PIONEER EXCELSIOR A0HICULTUI1AL T70I1KO. THE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to announce to tht FARMERS and DEALERS IX AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT, of California and Oregon, that be bat now facilities for manufacturing and repairing Agri cultural Implements of every description, from the smallest to the greatest, of the beit and most improv ed kinds, and in the beet manner, baring hi shop ao enlarged ax to accommodate sixty workmen, and fur nished with steam power and all the necessary ma chinery of the LATEST and most APPROVED styles, and inferior to none now in use for the purpose above named. He is confident, that, with his past fifteen years' experience in California, be can provide the far mers with machines and implements much more suita ble to the wants of the country than any that can be imported, as the soil and products of the country are different from those at home, and require Machines in mr-t cases of a more substantial make, and in many instances very different. He designs manufacturing a number of combined Reapers and Mowers, particularly adapted to the use of this country, which will possess more combined strength, durability and lightness, than any other now in ass. His Cast Steel Deep Tiller Plow baa already attained a notoriety in this country far in advance of any before introduced. He will be able, with what other Plows are made within the State, to supply fully toe demand for these plows the coming season. He designs manufacturing Smith's Patent Gang Plow, ao favorably known in the Western States, and recently introduced here. Abo, Premium Fanning Hills, from Noa. 1 to 6. which have gives universal satisfaction. Also, the World's Fair Prize Batter Working Chorn, to which was awarded the First Premium at the Cali fornia State and Mechanics' Fair, 1357. Also, Har rows, Cultivators, Side-hill Subsoil and Left Hand Plows, and all other similar implements. HR WISHES to call the PARTICULAR ATTEN TlOjr of the Farmers to his facilities for repairing all kinds of agricultural implements, being such as to en able him to do every part within his own shop, being prepared to make castings both of iron and brass; there fore he will be able to do repairing in the shortest time and with much less trouble than has heretofore been the case. He wishes also to ANNOUNCE that he has now on the WATER, bnnnd for this PORT, on board the clipper ships WEBFOOT and MARY ROBINSON, forty of JOHN A. PITT'S celebrated THRESHERS and SEPERATORS, twenty each, 8 and 10 horse-powers, which are superior to any ever heretofore offered in this market, with cast steel Cylinder Shafts and Journal, which has not heretofore been the rase, and in many other respects in snch a way as to add much t to the steady operation and wear of the machines. Persons wishing any of the above machines, will do well to forward their orders early, as these are all that will be m the market, of thAtmake this season, and he has the exclusive right of sale for the machine in Califor nia. Oregon and Washington Territories. He will act as Pitt's agent in protecting the patent on said machine. All persons will please take notice that they will be held responsible for any infringement on said patent. He has also on the way a good assortment of Reapers; inonz which are BURR ALL'S. McCORMICK'S HUS SEVS and MANX'S. Also a fnll supply of extras for any and all of toe above Machines. Cycles. Sections, Castings of every description, etc. In addition, be has on hand a fell supply of Hay Presses, best style; Hay and Straw Cutters; Groin Cradlis. Grant's; XI Steel Plows; Cincinnati Eagle Steel Plows; Evans ft Adams Galena Plows; Revolving and Wire-Toothed Horse Rakes; Corn-She Hers; S-ythes and Snaths, best make; Hay and Barley Forks; Thermometer and Dash Churns: White's Self-Acting Cheese-Presses; Douglas' Pumps; Seed-Sowers and Grain-Drills; Cider and Wine-Presses; Circular Saw Tables; Gasmen Rakes and Spading Forks; Ask Short and Long-Handled Spades; Wagons, Drays and Carts; Hand-Carts; . Ax and Pick-Handles; Hunt's and Simmons' Handled Axes; Steel Crowbars: Old Colony Assorted Sails; Grindstones and fixtures; Baling Rope; Wheelbarrows; . - Plow-Beams and Handles. " In fact, a fall assortment of all Implements required by the farmer. He proposes to say that what he manufacture-1, as well as what be imports, he will sell on as reasonable t-rms as any ran sell similar articles. Ke is sore that he can and will offer such inducements as to make it to the interest of farmers and merchants. to buy of bnn instead of importing. He would, at the same time, tender bis thanks to the public fur their liberal patronage during the past season, which hat been entirely to hs satisfaction and much beyond his expectation at tie beginning of the season. . THOS. OGG SHAW, 23 Sacramento street. Manufactory Corner Davis and Sacramento streets, San Francisco, California. February, 135. 4m49 Cash for 7heat KEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. A T PARKERSV7LLE, O. 7. By Melntyre fc Boacker- THE subscribers having leased from Mr. Wra. Par ker, his flooring mill and store for term of years, where they intend carrying on miilingand merchandiz ing. The mill has gone through a thorough refitting, Vix : new suction fan. baiting clotb, smut machine, with as additional new pair of burs. Ae whole now complete and in running order, and axe sow prepared to do all kinds of custom work with dispatch, on toe hottest notice. The subscribers having just receiied from Ban Fran cisco, a large, and varied assortment of dry goods, gro ceries, hardware, crockery, boots and shoes, and die whole of which will be sold at a small advance above cost, we wosM invite farmers and others, to give as a call and examine for themselves. Yon will always And ns good aatnred. pleasant, and ready to show our goods and prices and sell if we can. 0 The highest cash price paid for aU kinds of country produce. "SKt Wa. Parker has closed out bis business in milling and merchandizing, and all persona having claims against the same are requested to present them, and their money is ready. And all persons indebted to him are requested to come and make a settlement and save costs. McINTYE ft BOUCHER. January 15, 158. 3m47 Yamhill llace Course. THE races will commence at the Yamhill Race Course on WEDNESDAY, June 14, 1868, and con tinue through the week. The proprietor, having leased the Yamhill race track, proposes to offer the following PURSES to be ran for, according to the rules of the Yamhill Jockey Club. Fikst Dat Mile Heats best two is three Proprie tor's Purse T $200. Secoxd Dat Two MEe Heats Proprietor's Purse of $500. Thiko Dat Mile Heats for Three Year Olds Pro prietor's Purse 2'J0. Focbtb Dat Mile Heats best three in five Pro prietor's Purse.. $100. Tex rat cent extbaxcb will be charged for the above purses. Three tntries or more to make a race, and two to start. R. TALBET, Proprietor. X. B. The proprietor has contracted for lumber to build a suitable stand for spectators, and he intends to make other extensive improvements for the accommo dation of visitors. For all persons having horses to train, the track will he ready on the first of April. Yamhill Co., Jan. 25, 1868. 4tf I Q. Washington, AG EXT for the prosecution of claims at Washing ton, D. C, before the Executive Departments, Con gress and the Coortof Claims. Will attend to the set tlement of accounts of Mar-bals, District Attorneys, and other Federal officers, and of contractors with the Postoffice and other Departments: also, to the procur ing of Patents for Land. Land Warrants, and other bu siness of a General Agency. Refer to Gen. Joseph Lane. Oregon Territory; Gov. Isaac I. Stevens. Washington Ter.; Hon. M. H. McAl lister, Hon. Ogden Hoffman and R. Ang. Thompson, of San Francisco, Cal.; Hon. James Guthrie. Louisville, Ky., and to the Officers genera lly of the Treasury and Interior Departments at Washington. Address . L. Q.WASHINGTON, ' lyS Washington D. C. Corrallis Drag Store. JR. CARDWELL. Druggist and Apothecary , is eon- sta.-itly receiving, per California steamers. Urge and carefully selected stocks of Drugs and Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnish, Soaps,' Perfumeries, Toilet Fur niture. Stationery, and all articles usnally kept in Drug Stores. Agent for Jaynes, and other patent medicines, which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices. jay Orders solicited. J. R. CARDWELL. Corrallis. Way 2, 1857. 12tf Watchmaking. TTTTLLIAM F. HIGH FIELD .Chronometer and v V Watch maker, Oregon City, to be found at bis old stand in front of the United Statee Hotel. late Main-street House, where be can be constantly found prepared to doanybusineaa in his line. Watches cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of watches and Jewelry for sale. March 5, 1857. Iy51 Notice. "tOBVALLIS Ware House, No. 1, we offer for rent. ISAAC MOORE, or WAYMAN St. CLAIR. In connection with the above we have a pork boose and smoke boose for rent. lHtf MOORE St. CLAIR. Coffee. TP YOU WASTi really good article of COFFEE, the -a- Dnacnngnm nave got 15 .wo pounds nest " COSTA RICA-" Come in and took at K. ALLAN McKINLAY A Co. Oregon City, Dec . 1856. 117 ANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise V V 104)00 lbs. of bacon for which I will nay the augucsi price. ti. E-COLE. rrtAX receipt blanks for sale at the Statesman since JL at SI per nunareo. 1HE best black tea you ever saw, at C2tf W. K. SMITH ft Co'a. 10 TOSS assorted iron, jast loccited at ShxJ GRI8WOLD Co'a. w7ells.Gt University. SALEM, OREGON. THE FACULTr daring tbe present year will con sist of Rev. F. S. Hoyt. A. M.. President and Acting Profess or of Ancient Languages and Mathematics. C. H. Hall. A. B.. Professor of Natural Science. dl? 8pudta!!,t cmn,n Miss Sarah Buckingham, Teacher of Instrumental Mukic The Collegiate Department of the WalUmct Uni versity has been organized. Young men designing to pursue a regular C-wrse of Study, are invited to avail themselves of the advantages afforded by this Institu tion. All available resources will be made use or to meet the wants of Students. Efforts will be continued to secure a suitable endowment ;aod no pains wiM be spar ed in obtaining competent and experienced Instructors. Tbe Collegiate year is divided into care term, com mencing as follows: The nrst term on the 3d Thursday in September, second term on the 1st " January. " third " " " last " April. The first two terms are fiftm wctk tack; the third, eZrom assess. Vacations. There will be two vacations in the yean one. in April, of fine aretia, and one, in tbe sum mer, of nine trttk. . TrmoM will be at the rate of $1 per week, or $40 per annum. 1HC l.XSIllU IE- IBS A KST Ajp ATUST Department. Term. The Academic year is divided into roia Tints a of rlrvtn terra tack. The first term begins on the last Thursday of August. - second term begins on the Jd " Novem. " third " " " last " January. fourth " " " " last " " ApriL Vacations. There will be two vacations In the yean one in April, of faro wnla; and one in tbe summer, of til irwrAs. Tl-itiox will be naid at the beginning of each Term ia arfeoitce. at the following rates: n i-angnage. Umber Mathematics x i nem., ciu ou " Other studies of the Academic Division, . . 7 50 " Common English Division 6 50 " l'riraary " " 5 50 For use of the Piano S 50 Instrumental music 10 00 a Instruction! in vocal music is given to all the students frrt of chart;'. A omission. Students will be admitted at any time; and will he charged for tuition from the time they en ter only, bat their progress will be greatly promoted by entering early in the Academic year. In cases where, from necessity, students leave before the end of the term for which payment has lieen made, a just proportion not more than three-fourths nor less than one-fourth of the tuition fee will he refunded. Students are not allowed to leave just before examina tion. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, inllict greut Injury upon both tbe student and the Institu tion. . - . . Boarding. Yonnc gentlemen and ladies can oniain board at reasonable rates with private families. Cot-nsa of Sn-ny. A Course of Study has been adopted for both the Conciliate and Preparatory De partments, well calculated to secure ripe scholarship, ... : . , :.. r.. . . .....- .1... menial niscipuuc, auu a i ci i jw-m ivi uh. ties ol life. A liberal Course of Stndv lias been adopted for young ladies who desire to obtain a thorough education. KT A Diploma will be awarded to all who shall complete tbe prescribed course. Tne government will oe parcniai on nn "lin ing constantly at the formation of correct habits of Self-Government. Careful attention will be given to manners and morals. Scholarships, neroetnal. or for the period of ten rears, securing tuition at very reduced rates, ran be purchased. For further particulars apply to the Presi dent. Per order of Executive Committee. F. 8. HOYT. Sec Board of Trustees. Salem, Dec. 10, 1857. 4Hf New Constitution for Oregon. WE beg leave to announce to the public that we are just receiving a Urge and well selected stock of goods from San Francisco, which baa been selected with great care by Mr. Atextnder. who has been attend ing that market for some time, therefore we ran safely say to the public that we can, and will sell, goods as low at wholesale or retail AS AWY HOUSE IS OREGOS. We will take in exchange for goods all kinds of pro duce. N. B. We will also pay cash for all kinds of pro duce, to-wit: Wheat. Flour. Butter. Eggs, Bacon, Pork, Lard, Oats. Ac, Ac. Ac. AH who wish to purchase, will do well to call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consist of every thing in tbe line that this market calls for to-wit: Grey, White. Red and Blue Blankets: Coats. Tests, Pants, Hat and Hat covers; Under and Over shirts. Wool and Cotton; Every description of White Shirts: Queens Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery; Boots. Shoes coarse and fine: Brogans Calf. Kip and Cowhide: Wool Plaids, Merinos. Detains, late patterns In short every kind of piece goods, and the BEST TEA ever shipped to this market. ALSO Cedar shingles. Timothy seed and Hops. aT Give us a call, and see for yonrse!ves.- ALEXANDER 4 McEWAX.,IS5i. am llstxr Arrival of Jewelry, tic JUST FROM SAX FRANCISCO. J- ROSENTHAL informs bis patrons and . friends, that he has just returned fmtu Saa Francisco with a select assortment of Jew elry, Musical Instruments, Cutlery, etc., and on cm tnem tor saie at nis score on r rooi sirrci, y One door below Dr. Coombs' office. m JEWELRY. RoM and Silver watches: liold and Silver chains: Gold bracelets; Gold ear-rings; Gold breastpins; i:old finger rings; Lockets; Gold pens and pencils; Gold sleeve buttons; Silver and Plated ware: fancy goods and perfumery. - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Guitars. Violins. Flutes. Fifes; a Urge assortment of Accord eons. Ladies' work boxes of all kinds. Gold and Silver spectacle. Gold and Silver spoons. Cutlery, Clocks an endless variety, Ac. Ae. rr Watches. Clocks and Jewely repaired, and all kinds of Jewelry made to order. 7" AU of my work warranted "Sa a-yDon't forget "The Sign of tbo Big Watch."- Corrallis, Oct. 24. 1S57 SStf Notice. THE judges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty seven, do fix and appoint District Court, to be held in villa-reof Roselmrg, in the county of Donslas on the firt Mondsvs.of March, May, September and Novem ber, annnaliy, until otherwise ordered, and do limit the duration of oaid terms to six d.iys each. GEO. H.WILLIAMS. Chief Justice. 44tf M. P. DEADY, Associate Justice. At Kutrone Citr. THE subscrilier has at Kngene City, one of the lest general assortment of Prv G-oc!s. Groceries, Hard ware, Boots and Shoes, and all articles kept in a gene ral finding store, to be found in Oregon-. He is con stantly receiving fresh additions to bis stock, and al ways keeps it up. My goods are now all received direct from San Francisco, where I have a resident a?etit. All kindsof farmer's produce received in exchange for goods I pay higher prices for produce, and sell goods cheaper than any or.ier store in me territory. JUSt-l'll 1Mb. Eugene City, July 1 , 1836. 16tf Statesman Boost and Job Office. WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book printing north of California, and an extensive as. sirtment of Jobbing Material of every kind; and, with master workmen, are prepared to execute pmm'iy, and ia a workman-like manner, all orders in the a'u " de partments, such as Books, Blank Om-K. Notes op Hand, Order Books, Steambo't Bills Stkambo't Carls, Bills op Lading Certificates. Snow Bills, Check Books, Bl'k Receipts, Pam BPH LETS, Handbills. Ball Tickets, Circulars. Ikvttatioss, BrstNKss Cards, Billheads, Concert Bills, PaoosAiniES, Addkkks Carps, Drafts, Blanks of all Kinds. Ac. Ac. Ac. ORXAMEXTAL PRINTING, with COLORED IXK8 The Laws of Oregon. THE OREGON STATUTES, 1855, being a large vol nme of 650 pages, with complete index, annota tions, and references, comprising all the laws in force in the Territorv. inclusive of those psssed at last session of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of tbe Statesman, at nve aoiiars per copy, i ne wont is ex ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and is sold at DUMisber prices, ana as low as a like wore can he honarht in anv State in the Union, and at the lowest figure they can be afforded for here. The price places them within tbe reach of all who desire the laws they live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash. filled by return mail. It is the last code or lawa that will probably be published in Oregon, for many years. In addition to me enactment or we Legislative Assero blr. the volume contains the Declaration of lode pen deace. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1787, in iVsroe in Oretron . Donatio ' aw and all amendments. aad full abstract of United States Naturalization Lawa. Marion House, Salem. THE undersigned announces to the public that be has purchased tbe well known tavern stand, called tbe Marion House, in Sa lem, together with the furniture and fixtures thereof. He will keep it in first rate style, and invites lbs patronage of iat public K.M. max. May 23, 1857. lltf Dentistry. TTvR. J. R. CARDWELL. Dental Surgeon. Corral lis. XJ in his profession, at Corrallis, Eugene City, Win chester, Scottsbarg, and Jacksonville. Skill, unques tionable; charges respectable: work, warranted. Teeth examined, anal nance given tree or cnarge. Xme notice given of change of office. April 36, 1S55. ?tf Tho Grncfontorff FAMILY MED I. CINE S. aft The Gratftnbcrg Companr. THIS INSTITUTION. (Incorporated by tire Legis lature of the State orNew York, Capital 1 100.000.) was founded for the purpose of supplying the public with the celebrated GKAEFENBERG MEDICINES. The series comprises remedies lor nearly every disease adapted to every climate. For Families, Travellers, Seamen, and Miner's use they are unequalled. All the Medicines are Pt'ltKLY VKUETABLE and warranted to cure tbe diseases for which they are severally rec ommended. The Graefenberg Company does not profess to cure all disease with one or two medicines. Our series con sists or KLEVEN different kinds, adapted to the vari ous diseases incident to the temperate and tropical cli mate. The following comprises the series of Graefen- berg Medicines : T1IK GRAKFESBEna VEGETABLE TILLS Are considered the standstill Pill of the dav. and are infinitely superior to any Pill before the public They operate "without irritation on all the excretions, purg- . - . . i . i , . . : i ing me Diooa oy me iwneii, liver, aiuncys sun asm. KARSUALL'S ITERIVK CATHOLICON. An infallible remedv for all diseases of the womb and urinary organs, weakness in the back, pain in the breast, nervousness, debility, etc In California and Oreson, out of more than a thousand cases where this medicine has been used, it has in no single instance failed to give permanent relief or to effect a certain cure. TnR GRAEFESEKttG SARSAPARILLA, A powerful extract. One bottle equal to ten of the ordinary Sarsaparilla for purifying the 1 lood. A sure cure for scrofula, rhctim itism. ulcers, dyspepsia, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, sc. THE GREEN MOT STAIN OINTMENT. Invaluable for burns, wounds, sprains, chilblains. sores, swellings, scrofula, etc. As a Pain Kxtractor, it cannot be excelled, aifording immediate relief from tbe most excrutiating pains. THE OBAEFEJIAERO PTSENTEBT STRIP. This extraordinary article is a speedy and infallible remedy in Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus. Chol era Infantum and the Asiatic Cholera, if taken with tbe first symptoms of tbe disease. It ia purely vegetable in its compound. OBAEFEVBERa CBILPRENS PANACEA, For summer Complaint, and most diseases to which children are subject. Its true worth can never be set forth ia words, but it can be felt and appreciated by parents whose children have beea aaved. No Mother should be without it. Tns ORAEFENBERO PILE REHKPT Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease. with the Ointment there are very few rases which can not be radically and permanently cured. A surgical operation fr Ii!es or Fistula should never be resorted to nntil this Ointment has been thoroughly tried. It never rails. GRAEFENBEEO ETS LOTION. For diseases of the eye this I.i tion has no equal. It is a sneedv and positive cure for inflammation of the eyes, weakness, dimness and fa:l:.n nf sight. It will always I benehcial in acute mnAmmation ot the eyes. ana also as a wa.-u on mnamed surfaces. GKAEFENBERG FEVER AND AGI E PILLS. A sneedv and positive cure for this distressing com plaint. These Pill are composed principally of Qui nine, with other vegetable tonics, anti-spasmodie and febrifuge articles. Thousands have been permanently cured by their use. GRAEFKNBERO CONSVMPTIVE'S BALM Sovereign in all Bronchial and Pulmmary Diseases. It is, beyond all question, true that Consumption is a curable "disease, and the Consumptive's Balm U the best curative ever used. CBAEFENBt-RG HEALTH BITTERS. These Bitter are skilfully and elegantly prepared from a numlier of inviz.rating healthy root, birkj. herbs and vines. An invalualle tonic and health re- GBAKFENBEKG MANCAL OP HEALTH. A handsomely printed volume of SOU pages, contain ing concise and extremely lin descriptions of all manner of diseases, their symptoms and treatment. Kvery ramiiy suoulil hare oiie. I'rtce only Jo cents. It will le sent, post paid, to any post office in Califor nia or Oregon, on the receipt of 25 cents by mail orex- pre. Ad Jress Rerliniton A Co.. San Francisco. The Graefeulierg Medicines are for sale by alt Drug gists and Apothecaries throughout the country. General Agents fur California and Otvjfon 1CKD1XGTON A Co.. Wholesale Druggists. No. 107 Clay street. Smith A Davis Agents, Portland. San Francisco, Die. 12, 1R57. 6m4l L. P. Fi3hera 4 DVERTIPIXG Acencv. Sin Francisco No. 171 A Washington street, up stairs, nearly opposite to JLiaiiire s ojiera Ilonse. L. P. FISHER is the authorized Agent of the Orkhon Statesman; Marysvilie Herald; i ' Sacramento Union: -A, San Joaquin Republican. Stockton; Paciflc Methodist, Stockton; Sonora Herald; Nevada Journal: Grass Valley Telegraph; Red Bluff lleacou; Columbia Gazette: - . Mountain IVm'Tat,Placerville; Tuolumne Courier; Calvarez Chronicle. Mokelumne Hill; Kl lorado Democrat; Shasta Courier: Mariposa Gazette; Yreka Weekly Union; Trinity Journal, Weaverville; Iowa Hill News: Weekly Idirer. Jackson; San Jose Telegraph; Sonoma County Journal; Folsom Dispatch; California Mining Journal; Los Angeles Star; Santa ItariMra Gazette; San Diego Herald: Almetla Cwnty (iazette; Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's, Napa County Reporter; Sierra Democrat, Downievilte; Humboldt Times; Union; Oregonian, Portland. O. T. Pacific Christian Advocate, Salem, O. T. Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T. Pioneer and Democrat. Olympia, W. T. Washington Republilian, Steilacoom, W. T. Poynesian. Honolulu, S. I.; Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I. Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico; Hongkong Register. ADVERTISING IN THE A TLA NTIC STATES. I,. P. F. has"now completed his arrangements for tbe forwarding of advertisements to all the principal largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published in tne Atlantic stales. A fine opportunity is here offered to those who wish to advertise in any part of the Union, of doing ao at the lowest rates, and in a prompt ana satisfactory man ner. August J5, 1857. J4tf Boot and Shoe Store.'n. nivivfloa wouiu announce Jl to the citizens of Salem, and the surround- lul ing country, that he have taken a store on the ' fk& east side of Commercial street, north or the postomce where be will keen coostantlv on hand a full assort ment of every kind of boots and shoeu, both custom and aaie work, wnicn ne win sen at tne lowest living pro ces. Being practical workman, all orders for the manniactnre or repair ei worK win De complied wan and the wirk done in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Give me a call and examine my stock. FREDERICK W1CKMOX Salem, March 12, 1857. 13tf Baltery and Confectionery. rrVIK undersigned would announce to the public that jl they nave eaiaonsneu inemseive in tne naKing ana confectionery business at Salem, on Commercial street, second door north of tbe Union House. A thorough experience at the baking business they trust will enable them to give satisfaction to theircustomers. AU orders promptly filled. Groceries and Fruits, will also be kept constantly on u.-j AfiMVM A. nvnvr April 9. 1857. fttf Storage! Storage! TTTE are prepared to store all kinds of farmers pro W dure, on tbe most liberal terms. Also to attend to all kinds of commission and shipping business. Our warehouse is situated immediately on the bank of the river, at the steamboat landing. And in shipping or receiving goods or produce, nnatienaea witn expense oi arayage. muin a iiuuue. Albany, Sept. 10, 1857. 27m6 THERMOMETER CHURNS, lust received and for aaleat lepvj . v.UKiSttVUW A CM' H. I. CrtHfir, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Albany, O.T. Feb., 1S58. 8tf Medical. J AS. W. Mc A. FEE. M. D.. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Star, Barnard A Co.'s Store, Front St., Monroe, Benton Co., O. T. 3m7 Dr. S. R. Uncfe.les, OFFICE. SALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. Salem, November 0, 1957. S5tf William C. Griswoldlt Co., MERCHANTS, SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY. W.CGKISWOLP. 2'2tf C. S. WQOPWOBTH. Medical Notice. THE subscriber, would inform tbe inhabitants that be is nt his old stand, ready to attend to all calls in his profession : also he has on baud a well selected stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well aborted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose or on reasons Die terms. n, sAiinrj. Salem December 2. 156. Sstr Notiee. R. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, California, offers his professional services to tbe citizens to Salem and vicinity, aud respectfully solicits a share fo public raror. - unice a uceu auu rcuows urug store. 14y R. W. SHAW. S Ellsworth, ATTORNKV AND COUNSELLOR, nS. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene - P.mntv flistmn Trritoev. Aliui CommlssJonerof Deeds for New York, Connecticut, c. August IB. 1S56. " A. J. flayer, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office In Corrallis, Benton Co., O. T., opposite to the City Hotel in said town. i 29tf W. W. Page. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Sa lem, O. T.. Office, first door south of the States man Office, up stairs. 20tf W. H. PARRAR. LANSING STOCT. Fnrrtrfc Stont, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IS Chancery and Admiralty. 0T Office on Front street, one door north of the " Exchange." Portland. O. T-, July ot, ibsi. zj I. H. Smith. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND Solicitors hi Chancery, Corrallis O. T. I. N. SMITH. l I. V. Mitchell, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Ell gene City, Lane County, O. T. Siirgiral. rl. COOMBS, M. D., Sonreon, Ac SPECIALTY .DISE ASES OF THE EYE. Corrallis, Oregon. September 23, 1S56. 28m6 Sai Frueisn AnTtrtitiiglgrier IP. FISHFR, iron building, opposite Pacific Express J Office, np stairs. Files of all the principal Papers of California and Oregon may be found at this office. Mr. r isner is tne autnonzea Agent lor ine sweaau. Chester R. Terry, A TTORNEY AT LAW. SALEM. OREGON. COM .fX'mtaioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac knowledgments. Ac. Ac-, for Iowa, Indiana. Missouri. Michigan. California and Washington Territory. Letr ten of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. n Particular attention paid to taking depositions. collections of Notes, Accounts, Ac, Jti Boise ft leEwan, A TTORNETS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, SO- il Itcitors In Chancery. Proctors. Ac-, in Admtra!tv Portland, Oregon. 45tf Hhrdiag k Grorer, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSF.LORS AT LAW. AND Solicitors in Chancerr. Office near the Court-house. Salem, O.T. Geo. I. Sbril, & TTORNEY -AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND XV. Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in tbe various - - . r . i 1 1" . i t- : . : Salem, O. Ti Deluoa Smith, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all business pertaining to his profession in the first Judicial District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon Office. Al!ny, IJnn Connty. O: T. N. B- When not at his office, or absent on profes sional business, be may be found at his residence, live nibva aaulb-east of APjaDV, on what is known as the W. S. Brofk, ATTORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the varioi s courts in this Territory, aud ppimptiy aiteno to tne co. lection of all claims asainst the United States, thrnnch an efficient aieut residing at Washington .City. OUke in Eugene City, Lane County, O. T. 11. K. Stratton, ATTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in the various eourts of southern Oregon, and in the Supreme Lourt or the Territory. Office in Sci ttslmreh. Umpnua coanty, O. T. N. B. Bonnty Land WarrauLs obtained for claimants on reasonable terms. ZJtr E.H. BARXl'M. i. S. WILSON; Itarnuui k Wilson. A TTORXIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Sa J:. lem. Oregon. Particular attention Is riven to the co lection of notes and accounts, and cairns against goverument. sinty una narrams rjongnt ana sola. j litHoe over SUrkcy's Store. 46 It. I-", llonlmm. 4 TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of- JA. lice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. 6tf J. B. Cole, 91. D., JHY'SICIAN AND SURGEON, 8tf Portland. Oregon. A. B. Dollotk, A RCHTTECT AND BUniDER, PORTLAND, O. T. JrS. Designs, plans, specifications, c, rarnisnea on reasonable terms. Camobfll ft Pratt. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, San Francisco, Can Torn ia Office. corner Montgomery aud Sacremento streets. over I'arron s v-"s. niik. , , f ,.1 1 l. . l.l.. . urn rnun Orcenn. and will be pleased to attend to all' business . - . - ... .i : 9lr Alexander Campbell. O. v. itiatt. S. Hamilton, AI. D., PHTSICIAN AND BURGEON, would respectfully announce to the good people of D.mglas and the ad- ioi iing counties, that ne nts locatea permanently at Deer Creek for the purpose of practicing medicine, and in which profession he will he faithful to discharge all duties, and spare no pains to render tbe patient easy and comfortable, Ofpiur opposite R. II. Dearborn ft Co. a store, on Main street. Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at low tmh nrt cct. 42tf Blacksmiths and others, Look. ALLAN McKINLAY CO. bare now on band n large and well selected stock of Bar Iron, Cast 8teel, Horse shoe do., German do., ' Nail rod do.. Plough do., Plate do.. And intend to keep up tie assortment so as to sutt tbe wants of customers. Gr've ns a call, and you will find that we not only hare the fullest stock, but will sell ' as cheap aa the chespest." We are constantly receiv ing additions to our assortment, so aa to replace what is sold. Oregon City, Dec. 23, 1856. . 41tf Hanka. DEEPS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of scrip, tax receipts, final proofs, and notifications a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman Office. July 27. 1857. 0tf Wanted. 100 Onri LBS. Bacon, (Hog Round) inexebange A VV7 jJVJYJ rorcaau, by R. M. DU RELLE. lStf aVaT Office at Griswold A Co. Salem July 1, 18.i7. Look Here! w E have just received 8H.00O lbs. of ground alum salt, which we are selling at :i,isi per nnnarea. GRISWOLD A CO. WANTED in exchange Tor cash or merchandise, 100 . bushels of good apples, to be delivered by the 10th of August highest price paid. G. E. COLE. Notice hrhv riven, that C. 8. Wood worth ia authorized Pi to transact my pereaaal business during my absence ... 11 ........ . n n.. uttisnuui 6aIem,Junel7,18J'. 15tf DRY-GOODS for ladies and gentlemen, in great va riety, at 2!tf MOO RES' Orleans Warehouse. ORLEANS Ware House, opposite Corrallis, for rent 18tf ISAAC MOORE. M ACKEREL and codfish, at (42U) W. K. SMITH A Cs's. BOOKS! DOOE8!! DO OK AT The City Book-Store, (FRONT ST., PORTLAND, O. T.,) A. It. SIIIPLEY & Co., nve ii 3 tore, and will be receiving by tbe 1st 9l Jane 15 23 T T XD N BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Which tbey offer to the SPRING TRADE At small advances oa New York prices, ve us a call, or send as an order, aud we are bound to give you satisfaction t A. R. Shinier & Co., Are the Sole Aobsts in Oregon and Washington Ter ritories for the sale of The American Statesman, A GREAT ROOK ! 1 Being the only political ntetory ' of the United States- Send us vonr names. Price $4 Payable on de- ii iuu,k "n deliver bv the 1st of Scutember to all wha send us their names by 1st of May. Cutaiogne of Part of our Slock : SCIIOJL BOOKS. Rrmnt.. Sanders' old 1st, 2d. 3d, 4th, and 5th. and The Yonng Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st, Sd, 3d, 4th and 5th: Parkers' lt, 2d. 3d, 4th and 5th; Mc Gufiev's 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th. SPELLERS. oanaers via, oaaocra -hw, elemen tary! . . . . Prixeks. Sanders1 Pictorial, Scnool and Parker s. Geuorapbies. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, OI- uey s, .Morses, juoaaiiey a, anu juoniciius isi ana id Book. M athkh atics. Arithmetics Thomson's, Tables, Mental, Analysis. Practical, and Higher; Daviea' Pri mary, Intellectual, School and University; Smith's Colburn'a Ray's Stoddard's; Davies Algebra, Sur veying, Geometry, Practical Mathematics, Math. Dic tionary, Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, and Philosophy of Mathematics. Grammars. ureen s uiarxe a tsuiuon s smitn s Kirkam's Spencer s Towers. Philosophies. Parkers 1st Lesson, Juvenile and School; Comstock s Smith s. Histories. Wilson a juvenile, ana unitea e-taies; Parley's Universal; Willard'a Universal, and United States. . ,. . . LASorAOES. Cooper s virgii; Anarew s uun nes- det; Viri Romse; Andrew s Latin urammar; aictnn tock's 1st and 2d Book in Latin, and do. in Greek; An- h..n' I :rwk Grammar and Reader; jonnson s Cicero. 's French Grammar and Reader: Woodbury's German Grammar and Reader, Telemaqne. Greek Tes- ,m.nt- Frpnch. sclf-tauirbt: surrennes rrencn uic- tionarv. Andrew s ljitin do. LUdeii s. bcoits ureex cs Webster's School. High do 'Aca demic, University, Royal 8vo, Unabridged and Cobbs MlscKLLASEOTS. Hatuson s Astronomy. Newmans Dh.r,ric Wood s Bntanv. Ksme s Meinents oi i nv ici.m. Parker s Aids in Composition, rnTKcr s txer- cisss. Brookfield's Composition. McElligott's Yonng Analyzer, do. Analytical sian-.rti. ranters ora Riiil.r. Mavhew's Book Keeping. Wayland's Moral Science. Paley's Natural Theology. Blake's Agricul- . ( j l,.il-.,.l ll.ilnnKr ture lor SCUOOia. tpoama . . Mahan sdo. do. Milton; loung: i-oiiock; ana inomp- son; (Edition lor rcnooi tirnrr" um nu Phixiolnw. American iieuaier. jrmau rouucii Kconomv. Hitchcock's Geology. Great variety of S-eakersand Elocution. All kinds nf School Station- err: Slates ot ail sizes; vriwin; doom; I'jncr- rpnonica i.aru o-m. 1,1 ir.ii. . v ... ... - r r. I I, I . !.... I I, 1 . and Brashes; Osborn's Colors; lnkUuds, every size and style, Ac, Ac, co. ' MISCELI.ANEOrS BOOSS. HisTORT Bancroft's United States. volumes. Hildrcth's do. do. 6 volumes. Frost's Pictorial United States. Tavlor's do. do. du Botta's Hist. Revolution Peterson's do. Wilson's United States- Wiliard s do. Hist. Indian Wars United States. Will.trd's Universal History. Mailer's do do. Rotteck's Hist. World 1 or 1 volumes. RoHin's Ancient History. Farr's il'K do. Hum's England. Macanlay's do., complete. Dickens Child's do. Linirard's do. Gibbon s Rome. D'An- bigne's Reformation. Bang's M. E. Church. Allin's Europe, lt and 2d Series. , Prescott'g Work. Burder's Hist, of Relicion?. Hb-t. of Council of Trent. Jose- otius. AH of Abbott s ll:tories- Historical Cabinet- ' tueens of Soaiu. Ouecns of Scotland. Help's Spanish IVnqaes-t.-. Brace's Hungary. Kidder's Brazil. Eu bank's Brazil. Parley's Uuiveral. lii.-1rr f Cru- des- Ancient E?vptians- Hallam s Mi,I.l!e Aijes. Hiatorv for B vs. Bouuers Child s Luitcd States. loiiiir's i ield Boot of Revolution. Biog'rafht, Plutarch's Lives. life Brant, Won derful Characters. Great aud Celebrated Characters. I Jves of the Signers. Autobiography of Finley. La martine's Celebrated Characters. Liieof Adam Clarke. J:i BishoD Hedding. d Niebuhr. do Geu- Harrison. l.i Daniel Bmne. d'i Roberts, do Ijsfayette. Cap tains of Roman Republic and Uld vtorld. Ifr. Cua- ners, 4 vols. Lives of Humboldts. Mrs. Rofters. SI izart. Weslev. Fletcher. Life aud Times of Clar: Irvins's Wa.-hinirt;n. Eminent Mechanics. Ijves of Chief Ju.tiee. j"seplii!ie. Napoleon. Charles Lamb, lark-ton. Gen. Green. Joan of Arc. LadyJaneGrev, 1. O. Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster; Kincs ot Home. Kings and Oueeos. I.iebmtz. Lives of the I Poyej Ki. re-cot t viv.l-i -.1- Marv auu Jhirtua nasli Xravel. Hu-.-k's China. Araucanian. Stephen's Ecvi.t. Olms Travels. Mnnco Tart. Nile .otes. Adventures on Masouito Shore. Bavard Taylor's Trav tfLs. Dnrbin's Travels in the East. Scientific. BranJeV Encyclotiedia. Physical Geog raphy of the Sea. Wood's Natural History. Lard:ter"s Lectures. Useful Art. Cosmos. Mathematical Die tionary. I-ocic of Mathematics. Wonders of Scien'-e, Mitchell's Plauctary and Steliar Worlds. Loomis' Re cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith s Dictionary of Arts aud Science. Euliauk's Hydraulics. Dick's w-orks- vsnoos works on Architecture. Poetht Brron various stvles- Shakespeare, do. Milton, do. Burns, do. Heruaus, do. Moore, do. Thompson. Young. Pollock. Tup(er. Cowper. Pope. Campbell. Wadworth. Ossiau. Montgomery. Kirk White. Female Poets of England. j0. jc,. America ind manv others. Books op Reference. Cyclopedia of Geography. ,lo. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts. McColloch s Gazetteer. Harper's Universal Cazetteer. Frvit and AaRicrLTntAi Elliot's Froit Book. Thomas do. Duwninj's do. Barry's do. Fessenden's Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee on Strawberry. Florist s Guide. American Farm Book. Allan's Domesti Animal. All of Saxton's Hand Books. Walks on Horse. Cattle. Sheep, Hogs, Sc. Theological A RELioiors. Harmony and Exposi tion of Gospels. Neander's Life of Christ. Butler's Works. Knnpp's Christian Theology. Western Meth odism. Morns" Miscellanies. Lectures oa Romanism. Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes' Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jar's Exercises. Watson's Institutes. Larrabee's Evidences. Butler's Ethical Discourse. Rogers' Eclipse of Earth. do. Reason and Faith. Foster's Christ, Perfection. Baker on "Discipline. Writiugs of Arminins. Jahn's Biblical Archaeology. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from tl to $20. Testaments, great variety. Methodist Hymns. Christian Hymn Books. Church Psalmist Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian Psalmist. M epical. Buchaa's Family Physician. Hydro pathic do. Horwrpathic Wgrks. Miscellaneous. -Constitutions of United States. Mavhew's Popular Edncation. Crabbes Synonyms. Piatt's Book of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's Manual. Headley's Works. 14 vols. Mrs. Tutbill s, 6 vols. Lay ard's Nineveh. Bigclow's Useful Arts. Haswell's En gineer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of Knowledge. PsrkMadison. Peruvian Antiquities- War Down Kast. Pynsnurt. Ike Marvels Works. Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles in England. Tales and Reveries, an excellent Temper ance Book.1 Money Maker. Escaped Nun. News Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale s New Cook Book. Mil ler s Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator. Yonns Ladies' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial Catechism. Thomson's Lect- to Y. Men. Constitu tional Text Rook.- Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri can Housewife. Half Hours with" Old Humphrey. Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. . Mrs. Sedgwick a Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm Fence. Arthur s Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs. Partington. Horace Translation. Vireil t- Airs. Car ton's roTK Heroines of History. Land and Sea. Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ship and (Shore. Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic inan. Irving s. Columbus. Long Look Ahead. City of New York. Living Orators or America, xonng man Auvisea. Mis sions in Tonga and Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic tion. Knout and the Russians. Hydrapathic Cook Book. Death Bed Scenes, uirt book lor xonng Men do. fdo. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Boys. Footpripts of Famous men. inaiiotie ciizabetn s Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant boy philoso pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Franconia. And a number of others too numerous to enumerate. Constantly receiving large additions to the foregoing. Stationert Foolscap Paper great variety. Let ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel opes all styles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders great varietv. Blank Books all sizes and styles. Memorandums, Diane. i"ass Books. Time Books. Patter Cutters. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Bonks. Lithographic (Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa pergood variety. Wafers, Sealing Wax, Ac, Ac Finally, we have a good variety of Mitsic Books New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred Melodian. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc tors. Guitar do. Flute do. Accord on do. Violin do. Mclodeondo, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sbeet Music. And the most varied assortment of Statiosekt ever Be red isOrcgon. mr This stock is sll bought in New York and other Eastern cities and is sold at UNIFORM PRICES. Car We keep on hand School Books in large quan ties, together with most of the publications of Harper ft Brothers; i Derby A Jackson; IvisonA Phinney; -Phillips ft Samson; A. S. Barnes ft Co.; Miller, Ortnn ft Mulligan; LearyftGetz; Putnam; Appleton; and others. V We ask your patronage. ' If nnabf l to visit ns aid examine onr stock, your order will be attended to on tbe same terms as if yon bought in person. Portland, March 20, 1857. , Stf "All of the above works may be bad W. Kenyon ft Co.' City Book Store, Salem." HedicaL DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S PRIVATE medical and surgical inlitute, Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite Pacitie Mail Steamship Co'a office, San FrancUco, California. Es tablished in 1S54, for the permanent care of all Private and Chronic Diseases, ana the suppression of Qnackerv. AiHTiiuffiir anu nirfiQeni rnvsician L.4.tAmAl. M. D-, late in the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief f nysician to tlie lutb ltegiment or Honveds, rbier Sur geon to the Military Hospital of Pesth. and late Lec turer on Disseascs of women and children. TO THE AFFLICTED Dr.L-J.CZAPKAYretnnis his sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, ana would tnue tills opportunity to remind them that be continues to consult at his Institute for the cure of Chronic diseases of the Lnngs.Livers,Kidneys,di gestive and genitive organs, and ail private diseases, viz : Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrhoea, gleet, strictures. seminal weakness and all the horrid consequences of self abuse, and nenopes tbat his long experience and successful practice or many years, will continue to ensure him a share of public pa-tronage By the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, and during the Hungarian war and campaigns, he is enabled to apply the most efficient and successful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He uses no mercury charges moderate treats his pa tients in a correct and honorable way has references of unquestionable veracity from men of known respect ability and high standing in society. All parties con sulting him, by letter or otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and implicit secresy. To the Ladies op Oeeook akd Calipokxia L. J Czapkat, M. D.. Physician Surgeon and Accoucheur .in vites tbe attention or tne sick ana smictea lemaies la boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the brain, lunirs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid ners. and all diaemMa peculiar t their sex. Tbe Doc tor is effecting more permanent cares than any other physician in Uregon or uaiiiornia. Let no laise delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save yourself from painful suffering ana premature aeatn. All mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances do not allow to have an increase in their families should write or call at Dr. I- J. Cxapkay's Medicrl Institute. Sacramento st-. below Montgomery, opposite P. M. S. S. Co's office and they will receive every possible relier and help. The Doctor s Offices are so-arranged that be can be consulted witnont molestation. 12m 3 Al consultations (by letter or otherwise.) free. Address to uk.l.j. LArsAi, Medical Institute. San Francisco. Cal. REMARKABLE INSTANCE OF MEDICAL RE LIEF. Below we publish the certificates of two of the sufferers from the pangs of disease, who having recovered their former health, and impelled by grati tude, mate Known tneir cases ana remedial agent, and their statements are authenticated by a Notary Pubiic The demand of Society imperiously command their publicity, and we commend their perusal to the atten tion of ell afflicted : CERTIFICATE The undersigned, desirous of acquainting those who may be unlortunate cnoogn to be similarly afflicted. here a permanent relief of their suffering may be obtained, feels it bis duty to thus publicly express his most sincere gratitude to Dr. L. J. Czapkay, for the permanent recovery of bis health. Borne down by the distressing symptoms incident to the vicioos practice of uncontrollable passion inyooth ; depressed in body and mind ; naable to perform even the most trifling' doty imposed upon the daily avocations of life, I sought tbe advice of many physicians, who at first regarded my disease as of trifling importance but ala ; afters lew weeks, and in several instances mouths, ot their treat ment, I found to my unutterable horror, that instead of relief, the symptoms became more alarming in their torture ; and being, told by one that my disease, being principally confined to the brain, medicine would be of l:ttle consequence. I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength and energy ; ai:d. as a last resort, and with but a faint hope, eaiied npoo DrJL'zapkay, who. after examining my case, prescribed some medicine which aimost instantly relieved me of the dull pain and dizzine-s in my head- Encocraped by this resclt, I resolved to place myself immediately under his care, and by a strict obedience to his directions and advice, my head became clear, my ideas collected, JJie constant pain in my back and groins, the weakness oi my limbs, ihe nervous reaction of my whole body on the slight est alarm or excitement; the misanthropy and evil the self distrust and want of confidence in others; the iucapacity to t-tnoy. and want of resolu tion; tlie frightful, exciting, and at times pleasurable dreams at night, followed by involuntary discharges, have all disappeared; and in fact, in two months after having consulted the Doctor. I felt as if inspired by a new life that life which, but a short time ago, I con templated to end witn mv own nand. With a view to cnard the unfortunate from falling into the snares of inconijietent qnacks. I deem it my to offer this teMinvxiy to the merit and skill of ia neea oi mean-ai advice, oeiag assured bv my own experience, that once under his care, a radical and permauei.t cure will be effected. B. F. FILLMORE. State of California, Conuty of San Fra-icisco. Sub- criid aud swcrii to before me, this 17th dav of April, & r, i 1 -: .i - JOHN MIDDLETON, l. s. Notary Public. CARD. Pramptel by an honest desire of my heart. I wish to lay before tae public a case wnich deserves a hisrh com mendattoii, nut only as an act of scientific skill, bot that of Immamty. also- About two years atro. I sud denly and Irorn causes unknown to me, was seized with a ht of epilepst, which, owing to mv inability to meet the expenses consequent upon a thorough medical treat ment, and the discouragement which I met with on attempting it, sf-on lecame snch (as I was then led to ieiieve.) as to dety the skill or any physician. I was frequently, while in pursnit of my calling, thrown down to the ground without the slightest warning, and al though insensible to the agonies, yet I despised the mis ery of my existence. While in this state, and having previous to my af&ction tasted tbe sweets of life, I once more was induced to attempt seeking ai J of a ph vsician, and, by recommendation, called upon Dr. L. . Czap kay. 1 told him my circumstances, and my inabilitv to reward him for bis services regardless of which, however, he at once undertook my ease, and with the blessing of God, I was once more restored to perfect health. Unable to reward him for the boon which I enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebted ness. I consider it due to. myself and to all afflicted, to make the ease public, in order that those in need of medical advice may find a physician in whom every confidence can be placed. MEYER YABLONSKY. is.j State of California, I Connty of San Francisco, ( 83 Subscribed and sworn to before me this first day of August, A. D. 1856. Gilbert A. Grant. Notary Public. L- s.J SPERMATORRHOEA, or Local Weakness, nervous de bility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of tbe limbs and back, indisposition and incapacity for labor and study, dullness of apppetite, loss of memory, aversion to society, love of solitude, timidity, self distrost. dizziness, headache, pains ia the side, affection of tbe eyes, pim ples on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man, are cured witbont fail by the justly celebrated physician and surgeon. L. J. Czapkay. His'metbod of curing diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence tbe great sue- All consultations, ny letter or otherwise. Tree. Address, L.J. CZAPKAY. M.D., San Francisco. Cal. The Grettnt Discern? ef the Age. GREAT Blessings to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! DR. CZAPKAY'S PnorniLACTicrn, (self-disinfecting agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea and Syphilitic diseases, and n reitain and unsur passed remedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancn ulcers. fflte4 a isc barges from vagina, n terns and urethra, and all cutanoos eruptions and dis eases. As innoculation is preventive against small pox. so is Dr. Cxapkay's Propbylacticnm a preventive against Syphilitic and Gonorrhoea diseases. Harmless in it self, it possesses the power of chemically destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of debauchees from being infected by tbe most loathsome of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates health be witbont Dr. Cxapkay's Propbylacticnm. It is in very convenient packages, and will be found con venient for use, being used as a soap. Price, $5. For sale at Dr. L. J. Cxapkay's Private Medical aad Surgi cal Institute, Sacramento St.. below Montgomery, oppo site P. M. Co'a. office, San Francisco. AH letters must be addressed to L. J. Czapkay, H.D., San Francisco. D RCjTcZAPK AY'S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute. Sacramento St., below Montgomery oppo site Pacific Maill Steamship Co-'s Office, San Francisco. The Doctor offers free consultation, and asks no remu neration unless he effects a cure. Office hours from 9 A. M. to P. M. CERTIFICATE. I, the undersigned. Governor of Hungary, do testify hereby .that Dr. L. J .Czapkay has served during the con test for Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hun garian army .with faithful perseverance whereof I have given hint this certificate, and do recommend him to the sympathy, attention and protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice, and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS. Governor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan. 6, 1851. (j Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond ing, please enclose $10 in their letters, and tbey will get immediate attention to their eases. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D-. - San Francisco. Cai- Dec tl, 1S57. 3m41 Dickinson Type Foundry PHELPS ft D ALTON. B wton. L. P. Fisher, -Afe". San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads, rule, Ac. ADIES' cloaks, latest style, for sale cheap at T . Ia 42tf W. K. SMITH ft Co'a. FRESH -Sg'n Co-fc 95,000 Worth or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! rTH E subscribers woul 1 respectfully inform their ens- ' J. tomers and the public generally that tuey have on hand, and are in constant receipt of goods from San Francisco and Vw York s larpe and well-sa lected stock consisting In part of Aium, allspice, an 1 alpacca. Bonnets, be rages, and bro. linen. Cambric, era.-u, and calico, Domestic dei&ines, and damasrk, Edging, embroidery and everything, - Flannels, fringes, and fancy nxio'a. Ginghams, gaiter and gloves. Handkerchiefs, hose aad hair-pins. Iron, ink, and inserting?. Jaconetjeans, and Jay coffee. Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-pins. Lawns, lard and Liverpool salt, Mostard, mirrors, and matches, Needles, nails, and nice things. Oils, overshirts, and Oolong tea. Pins, pants, and paper, Q iilts, quills, and queensware, Ribbons, razors, aud rat-traps. Silks, sugar, and shaving soap, Tea. tobacco, and turpentine. Umbrellas, under-sleeves, and useful things, Veils, varnish, and vinegar. Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-irons. Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions, Zinc, and zephyr worsted, Ac, Ac, and so on, Besides many other articles too numerous to mention f all of which we are offering at rednced prices, adopt ing tne pian oi yuicK sales and small pronts. ' The ladies will find in their department a large stock; of fancy goods, direct from New York, which is not usually Kept in uregon, ana oy arrangements will be in constant receipt adequate to the wants of the ladies. The Gentlemen's Department of famishing goods will seldom be eqnalled.and excelled by none in Salem. 1 1 ne oiacK-smiLiusauu nunueaiera win am J r-T find a well-selected sto-k of ail sizes and shapes, to gether with a good assortment of iron axles, from 1-4 X 6 in., to 2 x 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portlancf" prices, adding freights. We are prepared to receive all kinds of prod nee ir exchange for goods, and also money. For full partjeo-" la rs call and examine for yonrselve W. C. GRISWOLD CO. Salem. Feb. 10. 1P57. 4Stf JLiTery and Sale Stable. tlTE are now keeping a Livery stable in 222' Oregon City, where Horses can al ways be obtained on liberal terms. We are also prepared with excellent sta bles, well supplied with bay and oats, to keep horse by day or week. Those who call upon c may feel as sured that every attention will be given to borses left in onr charge. GISsON 4 POTTER. August 11. 1357. 22tf Salem Tannery. THE subscribers have purchased t!.e Tanner - ; Sa lem, formerly belonging to Eli-ba S rcr-g. All de scrptions of leather will be kept constantly on hand and tbe highest price. In cash or leather, will at al times be paid for hides aud bark. CLARK & H0LMJLN- Salera. Oct. 14, 1S57. Iv33paid City Hotel, Corrallis. MESSES. A. B. & 1 SPEENGER WOULD annoance to the cit22..ns of C&rv.illis, and tbe travelling public generally, thatthev have thoroughly refitted this we:l known establishment, and are. now prepared ror the acc -mnudatiou of customers, Tbe rooms have all been newly refurnished, the beds clean and comfortable, and their table will be furnish ed with tbe best the nnrket affords. Corrallis, Ang. SO, li5 7. Sovl Allan, McKinlay, &, Co., AYE just received a stock of New floods, ann- wonld innte all those wto wish to proline GOOt articles at reasonable prices, to call and see them. The consist m part ot tne tallowing: Grindstones, Canal and Wheel Barrows Grain Cradles, Fancy Brcjms, Grass Scythes and Snaths, Plain" do Brash do do Assorted C'jlored Pails, IS so Harrows, 23 teeth ramie a u:s, Zsrc WasLboarfs, BUcksmitbi Bellows, Cieas-cGt Saws, 7 ft do 6 ft 5:1! Saws, 7 ft lair Mattrasses, dooble, do siasle, Trvr Bolsters, d-n2ile, do single, Sperm Candles, Adamantine do.. Grape brand To'ca-co, Locke jo (S,j Garden Rakes, do Hoes. do Spades, v Polished Shovels, Hav Forks, Mannre Forks, Churns, Window Glass 8 by 10 do 10 by 12 do 7 by 9 Window Sasbes 8 by 19 do 10 by 12 or Bows and l okes. Blaukets. Baize. Lindsevs, Sieetmrs. Ticks. Ac. Arc We keep constantly on hr.d a lar-re supply of GEf CERIES. CLOTHING, HARDWARE, and many arti cles too numerous to mesfei. A1LAN, ITKINXAY & CO. Oregon City. 21tf New Store aid New Gooda. A t Oatand, llttttnrvt Ferry, O. T. ALBERT Z1EBER. aier i dry goads, groceries, crockery, hardware-oiodnce, Having p-ircbsed the rk in trj.le of G- E. Geteb ell. together with the1 premises k-' wn as Melhecev's r eiiy. on the YVrlramette nrtr. a:vd ferric? tweT? a tiew storehouse, and replenished th st vk of good; on hand, now offers to exchange, for proace at cash, in assort ment of Dry goods, consisting of clotKng. cassirneres. sstlt netts. sheeting, shirting, and fsacy roods: hats and caps, boots and shoes, croceries in srit;y. with spices, ant, raisins, and candies: paints, ails, medicines, per fumery, crockery, tinware. hol!ov-ware, str.ves. hard ware cutlery, and many other arti-les to aeet the wants of the public. He has also moved and repaired his irarehcose, so that he is now prepared to porclsse or fcice in storage, coon try produce, which be can d:seharse by a slide to steamers' decks, without loss o-expense of drayase. And being determined to contantly ktep en hand a good supply of sncb goods a tie country trade may re qnire, he believes be can makeit an objest for the peo ple in bis vicinity to extend hra their patronage. O- No difference made in tee price of goods, wheth er sold for cash or produce, October 2. 157. 30tf " Salem Marfcet. THE subscriber, proprietor rf the Salem Market, in the center of the town, is kappy to iaform the pub lic that he keeps constantly oa hand asupply of all the varieties of meats, fresh and pickled. He also has the various kinds of vegetables in their season- Beef will be sold as follows: Fore quarters, 6 per lb., hind qnarter 10 cents; and if yon want a cbrice piece, I shall charge yon a t it a pound. All kindsof farmer's prod ace and irrain received ia exchange for meats. THOMAS CROSS. Salem. July 7, 1S56. 17tf C. B. Pillow. DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, Sa lem. O. T. Particular attention paid to tbe repairing of watches and clocks. All work war ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. FOR SALE : Watches and clocks, 8 day strikirg clocks at a very low price ; also 30 hour marine clorts. JEWELRY Ladies and gents Brooches. Finger Rings, Ear Ring Gold Buckles, Guard Chains, Ac, Ac. Salem, July 6, 1857. - IT Salt! Salt!! Onentin"' SALT, in about SO and- 20 100 lb. fcaes, just received and for sale very cheap A LLAN McKINLAY ft CO. Orewon City, Dec 6, 1S56. Allan & Letvis, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, PORTLAND. GON TERRITORY. ORB A STORE room in Orleans, a first rate stand for a produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse and store will be rented together if required. Jl ISAAC MOORE. July 8. 1857. lftf Allan, McKinlay, & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, an Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hardware, Ac., Oregon City, O.T. Dec 30, 1851. 40yl Lard Wanted. LARD 25,000 for which cash will be psid? by B. M. DU RELLE. atGriswuld & Co. Salem , July 1 . 1857. lStf JAS. R. KtCHARDS, San Francisco. JSO. MCCRAKKS, f. Portland, O. T. f Richards &, McCratcen. , flOMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Jobbers in Oregon? VV Floor, Grain, Produce, Fruit. Porfe. Bacon, Lard,, Hams. Ac, Ac. Orders for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Liberal advances- made on consignments No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco January 7, 1857. ' 4'itf Notice to Fruit Growers. - R. C. Oeer. & Co. HAVE 120.000 Fruit Trees consisting of 12.CC-0 Ess pas Spitaenbergs, U.0U0 Yellow N. T. Pippin, 10, 000 Winesapes. 12,000 Wmte Pearaams. and a fine as sortnient of Summer, Fall, aad other inter apples, pears, plum, and cherry trees, from 3 to 4 years old, which we will sell at the following prices for cash : . Cherry trees 50 to $1 00 Plum " 50 to 1 00 Apple " 25. Pear " 25 to 75;. and a liberal discount made wnere a person buys a -thousand trees or over. We consider November the best month tn transplant -trees. R. C GEER ft CO. Fruit Farm, Marion Co., Sept. 29, 1S37. 30tf Scnool Boolts. TTTST received, a complete assortment of Sanders' " J School Books, together with a large lot of Thorn p--son's Practical Arithmetics, all of which will be soldi cheap, at the City Book Store- E. L. BRADLEY ft Co Oregon City, Jan. 1858. 46tf