' no hesitation In saying that we believe them to be tho most perfect machines we ever brought to this coast, : They were constructed nnder-nir own supervision, ha-1 ing all the alteration necessary to render tiie in suita-' bie tor me country. The Thresher consist of two, four and six horse ms era, (railway aud sweep) with elevators and every es sential convenience known to the machine. Our Reapers and Mowers are combined machine suitable for either mowing or resping, they work from two to f air horses ; with and witli-sit rakes, or, in other word, one is a self raker. In addition to the alsjve. we have to arrive at the , same time, the following agricultural implements, vis : Peoria plow, X 8 Boston ( lllis-rplow,ext!issin culti vators, grape vine, grain cradle, scythes, natb, straw cutter, bay presses, liny forks and rakes, horse rake, wheel barrows, cider mills, shove!, spades, Ae. Bark nulls and Tanner tool. Also, a aelert assort ment of Smiths and carpenters' tools, with macy other articles not here mentioned. We would say to our rntomer and th public gen rallr.if they are in want of any of the atove mentioned article, they will do weil to call and see our liefore purchasing elsewhere, a we are determined to sell low for rash. We would also add that our machines are rapid I v sold to arrive: better call nd secure one of them, before too late. If preferred .machines delivered la Portland If engaged herore arrival. WM. C. DEMENT A Co.. Oregon City, opposite I .and IHrtee. January 2 j, IS.W. 3m7 Moffat's Life Pills AND PIKE NIX BITTERS. rlHE best family medicine now before Uie public, for X the cure of Scrofula, fleer. Scurvy, or Eruption of the Skin, Fever and Ague, Dypctia, Iropy, and ia fact most all diseases soon yield to their curative proierties. It ha been computed thai during the last twenty five years upward of Four Millions of persons have been lienelltted by the nse of these medicines; a fart which speaks volume iu favor of their curative properties a ingle trial will place- them beyond the reach of com petition in the estimate of every patient. By their "ae the hlood Is restored to a healthy state and freed from all imimrities. The system is not reduced during their oHration, but invigorated, and tbey require no re Irsint from business or pleasure. The afflicted have in these medicine remedy that will do tor them all that medicine can powibly effect. Prepared by W. It. Moffat. New York. And ror sale by JOHN FLEMING, at the Oregon City Post Office Buiding. Oregon Cily, March, 13S. lyiJ Livery and Sale Stable. WE are Dow keeping a Livery stable in j, Orejroo City, where Iloasasi eaa a!- war be obtained on Uberal terms. fTTzL We are also prepared with excellent t ble. well supplied with hay and oats, to keep borsew by day or week. Those who rail upon as may feel as wired that every attention will l given to horse left in our charge. G1R.SON A POTTER. August II, 157. Till Salem Tannery. TIlEsnbscriber have purchased the Tanner ' Ra lcm. formerly belonging to Elisha S.rong. All de sorption of leather wilt be kept constantly on hand and the highest price, in cash or leather, will at al times be paid for bides and bark. CLARK HOLVAX. Palera. Oct. If, 1357. lyUpald City Hotel, Corrallis. - MESS KS. A. B. &. I. SPREXGER WOCLD announce to the citizen of Corrallis, and the travelling public generally, that they have thoroughly refitted this well known establwhnient, and are now prepared for the accommodation of customers Therisjms have all been newly refurnished, the beds clean and comfortable, and their table will be furnish-' ed with the best the market affords. Corrallis, Aug. -SO, 167. Jjyt New Store and New Goods! Al Oatfhnd, Mtthtnry Ferry, O. T. ALBERT ZIEBER, Dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, hardware, produce, Ac. Having purchased the stock in trade of G. K. Getch--ell, together with the premises known as Metbeney's? Ferry, on the Willamette river, and haviug built a new storeboose. and replenished the stock of goods oa hand, now offers to exchange, for produce or cash, an assort ment of Iry goods, consisting of clothing, eaasimeres, satit netts, sheeting, shirting, and fancy goods; hat and caps, boots and hoes, groceries in variety, with spice, nuts, raisins, and candies; paints, oils, medicines, per fumery, crockery, tinware, hollow-ware, stoves, hard ware cutlery, and many other articles to meet the wants of the public. lie has also moved and repaired hi warehouse, so that he is now prepared to purchase or take in storage, country prodnce, which be can discharge by a slide to steamers' deck, without loss or expense of drayage. And being determined to constantly keep on hand n good supply of snch good as the country trade may re quire, he believes he can make it an object for the peo ple in his vicinity to extend birn their patronage. 3- N'o difference made in the price of goods, wheth er sold for cash or produce, October 2, 3otf Salem Market. THE subscriber, proprietor of the Salem Market, in the center of the town. is happy to inform the pob lic that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of all the varieties of meats, fresh and pickled. He also has tba varioos kinds of veeetab'.e in their season. Beef will be sold a follows: Fore qomrtent, 6 cent pr lb-, hind quarter 10 cents; and if you want a choice piece, I ahall charge yon a tit a pound. All kindsof fanner's produce and crain received ia exchange for meats. THOMAS CROSS. Salem. July 7. 1S58. 17tf C. 6. Pillow. "pVEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, Sa- M-f lem. o. 1. Particular attention raid to the repairing or watches and clocks. All work war ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. FOR SALE : Watches and clocks, 8 dav striking clocks at a very" low price ; also 30 hour marine docks, JEWELRY. Ladies and gents Brooches. Finger Rings, Ear Binge' Gold Buckles, Guard Chains, 4c, Ax. Salem, July 6, 157. ITtf Allan & Lewis, TTTHOLESALE MERCHANTS. POBTLAXD, ORE V V GON TEBR1TOKT. A STORE room in Orleans, a first rate stand for a. produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse and store will be rented together if required. N ISAAC MOORE. July 8, 1857- IStf Dictionaries. JCST received and for sale at the City Book Store. -Webster's Unabridged Quarto and Hirh School Die- tionaries. E. L- BRADLEY A Co- Oregon Citv, Jan. 1858. 4Stf JAS.W.BICHABD3, 1 JNO-XCCKSXEV. San Francisco, f Portland, O. T. Richards &. McCraken. . f-IOMMTSSIOX MERCHANTS. andVobhers in Oregon " Flour, Grain. Prodnce, Fruit, Pork. Bacon. Lard.' Hams, Ac, Ac Orders for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Liberal advances made on consignment. Xo. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco January 27, 1S57. 4ttf THERMOMETER CHURNS, jnst received and for " sale at sep8 W. C- G BIS WOLDS A CO' WANTED in exchange for merchandise or on ary count 10.000 lbs. good batter, for which I will1 pay the market price. G.E. GOLE. I n