The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, March 30, 1858, Page 4, Image 4

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rpHE Prnsr-p.IBKR le leave to announce to the
IMPLEMENT. f Califcruia and Oregon, that he hat
now facilities lor manufacturing and rro.iirinir Ari
. cultural Implements or every description, from the
smallest to the greatest, of the liest and most improv
ed kinds, and iri the best manner, having hi shop no
rumrm-u u vi Bccorumoa.uc sixty workmen, and ror-
nistiea witli rtfam power and all the neccssarv ma
chinery of the LATEST and most APPROVED n'tvles,
and inferior to none now in ne for the pnrioe alovo
named. He la conrWlent. that, with bU past fifteen
yean experience m t:iiirirma. he ran provide the
mere with machines and implements much more snita
b!e to the wanli of the country than anv that ran lie
Imported. a the soil and products of the country are
wiiii rtui inm muse ai nnmc. aim reipiire aiai time.' lit
tw tiit 3 til a in'rw ftiiwiannai maitc, anil m nl'-inv
instances vrrv diil'crent.
He designs nwrnifjctaring a number of combined
Hcapcr and Mowers, rartie-ularly adapted to th use
of this conntry. which will more combined
strength, durability and lightni-ss. thin any other now
in use. His Cast Steel leen Tiller l'low ta .lres.K-
attained a notoriety ia thru conntrr far in advance of
any nei.ire introduced. He will be able, with what
other Flow are niade within the State, to supply ful li
the demand for these Plows the coining scuson. lie
designs manufacturing Smith's latent Gang Plow, so
lavorab.y knows in tile emern States, and recently
introduced here. Also, Premium Fanning Mills, from
No. 1 to 6. which hve given universal aitisfjetiim
Also, tha World Fair Prize llutter Working Churn,
ta which wm awarded the First Premium at the Cali
fornia State and Mechanic' Fair, 137. Also, Har
row, Cultivators. Side-hill Subsoil and Left H:tml
Flows, and all other similar implements.
TlOX of the Farmers to bis facilities for repairing all
kind of agricultural implement, being such a to en
tibia him t do every part within his own ship, bciiur
prepared t m.ike castings both of iron and brass; there
fore he will be able to do repairing in the shortest time
and with much less trouble than has heretofore been
the ease. He wi-h-s a!so to AXXUU.Ni K that he br.s
now on the WATEit. bouud for this TOUT, on hoard
the clipper ships WEBFOO r and MAltY HOmVSOX,
forty of JOHN" A. PITTS celebrated Til'tESHEUS
ad SKPKRAIOIiS. twenty each. S and 10 horse-now-ers,
which are anperior to any ever heretofore ottered
ia this m-vrket, with ca-t steel Cylinder Shafts and
Journal, which has not heretofore been the case, and
ia many other resoccts in f-aeu a way as ti add much.
to the steady i peration nn.l wear of the machiiKs.
Persons wishing any of the jibove nuchincs, will do well
to forwatd t.e:r orJcr early. a these are all that it ill
be ta the market, of th.-.t make this sram, and he has
the exclnsive right of sale for the macoice in Califor
nia. Oregon and Vashi:izt-n Territories. He wiil act
a ri:t'sa?er.t in pritect;n?thc patet:t in s-tid inaeiiine.
All persons will please take n tiix- tiiat thrv will be
he'd respoasiWe f r any itii'rinemcnt on id"r.ter.t.
He his alsi on the war a S'wl aswrtment ofheaoers;
among which are Ul"S:t ALL'S. Met 'OHM ICR'S (ll'.i.
SEY'S and MANX'S. AI-o a full supply ..r extras for
any and al! of the above Machines. Cvi lf-s. Sections,
Ca-tin?s of every ilescriprion, etc. In addition, be has
on hand a full .supply of
Hay Presses, best style;
Hay and Straw Cutters;
tir.iin Crad'.rs. tlrant's;
XI Stl Plows:
Cincinnati h'as'.c ?toel PIi-w-i:
Kvaas Jc Adams' Calena Plows;
Kero!vinj? a-jd Wire-Toot Ucd Horse Rakes;
Com-Sh l'ers;
Scythes a'.;d Snr.tis. be-t make;
Hay and Barley Furls;
Th-rmonutcr a'nd Pa-h Chr:rr?:
White's Scif-Acting Ch;ese-l'ress.s;
PouIas' Pnmp--;
Seed-Sowers and !riin-Dril! ;
Cider as J Wine-Presie-s;
Circular Saw Tables;
liarden PakcsacJ Spadinj Fi its;
Ames' Shirt and Lonsr-Hu'tditd Spades;
Wajron. Uravs ar.d Carts;
Uaud-Cart?; "
Ax and Pu k!!es;
Hunt's and Simmons' Handled Axes-;
ts?l Crowbar-';
Old Colony Assorted XaHs; nts and fixtures;
r.ilin.s Hope;
Plow-Beams and HaniJTes.
In fact, a fuy as-irtment of til implements re;
by the tanner. He proi cs t say th'it he ma'
ufactnres, as weil as r. hat he imports, he wiM ci: on as i
re.iona;.:e t-mti anv eT.a sell similar a; !;i'!e.
tie is tare thatue can and will oiler snvh inducements i
as to make it to the interest e.f farmers mid merchants
ooy or b::n twt-ad i importtny. He wntil.I. at f.,!
fame tim. trnIer h:s thar.ks to tbc public fi.r t hoi
I:eerr.I j.trona-.f aanr.s the pc-t -i.r, hi-lt t:as
been ei.tire.y t . .i:s sat..-; ict;..;. nnj Lrv-jnd uis
espectaucn a: tr.e ue-.i::r:ije or the feasor.
iis-rs. lln:l. Iwranp ft to., of liitcrd, nre
og-enn in o. 1 . 1 -r the -ie ef my farf Vrd Vtt p Ti,'-
Irr ftot". Alt orders fur Plows, as trill m other im-
piemen and macuiuvir ot any description wiil b.'
nueu oy ii.. iv. x t.o., at tan tr.inee'8 t r.ecs, with
irctr-i aaced.
TilOS. or.Ct SHAW.
3-1 acranicnf. -tree t. Sucraineiito ftretts.
cjn r ruins-", v ajuomia.
Fel-raary , 1 -j i. 4 m 1 0
Ca3h for Wheat.
By 'Iclutyre & Iloiiclacr.
rf H H sii'isc noeTS hcvin leased fr-rj Mr. V.'a. Par
-A t;-r. his Unarm? al store f t a term of ve.:r.
wfcere they intend currj-ior on Tuiil.-i and mer. h:iridix-
lnjr. incimll has p-.;ie tiimnro a tfi r -'rich n-rittinj.
t new sm tion Ian, Ljit;n-r cloth. iu,tt mo'-l.
iinn aiuuKraaiafir pair oi ours, inewnolenow
complete and 1 a nnrun-r order, and are now iire.Ktred
ci r.;:.u-i ca-wia wert wiia upar-a, ia tile
nonet notice.
The subscrineiss havin? just receive.! from San Fran
cisco, a large, varied assortment of rtrv- g-jt;t. t r
ceries, hardware, crockery, bocta ntid shoe, and the
whole of which wiil besifdat a s:na!l advance above
cost, we w.kiM mr:tf larmers and others, to eive n-
a call and extmiue for tbeine'ves. Yon will ulwivs
nnrt ns fr'd natured. p eaant. and r.vadv to show our
goods and prices and sell if wo can.
" Toe highest cah price j-aid for all kinds of
country produce. "iS
i in. i jrk.T nas Cio;co ont uis L-iiSincss m nu.lfr!.'
ana nKrrcaar.eizia?. tea a.i persons utvin ciairo-
asrainst tue s.ime are requested to present lutein, and
their money is reauy. And ail persons iuuebtcd to bin
are reqaealcd to come and link- a settlement and save
cou. . AiciATi K & nob !!:-::;.
.'anit;ry2j,l;5-3. 3nl7
Vamliill ICace Ccnrse.
rTHH races will cr.ratr.ence at the Y'arnliil! n.-.ce
JL Course on w r.L r-i).V Y , June l-i, 1. .s, and co
tinue throccb the week.
The propriet ir. liavinc: ieastd tl. Varolii!! race tract.
l'up.)ses eo ouer eue io,iowin i t Kc-.'s 11 i.e ran f.r,
mccorair.i; 10 me mies oi tne 1 a.uri.u jocKey t
1 rsT oav Mile Heats twj in lree l'nprie-
lor a t'urse tli0.
Second Dxr Two Mile lieais Proprie-tor'a Purse
iniKD dav Jle IleaU ior Turce YearOi! Pro
prietors rure $m.
ItH-iiT.i Day llile Heats best three ia five Pro
prietor 9 liirse $!:).
Jtl PER CENT ENTSAM-E Will be ckjr-ed f..r the
"oove purses. Three t nines or more to make a rae-e.
ana two i suin. k. r a LI.c.T, Proprietor.
X. . The propnet-n-has coMractcd for lumber to
Ijuild a suitable stand for spectators, and he intends ti
make othT exten-ive improvements for the accommo-
nation oi visitors, t-ir all persons havir.j horses to
train, the tnti-k w.l: oe r?-ady on the first of April.
Y"amh::i Co., Jan. 2-i, In.s. 4;tf
L. Q. Wasliiitgloi:,
GEXT for ti;e prosecution of elc.inis nt V.'ai-Iihijr-
JTX tn. u. C, bco re tne h,xecut:re Ienartme::t', Con
cress and the C urtof CI lims. Will aiu-i:d to the set
tlement of scconnts of!s. Dt-lnct Attorneys,
and other Federal oiheers, and of contractors with the
. t ostolltce and otaer Uep.irtruerts: al o,to the procur
ing of Patents for Land. Land v arrauts, aud other Iwi-
einess oi a general Agency.
Refers to (ien. Joseph Lane. Oreoa Territory: Or.y.
Isaac I. Stereos. Wa-iiinston Ver.: Hon. M. H." .McAl
lister. Hon. 0,r.jen Hoftman nnd K. Act. Thompson, of
.n rancis.-D, t ai.; lion. James ;titbrie. Ixiuisville.
Ky., and to the OrTicers -;ii-rul'v of the Treasury and
Interior Depart. ner.ts ct Washington.
Au dress U el. WASH I XOTOV
V. a-l.intrton l. C.
Corvallis Drug Store.
K.CARDWELL,Dra?rit and Apothecary, iscon-
.it, )nri)iii. en nm a sirnnii rs eirrrr
.mi t.ireiuiiy . .e.-ien fro ti 01 ini?sand Medicines,
os. raines. v Soans. Perfumeries. T ,i,.i L',.r.
nitore. Stationery. nd all arti.-ies usually fcpt in lln;
V" , waynes. ana otaer petent medicine' ,
which wi.I be furnished at California, wholesale prices.
v viti).t..i;iTEr. fcn
Corrallis. May 2. lsr,7. ljtr
Watchmakin;. "
WILLIAM F. HIGHFIF.Ln.f-hronomfterandCro,
atch maker. Iresron Citv tn K c..,.,.i fs--,
his old stand in front of the doted States Hotel.
jaee umin-s.reri iiu:c. wuere He ran l eoie-tantlv
lounu prr-pareuioaoany:iisiness in his line. Watches
cieanea ana repaired on short notice and reasonable
terms. Also a chi.h-e lot of watches and jewclrr foralc
March 5. 17. l"c."l
pOKVALblb W are Honse. Xo. I.wc offer for rejit.
. e ji i ill-., or
In connectioc with the above we have a pork honse
W7ASrFO ia cchancre for cash or merchandise t'jg. of bacon for which I will pay.the
msur- t U. c. u, E. COLE.
fTtAX receipt blanks for gale at the Statesman office
JL m i uuiiiiiiru.
THE best black tea you ever saw, at
ll'tf . TV. K. SMITH A CVa.
"I fl TOXS assorted iron, just received at
11 9m3 GltlSWOLD & CO'S.
Wallanet University.
r',HE FACTLTV during the present year will con
Jl sist of
Pev. F. S. Hoyt, A. Jl., President and Acting Profcs
or ot Ancient;niaec and Matnematics.
C. II. Hall, A. ti.. Professor of Natural Science.
l).'n!? SpifnUinf " Tea-lier. of Common Knplish
Miss Sarah Iluckiiigham, Teacher of Iitstrununtal
The CoLi.mi.tTB PtirAKTuKsT of the Wallamet Pni
versity has liei-n oruanizud. YounK men designing to
pursue a repnia r c mrse of Stuiiv. are invited tJ avail
tlieui-M Ives ot the advantages alt rded by this Institn
tlan. All available resonrci-s will be made Use of to
meet the wants of Student. Kll'irts will bo eoiilimied
to seetire a sintabl? endowment ;and no pains will lie spar
ed Inobtiininycompeteutand experienced Itistructois.
TheVoll winte year is divided Into thrtt terms, com-menrina-
as fiill w-s:
The lirst ter.n on the 3d Timrsdav in S-ptemler.
" sei-ond term on the 1st " " January.
" third " ' " last " " April.
The lirt two teims tLTjfj'trrn trrrk tarh; the third,
frrrn trrtKs
acations. There will lie tw vacations in the
year: one. in April, of riro me&s, and unp, in the sum'
mer. of nine trnki.
TfiTtox will be at the rate of fl per week, or tlO
per amivm.
TIIK UitKCOX IXSTITt'TK Tits Pitr.r.iR vtoby
iskvs. lue Academic, year is divided into torn
TEKs of cferm trrcM rarA.
1 he tirst term betrln on the I st Tlmtvday of Aiignst.
second term begins on the Xoveui.
" third I it January.
" fourth " " lat April.
Vac itions There will be two vacations in the ve.trr
one in April, of tiro treeki; and one in the snmmcr, of
fix nvrJri.
Tt iTlos will he pnld at the lesin:ii:ic of each Term
iit airartrr. nt the full iwins rates:
In l.nnpuases. Hi.'her Mathematics Chem.,
" Other studies of the Academic Pivision, . .
- Common Kuplish Division
" l'rimarv " -"
$10 00
T -Ml
rt so
S ail
5 .ill
Id Oil
liven to til the
For use of "the Piano
" PistrumeuUi! music tiunl in vocal music is
tndcuts( ofrhai c.
Apmis-.-iov snulvr.ts will le admitted at anr t:me:
and will be ehrrged for tuition fr-m the time they en-t-T
o: ly. but Cm ir progress will be creatly proniotcd
bv entering earlv in the Aradeinit year.
In caset where, trout necessity, stuilrnts leave liefore
the end of the term for which payment has been i:vde.
a juM proportion net more than three-fourth nor less
t'mu one-fourth of the tuition fe-e will be refunded.
tudeiits arc m-t allowed to leave J-i-t before examina
tion, l'ati-.i'is who are inattentive to this p unt, iutlicl injury upou beith the student and the lu -ttu-
!! ir.i:i:. Yon:!? tenth-mrn and 1 idies can obtain
board at reasona'ile rates with private families.
Corn-s- oy Sn nv. A Course of Str.dv- Ins been
adopted for Ix -til the O-'l'eyiate and Preparatory le-
iiart'nents, well to secure r:pe schi laryiup,
inc-ntal discipline, and a preparation for the active du
ties ot life.
A Lbera! Course of Studv has been adopted for vountr
ladies wiiodesiix-J yv-tain a thormjrh education.
ta' A Pipl ur.a will 1 awarUcd to all who shall
complete the prescribed course.
The tiovEiiNMKNT will be parental but strict aim
in? constant ly at the formation of coneet habits of
S-e-lf lioverument. Cartful attention will l e uiven tu
manners and iii rils.
ScltoLABsntPs. peiretual. rr fcr the peried of ten
ve-ars. seck:r;nor ti;iti'u at vi-i v tednced i-ite. ran lie
pnrcha.-cd. For farther particulars apuly to the Pre.
dent. Per order of Executive Committee.
See. 15 ard of Trtt- ps.
Pah m. Pec. 10. l-.i7. 41;f
New Constitution for Oregon.
TlTfl le; leave to announce to the public that we
1 are ja-t receiving a lar:e arid wel' selected st u-k
of it ds iroia Sao Francisco, which ha ls-en e lected
witii srreat care bv Jir. Ales.inder. who has In-en attend
ins th:it mar'set fur some time, therefore we can -afelv
-ay to toe. pin lie that we can, and tvill m a, soot as
low at wholesale or retail
We will tahe in exchanste f.r eouds al! ki:-.ds of nro-
X. R We will
Jn-.-e. t - :t:
Wheat. Fioi.r.
also p-.y ca-h fi r a'l kinds of pro-
D.itter. Exr, Cacon, Pork, Lard
Oat'. Ac. Ac. Ae.
All w!iowih to pnr.!iie, wi'l do well to r:i!l and x-
au;i::e bef -re n-.rc!ia::i3 elsewhere.
Our stock f .T):-t of everj- tUiv.s :o t!;e line that tlii
rid t ca a s : cr t -w.t :
C.rcy, White, Ret! and IKtte !!'.i"kct :
Co.Ls. "est. Pent. Hats and H-it rr.ver1:
I'ndera'nd Over shir's. W. el nnd Cotton;
liv ry iV-criptim of White Shirts!
;e-.-ris Ware, Hard Ware nnd Cutlery;
1. f-i.s,Sh'v.--i cor.r-eand Hie:
!ii-ot-ar!' I 'air. Kip and ( 'owhide:
Wool Pl.i!s. Merinos. Pel.iin. lute patterns
In short every kind of jiiece cootls, an J the IJK.-T TKA
ever snippet to tins marRet. I etiar snmirles. 1 im"tliy seed a:u Hops.
S Give us a call, and see b.r roursclves.a
C'.-rrallis. Oct 10. Iv,;. sntf
New Arrival of Jewelry, &c.
T liilr.MII.b iiiforms lus patrons and -'-o
n mill -fXT
friends, t.iat he ins i.i-t ret irne.
m Trinci-ico with a select av.)-tnicnt
cirv. Mil?le"ii I:)-un!:lcuts. lutlerv. etc.. and
o.Tcrs them K.rsaiu at ins store on Front street.
3" Oae tier M iw Ir. Cm'is' oCice.T
4Io:J and Silver watclies; linll and Silver i-hains
ibl bracelets; i; dd ear-rin-rs; i;-,ld breastpins; Cold
uncvr nn;: l.o kets; .!. I pens and roicil; liold
sleeve button; Silver and Plated ware: fancy goods
and pennmrry.
5iit;irs. Violins. Flutes. Files; a 1 lnre assortment of
Accorueons. i.i-ties wors boxes )-r nil kinds, t.obl and
ivrr soecta-les, (.obi and Silver spoons. Cutlery.
Clocks an enlle variety. Ac. Ac.
y Watches. Clocks nnd .Jewely repai
kiinls of Jewelry made to order.
red, and all
t?A!l of my work Wi-.TantedTia
S-ron'tforct"TTie S:!i of the Bi Watch.-S'
Corvaliis. Oct. 3?,tf
r"H3 j.idse of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
JL Oresr-n. assembled at the scat -f U. vemuient on
l.:e nuiia d iv oi .l.,?i:aivy. ev-'iitceo buudi-ed and liity
seven, : i nx and ao-mmt instiict courts. t i,e ni?,i ,
vill i'.eof I ieh:ns, in the civintv of n the
arst Mom! ivs.ol" ."'arch. M.iv, Senteui'ier and X'ovem-
ber.a:iii.!.tl!v, until otherwise ordered, and do limit the
:it:on oi isaid ternn tsix d tvs es'vi.
;KO. TI. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice.
t Itf M. P. HEAD Y. Aswiatc- Justice.
At l-ueonc Citv.
rjHK siibseriljer has at Kiijrere City, one of the best
1 reneral assortment of Dry (iisMl.s. (Troe-enes. H ud
wnre, B.s.ts and Sh--es. and all articles kept in a frene-
r.u niiiiin? siore. 10 nc Kxiiiii m oivifin. ie i con
stantly receivius fresh a.hiitions to his stock, nnd al
ways keeps it up. My coods are now all received direct
from San I"rsnci.-co, where I Imve a resident a'roi:t.' All
kindsof farmer" produce received in exchanpe fi r so uls
pay liiehcr prices for proiln.-e, and se ll !s)ds chcani r
eiiau iiij uiiii;rnific 111 e.ic aeniuirv.
Kueiic City. July 1 , l?.'i6. Hitf
Statesman Hook and Jolt OiSro,
IT TiC have Three Presses, the best facilities for Rook
V printing north of California, and an extensive as.
rt mentor Jor.niNO M atkkial of every kind: and. with
ma.-ter workmen, are prepared tDexeeuteprom-ly, and
in a workiuau-liKe niauuer. ell orders in the at, 1 de
parrrr.ents, ,uch as
lit.AXIt CilWKS,
, XTiUF IlANn.
Stkavbo't Kills
Stkamimi't Cakis.
Cebti rle'ATES
Snow Rii.i.s,
CmrcK Rooks,
Ul'k Rki-khts,
.' -". PAMtmil.ETS,
Ball Tickkts,
BrsixKs-s Cards,
C'ONXfXT R11.1.P,
. . 1 1 ' r. r.. v r. t . . I'kllTy,
Blanks op all Krvns. c
Tisc I:t tv 8 of Oregon.
rpiIF. 0RHCOX STATUTES, I SAT. be-n? a !ar-e vol
JL ume of C'.O pales, with cumiilcte index, annota-
ions. and references. eoinpri.-ir,ir all the laws In force in
the Territory, inclusive of passed at last session
of the legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the Statesman, ut five dollars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, hound in law stvle. and
is sold at piibli.her prices, and as lowxs a like work can
be bouirht in any State in the Union, and at the loire.t
fiirnre they can be afforded for here. The price places
them within the reach of all who desire the laws they
live nnder. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
filled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that
will probably be published in OreTon, for many years,
In addition to the enactments of the Ix-rislativc" Assem
bly, the contains the Declaration of I llilenen.
dence. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Crciit Britain n-lntintr to Oregon. Ordinance of 1 7s7 in
force in Oregon, Donation Law nod nil amendment
n,l full alMitm,. r,r ITr.;.l ) . i- ... ,
w. -.a).wu .-hucn .aeiiruilAaLloil
Marion House, Saleiu.
TH E undersipned announces to the public
that he has purchased the well known
tavern stand, culled the Marion House, in Sa
lem, together with the furniture and fixtures
tlx-reol. He will keep it in j-ate style, and invites
the patronapeof the public. I ?.i t v
Slay 23, 1."7. utf
------ 3 -
DWELL, Dental Surjjeon, Corvallis
sum, at Corvallis. Kufrena Citv, Win
r. and Jacksonville. Skill, unmiei.
jL in his profession, i-dd ;i.n rcje uiunr, sure, warranted. Teeth
examined, and advice piven free of charge.
iue nonce (riven ol change ef offlec.
April 2ti, lew5. nf
The Graefenberg
E S.
r, T X'..i
The Grnrffubrr; Compnnr.
tills IXSTITPTIOjr. (Incorpi.rat.-d br the Leal.
liture of the State of New Yoik. Capita! f lOO.OW.)
was lounueti lor tue porpoise or supplvmr thepuM.c
with the celebrated Hit AKKKXliEtiC MKIMCIXKS
The series enm prises remedies tor nearly eveiy lisease
ananieii in every climate, vox rumilies. Travellers.
Seamen, and Miner's use they are uneipialled. All the
leucines are ri tcr.i.t i htif.i isi.k and warranted
to cure tha die-aes for which the-y are severally rec-
1 he t.rarfenberjr I'amm iv does not profess to rtire
an iiie'ase with one or two medicines. Our seriescon-
sist of ELEVEN riill'creiit kinds, ad.ipteil to the vari
ous diseases incident t ithe tomiieratc and tropical cli
mate. The foil iwiug comprises the series of tiraefen-
ocr aicmcmcs :
-onsidered the stand ird Pill of the dav. and
inii.iiti ly siiicrior to any Pill before the public They
operate n itii uit irritation on all the excretions, purg-
mi tlie Id kmI by the lsiwele. liver, kidneys and skin.
Marshall's i-trkisb catiiolicox.
An nifallill reined v tor all dieaes of the womb
and urinary organs, weakness in the bark, pain in the
urc iM. iicivotisuexs, iic:iit:ry, etc 111 Caliioruia nnd
Oregon, out of more than a thousand rases where this
medicine has been li ed, it has in no siiicle in-tam-e
lail.-d to pivc inrmaiicut relief or to etk-ct a certain
TiiRiintEf ENsirnis sirs acakilla,
A powerful extract. One bottle entml to ten of the
oriiiuaiy .-rirsi! pariua tor punrvimr the 1 1 mil. A sure
cure for scr .f:i!a. rheum itism. ulcers. dvMiensia. salt
riieum, incrcai lal diseases, cutane.ius eruptions, c.
lovalnablc for burns, wounds, sprains, chill. lains.
s.rcs. sivellincs, scrdul.t. rt-. As a Pain F.xtnictnr.
it cannot lie excelled, arl'irdinff iniiiiediatc relief from
the most rxcnitiatm-; pains.
Tin: u::it;K::NA::i:i cvsenttiiv svitrr.
This cxtranrdnmry :u tide is a sperdv and infallible
remedy in Inarrho'i. Dysentery. 1 liolera .'lorbus. chol
era lr.:.inti::n nnd the Asiatic t in lcra, if taken with the
iirst symptoms of the (!:;'se. It is purely vegetable
in .U compound.
citAEi-rr-BEnrs ciiii.niiKNs" r anacka
f-ors rinmi-rCompIaii't. nr. 4 in .-t diseases to which
ch'l Iren arc stihtert. lis true worth ran never 1 set
forth 111 words, but it car. Ie f It and appreciate d bt
parents whose children have becu SiVcd. So Mother
sh u;M be without it.
mr on : tmikiw rn.r nntnr.
iiramru a certain cure lor this painlul ipscase.-
wnn in- 1 iiiinieni mere are very lew cases wnich tan-
not be rad.-al y and permanently r-:rcd. A surgical
iiperation r,.r ni or I i-ti'l t should never lie resorted
to until this Ointment ha been thnroitzlilv tried. It
never rails.
GRAri-KNri:iii: eyk lotion.
For diseases r.f the eve this I.rtion has no efiu'il. It
is a spe-edy and positive cure for iutlnmniatioii of the
rves. weakness, iliinuess and failing of siclit.. It will
al ay ! bem-.Vti!l to acute iniUmniatiim of t!ie eves.
ami ui -o as a wa.-ii on 11.1la1r.ed siiriacrs.
vr. iKi EXKi ini EKvn: ami ai:ck riLi.s.
spcoiy a:ol p .t: cure inr t.r.s ili-tre-siti com-
pi u:;t. Ti:i-i'P.l!: ::iv c uupo-cd priiicin:ill- of Oii-
nine, with efier vc.- 1 1'' ! t on. st untt -paimxiic and
.'e' lifuvc -art cl js. 1 a iaam! have been permanently
ciii-u i iiieir u-v.
giiai:ffsbkri; coxst atTivK's tAi.M.
Soycreisn in all Rronchlal and Pel n uiarv Pi-e.i-es
It is, lu'Vi-nd all or.e-.ti. n. tr'.e thut Ci-n-umptioti is e
eural 1- di-e:!-e. a id the Co:i-".impiive's !!.:l:n is the le-st
curative ever u-ed.
;i:a;:!'knui:ri; health b tteii.
These p, Titers an- fkili'ully and rl.'srantly prepared
men a ii iui s-r oi j iraimir Healthy r- ts. inrRs
nrrns ami vires. .:i invaiiKi.i; tunc and hcr.l'.n re
i;i-.AEFr.Kri; m vm ai. or HKVLTn.
A h.inilsiii'.ivly pr.i.teil volume of oaics, rnutain-
in concise aud extrrici Iv 1 1 tin descriptions of all
manner of d:se;ui-s. tar'.r symptoms and treatment
every lannivi-aoLt-i nave one. rn -e oi lr n e-eiits.
It w.ll ! s. nt. ii-t ;aid. to any post office in Califor-
n-.a or urer-ou. on t::e receipt ot 2 cents by mail orex-
Ad lre-s He.lin.L'ton ,v Co., S in Fnn ia-o.
lhe t.r.u fenlieru Mediciui-s are fi r sale by all pni:
sits aio! Aiiothec.irn-s throu juont the rotintry.
tSene-ra! Acrnts for Califoroio and ilrejron
Whidc-tab- liroirtri-ts.
Xo. 101 Clar street.
Saint A Davis A i nt- , Portland.
Saa r rancisco, Dec. 12, 1 v7. fimll
L. P. Fisher's
lit E'tTISlNO A-rener. San Krm.-i'.i ITU
-X Js!iinj;t on tlelt, up tairs, nearly npnosite to
.tj.tuioi e ? iuera nonse.
L. P. FISH Kit is the authorized' Ajrcnt of the
Ouuios Statksman;
Marysvillc Herald;
Sacramento Utiiun:
San Joa.piin Republican. St n kton;
Pacilic Methodist, St orkton;
S oiiora Heiuld:
Nevad i Journal:
Or iss Valley Tclefri-aph; . '
l.'e.l Itlnff Beacon: ' - -
I't-birnbia li.tzette: 7-
M -cmlaiii Dem ocrat.Pl.i'-erville;
Tii'dunioe Courier;
Cn Ivarcz Clu-oiiicle. M okcliiinuc !iil!;
F.l D Democrat;
Shj ta Courier:
Mariposa i iazetle - .
Yreka Weekly Union:
Trinity Jivirnnl. Weave'rvillo;
Iowa Hill News:
Weekly Ledcer. -lackson;
San Jose Telegraph;
So:mma County Journal;
Folsom li-p:iicb;
California Mining Journul;
I .os Anireles Star;
Santa Rarhnra O izettc;
S.i'i Diesn Herald:
Almeda Cjunty Oazetfe;
Pla -er Courier. Yankee Jim's,
Napa County Reporter:
Sierra Deimii-rat. D.iwuicville;
Humboldt Times;
Union;, Portia ml. O. T.
Pi -ilic Cliristin Advocate, SuIi-m.O. T.
Jaeksonrille Herald. Jacksonville. O. T.
Pioneer and Democrat. Olympia. W. T.
Washincton Republihan, SStcihicooin, W. T.
Poynesian, Honoliilo. S. !.;
Pacify Couimereiiil Advertiser. Ilonoliiln S. I.
Mexican Kxtraordinary,City of Mexico;
Ilouokon Rei--ter.
I, h . has now rompletcd Ins arrangements for
the rorwardin-i of ndvei ;i ni. to all the prim-iiinl
larret circiilatinir Journals r.nd Newspapers published
1 me Abiitiieu: i-iiilci,
A line opportunity is here oiTcred to those whowih
to iidvertise in any part of the Union, of doine so ut
the lowest rates, and in a prompt and satisfactory man
AiifTiist S.
Doot and Shoe Store.
TPiEDICIUCK W I C K M O " woud animnn. n
JL to the citizens of S.ilc.11, and the surround- fSj
1:1? country, lual lie have taken a store on the afcj
cast side of Commercial street, north nl'tlin u,t,.ni. a
where he will keep coo-tantlv on hand a full ussoH.
nieni 01 every Kind ol ooots nnd shoes, both custom and
sale work, which he will sell at the lowest lirinjr pri
ces. Heine a practical workman, nil orders Tor the
manufacture or repair of work will be eomnlie.l with
and tho work done in a sulvtantial and workmanlike
manner, e.ive me a call anil examine m v stock.
S.nlcm, March 12. 1S."7. Lltf
Ilakerr Confectionery.
fTMlE undersijrned would announce to the public that
-I- they hace established themselves In the l.-.i k illir nnil
1 Commercial stree t. I
!one. A thoroii"h I
. . ... . . I
vimiei-iioiiery ousiness ai miiem, on 1.1
second door" norlh of the Union Hon
experience at the baking business they trust will enable
them to jtive satisfaction to thcircustomers. All orders
promptly nueu.
Groe-erics aud Fruits, will also he kept constantly on
a"l- , McGlXX A UYRXE.
April 9. Ps.7. f,tf
Storage! storage!
Tft re prepared to store all kinds of farmers pro-
V duee, on the most liberal terms. Also to attend
to all kinds of commission and shipping business. Our
wurenoiisc is situated immediately on the bank of the
river, at the steamboat landing. And in shipping or
receiving goods or Produce, unattended with -
ir.Ai.M HIMiL'E.
Albany, bept. 10, 1857. 27m6
rpHEKMOMETER CHURXS, jnst received and for
- eaie at iacp j w . U. UK1SWOLDS & CO'
a it
N -
N. II. Granor,
Albany. O.T. Feb., 18AS. 4Stf
TAS. W. Mc A. FF.K, M. I.. Phrsldnn and Surjreon.
OMii e over Star, llarnaid A Co.'s Store. Front St..
Monroe, IJcnton Co., O. T. 3mI7
I)r. S. It. Uuckles,
Salem, November 9, 1357. 3.'
William C. tirisTolI & Co.,
w. v. OltlSWOI.ll.
iiledical Notice.
rrHE B:thscri!er, would inform the inliiibitants that be
JL Is at lus old stand, ready to attend to all calls in
his profession ; also he has on hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
a.orted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose
oi on reasonable terms. W. WARREN.
Salem le. ember J, IsSfi. ' :(stf
Mriiicul Notice.
DR. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, CilifSriiia,
oilers bis professional services to the citizen! lo
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a aharsfo
pumic tavor. .
mr oniceai i:ccu ana reiiows Urup store.
lly R. W. SHAW.
S. Kllworth,
US. rtiipreme and other Courts. Office Eujrcne
. Citv, jue Countv. Oretnm Territnrc Also
Commissi, iiie-rof Deeds lor New York, Connecfnut. Jtc.
August 3U. fjftf t
A. J. Thavcr,
t ttoun'ey Avnroi'vsrM.i.nn at i.w. rm.-
X. i-i Corvallts. Ilenton Co.. U. T., orposilet.) the
Citv Hotel in said town. v H-nf
W. W. Page.
4 Ti
. lem. O. T
Axn corxsEi.i.oit
AT I. AW. Sa-
I V lem. O. T., 0:ne, lirst dwr south of the States-
man tlttice. up stairs.
Fnrrar k Siont,
l. ''hanccry and Admiralty.
ay Ofli -e on Front ttreet, one d:ior north of the
Portland. O. T.. July ?, is.'7. 2'tf
I. X. Smith.
I. S
Solicitors in Chancery, Corvallis O.
I. x. SMITH.
M. W. Hitehrl!,
IV. Rene City, lame County, O. T.
L. COOMBS. M. D.. Sunrron.
Corvallis, Oregon.
eptcinhi r 21. l".fi.
San Franeisrti Ailvprtisin: A:rury
rP. FISHFR, Iron bi.iMin;. opposite Pacific Express
J lllti-e. upstairs. Files of all the principal Papers of
California and Orcein may be found at this ollice.
Fi.-her is the auth rirxd Airent fur the Statesman
fhrstrr Ji. Ttrry,
of Deeds, and to tike testimony, ae-
knowh-il-rnents. Ac.. Ac. for Iowa. Indiaua. Missouri.
Michigan. California and Wa-diinsrton Territory) Let
ters of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing,
drawn on short nAtice.
w. Particular attention paid to takins deoositions.
colleetions of Notes, Accounts, Ac, iitl
Boise t MrEwan,
V lic'tors in Chancery. 1'nKtors. Ac. iu Admiralty.
Portland. Oreeon.
ll inlin! & Crorer,
i Solicitors iu Chancery. Office near the Court-house.
Salem. O.T.
Gro. li. Shfil,
Solicitor in Chancery, will pra-tiee in the various
oin ts i.f Ori'soii and Wahinuton Territories. Ullice.
Salem. O. T.
Dclaz'3ii Smilh,
S In-itcr ia Chancery, will promptly attend to al!
iiisiness ienair.:iis to li is protcssien pi the nr-t Judicial
Distrit t. and before the S ipreie Court of Or.'s-ia.-
Olh'. e. Allwnr, Linn County. O. T.
X. H. When not at his eiuice. or a"sent on nnfe-
-lional business, he msy be found at bis residence, live
miles s.Mit'i-enst of Albany, on what is known as the
tra?iit I'raine. '
W. S. Brork,
SoIicjt in Chancery, will practice io Wie vari-s s
traits in this Territory, and promptly attend to the rti'-
" -- oil Hatwi w aMut tire- 1 .-HrH eHjst-.. tins-Tch
an eili -ient aent re-idinj st Wa-ninirton City. OHiie
in Eucenc Citv. Lane County. O. T.
it. 11. Stratton,
VTTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in the rarions
courts ,.f southern Oreson. and in the Supreme
("o'.irt of the Territory.
Oi'i iCR in Scettsbnreh. Umpipia rouiifv, O. T.
X. B. R iinty Land Warrants obtained ior c'aiiMiuts
n reasonable terms. 2:'tf
j. v. bahmh. j. . WH.M1X-
Jlarmim & IVilsnn.
lem. Orexoo. Particular attention is eiven t th.-
co lection of m-tes and accounts, and cairns a-' iinst
I! unity Laud Warrants lioneht and sold.
r Oilb e over Siarkey's Stre. 4'5
It. P. Jtonlinut
tice at the Court House, Salem, O. T.
.1. ti. Cole, M. li.
Poitland. Oregon.
A. B. Ilallork.
rns. plans, specifications, Ac. furnished on
reasonable terms.
Campbell & Pratt.
TTORXEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. California.
J I trice, corner Montgomery and Sacrcmento streets.
over i-iirroie j: e os. isnilK.
Me-srs. Camp's-ll A Pratt have lately removed from
Orecon. and will lie p!eaed to attend to all business
eutrusted to their rare. - Sltf
Ai.KXAxtiKii Campbell. o. C. Pratt.
S. Ilmiiiltoii, J. D
IJHYSICIAX AXD SUROEOX. would respertfullv
annoc.n r t i the irood people of I) and the
joi lin-r counties, that he has located permanently at
Icer I reek for the purpose of m-ncticitirr medicine, nnd
in which profession he will be faithful to iiisch,ir.-e nil
duties, and spare uo pains to render the patient easy
snd comfortable.
Office opposite R. II. Dearborn .t Cn.'s sb.m nn
Main st net.
Dinjtsaud Patent Medicines for sale at out coA nri-
It!acksnitlis and others, Look.
t ULAN' JlcKIN'LAVA CO. have now on hand a
Jl V larpeaii.l well selected stock of
Par Iron. sti-el.
Horse shoe do., German do.,
Nail n. do.. Plough do.,
Plate do..
And intend to k.-ep up the assortment so as to milt tin.
wants of customers. Give us a call, and you will fled
that we not only h ive the fullest stock, "but wiil sell
as cheap us the cheapest."' We arc constantly reoiv
in.2; additions to our assortment, so as to replace what
l.-l .--w)i.
Oregon City, Den. 23, 1SSC
li luii lis.
DKF.PS, m irt-ra-res, powers or attorney Tor sale or
scrip, tax receipts, linal nrools. and i,tiricniim
a new lot just printed and fur biiI ut 11... s;i.,iu......
oni.e. """"
July 27. 1 "557. ontf
TF YOU WAXT a really Rood artu-le of COFFEE, the
" ndorsic'ned have pot l.'i.ouo pounds best " COSTA
.. vuiire di unu 100K lie li.
Ore.ion City, Dec. fi, lSjfi.
Look Here!
V .?rcj.I,sT rwe'v'I s.' of pronnd alum
' ilt, which we arcsellnifr at $.l.nn per hundred.
liiie-i i-i . ..i
ITTAXTED iu exchangerur cash or merchandise, 100
bushels of gi mil aiioles. Inlm ,bli e)oil Kv I.a
10th of August highest price paid. G. E. COLE.
TS hereby piven, that C. S. Woodworth ia authorized
x to transact my pens mal business during my absence
iv . c. liKlSWOLU
Salem. June 17, 1ST. 15tf
Orleans Wareliouse.
OULE.XS Ware House, opposite Corvallis, for rent
MACKEREL and codlish, at
(Pitt) V. K. SMITH & Ca's.
CAROLINA rice, and syrup to sweeten it in 5 gallon
w mt",l lll iv. iv, ejurii & Co s.
TV. riiiU.l- tt 4-
lie UltyBOOK-StOrei
(FU0ST ST., I'ORTLASn, O. T.,)
A. R. SHIPLEY & Co.,
ave b -tore, and will be receiving by the 1st of June
523 21 9 2&
AVhich they oiler to the
At sin.i'.l advances c:i New York prices.
re us a call, or send hs an order, and
tcrniii to give yon satisfaction!
A. R. SIiiilcf & Co.
Are the So-
Aursts in Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories for the sale of
ins the only political hL-tory
of the Uuited States.
Send us your names. Price tl 00: Paya.jlson de
livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st of September
to all wlw send us their names by 1st of liny.
Catalogue of Tart of out Stork :
Rhadkrs Saudcrs' old 1st, 2d, 3d. 4th, and 5th,
tud The Yotin-' Ladies ; Sanders Xew I -t, 2d, 3d,
4th and 5th: Parkers' 1st, 2d. 3d, 4ih and 6th; Mc
UuiTcr s lt. 2 1. 3d. tta and 5th.
Si-KLLEits Sander Old. Sanders -New: fcicmca-
PltniK'ts. Sand-rs Pictorial, School and Parkers.
liRiMiitArilies. Mitchells, Ancient and .Modern, o
ici-s. Mores. Me.a::ey s, ana .uoiucuiis a:iu
j.i nook.
M atiikmatics. Anthmetics 1 ooms.m s. la
Mental. Anal-sis. li-;tctical. and Hijrher: i;iTies' lri-
narv. Intellectual. -hool and I niversitv; :mith
Oolburn's Rav's Stoddard s; Davics Alwbr.i. r-ur
veying, tie cm-try. Practical Mathematics. Jl ith. Die
tiouary. Liiic ot Mathematics, Analytical e.mietry
and Philosophy of Matheinnttcj.
Oramruars. tTrcen s Clarke s Bullion s Smith
irkain's .Silencer's Tower's.
1'iliLosoriiiKS Parker s !--t Lcsi-;'jn, Juvenile and
School. Comsto.-k s r.i:lu s.
HtsToltiKS. Wilsons Juvenile, and united States:
Parley's Univers::!: Willard's L':iivcrsal, and United
LAXiii'AOiy coopers irn: Andrew s Latin Jtea-
let: Viri lioma;: Andrew's Initio lirainrnar: McCiiii-
lock's 1st and 2d ltok m Latin, and do. iu Greek; An-
hoii's Greek tlraniin ir and Reader: Johnson Cicero.
Fassinelle's French Grammar and Reader; Woodimrv'n
'icnnaii tiraminar and lteailer, le:cina ue. rcek le
arneiit; trench, seil-tauprht; surreime s t reuch !i
ei inarv: -Andrew s 1-tini Uo. l.iaocl! ,v boott s Greek
o. Anthon s Classical do, .--mith 1 do.
D:'tiiixai:!1.s. W eliste r s School. lliKli d , Aca
lemic, L'aivcnittr, lloysl 8vn, Unahridcd and Cobhf
i'oi ket.
Miscki.LaXjV.ii'S. ,aUison .s Astrouonic Tew:nat s
Rhetoric Wo id's 15 taur. Kami; s Elements of Crib
icism. I'arKei s auis in e. ommisitiein, farKer s rcer-
-isiis. Itrookdcid s Contio.sitin. McElli.irott's You-i
Analyzer, do. Analyticiil Munn.-.l. Parker's Word
Bulkier. Mavhew's 1 1 k Keeping. Wavland's Moral
-lOience. l'aicy s .N -tnriu lucoioay. iraKt Acrtcitl-
tare for Schools.'s lctelie. tual I'hii sophr.
M.than's do. il . Milton: VM!:;'i Poll ick; and fhomri-
im; (Edition for SchooN) Cutter's Anatomy and
I'hv-b.d'ie'y. American Debater. Xewma-i's Pi-iitir.-al
E-onomv. HitcliciH-k s Geoh.v. Oret variety of
leahcrs a'ld El-wmttm. All kinds of S iiool Stati
ry; Slates ol all si;:c-; Urawnii "i: sXs; I'r.iwi'ii
L'.iis'r; rer.oruieu Laru li iaru: in-i ! li-arei; i'encii
lud lii-ishes; u-fKrns Color.-: lub-uads, every su:e
nj style, Sr., Jf.. R.
jl lL t.l.l.A A WHS IiT.:vS.
HisTOKr- Bancroft's United States. Tolunies.
il.idivth's d , d , Tohnnes. Frost's Pictorial United
-lates. Tai lor s do. do, d . Botta s HL-t. Revolution.
cterson's d ). Wilsm's Uuited States. Willard's d-
Hl-t. Indian ars l uitcd Siutes. illard s Cnirer-al
istoi-v. iliiller's do do. Rotv k's Hist. Worid I or
vol. lines. Rcliin's Ancient History. Fair's d , d .
iluiitc s Lnylaiid. Maeaulay s do.. comiHetc. Dickens
Mnld's do. Limrard's do. lUbbons liune. Il'Au
lrue-s t:eI.-r:natlon. IS.lUi s SI. r.. . U -t:li. A'It-J
:-. ireiie. isi ano :o r-eries. rre-scT s . uni j. l,-ruers
Hist, of Re'.i.toiLS. Hi.-t. of Council of Trent. J o-e-
hns. All of Ahb-"tts Histories. Historical Cabinet
biecns ol Siiam. O icensof vs,-ot!:!iid. Help's Spa
notiest. Braces Httnirary. Kidder's Brazil. Ei
mk s lirazil. Parley's Universal. History of Cm
lis. Ancient E ---otians. IIaila:n s .Middle A
lisi-irv ior n e . i, inner s liiiius l uiscu rrt.iles.
os-MS - r .eld B s;s of Revd-.ition.
Rio ::: .!:! f. Piuturch s Lives. life ".rant. "V
rfii! I CEi icters. (J-v it and t. eJe-ra'.cd t liara t rs.
ives l the i .-:ers. Ant ibiorraphy el fiuk v. I. a
nartiue s .e!ebra:cd iianrters. l.i:e;t Aila-u Clarke.
I i ltishop H-ddin. d Xie'juhr. 1 lien. Harrison
l Daniel IS ume. d Roberts, do l'r.ycttc t
lin: i f II cnau Reimoli.- and Old w. rid.
lers. 4 v is. Lives of HuiuVddts. Mrs. Rcr-rs.
if mail. r !ec. I letenrr. Life and Times of t lav:
rvin,' s t a limit oi. Eminent -Meehaui. Lives of
.'iiiel Justices. -I isephine. Napoleon. Charies Larn'o.
'.icksriii. vo-n. Green. Joan of Arc. Lady Ja;? ' Iier
I. O. Aoc.cis. Jubeuue. lamcl eisti-r; Km--s et
tonic, kiu-rs ,in! :ieens. l.iebmta. Lives vf the
e. I'le-cot; s l',,:h;i id. M irv ai: J Martha Wash'
1'in. ri-iiH-er .enen ot t::e le est.
litvviTi.s. mucks e iiiiiii. -raui:iia:is. r-tepiien s
.-.trypt. uas travels. Mango I'aik. .i!t Notes,
iivc:'.t::rcs on Musc.uito Mi-w. Ik yard t.,vf.r s Truv
-Is. luirbiu s in' in the East.
ScitxTii'K'. ItraiideVEiivrlopedi. Physical (Toy-
rapny i I t::e v. -el s -X .1 1 oral 1 -I. -ry. Ijruacra
inclines, i s,-i,;i .ui--. t.sra-s. n .tntaiatical I
tionary. Loliic ef 3latliematics. VI onders of Science,
Iitcheil s 1'i.uielarv and Stellar orlds. Loomis' ICe-
ent Pr-'sress of Aitronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Vrts and S .deuce. Eubank s Hydraulics. Dick's works.
di-ious work on Architecture.
Poirrnv itvron various styles. : Sh:ikesptare. d
ililtou. do. Horns, do. Hemans,' d . M-K.-re, d
fhonmsoii. 1 ount;. I nIIock. lunixr. Cowper. I'
amiiliell. adsivorth. IIm.iu. .Mont "oniery. Kirk
"A lute. I e:nalc Peels of Lnghiad. do. do. America
and many others.
lidoks of i;.:t-EKr.scE Lveiopeuia ot t.cocmnliv
lo. do. Fine Arts. di. do. Bioirrarihv. Useful Arts,
'4eColloe.h"is Gazetteer. Harper's l- nivtrsal Uazettoer.
FnriT sd AoKici'LTi-KAi- Elliot's Fruit Bviok.
f hoiiias do. Downing s do. Barry s do. Fesseuden's
r'armer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable
ardeiter s Onupauion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee
j.o Str.iwLciry. tin 1st s bn.ue. Anieniaii t arm Book.
Ml jn's Domestic Animals. All of i-axton s Hand Books.
Voikson Horse, Cattle, 6he-ep. Hoes. Ac
THKiM.otiicAL K'IoiiHS. Harntoiiv and Expos!
ion ol Itosncls. Aennatrs Lite ot Clint. liotlers
Vorks. Kuapji's Christian Theology. Western Mcth-
idism. Jl rr:s Miscellauit-s. Lectures on Rjmanism
ilra-ul of Iljniinic Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Barne-s"
.Notes. Clarke s Coniinentary. Ii'ii:ii s do. Jav:
r.xercises. v atson s Institutes. I.arrahee s Evii.esces.
iJ.itier s Discourses. Rogers Eclipse of Earth
1 1. Reason and Faith. Fosters Chri-L.
Baker on Discipline. Writings of Armir.ii.s. Jaha
Biblical Arelueoloev. Diblcs. a!l sizes and price, from
fl n $20. Te'stameuts, ereat variety. Methodist
llvuins. Christian Hvmn Tl'siks. Church lVihnist.
Plvmout.i Collection. Sclei't Melodies. Christian
Mkiucal Ruclian s Family Putsician. Hcdro-
pathic do. Hom-rpithic i oriis.
MiscfiLLAVEiir? Constitutions of United States
.'laynew s ,1'opuiar i-.oncation. Lrii'.oies synonyms.
Piatt s Rook of Curiosities. Odd bellows Manual
lleadlev s Works. 14 vols, Mrs. Tiithill s, 8 veils. Lay
ird's Nineveh. Uiirelow's Useful Arts. Hsswell's !--
Jiueei's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of I
tvnowictie. rarioiauison. ceruvisn Antiomties I
way iiown r.nsi. i-ynsnnn. iKe iarvei s orks I
aiiiierson s im'R acu ionicciioucr. counirv iiamoles I
in England. Tales aud Reveries, an excellent Tennier-
tnce Hook. Money Maker. Escaped N'nn. Xcws
Hoy. Dick. Wilson. "Mrs. Hale's Xew Cook Book. Mil
ler s Old Ited Sandstone, do. footprints of Creator.
1 oung Ladies Counsellor. 1 enng Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu
tional Text Hook. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri
can llousewite. Halt Hours with Old Humphrey.
Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's
Kedwood. do. Nrw Lug. Tale. Untie Sam s Farm
renre. Arthur s Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs.
I'urtinfiton. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mts. Car-
lens orks. Heroines of History. Land and Sea.
uce-K ami 1 rt. t,e:i and Sailor.' Ship and Shore.
Naval Lire. Star Fapcrs. Musomc Chart. In-in's.
Columbus. Lem s Look Ahead. City of Xew York.
living traiors 01 America, loimg Man Advised. Mit
sions in Tonga and Fegce. Truth Stranger Than Fie
tion. Kr.toit and the Kussians. Hydraiathic Coeik
U-Hik. Ilea tit IK-d Scenes, tint Hook tor ioung Jlen
do. 'do. ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. H
Fisitpripts of 1 unions men. Charlotte Elizabeth
Work's. Adi'ice to Young Ien. Peasant boy philoso-'
pher. Abbot! s Marco l am UooKs. jo r rane-onia.
And . nuinher of others too numerous to er. inierate.
Constantly receiving b.rge additions to the foregoing.
Statioskkv. Fool.scap Paier great variety. Let
ter Jo, do, plain and gilt. Xote do, do, do, do. Envel
opes nil styles. Inks all kinds. Fens and Holders
great variety, lihiiik Hooks all sizes anil styles
Memorandums, Diaries. Fasa Books. Time Hooks.
Paper Cutters. Do Folders, Shipping Pereipt ISooks
Lithographic f Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa
per goenl variety. Wafers, Scaling ax, Ac. Ac'
Finally, we have a good variety of
Mrsic Hooks Xew Cormina Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Hook. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Mclodiaiii Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc
tors. Guitar do. Flute do, Accordon do. Violin do
Melodcon do, Plymouth Collectior-rwit!i Music, Sheet
And the most varied assortment of Stationery ever
flered in Oregon.
er This stock is all bought in New York and other
Eastern cities and is sold at
jW We keep on hand School Books in large qnan
ties, together with most of the publications of
Harper A Brothers;
Derby A Jackson:
Ivison A Phiiiny: -Phillips
A Samson; , ',
A. S. Barnes & Co.; -
Miller, Orton & Mulligan: -
Putnam ;
'Appleton: and others. .
We ask your patronage. If unabf to visit ns
aid examine our stock, your order will be attended to
on the same terms as if you bought in person.
Portland. March 20.1857 . 2tf
"All of the above works may be had Wv Kenyon &
Co.'s City Book Store, Salem.' w ' 1
I Attention Farmers!
Thrtthen, Reapers, and Sowers.
XT7"E have now on the way from the Fntem States
VV to arrive .bout the latter part of A,.ril exi ;
I ,,,.:,. I. r thi above niPMlmticxI 'fi .
superior lot of the above mentioned machines. They
combine all or the latest improvements, and we have
no hesitation in sayin? that we believe them to be the
ni-ist perfect machines we ever brought to this coast.
Thee were constructed unU-rour own supervision, liav
ini? ill the alterations necessary to render them suita
ble for the country.
The Threshers consist of, four and six horse pow
ers, (railway and kweep) with elevators and every es
sential convenience known to the machine.
Our Reapers and Mowers are combined machines
suitable for either mowing or rearmitr, they work from
two to four horses ; with anil without rakes, or, in other
words, one is a self-raker.
Ill addition tithe above, we have to arrive t the
same time, the loll'iwiiijr asrri' ii'tunil implements, viz :
Peoria plows, X n 1! i.-t m Clippcrplows.exten-ioncuiti-vators,
grape vine, crraiu cradles, scythes, snaths, straw
cutters, hay pree-es. bay fork nnd rakes, horse rakes,
wheel barrows, cider mills, shovels, spades. Ac.
Itark mills antl Tanners tmds. Also, a select assort
ment of Smiths' ami carpenter tools, with many other
article's not here mentioned.
We would say to our customers and the public jrene
rally .if thev are in want of any of the a ove mentioned
articles, thev will do well to call and !ee ours before
purchasing el-ewhere, as we are determined to m-II low
for rush. We w.iuld cl -o add that our machines are
rapidly sold to arrive; better cull and secure one of
them. "before too late. If prefcrred.machines delivered in
Portland if eagapred before arrival.
Oregon Citv, opposite Laud Office.
January 2 ,, l?.-)8. ' 3ml7
Paiu!s, Oils, Window Glass, Etc.
"I XTE would call the attention of Deaie-rj to our large
ana wen M. icc-ieu stocu ot
iriXDO(l'-Gf.ASS,m BRCSIIES, UlAjE, r.ic.
loNfs; in rait, ot
WHITE l.KAD Jewett s, Atlantic. Fi.-rest River and
Enh-h pnre; pronod ia o:i, ia k"s and tins;
As-Girted brands. do. do. do.:
LINSEED llll Roiled and Raw. in bbls and cases;
XEATSFOOT OIL !:i cases and bbls:
ALCOHOL I t ea-es and b!;!s, i',k.;'
T V R I 'E. T I X E I a ca. ( -:
WIXIrmV-OLASSVht b' ses.assortelsiws.Ecd Rood
o-'V" v, i: and -.:isr:e. thick; a!.--o Plate ilia-
V KS'iSIl E:c;il-!i au'l Ae-erican. enaeh A furniture;
liitL'-sjf es A larse as.-.irti!H-iit of every kind, of the
best m-jnitiact'irt-rs; j
GOLD LKAF Extra and d-i:1 1c deep, manufactured
exnre--!v to our own order for Ibis Market:
SILVER LE Y AXD PllOXZ!: of the be-t.o,iiaIity:
CrJ1.0l?S Tuneiiie's. Len-ts'. Ac- dry ground iu oil
nnd p;:.-ked ia a--s.-n-ted c ies;
Sl.t'E Ea -tc-rn and California make, in bulk:
VERMILION Trit-ssc. Chine.-e. Ainericsa, Enrfih:
ARTISTS MATERIALS A we.'i selected assortment,
Ai-o ( balk. Whiting. Putty, Ac. Ac, A c
We have sNo. coutant!v on bai CAMPHEXE.
f. r'.h fh?:'.'i. in tins.
Bt'RNIXt OILS- and l.'.eaeLcd. Sperm. Lard,
I' China, pure in barrels and ea-es;
RI'RNIXO FLUID Fre-h a:;d perfectly pure;
MACiHNE Oil Excellent qualify in hVs and I Vols.
5"5, Fivttt .St., San franriro. Cafe;. Sati'2
IvriecIiIjaiimVs H'uisga! iait
);i the pet rti a. lieat.ty nnd I'rescrvnt1 n of the
H:,ir. Thi pre-oaratiou rernyes nil her bi:e-s :ir;d
ilryi es ef the iiair. I-y ex.-itiri t tiie s'-alji l-i a remand
bealiLy action, and b,in-ps it ir"n ciirr and dandruff:
prevprts tbe hnir fr -in f.:tl'.:: ell aud ire":iujT irray.
h-:', the mit remarkal le result which it will effect, is
if rc;7i prvri-jrf a na" cr;,o of h-zir on an ruriVey biia
tcul. M t;y yontig persons sometimes find the too early
appearance of pny hair-, tu:s preparation wiil si p
this result. M-tiiers who wL-h their ch:!i! -i to hare
line heads of effect this ly the ox- of this
T-iiiic: esjs-.;: illy on their daughters i: the hair isli-!;t.
I kii- Ti- few persons IxLeve the hair can !,- restored on
a ball Itesd. but. if my directions are f' Uowed I will
warrirt a cure or rei'mul t-e m"nev. P is put uo in
two entire hot:!-s and for sale bv wholesale and retail
with flirevlto::s at one d.-IIar per bottic: it en be sent
nail to any part of the United St ites. Gentlemen
-e nd rn y mr orders, i-tating the e-a'use and duration ejf
the lul Ice-s nnd I wili con? von- To insure a
hurire varies from Twenty-lire t-. Eiity dollars, accord
US to the nature of tLe ease.
Prepared only by in.:. J. ;. KRIECHPAUM.
Cvrcalh. O. T.
Coiyallis. Feb.. lso. S-'ltf
MoSfat's Life Pills
A X D P II E X I X R I T T E V. S.
'J','!,: '. t !.i-:'y fie."
JL the cure .f s-eroitila.
i-e n-m lr.ire t:c nul
. f
Ulcers. S i
r s
oi i i -.;si:i. uti-aa A irue. !. -; ;i -.a. i'r o-r
fat niwst all di-e:ees soe rt lie-eit J their cur
It l a - .-cirip ite,! that dun::? ;l:f lA.-t twenty-5y.
years i::t;;cii- nf 1-,'ur M iiiions '.r i-crsf;2S l eer
:eritted t.y the n-e of these a i'-.ct wLIcl
j)eaks y bune'-i ia f.iv-.r of tneir c::r:i;ice pr-i.'ertit-s 2
lu'e tiial wiii 1 1. 1 e t::em bt-y.iiid the rcicn cf i-i
oetition in the a-tii; of everv i:;ii:i-i!t. Pc their u-
tite I I od i ret reil 1.1 a licaUoi? t.S:it iiecd in i::
al: miiurit:e. j'le system is 1:..: re;i;i t-il dm 1,1c tiieir
ici-.:tu.-t. i.c;t i.'.Ti.trtited . a:;d iuer re-i:ire iio re-
r-:irt Ir-ra l--j-;ie.-s ,,r
TI;e iririi; Te-i b.iv ia tiiese ineclicioes a reiie iv tbst
w 1 d 1 f r Uiern ail tb tt irit-Ji. rie cii 11 s1:,i--, eitect.
l rffpared bv W. it. Xew Vi:k.
And sriie i y .lniiX FLEMING. at the Or-eoa
t ttv Po-ttiili.-e IKiKKnsr-
Orecoii t itv. Mar.-h. 1 i"i. Iv52
l-i e w Goods
it New Prices.
K. SMITH A Co. would inf..rm thc-ir patrons,
ai.dtiie p il-hc g 'iieraliv. that they have j :si
received a lane lolditi -a t tiieir t"ck of j-.k--s. which
they will exchange for pr diice. or ca.h. the must
fav Table terms. They have srnr c irpb te asort
utent '-f diy coeds. Td..u ti.ev will sell
C'if tv- a;jj oiJier store to Sulrnu
Their stock of boots" and shoes is t-rssl to a ry to i e
font,,) in Salem, consisting of inea's aud lei's course
and Sue In- ts. men's
!:d boy's ?lr.
s- ' -A bci'ts.
siffs, and -rppers.chil.iren and infants idn-es -:ncn's
dies, and misses rubber overshoes. and ia short, arr-
tuiug in the (: i and sir line can lie desired. -
Their stock of groceries i also full, consisting of
coace. green and uiack teas, crushed and brown sugar.
ymp, sale ratus ui bu:k. cream f t.utir. sa It. scan" to-
oacco, sago, starch, tapioca, nmcarom. raisins, r.rd
sweet oil. all of which will be sold cheari for cash or
.uiitry prodTice.
Purvhasfrs will do well to call and examine our stoi-V
'X'fore pi:rehaiug elsewhere, as e. e are detormiued to
give o ir cust imcrs satisfaction in the quality and jiri-
es of our gooeis. " 42tf
t t ivrp rrrnrR r.f r;msvir ivvm si.efrri-
II v,, a-.- i-,- xr- u,itre nr i-,-;ti,. r.-.,f
s-m Pr-.tir-i
X. 15. Orders from the country promptly attended
tiand warranted as ordered.
A larire assortment of second iiainl Doors and Shut
ters constantly on hand, for salent rerttlvtp rate. ron"2
Wooden Ware, Brooms,. Baskets,
15 11 USIIES,
CiotStes Ijines, Jlatclies, &c.
In all their v.metres,
For sale at lowest, ar.d Wholesale prices, at the
Woatl nnd Willow Ware Establishment Of
" Sacramento St., be-Lw Front.
San I- ran., Feb., 1 S"s. 3m49
School 13
JEST received at the City Store, ia Oregon Citv,
J'irrrt from the Publishtrs;
SAX DEI! S Primers;
" Spellers, old and new series;
" lst.oj ,v ltd lleadersvold and new series:
" High School
" Y'oung ladies "
WILPOX'S Outlines of History;
'" V. S. Hisory.schooledition:
" L". S. " Ameri. educational series;
" Juvinile History-, school edition:
PAULEY'S Universal History;
COMSTOCK S Xataral History.-
And many other gooof icorks t-K nnincmr.s to mention
Dealers aud Teachers sre requested to give ns a call.
Oregon City, Feb.. l?oS. 4,r
Dicliiusoii Type Foundry.
PHELPS A DALTON". B.stan. IP. Fisher. Aent
San Francisco. Orders solicited fortvi le..'
rule, Ac. " " '
August Isvu. . oitf
LADIES' cloaks. lateststylo, for sale cheap at
l4-tf3 W. K.SMITH A Cos.
A FRESH assortment of all wool plaids at
fF-'tf W. K. SMITH A Cos.
WAN TED in exchange for merchandise or on ac
count 10,000 lbs. good butter, for which I will
pay the market price.
SALT, sal soda, and sassafras t
(2t0 W. K. S
BLASTING powder, and water proof caps, at
42tf W. K. SMITH A CoV.
$25,000 Worth
,rT'IHE subscribers would respe;tfnlly inform their ens
A. tomers aud the public general.'y'tbat they hare oii
baud, and are in con.-tant receipt of g-ioda from San
Francisco and Xew York a large and well-se-eeted
stock consisting in part of
Alum, allspice, an I alpacca.
lt innets, beraets, and bro. linen,
Cambric, cra-h, aud calico.
Domestic de iaines, and damask.
Fiiginij. embroidery and everything,
M-iuuels, frin-rcs, aud fancy llxin's,
Gmchams, srsiters and gloves,
11 tudkerchiefs. hose and hair-pins,
iron, ink. and iutertiufrs.
Jaconi t.jeacs, and Java coree.
Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-pins
Lawns, lard arid Liverpool salt.
Mustard, mirrors, and m,.t.-h.
Needles, nails, and nic things!
Oils, overshirts, and O il-jng tea
I'iiis, pants, aud paper, '
(.Milts, iiuill-s, and queenswir,.
RJotions. razors, and rat-traps,
Silks, sugar, and shaving soan.
Tea. tobacco, and turpentine
Umbrellas, undcr-sleevesj. and useful thin"
e:ts. varnish, and vinegar, 0 '
Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-irons,
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions,
.:.ic, and ztphj-r w or-tcd,
Ac, Ac., and so on,
Bc,idcs many other articles t, numerons to menUon
tllll !' " T re."f"ring at reduced prices, adopt
ln hc, P ?" of:; "''k nd srn-ill profits.'' P
I he Indies wul hud in their department a lar-e stock"
',r,f:t":'T. Srd-;,dire"t from Xtw Vorfc, which is not
W '-' rF'n' s:,d '-v 'rratigement will be U
constjet receipt cde.n.-ite to the wants of the ladies. .
linei 'e:,Veiae,i B Department of furnhiag (roods
w: I emialled.and excelled by none in Salem I
c ',' N-,TT ""'ns-lhsana iron dealers willalwavs.
hnd a weil-sclected sto-k of Ml and shapes, to
Ctther with a rood aortment of iron atie?. fro-r. 1-4 yj
in., to 2x11 inches, which we are selli at Portlanc
prices, adding freights.
We are prepared to receive,a!l kinds of prodnee ir
ejcelsange for goods, and also money. For fall partii-a
brscall and t.tamine firf vour?elye.
Salem. Feb. IO.IsjZ. 4&tf
Jsiferj- and Sale Stable
, ore nr;w set-ping a Livery ttabie in
Oregon City, wiiere Uokscsj can al
ways be obtained ou iiherri! terms.
We arc also prepared with excellent sta
bles. we:i fnppl'ed with liny and oats, to keep horses
by day or week. Tho-e who call upon us may feel as
sured tii..t every attention will L-e eiven to horses left'
in our charge. GIBSON & POTTER.
Augn.-t li, 1S5T. 22tf
Salem Tannery.
rrHEsubseriiicrs hare purchased tLe Tanner Saf
A b-ru. i.-rmeriy iicl.jnirin? to Eif-ha S rccg. All de
s-rptiins of leather wiil be kept con-tautiy 03 hand
n:;d thehyhe-tpjj-e, jn ca-U or leather, wiil at af
times l-c p.ii l fjr aide i and bark.
-ulern, Oct.
City lfott-i, Corvallis.
TXfOULD annoance to the citizens of CorraliiW, and
the t-aveliing publi" generally, that they have
thoroughly refitted this w.-Il known e-tablLshiceiit. and
sic e ..v prepared for the a-.- -inn; niatiyn of customers.
Ti:e r -oms Lave all bc-ea newly refortn'shed, the beds
clean and cotufortaUe. and thefr table will be furnish.
cd with t-ie best the m irket afford
Corvallis. .'.o;. 20, IS.) 7. 25vl
Allan, 3IcKinIay, Co.,
HAVE Jn-t rcccved a t-ej: of X"ew Goo.Js. anp
wonld invite sH thi.-e who wish to procure GOO-i
ariicie-s -it'aahie ptices. to cal! ar.d ,-.ce them. They
cm -i-t in part of the following:
C2s.nI nnd Wheel Barrows
Faccv Ur-joms,
Plain do
Jrain Cra Ucsi.
tirass Scythes aud Snaths.
Pr;:h do do
15 so Harrows, 23 teeth
Assorted ("oiorea Pails
Painted Tale--,
Zinc WashViurds,
Blacksmith's Beilows,
- rcsjs-ct:t Saws, 7 ft
do 6 ft
Mil" Siws. 7 ft
Hair Mattrassjs, douljle
do single.
Hair B dsters, doui.le,
do single,
Snerra Can-lies,
Ada:n.i-:tine do.,
(irar-t brand Tobacco,
Late do
. f-i-.eethis. fi ts, A-e.A-c
Garden Itukes,
do Hoes,
do S;;a-le.
Polished Sltuvels,
Hay Forks.
Man ire Forks
V iad w Glass S by 10
do I" by 13,
do 7 by
tVind-.-w Sashes S or lo
i! 1 . i c l
Ot T! .ws a!.I Y -it--.
IKaokt-ts. iii'ze. Li- 1 ers.
-S t UrllL
.3tvt:y-..a fc.-nl a hirce supply of GRO
.OTHiNG. HAP.DWAPE.and -inanv arti
this to tietit'oa.
Ores-. City. 2ltr
iev7 Store and Nevr Goods.
AS WasJ, 3;,enf jr rerrv. O. T.
LUiIilf y.iEsy.ll. IV.iler in elry gocrl-i, grocenesj,
cr-K-kery. bariw:ire. rti.xcice. ic. '
K tvi:i r nioj ei-1 t -.j .4 fc 1:1 ie of G. E. Geteb
!!. 1 -ccth.-r with the fremises ki.-ini as ttnhm.-.
Kerry, en t:?e Wiiian;ei river, and hsvin imilt
t-.reh-:i-e. an rec.h-Lti-n-ow
1 !&!.- to exchjn;,
n-ici t f
ed the st ;ck of c.xdsi n hand,
cr prcd.iee er ca.-h, an aort-
D' V CO IC.S. C- Il:
i-t'iitr of ch'ihin "r. cr:?sinieres. ,-atit-shh-tiapr.
r.i.& fane-jr (r--nds: hats and
i.-es. crit-er;es m vris-tv. -svith sr.i--.
e-n-.s. fmi.ii anil
rc:ts. rai.-ios. and ca
furriery. r j.-fce rr. t
-ii:es; 1,-tir.ts, oiis. medicines, per
mwsre. Loliow-wsre. storesi. hard
ware cut.ei r, aao niiiiy ether articles to meet the wants
o; Ciep-jL-Pc.
Le Ita si, movea and repaired Lis warehouse o
thrii he is a.w prepare.! to purefcase or take in stora-e.
eoimtry prceoee, winch be cao disckarre hv a slide to
steamer' eiecks. with c-.t lss ,r expense of dravae
And ht-inj fietenmced to con-tant!-.- keep on 'hand a
1:0:1a stippTy oi such jro-His ns the country trade may re-i--.;re.
lie bc-:eves he caa Ktaks. it a.i object for the ieo-
l in ii:s vicimtr t extend him their nirnn
feS. ti::: -rence roidein the price of i?' wbeth-s-!d
for cash or produce,
Oe-tolier 2, lso. sotf
Salem TtlarUet.
:!:srrllrfr rir..r,rli.f .ri-.f fh s: . in ef.l- :
. ..... - , , . ,1 .11.1. net. 111
the ceriter of the t .vrn.ts hanov to inform fie mh.
lie that he keeps constantly on hand a snnplr of ai! the
varieties of nie-ats. frv-sh and pickled. He'also has the
varioas kinus of ve.setaWes ia their season. Beef wiil
be sold as follows; F.-re c tarters. ; cents, per lb., hind
quarter U cents: and if too waat a niece. I shall
charge y-io a i it a pound.
A ,1 Kindsoi iarmer s 1 r.-id1 ice and eT-ain rsw-e?T).t in
ex-hance for meats. TIIUMAS CROSS.
Salem. July 7, Is-ii?. X7tf
C. B. fi.'iow.
DVI-ER ia cl.H-ss. watches ar.d jewelry. Pa
ieia. o. T. Partie-iitar attention naid to the
repairing of watches and cloe ks. Al! work wjr
raotel. Jewelry repaired st short notice.
11 it-cues ana ci'K's-, s ;:-,y fjntiae clocks t a
low price ; also 3-j hoi r msrir.e clocks.
Ladies and pents Brooches, Kineer Sincsar Kings
Gojj Buckles. Gnaro Chains. Ac, &c.
S liem, .Inly 0, i7. 17tf
Salt! Salt!!
Of- TONS "San Q.ientin" SALT, in aout 80 and
. V 1M lb. hairs, jiist res-eived a
nd for sale very chean
Oreprin Citv. Dec. 6. l-Kti
Allan &, Letvis,
room ia Orierns. a Erst nite stand for a
JrV produce dealer. The One ans ware-house and store
wiil 1
rented toreihtr if reHTj'.irtd.
JulvS. 1S5
Allan, 3IcJvinIay, &, Co.,
T Wholescile and Betail Dealers in Dry Goods, Grc-"
cenes, Hardware, Ac, Oi-en City, O.T
Pe'-2;1- j yl'
Tl"T reccjved and for sile at the City Book "store
l W ehster s !. nabridged Oaarto and High School Die--
E. L. URADLEY & Co. -4t;tf
Oregon City, Jan. loS.
K. llIe-HAKns!,
Saa 1'rartcisc-o.
PortJand 11 T
atvicnartisfc JlcCrafeen.
iU TS :'; Ioce.KrBit. portu Bacon. Lard,- -tended
ff - f - for 0re:riln trade Pmptlv at '
T, k WraI advanfs n-'e on eonsignmenb. --o
41 tvtcnimentji street, below Front. Saa Francisco
Jauuary 2i, lM,,. j,.
notice to Fruit Growers.
R. C. Geer.&Co.
FJAVE 120,000 Fruit Trees consisting of 12 000 Es'
A pus Snitzenbergs. 12.000 Yellow . T. Pin'nin 10
000 Winesapes. l'.'.Oiio White Pearraain. and a tine as
sortnient of Sumuier. Fall, and other Winter ,,.i..
pium.ano cnerr ire-es. irom; to 4 years old
which we will sell at the following prices for cash :
Cherry trees 50 to $1 00
r'u'n " 50 to 1 00-
Apple "' 9
Vcar " - - . - 25 to 75,
and a libeml discount made where a person bnvs a
thousand trees or over.
W e consider Xovemher the best month to transolant '
pSf - R-C.GEER A CO.
Fruit Farm, Marion Co., Sept. 2-J, 1S5T. 3dtf
School Itooka.
JT received, a complete assortment of Sanders'
School Books, together wirh . i.
son's Practical Arithmetics, aU of which will be sold
cheap, at the City Book Store.
E. L. BRADLET A Co. -Oregon
City, Jan, 1S58. 4titf