The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, April 06, 1858, Page 4, Image 4

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THR Sl'IWrUJBER bee leave to announce M the
1M PLUM HN T, of California and Oregon, that he haa
bow facilities (or manufacturing and repairing Agrt
cultural Implements of every description, from the
smallest to the greatest, ol tbe Lett and tnoat improv
ed kinds, und in tbe brat manner, having nta shop so
enlarged as to arctmimodate sixty Workmen, and fitr
nr-hed with steam power and all the necessary ma
chinery of the LATEST and most APPROVED styles,
and Inferior to mm now in fur the purpose nbove
named. He la eontidrnt, that, with his past fifteen
rear' experience ia California, he can provide the far.
mm ttith machine and Implements much more muta
ble tt tbe wanU of the country than any that ran be
imported, a the soil and product of the country are
diUVrent from those at home, and reouire Maihinea in
mot rase of a more subatantial make, and ia many
instance very different.
He design manufacturing a mmilier of combined
Reapers and Mower. Particularly adapted to the use
of this country, which will possess more combined
strength, durability and llght-irss, than any other now
In use. Hi t'a-t StevI Deep Tiller Plow baa already
attained a notoriety in this rountrv far In advance o'f
any herons introduced. He will be able, with what
other Plow are within the State, to supply fully
the demand for these Plow the comma season. 'He
de-lsns manufacturing Smith's Patent Gang Plow, so
favorably known in tbe Western States, and recently
Introduced here. Also, Premium Fanning Mills, from
No. 1 t.i a. which hve given universal satisfaction.
Also, the World'i Fair Prize Nutter Working Churn,
to which was awarded the first Premium at the Cali
fornia State and Mechanics' Fair, KM. Also. Har
row. Cultivators, Bohsoil and Left Hand
Plows, and all other similar implement.
TIOX of the Farmer to hi facilities for repairing all
kind of agricultural Implements, beinr such as to en
able him to do every part within his own shop, being
prepared t make eastings both of iron and brass; there
lore he will be able to do repairing In the shortest time
and with much les trouble than ha heretofore tieen
the case. He wishesalso to AXXOL'XCE that he has
now on the WATKR. honnd for thl PORT, on hoard
theclippershinsWEBFOOTand MaUY ROH1XSOX.
forty t.f JOHN' A. PITT'S celebrated THRESHERS
an KPF.RATOKS. twenty earh. and 10 horse-pow--
era. which are anperlor to any ever heretofore offered
in this market, with cast steel Cylinder Shaft and
Journal, which has not heretofore been the rae. cud
ia many other respects In snch a way a to add much
to tbe steady operation and wear of the machine.
Pet-sons wishing any of the above machine, will do well
to forward their order early, as these are ail that will
he in the market, of that make this season, and he ha
the exclusive right of sale for tbe niacbiue in Califor
nia. Oregon and Washington Territories. lie will ai t
as Pitt's agent in protecting the patent on said machine.
All persona will please take notice that they will be
held responsible for any infringement o said" patent.
He has also on the way a good assortment of Reavers;
am ns which are B11WALLS. McCORMICK'H HCS
BEY'S ami MANX'S. Also a (nil supply of extra for
any and all of the above Machines. Cycles, tsct tion,
CastinM of every description, etc. In ailJitimt, he ha
no hand a full anpply of
Hay Presses, best style;
Hay and Straw Cutters;
Grain Cradlts. Grant's;
XI Steel Plows;
Cincinnati Eagle Ptec-I riows;
Kvans & Adams' Ga'rna Plow:
Involving and Wire-Yootbed Horse Rake?;
Scythe and Snaths. l-et make;
Hay and Barley Furkf :
Thermometer and Ia-h Chnrn:
White's Self-Acting Cheese-Presses;
Dongls Pumps;
Seed-Sowers and Grain-Prills;
Cider and Wine-Presses; -
Circular Sw Talile-:
Garden Hakes ami Spading Forts;
Ames' Short and Long-Hundlcd Shades;
Wagons. Prays and Carts;
Hand-Carts: "
Ax and Pick Handle;
Hunt's and Simmons' Handled Axe;
Steel Crowbars;
I'll Colony A-sortcd Xails;
tlrinitt mes and fixtures;
JUling Kr.pc;
riow-R-samsand Handle.
In fart, a full assortment of all implements ri quired
by the farmer. He proposes to say that hat he mm
niacture. as well as w'nat be import, he will sell on as
reasouable t -rm as any can sell similar articles.
He ia sure toat he ran and will oiler su- li inducements
as to biake it to tbe interest of farmer and metvh-nt
to boy of h:m instrad of importmpr- He would, et tiie
same time, tender his thanks to the tMic their
liberal ratrooaze durinc the part sea'n. which In
been entiMy to hs Kittsfactiou and much leyund iii
expet'Uiion at the be)(inriir.;r of t!ieea.ip.
ilr. Hull. Knspp A Co., of IVirt'aud, si-e.-j'e
a?eoU in O. T. for the suie of my C'ort t-trri I:-?
irr I'ltnr. All orders fcr Plows", a wt'.las ot'.ii rim-
Ttlemer.ts r-il m-t'-litne: of . si-r-.-.f i,tn will l
niled by H-. K. i Co., et San Fr.tniisco I'rict-s, ith
frcisht ad-ied.
TH03. OiiC, SHAW.
t Sacramentotrcet.
Mann factory Corner Pavls and Sarann;ijto s'reet.,
San I'raccit-... California.
h;roary,l.t. 4ml0
Wooden Ware, Brooms, Easkets,
Clothes Lines, Matches, &c.
Ia all their varieties,
For sale at lowest, and Vh IcnIe prices, at the
Wosd and TTillow VTare Eslablisliarnt Cf
39 Sacramento St., !elow Front.
San Fmn., Feb., l-'o. CmiO
MA XTT A C'TURER of Fire-pnor Shutter.
VantU. Ac Ac.,Ac. Battery, near Pacific street,
San Erancisco.
X. H. On3er the cimntry pror.i;-tly cttc:i "cd
to ar.d warranted as ordertd.
A larpe assortment of second hand Poors End Shut
ters constantly on band, for sale at rrry Iju riim.
March, li. Bin.'. 2
Vamltill Hare Course.
THE races will commence at the Vamhill Race
Coarse on WEDXESUAY, June 16, 1 and con
tinue tbronjrh the week.
The f.ropnetor, having leased the Yamhill race track,
proposes to offer the foilowinz Pl'USKS to lie rtm for,
accvrd'mfr to the rules of the Yamhill Jockey Club.
Fikt l ir Mile Heat best two in threes Proprie
tor's Perse $200.
Second 1)t Two Mi Heats Pronriitor'a l'iirc
of 5W.
Tamo lr Mile Ueat for Three YearOId Pro
prietor's Pnr- $2s.
Focbth liar Mile Heats best three in live Pto-
prietor'a Purse $HXi.
Tkx per cent entbaxce will be charged for the
above pnrse. Three utries or more to m.ike a race,
and two to start. K. T A LBKT. Proirictor.
X." B Tl:e proprietor has contra.-tcd for lumber to
build asnitabie stand for spcctatrs, and he intend to
make other extensive improvements lor the accomm'
datioa of visitors. F"r afl pern h.tvintr to
train, the track will be ready on the Cit ol April.
Yamhill Co., Jan. 25, 1 4Ttf
I Q. Washington,
AG EXT for the prosecntion of claims at Washing
ton, P. C, before the Exccnti-e Pepartmeiit,Cfn
frresa and the Court of Cl tims. Will attend to tbe set
tlement of accounts of Mar-thai, District Attorneys,
and other Federal officers, and of contractor with the
Postoffi.-e and other Departments: also, to the proenr
inr of Patent for I-and. Itnd Warranto, and other tst
s;ness of a Ueneral Agency.
Kefer to len. Joseph l.ane. Oregon Territory: Gov.
lose I. Steven. Wathinjrton Ter.; Hon. M. H." McAl
lister, Hon. Onen Huffman and R. Ana. Thom;son. ol
Sao Francisco. Cat.; Hon. James Gothrie. Louisville.
Ky..and to the Officer generally of tbe Trea-mry and
Iaterior Departments at Wabinfrton.
1v4 W'aj-hinL'ton I. C.
Corrallis Drug Store.
JR. C ARD WELL, Prnc-jit and Apothecary, iscoa-
atantly receiving, per California steamers, lare
and carefully selected storks of Irnrs and Medicine.
Oila. Paints, Varnt-h. Soap, l'erfnmerie. T ilet Par
nit;tre. Stationery, and all article usually kept in rrnf
Stfirms A trent for Jaynes, end other patent medicines,
which wiil be furnished at California, wholesale prices.
3r Oiuebs eoLicrrcn. -
J. II. CA.RDWEr.1..
Corrsllia.May 2J57. latt
-ITTTLl.rATir P. HIGnFIELD.Chronometcrtind Pm
V Watch maker. Oregon Citv. to be found at py
bis old stand in front of tbe United States Hotel,
late Main-street House, where he can be constantly
fonnd prepared to doanybosiness in his line. Watches
cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable
terms. Al-o 8 choice lot of watches and jewelry forsale.
March 5, 1?57. lyol
12YALLIS Ware House. Xo. l.we offer for rent.
In connection with the above we hare pork boose
and smoke honse for rent.
Wallanet University.
f PIIH FAC'ULTV during the prestut ytu will con-
JL lt of
p. S. Itovt. A. If.. President and Artlna Profca
or of Ancient lnntiaire4nd Mathematics.
C. II. Hall. A. B.. Professor of atural tsclcnce.
Fdwin CartwrlRht.l T , Common Epih.
I. I Ppnuldlng, J ... . .
Mim Sarah mirKingnam, learner ui iutruui uiai
Hnsie. . ,, ,
Tlie CoLt.imi tTa PKr.tKTMKNT of the Wull inut I nl-
verstty has lieen orjnnired. YounR men desiguinK to
ptinoi a regular C.mrse of Study, are Invited to avail
tltrmst Ives of the advant:ics aliordi'd by this lnxtitu
tlon. All available resource will lie made useol I t
meet the want of Students. Kll'ortsnill U-routiimed
t secure a -tillable endowment ;and no pains will lie spar
ed in oMainhiR competent aud experienced lustim-lora.
The t ollenmte year ta aivltiea into tarre irmu, com.
men inf as foll-iws:
The llrst term on the 3d Thursday in Nepiembrr.
second term on the 1st " " January.
' thiid " " last " " April.
Tlie tirst two terms nrefj'ittn twA cur.'i; the third,
tttrm trrrk.
Vu'ATtoxs There will lie two vacntious lit the
year: one. in April, of firo trrrtj, and one, in the sum
mer, oi nine trects.
TitTtoM will be at the rate of f I per week, or fin
per anni.-m.
THIS UltK'iU.X IXlllllr. I-lKraATORV
Ti:n. -Tho Arndcniic year is dtvldrd Into rovtt
TriiMS of thvrn trrrAs ear.
Tiie llrst term begins on the List Thursujy "f Amnst.
second term begins on the id " " Xovem.
third " 1 1st ' January.
" f.Hiilb " " " ' l.tst " " April.
Vacations There will be two vacations in the year:
one in Aptil, of ftro teerfci; and one in the summer, of
tir irrrt:
Tt iTtos will he paid at the bejriniilnff of each Term
a of court, at the followlntc rates:
In I Jtmrnasre, Hi;:her Mathemath-a t nem., i" im
tMher studies or the Academic Division, . . T 50
Common English livi..i n, 6 .Ml
IMmary J "
For ne of the Piano 1 .".0
Instrumental mush; 10 00
t Instinctionl In vocal musio Is given to all the
stuicutWr ff rAai rc.
A imiion- Stc.lcnt will be admitted at any t'me:
and will be charpe.l for tuition from tiie time they en
ter orly, but their progress w;il bo jrrratly prom ited
bv enterii-.s earlv in the Academic year.
l:t raxe where. fpm ne-esity, student leave before
the end of the term for which psiyment ha I wen made,
a jmt proportion not more than three-fourths nor l.-ss
that oiie-bmrth of the tuition tee will 1 refunded.
Students are not allowed to lnve jnt Iwfore examina
thai. 1'atr.m who are inatU-ntive to tlii point, inrtn-t
irrrnt injury upon both the stuilei:t and the Institu
tion. P.ontvit.-Yoim3 s 'lit'emcn nnd lidics ran ol tain
'cnl atreasimaMo ru- with private f.intille.
Cm a- ok STt"iv. V t'isiisie of Study hss ls-en
ad. ptcd for bntii the Ccl'.e-;i:ite and Preparatory IV
paHiucnts, well calciil.itcd t secure ripe cholais.hip.
meutr.l iltst :i.;nc, and a preparation for the active dit-tie-
ot life.
l; Course of Study h-i hern adopted foryonnir
ladies wl-.oibs-ire t.i il.t.iu"a lliopiuh ed.icati.-n.
fi- A Diploma v. :il e awarded tj all who t-'.tall
eontplete the present -i coins.
lbetlovKBNMrsT will he parental but strict aim
ini constant lv rt the formation of correct habit of
Solf-liovcrnmcrt. Careful atteution will le given to
manner end moml.
Sciiot-Ansim-s, perpetual, or for tbe peti. d of te-i
ver.r. sccnrin; tuition at vrty reduced r.ites. csn Is
'purchased. For further particulars apply to the Pre J-der-t.
IVr order of Exc-ollr: Committee.
Sec. Ifcard of Tm-tees.
Fsitera.Dec. lMs-.T. 41tf
New Constitution for Oregon.
lVE tif! leave to announce t the public we
are jat rereivirp a larjre ami wel' srltM-t. d -t k
pf to-w!s Irons San Francisco, which ha Wen selected
Willi sit-at care lv Mr. Alexander, who haleen attend
io" tii t market for some time, therefore we ran safety
sav to the pul lie that we can, and will sell, jroocs as
low ut wholesale or retail
We will take in exchange for good nil kind of pro-dn-e.
X.U We will a!pay cash for all kind of pro
duce, to-wit:
Wheat. Flvir. Rutttr. Yz?, Bacon, Pork, l.ard
fit Are- c. Ac.
All who wi-h to purchase, will do well to call and (x-
amiiic before ivm liasm j el.-ewiitre.
)ur st-x k consist of every thing in the line tint this
m.tiKtt callsfor to-wit:
tlrey. White, l!ed ami Hhieltla:ket.:
oat. Yest. Pants, Hats and Hut covers;
I'ndcraml Over shirts. W.4 and Cotton;
Kwrv description of WlilteShitt:
O leens Wjre. Hrd Ware and Cutlery;
Hoots. SIi.h- t-iir-e nnd Hue:
I?;-.?an Calf. Kip ar.d Cowhide:
Wool 1 i.iids. Merinos. lVl.iin, late pnttrm
In short every kind of pie--e goods, and the illiST TEA
ever -hipped to t'.iis market.
Al-s-O suinrle. Timothy seed and Hops.
l- tUve e.s a call, nnd see t..r vonr-elves.-i
C rvai!is. Oct n, ls"7. -i f
Nev Arrival of Jewelry, &c.
TROSKXTHAl. informs hi patron ami
. friend, that he has Just returned from
.-.n Fnncisi o w:h a select asso-t'nent of Jew-e!-r.
M'isical I:i-?rument, Cutlerv. etc., ami
olVcri them for .sate at bis st ire on Front strec-t,
j- One door below Dr. Comibo oHl-e.'S
Gobi Silver watches; Gobi and Silver chains
Gold nr-icelft; G ld ear-rin?; Gold breastpins; tiold
fiiunr ri'.in: !skets: Gold nen anJ pencils; Gold
sleeve buttons; Silver and Plated wire: fancy g.wd-
ai.d perfumorv.
I U 8 I C A L I X 8 T K V M K NTS.
Guitars. Yi .lira. Flutes, Fifes; a tjnre assortment of
Art-ordeons. Indies work boxes of all kind. Gold ami
Silver s:.eclv le. ;1.1 and Silver ;.us. Cutlery.
Clock -.n endless variety. Arc, Ac.
. i-Watches. Clock and Jewely repaired, nud a'l
kir.d of Jeweliy tnaiit- toonler.
-All of my work warranted"1i
y Don't forefTlie Sin of tlie Kg Wt..h."-5 a
Corvallis. Oct. 24. lc57 3:!tf
T'HK j.idt: of the Supreme Court. of tlieTerritorv of
the ninth day of January, eighteen hnndred and ti:ty
scven. d i fix and apjsiint District Courts, to lie held in
villi'eof It:eis;r I, in the county of DoiirIs on the
lir-t Monday, of Man-h. May, Sejitemlier a:ol Xovem-Ix-r.a-innalir.
nutil -tiierwlsc onlercd. and do limit the
duralioa of said t'-mis tix dav ea -h.
GKO. H.WIi. I.I AMS, t 'bier Justice.
44tT - M. P. D1CADY, As x h.te Justice.
At t'ucoiio Citv.
rTITK sn!s-riti-r ha at EiiRcnc City, one of the I.e-t
X frencral assortment of Di v Go-x's, ;pxrerie. Hard
ware. 1,'K-t and Sh.'es, and al artii'les kept in a pene-
rr.l Iind:ntr to i.e ronmi in Oregon. lie i cun-
st iutlv receiving fr.-h addition to bis stock, and al- hcc: it up. . v L'o-xl are now ail received direct
from Francisco, where I have a resident arcnt. All
kindsof fiirnicr's pro. luce received in c.x hnnjre foriroods
I nay higher prices for produ-e. and sc-ll goods cheaper
taan any otucr store in tue lemtory.
Eiizene City, July 1 , ls.'.fl.
Statesman Hook and Job Cilice.
iTTE have Three Presses. the best facilities for Book
V in in tir-? north of California, and an extensive as.
8rtmc-iit ol .lOBBixo ,m atkkiai. oi every Kino; anil, witn
master workmen, are preiKtrctl toevecutc pn.rc-'Mr. and
in a workman-like manner, all orders in tbe au 1 tle-
partmcnLs, such as
. - PAMtinii.Ers,
15 m.i. Tickets,
Ii.axk CiiKcas,
xotes ok 1 1 and,
" Orpkr Book.,
Stkamiio't Hi I. i. s
Stkamko't Car! s.
Bil l. OP I.AP1N0
Snow Bills,; Hooks.
El'k l.EcniPTs,
Ri-sins Cariw,
ADrittss Cards.
TIlavks of am. Kinds, Ac. Ac, Sec.
Tlie Laivs of Oregon.
THE ORKGOX STATUTES, 1ASX, bcinjr a larce vol of CiO pajres. with complete in. lex, annota
tions, and references, comprising all the laws in force in
tbe Territ.rv. inclnsire of those passed at last session
of tlie Ijepislutivc Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the statesman, at nve dollars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound in law htyle. and
is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work ran
lie boupht in any State in the Union, and at the lowest
figure they can be afforded for here. Tho price places
them within tbe reach of all who desire the laws they
live under. Order by mail accompanied with the cash.
b: led ty return man. it is the last code of laws that
will probably be published in Orepron, for many years.
In addition to the enactment of the leTislative Assem
bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence, Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon. Ordinance of 17S7, in
force in Oreiron. I o nation Law and all amendments,
and full aljstract of United o.atc Naturalization
Marion House, Salem.
TH Fl undersigned announces to the public
tbat he has purchased tbe well known
tavern stand, culled tbe Marion IIouc, in Sa
lem . together with the furrflture and fixtures
thereof. He will keep it in first rate style, and Invites
the patmnase of the public. It. M. MAY.
May 23, I-)T. lltf
DR.J.n.CATlDWEI.L. Dental Snrjreon, Corvallis,
in his profession, at Corvallis. Kugene City, Win
chester. Bcottsbtirff, and Jacksonville. Skill, unnues-
tionable; cbanres respectable; work, warranted. Teeth
txamiaed, and advice jriven Tree or charge.
Doe notice friven of chsnpra of office.
April 2G, 1S..5. Tif
The Graefonberg
The Crnrffnbrrs Compnii:.
rpillrs IXSTITUTUIX. (Inenrnorateil by the 1-rIs-
X litureorthe State of New orK. opiliil
wa4 roontlf-il lor the ttnritose of sntinlviliff the oubltu
with the relobrated C It AKFK.N HKItG AhDIClX
The series coinprise remedies lor nearly eveiy disease
adaptej to every rlhn.ite. For V'ainilie. Travillers.
Seamen, and Miner's u-e they are tincqnallcd. All tlie
Medicines are PL'itF.I.Y VKGKTAIII.B and warranted
to cure the diseases lor which they are severally rec
The Gniefenlierff Comjwiy does not profe to cure
all diseases with one or two medicines. Our srricscon
si.;t ol F.I.EVF.N dill'erent kin. Is. adapted to tbe vari
ous disease incident totbe temienite nnd tropical cli
mate. The foil iwiiiff comprises the series of Uraefen
bcrj; Medicines :
Are considered the stand ird Pill of the day, and are
inliuit. lv superior to nny P. II Is-fore the public. They
operate "without irritation on all the cx.-rctiorts, purg
ing tiie blood by the bowels, liver, kidney and skin.
An Infallible remedy tor all diseases of the womb
and urinary nrsatis; weakness in the back, pniu in the
breast, nervousness, debility, etc.. In California and
Ore jioi, out ol more tlntn a thousand ensr where this
medicine ha been ncd, it ha in uu sinxl ' instance
fail d to give peruianciit relief or to ttlcct a certain
Tllltr.RAKl'KNSr.H.l SARSAPARtl.l.A,
A powerful rxtract. One hotlln eipml to ten -if the
onlintry SarsnparilU for p'.irityiii the I lood. A sure
cure lor s.-rofuta. rh.'iim itnni. ulcers, dyK-iisla. salt
rheum, morcurial disea-e, cutaneous eniition, Ac
TMCCRKKN Mill AT US OINTUKNT. aa'.Ie for burn, w snid, sprains, chillilains,
sore, swelling, scrofula, etc. A a Pain F.jctractor,
itcauuot be excelled, art'oidi't? immediate rel.ef frora
tlie i:i st rxcrutiating pains.
Tits ci:.vr.rr.NAKu hvshntkut syhi p.
This rxtra.inliiiary article is a speedy and infallil le m lu.irrliu-i. Dcsenterv. t holera Jlorbu-. t n .1
era lu.antnm and the Asiatic tin Irra. if tiiken with the
tirst symptonts of the disease. It is purely veri table
in its compound.
Firsnuimer Complaint, and most di-ease to which
children are ?iije. t. Its true worth ran never be set
forth in word, but it car I fl It and appreciated hv
parent nho.e childitju have ittii saved. Xo Mother
shoi:i l tie n it:i .in it.
tiir liniiiKsm mi ru.R bkmi ht.
Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease
with the Ointment there are very few case which can
not I radically and permanently cured. A snrtrlenl
opemtioii for l'ile or Fi-trli shiinld neverbe resorted
to nntil this Ointment ha lieen thoroughly tried. It
never fail-.
o t ! iKsnriui KVK LOTION.
For tliseases of tlie eve thi Lotion ha no enunl. It
is a pee lv and p.vitive cui-e for iuliammation of the
eves, wcikiies. diiiiue- and failinj" of siirbt. It will
always l U'neti. ii.l in acute biltanimatioii ol the eye-,
ami cl a a wa-h ou inflamed surlace.
A sp-edy nnd p-isitive cure fortius di-tressiti;; com
idaiut. 'I iit-se Pill are compoed principally of Oui-
nine, with otlier ve-i t ible tome, anti-simsnuslic and
Icbrifmre aitiil.-s. Thousands have been permanently
cured by their ii-o.
Sovereign in r.ll Bronchial and Pulmonary Disease.
It is. la oud all ip'.e.ticn. true that Consumption is a
curai l -'ui ca and the Consumptive' Bubn i the Lest
curative ever mil.
These Biturs hi-e f-kilfi-lly nnd el-santly prepared
from a iiuuiim r of uwtx Miitinir healtiiv roots, inrss.
hcttis atid vines. An itival lal.te tmic aud besl;h re
st, .nr. .
;rakieneeii mam ai. of health.
A ls iim !y printed volume of 300 pape , rontain
in? concise and extremely ) ltin description of nil
manner of disease, their s'liiiptonis and treatment.
Kverv family shod I have oiie. Pri -e orly 2-' rents.
It w.'ll l si'nt, paid, to any post office in Califor
nia or Oregon, on tu receipt oi u cents oy man orex
Ad Ires. r.e.litifrton A Co., San Francisco.
The Gricfcnlvra Mciicine are for sale by all Dm;,'
i-t and Apothevarie thronbont the i-ountry. As-nts. for Califortii an. I irem
Wlioleiile Drueirlst,
Xo. mr Clay street.
S iitii A Da is A sint-, Portland.
Sa-i i-co, Die. 12, IsjT. Ciull
Dr. Ivriecltbaiim'ft
TT' -I'l the restoration, Beautv and Preservation of the
JL Hair. This preparation removes all harshness and
dryness or the hair, by exciting the s-b1! to a new and
bealthv action, and iloan-es it from scuif and dandruff:
prevents the hair from falling nfl" nnd ficttiusr aray.
but the reinarkal le result which it will, i
it iri.7 a ntm crop vf hair on an entiitt bald
head. M my youn persons sometimes find the too early
upjHMian.-c of aray hairs, tills preparation will stop
tiiis result. Mothers who wish their children to have
tl ie bead of hair, ran effect this by the use of this
Tonic: e-jiecially on their daughters if the hair isirht.
I know few persons lx l eve tlie hair can lie restored on
a bald bead, but, if my direi tions arc followed I will
warrant a cure or refund the monev. It is put up in
two ounce bottle- nnd for sole by wholesale and retail
with directions at one d 'llar per bottle; it ran lie sent
by mail 1 1 nny put of the United States. Gentlemen
send on your orders, statin? the cau-e and duration of
the baldness and I will cure you. To insure a ciire.iny
i harire varies lrm Twenty-live to Filty d'llhirs, accord
in to the nature of the case.
Prepared onlv by Dr. J. G. KRIKCHRAUM,
L'ortalliM, IK T.
Corvallis, JFeb., 1K.W.- .".ntf
New Goods at New Prices.
ITT" K.SMITH A Co. would tnfonn their patrons.
. and the public rcnent!ly, that they have Just
receive.! a larixe udditiou to their stock of ffisuls. which
they will exchange for produce, or cash, on the most
favoral.Ie terms. They have now a complete assort
ment of dry j.m.1s, which they will set!
Chmjtrr than any other tlore in S,Jrm.
Their stick of boots and shoe i equal to any to he
found in Saiem. conslstinuof men's and boy's coarse
and line hoot. Men's and boy's shoes; ladles' boots,
shoes, and slipjiers. children and iufants shoes men'a
ladies, and misses nibtier overshoes. and in short, any
thing in the hoot and shoe line that can be desired.
Their stock of groceries i also full, consisting ol
cofli. jrrcen and black teas, crushed and brown suj;nr,
symp, saieratus in bulk, cream of tartar, salt, soap, to-liae4-t,
sairo. stare t, L.ii.H-a, macaroni, raisins, and
sweet oil, nTt or which will lie'sold clieatp for rash or
country produce.
Purchasers will do well to call andexnmine our stock
liefore purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to
pivc our customers sutisfuction in tlie quality and pri
ces of our good. 4'2tf
Boot and Shoe Store.
IJiREDKRICK W I C K M O X would announce .
t- toe citizens of Salem, and the surround- PI
ins country, that he have taken a stare on tho-' IsC
east side of ('omuicrcial strH't, north of the iKistofiirc,
where he will keep constantly ou hand a full assort
ment of ev.ry kind of boots nnd shoes, Isilh custom and
sale work, which he will sell r.t the lowrst living pri
ce. Being a practical workman, nil orders for the
manufacture or repair of work will be complied with,
aud the work done in a substantial aud workmanlike
manner. Give me a call and examine mv stock.
SMem, March 12, 1S.57. 13tf .
If alter y and Confectionery.
T11K undersigned would nnnnnnre to the public that
they hive established themselves in the baking and
confectionery business at Salem, on Commercial street,
second door north of the Union Honse. A thorough
experience at the hakine business they trust will enable
them to give satisfaction to theircustomcrs. All orders
promptly rilled.
Groceries and Frnits, will also be kept constantly on
hand. McGIXX A BYKXE. -
April !I.IS.7. fitf
Storage! Storage!
WE are prepared to store all kind of farmer pro
duce, on the most liberal terms. Also to attend
to all kinds of commission and shipping business. Our
warehouse is situated immediately on the bank of tbe
river, at the steamboat landing. And in shipping or
receiving goods or produce, unattended with expense
oi draya'ge. BEACH 4 HOGUE.
Albany, Sept. 10, 1P57. 27m6
School Books.
JUST received, a complete assortment of Sanders'
School Books, togitlier with a large lot of Thomp
son a Practical Arithmetics, all of which will be sold
cheap, at the City Book Sbre.
E. L. BRADLEY .t Co.
Oregon City, Jan. l.5. 4Ctf
D. William Douthlt,
Will practice In the Supreme and District Court
of this State.
mw OtHce over Starr'i Tlu Store, Frontstreet,-
Portland, Oregon.
R. H. Cranor,
Albany. O.T.Feb.,lM. stf
T AS. W. Mo A. FEE. U. D., Physician and Surgeon
l Olllce over Stir, Itarnard A Co.'a Store, Front St.,
Monroe, llentou Co., O. T.
Dr. 8. U. Uncliles,
sai.i:m. oiieoox
Sitlcm, Novehitior 0, ISaT. S.itr
William C. Urisvroltl H t!o.,
1 I W. f. llttlBWOI.P, S!tf 0.a.WIOIWOKTIt.
Medical Notice.
riiHE anliscrilier, would inform the Inhakjtants that he
l is at hi old staud, teatiy to attend to all cans in
his tirofcwdon : also he has on hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic eoncelitrnted Medicines, with a well
a.orted supply of Syringes, all of which he will illsn.isa
of on reasonable term. W. WAIU1F.X. ;
Salem December S, ' , Stf
Mctliettl Notice.
TAlt- I. W. SHAW, late pf San Francisco, California,
r otter b tirolesiinniil armcr to tne citizens in
Siilem ami vicinity, and rcspwtfulljr solicits share fo
public favor.
..... , n , - O I ' , .
timceat tieeu auu reuows umz sunr.
14y U. W. SHAW
8. 1211s worth,
amiRNKV ami corj.-sfxi.nR, . ,
UB. Rtipreme and other IMiirt. OIB-e Eugene
. I'itv. I.sne Coiintr. Oreifon Territorv. Also
Commissfonerof Deeds tor Xew York, Connecticut, Ac.
August li. l.ifl. . 21tf
k. L Thaytf,
iV in Corvallis, Itenton Co., O. T., opposite t- the
Citv Hotel In said town. i'Hf
V. I'une.
lem. O. T., Olltce, flrst door south of the State
man Ollice. up atairs.
Farrnr k Stoat,
iV ''hancerr and Admiraltv,
a-Oilico on Front atrett, tine north of tin-
' Exchange.''
Port laud. O.T.. July 20, ifvS7. lotf
I. R. Smith.
S.dicitoia in Chancery, Corvallis O. T.
t. x. saiTii.
M. WSlitchcll,
gene City, I-ane County, O. T.
T I.. rnOMItS. M. P., Surgeon. Ae. PPEPIALTV
. ,I1SK VSKS OF THE EYE. Corvallis, Ore-ron.
Septemts-r 2-1, l"oll. sj
San Franfio Atlvrrtisin; Airncy
r P. FlSHFIt. Inn Is. tiding. onpoite Pa ill- Express
I j ORice, upstairs, rile oi all tlie pnticipal rperni
I alifomia and Oreuon may ! r.mml atthlsoin -e. Mr.
t isher is the authorized A lent for the statesman.
t'licslcr Ji. Trrry,
V"mi-sioiier of lived, and to take testimony, ae
knowledcments. Ae.. Ac. for Iowa. Indiana. Missouri
Michigan. California and Washington Territory. Let'
ten of Attorney, and ail other instruments of writing,
drawn on short not hn.
a Particular attention paid to taking deposition
collections of -Notes, Accotints, Ac, uJU
nnrtlin: k Grorrr.
J Solicitors in Chniicerr. Olllce near the Court-h msc
Siilem. O.T.
Cro. I. Shril,
1. Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the vari sis
courts of Oregon and Washington territories. Ulhcc
Salem, O.T.
Delazon Smith,
a. W -I---.--T in ChaoMtn, will ywptly .II.mJ mil
rtisiness H-rraining to his profession m the nrst Judiciu
District, and before the Supreme Court of Orejon.
Ollics, Allnnv, Linn I oiuitv. o. r.
X. It. lieu not at hi oCh e, or nWnt on profes
sional hnsine, he mar he rmmd at hi residence, hv
miles south-east of Albany, on what is known as tbe
' Grand Prairie."
W. S. Brock,
i V Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various
courts in tin territory, auti promptly aiienu to ine co -lection
of all claims a'iraiust tlie United State, throuch
an enielent agent residing at Washington .City. Offbe
in Eugene City, Laue County, O. I.
It. E. Strattou,
4 TTORXEY AT LAW. will practice in the vari.vr-
i. court of southern Oregon, nnd in the Supreme
Court or the Territory.
Office in Scott-burgh. I'mpqua eomitv, O. T.
X. H. Ilonntv IjiiiJ Warrant obtained lor clnimmt-s
on reasonable terms. 2Stf
K. u. akm m. j. a. WIIOX
llarnuna & AVilsou.
V lem. Oregon. Particular attention is eiven to th.-
co lection of notes and account, and cairns agaiust
Itouuty liild Warrants bonght and sold.
Mr Olllce over Stsrkey's Store. 4'S
II. V. Ilonliam.
fice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. titf
A. B. Uallork.
Designs, plans, spccilication, Ac, furnished on
reasonable term.
Campbell k frail.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. California.
Ollice, corner Montgomery and Sacremeuto streets,
over Pnrrott A Cos. Hank. ,
Messrs. Campbell & Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, nnd will be pleased to attend to ail business
cut rusted to their care. 31tf
Ai.kxamieu CiuriiELt. O.C. Pratt.
S. Hamilton, AI. D.,
IJHY'SICIAX AXD SUUGEOX. would resjiectfullr
announce f the good people of lhwglas nnd the ad
joining counties, that he haa located permanently at
Deer Creek for tho purpose of practicing medicine, and
in which profession he will he faithful to discharge all
duties, aud spare no paiua to render the patient easy
and comfortable.
Officii opposite R. H. Dearborn & Co.'a store, on
Main street.
Drugs and Patent Medicine for sale at low rnsh pri
ees. M JLodge
OF Ancient Free and Accepted Jlasons, will hold
their regular communications on the Thursday
night before the full of tho moon of each month, ex
cept when it full on Thursday night, then on that
night in Albany, O. T.
Brethren in good standing are enrdinltv invited to at
Si'Kisonn, Sec'y. 37tf
DEEPS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of
scrip, tux receipts, final proofs, nud notilications
a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman
July 27. 1S37. 20tf
, JUook. Here !
TE have just received 8,000 lhs. of ground alum
salt, which we are selling at per numlreil.
WANTED ia exehnngefor cash or merchandise, 100
bushels of good apples, to be delivered by the
loth of August highest price paid. G. E. COLE.
'S hereby given, that C. S. Wood worth Is authorized
to transact my pern inai nusmess aunng my iuwh
Salem. June 17. 1ST . 15tf
Orleans Warehouse.
RLEAXS Ware House, opposite Corvallis, for rent
istf . ISAAU MUUItr..
ACKEREL and codtish, at
W. K. SMITH Cs's.
CAROLIXA rice, and syrup to Rweeten it in S gallon
kegs, at t2tll W. K. SMITH Co's.
SALT, sal soda, and sassafras, at
(4210 W. K. SMITIt & Co's.
BLASTING powder, and water proof caps, at
42tf J VV. K. SMITH & Cos.
THE best black tea you ever saw, at
42tf W. K. SMITH A Co's.
T0XS assorted Iron, just received at
um3 . GRISWOLD & CO'S. .
The City Book-Store.
(ritOST ST., PORTLAND, 0 T-, I
A. It. SHIPLEY & Co.,
ve L Uore, and will lie receiving by the 1st of June
23 -a jj ) rs ax
Which they offer to the
At small advances on New York prices,
vo u call, or send at an order, aud we are
bound to give yon satisfaction i
1 A. 11. Slilnler . Co..
Are the Hutu Aost In Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories for the sale or
The American Statesman.
A GREAT BOOK!! Being the only political history
OI tlie Ulliuru muira.
t, i .- ...Mnd 1 1111 Pavshle on de.
OC I 111 in J i n ..... ... - - - - - J
livery or book. Can deliver by the 1st of September
. .1 . . .. l.u;v m. ,,n. It 1.t ,.r HImv
itii .uu BV..U tin , . ' i . w j - . V. w...
Cutaloguc of Purl of our Slock : ,
Rcntj hT iiioks.
ftetur.K.4 Sanders' old 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. nnd 5!h,
md Tho Young ladles'; Panders' Xew 1st, 2d, 3d,
4th nnd 5th: i'lirkrrs' 1st, 2d, .Id, till and &tli; .Mc
Guirey's 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and iith.
SlKLLKlt.-Salldcnl, Old, Sanders' Xew; Eleuien
ry! . i.--.r-. . . .
rmuRRS Sunders rict-irlal, School ami rurers.
GKniiHiriiiKS Mitchell'. Ain-lcnt and Modern, Hi
ney s, Morse, aic.aney a, aim 3iouu.-u.u i-v
.. ' . ...11 . l...
1.1 11.k.!c. .
M Arithmetics I nomson s. I anie
Meulul, Analysis. Practical, and Higher; llavirs Cn
mirv. Intellectual. M. hKd anil Ciiivcrsity; Smith's
Oolluirn'a ILiv a Stoddard s; Oavles Algeiir.t. (sur
veying. Geometry, I raeiicai aiainemaiics, aiaiu. ioic
tiouarr, Lo-.-ic of Miithematies, Analytical Geometry,
and Philosophy or M;ithein::tirs.
Grammars. tlreen's 1urke's Bullion's Smith's
Kirkam's "siiencer s lowers.
1'uii.osoriiiKS. Parker' 1st Lesson, Juvenile aud
School; CoMisto. k's Smith'.
HlSTOKIKS. ilsun s Juvenile, and iiniien. t-tatrs;
Parley 'a Universal; -Willard' Universal, aud United
Suites. , . . ..
LiNHfAoiW. Cooper t irgu; Atmrew s i.:inn itea-
dct- Virl Itomir: Andrews Ijttln liranimnr: M-i mr
t-M-k's 1st aud 2d Hook in Ijitin, and d-. in Oreek; An
hon's Greek Grammar and Header; Johnson's t'icero.
r'a-aiuelle'a Krcucli Graniiuar an.i lu-auer; 'i""7
irrui'iu GramiiiKr and Render. Telemaipie. Greek 1 es
U ucut; French. sclf-Uiight; Siirrrnne' French I'ic
lionary; Andrew's Ijitin do. Liddell A- Scott a Greek
lo. Aslhou'a Classical do. Smith's do do.
IXcthimaribs Weiffter's School, High do, Aca-
lemic, Uuiversity, Royal fivo, Uuabridged and Coblm'
fo-ket. ....
Misc'BLLN'Brs-M.ittlson s Astronomy. .Nfwmsn
Rhetoric. Wood Botany. Kame'a Elements of Crit
icism. Parker's Aids in Composition. Parker's Exer
cises. Rrook!isld.-i Comjiositiou. McElligott's Young
nalrzer. d. Analvtl al Manual. Parker Woid
BuilJer. Mavhew's lim.k Keeping. Wsylatid's M w.t!
. ictice. l'afey' Natural Theology. Blake's Agricul
ture for Seh'iols. li pliant' liitellectnal Philosophy.
Mahnn's do, do. Milton; Ymmg; Pollock: and Tbom
.on; (Edition for Sch sds) Cutter's Auatomy and
Physiology. American 'lebater. Newman's Political
Economy. Hit'-tirock'a Ge-.ngy. Great variety of
Siic-tkers and El'X-iitiuu. All kinds of School Station
erv; Sbites of n!l sizes; pi-airing Books; Hmwing
Paiier; Perforated Card Board; Bristol R ard: Pem ils
xnh Itnishes; tlsborn'a Colors; liikstands. every siie
.tud style, Ac., Ac. fto.
History Bancroft's United SLites. C volumes
ILIdreth's do, do, 0 volumes. Frost s Pictorial United
states. Taylor's do, do, do. llotta's Hist. Revolution.
Peterson's do. Wilson's United States. Wizard's do.
Hist. Indian Wars United States. Wilhird's Universal
Ilistorv. Mulb-r's do do. Rotteck's Hi-st. World I "r
j volumes. Ibdlin's Ancient HLst-iry. Fair' do. do.
Hume's England. M.icaulay'a do., complete, liickens
Child's do. Lincard's do. ttiblsm's Rome. H'An-
bignc's Reformation. Bang's M. R. Church. Allison's
Kurone, 1st and 2d Series, l'rescott'lf Works. Burder's
HisU of Rel'ieinns. Hist, of Council of Trent. J.ise
ihiw. All of Abbott'a llisfiries. Historical Cabinet.
Jnecus of Snain. Oueensot Scotland. Help's Spanish
lUiiinuests. Brare's Huiig'irv. Kidder's Brazil. En-
.ink Braxil. Parley' Uuiversal. Hist ry of Cru-
tides. Ancieut Egvptians. Hallain's Middle Ages.
Ilistorv tr Boys. "Bonner's Child's United States.
tssioij's Field llook of Revolution.
ItiouKArnv. Plutarch's Lives. Life Brant. Won
derful ChsracbTs. Grent and Celebrated I baracters.
Lives of the Signers. Autobiography of Finley. La
nartine's Celebrated Characters. Lileof Adam Cl.nke.
! i Bi-hoo Meduiug. d ietuur. uo lien. Harrison.
1 Itaiiiel Ilxuie. do Roberts, do Lafayette. Cap
tains of Roman Republic and Old World. Dr. Chal-
uers. 4 v Lives of Hurabnldts. Mrs. Rogers
dozait. Wesler. Fletc-her. Life and Times of clav:
Irvine's Wa.-hi:i 'ton. Eminent Minrhauics. Lives
Chief Justices. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles limh.
Iickstm. Gen. Green. Joan of Arc. Ladv JaneGrev.
I. O. Adams. Julienne. Usniel Welister: Kings ot
Home. Kiuss r.nd Otieens. Liehmtx. Lives of the
t-v.pT. l-rs.-,,,t-s f!,lM,, - Mrv nt-i Mnrsiii.
inton. Pioneer Womeu of the West.
TR.vri.s. llurk" Cliin. Araucanians. Stephen's
EgvpL lUia Travels. Miiugo Park. Nile .Notes
. .- 1 . : . to. I. 1 T- I t
Ailveiililn-s ou .nusquno r-uoi-r. iayaiu .ujiors i rav
ls. Ilurbin's Travels in the East.
Scibntific. Braude's Encyclopedia. Phj-jsical Geog
raphr of the Sea. Wood's Natural History, l-nrdner's
Lectures. Useful Arts. Cosmos. Matbemutical Dic-
tionarv. lyisic of Mathematk-s. V under of Science.
Mitchell's Plaiietiirv and Stellar Worlds. Iximis' Re
cent Progress of .VstmiHimy. Smith's Dirtionarr of
Arts and Science. Eubauk's Hydraulics, liick's works.
Various works on Architecture.
Poetkv. Bvroti various stvles. Siiakesinre, d
Milton, do. Burns, do. Ileinaus, do. it.sire, do.
riioinnsoii. Young. Pollock. TnpiH-r. Cuwuer. Poiie.
'amplK'll. Wadsworth. Ossiau.- MontgonH-ry. Kiik
White. Female Poets of England, do. do. Aiuerica
n.l niauvuthers.
BtMiKs' op lUvEitsMcK. Cyclopedia of Geography.
do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. liiograpliy. I'setnl Arts.
MeColloth s Gazetteer. Harper's Universal (iaxetteer.
rRi'iT asu AtiKicFt.Tt'itAL. Elliots Fruit Usk.
rhoiuas' do. Ilowcing's do. Barry's do. Fessenden's
Fanner and tiardeuer. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable
i!.hinpr'i -,otiiontiion. Allen on the tirs lie. Pardee
in Strawlicirv. Flutist's Guide. American Farm lbsik.
Allan's Domestic Animals. All of Saxton's Hand Books.
Works on Horse. Cattle. Sheep, Hogs, Ae.
TiiK.u.isficAi. A Rai.iiiors. Harmony and Esposi
tion of GoiicLs. Xeander's Ufo of Christ. Butler's
Works. Kuapp's Christian Thetdogy. Western Meth
odism. Morris Miscellanies. lectures on Romanism
lira ml of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Uarnes"
Xotes. Clarke's Commentary. Ilriisvu's do. Jay's
Exercises. Watson Institutes, ljirraliee's Eridenc'e-.
llatler's Ethical Discimrses. Jtogers" li lijise of Earth.
.In. Ilca-on and raith. roster Ihnst. l'crlcction.
Baker on Discipline. Writings of Arminius. Jahn's
Biblical Archieologv. Ribles, all sizes and prices, from
t t; fin. Testaments, great variety. Methodist
Hymns. Christian Hymn Rooks. Church Psalmist.
I'l'vmouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian
Mepicai. Buchan Family Phj sician. Hydro
pathic do. Homirpathic Works.
Miscni.LAVBofS.--Coiititiitions of United States.
Mayhew'a Popular F"liication. Cratdie's Synonyms.
Piatt's Book of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's Manual.
Headlev's Works, 14 vols. Mrs. Tiitbill s, 6 vols. Ijy
anl'sXineveh. Bigelow'a Useful Arts. Haswell's En
gineer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of
Knowledge. ParkMadison. - Peruvian Antiquities.
Way Down East. Pvnshnrt. Ike Mnrvci'a Works.
Sanderson's Cook and ConfecMoner. Country Rambles
in England. Tales and Reveries, an excellent Temier
ance Book. Money Maker. Escaped Xnn. News
Boy. Dick Wilson. "Mrs. Hale's Xew Cook Hunk. Mil
ler 8 Old Red (sandstone, do. Footprint of Creator.
Young IjiiUes' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu
tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. Tbe Ameri
can Housewife. Hajf Hours with Old Humphrey.
Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's
Redwood, do. Xew Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam 'a Farm
Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do, Tals. Mrs.
Prtington. Horace Translation. . Virgil do. Mrs-i or
len's Works. Heroines of History. I .and and Sea.
Deck and r-rt. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Xaval Lire. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving's.
Columbus. Long Look Ahead. , City of Xew York
Living Orators of America. Ytfnng Man Advised. .Mis
sions in Tonca and Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic-
Ltion. Uncut and the Russians. Hytlrapalhic loot
Hook. Death Bed Scenes. Gift fi.sik for Young Men
do. "do. Ladie-. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Hoys
Footpripta of Famous men. Charlotte Elizalieth'a
Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant boy philoso
pher. Abbott s Marco Paul Books, do r rancouia
AUU I. IIIIUUVI Oi ,F.l,vi, .....uv-u i.unitin.v.
Constantly receiving large additions to the foregoing.
Stationery. Foolscap Paper great variety, let
ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel
opes all styles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders
great variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles.
Memorandums, Diaries. Pass Books, Time Books.
Paper Cutters. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books.
Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wtvnping Pa
pergood variety. Wafers, Sealing Wax, Ac, Ac
Filially, we have a good variety of .
Mrnio Books Xew Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Melodian. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc
tors, 'Guitar do. Flute do, Accordon do. Violin do,
Melodcon do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet
And the most varied assortment of Stationery ever
ffered in Oregon.
mg- This stock is all bought in Xew Yotk and other
Eastern cities and is sold at
gg- We keep on hand School Books in large quan
ties, together with most of the publications of
Harper A Brothers;
Derby A Jackson;
Ivison A Phinney;
Phillips A Samson; - 0
A.S.llarnes A Co.f . "
Miller, Orton A Mulligan: N
Leary A Getz;
Putnam; .
Anpieton; and others.
We ask your patronage. If nmthli to visit ns
aid examine our stock, your order will be attended to
on the Rarae terms as if yon bought ia jjerson.
Portland. Marcn zu, 1&07. . ztf
"All of the above works may be nad W. Ken von A
Co.s City Baolt Store, Salem."
. . AT . .
t iML
M MtA "s- TV.X
PRIVATE medical and surgical institute, Sacramento
street, below Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail
Steamship Co' ollice, San Francisco, California. Es
tablished in lo4, for the permanent cure of all Private
and Chronic Diseases. and the siipprcsslonof ''aaekerv.
Attending and Resident Physician L. J. CZAPKAY,
M. D., late in the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief
Physician to tlie 2uth Regiment of 1 1 on veils, chief Sur
geon to tbe Military Hospital of l'esth, and late Lec
turer on Disseasea of women and children.
his sincere thanks to bis numerous patients for their
patronage, and would take this opportunity to remind
them Unit lie continues to consult at his Institute fortbe
cure of Chronic di-eases of the Lungs, Livers. Kidneys.di-
ce -tire and genitive organs, anil au private disease
viz : Syphilitic ulcers, gonnrrhica, gleet, strictures,
seminal weakness apd all the borrid consequences of
self abuse, and tiehopes that his long experience and
successful practice of many years, will continue
to ensure him a nhare of public pa-trnnage.
By the practice of ninny years in Euro and
tlie United States, and during the Hungarian war and
campaigns, he is enabled to apply the most efficient
and successful remedies against diseases of all kinds.
He uses no mercury charges moderate treats bis pa
tients in a correct and bonorab!e way has references
of nnquestionalde veracity from men of known re..ect
ahility and high standing in society. All parties con
sulting him. by letter or otherwise, will receive the
best and gentlest treatment, and implicit secresy. .
To Tun Lariks op Okkuiin and Camkokvia. L.J
CzArasv. M. D..Phvsiciau Surgeon and Accoucheur .in-
rites the attention or tlie sick ana nlnictefi remales la
boring under auv of the various forms of diseases of the
brain. Iiiugs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid
neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc
tor is elt'ecting more permanent cures th:ui any other
.. I. -..(,-,,, I Ir...,,! iirl al lit tf lit:,. I n,. I lw ,1,-1 i-r
prevent you, but apply immediately, and save yourstHf
from i.airiful sufteriug and iiremature death. All mar
ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances
do not allow to have an increase in tiieir families attoutd
write or call at Dr. I. J. t ztpkav a Medb rl In-titule
Sacramento St., Ijelow Montgomerv. opimsite P. M. SS.
t'o's ofllce jind they will receive every possible relief aud
help. The Doctor a Offices are so arranged that he can
be consulted without moleskiuon. I2mJ
. A 1 consultations ( by letter or otherwise,) free.
AddressM 111. t. J. t'KAl,
Medical Instft'ite, San Francisco, Cal
LIEF. Below we publish the et-rtiticatt-s of two
of the sufferers from the paiiirs of disease, who having
recovered their former health, an.l impelled by grati
tude, uiaxe Known tneir ca-es anu remeuuil asrent, and
their statements are authenticated bv a Notary Public.
The demands of S wriety un;eri iii.slv command tiieir
publicity, and we c oiuiucnd tbeir perusal to the atte::
tion of ell afflicted :
Tlie undersigned, desirous of arquaiEting tho,- alio
may be nnfortimate enough to Le similaily afllicted,
where a ermaiie:it relief of tiieir sn!lerii"g may le
ootaim d, feels ifc his duty to thus pnhlicly express
his most sincere gratitude lo Dr. L. J. Czapkay, for the
dermaneut recovery of bis health. Borne down bv the
distressing symptoms incident to the vicious practice i f
uicutitrcllaiile passion tu youth ; i;epreseu in lniy hi d
mind ; nnable to perform even the m trilling duty
imp--d upon the daily avocations of life. I sought the
advice of msny physiciuns, who at first regarded my as oj inning importance nut aia3 ; altera lew instances months, of their trest-
ment, I found to my unutterable horror, that instead of
relief, the symptorcs lierame more alarming in their
torture : and being, told by one that mv disease, being
principally couiiued to the brain, medicine would I of consequence, i uespaireu oi ever regaining my
health, strength and energy ; and. as a List resort, and
with Isit a faint hope, called nistn Dr. Czapkav, who
after examining mv rase, prescrits-d s me medicine
which almost instantly relieved me of tiie dull pain
anu dizziness in my uean. Mtcntiraged hy this result
I resolved to i lace myself immediately under bis, -are
and by n strict oled,enre to hi.- directions and advice
my lu-ad became clear, my ideas collected, tbe constant
pain in mv Lack and groins. tl;e weakness of mv liml-s
the nervous reaction of my whole budr on the slight
est or excitement: the mi-ar.tlirory and tv": t'leself tlistrust and want of confidence
in others: tlie incapacity to study, and want of resolu
tion; the frightful, exciting, and at times pleas., ral.le
dreams tit nibt, followed by involuntary lischs.rtis.
have all disapieared: nd in fact, in two months after
having consulted the Doctor, I lelt as if inspired by
a new me ttmt me wiiicu.uut a short timeano, l con
temnl.tted to end with mv own hand.
With a view to guard the unfortunate from falling
into tbe snarf -s f in-oiui.etent piacks. I deem it mr
n in to ,-..t-r iois i..-i.m i.y r ii.e mem .lie Killel
Dr. Czipkay, and recommend him to all who mar stsr:d
in need of medical advice, being assured hy niyown
exerieiice, liiat once under his care, a radical and
permanent cure will be cliected.
S ate of Calif.. ria. Conuty of San Francisco. Snh-
senbe 1 and sworn to l.efore me, this 17th day of April.
a. i. I isotrneaj
Notary Public.
Prompted by an desire of my heart. I wish to
lay before tlie public a case which deserves a high com-
meuiiaiioti, not only as an act ol srieutilic skill; bii
that or humanity, also. About two rears a. I sud
denly and Irora causes unknown to me. was seized With
a tit of KriLEfsr. which, owing to my inability to meet
the expenses consequent cpoii a thorough medical treat
ment, and the discouragement which I met with on
attempting it,. soon became sm-b fas I was then led t.
Iielicve.) as to defy the skill of any physician. I was
frequently, while in pursuit of my railing, thrown down
to the ground without the slightest warnm?. and al
thcAigh insensible to the agonies, vet I despised the mis
ery of my existence. While in this state, and having
previous to iny aiilction tasted the sweets of life, I once
more was induced to attempt seeking aid of a nhvsieiau.
and, bv recommendation, called upon Dr. L.J. Czup
ksy. i told him my circumstances, and my inability
to reward bim for liis-services regardless ,f wbicli.
however, be nt once uudertook my case, and witii the
blessing of Ood, I was once more restored to perfect
health. Unable to reward bim for the boon wldeh I
enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebted
ness. I consider it due to mvself and to all afflicted, to
make the rase public, in order that those in need of
medical advice may hud a physician ia a hum every
couuucucc cau ee piacen.
State of California. I M
County of San Fniucisro, f
Snbscrild aud sworn to before me this first day of
AUgllSt, A. 11. IN!!. t.lLBKUT A. liRAST.
. Notary Public. i s.
OPERMATORRHtEA.or Local Weakness.nervons de
O bility. low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the liml
and back, indisposition and incapacity for labor and
study, dullness of npppetitc, hiss of memory . aversion to
en.i.1. 1 . ... a ..I .... T . . wl !,n;,l;.. .r..i: ... .1 : :
... ,.ii..u. ,KU UIMI .MtUllli('K.
headatihe. pains in the side, affection of the eve, nim
pies on t he face, sexual and other infirmities in man, are
e irea wunontiaii ty tne justly celebrated physician and
s irgeon. I- J. Czapkay. His method of curing diseases
is new (unknown to others) aud benre the great suc
cess. AH consultations, by letter orotberwisc, free.
Address, L. J. CZAPKAY. M.l.,
San Francisco. CI.
The Creates! Distorery of Ihe Ige.
GREAT Blessings to .Mankind! Innocent but Potent!
DR-CZAPKAY'S Pkophilacticcm, (self-disinfec
ting agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea
and Syphilitic diseases, and a ceitain and unsur
passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenoos
and cancerous ulcers, fcetcd discharges from vagiua,
uterus and urethra, and all cutanous erantiolsand dis
eases. s iuii.H-ulation is preventive against small pox.
so is Dr. Czapkay 's Prophylactiruma preventiveagaiust
Syphilitic and Uonorrhu-al diseases. Harmless in it
self, it possesses tlie power of chemically destroying
the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands tif
debauchees from being infected by the most loathsome
of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates
health be without Dr. Czapkay "s Prophylacticum. It
is in very convenient packages, and will lie found con
venient for use, lieing used as a soap. Price, $-. For
sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkav's Private Medical and Surrri-
cal Institute, Sacramento st., below Montgomery, oppo
site P. M. Co's. office, San Francisco.
All letters must be addresed to L. J. Czankav. if.D..
San Francisco.
DR. L. J. CZAPKAYS Grand Medical and Surgical
Institute, Sacramento st.. below Montgomery oppo-
...... i . . : ill. - . .. V ' . .-. V ' ' 1 1 . V . . .11. I 1 ill,. i.s.. ..
The Doctor offers free consultation, and asks no remu-
iieraiiou unless ne enecis a enre. urace Hours from
9 A. M. to 9 P. M.
I, the undersigned. Governor of Hunarv. do testify
hereby .that Dr. L. J.Czapkay has served durin g the con
test for Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hun
garian army .with faithful perseverance whereof I have
given him this certificate, and do recommend him to
the sympathy, attention and protection of all those
who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice,
uiiMiortune. r-USSL fli L.AJOS,
, . Governor of Hungary.
Washington City, Jan. 6, 1S52.
JS3" Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond
ing, please enclose $10 in their letters, aud they will
get immediate attention to their cases.
Address, j. CZAPKAT, II- !.,
San Francisco, Cal.
April, 1858 3m4
WANTED in exchance for cash or merchandise
20.000 lbs. of bacon for which I will pay the
highest price. . E.COLE.
TAX receipt blanks f" sale at the Statesman office
at $1 per hundred.
LADIES cloaks, latest style, for sale cheap at
42tl W. K. SMITH A Co s.
925,000 Worth
riHIE subscribers wontd respectrullv Inform their eua
JL tomers and the public generally' tbat they have on
hand, and are in constant receipt of goods from Ban ami New York- large and well-selected
stock consisting in pnrtof
Aimn, auspice, and alpacca, -
Bouiiete,lr?e,t ,a bro, ,ineBi
Cambnc,cra-b, and calico, --
Domestic delaines, and damask,, (
Edging, embroidery and everything,
Flannels, fringes, and fancy fixin's.
f'inghams, gaiters and glovea.
Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pins.
Iron, ink, and insertmfrs.
Jaconet, leans, and Java coffee, ,
Knives, kid gloves, and koitting-pio,
Lawns, lard and Liverpool salt.
Mustard, mirror, and matches.
Needles, nails, and nice thing.
tiils, overshirts, and Oolong tea,
Pins, pants, and paper,
Omits, quills, ami qneensware,
Ribbons, razors, and rat-trap.
Silks, sugar, and shaving soap.
Tea. tobacco, and turpentine.
Umbrellas, under-sleeves. and useful things,
Veils, varnish, and vinegar.
Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-iron, ,
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notion.
Zinc, and zephyr worsted, " v
Ae., Ac., and so on,
Besides many other articles too numerous to mention :
all of which we are offering at reduced prices, adopt
ing tne pian oi v'ra sates ana smalt pronts."
The ladies will find in their department a large stock
of fancy goods, direct from Sew York, which i not
usually kept In Oregon, ana oy arrangements will be In
constant receipt adequate to the wants of the ladies. -
The tientlemen s jepartcieni or tnrnishmg goode,
will seldom be equalled, and excelled by none in Salem
IllOX The blirksmithaand trondea'er willalwav-
nnd a well-selected stu- k of all size and shapes, to .
gether'with a grjod assortment of iron axle, from 1-1 f
6 in., to 2 x 11 inches, which we are selling at Portlanc
prices, adding freights. - r
We are Dreuared to receive all kinds of lirodae tC
exchange for goods, and also money. For full partica-
lar-icall and examine tor yourselves.
ii- i nni-TPAin - CO
it. v. uuinubl n. i-u. t
Salem. Feb. 4Stf
Attention Farmers!
Threshers, Seaperi, and lowers.
WE have now on tlie way from the Eastern States,
to arrive about the latter part of April next, a
superior lot of the above mentioned machines. Tbey
cosn'iitie al! of the latest improvements, and we have
no hesitation in saying that we believe them to be the
nio-t jierfect machine we ever brought to this coast.
They were constructed under our owBsapenrbuon, hav
ing all the alterations neceatary to render them suita
ble for the country.
The Threshers consist of two, four and six brse pow
ers, (railway and sweep) with elevators and every es
sentia! convenience known to tbe machine.
Our Reapers and Mowers are combined machines
suitable for eitlier mowing or reaping, they work from
two to four horses : with and without rakes, or, in other
words, one is a self-raker.
In addition to the above, we have to arrive at the
same time, tlie following agricultural implements, viz :
Peoria plows, X 8 Bo-ton Clipper plows,extensiun curti
vators, grape rine, grain cradles, scythes, snaths, straw
ct-tters, hay preoes. lia'y forks and rakes, horse rakes,
wheel-bsrriws, cider mills' shovels, spades, Ae. ,
Bark mills and Tanners tool. AL-o. a select assort
ment of Smiths' and carpenters' tools, with maty other
articles not here mentioned.
We would say to our enstomers and the public gene
rally ,if tiiey are in want of any cf the aiove mentioned
reticles, they wil! do well to'call and see our liefore
purchasing elsewhere, a-i we are determined to sell low
foro-h. We would also add that our machines are
rapidly sold to arrive; better call and secure one of
them, before too Lite. If preferred .machines delivered ia
Portland if ensraeed before arrival.
Oregon City, opposite Land Office.
January 2j, ISoS. 3n47
MoSrat'a Life Pills
rjiH H best family medicine now lfore the public, fuf
J. tbe cure of Scrofula, fleers. Scurvy, or Eruptions
of the Skin, Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia, Dropsy, and
in fart most ail soon yield to tbeir curative
It has been computed that during the last twenty-five
years npwards of Four Millions of persons have been
benefitted by the use of these medicines; a fact which
speaks volumes in favor of their enrative properties a
in!e trial will place them beyond the reach of com
petition in tbe estimate of every patient. Bv their nsc
the l.l sd is restored to a healthy state and freed from
all impurities. The system is not reduced during-their
operation, but invigorated, and tbey require no re-tr-jii.t
from business or pleasare.
The afflicted hsve in these medicines a remedy that
wil! d i for them al! thr.t medicine can possibly effect.
Prepared bv W. B. Moffat. Xew York.
And for sale bv JOHN FLEMING, at the Oregon
"Citv Post Office Buiiling.
Oregon City, March.'lSifi. ' ly52
JLiTery aud Sale Stable.
TT7F. are now keeping a Livery stable in
v Oregon t. itv, where Horses can
wars .e obttined on liiieral terms.
S'n are also nrrnsrH with excellent sta
bles, weil snppiied with hay and oats, to keep horses
by day or week. Those who call npon us may feel as
Sured that every attention will 1 piven to horses left,
in onr charge. G IBS0N 4 P0TTEK.
August 11, 17. J2tf
Salem Tannery.
fT'HEsnbsrrlbers have purchased the Tanner ' Sa
J. lem. formerly belonging to Eiisha S rc-rg. All de
s- rptions of leather will he kept constantly on hand
ami the highest price, in cash or leather, will at al
times be paid fur hides and bark.
Salem, Oct. 24, 1357. ly3o'pai.l
City Hotel, CorTallis.
"1 f TOL'LD annon.-ice to the citizens of Corvallis, and
the travelling public generally, that tbey have
th.'ironghly refitted this weil known establishment, and
are now prepared for the accommodation of customers.
The rooms have all been newly refurnished, the beds
ciean ana comfortable, and tneir table will be furnish
ed with the liest the market affords.
Corvallis, Ang. 30, 1 so 7. 15yl
New Store and New Goods.
At Oatland. MtUmry'i Ferry, O. T.
VLBERT ZIEBER, Dealer in dry goods, groceries,
crockery, hardware, produce, Ac.
Having purchased the stock in trade of G. E. Getch
ell, together with the premises known as Metheney's
Ferry, on the Willamette river, and having built a new
storehouse, and replenished the stock of goods on hand,
now offers to exchange, for produce or cash, an assort
ment of
Dry goods, consisting of clothing, eassimeres, satit
netts, sheeting, shirting, and fancy goods; hats and
caps, boots and s!s. groceries in variety, with spices,
nuts, raisins, and candies; paints, oils, medicines, per
fumery, crockery, tinware, hollow-ware, stoves, hard
ware cutlery, and many other articles to meet tbe wants
of the public.
He has also moved and repaired his warehouse, so
that he is now prepared to purchase or take hi storage,
country produce, which be can discharge by a slide to
steamers' decks, without loss or expense of drayaire.
A n.i being determined to constantly keep on hand a
good supply of sneh goods as the country trade may re
quire, he believes he can make it an object for the peo
ple in bis vicinity to extend hira their patronage.
S t difference made in tbe price of goods, wheth
er sold for cash or produce,
October 2, 157. 30tf
Salem Marker.
THE subscriber, proprietor of the Salem Market, in
the center of the town, is happy to inform tbe pub
lic that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of ail tb
varieties of meats, fresh aud pickled. He also has the
various kinds of vegetables in their seasoa. Beef wUl"
be sold a foliows: Fore qnarters. cents per lb., hind
qnarter 10 cents; and if you want a choice piece, I shalt
charge yon a l it a pound.
All kindsof farmer's nroduce and era in receive '
exchange for meats. THOMAS CROSS.
feaiem. July 7. Is56. ntf
C. 8. FM0W.
"pvEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, Sa-
es ana jewelry, tsa- Jjgv v
ttention paid to the
cks. All work war- "riia
short notice.
i r-
4 s iem, u. i. particular attention paid to the
repairing oi waicnes ana chk-ks. All work war
ranted. Jewelry repaired at short i
atrhes and clocks. 8 day i
low price ; also 30 honr marine t
T 1'
Ladies and gents Brooches. Finger Rings, Ear Rings
Gold Buckles. Guard Chains, Ac, Ac.
Salem, July 6, 1S57. 17tf
Allan 4c Tnia-
V V GOX TERRITORY. room ui ucs tms madq tor s
produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse and store r
vill 1. n.11 t.-,(thr if rennireil-
ioAAty aOIJKE.
July P, 1857. IStf
TCST received and for sale at the City Book Store
J Webster's Unabridged Quarto and High School Dic
Oregon City, Jan. 1858.
I Portland, O. T. f
San r ranctsco.
Richards & McCrakea.
COMnSSIOX MERCHANTS. and'Jobbers ia Oregon '
Flour, Grain, Produce. Fruit, Pork, Bacon, Lard,
Hams, Ac, Ac. Orders for Ore iron trade ororontlv at
tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments. '
Xo. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco '
January li, 1-157. 4ttf
THERMOMETEB CHCRXS, just received and for4
sale at sepS W. C. GRISWOLDS & CO'
WAXTED in exchange for merchandise or on ac-' "t
count 10,000 lbs. good hotter, for which I will
pay the market price. G. E COLE. I
. t